@title = t 'user.terms.title'
@user = User.new(params[:user]) if params[:user]
+ if params[:user] and params[:user][:openid_url] and @user.pass_crypt.empty?
+ # We are creating an account with OpenID and no password
+ # was specified so create a random one
+ @user.pass_crypt = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(16)
+ @user.pass_crypt_confirmation = @user.pass_crypt
+ end
if @user
if @user.invalid?
- # Something is wrong, so rerender the form
- render :action => :new
+ if @user.new_record?
++ # Something is wrong with a new user, so rerender the form
+ render :action => :new
+ else
++ # Error in existing user, so go to account settings
+ flash[:errors] = @user.errors
+ redirect_to :action => :account, :display_name => @user.display_name
+ end
elsif @user.terms_agreed?
+ # Already agreed to terms, so just show settings
redirect_to :action => :account, :display_name => @user.display_name
+ elsif params[:user] and params[:user][:openid_url]
+ # Verify OpenID before moving on
+ session[:new_user] = @user
+ openid_verify(params[:user][:openid_url], @user)
+ # Not logged in, so redirect to the login page
redirect_to :action => :login, :referer => request.request_uri
@user.home_lat = params[:user][:home_lat]
@user.home_lon = params[:user][:home_lon]
- if @user.save
- set_locale
+ @user.openid_url = nil if params[:user][:openid_url].empty?
- if @user.new_email.nil? or @user.new_email.empty?
- flash[:notice] = t 'user.account.flash update success'
- else
- flash[:notice] = t 'user.account.flash update success confirm needed'
- begin
- Notifier.deliver_email_confirm(@user, @user.tokens.create)
- rescue
- # Ignore errors sending email
- end
- end
- redirect_to :action => "account", :display_name => @user.display_name
+ if params[:user][:openid_url].length > 0 and
+ params[:user][:openid_url] != @user.openid_url
+ # If the OpenID has changed, we want to check that it is a
+ # valid OpenID and one the user has control over before saving
+ # it as a password equivalent for the user.
+ session[:new_user] = @user
+ openid_verify(params[:user][:openid_url], @user)
+ else
+ update_user(@user)
+ end
+ elsif using_open_id?
+ # The redirect from the OpenID provider reenters here
+ # again and we need to pass the parameters through to
+ # the open_id_authentication function
+ @user = session.delete(:new_user)
+ openid_verify(nil, @user) do |user|
+ update_user(user)
+ else
+ if flash[:errors]
+ flash[:errors].each do |attr,msg|
+ attr = "new_email" if attr == "email" and !@user.new_email.nil?
+ @user.errors.add(attr,msg)
+ end
+ end