Installing PostgreSQL:
* Install from
+* Make sure that you've initialized and started Postgresql from the app (there should be a little elephant icon in your systray).
* Add PostgreSQL to your path, by editing your profile:
`nano ~/.profile`
`export PATH=/Applications/$PATH`
+After this, you may need to start a new shell window, or source the profile again by running `. ~/.profile`.
Installing other dependencies:
* Install Homebrew from
* Install the latest version of Ruby: `brew install ruby`
* Install ImageMagick: `brew install imagemagick`
-* Install libxml2: `brew install libxml2 --with-xml2-config`
-* If you want to run the tests, you need `phantomjs` as well: `brew install phantomjs`
-* Install Bundler: `gem install bundler`
+* Install libxml2: `brew install libxml2`
+* Install libgd: `brew install gd`
+* Install Yarn: `brew install yarn`
+* Install pngcrush: `brew install pngcrush`
+* Install optipng: `brew install optipng`
+* Install pngquant: `brew install pngquant`
+* Install jhead: `brew install jhead`
+* Install jpegoptim: `brew install jpegoptim`
+* Install gifsicle: `brew install gifsicle`
+* Install svgo: `brew install svgo`
+* Install Bundler: `gem install bundler` (you might need to `sudo gem install bundler` if you get an error about permissions)
+You will need to tell `bundler` that `libxml2` is installed in a Homebrew location. If it uses the system-installed one then you will get errors installing the `libxml-ruby` gem later on.
+bundle config build.libxml-ruby --with-xml2-config=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/bin/xml2-config
+If you want to run the tests, you need `phantomjs` as well:
+brew tap homebrew/cask
+brew cask install phantomjs
Note that OS X does not have a /home directory by default, so if you are using the GPX functions, you will need to change the directories specified in config/application.yml.