def relations_for_object(objtype)
- relationids = RelationMember.find(:all, :conditions => ['member_type=? and member_id=?', objtype, params[:id]]).collect { |ws| ws.id }.uniq
+ relationids = RelationMember.find(:all, :conditions => ['member_type=? and member_id=?', objtype, params[:id]]).collect { |ws| ws.id[0] }.uniq
doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
@tags[k] = v
+ ##
+ # are the preconditions OK? this is mainly here to keep the duck
+ # typing interface the same between nodes, ways and relations.
+ def preconditions_ok?
+ in_world?
+ end
# dummy method to make the interfaces of node, way and relation
# more consistent.
- i = 1
- self.members.each do |m|
+ self.members.each_with_index do |m,i|
member = OldRelationMember.new
- member.id = self.id
+ member.id = [self.id, self.version, i]
member.member_type = m[0]
member.member_id = m[1]
member.member_role = m[2]
- member.version = self.version
def members
unless @members
@members = Array.new
- OldRelationMember.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ? AND version = ?", self.id, self.version]).each do |m|
+ OldRelationMember.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ? AND version = ?", self.id, self.version], :order => "sequence_id").each do |m|
@members += [[m.type,m.id,m.role]]
class OldRelationMember < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name 'relation_members'
+ set_primary_keys :id, :version, :sequence_id
+ belongs_to :relation, :foreign_key=> :id
has_many :old_relations, :foreign_key => 'id', :order => 'version'
- has_many :relation_members, :foreign_key => 'id'
+ has_many :relation_members, :foreign_key => 'id', :order => 'sequence_id'
has_many :relation_tags, :foreign_key => 'id'
has_many :containing_relation_members, :class_name => "RelationMember", :as => :member
# changed members in an array, as the bounding box updates for
# elements are per-element, not blanked on/off like for tags.
changed_members = Array.new
- members = self.members_as_hash
+ members = Hash.new
+ self.members.each do |m|
+ # should be: h[[m.id, m.type]] = m.role, but someone prefers arrays
+ members[[m[1], m[0]]] = m[2]
+ end
relation_members.each do |old_member|
key = [old_member.member_id.to_s, old_member.member_type]
if members.has_key? key
- # i'd love to rely on rails' dirty handling here, but the
- # relation members are always dirty because of the member_class
- # handling.
- if members[key] != old_member.member_role
- old_member.member_role = members[key]
- changed_members << key
- old_member.save!
- end
members.delete key
changed_members << key
- RelationMember.delete_all ['id = ? and member_id = ? and member_type = ?', self.id, old_member.member_id, old_member.member_type]
# any remaining members must be new additions
changed_members += members.keys
- members.each do |k,v|
+ # update the members. first delete all the old members, as the new
+ # members may be in a different order and i don't feel like implementing
+ # a longest common subsequence algorithm to optimise this.
+ members = self.members
+ RelationMember.delete_all(:id => self.id)
+ members.each_with_index do |m,i|
mem = RelationMember.new
- mem.id = self.id
- mem.member_type = k[1];
- mem.member_id = k[0];
- mem.member_role = v;
+ mem.id = [self.id, i]
+ mem.member_type = m[0]
+ mem.member_id = m[1]
+ mem.member_role = m[2]
def preconditions_ok?
# These are hastables that store an id in the index of all
# the nodes/way/relations that have already been added.
- # Once we know the id of the node/way/relation exists
- # we check to see if it is already existing in the hashtable
- # if it does, then we return false. Otherwise
- # we add it to the relevant hash table, with the value true..
+ # If the member is valid and visible then we add it to the
+ # relevant hash table, with the value true as a cache.
# Thus if you have nodes with the ids of 50 and 1 already in the
# relation, then the hash table nodes would contain:
# => {50=>true, 1=>true}
- nodes = Hash.new
- ways = Hash.new
- relations = Hash.new
+ elements = { :node => Hash.new, :way => Hash.new, :relation => Hash.new }
self.members.each do |m|
- if (m[0] == "node")
- n = Node.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", m[1]])
- unless n and n.visible
- return false
- end
- if nodes[m[1]]
- return false
- else
- nodes[m[1]] = true
- end
- elsif (m[0] == "way")
- w = Way.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", m[1]])
- unless w and w.visible and w.preconditions_ok?
- return false
- end
- if ways[m[1]]
- return false
- else
- ways[m[1]] = true
- end
- elsif (m[0] == "relation")
- e = Relation.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", m[1]])
- unless e and e.visible and e.preconditions_ok?
- return false
- end
- if relations[m[1]]
+ # find the hash for the element type or die
+ hash = elements[m[0].to_sym] or return false
+ # unless its in the cache already
+ unless hash.key? m[1]
+ # use reflection to look up the appropriate class
+ model = Kernel.const_get(m[0].capitalize)
+ # get the element with that ID
+ element = model.find(m[1])
+ # and check that it is OK to use.
+ unless element and element.visible? and element.preconditions_ok?
return false
- else
- relations[m[1]] = true
- else
- return false
+ hash[m[1]] = true
return true
return false
- ##
- # members in a hash table [id,type] => role
- def members_as_hash
- h = Hash.new
- members.each do |m|
- # should be: h[[m.id, m.type]] = m.role, but someone prefers arrays
- h[[m[1], m[0]]] = m[2]
- end
- return h
- end
# Temporary method to match interface to nodes
def tags_as_hash
return self.tags
class RelationMember < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name 'current_relation_members'
+ set_primary_keys :id, :sequence_id
belongs_to :member, :polymorphic => true, :foreign_type => :member_class
belongs_to :relation, :foreign_key => :id
--- /dev/null
+class OrderRelationMembers < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ # add sequence column. rails won't let us define an ordering here,
+ # as defaults must be constant.
+ add_column(:relation_members, :sequence_id, :integer,
+ :default => 0, :null => false)
+ # update the sequence column with default (partial) ordering by
+ # element ID. the sequence ID is a smaller int type, so we can't
+ # just copy the member_id.
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("update relation_members set sequence_id = mod(member_id, 16384)")
+ # need to update the primary key to include the sequence number,
+ # otherwise the primary key will barf when we have repeated members.
+ # mysql barfs on this anyway, so we need a single command. this may
+ # not work in postgres... needs testing.
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, version, member_type, member_id, member_role, sequence_id)")
+ # do the same for the current tables
+ add_column(:current_relation_members, :sequence_id, :integer,
+ :default => 0, :null => false)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("update current_relation_members set sequence_id = mod(member_id, 16384)")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table current_relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, member_type, member_id, member_role, sequence_id)")
+ end
+ def self.down
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table current_relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, member_type, member_id, member_role)")
+ remove_column :relation_members, :sequence_id
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, version, member_type, member_id, member_role)")
+ remove_column :current_relation_members, :sequence_id
+ end
+ ##
+ # check that relations are ordered
+ def test_relation_member_ordering
+ basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
+ doc_str = <<OSM
+ <relation changeset='1'>
+ <member ref='1' type='node' role='first'/>
+ <member ref='3' type='node' role='second'/>
+ <member ref='1' type='way' role='third'/>
+ <member ref='3' type='way' role='fourth'/>
+ </relation>
+ doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
+ content doc
+ put :create
+ assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
+ relation_id = @response.body.to_i
+ # get it back and check the ordering
+ get :read, :id => relation_id
+ assert_response :success, "can't read back the relation: #{@response.body}"
+ check_ordering(doc, @response.body)
+ # insert a member at the front
+ new_member = XML::Node.new "member"
+ new_member['ref'] = 5.to_s
+ new_member['type'] = 'node'
+ new_member['role'] = 'new first'
+ doc.find("//osm/relation").first.child.prev = new_member
+ # update the version, should be 1?
+ doc.find("//osm/relation").first['id'] = relation_id.to_s
+ doc.find("//osm/relation").first['version'] = 1.to_s
+ # upload the next version of the relation
+ content doc
+ put :update, :id => relation_id
+ assert_response :success, "can't update relation: #{@response.body}"
+ new_version = @response.body.to_i
+ # get it back again and check the ordering again
+ get :read, :id => relation_id
+ assert_response :success, "can't read back the relation: #{@response.body}"
+ check_ordering(doc, @response.body)
+ end
+ ##
+ # check that relations can contain duplicate members
+ def test_relation_member_duplicates
+ basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
+ doc_str = <<OSM
+ <relation changeset='1'>
+ <member ref='1' type='node' role='forward'/>
+ <member ref='3' type='node' role='forward'/>
+ <member ref='1' type='node' role='forward'/>
+ <member ref='3' type='node' role='forward'/>
+ </relation>
+ doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
+ content doc
+ put :create
+ assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
+ relation_id = @response.body.to_i
+ # get it back and check the ordering
+ get :read, :id => relation_id
+ assert_response :success, "can't read back the relation: #{@response.body}"
+ check_ordering(doc, @response.body)
+ end
+ # ============================================================
+ # utility functions
+ # ============================================================
+ ##
+ # checks that the XML document and the string arguments have
+ # members in the same order.
+ def check_ordering(doc, xml)
+ new_doc = XML::Parser.string(xml).parse
+ doc_members = doc.find("//osm/relation/member").collect do |m|
+ [m['ref'].to_i, m['type'].to_sym, m['role']]
+ end
+ new_members = new_doc.find("//osm/relation/member").collect do |m|
+ [m['ref'].to_i, m['type'].to_sym, m['role']]
+ end
+ doc_members.zip(new_members).each do |d, n|
+ assert_equal d, n, "members are not equal - ordering is wrong? (#{doc}, #{xml})"
+ end
+ end
# create a changeset and yield to the caller to set it up, then assert
# that the changeset bounding box is +bbox+.