can :read, Redaction
can [:create, :destroy], :session
can [:read, :data, :georss], Trace
- can [:read, :terms, :create, :save, :suspended, :auth_success, :auth_failure], User
+ can [:read, :create, :suspended, :auth_success, :auth_failure], User
+ can [:read, :update], :account_terms
can :read, UserBlock
/* Rules for the account confirmation page */
-.users-terms {
+.accounts-terms-show {
.legale {
padding: $lineheight;
margin-bottom: $lineheight;
--- /dev/null
+module Accounts
+ class TermsController < ApplicationController
+ include SessionMethods
+ layout "site"
+ before_action :disable_terms_redirect
+ before_action :authorize_web
+ before_action :set_locale
+ before_action :check_database_readable
+ authorize_resource :class => :account_terms
+ def show
+ @legale = params[:legale] || OSM.ip_to_country(request.remote_ip) || Settings.default_legale
+ @text = OSM.legal_text_for_country(@legale)
+ if request.xhr?
+ render :partial => "terms"
+ else
+ @title = t ".title"
+ if current_user&.terms_agreed?
+ # Already agreed to terms, so just show settings
+ redirect_to edit_account_path
+ elsif current_user.nil?
+ redirect_to login_path(:referer => request.fullpath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def update
+ @title = t ""
+ if params[:decline] || !(params[:read_tou] && params[:read_ct])
+ if current_user
+ current_user.terms_seen = true
+ flash[:notice] = { :partial => "accounts/terms/terms_declined_flash" } if
+ referer = safe_referer(params[:referer]) if params[:referer]
+ redirect_to referer || edit_account_path
+ elsif params[:decline]
+ redirect_to t("users.terms.declined"), :allow_other_host => true
+ else
+ redirect_to account_terms_path
+ end
+ elsif current_user
+ unless current_user.terms_agreed?
+ current_user.consider_pd = params[:user][:consider_pd]
+ current_user.tou_agreed =
+ current_user.terms_agreed =
+ current_user.terms_seen = true
+ flash[:notice] = t " accepted" if
+ end
+ referer = safe_referer(params[:referer]) if params[:referer]
+ redirect_to referer || edit_account_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
# don't allow access to any auth-requiring part of the site unless
# the new CTs have been seen (and accept/decline chosen).
elsif !current_user.terms_seen && flash[:skip_terms].nil?
- flash[:notice] = t " need to accept or decline"
+ flash[:notice] = t " need to accept or decline"
if params[:referer]
- redirect_to :controller => "users", :action => "terms", :referer => params[:referer]
+ redirect_to account_terms_path(:referer => params[:referer])
- redirect_to :controller => "users", :action => "terms", :referer => request.fullpath
+ redirect_to account_terms_path(:referer => request.fullpath)
# - If they were referred to the login, send them back there.
# - Otherwise, send them to the home page.
if !user.terms_seen
- redirect_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => target
+ redirect_to account_terms_path(:referer => target)
elsif user.blocked_on_view
redirect_to user.blocked_on_view, :referer => target
layout "site"
skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, :only => [:auth_success]
- before_action :disable_terms_redirect, :only => [:terms, :save]
before_action :authorize_web
before_action :set_locale
before_action :check_database_readable
redirect_to user_path(:display_name => params[:display_name])
- def terms
- @legale = params[:legale] || OSM.ip_to_country(request.remote_ip) || Settings.default_legale
- @text = OSM.legal_text_for_country(@legale)
- if request.xhr?
- render :partial => "terms"
- else
- @title = t ".title"
- if current_user&.terms_agreed?
- # Already agreed to terms, so just show settings
- redirect_to edit_account_path
- elsif current_user.nil?
- redirect_to login_path(:referer => request.fullpath)
- end
- end
- end
- def save
- @title = t ""
- if params[:decline] || !(params[:read_tou] && params[:read_ct])
- if current_user
- current_user.terms_seen = true
- flash[:notice] = { :partial => "users/terms_declined_flash" } if
- referer = safe_referer(params[:referer]) if params[:referer]
- redirect_to referer || edit_account_path
- elsif params[:decline]
- redirect_to t("users.terms.declined"), :allow_other_host => true
- else
- redirect_to :action => :terms
- end
- elsif current_user
- unless current_user.terms_agreed?
- current_user.consider_pd = params[:user][:consider_pd]
- current_user.tou_agreed =
- current_user.terms_agreed =
- current_user.terms_seen = true
- flash[:notice] = t " accepted" if
- end
- referer = safe_referer(params[:referer]) if params[:referer]
- redirect_to referer || edit_account_path
- end
- end
def go_public
current_user.data_public = true
if content_for? :body_class
content_for :body_class
- "#{params[:controller]} #{params[:controller]}-#{params[:action]}"
+ controller_part = params[:controller].tr("/", "-")
+ "#{controller_part} #{controller_part}-#{params[:action]}"
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= t ".contributor terms.not yet agreed" %>
- <%= link_to t(".contributor link text"), :controller => "users", :action => "terms" %>
+ <%= link_to t(".contributor link text"), account_terms_path %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
-<%= form_tag({ :action => "save" }) do %>
+<%= form_tag account_terms_path, :method => :put do %>
<!-- legale is <%= @legale %> -->
<p class="text-body-secondary"><%= t ".read and accept with tou" %></p>
recent_editing_html: "As you have edited recently your account cannot currently be deleted. Deletion will be possible in %{time}."
confirm_delete: Are you sure?
cancel: Cancel
+ terms:
+ show:
+ title: "Terms"
+ heading: "Terms"
+ heading_ct: "Contributor terms"
+ read and accept with tou: "Please read the contributor agreement and the terms of use, check both checkboxes when done and then press the continue button."
+ contributor_terms_explain: "This agreement governs the terms for your existing and future contributions."
+ read_ct: "I have read and agree to the above contributor terms"
+ tou_explain_html: "These %{tou_link} govern the use of the website and other infrastructure provided by the OSMF. Please click on the link, read and agree to the text."
+ read_tou: "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
+ consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
+ consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
+ consider_pd_why_url:
+ guidance_info_html: "Information to help understand these terms: a %{readable_summary_link} and some %{informal_translations_link}"
+ readable_summary: human readable summary
+ informal_translations: informal translations
+ continue: "Continue"
+ declined: ""
+ cancel: "Cancel"
+ you need to accept or decline: "Please read and then either accept or decline the new Contributor Terms to continue."
+ legale_select: "Country of residence:"
+ legale_names:
+ france: "France"
+ italy: "Italy"
+ rest_of_world: "Rest of the world"
+ terms_declined_flash:
+ terms_declined_html: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor Terms. For more information, please see %{terms_declined_link}.
+ terms_declined_link: this wiki page
+ terms_declined_url:
deleted_ago_by_html: "Deleted %{time_ago} by %{user}"
edited_ago_by_html: "Edited %{time_ago} by %{user}"
or: "or"
use external auth: "or sign up with a third party"
- terms:
- title: "Terms"
- heading: "Terms"
- heading_ct: "Contributor terms"
- read and accept with tou: "Please read the contributor agreement and the terms of use, check both checkboxes when done and then press the continue button."
- contributor_terms_explain: "This agreement governs the terms for your existing and future contributions."
- read_ct: "I have read and agree to the above contributor terms"
- tou_explain_html: "These %{tou_link} govern the use of the website and other infrastructure provided by the OSMF. Please click on the link, read and agree to the text."
- read_tou: "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
- consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
- consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
- consider_pd_why_url:
- guidance_info_html: "Information to help understand these terms: a %{readable_summary_link} and some %{informal_translations_link}"
- readable_summary: human readable summary
- informal_translations: informal translations
- continue: "Continue"
- declined: ""
- cancel: "Cancel"
- you need to accept or decline: "Please read and then either accept or decline the new Contributor Terms to continue."
- legale_select: "Country of residence:"
- legale_names:
- france: "France"
- italy: "Italy"
- rest_of_world: "Rest of the world"
- terms_declined_flash:
- terms_declined_html: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor Terms. For more information, please see %{terms_declined_link}.
- terms_declined_link: this wiki page
- terms_declined_url:
title: "No such user"
heading: "The user %{user} does not exist"
get "/key" => "site#key"
get "/id" => "site#id"
get "/query" => "browse#query"
- get "/user/terms" => "users#terms"
- post "/user/save" => "users#save"
post "/user/:display_name/confirm/resend" => "confirmations#confirm_resend", :as => :user_confirm_resend
match "/user/:display_name/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm", :via => [:get, :post]
match "/user/confirm" => "confirmations#confirm", :via => [:get, :post]
post "/diary_comments/:comment/unhide" => "diary_comments#unhide", :comment => /\d+/, :as => :unhide_diary_comment
# user pages
+ get "/user/terms", :to => redirect(:path => "/account/terms")
resources :users, :path => "user", :param => :display_name, :only => [:new, :create, :show, :destroy] do
resource :role, :controller => "user_roles", :path => "roles/:role", :only => [:create, :destroy]
scope :module => :users do
post "/user/:display_name/set_status" => "users#set_status", :as => :set_status_user
resource :account, :only => [:edit, :update, :destroy] do
- resource :deletion, :module => :accounts, :only => :show
+ scope :module => :accounts do
+ resource :terms, :only => [:show, :update]
+ resource :deletion, :only => :show
+ end
resource :dashboard, :only => [:show]
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Accounts
+ class TermsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/account/terms", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "accounts/terms", :action => "show" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/account/terms", :method => :put },
+ { :controller => "accounts/terms", :action => "update" }
+ )
+ get "/user/terms"
+ assert_redirected_to "/account/terms"
+ end
+ def test_show_not_logged_in
+ get account_terms_path
+ assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => account_terms_path)
+ end
+ def test_show_agreed
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => true, :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
+ session_for(user)
+ get account_terms_path
+ assert_redirected_to edit_account_path
+ end
+ def test_show_not_seen_without_referer
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
+ session_for(user)
+ get account_terms_path
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ def test_show_not_seen_with_referer
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
+ session_for(user)
+ get account_terms_path(:referer => "/test")
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ def test_update_not_seen_without_referer
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
+ session_for(user)
+ put account_terms_path, :params => { :user => { :consider_pd => true }, :read_ct => 1, :read_tou => 1 }
+ assert_redirected_to edit_account_path
+ assert_equal "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!", flash[:notice]
+ user.reload
+ assert user.consider_pd
+ assert_not_nil user.terms_agreed
+ assert user.terms_seen
+ end
+ def test_update_not_seen_with_referer
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
+ session_for(user)
+ put account_terms_path, :params => { :user => { :consider_pd => true }, :referer => "/test", :read_ct => 1, :read_tou => 1 }
+ assert_redirected_to "/test"
+ assert_equal "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!", flash[:notice]
+ user.reload
+ assert user.consider_pd
+ assert_not_nil user.terms_agreed
+ assert user.terms_seen
+ end
+ # Check that if you haven't seen the terms, and make a request that requires authentication,
+ # that your request is redirected to view the terms
+ def test_terms_not_seen_redirection
+ user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
+ session_for(user)
+ get edit_account_path
+ assert_redirected_to account_terms_path(:referer => "/account/edit")
+ end
+ end
{ :controller => "users", :action => "create" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/terms", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "users", :action => "terms" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/save", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "users", :action => "save" }
- )
{ :path => "/user/go_public", :method => :post },
{ :controller => "users", :action => "go_public" }
- def test_terms_agreed
- user = create(:user, :terms_seen => true, :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
- session_for(user)
- get user_terms_path
- assert_redirected_to edit_account_path
- end
- def test_terms_not_seen_without_referer
- user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
- session_for(user)
- get user_terms_path
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :terms
- post user_save_path, :params => { :user => { :consider_pd => true }, :read_ct => 1, :read_tou => 1 }
- assert_redirected_to edit_account_path
- assert_equal "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!", flash[:notice]
- user.reload
- assert user.consider_pd
- assert_not_nil user.terms_agreed
- assert user.terms_seen
- end
- def test_terms_not_seen_with_referer
- user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
- session_for(user)
- get user_terms_path, :params => { :referer => "/test" }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :terms
- post user_save_path, :params => { :user => { :consider_pd => true }, :referer => "/test", :read_ct => 1, :read_tou => 1 }
- assert_redirected_to "/test"
- assert_equal "Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!", flash[:notice]
- user.reload
- assert user.consider_pd
- assert_not_nil user.terms_agreed
- assert user.terms_seen
- end
- # Check that if you haven't seen the terms, and make a request that requires authentication,
- # that your request is redirected to view the terms
- def test_terms_not_seen_redirection
- user = create(:user, :terms_seen => false, :terms_agreed => nil)
- session_for(user)
- get edit_account_path
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => "/account/edit"
- end
- def test_terms_not_logged_in
- get user_terms_path
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => "/user/terms")
- end
def test_go_public
user = create(:user, :data_public => false)
assert_template "sessions/new"
post "/login", :params => { :username =>, :password => "test", :referer => "/diary/new" }
# but now we need to look at the terms
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => "/diary/new"
+ assert_redirected_to account_terms_path(:referer => "/diary/new")
assert_response :success
# don't agree to the terms, but hit decline
- post "/user/save", :params => { :decline => true, :referer => "/diary/new" }
+ put "/account/terms", :params => { :decline => true, :referer => "/diary/new" }
assert_redirected_to "/diary/new"
assert_template "sessions/new"
post "/login", :params => { :username =>, :password => "test", :referer => "/diary/new" }
# but now we need to look at the terms
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => "/diary/new"
+ assert_redirected_to account_terms_path(:referer => "/diary/new")
# check that if we go somewhere else now, it redirects
# back to the terms page.
get "/traces/mine"
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => "/traces/mine"
+ assert_redirected_to account_terms_path(:referer => "/traces/mine")
get "/traces/mine", :params => { :referer => "/diary/new" }
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :users, :action => :terms, :referer => "/diary/new"
+ assert_redirected_to account_terms_path(:referer => "/diary/new")