# and these two will give you the right points on your image. all the constants can be reduced to speed things up. FIXME
+ # If the bbox has no extent, return the centre of the image to avoid dividing by zero.
def y(lat)
+ return @height / 2 if (@by - @ty).zero?
@height - ((ysheet(lat) - @ty) / (@by - @ty) * @height)
def x(lon)
+ return @width / 2 if (@bx - @tx).zero?
((xsheet(lon) - @tx) / (@bx - @tx) * @width)
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+class OsmTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_mercator
+ proj = OSM::Mercator.new(0, 0, 1, 1, 100, 200)
+ assert_in_delta(50, proj.x(0.5), 0.01)
+ assert_in_delta(100, proj.y(0.5), 0.01)
+ end
+ def test_mercator_collapsed_bbox
+ proj = OSM::Mercator.new(0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 200)
+ assert_in_delta(50, proj.x(0), 0.01)
+ assert_in_delta(100, proj.y(0), 0.01)
+ end