Print this help message.
+=item --diff-keys
+Show the hash keys that differ between the two files, useful merging
+new entries from F<en.yml> to a local file.
+=item --untranslated-values
+Show keys whose values are either exactly the same between the two
+files, or don't exist in the target file (the latter file specified).
+This helps to find untranslated values.
=head1 AUTHOR
config => [ qw< bundling no_ignore_case no_require_order pass_through > ],
'h|help' => \my $help,
+ 'diff-keys' => \my $diff_keys,
+ 'undiff-values' => \my $undiff_values,
) or help();
# On --help
my $from_parsed = { iterate($from_data->{basename($from)}) };
my $to_parsed = { iterate($to_data->{basename($to)}) };
-# Delete hash values
-#walkdepth \&delete_hash_values, $_ for $from_data, $to_data;
-# Hack around Test::Differences wanting a Test::* module loaded
-$INC{""} = 1;
-sub Test::ok { print shift }
+# Since this used to be the default, support that...
+if ((not $undiff_values and not $diff_keys) or $diff_keys)
+ print_key_differences();
+elsif ($undiff_values)
+ my @untranslated = untranslated_keys($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
-# Diff the tree
-eq_or_diff([ sort keys %$from_parsed ], [ sort keys %$to_parsed ]);
+ print $_, "\n" for @untranslated;
exit 0;
+sub print_key_differences
+ # Hack around Test::Differences wanting a Test::* module loaded
+ $INC{""} = 1;
+ sub Test::ok { print shift }
+ # Diff the tree
+ eq_or_diff([ sort keys %$from_parsed ], [ sort keys %$to_parsed ]);
+sub untranslated_keys
+ my ($from_parsed, $to_parsed) = @_;
+ sort grep { not exists $to_parsed->{$_} or $from_parsed->{$_} eq $to_parsed->{$_} } keys %$from_parsed;
sub iterate
my ($hash, @path) = @_;