can [:show], :deletion
if Settings.status != "database_offline"
+ can [:subscribe, :unsubscribe], Changeset
can [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy], ClientApplication
can [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy], :oauth2_application
can [:index, :destroy], :oauth2_authorized_application
before_action :authorize_web
before_action :set_locale
before_action -> { check_database_readable(:need_api => true) }, :only => [:index, :feed]
+ before_action :check_database_writable, :only => [:subscribe, :unsubscribe]
+ ##
+ # subscribe to a changeset
+ def subscribe
+ @changeset = Changeset.find(params[:id])
+ if
+ @changeset.subscribe(current_user) unless @changeset.subscribed?(current_user)
+ redirect_to changeset_path(@changeset)
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :action => "no_such_entry", :status => :not_found
+ end
+ ##
+ # unsubscribe from a changeset
+ def unsubscribe
+ @changeset = Changeset.find(params[:id])
+ if
+ @changeset.unsubscribe(current_user)
+ redirect_to changeset_path(@changeset)
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :action => "no_such_entry", :status => :not_found
+ end
@changeset_comment = comment.changeset.tags["comment"].presence
@time = comment.created_at
@changeset_author = comment.changeset.user.display_name
+ @unsubscribe_url = changeset_unsubscribe_url(comment.changeset)
@author = @commenter
subject = if @owner
--- /dev/null
+<% title = changeset.tags["comment"].to_s.presence || t(".title", :id => -%>
+<div class='mb-3'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-auto">
+ <%= user_thumbnail changeset.user %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col">
+ <h2><%= link_to title, changeset_path(changeset) %></h2>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <small class='text-muted'>
+ <%= t(".created_by_html", :link_user => link_to(changeset.user.display_name, user_path(changeset.user)), :created => l(changeset.created_at, :format => :blog)) %>
+ </small>
--- /dev/null
+<% content_for :heading do %>
+ <h1><%= t ".heading", :id => h(params[:id]) %></h1>
+<% end %>
+<p><%= t ".body", :id => h(params[:id]) %></p>
--- /dev/null
+<% content_for :heading do %>
+ <h1><%= t ".heading" %></h1>
+<% end %>
+<%= render :partial => "heading", :object => @changeset, :as => "changeset" %>
+<%= bootstrap_form_tag do |f| %>
+ <% if params[:referer] -%>
+ <%= f.hidden_field :referer, :value => params[:referer] %>
+ <% end -%>
+ <%= f.primary t(".button") %>
+<% end %>
--- /dev/null
+<% content_for :heading do %>
+ <h1><%= t ".heading" %></h1>
+<% end %>
+<%= render :partial => "heading", :object => @changeset, :as => "changeset" %>
+<%= bootstrap_form_tag do |f| %>
+ <% if params[:referer] -%>
+ <%= f.hidden_field :referer, :value => params[:referer] %>
+ <% end -%>
+ <%= f.primary t(".button") %>
+<% end %>
<% content_for :footer do %>
- <%= t ".unsubscribe_html", :url => link_to(@changeset_url, @changeset_url, :style => "color: #222") %>
+ <%= t ".unsubscribe_html", :url => link_to(@unsubscribe_url, @unsubscribe_url) %>
<% end %>
<%= t '.details', :url => @changeset_url %>
-<%= t '.unsubscribe', :url => @changeset_url %>
+<%= t '.unsubscribe', :url => @unsubscribe_url %>
title: "Changeset %{id}"
title_comment: "Changeset %{id} - %{comment}"
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Subscribe to the following changeset discussion?
+ button: Subscribe to discussion
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Unsubscribe from the following changeset discussion?
+ button: Unsubscribe from discussion
+ heading:
+ title: "Changeset %{id}"
+ created_by_html: "Created by %{link_user} on %{created}."
+ no_such_entry:
+ title: "No such changeset"
+ heading: "No entry with the id: %{id}"
+ body: "Sorry, there is no changeset with the id %{id}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
sorry: "Sorry, the list of changesets you requested took too long to retrieve."
partial_changeset_without_comment: "without comment"
details: "More details about the changeset can be found at %{url}."
details_html: "More details about the changeset can be found at %{url}."
- unsubscribe: 'To unsubscribe from updates to this changeset, visit %{url} and click "Unsubscribe".'
- unsubscribe_html: 'To unsubscribe from updates to this changeset, visit %{url} and click "Unsubscribe".'
+ unsubscribe: "You can unsubscribe from updates to this changeset at %{url}."
+ unsubscribe_html: "You can unsubscribe from updates to this changeset at %{url}."
heading: Check your email!
get "/user/:display_name/notes" => "notes#index", :as => :user_notes
get "/history/friends" => "changesets#index", :friends => true, :as => "friend_changesets", :defaults => { :format => :html }
get "/history/nearby" => "changesets#index", :nearby => true, :as => "nearby_changesets", :defaults => { :format => :html }
+ match "/changeset/:id/subscribe" => "changesets#subscribe", :via => [:get, :post], :as => "changeset_subscribe"
+ match "/changeset/:id/unsubscribe" => "changesets#unsubscribe", :via => [:get, :post], :as => "changeset_unsubscribe"
get "/browse/way/:id", :to => redirect(:path => "/way/%{id}")
get "/browse/way/:id/history", :to => redirect(:path => "/way/%{id}/history")
{ :path => "/history/feed", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "changesets", :action => "feed", :format => :atom }
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/changeset/1/subscribe", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "changesets", :action => "subscribe", :id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/changeset/1/subscribe", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "changesets", :action => "subscribe", :id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/changeset/1/unsubscribe", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "changesets", :action => "unsubscribe", :id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/changeset/1/unsubscribe", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "changesets", :action => "unsubscribe", :id => "1" }
+ )
assert_redirected_to :action => :feed
+ def test_subscribe_page
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
+ path = changeset_subscribe_path(changeset)
+ get path
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => path)
+ session_for(other_user)
+ get path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_dom ".content-body" do
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{changeset_path(changeset)}']", :text => "Changeset #{}"
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{user_path(user)}']", :text => user.display_name
+ end
+ end
+ def test_subscribe_success
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
+ session_for(other_user)
+ assert_difference "changeset.subscribers.count", 1 do
+ post changeset_subscribe_path(changeset)
+ end
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to changeset_path(changeset)
+ assert changeset.reload.subscribed?(other_user)
+ end
+ def test_subscribe_fail
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
+ # not signed in
+ assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
+ post changeset_subscribe_path(changeset)
+ end
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ session_for(other_user)
+ # bad diary id
+ post changeset_subscribe_path(999111)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # trying to subscribe when already subscribed
+ post changeset_subscribe_path(changeset)
+ assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
+ post changeset_subscribe_path(changeset)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_unsubscribe_page
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
+ path = changeset_unsubscribe_path(changeset)
+ get path
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => path)
+ session_for(other_user)
+ get path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_dom ".content-body" do
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{changeset_path(changeset)}']", :text => "Changeset #{}"
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{user_path(user)}']", :text => user.display_name
+ end
+ end
+ def test_unsubscribe_success
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
+ changeset.subscribers.push(other_user)
+ session_for(other_user)
+ assert_difference "changeset.subscribers.count", -1 do
+ post changeset_unsubscribe_path(changeset)
+ end
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_redirected_to changeset_path(changeset)
+ assert_not changeset.reload.subscribed?(other_user)
+ end
+ def test_unsubscribe_fail
+ user = create(:user)
+ other_user = create(:user)
+ changeset = create(:changeset, :user => user)
+ # not signed in
+ assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
+ post changeset_unsubscribe_path(changeset)
+ end
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ session_for(other_user)
+ # bad diary id
+ post changeset_unsubscribe_path(999111)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # trying to unsubscribe when not subscribed
+ assert_no_difference "changeset.subscribers.count" do
+ post changeset_unsubscribe_path(changeset)
+ end
+ end