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[server:296] Serving on
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[handlers:62] Start watching changes
--- /dev/null
+# Tokenizers
+The tokenizer is the component of Nominatim that is responsible for
+analysing names of OSM objects and queries. Nominatim provides different
+tokenizers that use different strategies for normalisation. This page describes
+how tokenizers are expected to work and the public API that needs to be
+implemented when creating a new tokenizer. For information on how to configure
+a specific tokenizer for a database see the
+[tokenizer chapter in the administration guide](../admin/
+## Generic Architecture
+### About Search Tokens
+Search in Nominatim is organised around search tokens. Such a token represents
+string that can be part of the search query. Tokens are used so that the search
+index does not need to be organised around strings. Instead the database saves
+for each place which tokens match this place's name, address, house number etc.
+To be able to distinguish between these different types of information stored
+with the place, a search token also always has a certain type: name, house number,
+postcode etc.
+During search an incoming query is transformed into a ordered list of such
+search tokens (or rather many lists, see below) and this list is then converted
+into a database query to find the right place.
+It is the core task of the tokenizer to create, manage and assign the search
+tokens. The tokenizer is involved in two distinct operations:
+* __at import time__: scanning names of OSM objects, normalizing them and
+ building up the list of search tokens.
+* __at query time__: scanning the query and returning the appropriate search
+ tokens.
+### Importing
+The indexer is responsible to enrich an OSM object (or place) with all data
+required for geocoding. It is split into two parts: the controller collects
+the places that require updating, enriches the place information as required
+and hands the place to Postgresql. The collector is part of the Nominatim
+library written in Python. Within Postgresql, the `placex_update`
+trigger is responsible to fill out all secondary tables with extra geocoding
+information. This part is written in PL/pgSQL.
+The tokenizer is involved in both parts. When the indexer prepares a place,
+it hands it over to the tokenizer to inspect the names and create all the
+search tokens applicable for the place. This usually involves updating the
+tokenizer's internal token lists and creating a list of all token IDs for
+the specific place. This list is later needed in the PL/pgSQL part where the
+indexer needs to add the token IDs to the appropriate search tables. To be
+able to communicate the list between the Python part and the pl/pgSQL trigger,
+the `placex` table contains a special JSONB column `token_info` which is there
+for the exclusive use of the tokenizer.
+The Python part of the tokenizer returns a structured information about the
+tokens of a place to the indexer which converts it to JSON and inserts it into
+the `token_info` column. The content of the column is then handed to the PL/pqSQL
+callbacks of the tokenizer which extracts the required information. Usually
+the tokenizer then removes all information from the `token_info` structure,
+so that no information is ever persistently saved in the table. All information
+that went in should have been processed after all and put into secondary tables.
+This is however not a hard requirement. If the tokenizer needs to store
+additional information about a place permanently, it may do so in the
+`token_info` column. It just may never execute searches over it and
+consequently not create any special indexes on it.
+### Querying
+At query time, Nominatim builds up multiple _interpretations_ of the search
+query. Each of these interpretations is tried against the database in order
+of the likelihood with which they match to the search query. The first
+interpretation that yields results wins.
+The interpretations are encapsulated in the `SearchDescription` class. An
+instance of this class is created by applying a sequence of
+_search tokens_ to an initially empty SearchDescription. It is the
+responsibility of the tokenizer to parse the search query and derive all
+possible sequences of search tokens. To that end the tokenizer needs to parse
+the search query and look up matching words in its own data structures.
+## Tokenizer API
+The following section describes the functions that need to be implemented
+for a custom tokenizer implementation.
+!!! warning
+ This API is currently in early alpha status. While this API is meant to
+ be a public API on which other tokenizers may be implemented, the API is
+ far away from being stable at the moment.
+### Directory Structure
+Nominatim expects two files for a tokenizer:
+* `nominiatim/tokenizer/<NAME>` containing the Python part of the
+ implementation
+* `lib-php/tokenizer/<NAME>_tokenizer.php` with the PHP part of the
+ implementation
+where `<NAME>` is a unique name for the tokenizer consisting of only lower-case
+letters, digits and underscore. A tokenizer also needs to install some SQL
+functions. By convention, these should be placed in `lib-sql/tokenizer`.
+If the tokenizer has a default configuration file, this should be saved in
+the `settings/<NAME>_tokenizer.<SUFFIX>`.
+### Configuration and Persistance
+Tokenizers may define custom settings for their configuration. All settings
+must be prefixed with `NOMINATIM_TOKENIZER_`. Settings may be transient or
+persistent. Transient settings are loaded from the configuration file when
+Nominatim is started and may thus be changed at any time. Persistent settings
+are tied to a database installation and must only be read during installation
+time. If they are needed for the runtime then they must be saved into the
+`nominatim_properties` table and later loaded from there.
+### The Python module
+The Python module is expect to export a single factory function:
+def create(dsn: str, data_dir: Path) -> AbstractTokenizer
+The `dsn` parameter contains the DSN of the Nominatim database. The `data_dir`
+is a directory in the project directory that the tokenizer may use to save
+database-specific data. The function must return the instance of the tokenizer
+class as defined below.
+### Python Tokenizer Class
+All tokenizers must inherit from `nominatim.tokenizer.base.AbstractTokenizer`
+and implement the abstract functions defined there.
+::: nominatim.tokenizer.base.AbstractTokenizer
+ rendering:
+ heading_level: 4
+### Python Analyzer Class
+::: nominatim.tokenizer.base.AbstractAnalyzer
+ rendering:
+ heading_level: 4
+### PL/pgSQL Functions
+The tokenizer must provide access functions for the `token_info` column
+to the indexer which extracts the necessary information for the global
+search tables. If the tokenizer needs additional SQL functions for private
+use, then these functions must be prefixed with `token_` in order to ensure
+that there are no naming conflicts with the SQL indexer code.
+The following functions are expected:
+FUNCTION token_get_name_search_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS INTEGER[]
+Return an array of token IDs of search terms that should match
+the name(s) for the given place. These tokens are used to look up the place
+by name and, where the place functions as part of an address for another place,
+by address. Must return NULL when the place has no name.
+FUNCTION token_get_name_match_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS INTEGER[]
+Return an array of token IDs of full names of the place that should be used
+to match addresses. The list of match tokens is usually more strict than
+search tokens as it is used to find a match between two OSM tag values which
+are expected to contain matching full names. Partial terms should not be
+used for match tokens. Must return NULL when the place has no name.
+FUNCTION token_get_housenumber_search_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS INTEGER[]
+Return an array of token IDs of house number tokens that apply to the place.
+Note that a place may have multiple house numbers, for example when apartments
+each have their own number. Must be NULL when the place has no house numbers.
+FUNCTION token_normalized_housenumber(info JSONB) RETURNS TEXT
+Return the house number(s) in the normalized form that can be matched against
+a house number token text. If a place has multiple house numbers they must
+be listed with a semicolon as delimiter. Must be NULL when the place has no
+house numbers.
+FUNCTION token_addr_street_match_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS INTEGER[]
+Return the match token IDs by which to search a matching street from the
+`addr:street` tag. These IDs will be matched against the IDs supplied by
+`token_get_name_match_tokens`. Must be NULL when the place has no `addr:street`
+FUNCTION token_addr_place_match_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS INTEGER[]
+Return the match token IDs by which to search a matching place from the
+`addr:place` tag. These IDs will be matched against the IDs supplied by
+`token_get_name_match_tokens`. Must be NULL when the place has no `addr:place`
+FUNCTION token_addr_place_search_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS INTEGER[]
+Return the search token IDs extracted from the `addr:place` tag. These tokens
+are used for searches by address when no matching place can be found in the
+database. Must be NULL when the place has no `addr:place` tag.
+CREATE TYPE token_addresstoken AS (
+ key TEXT,
+ match_tokens INT[],
+ search_tokens INT[]
+FUNCTION token_get_address_tokens(info JSONB) RETURNS SETOF token_addresstoken
+Return the match and search token IDs for explicit `addr:*` tags for the place
+other than `addr:street` and `addr:place`. For each address item there are
+three pieces of information returned:
+ * _key_ contains the type of address item (city, county, etc.). This is the
+ key handed in with the `address` dictionary.
+ * *match_tokens* is the list of token IDs used to find the corresponding
+ place object for the address part. The list is matched against the IDs
+ from `token_get_name_match_tokens`.
+ * *search_tokens* is the list of token IDs under which to search the address
+ item. It is used when no corresponding place object was found.
+FUNCTION token_normalized_postcode(postcode TEXT) RETURNS TEXT
+Return the normalized version of the given postcode. This function must return
+the same value as the Python function `AbstractAnalyzer->normalize_postcode()`.
+FUNCTION token_strip_info(info JSONB) RETURNS JSONB
+Return the part of the `token_info` field that should be stored in the database
+permanently. The indexer calls this function when all processing is done and
+replaces the content of the `token_info` column with the returned value before
+the trigger stores the information in the database. May return NULL if no
+information should be stored permanently.
+### PHP Tokenizer class
+The PHP tokenizer class is instantiated once per request and responsible for
+analyzing the incoming query. Multiple requests may be in flight in
+The class is expected to be found under the
+name of `\Nominatim\Tokenizer`. To find the class the PHP code includes the file
+`tokenizer/tokenizer.php` in the project directory. This file must be created
+when the tokenizer is first set up on import. The file should initialize any
+configuration variables by setting PHP constants and then require the file
+with the actual implementation of the tokenizer.
+The tokenizer class must implement the following functions:
+public function __construct(object &$oDB)
+The constructor of the class receives a database connection that can be used
+to query persistent data in the database.
+public function checkStatus()
+Check that the tokenizer can access its persistent data structures. If there
+is an issue, throw an `\Exception`.
+public function normalizeString(string $sTerm) : string
+Normalize string to a form to be used for comparisons when reordering results.
+Nominatim reweighs results how well the final display string matches the actual
+query. Before comparing result and query, names and query are normalised against
+this function. The tokenizer can thus remove all properties that should not be
+taken into account for reweighing, e.g. special characters or case.
+public function tokensForSpecialTerm(string $sTerm) : array
+Return the list of special term tokens that match the given term.
+public function extractTokensFromPhrases(array &$aPhrases) : TokenList
+Parse the given phrases, splitting them into word lists and retrieve the
+matching tokens.
+The phrase array may take on two forms. In unstructured searches (using `q=`
+parameter) the search query is split at the commas and the elements are
+put into a sorted list. For structured searches the phrase array is an
+associative array where the key designates the type of the term (street, city,
+county etc.) The tokenizer may ignore the phrase type at this stage in parsing.
+Matching phrase type and appropriate search token type will be done later
+when the SearchDescription is built.
+For each phrase in the list of phrases, the function must analyse the phrase
+string and then call `setWordSets()` to communicate the result of the analysis.
+A word set is a list of strings, where each string refers to a search token.
+A phrase may have multiple interpretations. Therefore a list of word sets is
+usually attached to the phrase. The search tokens themselves are returned
+by the function in an associative array, where the key corresponds to the
+strings given in the word sets. The value is a list of search tokens. Thus
+a single string in the list of word sets may refer to multiple search tokens.
th {
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+ border-left: 4px solid rgba(230, 230, 230);
+ margin-bottom: 60px;
- 'Architecture Overview' : 'develop/'
- 'OSM Data Import' : 'develop/'
- 'Place Ranking' : 'develop/'
+ - 'Tokenizers' : 'develop/'
- 'Postcodes' : 'develop/'
- 'Testing' : 'develop/'
- 'External Data Sources': 'develop/'
- toc:
extra_css: [extra.css, styles.css]
+ - search
+ - mkdocstrings:
+ handlers:
+ python:
+ rendering:
+ show_source: false
+ show_signature_annotations: false
if ($this->aCountryCodes) {
- $this->oTokenizer->setCountryRestriction($this->aCountryCodes);
Debug::newSection('Query Preprocessing');
class Phrase
- const MAX_WORDSET_LEN = 20;
- const MAX_WORDSETS = 100;
// Complete phrase as a string.
private $sPhrase;
// Element type for structured searches.
// Possible segmentations of the phrase.
private $aWordSets;
- public static function cmpByArraylen($aA, $aB)
- {
- $iALen = count($aA);
- $iBLen = count($aB);
- if ($iALen == $iBLen) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ($iALen < $iBLen) ? -1 : 1;
- }
public function __construct($sPhrase, $sPhraseType)
$this->sPhrase = trim($sPhrase);
return $this->sPhraseType;
+ public function setWordSets($aWordSets)
+ {
+ $this->aWordSets = $aWordSets;
+ }
* Return the array of possible segmentations of the phrase.
- public function computeWordSets($aWords, $oTokens)
- {
- $iNumWords = count($aWords);
- if ($iNumWords == 0) {
- $this->aWordSets = null;
- return;
- }
- // Caches the word set for the partial phrase up to word i.
- $aSetCache = array_fill(0, $iNumWords, array());
- // Initialise first element of cache. There can only be the word.
- if ($oTokens->containsAny($aWords[0])) {
- $aSetCache[0][] = array($aWords[0]);
- }
- // Now do the next elements using what we already have.
- for ($i = 1; $i < $iNumWords; $i++) {
- for ($j = $i; $j > 0; $j--) {
- $sPartial = $j == $i ? $aWords[$j] : $aWords[$j].' '.$sPartial;
- if (!empty($aSetCache[$j - 1]) && $oTokens->containsAny($sPartial)) {
- $aPartial = array($sPartial);
- foreach ($aSetCache[$j - 1] as $aSet) {
- if (count($aSet) < Phrase::MAX_WORDSET_LEN) {
- $aSetCache[$i][] = array_merge($aSet, $aPartial);
- }
- }
- if (count($aSetCache[$i]) > 2 * Phrase::MAX_WORDSETS) {
- usort(
- $aSetCache[$i],
- array('\Nominatim\Phrase', 'cmpByArraylen')
- );
- $aSetCache[$i] = array_slice(
- $aSetCache[$i],
- 0,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- // finally the current full phrase
- $sPartial = $aWords[0].' '.$sPartial;
- if ($oTokens->containsAny($sPartial)) {
- $aSetCache[$i][] = array($sPartial);
- }
- }
- $this->aWordSets = $aSetCache[$iNumWords - 1];
- usort($this->aWordSets, array('\Nominatim\Phrase', 'cmpByArraylen'));
- $this->aWordSets = array_slice($this->aWordSets, 0, Phrase::MAX_WORDSETS);
- }
public function debugInfo()
return array(
public $sqlViewboxLarge = '';
/// Reference along a route (as SQL).
public $sqlViewboxCentre = '';
+ /// List of countries to restrict search to (as array).
+ public $aCountryList = null;
/// List of countries to restrict search to (as SQL).
public $sqlCountryList = '';
/// List of place IDs to exclude (as SQL).
public function setCountryList($aCountries)
$this->sqlCountryList = '('.join(',', array_map('addQuotes', $aCountries)).')';
+ $this->aCountryList = $aCountries;
return '';
+ /**
+ * Check if the given country is covered by the search context.
+ *
+ * @param string $sCountryCode Country code of the country to check.
+ *
+ * @return True, if no country code restrictions are set or the
+ * country is included in the country list.
+ */
+ public function isCountryApplicable($sCountryCode)
+ {
+ return $this->aCountryList === null || in_array($sCountryCode, $this->aCountryList);
+ }
public function debugInfo()
return array(
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+ * A word list creator based on simple splitting by space.
+ *
+ * Creates possible permutations of split phrases by finding all combination
+ * of splitting the phrase on space boundaries.
+ */
+class SimpleWordList
+ const MAX_WORDSET_LEN = 20;
+ const MAX_WORDSETS = 100;
+ // The phrase as a list of simple terms (without spaces).
+ private $aWords;
+ /**
+ * Create a new word list
+ *
+ * @param string sPhrase Phrase to create the word list from. The phrase is
+ * expected to be normalised, so that there are no
+ * subsequent spaces.
+ */
+ public function __construct($sPhrase)
+ {
+ if (strlen($sPhrase) > 0) {
+ $this->aWords = explode(' ', $sPhrase);
+ } else {
+ $this->aWords = array();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all possible tokens that are present in this word list.
+ *
+ * @return array The list of string tokens in the word list.
+ */
+ public function getTokens()
+ {
+ $aTokens = array();
+ $iNumWords = count($this->aWords);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $iNumWords; $i++) {
+ $sPhrase = $this->aWords[$i];
+ $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase;
+ for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $iNumWords; $j++) {
+ $sPhrase .= ' '.$this->aWords[$j];
+ $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase;
+ }
+ }
+ return $aTokens;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute all possible permutations of phrase splits that result in
+ * words which are in the token list.
+ */
+ public function getWordSets($oTokens)
+ {
+ $iNumWords = count($this->aWords);
+ if ($iNumWords == 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Caches the word set for the partial phrase up to word i.
+ $aSetCache = array_fill(0, $iNumWords, array());
+ // Initialise first element of cache. There can only be the word.
+ if ($oTokens->containsAny($this->aWords[0])) {
+ $aSetCache[0][] = array($this->aWords[0]);
+ }
+ // Now do the next elements using what we already have.
+ for ($i = 1; $i < $iNumWords; $i++) {
+ for ($j = $i; $j > 0; $j--) {
+ $sPartial = $j == $i ? $this->aWords[$j] : $this->aWords[$j].' '.$sPartial;
+ if (!empty($aSetCache[$j - 1]) && $oTokens->containsAny($sPartial)) {
+ $aPartial = array($sPartial);
+ foreach ($aSetCache[$j - 1] as $aSet) {
+ if (count($aSet) < SimpleWordList::MAX_WORDSET_LEN) {
+ $aSetCache[$i][] = array_merge($aSet, $aPartial);
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($aSetCache[$i]) > 2 * SimpleWordList::MAX_WORDSETS) {
+ usort(
+ $aSetCache[$i],
+ array('\Nominatim\SimpleWordList', 'cmpByArraylen')
+ );
+ $aSetCache[$i] = array_slice(
+ $aSetCache[$i],
+ 0,
+ SimpleWordList::MAX_WORDSETS
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // finally the current full phrase
+ $sPartial = $this->aWords[0].' '.$sPartial;
+ if ($oTokens->containsAny($sPartial)) {
+ $aSetCache[$i][] = array($sPartial);
+ }
+ }
+ $aWordSets = $aSetCache[$iNumWords - 1];
+ usort($aWordSets, array('\Nominatim\SimpleWordList', 'cmpByArraylen'));
+ return array_slice($aWordSets, 0, SimpleWordList::MAX_WORDSETS);
+ }
+ public static function cmpByArraylen($aA, $aB)
+ {
+ $iALen = count($aA);
+ $iBLen = count($aB);
+ if ($iALen == $iBLen) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ($iALen < $iBLen) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ public function debugInfo()
+ {
+ return $this->aWords;
+ }
public function isExtendable($oSearch, $oPosition)
- return !$oSearch->hasCountry() && $oPosition->maybePhrase('country');
+ return !$oSearch->hasCountry()
+ && $oPosition->maybePhrase('country')
+ && $oSearch->getContext()->isCountryApplicable($this->sCountryCode);
namespace Nominatim;
class Tokenizer
private $oDB;
private $oNormalizer;
private $oTransliterator;
- private $aCountryRestriction;
public function __construct(&$oDB)
- public function setCountryRestriction($aCountries)
- {
- $this->aCountryRestriction = $aCountries;
- }
public function normalizeString($sTerm)
if ($this->oNormalizer === null) {
$sNormQuery .= ','.$this->normalizeString($oPhrase->getPhrase());
$sPhrase = $this->makeStandardWord($oPhrase->getPhrase());
Debug::printVar('Phrase', $sPhrase);
- if (strlen($sPhrase) > 0) {
- $aWords = explode(' ', $sPhrase);
- Tokenizer::addTokens($aTokens, $aWords);
- $aWordLists[] = $aWords;
- } else {
- $aWordLists[] = array();
- }
+ $oWordList = new SimpleWordList($sPhrase);
+ $aTokens = array_merge($aTokens, $oWordList->getTokens());
+ $aWordLists[] = $oWordList;
Debug::printVar('Tokens', $aTokens);
$oValidTokens = $this->computeValidTokens($aTokens, $sNormQuery);
foreach ($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $oPhrase) {
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets($aWordLists[$iPhrase], $oValidTokens);
+ $oPhrase->setWordSets($aWordLists[$iPhrase]->getWordSets($oValidTokens));
return $oValidTokens;
switch ($aWord['type']) {
case 'C': // country name tokens
- if ($aWord['word'] !== null
- && (!$this->aCountryRestriction
- || in_array($aWord['word'], $this->aCountryRestriction))
- ) {
+ if ($aWord['word'] !== null) {
new Token\Country($iId, $aWord['word'])
- /**
- * Add the tokens from this phrase to the given list of tokens.
- *
- * @param string[] $aTokens List of tokens to append.
- *
- * @return void
- */
- private static function addTokens(&$aTokens, $aWords)
- {
- $iNumWords = count($aWords);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $iNumWords; $i++) {
- $sPhrase = $aWords[$i];
- $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase;
- for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $iNumWords; $j++) {
- $sPhrase .= ' '.$aWords[$j];
- $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase;
- }
- }
- }
namespace Nominatim;
class Tokenizer
private $oDB;
private $oNormalizer = null;
- private $aCountryRestriction = null;
public function __construct(&$oDB)
- public function setCountryRestriction($aCountries)
- {
- $this->aCountryRestriction = $aCountries;
- }
public function normalizeString($sTerm)
if ($this->oNormalizer === null) {
$aWordLists = array();
$aTokens = array();
foreach ($aNormPhrases as $sPhrase) {
- if (strlen($sPhrase) > 0) {
- $aWords = explode(' ', $sPhrase);
- Tokenizer::addTokens($aTokens, $aWords);
- $aWordLists[] = $aWords;
- } else {
- $aWordLists[] = array();
+ $oWordList = new SimpleWordList($sPhrase);
+ foreach ($oWordList->getTokens() as $sToken) {
+ $aTokens[' '.$sToken] = ' '.$sToken;
+ $aTokens[$sToken] = $sToken;
+ $aWordLists[] = $oWordList;
Debug::printVar('Tokens', $aTokens);
$oValidTokens = $this->computeValidTokens($aTokens, $sNormQuery);
foreach ($aPhrases as $iPhrase => $oPhrase) {
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets($aWordLists[$iPhrase], $oValidTokens);
+ $oPhrase->setWordSets($aWordLists[$iPhrase]->getWordSets($oValidTokens));
return $oValidTokens;
} elseif ($aWord['country_code']) {
- // Filter country tokens that do not match restricted countries.
- if (!$this->aCountryRestriction
- || in_array($aWord['country_code'], $this->aCountryRestriction)
- ) {
- $oToken = new Token\Country($iId, $aWord['country_code']);
- }
+ $oToken = new Token\Country($iId, $aWord['country_code']);
} elseif ($aWord['word_token'][0] == ' ') {
$oToken = new Token\Word(
- /**
- * Add the tokens from this phrase to the given list of tokens.
- *
- * @param string[] $aTokens List of tokens to append.
- *
- * @return void
- */
- private static function addTokens(&$aTokens, $aWords)
- {
- $iNumWords = count($aWords);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $iNumWords; $i++) {
- $sPhrase = $aWords[$i];
- $aTokens[' '.$sPhrase] = ' '.$sPhrase;
- $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase;
- for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $iNumWords; $j++) {
- $sPhrase .= ' '.$aWords[$j];
- $aTokens[' '.$sPhrase] = ' '.$sPhrase;
- $aTokens[$sPhrase] = $sPhrase;
- }
- }
- }
--- /dev/null
+Abstract class defintions for tokenizers. These base classes are here
+mainly for documentation purposes.
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
+from nominatim.config import Configuration
+# pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
+class AbstractAnalyzer(ABC):
+ """ The analyzer provides the functions for analysing names and building
+ the token database.
+ Analyzers are instantiated on a per-thread base. Access to global data
+ structures must be synchronised accordingly.
+ """
+ def __enter__(self) -> 'AbstractAnalyzer':
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None:
+ self.close()
+ @abstractmethod
+ def close(self) -> None:
+ """ Free all resources used by the analyzer.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_word_token_info(self, words: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str, int]]:
+ """ Return token information for the given list of words.
+ The function is used for testing and debugging only
+ and does not need to be particularly efficient.
+ Arguments:
+ words: A list of words to look up the tokens for.
+ If a word starts with # it is assumed to be a full name
+ otherwise is a partial term.
+ Returns:
+ The function returns the list of all tuples that could be
+ found for the given words. Each list entry is a tuple of
+ (original word, word token, word id).
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def normalize_postcode(self, postcode: str) -> str:
+ """ Convert the postcode to its standardized form.
+ This function must yield exactly the same result as the SQL function
+ `token_normalized_postcode()`.
+ Arguments:
+ postcode: The postcode to be normalized.
+ Returns:
+ The given postcode after normalization.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_postcodes_from_db(self) -> None:
+ """ Update the tokenizer's postcode tokens from the current content
+ of the `location_postcode` table.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_special_phrases(self, phrases: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]],
+ should_replace: bool) -> None:
+ """ Update the tokenizer's special phrase tokens from the given
+ list of special phrases.
+ Arguments:
+ phrases: The new list of special phrases. Each entry is
+ a tuple of (phrase, class, type, operator).
+ should_replace: If true, replace the current list of phrases.
+ When false, just add the given phrases to the
+ ones that already exist.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def add_country_names(self, country_code: str, names: Dict[str, str]):
+ """ Add the given names to the tokenizer's list of country tokens.
+ Arguments:
+ country_code: two-letter country code for the country the names
+ refer to.
+ names: Dictionary of name type to name.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def process_place(self, place: Dict) -> Any:
+ """ Extract tokens for the given place and compute the
+ information to be handed to the PL/pgSQL processor for building
+ the search index.
+ Arguments:
+ place: Dictionary with the information about the place. Currently
+ the following fields may be present:
+ - *name* is a dictionary of names for the place together
+ with the designation of the name.
+ - *address* is a dictionary of address terms.
+ - *country_feature* is set to a country code when the
+ place describes a country.
+ Returns:
+ A JSON-serialisable structure that will be handed into
+ the database via the `token_info` field.
+ """
+class AbstractTokenizer(ABC):
+ """ The tokenizer instance is the central instance of the tokenizer in
+ the system. There will only be a single instance of the tokenizer
+ active at any time.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def init_new_db(self, config: Configuration, init_db: bool = True) -> None:
+ """ Set up a new tokenizer for the database.
+ The function should copy all necessary data into the project
+ directory or save it in the property table to make sure that
+ the tokenizer remains stable over updates.
+ Arguments:
+ config: Read-only object with configuration obtions.
+ init_db: When set to False, then initialisation of database
+ tables should be skipped. This option is only required for
+ migration purposes and can be savely ignored by custom
+ tokenizers.
+ TODO: can we move the init_db parameter somewhere else?
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def init_from_project(self) -> None:
+ """ Initialise the tokenizer from an existing database setup.
+ The function should load all previously saved configuration from
+ the project directory and/or the property table.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def finalize_import(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
+ """ This function is called at the very end of an import when all
+ data has been imported and indexed. The tokenizer may create
+ at this point any additional indexes and data structures needed
+ during query time.
+ Arguments:
+ config: Read-only object with configuration obtions.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update_sql_functions(self, config: Configuration) -> None:
+ """ Update the SQL part of the tokenizer. This function is called
+ automatically on migrations or may be called explicitly by the
+ user through the `nominatim refresh --functions` command.
+ The tokenizer must only update the code of the tokenizer. The
+ data structures or data itself must not be changed by this function.
+ Arguments:
+ config: Read-only object with configuration obtions.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def check_database(self) -> str:
+ """ Check that the database is set up correctly and ready for being
+ queried.
+ Returns:
+ If an issue was found, return an error message with the
+ description of the issue as well as hints for the user on
+ how to resolve the issue.
+ Return `None`, if no issue was found.
+ """
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def name_analyzer(self) -> AbstractAnalyzer:
+ """ Create a new analyzer for tokenizing names and queries
+ using this tokinzer. Analyzers are context managers and should
+ be used accordingly:
+ ```
+ with tokenizer.name_analyzer() as analyzer:
+ analyser.tokenize()
+ ```
+ When used outside the with construct, the caller must ensure to
+ call the close() function before destructing the analyzer.
+ """
+ pass
from nominatim.db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
from nominatim.tokenizer.icu_rule_loader import ICURuleLoader
from nominatim.tokenizer.icu_name_processor import ICUNameProcessor, ICUNameProcessorRules
+from nominatim.tokenizer.base import AbstractAnalyzer, AbstractTokenizer
DBCFG_MAXWORDFREQ = "tokenizer_maxwordfreq"
DBCFG_TERM_NORMALIZATION = "tokenizer_term_normalization"
return LegacyICUTokenizer(dsn, data_dir)
-class LegacyICUTokenizer:
+class LegacyICUTokenizer(AbstractTokenizer):
""" This tokenizer uses libICU to covert names and queries to ASCII.
Otherwise it uses the same algorithms and data structures as the
normalization routines in Nominatim 3.
return words
-class LegacyICUNameAnalyzer:
+class LegacyICUNameAnalyzer(AbstractAnalyzer):
""" The legacy analyzer uses the ICU library for splitting names.
Each instance opens a connection to the database to request the
self._cache = _TokenCache()
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.close()
def close(self):
""" Free all resources used by the analyzer.
from nominatim.db import utils as db_utils
from nominatim.db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
from nominatim.errors import UsageError
+from nominatim.tokenizer.base import AbstractAnalyzer, AbstractTokenizer
DBCFG_NORMALIZATION = "tokenizer_normalization"
DBCFG_MAXWORDFREQ = "tokenizer_maxwordfreq"
raise UsageError("Database module cannot be accessed.") from err
-class LegacyTokenizer:
+class LegacyTokenizer(AbstractTokenizer):
""" The legacy tokenizer uses a special PostgreSQL module to normalize
names and queries. The tokenizer thus implements normalization through
calls to the database.
properties.set_property(conn, DBCFG_MAXWORDFREQ, config.MAX_WORD_FREQUENCY)
-class LegacyNameAnalyzer:
+class LegacyNameAnalyzer(AbstractAnalyzer):
""" The legacy analyzer uses the special Postgresql module for
splitting names.
self._cache = _TokenCache(self.conn)
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- self.close()
def close(self):
""" Free all resources used by the analyzer.
+++ /dev/null
-namespace Nominatim;
-class TokensFullSet
- public function containsAny($sTerm)
- {
- return true;
- }
-// phpcs:ignore PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses
-class TokensPartialSet
- public function __construct($aTokens)
- {
- $this->aTokens = array_flip($aTokens);
- }
- public function containsAny($sTerm)
- {
- return isset($this->aTokens[$sTerm]);
- }
-// phpcs:ignore PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses
-class PhraseTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- private function serializeSets($aSets)
- {
- $aParts = array();
- foreach ($aSets as $aSet) {
- $aParts[] = '(' . join('|', $aSet) . ')';
- }
- return join(',', $aParts);
- }
- public function testEmptyPhrase()
- {
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array(), new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertNull($oPhrase->getWordSets());
- }
- public function testSingleWordPhrase()
- {
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('a', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array('a'), new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertEquals(
- '(a)',
- $this->serializeSets($oPhrase->getWordSets())
- );
- }
- public function testMultiWordPhrase()
- {
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('a b', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array('a', 'b'), new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertEquals(
- '(a b),(a|b)',
- $this->serializeSets($oPhrase->getWordSets())
- );
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('a b c', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array('a', 'b', 'c'), new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertEquals(
- '(a b c),(a|b c),(a b|c),(a|b|c)',
- $this->serializeSets($oPhrase->getWordSets())
- );
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('a b c d', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertEquals(
- '(a b c d),(a b c|d),(a b|c d),(a|b c d),(a b|c|d),(a|b c|d),(a|b|c d),(a|b|c|d)',
- $this->serializeSets($oPhrase->getWordSets())
- );
- }
- public function testInverseWordSets()
- {
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('a b c', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array('a', 'b', 'c'), new TokensFullSet());
- $oPhrase->invertWordSets();
- $this->assertEquals(
- '(a b c),(b c|a),(c|a b),(c|b|a)',
- $this->serializeSets($oPhrase->getWordSets())
- );
- }
- public function testMaxWordSets()
- {
- $aWords = array_fill(0, 4, 'a');
- $oPhrase = new Phrase(join(' ', $aWords), '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets($aWords, new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertEquals(8, count($oPhrase->getWordSets()));
- $oPhrase->invertWordSets();
- $this->assertEquals(8, count($oPhrase->getWordSets()));
- $aWords = array_fill(0, 18, 'a');
- $oPhrase = new Phrase(join(' ', $aWords), '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets($aWords, new TokensFullSet());
- $this->assertEquals(100, count($oPhrase->getWordSets()));
- $oPhrase->invertWordSets();
- $this->assertEquals(100, count($oPhrase->getWordSets()));
- }
- public function testPartialTokensShortTerm()
- {
- $oPhrase = new Phrase('a b c d', '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets(array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), new TokensPartialSet(array('a', 'b', 'd', 'b c', 'b c d')));
- $this->assertEquals(
- '(a|b c d),(a|b c|d)',
- $this->serializeSets($oPhrase->getWordSets())
- );
- }
- public function testPartialTokensLongTerm()
- {
- $aWords = array_fill(0, 18, 'a');
- $oPhrase = new Phrase(join(' ', $aWords), '');
- $oPhrase->computeWordSets($aWords, new TokensPartialSet(array('a', 'a a a a a')));
- $this->assertEquals(80, count($oPhrase->getWordSets()));
- }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+class TokensFullSet
+ public function containsAny($sTerm)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+// phpcs:ignore PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses
+class TokensPartialSet
+ public function __construct($aTokens)
+ {
+ $this->aTokens = array_flip($aTokens);
+ }
+ public function containsAny($sTerm)
+ {
+ return isset($this->aTokens[$sTerm]);
+ }
+// phpcs:ignore PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MultipleClasses
+class SimpleWordListTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
+ private function serializeSets($aSets)
+ {
+ $aParts = array();
+ foreach ($aSets as $aSet) {
+ $aParts[] = '(' . join('|', $aSet) . ')';
+ }
+ return join(',', $aParts);
+ }
+ public function testEmptyPhrase()
+ {
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList('');
+ $this->assertNull($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet()));
+ }
+ public function testSingleWordPhrase()
+ {
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList('a');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '(a)',
+ $this->serializeSets($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet()))
+ );
+ }
+ public function testMultiWordPhrase()
+ {
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList('a b');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '(a b),(a|b)',
+ $this->serializeSets($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet()))
+ );
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList('a b c');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '(a b c),(a|b c),(a b|c),(a|b|c)',
+ $this->serializeSets($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet()))
+ );
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList('a b c d');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '(a b c d),(a b c|d),(a b|c d),(a|b c d),(a b|c|d),(a|b c|d),(a|b|c d),(a|b|c|d)',
+ $this->serializeSets($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet()))
+ );
+ }
+ public function testMaxWordSets()
+ {
+ $aWords = array_fill(0, 4, 'a');
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList(join(' ', $aWords));
+ $this->assertEquals(8, count($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet())));
+ $aWords = array_fill(0, 18, 'a');
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList(join(' ', $aWords));
+ $this->assertEquals(100, count($oList->getWordSets(new TokensFullSet())));
+ }
+ public function testPartialTokensShortTerm()
+ {
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList('a b c d');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '(a|b c d),(a|b c|d)',
+ $this->serializeSets($oList->getWordSets(new TokensPartialSet(array('a', 'b', 'd', 'b c', 'b c d'))))
+ );
+ }
+ public function testPartialTokensLongTerm()
+ {
+ $aWords = array_fill(0, 18, 'a');
+ $oList = new SimpleWordList(join(' ', $aWords));
+ $this->assertEquals(80, count($oList->getWordSets(new TokensPartialSet(array('a', 'a a a a a')))));
+ }