- // Take an array of directions and write it out
- // (we use OSRM's route_instructions format)
+ // Take directions and write them out
+ // data = { steps: array of [latlng, sprite number, instruction text, distance in metres] }
+ // sprite numbers equate to OSRM's route_instructions turn values
// *** translations?
- r.setItinerary=function(steps) {
+ r.setItinerary=function(data) {
// Create base table
// Add each row
var cumulative=0;
- for (var i=0; i<steps.length; i++) {
- var step=steps[i];
- var instCodes=step[0].split('-');
- // Assemble instruction text
- var instText="<b>"+(i+1)+".</b> ";
- instText+=TURN_INSTRUCTIONS[instCodes[0]];
- if (instCodes[1]) { instText+="exit "+instCodes[1]+" "; }
- if (instCodes[0]!=15) { instText+=step[1] ? "<b>"+step[1]+"</b>" : "(unnamed)"; }
+ for (var i=0; i<data.steps.length; i++) {
+ var step=data.steps[i];
// Distance
- var dist=step[2];
+ var dist=step[3];
if (dist<5) { dist=""; }
else if (dist<200) { dist=Math.round(dist/10)*10+"m"; }
else if (dist<1500) { dist=Math.round(dist/100)*100+"m"; }
else { dist=Math.round(dist/1000)+"km"; }
// Add to table
var row=$("<tr class='turn'/>");
- row.append("<td class='direction i"+instCodes[0]+"'> ");
- row.append("<td class='instruction'>"+instText);
+ row.append("<td class='direction i"+step[1]+"'> ");
+ row.append("<td class='instruction'>"+step[2]);
row.append("<td class='distance'>"+dist);
- with ({num: i, dist: step[3]}) {
- row.on('click',function(e) {
- r.clickTurn(num, r.polyline.getLatLngs()[dist]);
- });
+ with ({ num: i, ll: step[0] }) {
+ row.on('click',function(e) { r.clickTurn(num, ll); });
- cumulative+=step[2];
+ cumulative+=step[3];
r.clickTurn=function(num,latlng) {
alert("Couldn't find route between those two places");
return false;
- // *** store hints
+ // Draw polyline
var line=L.PolylineUtil.decode(data.route_geometry);
for (i=0; i<line.length; i++) { line[i].lat/=10; line[i].lng/=10; }
- router.setItinerary(data.route_instructions);
+ // *** store hints
+ // Assemble instructions
+ var steps=[];
+ for (i=0; i<data.route_instructions.length; i++) {
+ var s=data.route_instructions[i];
+ var instCodes=s[0].split('-');
+ var instText="<b>"+(i+1)+".</b> ";
+ instText+=TURN_INSTRUCTIONS[instCodes[0]];
+ if (instCodes[1]) { instText+="exit "+instCodes[1]+" "; }
+ if (instCodes[0]!=15) { instText+=s[1] ? "<b>"+s[1]+"</b>" : "(unnamed)"; }
+ steps.push([line[s[3]], s[0].split('-')[0], instText, s[2]]);
+ }
+ router.setItinerary({ steps: steps });