# Bulgarian localization for Ruby on Rails 2.2+
# by Samson Behar <master.webmaster.master@gmail.com>
+# Fixes by Yavor Ivanov, http://github.com/YavorIvanov
# Минимална локализация на приложения за поддръжка на български език.
few: "{{count}} месеца"
many: "{{count}} месеци"
other: "{{count}} месеца"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "почти {{count}} година"
+ few: "почти {{count}} години"
+ many: "почти {{count}} години"
+ other: "почти {{count}} години"
one: "около {{count}} година"
few: "около {{count}} години"
format: # Pesos Colombianos
format: "%u%n"
- unit: "Col $"
+ unit: "$"
+ precision: 2
+ delimiter: ","
+ separator: "."
delimiter: ","
precision: 2
delimiter: ","
- storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
+ precision: 2
+ # Rails <= v2.2.2
+ # storage_units: [Bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB]
+ # Rails >= v2.3
+ storage_units:
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
delimiter: ","
one: "más de 1 año"
other: "más de {{count}} años"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "casi 1 año"
+ other: "casi {{count}} años"
- hour: 'Hora'
- minute: 'Minuto'
- second: 'Segundo'
+ year: "Año"
+ month: "Mes"
+ day: "Día"
+ hour: "Hora"
+ minute: "Minutos"
+ second: "Segundos"
# Active Record
other: "{{model}} no pudo guardarse debido a {{count}} errores"
body: "Revise que los siguientes campos sean válidos:"
- record_invalid:"Falla de validación: {{errors}}"
+ record_invalid: "Falla de validación: {{errors}}"
inclusion: "no está incluído en la lista"
exclusion: "está reservado"
invalid: "es inválido"
less_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser menor o igual que {{count}}"
greater_than: "debe ser mayor que {{count}}"
greater_than_or_equal_to: "debe ser mayor o igual que {{count}}"
- too_short:
- one: "es demasiado corto (mínimo 1 caracter)"
- other: "es demasiado corto (mínimo {{count}} caracteres)"
- too_long:
- one: "es demasiado largo (máximo 1 caracter)"
- other: "es demasiado largo (máximo {{count}} caracteres)"
+ too_short: "es demasiado corto (mínimo {{count}} caracteres)"
+ too_long: "es demasiado largo (máximo {{count}} caracteres)"
equal_to: "debe ser igual a {{count}}"
- wrong_length:
- one: "longitud errónea (debe ser de 1 caracter)"
- other: "longitud errónea (debe ser de {{count}} caracteres)"
+ wrong_length: "longitud errónea (debe ser de {{count}} caracteres)"
even: "debe ser un número par"
- odd: "debe ser un número non"
\ No newline at end of file
+ odd: "debe ser un número non"
+# Used in array.to_sentence.
+ support:
+ select:
+ # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
+ prompt: "Por favor seleccione"
+ array:
+ # Rails <= v.2.2.2
+ # sentence_connector: "y"
+ # Rails >= v.2.3
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " y "
+ last_word_connector: " y "
one: "más de 1 año"
other: "más de {{count}} años"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "casi 1 año"
+ other: "casi {{count}} años"
year: "Año"
month: "Mes"
unit: !binary |
- separator: .
+ separator: ","
precision: 2
delimiter: .
blank: moet opgegeven zijn
exclusion: is niet beschikbaar
invalid: is ongeldig
+ record_invalid: is ongeldig
odd: moet oneven zijn
too_short: is te kort (niet minder dan {{count}} tekens)
wrong_length: heeft niet de juiste lengte (moet {{count}} tekens lang zijn)
one: 'mais de 1 ano'
other: 'mais de {{count}} anos'
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: 'quase 1 ano'
+ other: 'quase {{count}} anos'
year: "Ano"
+++ /dev/null
-# Slovenian translations for Ruby on Rails
-# by Štefan Baebler (stefan@baebler.net)
-{ :'sl' => {
- # ActiveSupport
- :support => {
- :array => {
- :words_connector => ', ',
- :two_words_connector => ' in ',
- :last_word_connector => ' in ',
- :sentence_connector => 'in',
- :skip_last_comma => true }
- },
- # Date
- :date => {
- :formats => {
- :default => "%d. %m. %Y",
- :short => "%d %b",
- :long => "%d. %B %Y",
- },
- :day_names => %w{nedelja ponedeljek torek sreda četrtek petek sobota},
- :abbr_day_names => %w{ned pon tor sre čet pet sob},
- :month_names => %w{~ januar februar marec april maj junij julij avgust september oktober november december},
- :abbr_month_names => %w{~ jan feb mar apr maj jun jul avg sep okt nov dec},
- :order => [:day, :month, :year]
- },
- # Time
- :time => {
- :formats => {
- :default => "%A, %d. %B %Y %H:%M %z",
- :short => "%d. %m. %H:%M",
- :long => "%A %d. %B %Y %H:%M",
- :time => "%H:%M"
- },
- :am => 'dopoldne',
- :pm => 'popoldne'
- },
- # Numbers
- :number => {
- :format => {
- :precision => 3,
- :separator => '.',
- :delimiter => ','
- },
- :currency => {
- :format => {
- :unit => '€',
- :precision => 2,
- :format => '%n %u',
- :separator => ",",
- :delimiter => " ",
- }
- },
- :human => {
- :format => {
- :precision => 1,
- :delimiter => ''
- },
- :storage_units => {
- :format => "%n %u",
- :units => {
- :byte => "B",
- :kb => "kB",
- :mb => "MB",
- :gb => "GB",
- :tb => "TB",
- }
- }
- },
- :percentage => {
- :format => {
- :delimiter => ''
- }
- },
- :precision => {
- :format => {
- :delimiter => ''
- }
- }
- },
- # Distance of time ... helper
- # TODO: Needs proper pluralization formula: (n%100==1 ? one : n%100==2 ? two : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? few : other)
- # NOTE: focused on "time ago" as in "2 minuti nazaj", "3 tedne nazaj" which can be used also in other time distances
- # ("pred 2 minutama" isn't as universally usable.)
- :datetime => {
- :distance_in_words => {
- :half_a_minute => 'pol minute',
- :less_than_x_seconds => {
- :one => 'manj kot {{count}} sekunda',
- :two => 'manj kot {{count}} sekundi',
- :few => 'manj kot {{count}} sekunde',
- :other => 'manj kot {{count}} sekund'
- },
- :x_seconds => {
- :one => '{{count}} sekunda',
- :two => '{{count}} sekundi',
- :few => '{{count}} sekunde',
- :other => '{{count}} sekund'
- },
- :less_than_x_minutes => {
- :one => 'manj kot {{count}} minuta',
- :two => 'manj kot {{count}} minuti',
- :few => 'manj kot {{count}} minute',
- :other => 'manj kot {{count}} minut'
- },
- :x_minutes => {
- :one => '{{count}} minuta',
- :two => '{{count}} minuti',
- :few => '{{count}} minute',
- :other => '{{count}} minut'
- },
- :about_x_hours => {
- :one => 'približno {{count}} ura',
- :two => 'približno {{count}} uri',
- :few => 'približno {{count}} ure',
- :other => 'približno {{count}} ur'
- },
- :x_days => {
- :one => '{{count}} dan',
- :two => '{{count}} dni',
- :few => '{{count}} dni',
- :other => '{{count}} dni'
- },
- :about_x_months => {
- :one => 'približno {{count}} mesec',
- :two => 'približno {{count}} meseca',
- :few => 'približno {{count}} mesece',
- :other => 'približno {{count}} mesecev'
- },
- :x_months => {
- :one => '{{count}} mesec',
- :two => '{{count}} meseca',
- :few => '{{count}} mesece',
- :other => '{{count}} mesecev'
- },
- :about_x_years => {
- :one => 'približno {{count}} leto',
- :two => 'približno {{count}} leti',
- :few => 'približno {{count}} leta',
- :other => 'približno {{count}} let'
- },
- :over_x_years => {
- :one => 'več kot {{count}} leto',
- :two => 'več kot {{count}} leti',
- :few => 'več kot {{count}} leta',
- :other => 'več kot {{count}} let'
- }
- }
- },
- # ActiveRecord validation messages
- :activerecord => {
- :errors => {
- :messages => {
- :inclusion => "ni v seznamu",
- :exclusion => "ni dostopno",
- :invalid => "ni veljavno",
- :confirmation => "ni skladno s potrditvijo",
- :accepted => "mora biti potrjeno",
- :empty => "ne sme biti prazno",
- :blank => "je obezno", # alternate formulation: "is required"
- :too_long => {
- :one => "je predolgo (največ {{count}} znak)",
- :two => "je predolgo (največ {{count}} znaka)",
- :few => "je predolgo (največ {{count}} znaki)",
- :other => "je predolgo (največ {{count}} znakov)"
- },
- :too_short => {
- :one => "je prekratko (vsaj {{count}} znak)",
- :two => "je prekratko (vsaj {{count}} znaka)",
- :few => "je prekratko (vsaj {{count}} znaki)",
- :other => "je prekratko (vsaj {{count}} znakov)"
- },
- :wrong_length => {
- :one => "ni pravilne dolžine (natanko {{count}} znak)",
- :two => "ni pravilne dolžine (natanko {{count}} znaka)",
- :few => "ni pravilne dolžine (natanko {{count}} znaki)",
- :other => "ni pravilne dolžine (natanko {{count}} znakov)"
- },
- :taken => "že obstaja v bazi",
- :not_a_number => "ni številka",
- :greater_than => "mora biti večje od {{count}}",
- :greater_than_or_equal_to => "mora biti večje ali enako {{count}}",
- :equal_to => "mora biti enako {{count}}",
- :less_than => "mora biti manjše od {{count}}",
- :less_than_or_equal_to => "mora biti manjše ali enako {{count}}",
- :odd => "mora biti liho",
- :even => "mora biti sodo"
- },
- :template => {
- :header => {
- :one => "Pri shranjevanju predmeta {{model}} je prišlo do {{count}} napake",
- :two => "Pri shranjevanju predmeta {{model}} je prišlo do {{count}} napak",
- :few => "Pri shranjevanju predmeta {{model}} je prišlo do {{count}} napak",
- :other => "Pri shranjevanju predmeta {{model}} je prišlo do {{count}} napak"
- },
- :body => "Prosim, popravite naslednje napake posameznih polj:"
- }
- }
- }
- }
--- /dev/null
+# Slovenian language localization (sl-sl)
+# by Miha Rebernik <miha@rebernik.info>
+ date:
+ formats:
+ default: "%d.%m.%Y"
+ short: "%d. %b"
+ long: "%d. %b %Y"
+ simple: "%d. %b %Y"
+ day_names: [nedelja, ponedeljek, torek, sreda, četrtek, petek, sobota]
+ abbr_day_names: [ned, pon, tor, sre, čet, pet, sob]
+ month_names: [~, januar, februar, marec, april, maj, junij, julij, avgust, september, oktober, november, december]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, jan, feb, mar, apr, maj, jun, jul, avg, sep, okt, nov, dec]
+ order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: "%A, %d %b %Y ob %H:%M:%S"
+ short: "%d. %b ob %H:%M"
+ long: "%d. %B, %Y ob %H:%M"
+ simple: "%d. %B %Y ob %H:%M"
+ am: "dopoldan"
+ pm: "popoldan"
+ # Used in array.to_sentence.
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " in "
+ last_word_connector: " in "
+ activerecord:
+ errors:
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Ena napaka preprečuje, da bi shranili {{model}}"
+ two: "Dve napaki preprečujeta, da bi shranili {{model}}"
+ few: "{{count}} napake preprečujejo, da bi shranili {{model}}"
+ other: "{{count}} napak preprečuje, da bi shranili {{model}}"
+ body: "Napačno izpolnjena polja:"
+ messages:
+ inclusion: "ni vključeno v seznam"
+ exclusion: "je rezervirano"
+ invalid: "je nepravilno"
+ confirmation: "se ne ujema s potrditvijo"
+ accepted: "mora biti sprejeto"
+ empty: "ne sme biti prazno"
+ blank: "ne sme biti prazno"
+ too_long: "je predolgo (dovoljeno je do {{count}} znakov)"
+ too_short: "je prekratko (zahtevano je najmanj {{count}} znakov)"
+ wrong_length: "je napačne dolžine (mora biti natančno {{count}} znakov)"
+ taken: "je že zasedeno"
+ not_a_number: "ni številka"
+ greater_than: "mora biti večje kot {{count}}"
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: "mora biti večje ali enako {{count}}"
+ equal_to: "mora biti enako {{count}}"
+ less_than: "mora biti manj kot {{count}}"
+ less_than_or_equal_to: "mora biti manj ali enako {{count}}"
+ odd: "mora biti liho"
+ even: "mora biti sodo"
+ record_invalid: ""
+ number:
+ # Used in number_with_delimiter()
+ # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
+ format:
+ # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
+ separator: ","
+ # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
+ delimiter: "."
+ # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
+ precision: 2
+ # Used in number_to_currency()
+ currency:
+ format:
+ # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
+ format: "%u%n"
+ unit: "€"
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ separator: ","
+ delimiter: "."
+ precision: 2
+ # Used in number_to_percentage()
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
+ # Used in number_to_precision()
+ precision:
+ format:
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ # precision:
+ # Used in number_to_human_size()
+ human:
+ format:
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # separator:
+ delimiter: ""
+ precision: 1
+ storage_units:
+ # Storage units output formatting.
+ # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
+ format: "%n %u"
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: "Byte"
+ other: "Bytes"
+ kb: "KB"
+ mb: "MB"
+ gb: "GB"
+ tb: "TB"
+ # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words:
+ half_a_minute: "pol minute"
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: "manj kot 1 sekunda"
+ two: "manj kot 2 sekundi"
+ few: "manj kot {{count}} sekunde"
+ other: "manj kot {{count}} sekund"
+ x_seconds:
+ one: "1 sekunda"
+ two: "2 sekundi"
+ few: "{{count}} sekunde"
+ other: "{{count}} sekund"
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: "manj kot ena minuta"
+ two: "manj kot dve minuti"
+ few: "manj kot {{count}} minute"
+ other: "manj kot {{count}} minut"
+ x_minutes:
+ one: "1 minuta"
+ two: "2 minuti"
+ few: "{{count}} minute"
+ other: "{{count}} minut"
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: "okoli 1 ura"
+ two: "okoli 2 uri"
+ few: "okoli {{count}} ure"
+ other: "okoli {{count}} ur"
+ x_days:
+ one: "1 dan"
+ two: "2 dneva"
+ few: "{{count}} dnevi"
+ other: "{{count}} dni"
+ about_x_months:
+ one: "okoli 1 mesec"
+ two: "okoli 2 meseca"
+ few: "okoli {{count}} mesece"
+ other: "okoli {{count}} mesecev"
+ x_months:
+ one: "1 mesec"
+ two: "2 meseca"
+ few: "{{count}} mesece"
+ other: "{{count}} mesecev"
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "skoraj 1 leto"
+ two: "skoraj 2 leti"
+ few: "skoraj {{count}} leta"
+ other: "skoraj {{count}} let"
+ about_x_years:
+ one: "okoli 1 leto"
+ two: "okoli 2 leti"
+ few: "okoli {{count}} leta"
+ other: "okoli {{count}} let"
+ over_x_years:
+ one: "več kot 1 leto"
+ two: "več kot 2 leti"
+ few: "več kot {{count}} leta"
+ other: "več kot {{count}} let"
+ prompts:
+ year: "Leto"
+ month: "Mesec"
+ day: "Dan"
+ hour: "Ura"
+ minute: "Minute"
+ second: "Sekunde"
\ No newline at end of file
-# Swedish translation, by Johan Lundström (johanlunds@gmail.com), with parts taken
-# from http://github.com/daniel/swe_rails
-# updated by Sven Dahlstrand (sven.dahlstrand@gmail.com)
+# Swedish translation.
+# By Johan Lundström (johanlunds@gmail.com) with parts taken from http://github.com/daniel/swe_rails.
+# With contributions by:
+# * Sven Dahlstrand (sven.dahlstrand@gmail.com)
+# * Henrik Nyh (henrik@nyh.se)
# Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
separator: ","
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
+ # Delimits thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
delimiter: " "
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
+ # Number of decimals after the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
precision: 2
# Used in number_to_currency()
# Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
format: "%n %u"
unit: "kr"
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator: "."
- # delimiter: ","
- # precision: 2
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- percentage:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- # delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- precision:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- # delimiter: ""
- # precision:
# Used in number_to_human_size()
- one: "Ett fel förhindrade denna {{model}} från att sparas"
- other: "{{count}} fel förhindrade denna {{model}} från att sparas"
+ one: "Ett fel förhindrade denna {{model}} från att sparas"
+ other: "{{count}} fel förhindrade denna {{model}} från att sparas"
# The variable :count is also available
body: "Det var problem med följande fält:"
+ # model.errors.full_messages format.
+ format: "{{attribute}} {{message}}"
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
exclusion: "är reserverat"
invalid: "är ogiltigt"
confirmation: "stämmer inte överens"
- accepted : "måste vara accepterad"
+ accepted: "måste vara accepterad"
empty: "får ej vara tom"
blank: "måste anges"
too_long: "är för lång (maximum är {{count}} tecken)"
# You can provide other formats here if you like!
default: "%Y-%m-%d"
short: "%e %b"
- long: "%e %B, %Y"
+ long: "%e %B %Y"
day_names: [söndag, måndag, tisdag, onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lördag]
abbr_day_names: [sön, mån, tis, ons, tor, fre, lör]
- default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%d %b %H:%M"
- long: "%d %B, %Y %H:%M"
+ default: "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+ short: "%e %b %H:%M"
+ long: "%e %B %Y %H:%M"
am: ""
pm: ""
last_word_connector: " och "
# default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- prompt: "Välj"
\ No newline at end of file
+ prompt: "Välj"
--- /dev/null
+# Thai translation for Ruby on Rails
+# original by Prem Sichanugrist (s@sikachu.com/sikandsak@gmail.com)
+# activerecord keys fixed by Jittat Fakcharoenphol (jittat@gmail.com)
+# Note: You must install i18n gem in order to use this language pack.
+# If you're calling I18n.localize(Time.now), the year will be in Bhuddhist calendar
+ :'th' => {
+ :number => {
+ # Used in number_with_delimiter()
+ # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
+ :format => {
+ # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
+ :separator => ".",
+ # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
+ :delimiter => ",",
+ # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 :gives => 1.00)
+ :precision => 3
+ },
+ # Used in number_to_currency()
+ :currency => {
+ :format => {
+ # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number :(default => $5.00)
+ :format => "%n %u",
+ :unit => "บาท",
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ :separator => ".",
+ :delimiter => ",",
+ :precision => 2
+ }
+ },
+ # Used in number_to_percentage()
+ :percentage => {
+ :format => {
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # :separator => ".",
+ :delimiter => "",
+ # :precision => 3
+ }
+ },
+ # Used in number_to_precision()
+ :precision => {
+ :format => {
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # :separator => ".",
+ :delimiter => "",
+ # :precision => 3
+ }
+ },
+ # Used in number_to_human_size()
+ :human => {
+ :format => {
+ # These three are to override number.format and are optional
+ # :separator => ".",
+ :delimiter => ",",
+ :precision => 1
+ },
+ :storage_units => {
+ # Storage units output formatting.
+ # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number :(default => 2 MB)
+ :format => "%n %u",
+ :units => {
+ :byte => {
+ :one => "Byte",
+ :other => "Bytes"
+ },
+ :kb => "KB",
+ :mb => "MB",
+ :gb => "GB",
+ :tb => "TB"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
+ :datetime => {
+ :distance_in_words => {
+ :half_a_minute => "ครึ่งนาที",
+ :less_than_x_seconds => "น้อยกว่า {{count}} วินาที",
+ :x_seconds => "{{count}} วินาที",
+ :less_than_x_minutes => "น้อยกว่า {{count}} นาที",
+ :x_minutes => "{{count}} นาที",
+ :about_x_hours => "ประมาณ {{count}} ชั่วโมง",
+ :x_days => "{{count}} วัน",
+ :about_x_months => "ประมาณ {{count}} เดือน",
+ :x_months => "{{count}} เดือน",
+ :about_x_years => "ประมาณ {{count}} ปี",
+ :over_x_years => "มากกว่า {{count}} ปี",
+ :almost_x_years => "เกือบ {{count}} ปี",
+ },
+ :prompts => {
+ :year => "ปี",
+ :month => "เดือน",
+ :day => "วัน",
+ :hour => "ชั่วโมง",
+ :minute => "นาที",
+ :second => "วินาที",
+ }
+ },
+ :activemodel => {
+ :errors => {
+ :template => {
+ :header => "พบข้อผิดพลาด {{count}} ประการ ทำให้ไม่สามารถบันทึก{{model}}ได้",
+ # The variable :count is also available
+ :body => "โปรดตรวจสอบข้อมูลต่อไปนี้:"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ :activerecord => {
+ :errors => {
+ # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
+ # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
+ :messages => {
+ :inclusion => "ไม่ได้อยู่ในรายการ",
+ :exclusion => "ไม่อนุญาตให้ใช้",
+ :invalid => "ไม่ถูกต้อง",
+ :confirmation => "ไม่ตรงกับการยืนยัน",
+ :accepted => "ต้องถูกยอมรับ",
+ :empty => "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้",
+ :blank => "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้",
+ :too_long => "ยาวเกินไป (ต้องไม่เกิน {{count}} ตัวอักษร)",
+ :too_short => "สั้นเกินไป (ต้องยาวกว่า {{count}} ตัวอักษร)",
+ :wrong_length => "มีความยาวไม่ถูกต้อง (ต้องมีความยาว {{count}} ตัวอักษร)",
+ :taken => "ถูกใช้ไปแล้ว",
+ :not_a_number => "ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข",
+ :greater_than => "ต้องมากกว่า {{count}}",
+ :greater_than_or_equal_to => "ต้องมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับ {{count}}",
+ :equal_to => "ต้องมีค่าเท่ากับ {{count}}",
+ :less_than => "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่า {{count}}",
+ :less_than_or_equal_to => "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่าหรือเท่ากับ {{count}}",
+ :odd => "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคี่",
+ :even => "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคู่",
+ :record_invalid => "ไม่ผ่านการตรวจสอบ: {{errors}}"
+ # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
+ },
+ # You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
+ # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation.
+ #
+ # For example,
+ # :models =>
+ # :user =>
+ # :blank => "This is a custom blank message for :{{model}} => {{attribute}}"
+ # :attributes =>
+ # :login =>
+ # :blank => "This is a custom blank message for User login"
+ # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
+ # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
+ # models => {
+ #
+ # },
+ },
+ # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
+ # :models => {
+ # For example,
+ # :user => "Dude"
+ # will translate User model name to "Dude"
+ # },
+ # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
+ # :attributes => {
+ # For example,
+ # :user =>
+ # :login => "Handle"
+ # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle"
+ # },
+ },
+ :date => {
+ :formats => {
+ # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
+ # When no format has been given, it uses default.
+ # You can provide other formats here if you like!
+ :default => lambda { |date, opts| "%d-%m-#{date.year + 543}" },
+ :short => "%e %b",
+ :long => lambda { |date, opts| "%e %B #{date.year + 543}" },
+ },
+ :day_names => ["อาทิตย์", "จันทร์", "อังคาร", "พุธ", "พฤหัสบดี", "ศุกร์", "เสาร์"],
+ :abbr_day_names => ["อา", "จ", "อ", "พ", "พฤ", "ศ", "ส"],
+ # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
+ :month_names => [nil, "มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม"],
+ :abbr_month_names => [nil, "ม.ค.", "ก.พ.", "มี.ค.", "เม.ย.", "พ.ค.", "มิ.ย.", "ก.ค.", "ส.ค.", "ก.ย.", "ต.ค.", "พ.ย.", "ธ.ค."],
+ # Used in date_select and datime_select.
+ :order => [ :day, :month, :year ]
+ },
+ :time => {
+ :formats => {
+ :default => lambda { |date, opts| "%a %d %b #{date.year + 543} %H:%M:%S %z" },
+ :short => "%e %b %H:%M น.",
+ :long => lambda { |date, opts| "%e %B #{date.year + 543} %H:%M น." },
+ },
+ :am => "",
+ :pm => "",
+ },
+ # Used in array.to_sentence.
+ :support => {
+ :array => {
+ :words_connector => ", ",
+ :two_words_connector => " และ ",
+ :last_word_connector => ", และ ",
+ },
+ :select => {
+ # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
+ :prompt => "โปรดเลือก"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-# Thai translation for Ruby on Rails
-# original by Prem Sichanugrist (s@sikachu.com/sikandsak@gmail.com)
-# activerecord keys fixed by Jittat Fakcharoenphol (jittat@gmail.com)
- number:
- # Used in number_with_delimiter()
- # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human'
- format:
- # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5)
- separator: "."
- # Delimets thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three)
- delimiter: ","
- # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00)
- precision: 3
- # Used in number_to_currency()
- currency:
- format:
- # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00)
- format: "%n %u"
- unit: "Baht"
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 2
- # Used in number_to_percentage()
- percentage:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_precision()
- precision:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # Used in number_to_human_size()
- human:
- format:
- # These three are to override number.format and are optional
- # separator:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- storage_units:
- # Storage units output formatting.
- # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB)
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- one: "Byte"
- other: "Bytes"
- kb: "KB"
- mb: "MB"
- gb: "GB"
- tb: "TB"
- # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words()
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: "ครึ่งนาที"
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: "น้อยกว่า 1 วินาที"
- other: "น้อยกว่า {{count}} วินาที"
- x_seconds:
- one: "1 วินาที"
- other: "{{count}} วินาที"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: "น้อยกว่า 1 นาที"
- other: "น้อยกว่า {{count}} นาที"
- x_minutes:
- one: "1 นาที"
- other: "{{count}} นาที"
- about_x_hours:
- one: "ประมาณ 1 ชั่วโมง"
- other: "ประมาณ {{count}} ชั่วโมง"
- x_days:
- one: "1 วัน"
- other: "{{count}} วัน"
- about_x_months:
- one: "ประมาณ 1 เดือน"
- other: "ประมาณ {{count}} เดือน"
- x_months:
- one: "1 เดือน"
- other: "{{count}} เดือน"
- about_x_years:
- one: "ประมาณ 1 ปี"
- other: "ประมาณ {{count}} ปี"
- over_x_years:
- one: "มากกว่า 1 ปี"
- other: "มากกว่า {{count}} ปี"
- prompts:
- year: "ปี"
- month: "เดือน"
- day: "วัน"
- hour: "ชั่วโมง"
- minute: "นาที"
- second: "วินาที"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "ไม่สามารถบันทึก {{model}} ได้เนื่องจากเกิดข้อผิดพลาด"
- other: "ไม่สามารถบันทึก {{model}} ได้เนื่องจากเกิด {{count}} ข้อผิดพลาด"
- # The variable :count is also available
- body: "โปรดตรวจสอบข้อมูลในช่องต่อไปนี้:"
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- messages:
- inclusion: "ไม่ได้อยู่ในลิสต์"
- exclusion: "ถูกจองเอาไว้แล้ว"
- invalid: "ไม่ถูกต้อง"
- confirmation: "ไม่ตรงกับการยืนยัน"
- accepted: "ต้องถูกยอมรับ"
- empty: "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้"
- blank: "ต้องไม่เว้นว่างเอาไว้"
- too_long: "ยาวเกินไป (ต้องไม่เกิน {{count}} ตัวอักษร)"
- too_short: "สั้นเกินไป (ต้องยาวกว่า {{count}} ตัวอักษร)"
- wrong_length: "มีความยาวไม่ถูกต้อง (ต้องมีความยาว {{count}} ตัวอักษร)"
- taken: "ถูกใช้ไปแล้ว"
- not_a_number: "ไม่ใช่ตัวเลข"
- greater_than: "ต้องมากกว่า {{count}}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "ต้องมากกว่าหรือเท่ากับ {{count}}"
- equal_to: "ต้องมีค่าเท่ากับ {{count}}"
- less_than: "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่า {{count}}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "ต้องมีค่าน้อยกว่าหรือเท่ากับ {{count}}"
- odd: "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคี่"
- even: "ต้องเป็นจำนวนคู่"
- record_invalid: "ไม่ผ่านการตรวจสอบ: {{errors}}"
- # Append your own errors here or at the model/attributes scope.
- # You can define own errors for models or model attributes.
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation.
- #
- # For example,
- # models:
- # user:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for {{model}}: {{attribute}}"
- # attributes:
- # login:
- # blank: "This is a custom blank message for User login"
- # Will define custom blank validation message for User model and
- # custom blank validation message for login attribute of User model.
- #models:
- # Translate model names. Used in Model.human_name().
- #models:
- # For example,
- # user: "Dude"
- # will translate User model name to "Dude"
- # Translate model attribute names. Used in Model.human_attribute_name(attribute).
- #attributes:
- # For example,
- # user:
- # login: "Handle"
- # will translate User attribute "login" as "Handle"
- date:
- formats:
- # Use the strftime parameters for formats.
- # When no format has been given, it uses default.
- # You can provide other formats here if you like!
- default: "%d-%m-%Y"
- short: "%e %b"
- long: "%e %B %Y"
- day_names: ["อาทิตย์", "จันทร์", "อังคาร", "พุธ", "พฤหัสบดี", "ศุกร์", "เสาร์"]
- abbr_day_names: ["อา", "จ", "อ", "พ", "พฤ", "ศ", "ส"]
- # Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month
- month_names: [~, "มกราคม", "กุมภาพันธ์", "มีนาคม", "เมษายน", "พฤษภาคม", "มิถุนายน", "กรกฎาคม", "สิงหาคม", "กันยายน", "ตุลาคม", "พฤศจิกายน", "ธันวาคม"]
- abbr_month_names: [~, "ม.ค.", "ก.พ.", "มี.ค.", "เม.ย.", "พ.ค.", "มิ.ย.", "ก.ค.", "ส.ค.", "ก.ย.", "ต.ค.", "พ.ย.", "ธ.ค."]
- # Used in date_select and datime_select.
- order: [ :day, :month, :year ]
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- short: "%d %b %H:%M น."
- long: "%d %B %Y %H:%M น."
- am: ""
- pm: ""
-# Used in array.to_sentence.
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " และ "
- last_word_connector: ", และ "
- select:
- # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
- prompt: "โปรดเลือก"
one: '1 yıldan fazla'
other: '{{count}} yıldan fazla'
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: "neredeyse 1 yıl"
+ other: "neredeyse {{count}} yıl"
precision: 2
+ select:
+ # default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper
+ prompt: "Lütfen seçiniz"
sentence_connector: "ve"
skip_last_comma: true
+ words_connector: ", "
+ two_words_connector: " ve "
+ last_word_connector: " ve "
inclusion: "kabul edilen bir kelime değil"
exclusion: "kullanılamaz"
invalid: "geçersiz"
- confirmation: "teyidi uyuşmamakta"
+ confirmation: "teyidiyle uyuşmamakta"
accepted: "kabul edilmeli"
empty: "doldurulmalı"
blank: "doldurulmalı"
less_than_or_equal_to: "{{count}} sayısına eşit veya küçük olmalı"
odd: "tek olmalı"
even: "çift olmalı"
+ record_invalid: "Doğrulama başarısız oldu: {{errors}}"
other: "有 {{count}} 个错误发生导致「{{model}}」无法被保存。"
body: "如下字段出现错误:"
- record_invalid: "交验失败: {{errors}}"
+ record_invalid: "校验失败: {{errors}}"
inclusion: "不包含于列表中"
exclusion: "是保留关键字"
invalid: "是无效的"