values using a custom recursive walker (stolen from yaml2po).
This makes reading the output a whole lot easier.
use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML::Syck qw(LoadFile);
use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML::Syck qw(LoadFile);
use Test::Differences;
use Pod::Usage ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use Test::Differences;
use Pod::Usage ();
use Getopt::Long ();
my $from_data = LoadFile($from);
my $to_data = LoadFile($to);
my $from_data = LoadFile($from);
my $to_data = LoadFile($to);
-# Normalize the two to have the same root element
-my ($from_key) = keys %$from_data;
-$from_data = $from_data->{$from_key};
-my ($to_key) = keys %$to_data;
-$to_data = $to_data->{$to_key};
+my $from_parsed = { iterate($from_data->{basename($from)}) };
+my $to_parsed = { iterate($to_data->{basename($to)}) };
-walkdepth \&delete_hash_values, $_ for $from_data, $to_data;
+#walkdepth \&delete_hash_values, $_ for $from_data, $to_data;
# Hack around Test::Differences wanting a Test::* module loaded
$INC{""} = 1;
sub Test::ok { print shift }
# Diff the tree
# Hack around Test::Differences wanting a Test::* module loaded
$INC{""} = 1;
sub Test::ok { print shift }
# Diff the tree
-eq_or_diff($from_data, $to_data);
+eq_or_diff([ sort keys %$from_parsed ], [ sort keys %$to_parsed ]);
-sub delete_hash_values
- return unless defined $Data::Walk::type and $Data::Walk::type eq 'HASH';
- # We totally need Perl 6's $OUTER::_ to make this prettier
- my $hash = $_;
+sub iterate
+ my ($hash, @path) = @_;
+ my @ret;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %$hash)
+ {
+ if (ref $v eq 'HASH')
+ {
+ push @ret => iterate($v, @path, $k);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @ret => join(".",@path, $k), $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
- @$hash{grep { not ref $hash->{$_} } keys %$hash} = ();
+sub basename
+ my $name = shift;
+ $name =~ s[\..*?$][];
+ $name;