-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
-# For a full list of authors see the git log.
-Tests for setting up the website scripts.
-import subprocess
-import pytest
-from nominatim_db.tools import refresh
-def test_script(tmp_path):
- (tmp_path / 'php').mkdir()
- website_dir = (tmp_path / 'php' / 'website')
- website_dir.mkdir()
- def _create_file(code):
- outfile = website_dir / 'reverse-only-search.php'
- outfile.write_text('<?php\n{}\n'.format(code), 'utf-8')
- return _create_file
-def run_website_script(tmp_path, project_env, temp_db_conn):
- project_env.lib_dir.php = tmp_path / 'php'
- def _runner():
- refresh.setup_website(tmp_path, project_env, temp_db_conn)
- proc = subprocess.run(['/usr/bin/env', 'php', '-Cq',
- tmp_path / 'search.php'], check=False)
- return proc.returncode
- return _runner
-def test_basedir_created(tmp_path, project_env, temp_db_conn):
- webdir = tmp_path / 'website'
- assert not webdir.exists()
- refresh.setup_website(webdir, project_env, temp_db_conn)
- assert webdir.exists()
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting,retval", (('yes', 10), ('no', 20)))
-def test_setup_website_check_bool(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script,
- setting, retval):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL', setting)
- test_script('exit(CONST_NoAccessControl ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == retval
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", (0, 10, 99067))
-def test_setup_website_check_int(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script, setting):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT', str(setting))
- test_script('exit(CONST_Places_Max_ID_count == {} ? 10 : 20);'.format(setting))
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_setup_website_check_empty_str(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', '')
- test_script('exit(CONST_Default_Language === false ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_setup_website_check_str(monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'ffde 2')
- test_script('exit(CONST_Default_Language === "ffde 2" ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_relative_log_file(project_env, monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_LOG_FILE', 'access.log')
- expected_file = str(project_env.project_dir / 'access.log')
- test_script(f'exit(CONST_Log_File === "{expected_file}" ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10
-def test_variable_with_bracket(project_env, monkeypatch, test_script, run_website_script):
- monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN', 'pgsql:dbname=nominatim;user=foo;password=4{5')
- test_script('exit(CONST_Database_DSN === "pgsql:dbname=nominatim;user=foo;password=4{5" ? 10 : 20);')
- assert run_website_script() == 10