suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} von {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} von {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Flughafen
+ bank: Bank
+ bar: Bar
+ bicycle_parking: Fahrrad-Stellplatz
+ brothel: Bordell
+ bureau_de_change: Wechselstube
+ bus_station: Busbahnhof
+ cafe: Café
+ car_rental: Autovermietung
+ car_sharing: Carsharing
+ car_wash: Autowaschanlage
+ casino: Casino
+ cinema: Kino
+ clinic: Krankenhaus
+ college: Hochschule
+ dentist: Zahnarzt
+ doctors: Arzt
+ driving_school: Fahrschule
+ emergency_phone: Notrufsäule
+ fire_hydrant: Hydrant
+ fire_station: Feuerwehr
+ fountain: Brunnen
+ grave_yard: Friedhof
+ gym: Fitness-Zentrum
+ hospital: Krankenhaus
+ hotel: Hotel
+ hunting_stand: Hochstand
+ ice_cream: Eisdiele
+ kindergarten: Kindergarten
+ library: Bücherei
+ park: Park
+ parking: Parkplatz
+ pharmacy: Apotheke
+ prison: Gefängnis
+ pub: Kneipe
+ restaurant: Restaurant
+ retirement_home: Altersheim
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: Schule
+ supermarket: Supermarkt
+ telephone: Telefonzelle
+ theatre: Theater
+ toilets: WC
+ townhall: Rathaus
+ university: Universität
+ vending_machine: Automat
+ veterinary: Tierarzt
+ wifi: WLAN-Access-Point
+ youth_centre: Jugendhaus
+ building:
+ chapel: Kapelle
+ highway:
+ bus_stop: Bushaltestelle
+ cycleway: Radweg
+ footway: Fußweg
+ ford: Furt
+ living_street: Spielstraße
+ motorway: Autobahn
+ motorway_junction: Autobahnkreuz
+ steps: Treppe
+ track: Feldweg
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Ausgrabungsstätte
+ church: Kirche
+ ruins: Ruine
+ tower: Turm
+ wreck: Schiffswrack
+ landuse:
+ cemetery: Friedhof
+ construction: Baustelle
+ forest: Wald
+ industrial: Industriegebiet
+ meadow: Wiese
+ mountain: Berg
+ nature_reserve: Naturschutzgebiet
+ park: Park
+ residential: Siedlung
+ leisure:
+ fishing: Fischereigrund
+ golf_course: Golfplatz
+ miniature_golf: Minigolf
+ nature_reserve: Naturschutzgebiet
+ park: Park
+ playground: Spielplatz
+ sports_centre: Sportzentrum
+ stadium: Stadion
+ swimming_pool: Schwimmbad
+ track: Rennstrecke
+ natural:
+ beach: Strand
+ cave_entrance: Höhleneingang
+ geyser: Geysir
+ glacier: Gletscher
+ hill: Erhebung
+ island: Insel
+ peak: Gipfel
+ river: Fluss
+ tree: Baum
+ valley: Tal
+ volcano: Vulkan
+ place:
+ airport: Flughafen
+ country: Land
+ farm: Gehöft
+ hamlet: Weiler
+ house: Haus
+ island: Insel
+ postcode: Postleitzahl
+ region: Region
+ suburb: Stadtteil
+ town: Stadt
+ village: Dorf
+ shop:
+ bakery: Bäckerei
+ bicycle: Fahrradgeschäft
+ books: Buchgeschäft
+ butcher: Metzgerei
+ car: Autohaus
+ car_dealer: Autohaus
+ car_repair: Autowerkstatt
+ carpet: Teppichladen
+ copyshop: Copyshop
+ department_store: Kaufhaus
+ doityourself: Baumarkt
+ florist: Blumenladen
+ furniture: Möbelgeschäft
+ gift: Geschenkeladen
+ hairdresser: Frisörsalon
+ kiosk: Kiosk
+ mall: Einkaufszentrum
+ motorcycle: Motorradgeschäft
+ optician: Optiker
+ shoes: Schuhgeschäft
+ shopping_centre: Einkaufszentrum
+ supermarket: Supermarkt
+ toys: Spielwarengeschäft
+ travel_agency: Reisebüro
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Berghütte
+ artwork: Kunstwerk
+ attraction: Attraktion
+ bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
+ camp_site: Campingplatz
+ caravan_site: Wohnwagen-Stellplatz
+ hostel: Jugendherberge
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Touristen-Information
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Museum
+ theme_park: Vergnügungspark
+ valley: Tal
+ viewpoint: Aussichtspunkt
+ zoo: Zoo
+ waterway:
+ mineral_spring: Mineralquelle
+ stream: Bach
cities: Ciudades
places: Lugares
- towns: Villas
+ towns: Municipios
prefix: "{{distance}} {{direction}} de {{type}}"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} de {{placename}}"
+ amenity:
+ airport: Aeropuerto
+ arts_centre: Centro artístico
+ atm: Cajero automático
+ auditorium: Auditorio
+ bank: Banco
+ bar: Bar
+ bench: Banco
+ bicycle_parking: Aparcamiento de bibicletas
+ bicycle_rental: Alquiler de bicicletas
+ brothel: Burdel
+ bureau_de_change: Casa de cambio
+ bus_station: Estación de autobuses
+ cafe: Café
+ car_rental: Alquiler de vehículos
+ car_wash: Autolavado
+ casino: Casino
+ cinema: Cine
+ clinic: Clínica
+ club: Club
+ college: Universidad o instituto
+ community_centre: Centro comunitario
+ courthouse: Juzgado
+ crematorium: Crematorio
+ dentist: Dentista
+ doctors: Doctores
+ dormitory: Dormitorio
+ drinking_water: Agua bebestible
+ driving_school: Autoescuela
+ embassy: Embajada
+ emergency_phone: Teléfono de emergencia
+ fast_food: Comida rápida
+ ferry_terminal: Terminal de ferrys
+ fire_hydrant: Hidrante
+ fire_station: Estación de bomberos
+ fountain: Fuente
+ fuel: Combustible
+ grave_yard: Cementerio
+ gym: Gimnasio
+ hall: Salón
+ health_centre: Centro de salud
+ hospital: Hospital
+ hotel: Hotel
+ hunting_stand: Stand de caza
+ ice_cream: Helados
+ kindergarten: Jardín de infancia
+ library: Biblioteca
+ market: Mercado
+ marketplace: Mercado
+ nightclub: Club nocturno
+ nursery: Enfermería
+ office: Oficina
+ park: Parque
+ parking: Aparcamiento
+ pharmacy: Farmacia
+ place_of_worship: Templo
+ police: Policía
+ post_box: Buzón de correos
+ post_office: Oficina de correos
+ preschool: Preescolar
+ prison: Prisión
+ pub: Pub
+ public_building: Edificio público
+ public_market: Mercado público
+ reception_area: Área de recepción
+ recycling: Punto de reciclaje
+ restaurant: Restaurante
+ retirement_home: Residencia de jubilados
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: Escuela
+ shelter: Refugio
+ shop: Tienda
+ shopping: Compras
+ social_club: Club social
+ studio: Estudio
+ supermarket: Supermercado
+ taxi: Taxi
+ telephone: Teléfono público
+ theatre: Teatro
+ toilets: Aseos
+ townhall: Ayuntamiento
+ university: Universidad
+ vending_machine: Máquina expendedora
+ veterinary: Clínica veterinaria
+ waste_basket: Cesto de basura
+ wifi: Acceso a Internet inalámbrico
+ youth_centre: Centro juvenil
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Frontera administrativa
+ building:
+ chapel: Capilla
+ church: Iglesia
+ city_hall: Ayuntamiento
+ garage: Garaje
+ hospital: Edificio hospitalario
+ hotel: Hotel
+ house: Casa
+ industrial: Edificio industrial
+ public: Edificio público
+ school: Edificio escolar
+ shop: Tienda
+ stadium: Estadio
+ store: Almacén
+ tower: Torre
+ train_station: Estación de tren
+ highway:
+ bridleway: Camino prioritario para peatones y caballos
+ bus_guideway: Canal guiado de autobuses
+ bus_stop: Parada de autobuses
+ byway: Camino
+ cycleway: Ruta para bicicletas
+ distance_marker: Indicador kilométrico
+ emergency_access_point: Acceso de emergencia
+ footway: Sendero
+ ford: Vado
+ gate: Puerta
+ motorway: Autovía
+ motorway_junction: Cruce de autovías
+ pedestrian: Vía peatonal
+ primary_link: Carretera principal
+ secondary: Carretera secundaria
+ secondary_link: Carretera secundaria
+ service: Vía de servicio
+ services: Vía de servicio
+ steps: Escalones
+ stile: Escalera para atravesar verjas
+ tertiary: Carretera terciaria
+ track: Pista
+ trail: Sendero
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Yacimiento arqueológico
+ battlefield: Campo de batalla
+ building: Edificio
+ castle: Castillo
+ mine: Mina
+ monument: Monumento
+ museum: Museo
+ ruins: Ruinas
+ tower: Torre
+ landuse:
+ cemetery: Cementerio
+ farm: Granja
+ industrial: Zona industrial
+ meadow: Pradera
+ military: Zona militar
+ mine: Mina
+ plaza: Plaza
+ reservoir: Embalse
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Complejo en la playa
+ common: Terreno común
+ fishing: Área de pesca
+ garden: Jardín
+ golf_course: Campo de golf
+ ice_rink: Pista de patinaje sobre hielo
+ marina: Puerto deportivo
+ miniature_golf: Minigolf
+ nature_reserve: Reserva natural
+ park: Parque
+ pitch: Cancha deportiva
+ playground: Área de juegos
+ recreation_ground: Área recreativa
+ slipway: Grada
+ sports_centre: Centro deportivo
+ stadium: Estadio
+ swimming_pool: Piscina
+ track: Pista de carreras
+ water_park: Parque acuático
+ natural:
+ bay: Bahía
+ beach: Playa
+ cape: Cabo
+ cave_entrance: Entrada a cueva
+ channel: Canal
+ cliff: Acantilado
+ coastline: Costa
+ crater: Cráter
+ feature: Característica
+ fell: Monte
+ fjord: Fiordo
+ geyser: Géiser
+ glacier: Glaciar
+ heath: Brezal
+ hill: Colina
+ island: Isla
+ land: Tierra
+ marsh: Marisma
+ moor: Amarre
+ mud: Lodo
+ peak: Pico
+ point: Punto
+ reef: Arrecife
+ ridge: Cresta
+ river: Río
+ rock: Roca
+ scree: Pedregal
+ scrub: Matorrales
+ shoal: Banco de arena
+ spring: Manantial
+ strait: Estrecho
+ tree: Árbol
+ valley: Valle
+ volcano: Volcán
+ water: Agua
+ wetland: Pantano
+ wetlands: Pantano
+ wood: Bosque
+ place:
+ airport: Aeropuerto
+ city: Ciudad
+ country: País
+ county: Condado
+ farm: Granja
+ hamlet: Aldea
+ house: Casa
+ houses: Casas
+ island: Isla
+ islet: Isleta
+ locality: Localidad
+ moor: Amarre
+ municipality: Municipio
+ postcode: Código postal
+ region: Región
+ sea: Mar
+ state: Estado o provincia
+ subdivision: Subdivisión
+ suburb: Suburbio
+ town: Pueblo
+ unincorporated_area: Área no incorporada
+ village: Villa
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Vía de tren abandonada
+ level_crossing: Paso a nivel
+ monorail: Monorail
+ subway: Estación de metro
+ shop:
+ alcohol: Licorería
+ art: Tienda de artículos de arte
+ bakery: Panadería
+ bicycle: Tienda de bicicletas
+ books: Librería
+ butcher: Carnicería
+ car_dealer: Concesionario de automóviles
+ car_parts: Repuestos automotrices
+ car_repair: Taller mecánico
+ carpet: Tienda de alfombras
+ charity: Tienda benéfica
+ chemist: Farmacia
+ clothes: Tienda de ropa
+ computer: Tienda de computación
+ confectionery: Dulcería
+ department_store: Tienda por departamentos
+ drugstore: Parafarmacia
+ dry_cleaning: Limpieza en seco
+ estate_agent: Inmobiliaria
+ fish: Tienda de artículos de pesca
+ florist: Floristería
+ food: Tienda de alimentación
+ furniture: Mobiliario
+ gallery: Galería
+ garden_centre: Vivero
+ gift: Tienda de regalos
+ grocery: Tienda de alimentación
+ hairdresser: Peluquería
+ hardware: Ferretería
+ insurance: Aseguradora
+ jewelry: Joyería
+ kiosk: Kiosko
+ laundry: Lavandería
+ mall: Centro comercial
+ market: Mercado
+ music: Tienda de música
+ optician: Oftalmólogo
+ pet: Tienda de mascotas
+ photo: Tienda fotográfica
+ shoes: Zapatería
+ shopping_centre: Centro comercial
+ sports: Tienda de artículos deportivos
+ supermarket: Supermercado
+ toys: Juguetería
+ travel_agency: Agencia de viajes
+ video: Videotienda
+ wine: Licorería
+ alpine_hut: Cabaña alpina
artwork: Ilustración
attraction: Atracción
+ bed_and_breakfast: Cama y desayuno (B&B)
+ camp_site: Campamento
+ caravan_site: Camping para caravanas
chalet: Chalet
guest_house: Albergue
+ hostel: Hostel
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Información
motel: Motel
+ museum: Museo
+ picnic_site: Área de picnic
theme_park: Parque temático
+ valley: Valle
+ viewpoint: Mirador
+ zoo: Zoológico
+ waterway:
+ boatyard: Astillero
+ canal: Canal
+ dam: Presa
+ dock: Muelle
+ drain: Desagüe
+ lock_gate: Esclusa
+ mineral_spring: Fuente mineral
+ rapids: Rápidos
+ river: Río
+ riverbank: Ribera
+ stream: Arroyo
+ waterfall: Cascada
+ weir: Represa
# Messages for Basque (Euskara)
# Exported from
# Export driver: syck
+# Author: An13sa
# Author: Asieriko
+# Author: MikelEH
# Author: PerroVerd
+ activerecord:
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: Testua
+ diary_entry:
+ language: Hizkuntza
+ latitude: Latitude
+ longitude: Longitude
+ friend:
+ friend: Lagun
+ message:
+ body: Testua
+ sender: Igorlea
+ trace:
+ description: Deskribapen
+ latitude: Latitude
+ longitude: Longitude
+ name: Izena
+ size: Tamaina
+ user:
+ description: Deskribapen
+ languages: Hizkuntzak
+ pass_crypt: Pasahitza
+ models:
+ country: Herrialde
+ friend: Laguna
+ language: Hizkuntza
+ message: Mezua
+ node: Nodo
+ node_tag: Nodoaren etiketa
+ old_node: Nodo zaharra
+ old_relation: Erlazio zaharra
+ old_way: Bide zaharra
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+ download: "{{changeset_xml_link}} edo {{osmchange_xml_link}} jaitsi"
+ common_details:
+ changeset_comment: "Iruzkin:"
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+ entry: "{{relation_name}} erlazioa"
+ map:
+ deleted: Ezabatua
+ loading: Kargatzen...
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}}, {{view_history_link}} edo {{edit_link}}"
+ download_xml: XML jaitsi
+ edit: aldatu
+ node: Nodo
view_history: historia ikusi
+ node_details:
+ coordinates: "Koordenatuak:"
+ node_history:
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_details_link}}"
+ download_xml: XML jaitsi
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+ node: nodo
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+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_history_link}}"
+ download_xml: XML jaitsi
+ relation: Erlazio
view_history: historia ikusi
+ relation_history:
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_details_link}}"
+ download_xml: XML jaitsi
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+ type:
+ node: Nodo
+ relation: Erlazio
+ way: Bide
+ data_frame_title: Datuak
+ data_layer_name: Datuak
+ loading: Kargatzen...
+ object_list:
+ type:
+ node: Nodo
+ way: Bide
+ show_history: Historia Ikusi
wait: Itxoin...
+ tag_details:
+ tags: "Etiketak:"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}}, {{view_history_link}} edo {{edit_link}}"
+ download_xml: XML jaitsi
+ edit: aldatu
view_history: historia ikusi
+ way: Bide
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+ nodes: "Nodoak:"
+ way_history:
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_details_link}}"
+ download_xml: XML jaitsi
+ changeset:
+ changeset:
+ big_area: (handia)
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ next: Hurrengoa »
+ previous: "« Aurrekoa"
+ diary_entry:
+ comment_count:
+ one: iruzkin bat
+ other: "{{count}} iruzkin"
+ body: "Testua:"
+ language: "Hizkuntza:"
+ latitude: "Latitude:"
+ longitude: "Longitude:"
save_button: Gorde
+ subject: "Gaia:"
+ use_map_link: mapa erabili
save_button: Gorde
+ export:
+ start:
+ export_button: Esportatu
+ export_details: OpenStreetMap-eko datuak <a href="">Creative Commons Aitortu-Partekatu</a> baimen baten mende daude.
+ format: Formatua
+ format_to_export: Esportatzeko formatua
+ image_size: Irudiaren tamaina
+ latitude: "Lat:"
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+ mapnik_image: Mapnik irudia
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+ scale: Eskala
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+ start_rjs:
+ export: Esportatu
+ geocoder:
+ description:
+ types:
+ cities: Hiriak
+ places: Lekuak
+ towns: Herriak
+ description_osm_namefinder:
+ prefix: "{{type}}tik {{distance}} {{direction}}ra"
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+ east: ekialdea
+ north: iparra
+ north_east: ipar-ekialdea
+ north_west: ipar-mendebaldea
+ south: hegoa
+ south_east: hego-ekialdea
+ south_west: hego-mendebaldea
+ west: mendebaldea
+ distance:
+ one: km bat inguru
+ other: "{{count}}km inguru"
+ zero: km bat baino gutxiago
+ search_osm_namefinder:
+ suffix_place: ", {{placename}}tik {{distance}} {{direction}}ra"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Aireportu
+ bank: Banku
+ bar: Taberna
+ brothel: Putetxe
+ bus_station: Autobus-geltoki
+ cafe: Kafetegi
+ car_rental: Ibilgailu-alokairu
+ casino: Kasino
+ cinema: Zinema
+ clinic: Klinika
+ club: Diskoteka
+ crematorium: Errauste labe
+ dentist: Dentista
+ driving_school: Autoeskola
+ embassy: Enbaxada
+ ferry_terminal: Ferry terminal
+ grave_yard: Hilerri
+ hospital: Ospitalea
+ ice_cream: Izozkiak
+ library: Liburutegia
+ market: Merkatu
+ nightclub: Gau-klub
+ nursery: Haurtzaindegi
+ office: Bulego
+ park: Parke
+ pharmacy: Farmazia
+ police: Polizia
+ post_office: Postetxe
+ preschool: Eskolaurre
+ prison: Espetxe
+ public_building: Eraikin publiko
+ recycling: Birziklatze gune
+ restaurant: Jatetxe
+ sauna: Sauna
+ shop: Denda
+ shopping: Erosketak
+ studio: Estudio
+ supermarket: Supermerkatu
+ taxi: Taxi
+ theatre: Antzokia
+ toilets: Komunak
+ townhall: Udaletxe
+ university: Unibertsitate
+ vending_machine: Salmenta automatiko
+ building:
+ bunker: Bunker
+ chapel: Kapera
+ church: Eliza
+ city_hall: Udaletxea
+ house: Etxe
+ public: Eraikin publiko
+ shop: Denda
+ stadium: Estadio
+ tower: Dorre
+ highway:
+ bus_stop: Autobus-geraleku
+ footway: Oinezkoen bide
+ primary_link: Errepide nagusi
+ residential: Bizileku
+ road: Errepide
+ secondary: Bigarren mailako errepide
+ secondary_link: Bigarren mailako errepide
+ steps: Eskailera-mailak
+ tertiary: Hirugarren mailako errepide
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Aztarnategi arkeologiko
+ building: Eraikina
+ castle: Gaztelu
+ church: Eliza
+ mine: Meategi
+ monument: Monumentu
+ museum: Museo
+ tower: Dorre
+ landuse:
+ cemetery: Hilerri
+ forest: Baso
+ meadow: Larre
+ mine: Meategi
+ mountain: Mendi
+ nature_reserve: Natura-erreserba
+ park: Parke
+ plaza: Enparantza
+ quarry: Harrobi
+ railway: Trenbide
+ reservoir: Urtegi
+ leisure:
+ garden: Lorategi
+ golf_course: Golf-zelai
+ ice_rink: Izotz-pista
+ marina: Kirol-portu
+ park: Parkea
+ playground: Jolastoki
+ sports_centre: Kiroldegi
+ stadium: Estadio
+ swimming_pool: Igerilekua
+ natural:
+ bay: Badia
+ beach: Hondartza
+ cape: Lurmutur
+ channel: Kanal
+ coastline: Itsasertz
+ crater: Crater
+ geyser: Geiser
+ glacier: Glaziar
+ island: Irla
+ mud: Lohi
+ peak: Gailur
+ reef: Arrezife
+ river: Ibai
+ shoal: Hondar-banku
+ tree: Zuhaitza
+ valley: Haran
+ volcano: Sumendi
+ water: Ura
+ wood: Baso
+ place:
+ airport: Aireportu
+ city: Hiria
+ country: Herrialdea
+ county: Konderria
+ hamlet: Herrixka
+ house: Etxe
+ houses: Etxeak
+ island: Irla
+ locality: Lokalitate
+ municipality: Udalerri
+ postcode: Posta-kode
+ region: Eskualde
+ sea: Itsasoa
+ subdivision: Subdibisio
+ suburb: Aldiri
+ town: Herria
+ village: Herrixka
+ railway:
+ subway: Metro geltoki
+ tram: Tranbia
+ tram_stop: Tranbia geltoki
+ shop:
+ bakery: Okindegi
+ books: Liburudenda
+ butcher: Harategi
+ chemist: Farmazia
+ confectionery: Gozotegi
+ florist: Loradenda
+ furniture: Altzari
+ greengrocer: Barazki-saltzaile
+ grocery: Janaridenda
+ mall: Merkataritza-gunea
+ market: Merkatu
+ shoes: Zapatadenda
+ sports: Kirol denda
+ supermarket: Supermerkatu
+ travel_agency: Bidaia-agentzia
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Aterpe alpinoa
+ attraction: Atrakzio
+ bed_and_breakfast: Ohe eta gosari (B&B)
+ camp_site: Kanpin
+ chalet: Txalet
+ guest_house: Aterpe
+ hostel: Ostatu
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Informazioa
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Museoa
+ picnic_site: Piknik-gune
+ theme_park: Parke tematiko
+ valley: Haran
+ viewpoint: Behatoki
+ zoo: Zoologiko
+ waterway:
+ canal: Kanal
+ javascripts:
+ map:
+ base:
+ noname: Izenik gabe
+ layouts:
+ edit: Aldatu
+ edit_tooltip: Mapak aldatu
+ export: Esportatu
+ help_wiki: Laguntza eta Wiki
+ inbox: sarrera-ontzia ({{count}})
+ make_a_donation:
+ text: Dohaintza egin
+ shop: Denda
+ sign_up: izena eman
+ view: Ikusi
+ view_tooltip: Mapak ikusi
+ welcome_user: Ongietorri, {{user_link}}
+ map:
+ coordinates: "Koordenatuak:"
+ edit: Aldatu
+ view: Ikusi
+ message:
+ delete:
+ deleted: Mezua ezabatuta
+ inbox:
+ date: Data
+ from: Igorlea
+ my_inbox: Nire sarrera-ontzia
+ subject: Gaia
+ title: Sarrera-ontzia
+ message_summary:
+ delete_button: Ezabatu
+ read_button: Markatu irakurrita gisa
+ reply_button: Erantzun
+ unread_button: Markatu irakurri gabe gisa
+ new:
+ back_to_inbox: Itzuli sarrera-ontzira
+ body: Testua
+ send_button: Bidali
+ subject: Gaia
+ outbox:
+ date: Data
+ inbox: Sarrera-ontzia
+ my_inbox: Nire {{inbox_link}}
+ subject: Gaia
+ to: Hartzailea
+ read:
+ back_to_inbox: Sarrera-ontzira itzuli
+ date: Data
+ from: Igorlea
+ reply_button: Erantzun
+ subject: Gaia
+ title: Mezua irakurri
+ to: Hartzailea
+ unread_button: Markatu irakurri gabe gisa
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: Ezabatu
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ hi: Kaixo {{to_user}},
greeting: Kaixo,
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Kaixo,
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: Kaixo,
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Kaixo,
greeting: Kaixo,
+ message_notification:
+ hi: Kaixo {{to_user}},
+ signup_confirm_html:
+ greeting: Kaixo!
+ introductory_video: "{{introductory_video_link}} ikus dezakezu."
+ more_videos: "{{more_videos_link}} daude."
+ more_videos_here: bideo gehiago hemen
+ signup_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Kaixo!
+ oauth:
+ oauthorize:
+ allow_write_api: mapa aldatu.
+ oauth_clients:
+ edit:
+ submit: Aldatu
+ form:
+ name: Izena
+ site:
+ index:
+ license:
+ license_name: Creative Commons-en Aitortu-Partekatu 2.0
+ project_name: OpenStreetMap proiektua
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ cemetery: Hilerri
+ centre: Kiroldegi
+ forest: Baso
+ golf: Golf-zelai
+ lake:
+ - Laku
+ park: Parke
+ school:
+ - Eskola
+ - unibertsitate
+ tram:
+ - tranbia
+ search:
+ search: Bilatu
+ submit_text: Joan
+ where_am_i: Non nago?
+ sidebar:
+ close: Itxi
+ trace:
+ edit:
+ download: jaitsi
+ edit: aldatu
+ map: mapa
+ tags: "Etiketak:"
+ trace:
+ ago: duela {{time_in_words_ago}}
+ count_points: "{{count}} puntu"
+ edit: aldatu
+ edit_map: Mapa aldatu
+ map: mapa
+ more: gehiago
+ public: PUBLIKOA
+ view_map: Mapa ikusi
+ trace_form:
+ description: Deskribapena
+ help: Laguntza
+ tags: "Etiketak:"
+ upload_button: Kargatu
+ visibility: Ikuspen
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: Etiketak
+ view:
+ description: "Deskribapen:"
+ download: jaitsi
+ edit: aldatu
+ map: mapa
+ tags: "Etiketak:"
+ visibility: "Ikuspen:"
+ user:
+ account:
+ latitude: "Latitude:"
+ longitude: "Longitude:"
+ public editing:
+ disabled link text: Zergatik ezin dut aldatu?
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: zer da hau?
+ heading: "Aldaketa publikoak:"
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Aldaketa publikoa
+ save changes button: Aldaketak gorde
+ login:
+ password: "Pasahitza:"
+ lost_password:
+ new password button: Pasahitza berrezarri
+ new:
+ email address: "Helbide elektronikoa:"
+ password: "Pasahitza:"
+ signup: Izena eman
+ title: Kontua sortu
+ remove_friend:
+ not_a_friend: "{{name}} ez da zure laguna."
+ reset_password:
+ password: "Pasahitza:"
+ reset: Pasahitza berrezarri
+ title: Pasahitza berrezarri
+ view:
+ add image: Irudia gehitu
+ ago: (duela {{time_in_words_ago}})
+ delete image: Irudia ezabatu
+ description: Deskribapen
+ edits: aldaketak
+ email address: "Helbide elektronikoa:"
+ km away: "{{count}} km-tara"
+ m away: "{{count}} m-tara"
+ send message: mezua bidali
+ your friends: Zure lagunak
+ user_block:
+ partial:
+ edit: Aldatu
+ show: Erakutsi
+ period:
+ one: ordu bat
+ other: "{{count}} ordu"
+ show:
+ confirm: Ziur zaude?
+ edit: Aldatu
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} de {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} de {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Aéroport
+ arts_centre: Centre d'arts
+ atm: Distributeur automatique de billets
+ auditorium: Auditorium
+ bank: Banque
+ bar: Bar
+ bench: Banc
+ bicycle_parking: Parking à vélos
+ bicycle_rental: Location de vélos
+ brothel: Bordel
+ bureau_de_change: Bureau de change
+ bus_station: Arrêt de bus
+ cafe: Café
+ car_rental: Location de voiture
+ car_sharing: Partage de voiture
+ car_wash: Lavage de voiture
+ casino: Casino
+ cinema: Cinéma
+ clinic: Clinique
+ club: Club
+ college: Collège
+ community_centre: Centre communautaire
+ courthouse: Palais de justice
+ crematorium: Crématorium
+ dentist: Dentiste
+ doctors: Docteurs
+ dormitory: Dortoir
+ drinking_water: Eau potable
+ driving_school: École de conduite
+ embassy: Ambassade
+ emergency_phone: Téléphone d'urgence
+ fast_food: Restauration rapide
+ ferry_terminal: Terminal de ferry
+ fire_hydrant: Hydrant
+ fire_station: Caserne des pompiers
+ fountain: Fontaine
+ fuel: Carburant
+ grave_yard: Cimetière
+ gym: Fitness /gymnastique
+ hall: Salle
+ health_centre: Centre de santé
+ hospital: Hôpital
+ hotel: Hotel
+ hunting_stand: Stand de tir
+ ice_cream: Crème glacée
+ kindergarten: Jardin d'enfant
+ library: Bibliothèque
+ market: Marché
+ marketplace: Place de marché
+ mountain_rescue: Secours en montagne
+ nightclub: Boîte de nuit
+ nursery: Nurserie
+ nursing_home: Maison de santé
+ office: Bureau
+ park: Parc
+ parking: Parking
+ pharmacy: Pharmacie
+ place_of_worship: Lieu de culte
+ police: Police
+ post_box: Boîte postale
+ post_office: Office de poste
+ preschool: Préscolaire
+ prison: Prison
+ pub: Bar
+ public_building: Bâtiment public
+ public_market: Marché public
+ reception_area: Zone de réception
+ recycling: Point de recyclage
+ restaurant: Restaurant
+ retirement_home: Maison de retraite
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: École
+ shelter: Refuge
+ shop: Magasin
+ shopping: Commerce
+ social_club: Club social
+ studio: Studio
+ supermarket: Supermarché
+ taxi: Taxi
+ telephone: Téléphone public
+ theatre: Théâtre
+ toilets: Toilettes
+ townhall: Hôtel de ville
+ university: Université
+ vending_machine: Distributeur automatique
+ veterinary: Chirurgie vétérinaire
+ village_hall: Salle communale
+ waste_basket: Benne à ordures
+ wifi: Accès WiFi
+ youth_centre: Centre pour la jeunesse
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Limite administrative
+ building:
+ bunker: Bunker
+ church: Église
+ dormitory: Dortoir
+ garage: Garage
+ hall: Salle
+ hospital: Bâtiment hospitalier
+ industrial: Bâtiment industriel
+ shop: Magasin
+ tower: Tour
+ highway:
+ bus_guideway: Voie de bus guidée
+ bus_stop: Arrêt de bus
+ byway: Route secondaire
+ construction: Autoroute en construction
+ cycleway: Piste cyclable
+ distance_marker: Borne kilométrique
+ emergency_access_point: Point d'accès d'urgence
+ footway: Chemin piéton
+ ford: Gué
+ gate: Porte
+ living_street: Rue résidentielle
+ minor: Route mineure
+ motorway: Autoroute
+ motorway_junction: Jonction d'autoroute
+ motorway_link: Route autoroutière
+ path: Chemin
+ pedestrian: Chemin piéton
+ platform: Plateforme
+ primary: Route principale
+ primary_link: Route principale
+ raceway: Circuit
+ residential: Résidentiel
+ road: Route
+ secondary: Route secondaire
+ secondary_link: Route secondaire
+ service: Route de service
+ services: Services autoroutiers
+ steps: Marches
+ stile: Échalier
+ tertiary: Route tertiaire
+ track: Piste
+ trail: Piste
+ trunk: Route principale
+ trunk_link: Route principale
+ unclassified: Route non classifiée
+ unsurfaced: Route non goudronnée
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Site archéologique
+ battlefield: Champ de bataille
+ boundary_stone: Borne kilométrique
+ building: Bâtiment
+ castle: Château
+ church: Église
+ house: Maison
+ manor: Manoir
+ memorial: Mémorial
+ mine: Mine
+ monument: Monument
+ museum: Musée
+ tower: Tour
+ landuse:
+ basin: Bassin
+ brownfield: Terrain contaminé
+ cemetery: Cimetière
+ commercial: Zone commerciale
+ construction: Construction
+ farm: Ferme
+ forest: Forêt
+ grass: Herbe
+ industrial: Zone industrielle
+ military: Zone militaire
+ mine: Mine
+ mountain: Montagne
+ nature_reserve: Réserve naturelle
+ park: Parc
+ piste: Piste
+ plaza: Plaza
+ railway: Voie ferrée
+ reservoir: Réservoir
+ residential: Zone résidentielle
+ vineyard: Vignoble
+ wetland: Zone humide
+ wood: Bois
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Lieu de vacances à la plage
+ common: Terrains communaux
+ fishing: Zone de pèche
+ garden: Jardin
+ golf_course: Terrain de golf
+ ice_rink: Patinoire
+ marina: Marina
+ miniature_golf: Golf miniature
+ nature_reserve: Réserve naturelle
+ park: Parc
+ pitch: Terrain de sport
+ playground: Aire de jeux
+ recreation_ground: Terrain de jeux
+ slipway: Pente douce
+ sports_centre: Centre sportif
+ stadium: Stade
+ swimming_pool: Piscine
+ track: Piste
+ water_park: Parc aquatique
+ natural:
+ bay: Baie
+ beach: Plage
+ cape: Cap
+ cave_entrance: Entrée de grotte
+ channel: Chenal
+ cliff: Falaise
+ coastline: Littoral
+ crater: Cratère
+ feature: Fonction
+ fjord: Fjord
+ geyser: Geyser
+ glacier: Glacier
+ heath: Bruyère
+ hill: Colline
+ island: Île
+ land: Terre
+ marsh: Marécage
+ moor: Maure
+ mud: Boue
+ peak: Pic
+ point: Pointe
+ reef: Récif
+ ridge: Crête
+ river: Rivière
+ rock: Roche
+ scree: Éboulis
+ scrub: Broussailles
+ shoal: Haut-fond
+ spring: Cascade
+ strait: Détroit
+ tree: Arbre
+ valley: Vallée
+ volcano: Volcan
+ water: Eau
+ wetland: Zone humide
+ wetlands: Zones humides
+ wood: Forêt
+ place:
+ airport: Aéroport
+ city: Ville
+ country: Pays
+ county: Pays
+ farm: Ferme
+ hamlet: Hameau
+ house: Maison
+ houses: Maisons
+ island: Île
+ islet: Îlot
+ locality: Localité
+ moor: Maure
+ municipality: Municipalité
+ postcode: Code postal
+ region: Région
+ sea: Mer
+ state: État
+ subdivision: Subdivision
+ suburb: Périphérie
+ town: Ville
+ unincorporated_area: Lieu non organisé
+ village: Village
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Voie ferrée abandonnée
+ disused: Voie ferrée désafectée
+ funicular: Voie de funiculaire
+ halt: Arrêt de train
+ historic_station: Arrêt de train historique
+ junction: Jonction ferroviaire
+ level_crossing: Passage à niveau
+ monorail: Monorail
+ narrow_gauge: Chemin de fer à voie étroite
+ platform: Plateforme ferroviaire
+ subway: Arrêt de métro
+ subway_entrance: Bouche de métro
+ switch: Voie ferrée en construction
+ tram_stop: Arrêt de tram
+ shop:
+ apparel: Magasin d'habillement
+ art: Boutique d'art
+ bakery: Boulangerie
+ beauty: Magasin de beauté
+ beverages: Magasin de boissons
+ bicycle: Magasin de vélos
+ books: Librairie
+ butcher: Boucher
+ car: Magasin de voitures
+ car_dealer: Vendeur de voitures
+ car_parts: Pièces d'automobile
+ car_repair: Réparation de voitures
+ carpet: Magasin de tapis
+ charity: Magasin de charité
+ chemist: Chimiste
+ clothes: Magasin de vêtement
+ computer: Magasin informatique
+ confectionery: Confiserie
+ copyshop: Magasin de photocopie
+ cosmetics: Magasin de cosmétiques
+ department_store: Grand magasin
+ discount: Magasin discount
+ doityourself: Bricolage
+ drugstore: Pharmacie
+ dry_cleaning: Nettoyage à sec
+ electronics: Magasin d'électronique
+ estate_agent: Marchand de biens
+ farm: Magasin de produits agricoles
+ fashion: Magasin de mode
+ fish: Poissonnerie
+ florist: Fleuriste
+ food: Magasin d'alimentation
+ funeral_directors: Pompes funèbres
+ furniture: Ameublement
+ gallery: Galerie
+ garden_centre: Centre de jardinage
+ general: Magasin généraliste
+ gift: Boutique de cadeaux
+ greengrocer: Marchand de fruits et légumes
+ grocery: Épicerie
+ hairdresser: Coiffeur
+ hardware: Magasin de matériel informatique
+ hifi: Magasin Hi-Fi
+ insurance: Assurance
+ jewelry: Bijouterie
+ kiosk: Kiosque
+ laundry: Blanchisserie
+ mall: Galerie marchande
+ market: Marché
+ mobile_phone: Magasin de téléphones mobiles
+ motorcycle: Magasin de moto
+ music: Magasin de musique
+ newsagent: Marchand de journaux
+ optician: Opticien
+ organic: Magasin d'alimentation biologique
+ outdoor: Magasin en plein air
+ pet: Magasin d'animaux
+ photo: Magasin de photos
+ salon: Salon
+ shoes: Magasin de chaussures
+ shopping_centre: Centre commercial
+ sports: Magasin de sport
+ stationery: Papeterie
+ supermarket: Supermarché
+ toys: Magasin de jouets
+ travel_agency: Agence de voyage
+ video: Magasin de vidéos
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Refuge
+ artwork: Travail artistique
+ attraction: Attraction
+ bed_and_breakfast: Gîte
+ cabin: Hutte
+ camp_site: Site de camping
+ caravan_site: Site de caravane
+ chalet: Chalet
+ guest_house: Maison d'hôte
+ hostel: Auberge
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Informations
+ lean_to: Stand
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Musée
+ picnic_site: Site de pique-nique
+ theme_park: Parc à thème
+ valley: Vallée
+ viewpoint: Point de vue
+ zoo: Zoo
+ waterway:
+ canal: Canal
+ dam: Digue
+ derelict_canal: Canal de délaissement
+ ditch: Fossé
+ dock: Dock
+ drain: Drain
+ lock: Écluse
+ lock_gate: Porte d'écluse
+ mooring: Mouillage
+ rapids: Rapides
+ river: Rivière
+ riverbank: Rive
+ waterfall: Chute d'eau
+ weir: Barrage
still_editing: (još uređuje)
view_changeset_details: Prikaži detalje changeseta
- next: Slijedeći »
- previous: "« Prethodni"
+ next: Slijedeća »
+ previous: "« Prethodna"
showing_page: Prikazujem stranicu {{page}}
area: Područje
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} wot {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} z {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Lětanišćo
+ arts_centre: Kulturny centrum
+ atm: Bankomat
+ auditorium: Awditorij
+ bank: Banka
+ bar: Bara
+ bench: Ławka
+ bicycle_parking: Wotstajenišćo za kolesa
+ bicycle_rental: Wupožcowarnja za kolesa
+ brothel: Bordel
+ bureau_de_change: Měnjernja
+ bus_station: Busowe dwórnišćo
+ cafe: Kofejownja
+ car_sharing: Centrala za sobujěducych
+ car_wash: Awtomyjernja
+ cinema: Kino
+ clinic: Klinika
+ club: Klub
+ college: Wysoka šula
+ courthouse: Sudnistwo
+ crematorium: Krematorij
+ dentist: Zubny lěkar
+ dormitory: Studentski internat
+ drinking_water: Pitna woda
+ driving_school: Jězbna šula
+ embassy: Wulkopósłanstwo
+ emergency_phone: Nuzowy telefon
+ fast_food: Přikuski
+ ferry_terminal: Přewozny přistaw
+ fire_station: Wohnjostraža
+ fountain: Studnja
+ fuel: Tankownja
+ grave_yard: Kěrchow
+ hall: Schadźowarnja
+ hospital: Chorownja
+ hotel: Hotel
+ hunting_stand: Łakańca
+ ice_cream: Jědźny lód
+ kindergarten: Pěstowarnja
+ library: Knihownja
+ market: Wiki
+ marketplace: Torhošćo
+ mountain_rescue: Hórska wuchowanska słužba
+ nightclub: Nócny klub
+ nursery: Pěstowarnja
+ nursing_home: Hladarnja
+ park: Park
+ parking: Parkowanišćo
+ place_of_worship: Boži dom
+ police: Policija
+ post_box: Listowy kašćik
+ post_office: Póstowy zarjad
+ preschool: Předšula
+ prison: Jastwo
+ pub: Korčma
+ public_building: Zjawne twarjenje
+ reception_area: Přijimanski wobłuk
+ recycling: Přijimarnja starowiznow
+ restaurant: Hosćenc
+ retirement_home: Starownja
+ school: Šula
+ shelter: Podstup
+ shop: Wobchod
+ shopping: Nakup
+ social_club: Towarstwo
+ studio: Studijo
+ supermarket: Superwiki
+ taxi: Taksijowe zastanišćo
+ telephone: Zjawny telefon
+ theatre: Dźiwadło
+ toilets: Nuzniki
+ townhall: Radnica
+ university: Uniwersita
+ vending_machine: Awtomat
+ veterinary: Zwěrjacy lěkar
+ village_hall: Gmejnski centrum
+ wifi: Bjezgrotowy internetny přistup
+ youth_centre: Centrum za młodostnych
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Zarjadniska hranica
+ building:
+ bunker: Bunker
+ chapel: Kapałka
+ church: Cyrkej
+ city_hall: Radnica
+ dormitory: Studentski internat
+ flats: Bydlenja
+ hotel: Hotel
+ industrial: Industrijowe twarjenje
+ public: Zjawne twarjenje
+ shop: Wobchod
+ tower: Wěža
+ train_station: Dwórnišćo
+ university: Uniwersitne twarjenje
+ highway:
+ bridleway: Jěchanski puć
+ bus_guideway: Trolejbusowy milinowód
+ bus_stop: Busowe zastanišćo
+ byway: Pódlanski puć
+ construction: Dróha so twari
+ cycleway: Kolesowarska šćežka
+ distance_marker: Kilometernik
+ emergency_access_point: Přijimarnja njezbožow
+ footway: Pućik
+ ford: Bród
+ gate: Wrota
+ living_street: Cona z pomjeńšenym wobchadom
+ minor: Pódlanska hasa
+ motorway: Awtodróha
+ motorway_junction: Awtodróhowe křižnišćo
+ motorway_link: Přijězd na awtodróhu
+ path: Šćežka
+ pedestrian: Chódnik
+ platform: Platforma
+ primary: Dróha prěnjeho rjada
+ primary_link: Dróha prěnjeho rjada
+ raceway: Pista
+ road: Dróha
+ secondary: Dróha druheho rjada
+ secondary_link: Dróha druheho rjada
+ service: Dróha za přidróžnych
+ services: Awtodróhowy wotpočny hosćenc
+ steps: Schodźenki
+ stile: Płótne stupadło
+ tertiary: Dróha třećeho rjada
+ track: Pólny puć
+ trail: Šćežka
+ trunk: Dalokodróha
+ trunk_link: Dalokodróha
+ unclassified: Njezarjadowana dróha
+ unsurfaced: Njewobtwjerdźena dróha
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Archeologiske wurywanišćo
+ battlefield: Bitwišćo
+ boundary_stone: Měznik
+ building: Twarjenje
+ castle: Hród
+ church: Cyrkej
+ house: Dom
+ icon: Ikona
+ manor: Knježi dwór
+ memorial: Wopomnišćo
+ mine: Podkopki
+ monument: Pomnik
+ museum: Muzej
+ ruins: Rozpadanki
+ tower: Wěža
+ wreck: Wrak
+ landuse:
+ basin: Basenk
+ brownfield: Industrijowe lado
+ cemetery: Kěrchow
+ construction: Twar
+ farm: Farma
+ forest: Wužitny lěs
+ grass: Trawa
+ greenfield: Njewobtwarjena zemja
+ industrial: Industrijowa kónčina
+ meadow: Łuka
+ mine: Podkopki
+ mountain: Hora
+ nature_reserve: Přirodoškitne pasmo
+ park: Park
+ plaza: Naměsto
+ railway: Železnica
+ reservoir: Zběranski basenk
+ residential: Bydlenski wobwod
+ wood: Lěs
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Přibrjóžna kupjel
+ common: Gmejnski kraj
+ fishing: Rybnišćo
+ garden: Zahroda
+ golf_course: Golfownišćo
+ ice_rink: Smykanišćo
+ marina: Jachtowy přistaw
+ miniature_golf: Minigolf
+ nature_reserve: Přirodoškitne pasmo
+ park: Park
+ pitch: Sportnišćo
+ playground: Hrajkanišćo
+ recreation_ground: Wočerstwjenišćo
+ slipway: Helling
+ sports_centre: Sportowy centrum
+ stadium: Stadion
+ swimming_pool: Swimmingpool
+ track: Běhanišćo
+ water_park: Wodowy park
+ natural:
+ bay: Zaliw
+ beach: Přibrjóh
+ cape: Kap
+ cave_entrance: Prózdnjeński zachod
+ channel: Kanal
+ cliff: Wuskała
+ coastline: Pobrjóžna linija
+ crater: Krater
+ feature: Funkcija
+ fell: Fjeld
+ fjord: Fjord
+ geyser: Geiser
+ glacier: Lodowc
+ heath: Hola
+ hill: Hórka
+ island: Kupa
+ land: Kraj
+ marsh: Marša
+ moor: Bahno
+ mud: Błóto
+ peak: Špica
+ point: Dypk
+ reef: Rif
+ ridge: Horinski hrjebjeń
+ river: Rěka
+ rock: Skała
+ scree: Walanki
+ scrub: Kerki
+ shoal: Niłčina, pěsčišćo
+ spring: Žórło
+ strait: Mórska wužina
+ tree: Štom
+ valley: Doł
+ volcano: Wulkan
+ water: Wodźizny
+ wetland: Łučina
+ wetlands: Łučiny
+ wood: Lěs
+ place:
+ airport: Lětanišćo
+ city: Wulkoměsto
+ country: Kraj
+ county: Wobwod
+ farm: Farma
+ hamlet: Wjeska
+ house: Dom
+ houses: Domy
+ island: Kupa
+ islet: Kupka
+ locality: Sydlišćo
+ moor: Bahno
+ municipality: Gmejna
+ postcode: Postowe wodźenske čisło
+ region: Region
+ sea: Morjo
+ state: Zwjazkowy kraj
+ subdivision: Trabantowe město
+ suburb: Předměsto
+ town: Město
+ unincorporated_area: Bjezgmejnska kónčina
+ village: Wjes
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Rozpušćena železnica
+ construction: Železnica so twari
+ disused: Zastajena železnica
+ disused_station: Zawrjene dwórnišćo
+ halt: Železniske zastanišćo
+ light_rail: Měšćanska železnica
+ monorail: Jednokolijowa železnica
+ station: Dwórnišćo
+ subway: Metrowa stacija
+ tram: Tramwajka
+ tram_stop: Tramwajkowe zastanišćo
+ shop:
+ books: Kniharnja
+ butcher: Rěznik
+ car_dealer: Wikowar awtow
+ car_repair: Awtowa porjedźernja
+ carpet: Přestrjencowy wobchod
+ computer: Kompjuterowy wobchod
+ drugstore: Drogerija
+ fish: Rybowy wobchod
+ furniture: Meble
+ gallery: Galerija
+ garden_centre: Zahrodny centrum
+ grocery: Žiwidłowy wobchod
+ hifi: Hi-fi
+ jewelry: Debjenkowy wobchod
+ market: Wiki
+ optician: Optikar
+ photo: Fotograf
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Hórska bawda
+ artwork: Wuměłska twórba
+ attraction: Atrakcija
+ bed_and_breakfast: Přenocowanje ze snědanju
+ cabin: Chěžka
+ camp_site: Stanowanišćo
+ caravan_site: Campingowanišćo za caravany
+ chalet: Chata
+ guest_house: Hóstny dom
+ hostel: Hospoda
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Informacija
+ lean_to: Kólnja
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Muzej
+ picnic_site: Piknikowanišćo
+ theme_park: Temowy park
+ valley: Doł
+ viewpoint: Wuhladnišćo
+ zoo: Coo
+ waterway:
+ canal: Kanal
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}}-re {{parentdirection}} innen: {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: " {{distance}}-re {{direction}} innen: {{placename}}"
suffix_suburb: "{{suffix}} ({{parentname}})"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Repülőtér
+ atm: Bankjegykiadó automata
+ bank: Bank
+ bench: Pad
+ bicycle_rental: Kerékpárkölcsönző
+ bus_station: Buszállomás
+ cafe: Kávézó
+ car_rental: Autókölcsönző
+ car_wash: Autómosó
+ casino: Kaszinó
+ cinema: Mozi
+ dentist: Fogorvos
+ drinking_water: Ivóvíz
+ driving_school: Autósiskola
+ embassy: Nagykövetség
+ fast_food: Gyorsétterem
+ fire_station: Tűzoltóság
+ fuel: Üzemanyag
+ hospital: Kórház
+ hotel: Szálloda
+ ice_cream: Jégkrém
+ library: Könyvtár
+ office: Iroda
+ park: Park
+ pharmacy: Gyógyszertár
+ police: Rendőrség
+ post_box: Postaláda
+ post_office: Posta
+ prison: Börtön
+ sauna: Szauna
+ school: Iskola
+ taxi: Taxi
+ theatre: Színház
+ toilets: WC
+ townhall: Városháza
+ university: Egyetem
+ waste_basket: Szemétgyűjtő kosár
+ wifi: WiFi hozzáférés
+ building:
+ commercial: Kereskedelmi épület
+ entrance: Épületbejárat
+ flats: Lakások
+ garage: Garázs
+ hospital: Kórházépület
+ hotel: Szálloda
+ industrial: Ipari épület
+ public: Nyilvános épület
+ school: Iskolaépület
+ university: Egyetemi épület
+ highway:
+ bus_stop: Buszmegálló
+ construction: Építés alatt álló autópálya
+ footway: Gyalogút
+ steps: Lépcső
+ leisure:
+ garden: Kert
+ park: Park
+ stadium: Stadion
+ swimming_pool: Úszómedence
+ natural:
+ cave_entrance: Barlangbejárat
+ fjord: Fjord
+ geyser: Gejzír
+ glacier: Gleccser
+ hill: Domb
+ island: Sziget
+ reef: Zátony
+ river: Folyó
+ rock: Szikla
+ spring: Forrás
+ tree: Fa
+ valley: Völgy
+ volcano: Vulkán
+ place:
+ airport: Repülőtér
+ city: Város
+ farm: Farm
+ house: Ház
+ houses: Házak
+ island: Sziget
+ region: Régió
+ sea: Tenger
+ town: Város
+ village: Falu
+ railway:
+ tram_stop: Villamosmegálló
+ shop:
+ bicycle: Kerékpárüzlet
+ books: Könyvesbolt
+ car_parts: Autóalkatrész
+ carpet: Szőnyegbolt
+ doityourself: Barkácsbolt
+ fish: Halbolt
+ furniture: Bútor
+ gift: Ajándékbolt
+ hifi: Hi-Fi
+ laundry: Mosoda
+ sports: Sportbolt
+ toys: Játékbolt
+ travel_agency: Utazási iroda
+ tourism:
+ guest_house: Vendégpark
+ hotel: Szálloda
+ museum: Múzeum
+ zoo: Állatkert
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} af {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} af {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Flugvöllurinn
+ atm: Hraðbankinn
+ bar: Barinn
+ bicycle_rental: Reiðhjólaleigan
+ cafe: Kaffihúsið
+ car_wash: Bílaþvottastöðin
+ dentist: Tannlæknirinn
+ embassy: Sendiráðið
+ fast_food: Skyndibitastaðurinn
+ fire_hydrant: Brunahaninn
+ hospital: Sjúkrahúsið
+ hotel: Hótelið
+ library: Bókasafnið
+ post_box: Póstkassinn
+ prison: Fangelsið
+ pub: Pöbbinn
+ restaurant: Veitingastaðurinn
+ sauna: Gufubaðið
+ shop: Verslunin
+ theatre: Leikhúsið
+ building:
+ chapel: Kapellan
+ church: Kirkjan
+ highway:
+ ford: Vaðið
+ historic:
+ castle: Kastalinn
+ landuse:
+ military: Hersvæðið
+ leisure:
+ sports_centre: Íþróttamiðstöðin
+ swimming_pool: Sundlaugin
+ water_park: Vatnsleikjagarðurinn
+ natural:
+ beach: Ströndin
+ cave_entrance: Hellisop
+ crater: Gígurinn
+ fell: Fellið
+ fjord: Fjörðurinn
+ geyser: Goshverinn
+ glacier: Jökullinn
+ hill: Hæðin
+ island: Eyjan
+ peak: Fjallið eða tindurinn
+ reef: Rifið
+ river: Áin
+ tree: Tréð
+ valley: Dalurinn
+ volcano: Eldfjallið
+ water: Vatnið
+ place:
+ airport: Flugvöllurinn
+ city: Borgin
+ country: Landið
+ farm: Sveitabærinn
+ house: Húsið
+ islet: Smáeyjan
+ sea: Hafið
+ suburb: Hverfið
+ town: Bærinn
+ village: Þorpið
+ shop:
+ bakery: Bakaríið
+ bicycle: Hjólabúðin
+ books: Bókabúðin
+ butcher: Slátrarinn
+ car: Bílabúðin
+ carpet: Teppabúðin
+ clothes: Fatabúðin
+ computer: Tölvubúðin
+ electronics: Raftækjaverslunin
+ fish: Fiskbúðin
+ florist: Blómabúðin
+ food: Matbúðin
+ furniture: Húsgagnaverslunin
+ gift: Gjafabúðin
+ hardware: Verkfærabúðin
+ hifi: Hljómtækjabúðin
+ kiosk: Söluturninn
+ mobile_phone: Farsímaverslunin
+ outdoor: Útivistarbúðin
+ pet: Gæludýrabúðin
+ toys: Leikfangaverslunin
+ travel_agency: Ferðaskrifstofan
+ video: Videoleigan
+ tourism:
+ artwork: Listaverkið
+ hotel: Hótelið
+ museum: Safnið
+ valley: Dalurinn
+ zoo: Dýragarðurinn
+ waterway:
+ dam: Vatnsaflsvirkjunin
+ river: Áin
+ stream: Lækurinn
+ waterfall: Fossinn
# Exported from
# Export driver: syck
# Author: Bellazambo
+# Author: Davalv
changeset: "Gruppo di modifiche: {{id}}"
changesetxml: gruppo di modifiche XML
download: Scarica il {{changeset_xml_link}} oppure le {{osmchange_xml_link}}
+ feed:
+ title: Gruppo di modifiche {{id}}
+ title_comment: Gruppo di modifiche {{id}} - {{comment}}
osmchangexml: modificheOsm XML
title: Gruppo di modifiche
has_ways: "Possiede i seguenti {{count}} percorsi:"
no_bounding_box: Per questo gruppo di modifiche non è stato memorizzato alcun riquadro di selezione.
show_area_box: Mostra il riquadro dell'area
+ changeset_navigation:
+ all:
+ next_tooltip: Gruppo di modifiche successivo
+ prev_tooltip: Gruppo di modifiche precedente
+ user:
+ name_tooltip: Visualizza le modifiche di {{user}}
+ next_tooltip: Modifica successiva di {{user}}
+ prev_tooltip: Modifica precedente di {{user}}
+ changeset_comment: "Commento:"
edited_at: "Modificato il:"
edited_by: "Modificato da:"
in_changeset: "Nel gruppo di modifiche:"
download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_history_link}}"
download_xml: Scarica XML
+ edit: modifica
node: Nodo
node_title: "Nodo: {{node_name}}"
view_history: visualizza lo storico
download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_details_link}}"
download_xml: Scarica XML
node_history: Storico del nodo
+ node_history_title: "Storico del nodo: {{node_name}}"
view_details: visualizza i dettagli
sorry: Spiacenti, non è stato possibile trovare il {{type}} con l'identificativo {{id}}.
+ changeset: gruppo di modifiche
node: nodo
relation: relation
way: way
members: "Membri:"
part_of: "Parte di:"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_details_link}}"
+ download_xml: Scarica XML
relation_history: Storico della relazione
relation_history_title: "Storico della relazione: {{relation_name}}"
+ view_details: visualizza dettagli
+ relation_member:
+ entry_role: "{{type}} {{name}} come {{role}}"
+ type:
+ node: Nodo
+ relation: Relazione
+ way: Percorso
manually_select: Seleziona manualmente un'area differente
view_data: Visualizza i dati per la visualizzazione corrente della mappa
data_frame_title: Dati
+ data_layer_name: Dati
details: Dettagli
drag_a_box: Tracciare un riquadro sulla mappa per selezionare un'area
edited_by_user_at_timestamp: Modificato da [[user]] il [[timestamp]]
loading: Caricamento in corso...
manually_select: Seleziona manualmente un'area differente
+ api: Ottieni quest'area dalle API
+ back: Visualizza la lista degli oggetti
details: Dettagli
+ heading: Lista degli oggetti
+ history:
+ type:
+ node: Nodo [[id]]
+ way: Percorso [[id]]
+ selected:
+ type:
+ node: Nodo [[id]]
+ way: Percorso [[id]]
+ type:
+ node: Nodo
+ way: Percorso
private_user: utente privato
show_history: Visualizza storico
unable_to_load_size: "Impossibile caricare: la dimensione del riquadro di selezione di [[bbox_size]] è troppo grande (deve essere minore di {{max_bbox_size}})"
download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_history_link}}"
download_xml: Scarica XML
+ edit: modifica
view_history: visualizza lo storico
way: Percorso
way_title: "Percorso: {{way_name}}"
still_editing: (ancora in modifica)
view_changeset_details: Visualizza i dettagli del gruppo di modifiche
- showing_page: Visualizzata la pagina
+ showing_page: Visualizzata la pagina {{page}}
area: Area
comment: Commento
id: ID
saved_at: Salvato il
user: Utente
+ list:
+ description: Modifiche recenti
+ description_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche all'interno di {{bbox}}
+ description_user: Modifiche dell'utente {{user}}
+ description_user_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche dell'utente {{user}} all'interno di {{bbox}}
+ heading_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche
+ heading_user: Gruppi di modifiche
+ heading_user_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche
+ title: Gruppi di modifiche
+ title_bbox: Modifiche all'interno di {{bbox}}
+ title_user_bbox: Modifiche dell'utente {{user}} all'interno di {{bbox}}
comment_from: Commento di {{link_user}} il {{comment_created_at}}
+ confirm: Conferma
+ hide_link: Nascondi questo commento
one: 1 commento
other: "{{count}} commenti"
comment_link: Commento su questa voce
+ confirm: Conferma
edit_link: Modifica questa voce
posted_by: Inviato da {{link_user}} il {{created}} in {{language_link}}
reply_link: Rispondi a questa voce
heading: "Nessuna voce con l'identificativo: {{id}}"
body: Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato.
+ title: Nessun utente
leave_a_comment: Lascia un commento
+ login: Login
save_button: Salva
title: Diari degli utenti | {{user}}
user_title: Diario dell'utente {{user}}
manually_select: Seleziona manualmente un'area differente
view_larger_map: Visualizza una mappa più ampia
+ direction:
+ east: est
+ north: nord
+ north_east: nord-est
+ north_west: nord-ovest
+ south: sud
+ south_east: sud-est
+ south_west: sud-ovest
+ west: ovest
+ distance:
+ one: circa 1km
+ other: circa {{count}}km
+ zero: meno di 1km
no_results: Nessun risultato
osm_namefinder: Risultati da <a href="">OpenStreetMap Namefinder</a>
uk_postcode: Risultati da <a href="">NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode</a>
us_postcode: Risultati da <a href=""></a>
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Aeroporto
+ bank: Banca
+ bar: Bar
+ bicycle_parking: Parcheggio per biciclette
+ bicycle_rental: Noleggio biciclette
+ cafe: Cafe
+ car_rental: Autonoleggio
+ car_wash: Autolavaggio
+ casino: Casinò
+ cinema: Cinema
+ courthouse: Tribunale
+ crematorium: Crematorio
+ dentist: Dentista
+ dormitory: Dormitorio
+ embassy: Ambasciata
+ fast_food: Fast Food
+ fuel: Stazione di rifornimento
+ grave_yard: Cimitero
+ hospital: Ospedale
+ hotel: Hotel
+ ice_cream: Gelateria
+ library: Biblioteca
+ parking: Parcheggio
+ pharmacy: Farmacia
+ place_of_worship: Luogo di culto
+ police: Polizia
+ post_box: Cassetta delle lettere
+ post_office: Ufficio postale
+ prison: Prigione
+ pub: Pub
+ public_building: Edificio pubblico
+ restaurant: Ristorante
+ sauna: Sauna
+ supermarket: Supermercato
+ taxi: Taxi
+ telephone: Telefono pubblico
+ theatre: Teatro
+ townhall: Municipio
+ university: Università
+ vending_machine: Distributore automatico
+ veterinary: Veterinario
+ wifi: Punto di accesso WiFi
+ building:
+ church: Chiesa
+ dormitory: Dormitorio
+ highway:
+ bus_stop: Fermata autobus
+ steps: Scala
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Sito archeologico
+ castle: Castello
+ church: Chiesa
+ monument: Monumento
+ museum: Museo
+ leisure:
+ miniature_golf: Minigolf
+ natural:
+ bay: Baia
+ beach: Spiaggia
+ coastline: Linea di costa
+ geyser: Geyser
+ glacier: Ghiacciaio
+ island: Isola
+ volcano: Vulcano
+ place:
+ airport: Aeroporto
+ island: Isola
+ postcode: CAP
+ sea: Mare
+ shop:
+ bakery: Panetteria
+ books: Libreria
+ butcher: Macellaio
+ car: Concessionaria
+ dry_cleaning: Lavasecco
+ estate_agent: Agenzia immobiliare
+ florist: Fioraio
+ food: Alimentari
+ greengrocer: Fruttivendolo
+ grocery: Fruttivendolo
+ insurance: Assicurazioni
+ jewelry: Gioielleria
+ laundry: Lavanderia
+ optician: Ottico
+ supermarket: Supermercato
+ travel_agency: Agenzia di viaggi
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Rifugio alpino
+ bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
+ hostel: Ostello
+ hotel: Hotel
+ museum: Museo
+ zoo: Zoo
donate: Supporta OpenStreetMap {{link}} al fondo destinato all'aggiornamento dell'hardware.
donate_link_text: donando
edit: Modifica
export: Esporta
+ export_tooltip: Esporta i dati della mappa
gps_traces: Tracciati GPS
+ gps_traces_tooltip: Gestione tracciati
help_wiki: Aiuto & Wiki
history: Storico
+ history_tooltip: Storico delle modifiche
home: posizione iniziale
inbox: in arrivo ({{count}})
intro_1: OpenStreetMap è una mappa liberamente modificabile dell'intero pianeta. E' fatta da persone come te.
intro_3: L'hosting di OpenStreetMap è supportato gentilmente dalla {{ucl}} e {{bytemark}}.
log_in: entra
logout: esci
+ logout_tooltip: Esci
text: Fai una donazione
news_blog: Blog delle notizie
edit: Modifica
view: Visualizza
+ delete:
+ deleted: Messaggio eliminato
date: Data
from: Da
as_read: Messaggio marcato come letto
as_unread: Messaggio marcato come non letto
+ delete_button: Elimina
read_button: Marca come letto
reply_button: Rispondi
unread_button: Marca come non letto
title: Leggi messaggio
to: A
unread_button: Marca come non letto
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: Elimina
footer: Puoi anche leggere il commento su {{readurl}} e puoi commentare su {{commenturl}} oppure rispondere su {{replyurl}}
header: "{{from_user}} ha commentato la tua recente voce del diario OpenStreetMap con l'oggetto {{subject}}:"
hi: Salve {{to_user}},
+ email_confirm:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Conferma il tuo indirizzo email"
+ email_confirm_html:
+ greeting: Ciao,
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Ciao,
had_added_you: "{{user}} ti ha aggiunto come suo amico su OpenStreetMap."
see_their_profile: Puoi vedere il loro profilo su {{userurl}} e aggiungerli anche come amici, se lo si desidera.
+ gpx_notification:
+ and_no_tags: e nessuna etichetta.
+ and_the_tags: "e le seguenti etichette:"
+ failure:
+ failed_to_import: "fallito nell'importazione. Questo è l'errore:"
+ more_info_1: Ulteriori informazioni sulle importazioni GPX fallite e come evitarle
+ more_info_2: "possono essere trovate su:"
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Importazione GPX fallita"
+ greeting: Ciao,
+ success:
+ loaded_successfully: caricato con successo con {{trace_points}} dei possibili {{possible_points}} punti.
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Importazione GPX completata con successo"
+ with_description: con la descrizione
+ your_gpx_file: Assomiglia al tuo file GPX
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Ciao,
+ lost_password_plain:
+ greeting: Ciao,
+ message_notification:
+ hi: Ciao {{to_user}},
click_the_link: Se questo qualcuno sei tu, benvenuto! Clicca sul collegamento sottostante per confermare il tuo profilo ed avere ulteriori informazioni su OpenStreetMap.
current_user: Una lista degli utenti attuali nelle categorie, basate sul luogo in cui essi operano, è disponibile su <a href="">Category:Users_by_geographical_region</a>.
hopefully_you: Qualcuno (si spera tu) vuole creare un profilo
introductory_video: "Puoi guardare un video introduttivo su OpenStreetMap qui:"
more_videos: "Ci sono ulteriori video qui:"
- opengeodata: " è il blog di OpenStreetMap, che mette a disposizione anche dei podcast:"
+ opengeodata: " è il blog del fondatore di OpenStreetMap, Steve Coast, che mette a disposizione anche dei podcast:"
the_wiki: "Puoi avere altre informazioni su OpenStreetMap sul wiki:"
user_wiki_1: E' consigliato creare una pagina utente sul wiki, che includa delle etichette di categoria
user_wiki_2: che si riferiscano al luogo in si opera, come ad esempio [[Category:Users_in_Friuli-Venezia_Giulia]].
wiki_signup: "Ci si può anche iscrivere al wiki di OpenStreetMap a:"
+ oauth_clients:
+ edit:
+ submit: Modifica
+ form:
+ allow_read_prefs: leggi le sue preferenze utente.
+ allow_write_api: modifica la mappa.
+ allow_write_gpx: carica tracciati GPS.
+ name: Nome
+ required: Richiesto
+ index:
+ revoke: Revoca!
+ show:
+ allow_read_gpx: leggi i loro tracciati GPS privati.
+ allow_write_api: modifica la mappa.
+ allow_write_gpx: carica tracciati GPS.
+ allow_write_prefs: modifica le sue preferenze utente.
+ edit: Modifica dettagli
anon_edits_link_text: Leggi il perché.
permalink: Permalink
map_key: Legenda
+ table:
+ entry:
+ cemetery: Cimitero
search: Cerca
search_help: "esempi: 'Trieste', 'Via Dante Alighieri, Trieste', 'CB2 5AQ', oppure 'post offices near Trieste' <a href=''>altri esempi...</a>"
scheduled_for_deletion: Tracciato in attesa di essere eliminato
description: "Descrizione:"
+ download: scarica
edit: modifica
filename: "Nome file:"
+ heading: Modifica al tracciato {{name}}
+ map: mappa
owner: "Proprietario:"
points: "Punti:"
save_button: Salva modifiche
start_coord: "Coordinata iniziale:"
tags: "Etichette:"
+ tags_help: delimitato da virgola
+ title: Modifica al tracciato {{name}}
uploaded_at: "Caricato il:"
+ visibility: "Visibilità:"
+ visibility_help: che cosa significa questo?
public_traces: Tracciati GPS pubblici
public_traces_from: Tracciati GPS pubblici di {{user}}
made_public: Tracciato reso pubblico
body: Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato.
+ heading: L'utente {{user}} non esiste
+ title: Nessun utente
ago: "{{time_in_words_ago}} fa"
by: da
description: Descrizione
help: Aiuto
tags: Etichette
+ tags_help: delimitato da virgola
upload_button: Carica
upload_gpx: Carica file GPX
+ visibility: Visibilità
+ visibility_help: che cosa significa questo?
see_all_traces: Vedi tutti i tracciati
see_just_your_traces: Vedi solo i tuoi tracciati, o carica un tracciato
points: "Punti:"
start_coordinates: "Coordinata iniziale:"
tags: Etichette
+ title: Visualizzazione tracciato {{name}}
trace_not_found: Tracciato non trovato!
uploaded: "Caricato il:"
+ visibility: "Visibilità:"
+ visibility:
+ identifiable: Identificabile (visualizzato nella lista dei tracciati come identificabile, punti ordinati con marcature temporali)
+ private: Privato (condiviso solamente come anonimo, punti non ordinati)
+ public: Pubblico (visualizzato nella lista dei tracciati come anonimo, punti non ordinati)
+ trackable: Tracciabile (soltanto condiviso come anonimo, punti ordinati con marcature temporali)
email never displayed publicly: (mai visualizzato pubblicamente)
enabled link:
enabled link text: cos'è questo?
heading: "Modifiche pubbliche:"
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Modifica pubblica
+ text: Al momento le tue modifiche sono anonime e le persone non possono inviarti messaggi o vedere la tua posizione. Per rendere visibili le tue modifiche e per permettere agli altri utenti di contattarti tramite il sito, clicca sul pulsante sotto. <b>Dalla versione 0.6 delle API, soltanto gli utenti pubblici possono modificare i dati della mappa</b>. (<a href="">scopri perché</a>).<ul><li>Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà reso pubblico.</li><li>Questa decisione non può essere revocata e tutti i nuovi utenti sono ora pubblici in modo predefinito.</li></ul>
return to profile: Ritorna al profilo
save changes button: Salva modifiche
title: Modifica profilo
heading: Conferma una variazione di indirizzo email
press confirm button: Premere sul pulsante di conferma sottostante per confermare il nuovo indirizzo email.
success: L'indirizzo email è stato confermato, grazie per l'iscrizione!
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Bisogna essere amministratori per poter eseguire questa azione.
nearby mapper: "Mappatore vicino: [[nearby_user]]"
your location: Propria posizione
email address: "Indirizzo email:"
heading: Password dimenticata?
+ help_text: Inserire l'indirizzo email che si è utilizzato per l'iscrizione, a cui verrà inviato un collegamento che permetterà la reimpostazione della propria password.
new password button: Spediscimi una nuova password
notice email cannot find: Spiacenti, ma non è possibile trovare l'indirizzo email.
notice email on way: Siamo spiacenti che tu l'abbia persa :-( ma una email ti è stata spedita in modo che tu la possa presto reimpostare.
confirm password: "Conferma password:"
contact_webmaster: Si prega di contattare il <a href="">webmaster</a> affinchè faccia in modo di creare un profilo. Tenteremo di soddisfare la richiesta il più rapidamente possibile.
display name: "Nome visualizzato:"
+ display name description: Il proprio nome utente visualizzato pubblicamente. Può essere modificato più tardi nelle preferenze.
email address: "Indirizzo email:"
fill_form: Riempi il modulo e noi ti invieremo velocemente una email per attivare il tuo profilo.
flash create success message: L'utente è stato creato con successo. Controllare la propria email per conferma, e si sarà in grado di mappare immediatamente :-)<br /><br />Si ricorda che non si sarà in grado di effettuare l'accesso finché non si sarà ricevuta e confermata la propria email.<br /><br />Se si utilizza un sistema antispam che spedisce richieste di conferma allora assicurarsi di accreditare l'indirizzo altrimenti non siamo in grado di rispondere ad alcuna richiesta di conferma.
title: Crea profilo
body: Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato.
+ heading: L'utente {{user}} non esiste
+ title: Nessun utente
not_a_friend: "{{name}} non è uno dei tuoi amici."
success: "{{name}} è stato rimosso dai tuoi amici."
+ confirm password: "Conferma password:"
+ flash changed: La propria password è stata modificata.
flash token bad: Non è stato possibile trovare il codice. Controllare l'indirizzo URL.
+ heading: Reimposta password per {{user}}
+ password: "Password:"
+ reset: Reimposta password
title: reimposta la password
flash success: Posizione personale salvata con successo
+ activate_user: attiva questo utente
add as friend: aggiungi come amico
add image: Aggiungi immagine
ago: ({{time_in_words_ago}} fa)
+ block_history: visualizza i blocchi ricevuti
+ blocks by me: blocchi applicati da me
+ blocks on me: blocchi su di me
change your settings: modifica le impostazioni personali
+ confirm: Conferma
+ create_block: blocca questo utente
+ created from: "Creato da:"
+ deactivate_user: disattiva questo utente
delete image: Elimina immagine
+ delete_user: elimina questo utente
description: Descrizione
diary: diario
edits: modifiche
+ email address: "Indirizzo email:"
+ hide_user: nascondi questo utente
if set location: Se si imposta una propria posizione, una bella mappa ed altre informazioni compariranno di seguito. E' possibile impostare la propria posizione sulla pagina delle {{settings_link}}.
km away: distante {{count}} km
+ m away: "{{count}}m di distanza"
mapper since: "Mappatore dal:"
+ moderator_history: visualizza i blocchi applicati
my diary: diario personale
my edits: modifiche personali
my settings: impostazioni personali
no home location: Non è stato impostato alcun luogo.
no nearby users: Non c'è ancora alcun utente che ammette di mappare nelle vicinanze.
remove as friend: rimuovi come amico
+ role:
+ administrator: Questo utente è un amministratore
+ grant:
+ administrator: Assegna l'accesso come amministratore
+ moderator: Assegna l'accesso come moderatore
+ moderator: Questo utente è un moderatore
+ revoke:
+ administrator: Revoca l'accesso come amministratore
+ moderator: Revoca l'accesso come moderatore
send message: spedisci messaggio
settings_link_text: impostazioni
traces: tracciati
+ unhide_user: mostra questo utente
upload an image: Carica una immagine
user image heading: Immagine dell'utente
user location: Luogo dell'utente
your friends: Amici personali
+ user_block:
+ blocks_on:
+ title: Blocchi su {{name}}
+ edit:
+ back: Visualizza tutti i blocchi
+ heading: Modifica del blocco su {{name}}
+ submit: Aggiorna blocco
+ title: Modifica del blocco su {{name}}
+ index:
+ empty: Non è stato ancora applicato alcun blocco.
+ heading: Lista dei blocchi dell'utente
+ title: Blocchi dell'utente
+ new:
+ back: Visualizza tutti i blocchi
+ heading: Creazione del blocco su {{name}}
+ needs_view: L'utente deve entrare prima che questo blocco sia cancellato.
+ submit: Crea blocco
+ title: Creazione del blocco su {{name}}
+ tried_waiting: Ho dato una ragionevole quantità di tempo all'utente per rispondere a queste comunicazioni.
+ not_found:
+ back: Ritorna all'indice
+ partial:
+ confirm: Sei sicuro?
+ creator_name: Autore
+ display_name: Utente bloccato
+ edit: Modifica
+ not_revoked: (non revocato)
+ reason: Motivo del blocco
+ revoke: Revoca!
+ revoker_name: Revocato da
+ show: Mostra
+ status: Stato
+ revoke:
+ flash: Questo blocco è stato revocato.
+ revoke: Revoca!
+ time_future: Questo blocco terminerà in {{time}}.
+ show:
+ edit: Modifica
+ show: Mostra
+ status: Stato
+ update:
+ success: Blocco aggiornato.
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ already_has_role: L'utente possiede già il ruolo {{role}}.
+ doesnt_have_role: L'utente non possiede il ruolo {{role}}.
+ not_a_role: La stringa `{{role}}' non è un ruolo valido.
+ not_an_administrator: Solo gli amministratori possono gestire i ruoli degli utenti, e tu non sei un amministratore.
+ grant:
+ are_you_sure: Si è sicuri di voler assegnare il ruolo `{{role}}' all'utente `{{name}}'?
+ confirm: Conferma
+ fail: Impossibile assegnare il ruolo `{{role}}' all'utente `{{name}}'. Si prega di controllare che l'utente ed il ruolo siano entrambi validi.
+ heading: Conferma l'assegnazione del ruolo
+ title: Conferma l'assegnazione del ruolo
+ revoke:
+ are_you_sure: Si è sicuri di voler revocare il ruolo `{{role}}' dall'utente `{{name}}'?
+ confirm: Conferma
+ fail: Impossibile revocare il ruolo `{{role}}' dall'utente `{{name}}'. Si prega di controllare che utente e ruolo siano entrambi validi.
+ heading: Conferma la revoca del ruolo
+ title: Conferma la revoca del ruolo
news_blog_tooltip: OpenStreetMap に関するニュースブログ。free geographical data, etc.
osm_offline: OpenStreetMap のデータベースはメンテナンスのため一時的に停止しています。
osm_read_only: OpenStreetMap のデータベースはメンテナンスのため一時的に読み込み専用モードになっています。
- shop: åº\97
+ shop: ã\82·ã\83§ã\83\83ã\83\97
shop_tooltip: OpenStreetMap ブランドの店舗
sign_up: 登録
sign_up_tooltip: 編集できるアカウントを作成する
subject: "[OpenStreetMap] あなたのEメールアドレスを確認しました。"
click_the_link: この要求を出したのがあなたなら、下のリンクをクリックして、変更の認証をしてください。
- greeting: ã\82\84ã\81\82ã\80\81
+ greeting: ã\81\93ã\82\93ã\81«ã\81¡ã\81¯ã\80\82
hopefully_you_1: "(あなただとは思いますが、)誰かが彼らのEメールアドレスを変更したいようです。変更先:"
hopefully_you_2: "{{server_url}}から{{new_address}}へ。"
subject: "[OpenStreetMap] パスワードリセットの要求"
- greeting: ã\82\84ã\81\82ã\80\81
+ greeting: ã\81\93ã\82\93ã\81«ã\81¡ã\81¯ã\80\82
hopefully_you: (たぶんあなたがですが、)誰かがこのEメールアドレスの アカウントのパスワードをリセットするように頼みました。
hi: やあ {{to_user}}、
allow_write_api: 地図を修正する。
allow_write_gpx: GPSトレースをアップロードする。
name: 名前
+ index:
+ application: アプリケーション
+ my_tokens: 認証を許可したアプリケーション
submit: 登録
js_1: JavaScriptをサポートしていないブラウザを使用しているか、JavaScriptを使用不可に設定しています。
js_2: OpenStreetMapは、地図表示にJavaScriptを使用しています。
- js_3: JavaScriptã\82\92使ã\81\88ã\81ªã\81\84å ´å\90\88ã\81¯<a href="">Tiles@Homeã\81®é\9d\99ç\9a\84ã\81ªå\9c°å\9b³ã\83\96ã\83©ã\82¦ã\82¶</a>ã\82\92試ã\81\97ã\81¦ã\81¯ã\81\84ã\81\8bã\81\8cã\81§ã\81\99か。
+ js_3: JavaScriptã\82\92使ã\81\88ã\81ªã\81\84å ´å\90\88ã\81¯<a href="">Tiles@Homeã\81®é\9d\99ç\9a\84ã\81ªå\9c°å\9b³ã\83\96ã\83©ã\82¦ã\82¶</a>ã\82\92試ã\81\97ã\81¦ã\81¿ã\81¦ã\81¯ã\81\84ã\81\8bã\81\8cã\81§ã\81\97ã\82\87ã\81\86か。
license_name: クリエイティブコモンズ 表示-継承 2.0
notice: " {{project_name}}とその貢献者により、{{license_name}} ライセンスの元提供されています。"
heading: z{{zoom_level}} 用凡例
search: 検索
- search_help: "例: 'Alkmaar'、'Regent Street, Cambridge'、'CB2 5AQ'、'post offices near Lünen' など <a href=''>他の例…</a>"
+ search_help: "例: '名古屋城'、'名寄市'、'New York'、'皇居' など <a href=''>他の例…</a>"
submit_text: 行く
where_am_i: いまどこ?
where_am_i_title: サーチエンジンを使って現在の場所を記述する
search_results: 検索結果
- trace_uploaded: あなたの GPX ファイルはアップロードされませいた。データベースへの登録に暫く時間がかかります。通常この作業は30分ほどで終了し、終了をお知らせするメールをあなたに送信します。
+ trace_uploaded: GPX ファイルがアップロードされました。データベースへの登録にすこし時間がかかります。通常この作業は30分ほどで終了し、終了をお知らせするメールをあなたに送信します。
upload_trace: GPS トレースのアップロード
scheduled_for_deletion: 削除予定のトラック
airport: Luchthaven
atm: Geldautomaat
+ auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bench: Bankje
cinema: Bioscoop
clinic: Kliniek
club: Club
+ college: Middelbare school
community_centre: Gemeenschapscentrum
courthouse: Rechtbank
crematorium: Crematorium
dentist: Tandarts
doctors: Dokter
+ dormitory: Studentenhuis
drinking_water: Drinkwater
driving_school: Rijschool
embassy: Ambassade
+ emergency_phone: Noodtelefoon
fast_food: Fast food
ferry_terminal: Veerterminal
fire_hydrant: Brandkraan
fuel: Brandstof
grave_yard: Begraafplaats
gym: Fitnesscentrum
+ hall: Hal
health_centre: Gezondheidscentrum
hospital: Ziekenhuis
hotel: Hotel
+ hunting_stand: Jachttoren
ice_cream: IJs
kindergarten: Kleuterschool
library: Bibliotheek
market: Markt
+ marketplace: Marktplein
+ mountain_rescue: Reddingsdienst
nightclub: Nachtclub
+ nursery: Peuterspeelzaal
+ nursing_home: Verpleeghuis
office: Kantoor
park: Park
parking: Parkeren
police: Politie
post_box: Brievenbus
post_office: Postkantoor
+ preschool: Peuterspeelzaal of kleuterschool
prison: Gevangenis
pub: Café
public_building: Openbaar gebouw
+ public_market: Openbare markt
restaurant: Restaurant
retirement_home: Bejaardenhuis
sauna: Sauna
shelter: Beschutting
shop: Winkel
shopping: Winkelen
+ studio: Eenkamerappartement
supermarket: Supermarkt
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Openbare telefoon
university: Universiteit
vending_machine: Automaat
veterinary: Dierenarts
+ village_hall: Gemeentehuis
waste_basket: Prullenbak
wifi: Wifi-toegang
+ youth_centre: Jeugdcentrum
administrative: Administratieve grens
+ apartments: Appartementen
bunker: Bunker
chapel: Kapel
church: Kerk
city_hall: Gemeentehuis
+ commercial: Commercieel gebouw
+ dormitory: Studentenhuis
+ entrance: Ingang
+ faculty: Faculteitsgebouw
+ farm: Agrarisch gebouw
flats: Flats
garage: Garage
+ hall: Hal
+ hospital: Ziekenhuis
hotel: Hotel
house: Huis
+ industrial: Industrieel gebouw
+ office: Kantoorgebouw
+ public: Openbaar gebouw
+ residential: Woningen
+ retail: Winkelpand
+ school: Schoolgebouw
shop: Winkel
stadium: Stadion
store: Winkel
terrace: Terras
tower: Toren
+ train_station: Spoorwegstation
+ university: Universiteitsgebouw
bridleway: Ruiterpad
+ bus_guideway: Vrijliggende busbaan
bus_stop: Bushalte
+ byway: Onverharde weg
+ construction: Snelweg in aanbouw
+ cycleway: Fietspad
+ distance_marker: Afstandsmarkering
footway: Voetpad
+ ford: Voorde
gate: Slagboom
+ living_street: Woonerf
+ motorway: Autosnelweg
motorway_junction: Autosnelwegknooppunt
+ motorway_link: Autosnelwegverbindingsweg
path: Pad
+ primary: Primaire weg
+ primary_link: Primaire weg
+ raceway: Racecircuit
+ residential: Woonerf
road: Weg
+ secondary: Secundaire weg
secondary_link: Secundaire weg
+ service: Parallelweg
steps: Trap
+ stile: Overstap
+ tertiary: Tertiaire weg
+ track: Pad
trail: Pad
+ trunk_link: Autoweg
+ unclassified: Ongeclassificeerde weg
+ unsurfaced: Onverharde weg
+ archaeological_site: Archeologische vindplaats
battlefield: Slagveld
building: Gebouw
castle: Kasteel
basin: Waterbekken
brownfield: Braakliggend terrein
cemetery: Begraafplaats
+ commercial: Commercieel gebied
construction: In aanbouw
farm: Boerderij
+ farmland: Gecultiveerd areaal
+ farmyard: Boerenerf
forest: Bos
grass: Gras
+ greenfield: Stadsgroen
+ industrial: Industrieel gebied
landfill: Stortplaats
meadow: Weide
military: Miltair gebied
recreation_ground: Recreatiegebied
reservoir: Reservoir
residential: Woonwijk
+ retail: Winkels
village_green: Stadsgroen
vineyard: Wijngaard
wetland: Moeras
wood: Hout
+ beach_resort: Badplaats
+ common: Meent
+ fishing: Visgrond
garden: Tuin
golf_course: Golfbaan
ice_rink: IJsbaan
miniature_golf: Midgetgolf
nature_reserve: Natuurreservaat
park: Park
+ pitch: Sportveld
playground: Speelplaats
+ recreation_ground: Recreatiegebied
+ slipway: Trailerhelling
sports_centre: Sportcentrum
stadium: Stadion
swimming_pool: Zwembad
track: Atletiekbaan
+ water_park: Waterspeelpark
bay: Baai
beach: Strand
cliff: Klif
coastline: Kustlijn
crater: Krater
+ fell: Fjell
fjord: Fjord
geyser: Geiser
glacier: Gletsjer
peak: Spits
point: Punt
reef: Rif
+ ridge: Bergkam
river: Rivier
rock: Rotsen
scree: Puin
country: District
county: District
farm: Boerderij
+ hamlet: Gehucht
house: Huis
houses: Huizen
island: Eiland
region: Regio
sea: Zee
state: Staat
+ subdivision: Deelgebied
suburb: Buitenwijk
town: Stad
+ unincorporated_area: Gemeentevrij gebied
village: Dorp
+ abandoned: Vervallen spoorweg
+ construction: Spoor in aanbouw
+ disused: Ongebruikte spoorweg
+ disused_station: Ongebruikt spoorwegstation
funicular: Kabelspoorweg
halt: Treinhalte
+ junction: Spoorwegkruising
level_crossing: Gelijkvloerse kruising
+ light_rail: Lightrail
monorail: Monorail
+ platform: Spoorwegplatform
+ spur: Parallelspoorweg
+ station: Spoorwegstation
+ subway: Metrostation
subway_entrance: Metroingang
+ switch: Spoogwegpunten
tram_stop: Tramhalte
+ yard: Rangeerterrein
+ alcohol: Verkooppunt alcoholische dranken
art: Kunstwinkel
bakery: Bakkerij
+ beauty: Schoonheidssalon
bicycle: Fietsenwinkel
books: Boekenwinkel
butcher: Slagerij
car_parts: Autoonderdelen
car_repair: Autogarage
chemist: Apotheek
+ clothes: Kledingwinkel
computer: Computerwinkel
+ convenience: Gemakswinkel
+ copyshop: Copyshop
+ cosmetics: Cosmeticawinkel
department_store: Warenhuis
+ discount: Discountwinkel
+ doityourself: Doe-het-zelf-winkel
drugstore: Apotheek
dry_cleaning: Stomerij
+ electronics: Elektronicawinkel
estate_agent: Makelaar
+ farm: Boerenwinkel
fashion: Kledingwinkel
fish: Viswinkel
florist: Bloemist
garden_centre: Tuincentrum
general: Algemene winkel
gift: Cadeauwinkel
+ greengrocer: Groenteboer
grocery: Groentenwinkel
hairdresser: Kapper
hardware: Gereedschappenwinkel
mobile_phone: Mobiele telefoons
motorcycle: Motorfietsenwinkel
music: Muziekwinkel
+ newsagent: Straatkiosk
optician: Opticien
+ organic: Organische winkel
+ outdoor: Buitensportwinkel
pet: Dierenwinkel
photo: Fotowinkel
+ salon: Schoonheidssalon
shoes: Schoenenzaak
shopping_centre: Winkelcentrum
sports: Sportwinkel
+ stationery: Kantoorartikelenwinkel
supermarket: Supermarkt
toys: Speelgoedwinkel
travel_agency: Reisbureau
video: Videotheek
+ wine: Verkooppunt alcoholische dranken
alpine_hut: Berghut
artwork: Kunst
camp_site: Kampeerterrein
caravan_site: Caravankampeerterrein
chalet: Vakantiehuisje
+ guest_house: Gastenverblijf
hostel: Jeugdherberg
hotel: Hotel
information: Informatie
+ lean_to: Open schutplaats
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Picknickplaats
theme_park: Pretpark
valley: Vallei
+ viewpoint: Bijzonder uitzicht
zoo: Dierentuin
boatyard: Scheepswerf
canal: Kanaal
+ connector: Waterverbinding
dam: Dam
derelict_canal: Onbeheerd kanaal
+ ditch: Sloot
+ dock: Dock
drain: Afvoerkanaal
+ lock: Sluis
+ lock_gate: Sluisdeur
+ mineral_spring: Bron
+ mooring: Aanlegplaats
rapids: Stroomversnelling
river: Rivier
+ riverbank: Rivierbedding
stream: Stroom
wadi: Beek
+ water_point: Waterpunt
+ waterfall: Waterval
weir: Stuwdam
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ parking: Стоянка
+ theatre: Театр
+ historic:
+ building: Здание
+ house: Дом
+ museum: Музей
+ landuse:
+ allotments: Сады-огороды
+ piste: Лыжня
+ railway:
+ subway_entrance: Вход в метро
+ tram: Трамвай
+ tourism:
+ museum: Музей
+ zoo: Зоопарк
+ waterway:
+ river: Река
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} від {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ cafe: Кафе
+ car_sharing: Прокат авто
+ club: Клуб
+ crematorium: Крематорій
+ market: Ринок
+ post_office: Пошта
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Адміністративний кордон
+ building:
+ apartments: Житловий масив
+ block: Квартал
+ bunker: Бункер
+ chapel: Каплиця
+ church: Храм
+ city_hall: Мерія
+ commercial: Комерційна нерухомість
+ dormitory: Гуртожиток
+ farm: Ферма
+ garage: Гараж
+ hall: Зала
+ hospital: Лікарня
+ hotel: Готель
+ house: Будинок
+ industrial: Промислова споруда
+ office: Офісний будинок
+ residential: Житловий будинок
+ school: Школа
+ shop: Магазин
+ stadium: Стадіон
+ store: Склад
+ tower: Башта
+ train_station: Залізнична станція
+ university: Університет
+ highway:
+ bridleway: Дорога для їзди верхи
+ bus_stop: Автобусна зупинка
+ construction: Будівництво автомагітсралі
+ cycleway: Велосипедна доріжка
+ distance_marker: Верстовий камінь
+ emergency_access_point: Пункт швидкої допомоги
+ footway: Пішохідна доріжка
+ ford: Броди
+ gate: Ворота
+ living_street: Житлова зона
+ motorway: Автомагістраль
+ motorway_junction: В'їзд на автомагістраль
+ motorway_link: З’єднання з автомагістраллю
+ path: алея
+ pedestrian: Пішохідна дорога
+ platform: Платформа
+ primary: Головна дорога
+ primary_link: З’єднання з головною дорогою
+ road: Дорога
+ secondary: Другорядна дорога
+ secondary_link: З’єднання з другорядною дорогою
+ service: Службова дорога
+ steps: Стежка
+ stile: Турнікет
+ tertiary: Третьорядна дорога
+ trail: Стежка
+ unclassified: Дорога без класифікації
+ unsurfaced: Дорога без покриття
+ historic:
+ battlefield: Поле битви
+ church: Храм
+ ruins: Руїни
+ tower: Башта
+ landuse:
+ construction: Будівництво
+ landfill: Звалище
+ mountain: Гори
+ railway: Залізниця
+ recreation_ground: База відпочинку
+ reservoir: Водосховище
+ residential: Житловий квартал
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Пляжний курорт
+ common: Громадська земля
+ fishing: Район риболовлі
+ garden: Сад
+ golf_course: Поле для гольфу
+ ice_rink: Ковзанка
+ marina: Гавань для екскурсійних суден
+ miniature_golf: Міні-гольф
+ nature_reserve: Заповідник
+ park: Парк
+ pitch: Спортмайданчик
+ playground: Дитячий майданчик
+ recreation_ground: База відпочинку
+ sports_centre: Спортивний центр
+ stadium: Стадіон
+ swimming_pool: Басейн
+ track: Бігова доріжка
+ water_park: Аквапарку
+ natural:
+ bay: Затока
+ beach: Пляж
+ cape: Мис
+ cave_entrance: Входу в печеру
+ channel: Канал
+ cliff: Скеля
+ coastline: Узбережжя
+ crater: Кратер
+ fell: Вирубка
+ fjord: Фіорд
+ geyser: Гейзер
+ glacier: Льодовик
+ heath: Степ
+ hill: Пагорб
+ island: Острів
+ land: Земля
+ marsh: Болото
+ moor: Торф
+ mud: Грязюка
+ peak: Пік
+ point: Точка
+ reef: Риф
+ ridge: Гірський хребет
+ river: Ріка
+ rock: Скеля
+ scree: Щебінь
+ scrub: Чагарник
+ shoal: Мілина
+ spring: Джерело
+ strait: Перешийок
+ tree: Дерево
+ valley: Долина
+ volcano: Вулкан
+ water: Вода
+ wetland: Водно-болотні угіддя
+ wetlands: Водно-болотні угіддя
+ wood: Гай
+ place:
+ airport: Аеропорт
+ city: Місто
+ country: Країна
+ county: Район
+ farm: Ферма
+ hamlet: Хутір
+ house: Будинок
+ houses: Дома
+ island: Острів
+ islet: Острівець
+ locality: Населений пункт
+ moor: Мур
+ municipality: Муніципалітет
+ postcode: Індекс
+ sea: Море
+ subdivision: Підрозділ
+ suburb: Передмістя
+ town: Місто
+ unincorporated_area: Неприєднанні території
+ village: Село
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Кинуті колії
+ funicular: Фунікулер
+ halt: Зупинка поїзда
+ junction: Переїзд
+ monorail: Монорейка
+ narrow_gauge: Вузькоколійка
+ platform: Залізнична платформа
+ preserved: Законсервовані колії
+ spur: Залізнична гілка
+ station: Залізнична станція
+ subway: Станція метро
+ subway_entrance: Вхід в метро
+ switch: Стрілка
+ tram: Трамвайні колії
+ tram_stop: Трамвайна зупинка
+ yard: Депо
+ shop:
+ alcohol: Спритні напої
+ art: Художній салон
+ bakery: Хліб
+ beauty: Салон краси
+ bicycle: Веломагазин
+ books: Книгарня
+ butcher: М’ясо
+ car: Автомагазин
+ car_dealer: Автосалон
+ car_parts: Автозапчастини
+ car_repair: Авто майстерня
+ carpet: Килими
+ chemist: Хімтовари
+ clothes: Одяг
+ computer: Комп’ютерна крамниця
+ confectionery: Кондитерська
+ copyshop: Послуги копіювання
+ cosmetics: Магазин косметики
+ department_store: Універмаг
+ doityourself: Зроби сам
+ drugstore: Аптека
+ dry_cleaning: Хімчистка
+ electronics: Магазин електроніки
+ estate_agent: Агентство нерухомості
+ farm: Сільпо
+ fish: Риба
+ florist: Квіти
+ food: Продовольчі товари
+ funeral_directors: Ритуальні послуги
+ furniture: Меблі
+ gallery: Галерея
+ general: Універсам
+ gift: Подарунки
+ greengrocer: Овочі, фрукти
+ grocery: Бакалія
+ hairdresser: Перукар
+ hardware: Хозтовари
+ insurance: Страхування
+ jewelry: Ювелірний магазин
+ kiosk: Кіоск
+ laundry: Пральня
+ mall: Торгівельно-розважальний центр
+ market: Магазин
+ mobile_phone: Мобільні телефони
+ motorcycle: Мотоцикли
+ music: Музика
+ newsagent: Газетний кіоск
+ optician: Оптика
+ pet: Зоомагазин
+ photo: Фотомагазин
+ salon: Салон
+ shoes: Взуття
+ sports: Спортивні товари
+ stationery: Канцтовари
+ supermarket: Супермаркет
+ toys: Іграшки
+ travel_agency: Туристична агенція
+ video: Відео
+ wine: Вино
+ tourism:
+ artwork: Образотворче мистецтво
+ attraction: Цікаві місця
+ bed_and_breakfast: Ліжко та сніданок
+ cabin: Кабіна
+ camp_site: Турбаза
+ caravan_site: Майданчик для трейлерів
+ chalet: Шале
+ guest_house: Гостьовий будинок
+ hostel: Хостел
+ hotel: Готель
+ information: Інформація
+ lean_to: Навіс
+ motel: Мотель
+ museum: Музей
+ picnic_site: Місце для пікніків
+ theme_park: Тематичний парк
+ valley: Долина
+ viewpoint: Оглядовий майданчик
+ zoo: Зоопарк
+ waterway:
+ boatyard: Верф
+ canal: Канал
+ dam: Дамба
+ ditch: Рів
+ dock: Док
+ drain: Дренажний канал
+ lock: Шлюз
+ lock_gate: Шлюзові ворота
+ mineral_spring: Мінеральне джерело
+ mooring: Якірна стоянка
+ rapids: Пороги
+ river: Ріка
+ riverbank: Берег ріки
+ stream: Струмок
+ waterfall: Водоспад
+ weir: Ставок
donate: Підтримайте OpenStreetMap {{link}} у фонді оновлення обладнання.
donate_link_text: пожертвування
gps_traces_tooltip: Працювати з треками
help_wiki: Довідка та Вікі
help_wiki_tooltip: Довідка та Вікі проекту
+ help_wiki_url:
history: Історія
history_tooltip: Історія наборів змін
home: додому
unread_button: Позначити як непрочитане
delete_button: Вилучити
+ notifier:
+ signup_confirm_plain:
+ the_wiki_url:
+ wiki_signup_url:
anon_edits_link_text: З’ясувати в чому справа.
farm: Ферма
footway: Пішохідна доріжка
forest: Ліс
+ golf: Поле для гольфу
heathland: Пустище
industrial: Промисловий район
- Школа
- університет
secondary: Другорядна дорога
+ station: Залізнична станція
subway: Лінія метро
- Вершина
- пік
tourist: Визначні пам'ятки
+ tram:
+ - трамвай
wood: Гай
search: Пошук
your friends: Ваші друзі
- already_has_role: Користувач вже маж роль — {{role}}.
+ already_has_role: Користувач вже має роль — {{role}}.
doesnt_have_role: Користувач не маж ролі {{role}}.
not_a_role: Рядок «{{role}}» не є припустимою роллю.
not_an_administrator: Тільки адміністратори можуть керувати ролями користувачів, а ви не є адміністратором.
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} về phía {{parentdirection}} của {{parentname}})"
suffix_place: ", {{distance}} về phía {{direction}} của {{placename}}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: Sân bay
+ arts_centre: Trung tâm Nghệ thuật
+ atm: Máy Rút tiền Tự động
+ bank: Ngân hàng
+ bench: Ghế
+ bicycle_parking: Chỗ Đậu Xe đạp
+ bicycle_rental: Chỗ Mướn Xe đạp
+ cafe: Quán Cà phê
+ car_rental: Chỗ Mướn Xe
+ car_wash: Tiệm Rửa Xe
+ casino: Sòng bạc
+ cinema: Rạp phim
+ college: Trường Cao đẳng
+ community_centre: Trung tâm Cộng đồng
+ courthouse: Tòa
+ dentist: Nha sĩ
+ doctors: Bác sĩ
+ dormitory: Ký túc xá
+ drinking_water: Vòi Nước uống
+ driving_school: Trường Lái xe
+ embassy: Tòa Đại sứ
+ emergency_phone: Điện thoại Khẩn cấp
+ fast_food: Nhà hàng Ăn nhanh
+ ferry_terminal: Trạm Phà
+ fire_hydrant: Vòi nước Máy
+ fire_station: Trạm Cứu hỏa
+ fountain: Vòi nước
+ fuel: Cây xăng
+ grave_yard: Nghĩa địa
+ health_centre: Trung tâm Y tế
+ hospital: Bệnh viện
+ hotel: Khách sạn
+ ice_cream: Tiệm Kem
+ kindergarten: Tiểu học
+ library: Thư viện
+ market: Chợ
+ marketplace: Chợ phiên
+ nursery: Nhà trẻ
+ office: Văn phòng
+ park: Công viên
+ parking: Chỗ Đậu xe
+ pharmacy: Nhà thuốc
+ place_of_worship: Nơi Thờ phụng
+ police: Cảnh sát
+ post_box: Hòm thư
+ post_office: Bưu điện
+ preschool: Trường Mầm non
+ prison: Nhà tù
+ public_market: Chợ phiên
+ restaurant: Nhà hàng
+ sauna: Nhà Tắm hơi
+ school: Trường học
+ shop: Tiệm
+ shopping: Tiệm
+ supermarket: Siêu thị
+ taxi: Taxi
+ telephone: Điện thoại Công cộng
+ theatre: Nhà hát
+ toilets: Vệ sinh
+ university: Trường Đại học
+ waste_basket: Thùng rác
+ highway:
+ bridleway: Đường Cưỡi ngựa
+ bus_stop: Chỗ Đậu Xe buýt
+ construction: Đường Đang Xây
+ cycleway: Đường Xe đạp
+ footway: Đường bộ
+ gate: Cổng
+ minor: Đường Nhỏ
+ motorway: Đường Cao tốc
+ motorway_junction: Ngã tư Đường Cao tốc
+ pedestrian: Đường bộ Lớn
+ primary: Đường Chính
+ primary_link: Đường Chính
+ raceway: Đường đua
+ road: Đường
+ secondary_link: Đường Lớn
+ service: Đường phụ
+ steps: Cầu thang
+ trail: Đường mòn
+ trunk_link: Xa lộ
+ unsurfaced: Đường Không Lát
+ leisure:
+ fishing: Hồ Đánh cá
+ garden: Vườn
+ golf_course: Sân Golf
+ ice_rink: Sân băng
+ park: Công viên
+ pitch: Bãi Thể thao
+ sports_centre: Trung tâm Thể thao
+ stadium: Sân vận động
+ natural:
+ bay: Vịnh
+ beach: Bãi biển
+ cape: Mũi đất
+ cliff: Vách đá
+ coastline: Bờ biển
+ glacier: Sông băng
+ hill: Đồi
+ island: Đảo
+ land: Đất
+ moor: Truông
+ peak: Đỉnh
+ river: Sông
+ spring: Suối
+ strait: Eo biển
+ tree: Cây
+ valley: Thung lũng
+ volcano: Núi lửa
+ water: Nước
+ wood: Rừng
+ place:
+ airport: Sân bay
+ city: Thành phố
+ country: Quốc gia
+ county: Quận hạt
+ farm: Trại
+ house: Nhà ở
+ island: Đảo
+ locality: Địa phương
+ postcode: Mã Bưu điện
+ region: Miền
+ sea: Biển
+ state: Tỉnh bang
+ subdivision: Hàng xóm
+ suburb: Ngoại ô
+ town: Thị xã/trấn
+ village: Làng
+ shop:
+ bicycle: Tiệm Xe đạp
+ books: Tiệm Sách
+ car_dealer: Tiệm Xe hơi
+ car_repair: Tiệm Sửa Xe
+ carpet: Tiệm Thảm
+ chemist: Nhà thuốc
+ clothes: Tiệm Quần áo
+ computer: Tiệm Máy tính
+ confectionery: Tiệm Kẹo
+ convenience: Tiệm Tập hóa
+ drugstore: Nhà thuốc
+ fashion: Tiệm Thời trang
+ fish: Tiệm Cá
+ grocery: Tiệm Tạp phẩm
+ hairdresser: Tiệm Làm tóc
+ insurance: Bảo hiểm
+ market: Chợ
+ music: Tiệm Nhạc
+ optician: Tiệm Kính mắt
+ photo: Tiệm Rửa Hình
+ salon: Tiệm Làm tóc
+ supermarket: Siêu thị
+ toys: Tiệm Đồ chơi
+ travel_agency: Văn phòng Du lịch
+ video: Tiệm Phim
+ tourism:
+ attraction: Nơi Du lịch
+ hotel: Khách sạn
+ information: Thông tin
+ museum: Bảo tàng
+ valley: Thung lũng
+ zoo: Vườn thú