var thunderforestOptions = {
-<% if defined?(THUNDERFOREST_KEY) %>
- apikey: <%= THUNDERFOREST_KEY.to_json %>
+<% if Settings.key?(:thunderforest_key) %>
+ apikey: <%= Settings.thunderforest_key.to_json %>
<% end %>
PIWIK: <%= PIWIK.to_json %>,
<% end %>
- SERVER_URL: <%= SERVER_URL.to_json %>,
- API_VERSION: <%= API_VERSION.to_json %>,
+ MAX_REQUEST_AREA: <%= Settings.max_request_area.to_json %>,
+ SERVER_PROTOCOL: <%= Settings.server_protocol.to_json %>,
+ SERVER_URL: <%= Settings.server_url.to_json %>,
+ API_VERSION: <%= Settings.api_version.to_json %>,
STATUS: <%= STATUS.to_json %>,
- OVERPASS_URL: <%= OVERPASS_URL.to_json %>,
+ MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA: <%= Settings.max_note_request_area.to_json %>,
+ OVERPASS_URL: <%= Settings.overpass_url.to_json %>,
+ NOMINATIM_URL: <%= Settings.nominatim_url.to_json %>,
+ GRAPHHOPPER_URL: <%= Settings.graphhopper_url.to_json %>,
+ FOSSGIS_OSRM_URL: <%= Settings.fossgis_osrm_url.to_json %>,
DEFAULT_LOCALE: <%= I18n.default_locale.to_json %>,
-<% if defined?(THUNDERFOREST_KEY) %>
+<% if Settings.key?(:thunderforest_key) %>
+ THUNDERFOREST_KEY: <%= Settings.thunderforest_key.to_json %>,
<% end %>
MARKER_GREEN: <%= image_path("marker-green.png").to_json %>,
return 6372795 * 2 * Math.asin(
- Math.pow(Math.sin(latdiff / 2), 2) +
+ Math.pow(Math.sin(latdiff / 2), 2) +
Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(lngdiff / 2), 2)
def amf_handle_error_with_timeout(call, rootobj, rootid)
amf_handle_error(call, rootobj, rootid) do
- OSM::Timer.timeout(API_TIMEOUT, OSM::APITimeoutError) do
+ OSM::Timer.timeout(Settings.api_timeout, OSM::APITimeoutError) do
- nodes = Node.bbox(bbox).where(:visible => true).includes(:node_tags).limit(MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES + 1)
+ nodes = Node.bbox(bbox).where(:visible => true).includes(:node_tags).limit(Settings.max_number_of_nodes + 1)
node_ids = nodes.collect(&:id)
- if node_ids.length > MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES
- report_error("You requested too many nodes (limit is #{MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES}). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm")
+ if node_ids.length > Settings.max_number_of_nodes
+ report_error("You requested too many nodes (limit is #{Settings.max_number_of_nodes}). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm")
# Check the the bounding box is not too big
- bbox.check_size(MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA)
+ bbox.check_size(Settings.max_note_request_area)
# Find the notes we want to return
@notes = notes.bbox(bbox).order("updated_at DESC").limit(result_limit).preload(:comments)
bbox = BoundingBox.from_bbox_params(params)
- bbox.check_size(MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA)
+ bbox.check_size(Settings.max_note_request_area)
notes = notes.bbox(bbox)
- offset = page * TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE
+ offset = page * Settings.tracepoints_per_page
# Figure out the bbox
# check boundary is sane and area within defined
# get all the points
ordered_points = Tracepoint.bbox(bbox).joins(:trace).where(:gpx_files => { :visibility => %w[trackable identifiable] }).order("gpx_id DESC, trackid ASC, timestamp ASC")
unordered_points = Tracepoint.bbox(bbox).joins(:trace).where(:gpx_files => { :visibility => %w[public private] }).order("gps_points.latitude", "gps_points.longitude", "gps_points.timestamp")
- points = ordered_points.union_all(unordered_points).offset(offset).limit(TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE)
+ points = ordered_points.union_all(unordered_points).offset(offset).limit(Settings.tracepoints_per_page)
doc = XML::Document.new
doc.encoding = XML::Encoding::UTF_8
def require_oauth
- @oauth = current_user.access_token(OAUTH_KEY) if current_user && defined? OAUTH_KEY
+ @oauth = current_user.access_token(Settings.oauth_key) if current_user && Settings.key?(:oauth_key)
# wrap an api call in a timeout
def api_call_timeout
- OSM::Timer.timeout(API_TIMEOUT, Timeout::Error) do
+ OSM::Timer.timeout(Settings.api_timeout, Timeout::Error) do
rescue Timeout::Error
# wrap a web page in a timeout
def web_timeout
- OSM::Timer.timeout(WEB_TIMEOUT, Timeout::Error) do
+ OSM::Timer.timeout(Settings.web_timeout, Timeout::Error) do
rescue ActionView::Template::Error => ex
:child_src => %w[],
:frame_src => %w[],
+ :connect_src => [Settings.nominatim_url, Settings.overpass_url, Settings.fossgis_osrm_url, Settings.graphhopper_url],
:form_action => %w[render.openstreetmap.org],
:style_src => %w['unsafe-inline']
elsif current_user&.preferred_editor
+ Settings.default_editor
helper_method :preferred_editor
def update_totp
- if defined?(TOTP_KEY)
+ if Settings.key?(:totp_key)
cookies["_osm_totp_token"] = {
- :value => ROTP::TOTP.new(TOTP_KEY, :interval => 3600).now,
+ :value => ROTP::TOTP.new(Settings.totp_key, :interval => 3600).now,
:domain => "openstreetmap.org",
:expires => 1.hour.from_now
@entries = user.diary_entries
@title = t("diary_entries.feed.user.title", :user => user.display_name)
@description = t("diary_entries.feed.user.description", :user => user.display_name)
- @link = url_for :action => "index", :display_name => user.display_name, :host => SERVER_URL, :protocol => SERVER_PROTOCOL
+ @link = url_for :action => "index", :display_name => user.display_name, :host => Settings.server_url, :protocol => Settings.server_protocol
head :not_found
@entries = @entries.where(:language_code => params[:language])
@title = t("diary_entries.feed.language.title", :language_name => Language.find(params[:language]).english_name)
@description = t("diary_entries.feed.language.description", :language_name => Language.find(params[:language]).english_name)
- @link = url_for :action => "index", :language => params[:language], :host => SERVER_URL, :protocol => SERVER_PROTOCOL
+ @link = url_for :action => "index", :language => params[:language], :host => Settings.server_url, :protocol => Settings.server_protocol
@title = t("diary_entries.feed.all.title")
@description = t("diary_entries.feed.all.description")
- @link = url_for :action => "index", :host => SERVER_URL, :protocol => SERVER_PROTOCOL
+ @link = url_for :action => "index", :host => Settings.server_url, :protocol => Settings.server_protocol
if @params[:lat] && @params[:lon]
@sources.push "latlon"
@sources.push "osm_nominatim_reverse"
- @sources.push "geonames_reverse" if defined?(GEONAMES_USERNAME)
+ @sources.push "geonames_reverse" if Settings.key?(:geonames_username)
elsif @params[:query]
if @params[:query] =~ /^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/
@sources.push "osm_nominatim"
@sources.push "osm_nominatim"
@sources.push "osm_nominatim"
- @sources.push "geonames" if defined?(GEONAMES_USERNAME)
+ @sources.push "geonames" if Settings.key?(:geonames_username)
if response.get_elements("geodata/error").empty?
@results.push(:lat => response.text("geodata/latt"),
:lon => response.text("geodata/longt"),
- :zoom => POSTCODE_ZOOM,
+ :zoom => Settings.postcode_zoom,
:name => query.upcase)
exclude = "&exclude_place_ids=#{params[:exclude]}" if params[:exclude]
# ask nominatim
- response = fetch_xml("#{NOMINATIM_URL}search?format=xml&extratags=1&q=#{escape_query(query)}#{viewbox}#{exclude}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
+ response = fetch_xml("#{Settings.nominatim_url}search?format=xml&extratags=1&q=#{escape_query(query)}#{viewbox}#{exclude}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
# extract the results from the response
results = response.elements["searchresults"]
@results = []
# ask geonames.org
- response = fetch_xml("http://api.geonames.org/search?q=#{escape_query(query)}&lang=#{lang}&maxRows=20&username=#{GEONAMES_USERNAME}")
+ response = fetch_xml("http://api.geonames.org/search?q=#{escape_query(query)}&lang=#{lang}&maxRows=20&username=#{Settings.geonames_username}")
# parse the response
response.elements.each("geonames/geoname") do |geoname|
country = geoname.text("countryName")
@results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
- :zoom => GEONAMES_ZOOM,
+ :zoom => Settings.geonames_zoom,
:name => name,
:suffix => ", #{country}")
@results = []
# ask nominatim
- response = fetch_xml("#{NOMINATIM_URL}reverse?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=#{zoom}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
+ response = fetch_xml("#{Settings.nominatim_url}reverse?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=#{zoom}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
# parse the response
response.elements.each("reversegeocode/result") do |result|
@results = []
# ask geonames.org
- response = fetch_xml("http://api.geonames.org/countrySubdivision?lat=#{lat}&lng=#{lon}&lang=#{lang}&username=#{GEONAMES_USERNAME}")
+ response = fetch_xml("http://api.geonames.org/countrySubdivision?lat=#{lat}&lng=#{lon}&lang=#{lang}&username=#{Settings.geonames_username}")
# parse the response
response.elements.each("geonames/countrySubdivision") do |geoname|
country = geoname.text("countryName")
@results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
- :zoom => GEONAMES_ZOOM,
+ :zoom => Settings.geonames_zoom,
:name => name,
:suffix => ", #{country}")
@message.sender = current_user
@message.sent_on = Time.now.getutc
- if current_user.sent_messages.where("sent_on >= ?", Time.now.getutc - 1.hour).count >= MAX_MESSAGES_PER_HOUR
+ if current_user.sent_messages.where("sent_on >= ?", Time.now.getutc - 1.hour).count >= Settings.max_messages_per_hour
flash[:error] = t ".limit_exceeded"
render :action => "new"
elsif @message.save
def oauth1_authorize
- override_content_security_policy_directives(:form_action => []) if CSP_ENFORCE || defined?(CSP_REPORT_URL)
+ override_content_security_policy_directives(:form_action => []) if Settings.csp_enforce || Settings.key?(:csp_report_url)
if @token.invalidated?
@message = t "oauth.authorize_failure.invalid"
flash[:notice] = t ".trace_uploaded"
flash[:warning] = t ".traces_waiting", :count => current_user.traces.where(:inserted => false).count if current_user.traces.where(:inserted => false).count > 4
- TraceImporterJob.perform_later(@trace) if TRACE_USE_JOB_QUEUE
+ TraceImporterJob.perform_later(@trace) if Settings.trace_use_job_queue
redirect_to :action => :index, :display_name => current_user.display_name
flash[:error] = t("traces.create.upload_failed") if @trace.valid?
trace.visible = false
flash[:notice] = t ".scheduled_for_deletion"
- TraceDestroyerJob.perform_later(trace) if TRACE_USE_JOB_QUEUE
+ TraceDestroyerJob.perform_later(trace) if Settings.trace_use_job_queue
redirect_to :action => :index, :display_name => trace.user.display_name
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
before_action :allow_thirdparty_images, :only => [:show, :account]
def terms
- @legale = params[:legale] || OSM.ip_to_country(request.remote_ip) || DEFAULT_LEGALE
+ @legale = params[:legale] || OSM.ip_to_country(request.remote_ip) || Settings.default_legale
@text = OSM.legal_text_for_country(@legale)
if request.xhr?
flash[:error] = t "users.confirm_resend.failure", :name => params[:display_name]
Notifier.signup_confirm(user, user.tokens.create).deliver_later
- flash[:notice] = t("users.confirm_resend.success", :email => user.email, :sender => SUPPORT_EMAIL).html_safe
+ flash[:notice] = t("users.confirm_resend.success", :email => user.email, :sender => Settings.support_email).html_safe
redirect_to :action => "login"
when "active", "confirmed" then
successful_login(user, request.env["omniauth.params"]["referer"])
when "suspended" then
- failed_login t("users.login.account is suspended", :webmaster => "mailto:#{SUPPORT_EMAIL}").html_safe
+ failed_login t("users.login.account is suspended", :webmaster => "mailto:#{Settings.support_email}").html_safe
failed_login t("users.login.auth failure")
elsif user = User.authenticate(:username => username, :password => password, :pending => true)
elsif User.authenticate(:username => username, :password => password, :suspended => true)
- failed_login t("users.login.account is suspended", :webmaster => "mailto:#{SUPPORT_EMAIL}").html_safe, username
+ failed_login t("users.login.account is suspended", :webmaster => "mailto:#{Settings.support_email}").html_safe, username
failed_login t("users.login.auth failure"), username
# the <a> but Outlook only on the <strong>
:style => "text-decoration: none"
- user_url(display_name, :host => SERVER_URL),
+ user_url(display_name, :host => Settings.server_url),
:target => "_blank",
:rel => "noopener",
:style => "text-decoration: none; color: #222"
class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
- default :from => EMAIL_FROM,
- :return_path => EMAIL_RETURN_PATH,
+ default :from => Settings.email_from,
+ :return_path => Settings.email_return_path,
:auto_submitted => "auto-generated"
helper :application
before_action :set_shared_template_vars
def from_address(name, type, id, digest, user_id = nil)
- if Object.const_defined?(:MESSAGES_DOMAIN) && domain = MESSAGES_DOMAIN
+ if Settings.key?(:messages_domain) && domain = Settings.messages_domain
if user_id
"#{name} <#{type}-#{id}-#{user_id}-#{digest[0, 6]}@#{domain}>"
"#{name} <#{type}-#{id}-#{digest[0, 6]}@#{domain}>"
+ Settings.email_from
def oauth_server
- @oauth_server ||= OAuth::Server.new("https://" + SERVER_URL)
+ @oauth_server ||= OAuth::Server.new("https://" + Settings.server_url)
def credentials
def oauth10?
- (defined? OAUTH_10_SUPPORT) && OAUTH_10_SUPPORT && callback_url.blank?
+ Settings.key?(:oauth_10_support) && Settings.oauth_10_support && callback_url.blank?
def large_picture_name
- "#{GPX_IMAGE_DIR}/#{id}.gif"
+ "#{Settings.gpx_image_dir}/#{id}.gif"
def icon_picture_name
- "#{GPX_IMAGE_DIR}/#{id}_icon.gif"
+ "#{Settings.gpx_image_dir}/#{id}_icon.gif"
def trace_name
- "#{GPX_TRACE_DIR}/#{id}.gpx"
+ "#{Settings.gpx_trace_dir}/#{id}.gpx"
def mime_type
@preferred_languages = nil
- def nearby(radius = NEARBY_RADIUS, num = NEARBY_USERS)
+ def nearby(radius = Settings.nearby_radius, num = Settings.nearby_users)
if home_lon && home_lat
gc = OSM::GreatCircle.new(home_lat, home_lon)
sql_for_area = QuadTile.sql_for_area(gc.bounds(radius), "home_")
# perform a spam check on a user
def spam_check
- update(:status => "suspended") if status == "active" && spam_score > SPAM_THRESHOLD
+ update(:status => "suspended") if status == "active" && spam_score > Settings.spam_threshold
belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :creator_id
belongs_to :revoker, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :revoker_id
+ PERIODS = Settings.user_block_periods
# scope to match active blocks
def preconditions_ok?(old_nodes = [])
return false if nds.empty?
- raise OSM::APITooManyWayNodesError.new(id, nds.length, MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAY_NODES) if nds.length > MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAY_NODES
+ raise OSM::APITooManyWayNodesError.new(id, nds.length, Settings.max_number_of_way_nodes) if nds.length > Settings.max_number_of_way_nodes
# check only the new nodes, for efficiency - old nodes having been checked last time and can't
# be deleted when they're in-use.
xml.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0"
xml.osm(OSM::API.new.xml_root_attributes) do |osm|
osm.api do |api|
- api.version(:minimum => API_VERSION.to_s, :maximum => API_VERSION.to_s)
- api.area(:maximum => MAX_REQUEST_AREA.to_s)
- api.note_area(:maximum => MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA.to_s)
- api.tracepoints(:per_page => TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE.to_s)
- api.waynodes(:maximum => MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAY_NODES.to_s)
- api.changesets(:maximum_elements => Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS.to_s)
- api.timeout(:seconds => API_TIMEOUT.to_s)
- api.status(:database => @database_status.to_s,
- :api => @api_status.to_s,
- :gpx => @gpx_status.to_s)
+ api.version(:minimum => Settings.api_version, :maximum => Settings.api_version)
+ api.area(:maximum => Settings.max_request_area)
+ api.note_area(:maximum => Settings.max_note_request_area)
+ api.tracepoints(:per_page => Settings.tracepoints_per_page)
+ api.waynodes(:maximum => Settings.max_number_of_way_nodes)
+ api.changesets(:maximum_elements => Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS)
+ api.timeout(:seconds => Settings.api_timeout)
+ api.status(:database => @database_status,
+ :api => @api_status,
+ :gpx => @gpx_status)
osm.policy do |policy|
policy.imagery do |imagery|
- IMAGERY_BLACKLIST.each do |url_regex|
+ Settings.imagery_blacklist.each do |url_regex|
imagery.blacklist(:regex => url_regex.to_s)
<%= tag("meta", { :name => "msapplication-TileImage", :content => image_path("mstile-144x144.png") }) %>
<%= tag("meta", { :name => "theme-color", :content => "#ffffff" }) %>
<%= canonical_tag %>
- <% if defined?(PUBLISHER_URL) -%>
- <%= tag("link", { :rel => "publisher", :href => PUBLISHER_URL }) %>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:publisher_url) -%>
+ <%= tag("link", { :rel => "publisher", :href => Settings.publisher_url }) %>
<% end -%>
<%= tag("link", { :rel => "search", :type => "application/opensearchdescription+xml", :title => "OpenStreetMap Search", :href => asset_path("osm.xml") }) %>
<%= tag("meta", { :name => "description", :content => "OpenStreetMap is the free wiki world map." }) %>
<p><%= t 'notifier.email_confirm_html.greeting' %></p>
-<p><%= t 'notifier.email_confirm_html.hopefully_you', :server_url => SERVER_URL, :new_address => @address %></p>
+<p><%= t 'notifier.email_confirm_html.hopefully_you', :server_url => Settings.server_url, :new_address => @address %></p>
<p><%= t 'notifier.email_confirm_html.click_the_link' %></p>
<%= t 'notifier.email_confirm_plain.greeting' %>
-<%= word_wrap(t 'notifier.email_confirm_plain.hopefully_you', :server_url => SERVER_URL, :new_address => @address) %>
+<%= word_wrap(t 'notifier.email_confirm_plain.hopefully_you', :server_url => Settings.server_url, :new_address => @address) %>
<%= t 'notifier.email_confirm_plain.click_the_link' %>
<p><%= t(".greeting") %></p>
-<p><%= t(".created", :site_url => SERVER_URL) %></p>
+<p><%= t(".created", :site_url => Settings.server_url) %></p>
<p><%= t(".confirm") %></p>
<%= fp(t(".greeting")) %>
-<%= fp(t(".created", :site_url => SERVER_URL)) %>
+<%= fp(t(".created", :site_url => Settings.server_url)) %>
<%= fp(t(".confirm")) %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "edit/id" %>
<div id="map">
- <% data = { :key => ID_KEY } -%>
+ <% data = { :key => Settings.id_key } -%>
<% data[:lat] = @lat if @lat -%>
<% data[:lon] = @lon if @lon -%>
<% data[:gpx] = trace_data_url(params[:gpx], :format => :xml) if params[:gpx] -%>
<% data[:lat] = @lat if @lat -%>
<% data[:lon] = @lon if @lon -%>
<% data[:zoom] = @zoom if @zoom -%>
- <% if defined? POTLATCH2_KEY %>
- <% token = current_user.access_token(POTLATCH2_KEY) %>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:potlatch2_key) %>
+ <% token = current_user.access_token(Settings.potlatch2_key) %>
<% data[:token] = token.token -%>
<% data[:token_secret] = token.secret -%>
<% data[:consumer_key] = token.client_application.key -%>
<% data = {} -%>
-<% if defined? ID_KEY %>
-<% token = current_user.access_token(ID_KEY) %>
+<% if Settings.key?(:id_key) %>
+<% token = current_user.access_token(Settings.id_key) %>
<% data[:token] = token.token -%>
<% data[:token_secret] = token.secret -%>
<% data[:consumer_key] = token.client_application.key -%>
<div class="form-row">
<label class="standard-label"><%= t '.preferred editor' %></label>
- <%= f.select :preferred_editor, [[t("editor.default", :name => t("editor.#{DEFAULT_EDITOR}.name")), 'default']] + Editors::ALL_EDITORS.collect { |e| [t("editor.#{e}.description"), e] } %>
+ <%= f.select :preferred_editor, [[t("editor.default", :name => t("editor.#{Settings.default_editor}.name")), 'default']] + Editors::ALL_EDITORS.collect { |e| [t("editor.#{e}.description"), e] } %>
<div class="message">
<h1><%= t 'users.new.no_auto_account_create' %></h1>
- <h2><%= raw t 'users.new.contact_webmaster', :webmaster => "mailto:#{SUPPORT_EMAIL}" %></h2>
+ <h2><%= raw t 'users.new.contact_webmaster', :webmaster => "mailto:#{Settings.support_email}" %></h2>
<ul class='clearfix' id="login_auth_buttons">
<li><%= link_to image_tag("openid.png", :alt => t(".auth_providers.openid.title")), "#", :id => "openid_open_url", :title => t(".auth_providers.openid.title") %></li>
- <% if defined?(GOOGLE_AUTH_ID) -%>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:google_auth_id) -%>
<li><%= auth_button "google", "google" %></li>
<% end -%>
- <% if defined?(FACEBOOK_AUTH_ID) -%>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:facebook_auth_id) -%>
<li><%= auth_button "facebook", "facebook" %></li>
<% end -%>
- <% if defined?(WINDOWSLIVE_AUTH_ID) -%>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:windowslive_auth_id) -%>
<li><%= auth_button "windowslive", "windowslive" %></li>
<% end -%>
- <% if defined?(GITHUB_AUTH_ID) -%>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:github_auth_id) -%>
<li><%= auth_button "github", "github" %></li>
<% end -%>
- <% if defined?(WIKIPEDIA_AUTH_ID) -%>
+ <% if Settings.key?(:wikipedia_auth_id) -%>
<li><%= auth_button "wikipedia", "wikipedia" %></li>
<% end -%>
<li><%= auth_button "yahoo", "openid", :openid_url => "yahoo.com" %></li>
<h1><%= t ".heading" %></h1>
<% end %>
-<%= raw t ".body", :webmaster => link_to(t(".webmaster"), "mailto:#{SUPPORT_EMAIL}") %>
+<%= raw t ".body", :webmaster => link_to(t(".webmaster"), "mailto:#{Settings.support_email}") %>
config.paths["app/models"].skip_eager_load! if STATUS == :database_offline
# Use memcached for caching if required
- config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, MEMCACHE_SERVERS, { :namespace => "rails:cache" } if defined?(MEMCACHE_SERVERS)
+ config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, Settings.memcache_servers, { :namespace => "rails:cache" } if Settings.key?(:memcache_servers)
# Use logstash for logging if required
- if defined?(LOGSTASH_PATH)
+ if Settings.key?(:logstash_path)
config.logstasher.enabled = true
config.logstasher.suppress_app_log = false
- config.logstasher.logger_path = LOGSTASH_PATH
+ config.logstasher.logger_path = Settings.logstash_path
config.logstasher.log_controller_parameters = true
config.log_tags = [:request_id]
# Use a different log path in production.
- config.paths["log"] = LOG_PATH if defined?(LOG_PATH)
+ config.paths["log"] = Settings.log_path if Settings.key?(:log_path)
# Use a different cache store in production.
# config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
defaults: &defaults
- # The server protocol and host
- server_protocol: "http"
- server_url: "openstreetmap.example.com"
- # Publisher
- #publisher_url: ""
- # The generator
- generator: "OpenStreetMap server"
- copyright_owner: "OpenStreetMap and contributors"
- attribution_url: "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"
- license_url: "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
- # Support email address
- support_email: "openstreetmap@example.com"
- # Sender addresses for emails
- email_from: "OpenStreetMap <openstreetmap@example.com>"
- email_return_path: "openstreetmap@example.com"
- # API version
- api_version: "0.6"
# Application status - possible values are:
# :online - online and operating normally
# :api_readonly - site online but API in read-only mode
# :database_offline - database offline with site in emergency mode
# :gpx_offline - gpx storage offline
status: :online
- # The maximum area you're allowed to request, in square degrees
- max_request_area: 0.25
- # Number of GPS trace/trackpoints returned per-page
- tracepoints_per_page: 5000
- # Maximum number of nodes that will be returned by the api in a map request
- max_number_of_nodes: 50000
- # Maximum number of nodes that can be in a way (checked on save)
- max_number_of_way_nodes: 2000
- # The maximum area you're allowed to request notes from, in square degrees
- max_note_request_area: 25
- # Zoom level to use for postcode results from the geocoder
- postcode_zoom: 15
- # Zoom level to use for geonames results from the geocoder
- geonames_zoom: 12
- # Timeout for API calls in seconds
- api_timeout: 300
- # Timeout for web pages in seconds
- web_timeout: 30
- # Periods (in hours) which are allowed for user blocks
- user_block_periods: [0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96]
- # Rate limit for message sending
- max_messages_per_hour: 60
- # Domain for handling message replies
- #messages_domain: "messages.openstreetmap.org"
- # Geonames authentication details
- #geonames_username: ""
- # GeoIP database
- #geoip_database: ""
- # Users to show as being nearby
- nearby_users: 30
- # Max radius, in km, for nearby users
- nearby_radius: 50
- # Spam threshold
- spam_threshold: 50
- # Default legale (jurisdiction location) for contributor terms
- default_legale: GB
- # Use the built-in jobs queue for importing traces
- # Leave as false if you are using the external high-speed gpx importer
- # https://github.com/openstreetmap/gpx-import
- trace_use_job_queue: false
- # Location of GPX traces and images
- gpx_trace_dir: "/home/osm/traces"
- gpx_image_dir: "/home/osm/images"
- # Location of data for attachments
- attachments_dir: ":rails_root/public/attachments"
- # Log file to use
- #log_path: ""
- # Log file to use for logstash
- #logstash_path: ""
- # List of memcache servers to use for caching
- #memcache_servers: []
- # Enable legacy OAuth 1.0 support
- oauth_10_support: true
- # URL of Nominatim instance to use for geocoding
- nominatim_url: "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/"
- # Default editor
- default_editor: "id"
- # OAuth consumer key for Potlatch 2
- #potlatch2_key: ""
- # OAuth consumer key for the web site
- #oauth_key: ""
- # OAuth consumer key for iD
- #id_key: ""
- # Imagery to return in capabilities as blacklisted
- imagery_blacklist:
- # Current Google imagery URLs have google or googleapis in the domain
- # with a vt or kh endpoint, and x, y and z query parameters
- - ".*\\.google(apis)?\\..*/(vt|kh)[\\?/].*([xyz]=.*){3}.*"
- # Blacklist VWorld
- - "http://xdworld\\.vworld\\.kr:8080/.*"
- # Blacklist here
- - ".*\\.here\\.com[/:].*"
- # URL of Overpass instance to use for feature queries
- overpass_url: "https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter"
- # Routing endpoints
- graphhopper_url: "https://graphhopper.com/api/1/route"
- fossgis_osrm_url: "https://routing.openstreetmap.de/"
- # External authentication credentials
- #google_auth_id: ""
- #google_auth_secret: ""
- #google_openid_realm: ""
- #facebook_auth_id: ""
- #facebook_auth_secret: ""
- #windowslive_auth_id: ""
- #windowslive_auth_secret: ""
- #github_auth_id: ""
- #github_auth_secret: ""
- #wikipedia_auth_id: ""
- #wikipedia_auth_secret: ""
- # Thunderforest authentication details
- #thunderforest_key: ""
- # Key for generating TOTP tokens
- #totp_key: ""
- # Enforce Content-Security-Policy
- csp_enforce: false
- # URL for reporting Content-Security-Policy violations
- #csp_report_url: ""
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
- # Geonames credentials for testing
- geonames_username: "dummy"
- # External authentication credentials for testing
- google_auth_id: "dummy"
- google_auth_secret: "dummy"
- google_openid_realm: "https://www.openstreetmap.org"
- facebook_auth_id: "dummy"
- facebook_auth_secret: "dummy"
- windowslive_auth_id: "dummy"
- windowslive_auth_secret: "dummy"
- github_auth_id: "dummy"
- github_auth_secret: "dummy"
- wikipedia_auth_id: "dummy"
- wikipedia_auth_secret: "dummy"
# Set the host and protocol for all ActionMailer URLs
ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options = {
- :host => SERVER_URL,
- :protocol => SERVER_PROTOCOL
+ :host => Settings.server_url,
+ :protocol => Settings.server_protocol
CanonicalRails.setup do |config|
# Force the protocol. If you do not specify, the protocol will be based on the incoming request's protocol.
- config.protocol = "#{SERVER_PROTOCOL}://"
+ config.protocol = "#{Settings.server_protocol}://"
# This is the main host, not just the TLD, omit slashes and protocol. If you have more than one, pick the one you want to rank in search results.
- config.host = SERVER_URL
- config.port = SERVER_PROTOCOL == "https" ? 443 : 80
+ config.host = Settings.server_url
+ config.port = Settings.server_protocol == "https" ? 443 : 80
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_normalization
# Trailing slash represents semantics of a directory, ie a collection view - implying an :index get route;
OmniAuth.config.logger = Rails.logger
OmniAuth.config.failure_raise_out_environments = []
-if defined?(MEMCACHE_SERVERS)
+if Settings.key?(:memcache_servers)
require "openid/store/memcache"
- openid_store = OpenID::Store::Memcache.new(Dalli::Client.new(MEMCACHE_SERVERS, :namespace => "rails"))
+ openid_store = OpenID::Store::Memcache.new(Dalli::Client.new(Settings.memcache_servers, :namespace => "rails"))
require "openid/store/filesystem"
github_options = { :name => "github", :scope => "user:email" }
wikipedia_options = { :name => "wikipedia", :client_options => { :site => "https://meta.wikimedia.org" } }
-google_options[:openid_realm] = GOOGLE_OPENID_REALM if defined?(GOOGLE_OPENID_REALM)
+google_options[:openid_realm] = Settings.google_openid_realm if Settings.key?(:google_openid_realm)
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :openid, openid_options
- provider :google_oauth2, GOOGLE_AUTH_ID, GOOGLE_AUTH_SECRET, google_options if defined?(GOOGLE_AUTH_ID)
- provider :facebook, FACEBOOK_AUTH_ID, FACEBOOK_AUTH_SECRET, facebook_options if defined?(FACEBOOK_AUTH_ID)
- provider :windowslive, WINDOWSLIVE_AUTH_ID, WINDOWSLIVE_AUTH_SECRET, windowslive_options if defined?(WINDOWSLIVE_AUTH_ID)
- provider :github, GITHUB_AUTH_ID, GITHUB_AUTH_SECRET, github_options if defined?(GITHUB_AUTH_ID)
- provider :mediawiki, WIKIPEDIA_AUTH_ID, WIKIPEDIA_AUTH_SECRET, wikipedia_options if defined?(WIKIPEDIA_AUTH_ID)
+ provider :google_oauth2, Settings.google_auth_id, Settings.google_auth_secret, google_options if Settings.key?(:google_auth_id)
+ provider :facebook, Settings.facebook_auth_id, Settings.facebook_auth_secret, facebook_options if Settings.key?(:facebook_auth_id)
+ provider :windowslive, Settings.windowslive_auth_id, Settings.windowslive_auth_secret, windowslive_options if Settings.key?(:windowslive_auth_id)
+ provider :github, Settings.github_auth_id, Settings.github_auth_secret, github_options if Settings.key?(:github_auth_id)
+ provider :mediawiki, Settings.wikipedia_auth_id, Settings.wikipedia_auth_secret, wikipedia_options if Settings.key?(:wikipedia_auth_id)
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url] = "/attachments/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:fingerprint.:extension"
-Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path] = "#{ATTACHMENTS_DIR}/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:fingerprint.:extension"
+Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path] = "#{Settings.attachments_dir}/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:fingerprint.:extension"
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url_generator] = Paperclip::AssetUrlGenerator
csp_policy[:connect_src] << PIWIK["location"] if defined?(PIWIK)
csp_policy[:img_src] << PIWIK["location"] if defined?(PIWIK)
csp_policy[:script_src] << PIWIK["location"] if defined?(PIWIK)
-csp_policy[:report_uri] << CSP_REPORT_URL if defined?(CSP_REPORT_URL)
+csp_policy[:report_uri] << Settings.csp_report_url if Settings.key?(:csp_report_url)
cookie_policy = {
:secure => SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT,
SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|
config.hsts = SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT
+ if Settings.csp_enforce
config.csp = csp_policy
config.csp_report_only = SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT
- elsif defined?(CSP_REPORT_URL)
+ elsif Settings.key?(:csp_report_url)
config.csp = SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT
config.csp_report_only = csp_policy
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-if defined?(MEMCACHE_SERVERS)
- Rails.application.config.session_store :mem_cache_store, :memcache_server => MEMCACHE_SERVERS, :namespace => "rails:session", :key => "_osm_session"
+if Settings.key?(:memcache_servers)
+ Rails.application.config.session_store :mem_cache_store, :memcache_server => Settings.memcache_servers, :namespace => "rails:session", :key => "_osm_session"
Rails.application.config.session_store :cache_store, :key => "_osm_session", :cache => ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new
+# The server protocol and host
+server_protocol: "http"
+server_url: "openstreetmap.example.com"
+# Publisher
+#publisher_url: ""
+# The generator
+generator: "OpenStreetMap server"
+copyright_owner: "OpenStreetMap and contributors"
+attribution_url: "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"
+license_url: "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
+# Support email address
+support_email: "openstreetmap@example.com"
+# Sender addresses for emails
+email_from: "OpenStreetMap <openstreetmap@example.com>"
+email_return_path: "openstreetmap@example.com"
+# API version
+api_version: "0.6"
+# Application status - possible values are:
+# :online - online and operating normally
+# :api_readonly - site online but API in read-only mode
+# :api_offline - site online but API offline
+# :database_readonly - database and site in read-only mode
+# :database_offline - database offline with site in emergency mode
+# :gpx_offline - gpx storage offline
+status: :online
+# The maximum area you're allowed to request, in square degrees
+max_request_area: 0.25
+# Number of GPS trace/trackpoints returned per-page
+tracepoints_per_page: 5000
+# Maximum number of nodes that will be returned by the api in a map request
+max_number_of_nodes: 50000
+# Maximum number of nodes that can be in a way (checked on save)
+max_number_of_way_nodes: 2000
+# The maximum area you're allowed to request notes from, in square degrees
+max_note_request_area: 25
+# Zoom level to use for postcode results from the geocoder
+postcode_zoom: 15
+# Zoom level to use for geonames results from the geocoder
+geonames_zoom: 12
+# Timeout for API calls in seconds
+api_timeout: 300
+# Timeout for web pages in seconds
+web_timeout: 30
+# Periods (in hours) which are allowed for user blocks
+user_block_periods: [0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96]
+# Rate limit for message sending
+max_messages_per_hour: 60
+# Domain for handling message replies
+#messages_domain: "messages.openstreetmap.org"
+# Geonames authentication details
+#geonames_username: ""
+# GeoIP database
+#geoip_database: ""
+# Users to show as being nearby
+nearby_users: 30
+# Max radius, in km, for nearby users
+nearby_radius: 50
+# Spam threshold
+spam_threshold: 50
+# Default legale (jurisdiction location) for contributor terms
+default_legale: GB
+# Use the built-in jobs queue for importing traces
+# Leave as false if you are using the external high-speed gpx importer
+# https://github.com/openstreetmap/gpx-import
+trace_use_job_queue: false
+# Location of GPX traces and images
+gpx_trace_dir: "/home/osm/traces"
+gpx_image_dir: "/home/osm/images"
+# Location of data for attachments
+attachments_dir: ":rails_root/public/attachments"
+# Log file to use
+#log_path: ""
+# Log file to use for logstash
+#logstash_path: ""
+# List of memcache servers to use for caching
+#memcache_servers: []
+# Enable legacy OAuth 1.0 support
+oauth_10_support: true
+# URL of Nominatim instance to use for geocoding
+nominatim_url: "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/"
+# Default editor
+default_editor: "id"
+# OAuth consumer key for Potlatch 2
+#potlatch2_key: ""
+# OAuth consumer key for the web site
+#oauth_key: ""
+# OAuth consumer key for iD
+#id_key: ""
+# Imagery to return in capabilities as blacklisted
+ # Current Google imagery URLs have google or googleapis in the domain
+ # with a vt or kh endpoint, and x, y and z query parameters
+ - ".*\\.google(apis)?\\..*/(vt|kh)[\\?/].*([xyz]=.*){3}.*"
+ # Blacklist VWorld
+ - "http://xdworld\\.vworld\\.kr:8080/.*"
+ # Blacklist here
+ - ".*\\.here\\.com[/:].*"
+# URL of Overpass instance to use for feature queries
+overpass_url: "https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter"
+# Routing endpoints
+graphhopper_url: "https://graphhopper.com/api/1/route"
+fossgis_osrm_url: "https://routing.openstreetmap.de/"
+# External authentication credentials
+#google_auth_id: ""
+#google_auth_secret: ""
+#google_openid_realm: ""
+#facebook_auth_id: ""
+#facebook_auth_secret: ""
+#windowslive_auth_id: ""
+#windowslive_auth_secret: ""
+#github_auth_id: ""
+#github_auth_secret: ""
+#wikipedia_auth_id: ""
+#wikipedia_auth_secret: ""
+# Thunderforest authentication details
+#thunderforest_key: ""
+# Key for generating TOTP tokens
+#totp_key: ""
+# Enforce Content-Security-Policy
+csp_enforce: false
+# URL for reporting Content-Security-Policy violations
+#csp_report_url: ""
+gpx_trace_dir: <%= Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "traces") %>
+gpx_image_dir: <%= Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "images") %>
+# Geonames credentials for testing
+geonames_username: "dummy"
+# External authentication credentials for testing
+google_auth_id: "dummy"
+google_auth_secret: "dummy"
+google_openid_realm: "https://www.openstreetmap.org"
+facebook_auth_id: "dummy"
+facebook_auth_secret: "dummy"
+windowslive_auth_id: "dummy"
+windowslive_auth_secret: "dummy"
+github_auth_id: "dummy"
+github_auth_secret: "dummy"
+wikipedia_auth_id: "dummy"
+wikipedia_auth_secret: "dummy"
module Auth
PROVIDERS = { "None" => "", "OpenID" => "openid" }.tap do |providers|
- providers["Google"] = "google" if defined?(GOOGLE_AUTH_ID)
- providers["Facebook"] = "facebook" if defined?(FACEBOOK_AUTH_ID)
- providers["Windows Live"] = "windowslive" if defined?(WINDOWSLIVE_AUTH_ID)
- providers["GitHub"] = "github" if defined?(GITHUB_AUTH_ID)
- providers["Wikipedia"] = "wikipedia" if defined?(WIKIPEDIA_AUTH_ID)
+ providers["Google"] = "google" if Settings.key?(:google_auth_id)
+ providers["Facebook"] = "facebook" if Settings.key?(:facebook_auth_id)
+ providers["Windows Live"] = "windowslive" if Settings.key?(:windowslive_auth_id)
+ providers["GitHub"] = "github" if Settings.key?(:github_auth_id)
+ providers["Wikipedia"] = "wikipedia" if Settings.key?(:wikipedia_auth_id)
- def check_size(max_area = MAX_REQUEST_AREA)
+ def check_size(max_area = Settings.max_request_area)
# check the bbox isn't too large
if area > max_area
raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox, "The maximum bbox size is " + max_area.to_s +
def xml_root_attributes
- { "version" => API_VERSION.to_s,
- "generator" => GENERATOR,
- "copyright" => COPYRIGHT_OWNER,
- "attribution" => ATTRIBUTION_URL,
- "license" => LICENSE_URL }
+ { "version" => Settings.api_version,
+ "generator" => Settings.generator,
+ "copyright" => Settings.copyright_owner,
+ "attribution" => Settings.attribution_url,
+ "license" => Settings.license_url }
def self.ip_to_country(ip_address)
- ipinfo = geoip_database.country(ip_address) if defined?(GEOIP_DATABASE)
+ ipinfo = geoip_database.country(ip_address) if Settings.key?(:geoip_database)
if ipinfo
country = ipinfo.country_code2
# Return the terms and conditions text for a given country
def self.legal_text_for_country(country_code)
file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", country_code.to_s + ".yml")
- file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", DEFAULT_LEGALE + ".yml") unless File.exist? file_name
+ file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", Settings.default_legale + ".yml") unless File.exist? file_name
# Return the GeoIP database handle
def self.geoip_database
- @geoip_database ||= GeoIP.new(GEOIP_DATABASE) if defined?(GEOIP_DATABASE)
+ @geoip_database ||= GeoIP.new(Settings.geoip_database) if Settings.key?(:geoip_database)
def test_capabilities
get :show
assert_response :success
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "api", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "version[minimum='#{API_VERSION}'][maximum='#{API_VERSION}']", :count => 1
- assert_select "area[maximum='#{MAX_REQUEST_AREA}']", :count => 1
- assert_select "note_area[maximum='#{MAX_NOTE_REQUEST_AREA}']", :count => 1
- assert_select "tracepoints[per_page='#{TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE}']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "version[minimum='#{Settings.api_version}'][maximum='#{Settings.api_version}']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "area[maximum='#{Settings.max_request_area}']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "note_area[maximum='#{Settings.max_note_request_area}']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "tracepoints[per_page='#{Settings.tracepoints_per_page}']", :count => 1
assert_select "changesets[maximum_elements='#{Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS}']", :count => 1
assert_select "status[database='online']", :count => 1
assert_select "status[api='online']", :count => 1
assert_response :success
now = Time.now.getutc
hourago = now - 1.hour
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "changes[starttime='#{hourago.xmlschema}'][endtime='#{now.xmlschema}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "tile", :count => 0
# changes at the time we have frozen at
now = Time.now.getutc
hourago = now - 1.hour
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "changes[starttime='#{hourago.xmlschema}'][endtime='#{now.xmlschema}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "tile", :count => 6
assert_response :success
# NOTE: there was a test here for the timing, but it was too sensitive to be a good test
# and it was annoying.
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "changes", :count => 1
get :show, :params => { :id => changeset_id }
assert_response :success, "cannot get first changeset"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset[id='#{changeset_id}']", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset>discussion", 0
get :show, :params => { :id => changeset_id, :include_discussion => true }
assert_response :success, "cannot get first changeset with comments"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset[id='#{changeset_id}']", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset>discussion", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset>discussion>comment", 0
get :show, :params => { :id => changeset_id, :include_discussion => true }
assert_response :success, "cannot get closed changeset with comments"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset[id='#{changeset_id}']", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset>discussion", 1
assert_select "osm>changeset>discussion>comment", 3
"can't upload a simple valid creation to changeset: #{@response.body}"
# check the returned payload
- assert_select "diffResult[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "diffResult[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
assert_select "diffResult>way", 1
assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
"can't do a conditional delete of in use objects: #{@response.body}"
# check the returned payload
- assert_select "diffResult[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "diffResult[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
assert_select "diffResult>way", 1
assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
"can't upload a complex diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
# check the returned payload
- assert_select "diffResult[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", 1
+ assert_select "diffResult[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", 1
assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
assert_select "diffResult>way", 1
assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
"failed to return error in XML format"
# check the returned payload
- assert_select "osmError[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "osmError[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
assert_select "osmError>status", 1
assert_select "osmError>message", 1
assert_template nil
# print @response.body
# FIXME: needs more assert_select tests
- assert_select "osmChange[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']" do
+ assert_select "osmChange[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']" do
assert_select "create", :count => 5
assert_select "create>node[id='#{node.id}'][visible='#{node.visible?}'][version='#{node.version}']" do
assert_select "tag[k='#{tag.k}'][v='#{tag.v}']"
print @response.body
assert_response :success, "Expected scucess with the map call"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{format('%.7f', minlon)}'][minlat='#{format('%.7f', minlat)}'][maxlon='#{format('%.7f', maxlon)}'][maxlat='#{format('%.7f', maxlat)}']", :count => 1
assert_select "node[id='#{node.id}'][lat='#{format('%.7f', node.lat)}'][lon='#{format('%.7f', node.lon)}'][version='#{node.version}'][changeset='#{node.changeset_id}'][visible='#{node.visible}'][timestamp='#{node.timestamp.xmlschema}']", :count => 1 do
# This should really be more generic
bbox = "#{node.lon},#{node.lat},#{node.lon},#{node.lat}"
get :index, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{node.lon}'][minlat='#{node.lat}'][maxlon='#{node.lon}'][maxlat='#{node.lat}']", :count => 1
assert_select "node[id='#{node.id}'][lat='#{format('%.7f', node.lat)}'][lon='#{format('%.7f', node.lon)}'][version='#{node.version}'][changeset='#{node.changeset_id}'][visible='#{node.visible}'][timestamp='#{node.timestamp.xmlschema}']", :count => 1 do
# This should really be more generic
bbox = "#{node.lon},#{node.lat},#{node.lon},#{node.lat}"
get :index, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{node.lon}'][minlat='#{node.lat}'][maxlon='#{node.lon}'][maxlat='#{node.lat}']", :count => 1
assert_select "node", :count => 3
assert_select "node[id='#{node.id}']", :count => 1
def test_map_empty
get :index, :params => { :bbox => "179.998,89.998,179.999.1,89.999" }
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='179.9980000'][minlat='89.9980000'][maxlon='179.9990000'][maxlat='89.9990000']", :count => 1
assert_select "node", :count => 0
assert_select "way", :count => 0
@badbigbbox.each do |bbox|
get :index, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to be too big"
- assert_equal "The maximum bbox size is #{MAX_REQUEST_AREA}, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
+ assert_equal "The maximum bbox size is #{Settings.max_request_area}, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
assert_response :success
# count one osm element
- assert_select "osm[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
+ assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='OpenStreetMap server']", 1
# we should have only the expected number of relations
assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
@badbigbbox.each do |bbox|
get :index, :params => { :bbox => bbox }
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to be too big"
- assert_equal "The maximum bbox size is #{MAX_REQUEST_AREA}, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
+ assert_equal "The maximum bbox size is #{Settings.max_request_area}, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
module Api
class TracesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- def setup
- @gpx_trace_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "traces"))
- @gpx_image_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "images"))
- end
def teardown
- File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(GPX_TRACE_DIR, "*.gpx")))
- File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(GPX_IMAGE_DIR, "*.gif")))
- Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", @gpx_trace_dir)
- Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", @gpx_image_dir)
+ File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(Settings.gpx_trace_dir, "*.gpx")))
+ File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(Settings.gpx_image_dir, "*.gif")))
assert_equal "[OpenStreetMap] Test Message", e.subject
assert_match(/Test message body/, e.text_part.decoded)
assert_match(/Test message body/, e.html_part.decoded)
- assert_match %r{#{SERVER_URL}/messages/[0-9]+}, e.text_part.decoded
+ assert_match %r{#{Settings.server_url}/messages/[0-9]+}, e.text_part.decoded
m = Message.last
assert_equal user.id, m.from_user_id
def with_message_limit(value)
- max_messages_per_hour = Object.send("remove_const", "MAX_MESSAGES_PER_HOUR")
- Object.const_set("MAX_MESSAGES_PER_HOUR", value)
+ max_messages_per_hour = Settings.max_messages_per_hour
+ Settings.max_messages_per_hour = value
- Object.send("remove_const", "MAX_MESSAGES_PER_HOUR")
- Object.const_set("MAX_MESSAGES_PER_HOUR", max_messages_per_hour)
+ Settings.max_messages_per_hour = max_messages_per_hour
# setup oauth keys
def setup
- Object.const_set("ID_KEY", create(:client_application).key)
- Object.const_set("POTLATCH2_KEY", create(:client_application).key)
+ Settings.id_key = create(:client_application).key
+ Settings.potlatch2_key = create(:client_application).key
# clear oauth keys
def teardown
- Object.send("remove_const", "ID_KEY")
- Object.send("remove_const", "POTLATCH2_KEY")
+ Settings.id_key = nil
+ Settings.potlatch2_key = nil
get :edit, :session => { :user => create(:user) }
assert_response :success
assert_template "edit"
- assert_template :partial => "_#{DEFAULT_EDITOR}", :count => 1
+ assert_template :partial => "_#{Settings.default_editor}", :count => 1
# Test the right editor gets used when the user has set a preference
require "minitest/mock"
class TracesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- def setup
- @gpx_trace_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "traces"))
- @gpx_image_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "images"))
- end
def teardown
- File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(GPX_TRACE_DIR, "*.gpx")))
- File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(GPX_IMAGE_DIR, "*.gif")))
- Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", @gpx_trace_dir)
- Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", @gpx_image_dir)
+ File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(Settings.gpx_trace_dir, "*.gpx")))
+ File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(Settings.gpx_image_dir, "*.gif")))
def test_api_blocked
blocked_user = create(:user)
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/details"
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/details"
assert_response :unauthorized
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
assert_response :success
# now block the user
:reason => "testing",
:ends_at => Time.now.getutc + 5.minutes
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
assert_response :forbidden
:reason => "testing",
:ends_at => Time.now.getutc + 5.minutes
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
assert_response :forbidden
# revoke the ban
# access the API again. this time it should work
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/details", :headers => auth_header(blocked_user.display_name, "test")
assert_response :success
def test_api_blocked
user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/preferences", :headers => auth_header(user.display_name, "test")
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/preferences", :headers => auth_header(user.display_name, "test")
assert_response :forbidden
# touch it so that the user has seen the terms
user.terms_seen = true
- get "/api/#{API_VERSION}/user/preferences", :headers => auth_header(user.display_name, "test")
+ get "/api/#{Settings.api_version}/user/preferences", :headers => auth_header(user.display_name, "test")
assert_response :success
require "minitest/mock"
class TraceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @gpx_trace_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "traces"))
- @gpx_image_dir = Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", Rails.root.join("test", "gpx", "images"))
- end
def teardown
- File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(GPX_TRACE_DIR, "*.gpx")))
- File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(GPX_IMAGE_DIR, "*.gif")))
- Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_TRACE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_TRACE_DIR", @gpx_trace_dir)
- Object.send("remove_const", "GPX_IMAGE_DIR")
- Object.const_set("GPX_IMAGE_DIR", @gpx_image_dir)
+ File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(Settings.gpx_trace_dir, "*.gpx")))
+ File.unlink(*Dir.glob(File.join(Settings.gpx_image_dir, "*.gif")))
def test_visible
FakeFS do
FakeFS::FileSystem.clone(Rails.root.join("test", "gpx"))
trace = create(:trace, :fixture => "a")
- icon_path = File.join(GPX_IMAGE_DIR, "#{trace.id}_icon.gif")
+ icon_path = File.join(Settings.gpx_image_dir, "#{trace.id}_icon.gif")
assert_equal false, File.exist?(icon_path)
FakeFS do
FakeFS::FileSystem.clone(Rails.root.join("test", "gpx"))
trace = create(:trace, :fixture => "a")
- large_picture_path = File.join(GPX_IMAGE_DIR, "#{trace.id}.gif")
+ large_picture_path = File.join(Settings.gpx_image_dir, "#{trace.id}.gif")
assert_equal false, File.exist?(large_picture_path)
# Take one of the current ways and add nodes to it until we are near the limit
assert way.valid?
# it already has 1 node
- 1.upto(MAX_NUMBER_OF_WAY_NODES / 2) do
+ 1.upto(Settings.max_number_of_way_nodes / 2) do