Now that we have the counter caches we can take all edits and traces
into account without incurring the cost of having to scan the database
to count them all.
# return a spam score for a user
def spam_score
# return a spam score for a user
def spam_score
- changeset_score = self.changesets.limit(10).length * 50
- trace_score = self.traces.limit(10).length * 50
+ changeset_score = self.changesets.size * 50
+ trace_score = self.traces.size * 50
diary_entry_score = self.diary_entries.inject(0) { |s,e| s += e.body.spam_score }
diary_comment_score = self.diary_comments.inject(0) { |s,c| s += c.body.spam_score }
diary_entry_score = self.diary_entries.inject(0) { |s,e| s += e.body.spam_score }
diary_comment_score = self.diary_comments.inject(0) { |s,c| s += c.body.spam_score }