group.add_argument('--importance', action='store_true',
help='Recompute place importances (expensive!)')
group.add_argument('--website', action='store_true',
- help='Refresh the directory that serves the scripts for the web API')
+ help='DEPRECATED. This function has no function anymore'
+ ' and will be removed in a future version.')
group.add_argument('--data-object', action='append',
type=_parse_osm_object, metavar='OBJECT',
help='Mark the given OSM object as requiring an update'
- webdir = args.project_dir / 'website'
- LOG.warning('Setting up website directory at %s', webdir)
- # This is a little bit hacky: call the tokenizer setup, so that
- # the tokenizer directory gets repopulated as well, in case it
- # wasn't there yet.
- self._get_tokenizer(args.config)
- with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- refresh.setup_website(webdir, args.config, conn)
+ LOG.error('WARNING: Website setup is no longer required. '
+ 'This function will be removed in future version of Nominatim.')
if args.data_object or args.data_area:
with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
async def async_run(self, args: NominatimArgs) -> int:
from import country_info
- from import database_import, refresh, postcodes, freeze
+ from import database_import, postcodes, freeze
from ..indexer.indexer import Indexer
num_threads = args.threads or psutil.cpu_count() or 1
LOG.warning('Recompute word counts')
tokenizer.update_statistics(args.config, threads=num_threads)
- webdir = args.project_dir / 'website'
- LOG.warning('Setup website at %s', webdir)
- with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- refresh.setup_website(webdir, args.config, conn)
self._finalize_database(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(), args.offline)
return 0
import csv
import gzip
import logging
-from textwrap import dedent
from pathlib import Path
from psycopg import sql as pysql
from ..config import Configuration
from ..db.connection import Connection, connect, postgis_version_tuple,\
- drop_tables, table_exists
+ drop_tables
from ..db.utils import execute_file
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
-from ..version import NOMINATIM_VERSION
LOG = logging.getLogger()
- 'deletable.php',
- 'details.php',
- 'lookup.php',
- 'polygons.php',
- 'reverse.php',
- 'search.php',
- 'status.php'
-# constants needed by PHP scripts: PHP name, config name, type
- ('Database_DSN', 'DATABASE_DSN', str),
- ('Default_Language', 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', str),
- ('Log_DB', 'LOG_DB', bool),
- ('Log_File', 'LOG_FILE', Path),
- ('NoAccessControl', 'CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL', bool),
- ('Places_Max_ID_count', 'LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT', int),
- ('PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes', 'POLYGON_OUTPUT_MAX_TYPES', int),
- ('Search_BatchMode', 'SEARCH_BATCH_MODE', bool),
- ('Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold', 'SEARCH_NAME_ONLY_THRESHOLD', str),
- ('Use_US_Tiger_Data', 'USE_US_TIGER_DATA', bool),
- ('MapIcon_URL', 'MAPICON_URL', str),
- ('Search_WithinCountries', 'SEARCH_WITHIN_COUNTRIES', bool),
def import_wikipedia_articles(dsn: str, data_path: Path, ignore_errors: bool = False) -> int:
""" Replaces the wikipedia importance tables with new data.
The import is run in a single transaction so that the new data
return f"'{quoted}'"
-def setup_website(basedir: Path, config: Configuration, conn: Connection) -> None:
- """ Create the website script stubs.
- """
- if config.lib_dir.php is None:
-"Python frontend does not require website setup. Skipping.")
- return
- if not basedir.exists():
-'Creating website directory.')
- basedir.mkdir()
- assert config.project_dir is not None
- basedata = dedent(f"""\
- <?php
- @define('CONST_Debug', $_GET['debug'] ?? false);
- @define('CONST_LibDir', '{config.lib_dir.php}');
- @define('CONST_TokenizerDir', '{config.project_dir / 'tokenizer'}');
- @define('CONST_NominatimVersion', '{NOMINATIM_VERSION!s}');
- """)
- for php_name, conf_name, var_type in PHP_CONST_DEFS:
- varout = _quote_php_variable(var_type, config, conf_name)
- basedata += f"@define('CONST_{php_name}', {varout});\n"
- template = "\nrequire_once(CONST_LibDir.'/website/{}');\n"
- search_name_table_exists = bool(conn and table_exists(conn, 'search_name'))
- for script in WEBSITE_SCRIPTS:
- if not search_name_table_exists and script == 'search.php':
- out = template.format('reverse-only-search.php')
- else:
- out = template.format(script)
- (basedir / script).write_text(basedata + out, 'utf-8')
def invalidate_osm_object(osm_type: str, osm_id: int, conn: Connection,
recursive: bool = True) -> None:
""" Mark the given OSM object for reindexing. When 'recursive' is set
self.website_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
- try:
- conn = self.connect_database(dbname)
- except:
- conn = False
- refresh.setup_website(Path( / 'website',
- self.get_test_config(), conn)
- if conn:
- conn.close()
def get_test_config(self):
cfg = Configuration(Path(, environ=self.test_env)
mock_func_factory(, 'load_address_levels_from_config'),
mock_func_factory(, 'update_postcodes'),
async_mock_func_factory(nominatim_db.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_full'),
- mock_func_factory(, 'setup_website'),
params = ['import', '--osm-file', __file__]
mock_func_factory(, 'create_country_names'),
mock_func_factory(, 'update_postcodes'),
async_mock_func_factory(nominatim_db.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_full'),
- mock_func_factory(, 'setup_website'),
mock_func_factory(, 'set_property')
async_mock_func_factory(, 'create_search_indices'),
mock_func_factory(, 'create_country_names'),
async_mock_func_factory(nominatim_db.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_full'),
- mock_func_factory(, 'setup_website'),
mock_func_factory(, 'set_property')
mocks = [
async_mock_func_factory(, 'create_search_indices'),
mock_func_factory(, 'create_country_names'),
- mock_func_factory(, 'setup_website'),
mock_func_factory(, 'set_property')
('address-levels', 'load_address_levels_from_config'),
('wiki-data', 'import_wikipedia_articles'),
('importance', 'recompute_importance'),
- ('website', 'setup_website'),
def test_refresh_command(self, mock_func_factory, command, func):
mock_func_factory(, 'create_functions')
+++ /dev/null
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This file is part of Nominatim. (
-# Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
-# For a full list of authors see the git log.
-Tests for setting up the website scripts.
-import subprocess
-import pytest
-from import refresh
-def test_script(tmp_path):
- (tmp_path / 'php').mkdir()
- website_dir = (tmp_path / 'php' / 'website')
- website_dir.mkdir()
- def _create_file(code):
- outfile = website_dir / 'reverse-only-search.php'
- outfile.write_text('<?php\n{}\n'.format(code), 'utf-8')
- return _create_file
-def run_website_script(tmp_path, project_env, temp_db_conn):
- project_env.lib_dir.php = tmp_path / 'php'
- def _runner():
- refresh.setup_website(tmp_path, project_env, temp_db_conn)
- proc =['/usr/bin/env', 'php', '-Cq',
- tmp_path / 'search.php'], check=False)
- return proc.returncode
- return _runner
-def test_basedir_created(tmp_path, project_env, temp_db_conn):
- webdir = tmp_path / 'website'
- assert not webdir.exists()
- refresh.setup_website(webdir, project_env, temp_db_conn)
- assert webdir.exists()
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting,retval", (('yes', 10), ('no', 20)))
-def test_setup_website_check_bool(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script,
- setting, retval):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL', setting)
- test_script('exit(CONST_NoAccessControl ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == retval
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", (0, 10, 99067))
-def test_setup_website_check_int(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script, setting):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT', str(setting))
- test_script('exit(CONST_Places_Max_ID_count == {} ? 10 : 20);'.format(setting))
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_setup_website_check_empty_str(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', '')
- test_script('exit(CONST_Default_Language === false ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_setup_website_check_str(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'ffde 2')
- test_script('exit(CONST_Default_Language === "ffde 2" ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_relative_log_file(project_env, monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_LOG_FILE', 'access.log')
- expected_file = str(project_env.project_dir / 'access.log')
- test_script(f'exit(CONST_Log_File === "{expected_file}" ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_variable_with_bracket(project_env, monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN', 'pgsql:dbname=nominatim;user=foo;password=4{5')
- test_script('exit(CONST_Database_DSN === "pgsql:dbname=nominatim;user=foo;password=4{5" ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10