If the password field has a length of 0 and we have a valid
openID, then disable password login by generating a random
unknown password.
This still needs some warnings to indicate that not all services
such as trac, the forum or some editors are supported with
openid only via oauth.
@user.openid_url = nil
if (params[:user][:openid_url].length > 0)
@user.openid_url = nil
if (params[:user][:openid_url].length > 0)
+ if @user.pass_crypt.length == 0
+ #if the password is empty, but we have a openid
+ #then generate a random passowrd to disable
+ #loging in via password
+ @user.pass_crypt = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(16)
+ @user.pass_crypt_confirmation = @user.pass_crypt
+ end
#Validate all of the other fields before
#redirecting to the openid provider
if !@user.valid?
#Validate all of the other fields before
#redirecting to the openid provider
if !@user.valid?