:order => 'created_at DESC',
:per_page => 20)
+ @title = t'diary_entry.no_such_user.title'
@not_found_user = params[:display_name]
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
@title = params[:title]
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ @title = t'message.no_such_user.title'
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
@to_user = User.find(message.from_user_id)
render :action => 'new'
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ @title = t'message.no_such_user.title'
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
@message.message_read = true if @message.to_user_id == @user.id
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ @title = t'message.no_such_user.title'
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ @title = t'message.no_such_user.title'
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
if target_user.nil? and !display_name.blank?
target_user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [ "visible = ? and display_name = ?", true, display_name])
if target_user.nil?
+ @title = t'trace.no_such_user.title'
@not_found_user = display_name
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
if @this_user
@title = @this_user.display_name
+ @title = t 'user.no_such_user.title'
@not_found_user = params[:display_name]
render :action => 'no_such_user', :status => :not_found
-<h2><%= h(@not_found_user) %></h2>
+<h2><%= t 'diary_entry.no_such_user.heading', :user => @not_found_user %></h2>
<p><%= t 'diary_entry.no_such_user.body', :user => @not_found_user %></p>
-<h1><%= t'message.no_such_user.no_such_user' %></h1>
-<p><%= t'message.no_such_user.sorry' %></p>
+<h1><%= t'message.no_such_user.heading' %></h1>
+<p><%= t'message.no_such_user.body' %></p>
-<h2><%= h(@not_found_user) %></h2>
-<p><%= t'trace.no_such_user.no_such_user', :name => @not_found_user %></p>
+<h2><%= t'trace.no_such_user.heading', :user => @not_found_user %></h2>
+<p><%= t'trace.no_such_user.body', :user => @not_found_user %></p>
-<h2><%= h(@not_found_user) %></h2>
+<h2><%= t 'user.no_such_user.heading', :user => @not_found_user %></h2>
<p><%= t 'user.no_such_user.body', :user => @not_found_user %></p>
back_to_inbox: "Zurück zum Posteingang"
message_sent: "Nachricht gesendet"
- no_such_user: "Benutzer oder Nachricht nicht gefunden"
- sorry: "Wir konnten leider keinen entsprechenden Benutzer oder eine entsprechende Nachricht finden. Du hast dich möglicherweise vertippt oder du bist einem ungültigem Link gefolgt."
+ heading: "Benutzer oder Nachricht nicht gefunden"
+ body: "Wir konnten leider keinen entsprechenden Benutzer oder eine entsprechende Nachricht finden. Du hast dich möglicherweise vertippt oder du bist einem ungültigem Link gefolgt."
title: "Gesendet"
my_inbox: "{{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Tags:"
save_button: "Speichere Änderungen"
- no_such_user: "Entschuldige, wir konnten keinen Benutzer mit dem Namen {{name}} finden. Du hast dich möglicherweise vertippt, oder du bist einem ungültigem Link gefolgt."
+ body: "Entschuldige, wir konnten keinen Benutzer mit dem Namen {{user}} finden. Du hast dich möglicherweise vertippt, oder du bist einem ungültigem Link gefolgt."
upload_gpx: "GPX-Datei"
description: "Beschreibung"
already_a_friend: "Du bist bereits mit {{name}} befreundet."
success: "{{name} wurde als Freund entfernt."
- not_a_friend: "{{name}} ist nicht dein Freund."
\ No newline at end of file
+ not_a_friend: "{{name}} ist nicht dein Freund."
heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}"
body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ title: "No such user"
+ heading: "The user {{user}} does not exist"
body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
posted_by: "Posted by {{link_user}} at {{created}} in {{language}}"
back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox"
message_sent: "Message sent"
- no_such_user: "No such user or message"
- sorry: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
+ title: "No such user or message"
+ heading: "No such user or message"
+ body: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
title: "Outbox"
my_inbox: "My {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Tags:"
save_button: "Save Changes"
- no_such_user: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{name}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ title: "No such user"
+ heading: "The user {{user}} does not exist"
+ body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
upload_gpx: "Upload GPX File"
description: "Description"
signup: Signup
flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)<br /><br />Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.<br /><br />If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist webmaster@openstreetmap.org as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests."
+ title: "No such user"
+ heading: "The user {{user}} does not exist"
body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
my diary: my diary
back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox"
message_sent: "Message sent"
- no_such_user: "No such user or message"
- sorry: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
+ heading: "No such user or message"
+ body: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
title: "Outbox"
my_inbox: "My {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Tags:"
save_button: "Save Changes"
- no_such_user: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{name}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
upload_gpx: "Upload GPX File"
description: "תאור"
heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}"
body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
- body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ title: "Notandi ekki til"
+ heading: "Notandinn {{user}} er ekki til"
+ body: "Það er ekki til notandi með nafninu {{user}}. Kannski slóstu nafnið rangt inn eða fylgdir ógildum tengli."
posted_by: "Sett inn af {{link_user}} klukkan {{created}} á {{language}}"
comment_link: "Bæta við athugasemd"
back_to_inbox: "Aftur í innhólf"
message_sent: "Skilaboðin hafa verið send"
- no_such_user: "No such user or message"
- sorry: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
+ title: "Notandi eða skilaboð ekki til"
+ heading: "Notandi eða skilaboð ekki til"
+ body: "Það eru engin skilaboð eða notandi til með nafni"
title: "Úthólf"
my_inbox: "Mitt {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Tögg:"
save_button: "Save Changes"
- no_such_user: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{name}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ title: "Notandi ekki til"
+ heading: "Notandinn {{user}} er ekki til"
+ body: "Það er ekki til notandi með nafninu {{user}}. Kannski slóstu nafnið rangt inn eða fylgdir ógildum tengli."
upload_gpx: "Upphala GPX skrá"
description: "Lýsing"
signup: "Nýskrá"
flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you\'ll be mapping in no time :-)<br /><br />Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.<br /><br />If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist webmaster@openstreetmap.org as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests."
- body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ title: "Notandi ekki til"
+ heading: "Notandinn {{user}} er ekki til"
+ body: "Það er ekki til notandi með nafninu {{user}}. Kannski slóstu nafnið rangt inn eða fylgdir ógildum tengli."
my diary: bloggið mitt
new diary entry: ný bloggfærsla
back_to_inbox: "Ritorna ai messaggi in arrivo"
message_sent: "Messaggio inviato"
- no_such_user: "Nessun utente o messaggio"
- sorry: "Spiacenti, ma non c'è alcun utente o messaggio con questo nome o identificativo"
+ heading: "Nessun utente o messaggio"
+ body: "Spiacenti, ma non c'è alcun utente o messaggio con questo nome o identificativo"
title: "In uscita"
my_inbox: "Messaggi {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Etichette:"
save_button: "Salva modifiche"
- no_such_user: "Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{name}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato."
+ body: "Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato."
upload_gpx: "Carica file GPX"
description: "Descrizione"
back_to_inbox: "Terug naar Postvak IN"
message_sent: "Bericht verzonden"
- no_such_user: "Deze gebruiker of bericht bestaat niet"
- sorry: "Sorry, er is geen gebruiker of bericht met die naam of id"
+ heading: "Deze gebruiker of bericht bestaat niet"
+ body: "Sorry, er is geen gebruiker of bericht met die naam of id"
title: "Postvak UIT"
my_inbox: "Mijn {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Tags:"
save_button: "Wijzigingen opslaan"
- no_such_user: "Sorry, er is geen gebruiker {{name}}. Controleer de spelling, of misschien is de link waarop je klikte verkeerd."
+ body: "Sorry, er is geen gebruiker {{user}}. Controleer de spelling, of misschien is de link waarop je klikte verkeerd."
upload_gpx: "Upload GPX-bestand"
description: "Beschrijving"
back_to_inbox: "Powrót do skrzynki"
message_sent: "Wiadomość wysłana"
- no_such_user: "Nie ma takiego użytkownika / wiadomości"
- sorry: "Niestety nie znaleziono użytkownika / wiadomości o tej nazwie lub id"
+ heading: "Nie ma takiego użytkownika / wiadomości"
+ body: "Niestety nie znaleziono użytkownika / wiadomości o tej nazwie lub id"
title: "Wiadomości wysłane"
my_inbox: "Moja skrzynka {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Tagi:"
save_button: "Zapisz zmiany"
- no_such_user: "Niestety nie znaleziono użytkownika o nazwie {{name}}, sprawdź pisownię. Być może użyłeś(aś) linku który był niepoprawny."
+ body: "Niestety nie znaleziono użytkownika o nazwie {{user}}, sprawdź pisownię. Być może użyłeś(aś) linku który był niepoprawny."
upload_gpx: "Wgraj plik GPX"
description: "Opis"
back_to_inbox: "Назад ко входящим"
message_sent: "Сообщение отправлено"
- no_such_user: "Нет такого пользователя/сообщения"
- sorry: "К сожалению, не удалось найти пользователя или сообщение с таким именем или идентификатором"
+ heading: "Нет такого пользователя/сообщения"
+ body: "К сожалению, не удалось найти пользователя или сообщение с таким именем или идентификатором"
title: "Исходящие"
my_inbox: "Мои {{inbox_link}}"
tags: "Метки:"
save_button: "Сохранить изменения"
- no_such_user: "Извините, пользователя с именем {{name}} не существует. Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность написания. Возможно ссылка, по которой вы пришли, неверна."
+ body: "Извините, пользователя с именем {{user}} не существует. Пожалуйста, проверьте правильность написания. Возможно ссылка, по которой вы пришли, неверна."
upload_gpx: "Файл GPX"
description: "Описание"
send_button: "Pošlji"
back_to_inbox: "Nazaj na prejeto pošto"
- no_such_user: "No such user or message"
- sorry: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
+ heading: "No such user or message"
+ body: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
my_inbox: "Moja {{inbox_link}}"
inbox: "prejeta"
tags: "Oznake:"
save_button: "Shrani spremembe"
- no_such_user: "Oprostite, uporabnika z imenom {{user}} ni. Prosimo, preverite črkovanje in povezavo, ki ste jo kliknili."
+ body: "Oprostite, uporabnika z imenom {{user}} ni. Prosimo, preverite črkovanje in povezavo, ki ste jo kliknili."
upload_gpx: "Pošljite datoteko GPX"
description: "Opis"
send_button: "Send"
back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox"
- no_such_user: "No such user or message"
- sorry: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
+ heading: "No such user or message"
+ body: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id"
my_inbox: "My {{inbox_link}}"
inbox: "inbox"
tags: "Tags:"
save_button: "Save Changes"
- no_such_user: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{name}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
upload_gpx: "Upload GPX File"
description: "Description"