--- /dev/null
+ id: 1
+ diary_entry_id: 2
+ user_id: 2
+ body: Some comment text
+ created_at: "2008-11-08 09:45:34"
+ updated_at: "2008-11-08 10:34:34"
--- /dev/null
+ id: 1
+ user_id: 1
+ title: Diary Entry 1
+ body: This is the body of diary entry 1.
+ created_at: "2008-11-07 17:43:34"
+ updated_at: "2008-11-07 17:43:34"
+ latitude:
+ longitude:
+ language:
+ id: 2
+ user_id: 1
+ title: Geo Entry 1
+ body: This is the body of a geo diary entry in London.
+ created_at: "2008-11-07 17:47:34"
+ updated_at: "2008-11-07 17:47:34"
+ latitude: 51.50763
+ longitude: -0.10781
+ language:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class DiaryEntryControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- # Replace this with your real tests.
- def test_truth
- assert true
+ def basic_authorization(user, pass)
+ @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic %s" % Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}")
+ end
+ def content(c)
+ @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
+ end
+ def test_showing_create_diary_entry
+ end
+ def test_editing_diary_entry
+ end
+ def test_editing_creating_diary_comment
+ end
+ def test_listing_diary_entries
+ end
+ def test_rss
+ end
+ def test_viewing_diary_entry