# Translates all the model names, which is used in error handling on the web site
acl: "Access Control List"
- changeset: "Changeset"
+ changeset: "Paket sprememb"
changeset_tag: "Changeset Tag"
- country: "Country"
- diary_comment: "Diary Comment"
- diary_entry: "Diary Entry"
- friend: "Friend"
- language: "Language"
+ country: "Država"
+ diary_comment: "Komentar v dnevniku"
+ diary_entry: "Vpis v dnevnik"
+ friend: "Prijatelj"
+ language: "Jezik"
message: "Message"
node: "Node"
node_tag: "Node Tag"
old_way: "Old Way"
old_way_node: "Old Way Node"
old_way_tag: "Old Way Tag"
- relation: "Relation"
+ relation: "Relacija"
relation_member: "Relation Member"
relation_tag: "Relation Tag"
session: "Session"
- trace: "Trace"
- tracepoint: "Trace Point"
- tracetag: "Trace Tag"
- user: "User"
+ trace: "Sled"
+ tracepoint: "Točka sledi"
+ tracetag: "Oznaka sledi"
+ user: "Uporabnik"
user_preference: "User Preference"
user_token: "User Token"
way: "Way"
# Only the ones that are used on the web site are translated at the moment
- body: "Body"
+ body: "Besedilo"
- user: "User"
- title: "Title"
- latitude: "Latitude"
- longitude: "Longitude"
- language: "Language"
+ user: "Uporabnik"
+ title: "Naslov"
+ latitude: "Zemljepisna širina"
+ longitude: "Zemljepisna dolžina"
+ language: "Jezik"
- user: "User"
- friend: "Friend"
+ user: "Uporabnik"
+ friend: "Prijatelj"
- user: "User"
- visible: "Visible"
- name: "Name"
- size: "Size"
- latitude: "Latitude"
- longitude: "Longitude"
- public: "Public"
- description: "Description"
+ user: "Uporabnik"
+ visible: "Vidnost sledi"
+ name: "Ime"
+ size: "Velikost"
+ latitude: "Zemljepisna širina"
+ longitude: "Zemljepisna dolžina"
+ public: "Javnost sledi"
+ description: "Opis"
- sender: "Sender"
- title: "Title"
- body: "Body"
- recipient: "Recipient"
+ sender: "Pošiljatelj"
+ title: "Naslov"
+ body: "Besedilo"
+ recipient: "Prejemnik"
- email: "Email"
+ email: "Naslov e-pošte"
active: "Active"
- display_name: "Display Name"
- description: "Description"
- languages: "Languages"
- pass_crypt: "Password"
+ display_name: "Prikazno ime"
+ description: "Opis"
+ languages: "Jeziki"
+ pass_crypt: "Geslo"
view: Zemljevid
edit: Urejanje
recent_changes: "Nedavne spremembe"
recently_edited_changesets: "Nedavno urejeni paketi sprememb:"
- for_more_changesets: "For more changesets, select a user and view their edits, or see the editing 'history' of a specific area."
+ for_more_changesets: "Za več sprememb izberite uporabnika in poglejte njegove spremembe ali pa med ogledom zemljevida nekega področja preklopite na zavihek 'zgodovina'."
edits_by_username: "Spremembe uporabnika {{username_link}}"
no_visible_edits_by: "Ni vidnih sprememb uporabnika {{name}}."
scheduled_for_deletion: "Sled bo izbrisana"
- made_public: "Sled je postala javno"
+ made_public: "Sled je postala javna"
title: "Prijava"
# Distance of time ... helper
- # NOTE: In Czech language, these values are different for the past and for the future. Preference has been given to past here.
+ # TODO: Needs proper pluralization formula: (n%100==1 ? one : n%100==2 ? two : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? few : other)
+ # NOTE: focused on "time ago" as in "2 minuti nazaj", "3 tedne nazaj" which can be used also in other time distances
+ # ("pred 2 minutama" isn't as universally usable.)
:datetime => {
:distance_in_words => {
:half_a_minute => 'pol minute',
:less_than_x_seconds => {
- :one => 'manj kot sekundo',
+ :one => 'manj kot sekunda',
+ :two => 'manj kot dve sekundi',
+ :few => 'manj kot {{count}} sekunde',
:other => 'manj kot {{count}} sekund'
:x_seconds => {
:one => 'sekunda',
+ :two => 'dve sekundi',
+ :few => '{{count}} sekunde',
:other => '{{count}} sekund'
:less_than_x_minutes => {
- :one => 'manj kot minuto',
+ :one => 'manj kot minuta',
+ :two => 'manj kot dve minuti',
+ :few => 'manj kot {{count}} minute',
:other => 'manj kot {{count}} minut'
:x_minutes => {
:one => 'minuta',
+ :two => 'dve minuti',
+ :few => '{{count}} minute',
:other => '{{count}} minut'
:about_x_hours => {
- :one => 'približno eno uro',
+ :one => 'približno ena ura',
+ :two => 'približno dve uri',
+ :few => 'približno {{count}} ure',
:other => 'približno {{count}} ur'
:x_days => {
:one => 'en dan',
+ :two => 'dva dni',
+ :few => '{{count}} dni',
:other => '{{count}} dni'
:about_x_months => {
:one => 'približno en mesec',
+ :two => 'približno dva meseca',
+ :few => 'približno {{count}} mesece',
:other => 'približno {{count}} mesecev'
:x_months => {
:one => 'en mesec',
+ :two => 'dva meseca',
+ :few => '{{count}} meseci',
:other => '{{count}} mesecev'
:about_x_years => {
- :one => 'približno eno leto',
+ :one => 'približno {{count}} leto',
+ :two => 'približno {{count}} leti',
+ :few => 'približno {{count}} leta',
:other => 'približno {{count}} let'
:over_x_years => {
- :one => 'več kot eno leto',
+ :one => 'več kot {{count}} leto',
+ :two => 'več kot {{count}} leti',
+ :few => 'več kot {{count}} leta',
:other => 'več kot {{count}} let'
+ # ActiveRecord validation messages
+ :activerecord => {
+ :errors => {
+ :messages => {
+ :inclusion => "ni v seznamu",
+ :exclusion => "ni dostopno",
+ :invalid => "ni veljavno",
+ :confirmation => "ni skladno s potrditvijo",
+ :accepted => "mora biti potrjeno",
+ :empty => "ne sme biti prazno",
+ :blank => "je obezno", # alternate formulation: "is required"
+ :too_long => "je predolgo (največ {{count}} znakov)",
+ :too_short => "je prekratko (vsaj {{count}} znakov)",
+ :wrong_length => "ni pravilne dolžine (natanko {{count}} znakov)",
+ :taken => "že obstaja v bazi",
+ :not_a_number => "ni številka",
+ :greater_than => "mora biti večje od {{count}}",
+ :greater_than_or_equal_to => "mora biti večje ali enako {{count}}",
+ :equal_to => "mora biti enako {{count}}",
+ :less_than => "mora biti manjše od {{count}}",
+ :less_than_or_equal_to => "mora biti manjše ali enako {{count}}",
+ :odd => "mora biti liho",
+ :even => "mora biti sodo"
+ },
+ :template => {
+ :header => {
+ :one => "Pri shranjevanju predmeta {{model}} je prišlo do {{count}} napake",
+ :other => "Pri shranjevanju predmeta {{model}} je prišlo do {{count}} napak"
+ },
+ :body => "Prosim, popravite naslednje napake posameznih polj:"
+ }
+ }
+ }