<a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/new">Sign up here</a>.
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With your user account, you can edit the map and <abbr title="Users on OpenStreetMap talk
- over mailing lists, chat, and private messages you can send on the website">collaborate
+ over mailing lists, chat, and private messages sent on the website">collaborate
with other mappers</abbr>.
title: Basic Terms For Mapping
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OpenStreetMap has some of its own lingo. Here are a few key words that'll come in handy.
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- <strong>An Editor</strong> is a program or website you can use to edit the map.
+ An <strong>editor</strong> is a program or website you can use to edit the map.
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- <strong>A Node</strong> is a point on the map, like a single restauraunt or a tree.
+ A <strong>node</strong> is a point on the map, like a single restauraunt or a tree.
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- <strong>A Way</strong> is a line, like a road, stream, or shape.
+ A <strong>way</strong> is a line or area, like a road, stream, lake or building.
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- <strong>A Changeset</strong> is <abbr title='changesets can have comments, like "adding a
+ A <strong>changeset</strong> is <abbr title='changesets can have comments, like "adding a
road here", that let other users know what you were intending to change and why'>group of
changes</abbr> to the map saved by a user.