if query = params[:query]
- if latlon = query.match(/^([NS])\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)\W*([EW])\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)$/).try(:captures) || # [NSEW] decimal degrees
- query.match(/^(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)\s*([NS])\W*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)\s*([EW])$/).try(:captures) # decimal degrees [NSEW]
- params.merge!(nsew_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
+ if latlon = query.match(/^(?<ns>[NS])\s*(?<nsd>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)°?\W*(?<ew>[EW])\s*(?<ewd>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)°?$/) || # [NSEW] decimal degrees
+ query.match(/^(?<nsd>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)°?\s*(?<ns>[NS])\W*(?<ewd>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)°?\s*(?<ew>[EW])$/) || # decimal degrees [NSEW]
+ query.match(/^(?<ns>[NS])\s*(?<nsd>\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(?<nsm>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)['′]?)\W*(?<ew>[EW])\s*(?<ewd>\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(?<ewm>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)['′]?)$/) || # [NSEW] degrees, decimal minutes
+ query.match(/^(?<nsd>\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(?<nsm>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)['′]?)\s*(?<ns>[NS])\W*(?<ewd>\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(?<ewm>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)['′]?)\s*(?<ew>[EW])$/) || # degrees, decimal minutes [NSEW]
+ query.match(/^(?<ns>[NS])\s*(?<nsd>\d{1,3})°?\s*(?<nsm>\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(?<nss>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)["″]?)\W*(?<ew>[EW])\s*(?<ewd>\d{1,3})°?\s*(?<ewm>\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(?<ews>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)["″]?)$/) || # [NSEW] degrees, minutes, decimal seconds
+ query.match(/^(?<nsd>\d{1,3})°?\s*(?<nsm>\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(?<nss>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)["″]?)\s*(?<ns>[NS])\W*(?<ewd>\d{1,3})°?\s*(?<ewm>\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(?<ews>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d+)?)["″]?)\s*(?<ew>[EW])$/) # degrees, minutes, decimal seconds [NSEW]
+ params.merge!(to_decdeg(latlon.named_captures)).delete(:query)
- elsif latlon = query.match(/^([NS])\s*(\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?)?\W*([EW])\s*(\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?)?$/).try(:captures) || # [NSEW] degrees, decimal minutes
- query.match(/^(\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?)?\s*([NS])\W*(\d{1,3})°?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?)?\s*([EW])$/).try(:captures) # degrees, decimal minutes [NSEW]
- params.merge!(ddm_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
- elsif latlon = query.match(/^([NS])\s*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?)?\W*([EW])\s*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?)?$/).try(:captures) || # [NSEW] degrees, minutes, decimal seconds
- query.match(/^(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?)?\s*([NS])\W*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?(?:\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?)?\s*([EW])$/).try(:captures) # degrees, minutes, decimal seconds [NSEW]
- params.merge!(dms_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
- elsif latlon = query.match(%r{^([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)(?:\s+|\s*[,/]\s*)([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)$})
- params.merge!(:lat => latlon[1], :lon => latlon[3]).delete(:query)
+ elsif latlon = query.match(%r{^(?<lat>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(?:\s+|\s*[,/]\s*)(?<lon>[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$})
+ params.merge!(:lat => latlon["lat"], :lon => latlon["lon"]).delete(:query)
params[:latlon_digits] = true
params.permit(:query, :lat, :lon, :latlon_digits, :zoom, :minlat, :minlon, :maxlat, :maxlon)
- def nsew_to_decdeg(captures)
- begin
- Float(captures[0])
- lat = captures[2].casecmp("s").zero? ? -captures[0].to_f : captures[0].to_f
- lon = captures[5].casecmp("w").zero? ? -captures[3].to_f : captures[3].to_f
- rescue StandardError
- lat = captures[0].casecmp("s").zero? ? -captures[1].to_f : captures[1].to_f
- lon = captures[3].casecmp("w").zero? ? -captures[4].to_f : captures[4].to_f
- end
- { :lat => lat, :lon => lon }
- end
+ def to_decdeg(captures)
+ ns = captures.fetch("ns").casecmp("s").zero? ? -1 : 1
+ nsd = captures.fetch("nsd", "0").to_f
+ nsm = captures.fetch("nsm", "0").to_f
+ nss = captures.fetch("nss", "0").to_f
- def ddm_to_decdeg(captures)
- begin
- Float(captures[0])
- lat = captures[3].casecmp("s").zero? ? -(captures[0].to_f + (captures[1].to_f / 60)) : captures[0].to_f + (captures[1].to_f / 60)
- lon = captures[7].casecmp("w").zero? ? -(captures[4].to_f + (captures[5].to_f / 60)) : captures[4].to_f + (captures[5].to_f / 60)
- rescue StandardError
- lat = captures[0].casecmp("s").zero? ? -(captures[1].to_f + (captures[2].to_f / 60)) : captures[1].to_f + (captures[2].to_f / 60)
- lon = captures[4].casecmp("w").zero? ? -(captures[5].to_f + (captures[6].to_f / 60)) : captures[5].to_f + (captures[6].to_f / 60)
- end
- { :lat => lat, :lon => lon }
- end
+ ew = captures.fetch("ew").casecmp("w").zero? ? -1 : 1
+ ewd = captures.fetch("ewd", "0").to_f
+ ewm = captures.fetch("ewm", "0").to_f
+ ews = captures.fetch("ews", "0").to_f
+ lat = ns * (nsd + (nsm / 60) + (nss / 3600))
+ lon = ew * (ewd + (ewm / 60) + (ews / 3600))
- def dms_to_decdeg(captures)
- begin
- Float(captures[0])
- lat = captures[4].casecmp("s").zero? ? -(captures[0].to_f + ((captures[1].to_f + (captures[2].to_f / 60)) / 60)) : captures[0].to_f + ((captures[1].to_f + (captures[2].to_f / 60)) / 60)
- lon = captures[9].casecmp("w").zero? ? -(captures[5].to_f + ((captures[6].to_f + (captures[7].to_f / 60)) / 60)) : captures[5].to_f + ((captures[6].to_f + (captures[7].to_f / 60)) / 60)
- rescue StandardError
- lat = captures[0].casecmp("s").zero? ? -(captures[1].to_f + ((captures[2].to_f + (captures[3].to_f / 60)) / 60)) : captures[1].to_f + ((captures[2].to_f + (captures[3].to_f / 60)) / 60)
- lon = captures[5].casecmp("w").zero? ? -(captures[6].to_f + ((captures[7].to_f + (captures[8].to_f / 60)) / 60)) : captures[6].to_f + ((captures[7].to_f + (captures[8].to_f / 60)) / 60)
- end
{ :lat => lat, :lon => lon }
+ ##
+ # Test identification of integer lat/lon pairs using N/E with degrees
+ def test_identify_latlon_ne_d_int_deg
+ [
+ "N50 E14",
+ "N50° E14°",
+ "50N 14E",
+ "50°N 14°E"
+ ].each do |code|
+ latlon_check code, 50, 14
+ end
+ end
# Test identification of lat/lon pairs using N/W with degrees
def test_identify_latlon_nw_d
+ ##
+ # Test identification of lat/lon pairs with missing fractions
+ def test_no_identify_latlon_ne_missing_fraction_part
+ [
+ "N50. E14.",
+ "N50.° E14.°",
+ "50.N 14.E",
+ "50.°N 14.°E",
+ "N50 1.' E14 2.'",
+ "N50° 1.' E14° 2.'",
+ "50N 1.' 14 2.'E",
+ "50° 1.'N 14° 2.'E",
+ "N50 1' 3,\" E14 2' 4.\"",
+ "N50° 1' 3.\" E14° 2' 4.\"",
+ "50N 1' 3.\" 14 2' 4.\"E",
+ "50° 1' 3.\"N 14° 2' 4.\"E"
+ ].each do |code|
+ get search_path(:query => code)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :search
+ assert_template :layout => "map"
+ assert_equal %w[osm_nominatim], assigns(:sources).pluck(:name)
+ end
+ end
# Test identification of US zipcodes
def test_identify_us_postcode