can [:create, :update, :destroy], Trace if capability?(token, :allow_write_gpx)
can [:details], User if capability?(token, :allow_read_prefs)
can [:gpx_files], User if capability?(token, :allow_read_gpx)
- can [:read, :read_one], UserPreference if capability?(token, :allow_read_prefs)
- can [:update, :update_one, :delete_one], UserPreference if capability?(token, :allow_write_prefs)
+ can [:index, :show], UserPreference if capability?(token, :allow_read_prefs)
+ can [:update, :update_all, :destroy], UserPreference if capability?(token, :allow_write_prefs)
if token&.user&.terms_agreed?
- can [:create, :update, :upload, :close, :subscribe, :unsubscribe, :expand_bbox], Changeset if capability?(token, :allow_write_api)
+ can [:create, :update, :upload, :close, :subscribe, :unsubscribe], Changeset if capability?(token, :allow_write_api)
can :create, ChangesetComment if capability?(token, :allow_write_api)
can [:create, :update, :delete], Node if capability?(token, :allow_write_api)
can [:create, :update, :delete], Way if capability?(token, :allow_write_api)
put "changeset/create" => "api/changesets#create"
post "changeset/:id/upload" => "api/changesets#upload", :id => /\d+/
get "changeset/:id/download" => "api/changesets#download", :as => :changeset_download, :id => /\d+/
- post "changeset/:id/expand_bbox" => "api/changesets#expand_bbox", :id => /\d+/
get "changeset/:id" => "api/changesets#show", :as => :changeset_show, :id => /\d+/
post "changeset/:id/subscribe" => "api/changesets#subscribe", :as => :changeset_subscribe, :id => /\d+/
post "changeset/:id/unsubscribe" => "api/changesets#unsubscribe", :as => :changeset_unsubscribe, :id => /\d+/
get "user/gpx_files" => "api/users#gpx_files"
get "users" => "api/users#index", :as => :api_users
- get "user/preferences" => "api/user_preferences#read"
- get "user/preferences/:preference_key" => "api/user_preferences#read_one"
- put "user/preferences" => "api/user_preferences#update"
- put "user/preferences/:preference_key" => "api/user_preferences#update_one"
- delete "user/preferences/:preference_key" => "api/user_preferences#delete_one"
+ get "user/preferences" => "api/user_preferences#index"
+ get "user/preferences/:preference_key" => "api/user_preferences#show"
+ put "user/preferences" => "api/user_preferences#update_all"
+ put "user/preferences/:preference_key" => "api/user_preferences#update"
+ delete "user/preferences/:preference_key" => "api/user_preferences#destroy"
post "gpx/create" => "api/traces#create"
get "gpx/:id" => "api/traces#show", :id => /\d+/
get "/trace/create", :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/new")
get "/trace/:id/data" => "traces#data", :id => /\d+/, :as => "trace_data"
get "/trace/:id/edit", :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/%{id}/edit")
- post "/trace/:id/delete" => "traces#delete", :id => /\d+/
# diary pages
resources :diary_entries, :path => "diary", :only => [:new, :create, :index] do
{ :path => "/api/0.6/changeset/1/download", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/changesets", :action => "download", :id => "1" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/api/0.6/changeset/1/expand_bbox", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "api/changesets", :action => "expand_bbox", :id => "1" }
- )
{ :path => "/api/0.6/changeset/1", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "api/changesets", :action => "show", :id => "1" }
diff.root = "osmChange"
delete = "delete"
diff.root << delete
- delete << super_relation.to_xml_node
- delete << used_relation.to_xml_node
- delete << used_way.to_xml_node
- delete << used_node.to_xml_node
+ delete << xml_node_for_relation(super_relation)
+ delete << xml_node_for_relation(used_relation)
+ delete << xml_node_for_way(used_way)
+ delete << xml_node_for_node(used_node)
# update the changeset to one that this user owns
%w[node way relation].each do |type|
diff.root = "osmChange"
delete = "delete"
diff.root << delete
- delete << other_relation.to_xml_node
- delete << used_way.to_xml_node
- delete << used_node.to_xml_node
+ delete << xml_node_for_relation(other_relation)
+ delete << xml_node_for_way(used_way)
+ delete << xml_node_for_node(used_node)
# update the changeset to one that this user owns
%w[node way relation].each do |type|
delete = "delete"
diff.root << delete
delete["if-unused"] = ""
- delete << used_relation.to_xml_node
- delete << used_way.to_xml_node
- delete << used_node.to_xml_node
+ delete << xml_node_for_relation(used_relation)
+ delete << xml_node_for_way(used_way)
+ delete << xml_node_for_node(used_node)
# update the changeset to one that this user owns
%w[node way relation].each do |type|
diff =
diff.root = "osmChange"
modify = "modify"
- xml_old_node = old_node.to_xml_node
+ xml_old_node = xml_node_for_node(old_node)
xml_old_node["lat"] = 2.0.to_s
xml_old_node["lon"] = 2.0.to_s
xml_old_node["changeset"] = changeset_id.to_s
diff =
diff.root = "osmChange"
modify = "modify"
- xml_old_way = old_way.to_xml_node
+ xml_old_way = xml_node_for_way(old_way)
nd_ref = "nd"
nd_ref["ref"] = create(:node, :lat => 3, :lon => 3).id.to_s
xml_old_way << nd_ref
diff.root = "osmChange"
delete = "delete"
diff.root << delete
- delete << node.to_xml_node
+ delete << xml_node_for_node(node)
# upload it
error_format "xml"
# add (delete) a way to it, which contains a point at (3,3)
with_controller( do
- xml = update_changeset(way.to_xml, changeset_id)
+ xml = update_changeset(xml_for_way(way), changeset_id)
put :delete, :params => { :id => }, :body => xml.to_s
assert_response :success, "Couldn't delete a way."
assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lat='3.0000000']", 1
- ##
- # test that the changeset :include method works as it should
- def test_changeset_include
- basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
- # create a new changeset
- put :create, :body => "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
- assert_response :success, "Creating of changeset failed."
- changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
- # NOTE: the include method doesn't over-expand, like inserting
- # a real method does. this is because we expect the client to
- # know what it is doing!
- check_after_include(changeset_id, 1, 1, [1, 1, 1, 1])
- check_after_include(changeset_id, 3, 3, [1, 1, 3, 3])
- check_after_include(changeset_id, 4, 2, [1, 1, 4, 3])
- check_after_include(changeset_id, 2, 2, [1, 1, 4, 3])
- check_after_include(changeset_id, -1, -1, [-1, -1, 4, 3])
- check_after_include(changeset_id, -2, 5, [-2, -1, 4, 5])
- end
- ##
- # test that a not found, wrong method with the expand bbox works as expected
- def test_changeset_expand_bbox_error
- basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
- # create a new changeset
- xml = "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
- put :create, :body => xml
- assert_response :success, "Creating of changeset failed."
- changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
- lon = 58.2
- lat = -0.45
- # Try and put
- xml = "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
- put :expand_bbox, :params => { :id => changeset_id }, :body => xml
- assert_response :method_not_allowed, "shouldn't be able to put a bbox expand"
- # Try to get the update
- xml = "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
- get :expand_bbox, :params => { :id => changeset_id }, :body => xml
- assert_response :method_not_allowed, "shouldn't be able to get a bbox expand"
- # Try to use a hopefully missing changeset
- xml = "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
- post :expand_bbox, :params => { :id => changeset_id + 13245 }, :body => xml
- assert_response :not_found, "shouldn't be able to do a bbox expand on a nonexistant changeset"
- end
# test the query functionality of changesets
def test_query
- ##
- # call the include method and assert properties of the bbox
- def check_after_include(changeset_id, lon, lat, bbox)
- xml = "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
- post :expand_bbox, :params => { :id => changeset_id }, :body => xml
- assert_response :success, "Setting include of changeset failed: #{@response.body}"
- # check exactly one changeset
- assert_select "osm>changeset", 1
- assert_select "osm>changeset[id='#{changeset_id}']", 1
- # check the bbox
- doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
- changeset = doc.find("//osm/changeset").first
- assert_equal bbox[0], changeset["min_lon"].to_f, "min lon"
- assert_equal bbox[1], changeset["min_lat"].to_f, "min lat"
- assert_equal bbox[2], changeset["max_lon"].to_f, "max lon"
- assert_equal bbox[3], changeset["max_lat"].to_f, "max lat"
- end
# update the changeset_id of a way element
def update_changeset(xml, changeset_id)