- export:
- title: "Export"
- start:
- area_to_export: "Area to Export"
- manually_select: "Manually select a different area"
- format_to_export: "Format to Export"
- osm_xml_data: "OpenStreetMap XML Data"
- map_image: "Map Image (shows standard layer)"
- embeddable_html: "Embeddable HTML"
- licence: "Licence"
- export_details: 'OpenStreetMap data is licensed under the <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">Open Data Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).'
- too_large:
- advice: "If the above export fails, please consider using one of the sources listed below:"
- body: "This area is too large to be exported as OpenStreetMap XML Data. Please zoom in or select a smaller area, or use one of the sources listed below for bulk data downloads."
- planet:
- title: "Planet OSM"
- description: "Regularly-updated copies of the complete OpenStreetMap database"
- overpass:
- title: "Overpass API"
- description: "Download this bounding box from a mirror of the OpenStreetMap database"
- geofabrik:
- title: "Geofabrik Downloads"
- description: "Regularly-updated extracts of continents, countries, and selected cities"
- metro:
- title: "Metro Extracts"
- description: "Extracts for major world cities and their surrounding areas"
- other:
- title: "Other Sources"
- description: "Additional sources listed on the OpenStreetMap wiki"
- options: "Options"
- format: "Format"
- scale: "Scale"
- max: "max"
- image_size: "Image Size"
- zoom: "Zoom"
- add_marker: "Add a marker to the map"
- latitude: "Lat:"
- longitude: "Lon:"
- output: "Output"
- paste_html: "Paste HTML to embed in website"
- export_button: "Export"