-# Arabic translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Arabic translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Rida Al Barazi (me@rida.me)
# updated by Ahmed Hazem (nardgo@gmail.com)
+# Rails 3 edit by rbjarnason
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
day_names: [الأحد, الإثنين, الثلاثاء, الأربعاء, الخميس, الجمعة, السبت]
abbr_day_names: [الأحد, الإثنين, الثلاثاء, الأربعاء, الخميس, الجمعة, السبت]
month_names: [~, يناير, فبراير, مارس, ابريل, مايو, يونيو, يوليو, اغسطس, سبتمبر, اكتوبر, نوفمبر, ديسمبر]
abbr_month_names: [~, يناير, فبراير, مارس, ابريل, مايو, يونيو, يوليو, اغسطس, سبتمبر, اكتوبر, نوفمبر, ديسمبر]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
only_second: "%S"
- datetime:
- formats:
- default: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"
am: 'صباحا'
pm: 'مساءا'
- # Used in array.to_sentence.
sentence_connector: "و"
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " و "
+ last_word_connector: ", و "
skip_last_comma: false
+ select:
+ prompt: "الرجاء اختيار"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: ألف
+ million: مليون
+ billion: مليار
+ trillion: تريليون
+ quadrillion: الكدريليون رقم
half_a_minute: 'نصف دقيقة'
one: 'أكثر من سنة'
other: '%{count} سنوات'
- number:
- format:
- separator: '.'
- delimiter: ','
- precision: 3
- human:
- format:
- delimiter: ','
- precision: 1
- currency:
- format:
- separator: '.'
- delimiter: ','
- precision: 2
- format: '%u %n'
- unit: '$'
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ','
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ','
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "تقريبا سنة واحدة"
+ other: "ما يقرب من %{count} سنة"
+ prompts:
+ year: "السنة"
+ month: "الشهر"
+ day: "اليوم"
+ hour: "ساعة"
+ minute: "دقيقة"
+ second: "ثانية"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "الرجاء اختيار"
+ submit:
+ create: "%{model} إنشاء"
+ update: "%{model} نموذج"
+ submit: "%{model} حفظ"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "ليس خيارا مقبولا"
+ exclusion: "محجوز"
+ invalid: "غير معرف أو محدد"
+ confirmation: "لا تتوافق مع التأكيد"
+ accepted: "يجب أن تقبل"
+ empty: "فارغ، يرجى ملء الحقل"
+ blank: "فارغ، يرجى ملء الحقل"
+ too_long: "أطول من اللازم (الحد الأقصى هو %{count})"
+ too_short: "أقصر من اللازم (الحد الأدنى هو %{count})"
+ wrong_length: "بطول غير مناسب (يجب أن يكون %{count})"
+ not_an_integer: "يجب أن يكون صحيحا"
+ not_a_number: "ليس رقما"
+ greater_than: "يجب أن يكون أكبر من %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "يجب أن يكون أكبر من أو يساوي %{count}"
+ equal_to: "يجب أن يساوي %{count}"
+ less_than: "يجب أن يكون أصغر من %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "يجب أن يكون أصغر من أو يساوي %{count}"
+ odd: "يجب أن يكون فردي"
+ even: "يجب أن يكون زوجي"
one: "ليس بالامكان حفظ %{model}: خطأ واحد."
other: "ليس بالامكان حفظ %{model}: %{count} أخطاء."
body: "يرجى التحقق من الحقول التالية:"
- inclusion: "ليس خيارا مقبولا"
- exclusion: "محجوز"
- invalid: "غير معرف أو محدد"
- confirmation: "لا تتوافق مع التأكيد"
- accepted: "يجب أن تقبل"
- empty: "فارغ، يرجى ملء الحقل"
- blank: "فارغ، يرجى ملء الحقل"
- too_long: "أطول من اللازم (الحد الأقصى هو %{count})"
- too_short: "أقصر من اللازم (الحد الأدنى هو %{count})"
- wrong_length: "بطول غير مناسب (يجب أن يكون %{count})"
taken: "غير متوفر (مستخدم)"
- not_a_number: "ليس رقما"
- greater_than: "يجب أن يكون أكبر من %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "يجب أن يكون أكبر من أو يساوي %{count}"
- equal_to: "يجب أن يساوي %{count}"
- less_than: "يجب أن يكون أصغر من %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "يجب أن يكون أصغر من أو يساوي %{count}"
- odd: "يجب أن يكون فردي"
- even: "يجب أن يكون زوجي"
+ record_invalid: "%{errors} فشل التحقق من صحة"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Bulgarian localization for Ruby on Rails 2.2+
-# by Samson Behar <master.webmaster.master@gmail.com>
-# Fixes by Yavor Ivanov, http://github.com/YavorIvanov
+# Full Bulgarian localization for Ruby on Rails 3+
-# Минимална локализация на приложения за поддръжка на български език.
+# extracted from www.termo.bg
+# supported by Samson Behar <master.webmaster.master@gmail.com>
+# supported by Yavor Ivanov, http://github.com/YavorIvanov
+# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
+ # ===== Rails Specific ===========================================================================
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
long: "%d %B %Y"
day_names: [неделя, понеделник, вторник, сряда, четвъртък, петък, събота]
- standalone_day_names: [Ð\9dеделÑ\8f, Ð\9fонеделник, Ð\92Ñ\82оÑ\80ник, СÑ\80Ñ\8fда, ЧеÑ\82вÑ\8aÑ\80Ñ\82Ñ\8aк, Ð\9fеÑ\82Ñ\8aк, Събота]
- abbr_day_names: [Ð\9dд, Ð\9fн, Ð\92Ñ\82, СÑ\80, ЧÑ\82, Ð\9fÑ\82, Сб]
+ standalone_day_names: [неделÑ\8f, понеделник, вÑ\82оÑ\80ник, Ñ\81Ñ\80Ñ\8fда, Ñ\87еÑ\82вÑ\8aÑ\80Ñ\82Ñ\8aк, пеÑ\82Ñ\8aк, Ñ\81ъбота]
+ abbr_day_names: [нед, пон, вÑ\82, Ñ\81Ñ\80, Ñ\87еÑ\82, пеÑ\82, Ñ\81Ñ\8aб]
# should start with nil cause there is no 0-th month
- month_names: [~, Януари, Февруари, Март, Април, Май, Юни, Юли, Август, Септември, Октомври, Ноември, Декември]
+ month_names: [~, януари, февруари, март, април, май, юни, юли, август, септември, октомври, ноември, декември]
abbr_month_names: [~, яну., фев., март, апр., май, юни, юли, авг., сеп., окт., ноем., дек.]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
separator: "."
- delimiter: " "
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 3
format: "%n %u"
unit: "лв."
separator: "."
- delimiter: " "
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 2
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
- # Rails 2.2
- # storage_units: [байт, КБ, МБ, ГБ, ТБ]
- # Rails 2.3
# Storage units output formatting.
# %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
format: "%n %u"
- one: "байт"
- few: "байта"
- many: "байт"
- other: "байта"
+ one: "Байт"
+ other: "Байта"
kb: "КБ"
mb: "МБ"
gb: "ГБ"
- half_a_minute: "по-малко от минута"
+ half_a_minute: "половин минута"
- one: "по-малко оÑ\82 %{count} Ñ\81екÑ\83нди"
+ one: "по-малко оÑ\82 %{count} Ñ\81екÑ\83нда"
few: "по-малко от %{count} секунди"
many: "по-малко от %{count} секунди"
other: "по-малко от %{count} секунди"
one: "%{count} ден"
few: "%{count} дни"
many: "%{count} дни"
- other: "%{count} дена"
+ other: "%{count} дни"
one: "около %{count} месеца"
few: "около %{count} месеца"
year: "Година"
month: "Месец"
day: "Ден"
- hour: "Часа"
- minute: "Ð\9cинÑ\83Ñ\82и"
- second: "СекÑ\83нди"
+ hour: "Час"
+ minute: "Ð\9cинÑ\83Ñ\82а"
+ second: "СекÑ\83нда"
- activerecord:
+ activemodel:
- one: "%{model}: записа неуспешен заради %{count} грешка"
- few: "%{model}: записа неуспешен заради %{count} грешки"
- many: "%{model}: записа неуспешен заради %{count} грешки"
- other: "%{model}: записа неуспешен заради %{count} грешки"
+ one: "%{count} грешка спряха %{model} да бъде запазен"
+ other: "%{count} грешки спряха %{model} да бъде запазен"
+ # The variable :count is also available
+ body: "Имаше проблем с следните полета:"
+ support:
+ select:
+ # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
+ prompt: "Моля отбележете"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "%{model}: записа е неуспешен заради %{count} грешка"
+ few: "%{model}: записа е неуспешен заради %{count} грешки"
+ many: "%{model}: записа е неуспешен заради %{count} грешки"
+ other: "%{model}: записа е неуспешен заради %{count} грешки"
body: "Възникнаха проблеми при следните полета:"
empty: "не може да е празно"
blank: "не може да е без стойност"
- one: "е с прекалена дължина (не може да е повече от %{count} символ)"
- few: "е с прекалена дължина (не може да е повече от %{count} символа)"
- many: "е с прекалена дължина (не може да е повече от %{count} символи)"
- other: "е с прекалена дължина (не може да е повече от %{count} символа)"
+ one: "е с прекаленo дълго (не може да е повече от %{count} символ)"
+ few: "е с прекаленo дълго (не може да е повече от %{count} символа)"
+ many: "е с прекаленo дълго (не може да е повече от %{count} символи)"
+ other: "е с прекаленo дълго (не може да е повече от %{count} символа)"
- one: "е Ñ\81 недоÑ\81Ñ\82аÑ\82Ñ\8aÑ\87на дÑ\8aлжина (не можеÑ\82 бÑ\8bÑ\82Ñ\8c менÑ\8cÑ\88е %{count} символ)"
- few: "е Ñ\81 недоÑ\81Ñ\82аÑ\82Ñ\8aÑ\87на дÑ\8aлжина (не можеÑ\82 бÑ\8bÑ\82Ñ\8c менÑ\8cÑ\88е %{count} символа)"
- many: "е Ñ\81 недоÑ\81Ñ\82аÑ\82Ñ\8aÑ\87на дÑ\8aлжина (не можеÑ\82 бÑ\8bÑ\82Ñ\8c менÑ\8cÑ\88е %{count} символи)"
- other: "е Ñ\81 недоÑ\81Ñ\82аÑ\82Ñ\8aÑ\87на дÑ\8aлжина (не можеÑ\82 бÑ\8bÑ\82Ñ\8c менÑ\8cÑ\88е %{count} символа)"
+ one: "е Ñ\81 пÑ\80екалено кÑ\8aÑ\81о (не може да бÑ\8aде по-малко оÑ\82 %{count} символ)"
+ few: "е Ñ\81 пÑ\80екалено кÑ\8aÑ\81о (не може да бÑ\8aде по-малко оÑ\82 %{count} символа)"
+ many: "е Ñ\81 пÑ\80екалено кÑ\8aÑ\81о (не може да бÑ\8aде по-малко оÑ\82 %{count} символи)"
+ other: "е Ñ\81 пÑ\80екалено кÑ\8aÑ\81о (не може да бÑ\8aде по-малко оÑ\82 %{count} символа)"
- one: "е с грешна дължина (трябва да е с дължина, равна на %{count} символ)"
+ one: "е с грешна дължина (трябва да е с дължина, равна на %{count} символа)"
few: "е с грешна дължина (трябва да е с дължина, равна на %{count} символа)"
many: "е с грешна дължина (трябва да е с дължина, равна на %{count} символа)"
other: "е с грешна дължина (трябва да е с дължина, равна на %{count} символа)"
even: "може да е единствено нечетно"
record_invalid: "имаше грешки: %{errors}"
- support:
- array:
- # Rails 2.2
- sentence_connector: "и"
- skip_last_comma: true
- # Rails 2.3
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " и "
- last_word_connector: " и "
+ # ===== I18n Specific ============================================================================
+ i18n:
+ transliterate:
+ rule:
+ а: "a"
+ А: "A"
+ б: "b"
+ Б: "B"
+ в: "v"
+ В: "V"
+ г: "g"
+ Г: "G"
+ д: "d"
+ Д: "D"
+ е: "e"
+ Е: "E"
+ ж: "zh"
+ Ж: "Zh"
+ з: "z"
+ З: "Z"
+ и: "i"
+ И: "I"
+ й: "y"
+ Й: "Y"
+ к: "k"
+ К: "K"
+ л: "l"
+ Л: "L"
+ м: "m"
+ М: "M"
+ н: "n"
+ Н: "N"
+ о: "o"
+ О: "O"
+ п: "p"
+ П: "P"
+ р: "r"
+ Р: "R"
+ с: "s"
+ С: "S"
+ т: "t"
+ Т: "T"
+ у: "u"
+ У: "U"
+ ф: "f"
+ Ф: "F"
+ х: "h"
+ Х: "H"
+ ц: "ts"
+ Ц: "Ts"
+ ч: "ch"
+ Ч: "Ch"
+ ш: "sh"
+ Ш: "Sh"
+ щ: "sht"
+ Щ: "Sht"
+ ъ: "a"
+ Ъ: "A"
+ ь: "y"
+ Ь: "Y"
+ ю: "yu"
+ Ю: "Yu"
+ я: "ya"
+ Я: "Ya"
+ # ===== Paginate Specific ========================================================================
+ pagination:
+ previous: "« предишна"
+ next: "следваща »"
+ # ===== Application Specific =====================================================================
# These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
# Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: "."
+ separator: "."
# Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: ","
+ delimiter: ","
# Number of decimals, behind the separator (1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 2
# Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- format: "%u %n"
- unit: "Rs."
+ format: "%u %n"
+ unit: "Rs."
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
# Used in number_to_precision()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Used in number_to_human_size()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 1
# Rails <= v2.2.2
# storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
- half_a_minute: "অার্ধেক মিনিট"
+ half_a_minute: "অার্ধেক মিনিট"
- one: "১ সেকেন্ডর কম "
+ one: "১ সেকেন্ডর কম "
other: "%{count} সেকেন্ডের কম"
- one: "১ সেকেন্ড"
- other: "%{count} সেকেন্ড"
+ one: "১ সেকেন্ড"
+ other: "%{count} সেকেন্ড"
- one: "১ মিনিটের কম"
- other: "%{count} মিনিটের কম"
+ one: "১ মিনিটের কম"
+ other: "%{count} মিনিটের কম"
- one: "১ মিনিট"
- other: "%{count} মিনিট"
+ one: "১ মিনিট"
+ other: "%{count} মিনিট"
- one: "প্রায় ১ ঘন্টা"
- other: "প্রায় %{count} ঘন্টা"
+ one: "প্রায় ১ ঘন্টা"
+ other: "প্রায় %{count} ঘন্টা"
- one: "১ দিন"
- other: "%{count} দিন"
+ one: "১ দিন"
+ other: "%{count} দিন"
- one: "প্রায় ১ মাস"
- other: "প্রায় %{count} মাস"
+ one: "প্রায় ১ মাস"
+ other: "প্রায় %{count} মাস"
- one: "১ মাস"
- other: "%{count} মাস"
+ one: "১ মাস"
+ other: "%{count} মাস"
- one: "প্রায় ১ বছর"
- other: "প্রায় %{count} বছর"
+ one: "প্রায় ১ বছর"
+ other: "প্রায় %{count} বছর"
- one: "১ বছরের বেশি"
+ one: "১ বছরের বেশি"
other: "%{count} বছরের বেশি"
year: "বছর"
day: "দিন"
hour: "ঘন্টা"
minute: "মিনিট"
- second: "সেকেন্ড"
+ second: "সেকেন্ড"
- one: "১ টি ত্রুটির কারনে %{model} সংরক্ষন করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
- other: "%{count} টি ত্রুটির কারনে %{model} সংরক্ষন করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
+ one: "১ টি ত্রুটির কারনে %{model} সংরক্ষন করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
+ other: "%{count} টি ত্রুটির কারনে %{model} সংরক্ষন করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
# The variable :count is also available
- body: "এই ফিল্ডগুলোতে কিছু সমস্যা দেখা দিয়েছে:"
+ body: "এই ফিল্ডগুলোতে কিছু সমস্যা দেখা দিয়েছে:"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- inclusion: "লিস্টে অন্তর্ভুক্ত নয়"
- exclusion: "রিসার্ভ করা অাছে"
- invalid: "সঠিক নয়"
+ inclusion: "লিস্টে অন্তর্ভুক্ত নয়"
+ exclusion: "রিসার্ভ করা অাছে"
+ invalid: "সঠিক নয়"
confirmation: "অনুমোদনের সঙ্গে মিলছে না"
accepted: "গ্রাহ্য করতে হবে"
empty: "খালি রাখা যাবে না"
# When no format has been given, it uses default.
# You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%e/%m/%Y"
- short: "%e de %b"
- long: "%e de %B de %Y"
+ short: "%e de %b"
+ long: "%e de %B de %Y"
day_names: [রবিবার, সোমবার, মঙ্গলবার, বুধবার, বৃহস্পতিবার, শুক্রবার, শনিবার]
abbr_day_names: [রবিবার, সোমবার, মঙ্গলবার, বুধবার, বৃহস্পতিবার, শুক্রবার, শনিবার]
month_names: [~, জানুয়ারি, ফেব্রুয়ারি, মার্চ, এপ্রিল, মে, জুন, জুলাই, অগাস্ট, সেপ্টেমবার, অক্টোবার, নভেম্বার, ডিসেম্বার]
abbr_month_names: [~, জানুয়ারি, ফেব্রুয়ারি, মার্চ, এপ্রিল, মে, জুন, জুলাই, অগাস্ট, সেপ্টেমবার, অক্টোবার, নভেম্বার, ডিসেম্বার]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
default: "%A, %e de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%e de %b %H:%M"
- long: "%e de %B de %Y %H:%M"
- am: "am"
- pm: "pm"
+ short: "%e de %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%e de %B de %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
# Used in array.to_sentence.
abbr_day_names: [ned, pon, uto, sri, čet, pet, sub]
month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, Mart, April, Maj, Јun, Јul, Аvgust, Septembar, Оktobar, Novembar, Decembar]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Мaj, Jun, Јul, Avg, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dec]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# Catalan translations for Rails
# by Emili Parreño (emili@eparreno.com - www.eparreno.com)
# Used in number_with_delimiter()
# These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
# Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: ","
+ separator: ","
# Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: "."
+ delimiter: "."
# Number of decimals, behind the separator (1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 3
# Used in number_to_currency()
# Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- format: "%n %u"
- unit: "€"
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "€"
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
# Used in number_to_precision()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
# separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Used in number_to_human_size()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ storage_units:
+ # Storage units output formatting.
+ # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
- half_a_minute: "mig minut"
+ half_a_minute: "mig minut"
- one: "menys d'1 segon"
+ one: "menys d'1 segon"
other: "menys de %{count} segons"
- one: "1 segon"
- other: "%{count} segons"
+ one: "1 segon"
+ other: "%{count} segons"
- one: "menys d'1 minut"
- other: "menys de %{count} minuts"
+ one: "menys d'1 minut"
+ other: "menys de %{count} minuts"
- one: "1 minut"
- other: "%{count} minuts"
+ one: "1 minut"
+ other: "%{count} minuts"
- one: "aproximadament 1 hora"
- other: "aproximadament %{count} hores"
+ one: "aproximadament 1 hora"
+ other: "aproximadament %{count} hores"
- one: "1 dia"
- other: "%{count} dies"
+ one: "1 dia"
+ other: "%{count} dies"
- one: "aproximadament 1 mes"
- other: "aproximadament %{count} mesos"
+ one: "aproximadament 1 mes"
+ other: "aproximadament %{count} mesos"
- one: "1 mes"
- other: "%{count} mesos"
+ one: "1 mes"
+ other: "%{count} mesos"
- one: "aproximadament 1 any"
- other: "aproximadament %{count} anys"
+ one: "aproximadament 1 any"
+ other: "aproximadament %{count} anys"
- one: "més d'1 any"
- other: "més de %{count} anys"
+ one: "més d'1 any"
+ other: "més de %{count} anys"
- one: "No s'ha pogut desar aquest/a %{model} perquè hi ha 1 error"
- other: "No s'ha pogut desar aquest/a %{model} perquè hi ha hagut %{count} errors"
+ one: "No s'ha pogut desar aquest/a %{model} perquè hi ha 1 error"
+ other: "No s'ha pogut desar aquest/a %{model} perquè hi ha hagut %{count} errors"
# The variable :count is also available
- body: "Hi ha hagut problemes amb els següents camps:"
+ body: "Hi ha hagut problemes amb els següents camps:"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- inclusion: "no està incluós a la llista"
- exclusion: "està reservat"
- invalid: "no és vàlid"
+ inclusion: "no està incluós a la llista"
+ exclusion: "està reservat"
+ invalid: "no és vàlid"
confirmation: "no coincideix"
accepted: "ha de ser acceptat"
empty: "no pot estar buit"
less_than_or_equal_to: "ha de ser menor o igual a %{count}"
odd: "ha de ser imparell"
even: "ha de ser parell"
# Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
# Overrides default messages
# Overrides model and default messages.
# Use the strftime parameters for formats.
# When no format has been given, it uses default.
# You can provide other formats here if you like!
- default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- short: "%d de %b"
- long: "%d de %B de %Y"
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%d de %b"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y"
day_names: [diumenge, dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte]
abbr_day_names: [dg, dl, dm, dc, dj, dv, ds]
# Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, gener, febrer, març, abril, maig, juny, juliol, agost, setembre, octubre, novembre, desembre]
abbr_month_names: [~, Gen, Feb, Mar, Abr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Ago, Set, Oct, Nov, Des]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %d de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%d de %b %H:%M"
- long: "%d de %B de %Y %H:%M"
- am: "am"
- pm: "pm"
+ short: "%d de %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
# Used in array.to_sentence.
- sentence_connector: "i"
\ No newline at end of file
+ sentence_connector: "i"
-# Czech translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Czech translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Karel Minařík (karmi@karmi.cz)
+# contributors:
+# - Vít Krchov - http://github.com/vita - Rails 3 update
-{ :'cz' => {
+unless defined?(CzechLocaleI18n::ERROR_MESSAGES)
+ module CzechLocaleI18n
+ :inclusion => "není v seznamu povolených hodnot",
+ :exclusion => "je vyhrazeno pro jiný účel",
+ :invalid => "není platná hodnota",
+ :confirmation => "nebylo potvrzeno",
+ :accepted => "musí být potvrzeno",
+ :empty => "nesmí být prázdný/á/é",
+ :blank => "je povinná položka", # alternate formulation: "is required"
+ :too_long => "je příliš dlouhý/á/é (max. %{count} znaků)",
+ :too_short => "je příliš krátký/á/é (min. %{count} znaků)",
+ :wrong_length => "nemá správnou délku (očekáváno %{count} znaků)",
+ :not_a_number => "není číslo",
+ :greater_than => "musí být větší než %{count}",
+ :greater_than_or_equal_to => "musí být větší nebo rovno %{count}",
+ :equal_to => "musí být rovno %{count}",
+ :less_than => "musí být méně než %{count}",
+ :less_than_or_equal_to => "musí být méně nebo rovno %{count}",
+ :odd => "musí být liché číslo",
+ :even => "musí být sudé číslo",
+ :not_an_integer => "musí být celé číslo"
+ }
+ end
+{ :'cs' => {
# ActiveSupport
:support => {
:array => {
:two_words_connector => ' a ',
- :sentence_connector => 'a',
- :skip_last_comma => true
+ :last_word_connector => ' a ',
+ :words_connector => ', '
+ },
+ :select => {
+ :prompt => 'Prosím vyberte si',
:format => {
:precision => 3,
:separator => '.',
- :delimiter => ','
+ :delimiter => ',',
+ :significant => false,
+ :strip_insignificant_zeros => false
:currency => {
:format => {
:format => '%n %u',
:separator => ",",
:delimiter => " ",
+ :significant => false,
+ :strip_insignificant_zeros => false
:human => {
:format => {
:precision => 1,
- :delimiter => ''
+ :delimiter => '',
+ :significant => false,
+ :strip_insignificant_zeros => false
:storage_units => {
:format => "%n %u",
:gb => "GB",
:tb => "TB",
+ },
+ :decimal_units => {
+ :format => "%n %u",
+ :units => {
+ :unit => "",
+ :thousand => "Tisíc",
+ :million => "Milion",
+ :billion => "Miliarda",
+ :trillion => "Bilion",
+ :quadrillion => "Kvadrilion"
+ }
:percentage => {
# Distance of time ... helper
# NOTE: In Czech language, these values are different for the past and for the future. Preference has been given to past here.
:datetime => {
+ :prompts => {
+ :second => "Sekunda",
+ :minute => "Minuta",
+ :hour => "Hodina",
+ :day => "Den",
+ :month => "Měsíc",
+ :year => "Rok"
+ },
:distance_in_words => {
:half_a_minute => 'půl minutou',
:less_than_x_seconds => {
- :one => 'asi před sekundou',
- :other => 'asi před %{count} sekundami'
+ :one => 'necelou sekundou',
+ :other => 'ani ne %{count} sekundami'
:x_seconds => {
:one => 'sekundou',
:other => '%{count} sekundami'
:less_than_x_minutes => {
- :one => 'před necelou minutou',
- :other => 'před ani ne %{count} minutami'
+ :one => 'necelou minutou',
+ :other => 'ani ne %{count} minutami'
:x_minutes => {
:one => 'minutou',
:other => 'asi %{count} roky'
:over_x_years => {
- :one => 'více než před rokem',
+ :one => 'více než rokem',
:other => 'více než %{count} roky'
+ },
+ :almost_x_years => {
+ :one => 'téměř rokem',
+ :other => 'téměř %{count} roky'
+ :helpers => {
+ :select => {
+ :prompt => "Prosím vyberte si"
+ },
+ :submit => {
+ :create => "Vytvořit %{model}",
+ :update => "Aktualizovat %{model}",
+ :submit => "Uložit %{model}"
+ }
+ },
+ :errors => {
+ :format => "%{attribute} %{message}",
+ :messages => CzechLocaleI18n::ERROR_MESSAGES
+ },
# ActiveRecord validation messages
:activerecord => {
:errors => {
:messages => {
- :inclusion => "není v seznamu povolených hodnot",
- :exclusion => "je vyhrazeno pro jiný účel",
- :invalid => "není platná hodnota",
- :confirmation => "nebylo potvrzeno",
- :accepted => "musí být potvrzeno",
- :empty => "nesmí být prázdný/é",
- :blank => "je povinná položka", # alternate formulation: "is required"
- :too_long => "je příliš dlouhá/ý (max. %{count} znaků)",
- :too_short => "je příliš krátký/á (min. %{count} znaků)",
- :wrong_length => "nemá správnou délku (očekáváno %{count} znaků)",
:taken => "již databáze obsahuje",
- :not_a_number => "není číslo",
- :greater_than => "musí být větší než %{count}",
- :greater_than_or_equal_to => "musí být větší nebo rovno %{count}",
- :equal_to => "musí být rovno %{count}",
- :less_than => "musí být méně než %{count}",
- :less_than_or_equal_to => "musí být méně nebo rovno %{count}",
- :odd => "musí být liché číslo",
- :even => "musí být sudé číslo"
- },
+ :record_invalid => "Validace je neúspešná: %{errors}"
+ }.merge(CzechLocaleI18n::ERROR_MESSAGES),
:template => {
:header => {
:one => "Při ukládání objektu %{model} došlo k chybám a nebylo jej možné uložit",
:other => "Při ukládání objektu %{model} došlo ke %{count} chybám a nebylo možné jej uložit"
:body => "Následující pole obsahují chybně vyplněné údaje:"
+ },
+ :full_messages => {
+ :format => "%{attribute} %{message}"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Welsh translations for Ruby on Rails
+# by Aran Jones (aranjones@gmail.com)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d-%m-%Y"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
+ day_names: [Dydd Sul, Dydd Llun, Dydd Mawrth, Dydd Mercher, Dydd Iau, Dydd Gwener, Dydd Sadwrn]
+ abbr_day_names: [Sul, Llun, Maw, Mer, Iau, Gwe, Sad]
+ month_names: [~, mis Ionawr, mis Chwefror, mis Mawrth, mis Ebrill, mis Mai, mis Mehefin, mis Gorffennaf, mis Awst, mis Medi, mis Hydref, mis Tachwedd, mis Rhagfyr]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Ion, Chw, Maw, Ebr, Mai, Meh, Gor, Awst, Med, Hyd, Tach, Rha]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "yb"
+ pm: "yh"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " a "
+ last_word_connector: ", a "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Dewiswch"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "£"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Mil
+ million: Miliwn
+ billion: Biliwn
+ trillion: Triliwn
+ quadrillion: Cwadriliwn
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "hanner munud"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "llai nag eiliad"
+ other: "llai na %{count} eiliad"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 eiliad"
+ other: "%{count} o eiliadau"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "llai na munud"
+ other: "llai na %{count} munud"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 munud"
+ other: "%{count} o funudau"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "tuag awr"
+ other: "tua %{count} awr"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 diwrnod"
+ other: "%{count} diwrnod"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "tua mis"
+ other: "tua %{count} mis"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 mis"
+ other: "%{count} mis"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "tua blwyddyn"
+ other: "tua %{count} blynedd"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "dros flwyddyn"
+ other: "dros %{count} blynedd"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "bron yn flwyddyn"
+ other: "bron yn %{count} blynedd"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Blwyddyn"
+ month: "Mis"
+ day: "Diwrnod"
+ hour: "Awr"
+ minute: "Munud"
+ second: "Eiliad"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Dewiswch"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Creu %{model}'
+ update: 'Diweddaru %{model}'
+ submit: 'Cadw %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "heb fod yn y rhestr"
+ exclusion: "wedi cadw"
+ invalid: "heb fod yn nheilwng"
+ confirmation: "heb fod yn gyfateb"
+ accepted: "angen ei dderbyn"
+ empty: "methu bod yn wag"
+ blank: "methu bod yn wag"
+ too_long: "yn rhy hir (cewch %{count} llythyren ar y fwyaf)"
+ too_short: "yn rhy fyr (rhaid am o leiaf %{count} llythyren)"
+ wrong_length: "gyda maint anghywir o lythrennau (dylai fod yn %{count} llythyren)"
+ not_a_number: "heb fod yn rhif"
+ not_an_integer: "heb fod yn rhif llawn"
+ greater_than: "angen bod yn fwy na %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "angen bod yr un maint neu fwy na %{count}"
+ equal_to: "angen bod yn %{count}"
+ less_than: "angen bod yn llai na %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "angen bod yr un maint neu lai na %{count}"
+ odd: "rhaid bod yn odrif"
+ even: "rhaid bod yn eilrif"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Atalwyd y %{model} hwn rhag ei gadw gan 1 nam"
+ other: "Atalwyd y %{model} hwn rhag ei gadw gan %{count} nam"
+ body: "Cafwyd broblemau gyda'r meysydd canlynol:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "wedi'i gymryd yn barod"
+ record_invalid: "Gwirio wedi methu: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# active_support
- # See http://www.dsn.dk/oss_faq.htm#datoer and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_formats
+ # See http://sproget.dk/svarbase/SV00000046/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_formats
# either use traditional (2.10.03, 2. oktober 2003): "%e.%m.%y", "%e. %B %Y"
# or international ISO 8601 format (2003-10-20): "%Y-%m-%d"
+ # Note: some Windows distributions do not support %e - you may have to use %d instead
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
short: "%e. %b %Y"
long: "%e. %B %Y"
day_names: [søndag, mandag, tirsdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lørdag]
- abbr_day_names: [sø, ma, ti, 'on', to, fr, lø]
+ abbr_day_names: [sø, ma, ti, 'on', to, fr, lø] # Note: unescaped 'on' is parsed as true
month_names: [~, januar, februar, marts, april, maj, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, dec]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
prompt: "Vælg..."
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: "et halvt minut"
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: "mindre end et sekund"
- other: "mindre end %{count} sekunder"
- x_seconds:
- one: "et sekund"
- other: "%{count} sekunder"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: "mindre end et minut"
- other: "mindre end %{count} minutter"
- x_minutes:
- one: "et minut"
- other: "%{count} minutter"
- about_x_hours:
- one: "cirka en time"
- other: "cirka %{count} timer"
- x_days:
- one: "en dag"
- other: "%{count} dage"
- about_x_months:
- one: "cirka en måned"
- other: "cirka %{count} måneder"
- x_months:
- one: "en måned"
- other: "%{count} måneder"
- about_x_years:
- one: "cirka et år"
- other: "cirka %{count} år"
- over_x_years:
- one: "mere end et år"
- other: "mere end %{count} år"
- almost_x_years:
- one: "næsten et år"
- other: "næsten %{count} years"
- prompts:
- second: "Sekund"
- minute: "Minut"
- hour: "Time"
- day: "Dag"
- month: "Måned"
- year: "År"
# action_view
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%u %n"
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
# Rails 2.2
#storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
# Rails 2.3
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
- percentage:
- format:
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tusind
+ million: Million
+ billion: Milliard
+ trillion: Billion
+ quadrillion: Billiard
- # active_record
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- inclusion: "er ikke i listen"
- exclusion: "er reserveret"
- invalid: "er ikke gyldig"
- confirmation: "stemmer ikke overens"
- accepted: "skal accepteres"
- empty: "må ikke udelades"
- blank: "skal udfyldes"
- too_long: "er for lang (maksimum %{count} tegn)"
- too_short: "er for kort (minimum %{count} tegn)"
- wrong_length: "har forkert længde (skulle være %{count} tegn)"
- taken: "er allerede brugt"
- not_a_number: "er ikke et tal"
- greater_than: "skal være større end %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "skal være større end eller lig med %{count}"
- equal_to: "skal være lig med %{count}"
- less_than: "skal være mindre end %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "skal være mindre end eller lig med %{count}"
- odd: "skal være ulige"
- even: "skal være lige"
- record_invalid: "Validering fejlede: %{errors}"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "et halvt minut"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "mindre end et sekund"
+ other: "mindre end %{count} sekunder"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "et sekund"
+ other: "%{count} sekunder"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "mindre end et minut"
+ other: "mindre end %{count} minutter"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "et minut"
+ other: "%{count} minutter"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "cirka en time"
+ other: "cirka %{count} timer"
+ x_days:
+ one: "en dag"
+ other: "%{count} dage"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "cirka en måned"
+ other: "cirka %{count} måneder"
+ x_months:
+ one: "en måned"
+ other: "%{count} måneder"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "cirka et år"
+ other: "cirka %{count} år"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "mere end et år"
+ other: "mere end %{count} år"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "næsten et år"
+ other: "næsten %{count} år"
+ prompts:
+ year: "År"
+ month: "Måned"
+ day: "Dag"
+ hour: "Time"
+ minute: "Minut"
+ second: "Sekund"
- template:
- header:
- one: "En fejl forhindrede %{model} i at blive gemt"
- other: "%{count} fejl forhindrede denne %{model} i at blive gemt"
- body: "Der var problemer med følgende felter:"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Vælg..."
+ submit:
+ create: "Opret %{model}"
+ update: "Opdater %{model}"
+ submit: "Gem %{model}"
- activemodel:
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "er ikke i listen"
+ exclusion: "er reserveret"
+ invalid: "er ikke gyldig"
+ confirmation: "stemmer ikke overens med bekræftelse"
+ accepted: "skal accepteres"
+ empty: "må ikke udelades"
+ blank: "skal udfyldes"
+ too_long: "er for lang (maksimum %{count} tegn)"
+ too_short: "er for kort (minimum %{count} tegn)"
+ wrong_length: "har forkert længde (skulle være %{count} tegn)"
+ not_a_number: "er ikke et tal"
+ not_an_integer: "er ikke et heltal"
+ greater_than: "skal være større end %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "skal være større end eller lig med %{count}"
+ equal_to: "skal være lig med %{count}"
+ less_than: "skal være mindre end %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "skal være mindre end eller lig med %{count}"
+ odd: "skal være ulige"
+ even: "skal være lige"
+ activerecord:
one: "En fejl forhindrede %{model} i at blive gemt"
- other: "%{count} fejl forhindrede denne %{model} i at blive gemt"
+ other: "%{count} fejl forhindrede %{model} i at blive gemt"
body: "Der var problemer med følgende felter:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "er allerede brugt"
+ record_invalid: "Validering fejlede: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# German translations for Ruby on Rails
+# German translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Clemens Kofler (clemens@railway.at)
abbr_day_names: [So, Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa]
month_names: [~, Jänner, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jän, Feb, Mär, Apr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dez]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
am: "vormittags"
pm: "nachmittags"
half_a_minute: 'eine halbe Minute'
unit: '€'
format: '%n%u'
- separator:
- delimiter:
- precision:
+ separator:
+ delimiter:
+ precision:
delimiter: ""
-# German (Switzerland) translations for Ruby on Rails
+# German (Switzerland) translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Clemens Kofler (clemens@railway.at)
abbr_day_names: [So, Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa]
month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mär, Apr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dez]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
am: "vormittags"
pm: "nachmittags"
half_a_minute: 'eine halbe Minute'
unit: 'CHF'
format: '%u %n'
- separator:
- delimiter:
- precision:
+ separator:
+ delimiter:
+ precision:
delimiter: ""
-# German translations for Ruby on Rails
+# German translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Clemens Kofler (clemens@railway.at)
+# contributors:
+# - Alexander Dreher - http://github.com/alexdreher - Rails 3 update
abbr_day_names: [So, Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa]
month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mär, Apr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dez]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
am: "vormittags"
pm: "nachmittags"
half_a_minute: 'eine halbe Minute'
precision: 2
separator: ','
delimiter: '.'
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
unit: '€'
format: '%n%u'
- separator:
- delimiter:
- precision:
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
# Storage units output formatting.
# %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tausend
+ million: Millionen
+ billion:
+ one: Milliarde
+ others: Milliarden
+ trillion: Billionen
+ quadrillion:
+ one: Billiarde
+ others: Billiarden
one: "Konnte %{model} nicht speichern: ein Fehler."
other: "Konnte %{model} nicht speichern: %{count} Fehler."
body: "Bitte überprüfen Sie die folgenden Felder:"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Bitte wählen"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model} erstellen'
+ update: '%{model} aktualisieren'
+ submit: '%{model} speichern'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "ist kein gültiger Wert"
+ exclusion: "ist nicht verfügbar"
+ invalid: "ist nicht gültig"
+ confirmation: "stimmt nicht mit der Bestätigung überein"
+ accepted: "muss akzeptiert werden"
+ empty: "muss ausgefüllt werden"
+ blank: "muss ausgefüllt werden"
+ too_long: "ist zu lang (nicht mehr als %{count} Zeichen)"
+ too_short: "ist zu kurz (nicht weniger als %{count} Zeichen)"
+ wrong_length: "hat die falsche Länge (muss genau %{count} Zeichen haben)"
+ not_a_number: "ist keine Zahl"
+ greater_than: "muss größer als %{count} sein"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "muss größer oder gleich %{count} sein"
+ equal_to: "muss genau %{count} sein"
+ less_than: "muss kleiner als %{count} sein"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "muss kleiner oder gleich %{count} sein"
+ odd: "muss ungerade sein"
+ even: "muss gerade sein"
+ not_an_integer: "muss ganzzahlig sein"
body: "Bitte überprüfen Sie die folgenden Felder:"
- inclusion: "ist kein gültiger Wert"
- exclusion: "ist nicht verfügbar"
- invalid: "ist nicht gültig"
- confirmation: "stimmt nicht mit der Bestätigung überein"
- accepted: "muss akzeptiert werden"
- empty: "muss ausgefüllt werden"
- blank: "muss ausgefüllt werden"
- too_long: "ist zu lang (nicht mehr als %{count} Zeichen)"
- too_short: "ist zu kurz (nicht weniger als %{count} Zeichen)"
- wrong_length: "hat die falsche Länge (muss genau %{count} Zeichen haben)"
taken: "ist bereits vergeben"
- not_a_number: "ist keine Zahl"
- greater_than: "muss größer als %{count} sein"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "muss größer oder gleich %{count} sein"
- equal_to: "muss genau %{count} sein"
- less_than: "muss kleiner als %{count} sein"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "muss kleiner oder gleich %{count} sein"
- odd: "muss ungerade sein"
- even: "muss gerade sein"
record_invalid: "Gültigkeitsprüfung ist fehlgeschlagen: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
abbr_day_names: [Nj, Pó, Wu, Sr, St, Pě, So]
month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, Měrc, Apryl, Maj, Junij, Julij, Awgust, September, Oktober, Nowember, December]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, měr, apr, maj, jun, jul, awg, sep, okt, now, dec]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# Time
+++ /dev/null
-# Estonian localization for Ruby on Rails 2.2+
-# by Zahhar Kirillov <zahhar@gmail.com>
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%d.%m.%Y"
- short: "%d.%m.%y"
- long: "%d. %B %Y"
- day_names: [pühapäev, esmaspäev, teisipäev, kolmapäev, neljapäev, reede, laupäev]
- standalone_day_names: [Pühapäev, Esmaspäev, Teisipäev, Kolmapäev, Neljapäev, Reede, Laupäev]
- abbr_day_names: [P, E, T, K, N, R, L]
- month_names: [~, jaanuar, veebruar, märts, aprill, mai, juuni, juuli, august, september, oktoober, november, detsember]
- standalone_month_names: [~, Jaanuar, Veebruar, Märts, Aprill, Mai, Juuni, Juuli, August, September, Oktoober, November, Detsember]
- abbr_month_names: [~, jaan., veebr., märts, apr., mai, juuni, juuli, aug., sept., okt., nov., dets.]
- standalone_abbr_month_names: [~, jaan., veebr., märts, apr., mai, juuni, juuli, aug., sept., okt., nov., dets.]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%d. %B %Y, %H:%M"
- short: "%d.%m.%y, %H:%M"
- long: "%a, %d. %b %Y, %H:%M:%S %z"
- am: "enne lõunat"
- pm: "pärast lõunat"
- number:
- format:
- separator: ","
- delimiter: " "
- precision: 2
- currency:
- format:
- format: "%n %u"
- unit: "kr"
- separator: ","
- delimiter: " "
- precision: 2
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- human:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- storage_units: [bait, KB, MB, GB, TB]
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: "pool minutit"
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: "vähem kui %{count} sekund"
- other: "vähem kui %{count} sekundit"
- x_seconds:
- one: "%{count} sekund"
- other: "%{count} sekundit"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: "vähem kui %{count} minut"
- other: "vähem kui %{count} minutit"
- x_minutes:
- one: "%{count} minut"
- other: "%{count} minutit"
- about_x_hours:
- one: "umbes %{count} tund"
- other: "umbes %{count} tundi"
- x_days:
- one: "%{count} päev"
- other: "%{count} päeva"
- about_x_months:
- one: "umbes %{count} kuu"
- other: "umbes %{count} kuud"
- x_months:
- one: "%{count} kuu"
- other: "%{count} kuud"
- about_x_years:
- one: "umbes %{count} aasta"
- other: "umbes %{count} aastat"
- over_x_years:
- one: "üle %{count} aasta"
- other: "üle %{count} aastat"
- prompts:
- year: "Aasta"
- month: "Kuu"
- day: "Päev"
- hour: "Tunde"
- minute: "Minutit"
- second: "Sekundit"
- support:
- array:
- # Rails 2.2
- sentence_connector: "ja"
- skip_last_comma: true
- # Rails 2.3
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " ja "
- last_word_connector: " ja "
-# Greek translations for Ruby on Rails
-# by Nick Kokkos (nkokkos@gmail.com)
- number:
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- format:
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1,0 / 2,0 == 0,5)
- separator: ","
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1.000.000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: "."
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1,00)
- precision: 3
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- currency:
- format:
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- # in Greek currency values would be represented as (e.g €5,78:five euros and seventy eight cents or €1.012,45: one thousand twelve euros and 45 cents)
- format: "%u%n"
- unit: "€"
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 2
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- percentage:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- precision:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- human:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ short: "%d %b"
+ long: "%e %B %Y"
+ long_ordinal: "%e %B %Y"
+ only_day: "%e"
+ day_names: [Κυριακή, Δευτέρα, Τρίτη, Τετάρτη, Πέμπτη, Παρασκευή, Σάββατο]
+ abbr_day_names: [Κυρ, Δευ, Τρι, Τετ, Πεμ, Παρ, Σαβ]
+ month_names: [~, Ιανουάριος, Φεβρουάριος, Μάρτιος, Απρίλιος, Μάιος, Ιούνιος, Ιούλιος, Αύγουστος, Σεπτέμβριος, Οκτώβριος, Νοέμβριος, Δεκέμβριος]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Ιαν., Φεβ., Μάρ., Απρ., Μαι., Ιουν., Ιούλ., Αυγ., Σεπ., Οκτ., Νοε., Δεκ.]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
+ time: "%H:%M"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
+ long_ordinal: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
+ only_second: "%S"
+ am: 'πμ'
+ pm: 'μμ'
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
half_a_minute: "μισό λεπτό"
- one: "λιγότερο απο ένα δευτερόλεπτο"
- other: "λιγότερο απο %{count} δευτερόλεπτα"
+ one: "λιγότερο από ένα δευτερόλεπτο"
+ other: "λιγότερο από %{count} δευτερόλεπτα"
- one: "1 δευτερόλεπτο"
+ one: "1 δευτερόλεπτο"
other: "%{count} δευτερόλεπτα"
- one: "λιγότερο απο ένα λεπτό"
- other: "λιγότερο απο %{count} λεπτά"
+ one: "λιγότερο από ένα λεπτό"
+ other: "λιγότερο από %{count} λεπτά"
- one: "ένα λεπτό"
+ one: "1 λεπτό"
other: "%{count} λεπτά"
- one: "1 ώρα περίπου"
- other: "%{count} hours περίπου"
+ one: "περίπου μία ώρα"
+ other: "περίπου %{count} ώρες"
- one: "1 μέρα"
- other: "%{count} μέρες"
+ one: "1 ώρα"
+ other: "%{count} ώρες"
- one: "1 μήνα περίπου"
- other: "%{count} μήνες περίπου"
+ one: "περίπου ένα μήνα"
+ other: "περίπου %{count} μήνες"
- one: "1 μήνα"
+ one: "1 μήνα"
other: "%{count} μήνες"
- one: "ένα χρόνο περίπου"
- other: "%{count} χρόνια περίπου"
+ one: "περίπου ένα χρόνο"
+ other: "περίπου %{count} χρόνια"
- one: "πάνω απο 1 χρόνο"
- other: "πάνω απο %{count} χρόνια"
+ one: "πάνω από ένα χρόνο"
+ other: "πάνω από %{count} χρόνια"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Έτος"
+ month: "Μήνας"
+ day: "Ημέρα"
+ hour: "Ώρα"
+ minute: "Λεπτό"
+ second: "Δευτερόλεπτο"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "1 λάθος παρεμπόδισε αυτό το %{model} να αποθηκευθεί"
- other: "%{count} λάθη εμπόδισαν αυτό το %{model} να αποθηκευθεί"
- # The variable :count is also available
- body: "Υπήρξαν προβλήματα με τα ακόλουθα πεδία :"
+ number:
+ format:
+ precision: 3
+ separator: ','
+ delimiter: '.'
+ currency:
+ format:
+ unit: '€'
+ precision: 2
+ format: '%n %u'
+ human:
+ format:
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 1
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "byte"
+ other: "bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ support:
+ array:
+ sentence_connector: ' και '
+ skip_last_comma: true
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " και "
+ last_word_connector: " και "
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "1 λάθος παρεμπόδισε αυτό το %{model} να αποθηκευθεί."
+ other: "%{count} λάθη εμπόδισαν αυτό το %{model} να αποθηκευθεί."
+ body: "Υπήρξαν προβλήματα με τα ακόλουθα πεδία:"
- inclusion: "δεν συμπεριλαβάνεται στη λίστα"
+ inclusion: "δεν Ï\83Ï\85μÏ\80εÏ\81ιλαμβάνεÏ\84αι Ï\83Ï\84η λίÏ\83Ï\84α"
exclusion: "είναι δεσμευμένο"
invalid: "είναι άκυρο"
confirmation: "δεν ταιριάζει με την επικύρωση"
wrong_length: "έχει λανθασμένο μήκος (πρέπει να είναι %{count} χαρακτήρες)"
taken: "το έχουν ήδη χρησιμοποιήσει"
not_a_number: "δεν είναι ένας αριθμός"
- greater_than: "πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο απο %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο ή ίσον με %{count}"
- equal_to: "πρέπει να είναι ίσον με %{count}"
- less_than: "πρέπει να είναι λιγότερο απο %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "πρέπει να είναι λιγότερο ή ίσον με %{count}"
+ greater_than: "πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο από %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο ή ίσο με %{count}"
+ equal_to: "πρέπει να είναι ίσο με %{count}"
+ less_than: "πρέπει να είναι λιγότερο από %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "πρέπει να είναι λιγότερο ή ίσο με %{count}"
odd: "πρέπει να είναι περιττός"
even: "πρέπει να είναι άρτιος"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
- # You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation.
- #
- # For example,
- # models:
- # user:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for %{model}: %{attribute}"
- # attributes:
- # login:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
- # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
- # models:
- # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
- #models:
- # For example,
- # user: "Dude"
- # will translate User model name to "Dude"
- # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
- #attributes:
- # For example,
- # user:
- # login: "Handle"
- # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle"
- date:
- formats:
- # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
- # When no format has been given, it uses default.
- # You can provide other formats here if you like!
- default: "%d-%m-%Y"
- short: "%d %b"
- long: "%d %B %Y"
- only_day: "%e"
- day_names: [Κυριακή, Δευτέρα, Τρίτη, Τετάρτη, Πέμπτη, Παρασκευή, Σάββατο]
- abbr_day_names: [Κυρ, Δευ, Τρι, Τετ, Πεμ, Παρ, Σαβ]
- # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
- month_names: [~, Ιανοάριος, Φεβρουάριος, Μάρτιος, Απρίλιος, Μάιος, Ιούνιος, Ιούλιος, Άυγουστος, Σεπτέμβριος, Οκτώβριος, Νοέμβριος, Δεκέμβριος]
- abbr_month_names: [~, Ιαν, Φεβ, Μάρ, Απρ, Μαι, Ιουν, Ιούλ, Αυγ, Σεπ, Οκτ, Νοε, Δεκ]
- # Used in date_select and datime_select.
- # original was: order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S %z"
- time: "%H:%M"
- short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
- only_second: "%S"
- am: "πμ"
- pm: "μμ"
- datetime:
- formats:
- default: "%d-%m-%YT%H:%M:%S%Z"
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
- support:
- array:
- sentence_connector: " και "
- skip_last_comma: false
--- /dev/null
+# Australian English translations for Ruby on Rails
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d-%m-%Y"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
+ day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]
+ abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat]
+ month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " and "
+ last_word_connector: ", and "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Please select"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Thousand
+ million: Million
+ billion: Billion
+ trillion: Trillion
+ quadrillion: Quadrillion
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "half a minute"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "less than 1 second"
+ other: "less than %{count} seconds"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 second"
+ other: "%{count} seconds"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "less than a minute"
+ other: "less than %{count} minutes"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minute"
+ other: "%{count} minutes"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "about 1 hour"
+ other: "about %{count} hours"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 day"
+ other: "%{count} days"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "about 1 month"
+ other: "about %{count} months"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 month"
+ other: "%{count} months"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "about 1 year"
+ other: "about %{count} years"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "over 1 year"
+ other: "over %{count} years"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "almost 1 year"
+ other: "almost %{count} years"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Year"
+ month: "Month"
+ day: "Day"
+ hour: "Hour"
+ minute: "Minute"
+ second: "Seconds"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Please select"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Create %{model}'
+ update: 'Update %{model}'
+ submit: 'Save %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "is not included in the list"
+ exclusion: "is reserved"
+ invalid: "is invalid"
+ confirmation: "doesn't match confirmation"
+ accepted: "must be accepted"
+ empty: "can't be empty"
+ blank: "can't be blank"
+ too_long: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)"
+ too_short: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)"
+ wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)"
+ not_a_number: "is not a number"
+ not_an_integer: "must be an integer"
+ greater_than: "must be greater than %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to %{count}"
+ equal_to: "must be equal to %{count}"
+ less_than: "must be less than %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to %{count}"
+ odd: "must be odd"
+ even: "must be even"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
+ other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
+ body: "There were problems with the following fields:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "has already been taken"
+ record_invalid: "Validation failed: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# GB English translations for Ruby on Rails
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d-%m-%Y"
+ short: "%d %b"
+ long: "%d %B, %Y"
+ day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]
+ abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat]
+ month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " and "
+ last_word_connector: ", and "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Please select"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "£"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Thousand
+ million: Million
+ billion: Billion
+ trillion: Trillion
+ quadrillion: Quadrillion
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "half a minute"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "less than 1 second"
+ other: "less than %{count} seconds"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 second"
+ other: "%{count} seconds"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "less than a minute"
+ other: "less than %{count} minutes"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minute"
+ other: "%{count} minutes"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "about 1 hour"
+ other: "about %{count} hours"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 day"
+ other: "%{count} days"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "about 1 month"
+ other: "about %{count} months"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 month"
+ other: "%{count} months"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "about 1 year"
+ other: "about %{count} years"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "over 1 year"
+ other: "over %{count} years"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "almost 1 year"
+ other: "almost %{count} years"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Year"
+ month: "Month"
+ day: "Day"
+ hour: "Hour"
+ minute: "Minute"
+ second: "Seconds"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Please select"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Create %{model}'
+ update: 'Update %{model}'
+ submit: 'Save %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "is not included in the list"
+ exclusion: "is reserved"
+ invalid: "is invalid"
+ confirmation: "doesn't match confirmation"
+ accepted: "must be accepted"
+ empty: "can't be empty"
+ blank: "can't be blank"
+ too_long: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)"
+ too_short: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)"
+ wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)"
+ not_a_number: "is not a number"
+ not_an_integer: "must be an integer"
+ greater_than: "must be greater than %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to %{count}"
+ equal_to: "must be equal to %{count}"
+ less_than: "must be less than %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to %{count}"
+ odd: "must be odd"
+ even: "must be even"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
+ other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
+ body: "There were problems with the following fields:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "has already been taken"
+ record_invalid: "Validation failed: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# US English translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Use this as the base for the locale file of your language.
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
+ day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]
+ abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat]
+ month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " and "
+ last_word_connector: ", and "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Please select"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Thousand
+ million: Million
+ billion: Billion
+ trillion: Trillion
+ quadrillion: Quadrillion
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "half a minute"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "less than 1 second"
+ other: "less than %{count} seconds"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 second"
+ other: "%{count} seconds"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "less than a minute"
+ other: "less than %{count} minutes"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minute"
+ other: "%{count} minutes"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "about 1 hour"
+ other: "about %{count} hours"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 day"
+ other: "%{count} days"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "about 1 month"
+ other: "about %{count} months"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 month"
+ other: "%{count} months"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "about 1 year"
+ other: "about %{count} years"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "over 1 year"
+ other: "over %{count} years"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "almost 1 year"
+ other: "almost %{count} years"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Year"
+ month: "Month"
+ day: "Day"
+ hour: "Hour"
+ minute: "Minute"
+ second: "Seconds"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Please select"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Create %{model}'
+ update: 'Update %{model}'
+ submit: 'Save %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "is not included in the list"
+ exclusion: "is reserved"
+ invalid: "is invalid"
+ confirmation: "doesn't match confirmation"
+ accepted: "must be accepted"
+ empty: "can't be empty"
+ blank: "can't be blank"
+ too_long: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)"
+ too_short: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)"
+ wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)"
+ not_a_number: "is not a number"
+ not_an_integer: "must be an integer"
+ greater_than: "must be greater than %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to %{count}"
+ equal_to: "must be equal to %{count}"
+ less_than: "must be less than %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to %{count}"
+ odd: "must be odd"
+ even: "must be even"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
+ other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
+ body: "There were problems with the following fields:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "has already been taken"
+ record_invalid: "Validation failed: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# Esperanto translations for Ruby on Rails.
+# Contributors:
+# - Emmanuel Debanne (https://github.com/debanne)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y/%m/%d"
+ short: "%e %b"
+ long: "%e %B %Y"
+ day_names: [dimanĉo, lundo, mardo, merkredo, ĵaŭdo, vendredo, sabato]
+ abbr_day_names: [dim, lun, mar, mer, ĵaŭ, ven, sam]
+ month_names: [~, januaro, februaro, marto, aprilo, majo, junio, julio, aŭgusto, septembro, oktobro, novembro, decembro]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, jan., feb., mar., apr., majo, jun., jul., aŭg., sep., okt., nov., dec.]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M"
+ am: 'am'
+ pm: 'pm'
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "duona minuto"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ zero: "malpli ol unu sekundo"
+ one: "malpli ol unu sekundo"
+ other: "malpli ol %{count} sekundoj"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 sekundo"
+ other: "%{count} sekundoj"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ zero: "malpli ol unu minuto"
+ one: "malpli ol unu minuto"
+ other: "malpli ol %{count} minutoj"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minuto"
+ other: "%{count} minutoj"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "ĉirkaŭ unu horo"
+ other: "ĉirkaŭ %{count} horoj"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 tago"
+ other: "%{count} tagoj"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "ĉirkaŭ unu monato"
+ other: "ĉirkaŭ %{count} monatoj"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 monato"
+ other: "%{count} monatoj"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "ĉirkaŭ uno jaro"
+ other: "ĉirkaŭ %{count} jaroj"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "pli ol unu jaro"
+ other: "pli ol %{count} jaroj"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "preskaŭ unu jaro"
+ other: "preskaŭ %{count} jaroj"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Jaro"
+ month: "Monato"
+ day: "Tago"
+ hour: "Horo"
+ minute: "Minuto"
+ second: "Sekundo"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "€"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 2
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "bitoko"
+ other: "bitokoj"
+ kb: "kb"
+ mb: "Mb"
+ gb: "Gb"
+ tb: "Tb"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "mil"
+ million: "miliono"
+ billion: "miliardo"
+ trillion: "mil miliardoj"
+ quadrillion: "miliono da miliardoj"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " kaj "
+ last_word_connector: " kaj "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Bonvolu elekti"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Bonvolu elekti"
+ submit:
+ create: "Krei %{model}"
+ update: "Modifi tiun %{model}"
+ submit: "Registri tiun %{model}"
+ errors:
+ template: &errors_template
+ header:
+ one: "Ne eblas registri tiun %{model}: 1 eraro"
+ other: "Ne eblas registri tiun %{model}: %{count} eraroj"
+ body: "Kontrolu la jenajn kampojn: "
+ attributes:
+ created_at: "Kreita la"
+ updated_at: "Modifita la"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "ne estas inkluzivita de la listo"
+ exclusion: "ne estas disponebla"
+ invalid: "estas nevalida"
+ confirmation: "ne kongruas kun la konfirmo"
+ accepted: "devas esti akceptita"
+ empty: "devas esti kompletigita"
+ blank: "devas esti kompletigita"
+ too_long: "estas tro longa (maksimume %{count} karekteroj)"
+ too_short: "estas tro mallonga (minimume %{count} karakteroj)"
+ wrong_length: "ne estas je ĝusta longo (devas enhavi %{count} karakterojn)"
+ not_a_number: "ne estas nombro"
+ not_an_integer: "devas esti entjero"
+ greater_than: "devas superi %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "devas superi aŭ egali %{count}"
+ equal_to: "devas egali %{count}"
+ less_than: "devas malsuperi %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "devas malsuperi aŭ egali %{count}"
+ odd: "devas esti nepara"
+ even: "devas esti para"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ messages:
+ taken: "ne estas disponebla"
+ record_invalid: "Validado malsukcesis: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ template:
+ <<: *errors_template
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ number:
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ separator: "."
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mil"
+ million: "Millón"
+ billion: "Mil Millones"
+ trillion: "Billón"
+ quadrillion: "Mil Billones"
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
- formats:
- default: "%e/%m/%Y"
- short: "%e %b"
- long: "%e de %B de %Y"
- day_names:
- - domingo
- - lunes
- - martes
- - "miércoles"
- - jueves
- - viernes
- - "sábado"
- abbr_day_names:
- - dom
- - lun
- - mar
- - mie
- - jue
- - vie
- - sab
- month_names:
- -
- - enero
- - febrero
- - marzo
- - abril
- - mayo
- - junio
- - julio
- - agosto
- - septiembre
- - octubre
- - noviembre
- - diciembre
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - ene
- - feb
- - mar
- - abr
- - may
- - jun
- - jul
- - ago
- - set
- - oct
- - nov
- - dic
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
+ day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
+ month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
+ formats:
+ short: "%d de %b"
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ long: "%A, %d de %B de %Y"
- default: "%A, %e de %B de %Y, %H:%M hs"
- short: "%e/%m, %H:%M hs"
- long: "%A, %e de %B de %Y, %H:%M hs"
- am: am
- pm: pm
+ short: "%d de %b a las %H:%M hrs"
+ default: "%a, %d de %b de %Y a las %H:%M:%S %Z"
+ long: "%A, %d de %B de %Y a las %I:%M %p"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " y "
+ last_word_connector: " y "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecciona"
- half_a_minute: medio minuto
+ half_a_minute: "medio minuto"
- zero: menos de 1 segundo
- one: menos de 1 segundo
- other: menos de %{count} segundos
+ one: "menos de 1 segundo"
+ other: "menos de %{count} segundos"
- one: 1 second
- other: "%{count} seconds"
+ one: "1 segundo"
+ other: "%{count} segundos"
- zero: menos de 1 minuto
- one: menos de 1 minuto
- other: menos de %{count} minutos
+ one: "menos de 1 minuto"
+ other: "menos de %{count} minutos"
- one: 1 minuto
+ one: "1 minuto"
other: "%{count} minutos"
- one: aproximadamente 1 hora
- other: aproximadamente %{count} horas
+ one: "cerca de 1 hora"
+ other: "cerca de %{count} horas"
one: "1 día"
other: "%{count} días"
- one: aproximandamente 1 mes
- other: aproximadamente %{count} mes
+ one: "cerca de 1 mes"
+ other: "cerca de %{count} meses"
- one: 1 month
- other: "%{count} mes"
+ one: "1 mes"
+ other: "%{count} meses"
- one: "aproximadamente 1 año"
- other: "aproximadamente %{count} años"
+ other: "cerca de %{count} años"
+ one: "cerca de 1 año"
one: "más de 1 año"
other: "más de %{count} años"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "casi 1 año"
+ other: "casi %{count} años"
- year: "Año"
- month: "Mes"
- day: "Día"
- hour: "Hora"
- minute: "Minuto"
- second: "Segundos"
- number:
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- human:
- format:
- delimiter: "."
- precision: "2"
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- one: "byte"
- other: "bytes"
- kb: "KB"
- mb: "MB"
- gb: "GB"
- tb: "TB"
- format:
- precision: 3
- separator: ","
- delimiter: .
- currency:
- format:
- unit: $
- precision: 2
- format: "%u %n"
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
+ year: 'Año'
+ month: 'Mes'
+ day: 'Día'
+ hour: 'Hora'
+ minute: 'Minuto'
+ second: 'Segundos'
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecciona"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Crear %{model}'
+ update: 'Actualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Guardar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "no está incluído en la lista"
+ exclusion: "está reservado"
+ invalid: "es inválido"
+ confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
+ blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
+ empty: "no puede estar vacío"
+ not_a_number: "no es un número"
+ not_an_integer: "debe ser un entero"
+ less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor o igual que %{count}"
+ greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor o igual que %{count}"
+ too_short:
+ one: "es demasiado corto (mínimo 1 caracter)"
+ other: "es demasiado corto (mínimo %{count} caracteres)"
+ too_long:
+ one: "es demasiado largo (máximo 1 caracter)"
+ other: "es demasiado largo (máximo %{count} caracteres)"
+ equal_to: "debe ser igual a %{count}"
+ wrong_length:
+ one: "longitud errónea (debe ser de 1 caracter)"
+ other: "longitud errónea (debe ser de %{count} caracteres)"
+ accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
+ even: "debe ser un número par"
+ odd: "debe ser un número non"
- one: "Un error ocurrió al guardar tus datos."
- other: "%{count} errores ocurrieron al guardar tus datos."
- body: "Los siguientes campos presentan problemas:"
+ one: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a 1 error"
+ other: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a %{count} errores"
+ body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
- inclusion: "no está incluido en la lista"
- exclusion: "no está disponible"
- invalid: "no es válido"
- confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
- accepted: debe ser aceptado
- empty: "no puede estar vacío"
- blank: no puede estar en blanco
- too_long: "es demasiado largo (el máximo es de %{count} caracteres)"
- too_short: "es demasiado corto (el mínimo es de %{count} caracteres)"
- wrong_length: "no posee el largo correcto (debería ser de %{count} caracteres)"
- taken: "no está disponible"
- not_a_number: "no es un número"
- greater_than: debe ser mayor a %{count}
- greater_than_or_equal_to: debe ser mayor o igual a %{count}
- equal_to: debe ser igual a %{count}
- less_than: debe ser menor que %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: debe ser menor o igual que %{count}
- odd: debe ser par
- even: debe ser impar
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " y "
- last_word_connector: " y "
\ No newline at end of file
+ taken: "ya ha sido tomado"
+ record_invalid: "La validación falló: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# Spanish translations for Rails as spoken in Chile
+# Based in the original Spanish translation by Francisco Fernando García Nieto
+# and Tsutomu Kuroda
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ short: "%d de %b"
+ long: "%A %d de %B de %Y"
+ day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
+ abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
+ month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%A, %d de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d de %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%A %d de %B de %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " y "
+ last_word_connector: ", y "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u %n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 0
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 1
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mil"
+ million: "Millón"
+ billion: "Mil millones"
+ trillion: "Trillón"
+ quadrillion: "Cuatrillón"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "medio minuto"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "menos de 1 segundo"
+ other: "menos de %{count} segundos"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 segundo"
+ other: "%{count} segundos"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "menos de 1 minuto"
+ other: "menos de %{count} minutos"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minuto"
+ other: "%{count} minutos"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "alrededor de 1 hora"
+ other: "alrededor de %{count} horas"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 día"
+ other: "%{count} días"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "alrededor de 1 mes"
+ other: "alrededor de %{count} meses"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 mes"
+ other: "%{count} meses"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "alrededor de 1 año"
+ other: "alrededor de %{count} años"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "más de 1 año"
+ other: "más de %{count} años"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "casi 1 año"
+ other: "casi %{count} años"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Año"
+ month: "Mes"
+ day: "Día"
+ hour: "Hora"
+ minute: "Minutos"
+ second: "Segundos"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Crear %{model}'
+ update: 'Actualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Guardar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "no está incluido en la lista"
+ exclusion: "está reservado"
+ invalid: "no es válido"
+ confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
+ accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
+ empty: "no puede estar vacío"
+ blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
+ too_long: "es demasiado largo (%{count} caracteres máximo)"
+ too_short: "es demasiado corto (%{count} caracteres mínimo)"
+ wrong_length: "no tiene la longitud correcta (%{count} caracteres exactos)"
+ not_a_number: "no es un número"
+ not_an_integer: "debe ser un entero"
+ greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor que o igual a %{count}"
+ equal_to: "debe ser igual a %{count}"
+ less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor que o igual a %{count}"
+ odd: "debe ser impar"
+ even: "debe ser par"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontró 1 error"
+ other: "No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontraron %{count} errores"
+ # The variable :count is also available
+ body: "Se encontraron problemas con los siguientes campos:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "ya está en uso"
+ record_invalid: "La validación falló: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# Spanish as spoken in Colombia (es-CO) translations for Rails
-# by Christian A. Rojas G (christianrojas@mac.com)
delimiter: ","
- format: # Pesos Colombianos
+ format:
format: "%u%n"
unit: "$"
- precision: 2
- delimiter: ","
separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 0
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
- precision: 2
- # Rails <= v2.2.2
- # storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
- # Rails >= v2.3
- storage_units:
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mil"
+ million: "Millón"
+ billion: "Billón"
+ trillion: "Trillón"
+ quadrillion: "Cuatrillón"
delimiter: ","
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
am: "am"
pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " y "
+ last_word_connector: " y "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecciona"
half_a_minute: "medio minuto"
one: "más de 1 año"
other: "más de %{count} años"
- one: "casi 1 año"
+ one: "casi 1 año"
other: "casi %{count} años"
- year: "Año"
- month: "Mes"
- day: "Día"
- hour: "Hora"
- minute: "Minutos"
- second: "Segundos"
+ year: 'Año'
+ month: 'Mes'
+ day: 'Día'
+ hour: 'Hora'
+ minute: 'Minuto'
+ second: 'Segundos'
- # Active Record
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecciona"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a 1 error"
- other: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a %{count} errores"
- body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
- messages:
- record_invalid: "Falla de validación: %{errors}"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Crear %{model}'
+ update: 'Actualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Guardar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
inclusion: "no está incluído en la lista"
exclusion: "está reservado"
invalid: "es inválido"
- invalid_date: "es una fecha inválida"
confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
- accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
empty: "no puede estar vacío"
not_a_number: "no es un número"
- taken: "ya ha sido tomado"
+ not_an_integer: "debe ser un entero"
less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor o igual que %{count}"
greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor o igual que %{count}"
- too_short: "es demasiado corto (mínimo %{count} caracteres)"
- too_long: "es demasiado largo (máximo %{count} caracteres)"
+ too_short:
+ one: "es demasiado corto (mínimo 1 caracter)"
+ other: "es demasiado corto (mínimo %{count} caracteres)"
+ too_long:
+ one: "es demasiado largo (máximo 1 caracter)"
+ other: "es demasiado largo (máximo %{count} caracteres)"
equal_to: "debe ser igual a %{count}"
- wrong_length: "longitud errónea (debe ser de %{count} caracteres)"
+ wrong_length:
+ one: "longitud errónea (debe ser de 1 caracter)"
+ other: "longitud errónea (debe ser de %{count} caracteres)"
+ accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
even: "debe ser un número par"
- odd: "debe ser un número non"
+ odd: "debe ser un número impar"
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
- support:
- select:
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
- array:
- # Rails <= v.2.2.2
- # sentence_connector: "y"
- # Rails >= v.2.3
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " y "
- last_word_connector: " y "
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a 1 error"
+ other: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a %{count} errores"
+ body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "ya ha sido tomado"
+ record_invalid: "La validación falló: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# by Ivan Torres (mexpolk@gmail.com)
# Added datetime / prompts for time_select helper
# by Daniel Roux ( daniel.roux@gmail.com)
+# Added missing translations for Rails 2 and 3
+# by Carlos González ( carlosdavid.gonzalez@gmail.com)
format: "%u%n"
unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
- storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mil"
+ million: "Millón"
+ billion: "Mil millones"
+ trillion: "Trillón"
+ quadrillion: "Cuatrillón"
delimiter: ","
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
am: "am"
pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " y "
+ last_word_connector: " y "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecciona"
half_a_minute: "medio minuto"
one: "más de 1 año"
other: "más de %{count} años"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "casi 1 año"
+ other: "casi %{count} años"
+ year: 'Año'
+ month: 'Mes'
+ day: 'Día'
hour: 'Hora'
minute: 'Minuto'
- second: 'Segundo'
+ second: 'Segundos'
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a 1 error"
- other: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a %{count} errores"
- body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
- messages:
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecciona"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Crear %{model}'
+ update: 'Actualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Guardar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
inclusion: "no está incluído en la lista"
exclusion: "está reservado"
invalid: "es inválido"
- invalid_date: "es una fecha inválida"
confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
empty: "no puede estar vacío"
not_a_number: "no es un número"
- taken: "ya ha sido tomado"
+ not_an_integer: "debe ser un entero"
less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor o igual que %{count}"
greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
even: "debe ser un número par"
odd: "debe ser un número non"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a 1 error"
+ other: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a %{count} errores"
+ body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "ya ha sido tomado"
+ record_invalid: "La validación falló: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# Spanish as spoken in Perú (es-PE) translations for Rails
+# by Peter Baker (pcbaker@gmail.com)
+# modificado por CCP
+ number:
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ currency:
+ format: # Nuevos Soles
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "S./"
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ separator: "."
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ","
+ date:
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
+ day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
+ month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
+ formats:
+ month_and_year: "%B %Y"
+ date_and_day: "%A %d"
+ short: "%d de %b"
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ long: "%A, %d de %B del %Y"
+ time:
+ formats:
+ short: "%d de %b a las %H:%M hrs"
+ short_with_year: "%d %b %Y"
+ default: "%a, %d de %b del %Y a las %H:%M:%S %Z"
+ long: "%A, %d de %B del %Y a las %I:%M %p"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "medio minuto"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "menos de 1 segundo"
+ other: "menos de %{count} segundos"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 segundo"
+ other: "%{count} segundos"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "menos de 1 minuto"
+ other: "menos de %{count} minutos"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minuto"
+ other: "%{count} minutos"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "cerca de 1 hora"
+ other: "cerca de %{count} horas"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 día"
+ other: "%{count} días"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "cerca de 1 mes"
+ other: "cerca de %{count} meses"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 mes"
+ other: "%{count} meses"
+ about_x_years:
+ other: "cerca de %{count} años"
+ one: "cerca de 1 año"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "más de 1 año"
+ other: "más de %{count} años"
+ prompts:
+ hour: 'Hora'
+ minute: 'Minuto'
+ second: 'Segundo'
+ # Active Record
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a 1 error"
+ other: "%{model} no pudo guardarse debido a %{count} errores"
+ body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
+ messages:
+ record_invalid: "Falla de validación: %{errors}"
+ inclusion: "no está incluído en la lista"
+ exclusion: "está reservado"
+ invalid: "es inválido"
+ invalid_date: "es una fecha inválida"
+ confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
+ accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
+ blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
+ empty: "no puede estar vacío"
+ not_a_number: "no es un número"
+ taken: "ya ha sido tomado"
+ less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor o igual que %{count}"
+ greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor o igual que %{count}"
+ too_short:
+ one: "es demasiado corto (mínimo 1 caracter)"
+ other: "es demasiado corto (mínimo %{count} caracteres)"
+ too_long:
+ one: "es demasiado largo (máximo 1 caracter)"
+ other: "es demasiado largo (máximo %{count} caracteres)"
+ equal_to: "debe ser igual a %{count}"
+ wrong_length:
+ one: "longitud errónea (debe ser de 1 caracter)"
+ other: "longitud errónea (debe ser de %{count} caracteres)"
+ even: "debe ser un número par"
+ odd: "debe ser un número non"
# Spanish translations for Rails
# by Francisco Fernando García Nieto (ffgarcianieto@gmail.com)
+# contributors:
+# - Tsutomu Kuroda - http://github.com/kuroda (t-kuroda@oiax.jp)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ short: "%d de %b"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y"
+ day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
+ abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
+ month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%A, %d de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d de %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%d de %B de %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " y "
+ last_word_connector: ", y "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: ","
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: "."
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
format: "%n %u"
unit: "€"
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
- # Rails <= v2.2.2
- # storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
- # Rails >= v2.3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mil"
+ million: "Millón"
+ billion: "Mil millones"
+ trillion: "Trillón"
+ quadrillion: "Cuatrillón"
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
half_a_minute: "medio minuto"
minute: "Minutos"
second: "Segundos"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Crear %{model}'
+ update: 'Actualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Guardar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "no está incluido en la lista"
+ exclusion: "está reservado"
+ invalid: "no es válido"
+ confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
+ accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
+ empty: "no puede estar vacío"
+ blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
+ too_long: "es demasiado largo (%{count} caracteres máximo)"
+ too_short: "es demasiado corto (%{count} caracteres mínimo)"
+ wrong_length: "no tiene la longitud correcta (%{count} caracteres exactos)"
+ not_a_number: "no es un número"
+ not_an_integer: "debe ser un entero"
+ greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor que o igual a %{count}"
+ equal_to: "debe ser igual a %{count}"
+ less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor que o igual a %{count}"
+ odd: "debe ser impar"
+ even: "debe ser par"
# The variable :count is also available
body: "Se encontraron problemas con los siguientes campos:"
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- inclusion: "no está incluido en la lista"
- exclusion: "está reservado"
- invalid: "no es válido"
- confirmation: "no coincide con la confirmación"
- accepted: "debe ser aceptado"
- empty: "no puede estar vacío"
- blank: "no puede estar en blanco"
- too_long: "es demasiado largo (%{count} caracteres máximo)"
- too_short: "es demasiado corto (%{count} caracteres mínimo)"
- wrong_length: "no tiene la longitud correcta (%{count} caracteres exactos)"
taken: "ya está en uso"
- not_a_number: "no es un número"
- greater_than: "debe ser mayor que %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor que o igual a %{count}"
- equal_to: "debe ser igual a %{count}"
- less_than: "debe ser menor que %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor que o igual a %{count}"
- odd: "debe ser impar"
- even: "debe ser par"
record_invalid: "La validación falló: %{errors}"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
+ <<: *errors_messages
format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- models:
- # Overrides default messages
- attributes:
- # Overrides model and default messages.
- date:
- formats:
- # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
- # When no format has been given, it uses default.
- # You can provide other formats here if you like!
- default: "%e/%m/%Y"
- short: "%e de %b"
- long: "%e de %B de %Y"
- day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
- abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]
- # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
- month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
- abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dic]
- # Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%A, %e de %B de %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%e de %b %H:%M"
- long: "%e de %B de %Y %H:%M"
- am: "am"
- pm: "pm"
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
- support:
- select:
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
- array:
- # Rails <= v.2.2.2
- # sentence_connector: "y"
- # Rails >= v.2.3
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " y "
- last_word_connector: " y "
-# Estonian localization for Ruby on Rails 2.2+
+# Estonian localization for Ruby on Rails 2 and 3
# by Zahhar Kirillov <zahhar@gmail.com>
+# contributors:
+# - Mart Karu - http://github.com/martkaru <karu@metal.ee>
abbr_month_names: [~, jaan., veebr., märts, apr., mai, juuni, juuli, aug., sept., okt., nov., dets.]
standalone_abbr_month_names: [~, jaan., veebr., märts, apr., mai, juuni, juuli, aug., sept., okt., nov., dets.]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
am: "enne lõunat"
pm: "pärast lõunat"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " ja "
+ last_word_connector: " ja "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Palun vali"
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
- unit: "kr"
+ unit: "€"
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
- storage_units: [bait, KB, MB, GB, TB]
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "bait"
+ other: "baiti"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: tuhat
+ million: miljon
+ billion: miljard
+ trillion: triljon
+ quadrillion: kvadriljon
one: "üle %{count} aasta"
other: "üle %{count} aastat"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "peaaegu üks aasta"
+ other: "peaaegu %{count} aastat"
year: "Aasta"
month: "Kuu"
minute: "Minutit"
second: "Sekundit"
- support:
- array:
- # Rails 2.2
- sentence_connector: "ja"
- skip_last_comma: true
- # Rails 2.3
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " ja "
- last_word_connector: " ja "
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Palun vali"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Loo uus %{model}'
+ update: 'Uuenda objekti %{model}'
+ submit: 'Salvesta %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "ei leidu nimekirjas"
+ exclusion: "on reserveeritud"
+ invalid: "ei ole korrektne"
+ confirmation: "ei vasta kinnitusele"
+ accepted: "peab olema heaks kiidetud"
+ empty: "on tühi"
+ blank: "on täitmata"
+ too_long: "on liiga pikk (maksimum on %{count} tähemärki)"
+ too_short: "on liiga lühike (miinimum on %{count} tähemärki)"
+ wrong_length: "on vale pikkusega (peab olema %{count} tähemärki)"
+ not_a_number: "ei ole number"
+ not_an_integer: "peab olema täisarv"
+ greater_than: "ei tohi olla suurem kui %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "peab olema suurem või võrdne arvuga %{count}"
+ equal_to: "peab võrdne arvuga %{count}"
+ less_than: "peab olema vähem kui %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "peab olema vähem või võrdne arvuga %{count}"
+ odd: "peab olema paaritu arv"
+ even: "peab olema paarisarv"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Üks viga takistas objekti %{model} salvestamist"
+ other: "%{count} viga takistasid objekti %{model} salvestamist"
+ body: "Probleeme ilmnes järgmiste väljadega:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "on juba võetud"
+ record_invalid: "Valideerimine ebaõnnestus: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# Basque translations for Rails
+# by Esti Alvarez (esti@efaber.net)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y/%m/%e"
+ short: "%b %e"
+ long: "%Y(e)ko %Bk %e"
+ day_names: [Igandea, Astelehena, Asteartea, Asteazkena, Osteguna, Ostirala, Larunbata]
+ abbr_day_names: [Igan, Astel, Astear, Asteaz, Oste, Osti, Lar]
+ month_names: [~, Urtarrila, Otsaila, Martxoa, Apirila, Maiatza, Ekaina, Uztaila, Abuztua, Iraila, Urria, Azaroa, Abendua]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Urt, Ots, Mar, Api, Mai, Eka, Uzt, Abu, Ira, Urr, Aza, Aben]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%A, %Y(e)ko %Bren %e %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%b %e, %H:%M"
+ long: "%Y(e)ko %Bren %e, %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ # Used in array.to_sentence.
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " eta "
+ last_word_connector: " eta "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Aukeratu mesedez"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "€"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Byte"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mila"
+ million: "Milioi"
+ billion: "Mila milioi"
+ trillion: "Trilioi"
+ quadrillion: "Kuatrilioi"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "minutu erdi"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "segundu bat baino gutxiago"
+ other: "%{count} segundu baino gutxiago"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "segundu bat"
+ other: "%{count} segundu"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minutu bat baino gutxiago"
+ other: "%{count} minutu baino gutxiago"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "minutu bat"
+ other: "%{count} minutu"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "ordu bat inguru"
+ other: "%{count} ordu inguru"
+ x_days:
+ one: "egun bat"
+ other: "%{count} egun"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "hilabete bat inguru"
+ other: "%{count} hilabete inguru"
+ x_months:
+ one: "hilabete bat"
+ other: "%{count} hilabete"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "urte bat inguru"
+ other: "%{count} urte inguru"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "urte bat baino gehiago"
+ other: "%{count} urte baino gehiago"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "ia urte bat"
+ other: "ia %{count} urte"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Urte"
+ month: "Hilabete"
+ day: "Egun"
+ hour: "Ordu"
+ minute: "Minutu"
+ second: "Segundu"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Mesedez, aukeratu"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model}a eratu'
+ update: '%{model}a eguneratu'
+ submit: '%{model}a gorde'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "ez da zerrendako aukera bat"
+ exclusion: "erreserbatuta dago"
+ invalid: "ez da zuzena"
+ confirmation: "ez dator bat konfirmazioarekin"
+ accepted: "onartuta izan behar da"
+ empty: "ezin da hutsik egon"
+ blank: "ezin da zuriz utzi"
+ too_long: "luzeegia da (%{count} karaktere gehienez)"
+ too_short: "laburregia da (%{count} karaktere gutxienez)"
+ wrong_length: "ez du luzeera zuzena (%{count} karaktere izan behar ditu)"
+ not_a_number: "ez da zenbaki bat"
+ not_an_integer: "zenbaki osoa izan behar da"
+ greater_than: "%{count} baino handiagoa izan behar da"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} baino handiago edo berdin izan behar da"
+ equal_to: "%{count} izan behar da"
+ less_than: "%{count} baino txikiago izan behar da"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} baino txikiago edo berdin izan behar da"
+ odd: "bakoitia izan behar du"
+ even: "bikoitia izan behar du"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Errore batek ezinezkoa egin du %{model} hau gordetzea"
+ other: "%{count} errorek ezinezkoa egiten dute %{model} hau gordetzea"
+ body: "Arazoak egon dira ondoko eremuekin:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "hartuta dago"
+ record_invalid: "Balioztatze arazoa: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Persian translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Persian translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Reza (reza@balatarin.com)
+# Rails 3 update by rbjarnason
- number:
- format:
- precision: 2
- separator: '٫'
- delimiter: '٬'
- currency:
- format:
- unit: 'ریال'
- format: '%n %u'
- separator: '٫'
- delimiter: '٬'
- precision: 0
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- human:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- storage_units: [بایت, کیلوبایت, مگابایت, گیگابایت, ترابایت]
default: "%Y/%m/%d"
short: "%m/%d"
long: "%e %B %Y"
- only_day: "%e"
day_names: [یکشنبه, دوشنبه, سهشنبه, چهارشنبه, پنجشنبه, جمعه, شنبه]
abbr_day_names: [ی, د, س, چ, پ, ج, ش]
month_names: [~, ژانویه, فوریه, مارس, آوریل, مه, ژوئن, ژوئیه, اوت, سپتامبر, اکتبر, نوامبر, دسامبر]
abbr_month_names: [~, ژانویه, فوریه, مارس, آوریل, مه, ژوئن, ژوئیه, اوت, سپتامبر, اکتبر, نوامبر, دسامبر]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A، %e %B %Y، ساعت %H:%M:%S (%Z)"
short: "%e %B، ساعت %H:%M"
long: "%e %B %Y، ساعت %H:%M"
- time: "%H:%M"
am: "قبل از ظهر"
pm: "بعد از ظهر"
- sentence_connector: "و"
- skip_last_comma: true
+ words_connector: "، "
+ two_words_connector: " و "
+ last_word_connector: "، و "
+ select:
+ prompt: "لطفا انتخاب کنید"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: '٫'
+ delimiter: '٬'
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ unit: 'ریال'
+ format: '%n %u'
+ separator: '٫'
+ delimiter: '٬'
+ precision: 0
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 1
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "بایت"
+ other: "بایت"
+ kb: "کیلوبایت"
+ mb: "مگابایت"
+ gb: "گیگابایت"
+ tb: "ترابایت"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: هزار
+ million: میلیون
+ billion: بیلیون
+ trillion: تریلیون
+ quadrillion: کادریلیون
half_a_minute: "نیم دقیقه"
- zero: "کمتر از ۱ ثانیه"
one: "۱ ثانیه"
other: "کمتر از %{count} ثانیه"
one: "بیش از ۱ سال"
other: "بیش از %{count} سال"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "حدود ۱ سال"
+ other: "حدود %{count} سال"
+ prompts:
+ year: "سال"
+ month: "ماه"
+ day: "روز"
+ hour: "ساعت"
+ minute: "دقیقه"
+ second: "ثانیه"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "لطفا انتخاب کنید"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model} ایجاد'
+ update: '%{model} بروز'
+ submit: '%{model} ذخیره'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "در لیست موجود نیست"
+ exclusion: "رزرو است"
+ invalid: "نامعتبر است"
+ confirmation: "با تایید نمیخواند"
+ accepted: "باید پذیرفته شود"
+ empty: "نمیتواند خالی باشد"
+ blank: "نباید خالی باشد"
+ too_long: "بلند است (حداکثر %{count} کاراکتر)"
+ too_short: "کوتاه است (حداقل %{count} کاراکتر)"
+ wrong_length: "نااندازه است (باید %{count} کاراکتر باشد)"
+ not_a_number: "عدد نیست"
+ not_an_integer: "عدد صحیح نیست"
+ greater_than: "باید بزرگتر از %{count} باشد"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "باید بزرگتر یا برابر %{count} باشد"
+ equal_to: "باید برابر %{count} باشد"
+ less_than: "باید کمتر از %{count} باشد"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "باید کمتر یا برابر %{count} باشد"
+ odd: "باید فرد باشد"
+ even: "باید زوج باشد"
- header:
+ header:
one: "1 خطا جلوی ذخیره این %{model} را گرفت"
other: "%{count} خطا جلوی ذخیره این %{model} را گرفت"
body: "موارد زیر مشکل داشت:"
- inclusion: "در لیست موجود نیست"
- exclusion: "رزرو است"
- invalid: "نامعتبر است"
- confirmation: "با تایید نمیخواند"
- accepted: "باید پذیرفته شود"
- empty: "نمیتواند خالی باشد"
- blank: "نباید خالی باشد"
- too_long: "بلند است (حداکثر %{count} کاراکتر)"
- too_short: "کوتاه است (حداقل %{count} کاراکتر)"
- wrong_length: "نااندازه است (باید %{count} کاراکتر باشد)"
taken: "پیشتر گرفته شده"
- not_a_number: "عدد نیست"
- greater_than: "باید بزرگتر از %{count} باشد"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "باید بزرگتر یا برابر %{count} باشد"
- equal_to: "باید برابر %{count} باشد"
- less_than: "باید کمتر از %{count} باشد"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "باید کمتر یا برابر %{count} باشد"
- odd: "باید فرد باشد"
- even: "باید زوج باشد"
- presence: "را فراموش کردهاید"
- format: "فرمت مشکل دارد"
+ record_invalid: "رکورد نامعتبر است %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# corrected by Petri Kivikangas (pkivik@gmail.com)
# corrected and amended by Niklas Laxström (niklas.laxstrom+rails@gmail.com) 2009
+# Rails 3 conversion by rbjarnason
day_names: [sunnuntai, maanantai, tiistai, keskiviikko, torstai, perjantai, lauantai]
abbr_day_names: [su, ma, ti, ke, to, pe, la]
month_names: [~, tammikuu, helmikuu, maaliskuu, huhtikuu, toukokuu, kesäkuu, heinäkuu, elokuu, syyskuu, lokakuu, marraskuu, joulukuu]
abbr_month_names: [~, tammi, helmi, maalis, huhti, touko, kesä, heinä, elo, syys, loka, marras, joulu]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " ja "
last_word_connector: " ja "
prompt: "Valitse"
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tuhatta
+ million: Euroa
+ billion: Miljardia
+ trillion: Biljoona
+ quadrillion: Kvadriljoona
minute: "Minuutti"
second: "Sekunti"
- # which one should it be
- #activemodel:
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Valitse"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Luo %{model}'
+ update: 'Päivitä %{model}'
+ submit: 'Tallenna %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "ei löydy listasta"
+ exclusion: "on varattu"
+ invalid: "on kelvoton"
+ confirmation: "ei vastaa varmennusta"
+ accepted: "täytyy olla hyväksytty"
+ empty: "ei voi olla tyhjä"
+ blank: "ei voi olla sisällötön"
+ too_long: "on liian pitkä (saa olla enintään %{count} merkkiä)"
+ too_short: "on liian lyhyt (oltava vähintään %{count} merkkiä)"
+ wrong_length: "on väärän pituinen (täytyy olla täsmälleen %{count} merkkiä)"
+ not_an_integer: "on kokonaisluku"
+ not_a_number: "ei ole luku"
+ greater_than: "täytyy olla suurempi kuin %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "täytyy olla suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin %{count}"
+ equal_to: "täytyy olla yhtä suuri kuin %{count}"
+ less_than: "täytyy olla pienempi kuin %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "täytyy olla pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin %{count}"
+ odd: "täytyy olla pariton"
+ even: "täytyy olla parillinen"
one: "Virhe syötteessä esti mallin %{model} tallentamisen"
other: "%{count} virhettä esti mallin %{model} tallentamisen"
body: "Seuraavat kentät aiheuttivat ongelmia:"
- #activerecord:
- #errors:
- inclusion: "ei löydy listasta"
- exclusion: "on varattu"
- invalid: "on kelvoton"
- confirmation: "ei vastaa varmennusta"
- accepted: "täytyy olla hyväksytty"
- empty: "ei voi olla tyhjä"
- blank: "ei voi olla sisällötön"
- too_long: "on liian pitkä (saa olla enintään %{count} merkkiä)"
- too_short: "on liian lyhyt (oltava vähintään %{count} merkkiä)"
- wrong_length: "on väärän pituinen (täytyy olla täsmälleen %{count} merkkiä)"
taken: "on jo käytössä"
- not_a_number: "ei ole luku"
- greater_than: "täytyy olla suurempi kuin %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "täytyy olla suurempi tai yhtä suuri kuin %{count}"
- equal_to: "täytyy olla yhtä suuri kuin %{count}"
- less_than: "täytyy olla pienempi kuin %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "täytyy olla pienempi tai yhtä suuri kuin %{count}"
- odd: "täytyy olla pariton"
- even: "täytyy olla parillinen"
record_invalid: "Validointi epäonnistui: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# French translations for Ruby on Rails
+# by Christian Lescuyer (christian@flyingcoders.com)
+# contributors:
+# - Sebastien Grosjean - ZenCocoon.com
+# - Bruno Michel - http://github.com/nono
+# - Tsutomu Kuroda - http://github.com/kuroda (t-kuroda@oiax.jp)
+# French Canadian adjustments
+# by Serafim Junior Dos Santos Fagundes <serafim@cyb3r.ca>
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%y-%m-%d"
+ long: "%d %B %Y"
+ day_names: [dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi]
+ abbr_day_names: [dim, lun, mar, mer, jeu, ven, sam]
+ month_names: [~, janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, jan., fév., mar., avr., mai, juin, juil., août, sept., oct., nov., déc.]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%H:%M:%S"
+ short: "%H:%M"
+ long: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M"
+ am: 'am'
+ pm: 'pm'
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "une demi-minute"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ zero: "moins d'une seconde"
+ one: "moins d'une seconde"
+ other: "moins de %{count} secondes"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 seconde"
+ other: "%{count} secondes"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ zero: "moins d'une minute"
+ one: "moins d'une minute"
+ other: "moins de %{count} minutes"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minute"
+ other: "%{count} minutes"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "environ une heure"
+ other: "environ %{count} heures"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 jour"
+ other: "%{count} jours"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "environ un mois"
+ other: "environ %{count} mois"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 mois"
+ other: "%{count} mois"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "environ un an"
+ other: "environ %{count} ans"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "plus d'un an"
+ other: "plus de %{count} ans"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "presqu'un an"
+ other: "presque %{count} ans"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Année"
+ month: "Mois"
+ day: "Jour"
+ hour: "Heure"
+ minute: "Minute"
+ second: "Seconde"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 2
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Octet"
+ other: "Octets"
+ kb: "ko"
+ mb: "Mo"
+ gb: "Go"
+ tb: "To"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Millier"
+ million: "Million"
+ billion: "Milliard"
+ trillion: "Mille milliard"
+ quadrillion: "Million de milliards"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " et "
+ last_word_connector: " et "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veuillez sélectionner"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veuillez sélectionner"
+ submit:
+ create: "Créer un %{model}"
+ update: "Modifier ce %{model}"
+ submit: "Enregistrer ce %{model}"
+ errors:
+ template: &errors_template
+ header:
+ one: "Impossible d'enregistrer ce %{model} : 1 erreur"
+ other: "Impossible d'enregistrer ce %{model} : %{count} erreurs"
+ body: "Veuillez vérifier les champs suivants : "
+ attributes:
+ created_at: "Créé le"
+ updated_at: "Modifié le"
+ errors:
+ format: "Le %{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "n'est pas inclus(e) dans la liste"
+ exclusion: "n'est pas disponible"
+ invalid: "n'est pas valide"
+ confirmation: "ne concorde pas avec la confirmation"
+ accepted: "doit être accepté(e)"
+ empty: "doit être rempli(e)"
+ blank: "doit être rempli(e)"
+ too_long: "est trop long (pas plus de %{count} caractères)"
+ too_short: "est trop court (au moins %{count} caractères)"
+ wrong_length: "ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter %{count} caractères)"
+ not_a_number: "n'est pas un nombre"
+ not_an_integer: "doit être un nombre entier"
+ greater_than: "doit être supérieur à %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "doit être supérieur ou égal à %{count}"
+ equal_to: "doit être égal à %{count}"
+ less_than: "doit être inférieur à %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "doit être inférieur ou égal à %{count}"
+ odd: "doit être impair"
+ even: "doit être pair"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ messages:
+ taken: "n'est pas disponible"
+ record_invalid: "La validation a échoué : %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ template:
+ <<: *errors_template
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# French (Switzerland) translations for Ruby on Rails
+# French (Switzerland) translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Yann Lugrin (yann.lugrin@sans-savoir.net, http://github.com/yannlugrin)
# original translation into French by Christian Lescuyer
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
- short: "%e. %b"
- long: "%e. %B %Y"
- long_ordinal: "%e %B %Y"
- only_day: "%e"
- day_names: [lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche]
- abbr_day_names: [lun, mar, mer, jeu, ven, sam, dim]
+ short: "%e %b"
+ long: "%e %B %Y"
+ day_names: [dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi]
+ abbr_day_names: [dim, lun, mar, mer, jeu, ven, sam]
month_names: [~, janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan., fév., mar., avr., mai, juin, juil., août, sept., oct., nov., déc.]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%d. %B %Y %H:%M"
- time: "%H:%M"
short: "%d. %b %H:%M"
long: "%A, %d. %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
- long_ordinal: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
- only_second: "%S"
- am: 'am'
- pm: 'pm'
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
- half_a_minute: "30 secondes"
+ half_a_minute: "une demi-minute"
+ zero: "moins d'une seconde"
one: "moins d'une seconde"
other: "moins de %{count} secondes"
one: "1 seconde"
other: "%{count} secondes"
+ zero: "moins d'une minute"
one: "moins d'une minute"
other: "moins de %{count} minutes"
one: "plus d'un an"
other: "plus de %{count} ans"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "presqu'un an"
+ other: "presque %{count} ans"
year: "Année"
month: "Mois"
hour: "Heure"
minute: "Minute"
second: "Seconde"
- precision: 3
- separator: '.'
+ separator: "."
delimiter: "'"
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: 'CHF'
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "CHF"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: "'"
precision: 2
- format: '%n %u'
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 2
- storage_units: [ Octet, ko, Mo, Go, To ]
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "octet"
+ other: "octets"
+ kb: "ko"
+ mb: "Mo"
+ gb: "Go"
+ tb: "To"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "millier"
+ million: "million"
+ billion: "milliard"
+ trillion: "billion"
+ quadrillion: "million de milliards"
- sentence_connector: 'et'
- skip_last_comma: true
- word_connector: ", "
+ words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " et "
last_word_connector: " et "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veuillez sélectionner"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veuillez sélectionner"
+ submit:
+ create: "Créer un %{model}"
+ update: "Modifier ce %{model}"
+ submit: "Enregistrer ce %{model}"
+ errors:
+ template: &errors_template
+ header:
+ one: "Impossible d'enregistrer ce %{model} : 1 erreur"
+ other: "Impossible d'enregistrer ce %{model} : %{count} erreurs"
+ body: "Veuillez vérifier les champs suivants : "
+ attributes:
+ created_at: "Créé le"
+ updated_at: "Modifié le"
+ errors:
+ format: "Le %{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "n'est pas inclus(e) dans la liste"
+ exclusion: "n'est pas disponible"
+ invalid: "n'est pas valide"
+ confirmation: "ne concorde pas avec la confirmation"
+ accepted: "doit être accepté(e)"
+ empty: "doit être rempli(e)"
+ blank: "doit être rempli(e)"
+ too_long: "est trop long (pas plus de %{count} caractères)"
+ too_short: "est trop court (au moins %{count} caractères)"
+ wrong_length: "ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter %{count} caractères)"
+ not_a_number: "n'est pas un nombre"
+ not_an_integer: "doit être un nombre entier"
+ greater_than: "doit être supérieur à %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "doit être supérieur ou égal à %{count}"
+ equal_to: "doit être égal à %{count}"
+ less_than: "doit être inférieur à %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "doit être inférieur ou égal à %{count}"
+ odd: "doit être impair"
+ even: "doit être pair"
- template:
- header:
- one: "Impossible d'enregistrer %{model}: 1 erreur"
- other: "Impossible d'enregistrer %{model}: %{count} erreurs."
- body: "Veuillez vérifier les champs suivants :"
- inclusion: "n'est pas inclus(e) dans la liste"
- exclusion: "n'est pas disponible"
- invalid: "n'est pas valide"
- confirmation: "ne concorde pas avec la confirmation"
- accepted: "doit être accepté(e)"
- empty: "doit être rempli(e)"
- blank: "doit être rempli(e)"
- too_long: "est trop long (pas plus de %{count} caractères)"
- too_short: "est trop court (au moins %{count} caractères)"
- wrong_length: "ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter %{count} caractères)"
taken: "n'est pas disponible"
- not_a_number: "n'est pas un nombre"
- greater_than: "doit être supérieur à %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "doit être supérieur ou égal à %{count}"
- equal_to: "doit être égal à %{count}"
- less_than: "doit être inférieur à %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "doit être inférieur ou égal à %{count}"
- odd: "doit être impair"
- even: "doit être pair"
+ record_invalid: "La validation a échoué : %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ template:
+ <<: *errors_template
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# French translations for Ruby on Rails
+# French translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Christian Lescuyer (christian@flyingcoders.com)
-# contributor: Sebastien Grosjean - ZenCocoon.com
+# contributors:
+# - Sebastien Grosjean - ZenCocoon.com
+# - Bruno Michel - http://github.com/nono
+# - Tsutomu Kuroda - http://github.com/kuroda (t-kuroda@oiax.jp)
default: "%d/%m/%Y"
short: "%e %b"
long: "%e %B %Y"
- long_ordinal: "%e %B %Y"
- only_day: "%e"
day_names: [dimanche, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi]
abbr_day_names: [dim, lun, mar, mer, jeu, ven, sam]
month_names: [~, janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan., fév., mar., avr., mai, juin, juil., août, sept., oct., nov., déc.]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
- default: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
- time: "%H:%M"
+ default: "%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- long: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
- long_ordinal: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
- only_second: "%S"
+ long: "%A %d %B %Y %H:%M"
am: 'am'
pm: 'pm'
half_a_minute: "une demi-minute"
zero: "moins d'une seconde"
- one: "moins de 1 seconde"
+ one: "moins d'une seconde"
other: "moins de %{count} secondes"
one: "1 seconde"
other: "%{count} secondes"
- zero: "moins d'une minute"
- one: "moins de 1 minute"
+ zero: "moins d'une minute"
+ one: "moins d'une minute"
other: "moins de %{count} minutes"
one: "1 minute"
one: "plus d'un an"
other: "plus de %{count} ans"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "presqu'un an"
+ other: "presque %{count} ans"
year: "Année"
month: "Mois"
hour: "Heure"
minute: "Minute"
second: "Seconde"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
precision: 3
- separator: ','
- delimiter: ' '
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: '€'
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "€"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
precision: 2
- format: '%n %u'
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 2
- # Rails <= v2.2.2
- # storage_units: [octet, kb, Mb, Gb, Tb]
- # Rails >= v2.3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
mb: "Mo"
gb: "Go"
tb: "To"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "millier"
+ million: "million"
+ billion: "milliard"
+ trillion: "billion"
+ quadrillion: "million de milliards"
- sentence_connector: 'et'
- skip_last_comma: true
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " et "
last_word_connector: " et "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veuillez sélectionner"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veuillez sélectionner"
+ submit:
+ create: "Créer un %{model}"
+ update: "Modifier ce %{model}"
+ submit: "Enregistrer ce %{model}"
+ attributes:
+ created_at: "Créé le"
+ updated_at: "Modifié le"
+ errors:
+ format: "Le %{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "n'est pas inclus(e) dans la liste"
+ exclusion: "n'est pas disponible"
+ invalid: "n'est pas valide"
+ confirmation: "ne concorde pas avec la confirmation"
+ accepted: "doit être accepté(e)"
+ empty: "doit être rempli(e)"
+ blank: "doit être rempli(e)"
+ too_long: "est trop long (pas plus de %{count} caractères)"
+ too_short: "est trop court (au moins %{count} caractères)"
+ wrong_length: "ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter %{count} caractères)"
+ not_a_number: "n'est pas un nombre"
+ not_an_integer: "doit être un nombre entier"
+ greater_than: "doit être supérieur à %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "doit être supérieur ou égal à %{count}"
+ equal_to: "doit être égal à %{count}"
+ less_than: "doit être inférieur à %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "doit être inférieur ou égal à %{count}"
+ odd: "doit être impair"
+ even: "doit être pair"
+ template: &errors_template
+ header:
+ one: "Impossible d'enregistrer ce %{model} : 1 erreur"
+ other: "Impossible d'enregistrer ce %{model} : %{count} erreurs"
+ body: "Veuillez vérifier les champs suivants : "
- template:
- header:
- one: "Impossible d'enregistrer %{model}: 1 erreur"
- other: "Impossible d'enregistrer %{model}: %{count} erreurs."
- body: "Veuillez vérifier les champs suivants :"
- inclusion: "n'est pas inclus(e) dans la liste"
- exclusion: "n'est pas disponible"
- invalid: "n'est pas valide"
- confirmation: "ne concorde pas avec la confirmation"
- accepted: "doit être accepté(e)"
- empty: "doit être rempli(e)"
- blank: "doit être rempli(e)"
- too_long: "est trop long (pas plus de %{count} caractères)"
- too_short: "est trop court (au moins %{count} caractères)"
- wrong_length: "ne fait pas la bonne longueur (doit comporter %{count} caractères)"
taken: "n'est pas disponible"
- not_a_number: "n'est pas un nombre"
- greater_than: "doit être supérieur à %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "doit être supérieur ou égal à %{count}"
- equal_to: "doit être égal à %{count}"
- less_than: "doit être inférieur à %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "doit être inférieur ou égal à %{count}"
- odd: "doit être impair"
- even: "doit être pair"
record_invalid: "La validation a échoué : %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ template:
+ <<: *errors_template
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Friulian translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Friulian translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Andrea Decorte (adecorte@gmail.com)
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 3
format: "%n %u"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # precision:
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
month_names: [~, Zenâr, Fevrâr, Març, Avrîl, Mai, Jugn, Lui, Avost, Setembar, Otubar, Novembar, Dicembar]
abbr_month_names: [~, Zen, Fev, Mar, Avr, Mai, Jug, Lui, Avo, Set, Otu, Nov, Dic]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%a %d di %b dal %Y, %H:%M:%S %z"
short: "%d di %b %H:%M"
long: "%d di %B %Y %H:%M"
am: 'am'
pm: 'pm'
half_a_minute: "mieç minût"
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " e "
last_word_connector: ", e "
- header:
+ header:
one: "No si pues salvâ chest %{model}: 1 erôr"
other: "No si pues salvâ chest %{model}: %{count} erôrs."
body: "Torne par plasê a controlâ i cjamps ca sot:"
less_than: "al à di jessi mancul di %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "al à di jessi mancul o compagn di %{count}"
odd: "al à di jessi dispar"
- even: "al à di jessi pâr"
\ No newline at end of file
+ even: "al à di jessi pâr"
# Usado en number_with_delimiter()
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
precision: 2
# Usado en number_to_currency()
# %u é a unidade monetaria, %n o número
# 1 euro sería 1.00 €
- format: "%n %u"
- unit: "€"
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "€"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
precision: 2
# Usado en number_to_percentage()
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
# Usado en number_to_precision()
# separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Usado en number_to_human_size()
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 1
# Se estás a usar Rails <= 2.2.2
# storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
# active_support
abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mer, Xov, Ven, Sab]
month_names: [~, Xaneiro, Febreiro, Marzo, Abril, Maio, Xuño, Xullo, Agosto, Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Decembro]
abbr_month_names: [~, Xan, Feb, Mar, Abr, Mai, Xuñ, Xul, Ago, Set, Out, Nov, Dec]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# Podes engadir máis formatos nesta lista ou cambiar os aquí definidos
am: ''
pm: ''
# Usados en distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
today: 'hoxe'
tomorrow: 'mañá'
in: 'dentro de'
# Se estás a usar Rails <= 2.2.2
# user:
# login: "Aceso"
# traducirá o atribute login do modelo User como "Aceso"
odd: "debe ser par"
even: "debe ser impar"
# Engade aquí os teus propios mensaxes de erro ou no ámbito modelo/atributo
# Podes definir os teus propios erros para modelos ou para os atributos dun modelo
# Os valores :model, :attribute e :value están sempre dispoñibles para a interpolación
--- /dev/null
+# Swiss German (Switzerland) translations for Ruby on Rails
+# by Florian Hanke (florian.hanke@gmail.com).
+# Adapted from de-CH by Clemens Kofler (clemens@railway.at).
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d.%m.%Y"
+ short: "%e. %b"
+ long: "%e. %B %Y"
+ only_day: "%e"
+ day_names: [Sunntig, Mäntig, Ziischtig, Mittwuch, Dunnschtig, Friitig, Samschtig]
+ abbr_day_names: [Su, Mä, Zi, Mi, Du, Fr, Sa]
+ month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, März, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, Auguscht, Septämber, Oktober, Novämber, Dezämber]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mär, Apr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dez]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M"
+ short: "%d. %B, %H:%M"
+ long: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M"
+ time: "%H:%M"
+ am: "am Vormittaag"
+ pm: "am Namitaag"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: 'ä halbi Minuutä'
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: 'weniger als ä Sekundä'
+ other: 'weniger als %{count} Sekundä'
+ x_seconds:
+ one: 'ä Sekunde'
+ other: '%{count} Sekunde'
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: 'weniger als ä Minuutä'
+ other: 'weniger als %{count} Minuutä'
+ x_minutes:
+ one: 'ä Minutä'
+ other: '%{count} Minutä'
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: 'öppe nä Schtund'
+ other: 'öppe nä %{count} Schtund'
+ x_days:
+ one: 'än Taag'
+ other: '%{count} Taag'
+ about_x_months:
+ one: 'öppe än Monät'
+ other: 'öppe %{count} Mönet'
+ x_months:
+ one: 'än Monät'
+ other: '%{count} Mönet'
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: 'fascht äs Jaar'
+ other: 'fascht %{count} Jaar'
+ about_x_years:
+ one: 'öppe näs Jaar'
+ other: 'öppe %{count} Jaar'
+ over_x_years:
+ one: 'meh als äs Jaar'
+ other: 'meh als %{count} Jaar'
+ prompts:
+ second: "Sekundä"
+ minute: "Minutä"
+ hour: "Schtund"
+ day: "Taag"
+ month: "Monät"
+ year: "Jaar"
+ number:
+ format:
+ precision: 2
+ separator: '.'
+ delimiter: "'"
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ unit: 'SFr.'
+ format: '%u %n'
+ separator: '.'
+ delimiter: "'"
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: "'"
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 1
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ # Storage units output formatting.
+ # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte" # Bäit
+ other: "Bytes" # Bäits
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tuusig
+ million: Milioon
+ billion: Bilioon
+ trillion: Trilioon
+ quadrillion: Quadrilioon
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " und "
+ last_word_connector: " und "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Bitte wääle:"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Bitte wääle"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model} erschtele'
+ update: '%{model} ändere'
+ submit: '%{model} schpeichere'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "isch kän gültige Wert"
+ exclusion: "isch nöd ume"
+ invalid: "isch nöd gültig"
+ confirmation: "isch nöd gliich wie'd Beschtätigung"
+ accepted: "mues akzeptiert werdä"
+ empty: "mues uusgfüllt werdä"
+ blank: "mues uusgfüllt werdä"
+ too_long: "isch z'lang (nöd mee als %{count} Zeiche)"
+ too_short: "isch z'churz (nöd weniger als %{count} Zeiche)"
+ wrong_length: "hät di falsch Längi (mues genau %{count} Zeiche haa)"
+ not_a_number: "isch kä Nummerä"
+ not_an_integer: "isch kä Zaal"
+ greater_than: "mues grösser als %{count} sii"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "mues grösser oder gliich wi %{count} sii"
+ equal_to: "mues genau %{count} sii"
+ less_than: "mues chliiner als %{count} sii"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "mues chliiner oder gliich %{count} sii"
+ odd: "mues ungraad sii"
+ even: "mues graad sii"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Han's %{model} nöd schpeichere chönne: än Fehler."
+ other: "Han's %{model} näd schpeichere chönne: %{count} Fehler."
+ body: "Bitte überprüefed Si die Felder:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "isch bereits vergää"
+ record_invalid: "Gültigkeitsprüefig hät fehlgschlage: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Hebrew translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Hebrew translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Dotan Nahum (dipidi@gmail.com)
+# Rails 3 update by rbjarnason
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
day_names: [ראשון, שני, שלישי, רביעי, חמישי, שישי, שבת]
abbr_day_names: [א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ש]
month_names: [~, ינואר, פברואר, מרץ, אפריל, מאי, יוני, יולי, אוגוסט, ספטמבר, אוקטובר, נובמבר, דצמבר]
abbr_month_names: [~, יאנ, פב, מרץ, אפר, מאי, יונ, יול, אוג, ספט, אוק, נוב, דצ]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
only_second: "%S"
- datetime:
- formats:
- default: "%d-%m-%YT%H:%M:%S%Z"
- am: 'am'
- pm: 'pm'
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " את "
+ last_word_connector: ", את "
+ select:
+ prompt: "נא לבחור"
+ number:
+ format:
+ precision: 3
+ separator: '.'
+ delimiter: ','
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ unit: 'שח'
+ precision: 2
+ format: '%u %n'
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "בתים"
+ other: "בתים"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: אלף
+ million: מיליון
+ billion: מיליארד
+ trillion: טריליון
+ quadrillion: קודריליון
half_a_minute: 'חצי דקה'
one: 'מעל שנה אחת'
other: 'מעל %{count} שנים'
- number:
- format:
- precision: 3
- separator: '.'
- delimiter: ','
- currency:
- format:
- unit: 'שח'
- precision: 2
- format: '%u %n'
- active_record:
- error:
- header_message: ["לא ניתן לשמור %{model}: שגיאה אחת", "לא ניתן לשמור %{model}: %{count} שגיאות."]
- message: "אנא בדוק את השדות הבאים:"
- error_messages:
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "כמעט שנה"
+ other: "כמעט %{count} שנים"
+ prompts:
+ year: "שנה"
+ month: "חודש"
+ day: "יום"
+ hour: "שעה"
+ minute: "דקה"
+ second: "שניות"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "נא לבחור"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model} יצירת'
+ update: '%{model} עדכון'
+ submit: '%{model} שמור'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
inclusion: "לא נכלל ברשימה"
exclusion: "לא זמין"
invalid: "לא ולידי"
too_long: "יותר מדי ארוך (לא יותר מ- %{count} תוים)"
too_short: "יותר מדי קצר (לא יותר מ- %{count} תוים)"
wrong_length: "לא באורך הנכון (חייב להיות %{count} תוים)"
- taken: "לא זמין"
not_a_number: "הוא לא מספר"
+ not_an_integer: "must be an integer"
greater_than: "חייב להיות גדול מ- %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "חייב להיות גדול או שווה ל- %{count}"
equal_to: "חייב להיות שווה ל- %{count}"
less_than: "חייב להיות קטן מ- %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "חייב להיות קטן או שווה ל- %{count}"
odd: "חייב להיות אי זוגי"
- even: "חייב להיות זוגי"
\ No newline at end of file
+ even: "חייב להיות זוגי"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "לא ניתן לשמור %{model}: שגיאה אחת"
+ other: "לא ניתן לשמור %{model}: %{count} שגיאות."
+ body: "אנא בדוק את השדות הבאים:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "לא זמין"
+ record_invalid: "אימות נכשל: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# Hindi (India) translations for Rails
+# by Aditya Sanghi (aditya.sanghi@risingsuntech.net)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d-%m-%Y"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
+ day_names: [रविवार, सोमवार, मंगलवार, बुधवार, गुरुवार, शुक्रवार, शनिवार]
+ abbr_day_names: [रवि, सोम, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि]
+ month_names: [~, जनवरी, फरवरी, मार्च, अप्रैल, मई, जून, जुलाई, अगस्त, सितंबर, अक्टूबर, नवंबर, दिसंबर]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " और "
+ last_word_connector: ", और "
+ select:
+ prompt: "कृपया चुनें"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "हज़ार"
+ million: "मिल्लिओंन"
+ billion: "अरब"
+ trillion: "खरब"
+ quadrillion: "करोड़ शंख"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "एक आधा मिनट"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "एक सेकंड से कम"
+ other: "%{count} सेकंड से कम"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "एक सेकंड"
+ other: "%{count} सेकंड"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "एक मिनट से कम"
+ other: "%{count} मिनट से कम"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "एक मिनट"
+ other: "%{count} मिनट"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "लग - भग एक घंटा"
+ other: "लग - भग %{count} घंटा"
+ x_days:
+ one: "एक दिन"
+ other: "%{count} दिन"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "लग - भग 1 महीना"
+ other: "लग - भग %{count} महीना"
+ x_months:
+ one: "एक महीना"
+ other: "%{count} महीना"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "लग - भग 1 साल"
+ other: "लग - भग %{count} साल"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "एक साल के ऊपर"
+ other: "%{count} साल के ऊपर"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "लग - भग एक साल"
+ other: "लग - भग %{count} साल"
+ prompts:
+ year: "वर्ष"
+ month: "माह"
+ day: "दिन"
+ hour: "घंटा"
+ minute: "क्षण"
+ second: "सेकंड"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "कृपया चुनें"
+ submit:
+ create: 'बनाएँ %{model}'
+ update: 'अद्यतन %{model}'
+ submit: 'सहेजें %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "सूची में शामिल नहीं है"
+ exclusion: "आरक्षित है"
+ invalid: "अवैध है"
+ confirmation: "पुष्टिकरण मेल नहीं खाता"
+ accepted: "होना स्वीकार किया जाना आवश्यक"
+ empty: "खाली नहीं किया जा सकता"
+ blank: "खाली नहीं किया जा सकता"
+ too_long: "बहुत लंबा है (अधिकतम %{count} अक्षरों है)"
+ too_short: "बहुत छोटा है (न्यूनतम %{count} अक्षरों है)"
+ wrong_length: "गलत लंबाई है (%{count} वर्ण वाले होने चाहिए)"
+ not_a_number: "कोई संख्या नहीं है"
+ not_an_integer: "एक पूर्णांक होना चाहिए"
+ greater_than: "%{count} से अधिक होना चाहिए"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} से बड़ा या बराबर होना आवश्यक है"
+ equal_to: "%{count} के लिए बराबर होना चाहिए"
+ less_than: "%{count} से कम होना चाहिए"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} से कम या बराबर होना आवश्यक है"
+ odd: "विषम होना चाहिए"
+ even: "सम होना चाहिए"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "एक त्रुटि सहेजे जाने से इस %{model} को निषिद्ध"
+ other: "%{count} त्रुटियों को सहेजे जाने से इस %{model} निषिद्ध"
+ body: "वहाँ निम्नलिखित क्षेत्रों के साथ समस्याओं रहे थे:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "पहले ही ले लिया गया है"
+ record_invalid: "सत्यापन विफल: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
--- /dev/null
+# Hindi (hi) translations for Rails
+# by Rajesh Ranjan (rajesh672@gmail.com)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d-%m-%Y"
+ short: "%b %d"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
+ day_names: [रविवार, सोमवार, मंगलवार, बुधवार, गुरुवार, शुक्रवार, शनिवार]
+ abbr_day_names: [रवि, सोम, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि]
+ month_names: [~, जनवरी, फरवरी, मार्च, अप्रैल, मई, जून, जुलाई, अगस्त, सितंबर, अक्टूबर, नवंबर, दिसंबर]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, जन, फर, मार्च, अप्रै, मई, जून, जुला, अग, सितं, अक्टू, नवं, दिस]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "पूर्वाह्न"
+ pm: "अपराह्न"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " और "
+ last_word_connector: ", और "
+ select:
+ prompt: "कृपया चुनें"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "$"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "हज़ार"
+ million: "दस करोड़"
+ billion: "अरब"
+ trillion: "खरब"
+ quadrillion: "करोड़ शंख"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "एक आधा मिनट"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "एक सेकेंड से कम"
+ other: "%{count} सेकेंड से कम"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "एक सेकेंड"
+ other: "%{count} सेकेंड"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "एक मिनट से कम"
+ other: "%{count} मिनट से कम"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "एक मिनट"
+ other: "%{count} मिनट"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "लगभग एक घंटा"
+ other: "लगभग %{count} घंटा"
+ x_days:
+ one: "एक दिन"
+ other: "%{count} दिन"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "लगभग 1 महीना"
+ other: "लगभग %{count} महीना"
+ x_months:
+ one: "एक महीना"
+ other: "%{count} महीना"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "लगभग 1 साल"
+ other: "लगभग %{count} साल"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "एक साल के ऊपर"
+ other: "%{count} साल से अधिक"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "लगभग एक साल"
+ other: "लगभग %{count} साल"
+ prompts:
+ year: "वर्ष"
+ month: "माह"
+ day: "दिन"
+ hour: "घंटा"
+ minute: "मिनट"
+ second: "सेकेंड"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "कृपया चुनें"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model} बनाएँ'
+ update: '%{model} अद्यतन'
+ submit: '%{model} सौंपें'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "सूची में शामिल नहीं है"
+ exclusion: "आरक्षित है"
+ invalid: "अवैध है"
+ confirmation: "पुष्टिकरण मेल नहीं खाता"
+ accepted: "स्वीकार किया जाना जरूरी"
+ empty: "रिक्त नहीं रह सकता है"
+ blank: "खाली नहीं रह सकता है"
+ too_long: "अत्यधिक लंबा है (अधिकतम %{count} वर्ण हैं)"
+ too_short: "अत्यधिक छोटा है (न्यूनतम %{count} वर्ण हैं)"
+ wrong_length: "गलत लंबाई है (%{count} वर्ण युक्त होना चाहिए)"
+ not_a_number: "कोई संख्या नहीं है"
+ not_an_integer: "एक पूर्णांक होना चाहिए"
+ greater_than: "%{count} से अधिक होना चाहिए"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} से बड़ा या बराबर होना आवश्यक है"
+ equal_to: "%{count} के लिए बराबर होना चाहिए"
+ less_than: "%{count} से कम होना चाहिए"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "%{count} से कम या बराबर होना आवश्यक है"
+ odd: "विसम होना चाहिए"
+ even: "सम होना चाहिए"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "इस %{model} को सहेजे जाना एक त्रुटि के कारण नहीं हुआ"
+ other: "इस %{model} को सहेजे जाना %{count} त्रुटि के कारण नहीं हुआ"
+ body: "निम्नलिखित क्षेत्रों के साथ समस्या थी:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "पहले ही ले लिया गया है"
+ record_invalid: "सत्यापन विफल: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
abbr_day_names: [Ned, Pon, Uto, Sre, Čet, Pet, Sub]
month_names: [~, Siječanj, Veljača, Ožujak, Travanj, Svibanj, Lipanj, Srpanj, Kolovoz, Rujan, Listopad, Studeni, Prosinac]
abbr_month_names: [~, Sij, Vel, Ožu, Tra, Svi, Lip, Srp, Kol, Ruj, Lis, Stu, Pro]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
abbr_day_names: [Nj, Pó, Wu, Sr, Št, Pj, So]
month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, Měrc, Apryl, Meja, Junij, Julij, Awgust, September, Oktober, Nowember, December]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, měr, apr, mej, jun, jul, awg, sep, okt, now, dec]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# Time
accepted: "dyrbi so wobkrućić"
empty: "njesmě prózdny być"
blank: "je trěbny"
- too_long:
+ too_long:
one: "je předołhi (maks. 1 znamješko)"
two: "je předołhi (maks. %{count} znamješce)"
few: "je předołhi (maks. %{count} znamješka)"
other: "je předołhi (maks. %{count} znamješkow)"
- too_short:
+ too_short:
one: "je překrótki (min. 1 znamješko)"
two: "je překrótki (min. %{count} znamješće)"
few: "je překrótki (min. %{count} znamješka)"
-# Hungarian translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Hungarian translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Richard Abonyi (richard.abonyi@gmail.com)
# thanks to KKata, replaced and #hup.hu
# Cleaned up by László Bácsi (http://lackac.hu)
abbr_day_names: [v., h., k., sze., cs., p., szo.]
month_names: [~, január, február, március, április, május, június, július, augusztus, szeptember, október, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan., febr., márc., ápr., máj., jún., júl., aug., szept., okt., nov., dec.]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
last_word_connector: " és "
# default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- prompt: "Válasszon"
\ No newline at end of file
+ prompt: "Válasszon"
-# Indonesian translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Indonesian translations for Ruby on Rails
# by wynst (wynst.uei@gmail.com)
default: "%d %B %Y"
long: "%A, %d %B %Y"
short: "%d.%m.%Y"
- day_names: [Minggu,Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jum'at, Sabtu]
- abbr_day_names: [Minggu,Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jum'at, Sabtu]
+ day_names: [Minggu, Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jum'at, Sabtu]
+ abbr_day_names: [Min, Sen, Sel, Rab, Kam, Jum, Sab]
month_names: [~, Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Mei, Jun, Jul, Agu, Sep, Okt, Nov, Des]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
short: "%d %b %H.%M"
long: "%d %B %Y %H.%M"
time: "%H:%M"
am: "am"
pm: "pm"
delimiter: "."
separator: ","
precision: 2
format: "%n. %u"
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 2
delimiter: "."
delimiter: "."
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
separator: ","
precision: 1
storage_units: [Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB]
half_a_minute: "setengah menit"
one: "hampir setahun"
other: "hampir %{count} tahun"
# Icelandic, by Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avarab@gmail.com>
- number:
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- format:
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: ","
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: "."
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
- precision: 2
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- currency:
- format:
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- format: "%u %n"
- unit: "kr."
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- #separator: ","
- #delimiter: "."
- #precision: 2
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- human:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- storage_units:
- # Storage units output formatting.
- # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- one: "bæti"
- other: "bæti"
- kb: "KB"
- mb: "MB"
- gb: "GB"
- tb: "TB"
- # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
- # When no format has been given, it uses default.
- # You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
short: "%e. %b"
long: "%e. %B %Y"
day_names: [sunnudaginn, mánudaginn, þriðjudaginn, miðvikudaginn, fimmtudaginn, föstudaginn, laugardaginn]
abbr_day_names: [sun, mán, þri, mið, fim, fös, lau]
- # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, janúar, febrúar, mars, apríl, maí, júní, júlí, ágúst, september, október, nóvember, desember]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maí, jún, júl, ágú, sep, okt, nóv, des]
- # Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
am: ""
pm: ""
- # Used in array.to_sentence.
- sentence_connector: "og"
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " og "
last_word_connector: " og "
- skip_last_comma: true
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veldu"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "kr."
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "bæti"
+ other: "bæti"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: þúsund
+ million: milljón
+ billion: billjón
+ trillion: trilljón
+ quadrillion: grasilljón
half_a_minute: "hálf mínúta"
one: "meira en 1 ár"
other: "meira en %{count} ár"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "næstum 1 ár"
+ other: "næstum %{count} ár"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Ár"
+ month: "Mánuður"
+ day: "Dagur"
+ hour: "Klukkustund"
+ minute: "Mínúta"
+ second: "Sekónda"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Veldu"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Búa til %{model}'
+ update: 'Uppfæra %{model}'
+ submit: 'Geyma %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "er ekki í listanum"
+ exclusion: "er frátekið"
+ invalid: "er ógilt"
+ confirmation: "er ekki jafngilt staðfestingunni"
+ accepted: "þarf að vera tekið gilt"
+ empty: "má ekki vera tómt"
+ blank: "má ekki innihalda auða stafi"
+ too_long: "er of langt (má mest vera %{count} stafir)"
+ too_short: "er of stutt (má minnst vera %{count} stafir)"
+ wrong_length: "er af rangri lengd (má mest vera %{count} stafir)"
+ not_a_number: "er ekki tala"
+ not_an_integer: "verður að vera heiltala"
+ greater_than: "þarf að vera stærri en %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "þarf að vera stærri en eða jafngilt %{count}"
+ equal_to: "þarf að vera jafngilt %{count}"
+ less_than: "þarf að vera minna en %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "þarf að vera minna en eða jafngilt %{count}"
+ odd: "þarf að vera oddatala"
+ even: "þarf að vera slétt tala"
- header:
+ header:
one: "Ekki var hægt að vista %{model} vegna einnar villu."
other: "Ekki var hægt að vista %{model} vegna %{count} villna."
body: "Upp kom vandamál í eftirfarandi dálkum:"
- inclusion: "er ekki í listanum"
- exclusion: "er frátekið"
- invalid: "er ógilt"
- confirmation: "er ekki jafngilt staðfestingunni"
- accepted: "þarf að vera tekið gilt"
- empty: "má ekki vera tómt"
- blank: "má ekki innihalda auða stafi"
- too_long: "er of langt (má mest vera %{count} stafir)"
- too_short: "er of stutt (má minnst vera %{count} stafir)"
- wrong_length: "er af rangri lengd (má mest vera %{count} stafir)"
taken: "er þegar í notkun"
- not_a_number: "er ikke et tall"
- greater_than: "þarf að vera stærri en %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "þarf að vera stærri en eða jafngilt %{count}"
- equal_to: "þarf að vera jafngilt %{count}"
- less_than: "þarf að vera minna en %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "þarf að vera minna en eða jafngilt %{count}"
- odd: "þarf að vera oddatala"
- even: "þarf að vera slétt tala"
+ record_invalid: "Villur: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Italian translations for Ruby on Rails
-# by Claudio Poli (masterkain@gmail.com)
-# maintained by Simone Carletti (weppos@weppos.net)
+# Italian translations for Ruby on Rails
-# This localization file targets Rails 2.3.2.
-# If you need a previous version go to http://github.com/weppos/rails-i18n/
-# and choose between available tags.
+# Contributors:
+# - Claudio Poli (masterkain@gmail.com)
+# - Simone Carletti (weppos@weppos.net)
+# - Davide Guerri (d.guerri@caspur.it)
- separator: ","
- delimiter: "."
- precision: 3
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ separator: "."
format: "%n %u"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # precision:
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
mb: "Mb"
gb: "Gb"
tb: "Tb"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Mila"
+ million: "Milioni"
+ billion: "Miliardi"
+ trillion: "Bilioni"
+ quadrillion: "Biliardi"
month_names: [~, Gennaio, Febbraio, Marzo, Aprile, Maggio, Giugno, Luglio, Agosto, Settembre, Ottobre, Novembre, Dicembre]
abbr_month_names: [~, Gen, Feb, Mar, Apr, Mag, Giu, Lug, Ago, Set, Ott, Nov, Dic]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%a %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S %z"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
am: 'am'
pm: 'pm'
half_a_minute: "mezzo minuto"
one: "oltre un anno"
other: "oltre %{count} anni"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "circa 1 anno"
+ other: "circa %{count} anni"
year: "Anno"
month: "Mese"
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " e "
- last_word_connector: ", e "
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "Non posso salvare questo %{model}: 1 errore"
- other: "Non posso salvare questo %{model}: %{count} errori."
- body: "Per favore ricontrolla i seguenti campi:"
- messages:
+ last_word_connector: " e "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Per favore, seleziona"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Per favore, seleziona"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Crea %{model}'
+ update: 'Aggiorna %{model}'
+ submit: 'Invia %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
inclusion: "non è incluso nella lista"
exclusion: "è riservato"
invalid: "non è valido"
accepted: "deve essere accettata"
empty: "non può essere vuoto"
blank: "non può essere lasciato in bianco"
- too_long: "è troppo lungo (il massimo è %{count} lettere)"
- too_short: "è troppo corto (il minimo è %{count} lettere)"
- wrong_length: "è della lunghezza sbagliata (deve essere di %{count} lettere)"
- taken: "è già in uso"
+ too_long:
+ one: "è troppo lungo (il massimo è 1 carattere)"
+ other: "è troppo lungo (il massimo è %{count} caratteri)"
+ too_short:
+ one: "è troppo corto (il minimo è 1 carattere)"
+ other: "è troppo corto (il minimo è %{count} caratteri)"
+ wrong_length:
+ one: "è della lunghezza sbagliata (deve essere di 1 carattere)"
+ other: "è della lunghezza sbagliata (deve essere di %{count} caratteri)"
not_a_number: "non è un numero"
+ not_an_integer: "non è un intero"
greater_than: "deve essere superiore a %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "deve essere superiore o uguale a %{count}"
equal_to: "deve essere uguale a %{count}"
less_than: "deve essere meno di %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "deve essere meno o uguale a %{count}"
odd: "deve essere dispari"
- even: "deve essere pari"
\ No newline at end of file
+ even: "deve essere pari"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Non posso salvare questo %{model}: 1 errore"
+ other: "Non posso salvare questo %{model}: %{count} errori."
+ body: "Per favore ricontrolla i seguenti campi:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "è già in uso"
+ record_invalid: "Validazione fallita: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# Japanese translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Akira Matsuda (ronnie@dio.jp)
# AR error messages are basically taken from Ruby-GetText-Package. Thanks to Masao Mutoh.
+# contributors:
+# - Tsutomu Kuroda (t-kuroda@oiax.jp)
month_names: [~, 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月]
abbr_month_names: [~, 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月]
- order: [:year, :month, :day]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
unit: "円"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
- precision: 0
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n%u"
gb: "ギガバイト"
tb: "テラバイト"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "千"
+ million: "百万"
+ billion: "十億"
+ trillion: "兆"
+ quadrillion: "千兆"
half_a_minute: "30秒前後"
one: "1ヶ月"
other: "%{count}ヶ月"
- one: "約%{count}年"
+ one: "約1年"
other: "約%{count}年"
- one: "%{count}年以上"
+ one: "1年以上"
other: "%{count}年以上"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "1年弱"
+ other: "%{count}年弱"
+ prompts:
+ year: "年"
+ month: "月"
+ day: "日"
+ hour: "時"
+ minute: "分"
+ second: "秒"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "選択してください。"
+ submit:
+ create: "登録する"
+ update: "更新する"
+ submit: "保存する"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "は一覧にありません。"
+ exclusion: "は予約されています。"
+ invalid: "は不正な値です。"
+ confirmation: "が一致しません。"
+ accepted: "を受諾してください。"
+ empty: "を入力してください。"
+ blank: "を入力してください。"
+ too_long: "は%{count}文字以内で入力してください。"
+ too_short: "は%{count}文字以上で入力してください。"
+ wrong_length: "は%{count}文字で入力してください。"
+ not_a_number: "は数値で入力してください。"
+ not_an_integer: "は整数で入力してください。"
+ greater_than: "は%{count}より大きい値にしてください。"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "は%{count}以上の値にしてください。"
+ equal_to: "は%{count}にしてください。"
+ less_than: "は%{count}より小さい値にしてください。"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "は%{count}以下の値にしてください。"
+ odd: "は奇数にしてください。"
+ even: "は偶数にしてください。"
body: "次の項目を確認してください。"
- inclusion: "は一覧にありません。"
- exclusion: "は予約されています。"
- invalid: "は不正な値です。"
- confirmation: "が一致しません。"
- accepted: "を受諾してください。"
- empty: "を入力してください。"
- blank: "を入力してください。"
- too_long: "は%{count}文字以内で入力してください。"
- too_short: "は%{count}文字以上で入力してください。"
- wrong_length: "は%{count}文字で入力してください。"
taken: "はすでに存在します。"
- not_a_number: "は数値で入力してください。"
- greater_than: "は%{count}より大きい値にしてください。"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "は%{count}以上の値にしてください。"
- equal_to: "は%{count}にしてください。"
- less_than: "は%{count}より小さい値にしてください。"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "は%{count}以下の値にしてください。"
- odd: "は奇数にしてください。"
- even: "は偶数にしてください。"
record_invalid: "バリデーションに失敗しました。 %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
format: "%{attribute}%{message}"
-# Korean (한글) translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Korean (한글) translations for Ruby on Rails
# by John Hwang (jhwang@tavon.org)
# http://github.com/tavon
+# and Sunghee Kang(paranoiase@gmail.com)
+# http://www.twitter.com/paranoiase
default: "%Y/%m/%d"
short: "%m/%d"
long: "%Y년 %m월 %d일 (%a)"
day_names: [일요일, 월요일, 화요일, 수요일, 목요일, 금요일, 토요일]
abbr_day_names: [일, 월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토]
month_names: [~, 1월, 2월, 3월, 4월, 5월, 6월, 7월, 8월, 9월, 10월, 11월, 12월]
abbr_month_names: [~, 1월, 2월, 3월, 4월, 5월, 6월, 7월, 8월, 9월, 10월, 11월, 12월]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
long: "%Y년 %B월 %d일, %H시 %M분 %S초 %Z"
am: "오전"
pm: "오후"
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
+ support:
+ array:
+ sentence_connector: ", "
+ skip_last_comma: true
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: "와(과) "
+ last_word_connector: ", "
+ select:
+ prompt: "선택해 주세요"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%n%u"
+ unit: "원"
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: ","
+ precision: 0
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n%u"
+ units:
+ byte: "바이트"
+ kb: "킬로바이트"
+ mb: "메가바이트"
+ gb: "기가바이트"
+ tb: "테라바이트"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n%u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "천"
+ million: "백만"
+ billion: "십억"
+ trillion: "조"
+ quadrillion: "경"
half_a_minute: "30초"
- one: "일초 이하"
+ one: "일 초 이하"
other: "%{count}초 이하"
- one: "일초"
+ one: "일 초"
other: "%{count}초"
- one: "일분 이하"
+ one: "일 분 이하"
other: "%{count}분 이하"
- one: "일분"
+ one: "일 분"
other: "%{count}분"
- one: "약 한시간"
+ one: "약 한 시간"
other: "약 %{count}시간"
- one: "하루"
+ one: "하루"
other: "%{count}일"
- one: "약 한달"
+ one: "약 한 달"
other: "약 %{count}달"
- one: "한달"
+ one: "한 달"
other: "%{count}달"
- one: "약 일년"
+ one: "약 일 년"
other: "약 %{count}년"
- one: "일년 이상"
+ one: "일 년 이상"
other: "%{count}년 이상"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "일 년 이하"
+ other: "%{count}년 이하"
- year: "년"
- month: "월"
- day: "일"
- hour: "시"
+ year: "년"
+ month: "월"
+ day: "일"
+ hour: "시"
minute: "분"
second: "초"
- number:
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- format:
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: "."
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: ","
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
- precision: 3
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- currency:
- format:
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- format: "%u%n"
- unit: "₩"
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 0
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- percentage:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- precision:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- human:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: "과 "
- last_word_connector: ", "
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "선택해주세요"
+ submit:
+ create: "등록"
+ update: "갱신"
+ submit: "제출"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "은(는) 목록에 포함되어 있는 값이 아닙니다"
+ exclusion: "은(는) 이미 예약되어 있는 값입니다"
+ invalid: "은(는) 올바르지 않은 값입니다"
+ confirmation: "은(는) 서로 일치해야 합니다"
+ accepted: "을(를) 반드시 확인해야 합니다"
+ empty: "에 내용을 입력해 주세요"
+ blank: "에 내용을 입력해 주세요"
+ too_long: "은(는) %{count}자를 넘을 수 없습니다"
+ too_short: "은(는) 적어도 %{count}자를 넘어야 합니다"
+ wrong_length: "은(는) %{count}자여야 합니다"
+ not_a_number: "에 숫자를 입력해 주세요"
+ not_an_integer: "에 정수를 입력해 주세요"
+ greater_than: "은(는) %{count}보다 커야 합니다"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "은(는) %{count}보다 크거야 같아야 합니다"
+ equal_to: "은(는) %{count}과 같아야 합니다"
+ less_than: "은(는) %{count}보다 작아야 합니다"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "은(는) %{count}과 작거나 같아야 합니다"
+ odd: "에 홀수를 입력해 주세요"
+ even: "에 짝수를 입력해 주세요"
- one: "한개의 오류가 발생해 %{model}를 저장 할 수 없습니다"
- other: "%{count}개의 오류가 발생해 %{model}를 저장 할 수 없습니다"
- # The variable :count is also available
+ one: "한 개의 오류가 발생해 %{model}를 저장 할 수 없습니다"
+ other: "%{count}개의 오류가 발생해 %{model}를 저장 할 수 없습니다"
body: "다음 항목에 문제가 발견되었습니다:"
- inclusion: "은 목록에 포함되어 있습니다"
- exclusion: "은 목록에 포함되어 있지 않습니다"
- invalid: "은 무효입니다"
- confirmation: "은 확인되었습니다"
- accepted: "은 확인되었습니다"
- empty: "은 비어두면 안 됩니다"
- blank: "은 비어두면 안 됩니다"
- too_long: "은 너무 깁니다 (최대 %{count}자 까지)"
- too_short: "은 너무 짧습니다 (최소 %{count}자 까지)"
- wrong_length: "은 길이가 틀렸습니다 (%{count}자를 필요합니다)"
- taken: "은 이미 선택되었습니다"
- not_a_number: "은 숫자가 아닙니다"
- greater_than: "은 %{count}이상을 요구합니다"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "은 %{count}과 같거나 이상을 요구합니다"
- equal_to: "은 %{count}과 같아야 합니다"
- less_than: "은 %{count}이하를 요구합니다"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "은 %{count}과 같거나 이하을 요구합니다"
- odd: "은 홀수을 요구합니다"
- even: "은 짝수을 요구합니다"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
+ taken: "은(는) 이미 존재합니다."
+ record_invalid: "데이터 검증에 실패하였습니다. %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# Lao translation for Ruby on Rails
# By justin maccarthy justin.maccarthy@gmail.com with help from Lao language experts...
# Used in number_with_delimiter()
# These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
delimiter: ","
# Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 3
# Used in number_to_currency()
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # precision:
# Used in number_to_precision()
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Used in number_to_human_size()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
- half_a_minute: "à¸\84รึà¹\88à¸\87à¸\99าà¸\97ี"
+ half_a_minute: "à»\80àº\84ິà»\88àº\87àº\99າàº\97ີ "
- one: "à¸\99à¹\89à¸à¸¢à¸\81วà¹\88า 1 วิà¸\99าà¸\97ี"
- other: "à¸\99à¹\89à¸à¸¢à¸\81วà¹\88า %{count} วิà¸\99าà¸\97ี"
+ one: "àº\99à»\89àºàº\8dàº\81ວà»\88າ 1 ວິàº\99າàº\97ີ "
+ other: "àº\99à»\89àºàº\8dàº\81ວà»\88າ %{count} ວິàº\99າàº\97ີ "
- one: "1 วิà¸\99าà¸\97ี"
- other: "%{count} วิà¸\99าà¸\97ี"
+ one: "1 ວິàº\99າàº\97ີ "
+ other: "%{count} ວິàº\99າàº\97ີ "
- one: "à¸\99à¹\89à¸à¸¢à¸\81วà¹\88า 1 à¸\99าà¸\97ี"
- other: "à¸\99à¹\89à¸à¸¢à¸\81วà¹\88า %{count} à¸\99าà¸\97ี"
+ one: "àº\99à»\89àºàº\8dàº\81ວà»\88າ 1 àº\99າàº\97ີ "
+ other: "àº\99à»\89àºàº\8dàº\81ວà»\88າ %{count} àº\99າàº\97ີ "
- one: "1 à¸\99าà¸\97ี"
- other: "%{count} à¸\99าà¸\97ี"
+ one: "1 àº\99າàº\97ີ "
+ other: "%{count} àº\99າàº\97ີ "
- one: "à¸\9bระมาà¸\93 1 à¸\8aัà¹\88วà¹\82มà¸\87"
- other: "à¸\9bระมาà¸\93 %{count} à¸\8aัà¹\88วà¹\82มà¸\87"
+ one: "àº\9bະມາàº\99 1 àº\8aົà»\88ວà»\82ມàº\87"
+ other: "àº\9bະມາàº\99 %{count} àº\8aົà»\88ວà»\82ມàº\87"
- one: "1 วัà¸\99"
- other: "%{count} วัà¸\99"
+ one: "1 ມືà»\89 "
+ other: "%{count} ມືà»\89 "
- one: "à¸\9bระมาà¸\93 1 à¹\80à¸\94ืà¸à¸\99"
- other: "à¸\9bระมาà¸\93 %{count} à¹\80à¸\94ืà¸à¸\99"
+ one: "àº\9bະມາàº\99 1 à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99"
+ other: "àº\9bະມາàº\99 %{count} à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99"
- one: "1 à¹\80à¸\94ืà¸à¸\99"
- other: "%{count} à¹\80à¸\94ืà¸à¸\99"
+ one: "1 à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99"
+ other: "%{count} à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99"
- one: "à¸\9bระมาà¸\93 1 à¸\9bี"
- other: "à¸\9bระมาà¸\93 %{count} à¸\9bี"
+ one: "àº\9bະມາàº\99 1 àº\9bີ "
+ other: "àº\9bະມາàº\99 %{count} àº\9bີ "
- one: "มาà¸\81à¸\81วà¹\88า 1 à¸\9bี"
- other: "มาà¸\81à¸\81วà¹\88า %{count} à¸\9bี"
+ one: "ຫຼາàº\8dàº\81ວà»\88າ 1 àº\9bີ "
+ other: "ຫຼາàº\8dàº\81ວà»\88າ %{count} àº\9bີ "
- year: "à¸\9bี"
- month: "à¹\80à¸\94ืà¸à¸\99"
- day: "วัà¸\99"
- hour: "à¸\8aัà¹\88วà¹\82มà¸\87"
- minute: "à¸\99าà¸\97ี"
- second: "วิà¸\99าà¸\97ี"
+ year: "àº\9bີ"
+ month: "à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99"
+ day: "ວັàº\99"
+ hour: "àº\8aົà»\88ວà»\82ມàº\87"
+ minute: "àº\99າàº\97ີ"
+ second: "ວິàº\99າàº\97ີ"
- one: "à¹\84มà¹\88สามารà¸\96à¸\9aัà¸\99à¸\97ึà¸\81 %{model} à¹\84à¸\94à¹\89à¹\80à¸\99ืà¹\88à¸à¸\87à¸\88าà¸\81à¹\80à¸\81ิà¸\94à¸\82à¹\89à¸à¸\9cิà¸\94à¸\9eลาà¸\94"
- other: "à¹\84มà¹\88สามารà¸\96à¸\9aัà¸\99à¸\97ึà¸\81 %{model} à¹\84à¸\94à¹\89à¹\80à¸\99ืà¹\88à¸à¸\87à¸\88าà¸\81à¹\80à¸\81ิà¸\94 %{count} à¸\82à¹\89à¸à¸\9cิà¸\94à¸\9eลาà¸\94"
+ one: "àº\9aà»\8dà»\88ສາມາàº\94àº\9aັàº\99àº\97ຶàº\81 %{model} à»\84àº\94à»\89à»\80àº\99ືà»\88àºàº\87àº\88າàº\81à»\80àº\81ີàº\94àº\82à»\8dà»\89àº\9cິàº\94àº\9eາàº\94"
+ other: "àº\9aà»\8dà»\88ສາມາàº\94àº\9aັàº\99àº\97ຶàº\81 %{model} à»\84àº\94à»\89à»\80àº\99ືà»\88àºàº\87àº\88າàº\81 à»\80àº\81ີàº\94 %{count} àº\82à»\8dà»\89àº\9cິàº\94àº\9eາàº\94"
# The variable :count is also available
- body: "à¹\82à¸\9bรà¸\94à¸\95รวà¸\88สà¸à¸\9aà¸\82à¹\89à¸à¸¡à¸¹à¸¥à¹\83à¸\99à¸\8aà¹\88à¸à¸\87à¸\95à¹\88à¸à¹\84à¸\9bà¸\99ีà¹\89:"
+ body: "àº\81ະລຸàº\99າàº\81ວàº\94ສàºàº\9aàº\82à»\8dà»\89ມູàº\99à»\83àº\99ຫà»\89àºàº\87àº\95à»\8dà»\88à»\84àº\9bàº\99ີà»\89 :"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
accepted: "ຕ້ອງຍອມຮັບ"
empty: "ວ່າງໄວ້ບໍ່ໄດ້"
blank: "ເປົ່າບໍ່ໄດ້"
- too_long: "ຍາວໂພດ (ສູງສຸດຄື %{count} ຕົວອັກສອນ"
- too_short: "ສັ້ນໂພດ (ຕຳ່ສຸດຄື %{count} ຕົວອັກສອນ"
- wrong_length: "ຄວາມຍາວຜິດ (ຄວນຈະເປັນ %{count} ຕົວອັກສອນ"
+ too_long: "ຍາວໂພດ (ສູງສຸດຄື %{count} ຕົວອັກສອນ)"
+ too_short: "ສັ້ນໂພດ (ຕຳ່ສຸດຄື %{count} ຕົວອັກສອນ)"
+ wrong_length: "ຄວາມຍາວຜິດ (ຄວນຈະເປັນ %{count} ຕົວອັກສອນ)"
taken: "ຮັບເອົາໄປແລ້ວ"
not_a_number: "ບໍ່ແມ່ນຕົວເລກ"
greater_than: "ຕ້ອງສູງກວ່າ %{count}"
# attributes:
# login:
# blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
+ # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
# custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
# Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
# For example,
# user: "Dude"
# will translate User model name to "Dude"
# Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
# For example,
default: "%d-%m-%Y"
short: "%e %b"
long: "%e %B %Y"
- day_names: ["ວັàº\99àº\88ັàº\99", "ວັàº\99àºàº±àº\87àº\84າàº\99", "ວັàº\99àº\9eຸàº\94", "ວັàº\99àº\9eະຫັàº\94", "ວັàº\99ສຸàº\81", "ວັàº\99à»\80ສົາ", "ວັàº\99àºàº²àº\97ິàº\94"]
- abbr_day_names: ["อา", "จ", "อ", "พ", "พฤ", "ศ", "ส"]
+ day_names: ["àºàº²àº\97ິàº\94", "àº\88ັàº\99", "àºàº±àº\87àº\84າàº\99", "àº\9eຸàº\94", "àº\9eະຫັàº\94", "ສຸàº\81", "à»\80ສົາ"]
+ abbr_day_names: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
# Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
- month_names: [~, "ມັàº\87àº\81àºàº\99", "à¸\81ุมภาà¸\9eัà¸\99à¸\98à¹\8c", "", "à¹\80มษายà¸\99", "à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99àº\9eຶàº\94ສະàº\9eາ", "ມີàº\96ຸàº\99າ", "à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99àº\81à»\8dລະàº\81ົàº\94", "à»\80àº\94ືàºàº\99ສິງຫາ", "ກັນຍາ", "ຕຸລາ", "ພະຈິກ", "ທັນວາ"]
- abbr_month_names: [~, "ม.ค.", "ก.พ.", "มี.ค.", "เม.ย.", "พ.ค.", "มิ.ย.", "ก.ค.", "ส.ค.", "ก.ย.", "ต.ค.", "พ.ย.", "ธ.ค."]
+ month_names: [~, "ມັàº\87àº\81àºàº\99", "àº\81ຸມàº\9eາ", "ມີàº\99າ", "à»\80ມສາ", "àº\9eຶàº\94ສະàº\9eາ", "ມິàº\96ຸàº\99າ", "àº\81à»\8dລະàº\81ົàº\94", "ສິງຫາ", "ກັນຍາ", "ຕຸລາ", "ພະຈິກ", "ທັນວາ"]
+ abbr_month_names: [~,"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M น."
am: ""
pm: ""
# Used in array.to_sentence.
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
precision: 3
format: "%n %u"
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
precision: 2
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
less_than_or_equal_to: "turi būti mažesnis arba lygus %{count}"
odd: "turi būti nelyginis"
even: "turi būti lyginis"
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
short: "%b %d"
long: "%B %d, %Y"
day_names: [sekmadienis, pirmadienis, antradienis, trečiadienis, ketvirtadienis, penktadienis, šeštadienis]
abbr_day_names: [Sek, Pir, Ant, Tre, Ket, Pen, Šeš]
month_names: [~, sausio, vasario, kovo, balandžio, gegužės, birželio, liepos, rugpjūčio, rugsėjo, spalio, lapkričio, gruodžio]
abbr_month_names: [~, Sau, Vas, Kov, Bal, Geg, Bir, Lie, Rgp, Rgs, Spa, Lap, Grd]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
am: "am"
pm: "pm"
words_connector: ", "
abbr_day_names: [Sv., P., O., T., C., Pk., S.]
month_names: [~, janvārī, februārī, martā, aprīlī, maijā, jūnijā, jūlijā, augustā, septembrī, oktobrī, novembrī, decembrī]
abbr_month_names: [~, Janv, Febr, Marts, Apr, Maijs, Jūn, Jūl, Aug, Sept, Okt, Nov, Dec]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
one: "vairāk kā gads"
other: "vairāk kā %{count} gadi"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "gandrīz 1 gads"
+ other: "gandrīz %{count} gadi"
second: "sekunde"
minute: "minūte"
precision: 2
separator: ','
delimiter: '.'
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
unit: 'LVL'
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tūkstotis
+ million: Miljons
+ billion: Biljons
+ trillion: Triljons
+ quadrillion: Kvadriljons
two_words_connector: " un "
last_word_connector: " un "
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "Dēļ 1 kļūdas šis %{model} netika saglabāts"
- other: "Dēļ %{count} kļūdām šis %{model} netika saglabāts"
- body: "Problēmas ir šajos ievades laukos:"
- messages:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Lūdzu izvēlies"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Lūdzu izvēlies"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Izveidot %{model}'
+ update: 'Atjaunināt %{model}'
+ submit: 'Saglabāt %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
inclusion: "nav iekļauts sarakstā"
exclusion: "nav pieejams"
invalid: "nav derīgs"
wrong_length: "ir nepareizs garums (jābūt %{count} zīmēm)"
taken: "ir jau aizņemts"
not_a_number: "nav skaitlis"
+ not_an_integer: "ir jābūt veselam skaitlim"
greater_than: "ir jābūt lielākam par %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "ir jābūt lielākam vai vienādam ar %{count}"
equal_to: "ir jābūt vienādam ar %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "ir jābūt mazākam vai vienādam ar %{count}"
odd: "ir jābūt nepāra skaitlim"
even: "ir jābūt pāra skaitlim"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Dēļ 1 kļūdas šis %{model} netika saglabāts"
+ other: "Dēļ %{count} kļūdām šis %{model} netika saglabāts"
+ body: "Problēmas ir šajos ievades laukos:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "ir jau aizņemts"
+ record_invalid: "Pārbaude neizdevās: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
abbr_day_names: [Нед, Пон, Вто, Сре, Чет, Пет, Саб]
month_names: [~, Јануари, Февруари, Март, Април, Мај, Јуни, Јули, Август, Септември, Октомври, Ноември, Декември]
abbr_month_names: [~, Јан, Фев, Мар, Апр, Мај, Јун, Јул, Авг, Сеп, Окт, Ное, Дек]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
--- /dev/null
+# Mongolian localization for Ruby on Rails 2.2+
+# by Ochirkhuyag.L <ochkoo@gmail.com>
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d"
+ short: "%y-%m-%d"
+ long: "%Y %B %d"
+ day_names: [Ням, Даваа, Мягмар, Лхагва, Пүрэв, Баасан, Бямба]
+ abbr_day_names: [Ня, Да, Мя, Лх, Пү, Ба, Бя]
+ month_names: [~, 1 сар, 2 сар, 3 сар, 4 сар, 5 сар, 6 сар, 7 сар, 8 сар, 9 сар, 10 сар, 11 сар, 12 сар]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, 1 сар, 2 сар, 3 сар, 4 сар, 5 сар, 6 сар, 7 сар, 8 сар, 9 сар, 10 сар, 11 сар, 12 сар]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
+ short: "%y-%m-%d"
+ long: "%Y %B %d, %H:%M:%S"
+ am: "өглөө"
+ pm: "орой"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 3
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ unit: "төг."
+ separator: "."
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 2
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 1
+ # Rails 2.2
+ # storage_units: [байт, КБ, МБ, ГБ, ТБ]
+ # Rails 2.3
+ storage_units:
+ # Storage units output formatting.
+ # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Байт"
+ other: "Байт"
+ kb: "КБ"
+ mb: "МБ"
+ gb: "ГБ"
+ tb: "ТБ"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "хагас минут"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "%{count} секундээс бага"
+ other: "%{count} секундээс бага"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "%{count} секунд"
+ other: "%{count} секунд"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "%{count} минутаас бага"
+ other: "%{count} минутаас бага"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "%{count} минут"
+ other: "%{count} минут"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "%{count} цаг орчим"
+ other: "%{count} цаг орчим"
+ x_days:
+ one: "%{count} өдөр"
+ other: "%{count} өдөр"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "%{count} сар орчим"
+ other: "%{count} сар орчим"
+ x_months:
+ one: "%{count} сар"
+ other: "%{count} сар"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "%{count} жил орчим"
+ other: "%{count} жил орчим"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "бараг %{count} жил"
+ other: "бараг %{count} жил"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "%{count} жилээс илүү"
+ other: "%{count} жилээс илүү"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Жил"
+ month: "Сар"
+ day: "Өдөр"
+ hour: "Цаг"
+ minute: "Минут"
+ second: "Секунд"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ messages:
+ inclusion: "жагсаалтад алга байна"
+ exclusion: "бол ашиглахад хориотой"
+ invalid: "буруу байна"
+ confirmation: "адилгүй байна"
+ accepted: "хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн байх ёстой"
+ empty: "байхгүй байж болохгүй"
+ blank: "хоосон байж болохгүй"
+ too_long: "хэт урт байна (хамгийн уртдаа %{count} тэмдэгт)"
+ too_short: "хэт богино байна (хамгийн багадаа %{count} тэмдэгт)"
+ wrong_length: "урт нь буруу байна (%{count} тэмдэгт байх ёстой)"
+ taken: "аль хэдийн авчихсан байна"
+ not_a_number: "тоо биш байна"
+ not_an_integer: "бүхэл тоо байх ёстой"
+ greater_than: "%{count}-с их байх ёстой"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "%{count}-с их юмуу тэнцүү байх ёстой"
+ equal_to: "%{count}-тэй тэнцүү байх ёстой"
+ less_than: "%{count}-с бага байх ёстой"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "%{count}-с бага юмуу тэнцүү байх ёстой"
+ odd: "сонгой байх ёстой"
+ even: "тэгш байх ёстой"
+ record_invalid: "Шалгалт амжилтгүй: %{errors}"
+ # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
+ activemodel:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "1 алдаа гарсан тул %{model} хадгалагдахгүй байна"
+ other: "%{count} алдаа гарсан тул %{model} хадгалагдахгүй байна"
+ # The variable :count is also available
+ body: "Дараах %{count} хэсэгт алдаа гарлаа:"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " болон "
+ last_word_connector: " болон "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Сонгоно уу"
-# Norwegian, norsk bokmål, by irb.no
+# Norwegian, norsk bokmål
+# by irb.no
+# contributors:
+# - Kim Joar Bekkelund - http://kimjoar.net
abbr_day_names: [søn, man, tir, ons, tor, fre, lør]
month_names: [~, januar, februar, mars, april, mai, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november, desember]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, mai, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, des]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M"
minute: "Minutt"
second: "Sekund"
- format:
+ format: &number_format
precision: 2
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 2
unit: "kr"
format: "%n %u"
+ <<: *number_format
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
- delimiter: ","
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
# Storage units output formatting.
# %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
one: "Byte"
other: "Bytes"
- kb: "KB"
+ kb: "kB"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "tusen"
+ million:
+ one: "million"
+ other: "millioner"
+ billion:
+ one: "milliard"
+ other: "milliarder"
+ trillion:
+ one: "billion"
+ other: "billioner"
+ quadrillion:
+ one: "billiard"
+ other: "billiarder"
- delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Vennligst velg"
+ submit:
+ create: "Lag %{model}"
+ update: "Oppdater %{model}"
+ submit: "Lagre %{model}"
- activemodel:
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "er ikke inkludert i listen"
+ exclusion: "er reservert"
+ invalid: "er ugyldig"
+ confirmation: "passer ikke bekreftelsen"
+ accepted: "må være akseptert"
+ empty: "kan ikke være tom"
+ blank: "kan ikke være blank"
+ too_long: "er for lang (maksimum %{count} tegn)"
+ too_short: "er for kort (minimum %{count} tegn)"
+ wrong_length: "er av feil lengde (maksimum %{count} tegn)"
+ not_a_number: "er ikke et tall"
+ not_an_integer: "er ikke et heltall"
+ greater_than: "må være større enn %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "må være større enn eller lik %{count}"
+ equal_to: "må være lik %{count}"
+ less_than: "må være mindre enn %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "må være mindre enn eller lik %{count}"
+ odd: "må være oddetall"
+ even: "må være partall"
+ activerecord:
one: "Kunne ikke lagre %{model} på grunn av én feil."
other: "Kunne ikke lagre %{model} på grunn av %{count} feil."
body: "Det oppstod problemer i følgende felt:"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- inclusion: "er ikke inkludert i listen"
- exclusion: "er reservert"
- invalid: "er ugyldig"
- confirmation: "passer ikke bekreftelsen"
- accepted: "må være akseptert"
- empty: "kan ikke være tom"
- blank: "kan ikke være blank"
- too_long: "er for lang (maksimum %{count} tegn)"
- too_short: "er for kort (minimum %{count} tegn)"
- wrong_length: "er av feil lengde (maksimum %{count} tegn)"
taken: "er allerede i bruk"
- not_a_number: "er ikke et tall"
- greater_than: "må være større enn %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "må være større enn eller lik %{count}"
- equal_to: "må være lik %{count}"
- less_than: "må være mindre enn %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "må være mindre enn eller lik %{count}"
- odd: "må være oddetall"
- even: "må være partall"
record_invalid: "Det oppstod feil: %{errors}"
- # models:
- # attributes:
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Dutch translation in YML by Ariejan de Vroom <ariejan@ariejan.net>
+# Dutch translations for Ruby on Rails, based on US English template
+# Original version by Ariejan de Vroom <ariejan@ariejan.net>
# - Sponsored by Kabisa ICT - http://kabisa.nl
-# Fully compatible with Translate (the Rails translation plugin)
-# - http://developer.newsdesk.se/2009/01/21/translate-new-rails-i18n-plugin-with-a-nice-web-ui/
- number:
- format:
- separator: ","
- precision: 2
- delimiter: .
- human:
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- kb: KB
- tb: TB
- gb: GB
- byte:
- one: Byte
- other: Bytes
- mb: MB
- currency:
- format:
- format: "%u %n"
- unit: !binary |
- 4oKs
+# Rails 3 update by Floris Huetink <floris@avocado.nl> (github: florish)
- separator: ","
- precision: 2
- delimiter: .
- activerecord:
- errors:
- messages:
- greater_than_or_equal_to: moet groter of gelijk zijn aan %{count}
- less_than_or_equal_to: moet minder of gelijk zijn aan %{count}
- confirmation: komt niet met de bevestiging overeen
- blank: moet opgegeven zijn
- exclusion: is niet beschikbaar
- invalid: is ongeldig
- record_invalid: is ongeldig
- odd: moet oneven zijn
- too_short: is te kort (niet minder dan %{count} tekens)
- wrong_length: heeft niet de juiste lengte (moet %{count} tekens lang zijn)
- empty: moet opgegeven zijn
- even: moet even zijn
- less_than: moet minder zijn dan %{count}
- equal_to: moet gelijk zijn aan %{count}
- greater_than: moet groter zijn dan %{count}
- accepted: moet worden geaccepteerd
- too_long: is te lang (niet meer dan %{count} tekens)
- taken: is niet beschikbaar
- inclusion: is niet in de lijst opgenomen
- not_a_number: is geen getal
- template:
- body: "Controleer alstublieft de volgende velden:"
- header:
- one: "Kon dit %{model} object niet opslaan: 1 fout."
- other: "Kon dit %{model} niet opslaan: %{count} fouten."
- time:
- am: "'s ochtends"
- formats:
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d/%m/%Y"
+ short: "%e %b"
+ long: "%e %B %Y"
+ only_day: "%e"
+ day_names: [zondag, maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag, zaterdag]
+ abbr_day_names: [zon, maa, din, woe, don, vri, zat]
+ month_names: [~, januari, februari, maart, april, mei, juni, juli, augustus, september, oktober, november, december]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, mei, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, dec]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
default: "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
- time: "%H:%M"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- only_second: "%S"
- datetime:
- formats:
- default: "%d-%m-%YT%H:%M:%S%Z"
long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
+ time: "%H:%M"
+ only_second: "%S"
+ am: "'s ochtends"
pm: "'s middags"
- date:
- month_names:
- -
- - januari
- - februari
- - maart
- - april
- - mei
- - juni
- - juli
- - augustus
- - september
- - oktober
- - november
- - december
- abbr_day_names:
- - zon
- - maa
- - din
- - woe
- - don
- - vri
- - zat
- order:
- - :day
- - :month
- - :year
- formats:
- only_day: "%e"
- default: "%d/%m/%Y"
- short: "%e %b"
- long: "%e %B %Y"
- day_names:
- - zondag
- - maandag
- - dinsdag
- - woensdag
- - donderdag
- - vrijdag
- - zaterdag
- abbr_month_names:
- -
- - jan
- - feb
- - mar
- - apr
- - mei
- - jun
- - jul
- - aug
- - sep
- - okt
- - nov
- - dec
- support:
- array:
+ support:
+ array:
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " en "
last_word_connector: " en "
- datetime:
- format:
- default: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"
- prompts:
- minute: minuut
- second: seconden
- month: maand
- hour: uur
- day: dag
- year: jaar
- distance_in_words:
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: "minder dan \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n minuut"
- other: minder dan %{count} minuten
- x_days:
- one: 1 dag
- other: "%{count} dagen"
- x_seconds:
- one: 1 seconde
+ select:
+ prompt: "Selecteer"
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "€"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "duizend"
+ million: "miljoen"
+ billion: "miljard"
+ trillion: "biljoen"
+ quadrillion: "biljard"
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "een halve minuut"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "minder dan \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n seconde"
+ other: "minder dan %{count} seconden"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 seconde"
other: "%{count} seconden"
- about_x_hours:
- one: "ongeveer \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n uur"
- other: ongeveer %{count} uur
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: "minder dan \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n seconde"
- other: minder dan %{count} seconden
- x_months:
- one: 1 maand
- other: "%{count} maanden"
- x_minutes:
- one: 1 minuut
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "minder dan \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n minuut"
+ other: "minder dan %{count} minuten"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minuut"
other: "%{count} minuten"
- about_x_years:
- one: "ongeveer \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n jaar"
- other: ongeveer %{count} jaren
- about_x_months:
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "ongeveer \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n uur"
+ other: "ongeveer %{count} uur"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 dag"
+ other: "%{count} dagen"
+ about_x_months:
one: "ongeveer \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n maand"
- other: ongeveer %{count} maanden
- over_x_years:
- one: "langer dan \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n jaar"
- other: langer %{count} jaar
- half_a_minute: halve minuut
+ other: "ongeveer %{count} maanden"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 maand"
+ other: "%{count} maanden"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "ongeveer \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n jaar"
+ other: "ongeveer %{count} jaar"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "meer dan \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n jaar"
+ other: "meer dan %{count} jaar"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "bijna \xC3\xA9\xC3\xA9n jaar"
+ other: "bijna %{count} jaar"
+ prompts:
+ year: "jaar"
+ month: "maand"
+ day: "dag"
+ hour: "uur"
+ minute: "minuut"
+ second: "seconde"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Selecteer"
+ submit:
+ create: '%{model} toevoegen'
+ update: '%{model} bewaren'
+ submit: '%{model} opslaan'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "is niet in de lijst opgenomen"
+ exclusion: "is niet beschikbaar"
+ invalid: "is ongeldig"
+ confirmation: "komt niet met de bevestiging overeen"
+ accepted: "moet worden geaccepteerd"
+ empty: "moet opgegeven zijn"
+ blank: "moet opgegeven zijn"
+ too_long: "is te lang (maximaal %{count} tekens)"
+ too_short: "is te kort (minimaal %{count} tekens)"
+ wrong_length: "heeft onjuiste lengte (moet %{count} tekens lang zijn)"
+ not_a_number: "is geen getal"
+ not_an_integer: "moet een geheel getal zijn"
+ greater_than: "moet groter zijn dan %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "moet groter dan of gelijk zijn aan %{count}"
+ equal_to: "moet gelijk zijn aan %{count}"
+ less_than: "moet minder zijn dan %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "moet minder dan of gelijk zijn aan %{count}"
+ odd: "moet oneven zijn"
+ even: "moet even zijn"
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "%{model} niet opgeslagen: 1 fout gevonden"
+ other: "%{model} niet opgeslagen: %{count} fouten gevonden"
+ body: "Controleer de volgende velden:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "is al in gebruik"
+ record_invalid: "Validatie mislukt: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
abbr_day_names: [sun, mån, tys, ons, tor, fre, lau]
month_names: [~, januar, februar, mars, april, mai, juni, juli, august, september, oktober, november, desember]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, mai, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, des]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M"
# Polish translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Jacek Becela (jacek.becela@gmail.com, http://github.com/ncr)
+# Minor changes and adjustments for Rails 3 by Piotrek Okoński (http://github.com/pokonski)
+# Minor changes and adjustments by Paweł Chojnacki (https://github.com/chojnacki)
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d-%m-%Y"
+ short: "%d %b"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y"
+ day_names: [niedziela, poniedziałek, wtorek, środa, czwartek, piątek, sobota]
+ abbr_day_names: [nie, pon, wto, śro, czw, pia, sob]
+ month_names: [~, styczeń, luty, marzec, kwiecień, maj, czerwiec, lipiec, sierpień, wrzesień, październik, listopad, grudzień]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, sty, lut, mar, kwi, maj, cze, lip, sie, wrz, paź, lis, gru]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%d %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M"
+ am: "przed południem"
+ pm: "po południu"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " i "
+ last_word_connector: " oraz "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Proszę wybrać"
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
- precision: 2
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- format: "%n %u"
+ format: "%u %n"
unit: "PLN"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- short: "%d %b"
- long: "%d %B %Y"
- day_names: [Niedziela, Poniedziałek, Wtorek, Środa, Czwartek, Piątek, Sobota]
- abbr_day_names: [nie, pon, wto, śro, czw, pia, sob]
- month_names: [~, Styczeń, Luty, Marzec, Kwiecień, Maj, Czerwiec, Lipiec, Sierpień, Wrzesień, Październik, Listopad, Grudzień]
- abbr_month_names: [~, sty, lut, mar, kwi, maj, cze, lip, sie, wrz, paź, lis, gru]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a, %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%d %b, %H:%M"
- long: "%d %B %Y, %H:%M"
- am: "przed południem"
- pm: "po południu"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tysiąc
+ million: Milion
+ billion: Miliard
+ trillion: Bilion
+ quadrillion: Biliard
few: "mniej niż %{count} sekundy"
other: "mniej niż %{count} sekund"
- one: "sekundę"
+ one: "1 sekunda"
few: "%{count} sekundy"
other: "%{count} sekund"
few: "mniej niż %{count} minuty"
other: "mniej niż %{count} minut"
- one: "minutę"
+ one: "1 minuta"
few: "%{count} minuty"
other: "%{count} minut"
one: "około godziny"
- other: "about %{count} godzin"
+ few: "około %{count} godziny"
+ other: "około %{count} godzin"
one: "1 dzień"
+ few: "%{count} dni"
other: "%{count} dni"
one: "około miesiąca"
+ few: "około %{count} miesiące"
other: "około %{count} miesięcy"
one: "1 miesiąc"
few: "%{count} miesiące"
other: "%{count} miesięcy"
- one: "około roku"
+ one: "około rok"
+ few: "około %{count} lata"
other: "około %{count} lat"
one: "ponad rok"
few: "ponad %{count} lata"
other: "ponad %{count} lat"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "prawie rok"
+ few: "prawie %{count} lata"
+ other: "prawie %{count} lat"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Rok"
+ month: "Miesiąc"
+ day: "Dzień"
+ hour: "Godzina"
+ minute: "Minuta"
+ second: "Sekundy"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Proszę wybrać"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Utwórz %{model}'
+ update: 'Aktualizuj %{model}'
+ submit: 'Zapisz %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "nie znajduje się na liście dopuszczalnych wartości"
+ exclusion: "jest zarezerwowane"
+ invalid: "jest nieprawidłowe"
+ confirmation: "nie zgadza się z potwierdzeniem"
+ accepted: "musi zostać zaakceptowane"
+ empty: "nie może być puste"
+ blank: "nie może być puste"
+ too_long: "jest za długie (maksymalnie %{count} znaków)"
+ too_short: "jest za krótkie (przynajmniej %{count} znaków)"
+ wrong_length: "ma nieprawidłową długość (powinna wynosić %{count} znaków)"
+ not_a_number: "nie jest liczbą"
+ not_an_integer: "musi być liczbą całkowitą"
+ greater_than: "musi być większe od %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "musi być większe lub równe %{count}"
+ equal_to: "musi być równe %{count}"
+ less_than: "musi być mniejsze od %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "musi być mniejsze lub równe %{count}"
+ odd: "musi być nieparzyste"
+ even: "musi być parzyste"
one: "%{model} nie został zachowany z powodu jednego błędu"
other: "%{model} nie został zachowany z powodu %{count} błędów"
body: "Błędy dotyczą następujących pól:"
- inclusion: "nie znajduje się na liście dopuszczalnych wartości"
- exclusion: "znajduje się na liście zabronionych wartości"
- invalid: "jest nieprawidłowe"
- confirmation: "nie zgadza się z potwierdzeniem"
- accepted: "musi być zaakceptowane"
- empty: "nie może być puste"
- blank: "nie może być puste"
- too_long: "jest za długie (maksymalnie %{count} znaków)"
- too_short: "jest za krótkie (minimalnie %{count} znaków)"
- wrong_length: "jest nieprawidłowej długości (powinna wynosić %{count} znaków)"
taken: "zostało już zajęte"
- not_a_number: "nie jest liczbą"
- greater_than: "musi być większe niż %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "musi być większe lub równe %{count}"
- equal_to: "musi być równe %{count}"
- less_than: "musi być mniejsze niż %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "musi być mniejsze lub równe %{count}"
- odd: "musi być nieparzyste"
- even: "musi być parzyste"
- support:
- array:
- sentence_connector: "i"
- skip_last_comma: true
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " i "
- last_word_connector: " i "
+ record_invalid: "Negatywne sprawdzenie poprawności: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+# encoding: UTF-8
+# pt-BR translations for Ruby on Rails
# formatos de data e hora
default: "%d/%m/%Y"
short: "%d de %B"
long: "%d de %B de %Y"
day_names: [Domingo, Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Sábado]
abbr_day_names: [Dom, Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex, Sáb]
month_names: [~, Janeiro, Fevereiro, Março, Abril, Maio, Junho, Julho, Agosto, Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Dezembro]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Fev, Mar, Abr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Ago, Set, Out, Nov, Dez]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %d de %B de %Y, %H:%M h"
long: "%A, %d de %B de %Y, %H:%M h"
am: ''
pm: ''
- # distancia do tempo em palavras
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: 'meio minuto'
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: 'menos de 1 segundo'
- other: 'menos de %{count} segundos'
- x_seconds:
- one: '1 segundo'
- other: '%{count} segundos'
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: 'menos de um minuto'
- other: 'menos de %{count} minutos'
- x_minutes:
- one: '1 minuto'
- other: '%{count} minutos'
- about_x_hours:
- one: 'aproximadamente 1 hora'
- other: 'aproximadamente %{count} horas'
- x_days:
- one: '1 dia'
- other: '%{count} dias'
- about_x_months:
- one: 'aproximadamente 1 mês'
- other: 'aproximadamente %{count} meses'
- x_months:
- one: '1 mês'
- other: '%{count} meses'
- about_x_years:
- one: 'aproximadamente 1 ano'
- other: 'aproximadamente %{count} anos'
- over_x_years:
- one: 'mais de 1 ano'
- other: 'mais de %{count} anos'
- almost_x_years:
- one: 'quase 1 ano'
- other: 'quase %{count} anos'
- prompts:
- year: "Ano"
- month: "Mês"
- day: "Dia"
- hour: "Hora"
- minute: "Minuto"
- second: "Segundos"
+ # Usado no Array.to_sentence
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " e "
+ last_word_connector: " e "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecione"
- # numeros
- precision: 3
separator: ','
delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: 'R$'
- precision: 2
format: '%u %n'
+ unit: 'R$'
separator: ','
delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: '.'
delimiter: '.'
- precision: 2
delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 2
significant: true
- strip_unsignificant_zeros: true
- # number_to_human_size()
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
format: "%n %u"
- unit: ""
+ unit: ""
thousand: "mil"
one: milhão
one: quatrilhão
other: quatrilhões
- # Usado no Array.to_sentence
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " e "
- last_word_connector: " e "
- # ActiveRecord
+ # distancia do tempo em palavras
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: 'meio minuto'
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: 'menos de 1 segundo'
+ other: 'menos de %{count} segundos'
+ x_seconds:
+ one: '1 segundo'
+ other: '%{count} segundos'
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: 'menos de um minuto'
+ other: 'menos de %{count} minutos'
+ x_minutes:
+ one: '1 minuto'
+ other: '%{count} minutos'
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: 'aproximadamente 1 hora'
+ other: 'aproximadamente %{count} horas'
+ x_days:
+ one: '1 dia'
+ other: '%{count} dias'
+ about_x_months:
+ one: 'aproximadamente 1 mês'
+ other: 'aproximadamente %{count} meses'
+ x_months:
+ one: '1 mês'
+ other: '%{count} meses'
+ about_x_years:
+ one: 'aproximadamente 1 ano'
+ other: 'aproximadamente %{count} anos'
+ over_x_years:
+ one: 'mais de 1 ano'
+ other: 'mais de %{count} anos'
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: 'quase 1 ano'
+ other: 'quase %{count} anos'
+ prompts:
+ year: "Ano"
+ month: "Mês"
+ day: "Dia"
+ hour: "Hora"
+ minute: "Minuto"
+ second: "Segundo"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor selecione"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Criar %{model}'
+ update: 'Atualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Salvar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Não foi possível gravar %{model}: 1 erro"
+ other: "Não foi possível gravar %{model}: %{count} erros."
+ body: "Por favor, verifique o(s) seguinte(s) campo(s):"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "não está incluído na lista"
+ exclusion: "não está disponível"
+ invalid: "não é válido"
+ confirmation: "não está de acordo com a confirmação"
+ accepted: "deve ser aceito"
+ empty: "não pode ficar vazio"
+ blank: "não pode ficar em branco"
+ too_long: "é muito longo (máximo: %{count} caracteres)"
+ too_short: "é muito curto (mínimo: %{count} caracteres)"
+ wrong_length: "não possui o tamanho esperado (%{count} caracteres)"
+ not_a_number: "não é um número"
+ not_an_integer: "não é um número inteiro"
+ greater_than: "deve ser maior que %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "deve ser maior ou igual a %{count}"
+ equal_to: "deve ser igual a %{count}"
+ less_than: "deve ser menor que %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "deve ser menor ou igual a %{count}"
+ odd: "deve ser ímpar"
+ even: "deve ser par"
one: "Não foi possível gravar %{model}: 1 erro"
other: "Não foi possível gravar %{model}: %{count} erros."
body: "Por favor, verifique o(s) seguinte(s) campo(s):"
- inclusion: "não está incluído na lista"
- exclusion: "não está disponível"
- invalid: "não é válido"
- confirmation: "não está de acordo com a confirmação"
- accepted: "deve ser aceito"
- empty: "não pode ficar vazio"
- blank: "não pode ficar em branco"
- too_long: "é muito longo (máximo: %{count} caracteres)"
- too_short: "é muito curto (mínimo: %{count} caracteres)"
- wrong_length: "não possui o tamanho esperado (%{count} caracteres)"
taken: "já está em uso"
- not_a_number: "não é um número"
- not_an_integer: "não é um número inteiro"
- greater_than: "deve ser maior do que %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "deve ser maior ou igual a %{count}"
- equal_to: "deve ser igual a %{count}"
- less_than: "deve ser menor do que %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "deve ser menor ou igual a %{count}"
- odd: "deve ser ímpar"
- even: "deve ser par"
record_invalid: "A validação falhou: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Portuguese localization for Ruby on Rails
-# by Ricardo Otero <oterosantos@gmail.com>
+# European Portuguese translations for Ruby on Rails
-# This localization file targets Rails 2.3.2.
-# If you need a previous version go to http://github.com/weppos/rails-i18n/
-# and choose between available tags.
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
- support:
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- select:
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
- array:
- # Rails <= v.2.2.2
- # sentence_connector: "y"
- # Rails >= v.2.3
- words_connector: ","
- two_words_connector: "e"
- last_word_connector: ", e"
- # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
- # When no format has been given, it uses default.
- # You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%d/%m/%Y"
short: "%d de %B"
long: "%d de %B de %Y"
day_names: [Domingo, Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Sábado]
abbr_day_names: [Dom, Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex, Sáb]
- # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, Janeiro, Fevereiro, Março, Abril, Maio, Junho, Julho, Agosto, Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Dezembro]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Fev, Mar, Abr, Mai, Jun, Jul, Ago, Set, Out, Nov, Dez]
- # Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
- formats:
+ formats:
default: "%A, %d de %B de %Y, %H:%Mh"
short: "%d/%m, %H:%M hs"
long: "%A, %d de %B de %Y, %H:%Mh"
- am: ''
- pm: ''
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: "meio minuto"
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: "menos de 1 segundo"
- other: "menos de %{count} segundos"
- x_seconds:
- one: "1 segundo"
- other: "%{count} segundos"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: "menos de um minuto"
- other: "menos de %{count} minutos"
- x_minutes:
- one: "1 minuto"
- other: "%{count} minutos"
- about_x_hours:
- one: "aproximadamente 1 hora"
- other: "aproximadamente %{count} horas"
- x_days:
- one: "1 dia"
- other: "%{count} dias"
- about_x_months:
- one: "aproximadamente 1 mês"
- other: "aproximadamente %{count} meses"
- x_months:
- one: "1 mês"
- other: "%{count} meses"
- about_x_years:
- one: "aproximadamente 1 ano"
- other: "aproximadamente %{count} anos"
- over_x_years:
- one: "mais de 1 ano"
- other: "mais de %{count} anos"
- almost_x_years:
- one: "quase 1 ano"
- other: "quase %{count} years"
- prompts:
- year: "Ano"
- month: "Mês"
- day: "Dia"
- hour: "Hora"
- minute: "Minuto"
- second: "Segundo"
+ am: "am"
+ pm: "pm"
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " e "
+ last_word_connector: ", e"
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
precision: 3
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: ','
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: '.'
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
format: "%u%n"
- unit: '€'
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: ','
- delimiter: '.'
+ unit: "€"
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ''
- # precision:
+ delimiter: ""
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ''
- # precision:
+ delimiter: ""
- # Used in number_to_human_size() and number_to_human()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ''
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 1
- # Rails <= v2.2.2
- # storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
- # Rails >= v2.3
- # number_to_human_size()
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
format: "%n %u"
- one: "Byte"
- other: "Bytes"
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
kb: "KB"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
- # number_to_human()
- # new in rails 3: please add to other locales
format: "%n %u"
- unit: ""
- thousand: "mil"
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: mil
one: milhão
other: milhões
- one: bilhão
- other: bilhões
+ one: mil milhões
+ other: mil milhões
- one: trilhão
- other: trilhões
+ one: bilião
+ other: biliões
- one: quatrilhão
- other: quatrilhões
+ one: mil biliões
+ other: mil biliões
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "meio minuto"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "menos de 1 segundo"
+ other: "menos de %{count} segundos"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 segundo"
+ other: "%{count} segundos"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "menos de um minuto"
+ other: "menos de %{count} minutos"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minuto"
+ other: "%{count} minutos"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "aproximadamente 1 hora"
+ other: "aproximadamente %{count} horas"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 dia"
+ other: "%{count} dias"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "aproximadamente 1 mês"
+ other: "aproximadamente %{count} meses"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 mês"
+ other: "%{count} meses"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "aproximadamente 1 ano"
+ other: "aproximadamente %{count} anos"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "mais de 1 ano"
+ other: "mais de %{count} anos"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "quase 1 ano"
+ other: "quase %{count} years"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Ano"
+ month: "Mês"
+ day: "Dia"
+ hour: "Hora"
+ minute: "Minuto"
+ second: "Segundo"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Criar %{model}'
+ update: 'Actualizar %{model}'
+ submit: 'Salvar %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "não está incluído na lista"
+ exclusion: "é reservado"
+ invalid: "é inválido"
+ confirmation: "não coincide com a confirmação"
+ accepted: "tem de ser aceite"
+ empty: "não pode estar vazio"
+ blank: "não pode estar em branco"
+ too_long: "é demasiado grande (o máximo é de %{count} caracteres)"
+ too_short: "é demasiado pequeno (o mínimo é de %{count} caracteres)"
+ wrong_length: "comprimento errado (deve ter %{count} caracteres)"
+ not_a_number: "não é um número"
+ not_an_integer: "tem de ser um inteiro"
+ greater_than: "tem de ser maior que %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "tem de ser maior ou igual a %{count}"
+ equal_to: "tem de ser igual a %{count}"
+ less_than: "tem de ser menor que %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "tem de ser menor ou igual a %{count}"
+ odd: "tem de ser ímpar"
+ even: "tem de ser par"
one: "Não foi possível guardar %{model}: 1 erro"
other: "Não foi possível guardar %{model}: %{count} erros"
- # The variable :count is also available
body: "Por favor, verifique os seguintes campos:"
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- inclusion: "não está incluído na lista"
- exclusion: "não está disponível"
- invalid: "não é válido"
- confirmation: "não está de acordo com a confirmação"
- accepted: "precisa de ser aceite"
- empty: "não pode estar em branco"
- blank: "não pode estar em branco"
- too_long: "tem demasiados caracteres (máximo: %{count} caracteres)"
- too_short: "tem poucos caracteres (mínimo: %{count} caracteres)"
- wrong_length: "não é do tamanho correcto (necessita de ter %{count} caracteres)"
taken: "não está disponível"
- not_a_number: "não é um número"
- greater_than: "tem de ser maior do que %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "tem de ser maior ou igual a %{count}"
- equal_to: "tem de ser igual a %{count}"
- less_than: "tem de ser menor do que %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "tem de ser menor ou igual a %{count}"
- odd: "tem de ser ímpar"
- even: "tem de ser par"
record_invalid: "A validação falhou: %{errors}"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
- # You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation.
- #
- # For example,
- # models:
- # user:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for %{model}: %{attribute}"
- # attributes:
- # login:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
- # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
- #models:
- # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
- #models:
- # For example,
- # user: "Dude"
- # will translate User model name to "Dude"
- # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
- #attributes:
- # For example,
- # user:
- # login: "Handle"
- # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle"
- activemodel:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "Não foi possível guardar %{model}: 1 erro"
- other: "Não foi possível guardar %{model}: %{count} erros"
- # The variable :count is also available
- body: "Por favor, verifique os seguintes campos:"
\ No newline at end of file
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
-# Romansh translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Romansh translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Flurina Andriuet and Sebastian de Castelberg (rails-i18n@kpricorn.org)
abbr_day_names: [du, gli, ma, me, gie, ve, so]
month_names: [~, schaner, favrer, mars, avrigl, matg, zercladur, fanadur, avust, settember, october, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, schan, favr, mars, avr, matg, zercl, fan, avust, sett, oct, nov, dec]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
long: "%A, %d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
am: "avantmezdi"
pm: "suentermezdi"
half_a_minute: "ina mesa minuta"
-# Romanian translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Romanian translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Catalin Ilinca (me@talin.ro)
# updated by kfl62 (bogus keys are now commented)
abbr_day_names: [Dum, Lun, Mar, Mie, Joi, Vin, Sâm]
month_names: [~, Ianuarie, Februarie, Martie, Aprilie, Mai, Iunie, Iulie, August, Septembrie, Octombrie, Noiembrie, Decembrie]
abbr_month_names: [~, Ian, Feb, Mar, Apr, Mai, Iun, Iul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Noi, Dec]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%a %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S %z"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M"
# only_second: "%S"
# datetime:
# formats:
# default: "%d-%m-%YT%H:%M:%S%Z"
am: ''
pm: ''
half_a_minute: "jumătate de minut"
hour: "Ora"
minute: "Minutul"
second: "Secunda"
precision: 3
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
- header:
+ header:
one: "Nu am putut salva acest %{model}: o eroare"
other: "Nu am putut salva acest %{model}: %{count} erori."
body: "Încearcă să corectezi urmatoarele câmpuri:"
# by Yaroslav Markin <yaroslav@markin.net>
# Be sure to check out "russian" gem (http://github.com/yaroslav/russian) for
-# full Russian language support in Rails (month names, pluralization, etc).
+# full Russian language support in Rails (month names, pluralization, etc).
# The following is an excerpt from that gem.
-# Для полноценной поддержки русского языка (варианты названий месяцев,
-# плюрализация и так далее) в Rails 2.2 нужно использовать gem "russian"
+# Для полноценной поддержки русского языка (варианты названий месяцев,
+# плюрализация и так далее) в Rails 2.2 нужно использовать gem "russian"
# (http://github.com/yaroslav/russian). Следующие данные -- выдержка их него, чтобы
# была возможность минимальной локализации приложения на русский язык.
abbr_month_names: [~, янв., февр., марта, апр., мая, июня, июля, авг., сент., окт., нояб., дек.]
standalone_abbr_month_names: [~, янв., февр., март, апр., май, июнь, июль, авг., сент., окт., нояб., дек.]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
separator: "."
delimiter: " "
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
separator: "."
delimiter: " "
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
# Rails 2.2
# storage_units: [байт, КБ, МБ, ГБ, ТБ]
gb: "ГБ"
tb: "ТБ"
+ # Rails 3
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand:
+ one: "Тысяча"
+ few: "Тысяч"
+ many: "Тысяч"
+ other: "Тысяч"
+ million:
+ one: "Миллион"
+ few: "Миллионов"
+ many: "Миллионов"
+ other: "Миллионов"
+ billion:
+ one: "Миллиард"
+ few: "Миллиардов"
+ many: "Миллиардов"
+ other: "Миллиардов"
+ trillion:
+ one: "Триллион"
+ few: "Триллионов"
+ many: "Триллионов"
+ other: "Триллионов"
+ quadrillion:
+ one: "Квадриллион"
+ few: "Квадриллионов"
+ many: "Квадриллионов"
+ other: "Квадриллионов"
half_a_minute: "меньше минуты"
few: "больше %{count} лет"
many: "больше %{count} лет"
other: "больше %{count} лет"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "почти 1 год"
+ other: "почти %{count} лет"
year: "Год"
month: "Месяц"
minute: "Минут"
second: "Секунд"
- support:
+ helpers:
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
+ # Default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
prompt: "Выберите: "
+ # Default translation keys for submit FormHelper
+ submit:
+ create: 'Создать %{model}'
+ update: 'Сохранить %{model}'
+ submit: 'Сохранить %{model}'
+ # In rails 3 errors is top-level namespace
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages:
+ inclusion: "имеет непредусмотренное значение"
+ exclusion: "имеет зарезервированное значение"
+ invalid: "имеет неверное значение"
+ confirmation: "не совпадает с подтверждением"
+ accepted: "нужно подтвердить"
+ empty: "не может быть пустым"
+ blank: "не может быть пустым"
+ too_long:
+ one: "слишком большой длины (не может быть больше чем %{count} символ)"
+ few: "слишком большой длины (не может быть больше чем %{count} символа)"
+ many: "слишком большой длины (не может быть больше чем %{count} символов)"
+ other: "слишком большой длины (не может быть больше чем %{count} символа)"
+ too_short:
+ one: "недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше %{count} символа)"
+ few: "недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше %{count} символов)"
+ many: "недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше %{count} символов)"
+ other: "недостаточной длины (не может быть меньше %{count} символа)"
+ wrong_length:
+ one: "неверной длины (может быть длиной ровно %{count} символ)"
+ few: "неверной длины (может быть длиной ровно %{count} символа)"
+ many: "неверной длины (может быть длиной ровно %{count} символов)"
+ other: "неверной длины (может быть длиной ровно %{count} символа)"
+ taken: "уже существует"
+ not_a_number: "не является числом"
+ not_an_integer: "не является целым числом"
+ greater_than: "может иметь значение большее %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "может иметь значение большее или равное %{count}"
+ equal_to: "может иметь лишь значение, равное %{count}"
+ less_than: "может иметь значение меньшее чем %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "может иметь значение меньшее или равное %{count}"
+ odd: "может иметь лишь четное значение"
+ even: "может иметь лишь нечетное значение"
+ record_invalid: "Возникли ошибки: %{errors}"
odd: "может иметь лишь четное значение"
even: "может иметь лишь нечетное значение"
record_invalid: "Возникли ошибки: %{errors}"
format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ select:
+ prompt: "Выберите: "
# Rails 2.2
sentence_connector: "и"
skip_last_comma: true
# Rails 2.3
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " и "
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
# Slovak translations for Ruby on Rails (inspired by the Czech localization - thanx to Karel Minařík)
# by Jozef Fulop (jofi-rails@silake.com)
+# edit by Ivan Stana (stiipa@centrum.sk)
- # ActiveSupport
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ', '
- two_words_connector: ' a '
- last_word_connector: ' a '
# Date
- default: "%d. %m. %Y"
+ default: "%d.%m.%Y"
short: "%d %b"
long: "%d. %B %Y"
day_names: [Nedeľa, Pondelok, Utorok, Streda, Štvrtok, Piatok, Sobota]
abbr_day_names: [Ne, Po, Ut, St, Št, Pi, So]
month_names: [~, Január, Február, Marec, Apríl, Máj, Jún, Júl, August, September, Október, November, December]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Máj, Jún, Júl, Aug, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dec]
- order: [:day, :month, :year]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# Time
default: "%a %d. %B %Y %H:%M %z"
- short: "%d. %m. %H:%M"
+ short: "%d.%m. %H:%M"
long: "%A %d. %B %Y %H:%M"
- am: 'dopoludnia'
- pm: 'popoludní'
+ am: "dopoludnia"
+ pm: "popoludní"
+ # ActiveSupport
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " a "
+ last_word_connector: " a "
+ select:
+ prompt: "Prosím vyberte si"
# Numbers
precision: 3
- separator: '.'
- delimiter: ','
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: " "
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- unit: '€'
+ unit: "€"
precision: 2
- format: '%n %u'
+ format: "%n %u"
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: " "
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 1
- delimiter: ''
+ delimiter: ""
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ''
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: Tisíc
+ million: Milión
+ billion: Miliarda
+ trillion: Bilión
+ quadrillion: Biliarda
# Distance of time ... helper
month: "Mesiac"
year: "Rok"
- half_a_minute: 'pol minutou'
+ half_a_minute: 'pol minútou'
one: 'asi pred sekundou'
other: 'asi pred %{count} sekundami'
one: 'pred viac ako rokom'
other: 'viac ako %{count} rokmi'
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "takmer pred rokom"
+ other: "takmer pred %{count} rokmi"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Prosím vyberte si"
+ submit:
+ create: 'Vytvoriť %{model}'
+ update: 'Aktualizovať %{model}'
+ submit: 'Uložiť %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "nie je v zozname povolených hodnôt"
+ exclusion: "je vyhradené pre iný účel"
+ invalid: "nie je platná hodnota"
+ confirmation: "nebolo potvrdené"
+ accepted: "musí byť potvrdené"
+ empty: "nesmie byť prázdny/e"
+ blank: "je povinná položka"
+ too_long: "je príliš dlhá/ý (max. %{count} znakov)"
+ too_short: "je príliš krátky/a (min. %{count} znakov)"
+ wrong_length: "nemá správnu dĺžku (očakáva sa %{count} znakov)"
+ taken: "sa už nachádza v databáze"
+ not_a_number: "nie je číslo"
+ not_an_integer: "musí byť celé číslo"
+ greater_than: "musí byť väčšie ako %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "musí byť väčšie alebo rovné %{count}"
+ equal_to: "sa musí rovnať %{count}"
+ less_than: "musí byť menšie ako %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "musí byť menšie alebo rovné %{count}"
+ odd: "musí byť nepárne číslo"
+ even: "musí byť párne číslo"
# ActiveRecord validation messages
- activerecord:
+ activerecord:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Objekt %{model} nebol uložený. Vyskytla sa 1 chyba"
+ other: "Objekt %{model} nebol uložený. Vyskytlo sa %{count} chýb"
+ body: "Nasledujúce polia obsahujú chybne vyplnené údaje:"
- inclusion: "nie je v zozname povolených hodnôt"
- exclusion: "je vyhradené pre iný účel"
- invalid: "nie je platná hodnota"
- confirmation: "nebolo potvrdené"
- accepted: "musí byť potvrdené"
- empty: "nesmie byť prázdný/é"
- blank: "je povinná položka"
- too_long: "je príliš dlhá/ý (max. %{count} znakov)"
- too_short: "je príliš krátký/á (min. %{count} znakov)"
- wrong_length: "nemá správnu dĺžku (očakáva sa %{count} znakov)"
- taken: "sa už nachádza v databáze"
- not_a_number: "nie je číslo"
- greater_than: "musí byť väčšíe ako %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "musí byť väčšie alebo rovnaké ako %{count}"
- equal_to: "sa musí rovnať %{count}"
- less_than: "musí byť menšie ako %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "musí byť menšie ako %{count}"
- odd: "musí byť nepárne číslo"
- even: "musí byť párne číslo"
+ taken: "ste už použili"
+ record_invalid: "Validácia neúspešná: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ activemodel:
+ errors:
- one: "Pri ukladaní objektu %{model} došlo k chybám a nebolo možné objekt uložiť"
- other: "Pri ukladaní objektu %{model} došlo ku %{count} chybe/ám a nebolo možné objekt uložiť"
+ one: "Pri ukladaní objektu %{model} došlo k chybám a nebolo ho možné uložiť"
+ other: "Pri ukladaní objektu %{model} došlo k %{count} chybám a nebolo ho možné uložiť"
body: "Nasledujúce polia obsahujú chybne vyplnené údaje:"
# Slovenian language localization (sl-sl)
# by Miha Rebernik <miha@rebernik.info>
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
month_names: [~, januar, februar, marec, april, maj, junij, julij, avgust, september, oktober, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, avg, sep, okt, nov, dec]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
short: "%d. %b ob %H:%M"
long: "%d. %B, %Y ob %H:%M"
simple: "%d. %B %Y ob %H:%M"
am: "dopoldan"
pm: "popoldan"
delimiter: "."
# Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_currency()
separator: ","
delimiter: "."
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # precision:
# Used in number_to_precision()
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Used in number_to_human_size()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
two: "2 meseca"
few: "%{count} mesece"
other: "%{count} mesecev"
- almost_x_years:
+ almost_x_years:
one: "skoraj 1 leto"
two: "skoraj 2 leti"
few: "skoraj %{count} leta"
day: "Dan"
hour: "Ura"
minute: "Minute"
- second: "Sekunde"
\ No newline at end of file
+ second: "Sekunde"
abbr_day_names: [Ned, Pon, Uto, Sre, Čet, Pet, Sub]
month_names: [~, Januar, Februar, Mart, April, Maj, Jun, Jul, Avgust, Septembar, Oktobar, Novembar, Decembar]
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Maj, Jun, Jul, Avg, Sep, Okt, Nov, Dec]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
abbr_day_names: [Нед, Пон, Уто, Сре, Чет, Пет, Суб]
month_names: [~, Јануар, Фабруар, Март, Април, Мај, Јун, Јул, Август, Септембар, Октобар, Новембар, Децембар]
abbr_month_names: [~, Јан, Феб, Мар, Апр, Мај, Јун, Јул, Авг, Сеп, Окт, Нов, Дец]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
# With contributions by:
# * Sven Dahlstrand (sven.dahlstrand@gmail.com)
# * Henrik Nyh (henrik@nyh.se)
+# * Magnus Bergmark (magnus.bergmark@gmail.com)
# Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
separator: ","
# Delimits thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: " "
+ delimiter: " " # non-breaking space
# Number of decimals after the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
# Used in number_to_currency()
# Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
format: "%n %u"
+ negative_format: "-%n %u"
unit: "kr"
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ""
# Used in number_to_human_size()
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- # delimiter: ""
+ delimiter: ""
precision: 1
# Storage units output formatting.
# %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
format: "%n %u"
- one: "Byte"
+ one: "Byte"
other: "Bytes"
kb: "KB"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand: "Tusen"
+ million: "Miljon"
+ billion: "Miljard"
+ trillion: "Biljon"
+ quadrillion: "Triljon"
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
one: "nästan ett år"
other: "nästan %{count} år"
year: "År"
month: "Månad"
minute: "Minut"
second: "Sekund"
- activemodel:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "Ett fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
- other: "%{count} fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
- # The variable :count is also available
- body: "Det var problem med följande fält:"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "Välj"
+ submit:
+ create: "Skapa %{model}"
+ update: "Ändra %{model}"
+ submit: "Spara %{model}"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: "finns inte i listan"
+ exclusion: "är reserverat"
+ invalid: "är ogiltigt"
+ confirmation: "stämmer inte överens"
+ accepted: "måste vara accepterad"
+ empty: "får ej vara tom"
+ blank: "måste anges"
+ too_long: "är för lång (maximum är %{count} tecken)"
+ too_short: "är för kort (minimum är %{count} tecken)"
+ wrong_length: "har fel längd (ska vara %{count} tecken)"
+ taken: "har redan tagits"
+ not_a_number: "är inte ett nummer"
+ not_an_integer: "måste vara ett heltal"
+ greater_than: "måste vara större än %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "måste vara större än eller lika med %{count}"
+ equal_to: "måste vara samma som"
+ less_than: "måste vara mindre än %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "måste vara mindre än eller lika med %{count}"
+ odd: "måste vara udda"
+ even: "måste vara jämnt"
+ record_invalid: "Ett fel uppstod: %{errors}"
+ not_saved: "Kunde inte sparas"
# model.errors.full_messages format.
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
one: "Ett fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
other: "%{count} fel förhindrade denna %{model} från att sparas"
body: "Det var problem med följande fält:"
+ messages:
+ taken: "är upptaget"
+ record_invalid: "Validering misslyckades: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- messages:
- inclusion: "finns inte i listan"
- exclusion: "är reserverat"
- invalid: "är ogiltigt"
- confirmation: "stämmer inte överens"
- accepted: "måste vara accepterad"
- empty: "får ej vara tom"
- blank: "måste anges"
- too_long: "är för lång (maximum är %{count} tecken)"
- too_short: "är för kort (minimum är %{count} tecken)"
- wrong_length: "har fel längd (ska vara %{count} tecken)"
- taken: "har redan tagits"
- not_a_number: "är inte ett nummer"
- greater_than: "måste vara större än %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "måste vara större än eller lika med %{count}"
- equal_to: "måste vara samma som"
- less_than: "måste vara mindre än %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "måste vara mindre än eller lika med %{count}"
- odd: "måste vara udda"
- even: "måste vara jämnt"
- record_invalid: "Ett fel uppstod: %{errors}"
# Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
# You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
month_names: [~, januari, februari, mars, april, maj, juni, juli, augusti, september, oktober, november, december]
abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, dec]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
am: ""
pm: ""
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
+ # Used in array.to_sentence.
words_connector: ", "
-# Swahili translations for Rails
-# by Joachim Mangilima (joachimm3@gmail.com) and Matthew Todd (http://matthewtodd.org)
+# Swahili translations for Ruby on Rails
+# - Initially sketched by Joachim Mangilima (joachimm3@gmail.com) and Matthew Todd (http://matthewtodd.org)
+# - Vastly improved by Joram (namtih58@gmail.com)
- default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- # TODO the short and long date formats are temporary until I can talk with someone...
- short: "%e ya %b"
- long: "%e ya %B, %Y"
+ default: '%d-%m-%Y'
+ short: '%e %b'
+ long: '%e %B, %Y'
day_names: [Jumpili, Jumatatu, Jumanne, Jumatano, Alhamisi, Ijumaa, Jumamosi]
abbr_day_names: [J2, J3, J4, J5, Al, Ij, J1]
- month_names: [~, Januari, Februari, Machi, Aprili, Mei, Juni, Julai, Agosti, Septemba, Oktoba, Novemba, Desemba]
- # TODO these abbreviated month names are temporary until I can talk with someone...
- abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
- # time:
- # formats:
- # default: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
- # short: "%e. %B, %H:%M Uhr"
- # long: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
- #
- # am: "vormittags"
- # pm: "nachmittags"
+ month_names: [~, Mwezi wa kwanza, Mwezi wa pili, Mwezi wa tatu, Mwezi wa nne, Mwezi wa tano, Mwezi wa sita, Mwezi wa saba, Mwezi wa nane, Mwezi wa tisa, Mwezi wa kumi, Mwezi wa kumi na moja, Mwezi wa kumi na mbili]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mac, Apr, Mei, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Okt, Nov, Des]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'
+ short: '%e %b %Y %H:%M'
+ long: '%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M:%S'
+ am: 'am'
+ pm: 'pm'
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ', '
+ two_words_connector: ' na '
+ last_word_connector: ', na '
+ select:
+ prompt: 'Tafadhali teua'
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ','
+ delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: '%n%u'
+ unit: '/='
+ separator: ','
+ delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ''
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ''
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ''
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: '%n %u'
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: 'Byte'
+ other: 'Bytes'
+ kb: 'KB'
+ mb: 'MB'
+ gb: 'GB'
+ tb: 'TB'
+ decimal_units:
+ format: '%n %u'
+ units:
+ unit: ''
+ thousand: Elfu
+ million: Milioni
+ billion: Bilioni
+ trillion: Trilioni
+ quadrillion: Quadrillion
half_a_minute: 'nusu dakika'
- zero: 'chini ya sekunde 1'
one: 'chini ya sekunde 1'
other: 'chini ya sekunde %{count}'
one: 'sekunde 1'
other: 'sekunde %{count}'
- zero: 'chini ya dakika 1'
one: 'chini ya dakika 1'
other: 'chini ya dakika %{count}'
one: 'dakika 1'
other: 'dakika %{count}'
- one: 'kama saa 1'
+ one: 'kama saa limoja'
other: 'kama masaa %{count}'
one: 'siku 1'
one: 'zaidi ya mwaka 1'
other: 'zaidi ya miaka %{count}'
- #
- # number:
- # format:
- # precision: 2
- # separator: ','
- # delimiter: '.'
- # currency:
- # format:
- # unit: '€'
- # format: '%n%u'
- # separator:
- # delimiter:
- # precision:
- # percentage:
- # format:
- # delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # format:
- # delimiter: ""
- # human:
- # format:
- # delimiter: ""
- # precision: 1
- #
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " na "
- last_word_connector: ", na "
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: 'karibia mwaka'
+ other: 'karibia miaka %{count}'
+ prompts:
+ year: 'Mwaka'
+ month: 'Mwezi'
+ day: 'Siku'
+ hour: 'Saa'
+ minute: 'Dakika'
+ second: 'Sekunde'
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: 'Tafadhali teua'
+ submit:
+ create: 'Unda %{model}'
+ update: 'Sasaisha %{model}'
+ submit: 'Akibisha %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: 'haipo kwenye orodha'
+ exclusion: 'haiwezi kutumika'
+ invalid: 'haifai'
+ confirmation: 'haifanani na hapo chini'
+ accepted: 'lazima ikubaliwe'
+ empty: 'haitakiwi kuwa tupu'
+ blank: 'haitakiwi kuwa wazi'
+ too_long: 'ndefu sana (isizidi herufi %{count})'
+ too_short: 'fupi mno (isipungue herufi %{count})'
+ wrong_length: 'idadi ya herufi hazilingani (inatakiwa %{count})'
+ not_a_number: 'inaruhusiwa namba tu'
+ not_an_integer: 'inaruhusiwa namba tu'
+ greater_than: 'z/iwe zaidi ya %{count}'
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: 'z/iwe sawa ama zaidi ya %{count}'
+ equal_to: 'z/iwe sawa na %{count}'
+ less_than: 'z/isizidi %{count}'
+ less_than_or_equal_to: 'z/iwe sawa na, ama chini ya %{count}'
+ odd: 'z/iwe witiri'
+ even: 'z/iwe shufwa'
- # TODO this error message template could use some work
- one: "Tumeshindwa kuhifadhi %{model} hii kwa sababu ya jambo limoja."
- other: "Tumeshindwa kuhifadhi %{model} hii kwa sababu ya mambo %{count}."
- body: ""
+ one: '%{model} haikuhifadhiwa kwa sababu moja.'
+ other: '%{model} haikuhifadhiwa kwa sababu %{count}.'
+ body: 'Tafadhali kagua sehemu zifuatazo:'
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- # inclusion: "is not included in the list"
- exclusion: "haiwezi kutumika"
- invalid: "haifai"
- confirmation: "haifanani na hapo chini"
- # accepted: "must be accepted"
- empty: "haitakiwi kuwa wazi"
- blank: "haitakiwi kuwa wazi"
- too_long: "ndefu sana (isizidi herufi %{count})"
- too_short: "fupi mno (isipungue herufi %{count})"
- # wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)"
- taken: "imeshachukuliwa"
- not_a_number: "inaruhusiwa namba tu"
- # greater_than: "must be greater than %{count}"
- # greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to %{count}"
- # equal_to: "must be equal to %{count}"
- # less_than: "must be less than %{count}"
- # less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to %{count}"
- # odd: "must be odd"
- # even: "must be even"
+ taken: 'imesajiliwa'
+ record_invalid: "Uhalalishaji umeshindikana: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: '%{attribute}%{message}'
# Note: You must install i18n gem in order to use this language pack.
# If you're calling I18n.localize(Time.now), the year will be in Bhuddhist calendar
- :'th' => {
- :number => {
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- :format => {
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- :separator => ".",
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- :delimiter => ",",
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 :gives => 1.00)
- :precision => 3
- },
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- :currency => {
- :format => {
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number :(default => $5.00)
- :format => "%n %u",
- :unit => "บาท",
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- :separator => ".",
- :delimiter => ",",
- :precision => 2
- }
- },
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- :percentage => {
- :format => {
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # :separator => ".",
- :delimiter => "",
- # :precision => 3
- }
- },
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- :precision => {
- :format => {
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # :separator => ".",
- :delimiter => "",
- # :precision => 3
- }
- },
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- :human => {
- :format => {
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # :separator => ".",
- :delimiter => ",",
- :precision => 1
- },
- :storage_units => {
- # Storage units output formatting.
- # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number :(default => 2 MB)
- :format => "%n %u",
- :units => {
- :byte => {
- :one => "Byte",
- :other => "Bytes"
- },
- :kb => "KB",
- :mb => "MB",
- :gb => "GB",
- :tb => "TB"
- }
- }
- }
- },
+# This is used to DRY up ActiveRecord validation messages
+unless defined?(ThaiLocaleI18n::ERROR_MESSAGES)
+ module ThaiLocaleI18n
+ :inclusion => "ไม่ได้อยู่ในรายการ",
+ :exclusion => "ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ใช้",
+ :invalid => "ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ :confirmation => "ไม่ตรงกับการยืนยัน",
+ :accepted => "ต้องถูกยอมรับ",
+ :empty => "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้",
+ :blank => "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้",
+ :too_long => "ยาวเกินไป (ต้องไม่เกิน %{count} ตัวอักษร)",
+ :too_short => "สั้นเกินไป (ต้องยาวกว่า %{count} ตัวอักษร)",
+ :wrong_length => "มีความยาวไม่ถูกต้อง (ต้องมีความยาว %{count} ตัวอักษร)",
+ :not_a_number => "ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข",
+ :not_an_integer => "ไม่ใช่จำนวนเต็ม",
+ :greater_than => "ต้องมากกว่า %{count}",
+ :greater_than_or_equal_to => "ต้องมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับ %{count}",
+ :equal_to => "ต้องมีค่าเท่ากับ %{count}",
+ :less_than => "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่า %{count}",
+ :less_than_or_equal_to => "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่าหรือเท่ากับ %{count}",
+ :odd => "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคี่",
+ :even => "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคู่",
+ }
+ end
+{ :'th' => {
+:date => {
+ :formats => {
+ :default => lambda { |date, opts| "%d-%m-#{date.year + 543}" },
+ :short => "%d %b",
+ :long => lambda { |date, opts| "%d %B #{date.year + 543}" },
+ },
+ :day_names => ["อาทิตย์", "จันทร์", "อังคาร", "พุธ", "พฤหัสบดี", "ศุกร์", "เสาร์"],
+ :abbr_day_names => ["อา", "จ", "อ", "พ", "พฤ", "ศ", "ส"],
+ :month_names => [nil, "มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม"],
+ :abbr_month_names => [nil, "ม.ค.", "ก.พ.", "มี.ค.", "เม.ย.", "พ.ค.", "มิ.ย.", "ก.ค.", "ส.ค.", "ก.ย.", "ต.ค.", "พ.ย.", "ธ.ค."],
+ :order => [:day, :month, :year]
+:time => {
+ :formats => {
+ :default => lambda { |date, opts| "%a %d %b #{date.year + 543} %H:%M:%S %z" },
+ :short => "%d %b %H:%M น.",
+ :long => lambda { |date, opts| "%d %B #{date.year + 543} %H:%M น." },
+ },
+ :am => "ก่อนเที่ยง",
+ :pm => "หลังเที่ยง"
+:support => {
+ :array => {
+ :words_connector => ", ",
+ :two_words_connector => " และ ",
+ :last_word_connector => ", และ ",
+ },
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
- :datetime => {
- :distance_in_words => {
- :half_a_minute => "ครึ่งนาที",
- :less_than_x_seconds => "น้อยกว่า %{count} วินาที",
- :x_seconds => "%{count} วินาที",
- :less_than_x_minutes => "น้อยกว่า %{count} นาที",
- :x_minutes => "%{count} นาที",
- :about_x_hours => "ประมาณ %{count} ชั่วโมง",
- :x_days => "%{count} วัน",
- :about_x_months => "ประมาณ %{count} เดือน",
- :x_months => "%{count} เดือน",
- :about_x_years => "ประมาณ %{count} ปี",
- :over_x_years => "มากกว่า %{count} ปี",
- :almost_x_years => "เกือบ %{count} ปี",
- },
- :prompts => {
- :year => "ปี",
- :month => "เดือน",
- :day => "วัน",
- :hour => "ชั่วโมง",
- :minute => "นาที",
- :second => "วินาที",
+ :select => {
+ :prompt => "โปรดเลือก"
+ }
+:number => {
+ :format => {
+ :separator => ".",
+ :delimiter => ",",
+ :precision => 3,
+ :significant => false,
+ :strip_insignificant_zeros => false
+ },
+ :currency => {
+ :format => {
+ :format => "%n %u",
+ :unit => "บาท",
+ :separator => ".",
+ :delimiter => ",",
+ :precision => 2,
+ :significant => false,
+ :strip_insignificant_zeros => false
+ }
+ },
+ :percentage => {
+ :format => {
+ :delimiter => "",
+ }
+ },
+ :precision => {
+ :format => {
+ :delimiter => "",
+ }
+ },
+ :human => {
+ :format => {
+ :delimiter => "",
+ :precision => 3,
+ :significant => true,
+ :strip_insignificant_zeros => true
+ },
+ :storage_units => {
+ :format => "%n %u",
+ :units => {
+ :byte => "ไบต์",
+ :kb => "กิโลไบต์",
+ :mb => "เมกะไบต์",
+ :gb => "จิกะไบต์",
+ :tb => "เทระไบต์"
- :activemodel => {
- :errors => {
- :template => {
- :header => "พบข้อผิดพลาด %{count} ประการ ทำให้ไม่สามารถบันทึก%{model}ได้",
- # The variable :count is also available
- :body => "โปรดตรวจสอบข้อมูลต่อไปนี้:"
- }
+ :decimal_units => {
+ :format => "%n %u",
+ :units => {
+ :unit => "",
+ :thousand => "พัน",
+ :million => "ล้าน",
+ :billion => "พันล้าน",
+ :trillion => "ล้านล้าน",
+ :quadrillion => "พันล้านล้าน"
- },
- :activerecord => {
- :errors => {
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- :messages => {
- :inclusion => "ไม่ได้อยู่ในรายการ",
- :exclusion => "ไม่อนุญาตให้ใช้",
- :invalid => "ไม่ถูกต้อง",
- :confirmation => "ไม่ตรงกับการยืนยัน",
- :accepted => "ต้องถูกยอมรับ",
- :empty => "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้",
- :blank => "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้",
- :too_long => "ยาวเกินไป (ต้องไม่เกิน %{count} ตัวอักษร)",
- :too_short => "สั้นเกินไป (ต้องยาวกว่า %{count} ตัวอักษร)",
- :wrong_length => "มีความยาวไม่ถูกต้อง (ต้องมีความยาว %{count} ตัวอักษร)",
- :taken => "ถูกใช้ไปแล้ว",
- :not_a_number => "ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข",
- :greater_than => "ต้องมากกว่า %{count}",
- :greater_than_or_equal_to => "ต้องมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับ %{count}",
- :equal_to => "ต้องมีค่าเท่ากับ %{count}",
- :less_than => "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่า %{count}",
- :less_than_or_equal_to => "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่าหรือเท่ากับ %{count}",
- :odd => "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคี่",
- :even => "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคู่",
- :record_invalid => "ไม่ผ่านการตรวจสอบ: %{errors}"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
- },
- # You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation.
- #
- # For example,
- # :models =>
- # :user =>
- # :blank => "This is a custom blank message for :%{model} => %{attribute}"
- # :attributes =>
- # :login =>
- # :blank => "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
- # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
- # models => {
- #
- # },
- },
- # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
- # :models => {
- # For example,
- # :user => "Dude"
- # will translate User model name to "Dude"
- # },
- # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
- # :attributes => {
- # For example,
- # :user =>
- # :login => "Handle"
- # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle"
- # },
- },
+ }
+ }
+:datetime => {
+ :distance_in_words => {
+ :half_a_minute => "ครึ่งนาที",
+ :less_than_x_seconds => "น้อยกว่า %{count} วินาที",
+ :x_seconds => "%{count} วินาที",
+ :less_than_x_minutes => "น้อยกว่า %{count} นาที",
+ :x_minutes => "%{count} นาที",
+ :about_x_hours => "ประมาณ %{count} ชั่วโมง",
+ :x_days => "%{count} วัน",
+ :about_x_months => "ประมาณ %{count} เดือน",
+ :x_months => "%{count} เดือน",
+ :about_x_years => "ประมาณ %{count} ปี",
+ :over_x_years => "มากกว่า %{count} ปี",
+ :almost_x_years => "เกือบ %{count} ปี",
+ },
+ :prompts => {
+ :year => "ปี",
+ :month => "เดือน",
+ :day => "วัน",
+ :hour => "ชั่วโมง",
+ :minute => "นาที",
+ :second => "วินาที",
+ }
- :date => {
- :formats => {
- # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
- # When no format has been given, it uses default.
- # You can provide other formats here if you like!
- :default => lambda { |date, opts| "%d-%m-#{date.year + 543}" },
- :short => "%e %b",
- :long => lambda { |date, opts| "%e %B #{date.year + 543}" },
- },
- :day_names => ["อาทิตย์", "จันทร์", "อังคาร", "พุธ", "พฤหัสบดี", "ศุกร์", "เสาร์"],
- :abbr_day_names => ["อา", "จ", "อ", "พ", "พฤ", "ศ", "ส"],
- # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
- :month_names => [nil, "มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม"],
- :abbr_month_names => [nil, "ม.ค.", "ก.พ.", "มี.ค.", "เม.ย.", "พ.ค.", "มิ.ย.", "ก.ค.", "ส.ค.", "ก.ย.", "ต.ค.", "พ.ย.", "ธ.ค."],
- # Used in date_select and datime_select.
- :order => [ :day, :month, :year ]
+:helpers => {
+ :select => {
+ :prompt => "โปรดเลือก"
+ },
+ :submit => {
+ :create => "สร้าง%{model}",
+ :update => "ปรับปรุง%{model}",
+ :submit => "บันทึก%{model}"
+ }
+:errors => {
+ :format => "%{attribute} %{message}",
+ :messages => ThaiLocaleI18n::ERROR_MESSAGES
+:activerecord => {
+ :errors => {
+ :template => {
+ :header => "พบข้อผิดพลาด %{count} ประการ ทำให้ไม่สามารถบันทึก%{model}ได้",
+ :body => "โปรดตรวจสอบข้อมูลในช่องต่อไปนี้:"
- :time => {
- :formats => {
- :default => lambda { |date, opts| "%a %d %b #{date.year + 543} %H:%M:%S %z" },
- :short => "%e %b %H:%M น.",
- :long => lambda { |date, opts| "%e %B #{date.year + 543} %H:%M น." },
- },
- :am => "",
- :pm => "",
+ :messages => {
+ :taken => "ถูกใช้ไปแล้ว",
+ :record_invalid => "ไม่ผ่านการตรวจสอบ: %{errors}"
+ }.merge(ThaiLocaleI18n::ERROR_MESSAGES),
+ :full_messages => {
+ :format => "%{attribute} %{message}"
- # Used in array.to_sentence.
- :support => {
- :array => {
- :words_connector => ", ",
- :two_words_connector => " และ ",
- :last_word_connector => ", และ ",
- },
- :select => {
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- :prompt => "โปรดเลือก"
- }
- }
-# Turkish translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Turkish translations for Ruby on Rails
# by Ozgun Ataman (ozataman@gmail.com)
abbr_day_names: [Pzr, Pzt, Sal, Çrş, Prş, Cum, Cts]
month_names: [~, Ocak, Şubat, Mart, Nisan, Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos, Eylül, Ekim, Kasım, Aralık]
abbr_month_names: [~, Oca, Şub, Mar, Nis, May, Haz, Tem, Ağu, Eyl, Eki, Kas, Ara]
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
default: "%a %d.%b.%y %H:%M"
am: "öğleden önce"
pm: "öğleden sonra"
half_a_minute: 'yarım dakika'
one: "neredeyse 1 yıl"
other: "neredeyse %{count} yıl"
precision: 2
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " ve "
last_word_connector: " ve "
delimiter: " "
# Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
# Used in number_to_currency()
separator: ","
delimiter: " "
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
# Used in number_to_percentage()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
- # precision:
+ # precision:
# Used in number_to_precision()
# separator:
delimiter: ""
# precision:
# Used in number_to_human_size()
# These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
+ # separator:
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
# Storage units output formatting.
# %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
mb: "МБ"
gb: "ГБ"
tb: "ТБ"
+ # Rails 3
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ unit: ""
+ thousand:
+ one: "Тисяча"
+ few: "Тисяч"
+ many: "Тисяч"
+ other: "Тисяч"
+ million:
+ one: "Мільйон"
+ few: "Мільйонів"
+ many: "Мільйонів"
+ other: "Мільйонів"
+ billion:
+ one: "Мільярд"
+ few: "Мільярдів"
+ many: "Мільярдів"
+ other: "Мільярдів"
+ trillion:
+ one: "Трильйон"
+ few: "Трильйонів"
+ many: "Трильйонів"
+ other: "Трильйонів"
+ quadrillion:
+ one: "Кквадрильйон"
+ few: "Квадрильйонів"
+ many: "Квадрильйонів"
+ other: "Квадрильйонів"
# Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
other: "менше %{count} секунди"
one: "%{count} секунда"
- few: "%{count} секунди"
+ few: "%{count} секунди"
many: "%{count} секунд"
other: "%{count} секунди"
few: "більше %{count} років"
many: "більше %{count} років"
other: "більше %{count} року"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "майже %{count} роки"
+ few: "майже %{count} років"
+ many: "майже %{count} років"
+ other: "майже %{count} років"
year: "Рік"
month: "Місяць"
minute: "Хвилина"
second: "Секунда"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ # Default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
+ prompt: "Оберіть: "
+ # Default translation keys for submit FormHelper
+ submit:
+ create: 'Створити %{model}'
+ update: 'Зберегти %{model}'
+ submit: 'Зберегти %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
+ # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
+ messages:
+ inclusion: "не включено до переліку"
+ exclusion: "зарезервовано"
+ invalid: "недійсний"
+ confirmation: "не збігається з підтвердженням"
+ accepted: "має бути прийнятий"
+ empty: "не може бути порожнім"
+ blank: "не може бути пустим"
+ too_long:
+ one: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знак)"
+ few: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знаки)"
+ many: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знаків)"
+ other: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знаку)"
+ too_short:
+ one: "занадто короткий (мінімум %{count} знак)"
+ few: "занадто короткий (мінімум %{count} знаки)"
+ many: "занадто короткий (мінімум %{count} знаків)"
+ other: "занадто короткий (мінімум %{count} знаку)"
+ wrong_length:
+ one: "неправильна довжина (має бути %{count} знак)"
+ few: "неправильна довжина (має бути %{count} знаки)"
+ many: "неправильна довжина (має бути %{count} знаків)"
+ other: "неправильна довжина (має бути %{count} знаку)"
+ taken: "вже зайнятий"
+ not_a_number: "не число"
+ not_an_integer: "не э цілим числом"
+ greater_than: "має бути більше ніж %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "має бути більше ніж або дорівнювати %{count}"
+ equal_to: "має дорівнювати %{count}"
+ less_than: "має бути менше ніж %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "має бути менше ніж або дорівнювати %{count}"
+ odd: "має бути непарним"
+ even: "має бути парним"
+ record_invalid: "Виникли помилки: %{errors}"
# The variable :count is also available
body: "Помилки виявлено в таких полях:"
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
accepted: "має бути прийнятий"
empty: "не може бути порожнім"
blank: "не може бути пустим"
- too_long:
+ too_long:
one: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знак)"
few: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знаки)"
many: "занадто довгий (максимум %{count} знаків)"
less_than_or_equal_to: "має бути менше ніж або дорівнювати %{count}"
odd: "має бути непарним"
even: "має бути парним"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
- # You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation.
- #
- # For example,
- # models:
- # user:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for %{model}: %{attribute}"
- # attributes:
- # login:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
- # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
- #models:
- # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
- #models:
- # For example,
- # user: "Dude"
- # will translate User model name to "Dude"
- # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
- #attributes:
- # For example,
- # user:
- # login: "Handle"
- # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle"
+ record_invalid: "Виникли помилки: %{errors}"
# Use the strftime parameters for formats.
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
short: "%d %b"
long: "%d %B %Y"
day_names: [неділя, понеділок, вівторок, середа, четвер, "п'ятниця", субота]
abbr_day_names: [нд., пн., вт., ср., чт., пт., сб.]
# Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
month_names: [~, Січень, Лютий, Березень, Квітень, Травень, Червень, Липень, Серпень, Вересень, Жовтень, Листопад, Грудень]
abbr_month_names: [~, січ., лют., бер., квіт., трав., черв., лип., серп., вер., жовт., лист., груд.]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
long: "%d %B %Y, %H:%M"
am: "до полудня"
pm: "по полудні"
# Used in array.to_sentence.
+ select:
+ prompt: "Оберіть:"
sentence_connector: "і"
skip_last_comma: true
words_connector: ", "
two_words_connector: " і "
last_word_connector: " та "
# attributes:
# login:
# blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
+ # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
# custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
# models:
# Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
# For example,
# user: "Dude"
# will translate User model name to "Dude"
# Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
# For example,
month_names: [~, "Tháng một", "Tháng hai", "Tháng ba", "Tháng tư", "Tháng năm", "Tháng sáu", "Tháng bảy", "Tháng tám", "Tháng chín", "Tháng mười", "Tháng mười một", "Tháng mười hai"]
abbr_month_names: [~, "Tháng một", "Tháng hai", "Tháng ba", "Tháng tư", "Tháng năm", "Tháng sáu", "Tháng bảy", "Tháng tám", "Tháng chín", "Tháng mười", "Tháng mười một", "Tháng mười hai"]
# Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
-# Chinese (China) translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Chinese (China) translations for Ruby on Rails
# by tsechingho (http://github.com/tsechingho)
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
abbr_day_names: [日, 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六]
month_names: [~, 一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月]
abbr_month_names: [~, 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
default: "%Y年%b%d日 %A %H:%M:%S %Z"
long: "%Y年%b%d日 %H:%M"
am: "上午"
pm: "下午"
half_a_minute: "半分钟"
hour: "时"
minute: "分"
second: "秒"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%u %n"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ # 10^-21 zepto, 10^-24 yocto
+ atto: "渺" # 10^-18
+ femto: "飞" # 10^-15 毫微微
+ pico: "漠" # 10^-12 微微
+ nano: "奈" # 10^-9 毫微
+ micro: "微" # 10^-6
+ mili: "毫" # 10^-3 milli
+ centi: "厘" # 10^-2
+ deci: "分" # 10^-1
+ unit: ""
+ ten:
+ one: "十"
+ other: "十" # 10^1
+ hundred: "百" # 10^2
+ thousand: "千" # 10^3 kilo
+ million: "百万" # 10^6 mega
+ billion: "十亿" # 10^9 giga
+ trillion: "兆" # 10^12 tera
+ quadrillion: "千兆" # 10^15 peta
+ # 10^18 exa, 10^21 zetta, 10^24 yotta
words_connector: ", "
last_word_connector: ", 和 "
prompt: "请选择"
template: # ~ 2.3.5 backward compatible
one: "有 1 个错误发生导致「%{model}」无法被保存。"
other: "有 %{count} 个错误发生导致「%{model}」无法被保存。"
body: "如下字段出现错误:"
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
inclusion: "不包含于列表中"
exclusion: "是保留关键字"
too_long: "过长(最长为 %{count} 个字符)"
too_short: "过短(最短为 %{count} 个字符)"
wrong_length: "长度非法(必须为 %{count} 个字符)"
- taken: "已经被使用"
not_a_number: "不是数字"
+ not_an_integer: "必须是整数"
greater_than: "必须大于 %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "必须大于或等于 %{count}"
equal_to: "必须等于 %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "必须小于或等于 %{count}"
odd: "必须为单数"
even: "必须为双数"
+ taken: "已经被使用"
record_invalid: "校验失败: %{errors}"
one: "有 1 个错误发生导致「%{model}」无法被保存。"
other: "有 %{count} 个错误发生导致「%{model}」无法被保存。"
body: "如下字段出现错误:"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages:
+ inclusion: "不包含于列表中"
+ exclusion: "是保留关键字"
+ invalid: "是无效的"
+ confirmation: "与确认值不匹配"
+ accepted: "必须是可被接受的"
+ empty: "不能留空"
+ blank: "不能为空字符"
+ too_long: "过长(最长为 %{count} 个字符)"
+ too_short: "过短(最短为 %{count} 个字符)"
+ wrong_length: "长度非法(必须为 %{count} 个字符)"
+ not_a_number: "不是数字"
+ not_an_integer: "必须是整数"
+ greater_than: "必须大于 %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "必须大于或等于 %{count}"
+ equal_to: "必须等于 %{count}"
+ less_than: "必须小于 %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "必须小于或等于 %{count}"
+ odd: "必须为单数"
+ even: "必须为双数"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "请选择"
+ submit:
+ create: "新增%{model}"
+ update: "更新%{model}"
+ submit: "储存%{model}"
-# Chinese (Taiwan) translations for Ruby on Rails
+# Chinese (Taiwan) translations for Ruby on Rails
# by tsechingho (http://github.com/tsechingho)
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
abbr_day_names: [日, 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六]
month_names: [~, 一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月]
abbr_month_names: [~, 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ order:
+ - :year
+ - :month
+ - :day
default: "%Y年%b%d日 %A %H:%M:%S %Z"
long: "%Y年%b%d日 %H:%M"
am: "上午"
pm: "下午"
half_a_minute: "半分鐘"
hour: "時"
minute: "分"
second: "秒"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 3
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%u %n"
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
delimiter: ""
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
format: "%n %u"
mb: "MB"
gb: "GB"
tb: "TB"
+ decimal_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ # 10^-21 zepto, 10^-24 yocto
+ atto: "渺" # 10^-18
+ femto: "飛" # 10^-15 毫微微
+ pico: "漠" # 10^-12 微微
+ nano: "奈" # 10^-9 毫微
+ micro: "微" # 10^-6
+ mili: "毫" # 10^-3 milli
+ centi: "厘" # 10^-2
+ deci: "分" # 10^-1
+ unit: ""
+ ten:
+ one: "十"
+ other: "十" # 10^1
+ hundred: "百" # 10^2
+ thousand: "千" # 10^3 kilo
+ million: "百萬" # 10^6 mega
+ billion: "十億" # 10^9 giga
+ trillion: "兆" # 10^12 tera
+ quadrillion: "千兆" # 10^15 peta
+ # 10^18 exa, 10^21 zetta, 10^24 yotta
words_connector: ", "
last_word_connector: ", 和 "
prompt: "請選擇"
template: # ~ 2.3.5 backward compatible
one: "有 1 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
other: "有 %{count} 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- body: "下面欄位有問題:"
+ body: "以下欄位發生問題:"
+ full_messages:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
inclusion: "沒有包含在列表中"
- exclusion: "是被保留的"
+ exclusion: "是被保留的關鍵字"
invalid: "是無效的"
confirmation: "不符合確認值"
accepted: "必須是可被接受的"
too_long: "過長(最長是 %{count} 個字)"
too_short: "過短(最短是 %{count} 個字)"
wrong_length: "字數錯誤(必須是 %{count} 個字)"
- taken: "已經被使用"
not_a_number: "不是數字"
+ not_an_integer: "必須是整數"
greater_than: "必須大於 %{count}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "必須大於或等於 %{count}"
equal_to: "必須等於 %{count}"
less_than_or_equal_to: "必須小於或等於 %{count}"
odd: "必須是奇數"
even: "必須是偶數"
+ taken: "已經被使用"
record_invalid: "校驗失敗: %{errors}"
one: "有 1 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
other: "有 %{count} 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- body: "下面欄位有問題:"
+ body: "以下欄位發生問題:"
+ errors:
+ format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
+ messages:
+ inclusion: "沒有包含在列表中"
+ exclusion: "是被保留的關鍵字"
+ invalid: "是無效的"
+ confirmation: "不符合確認值"
+ accepted: "必須是可被接受的"
+ empty: "不能留空"
+ blank: "不能是空白字元"
+ too_long: "過長(最長是 %{count} 個字)"
+ too_short: "過短(最短是 %{count} 個字)"
+ wrong_length: "字數錯誤(必須是 %{count} 個字)"
+ not_a_number: "不是數字"
+ not_an_integer: "必須是整數"
+ greater_than: "必須大於 %{count}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "必須大於或等於 %{count}"
+ equal_to: "必須等於 %{count}"
+ less_than: "必須小於 %{count}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "必須小於或等於 %{count}"
+ odd: "必須是奇數"
+ even: "必須是偶數"
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: "請選擇"
+ submit:
+ create: "新增%{model}"
+ update: "更新%{model}"
+ submit: "儲存%{model}"