cookies_needed: "You appear to have cookies disabled - please enable cookies in your browser before continuing."
blocked_zero_hour: "You have an urgent message on the OpenStreetMap website. You need to read the message before you will be able to save your edits."
- blocked: "Your access to the API has been blocked. Please log-in to the web interface to find out more."
- need_to_see_terms: "Your access to the API is temporarily suspended. Please log-in to the web interface to view the Contributor Terms. You do not need to agree, but you must view them."
+ blocked: "Your access to the API has been blocked. Please log in to the web interface to find out more."
+ need_to_see_terms: "Your access to the API is temporarily suspended. Please log in to the web interface to view the Contributor Terms. You do not need to agree, but you must view them."
account_settings: Account Settings
oauth2_applications: OAuth 2 Applications
missing: "You have not permitted the application access to this facility"
- openid: Sign-in using OpenStreetMap
+ openid: Sign in using OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Read user preferences
write_prefs: Modify user preferences
write_diary: Create diary entries and comments