- airport: Lughawe
arts_centre: Kunssentrum
atm: OTM
- auditorium: Ouditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Kroeg
bench: Bank
casino: Casino
cinema: Bioskoop
clinic: Kliniek
- club: Klub
college: Kollege
community_centre: Gemeenskap-sentrum
courthouse: Hof
fountain: Fontein
fuel: Brandstof
grave_yard: Begraafplaas
- hall: Saal
health_centre: Gesondheidsentrum
hospital: Hospitaal
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Jagtoring
ice_cream: Roomys
kindergarten: Kleuterskool
nursery: Kleuterskool
nursing_home: Verpleeghuis
office: Kantoor
- park: Park
parking: Parkade
pharmacy: Apteek
place_of_worship: Plek van aanbidding
prison: Tronk
pub: Kroeg
public_building: Openbare gebou
- public_market: Openbare mark
reception_area: Ontvangsarea
recycling: Herwinningspunt
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Skool
shelter: Skuiling
shop: Winkel
- shopping: Inkopies
social_club: Sosiale klub
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermark
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Openbare telefoon
theatre: Teater
university: Universiteit
veterinary: Veearts
waste_basket: Asblik
- wifi: WiFi-toegang
youth_centre: Jeugsentrum
administrative: Administratiewe grens
service: Dienspad
services: Snelweg Dienste
steps: Trappe
- stile: Oorstap
tertiary: Tersiêre pad
track: Spoor
trail: Wandelpad
memorial: Herdenkingsmonument
mine: Myn
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruïnes
tower: Toring
wayside_cross: Kruis langs die pad
landfill: Stortingsterrein
military: Militêre gebied
mine: Myn
- nature_reserve: Natuurreservaat
- park: Park
quarry: Steengroewe
railway: Spoor
reservoir: Reservoir
residential: Woongebied
retail: Kleinhandel
vineyard: Wingerd
- wetland: Vleiland
- wood: Bos
beach_resort: Strandoort
fishing: Visvangarea
beach: Strand
cape: Kaap
cave_entrance: Grotingang
- channel: Kanaal
cliff: Kloof
crater: Krater
- feature: Besienswaardigheid
fjord: Fjord
geyser: Geiser
glacier: Gletser
point: Punt
reef: Rif
ridge: Bergkam
- river: Rivier
rock: Rotse
scree: Puin
scrub: Struikgewas
- shoal: Sandbank
spring: Bron
strait: Seestraat
tree: Boom
volcano: Vulkaan
water: Water
wetland: Moeras
- wetlands: Moeras
wood: Bos
airport: Lughawe
hostel: Hotel
hotel: Hotel
information: Inligting
- lean_to: Leer om
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Piekniekplek
theme_park: Pretpark
- valley: Vallei
viewpoint: Uitkykpunt
zoo: Dieretuin
boatyard: Skeepswerf
canal: Kanaal
- connector: Waterverbinding
dam: Dam
ditch: Sloot
dock: Dokke
drain: Afvoerkanaal
lock: Sluis
lock_gate: Sluisdeur
- mineral_spring: Minerale bron
rapids: Stroomversnelling
river: Rivier
- riverbank: Rivierbedding
stream: Stroom
waterfall: Waterval
- water_point: Waterpunt
geonames: Ligging vanaf <a href="">GeoNames</a>
- airport: Airoport
arts_centre: Art Qendra
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: sallë muzikë
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bench: Stol
casino: Kazino
cinema: Kinema
clinic: Klinikë
- club: Klub
college: Kolegj
community_centre: ndërtimin e qendrës së komunitetit
courthouse: Ndërtesë e gjyqit
fuel: Lëndë djegëse
grave_yard: Varrezë
gym: Qendra Kalitje fizike / palestër
- hall: Sallë
health_centre: Qendër e Shëndetësore
hospital: Spital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Gjuetia Stand
ice_cream: Akullore
kindergarten: Kopshti i fëmijëve
library: Bibliotekë
market: Treg
marketplace: Treg
- mountain_rescue: jashtëzakonshme mal shpëtimit
nightclub: Night Club
nursery: Fidanishte
nursing_home: shtëpi pleqsh
office: Zyrë
- park: Park
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Barnatore
place_of_worship: Vendi i Adhurimi
prison: Burg
pub: Pijetore
public_building: Publike Ndërtimi
- public_market: Tregu Publik
reception_area: Zona e pritjes
recycling: Pika riciklimit
restaurant: Restorant
school: Shkoll
shelter: Strehim
shop: Shitore
- shopping: Pazar
social_club: klub shoqërore
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefon Publik
theatre: Teatër
veterinary: Kirurgji Veterinare
village_hall: Fshati Hall
waste_basket: Mbeturinat Shporta
- wifi: WiFi Hyrje
youth_centre: Qendër Rinore
administrative: Administrative kufitare
bridleway: Rruge pa osfallt
bus_guideway: Lane udhëzoi Autobuseve
bus_stop: Stacion i autobusave
- byway: Rruge ansore
construction: Highway nën ndërtim
cycleway: Rruge per biciklla
emergency_access_point: Pike Hyrje e urgjencës
footway: Rrugë e kambsorve
ford: Fiord
living_street: rrugës ku njerëzit jetojnë
- minor: rrugë të vogla
motorway: Autostradë
motorway_junction: Kryqzim per rruge te motorrave
motorway_link: rrugë autostradë
service: Rruge sherbimi
services: Autostradë Sherbime
steps: Hapat
- stile: Hekur
tertiary: Rruge tericiere
track: Udhë
trail: Shteg
memorial: Përkujtim
mine: Imi
monument: Monument
- museum: Muze
ruins: Gërmadhe
tower: Kullë
wayside_cross: Buzë rruge Kryqi
meadow: Livadh
military: Zonë Ushtarake
mine: Imi
- nature_reserve: Natyra Rezervat
- park: Park
- piste: Piste
quarry: Gurore
railway: Hekurudhor
recreation_ground: Zbavitje Ground
retail: Me pakicë
village_green: Fshati Green
vineyard: Vresht
- wetland: Ligatinore
- wood: Druri
beach_resort: hoteli në plazh
common: Toke e njejte
beach: Pllazh
cape: Kep
cave_entrance: Shpella Hyrja
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Shkamb
crater: Krater
- feature: Veçuni
fell: Moqal
fjord: Fiord
geyser: Gejzer
point: Pike
reef: shkambinj nënujore
ridge: Kreshtë
- river: Lum
rock: Gur
scree: Rrëpirë me gurë të rrzum
scrub: Kaçubë
- shoal: Cekt
spring: Pranverë
strait: Ngushticë
tree: Pemë
volcano: Vullkan
water: Ujë
wetland: Lagunat
- wetlands: Lagunat
wood: Dru
airport: Aeroport
switch: Hekurudhave Pikët
tram: Tramvajëve
tram_stop: Tramvaj Stop
- yard: depo stacioni hekurudhor
alcohol: kiosk
art: Shitore e kafshëve
hostel: Bujtine
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacione
- lean_to: Strehore
motel: Motel
museum: Muze
picnic_site: Vend per Piknik
theme_park: Park i lojnave
- valley: Lugine
viewpoint: Pike shikimi
zoo: Kopsht Zoologjik
boatyard: Kantier detar
canal: Kanal
- connector: lidhës lumë i lundrueshëm
dam: Pendë
derelict_canal: Kanali i braktisur
ditch: Hendek
drain: Kullon
lock: Bllokoj
lock_gate: Mbylle Porta
- mineral_spring: ujë mineral burim
mooring: Ankorim
rapids: Pragje të lumit
river: Lum
- riverbank: banka e lumit
stream: Lumë
wadi: luginë
waterfall: Ujëvarë
- water_point: Pika e ujit
weir: Pendë
taxiway: مدرج المناورات
terminal: صالة مطار
- airport: مطار
arts_centre: مركز فني/ثقافي
- artwork: عمل فني
atm: صراف آلي
- auditorium: قاعة محاضرات
bank: مصرف
bar: حانة
bbq: مشوى
charging_station: محطة تعبئة
cinema: سينما
clinic: عيادة
- club: نادي
college: كلّية
community_centre: مركز اجتماع
courthouse: محكمة
fuel: وقود
grave_yard: مقبرة
gym: مركز للرشاقة/الرياضة
- hall: قاعة
health_centre: مركز صحي
hospital: مستشفى
- hotel: فندق
hunting_stand: مربط للصيد
ice_cream: مثلجات
kindergarten: حضانة أطفال
library: مكتبة
market: سوق
marketplace: سوق
- mountain_rescue: للإنقاذ في الجبل
nightclub: نادي ليلي
nursery: رعاية تمريضية
nursing_home: دار رعاية مسنين/معاقين
office: مكتب
- park: منتزه
parking: موقف سيارات
pharmacy: صيدلية
place_of_worship: معبد
prison: سجن
pub: حانة
public_building: مبنى عام
- public_market: سوق عمومي
reception_area: منطقة استقبال
recycling: نقطة إعادة تصنيع
restaurant: مطعم
school: مدرسة
shelter: ملجأ
shop: متجر/دكان/حانوت
- shopping: التسوق
shower: غسيل بالدش
social_centre: مركز إجتماعي
social_club: نادي اجتماعي
social_facility: مرفق اجتماعي
studio: ستوديو
- supermarket: سوبرماركت
swimming_pool: مسبح
taxi: سيارة أجرة
telephone: هاتف عمومي
veterinary: جراحة بيطرية
village_hall: مبنى/دار القرية
waste_basket: سلة نفايات
- wifi: نقطة إتصال لاسلكية
- WLAN: نقطة إتصال لاسلكية
youth_centre: مركز نشاطات للشباب
administrative: حدود إدارية
"yes": مبنى
- fire_hydrant: صنبور مياه الإطفاء
phone: هاتف طوارئ
bridleway: مسلك خيول
bus_guideway: مسار خاص للحافلات
bus_stop: موقف حافلات
- byway: طريق فرعي
construction: طريق سريع قيد الإنشاء
cycleway: مسار دراجات
emergency_access_point: نقطة دخول طوارئ
ford: مخاضة
living_street: شارع سكني
milestone: معلم
- minor: طريق غير هام
motorway: طريق سريع
motorway_junction: تقاطع طرقات سريعة
motorway_link: طريق سريع
speed_camera: كاميرا كشف السرعة
steps: درج
street_lamp: مصباح شارع
- stile: مرقى لعبور جدار
tertiary: طريق فرعي
tertiary_link: طريق فرعي
track: مسار
memorial: نصب تذكاري
mine: منجم
monument: أثر
- museum: متحف
ruins: أطلال
tomb: قبر
tower: برج
military: منطقة عسكرية
mine: منجم
orchard: بستان
- nature_reserve: محمية طبيعية
- park: منتزه
- piste: منطقة تزحلق
quarry: كسّارة
railway: سكة حديدية
recreation_ground: ميدان ألعاب
road: منطقة الطريق
village_green: أرض خضراء
vineyard: كرم عنب
- wetland: أرض رطبة
- wood: حرج
beach_resort: شاطئ منتجع
bird_hide: مخبئ طيور
beach: شاطئ
cape: رأس (أرض داخلة في البحر(
cave_entrance: مدخل كهف
- channel: قناة
cliff: جرف
crater: فوهة بركان
dune: كثيب
- feature: ميزة
fell: منحدر
fjord: مضيق بحري
forest: غابة
point: نقطة
reef: سلسلة صخور قرب سطح الماء
ridge: أرض مرتفعة
- river: نهر
rock: صخرة
scree: أرض حصاة
scrub: أشجار منخفضة
- shoal: مياه ضحلة
spring: نبع
stone: حجر
strait: مضيق جبلي
volcano: بركان
water: ماء
wetland: أرض رطبة
- wetlands: أراضي رطبة
wood: حرج
accountant: محاسب
switch: مبدل السكة الحديدية
tram: سكة ترام
tram_stop: موقف ترام
- yard: فناء سكة حديد
alcohol: متجر كحول للبيع الخارجي
antiques: تحف
hostel: سكن شباب
hotel: فندق
information: معلومات
- lean_to: كوخ منحدر
motel: نُزل
museum: متحف
picnic_site: موقع بيك نيك
theme_park: حديقة ملاهي
- valley: وادي
viewpoint: موقع كاشف
zoo: حديقة حيوانات
artificial: مجرى ماء إصطناعي
boatyard: حوض سفن
canal: قناة
- connector: قناة مائية
dam: سدّ
derelict_canal: قناة مهجورة
ditch: خندق
drain: مسرب
lock: قفل
lock_gate: هويس
- mineral_spring: نبع مياه معدنية
mooring: مرسى
rapids: منحدرات نهرية
river: نهر
- riverbank: ضفة نهر
stream: جدول
wadi: وادي
waterfall: شلال
- water_point: نقطة ماء شفة
weir: هدار (سدّ منخفض)
level2: حدود قطرية
- airport: مطار
arts_centre: مركز فني/ثقافي
atm: صراف آلي
- auditorium: قاعه محاضرات
bank: مصرف
bar: حانة
bench: مقعد
casino: نادى قمار
cinema: سينما
clinic: عيادة
- club: نادي
college: كلّية
community_centre: مركز اجتماع
courthouse: محكمة
fuel: وقود
grave_yard: مقبرة
gym: مركز للرشاقة/الرياضة
- hall: قاعة
health_centre: مركز صحي
hospital: مستشفى
- hotel: فندق
hunting_stand: مربط للصيد
ice_cream: مثلجات
kindergarten: حضانه أطفال
library: مكتبة
market: سوق
marketplace: سوق
- mountain_rescue: للإنقاذ فى الجبل
nightclub: نادى ليلي
nursery: رعايه تمريضية
nursing_home: دار رعايه مسنين/معاقين
office: مكتب
- park: منتزه
parking: موقف سيارات
pharmacy: صيدلية
place_of_worship: معبد
prison: سجن
pub: حانة
public_building: مبنى عام
- public_market: سوق عمومي
reception_area: منطقه استقبال
recycling: نقطه إعاده تصنيع
restaurant: مطعم
school: مدرسة
shelter: ملجأ
shop: متجر/دكان/حانوت
- shopping: التسوق
social_club: نادى اجتماعي
studio: ستوديو
- supermarket: سوبرماركت
taxi: سياره أجرة
telephone: هاتف عمومي
theatre: مسرح
vending_machine: آله بيع
veterinary: جراحه بيطرية
waste_basket: سله نفايات
- wifi: نقطه اتصال لاسلكيه واى فاي
youth_centre: مركز نشاطات للشباب
administrative: حدود إدارية
bridleway: مسلك خيول
bus_stop: موقف نزول/صعود من/إلى حافلات
- byway: طريق فرعي
construction: طريق سريع قيد الإنشاء
cycleway: مسار دراجات
emergency_access_point: نقطه دخول طوارئ
footway: ممر للمشاة
living_street: شارع سكني
- minor: طريق غير هام
motorway: طريق سريع
motorway_junction: تقاطع طرقات سريعة
motorway_link: طريق سريع
memorial: نصب تذكاري
mine: منجم
monument: ضريح
- museum: متحف
ruins: أطلال
tower: برج
wayside_shrine: مزار جانب طريق
meadow: مرج
military: منطقه عسكرية
mine: منجم
- nature_reserve: محميه طبيعية
- park: منتزه
quarry: كسّارة
railway: سكه حديدية
recreation_ground: ميدان ألعاب
residential: منطقه سكنية
retail: بيع بالمفرق
vineyard: كرم عنب
- wetland: أرض رطبة
- wood: حرج
beach_resort: شاطئ منتجع
common: أرض مشاع
beach: شاطئ
cape: رأس (أرض داخله فى البحر(
cave_entrance: مدخل كهف
- channel: قناة
cliff: جرف
crater: فوهه بركان
- feature: ميزة
fell: منحدر
fjord: مضيق بحري
geyser: نافوره ماء حار
peak: ذروة
point: نقطة
reef: سلسله صخور قرب سطح الماء
- river: نهر
rock: صخرة
scree: أرض حصاة
scrub: أشجار منخفضة
- shoal: مياه ضحلة
spring: نبع
strait: مضيق جبلي
tree: شجرة
volcano: بركان
water: ماء
wetland: أرض رطبة
- wetlands: أراضى رطبة
wood: حرج
airport: مطار
subway: محطه مترو الأنفاق
subway_entrance: مدخل مترو
tram_stop: موقف ترام
- yard: فناء سكه حديد
art: متجر فن
bakery: مخبز
hostel: سكن شباب
hotel: فندق
information: معلومات
- lean_to: كوخ منحدر
motel: نُزل
museum: متحف
picnic_site: موقع بيك نيك
theme_park: حديقه ملاهي
- valley: وادي
viewpoint: موقع كاشف
zoo: حديقه حيوانات
dock: مرسى
drain: مسرب
lock: قفل
- mineral_spring: نبع مياه معدنية
rapids: منحدرات نهرية
river: نهر
- riverbank: ضفه نهر
stream: جدول
wadi: وادي
waterfall: شلال
- water_point: نقطه ماء شفة
osm_nominatim: موقع من <a href="">OpenStreetMap
taxiway: Cai de rodaxe
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeropuertu
arts_centre: Centru d'arte
- artwork: Obra d'arte
atm: Caxeru automáticu
- auditorium: Auditoriu
bank: Bancu
bar: Bar
bbq: Parrilla
charging_station: Estación de carga
cinema: Cine
clinic: Clínica
- club: Club
college: Colexu universitariu
community_centre: Centru comunitariu
courthouse: Xulgáu
fuel: Combustible
grave_yard: Cementeriu
gym: Ximnasiu / Fitness
- hall: Centru de reuniones
health_centre: Centru de salú
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Puestu de caza
ice_cream: Xelaos
kindergarten: Guardería
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercáu
marketplace: Mercáu
- mountain_rescue: Salvamentu nel monte
nightclub: Sala de fiestes
nursery: Preescolar
nursing_home: Residencia asistencial
office: Oficina
- park: Parque
parking: Aparcaderu
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Llugar de cultu
prison: Cárcel
pub: Pub
public_building: Edificiu públicu
- public_market: Mercáu públicu
reception_area: Llugar de recepción
recycling: Puntu llimpiu
restaurant: Restaurán
school: Escuela
shelter: Abellugu
shop: Tienda
- shopping: Compres
shower: Ducha
social_centre: Centru social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Instalación social
studio: Estudiu
- supermarket: Supermercáu
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Teléfonu públicu
veterinary: Ciruxía veterinaria
village_hall: Casa de la villa
waste_basket: Papelera
- wifi: Accesu WiFi
- WLAN: Accesu WiFi
youth_centre: Centru de mocedá
administrative: Llende alministrativa
"yes": Edificiu
- fire_hydrant: Boca d'incendios
phone: Teléfonu d'emerxencia
bridleway: Caleya
bus_guideway: Carril bus con guía
bus_stop: Parada d'autobús
- byway: Camín
construction: Carretera en construcción
cycleway: Sienda ciclista
emergency_access_point: Puntu de llocalización d'emerxencia
ford: Vau
living_street: Cai residencial
milestone: Finxu
- minor: Carretera menor
motorway: Autopista
motorway_junction: Enllaz d'autopista
motorway_link: Autopista
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Escaleres
street_lamp: Farola
- stile: Pasera de muries
tertiary: Carretera terciaria
tertiary_link: Carretera terciaria
track: Pista
memorial: Monumentu
mine: Mina
monument: Monumentu
- museum: Muséu
ruins: Ruines
tomb: Sepulcru
tower: Torre
military: Área militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Güerta
- nature_reserve: Reserva natural
- park: Parque
- piste: Pista
quarry: Cantera
railway: Ferrocarril
recreation_ground: Campu recreativu
road: Área de carretera
village_green: Prau municipal
vineyard: Viña
- wetland: Llamuerga
- wood: Viesca
beach_resort: Turismu de playa
bird_hide: Observatoriu d'aves
beach: Playa
cape: Cabu
cave_entrance: Boca de cueva
- channel: Canal
cliff: Cantil
crater: Crater
dune: Duna
- feature: Carauterística
fell: Braña
fjord: Fiordu
forest: Área forestal
point: Puntu
reef: Petón
ridge: Cordal
- river: Ríu
rock: Roca
scree: Llera
scrub: Cotollal
- shoal: Baxu
spring: Fonte
stone: Piedra
strait: Estrechu
volcano: Volcan
water: Agua
wetland: Llamuerga
- wetlands: Llamuergues
wood: Viesca
accountant: Contable
switch: Aguyes de ferrocarril
tram: Tranvía
tram_stop: Parada de tranvía
- yard: Apartaderu de clasificación
alcohol: Venta de bébores
antiques: Antigüedaes
hostel: Albergue
hotel: Hotel
information: Información
- lean_to: Abrigu
motel: Motel
museum: Muséu
picnic_site: Área recreativa
theme_park: Parque temáticu
- valley: Valle
viewpoint: Mirador
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Vía acuática artificial
boatyard: Astilleru
canal: Canal
- connector: Regueru
dam: Presa
derelict_canal: Canal abandonáu
ditch: Riega
drain: Desagüe
lock: Esclusa
lock_gate: Compuerta
- mineral_spring: Agua mineral
mooring: Amarradera
rapids: Rabión
river: Ríu
- riverbank: Ribera'l ríu
stream: Regatu
wadi: Riera
waterfall: Saltu d'agua
- water_point: Toma d'agua
weir: Banzáu
level2: Frontera de país
taxiway: Sürmə yolu
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroport
arts_centre: İncəsənət mərkəzi
- artwork: İncəsənət əsəri
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Auditoriya
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Manqal
charging_station: Şarj Stansiyası
cinema: Kinoteatr
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Kollec
community_centre: İctimai mərkəz
courthouse: Məhkəmə yeri
fuel: Yanacaq doldurma
grave_yard: Qəbirsanlıq
gym: Fitnes mərkəzi
- hall: Zal
health_centre: Sağlamlıq mərkəzi
hospital: Qospital
- hotel: Otel
hunting_stand: Ov stendi
ice_cream: Dondurma
kindergarten: Uşaq bağçası
library: Kitabxana
market: Market
marketplace: Bazar meydanı
- mountain_rescue: Dağ Xilasetmə Xidməti
nightclub: Gecə klubu
nursery: Pansionat
nursing_home: Qocalar evi
office: Ofis
- park: Park
parking: Dayanacaq
pharmacy: Aptek
place_of_worship: Sitayişgah
prison: Həbsxana
pub: Pivəxana
public_building: İctimai Binalar
- public_market: İctimai Bazar
reception_area: Qəbul sahəsi
recycling: Utilizasiya yeri
restaurant: Restoran
school: Məktəb
shelter: Sığınacaq
shop: Mağaza
- shopping: Alış-veriş
shower: Duş
social_centre: İctimai Mərkəz
social_club: İctimai Club
studio: Studiya
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Üzgüçülük hovuzu
taxi: Taksi
telephone: İctimai Telefon
veterinary: Veterenar Klinikası
village_hall: Villa
waste_basket: Zibillik
- wifi: WiFi ərazi
- WLAN: WiFi ərazi
youth_centre: Gənclər Mərkəzi
administrative: Administrativ sərhəd
bridleway: Atlı yolu
bus_guideway: Gəzinti Avtobus xətti
bus_stop: Avtobus dayanacağı
- byway: Dalan
construction: Yol təmirdədir
cycleway: Velocığır
emergency_access_point: Təcili yardım məntəqəsi
ford: Çay keçidi
living_street: Yaşayış küçəsi
milestone: Məsafə dirəyi
- minor: Kiçik yol
motorway: Avtomagistral
motorway_junction: Avtomagistral Kəsişməsi
motorway_link: Avtomagistral yolu
services: Yolətrafı Servislər
speed_camera: Sürət kamerası
steps: Pilləkənlər
- stile: Turniket
tertiary: Üçüncü dərəcəli yol
tertiary_link: Üçüncü dərəcəli yol
track: Torpaq yol
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mədən
monument: Abidə
- museum: Muzey
ruins: Xarabalıqlar
tower: Qüllə
wayside_cross: Yolkənarı xaç
military: Hərbi ərazi
mine: Mədən
orchard: Meyvə bağı
- nature_reserve: Təbiət Qoruğu
- park: Park
- piste: Xizəkçilik
quarry: Karxana
railway: Dəmir yolu
recreation_ground: Istirahət guşəsi
road: Yol şəbəkəsi ərazisi
village_green: Yaşıllıq kənd
vineyard: Üzümlük
- wetland: Bataqlıq
- wood: Meşə
beach_resort: Əkilili çimərlik
bird_hide: Quşlara gizli müşahidə məntəqəsi
beach: Çimərlik
cape: Burun
cave_entrance: Mağara girişi
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Uçurum
crater: Krater
dune: Qum təpəsi
- feature: Təbii obyekt
fell: Təpə
fjord: Fiord
forest: Meşə
point: Burun
reef: Rif
ridge: Dağ silsiləsi
- river: Çay
rock: Qaya
scree: Çınqıllıq
scrub: Kolluq
- shoal: Dayazlıq
spring: Bulaq
stone: Qaya
strait: Boğaz
volcano: Vulkan
water: Çarhovuz
wetland: Bataqlıq
- wetlands: Bataqlıq ərazi
wood: Meşə
accountant: Mühasib
switch: Dəmiryol oxu
tram: Tramvay
tram_stop: Tramvay dayanacağı
- yard: Depo
alcohol: Alkoqol dükanı
antiques: Əntiq əşyalar
hostel: Xostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Məlumat
- lean_to: Meyl
motel: Motel
museum: Muzey
picnic_site: Piknik üçün yer
theme_park: Attraksion
- valley: Vadi
viewpoint: Baxış meydançası
zoo: Zoopark
artificial: Süni su axını
boatyard: Tərsanə
canal: Kanal
- connector: Çayların birləşməsi
dam: Damba
derelict_canal: İstifadəsiz Kanal
ditch: Xəndək
drain: Axıntı xəndəyi
lock: Şlyuz
lock_gate: Şlyuz qapısı
- mineral_spring: Mineral bulaq
mooring: Gəmilərin sahilə bağlama yeri
rapids: Çay kəndarı
river: Çay
- riverbank: Çayın sahili
stream: Çay
wadi: Qurumuş cay
waterfall: Şəlalə
- water_point: Su təminatı məntəqəsi
weir: Su bəndi
level2: Ölkə sərhəddi
body: Тэкст
user: Удзельнік
- title: Ð\9dазва
+ title: ТÑ\8dма
latitude: Шырата
longitude: Даўгата
language: Мова
description: Апісаньне
sender: Адпраўшчык
- title: Ð\97агаловак
+ title: ТÑ\8dма
body: Тэкст
recipient: Атрымальнік
description: Аддаленае кіраваньне (JOSM ці Merkaartor)
created: Створана
+ closed: Закрытае
title: Набор зьменаў
changesetxml: Набор зьменаў у фармаце XML
runway: Узлётна-пасадачная паласа
taxiway: Рулёжная дарога
- airport: Аэрапорт
arts_centre: Мастацкі цэнтар
atm: Банкамат
- auditorium: Заля для канфэрэнцыяў
bank: Банк
bar: Бар
bench: Лаўка
casino: Казіно
cinema: Кінатэатар
clinic: Паліклініка
- club: Клюб
college: Каледж
community_centre: Грамадзкі цэнтар
courthouse: Суд
fuel: Запраўка
grave_yard: Могілкі
gym: Фітнэс цэнтар /Трэнажорны зал
- hall: Хол
health_centre: Цэнтар здароўя
hospital: Шпіталь
- hotel: Гатэль
hunting_stand: Паляўнічая вежа
ice_cream: Марозіва
kindergarten: Дзіцячы садок
library: Бібліятэка
market: Рынак
marketplace: Рынкавая плошча
- mountain_rescue: Горныя выратавальнікі
nightclub: Начны клюб
nursery: Дзіцячы пакой
nursing_home: Дом састарэлых
office: Офіс
- park: Парк
parking: Стаянка
pharmacy: Аптэка
place_of_worship: Культавае збудаваньне
prison: Турма
pub: Шынок
public_building: Грамадзкі будынак
- public_market: Кірмаш
reception_area: Прыёмная
recycling: Месца перапрацоўкі адыходаў
restaurant: Рэстаран
school: Школа
shelter: Прытулак
shop: Крама
- shopping: Гандлёвы цэнтар
social_club: Клюб па інтарэсах
studio: Студыя
- supermarket: Супэрмаркет
taxi: Таксі
telephone: Тэлефон
theatre: Тэатар
veterinary: Вэтэрынарная клініка
village_hall: Кіраўніцтва вёскі
waste_basket: Сьметніца
- wifi: Доступ да WiFi
- WLAN: Доступ да WiFi
youth_centre: Моладзевы цэнтар
administrative: Адміністрацыйная мяжа
bridleway: Дарога для коней
bus_guideway: Аўтобусная паласа
bus_stop: Аўтобусны прыпынак
- byway: Завулак
construction: Будаўніцтва дарогі
cycleway: Роварная дарожка
emergency_access_point: Пункт хуткай дапамогі
footway: Пешаходная сьцежка
ford: Брод
living_street: Жыльлёвая зона
- minor: Другасная дарога
motorway: Аўтастрада
motorway_junction: Скрыжаваньне аўтастрадаў
motorway_link: Разьвязка аўтастрады
service: Службовая дарога
services: Прыдарожны сэрвіс
steps: Прыступкі
- stile: Турнікет
tertiary: Дарога раённага значэньня
track: Грунтовая дарога
trail: Сьцежка
memorial: Мэмарыял
mine: Капальня
monument: Помнік
- museum: Музэй
ruins: Руіны
tower: Вежа
wayside_cross: Прыдарожны крыж
meadow: Луг
military: Вайсковая тэрыторыя
mine: Капальня
- nature_reserve: Запаведнік
- park: Парк
- piste: Лыжня
quarry: Кар’ер
railway: Чыгунка
recreation_ground: Зона адпачынку
road: Зона дарожнай сеткі
village_green: Гарадзкі парк
vineyard: Вінаграднік
- wetland: Забалочаная зямля
- wood: Лес
beach_resort: Пляжны курорт
bird_hide: Пункт назіраньня за птушкамі
beach: Пляж
cape: Мыс
cave_entrance: Уваход у пячору
- channel: Канал
cliff: Абрыў
crater: Кратэр
dune: Дзюна
- feature: Аб’ект
fell: Узвышша
fjord: Фіёрд
forest: Лес
point: Пункт
reef: Рыф
ridge: Горны хрыбет
- river: Рака
rock: Скала
scree: Шчэбень
scrub: Хмызьняк
- shoal: Плыткаводзьдзе
spring: Крыніца
stone: Камень
strait: Пратока
volcano: Вулькан
water: Вада
wetland: Забалочаная зямля
- wetlands: Забалочаныя землі
wood: Лес
accountant: Бугальтар
switch: Чыгуначная стрэлка
tram: Трамвайная каляя
tram_stop: Трамвайны прыпынак
- yard: Чыгуначнае дэпо
alcohol: Алькагольная крама
antiques: Антыкварыят
hostel: Хостэл
hotel: Гатэль
information: Інфармацыя
- lean_to: Навес
motel: Матэль
museum: Музэй
picnic_site: Месца для пікніка
theme_park: Атракцыёны
- valley: Даліна
viewpoint: Аглядальная пляцоўка
zoo: Заапарк
artificial: Штучны водны шлях
boatyard: Майстэрня караблёў
canal: Канал
- connector: Злучэньне водных шляхоў
dam: Дамба
derelict_canal: Пакінуты канал
ditch: Роў
drain: Дрэнажны канал
lock: Шлюз
lock_gate: Вароты шлюза
- mineral_spring: Мінэральная крыніца
mooring: Якарная стаянка
rapids: Парогі
river: Рака
- riverbank: Бераг ракі
stream: Струмень
wadi: Сухое рэчышча
waterfall: Вадаспад
- water_point: Пункт водазабесьпячэньня
weir: Плаціна
taxiway: Рулёжныя дарожкі
terminal: Тэрмінал
- airport: Аэрапорт
arts_centre: Цэнтр мастацтваў
- artwork: Інсталяцыя
atm: Банкамат
- auditorium: Аўдыторыя
bank: Банк
bar: Бар
bbq: Барбекю
charging_station: Зарадная станцыя
cinema: Кіно
clinic: Клініка
- club: Клуб
college: Каледж
community_centre: Грамадскі цэнтр
courthouse: Суд
fuel: АЗС
grave_yard: Могілкі
gym: Фітнес-цэнтр ці Трэнажорная зала
- hall: Зала
health_centre: Медыцынскі цэнтр
hospital: Бальніца
- hotel: Гатэль
hunting_stand: Паляўнічая вежа
ice_cream: Марозіва
kindergarten: Дзіцячы сад
library: Бібліятэка
market: Рынак
marketplace: Рыначная плошча
- mountain_rescue: Выратавальная служба ў гарах
nightclub: Начны клуб
nursery: Яслі
nursing_home: Прыватная лякарня
office: Офіс
- park: Парк
parking: Паркоўка
pharmacy: Аптэка
place_of_worship: Культавы будынак
prison: Турма
pub: Паб
public_building: Грамадскі будынак
- public_market: Адкрыты рынак
reception_area: Зона прыёму
recycling: Пункт перапрацоўкі
restaurant: Рэстаран
school: Школа
shelter: Укрыццё
shop: Крама
- shopping: Шопінг
shower: Душ
social_centre: Сацыяльны цэнтр
social_club: Грамадскі клуб
social_facility: Сацыяльны аб'ект
studio: Студыя
- supermarket: Супермаркет
swimming_pool: Плавальны басейн
taxi: Таксі
telephone: Грамадскі тэлефон
veterinary: Ветэрынарная хірургія
village_hall: Вясковая зала
waste_basket: Кош для смецця
- wifi: Wi-Fi доступ
- WLAN: Wi-Fi доступ
youth_centre: Маладзежны цэнтр
administrative: Адміністрацыйная мяжа
"yes": Будынак
- fire_hydrant: Пажарны гідрант
phone: Тэлефон экстранай сувязі
bridleway: Дарога для коней
bus_guideway: Рэйкавы аўтобус
bus_stop: Аўтобусны прыпынак
- byway: Сцежка
construction: Будаўніцтва дарогі
cycleway: Веласіпедная дарожка
emergency_access_point: Пункт хуткай дапамогі
ford: Брод
living_street: Жылая вуліца
milestone: Веха
- minor: Дробная дарога
motorway: Аўтамагістраль
motorway_junction: Аўтамабільная развязка
motorway_link: Аўтамагістраль
speed_camera: Фотарадар
steps: Прыступкі
street_lamp: Вулічны ліхтар
- stile: Турнікет
tertiary: Трэцясная дарога
tertiary_link: Трэцясная дарога
track: Каляя
memorial: Мемарыял
mine: Шахта
monument: Помнік
- museum: Музей
ruins: Руіны
tomb: Магіла
tower: Вежа
military: Ваенная зона
mine: Шахта
orchard: Фруктовы сад
- nature_reserve: Запаведнік
- park: Парк
- piste: Лыжная траса
quarry: Кар'ер
railway: Чыгунка
recreation_ground: Пляцоўка для гульняў
road: Прыдарожная паласа
village_green: Вясковая паляна
vineyard: Вінаграднік
- wetland: Забалочаны ўчастак
- wood: Пушча
beach_resort: Пляжны курорт
bird_hide: Засада
beach: Пляж
cape: Мыс
cave_entrance: Уваход у пячору
- channel: Канал
cliff: Мяжа скалы
crater: Кратэр
dune: Дзюна
- feature: Прыродны аб'ект
fell: Неапрацаваная зямля
fjord: Фіёрд
forest: Лес
point: Кропка
reef: Рыф
ridge: Хрыбет
- river: Рака
rock: Скала
scree: Абсып
scrub: Кустарнік
- shoal: Мелкаводдзе
spring: Крыніца
stone: Камень
strait: Праліў
volcano: Вулкан
water: Вада
wetland: Забалочаны ўчастак
- wetlands: Водна-балотныя ўгоддзі
wood: Пушча
accountant: Бухгалтар
switch: Чыгуначная стрэлка
tram: Трамвай
tram_stop: Трамвайны прыпынак
- yard: Сартавальная станцыя
- route:
- bus: Аўтобусны маршрут
alcohol: Алкагольная крама
antiques: Антыкварыят
hostel: Хостэл
hotel: Гатэль
information: Інфармацыя
- lean_to: Навес
motel: Матэль
museum: Музей
picnic_site: Месца для пікніка
theme_park: Тэматычны парк
- valley: Даліна
viewpoint: Аглядальная пляцоўка
zoo: Заапарк
artificial: Штучны вадацёк
boatyard: Верфі
canal: Канал
- connector: Злучэньне вадацёкаў
dam: Плаціна
derelict_canal: Перасохлы канал
ditch: Роў
drain: Дрэнажны канал
lock: Шлюз
lock_gate: Вароты шлюза
- mineral_spring: Мінеральная крыніца
mooring: Якарная стаянка
rapids: Парогі
river: Рака
- riverbank: Бераг ракі
stream: Струмень
wadi: Сухое рэчышча
waterfall: Вадаспад
- water_point: Пункт водазабеспячэння
weir: Плаціна
level2: Мяжа краіны
taxiway: Roudenn evit an taksioù
terminal: Termenva
- airport: Aerborzh
arts_centre: Kreizenn arz
- artwork: Oberenn arz
atm: Bilhedaouer
- auditorium: Selaouva
bank: Ti-bank
bar: Tavarn
bbq: Regezer
charging_station: Savlec'h adkargañ
cinema: Sinema
clinic: Klinikenn
- club: Klub
college: Skol-veur pe skol-uhel
community_centre: Sal liezimplij
courthouse: Lez-varn
fuel: Trelosk
grave_yard: Bered
gym: Fitness/embregerezh-korf
- hall: Sal
health_centre: Kreizenn yec'hed
hospital: Ospital
- hotel: Leti
hunting_stand: Stand tennañ
ice_cream: Dienn skorn
kindergarten: Liorzh ar vugale
library: Levraoueg
market: Marc'had
marketplace: Marc'hallac'h
- mountain_rescue: Sikourioù er menezioù
nightclub: Klub-noz
nursery: Spluseg
nursing_home: Ti yec'hed
office: Burev
- park: Park
parking: Parklec'h
pharmacy: Apotikerezh
place_of_worship: Lec'h azeuliñ
prison: Toull-bac'h
pub: Tavarn
public_building: Savadur foran
- public_market: Marc'had foran
reception_area: Takad degemer
recycling: Lec'h adaozañ
restaurant: Preti
school: Skol
shelter: Gwasked
shop: Stal
- shopping: Prenadennoù
shower: Strinkadenn
social_centre: Kreizenn sokial
social_club: Klub sokial
social_facility: Servij sokial
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Gourmarc'had
swimming_pool: Poull-neuial
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Pellgomzer foran
veterinary: Surjianerezh evit al loened
village_hall: Sal ar gumun
waste_basket: Pod-lastez
- wifi: Moned WiFi
- WLAN: Moned WiFi
youth_centre: Kreizenn evit ar re yaouank
administrative: Bevennoù melestradurel
"yes": Savadur
- fire_hydrant: Dour evit an tan
phone: Pellgomzer evit an trummadoù
bridleway: Hent evit ar varc'hegerien
bus_guideway: Roudenn vus heñchet
bus_stop: Arsav bus
- byway: Hent eil renk
construction: Chanter gourhent
cycleway: Roudenn divrodegoù
emergency_access_point: Poent moned trummadoù
ford: Roudour
living_street: Straed annez
milestone: ↓Maen-bonn
- minor: Hent dister
motorway: Gourhent
motorway_junction: Kengej gourhent
motorway_link: Gourhent
speed_camera: Radar tizh
steps: Diri
street_lamp: Post lamp
- stile: Skalier
tertiary: Hent trede renk
tertiary_link: Hent trede renk
track: Roudenn
memorial: Kounlec'h
mine: Mengleuz
monument: Monumant
- museum: Mirdi
ruins: Dismantroù
tomb: Bez
tower: Tour
military: Takad milourel
mine: Mengleuz
orchard: Gwerje
- nature_reserve: Gwarezva natur
- park: Park
- piste: Roudenn
quarry: Mengleuz
railway: Hent-houarn
recreation_ground: Leur c'hoari
road: Takad hent
village_green: Takad natur foran
vineyard: Gwinieg
- wetland: Takad gleborek
- wood: Koad
beach_resort: Kêr-gouronkañ
bird_hide: Bod evned
beach: Traezhenn
cape: Kab
cave_entrance: Treuzoù mougev
- channel: Kanol
cliff: Tornaod
crater: Krater
dune: Tevenn
- feature: Elfenn
fell: Fell
fjord: Fjord
forest: Koadeg
point: Poent
reef: Karreg
ridge: Kribenn
- river: Stêr
rock: Roc'h
scree: Disac'hadur
scrub: Strouezh
- shoal: Klosenn
spring: Lamm-dour
stone: Roc'h
strait: Strizh-mor
volcano: Menez-tan
water: Dour
wetland: Takad gleborek
- wetlands: Takadoù gleborek
wood: Koad
accountant: Kontour
switch: Hentoù-houarn heñchañ
tram: Tramgarr
tram_stop: Arsav tramgarr
- yard: Gar-dibab
- route:
- bus: Pennad-hent ar bus
alcohol: Gwezher alkool
antiques: Hendraezoù
hostel: Herberc'h
hotel: Leti
information: Titouroù
- lean_to: Stand
motel: Motel
museum: Mirdi
picnic_site: Lec'hienn biknikañ
theme_park: Park tematek
- valley: Traoñienn
viewpoint: Gwelva
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Gwazh-dour artifisiel
boatyard: Chanter bigi
canal: Kanol
- connector: Kevreadur dourredennoù
dam: Chaoser
derelict_canal: Kanol dilezet
ditch: Foz
drain: Dizourer
lock: Skluz
lock_gate: Skluz
- mineral_spring: Mammenn dour melar
mooring: Fes
rapids: Taranoù
river: Stêr
- riverbank: Naoz
stream: Gwazh-dour
wadi: Oued
waterfall: Lamm-dour
- water_point: Doureg
weir: Stankell
level2: Bevenn ar vro
taxiway: Rulna staza
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aerodrom
arts_centre: Centar umjetnosti
- artwork: Umjetnine
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Auditorij
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Gril
charging_station: Stanica za punjenje
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Koledž
community_centre: Društveni centar
courthouse: Sud
fuel: Benzinska pumpa
grave_yard: Groblje
gym: Fitness centar
- hall: Dvorana
health_centre: Zdravstveni centar
hospital: Bolnica
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Lovačka čeka
ice_cream: Sladoled
kindergarten: Dječiji vrtić
library: Biblioteka
market: Tržnica
marketplace: Tržnica
- mountain_rescue: Gorska služba spašavanja
nightclub: Noćni klub
nursery: Čuvanje djece
nursing_home: Starački dom
office: Kancelarija
- park: Park
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Apoteka
place_of_worship: Bogomolja
prison: Zatvor
pub: Pub
public_building: Ustanova
- public_market: Javna tržnica
reception_area: Recepcija
recycling: Reciklažna stanica
restaurant: Restoran
school: Škola
shelter: Sklonište
shop: Trgovina
- shopping: Trgovački centar
shower: Tuš
social_centre: Društveni centar
social_club: Društveni klub
social_facility: Socialne ustanove
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Bazen
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefonska govornica
veterinary: Veterinar
village_hall: Seoski Dom
waste_basket: Kanta za otpatke
- wifi: WiFi pristup
- WLAN: WiFi pristup
youth_centre: Centar za omladinu
administrative: Administrativna granica
"yes": Građevina
- fire_hydrant: Hidrant
phone: S.O.S. Telefon
bridleway: Konjička staza
bus_guideway: Autobuska traka
bus_stop: Autobusko stajalište
- byway: Prečica
construction: Autoput u izgradnji
cycleway: Biciklistička staza
emergency_access_point: S.O.S. tačka pristupa
ford: Gaz
living_street: Ulica smirenog prometa
milestone: Miljokaz
- minor: Drugorazredna cesta
motorway: Autocesta
motorway_junction: Čvor (autoputa)
motorway_link: Autoput (pristupna cesta)
speed_camera: Kamera za kontrolu brzine
steps: Stepenice
street_lamp: Ulična svjetiljka
- stile: Prijelaz preko ograde
tertiary: Lokalna cesta
tertiary_link: Lokalna cesta
track: Makadam
memorial: Memorijal
mine: Rudnik
monument: Spomenik
- museum: Muzej
ruins: Ruševine
tomb: Grobnica
tower: Toranj
military: Vojno područje
mine: Rudnik
orchard: Voćnjak
- nature_reserve: Rezervat prirode
- park: Park
- piste: Ski staza
quarry: Kamenolom
railway: Željeznica
recreation_ground: Rekreacijsko područje
road: Područje ceste
village_green: Seoski travnjak
vineyard: Vinograd
- wetland: Močvara
- wood: Šuma
beach_resort: Odmaralište - plaža
bird_hide: Posmatračnica ptica
beach: Plaža
cape: Rt
cave_entrance: Pećina (ulaz)
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Litica
crater: Krater
dune: Dina
- feature: Značajka
fell: Brdo
fjord: Fjord
forest: Šuma
point: Tačka
reef: Greben
ridge: Greben
- river: Rijeka
rock: Stijena
scree: Krš
scrub: Šikara
- shoal: Sprud
spring: Izvor
stone: Kamen
strait: Tjesnac
volcano: Vulkan
water: Voda
wetland: Močvara
- wetlands: Močvare
wood: Šuma
accountant: Računovođa
switch: Skretnica
tram: Tramvaj
tram_stop: Tramvajska stanica
- yard: Ranžirni kolodvor
alcohol: Trgovina pićem
antiques: Antikviteti
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacije
- lean_to: Nadstrešnica
motel: Motel
museum: Muzej
picnic_site: Piknik-mjesto
theme_park: Tematski park
- valley: Dolina
viewpoint: Vidikovac
zoo: Zoološki vrt
artificial: Vještački vodotok
boatyard: Brodogradilište
canal: Kanal
- connector: Spoj vodnih puteva
dam: Brana
derelict_canal: Zanemaren kanal
ditch: Jarak
drain: Odvod
lock: Ustava
lock_gate: Ustava (vrata)
- mineral_spring: Mineralni izvor
mooring: Sidrište
rapids: Brzaci
river: Rijeka
- riverbank: Riječna obala
stream: Potok
wadi: Suho korito rijeke
waterfall: Vodopad
- water_point: Tačka vodotoka
weir: Brana
level2: Granica države
taxiway: Carrer de rodada
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroport
arts_centre: Centre d'Art
- artwork: Obra d'art
atm: Caixer automàtic
- auditorium: Auditori
bank: Banc
bar: Bar
bbq: barbacoa
charging_station: Estació de recàrrega
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clínica
- club: Club
college: Institut
community_centre: Centre Comunitari / Centre Cívic
courthouse: Jutjat
fuel: Benzinera
grave_yard: Cementiri
gym: Gimnàs
- hall: Ajuntament
health_centre: Centre de Salut
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Club de caça
ice_cream: Gelat
kindergarten: Jardí d'infància
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercat
marketplace: Mercat
- mountain_rescue: Rescat de Muntanya
nightclub: Club nocturn
nursery: Infantil
nursing_home: Llar d'Avis
office: Oficina
- park: Parc
parking: Pàrquing
pharmacy: Farmàcia
place_of_worship: Lloc de culte
prison: Presó
pub: Pub
public_building: Edifici públic
- public_market: Mercat Públic
reception_area: Àrea de recepció
recycling: Punt de reciclatge
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Escola
shelter: Refugi
shop: Botiga
- shopping: Botigues
shower: Dutxa
social_centre: Centre social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Equipament social
studio: Estudi
- supermarket: Supermercat
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telèfon públic
veterinary: Veterinari
village_hall: Casa de la Vila
waste_basket: Cistella de Residus
- wifi: Punt d'accés WiFi
- WLAN: Punt d'accés WiFi
youth_centre: Centre juvenil
administrative: Límit administratiu
"yes": Edifici
- fire_hydrant: Boca d'incendis
phone: Telèfon per a emergències
bridleway: Ferradura
bus_guideway: Carril Bus
bus_stop: Parada d'autobús
- byway: Ruta segregada
construction: Autopista en construcció
cycleway: Ruta per a bicicletes
emergency_access_point: Accés d'emergència
ford: Fiord
living_street: Carrer habitat
milestone: Fita
- minor: Via secundària
motorway: Autopista
motorway_junction: Unió d'autopista
motorway_link: Carretera d'autopista
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Graons
street_lamp: Fanal
- stile: Escala per a travessar reixats
tertiary: Carretera terciària
tertiary_link: Carretera terciària
track: Pista
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monument
- museum: Museu
ruins: Ruïnes
tomb: Tomba
tower: Torre
military: Zona Militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Verger
- nature_reserve: Reserva Natural
- park: Parc
- piste: Pista d'aterratge
quarry: Pedrera
railway: Ferrocarril
recreation_ground: Zona d'Esbarjo
road: Zona de carretera
village_green: Zona verda
vineyard: Vinya
- wetland: Aiguamoll
- wood: Fusta
beach_resort: Beach Resort
bird_hide: Aguait
beach: Platja
cape: Cap
cave_entrance: Entrada a cova
- channel: Canal
cliff: Cingle
crater: Cràter
dune: Duna
- feature: Característica
fell: Forest
fjord: Fiord
forest: Bosc
point: Punt
reef: Escull
ridge: Cresta
- river: Riu
rock: Roca
scree: Pedregar
scrub: Scrub
- shoal: Banc
spring: Deu
stone: Pedra
strait: Estret
volcano: Volcà
water: Aigua
wetland: Aiguamoll
- wetlands: Aiguamolls
wood: Bosc
accountant: Comptable
switch: Punts de ferrocarril
tram: Tramvia
tram_stop: Parada de tramvia
- yard: Pati de ferrocarril
- route:
- bus: Ruta d'autobús
alcohol: De llicència
antiques: Antiquari
hostel: Hostal
hotel: Hotel
information: Informació
- lean_to: Nau
motel: Motel
museum: Museu
picnic_site: Àrea de pícnic
theme_park: Parc temàtic
- valley: Vall
viewpoint: Mirador
zoo: Zoològic
artificial: Curs d'aigua artificial
boatyard: Drassana
canal: Canal
- connector: Connector de Waterway
dam: Dam
derelict_canal: Hi Canal
ditch: Séquia
drain: De drenatge
lock: Pany
lock_gate: Porta de panys
- mineral_spring: Mineral primavera
mooring: Amarradors
rapids: Ràpids
river: Riu
- riverbank: Riverbank
stream: Stream
wadi: Torrent
waterfall: Cascada
- water_point: Punt d'aigua
weir: Weir
level2: Frontera internacional
log_in: Inicia sessió
log_in_tooltip: Inicia una sessió amb un compte existent
sign_up: Registre
- start_mapping: Començar a cartografiar
+ start_mapping: Comença a cartografiar
sign_up_tooltip: Crea un usuari per editar
edit: Modificació
history: Historial
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native_link: versió català
- mapping_link: Inicia el mapatge
+ mapping_link: Comença a cartografiar
title_html: Drets d'autor i llicència
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de l'API</a>, la <a href="">Política
d'ús de les tessel·les</a> i la <a href="">Política
d'ús de Nominatim</a>.
- contributors_title_html: Nostres col. laboradors
+ contributors_title_html: Els nostres col·laboradors
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- Per a més detalls sobre aquesta i d'altres fonts que han estat utilitzades per millorar els mapes d'OpenStreetMap, si us plau, vegeu al wiki d'OSM la pàgina dedicada als <a
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+ Per a més detalls sobre aquesta i d'altres fonts que han estat utilitzades per millorar els mapes de l'OpenStreetMap, visiteu la pàgina dedicada als <a
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Inclusió de dades en OpenStreetMap no implica que l'original
el proveïdor de dades recolza OpenStreetMap, proporciona cap garantia, o
url: /welcome
title: Benvinguts a l'OSM
- description: Començar amb aquesta guia ràpida sobre els aspectes bàsics de OpenStreetMap.
+ description: Comença amb aquesta guia ràpida sobre els aspectes bàsics de l'OpenStreetMap.
taxiway: Pojezdová dráha
terminal: Terminál
- airport: Letiště
arts_centre: Kulturní centrum
- artwork: Umělecké dílo
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Posluchárna
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Místo na grilování
charging_station: Nabíjecí stanice
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Univerzita
community_centre: Komunitní centrum
courthouse: Soud
fuel: Čerpací stanice
grave_yard: Hřbitov
gym: Fitness centrum / tělocvična
- hall: Sál
health_centre: Zdravotní středisko
hospital: Nemocnice
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Posed
ice_cream: Zmrzlinárna
kindergarten: Mateřská škola
library: Knihovna
market: Tržiště
marketplace: Tržnice
- mountain_rescue: Horská služba
nightclub: Noční klub
nursery: Jesle
nursing_home: Pečovatelský dům
office: Úřad
- park: Park
parking: Parkoviště
pharmacy: Lékárna
place_of_worship: Náboženský objekt
prison: Věznice
pub: Hospoda
public_building: Veřejná budova
- public_market: Veřejný trh
reception_area: Recepce
recycling: Tříděný odpad
restaurant: Restaurace
school: Škola
shelter: Přístřeší
shop: Obchod
- shopping: Nákupní centrum
shower: Sprchy
social_centre: Společenské centrum
social_club: Společenský klub
social_facility: Zařízení sociálních služeb
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Bazén
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefonní automat
veterinary: Veterinární ordinace
village_hall: Společenský sál
waste_basket: Odpadkový koš
- wifi: Přístup k WiFi
- WLAN: Přístup k WiFi
youth_centre: Centrum pro mládež
administrative: Administrativní hranice
"yes": Budova
- fire_hydrant: Požární hydrant
phone: Nouzový telefon
bridleway: Koňská stezka
bus_guideway: Autobusová dráha
bus_stop: Autobusová zastávka
- byway: Účelová komunikace
construction: Silnice ve výstavbě
cycleway: Cyklostezka
emergency_access_point: Nouzový lokalizační bod
ford: Brod
living_street: Obytná zóna
milestone: Kilometrovník
- minor: Vedlejší silnice
motorway: Dálnice
motorway_junction: Dálniční křižovatka
motorway_link: Dálnice
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Schody
street_lamp: Pouliční lampa
- stile: Schůdky přes ohradu
tertiary: Silnice třetí třídy
tertiary_link: Silnice třetí třídy
track: Cesta
memorial: Památník
mine: Důl
monument: Pomník
- museum: Muzeum
ruins: Zřícenina
tomb: Náhrobek
tower: Věž
military: Vojenský prostor
mine: Důl
orchard: Ovocný sad
- nature_reserve: Přírodní rezervace
- park: Park
- piste: Sjezdovka
quarry: Lom
railway: Železnice
recreation_ground: Rekreační oblast
road: Cesty
village_green: Náves
vineyard: Vinice
- wetland: Mokřad
- wood: Neudržovaný les
beach_resort: Pobřežní letovisko
bird_hide: Ptačí pozorovatelna
beach: Pláž
cape: Mys
cave_entrance: Vstup do jeskyně
- channel: Kanál
cliff: Útes
crater: Kráter
dune: Duna
- feature: Prvek
fell: Fjell
fjord: Fjord
forest: Les
point: Bod
reef: Útes
ridge: Hřeben
- river: Řeka
rock: Skalisko
scree: Osyp
scrub: Rumiště
- shoal: Mělčina
spring: Pramen
stone: Kámen
strait: Úžina
volcano: Sopka
water: Vodní plocha
wetland: Mokřad
- wetlands: Mokřad
wood: Neudržovaný les
accountant: Účetní
switch: Výhybka
tram: Tramvajová trať
tram_stop: Tramvajová zastávka
- yard: Přednádraží
- route:
- bus: Autobusová linka
alcohol: Prodej alkoholu
antiques: Starožitnosti
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Turistické informace
- lean_to: Přístřešek
motel: Motel
museum: Muzeum
picnic_site: Piknikové místo
theme_park: Zábavní park
- valley: Údolí
viewpoint: Vyhlídka
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Umělý vodní kanál/průplav
boatyard: Loděnice
canal: Kanál
- connector: Propojení vodních cest
dam: Přehrada
derelict_canal: Opuštěný kanál
ditch: Meliorační kanál
drain: Odvodňovací kanál
lock: Zdymadlo
lock_gate: Vrata plavební komory
- mineral_spring: Minerální pramen
mooring: Kotviště
rapids: Peřeje
river: Řeka
- riverbank: Břeh řeky
stream: Potok
wadi: Vádí
waterfall: Vodopád
- water_point: Vodní bod
weir: Jez
level2: Státní hranice
gate: Giat
helipad: Pad Hofrennydd
- airport: Maes Awyr
arts_centre: Canolfan Grefftau
atm: Peiriant Codi Arian
- auditorium: Awditoriwm
bank: Banc
bar: Bar
bbq: Barbeciw
charging_station: Gorsaf Gwefru
cinema: Sinema
clinic: Clinic
- club: Clwb
college: Coleg
community_centre: Canolfan Cymunedol
courthouse: Llys
fuel: Tanwydd
grave_yard: Mynwent
gym: Canolfan Ffitrwydd / Campfa
- hall: Neuadd
health_centre: Canolfan Iechyd
hospital: Ysbyty
- hotel: Gwesty
ice_cream: Hufen Iâ
kindergarten: Meithrinfa
library: Llyfrgell
market: Marchnad
marketplace: Marchnad
- mountain_rescue: Achub bywyd mynydd
nightclub: Clwb Nôs
nursery: Meithrinfa
nursing_home: Cartref Nyrsio
office: Swyddfa
- park: Parc
parking: Parcio
pharmacy: Fferyllfa
place_of_worship: Man addoli
prison: Carchar
pub: Tafarn
public_building: Adeilad Cyhoeddus
- public_market: Marchnad Cyhoeddus
reception_area: Derbyniad
recycling: Pwynt Ailgylchu
restaurant: Bwyty
school: Ysgol
shelter: Cysgod
shop: Siop
- shopping: Siopa
shower: Cawod
social_centre: Canolfan Cymdeithasol
social_club: Clwb Cymdeithasol
social_facility: Cyfleuster cymedithasol
studio: Stiwdio
- supermarket: Archfarchnad
swimming_pool: Pwll Nofio
taxi: Tacsi
telephone: Ffôn Cyhoeddus
veterinary: Milfeddygfa
village_hall: Neuadd Bentref
waste_basket: Bin sbwriel
- wifi: Mynediad WiFi
- WLAN: Mynediad WiFi
youth_centre: Canolfan Ieuenctid
census: Ffin Cyfrifiad
footway: Llwybr Cerdded
ford: Rhyd
milestone: Carreg Filltir
- minor: Ffordd Gefn
motorway: Traffordd
motorway_junction: Cyffordd Traffordd
motorway_link: Ffordd Traffordd
speed_camera: Camera Cyflymder
steps: Grisiau
street_lamp: Golau Stryd
- stile: Camfa
tertiary: Ffordd Trydyddol
tertiary_link: Ffordd Trydyddol
track: Trac
memorial: Cofeb
mine: Mwynfa
monument: Cofadail
- museum: Amgueddfa
ruins: Adfeilion
tomb: Beddrod
tower: Tŵr
military: Ardal Milwrol
mine: Mwynglawdd
orchard: Berllan
- nature_reserve: Gwarchodfa Natur
- park: Parc
- piste: Piste
quarry: Chwarel
railway: Rheilffordd
recreation_ground: Maes Chwarae
retail: Adwerthu
village_green: Llain Pentref
vineyard: Gwinllan
- wetland: Gwlypdir
- wood: Coed
beach_resort: Ardal Wyliau
common: Tir Comin
beach: Traeth
cape: Penrhyn
cave_entrance: Mynediad Ogof
- channel: Culfor
cliff: Clogwyn
crater: Crater
dune: Twyn
- feature: Nodwedd
fjord: Ffiord
forest: Coedwig
geyser: Geiser
point: Pwynt
reef: Riff
ridge: Cefn
- river: Afon
rock: Craig
scree: Sgri
- shoal: Haig
spring: Ffynnon
stone: Carreg
strait: Culfor
volcano: Llosgfynydd
water: Dŵr
wetland: Gwlypdir
- wetlands: Gwlypdiroedd
wood: Coed
accountant: Cyfrifydd
subway_entrance: Mynedfa at Drenau Tanddaearol
tram: Tramffordd
tram_stop: Stop Tramiau
- yard: Buarth Drenau
- route:
- bus: Taith Bws
alcohol: Siop Drwyddedig
antiques: Hynafolion
museum: Amgueddfa
picnic_site: Safle Picnic
theme_park: Parc Thema
- valley: Dyffryn
viewpoint: Gwylfa
zoo: Sw
drain: Draen
lock: Loc
lock_gate: Llifddor
- mineral_spring: Ffynnon Dŵr Mwynol
mooring: Angori
rapids: Dŵr Tyrfol
river: Afon
- riverbank: Glan Afon
stream: Nant
wadi: Sychnant
waterfall: Rheadr
- water_point: Pwynt Dŵr
weir: Cored
level2: Ffin Gwledydd
taxiway: Rullevej
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Lufthavn
arts_centre: Kunstcenter
- artwork: Kunst
atm: Pengeautomat
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Grill
charging_station: Ladestation
cinema: Biograf
clinic: Klinik
- club: Klub
college: Videregående uddanelsesinstitution
community_centre: Forsamlingshus / lokalcenter
courthouse: Retsbygning
fuel: Benzinstation
grave_yard: Kirkegård
gym: Træningscenter
- hall: Forsamlingshal
health_centre: Sundhedscenter
hospital: Sygehus
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Jagtplatform
ice_cream: Is
kindergarten: Børnehave
library: Bibliotek
market: Marked
marketplace: Markedsplads
- mountain_rescue: Bjergredning
nightclub: Natklub
nursery: Førskole
nursing_home: Plejehjem
office: Kontor
- park: Park
parking: Parkering
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Sted for gudstjenester
prison: Fængsel
pub: Pub
public_building: Offentlig bygning
- public_market: Offentligt marked
reception_area: Modtagelsesområde
recycling: Genbrugsstation
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Skole
shelter: Shelter
shop: Forretning
- shopping: Indkøb
shower: Brusebad
social_centre: Socialcenter
social_club: Social klub
social_facility: Socialforsogsfacilitet
studio: Studie
- supermarket: Supermarked
swimming_pool: Swimmingpool
taxi: Taxa
telephone: Offentlig telefon
veterinary: Dyrlæge
village_hall: Forsamlingshus
waste_basket: Skraldespand
- wifi: WiFi-adgangspunkt
- WLAN: WiFi-adgangspunkt
youth_centre: Ungdomscenter
administrative: Administrativ grænse
"yes": Bygning
- fire_hydrant: Brandhane
phone: Nødtelefon
bridleway: Ridesti
bus_guideway: Styret busspor
bus_stop: Busstoppested
- byway: Stikvej
construction: Vej under konstruktion
cycleway: Cykelsti
emergency_access_point: Nødudgangspunkt
ford: Vadested
living_street: Vej med legende børn
milestone: Milepæl
- minor: Mindre vej
motorway: Motorvej
motorway_junction: Motorvejsafkørsel
motorway_link: Af-/tilkørsel til motorvej
speed_camera: Fartkamera
steps: Trappe
street_lamp: Gadelygte
- stile: Fåretrappe
tertiary: Hovedvej
tertiary_link: Hovedvej
track: Hjulspor
memorial: Mindesmærke
mine: Mine
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruin
tomb: Grav
tower: Tårn
military: Militært område
mine: Mine
orchard: Plantage
- nature_reserve: Naturreservat
- park: Park
- piste: Piste
quarry: Stenbrud/grusgrav
railway: Jernbane
recreation_ground: Idrætsplads
road: Vejområde
village_green: Forte
vineyard: Vingård
- wetland: Vådområde
- wood: Skov
beach_resort: Badestrand
bird_hide: Fugleskjul
beach: Strand
cape: Odde
cave_entrance: Huleindgang
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Forbjerg
crater: Krater
dune: Klit
- feature: Landskabsdetalje
fell: Fjeld
fjord: Fjord
forest: Skov
point: Punkt
reef: Rev
ridge: Bjergkam
- river: Flod
rock: Klippe
scree: Klint
scrub: Krat
- shoal: Sandbanke
spring: Kilde
stone: Sten
strait: Sund
volcano: Vulkan
water: Vand
wetland: Vådområde
- wetlands: Vådområder
wood: Skov
accountant: Revisor
switch: Sporskifte
tram: Sporvej
tram_stop: Sporvognsstoppested
- yard: Jernbaneterræn
- route:
- bus: Busrute
alcohol: Spiritusforretning
antiques: Antikviteter
hostel: Vandrerhjem
hotel: Hotel
information: Turistinformation
- lean_to: Ly
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Picnicsted
theme_park: Forlystelsespark
- valley: Dal
viewpoint: Udsigtspunkt
zoo: Zoologisk have
artificial: Kunstig vandvej
boatyard: Bådeværft
canal: Kanal
- connector: Vandvejsforbindelse
dam: Dæmning
derelict_canal: Nedlagt kanal
ditch: Grøft
drain: Afløb
lock: Sluse
lock_gate: Sluseport
- mineral_spring: Mineralsk kilde
mooring: Fortøjning
rapids: Stryg
river: Flod
- riverbank: Flodbred
stream: Bæk
wadi: Flodseng
waterfall: Vandfald
- water_point: Vandpunkt
weir: Overløbsdæmning
level2: Landegrænse
taxiway: Rollbahn
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Flughafen
arts_centre: Kulturzentrum
- artwork: Kunstwerk
atm: Geldautomat
- auditorium: Hörsaal
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Grillplatz
car_wash: Autowaschanlage
casino: Casino
charging_station: Ladestation
+ childcare: Kinderbetreuung
cinema: Kino
clinic: Krankenhaus
- club: Club
+ clock: Uhr
college: Hochschule
community_centre: Gemeindezentrum
courthouse: Gericht
fuel: Tankstelle
grave_yard: Friedhof
gym: Fitnessstudio
- hall: Halle
health_centre: Gesundheitszentrum
hospital: Krankenhaus
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Hochstand
ice_cream: Eisdiele
kindergarten: Kindergarten
library: Bücherei
market: Markt
marketplace: Marktplatz
- mountain_rescue: Bergrettung
nightclub: Nachtklub
nursery: Kindertagesstätte
nursing_home: Altersheim
office: Büro
- park: Park
parking: Parkplatz
pharmacy: Apotheke
place_of_worship: Andachtsstätte
prison: Gefängnis
pub: Pub
public_building: Öffentliches Gebäude
- public_market: Öffentlicher Markt
reception_area: Empfangsbereich
recycling: Recycling-Center
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Schule
shelter: Unterstand
shop: Geschäft
- shopping: Einkaufszentrum
shower: Dusche
social_centre: Sozialzentrum
social_club: Social Club
social_facility: Soziale Einrichtung
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarkt
swimming_pool: Schwimmbecken
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefonzelle
veterinary: Tierarzt
village_hall: Gemeindeamt
waste_basket: Mülleimer
- wifi: WLAN-Zugangspunkt
- WLAN: WLAN-Zugangspunkt
+ waste_disposal: Abfallentsorgung
youth_centre: Jugendzentrum
administrative: Verwaltungsgrenze
"yes": Brücke
"yes": Gebäude
+ craft:
+ brewery: Brauerei
+ carpenter: Zimmermann
+ electrician: Elektriker
+ gardener: Gärtner
+ painter: Maler
+ photographer: Fotograf
+ shoemaker: Schuhmacher
+ "yes": Handwerksgeschäft
- fire_hydrant: Hydrant
phone: Notrufsäule
bridleway: Reitweg
bus_guideway: Busspur
bus_stop: Bushaltestelle
- byway: Seitenweg (brit.)
construction: Straße im Bau
cycleway: Radweg
+ elevator: Lift
emergency_access_point: Notrufpunkt
footway: Fußweg
ford: Furt
living_street: Spiel-/Wohnstraße
milestone: Kilometerstein
- minor: Nebenstraße
motorway: Autobahn
motorway_junction: Autobahnausfahrt/-kreuz
motorway_link: Autobahnauffahrt
speed_camera: Blitzer
steps: Treppe
street_lamp: Straßenlaterne
- stile: Zaunübertritt
tertiary: Gemeindestraße
tertiary_link: Tertiärstraße-Auffahrt
track: Feldweg
+ traffic_signals: Lichtzeichenanlage
trail: Pfad
trunk: Schnellstraße
trunk_link: Schnellstraßenauffahrt
unclassified: Straße
unsurfaced: Nichtasphaltierte Straße
+ "yes": Straße
archaeological_site: Ausgrabungsstätte
battlefield: Kampfgebiet
building: Historisches Gebäude
castle: Schloss
church: Kirche
+ city_gate: Stadttor
citywalls: Stadtmauern
fort: Fort
house: Historisches Haus
memorial: Denkmal
mine: Mine
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruine
tomb: Grabstätte
tower: Historischer Turm
military: Militärgebiet
mine: Mine
orchard: Obstgarten
- nature_reserve: Naturschutzgebiet
- park: Park
- piste: Piste
quarry: Steinbruch
railway: Bahnkörper
recreation_ground: Erholungsgebiet
road: Straßenfläche
village_green: Dorfwiese (brit.)
vineyard: Weingut
- wetland: Feuchtgebiet
- wood: Wald
beach_resort: Strandbad
bird_hide: Vogelbeobachtungshütte
common: öffentliche Grünfläche (brit.)
+ dog_park: Hundepark
fishing: Fischereigrund
+ fitness_centre: Fitnessstudio
fitness_station: Fitnessstudio
garden: Garten
golf_course: Golfplatz
+ horse_riding: Reiten
ice_rink: Eislaufplatz
marina: Sporthafen
miniature_golf: Minigolf
swimming_pool: Schwimmbecken
track: Laufbahn
water_park: Wasserpark
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: Leuchtturm
+ tower: Turm
+ works: Fabrik
airfield: Militärflugplatz
barracks: Kaserne
beach: Strand
cape: Kap
cave_entrance: Höhleneingang
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Klippe
crater: Krater
dune: Düne
- feature: Feature
fell: Weide
fjord: Fjord
forest: Wald
geyser: Geysir
glacier: Gletscher
+ grassland: Wiese
heath: Heide
hill: Hügel
island: Insel
point: Punkt
reef: Riff
ridge: Grat
- river: Fluss
rock: Steine
+ saddle: Pass
+ sand: Sand
scree: Geröll
scrub: Buschland
- shoal: Untiefe
spring: Quelle
stone: Findling
strait: Straße
volcano: Vulkan
water: Wasser
wetland: Feuchtgebiet
- wetlands: Feuchtgebiet
wood: Wald
accountant: Buchhaltungsbüro
+ administrative: Verwaltung
architect: Architekt
company: Unternehmen
employment_agency: Arbeitsamt
town: Stadt
unincorporated_area: Gemeindefreies Gebiet
village: Dorf
+ "yes": Ort
abandoned: Aufgelassene Bahnstrecke
construction: Eisenbahn im Bau
switch: Weiche
tram: Straßenbahn
tram_stop: Haltestelle
- yard: Rangierbahnhof
- route:
- bus: Buslinie
alcohol: Spirituosenladen
antiques: Antiquitätengeschäft
"yes": Geschäft
alpine_hut: Berghütte
+ apartment: Apartment
artwork: Kunstwerk
attraction: Sehenswürdigkeit
bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
camp_site: Campingplatz
caravan_site: Wohnmobile-Stellplatz
chalet: Chalet
+ gallery: Galerie
guest_house: Pension
hostel: Jugendherberge
hotel: Hotel
information: Information
- lean_to: Unterstand
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Piknikplatz
theme_park: Freizeitpark
- valley: Tal
viewpoint: Aussichtspunkt
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Künstliche Wasserstraße
boatyard: Werft
canal: Kanal
- connector: Wasserstraßenverbindung
dam: Staudamm
derelict_canal: Aufgelassener Kanal
ditch: Wassergraben
drain: Abwassergraben
lock: Schleuse
lock_gate: Schleusentor
- mineral_spring: Mineralquelle
mooring: Anlegeplatz
rapids: Stromschnellen
river: Fluss
- riverbank: Flussufer
stream: Bach
wadi: Trockental
waterfall: Wasserfall
- water_point: Trinkwassernachfüllstation
weir: Wehr
+ "yes": Wasserstraße
level2: Staatsgrenze
level4: Landesgrenze
close: Schließen
search: Suchen
+ get_directions: Route berechnen
+ get_directions_title: Routenberechnung zwischen zwei Orten
+ close_directions: Schliessen der Route
+ close_directions_title: Schliessen des Routenmenus
+ from: Von
+ to: Nach
where_am_i: Wo bin ich?
where_am_i_title: Die momentane Position mit der Suchmaschine anzeigen
submit_text: Los
- get_directions: "Route berechnen"
- get_directions_title: "Routenberechnung zwischen zwei Orten"
- close_directions: "Schliessen der Route"
- close_directions_title: "Schliessen des Routenmenus"
- from: "Von"
- to: "Nach"
edit_help: Wähle eine höhere Zoomstufe und verschiebe die Karte an einen Ort,
den du bearbeiten möchtest, und klicke hier.
- directions: "Fahranweisungen: "
- graphhopper_bicycle: "Fahrrad (GraphHopper)"
- graphhopper_foot: "Fuss (GraphHopper)"
- mapquest_bicycle: "Fahrrad (MapQuest)"
- mapquest_foot: "Fuss (MapQuest)"
- mapquest_car: "Auto (MapQuest)"
- osrm_car: "Auto (OSRM)"
- distance: "Distanz:"
- time: "Zeit:"
+ graphhopper_bicycle: Fahrrad (GraphHopper)
+ graphhopper_foot: Fuss (GraphHopper)
+ mapquest_bicycle: Fahrrad (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_car: Auto (MapQuest)
+ mapquest_foot: Fuss (MapQuest)
+ osrm_car: Auto (OSRM)
+ directions: 'Fahranweisungen:'
+ distance: 'Distanz:'
- no_route: "Wir konnten keine Strecke zwischen diesen beiden Orten berechnen."
- no_place: "Wir konnten den Ort nicht finden."
+ no_route: Wir konnten keine Strecke zwischen diesen beiden Orten berechnen.
+ no_place: Wir konnten den Ort nicht finden.
- continue_on: "Weiter auf "
- slight_right: "Rechts halten auf "
- turn_right: "Rechts abbiegen auf "
- sharp_right: "Hart rechts auf "
- uturn: "U-turn along "
- sharp_left: "Hart links auf "
- turn_left: "Links abbiegen auf "
- slight_left: "Links halten auf "
- via_point: "(via point) "
- follow: "Folge "
- roundabout: "Im Kreisverkehr nehme "
- leave_roundabout: "Verlasse den Kreisverkehr - "
- stay_roundabout: "Stay on roundabout - "
- start: "Start at end of "
- destination: "Ziel erreicht"
- against_oneway: "Go against one-way on "
- end_oneway: "Ende der Einbahnstrasse "
- unnamed: "(unbekannt)"
- courtesy: "Fahranweisungen stammen von %{link}"
+ continue_on: Weiter auf
+ slight_right: Rechts halten auf
+ turn_right: Rechts abbiegen auf
+ sharp_right: Hart rechts auf
+ uturn: U-turn along
+ sharp_left: Hart links auf
+ turn_left: Links abbiegen auf
+ slight_left: Links halten auf
+ via_point: (via point)
+ follow: Folge
+ roundabout: Im Kreisverkehr nehme
+ leave_roundabout: Verlasse den Kreisverkehr -
+ stay_roundabout: Stay on roundabout -
+ start: Start at end of
+ destination: Ziel erreicht
+ against_oneway: Go against one-way on
+ end_oneway: Ende der Einbahnstrasse
+ unnamed: (unbekannt)
+ courtesy: Fahranweisungen stammen von %{link}
+ time: 'Zeit:'
node: Knoten
way: Weg
taxiway: Raya Texsiyan
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Havaherun
arts_centre: Merkeze Zagoni
- artwork: Zagonkar
atm: ATM
- auditorium: Oditoryum
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: İstasyona Pırkerden
cinema: Sinema
clinic: Klinik
- club: Klub
college: Lise
community_centre: Merkezê Cemeati
courthouse: Adliye
fuel: Petrol
grave_yard: Mezla ser
gym: Merkeza Fitnessi / Salona Spori
- hall: Cuwên
health_centre: Merkeza Weşiney
hospital: Nêweşxane
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Standê Seydwanan
ice_cream: Dondırme
kindergarten: Kreş
library: Kıtıbxane
market: Market
marketplace: Heruna bazari
- mountain_rescue: Kora rReynayen
nightclub: Kluba Şewer
nursery: Kreş
nursing_home: Rehatxane
office: Ofis
- park: Perk
parking: Otopark
pharmacy: Eczaxane
place_of_worship: Bawerxane
prison: Hepısxane
pub: Biraxane
public_building: Binaya Şaran
- public_market: Bazarê Şaran
reception_area: Heruna Resepsiyoni
recycling: Heruna peyd amayışi
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Wendxane
shelter: Starek
shop: Dukan
- shopping: Merkezê dayışgrotışi
shower: Çımecek
social_centre: Merkezo Sosyal
social_club: Kluba Sosyal
studio: Studyo
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Dola Asnawkerdışi
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Telafun
veterinary: Veteriner
village_hall: Wedey Dewer
waste_basket: Tenkey Sıloy
- wifi: Heruna WiFi
- WLAN: Heruna WiFi
youth_centre: Merkezê Gencan
administrative: Sinorê İdari
bridleway: Raya Estoran
bus_stop: İstasyonê Otobozan
- byway: Raya Bınêk
cycleway: Raya Bisikleter
emergency_access_point: Cayê vistra resnayışi
footway: Raya geyrayışi
ford: Balan
living_street: Kuçey Cıwiyayışi
- minor: Raya Werkek
motorway: Otoray
motorway_junction: Kewşaxa Otorayer
motorway_link: Raya Otoray
road: Ray
speed_camera: Kemeraya Vıstrın
steps: Merwani
- stile: Gamena Çitan
tertiary: Raya Dewan
track: Raya Herın
trail: Şop
memorial: Qub
mine: Mahden
monument: Ziyarık
- museum: Muza
ruins: Pagi
tower: Kule
military: Eskeri Mıntıqa
mine: Mahden
orchard: Hêga
- nature_reserve: Cayê Gem Starkerden
- park: Perk
- piste: Pist
railway: Rayatiran
reservoir: Dola Beraci
bunker: Stare
beach: Plac
- channel: Kenal
crater: Krater
dune: Kımıl
- feature: Weçinaye
fell: Gedugo wışk
forest: Mêşe
geyser: Gayzer
land: Wer
peak: Gıl /sersıq
reef: Resif
- river: Ro
scree: Heyelan
- shoal: Wesin
spring: Ênêk
stone: Kemere
strait: Balan
volcano: Wolkan
water: Aw
wetland: awe
- wetlands: Awi
wood: Meşe
accountant: Muhasebedar
nearby mapper: Xeritoğo emıryan
friend: Embaz
- title: Hesabi timar ke
+ title: Hesabi bıvurne
my settings: Eyarê mı
current email address: 'E-postay şımaya newki:'
new email address: 'E-postay adresiyo newe:'
taxiway: Lětadłowa cera
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Lětanišćo
arts_centre: Kulturny centrum
- artwork: Wuměłska twórba
atm: Pjenjezny awtomat
- auditorium: Awditorium
bank: Banka
bar: Bara
bbq: Grilowanišćo
charging_station: Napołnjowańska stacija
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Wusoka šula
community_centre: Komunikaciski centrum
courthouse: Sudnistwo
fuel: Tankownja
grave_yard: Kjarchob
gym: Fitnesowy centrum
- hall: Hala
health_centre: Strowotniski centrum
hospital: Chórownja
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Góntwarske sedło
ice_cream: Lod
kindergarten: Źiśownja
library: Knigłownja
market: Wiki
marketplace: Wikowanišćo
- mountain_rescue: Górska wumóžarska słužba
nightclub: Nocny klub
nursery: Źiśownja
nursing_home: Wótwardowarnja
office: Běrow
- park: Park
parking: Parkowanišćo
pharmacy: Aptejka
place_of_worship: Bóžy dom
prison: Popajźeństwo
pub: Kjarcma
public_building: Zjawne twarjenje
- public_market: Zjawny mark
reception_area: Wobcerk pśidostaśa
recycling: Zběranišćo starowinow
restaurant: Gósćeńc
school: Šula
shelter: Pódstup
shop: Pśekupnica
- shopping: Nakupowanišćo
shower: Duša
social_centre: Socialny centrum
social_club: Towarišliwostny klub
social_facility: Socialna institucija
studio: Studijo
- supermarket: Supermark
swimming_pool: Plěwarnja
taxi: Taksijowe městno
telephone: Zjawny telefon
veterinary: Skótny gójc
village_hall: Gmejnski centrum
waste_basket: Sudobje za wótpadanki
- wifi: WiFi-pśistup
- WLAN: WLAN-pśistup
youth_centre: Młoźinski centrum
administrative: Zastojnstwowa granica
"yes": Twarjenje
- fire_hydrant: Hydrant
phone: Słup za nuzowe zawołanje
bridleway: Rejtarska drožka
bus_guideway: Jězdna kólej kólejowego busa
bus_stop: Busowe zastanišćo
- byway: Pódlańska droga
construction: Dalokowobchadowa droga se twari
cycleway: Sćažka za kólasowarjow
emergency_access_point: Nuzowa słužba
ford: Brod
living_street: Droga z pómjeńšonym wobchadom
milestone: Kilometrownik
- minor: Bocna droga
motorway: Awtodroga
motorway_junction: Kśica awtodrogi
motorway_link: Zajězd na awtodrogu
speed_camera: Błyskowak
steps: Stupy
street_lamp: Pśidrožna latarnja
- stile: Płotowy pśestup
tertiary: Droga tśeśego rěda
tertiary_link: Droga tśeśego rěda
track: Pólna drožka
memorial: Wopomnišćo
mine: Pódkopy
monument: Pomnik
- museum: Muzeum
ruins: Ruiny
tomb: Row
tower: Torm
military: Militarny wobcerk
mine: Pódkopy
orchard: Sadownja
- nature_reserve: Strony šćitaneje pśirody
- park: Park
- piste: Pista
quarry: Skała
railway: Zeleznica
recreation_ground: Wódychańske strony
road: Drogowy wobcerk
village_green: Wejsny najs
vineyard: Winowe kubło
- wetland: Mokšy teren
- wood: Lěs
beach_resort: Mórske kupjele
bird_hide: Schow za ptaški
beach: Pśibrjog
cape: Kap
cave_entrance: Jamowy zachod
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Skalina
crater: Krater
dune: Změt pěska
- feature: Funkcija
fell: Fjel
fjord: Fjord
forest: Góla
point: Městno
reef: Riff
ridge: Górski grjebjeń
- river: Rěka
rock: Skała
scree: Kamjenišćo
scrub: Krě
- shoal: Měłkosć
spring: Žrědło
stone: Kamjeń
strait: Mórska wuscyna
volcano: Wulkan
water: Wódy
wetland: Ługowe łuki
- wetlands: Ługowe łuki
wood: Lěs
accountant: Knigływjeźeński běrow
switch: Pśestajadło
tram: Elektriska
tram_stop: Zastanišćo elektriskeje
- yard: Ranžěrowańske dwórnišćo
alcohol: Wobchod za spirituoze
antiques: Wobchod za starobki
hostel: Młodownja
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacije
- lean_to: Pśitwaŕ
motel: Motel
museum: Muzeum
picnic_site: Piknikowanišćo
theme_park: Rozwjaseleński park
- valley: Doł
viewpoint: Rozglědanišćo
zoo: Coo
artificial: Kumštna wódna droga
boatyard: Ŀoźnica
canal: Kanal
- connector: Zwisk mjazy wódnymi drogami
dam: Zagaśica
derelict_canal: Zanjerózony kanal
ditch: Grobla
drain: Wótwódowy kanal
lock: Pušćalnica
lock_gate: Pušćalnicowe wrota
- mineral_spring: Žrědło mineralneje wódy
mooring: Pśistajenje
rapids: Pśejmy rěki
river: Rěka
- riverbank: Rěcyny brjog
stream: Rěcka
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: Wódopad
- water_point: Wódne městno
weir: Gaśeńska murja
level2: Statna granica
από %{when}</abbr>
hidden_by: Έγινε κρυφή από τον %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>πριν από
+ query:
+ title: Πληροφορίες Χαρακτηριστικών
+ introduction: Κάντε κλικ στον χάρτη για να βρείτε κοντινά χαρακτηριστικά.
+ nearby: Κοντινά χαρακτηριστικά
showing_page: Σελίδα %{page}
sorry: Λυπάμαι, ο κατάλογος των ομάδων αλλαγών που ζήτησες χρειάστηκε πολύ χρόνο
για να ανακτηθεί.
+ commented_at_html: Ενημερώθηκε %{when} πριν
+ commented_at_by_html: Ενημερώθηκε %{when} πριν από τον %{user}
full: Πλήρης συζήτηση
taxiway: Τροχιόδρομος
terminal: Τερματικός Σταθμός
- airport: Αεροδρόμιο
arts_centre: Κέντρο Τεχνών
- artwork: Έργο Τέχνης
atm: ΑΤΜ
- auditorium: Αμφιθέατρο
bank: Τράπεζα
bar: Μπαρ
bbq: Ψησταριά
charging_station: Σταθμός Φόρτισης
cinema: Κινηματογράφος
clinic: Κλινική
- club: Club
college: Κολέγιο
community_centre: Κοινοτικό Κέντρο
courthouse: Δικαστήριο
fuel: Καύσιμα
grave_yard: Νεκροταφείο
gym: Γυμναστήριο
- hall: Αίθουσα
health_centre: Κέντρο Υγείας
hospital: Νοσοκομείο
- hotel: Ξενοδοχείο
hunting_stand: Κυνηγητικό Κιόσκι
ice_cream: Παγωτό
kindergarten: Νηπιαγωγείο
library: Βιβλιοθήκη
market: Αγορά
marketplace: Αγορά
- mountain_rescue: Ορεινή Διάσωση
nightclub: Νυχτερινό Κέντρο
nursery: Παιδικός Σταθμός
nursing_home: Οίκος Ευγηρίας
office: Γραφείο
- park: Πάρκο
parking: Χώρος Στάθμευσης
pharmacy: Φαρμακείο
place_of_worship: Τόπος Λατρείας
prison: Φυλακή
pub: Παμπ
public_building: Δημόσιο Κτίριο
- public_market: Δημόσια Αγορά
reception_area: Χώρος Υποδοχής
recycling: Σημείο Ανακύκλωσης
restaurant: Εστιατόριο
school: Σχολείο
shelter: Καταφύγιο
shop: Κατάστημα
- shopping: Αγορές
shower: Ντους
social_centre: Κοινωνικό Κέντρο
social_club: Κοινωνική Λέσχη
social_facility: Κοινωνική Εγκατάσταση
studio: Στούντιο
- supermarket: Σουπερμάρκετ
swimming_pool: Πισίνα
taxi: Ταξί
telephone: Δημόσιο Τηλέφωνο
veterinary: Κτηνιατρική Χειρουργική
village_hall: Αίθουσα Χωριού
waste_basket: Καλάθι Απορριμμάτων
- wifi: Πρόσβαση WiFi
- WLAN: Πρόσβαση WiFi
youth_centre: Κέντρο Νεολαίας
administrative: Διοικητικό Όριο
"yes": Κτίριο
- fire_hydrant: Πυροσβεστικός Κρουνός
phone: Τηλέφωνο Έκτακτης Ανάγκης
bridleway: Μονοπάτι για άλογα
bus_guideway: Καθορισμένη Λωρίδα Λεωφορείου
bus_stop: Στάση Λεωφορείου
- byway: Παράδρομος
construction: Δρόμος υπό Κατασκευή
cycleway: Ποδηλατόδρομος
emergency_access_point: Σημείο Πρόσβασης Έκτακτης Ανάγκης
ford: Κοιτόστρωση
living_street: Μεικτός Δρόμος
milestone: Ορόσημο
- minor: Επαρχιακός Δρόμος
motorway: Αυτοκινητόδρομος
motorway_junction: Διασταύρωση Αυτοκινητόδρομου
motorway_link: Αυτοκινητόδρομος
speed_camera: Κάμερα Ταχύτητας
steps: Σκαλοπάτια
street_lamp: Λάμπα του Δρόμου
- stile: Στήλη
tertiary: Τριτεύων Δρόμος
tertiary_link: Τριτεύων Δρόμος
track: Χωματόδρομος
memorial: Μνημείο
mine: Ορυχείο
monument: Μνημείο
- museum: Μουσείο
ruins: Ερείπιο
tomb: Τάφος
tower: Πύργος
military: Στρατιωτική Περιοχή
mine: Ορυχείο
orchard: Περιβόλι
- nature_reserve: Φυσικό Καταφύγιο
- park: Πάρκο
- piste: Πίστα σκι
quarry: Λατομείο
railway: Σιδηρόδρομος
recreation_ground: Χώρος Αναψυχής
road: Περιοχή Δρόμων
village_green: Πράσινο Χωριό
vineyard: Αμπέλι
- wetland: Υγρότοπος
- wood: Φυσικό Δάσος
beach_resort: Παραθαλάσσιο Θέρετρο
bird_hide: Καταφύγιο Πουλιών
beach: Παραλία
cape: Ακρωτήριο
cave_entrance: Είσοδος Σπηλιάς
- channel: Κανάλι
cliff: Γκρεμός
crater: Κρατήρας
dune: Αμμόλοφος
- feature: Χαρακτηριστικό
fell: Λόφος
fjord: Φιόρδ
forest: Δάσος
point: Σημείο
reef: Ύφαλος
ridge: Σκόπελος
- river: Ποτάμι
rock: Βράχος
scrub: Θαμνότοπος
- shoal: Ρηχά
spring: Πηγή
stone: Πέτρα
strait: Πορθμός
volcano: Ηφαίστειο
water: Νερό
wetland: Υγρότοπος
- wetlands: Υγρότοποι
wood: Δάσος
accountant: Λογιστής
switch: Σιδηροδρομικά Σημεία
tram: Τραμ
tram_stop: Στάση Τραμ
- yard: Σιδηροδρομικός Σταθμός Διαλογής
alcohol: Ψιλικατζίδικο
antiques: Αντίκες
museum: Μουσείο
picnic_site: Τοποθεσία για Πικ-Νικ
theme_park: Πάρκο Ψυχαγωγίας
- valley: Κοιλάδα
viewpoint: Έποψη
zoo: Ζωολογικός Κήπος
drain: Υπόνομος
lock: Κλειδαριά
lock_gate: Κλειδαριά Πύλης
- mineral_spring: Πηγή Μεταλλικού Νερού
mooring: Αγκυροβόλι
rapids: Χείμαρροι
river: Ποτάμι
- riverbank: Όχθη Ποταμού
stream: Ρέμα
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: Καταρράκτης
- water_point: Σημείο Πρόσβασης σε Νερό
weir: Υδατοφράκτης
level2: Σύνορο Χώρας
greeting: Γεια,
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: με το σχόλιο «%{changeset_comment}»
partial_changeset_without_comment: χωρίς σχόλιο
shortlink: Σύντομος σύνδεσμος
createnote: Προσθήκη σημείωσης
- copyright: Πνευματικά δικαιώματα του OpenStreetMap και των συντακτών του,
+ copyright: Πνευματικά δικαιώματα του OpenStreetMap και των συντακτών του,
υπό ελεύθερη άδεια
remote_failed: Η επεξεργασία απέτυχε - βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο JOSM ή ο Merkaartor
έχουν φορτωθεί και η επιλογή τηλεχειρισμού είναι ενεργή
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Μεγεθύνετε τον χάρτη για να δείτε σημειώσεις
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Μεγεθύνετε τον χάρτη για να δείτε τα δεδομένα του
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Πληροφορίες χαρακτηριστικών
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Μεγεθύνετε τον χάρτη για να μάθετε περισσότερα
+ για διάφορα χαρακτηριστικά
comment: Σχόλιο
--- /dev/null
+# Messages for British English (British English)
+# Exported from
+# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: Bpfhjquevaps
+# Author: Bruce89
+# Author: Captaindogfish
+# Author: Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry
+# Author: Shirayuki
+ html:
+ dir: ltr
+ time:
+ formats:
+ friendly: '%e %B %Y at %H:%M'
+ blog: '%e %B %Y'
+ activerecord:
+ models:
+ acl: Access Control List
+ changeset: Changeset
+ changeset_tag: Changeset Tag
+ country: Country
+ diary_comment: Diary Comment
+ diary_entry: Diary Entry
+ friend: Friend
+ language: Language
+ message: Message
+ node: Node
+ node_tag: Node Tag
+ notifier: Notifier
+ old_node: Old Node
+ old_node_tag: Old Node Tag
+ old_relation: Old Relation
+ old_relation_member: Old Relation Member
+ old_relation_tag: Old Relation Tag
+ old_way: Old Way
+ old_way_node: Old Way Node
+ old_way_tag: Old Way Tag
+ relation: Relation
+ relation_member: Relation Member
+ relation_tag: Relation Tag
+ session: Session
+ trace: Trace
+ tracepoint: Trace Point
+ tracetag: Trace Tag
+ user: User
+ user_preference: User Preference
+ user_token: User Token
+ way: Way
+ way_node: Way Node
+ way_tag: Way Tag
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: Body
+ diary_entry:
+ user: User
+ title: Subject
+ latitude: Latitude
+ longitude: Longitude
+ language: Language
+ friend:
+ user: User
+ friend: Friend
+ trace:
+ user: User
+ visible: Visible
+ name: Name
+ size: Size
+ latitude: Latitude
+ longitude: Longitude
+ public: Public
+ description: Description
+ message:
+ sender: Sender
+ title: Subject
+ body: Body
+ recipient: Recipient
+ user:
+ email: E-mail
+ active: Active
+ display_name: Display Name
+ description: Description
+ languages: Languages
+ pass_crypt: Password
+ printable_name:
+ with_version: '%{id}, v%{version}'
+ with_name_html: '%{name} (%{id})'
+ editor:
+ default: Default (currently %{name})
+ potlatch:
+ name: Potlatch 1
+ description: Potlatch 1 (in-browser editor)
+ id:
+ name: iD
+ description: iD (in-browser editor)
+ potlatch2:
+ name: Potlatch 2
+ description: Potlatch 2 (in-browser editor)
+ remote:
+ name: Remote Control
+ description: Remote Control (JOSM or Merkaartor)
+ browse:
+ created: Created
+ closed: Closed
+ created_html: Created <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} ago</abbr>
+ closed_html: Closed <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} ago</abbr>
+ created_by_html: Created <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} ago</abbr> by %{user}
+ deleted_by_html: Deleted <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} ago</abbr> by %{user}
+ edited_by_html: Edited <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} ago</abbr> by %{user}
+ closed_by_html: Closed <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} ago</abbr> by %{user}
+ version: Version
+ in_changeset: Changeset
+ anonymous: anonymous
+ no_comment: (no comment)
+ part_of: Part of
+ download_xml: Download XML
+ view_history: View History
+ view_details: View Details
+ location: 'Location:'
+ changeset:
+ title: 'Changeset: %{id}'
+ belongs_to: Author
+ node: Nodes (%{count})
+ node_paginated: Nodes (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
+ way: Ways (%{count})
+ way_paginated: Ways (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
+ relation: Relations (%{count})
+ relation_paginated: Relations (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
+ comment: Comments (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Hidden comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ ago</abbr>
+ commented_by: Comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} ago</abbr>
+ changesetxml: Changeset XML
+ osmchangexml: osmChange XML
+ feed:
+ title: Changeset %{id}
+ title_comment: Changeset %{id} - %{comment}
+ join_discussion: Log in to join the discussion
+ discussion: Discussion
+ node:
+ title: 'Node: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Node History: %{name}'
+ way:
+ title: 'Way: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Way History: %{name}'
+ nodes: Nodes
+ also_part_of:
+ one: part of way %{related_ways}
+ other: part of ways %{related_ways}
+ relation:
+ title: 'Relation: %{name}'
+ history_title: 'Relation History: %{name}'
+ members: Members
+ relation_member:
+ entry: '%{type} %{name}'
+ entry_role: '%{type} %{name} as %{role}'
+ type:
+ node: Node
+ way: Way
+ relation: Relation
+ containing_relation:
+ entry: Relation %{relation_name}
+ entry_role: Relation %{relation_name} (as %{relation_role})
+ not_found:
+ sorry: 'Sorry, %{type} #%{id} could not be found.'
+ type:
+ node: node
+ way: way
+ relation: relation
+ changeset: changeset
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Sorry, the data for the %{type} with the id %{id}, took too long to retrieve.
+ type:
+ node: node
+ way: way
+ relation: relation
+ changeset: changeset
+ redacted:
+ redaction: Redaction %{id}
+ message_html: Version %{version} of this %{type} cannot be shown as it has been
+ redacted. Please see %{redaction_link} for details.
+ type:
+ node: node
+ way: way
+ relation: relation
+ start_rjs:
+ feature_warning: Loading %{num_features} features, which may make your browser
+ slow or unresponsive. Are sure you want to display this data?
+ load_data: Load Data
+ loading: Loading...
+ tag_details:
+ tags: Tags
+ wiki_link:
+ key: The wiki description page for the %{key} tag
+ tag: The wiki description page for the %{key}=%{value} tag
+ wikidata_link: The %{page} item on Wikidata
+ wikipedia_link: The %{page} article on Wikipedia
+ telephone_link: Call %{phone_number}
+ note:
+ title: 'Note: %{id}'
+ new_note: New Note
+ description: Description
+ open_title: 'Unresolved note #%{note_name}'
+ closed_title: 'Resolved note #%{note_name}'
+ hidden_title: 'Hidden note #%{note_name}'
+ open_by: Created by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} ago</abbr>
+ open_by_anonymous: Created by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ ago</abbr>
+ commented_by: Comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} ago</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous: Comment from anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ ago</abbr>
+ closed_by: Resolved by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} ago</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous: Resolved by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ ago</abbr>
+ reopened_by: Reactivated by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} ago</abbr>
+ reopened_by_anonymous: Reactivated by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ ago</abbr>
+ hidden_by: Hidden by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} ago</abbr>
+ query:
+ title: Query Features
+ introduction: Click on the map to find nearby features.
+ nearby: Nearby features
+ enclosing: Enclosing features
+ changeset:
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Page %{page}
+ next: Next »
+ previous: « Previous
+ changeset:
+ anonymous: Anonymous
+ no_edits: (no edits)
+ view_changeset_details: View changeset details
+ changesets:
+ id: ID
+ saved_at: Saved at
+ user: User
+ comment: Comment
+ area: Area
+ list:
+ title: Changesets
+ title_user: Changesets by %{user}
+ title_friend: Changesets by your friends
+ title_nearby: Changesets by nearby users
+ empty: No changesets found.
+ empty_area: No changesets in this area.
+ empty_user: No changesets by this user.
+ no_more: No more changesets found.
+ no_more_area: No more changesets in this area.
+ no_more_user: No more changesets by this user.
+ load_more: Load more
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Sorry, the list of changesets you requested took too long to retrieve.
+ rss:
+ title_all: OpenStreetMap changeset discussion
+ title_particular: 'OpenStreetMap changeset #%{changeset_id} discussion'
+ comment: 'New comment on changeset #%{changeset_id} by %{author}'
+ commented_at_html: Updated %{when} ago
+ commented_at_by_html: Updated %{when} ago by %{user}
+ full: Full discussion
+ diary_entry:
+ new:
+ title: New Diary Entry
+ list:
+ title: Users' diaries
+ title_friends: Friends' diaries
+ title_nearby: Nearby Users' diaries
+ user_title: '%{user}''s diary'
+ in_language_title: Diary Entries in %{language}
+ new: New Diary Entry
+ new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary
+ no_entries: No diary entries
+ recent_entries: Recent diary entries
+ older_entries: Older Entries
+ newer_entries: Newer Entries
+ edit:
+ title: Edit diary entry
+ subject: 'Subject:'
+ body: 'Body:'
+ language: 'Language:'
+ location: 'Location:'
+ latitude: 'Latitude:'
+ longitude: 'Longitude:'
+ use_map_link: use map
+ save_button: Save
+ marker_text: Diary entry location
+ view:
+ title: '%{user}''s diary | %{title}'
+ user_title: '%{user}''s diary'
+ leave_a_comment: Leave a comment
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} to leave a comment'
+ login: Login
+ save_button: Save
+ no_such_entry:
+ title: No such diary entry
+ heading: 'No entry with the id: %{id}'
+ body: Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id %{id}. Please check
+ your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong.
+ diary_entry:
+ posted_by: Posted by %{link_user} on %{created} in %{language_link}
+ comment_link: Comment on this entry
+ reply_link: Reply to this entry
+ comment_count:
+ zero: No comments
+ one: '%{count} comment'
+ other: '%{count} comments'
+ edit_link: Edit this entry
+ hide_link: Hide this entry
+ confirm: Confirm
+ diary_comment:
+ comment_from: Comment from %{link_user} on %{comment_created_at}
+ hide_link: Hide this comment
+ confirm: Confirm
+ location:
+ location: 'Location:'
+ view: View
+ edit: Edit
+ feed:
+ user:
+ title: OpenStreetMap diary entries for %{user}
+ description: Recent OpenStreetMap diary entries from %{user}
+ language:
+ title: OpenStreetMap diary entries in %{language_name}
+ description: Recent diary entries from users of OpenStreetMap in %{language_name}
+ all:
+ title: OpenStreetMap diary entries
+ description: Recent diary entries from users of OpenStreetMap
+ comments:
+ has_commented_on: '%{display_name} has commented on the following diary entries'
+ post: Post
+ when: When
+ comment: Comment
+ ago: '%{ago} ago'
+ newer_comments: Newer Comments
+ older_comments: Older Comments
+ export:
+ title: Export
+ start:
+ area_to_export: Area to Export
+ manually_select: Manually select a different area
+ format_to_export: Format to Export
+ osm_xml_data: OpenStreetMap XML Data
+ map_image: Map Image (shows standard layer)
+ embeddable_html: Embeddable HTML
+ licence: Licence
+ export_details: OpenStreetMap data is licenced under the <a href="">Open
+ Data Commons Open Database Licence</a> (ODbL).
+ too_large:
+ advice: 'If the above export fails, please consider using one of the sources
+ listed below:'
+ body: This area is too large to be exported as OpenStreetMap XML Data. Please
+ zoom in or select a smaller area, or use one of the sources listed below
+ for bulk data downloads.
+ planet:
+ title: Planet OSM
+ description: Regularly updated copies of the complete OpenStreetMap database
+ overpass:
+ title: Overpass API
+ description: Download this bounding box from a mirror of the OpenStreetMap
+ database
+ geofabrik:
+ title: Geofabrik Downloads
+ description: Regularly-updated extracts of continents, countries, and selected
+ cities
+ metro:
+ title: Metro Extracts
+ description: Extracts for major world cities and their surrounding areas
+ other:
+ title: Other Sources
+ description: Additional sources listed on the OpenStreetMap wiki
+ options: Options
+ format: Format
+ scale: Scale
+ max: max
+ image_size: Image Size
+ zoom: Zoom
+ add_marker: Add a marker to the map
+ latitude: 'Lat:'
+ longitude: 'Lon:'
+ output: Output
+ paste_html: Paste HTML to embed in website
+ export_button: Export
+ geocoder:
+ search:
+ title:
+ latlon: Results from <a href="">Internal</a>
+ us_postcode: Results from <a href=""></a>
+ uk_postcode: Results from <a href="">NPEMap / FreeThe
+ Postcode</a>
+ ca_postcode: Results from <a href="">Geocoder.CA</a>
+ osm_nominatim: Results from <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Results from <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ osm_nominatim_reverse: Results from <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames_reverse: Results from <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix_format: '%{name}'
+ prefix:
+ aerialway:
+ chair_lift: Chairlift
+ drag_lift: Drag Lift
+ station: Aerialway Station
+ aeroway:
+ aerodrome: Aerodrome
+ apron: Apron
+ gate: Gate
+ helipad: Helipad
+ runway: Runway
+ taxiway: Taxiway
+ terminal: Terminal
+ amenity:
+ arts_centre: Arts Centre
+ atm: ATM
+ bank: Bank
+ bar: Bar
+ bbq: BBQ
+ bench: Bench
+ bicycle_parking: Cycle Parking
+ bicycle_rental: Cycle Rental
+ biergarten: Beer Garden
+ brothel: Brothel
+ bureau_de_change: Bureau de Change
+ bus_station: Bus Station
+ cafe: Café
+ car_rental: Car Hire
+ car_sharing: Car Sharing
+ car_wash: Car Wash
+ casino: Casino
+ charging_station: Charging Station
+ cinema: Cinema
+ clinic: Clinic
+ college: College
+ community_centre: Community Centre
+ courthouse: Courthouse
+ crematorium: Crematorium
+ dentist: Dentist
+ doctors: Doctors
+ dormitory: Dormitory
+ drinking_water: Drinking Water
+ driving_school: Driving School
+ embassy: Embassy
+ emergency_phone: Emergency Phone
+ fast_food: Fast Food
+ ferry_terminal: Ferry Terminal
+ fire_hydrant: Fire Hydrant
+ fire_station: Fire Station
+ food_court: Food Court
+ fountain: Fountain
+ fuel: Fuel
+ grave_yard: Graveyard
+ gym: Fitness Centre/Gym
+ health_centre: Health Centre
+ hospital: Hospital
+ hunting_stand: Hunting Stand
+ ice_cream: Ice Cream
+ kindergarten: Nursery School
+ library: Library
+ market: Market
+ marketplace: Marketplace
+ nightclub: Night Club
+ nursery: Nursery School
+ nursing_home: Nursing Home
+ office: Office
+ parking: Parking
+ pharmacy: Pharmacy
+ place_of_worship: Place of Worship
+ police: Police
+ post_box: Post Box
+ post_office: Post Office
+ preschool: Pre-School
+ prison: Prison
+ pub: Pub
+ public_building: Public Building
+ reception_area: Reception Area
+ recycling: Recycling Point
+ restaurant: Restaurant
+ retirement_home: Retirement Home
+ sauna: Sauna
+ school: School
+ shelter: Shelter
+ shop: Shop
+ shower: Shower
+ social_centre: Social Centre
+ social_club: Social Club
+ social_facility: Social Facility
+ studio: Studio
+ swimming_pool: Swimming Pool
+ taxi: Taxi
+ telephone: Public Telephone
+ theatre: Theatre
+ toilets: Toilets
+ townhall: Town Hall
+ university: University
+ vending_machine: Vending Machine
+ veterinary: Veterinary Surgery
+ village_hall: Village Hall
+ waste_basket: bin
+ youth_centre: Youth Centre
+ boundary:
+ administrative: Administrative Boundary
+ census: Census Boundary
+ national_park: National Park
+ protected_area: Protected Area
+ bridge:
+ aqueduct: Aqueduct
+ suspension: Suspension Bridge
+ swing: Swing Bridge
+ viaduct: Viaduct
+ "yes": Bridge
+ building:
+ "yes": Building
+ emergency:
+ phone: Emergency Phone
+ highway:
+ bridleway: Bridleway
+ bus_guideway: Guided Bus Lane
+ bus_stop: Bus Stop
+ construction: Highway under construction
+ cycleway: Cycle Path
+ emergency_access_point: Emergency Access Point
+ footway: Footpath
+ ford: Ford
+ living_street: Living Street
+ milestone: Milestone
+ motorway: Motorway
+ motorway_junction: Motorway Junction
+ motorway_link: Motorway Road
+ path: Path
+ pedestrian: Pedestrian Way
+ platform: Platform
+ primary: Primary Road
+ primary_link: Primary Road
+ proposed: Proposed Road
+ raceway: Raceway
+ residential: Residential Road
+ rest_area: Rest Area
+ road: Road
+ secondary: Secondary Road
+ secondary_link: Secondary Road
+ service: Service Road
+ services: Motorway Services
+ speed_camera: Speed Camera
+ steps: Steps
+ street_lamp: Street Lamp
+ tertiary: Tertiary Road
+ tertiary_link: Tertiary Road
+ track: Track
+ trail: Trail
+ trunk: Trunk Road
+ trunk_link: Trunk Road
+ unclassified: Unclassified Road
+ unsurfaced: Unsurfaced Road
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: Archaeological Site
+ battlefield: Battlefield
+ boundary_stone: Boundary Stone
+ building: Building
+ castle: Castle
+ church: Church
+ citywalls: City Walls
+ fort: Fort
+ house: House
+ icon: Icon
+ manor: Manor
+ memorial: Memorial
+ mine: Mine
+ monument: Monument
+ ruins: Ruins
+ tomb: Tomb
+ tower: Tower
+ wayside_cross: Wayside Cross
+ wayside_shrine: Wayside Shrine
+ wreck: Wreck
+ landuse:
+ allotments: Allotments
+ basin: Basin
+ brownfield: Brownfield Land
+ cemetery: Cemetery
+ commercial: Commercial Area
+ conservation: Conservation
+ construction: Construction
+ farm: Farm
+ farmland: Farmland
+ farmyard: Farmyard
+ forest: Forest
+ garages: Garages
+ grass: Grass
+ greenfield: Greenfield Land
+ industrial: Industrial Area
+ landfill: Landfill
+ meadow: Meadow
+ military: Military Area
+ mine: Mine
+ orchard: Orchard
+ quarry: Quarry
+ railway: Railway
+ recreation_ground: Recreation Ground
+ reservoir: Reservoir
+ reservoir_watershed: Reservoir Watershed
+ residential: Residential Area
+ retail: Retail
+ road: Road Area
+ village_green: Village Green
+ vineyard: Vineyard
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: Beach Resort
+ bird_hide: Bird Hide
+ common: Common Land
+ fishing: Fishing Area
+ fitness_station: Fitness Station
+ garden: Garden
+ golf_course: Golf Course
+ ice_rink: Ice Rink
+ marina: Marina
+ miniature_golf: Miniature Golf
+ nature_reserve: Nature Reserve
+ park: Park
+ pitch: Sports Pitch
+ playground: Playground
+ recreation_ground: Recreation Ground
+ sauna: Sauna
+ slipway: Slipway
+ sports_centre: Sports Centre
+ stadium: Stadium
+ swimming_pool: Swimming Pool
+ track: Running Track
+ water_park: Water Park
+ military:
+ airfield: Military Airfield
+ barracks: Barracks
+ bunker: Bunker
+ mountain_pass:
+ "yes": Mountain Pass
+ natural:
+ bay: Bay
+ beach: Beach
+ cape: Cape
+ cave_entrance: Cave Entrance
+ cliff: Cliff
+ crater: Crater
+ dune: Dune
+ fell: Fell
+ fjord: Fjord
+ forest: Forest
+ geyser: Geyser
+ glacier: Glacier
+ heath: Heath
+ hill: Hill
+ island: Island
+ land: Land
+ marsh: Marsh
+ moor: Moor
+ mud: Mud
+ peak: Peak
+ point: Point
+ reef: Reef
+ ridge: Ridge
+ rock: Rock
+ scree: Scree
+ scrub: Scrub
+ spring: Spring
+ stone: Stone
+ strait: Strait
+ tree: Tree
+ valley: Valley
+ volcano: Volcano
+ water: Water
+ wetland: Wetland
+ wood: Wood
+ office:
+ accountant: Accountant
+ architect: Architect
+ company: Company
+ employment_agency: Employment Agency
+ estate_agent: Estate Agent
+ government: Governmental Office
+ insurance: Insurance Office
+ lawyer: Lawyer
+ ngo: NGO Office
+ telecommunication: Telecommunication Office
+ travel_agent: Travel Agency
+ "yes": Office
+ place:
+ airport: Airport
+ city: City
+ country: Country
+ county: County
+ farm: Farm
+ hamlet: Hamlet
+ house: House
+ houses: Houses
+ island: Island
+ islet: Islet
+ isolated_dwelling: Isolated Dwelling
+ locality: Locality
+ moor: Moor
+ municipality: Municipality
+ neighbourhood: Neighbourhood
+ postcode: Postcode
+ region: Region
+ sea: Sea
+ state: State
+ subdivision: Subdivision
+ suburb: Suburb
+ town: Town
+ unincorporated_area: Unincorporated Area
+ village: Village
+ railway:
+ abandoned: Abandoned Railway
+ construction: Railway under construction
+ disused: Disused Railway
+ disused_station: Disused Railway Station
+ funicular: Funicular Railway
+ halt: Train Stop
+ historic_station: Historic Railway Station
+ junction: Railway Junction
+ level_crossing: Level Crossing
+ light_rail: Light Rail
+ miniature: Miniature Rail
+ monorail: Monorail
+ narrow_gauge: Narrow Gauge Railway
+ platform: Railway Platform
+ preserved: Preserved Railway
+ proposed: Proposed Railway
+ spur: Railway Spur
+ station: Railway Station
+ stop: Railway Stop
+ subway: Subway Station
+ subway_entrance: Subway Entrance
+ switch: Railway Points
+ tram: Tramway
+ tram_stop: Tram Stop
+ shop:
+ alcohol: Off Licence
+ antiques: Antiques
+ art: Art Shop
+ bakery: Bakery
+ beauty: Beauty Shop
+ beverages: Beverages Shop
+ bicycle: Bicycle Shop
+ books: Book Shop
+ boutique: Boutique
+ butcher: Butcher
+ car: Car Shop
+ car_parts: Car Parts
+ car_repair: Car Repair
+ carpet: Carpet Shop
+ charity: Charity Shop
+ chemist: Chemist
+ clothes: Clothes Shop
+ computer: Computer Shop
+ confectionery: Sweet Shop
+ convenience: Convenience Store
+ copyshop: Copy Shop
+ cosmetics: Cosmetics Shop
+ deli: Delicatessen
+ department_store: Department Store
+ discount: Discount Items Shop
+ doityourself: DIY store
+ dry_cleaning: Dry Cleaning
+ electronics: Electronics Shop
+ estate_agent: Estate Agent
+ farm: Farm Shop
+ fashion: Fashion Shop
+ fish: Fishmonger
+ florist: Florist
+ food: Food Shop
+ funeral_directors: Funeral Directors
+ furniture: Furniture
+ gallery: Gallery
+ garden_centre: Garden Centre
+ general: General Store
+ gift: Gift Shop
+ greengrocer: Greengrocer
+ grocery: Grocery Shop
+ hairdresser: Hairdresser
+ hardware: Hardware Store
+ hifi: Hi-Fi
+ insurance: Insurance
+ jewelry: Jewellers
+ kiosk: Kiosk Shop
+ laundry: Laundry
+ mall: Mall
+ market: Market
+ mobile_phone: Mobile Phone Shop
+ motorcycle: Motorcycle Shop
+ music: Music Shop
+ newsagent: Newsagent
+ optician: Optician
+ organic: Organic Food Shop
+ outdoor: Outdoor Shop
+ pet: Pet Shop
+ pharmacy: Pharmacy
+ photo: Photo Shop
+ salon: Salon
+ second_hand: Second-hand Shop
+ shoes: Shoe Shop
+ shopping_centre: Shopping Centre
+ sports: Sports Shop
+ stationery: Stationers
+ supermarket: Supermarket
+ tailor: Tailor
+ toys: Toy Shop
+ travel_agency: Travel Agency
+ video: Video Shop
+ wine: Off Licence
+ "yes": Shop
+ tourism:
+ alpine_hut: Alpine Hut
+ artwork: Artwork
+ attraction: Attraction
+ bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast
+ cabin: Cabin
+ camp_site: Camp Site
+ caravan_site: Caravan Site
+ chalet: Chalet
+ guest_house: Guest House
+ hostel: Hostel
+ hotel: Hotel
+ information: Information
+ motel: Motel
+ museum: Museum
+ picnic_site: Picnic Site
+ theme_park: Theme Park
+ viewpoint: Viewpoint
+ zoo: Zoo
+ tunnel:
+ culvert: Culvert
+ "yes": Tunnel
+ waterway:
+ artificial: Artificial Waterway
+ boatyard: Boatyard
+ canal: Canal
+ dam: Dam
+ derelict_canal: Derelict Canal
+ ditch: Ditch
+ dock: Dock
+ drain: Drain
+ lock: Lock
+ lock_gate: Lock Gate
+ mooring: Mooring
+ rapids: Rapids
+ river: River
+ stream: Stream
+ wadi: Wadi
+ waterfall: Waterfall
+ weir: Weir
+ admin_levels:
+ level2: Country Boundary
+ level4: State Boundary
+ level5: Region Boundary
+ level6: County Boundary
+ level8: City Boundary
+ level9: Village Boundary
+ level10: Suburb Boundary
+ description:
+ title:
+ osm_nominatim: Location from <a href="">OpenStreetMap
+ Nominatim</a>
+ geonames: Location from <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ types:
+ cities: Cities
+ towns: Towns
+ places: Places
+ results:
+ no_results: No results found
+ more_results: More results
+ distance:
+ zero: less than 1km
+ one: about 1km
+ other: about %{count}km
+ direction:
+ south_west: south-west
+ south: south
+ south_east: south-east
+ east: east
+ north_east: north-east
+ north: north
+ north_west: north-west
+ west: west
+ layouts:
+ project_name:
+ title: OpenStreetMap
+ h1: OpenStreetMap
+ logo:
+ alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo
+ home: Go to Home Location
+ logout: Log Out
+ log_in: Log In
+ log_in_tooltip: Log in with an existing account
+ sign_up: Sign Up
+ start_mapping: Start Mapping
+ sign_up_tooltip: Create an account for editing
+ edit: Edit
+ history: History
+ export: Export
+ data: Data
+ export_data: Export Data
+ gps_traces: GPS Traces
+ gps_traces_tooltip: Manage GPS traces
+ user_diaries: User Diaries
+ user_diaries_tooltip: View user diaries
+ edit_with: Edit with %{editor}
+ tag_line: The Free Wiki World Map
+ intro_header: Welcome to OpenStreetMap!
+ intro_text: OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and
+ free to use under an open licence.
+ intro_2_create_account: Create a user account
+ partners_html: Hosting is supported by %{ucl}, %{ic} and %{bytemark}, and other
+ %{partners}.
+ partners_ucl: the UCL VR Centre
+ partners_ic: Imperial College London
+ partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
+ partners_partners: partners
+ partners_url:
+ osm_offline: The OpenStreetMap database is currently offline while essential database
+ maintenance work is carried out.
+ osm_read_only: The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while
+ essential database maintenance work is carried out.
+ donate: Support OpenStreetMap by %{link} to the Hardware Upgrade Fund.
+ help: Help
+ about: About
+ copyright: Copyright
+ community: Community
+ community_blogs: Community Blogs
+ community_blogs_title: Blogs from members of the OpenStreetMap community
+ foundation: Foundation
+ foundation_title: The OpenStreetMap Foundation
+ make_a_donation:
+ title: Support OpenStreetMap with a monetary donation
+ text: Make a Donation
+ learn_more: Learn More
+ more: More
+ license_page:
+ foreign:
+ title: About this translation
+ text: In the event of a conflict between this translated page and %{english_original_link},
+ the English page shall take precedence
+ english_link: the English original
+ native:
+ title: About this page
+ text: You are viewing the English version of the copyright page. You can go
+ back to the %{native_link} of this page or you can stop reading about copyright
+ and %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: British English version
+ mapping_link: start mapping
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Copyright and Licence
+ intro_1_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>, licenced under the <a
+ href="">Open Data
+ Commons Open Database Licence</a> (ODbL).
+ intro_2_html: You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data,
+ as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or
+ build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.
+ The full <a href="">legal code</a>
+ explains your rights and responsibilities.
+ intro_3_html: |-
+ The cartography in our map tiles, and our documentation, are
+ licenced under the <a href="">Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> licence (CC BY-SA).
+ credit_title_html: How to credit OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: |-
+ We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap
+ contributors”.
+ credit_2_html: |-
+ You must also make it clear that the data is available under the Open
+ Database Licence, and if using our map tiles, that the cartography is
+ licenced as CC BY-SA. You may do this by linking to
+ <a href="">this copyright page</a>.
+ Alternatively, and as a requirement if you are distributing OSM in a
+ data form, you can name and link directly to the licence(s). In media
+ where links are not possible (e.g. printed works), we suggest you
+ direct your readers to (perhaps by expanding
+ 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address), to, and
+ if relevant, to
+ credit_3_html: |-
+ For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map.
+ For example:
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Example of how to attribute OpenStreetMap on a webpage
+ title: Attribution example
+ more_title_html: Finding out more
+ more_1_html: |-
+ Read more about using our data, and how to credit us, at the <a
+ href="">Legal
+ FAQ</a>.
+ more_2_html: Although OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannot provide a free-of-charge
+ map API for third-party developers. See our <a href="">API
+ Usage Policy</a>, <a href="">Tile
+ Usage Policy</a> and <a href="">Nominatim
+ Usage Policy</a>.
+ contributors_title_html: Our contributors
+ contributors_intro_html: |-
+ Our contributors are thousands of individuals. We also include
+ openly-licenced data from national mapping agencies
+ and other sources, among them:
+ contributors_at_html: |-
+ <strong>Austria</strong>: Contains data from
+ <a href="">Stadt Wien</a> (under
+ <a href="">CC BY</a>),
+ <a href="">Land Vorarlberg</a> and
+ Land Tirol (under <a href="">CC BY AT with amendments</a>).
+ contributors_ca_html: |-
+ <strong>Canada</strong>: Contains data from
+ GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural
+ Resources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural
+ Resources Canada), and StatCan (Geography Division,
+ Statistics Canada).
+ contributors_fi_html: |-
+ <strong>Finland</strong>: Contains data from the
+ National Land Survey of Finland's Topographic Database
+ and other datasets, under the
+ <a href="">NLSFI Licence</a>.
+ contributors_fr_html: '<strong>France</strong>: Contains data sourced from Direction
+ Générale des Impôts.'
+ contributors_nl_html: '<strong>Netherlands</strong>: Contains © AND data,
+ 2007 (<a href=""></a>)'
+ contributors_nz_html: '<strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from
+ Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.'
+ contributors_za_html: '<strong>South Africa</strong>: Contains data sourced
+ from <a href="">Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial
+ Information</a>, State copyright reserved.'
+ contributors_gb_html: '<strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance Survey
+ data © Crown copyright and database right 2010-12.'
+ contributors_footer_1_html: For further details of these, and other sources
+ that have been used to help improve OpenStreetMap, please see the <a href="">Contributors
+ page</a> on the OpenStreetMap Wiki.
+ contributors_footer_2_html: Inclusion of data in OpenStreetMap does not imply
+ that the original data provider endorses OpenStreetMap, provides any warranty,
+ or accepts any liability.
+ infringement_title_html: Copyright infringement
+ infringement_1_html: OSM contributors are reminded never to add data from any
+ copyrighted sources (e.g. Google Maps or printed maps) without explicit permission
+ from the copyright holders.
+ infringement_2_html: If you believe that copyrighted material has been inappropriately
+ added to the OpenStreetMap database or this site, please refer to our <a href="">takedown
+ procedure</a> or file directly at our <a href="">on-line
+ filing page</a>.
+ welcome_page:
+ title: Welcome!
+ introduction_html: Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the
+ world. Now that you're signed up, you're all set to get started mapping. Here's
+ a quick guide with the most important things you need to know.
+ whats_on_the_map:
+ title: What's on the Map
+ on_html: OpenStreetMap is a place for mapping things that are both <em>real
+ and current</em> - it includes millions of buildings, roads, and other details
+ about places. You can map whatever real-world features are interesting to
+ you.
+ off_html: What it <em>doesn't</em> include is opinionated data like ratings,
+ historical or hypothetical features, and data from copyrighted sources. Unless
+ you have special permission, don't copy from online or paper maps.
+ basic_terms:
+ title: Basic Terms For Mapping
+ paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap has some of its own lingo. Here are a few key
+ words that'll come in handy.
+ editor_html: An <strong>editor</strong> is a program or website you can use
+ to edit the map.
+ node_html: A <strong>node</strong> is a point on the map, like a single restaurant
+ or a tree.
+ way_html: A <strong>way</strong> is a line or area, like a road, stream, lake
+ or building.
+ tag_html: A <strong>tag</strong> is a bit of data about a node or way, like
+ a restaurant's name or a road's speed limit.
+ questions:
+ title: Any questions?
+ paragraph_1_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap has several resources for learning about the project, asking and answering questions, and collaboratively discussing and documenting mapping topics.
+ <a href='%{help_url}'>Get help here</a>.
+ start_mapping: Start Mapping
+ add_a_note:
+ title: No Time To Edit? Add a Note!
+ paragraph_1_html: If you just want something small fixed and don't have the
+ time to sign up and learn how to edit, it's easy to add a note.
+ paragraph_2_html: 'Just go to <a href=''%{map_url}''>the map</a> and click the
+ note icon: <span class=''icon note''></span>. This will add a marker to the
+ map, which you can move by dragging. Add your message, then click save, and
+ other mappers will investigate.'
+ fixthemap:
+ title: Report a problem/Fix the map
+ how_to_help:
+ title: How to Help
+ join_the_community:
+ title: Join the community
+ explanation_html: If you have noticed a problem with our map data, for example
+ a road is missing or your address, the best way to proceed is to join the
+ OpenStreetMap community and add or repair the data yourself.
+ add_a_note:
+ instructions_html: Just click <a class='icon note'></a> or the same icon on
+ the map display. This will add a marker to the map, which you can move by
+ dragging. Add your message, then click save, and other mappers will investigate.
+ other_concerns:
+ title: Other concerns
+ explanation_html: "If you have concerns about how our data is being used or
+ about the contents please consult our\n<a href='/copyright'>copyright page</a>
+ for more legal information, or contact the appropriate \n<a href=''>OSMF
+ working group</a>."
+ help_page:
+ title: Getting Help
+ introduction: OpenStreetMap has several resources for learning about the project,
+ asking and answering questions, and collaboratively discussing and documenting
+ mapping topics.
+ welcome:
+ url: /welcome
+ title: Welcome to OSM
+ description: Start with this quick guide covering the OpenStreetMap basics.
+ help:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Ask a question or look up answers on OSM's question-and-answer
+ site.
+ wiki:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Browse the wiki for in-depth OSM documentation.
+ about_page:
+ next: Next
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>contributors
+ used_by: '%{name} powers map data on hundreds of web sites, mobile apps, and hardware
+ devices'
+ lede_text: OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and
+ maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all
+ over the world.
+ local_knowledge_title: Local Knowledge
+ local_knowledge_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap emphasises local knowledge. Contributors use
+ aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM
+ is accurate and up to date.
+ community_driven_title: Community Driven
+ community_driven_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more.
+ To learn more about the community, see the <a href='%{diary_path}'>user diaries</a>, <a href=''>community blogs</a>, and the <a href=''>OSM Foundation</a> website.
+ open_data_title: Open Data
+ open_data_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>: you are free to use it for any purpose
+ as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or
+ build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only
+ under the same licence. See the <a href='%{copyright_path}'>Copyright and
+ Licence page</a> for details.
+ partners_title: Partners
+ notifier:
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} commented on your diary entry'
+ hi: Hi %{to_user},
+ header: '%{from_user} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry
+ with the subject %{subject}:'
+ footer: You can also read the comment at %{readurl} and you can comment at %{commenturl}
+ or reply at %{replyurl}
+ message_notification:
+ subject_header: '[OpenStreetMap] %{subject}'
+ hi: Hi %{to_user},
+ header: '%{from_user} has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the
+ subject %{subject}:'
+ footer_html: You can also read the message at %{readurl} and you can reply at
+ %{replyurl}
+ friend_notification:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} added you as a friend'
+ had_added_you: '%{user} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap.'
+ see_their_profile: You can see their profile at %{userurl}.
+ befriend_them: You can also add them as a friend at %{befriendurl}.
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ your_gpx_file: It looks like your GPX file
+ with_description: with the description
+ and_the_tags: 'and the following tags:'
+ and_no_tags: and no tags.
+ failure:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import failure'
+ failed_to_import: 'failed to import. Here is the error:'
+ more_info_1: More information about GPX import failures and how to avoid
+ more_info_2: 'them can be found at:'
+ import_failures_url:
+ success:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import success'
+ loaded_successfully: loaded successfully with %{trace_points} out of a possible
+ %{possible_points} points.
+ signup_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Welcome to OpenStreetMap'
+ greeting: Hi there!
+ created: Someone (hopefully you) just created an account at %{site_url}.
+ confirm: 'Before we do anything else, we need to confirm that this request came
+ from you, so if it did then please click the link below to confirm your account:'
+ welcome: After you confirm your account, we'll provide you with some additional
+ information to get you started.
+ email_confirm:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Confirm your e-mail address'
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ hopefully_you: Someone (hopefully you) would like to change their email address
+ over at %{server_url} to %{new_address}.
+ click_the_link: If this is you, please click the link below to confirm the change.
+ email_confirm_html:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ hopefully_you: Someone (hopefully you) would like to change their email address
+ over at %{server_url} to %{new_address}.
+ click_the_link: If this is you, please click the link below to confirm the change.
+ lost_password:
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Password reset request'
+ lost_password_plain:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ hopefully_you: Someone (possibly you) has asked for the password to be reset
+ on this email address's account.
+ click_the_link: If this is you, please click the link below to reset your password.
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ hopefully_you: Someone (possibly you) has asked for the password to be reset
+ on this e-mail address's account.
+ click_the_link: If this is you, please click the link below to reset your password.
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: An anonymous user
+ greeting: Hi,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has commented on one of your notes'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has commented on a note you are
+ interested in'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} has left a comment on one of your map notes near
+ %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} has left a comment on a map note you have commented
+ on. The note is near %{place}.'
+ closed:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has resolved one of your notes'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has resolved a note you are interested
+ in'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} has resolved one of your map notes near %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} has resolved a map note you have commented on.
+ The note is near %{place}.'
+ reopened:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has reactivated one of your notes'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has reactivated a note you are
+ interested in'
+ your_note: '%{commenter} has reactivated one of your map notes near %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} has reactivated a map note you have commented
+ on. The note is near %{place}.'
+ details: More details about the note can be found at %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has commented on one of your changesets'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} has commented on a changeset
+ you are interested in'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} has left a comment on one of your changesets
+ created at %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} has left a comment on a map changeset you
+ are watching created by %{changeset_author} at %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: with comment '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: without comment
+ details: More details about the changeset can be found at %{url}.
+ message:
+ inbox:
+ title: Inbox
+ my_inbox: My Inbox
+ outbox: outbox
+ messages: You have %{new_messages} and %{old_messages}
+ new_messages:
+ one: '%{count} new message'
+ other: '%{count} new messages'
+ old_messages:
+ one: '%{count} old message'
+ other: '%{count} old messages'
+ from: From
+ subject: Subject
+ date: Date
+ no_messages_yet: You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of
+ the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: people mapping nearby
+ message_summary:
+ unread_button: Mark as unread
+ read_button: Mark as read
+ reply_button: Reply
+ delete_button: Delete
+ new:
+ title: Send message
+ send_message_to: Send a new message to %{name}
+ subject: Subject
+ body: Body
+ send_button: Send
+ back_to_inbox: Back to inbox
+ message_sent: Message sent
+ limit_exceeded: You have sent a lot of messages recently. Please wait a while
+ before trying to send any more.
+ no_such_message:
+ title: No such message
+ heading: No such message
+ body: Sorry, there is no message with that id.
+ outbox:
+ title: Outbox
+ my_inbox: My %{inbox_link}
+ inbox: inbox
+ outbox: outbox
+ messages:
+ one: You have %{count} sent message
+ other: You have %{count} sent messages
+ to: To
+ subject: Subject
+ date: Date
+ no_sent_messages: You have no sent messages yet. Why not get in touch with some
+ of the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ people_mapping_nearby: people mapping nearby
+ reply:
+ wrong_user: You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to
+ reply to was not sent to that user. Please login as the correct user in order
+ to reply.
+ read:
+ title: Read message
+ from: From
+ subject: Subject
+ date: Date
+ reply_button: Reply
+ unread_button: Mark as unread
+ back: Back
+ to: To
+ wrong_user: You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to
+ read was not sent by or to that user. Please login as the correct user in
+ order to read it.
+ sent_message_summary:
+ delete_button: Delete
+ mark:
+ as_read: Message marked as read
+ as_unread: Message marked as unread
+ delete:
+ deleted: Message deleted
+ site:
+ index:
+ js_1: You are either using a browser that does not support JavaScript, or you
+ have disabled JavaScript.
+ js_2: OpenStreetMap uses JavaScript for its slippery map.
+ permalink: Permalink
+ shortlink: Shortlink
+ createnote: Add a note
+ license:
+ copyright: Copyright OpenStreetMap and contributors, under an open licence
+ remote_failed: Editing failed - make sure JOSM or Merkaartor is loaded and that
+ the remote control option is enabled
+ edit:
+ not_public: You have not set your edits to be public.
+ not_public_description: You can no longer edit the map unless you do so. You
+ can set your edits as public from your %{user_page}.
+ user_page_link: user page
+ anon_edits: (%{link})
+ anon_edits_link_text: Find out why this is the case.
+ flash_player_required: You need a Flash player to use Potlatch, the OpenStreetMap
+ Flash editor. You can <a href="">download
+ Flash Player from</a>. <a href="">Several
+ other options</a> are also available for editing OpenStreetMap.
+ potlatch_unsaved_changes: You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch, you
+ should deselect the current way or point, if editing in live mode, or click
+ save if you have a save button.)
+ potlatch2_not_configured: Potlatch 2 has not been configured - please see
+ for more information
+ potlatch2_unsaved_changes: You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch 2,
+ you should click save.)
+ id_not_configured: iD has not been configured
+ no_iframe_support: Your browser doesn't support HTML iframes, which are necessary
+ for this feature.
+ sidebar:
+ search_results: Search Results
+ close: Close
+ search:
+ search: Search
+ where_am_i: Where am I?
+ where_am_i_title: Describe the current location using the search engine
+ submit_text: Go
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ motorway: Motorway
+ trunk: Trunk road
+ primary: Primary road
+ secondary: Secondary road
+ unclassified: Unclassified road
+ unsurfaced: Unsurfaced road
+ track: Track
+ byway: Byway
+ bridleway: Bridleway
+ cycleway: Cycleway
+ footway: Footway
+ rail: Railway
+ subway: Subway
+ tram:
+ - Light rail
+ - tram
+ cable:
+ - Cable car
+ - chairlift
+ runway:
+ - Airport Runway
+ - taxiway
+ apron:
+ - Airport apron
+ - terminal
+ admin: Administrative boundary
+ forest: Forest
+ wood: Wood
+ golf: Golf course
+ park: Park
+ resident: Residential area
+ tourist: Tourist attraction
+ common:
+ - Common
+ - meadow
+ retail: Retail area
+ industrial: Industrial area
+ commercial: Commercial area
+ heathland: Heathland
+ lake:
+ - Lake
+ - reservoir
+ farm: Farm
+ brownfield: Brownfield site
+ cemetery: Cemetery
+ allotments: Allotments
+ pitch: Sports pitch
+ centre: Sports centre
+ reserve: Nature reserve
+ military: Military area
+ school:
+ - School
+ - university
+ building: Significant building
+ station: Railway station
+ summit:
+ - Summit
+ - peak
+ tunnel: Dashed casing = tunnel
+ bridge: Black casing = bridge
+ private: Private access
+ permissive: Permissive access
+ destination: Destination access
+ construction: Roads under construction
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: Edit
+ preview: Preview
+ markdown_help:
+ title_html: Parsed with <a href="">Markdown</a>
+ headings: Headings
+ heading: Heading
+ subheading: Subheading
+ unordered: Unordered list
+ ordered: Ordered list
+ first: First item
+ second: Second item
+ link: Link
+ text: Text
+ image: Image
+ alt: Alt text
+ url: URL
+ trace:
+ visibility:
+ private: Private (only shared as anonymous, unordered points)
+ public: Public (shown in trace list and as anonymous, unordered points)
+ trackable: Trackable (only shared as anonymous, ordered points with timestamps)
+ identifiable: Identifiable (shown in trace list and as identifiable, ordered
+ points with timestamps)
+ create:
+ upload_trace: Upload GPS Trace
+ trace_uploaded: Your GPX file has been uploaded and is awaiting insertion in
+ to the database. This will usually happen within half an hour, and an email
+ will be sent to you on completion.
+ edit:
+ title: Editing trace %{name}
+ heading: Editing trace %{name}
+ filename: 'Filename:'
+ download: download
+ uploaded_at: 'Uploaded:'
+ points: 'Points:'
+ start_coord: 'Start coordinate:'
+ map: map
+ edit: edit
+ owner: 'Owner:'
+ description: 'Description:'
+ tags: 'Tags:'
+ tags_help: comma delimited
+ save_button: Save Changes
+ visibility: 'Visibility:'
+ visibility_help: what does this mean?
+ visibility_help_url:
+ trace_form:
+ upload_gpx: 'Upload GPX File:'
+ description: 'Description:'
+ tags: 'Tags:'
+ tags_help: comma delimited
+ visibility: 'Visibility:'
+ visibility_help: what does this mean?
+ visibility_help_url:
+ upload_button: Upload
+ help: Help
+ help_url:
+ trace_header:
+ upload_trace: Upload a trace
+ see_all_traces: See all traces
+ see_your_traces: See your traces
+ traces_waiting:
+ one: You have %{count} trace waiting for upload. Please consider waiting for
+ these to finish before uploading any more, so as not to block the queue
+ for other users.
+ other: You have %{count} traces waiting for upload. Please consider waiting
+ for these to finish before uploading any more, so as not to block the queue
+ for other users.
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: Tags
+ view:
+ title: Viewing trace %{name}
+ heading: Viewing trace %{name}
+ pending: PENDING
+ filename: 'Filename:'
+ download: download
+ uploaded: 'Uploaded:'
+ points: 'Points:'
+ start_coordinates: 'Start coordinate:'
+ map: map
+ edit: edit
+ owner: 'Owner:'
+ description: 'Description:'
+ tags: 'Tags:'
+ none: None
+ edit_track: Edit this trace
+ delete_track: Delete this trace
+ trace_not_found: Trace not found!
+ visibility: 'Visibility:'
+ trace_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: Page %{page}
+ older: Older Traces
+ newer: Newer Traces
+ trace:
+ pending: PENDING
+ count_points: '%{count} points'
+ ago: '%{time_in_words_ago} ago'
+ more: more
+ trace_details: View Trace Details
+ view_map: View Map
+ edit: edit
+ edit_map: Edit Map
+ public: PUBLIC
+ identifiable: IDENTIFIABLE
+ private: PRIVATE
+ trackable: TRACKABLE
+ by: by
+ in: in
+ map: map
+ list:
+ public_traces: Public GPS traces
+ your_traces: Your GPS traces
+ public_traces_from: Public GPS traces from %{user}
+ description: Browse recent GPS track uploads
+ tagged_with: ' tagged with %{tags}'
+ empty_html: Nothing here yet. <a href='%{upload_link}'>Upload a new trace</a>
+ or learn more about GPS tracing on the <a href=''>wiki
+ page</a>.
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: Trace scheduled for deletion
+ make_public:
+ made_public: Trace made public
+ offline_warning:
+ message: The GPX file upload system is currently unavailable
+ offline:
+ heading: GPX Storage Offline
+ message: The GPX file storage and upload system is currently unavailable.
+ georss:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS Traces
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX file with %{count} point from %{user}
+ other: GPX file with %{count} points from %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX file from %{user}
+ application:
+ require_cookies:
+ cookies_needed: You appear to have cookies disabled - please enable cookies
+ in your browser before continuing.
+ require_moderator:
+ not_a_moderator: You need to be a moderator to perform that action.
+ setup_user_auth:
+ blocked: Your access to the API has been blocked. Please log-in to the web interface
+ to find out more.
+ need_to_see_terms: Your access to the API is temporarily suspended. Please log-in
+ to the web interface to view the Contributor Terms. You do not need to agree,
+ but you must view them.
+ oauth:
+ oauthorize:
+ title: Authorise access to your account
+ request_access: The application %{app_name} is requesting access to your account,
+ %{user}. Please check whether you would like the application to have the following
+ capabilities. You may choose as many or as few as you like.
+ allow_to: 'Allow the client application to:'
+ allow_read_prefs: read your user preferences.
+ allow_write_prefs: modify your user preferences.
+ allow_write_diary: create diary entries, comments and make friends.
+ allow_write_api: modify the map.
+ allow_read_gpx: read your private GPS traces.
+ allow_write_gpx: upload GPS traces.
+ allow_write_notes: modify notes.
+ oauthorize_success:
+ title: Authorisation request allowed
+ allowed: You have granted application %{app_name} access to your account.
+ verification: The verification code is %{code}.
+ oauthorize_failure:
+ title: Authorisation request failed
+ denied: You have denied application %{app_name} access to your account.
+ invalid: The authorisation token is not valid.
+ revoke:
+ flash: You've revoked the token for %{application}
+ oauth_clients:
+ new:
+ title: Register a new application
+ submit: Register
+ edit:
+ title: Edit your application
+ submit: Edit
+ show:
+ title: OAuth details for %{app_name}
+ key: 'Consumer Key:'
+ secret: 'Consumer Secret:'
+ url: 'Request Token URL:'
+ access_url: 'Access Token URL:'
+ authorize_url: 'Authorise URL:'
+ support_notice: We support HMAC-SHA1 (recommended) and RSA-SHA1 signatures.
+ edit: Edit Details
+ delete: Delete Client
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ requests: 'Requesting the following permissions from the user:'
+ allow_read_prefs: read their user preferences.
+ allow_write_prefs: modify their user preferences.
+ allow_write_diary: create diary entries, comments and make friends.
+ allow_write_api: modify the map.
+ allow_read_gpx: read their private GPS traces.
+ allow_write_gpx: upload GPS traces.
+ allow_write_notes: modify notes.
+ index:
+ title: My OAuth Details
+ my_tokens: My Authorised Applications
+ list_tokens: 'The following tokens have been issued to applications in your
+ name:'
+ application: Application Name
+ issued_at: Issued At
+ revoke: Revoke!
+ my_apps: My Client Applications
+ no_apps: Do you have an application you would like to register for use with
+ us using the %{oauth} standard? You must register your web application before
+ it can make OAuth requests to this service.
+ registered_apps: 'You have the following client applications registered:'
+ register_new: Register your application
+ form:
+ name: Name
+ required: Required
+ url: Main Application URL
+ callback_url: Callback URL
+ support_url: Support URL
+ requests: 'Request the following permissions from the user:'
+ allow_read_prefs: read their user preferences.
+ allow_write_prefs: modify their user preferences.
+ allow_write_diary: create diary entries, comments and make friends.
+ allow_write_api: modify the map.
+ allow_read_gpx: read their private GPS traces.
+ allow_write_gpx: upload GPS traces.
+ allow_write_notes: modify notes.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Sorry, that %{type} could not be found.
+ create:
+ flash: Registered the information successfully
+ update:
+ flash: Updated the client information successfully
+ destroy:
+ flash: Destroyed the client application registration
+ user:
+ login:
+ title: Login
+ heading: Login
+ email or username: 'E-mail Address or Username:'
+ password: 'Password:'
+ openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
+ remember: Remember me
+ lost password link: Lost your password?
+ login_button: Login
+ register now: Register now
+ with username: 'Already have an OpenStreetMap account? Please login with your
+ username and password:'
+ with openid: 'Alternatively, use OpenID to login:'
+ new to osm: New to OpenStreetMap?
+ to make changes: To make changes to the OpenStreetMap data, you must have an
+ account.
+ create account minute: Create an account. It only takes a minute.
+ no account: Don't have an account?
+ account not active: Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please use the
+ link in the account confirmation email to activate your account, or <a href="%{reconfirm}">request
+ a new confirmation email</a>.
+ account is suspended: Sorry, your account has been suspended due to suspicious
+ activity.<br />Please contact the <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> if
+ you wish to discuss this.
+ auth failure: Sorry, could not log in with those details.
+ openid missing provider: Sorry, could not contact your OpenID provider
+ openid invalid: Sorry, your OpenID seems to be malformed
+ openid_logo_alt: Log in with an OpenID
+ openid_providers:
+ openid:
+ title: Login with OpenID
+ alt: Login with an OpenID URL
+ google:
+ title: Login with Google
+ alt: Login with a Google OpenID
+ yahoo:
+ title: Login with Yahoo
+ alt: Login with a Yahoo OpenID
+ wordpress:
+ title: Login with Wordpress
+ alt: Login with a Wordpress OpenID
+ aol:
+ title: Login with AOL
+ alt: Login with an AOL OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: Logout
+ heading: Logout of OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: Logout
+ lost_password:
+ title: Lost password
+ heading: Forgotten Password?
+ email address: E-mail address
+ new password button: Reset password
+ help_text: Enter the e-mail address you used to sign up, we will send a link
+ to it that you can use to reset your password.
+ notice email on way: Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you
+ can reset it soon.
+ notice email cannot find: Could not find that email address, sorry.
+ reset_password:
+ title: Reset password
+ heading: Reset Password for %{user}
+ password: 'Password:'
+ confirm password: 'Confirm Password:'
+ reset: Reset Password
+ flash changed: Your password has been changed.
+ flash token bad: Did not find that token, check the URL maybe?
+ new:
+ title: Sign Up
+ no_auto_account_create: Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an
+ account for you automatically.
+ contact_webmaster: Please contact the <a href="">webmaster</a>
+ to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request
+ as quickly as possible.
+ about:
+ header: Free and editable
+ html: |-
+ <p>Unlike other maps, OpenStreetMap is completely created by people like you, and it's free for anyone to fix, update, download and use.</p>
+ <p>Sign up to get started contributing. We'll send an email to confirm your account.</p>
+ license_agreement: When you confirm your account you will need to agree to the
+ <a href="">contributor
+ terms</a>.
+ email address: 'Email Address:'
+ confirm email address: 'Confirm Email Address:'
+ not displayed publicly: Not displayed publicly (see <a href=""
+ title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">privacy policy</a>)
+ display name: 'Display Name:'
+ display name description: Your publicly displayed username. You can change this
+ later in the preferences.
+ openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
+ password: 'Password:'
+ confirm password: 'Confirm Password:'
+ use openid: Alternatively, use %{logo} OpenID to login
+ openid no password: With OpenID a password is not required, but some extra tools
+ or server may still need one.
+ openid association: |-
+ <p>Your OpenID is not associated with a OpenStreetMap account yet.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>If you are new to OpenStreetMap, please create a new account using the form below.</li>
+ <li>
+ If you already have an account, you can login to your account using your username and password and then associate the account with your OpenID in your user settings.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ continue: Sign Up
+ terms accepted: Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!
+ terms declined: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the new Contributor
+ Terms. For more information, please see <a href="%{url}">this wiki page</a>.
+ terms declined url:
+ terms:
+ title: Contributor terms
+ heading: Contributor terms
+ read and accept: Please read the agreement and press the agree button to confirm
+ that you accept the terms of this agreement for your existing and future contributions.
+ consider_pd: In addition to the above agreement, I consider my contributions
+ to be in the Public Domain
+ consider_pd_why: what's this?
+ consider_pd_why_url:
+ guidance: 'Information to help understand these terms: a <a href="%{summary}">human
+ readable summary</a> and some <a href="%{translations}">informal translations</a>'
+ agree: Agree
+ declined:
+ decline: Decline
+ you need to accept or decline: Please read and then either accept or decline
+ the new Contributor Terms to continue.
+ legale_select: 'Country of residence:'
+ legale_names:
+ france: France
+ italy: Italy
+ rest_of_world: Rest of the world
+ no_such_user:
+ title: No such user
+ heading: The user %{user} does not exist
+ body: Sorry, there is no user with the name %{user}. Please check your spelling,
+ or maybe the link you clicked is wrong.
+ view:
+ my diary: My Diary
+ new diary entry: new diary entry
+ my edits: My Edits
+ my traces: My Traces
+ my notes: My Notes
+ my messages: My Messages
+ my profile: My Profile
+ my settings: My Settings
+ my comments: My Comments
+ oauth settings: oauth settings
+ blocks on me: Blocks on Me
+ blocks by me: Blocks by Me
+ send message: Send Message
+ diary: Diary
+ edits: Edits
+ traces: Traces
+ notes: Map Notes
+ remove as friend: Unfriend
+ add as friend: Add Friend
+ mapper since: 'Mapper since:'
+ ago: (%{time_in_words_ago} ago)
+ ct status: 'Contributor terms:'
+ ct undecided: Undecided
+ ct declined: Declined
+ ct accepted: Accepted %{ago} ago
+ latest edit: 'Latest edit %{ago}:'
+ email address: 'Email address:'
+ created from: 'Created from:'
+ status: 'Status:'
+ spam score: 'Spam Score:'
+ description: Description
+ user location: User location
+ if set location: Set your home location on the %{settings_link} page to see
+ nearby users.
+ settings_link_text: settings
+ your friends: Your friends
+ no friends: You have not added any friends yet.
+ km away: '%{count}km away'
+ m away: '%{count}m away'
+ nearby users: Other nearby users
+ no nearby users: There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet.
+ role:
+ administrator: This user is an administrator
+ moderator: This user is a moderator
+ grant:
+ administrator: Grant administrator access
+ moderator: Grant moderator access
+ revoke:
+ administrator: Revoke administrator access
+ moderator: Revoke moderator access
+ block_history: blocks received
+ moderator_history: blocks given
+ comments: Comments
+ create_block: block this user
+ activate_user: activate this user
+ deactivate_user: deactivate this user
+ confirm_user: confirm this user
+ hide_user: hide this user
+ unhide_user: unhide this user
+ delete_user: delete this user
+ confirm: Confirm
+ friends_changesets: friends' changesets
+ friends_diaries: friends' diary entries
+ nearby_changesets: nearby user changesets
+ nearby_diaries: nearby user diary entries
+ popup:
+ your location: Your location
+ nearby mapper: Nearby mapper
+ friend: Friend
+ account:
+ title: Edit account
+ my settings: My settings
+ current email address: 'Current Email Address:'
+ new email address: 'New Email Address:'
+ email never displayed publicly: (never displayed publicly)
+ openid:
+ openid: 'OpenID:'
+ link:
+ link text: what is this?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Public editing:'
+ enabled: Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: what is this?
+ disabled: Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous.
+ disabled link text: why can't I edit?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Public editing
+ text: Currently your edits are anonymous and people cannot send you messages
+ or see your location. To show what you edited and allow people to contact
+ you through the website, click the button below. <b>Since the 0.6 API changeover,
+ only public users can edit map data</b>. (<a href="">find
+ out why</a>).<ul><li>Your e-mail address will not be revealed by becoming
+ public.</li><li>This action cannot be reversed and all new users are now
+ public by default.</li></ul>
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Contributor Terms:'
+ agreed: You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
+ not yet agreed: You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
+ review link text: Please follow this link at your convenience to review and
+ accept the new Contributor Terms.
+ agreed_with_pd: You have also declared that you consider your edits to be
+ in the Public Domain.
+ link:
+ link text: what is this?
+ profile description: 'Profile Description:'
+ preferred languages: 'Preferred Languages:'
+ preferred editor: 'Preferred Editor:'
+ image: 'Image:'
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: Use Gravatar
+ link:
+ link text: what is this?
+ new image: Add an image
+ keep image: Keep the current image
+ delete image: Remove the current image
+ replace image: Replace the current image
+ image size hint: (square images at least 100x100 work best)
+ home location: 'Home Location:'
+ no home location: You have not entered your home location.
+ latitude: 'Latitude:'
+ longitude: 'Longitude:'
+ update home location on click: Update home location when I click on the map?
+ save changes button: Save Changes
+ make edits public button: Make all my edits public
+ return to profile: Return to profile
+ flash update success confirm needed: User information updated successfully.
+ Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address.
+ flash update success: User information updated successfully.
+ confirm:
+ heading: Check your email!
+ introduction_1: We sent you a confirmation email.
+ introduction_2: Confirm your account by clicking on the link in the email and
+ you'll be able to start mapping.
+ press confirm button: Press the confirm button below to activate your account.
+ button: Confirm
+ already active: This account has already been confirmed.
+ unknown token: That confirmation code has expired or does not exist.
+ reconfirm_html: If you need us to resend the confirmation email, <a href="%{reconfirm}">click
+ here</a>.
+ confirm_resend:
+ success: We've sent a new confirmation note to %{email} and as soon as you confirm
+ your account you'll be able to get mapping.<br /><br />If you use an antispam
+ system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist
+ as we are unable to reply to any confirmation
+ requests.
+ failure: User %{name} not found.
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: Confirm a change of e-mail address
+ press confirm button: Press the confirm button below to confirm your new e-mail
+ address.
+ button: Confirm
+ success: Confirmed your e-mail address, thanks for signing up!
+ failure: An e-mail address has already been confirmed with this token.
+ set_home:
+ flash success: Home location saved successfully
+ go_public:
+ flash success: All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit.
+ make_friend:
+ heading: Add %{user} as a friend?
+ button: Add as friend
+ success: '%{name} is now your friend!'
+ failed: Sorry, failed to add %{name} as a friend.
+ already_a_friend: You are already friends with %{name}.
+ remove_friend:
+ heading: Unfriend %{user}?
+ button: Unfriend
+ success: '%{name} was removed from your friends.'
+ not_a_friend: '%{name} is not one of your friends.'
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: You need to be an administrator to perform that action.
+ list:
+ title: Users
+ heading: Users
+ showing:
+ one: Page %{page} (%{first_item} of %{items})
+ other: Page %{page} (%{first_item}-%{last_item} of %{items})
+ summary: '%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}'
+ summary_no_ip: '%{name} created on %{date}'
+ confirm: Confirm Selected Users
+ hide: Hide Selected Users
+ empty: No matching users found
+ suspended:
+ title: Account Suspended
+ heading: Account Suspended
+ webmaster: webmaster
+ body: |-
+ <p>
+ Sorry, your account has been automatically suspended due to suspicious activity.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This decision will be reviewed by an administrator shortly, or you may contact the %{webmaster} if you wish to discuss this.
+ </p>
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: Only administrators can perform user role management,
+ and you are not an administrator.
+ not_a_role: The string `%{role}' is not a valid role.
+ already_has_role: The user already has role %{role}.
+ doesnt_have_role: The user does not have role %{role}.
+ grant:
+ title: Confirm role granting
+ heading: Confirm role granting
+ are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to grant the role `%{role}' to the user
+ `%{name}'?
+ confirm: Confirm
+ fail: Could not grant role `%{role}' to user `%{name}'. Please check that the
+ user and role are both valid.
+ revoke:
+ title: Confirm role revoking
+ heading: Confirm role revoking
+ are_you_sure: Are you sure you want to revoke the role `%{role}' from the user
+ `%{name}'?
+ confirm: Confirm
+ fail: Could not revoke role `%{role}' from user `%{name}'. Please check that
+ the user and role are both valid.
+ user_block:
+ model:
+ non_moderator_update: Must be a moderator to create or update a block.
+ non_moderator_revoke: Must be a moderator to revoke a block.
+ not_found:
+ sorry: Sorry, the user block with ID %{id} could not be found.
+ back: Back to index
+ new:
+ title: Creating block on %{name}
+ heading: Creating block on %{name}
+ reason: The reason why %{name} is being blocked. Please be as calm and as reasonable
+ as possible, giving as much detail as you can about the situation, remembering
+ that the message will be publicly visible. Bear in mind that not all users
+ understand the community jargon, so please try to use laymans terms.
+ period: How long, starting now, the user will be blocked from the API for.
+ submit: Create block
+ tried_contacting: I have contacted the user and asked them to stop.
+ tried_waiting: I have given a reasonable amount of time for the user to respond
+ to those communications.
+ needs_view: User needs to log in before this block will be cleared
+ back: View all blocks
+ edit:
+ title: Editing block on %{name}
+ heading: Editing block on %{name}
+ reason: The reason why %{name} is being blocked. Please be as calm and as reasonable
+ as possible, giving as much detail as you can about the situation. Bear in
+ mind that not all users understand the community jargon, so please try to
+ use laymans terms.
+ period: How long, starting now, the user will be blocked from the API for.
+ submit: Update block
+ show: View this block
+ back: View all blocks
+ needs_view: Does the user need to log in before this block will be cleared?
+ filter:
+ block_expired: The block has already expired and cannot be edited.
+ block_period: The blocking period must be one of the values selectable in the
+ drop-down list.
+ create:
+ try_contacting: Please try contacting the user before blocking them and giving
+ them a reasonable time to respond.
+ try_waiting: Please try giving the user a reasonable time to respond before
+ blocking them.
+ flash: Created a block on user %{name}.
+ update:
+ only_creator_can_edit: Only the moderator who created this block can edit it.
+ success: Block updated.
+ index:
+ title: User blocks
+ heading: List of user blocks
+ empty: No blocks have been made yet.
+ revoke:
+ title: Revoking block on %{block_on}
+ heading: Revoking block on %{block_on} by %{block_by}
+ time_future: This block will end in %{time}.
+ past: This block ended %{time} ago and cannot be revoked now.
+ confirm: Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?
+ revoke: Revoke!
+ flash: This block has been revoked.
+ period:
+ one: 1 hour
+ other: '%{count} hours'
+ partial:
+ show: Show
+ edit: Edit
+ revoke: Revoke!
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ display_name: Blocked User
+ creator_name: Creator
+ reason: Reason for block
+ status: Status
+ revoker_name: Revoked by
+ not_revoked: (not revoked)
+ showing_page: Page %{page}
+ next: Next »
+ previous: « Previous
+ helper:
+ time_future: Ends in %{time}.
+ until_login: Active until the user logs in.
+ time_past: Ended %{time} ago.
+ blocks_on:
+ title: Blocks on %{name}
+ heading: List of blocks on %{name}
+ empty: '%{name} has not been blocked yet.'
+ blocks_by:
+ title: Blocks by %{name}
+ heading: List of blocks by %{name}
+ empty: '%{name} has not made any blocks yet.'
+ show:
+ title: '%{block_on} blocked by %{block_by}'
+ heading: '%{block_on} blocked by %{block_by}'
+ time_future: Ends in %{time}
+ time_past: Ended %{time} ago
+ status: Status
+ show: Show
+ edit: Edit
+ revoke: Revoke!
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ reason: 'Reason for block:'
+ back: View all blocks
+ revoker: 'Revoker:'
+ needs_view: The user needs to log in before this block will be cleared.
+ note:
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: Created %{when} ago
+ opened_at_by_html: Created %{when} ago by %{user}
+ commented_at_html: Updated %{when} ago
+ commented_at_by_html: Updated %{when} ago by %{user}
+ closed_at_html: Resolved %{when} ago
+ closed_at_by_html: Resolved %{when} ago by %{user}
+ reopened_at_html: Reactivated %{when} ago
+ reopened_at_by_html: Reactivated %{when} ago by %{user}
+ rss:
+ title: OpenStreetMap Notes
+ description_area: A list of notes, reported, commented on or closed in your
+ area [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]
+ description_item: An rss feed for note %{id}
+ opened: new note (near %{place})
+ commented: new comment (near %{place})
+ closed: closed note (near %{place})
+ reopened: reactivated note (near %{place})
+ entry:
+ comment: Comment
+ full: Full note
+ mine:
+ title: Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}
+ heading: '%{user}''s notes'
+ subheading: Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}
+ id: Id
+ creator: Creator
+ description: Description
+ created_at: Created at
+ last_changed: Last changed
+ ago_html: '%{when} ago'
+ javascripts:
+ close: Close
+ share:
+ title: Share
+ cancel: Cancel
+ image: Image
+ link: Link or HTML
+ long_link: Link
+ short_link: Short Link
+ embed: HTML
+ custom_dimensions: Set custom dimensions
+ format: 'Format:'
+ scale: 'Scale:'
+ image_size: Image will show standard layer at
+ download: Download
+ short_url: Short URL
+ include_marker: Include marker
+ center_marker: Centre map on marker
+ paste_html: Paste HTML to embed in website
+ view_larger_map: View Larger Map
+ key:
+ title: Map Key
+ tooltip: Legend
+ tooltip_disabled: Legend available only for Standard layer
+ map:
+ zoom:
+ in: Zoom In
+ out: Zoom Out
+ locate:
+ title: Show My Location
+ popup: You are within {distance} {unit} of this point
+ base:
+ standard: Standard
+ cycle_map: Cycle Map
+ transport_map: Transport Map
+ mapquest: MapQuest Open
+ hot: Humanitarian
+ layers:
+ header: Map Layers
+ notes: Map Notes
+ data: Map Data
+ overlays: Enable overlays for troubleshooting the map
+ title: Layers
+ copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>
+ donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Make a Donation</a>
+ site:
+ edit_tooltip: Edit the map
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to edit the map
+ createnote_tooltip: Add a note to the map
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to add a note to the map
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoom in to see map notes
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoom in to see map data
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Query features
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to query features
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Comment
+ subscribe: Subscribe
+ unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
+ hide_comment: hide
+ unhide_comment: unhide
+ notes:
+ new:
+ intro: Spotted a mistake or something missing? Let other mappers know so we
+ can fix it. Move the marker to the correct position and type a note to explain
+ the problem. (Please don't enter personal information or information from
+ copyrighted maps or directory listings.)
+ add: Add Note
+ show:
+ anonymous_warning: This note includes comments from anonymous users which
+ should be independently verified.
+ hide: Hide
+ resolve: Resolve
+ reactivate: Reactivate
+ comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
+ comment: Comment
+ edit_help: Move the map and zoom in on a location you want to edit, then click
+ here.
+ query:
+ node: Node
+ way: Way
+ relation: Relation
+ nothing_found: No features found
+ error: 'Error contacting %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Timeout contacting %{server}
+ redaction:
+ edit:
+ description: Description
+ heading: Edit redaction
+ submit: Save redaction
+ title: Edit redaction
+ index:
+ empty: No redactions to show.
+ heading: List of redactions
+ title: List of redactions
+ new:
+ description: Description
+ heading: Enter information for new redaction
+ submit: Create redaction
+ title: Creating new redaction
+ show:
+ description: 'Description:'
+ heading: Showing redaction "%{title}"
+ title: Showing redaction
+ user: 'Creator:'
+ edit: Edit this redaction
+ destroy: Remove this redaction
+ confirm: Are you sure?
+ create:
+ flash: Redaction created.
+ update:
+ flash: Changes saved.
+ destroy:
+ not_empty: Redaction is not empty. Please un-redact all versions belonging to
+ this redaction before destroying it.
+ flash: Redaction destroyed.
+ error: There was an error destroying this redaction.
taxiway: Calle de rodaje
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeropuerto
arts_centre: Centro artístico
- artwork: Ilustración
atm: Cajero automático
- auditorium: Auditorio
bank: Banco
bar: Bar
bbq: Parrilla
charging_station: Estación de carga
cinema: Cine
clinic: Clínica
- club: Club
college: Instituto
community_centre: Centro comunitario
courthouse: Juzgado
fuel: Gasolinera
grave_yard: Cementerio
gym: Gimnasio
- hall: Salón
health_centre: Centro de salud
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Apostadero de caza
ice_cream: Heladería
kindergarten: Escuela infantil/guardería
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercado
marketplace: Mercado
- mountain_rescue: Rescate de montaña
nightclub: Club nocturno
nursery: Enfermería
nursing_home: Residencia para la tercera edad
office: Oficina
- park: Parque
parking: Aparcamiento
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Templo
prison: Prisión
pub: Pub
public_building: Edificio público
- public_market: Mercado público
reception_area: Área de recepción
recycling: Punto de reciclaje
restaurant: Restaurante
school: Escuela
shelter: Refugio
shop: Tienda
- shopping: Compras
shower: Ducha
social_centre: Centro social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Centro social
studio: Estudio
- supermarket: Supermercado
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Teléfono público
veterinary: Clínica veterinaria
village_hall: Sala del pueblo
waste_basket: Papelera
- wifi: Punto de acceso wifi
- WLAN: Punto de acceso wifi
youth_centre: Centro juvenil
administrative: Frontera administrativa
"yes": Edificio
- fire_hydrant: Hidrante
phone: Teléfono de emergencia
bridleway: Camino prioritario para peatones y caballos
bus_guideway: Canal guiado de autobuses
bus_stop: Parada de autobuses
- byway: Camino
construction: Autopista en construcción
cycleway: Bicisenda
emergency_access_point: Acceso de emergencia
ford: Vado
living_street: Calle residencial
milestone: Hito
- minor: Carretera secundaria
motorway: Autovía
motorway_junction: Cruce de autovías
motorway_link: Enlace de autovía
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Escaleras
street_lamp: Farola
- stile: Escalera para atravesar verjas
tertiary: Carretera terciaria
tertiary_link: Carretera terciaria
track: Pista
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
- museum: Museo
ruins: Ruinas
tomb: Tumba
tower: Torre
military: Zona militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Huerto
- nature_reserve: Reserva natural
- park: Parque
- piste: Pista de esquí
quarry: Cantera
railway: Ferrocarril
recreation_ground: Área recreacional
road: Área de carretera
village_green: Parque municipal
vineyard: Viñedo
- wetland: Pantano
- wood: Madera
beach_resort: Complejo en la playa
bird_hide: Observatorio de aves
beach: Playa
cape: Cabo
cave_entrance: Entrada a cueva
- channel: Canal
cliff: Acantilado
crater: Cráter
dune: Duna
- feature: Característica
fell: Monte
fjord: Fiordo
forest: Bosque
point: Punto
reef: Arrecife
ridge: Cresta
- river: Río
rock: Roca
scree: Pedregal
scrub: Matorrales
- shoal: Banco de arena
spring: Manantial
stone: Piedra
strait: Estrecho
volcano: Volcán
water: Agua
wetland: Pantano
- wetlands: Pantano
wood: Bosque
accountant: Contable
switch: Aguja de ferrocarril
tram: Ruta de tranvía
tram_stop: Parada de tranvía
- yard: Estación de clasificación
- route:
- bus: Ruta de autobús
alcohol: Licorería
antiques: Anticuario
hostel: Hostal
hotel: Hotel
information: Información turística
- lean_to: Refugio
motel: Motel
museum: Museo
picnic_site: Área de picnic
theme_park: Parque temático
- valley: Valle
viewpoint: Mirador
zoo: Zoológico
artificial: Vía fluvial artificial
boatyard: Astillero
canal: Canal
- connector: Esclusa
dam: Presa
derelict_canal: Canal abandonado
ditch: Acequia
drain: Desagüe
lock: Esclusa
lock_gate: Compuerta de esclusa
- mineral_spring: Fuente mineral
mooring: Amarradero
rapids: Rápidos
river: Río
- riverbank: Ribera
stream: Arroyo
wadi: Rambla
waterfall: Cascada
- water_point: Punto de agua
weir: Represa
level2: Límite de país
taxiway: Ruleerimisrada
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Lennujaam
arts_centre: Kunstikeskus
- artwork: Kunstiteos
atm: Pangaautomaat
- auditorium: Auditoorium
bank: Pank
bar: Baar
bench: Pink
charging_station: Laadimisjaam
cinema: Kino
clinic: Kliinik
- club: Klubi
courthouse: Kohtuhoone
crematorium: Krematoorium
dentist: Hambaarst
fountain: Purskkaev
fuel: Kütus
grave_yard: Surnuaed
- hall: Hall
health_centre: Tervisekeskus
hospital: Haigla
- hotel: Hotell
hunting_stand: Jahikantsel
ice_cream: Jäätis
kindergarten: Lasteaed
library: Raamatukogu
market: Turg
marketplace: Turg
- mountain_rescue: Mäepäästeteenistus
nightclub: Ööklubi
nursing_home: Hooldekodu
office: Kontor
- park: Park
parking: Parkimisplats
pharmacy: Apteek
place_of_worship: Pühapaik
prison: Vangla
pub: Pubi
public_building: Ühiskondlik hoone
- public_market: Turg
reception_area: Vastuvõtt
recycling: Jäätmekäitluspunkt
restaurant: Restoran
shelter: Varjualune
shop: Kauplus
shower: Dušš
- supermarket: Supermarket
taxi: Takso
telephone: Üldkasutatav telefon
theatre: Teater
vending_machine: Müügiautomaat
veterinary: Loomakliinik
waste_basket: Prügikast
- wifi: WiFi-ühendus
- WLAN: WiFi-ühendus
youth_centre: Noortekeskus
administrative: Halduspiir
"yes": Hoone
- fire_hydrant: Tuletõrjehüdrant
phone: Hädaabi telefon
bridleway: Ratsatee
bus_stop: Bussipeatus
- byway: Kõrvaltee
cycleway: Jalgrattatee
emergency_access_point: Hädaabi punkt
footway: Jalgrada
memorial: Memoriaal
mine: Kaevandus
monument: Mälestusmärk
- museum: Muuseum
ruins: Varemed
tower: Torn
wayside_cross: Teeäärne rist
meadow: Niit
mine: Kaevandus
orchard: Viljapuuaed
- nature_reserve: Looduskaitseala
- park: Park
quarry: Karjäär
railway: Raudtee
recreation_ground: Puhkeala
reservoir: Veehoidla
residential: Elamurajoon
vineyard: Viinamarjaistandus
- wetland: Soo
- wood: Mets
fishing: Kalapüügipiirkond
garden: Aed
beach: Rand
cape: Neem
cave_entrance: Koopa sissepääs
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Kalju
crater: Kraater
dune: Düün
peak: Mäetipp
point: Neem
reef: Riff
- river: Jõgi
rock: Kivi
- shoal: Madalik
spring: Allikas
stone: Kivi
strait: Väin
volcano: Vulkaan
water: Vesi
wetland: Märgala
- wetlands: Soo
wood: Mets
architect: Arhitekt
museum: muuseum
picnic_site: piknikuplats
theme_park: Teemapark
- valley: Org
viewpoint: Vaatepunkt
zoo: Loomaaed
canal: Kanal
dam: Tamm
ditch: Kraav
- mineral_spring: Mineraalvee allikas
rapids: Kärestik
river: Jõgi
- riverbank: Jõekallas
stream: Oja
wadi: Vadi
waterfall: Kosk
- water_point: Veevõtukoht
weir: Pais
level2: Riigipiir
runway: Lurreratze pista
terminal: Terminala
- airport: Aireportu
arts_centre: Arte Zentroa
- artwork: Artelana
atm: Kutxazain automatikoa
- auditorium: Entzunareto
bank: Banku
bar: Taberna
bbq: Barbakoa
casino: Kasino
cinema: Zinema
clinic: Klinika
- club: Diskoteka
college: Kolegioa
community_centre: Komunitate Zentroa
courthouse: Epaitegia
fuel: Gasolindegia
grave_yard: Hilerri
gym: Osasun Zentroa / Gimnasioa
- hall: Aretoa
health_centre: Osasun Zentroa
hospital: Ospitalea
- hotel: Hotel
ice_cream: Izozkiak
kindergarten: Haurtzaindegi
library: Liburutegia
market: Merkatu
marketplace: Merkatua
- mountain_rescue: Mendiko Erreskatea
nightclub: Gau-klub
nursery: Haurtzaindegi
office: Bulego
- park: Parke
parking: Aparkaleku
pharmacy: Farmazia
place_of_worship: Otoitzerako Lekua
preschool: Eskolaurre
prison: Espetxe
public_building: Eraikin publiko
- public_market: Herri Azoka
recycling: Birziklatze gune
restaurant: Jatetxe
retirement_home: Nagusien etxea
school: Ikastetxe
shelter: Aterpea
shop: Denda
- shopping: Erosketak
shower: Dutxa
studio: Estudio
- supermarket: Supermerkatu
swimming_pool: Igerilekua
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefono publiko
vending_machine: Salmenta automatiko
veterinary: Albaitaritza klinika
village_hall: Herriko aretoa
- wifi: WiFi Sarbidea
- WLAN: WiFi Sarbidea
youth_centre: Gaztelekua
administrative: Muga Administratiboa
memorial: Memoriala
mine: Meategi
monument: Monumentu
- museum: Museo
tower: Dorre
cemetery: Hilerri
meadow: Larre
military: Eremu Militarra
mine: Meategi
- nature_reserve: Natura-erreserba
- park: Parke
quarry: Harrobi
railway: Trenbide
reservoir: Urtegi
beach: Hondartza
cape: Lurmutur
cave_entrance: Kobazulo Sarrera
- channel: Kanal
crater: Crater
dune: Duna
fjord: Fiordo
peak: Gailur
point: Puntu
reef: Arrezife
- river: Ibai
rock: Arroka
scree: Harritza
- shoal: Hondar-banku
strait: Itsasertza
tree: Zuhaitza
valley: Haran
museum: Museoa
picnic_site: Piknik-gune
theme_park: Parke tematiko
- valley: Haran
viewpoint: Behatoki
zoo: Zoologiko
relation: ارتباط
entry: ارتباط %{relation_name}
- entry_role: رابطه %{relation_name} (بهعنوان %{relation_role})
+ entry_role: رابطه %{relation_name} (به عنوان %{relation_role})
sorry: 'پوزش، %{type} #%{id} یافت نمیشود.'
advice: 'اگر برونبری بالا ناموفق بود، لطفاً از یکی از منابع ذکر شده در زیر
استفاده کنید:'
- body: این منطقه برای خارجسازی بهعنوان دادههای XML OpenStreetMap خیلی بزرگ
+ body: این منطقه برای خارجسازی به عنوان دادههای XML OpenStreetMap خیلی بزرگ
است. لطفاً بزرگنمایی کنید یا یک منطقه کوچکتر را انتخاب کنید، یا برای دریافت
دادههای انبوه یکی از منابع فهرست زیر را استفاده کنید.
taxiway: فرود به صحن
terminal: پایانه
- airport: فرودگاه
arts_centre: مرکز هنری
- artwork: اثر هنری
atm: خودپرداز
- auditorium: سالن اجتماعات
bank: بانک
bar: بار
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: ایستگاه شارژ
cinema: سینما
clinic: درمانگاه
- club: باشگاه
college: کالج
community_centre: مرکز انجمن
courthouse: دادگاه
fuel: پمپ بنزین
grave_yard: محوطهٔ گورستان
gym: مرکز تناسب اندام / ورزشگاه
- hall: سالن
health_centre: مركز بهداشت
hospital: بیمارستان
- hotel: هتل
hunting_stand: شکارگاه
ice_cream: بستنی فروشی
kindergarten: کودکستان
library: کتابخانه
market: بازار
marketplace: بازار
- mountain_rescue: امداد کوهستان
nightclub: باشگاه شبانه
nursery: شیر خوارگاه
nursing_home: خانه سالمندان
office: دفتر
- park: پارک
parking: پارکینگ
pharmacy: داروخانه
place_of_worship: عبادتگاه
prison: زندان
pub: میخانه
public_building: ساختمان عمومی
- public_market: بازار عمومی
reception_area: محوطه پذیرش
recycling: نقطه بازیافت
restaurant: رستوران
school: مدرسه
shelter: پناهگاه
shop: فروشگاه
- shopping: خرید
shower: دوش
social_centre: مرکز اجتماعی
social_club: باشگاه اجتماعی
social_facility: تسهیلات اجتماعی
studio: استودیو
- supermarket: سوپرمارکت
swimming_pool: استخر شنا
taxi: تاکسی
telephone: تلفن عمومی
veterinary: جراح دامپزشک
village_hall: دهیاری
waste_basket: سطل زباله
- wifi: دسترسی WiFi
- WLAN: دسترسی WiFi
youth_centre: مرکز جوانان
administrative: مرز اداری
"yes": ساختمان
- fire_hydrant: شیر آتشنشانی
phone: تلفن اضطراری
bridleway: راه حیوان رو
bus_guideway: خط هدایت کننده اتوبوس
bus_stop: ایستگاه اتوبوس
- byway: Byway
construction: بزرگراه در دست ساخت
cycleway: مسیر دوچرخه
emergency_access_point: نقطهٔ دسترسی اضطراری
ford: معبر کنار رود
living_street: خیابان محل سکونت
milestone: سنگ فرسخ شمار
- minor: جادهٔ فرعی
motorway: اتوبان
motorway_junction: اتصال بزرگراهها
motorway_link: جاده بزرگراه
speed_camera: دوربین کنترل سرعت
steps: پله
street_lamp: چراغ خیابانی
- stile: نردبانی
tertiary: راه سوم
tertiary_link: راه سوم
track: پیگیری
memorial: یادبود
mine: معدن
monument: بنای یادبود
- museum: موزه
ruins: خرابهها
tomb: مقبره
tower: برج
military: منطقهٔ نظامی
mine: معدن
orchard: باغستان
- nature_reserve: طبیعت یدکی
- park: پارک
- piste: پیست سرعت
quarry: معدن
railway: راهآهن
recreation_ground: زمین تفریحی
road: جاده منطقه
village_green: روستای سبز
vineyard: باغ انگوری
- wetland: تالاب
- wood: چوب
beach_resort: تفریحگاه ساحلی
bird_hide: محل مشاهده ی پرندگان
beach: ساحل
cape: دماغه
cave_entrance: ورودی غار
- channel: کانال
cliff: صخره
crater: دهانه اتش فشان
dune: تل شنی
- feature: ویژگی
fell: سقوط گاه
fjord: فلات
forest: جنگل
point: نقطه
reef: جزیره نما
ridge: خطالرأس
- river: رود خانه
rock: صخره
scree: ریگ زار
scrub: خارزار غیر قابل عبور
- shoal: کم عمق
spring: سرچشمه
stone: سنگ
strait: تنگه
volcano: آتشفشان
water: اب
wetland: تالاب
- wetlands: تالابها
wood: جنگل
accountant: حسابدار
switch: جدا کننده راه آهن
tram: واگن برقی
tram_stop: ایستگاه واگن برقی
- yard: محوطه راه آهن
- route:
- bus: مسیر اتوبوس
alcohol: مجوز غیر فعال
antiques: عتیقه جات
hostel: شبانه روزی
hotel: هتل
information: اطلاعات
- lean_to: آلونک
motel: متل
museum: موزه
picnic_site: مکان پیک نیک
theme_park: پارک تفریحی
- valley: دره
viewpoint: منطره بین
zoo: باغ وحش
artificial: آبراه مصنوعی
boatyard: محوطه قایق
canal: کانال
- connector: رابط آبراه
dam: سد
derelict_canal: کانال متروک
ditch: نهر آب
drain: زه کشی
lock: قفل
lock_gate: ورودی قفل
- mineral_spring: چشمهٔ آب معدنی
mooring: مکان لنگر انداختن
rapids: سریع السیر
river: رودخانه
- riverbank: حاشیه رودخانه
stream: جوی آب
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: ابشار
- water_point: مکان آب
weir: آب بند
level2: مرز کشور
credit_2_html: همچنین مطمئن باشید که پاک کردن داده ها تحت یک مجوز دیتابیس باز
است، و اگر از کاشیهای نقشهٔ ما استفاده میکنید، نقشهبرداری تحت مجوز CC
BY-SA است. میتوانید با پیونددادن به <a href="">این
- صفحه حق نشر</a> متناوبا آن را انجام دهید، و بهعنوان یک درخواست اگر شما توزیع
+ صفحه حق نشر</a> متناوبا آن را انجام دهید، و به عنوان یک درخواست اگر شما توزیع
کنندهٔ نوع دادههای OSM هستید، میتوانید نام و پیوند را بطور مستقیم به مجوز
بدهید. در رسانهها جاهایی که پیوندها مقدور نیستند(مثل کارهای چاپی)، پیشنهاد
میکنیم خوانندگانتان را به راهنمایی کنید(شاید با گسترش
ارتباط برقرار نمی کنید؟
people_mapping_nearby: افراد نقشه کش نزدیک
- unread_button: علامتگذاری بهعنوان خواندهشده
- read_button: علامتگذاری بهعنوان خواندهشده
+ unread_button: علامتگذاری به عنوان خواندهشده
+ read_button: علامتگذاری به عنوان خواندهشده
reply_button: پاسخ
delete_button: حذف
ارتباط برقرار نمیکنید؟
people_mapping_nearby: افراد نقشه کش نزدیک
- wrong_user: شما بهعنوان %{user} وارد سامانه شدهاید اما پیامی که درخواست پاسخش
+ wrong_user: شما به عنوان %{user} وارد سامانه شدهاید اما پیامی که درخواست پاسخش
را دادهاید به این شناسه ارسال نشدهاست. برای امکان پاسخدادن لطفاً بعنوان
کاربر صحیح وارد سامانه شوید.
subject: عنوان
date: تاریخ
reply_button: پاسخ
- unread_button: علامتگذاری بهعنوان خواندهشده
+ unread_button: علامتگذاری به عنوان خواندهشده
back: عقب
to: به
wrong_user: شما بعنوان `%{user}' وارد سامانه شدهاید اما پیامی که درخواست خواندنش
را دادهاید توسط کاربر ارسال نشده یا به او ارسال نشدهاست. برای امکان خواندن
- لطفاً بهعنوان کاربر صحیح وارد سامانه شوید.
+ لطفاً به عنوان کاربر صحیح وارد سامانه شوید.
delete_button: حذف
url: نشانی اینترنتی
- private: خصوصی (فقط بهعنوان ناشناس ، نقاط نامشخص)
+ private: خصوصی (فقط به عنوان ناشناس ، نقاط نامشخص)
public: عمومی (نمایش نقاط نامرتب در فهرست پیگیری ها بعنوان ناشناس)
trackable: قابل پیگیری (نقاط مرتب شده بر اساس زمان را تنها به عنوان ناشناس
به اشتراک بگذارید)
- identifiable: قابل شناسایی (نقاط مرتبشده بر اساس زمان را در فهرست پیگیری بهعنوان
- قابل تشخیص نشان دهید)
+ identifiable: قابل شناسایی (نقاط مرتبشده بر اساس زمان را در فهرست پیگیری به
+ عنوان قابل تشخیص نشان دهید)
upload_trace: بارگذاری پیگیری GPS
trace_uploaded: پروندهٔ GPX شما بارگذاری شده است و در انتظار درج در پایگاه داده
title: شرایط شرکتکنندگان
heading: شرایط شرکت کنندگان
read and accept: برای ادامهدادن و ویرایشکردنهای آینده لطفاً این توافقنامه
- را مطالعه کنید و دکمه موافق هستم را فشار دهید بهعنوان اینکه شما موارد این
+ را مطالعه کنید و دکمه موافق هستم را فشار دهید به عنوان اینکه شما موارد این
توافقنامه را قبول دارید.
consider_pd: بر اساس توافقنامه موفق من ویرایشها و تولیدات خودم را اجازه میدهم
که به صورت عمومی انتشار یابد
# Author: Konstaduck
# Author: Lliehu
# Author: Markosu
+# Author: McSalama
# Author: MrTapsa
# Author: Nedergard
# Author: Nelg
taxiway: Rullaustie
terminal: Terminaali
- airport: Lentokenttä
arts_centre: Taidekeskus
- artwork: Taideteos
atm: Pankkiautomaatti
- auditorium: Auditorio
bank: Pankki
bar: Baari
bbq: Grillauskatos
charging_station: Latausasema
cinema: Elokuvateatteri
clinic: Klinikka
- club: Klubi
college: Oppilaitos
community_centre: Yhteisökeskus
courthouse: Oikeustalo
fuel: Polttoaine
grave_yard: Hautausmaa
gym: Liikuntakeskus / kuntosali
- hall: Halli
health_centre: Terveyskeskus
hospital: Sairaala
- hotel: Hotelli
hunting_stand: Metsästyslava
ice_cream: Jäätelö
kindergarten: Päiväkoti
library: Kirjasto
market: Tori
marketplace: Tori
- mountain_rescue: Vuoristopelastuspalvelu
nightclub: Yökerho
nursery: Päiväkoti
nursing_home: Hoitokoti
office: Toimisto
- park: Puisto
parking: Parkkipaikka
pharmacy: Apteekki
place_of_worship: Kirkko, temppeli, pyhä paikka
prison: Vankila
pub: Pubi
public_building: Julkinen rakennus
- public_market: Torikauppa
reception_area: Vastaanottoalue
recycling: Kierrätyspaikka
restaurant: Ravintola
school: Koulu
shelter: Väestönsuoja
shop: Kauppa
- shopping: Ostokset
shower: Suihku
social_centre: Sosiaalikeskus
social_club: Sosiaalinen kerho
+ social_facility: Sosiaalilaitos
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarketti
swimming_pool: Uima-allas
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Puhelinkoppi
veterinary: Eläinlääkäri
village_hall: Kyläkoti
waste_basket: Roskakori
- wifi: Langaton lähiverkko
- WLAN: Langaton Internet
youth_centre: Nuorisokeskus
administrative: Hallinnollinen raja
"yes": Rakennus
- fire_hydrant: Paloposti
phone: Hätäpuhelin
bridleway: Ratsastustie
bus_guideway: Ohjattu linja-autokaista
bus_stop: Bussipysäkki
- byway: Sivutie
construction: Rakenteilla oleva tie
cycleway: Pyörätie
emergency_access_point: Hätätilapaikka
ford: Kahluupaikka
living_street: Asuinkatu
milestone: Virstanpylväs
- minor: Sivutie
motorway: Moottoritie
motorway_junction: Moottoritien liittymä
motorway_link: Moottoritie
speed_camera: Nopeuskamera
steps: Portaat
street_lamp: Katuvalaisin
- stile: Aidanylitys
tertiary: Yhdystie
tertiary_link: Yhdystie
track: Metsätie
memorial: Muistomerkki
mine: Kaivos
monument: Muistomerkki
- museum: Museo
ruins: Rauniot
tomb: Hautakammio
tower: Torni
military: Sotilasalue
mine: Kaivos
orchard: Puutarha
- nature_reserve: Luonnonsuojelualue
- park: Puisto
- piste: Latu
quarry: Avolouhos
railway: Rautatie
recreation_ground: Virkistysalue
road: Tiealue
village_green: Puisto
vineyard: Viinitarha
- wetland: Kosteikko
- wood: Metsä
beach_resort: Rantakohde
bird_hide: Linnunpesä
beach: Hiekkaranta
cape: Niemi
cave_entrance: Luolan sisäänkäynti
- channel: Kanava
cliff: Jyrkänne
crater: Kraatteri
dune: Dyyni
- feature: Erikoispiirre
fell: Tunturi
fjord: Vuono
forest: Metsä
point: Niemi
reef: Riutta
ridge: Harju
- river: Joki
rock: Kivi
scree: Kivikko
scrub: Pensaikko
- shoal: Matalikko
spring: Lähde
stone: Kivi
strait: Salmi
volcano: Tulivuori
water: Vesi
wetland: Kosteikko
- wetlands: Kosteikko
wood: Metsä
accountant: Kirjanpitäjä
switch: Ratavaihde
tram: Raitiotie
tram_stop: Raitiovaunupysäkki
- yard: Ratapiha
- route:
- bus: Bussireitti
alcohol: Alkoholikauppa
antiques: Antiikkia
hostel: Hostelli
hotel: Hotelli
information: Infopiste
- lean_to: Laavu
motel: Motelli
museum: Museo
picnic_site: Piknik-paikka
theme_park: Teemapuisto
- valley: Laakso
viewpoint: Näköalapaikka
zoo: Eläintarha
artificial: Kanava
boatyard: Telakka
canal: Kanaali
- connector: Kanava
dam: Pato
derelict_canal: Hylätty kanava
ditch: Oja
drain: Oja
lock: Sulku
lock_gate: Sulkuportti
- mineral_spring: Mineraalivesilähde
mooring: Rantautumispaikka
rapids: Koski
river: Joki
- riverbank: Joki
stream: Puro
wadi: Vadi
waterfall: Vesiputous
- water_point: Vedenottopaikka
weir: Pato
level2: Valtion raja
level4: Osavaltion raja
level5: Alueen raja
- level6: Maan raja
+ level6: Maakunnan raja
level8: Kunnan raja
level9: Kylän raja
level10: Asuinalueen raja
<a href="">Chief Directorate:
National Geo-Spatial Informationista</a>, kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.
contributors_gb_html: |-
- <strong>Iso-Britanna</strong>: Sisältää Ordnance Surveyn
+ <strong>Iso-Britannia</strong>: Sisältää Ordnance Surveyn
keräämiä karttatietoja © Crown Copyright ja tietokantojen käyttöoikeus 2010-12.
contributors_footer_1_html: |-
Täydellinen lista OpenStreetMapin tukijoista löytyy OpenStreetMapin wikistä <a
suostua, mutta ne täytyy lukea.
+ title: Salli tilisi käyttö
request_access: Sovellus %{app_name} pyytää pääsyä käyttäjätiliisi %{user}.
Tarkasta oikeudet, jotka tahdot antaa sovellukselle. Voit valita mielestäsi
sopivat oikeudet.
allow_write_gpx: tallenna GPS-jälkiä.
allow_write_notes: Muokkaa muistiinpanoja.
+ title: Valtuutuspyyntö hyväksytty
verification: Vahvistuskoodi on %{code}.
title: Valtuutuspyyntö epäonnistui
+ invalid: Lupamerkki ei kelpaa.
flash: Olet poistanut sovelluksen %{application} avaimen
taxiway: Voie de circulation (Taxiway)
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aéroport
arts_centre: Centre artistique
- artwork: Œuvre d’art
atm: Distributeur automatique de billets
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Banque
bar: Bar
bbq: Barbecue
charging_station: Station de recharge
cinema: Cinéma
clinic: Clinique
- club: Club
college: Établissement d’enseignement supérieur
community_centre: Salle polyvalente
courthouse: Palais de justice
fuel: Carburant
grave_yard: Cimetière
gym: Fitness / gymnastique
- hall: Salle
health_centre: Centre de santé / dispensaire
hospital: Hôpital
- hotel: Hôtel
hunting_stand: Stand de tir
ice_cream: Glacier
kindergarten: Jardin d’enfant
library: Bibliothèque
market: Marché
marketplace: Place de marché
- mountain_rescue: Secours en montagne
nightclub: Boîte de nuit
nursery: Nurserie
nursing_home: Maison de retraite médicalisée
office: Bureau
- park: Parc
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Pharmacie
place_of_worship: Lieu de culte
prison: Prison
pub: Pub
public_building: Bâtiment public
- public_market: Marché public
reception_area: Zone de livraison
recycling: Point de recyclage
restaurant: Restaurant
school: École
shelter: Abri
shop: Boutique
- shopping: Commerce
shower: Douche
social_centre: Centre social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Service social
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarché
swimming_pool: Piscine
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Téléphone public
veterinary: Chirurgie vétérinaire
village_hall: Salle municipale
waste_basket: Poubelle
- wifi: Accès WiFi
- WLAN: Accès WiFi
youth_centre: Centre pour la jeunesse
administrative: Limite administrative
"yes": Bâtiment
- fire_hydrant: Bouche d’incendie
phone: Borne d’appel d’urgence
bridleway: Chemin pour cavaliers
bus_guideway: Voie de bus guidé / trolley
bus_stop: Arrêt de bus
- byway: Route secondaire
construction: Autoroute en construction
cycleway: Piste cyclable
emergency_access_point: Point d’accès d’urgence
ford: Gué
living_street: Rue en zone de rencontre
milestone: Borne kilométrique
- minor: Route mineure
motorway: Autoroute
motorway_junction: Jonction d’autoroute
motorway_link: Voie autoroutière
speed_camera: Radar de vitesse
steps: Escalier
street_lamp: Lampadaire
- stile: Échalier
tertiary: Route tertiaire
tertiary_link: Route tertiaire
track: Chemin
memorial: Mémorial
mine: Mine
monument: Monument
- museum: Musée
ruins: Ruines
tomb: Tombeau
tower: Tour
military: Zone militaire
mine: Mine
orchard: Verger
- nature_reserve: Réserve naturelle
- park: Parc
- piste: Piste
quarry: Carrière
railway: Voie ferrée
recreation_ground: Aire de jeux
road: Zone routière
village_green: Espace vert public
vineyard: Vignoble
- wetland: Zone humide
- wood: Bois
beach_resort: Station balnéaire
bird_hide: Observatoire ornithologique
beach: Plage
cape: Cap
cave_entrance: Entrée de grotte
- channel: Canal
cliff: Falaise
crater: Cratère
dune: Dune
- feature: Élément
fell: Lande
fjord: Fjord
forest: Forêt
point: Pointe
reef: Récif
ridge: Crête
- river: Rivière
rock: Roche
scree: Éboulis
scrub: Broussailles
- shoal: Haut-fond
spring: Source
stone: Pierre
strait: Détroit
volcano: Volcan
water: Eau
wetland: Zone humide
- wetlands: Zones humides
wood: Forêt
accountant: Comptable
switch: Aiguillage
tram: Tramway
tram_stop: Arrêt de tram
- yard: Voie de triage
- route:
- bus: Trajet du bus
alcohol: Vendeur d’alcool à emporter / caviste
antiques: Antiquaire
hostel: Auberge
hotel: Hôtel
information: Informations
- lean_to: Abri ouvert
motel: Motel
museum: Musée
picnic_site: Aire de pique-nique
theme_park: Parc à thème
- valley: Vallée
viewpoint: Point de vue
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Cours d’eau artificiel
boatyard: Chantier naval
canal: Canal
- connector: Canal de connexion
dam: Barrage
derelict_canal: Canal de décharge
ditch: Fossé
drain: Drain
lock: Écluse
lock_gate: Porte d’écluse
- mineral_spring: Source d’eau minérale
mooring: Mouillage
rapids: Rapides
river: Rivière
- riverbank: Lit de rivière
stream: Ruisseau
wadi: Oued
waterfall: Chute d’eau
- water_point: Point d’eau
weir: Barrage
level2: Frontière de pays
hidden_by: Platade di %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} indaûr</abbr>
+ title: Ce ch'al è intun lûc
introduction: Frache su la mape par cjatâ lis robis dongje.
nearby: Elements dongje
enclosing: Elements includûts
terminal: Terminâl
- airport: Aeropuart
arts_centre: Centri pes arts
atm: Bancomat
- auditorium: Auditori
bank: Bancje
bar: Bar
bench: Bancjute
fuel: Stazion di riforniment
health_centre: Centri pe salût
hospital: Ospedâl
- hotel: Hotel
ice_cream: Gjelato
kindergarten: Scuelute
library: Biblioteche
market: Marcjât
nightclub: Club noturni
office: Ufizi
- park: Parc
parking: Parcament
pharmacy: Farmacie
place_of_worship: Lûc di cult
prison: Preson
pub: Pub
public_building: Edifici public
- public_market: Marcjât public
recycling: Pont pal ricicli
restaurant: Ristorant
retirement_home: Cjase di polse
school: Scuele
shop: Buteghe
social_centre: Centri sociâl
- supermarket: Supermarcjât
swimming_pool: Pissine
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefon public
vending_machine: Distributôr automatic
veterinary: Veterinari
village_hall: Centri civic
- wifi: Pont di acès WiFi
- WLAN: Pont di acès WiFi
youth_centre: Centri zovanîl
administrative: Confin aministratîf
"yes": Edifici
- fire_hydrant: Idrant
phone: Telefon di emergjence
bus_stop: Fermade autobus
memorial: Memoriâl
mine: Miniere
monument: Monument
- museum: Museu
ruins: Ruvinàs
tomb: Tombe
tower: Tor
meadow: Prâts
military: Aree militâr
mine: Miniere
- nature_reserve: Riserve naturâl
- park: Parc
- piste: Piste di rivade a tiere
quarry: Gjave
railway: Ferade
residential: Aree residenziâl
bay: Rade
beach: Splaze
- channel: Canâl
crater: Cratêr
dune: Dune
fjord: Fiort
land: Tiere
peak: Pic
point: Pont
- river: Flum
tree: Arbul
valley: Val
volcano: Vulcan
station: Stazion de ferade
tram_stop: Fermade dal tram
+ art: Buteghe di art
bakery: Pancôr
beauty: Centri estetic
+ beverages: Buteghe di bibitis
bicycle: Buteghe di bicicletis
books: Librerie
butcher: Becjarie
information: Informazions
museum: Museu
theme_park: Parc tematic
- valley: Val
viewpoint: Pont panoramic
zoo: Zoo
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Aumente il zoom par zontâ une note ae mape
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Aumente il zoom par viodi lis notis su la mape
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Aumente il zoom par viodi i dâts de mape
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Domande ce ch'al è intun lûc
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Aumente il zoom par domandâ ce ch'al è
comment: Coment
taxiway: Vía de circulación do aeroporto
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroporto
arts_centre: Centro artístico
- artwork: Obra de arte
atm: Caixeiro automático
- auditorium: Auditorio
bank: Banco
bar: Bar
bbq: Barbacoa
charging_station: Estación de carga
cinema: Cine
clinic: Clínica
- club: Club
college: Instituto
community_centre: Centro comunitario
courthouse: Xulgado
fuel: Combustible
grave_yard: Cemiterio
gym: Ximnasio
- hall: Sala de reunións
health_centre: Centro de saúde
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Lugar de caza
ice_cream: Xeadaría
kindergarten: Xardín de infancia
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercado
marketplace: Praza de mercado
- mountain_rescue: Rescate de montaña
nightclub: Club nocturno
nursery: Parvulario
nursing_home: Residencia para a terceira idade
office: Oficina
- park: Parque
parking: Aparcadoiro
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Lugar de culto
prison: Prisión
pub: Pub
public_building: Edificio público
- public_market: Mercado público
reception_area: Zona de recepción
recycling: Punto de reciclaxe
restaurant: Restaurante
school: Escola
shelter: Abeiro
shop: Tenda
- shopping: Comercio
shower: Ducha
social_centre: Centro social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Servizos sociais
studio: Estudio
- supermarket: Supermercado
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Teléfono público
veterinary: Clínica veterinaria
village_hall: Concello
waste_basket: Cesto do lixo
- wifi: Acceso WiFi
- WLAN: Acceso WiFi
youth_centre: Casa da xuventude
administrative: Límite administrativo
"yes": Construción
- fire_hydrant: Boca de incendios
phone: Teléfono de emerxencia
bridleway: Pista de cabalos
bus_guideway: Liña de autobuses guiados
bus_stop: Parada de autobús
- byway: Camiño secundario
construction: Autoestrada en construción
cycleway: Pista de bicicletas
emergency_access_point: Punto de acceso de emerxencia
ford: Vao
living_street: Rúa residencial
milestone: Miliario
- minor: Estrada lateral
motorway: Autoestrada
motorway_junction: Cruzamento de autovías
motorway_link: Enlace de autoestrada
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Chanzos
street_lamp: Luminaria
- stile: Escada
tertiary: Estrada terciaria
tertiary_link: Estrada terciaria
track: Pista
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
- museum: Museo
ruins: Ruínas
tomb: Sepulcro
tower: Torre
military: Zona militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Horta
- nature_reserve: Reserva natural
- park: Parque
- piste: Pista
quarry: Canteira
railway: Ferrocarril
recreation_ground: Área recreativa
road: Zona de estrada
village_green: Parque municipal
vineyard: Viñedo
- wetland: Pantano
- wood: Madeira
beach_resort: Balneario
bird_hide: Observatorio de aves
beach: Praia
cape: Cabo
cave_entrance: Entrada de cova
- channel: Canal
cliff: Cantil
crater: Cráter
dune: Duna
- feature: Elemento
fell: Brañal
fjord: Fiorde
forest: Bosque
point: Punto
reef: Arrecife
ridge: Crista
- river: Río
rock: Rocha
scree: Pedregal
scrub: Matogueira
- shoal: Cardume
spring: Primavera
stone: Pedra
strait: Estreito
volcano: Volcán
water: Auga
wetland: Pantano
- wetlands: Pantano
wood: Bosque
accountant: Contable
switch: Puntos de cambio de vía
tram: Vía de tranvías
tram_stop: Parada de tranvías
- yard: Estación de clasificación
- route:
- bus: Ruta de autobús
alcohol: Tenda de licores
antiques: Tenda de antigüidades
hostel: Hostal
hotel: Hotel
information: Información
- lean_to: Caseta
motel: Motel
museum: Museo
picnic_site: Sitio de pícnic
theme_park: Parque temático
- valley: Val
viewpoint: Miradoiro
zoo: Zoolóxico
artificial: Vía fluvial artificial
boatyard: Estaleiro
canal: Canal
- connector: Conexión de vía de auga
dam: Encoro
derelict_canal: Canal abandonado
ditch: Cuneta
drain: Sumidoiro
lock: Esclusa
lock_gate: Esclusa
- mineral_spring: Fonte mineral
mooring: Atraque
rapids: Rápidos
river: Río
- riverbank: Beira do río
stream: Arroio
wadi: Uadi
waterfall: Fervenza
- water_point: Punto de auga
weir: Vaira
level2: Fronteira do país
taxiway: מסלול נסיעת מטוס
terminal: מסוף
- airport: שדה תעופה
arts_centre: מרכז אמנויות
- artwork: יצירת אמנות
atm: כספומט
- auditorium: אודיטוריום
bank: בנק
bar: בר
bbq: מנגל
charging_station: תחנת הטענה
cinema: בית קולנוע
clinic: מרפאה
- club: מועדון
college: מכללה
community_centre: מרכז קהילתי
courthouse: בית משפט
fuel: דלק
grave_yard: בית קברות
gym: מכון כושר/חדר כושר
- hall: אולם
health_centre: מרכז בריאות
hospital: בית חולים
- hotel: בית מלון
hunting_stand: תצפית ציידים
ice_cream: גלידה
kindergarten: גן ילדים
library: ספרייה
market: שוק
marketplace: שוק
- mountain_rescue: תחנת חילוץ הררית
nightclub: מועדון לילה
nursery: פעוטון
nursing_home: בית אבות
office: משרד
- park: פארק
parking: חניה
pharmacy: בית מרקחת
place_of_worship: מקום פולחן
prison: כלא
pub: פאב
public_building: מבנה ציבור
- public_market: שוק
reception_area: אזור קליטה
recycling: נקודת מיחזור
restaurant: מסעדה
school: בית ספר
shelter: מחסה
shop: חנות
- shopping: קניות
shower: מקלחת
social_centre: מרכז חברתי
social_club: מועדון
social_facility: מתקן חברתי
studio: סטודיו
- supermarket: סופרמרקט
swimming_pool: ברֵכת שחייה
taxi: מונית
telephone: טלפון ציבורי
veterinary: מרפאה וטרינרית
village_hall: אולם הכפר
waste_basket: פח אשפה
- wifi: גישת WiFi
- WLAN: גישת WiFi
youth_centre: מרכז נוער
administrative: גבול שטח שיפוט
"yes": בניין
- fire_hydrant: ברז כיבוי אש
phone: טלפון חירום
bridleway: שביל עבור סוסים
bus_guideway: נתיב תחבורה ציבורית מונחית
bus_stop: תחנת אוטובוס
- byway: דרך צדית
construction: כביש מהיר בבנייה
cycleway: נתיב אופניים
emergency_access_point: נקודת גישה לשירותי חירום
ford: מעברה בנחל
living_street: רחוב מגורים
milestone: אבן דרך
- minor: דרך משנית
motorway: כביש
motorway_junction: צומת כבישים
motorway_link: כביש מכוניות
speed_camera: מצלמת מהירות
steps: מדרגות
street_lamp: פנס רחוב
- stile: מעבר מעל גדר
tertiary: דרך שלישונית
tertiary_link: דרך שלישונית
track: מסלול מרוצים
memorial: אנדרטה זיכרון
mine: מכרה
monument: אנדרטה
- museum: מוזיאון
ruins: הריסות
tomb: קבר
tower: מגדל
military: שטח צבאי
mine: מכרה
orchard: פרדס
- nature_reserve: שמורת טבע
- park: פארק
- piste: מסלול סקי
quarry: מחצבה
railway: מסילת ברזל
recreation_ground: שטחי נופש ופנאי
road: אזור דרך
village_green: כיכר הכפר
vineyard: כרם
- wetland: מלחה
- wood: חורשה
beach_resort: אתר נופש לחוף ים
bird_hide: מצפור
beach: חוף
cape: כף
cave_entrance: כניסה למערה
- channel: תעלה
cliff: מצוק
crater: מכתש
dune: חולית
- feature: ישות
fell: תל
fjord: פיורד
forest: יער
point: נקודה
reef: שונית
ridge: רכס
- river: נהר
rock: סלע
scree: ערמת סלעים
scrub: סבך
- shoal: שרטון
spring: מעיין
stone: אבן
strait: מצר
volcano: הר געש
water: מים
wetland: מלחה
- wetlands: מלחות
wood: יער
accountant: רואה חשבון
switch: נקודות מסילת ברזל
tram: חשמלית
tram_stop: תחנת חשמלית
- yard: מוסך רכבות
- route:
- bus: נתיב אוטובוסים
alcohol: חנות אלכוהול
antiques: עתיקות
hostel: אכסניה
hotel: בית מלון
information: מידע
- lean_to: סככה
motel: מלון דרכים
museum: מוזיאון
picnic_site: אתר לפיקניקים
theme_park: פארק שעשועים
- valley: עמק
viewpoint: נקודת תצפית
zoo: גן חיות
artificial: נתיב מים מלאכותי
boatyard: מספנה
canal: תעלה
- connector: נקודת חיבור בין נתיבי מים
dam: סכר
derelict_canal: תעלה נטושה
ditch: מחפורת
drain: ביוב
lock: תא שיט
lock_gate: שער בתא שיט
- mineral_spring: מעיין מים מינרליים
mooring: מעגן
rapids: אשדות
river: נהר
- riverbank: גדת נהר
stream: פלג
wadi: ואדי
waterfall: מפל מים
- water_point: נקודת מים
weir: סכר
level2: גבול המדינה
taxiway: Rulnica
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Zračna luka
arts_centre: Umjetnički centar
- artwork: Umjetnička djela
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Auditorij
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Roštilj
casino: Casino
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Fakultet
community_centre: Društveni centar
courthouse: Sud
fuel: Benzinska
grave_yard: Groblje
gym: Fitness centar
- hall: Hala
health_centre: Zdravstveni centar
hospital: Bolnica
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Čeka
ice_cream: Slastičarna
kindergarten: Dječji vrtić
library: Knjižnica
market: Tržnica
marketplace: Tržnica
- mountain_rescue: GSS - Gorska služba spašavanja
nightclub: Noćni klub
nursery: Čuvanje djece
nursing_home: Starački dom
office: Kancelarija
- park: Park
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Ljekarna
place_of_worship: Crkva
prison: Zatvor
pub: Pub
public_building: Ustanova
- public_market: Javna tržnica
reception_area: Recepcija
recycling: Reciklažna točka
restaurant: Restoran
school: Škola
shelter: Sklonište
shop: Trgovina
- shopping: Trgovački centar
social_club: Društveni klub
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Bazen
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefonska govornica
veterinary: Veterinar
village_hall: Seoski Dom
waste_basket: Kanta za otpatke
- wifi: Pristup WiFi-u
- WLAN: Pristup WiFi-u
youth_centre: Centar za mladež
administrative: Administrativna granica
"yes": Most
"yes": Zgrada
- emergency:
- fire_hydrant: Hidrant
bridleway: Konjička staza
bus_guideway: Autobusna traka
bus_stop: Autobusno stajalište
- byway: Prečica
construction: Autocesta u izgradnji
cycleway: Biciklistička staza
emergency_access_point: S.O.S. točka
footway: Pješačka staza
ford: Ford
living_street: Ulica smirenog prometa
- minor: Drugorazredna cesta
motorway: Autocesta
motorway_junction: Čvor (autoputa)
motorway_link: Autocesta (pristupna cesta)
service: Servisna cesta
services: Autocesta - usluge
steps: Stepenice
- stile: Prijelaz preko ograde
tertiary: Lokalna cesta
track: Makadam
trail: Staza
memorial: Spomen dom
mine: Rudnik
monument: Spomenik
- museum: Muzej
ruins: Ruševine
tomb: Grob
tower: Toranj
military: Vojno područje
mine: Rudnik
orchard: Voćnjak
- nature_reserve: Rezervat prirode
- park: Park
- piste: Pista
quarry: Kamenolom
railway: Željeznica
recreation_ground: Rekreacijsko područje
retail: Trgovina
village_green: Seoski travnjak
vineyard: Vinograd
- wetland: Močvara
- wood: Šuma
beach_resort: Plaža
common: Općinsko zemljište
beach: Plaža
cape: Rt
cave_entrance: Pećina (ulaz)
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Litica
crater: Krater
dune: Dina
- feature: Obilježje
fell: Brdo
fjord: Fjord
forest: Šuma
point: Točka
reef: Greben
ridge: Greben
- river: Rijeka
rock: Stijena
scree: Šljunak
scrub: Guštara
- shoal: Sprud
spring: Izvor
stone: Kamen
strait: Tjesnac
volcano: Vulkan
water: Voda
wetland: Močvara
- wetlands: Močvara
wood: Šuma
accountant: Računovođa
switch: Skretnica
tram: Tramvaj
tram_stop: Tramvajska stanica
- yard: Ranžirni kolodvor
alcohol: Trgovina pićem
art: Atelje
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacije
- lean_to: Lean to
motel: Motel
museum: Muzej
picnic_site: Piknik-mjesto
theme_park: Tematski park
- valley: Dolina
viewpoint: Vidikovac
zoo: Zoo
boatyard: Brodogradilište
canal: Kanal
- connector: Spoj vodnih puteva
dam: Brana
derelict_canal: Zanemaren kanal
ditch: Jarak
drain: Odvod
lock: Ustava
lock_gate: Ustava
- mineral_spring: Mineralni izvor
mooring: Sidrište
rapids: Brzaci
river: Rijeka
- riverbank: Riječna obala
stream: Potok
wadi: Suho korito rijeke
waterfall: Vodopad
- water_point: Točka vodotoka
weir: Brana
taxiway: Lětadłowa jězdnja
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Lětanišćo
arts_centre: Kulturny centrum
- artwork: Wuměłska twórba
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Awditorij
bank: Banka
bar: Bara
bbq: Grilowanišćo
charging_station: Napjelnjenska stacija
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Wysoka šula
community_centre: Zhromadny centrum
courthouse: Sudnistwo
fuel: Tankownja
grave_yard: Kěrchow
gym: Fitnesowy center/Fitnesowe studijo
- hall: Schadźowarnja
health_centre: Strowotny centrum
hospital: Chorownja
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Łakańca
ice_cream: Jědźny lód
kindergarten: Pěstowarnja
library: Knihownja
market: Wiki
marketplace: Torhošćo
- mountain_rescue: Hórska wuchowanska słužba
nightclub: Nócny klub
nursery: Pěstowarnja
nursing_home: Hladarnja
office: Běrow
- park: Park
parking: Parkowanišćo
pharmacy: Lěkarnja
place_of_worship: Boži dom
prison: Jastwo
pub: Korčma
public_building: Zjawne twarjenje
- public_market: Zjawne wiki
reception_area: Přijimanski wobłuk
recycling: Přijimarnja starowiznow
restaurant: Hosćenc
school: Šula
shelter: Podstup
shop: Wobchod
- shopping: Nakup
shower: Duša
social_centre: Socialne srjedźišćo
social_club: Towarstwo
social_facility: Socialne zarjadnišćo
studio: Studijo
- supermarket: Superwiki
swimming_pool: Płuwanišćo
taxi: Taksijowe zastanišćo
telephone: Zjawny telefon
veterinary: Zwěrjacy lěkar
village_hall: Gmejnski centrum
waste_basket: Wotpadkowe sudobjo
- wifi: WiFi-přistup
- WLAN: WLAN-přistup
youth_centre: Centrum za młodostnych
administrative: Zarjadniska hranica
"yes": Twarjenje
- fire_hydrant: Wohnjowy hydrant
phone: Nuzowy telefon
bridleway: Jěchanski puć
bus_guideway: Trolejbusowy milinowód
bus_stop: Busowe zastanišćo
- byway: Pódlanski puć
construction: Dróha so twari
cycleway: Kolesowarska šćežka
emergency_access_point: Přijimarnja njezbožow
ford: Bród
living_street: Hasa z pomjeńšenym wobchadom
milestone: Kilometrowy kamjeń
- minor: Pódlanska hasa
motorway: Awtodróha
motorway_junction: Awtodróhowe křižnišćo
motorway_link: Přijězd na awtodróhu
speed_camera: Błyskadło
steps: Schodźenki
street_lamp: Nadróžna latarnja
- stile: Płótne stupadło
tertiary: Dróha třećeho rjada
tertiary_link: Dróha třećeho rjada
track: Pólny puć
memorial: Wopomnišćo
mine: Podkopki
monument: Pomnik
- museum: Muzej
ruins: Rozpadanki
tomb: Row
tower: Wěža
military: Wojerska kónčina
mine: Podkopki
orchard: Sadowa zahroda
- nature_reserve: Přirodoškitne pasmo
- park: Park
- piste: Pista
quarry: Skała
railway: Železnica
recreation_ground: Wočerstwjenska krajina
road: Dróhowe pasmo
village_green: Nawjes
vineyard: Winicy
- wetland: Łučina
- wood: Lěs
beach_resort: Mórske kupjele
bird_hide: Ptači schow
beach: Přibrjóh
cape: Kap
cave_entrance: Prózdnjeński zachod
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Wuskała
crater: Krater
dune: Nawěw
- feature: Funkcija
fell: Fjeld
fjord: Fjord
forest: Lěs
point: Dypk
reef: Rif
ridge: Horinski hrjebjeń
- river: Rěka
rock: Skała
scree: Walanki
scrub: Kerki
- shoal: Niłčina, pěsčišćo
spring: Žórło
stone: Kamjeń
strait: Mórska wužina
volcano: Wulkan
water: wodźizna
wetland: Łučina
- wetlands: Łučiny
wood: Lěs
accountant: Knihiwjedniski běrow
switch: Wuhibka
tram: Tramwajka
tram_stop: Tramwajkowe zastanišćo
- yard: Ranžěrowanske dwórnišćo
- route:
- bus: Busowa linija
alcohol: Wobchod za spirituozy
antiques: Wobchod starožitnosćow
hostel: Hospoda
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacija
- lean_to: Kólnja
motel: Motel
museum: Muzej
picnic_site: Piknikowanišćo
theme_park: Park zabawy
- valley: Doł
viewpoint: Wuhladnišćo
zoo: Coo
artificial: Kumštna wodowa dróha
boatyard: Łódźnica
canal: Kanal
- connector: Zwisk mjez wódnymi pućemi
dam: Nasyp
derelict_canal: Zanjerodźeny kanal
ditch: Hrjebja
drain: Wentok
lock: Přepław
lock_gate: Wrota přeplawnje
- mineral_spring: Mineralne žórło
mooring: Přistawnišćo
rapids: Rěčne prohi
river: Rěka
- riverbank: Rěčny brjóh
stream: rěčka
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: Wodopad
- water_point: Wódne městno
weir: Spušćadło
level2: Statna hranica
taxiway: gurulóút
terminal: Utasterminál
- airport: Repülőtér
arts_centre: Művészeti központ
- artwork: Műalkotás
atm: Bankautomata
- auditorium: Auditórium
bank: Bank
bar: Bár
bbq: Grillsütő
charging_station: Elektromos töltőállomás
cinema: Mozi
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Főiskola
community_centre: Művelődési központ
courthouse: Bíróság
fuel: Benzinkút
grave_yard: Kis temető
gym: Fitnesz- / Tornaterem
- hall: Csarnok
health_centre: Egészségügyi központ
hospital: Kórház
- hotel: Szálloda
hunting_stand: Magasles
ice_cream: Jégkrém
kindergarten: Óvoda
library: Könyvtár
market: Piac
marketplace: Vásártér
- mountain_rescue: Hegyimentők
nightclub: Éjszakai bár
nursery: Óvoda
nursing_home: Idősek otthona
office: Iroda
- park: Park
parking: Parkoló
pharmacy: Gyógyszertár
place_of_worship: Vallási hely
prison: Börtön
pub: Kocsma
public_building: Középület
- public_market: Piac
reception_area: Recepció
recycling: Szelektív hulladékgyűjtő
restaurant: Étterem
school: Iskola
shelter: Esőház
shop: Bolt
- shopping: Bevásárlás
shower: Zuhanyzó
social_centre: Szociális központ
social_club: Társasági klub
social_facility: Szociális létesítmény
studio: Stúdió
- supermarket: Szupermarket
swimming_pool: Úszómedence
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Nyilvános telefon
veterinary: Állatorvosi rendelő
village_hall: Községháza
waste_basket: Szemétgyűjtő kosár
- wifi: WiFi hozzáférés
- WLAN: WiFi hozzáférés
youth_centre: Ifjúsági központ
administrative: Közigazgatási határ
"yes": Épület
- fire_hydrant: Tűzcsap
phone: Segélyhívó
bridleway: Lovaglóút
bus_guideway: Buszsín
bus_stop: Buszmegálló
- byway: Kiépítetlen ösvény
construction: Építés alatt álló közút
cycleway: Kerékpárút
emergency_access_point: Vészhelyzeti hozzáférési pont
ford: Gázló
living_street: Pihenőút
milestone: Kilométerkő
- minor: Alárendelt út
motorway: Autópálya
motorway_junction: Autópálya-csomópont
motorway_link: Autópálya
speed_camera: Sebességmérő kamera
steps: Lépcső
street_lamp: Utcai lámpa
- stile: Lépcsős átjáró
tertiary: Bekötőút
tertiary_link: Bekötőút
track: Földút
memorial: Emlékmű
mine: Bánya
monument: Műemlék
- museum: Múzeum
ruins: Rom
tomb: Sírkő
tower: Torony
military: Katonai terület
mine: Bánya
orchard: Gyümölcsös
- nature_reserve: Természetvédelmi terület
- park: Park
- piste: Sípálya
quarry: Kőfejtő
railway: Vasúti terület
recreation_ground: Szabadidőpark
road: Közúti terület
village_green: Közös mező
vineyard: Szőlős
- wetland: Láp
- wood: Erdő
beach_resort: Tengerparti üdülőhely
bird_hide: Madárles
beach: Part
cape: Partfok
cave_entrance: Barlangbejárat
- channel: Csatorna
cliff: Szikla
crater: Kráter
dune: Dűne
- feature: Tereptárgy
fell: Kopár
fjord: Fjord
forest: Erdő
point: Pont
reef: Zátony
ridge: Hegygerinc
- river: Folyó
rock: Szikla
scree: Sziklatörmelék
scrub: Cserjés
- shoal: Zátony
spring: Forrás
stone: Kő
strait: Tengerszoros
volcano: Vulkán
water: Tó
wetland: Láp
- wetlands: Láp
wood: Erdő
accountant: Könyvelő
switch: Vasúti váltó
tram: Villamos
tram_stop: Villamosmegálló
- yard: Rendező-pályaudvar
alcohol: Alkoholos italbolt
antiques: Régiségek
hostel: Turistaszálló
hotel: Szálloda
information: Információ
- lean_to: Kunyhó
motel: Motel
museum: Múzeum
picnic_site: Piknikezőhely
theme_park: Vidámpark
- valley: Völgy
viewpoint: Kilátó
zoo: Állatkert
artificial: Mesterséges víziút
boatyard: Hajóhangár
canal: Csatorna
- connector: Vízi csatlakozó
dam: Gát
derelict_canal: Felhagyott csatorna
ditch: Árok
drain: Árok
lock: Zsilip
lock_gate: Zsilip
- mineral_spring: Ásványos patak
mooring: Kikötő
rapids: Zuhatag
river: Folyó
- riverbank: Folyópart
stream: Patak
wadi: Vádi
waterfall: Vízesés
- water_point: Vízi fordítópont
weir: Bukógát
level2: Országhatár
taxiway: Via de circulation pro aviones
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroporto
arts_centre: Centro artistic
- artwork: Obra de arte
atm: Cassa automatic
- auditorium: Auditorio
bank: Banca
bar: Bar
bbq: Barbecue
charging_station: Station de cargamento
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clinica
- club: Club
college: Schola superior
community_centre: Centro communitari
courthouse: Tribunal
fuel: Carburante
grave_yard: Cemeterio
gym: Centro de fitness / Gymnasio
- hall: Hall
health_centre: Centro de sanitate
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Posto de chassa
ice_cream: Gelato
kindergarten: Schola pro juvene infantes
library: Bibliotheca
market: Mercato
marketplace: Mercato
- mountain_rescue: Succurso de montania
nightclub: Club nocturne
nursery: Sala recreative pro parve infantes
nursing_home: Casa de convalescentia
office: Officio
- park: Parco
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Pharmacia
place_of_worship: Loco de adoration
prison: Prision
pub: Taverna
public_building: Edificio public
- public_market: Mercato public
reception_area: Area de reception
recycling: Puncto de recyclage
restaurant: Restaurante
school: Schola
shelter: Refugio
shop: Boteca
- shopping: Compras
shower: Ducha
social_centre: Centro social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Servicio social
studio: Appartamento de un camera
- supermarket: Supermercato
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telephono public
veterinary: Clinica veterinari
village_hall: Casa communal
waste_basket: Corbe a papiro
- wifi: Accesso WiFi
- WLAN: Accesso WiFi
youth_centre: Centro pro le juventute
administrative: Limite administrative
"yes": Edificio
- fire_hydrant: Hydrante de incendio
phone: Telephono de emergentia
bridleway: Sentiero pro cavallos
bus_guideway: Via guidate de autobus
bus_stop: Halto de autobus
- byway: Via minor
construction: Strata in construction
cycleway: Pista cyclabile
emergency_access_point: Puncto de accesso de emergentia
ford: Vado
living_street: Strata residential
milestone: Petra milliari
- minor: Via minor
motorway: Autostrata
motorway_junction: Junction de autostrata
motorway_link: Via de communication a autostrata
speed_camera: Detector de velocitate
steps: Scalones
street_lamp: Lanterna de strata
- stile: Scalon o apertura de passage
tertiary: Via tertiari
tertiary_link: Via tertiari
track: Pista
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
- museum: Museo
ruins: Ruinas
tomb: Tumba
tower: Turre
military: Area militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Verdiero
- nature_reserve: Reserva natural
- park: Parco
- piste: Pista de ski
quarry: Petreria
railway: Ferrovia
recreation_ground: Area recreative
road: Area de cammino
village_green: Parco de village
vineyard: Vinia
- wetland: Terra humide
- wood: Bosco
beach_resort: Loco de vacantias al plagia
bird_hide: Observatorio de aves
beach: Plagia
cape: Capo
cave_entrance: Entrata de caverna
- channel: Canal
cliff: Precipitio
crater: Crater
dune: Duna
- feature: Attraction
fell: Montania
fjord: Fiord
forest: Foreste
point: Puncto
reef: Scolio
ridge: Cresta
- river: Fluvio/Riviera
rock: Rocca
scree: Detrito cadite
scrub: Arbusto
- shoal: Banco de sablo
spring: Fontana
stone: Petra
strait: Stricto
volcano: Vulcano
water: Aqua
wetland: Terra humide
- wetlands: Terreno paludose
wood: Bosco
accountant: Contabile
switch: Agulia
tram: Tramvia
tram_stop: Halto de tram
- yard: Station de manovras
alcohol: Magazin de bibitas alcoholic
antiques: Antiquitates
hostel: Albergo
hotel: Hotel
information: Information
- lean_to: Barraca aperte
motel: Motel
museum: Museo
picnic_site: Loco de picnic
theme_park: Parco de attractiones
- valley: Valle
viewpoint: Puncto de vista
zoo: Jardin zoologic
artificial: Via aquatic artificial
boatyard: Cantier naval
canal: Canal
- connector: Connexion aquatic
dam: Dica
derelict_canal: Canal abandonate
ditch: Fossato
drain: Aquiero
lock: Esclusa
lock_gate: Porta de esclusa
- mineral_spring: Fonte de aqua mineral
mooring: Ammarrage
rapids: Rapidos
river: Fluvio/Riviera
- riverbank: Ripa de fluvio/riviera
stream: Rivo
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: Cascada
- water_point: Puncto de aqua
weir: Barrage
level2: Frontiera de pais
taxiway: Jalur taxi
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Bandara
arts_centre: Pusat Kesenian
- artwork: Karya Seni
atm: ATM
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Stasiun Pengisian
cinema: Bioskop
clinic: Klinik
- club: Klub
college: Perguruan Tinggi
community_centre: Gedung Serbaguna
courthouse: Gedung Pengadilan
fuel: Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar
grave_yard: Kuburan
gym: Pusat Kebugaran / Gym
- hall: Aula/Gedung Pertemuan
health_centre: Pusat Kesehatan
hospital: Rumah Sakit
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Pos Berburu
ice_cream: Es Krim
kindergarten: Taman Kanak-Kanak
library: Perpustakaan
market: Pasar
marketplace: Pasar
- mountain_rescue: Penyelamat Gunung (SAR)
nightclub: Klub Malam
nursery: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)
nursing_home: Panti Jompo
office: Kantor
- park: Taman
parking: Parkir
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Tempat Ibadah
prison: Penjara
pub: Pub
public_building: Bangunan Publik
- public_market: Pasar Publik
reception_area: Area Bagian Penerima Tamu
recycling: Titik Daur Ulang
restaurant: Restoran
school: Sekolah
shelter: Tempat Berlindung
shop: Toko
- shopping: Pusat Perbelanjaan
shower: Tempat Pemandian Umum
social_centre: Pusat Sosial
social_club: Klub Sosial
social_facility: Fasilitas Sosial
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Kolam Renang
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telepon Umum
veterinary: Bedah Hewan
village_hall: Balai Desa
waste_basket: Keranjang Sampah
- wifi: Akses WiFi
- WLAN: Akses WiFi
youth_centre: Pusat Pemuda
administrative: Batas Administratif
"yes": Bangunan
- fire_hydrant: Hidran Kebakaran
phone: Telepon Darurat
bridleway: Jalan Tanah
bus_guideway: Jalur Bus Terpandu
bus_stop: Halte Bus
- byway: Jalan Kampung
construction: Jalan raya sedang dalam perbaikan
cycleway: Jalur Sepeda
emergency_access_point: Titik Akses Darurat
ford: Arungan
living_street: Jalan Permukiman
milestone: Patok Batu Batas Wilayah
- minor: Jalan Kecil
motorway: Jalan Tol
motorway_junction: Persimpangan Jalan Tol
motorway_link: Jalan Tol
speed_camera: Kamera Pendeteksi Kecepatan
steps: Langkah-langkah
street_lamp: Lampu Jalan
- stile: Pijakan kaki pada pagar
tertiary: Jalan Tersier
tertiary_link: Jalan Tersier
track: Trek
memorial: Memorial
mine: Tambang
monument: Monumen
- museum: Museum
ruins: Reruntuhan
tomb: Makam
tower: Menara
military: Kawasan militer
mine: Tambang
orchard: Kebun buah-buahan
- nature_reserve: Cagar Alam
- park: Taman
- piste: Piste
quarry: Tempat Penggalian
railway: Rel Kereta
recreation_ground: Taman Rekreasi
road: Wilayah Jalan
village_green: Desa Hijau
vineyard: Kebun anggur
- wetland: Lahan Basah
- wood: Kayu
beach_resort: Resort Pantai
bird_hide: Tempat Observasi Burung
beach: Pantai
cape: Tanjung
cave_entrance: Pintu Masuk Gua
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Tebing
crater: Kawah
dune: Bukit Pasir
- feature: Fitur
fell: Tebangan
fjord: Arungan
forest: Hutan
point: Titik
reef: Batu Karang
ridge: Punggung Bukit
- river: Sungai
rock: Batu
scree: Kerikil
scrub: Semak Belukar
- shoal: Beting
spring: Mata Air
stone: Batu
strait: Selat
volcano: Gunung berapi
water: Air
wetland: Lahan Basah
- wetlands: Lahan Basah (jamak)
wood: Kayu
accountant: Akuntan
switch: Titik Kereta Api
tram: Jalur Trem
tram_stop: Perhentian Trem
- yard: Emplasemen
- route:
- bus: Rute Bus
alcohol: Pub (di Inggris)
antiques: Toko Benda Antik
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Informasi
- lean_to: Beristirahat
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Tempat Piknik
theme_park: Taman Hiburan
- valley: Lembah
viewpoint: Sudut Pandang
zoo: Kebun Binatang
artificial: Jalur Air Buatan
boatyard: Halaman Kapal
canal: Kanal
- connector: Penghubung Jalur Air
dam: Bendungan
derelict_canal: Kanal Air Terlantar
ditch: Parit
drain: Saluran Air
lock: Pintu Air
lock_gate: Gerbang Pintu Air
- mineral_spring: Mata Air Mineral
mooring: Sandaran Kapal
rapids: Jeram
river: Sungai
- riverbank: Bantaran Sungai
stream: Arus
wadi: Sungai Kering
waterfall: Air Terjun
- water_point: Titik Air
weir: Tanggul Sungai
level2: Batas Negara
prefix_format: '%{name}:'
- airport: Flugvöllurinn
atm: Hraðbankinn
- auditorium: Áheyrandasalur
bank: Bankinn
bar: Barinn
bench: Bekkur
casino: Spilavíti
cinema: Kvikmyndarhúsið
clinic: Heilsugæsla
- club: Skemmtistaður
college: Framhaldskóli
community_centre: Samfélagsmiðstöð
courthouse: Dómshús
grave_yard: Kirkjugarður
gym: Líkamsræktarstöð
hospital: Sjúkrahúsið
- hotel: Hótelið
ice_cream: Ís
kindergarten: Leikskóli
library: Bókasafnið
market: Markaður
marketplace: Markaður
- mountain_rescue: Fjallabjörgun
nightclub: Næturklúbbur
office: Skrifstofa
- park: Almenningsgarður
parking: Bílastæði
pharmacy: Apótek
police: Lögreglustöð
shelter: Skýli
shop: Verslunin
studio: Stúdíó íbúð
- supermarket: Stórmarkaður
taxi: Leigubílastöð
telephone: Almenningssími
theatre: Leikhúsið
island: Eyjan
peak: Fjallið eða tindurinn
reef: Rifið
- river: Áin
tree: Tréð
valley: Dalurinn
volcano: Eldfjallið
information: Upplýsingar
motel: Mótel
museum: Safn
- valley: Dalurinn
zoo: Dýragarður
dam: Vatnsaflsvirkjunin
relation: Relazioni (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relazioni (%{x}-%{y} di %{count})
comment: Commenti (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Commento nascosto da %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
+ fa</abbr>
commented_by: Commento da %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} fa</abbr>
changesetxml: Gruppo di modifiche XML
osmchangexml: modificheOsm XML
title: Funzionalità di query
introduction: Clicca sulla cartina per disponibilità nei pressi.
nearby: Disponibilità nei pressi
+ enclosing: Elementi interni
showing_page: Pagina %{page}
sorry: Siamo spiacenti, l'elenco delle modifiche che hai richiesto necessitava
di troppo tempo per poter essere recuperato.
+ title_all: Discussione sul gruppo di modifiche OpenStreetMap
+ title_particular: 'Discussione sul gruppo di modifiche OpenStreetMap #%{changeset_id}'
+ comment: 'Nuovo commento al gruppo di modifiche #%{changeset_id} da parte di
+ %{author}'
commented_at_html: Aggiornato %{when} fa
commented_at_by_html: Aggiornato %{when} fa da %{user}
full: Discussione completa
taxiway: Pista di rullaggio
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroporto
arts_centre: Centro d'arte
- artwork: Opera d'arte
atm: Cassa automatica
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Banca
bar: Bar
bbq: Barbecue
charging_station: Stazione di ricarica
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clinica
- club: Club
college: Accademia
community_centre: Centro civico
courthouse: Tribunale
fuel: Stazione di rifornimento
grave_yard: Cimitero
gym: Centro fitness / Palestra
- hall: Sala
health_centre: Casa di cura
hospital: Ospedale
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Postazione di caccia
ice_cream: Gelateria
kindergarten: Asilo infantile
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercato
marketplace: Mercato
- mountain_rescue: Soccorso alpino
nightclub: Night Club
nursery: Asilo nido
nursing_home: Asilo nido
office: Ufficio
- park: Parco
parking: Parcheggio
pharmacy: Farmacia
place_of_worship: Luogo di culto
prison: Prigione
pub: Pub
public_building: Edificio pubblico
- public_market: Mercato pubblico
reception_area: Area accoglienza
recycling: Punto riciclaggio rifiuti
restaurant: Ristorante
school: Scuola
shelter: Pensilina
shop: Negozio
- shopping: Acquisti
shower: Doccia
social_centre: Centro sociale
social_club: Centro Sociale
social_facility: Struttura sociale
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermercato
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefono pubblico
veterinary: Veterinario
village_hall: Municipio
waste_basket: Cestino rifiuti
- wifi: Punto di accesso WiFi
- WLAN: Punto di accesso WiFi
youth_centre: Centro Giovanile
administrative: Confine amministrativo
"yes": Edificio
- fire_hydrant: Idrante
phone: Telefono di emergenza
bridleway: Percorso per equitazione
bus_guideway: Corsia autobus a guida vincolata
bus_stop: Fermata dell'autobus
- byway: Byway (UK)
construction: Strada in costruzione
cycleway: Percorso ciclabile
emergency_access_point: Colonnina SOS
ford: Guado
living_street: Living Street
milestone: Pietra miliare
- minor: Strada minore
motorway: Autostrada
motorway_junction: Uscita autostradale
motorway_link: Autostrada
speed_camera: Autovelox fissi
steps: Scala
street_lamp: Lampione
- stile: Scaletta
tertiary: Strada terziaria
tertiary_link: Strada terziaria
track: Strada forestale o agricola
memorial: Memoriale
mine: Mina
monument: Monumento
- museum: Museo
ruins: Rovine
tomb: Tomba
tower: Torre
military: Zona militare
mine: Miniera
orchard: Frutteto
- nature_reserve: Riserva naturale
- park: Parco
- piste: Piste
quarry: Cava
railway: Ferrovia
recreation_ground: Area di svago
road: Area della sede stradale
village_green: Parco urbano
vineyard: Vigneto
- wetland: Zona umida
- wood: Bosco
beach_resort: Stabilimento balneare
bird_hide: Osservatorio Camuffato
beach: Spiaggia
cape: Capo
cave_entrance: Entrata di grotta/caverna
- channel: Canale
cliff: Rupe
crater: Cratere
dune: Duna
- feature: Caratteristica
fell: Prato alpino
fjord: Fiordo
forest: Foresta
point: Punto
reef: Scogliera
ridge: Cresta montuosa
- river: Fiume
rock: Roccia
scree: Ghiaione
scrub: Boscaglia
- shoal: Secca
spring: Sorgente
stone: Pietra
strait: Stretto
volcano: Vulcano
water: Acqua
wetland: Zona umida
- wetlands: Zona umida
wood: Bosco
accountant: Ragioniere
switch: Punti ferroviari
tram: Tramvia
tram_stop: Fermata del tram
- yard: Zona di manovra ferroviaria
- route:
- bus: Percorso bus
alcohol: Alcolici
antiques: Antiquario
hostel: Ostello
hotel: Hotel
information: Informazioni
- lean_to: Tettoia
motel: Motel
museum: Museo
picnic_site: Area picnic
theme_park: Parco divertimenti
- valley: Valle
viewpoint: Punto panoramico
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Corso d'acqua artificiale
boatyard: Cantiere nautico
canal: Canale
- connector: Canale connettore
dam: Diga
derelict_canal: Canale in disuso
ditch: Fosso
drain: Fognatura/Canale di scolo
lock: Chiusa
lock_gate: Chiusa
- mineral_spring: Sorgente di acqua minerale
mooring: Ormeggio
rapids: Rapide
river: Fiume
- riverbank: Argine/Banchina
stream: Ruscello
wadi: Uadì
waterfall: Cascata
- water_point: Punto di ristoro
weir: Sbarramento idrico
level2: Confine di paese
cui sei interessato'
your_changeset: '%{commenter} ha lasciato un commento su uno dei tuoi changeset
creato il %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: In data %{time},%{commenter} ha lasciato un commento
+ su un gruppo di modifiche di %{changeset_author} che stai osservando
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: con il commento '%{changeset_comment}'
partial_changeset_without_comment: senza commento
+ details: Ulteriori dettagli sul gruppo di modifiche possono essere trovati su
+ %{url}.
title: Posta in arrivo
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Ingrandisci la mappa per aggiungere una nota
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Zooma per vedere le note della mappa
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zooma per vedere i dati della mappa
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Ricerca di elementi
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Ingrandisci sugli elementi della ricerca
comment: Commento
subscribe: Iscriviti
unsubscribe: Cancella iscrizione
hide_comment: nascondi
+ unhide_comment: Rendi visibile
intro: Ti sei accorto di un errore o di qualcosa che manca? Fallo sapere agli
edit_help: Sposta la mappa e usa lo zoom sulla posizione che vuoi modificare,
quindi clicca qui.
+ node: Nodo
+ way: Percorso
relation: Relazione
+ nothing_found: Nessun elemento trovato
+ error: Errore durante la connessione a %{server}, %{error}
+ timeout: Tempo scaduto per la connessione a %{server}
description: Descrizione
# Author: Miya
# Author: Nabetaro
# Author: Nazotoko
+# Author: Nyampire
# Author: OKANO Takayoshi
# Author: Rxy
# Author: Schu
# Author: Shirayuki
+# Author: Sudachi
# Author: Tombi-aburage
# Author: Wrightbus
# Author: 青子守歌
taxiway: 空港誘導路
terminal: ターミナル
- airport: 空港
arts_centre: アート センター
- artwork: 芸術作品
atm: ATM
- auditorium: 講堂
bank: 銀行
bar: バー
bbq: バーベキュー
charging_station: 充電ステーション
cinema: 映画館
clinic: 診療所
- club: クラブ
college: 大学
community_centre: コミュニティ センター
courthouse: 裁判所
fuel: 燃料
grave_yard: 墓地
gym: フィットネス センター/ジム
- hall: ホール
health_centre: 保健所
hospital: 病院
- hotel: ホテル
hunting_stand: ハンティング スタンド
ice_cream: アイスクリーム販売店
kindergarten: 幼稚園
library: 図書館
market: 市場
marketplace: 市場
- mountain_rescue: 山岳救助
nightclub: ナイト クラブ
nursery: 保育所
nursing_home: 特別養護老人ホーム
office: オフィス
- park: 公園
parking: 駐車場
pharmacy: 薬局
place_of_worship: 神社仏閣
prison: 刑務所
pub: パブ
public_building: 公共建築物
- public_market: 公設市場
reception_area: レセプションエリア
recycling: リサイクル場
restaurant: レストラン
school: 学校
shelter: 避難所
shop: 店舗
- shopping: ショッピング
shower: シャワー
social_centre: 社会センター
social_club: 社交クラブ
social_facility: 公共施設
studio: スタジオ
- supermarket: スーパーマーケット
swimming_pool: 水泳用プール
taxi: タクシー乗り場
telephone: 公衆電話
veterinary: 獣医外科
village_hall: 役場
waste_basket: ごみ箱
- wifi: Wi-Fiアクセスポイント
- WLAN: Wi-Fiアクセスポイント
youth_centre: 青少年センター
administrative: 行政境界
"yes": 建造物
- fire_hydrant: 消火栓
phone: 緊急電話
bridleway: 乗馬道
bus_guideway: 路面バス専用車線
bus_stop: バス停
- byway: 路地
construction: 建設中の高速道路
cycleway: 自転車道
emergency_access_point: 緊急アクセスポイント
ford: 砦
living_street: 住宅街
milestone: マイルストーン
- minor: 補助道路
motorway: 高速道路
motorway_junction: 高速道路ジャンクション
motorway_link: 高速道路
speed_camera: 高速度カメラ
steps: 階段
street_lamp: 街灯
- stile: 踏み越し段
tertiary: 周辺道路
tertiary_link: 周辺道路
track: 農道・林道
memorial: 記念碑
mine: 鉱山
monument: 記念碑
- museum: 博物館
ruins: 廃墟
tomb: 墓地
tower: 塔
military: 軍用地域
mine: 鉱山
orchard: 果樹園
- nature_reserve: 自然保護区
- park: 公園
- piste: スキー滑降コース
quarry: 採石場
railway: 鉄道
recreation_ground: 遊園地
road: 道路エリア
village_green: 緑地広場
vineyard: Vineyard
- wetland: 湿地帯
- wood: 森林
beach_resort: ビーチ リゾート
bird_hide: 観察小屋
beach: 砂浜
cape: 岬
cave_entrance: 洞窟入口
- channel: 水路
cliff: 崖
crater: クレーター
dune: 砂丘
- feature: 地物
fell: 荒野
fjord: フィヨルド
forest: 森林
point: 点
reef: 砂州
ridge: 海嶺
- river: 河川
rock: 岩場
scree: がれ場
scrub: 低木林
- shoal: 浅瀬
spring: 泉
stone: 岩石
strait: 海峡
volcano: 噴火口
water: 湖水
wetland: 湿地帯
- wetlands: 湿原
wood: 森林
accountant: 会計
switch: 鉄道の分岐器
tram: 路面軌道
tram_stop: トラム停留所
- yard: 車両基地
- route:
- bus: バス路線
alcohol: 酒屋
antiques: 骨董品
hostel: ホステル
hotel: ホテル
information: 案内所
- lean_to: 東屋
motel: モーテル
museum: 博物館
picnic_site: ピクニック サイト
theme_park: テーマパーク
- valley: 谷
viewpoint: 景勝地
zoo: 動物園
artificial: 人工的な水路
boatyard: ボートヤード
canal: 運河
- connector: 水路コネクタ
dam: ダム
derelict_canal: 遺棄運河
ditch: 溝
drain: 排水溝
lock: 岩場
lock_gate: 水門
- mineral_spring: 鉱泉
mooring: 係留所
rapids: 急流
river: 河川
- riverbank: 川岸
stream: 小川
wadi: 涸れ川
waterfall: 滝
- water_point: 給水所
weir: ダム
level2: 国境
地図タイルの作成法やドキュメントは、<a href="">Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> ライセンス (CC BY-SA) に基づいてライセンスされます。
credit_title_html: OpenStreetMap のクレジット表記の仕方
- credit_1_html: 「© OpenStreetMapへの協力者」のクレジットを必ず使用してください。
+ credit_1_html: 「© OpenStreetMap contributors」のクレジットを必ず使用してください。
credit_2_html: あなたはデータが Open Database License に基づいて提供されていること、そして地図タイルを使用する場合は、地図製作が
CC BY-SA としてライセンスされていることを明確にしなければなりません。<a href="">著作権表示ページ</a>にリンクすることでこれを表現することができます。また、データの形式でOSMを配布する場合の要件として、名前を表示の上、ライセンスに直接リンクすることができます。リンクを張れないメディア(印刷など)の場合は、をアドレスとして展開した形)、、あと関連があれば、creativecommons.orgに誘導することをお勧めします。
credit_3_html: |-
description: OSMの詳細な説明が書かれたWikiを参照してください。
next: 次へ
- copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>への協力者
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>contributors
used_by: '%{name} は、数多くのウェブ サイト、モバイル アプリ、ハードウェア機器で利用されています'
lede_text: OpenStreetMapは、道路、通路、カフェ、鉄道駅など、世界中にあるすべてのものについてのデータを提供・メンテナンスしているマッパーのコミュニティによって構築されました。
local_knowledge_title: 地元の情報
search: 検索
where_am_i: いまどこ?
where_am_i_title: 検索エンジンを使用して現在の場所を記述
- submit_text: 行く
+ submit_text: 検索
data: 地図データ
overlays: トラブルシューティング用の地図オーバーレイ
title: レイヤー
- copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMapへの協力者</a>
+ copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>
donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>寄付する</a>
edit_tooltip: 地図を編集
createnote_disabled_tooltip: メモを地図に追加するには拡大してください
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: 地図メモを閲覧するには拡大してください
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: 地図データを閲覧するには拡大してください
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: コメント
+ hide_comment: 非表示
+ unhide_comment: 非表示を解除
intro: スポットの間違いや情報の抜けがありましたか?他のマッパーが修正できるよう、お知らせください。マーカーを正しい位置に移動し、問題を説明するメモを入力します。(個人情報や著作権のある地図・一覧からの情報は入力しないでください。)
runway: ასაფრენ-დასაფრენი ბილიკი
terminal: ტერმინალი
- airport: აეროპორტი
arts_centre: ხელოვნების ცენტრი
atm: ბანკომატი
- auditorium: აუდიტორია
bank: ბანკი
bar: ბარი
bbq: ბარბექიუ
casino: სამორინე
cinema: კინოთეატრი
clinic: პოლიკლინიკა
- club: კლუბი
college: კოლეჯი
community_centre: საზოგადოებრივი ცენტრი
courthouse: სასამართლო
fuel: საწვავი
grave_yard: საფლავი
gym: ფიტნეს ცენტრი / სავარჯიშო დარბაზი
- hall: დარბაზი
health_centre: ჯანმრთელობის ცენტრი
hospital: საავადმყოფო
- hotel: სასტუმრო
hunting_stand: სანადირო კოშკურა
ice_cream: ნაყინი
kindergarten: საბავშვო ბაღი
library: ბიბლიოთეკა
market: მაღაზია
marketplace: ბაზარი
- mountain_rescue: სამთო–სამაშველო სამსახური
nightclub: ღამის კლუბი
nursery: პანსიონატი
nursing_home: მოხუცებულთა თავშესაფარი
office: ოფისი
- park: პარკი
parking: ავტოსადგომი
pharmacy: აფთიაქი
place_of_worship: რელიგიური ადგილი
prison: ციხე
pub: პაბი
public_building: საჯარო შენობა
- public_market: ბაზრობა
reception_area: მიმღები
recycling: ნაგავსაყრელი
restaurant: რესტორანი
school: სკოლა
shelter: თავშესაფარი
shop: მაღაზია
- shopping: სავაჭრო ცენტრი
shower: შხაპი
social_club: საზოგადოებრივი თავშეყრის ადგილი
studio: სტუდია
- supermarket: სუპერმარკეტი
swimming_pool: საცურაო აუზი
taxi: ტაქსი
telephone: საზოგადოებრივი ტელეფონი
vending_machine: სავაჭრო ავტომატი
veterinary: ვეტერინარული კლინიკა
waste_basket: ნაგვის ურნა
- wifi: WiFi წერტილი
- WLAN: WiFi წერტილი
youth_centre: ახალგაზრდული ცენტრი
administrative: ადმინისტრაციული საზღვარი
emergency_access_point: სასწრაფო დახმარების პუნქტი
footway: ტროტუარი
living_street: საცხოვრებელი ქუჩა
- minor: მეორადი გზა
motorway: ავტომაგისტრალი
motorway_junction: გზაჯვარედინი
path: ბილიკი
memorial: მემორიალი
mine: მაღარო
monument: მონუმენტი
- museum: მუზეუმი
ruins: ნანგრევები
tower: კოშკი
military: სამხედრო ტერიტორია
mine: მაღარო
orchard: ხილის ბაღი
- nature_reserve: ნაკრძალი
- park: პარკი
quarry: კარიერი
railway: რკინიგზა
recreation_ground: რეკრეაციული ზონა
retail: სავაჭრო ტერიტორია
village_green: მწვანე სოფელი
vineyard: ვენახი
- wetland: ჭარბტენიანი ტერიტორია
- wood: ტყე
fishing: სათევზაო ტერიტორია
garden: ბაღი
beach: პლაჟი
cape: კონცხი
cave_entrance: გამოქვაბულში შესასვლელი
- channel: არხი
cliff: ხრამი
crater: კრატერი
dune: დიუნა
point: კონცხი
reef: რიფი
ridge: ქედი
- river: მდინარე
rock: კლდე
scree: კლდეზვავი
scrub: ბუჩქნარი
- shoal: თავთხელი
spring: წყარო
stone: ქვა
strait: სრუტე
volcano: ვულკანი
water: წყალი
wetland: ჭარბტენიანი ტერიტორია
- wetlands: ჭარბტენიანი ტერიტორიები
wood: ტყე
architect: არქიტექტორი
switch: სარკინიგზო ისარი
tram: ტრამვაი
tram_stop: ტრამვაის გაჩერება
- yard: რკინიგზის დეპო
antiques: ანტიკვარიატი
art: სამხატვრო სალონი
museum: მუზეუმი
picnic_site: საპიკნიკე ადგილი
theme_park: თემატური პარკი
- valley: ველი
zoo: ზოოპარკი
"yes": გვირაბი
canal: არხი
dam: კაშხალი
dock: ნავსადგური
- mineral_spring: მინერალური წყარო
river: მდინარე
- riverbank: მდინარის ნაპირი
stream: ნაკადული
waterfall: ჩანჩქერი
way: 길
relation: 관계
- feature_warning: 기능 %{num_features}개를 불러오고 있으며, 브라우저가 느려지거나 응답하지 않을 수 있습니다.
+ feature_warning: 지물 %{num_features}개를 불러오고 있으며, 브라우저가 느려지거나 응답하지 않을 수 있습니다.
이 데이터를 보여줄까요?
load_data: 데이터 불러오기
loading: 불러오는 중...
reopened_by_anonymous: 익명이 <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} 전</abbr>에 다시
hidden_by: '%{user} 사용자가 <abbr title=''%{exact_time}''>%{when} 전</abbr>에 숨김'
+ query:
+ title: 지물 쿼리
+ introduction: 근처의 지물을 찾으려면 지도에서 클릭하세요.
+ nearby: 근처 지물
+ enclosing: 둘러싸는 지물
showing_page: 페이지 %{page}
load_more: 더 불러오기
sorry: 죄송합니다, 요청하는 바뀜집합 목록을 얻는데 너무 오래 걸립니다.
+ rss:
+ commented_at_html: '%{when} 전에 업데이트함'
+ commented_at_by_html: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 업데이트함'
title: 새 일기 항목
taxiway: 유도로
terminal: 터미널
- airport: 공항
arts_centre: 예술 회관
- artwork: 예술 작품
atm: ATM
- auditorium: 강당
bank: 은행
bar: 주점
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: 충전 스테이션
cinema: 영화관
clinic: 진료소
- club: 클럽
college: 전문대학
community_centre: 커뮤니티 센터
courthouse: 법원
fuel: 주유소
grave_yard: 묘지
gym: 피트니스 센터 / 체육관
- hall: 홀
health_centre: 보건소
hospital: 병원
- hotel: 호텔
hunting_stand: 사냥 스탠드
ice_cream: 아이스크림
kindergarten: 유치원
library: 도서관
market: 시장
marketplace: 시장
- mountain_rescue: 산악 구조대
nightclub: 나이트 클럽
nursery: 보육원
nursing_home: 복지관
office: 사무실
- park: 공원
parking: 주차장
pharmacy: 약국
place_of_worship: 예배당
prison: 교도소
pub: 술집
public_building: 공공 건물
- public_market: 공공 시장
reception_area: 리셉션 지역
recycling: 재활용장
restaurant: 음식점
retirement_home: 노인정
sauna: 사우나
school: 학교
- shelter: 쉼터
+ shelter: 대피소
shop: 상점
- shopping: 상점
shower: 샤워
social_centre: 사회 센터
social_club: 사교 클럽
social_facility: 공공 시설
studio: 스튜디오
- supermarket: 슈퍼마켓
swimming_pool: 수영장
taxi: 택시 정류장
telephone: 공중 전화
veterinary: 동물병원
village_hall: 주민센터
waste_basket: 쓰레기통
- wifi: 와이파이 액세스
- WLAN: 와이파이 액세스
youth_centre: 청소년 센터
administrative: 행정 구역 경계
"yes": 건물
- fire_hydrant: 소화전
phone: 긴급 전화
bridleway: 승마로
bus_guideway: 가이드 버스 차선
bus_stop: 버스 정류장
- byway: 옆길
construction: 건설 중인 고속도로
- cycleway: 자전거 경로
+ cycleway: 자전거로
emergency_access_point: 긴급 접근 지점
footway: 보도
ford: 여울
living_street: 주택가
milestone: 이정표
- minor: 보조 도로
motorway: 고속도로
motorway_junction: 고속도로 교차점
motorway_link: 고속도로
speed_camera: 속도 카메라
steps: 계단
street_lamp: 가로등
- stile: 회전식 문
tertiary: 3차 도로
tertiary_link: 3차 도로
track: 추적
memorial: 기념관
mine: 광산
monument: 기념물
- museum: 박물관
ruins: 유적
tomb: 무덤
tower: 탑
wreck: 난파선
allotments: 텃밭
- basin: 분지
+ basin: 웅덩이
brownfield: 재개발지역
cemetery: 묘지
commercial: 상업 지역
military: 군사지
mine: 광산
orchard: 과수원
- nature_reserve: 자연 보호구
- park: 공원
- piste: 스키 활강 코스
quarry: 채석장
railway: 철도
recreation_ground: 놀이 공원
road: 도로 지역
village_green: 녹색 마을
vineyard: 포도밭
- wetland: 습지
- wood: 산림
beach_resort: 해수욕장
bird_hide: 조류 관찰지
stadium: 경기장
swimming_pool: 수영장
track: 육상 트랙
- water_park: 워터파크
+ water_park: 워터 파크
airfield: 군용 비행장
barracks: 막사
beach: 해변
cape: 곶
cave_entrance: 동굴 입구
- channel: 수로
cliff: 절벽
crater: 크레이터
dune: 모래 언덕
- feature: 지물
fell: 황야
fjord: 피요르드
forest: 숲
point: 지점
reef: 암초
ridge: 산등성이
- river: 강
rock: 바위
scree: 급사면
scrub: 우거진 숲
- shoal: 얕은 곳
spring: 온천
stone: 암석
strait: 해협
volcano: 화산
water: 물
wetland: 습지
- wetlands: 습지
wood: 산림
accountant: 회계 사무소
historic_station: 역사적인 철도역
junction: 철도 분기점
level_crossing: 건널목
- light_rail: ê²½ì \84ì²
+ light_rail: ê²½ì² ë\8f\84
miniature: 미니어처 철도
monorail: 모노레일
narrow_gauge: 협궤 철도
switch: 철도 분기
tram: 전차
tram_stop: 전차 정거장
- yard: 철도 기지
- route:
- bus: 버스 노선
alcohol: 주점
antiques: 골동품 상점
hostel: 호스텔
hotel: 호텔
information: 안내소
- lean_to: 오두막
motel: 모텔
museum: 박물관
picnic_site: 피크닉장
theme_park: 테마 파크
- valley: 골짜기
viewpoint: 경승지
zoo: 동물원
artificial: 인공 수로
boatyard: 보트야드
canal: 운하
- connector: 수로 연결로
dam: 댐
derelict_canal: 버려진 운하
ditch: 구거
drain: 배수로
lock: 갑문
lock_gate: 수문
- mineral_spring: 온천장
mooring: 계선
rapids: 급류
river: 강
- riverbank: 강가
stream: 개울
wadi: 와디
waterfall: 폭포
- water_point: 급수소
weir: 어량
level2: 국가 경계
on_html: |-
OpenStreetMap은 <em>현실과 현재</em> 둘 다를 매핑하기 위한 장소입니다 -
장소에 대한 건물, 도로와 기타 자세한 수백만 정보를 포함합니다. 흥미있는
- 현실 세계 기능은 무엇이든 매핑할 수 있습니다.
+ 현실 세계 지물은 무엇이든 매핑할 수 있습니다.
off_html: |-
평점, 역사적이거나 가설적인 기능, 그리고 저작권이 있는 데이터와 같은
고집된 데이터는 포함되지 <em>않습니다</em>. 특별한 허가가 없으면,
track: 추적
byway: 옆길
bridleway: 승마로
- cycleway: 자전거 도로
+ cycleway: 자전거로
footway: 보도
rail: 철도
subway: 지하철
- - ê²½ì \84ì²
+ - ê²½ì² ë\8f\84
- 노면 전차
- 케이블 카
createnote_disabled_tooltip: 지도에 참고를 추가하려면 확대
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: 지도 참고를 보려면 확대
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: 지도 데이터를 보려면 확대
+ queryfeature_tooltip: 지물 쿼리
comment: 덧글
node: 노드
way: 길
relation: 관계
- nothing_found: 기능을 찾을 수 없습니다
+ nothing_found: 지물을 찾을 수 없습니다
+ error: '%{server} 연결에 오류: %{error}'
+ timeout: '%{server} 연결에 시간 초과'
description: 설명
relation: Relatiounen (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relatiounen (%{x}-%{y} vu(n) %{count})
comment: Bemierkungen (%{count})
+ hidden_commented_by: Verstoppt Bemierkung vum %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>
+ viru(n) %{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: XML mam Set vun Ännerungen
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
runway: Start- a Landepist
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Fluchhafen
- artwork: Konschtwierk
atm: Bancomat
- auditorium: Auditoire
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Grillplaz
charging_station: Statioun fir ze lueden
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinik
- club: Club
crematorium: Crematoire
dentist: Zänndokter
doctors: Dokteren
grave_yard: Kiirfecht
gym: Fitnessstudio
hospital: Klinik
- hotel: Hotel
ice_cream: Glace
kindergarten: Spillschoul
library: Bibliothéik
market: Maart
marketplace: Maartplaz
- mountain_rescue: Biergrettung
office: Büro
- park: Park
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Apdikt
police: Police
preschool: Spillschoul
prison: Prisong
pub: Bistro
- public_market: Ëffentleche Maart
reception_area: Rezeptiounsberäich
recycling: Recycling-Center
restaurant: Restaurant
shower: Douche
social_facility: Sozial Ariichtung
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarché
swimming_pool: Schwämm
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefonscabine
"yes": Gebai
- fire_hydrant: Hydrant
phone: Noutruff-Telefon
bridleway: Wee fir Päerd
bus_guideway: Busspur
- byway: Niewewee
construction: Autobunn (am Bau)
footway: Fousswee
ford: Fuert
milestone: Kilometersteen
- minor: Niewestrooss
motorway: Autobunn
path: Pad
pedestrian: Fousswee
house: Haus
memorial: Monument
monument: Monument
- museum: Musée
ruins: Ruinen
tomb: Graf
tower: Tuerm
industrial: Industriezone
military: Militairegebitt
orchard: Bongert
- nature_reserve: Naturschutzgebitt
- park: Park
- piste: Pist
quarry: Steekaul
railway: Eisebunn
residential: Wunngéigend
vineyard: Wéngert
- wetland: Fiichtgebitt
- wood: Bësch
garden: Gaart
golf_course: Golfterrain
bay: Bucht
beach: Plage
cape: Kap
- channel: Kanal
crater: Krater
fjord: Fjord
forest: Bësch
marsh: Mouer
moor: Mouer
point: Punkt
- river: Floss
rock: Steng
spring: Quell
stone: Steen
volcano: Vulkan
water: Waasser
wetland: Fiichtgebitt
- wetlands: Fiichtgebitter
wood: Bësch
architect: Architekt
airport: Fluchhafen
city: Stad
country: Land
+ county: Bezierk
farm: Bauerenhaff
house: Haus
houses: Haiser
island: Insel
islet: Insel
+ locality: Plaz
moor: Mouer
municipality: Gemeng
neighbourhood: Noperschaft
museum: Musée
picnic_site: Piknikplaz
theme_park: Fräizäitpark
- valley: Dall
viewpoint: Aussiichtspunkt
zoo: Zoo
geonames_reverse: Rezultatai iš <a href="">GeoNames</a>
+ aerialway:
+ chair_lift: Keltuvas
aerodrome: Aerodromas
apron: Oro uosto aikštelė
taxiway: Riedėjimo takas
terminal: Terminalas
- airport: Oro uostas
arts_centre: Menų centras
- artwork: Meno dirbiniai
atm: Bankomatas
- auditorium: Auditorija
bank: Bankas
bar: Baras
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Įkrovimo stotis
cinema: Kino teatras
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klubas
college: Koledžas
community_centre: Bendruomenės centras
courthouse: Teismo pastatas
fuel: Degalinė
grave_yard: Kapinės
gym: Sveikatingumo centras / sporto salė
- hall: Salė
health_centre: Sveikatingumo centras
hospital: Ligoninė
- hotel: Viešbutis
hunting_stand: Medžiotojų bokštelis
ice_cream: Ledai
kindergarten: Vaikų darželis
library: Biblioteka
market: Turgus
marketplace: Turgavietė
- mountain_rescue: Pagalba kalnuose
nightclub: Naktinis klubas
nursery: Seselės kabinetas
nursing_home: Slaugos namai
office: Biuras
- park: Parkas
parking: Stovėjimo aikštelė
pharmacy: Vaistinė
place_of_worship: Maldos namai
prison: Kalėjimas
pub: Aludė
public_building: Visuomeninis pastatas
- public_market: Visuomeninis turgus
reception_area: Priėmimo zona
recycling: Perdirbimo punktas
restaurant: Restoranas
school: Mokykla
shelter: Pastogė
shop: Parduotuvė
- shopping: Apsipirkimo vieta
shower: Dušas
social_centre: Socialinių reikalų centras
social_club: Socialinių reikalų klubas
social_facility: Socialinė įstaiga
studio: Studija
- supermarket: Prekybos centras
swimming_pool: Plaukiojimo baseinas
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Viešas telefonas
veterinary: Veterinarijos chirurgija
village_hall: Nedidelio miestelio valdžios būstinė
waste_basket: Atliekų krepšelis
- wifi: WiFi prieiga
- WLAN: WiFi prieiga
youth_centre: Jaunimo centras
administrative: Administracinė riba
"yes": Tiltas
"yes": Pastatas
+ emergency:
+ phone: Avarinis telefonas
bridleway: Jodinėjimo takas
bus_guideway: Bėginio autobuso linija
bus_stop: Autobusų stotelė
- byway: Keliukas
construction: Statomas kelias
cycleway: Dviračių takas
emergency_access_point: Skubios prieigos punktas
ford: Brasta
living_street: Gyvenamosios zonos gatvė
milestone: Riboženklis
- minor: Šalutinis kelias
motorway: Automagistralė
motorway_junction: Automagistralės nuovaža
motorway_link: Automagistralinis kelias
platform: Platforma
primary: Pirmosios reikšmės kelias
primary_link: Pirmosios reikšmės kelias
+ proposed: Projektuojamas kelias
raceway: Lenktynių trasa
- residential: Gyvenamasis (-oji)
+ residential: Gyvenamasis kelias
rest_area: Poilsio vieta
road: Kelias
secondary: Antros reikšmės kelias
services: Automagistralės paslaugos
speed_camera: Greičio kamera
steps: Laiptai
- stile: Kopynė
+ street_lamp: Gatvės žibintas
tertiary: Trečios reikšmės kelias
tertiary_link: Trečios reikšmės kelias
track: Vėžės
building: Pastatas
castle: Pilis
church: Bažnyčia
+ citywalls: Miesto sienos
fort: Fortas
house: Namas
icon: Ikona
memorial: Memorialas
mine: Kasykla
monument: Paminklas
- museum: Muziejus
ruins: Griuvėsiai
+ tomb: Kapas
tower: Bokštas
wayside_cross: Pakelės kryžius
wayside_shrine: Koplytstulpis
military: Karinė zona
mine: Kasykla
orchard: vaisių sodas
- nature_reserve: Gamtosaugos draustinis
- park: Parkas
- piste: Slidinėjimo trasa
quarry: Karjeras
railway: Geležinkelis
recreation_ground: Rekreacinė zona
road: Pakelės
village_green: Gyvenvietės žalioji zona
vineyard: Vynuogynas
- wetland: Pelkė
- wood: Nedidelis miškas
beach_resort: Pajūrio kurortas
bird_hide: paukščių stebėjimo vieta
beach: Paplūdimys
cape: Kyšulys
cave_entrance: Įėjimas į urvą
- channel: Kanalas
cliff: Uola
crater: Krateris
dune: Kopa
- feature: Ypatybė
fell: Kalnuota vieta
fjord: Fiordas
forest: Miškas
point: Taškas
reef: Rifas
ridge: Ketera
- river: Upė
rock: Uola
scree: Skardis
scrub: Krūmai
- shoal: Rėva
spring: Šaltinis
stone: Akmuo
strait: Sąsiauris
volcano: Ugnikalnis
water: Vanduo
wetland: Pelkė
- wetlands: Pelkės
wood: Medžiai
accountant: Buhalteris
locality: Vietovė
moor: Dažnai užliejama vieta
municipality: Savivaldybė
+ neighbourhood: Rajonas
postcode: Pašto kodas
region: Regionas
sea: Jūra
narrow_gauge: Siaurukas
platform: Geležinkelio platforma
preserved: Paveldo geležinkelis
+ proposed: Projektuojamas gelžkelis
spur: Geležinkelio atsišakojimas
station: Geležinkelio stotis
+ stop: Geležinkelio sustojimas
subway: Metro stotis
subway_entrance: Įėjimas į metro
switch: Geležinkelio punktai
tram: Tramvajus
tram_stop: Tramvajaus stotelė
- yard: Geležinkelio kiemas
alcohol: Licencijuotos parduotuvės
antiques: Antikvariniai daiktai
beverages: Gėrimų parduotuvė
bicycle: Dviračių parduotuvė
books: Knygynas
+ boutique: Butikas
butcher: Mėsininkas
car: Automobilių parduotuvė
car_parts: Automobilių dalys
convenience: Parduotuvė
copyshop: Kanceliarinių prekių parduotuvė
cosmetics: Kosmetikos parduotuvė
+ deli: Gastronomas
department_store: Universalinė parduotuvė
discount: Nukainotų prekių parduotuvė
doityourself: Pasidaryk pats
organic: Ekologiškų maisto produktų parduotuvė
outdoor: Lauko parduotuvė
pet: Naminių gyvūnėlių parduotuvė
+ pharmacy: Vaistinė
photo: Foto prekių parduotuvė
salon: Salonas
+ second_hand: Dėvėtų parduotuvė
shoes: Batų parduotuvė
shopping_centre: Prekybos centras
sports: Sporto prekių parduotuvė
stationery: Raštinės reikmenys
supermarket: Prekybos centras
+ tailor: Siuvėjas
toys: Žaislų parduotuvė
travel_agency: Kelionių agentūra
video: Video parduotuvė
wine: Licencijuota parduotuvė
+ "yes": Parduotuvė
alpine_hut: Kalnų trobelė
artwork: Meno dirbiniai
hostel: Hostelis
hotel: Viešbutis
information: Informacija
- lean_to: Užuovėja
motel: Motelis
museum: Muziejus
picnic_site: Poilsiavietė
theme_park: Nuotykių parkas
- valley: Slėnis
viewpoint: Apžvalgos aikštelė
zoo: Zoologijos sodas
+ culvert: Vamzdis
"yes": Tunelis
artificial: Dirbtinis vandens kelias
boatyard: Valčių priežiūra
canal: Kanalas
- connector: Vandens kelių jungtis
dam: Užtvanka
derelict_canal: Kanalas
ditch: Griovys
drain: Drenažo griovys
lock: Šliuzas
lock_gate: Šliuzo vartai
- mineral_spring: Mineralinių vandenų šaltinis
mooring: Švartavimas
rapids: Upės slenksčiai
river: Upė
- riverbank: Upės krantas
stream: Upeliukas
wadi: Vadis
waterfall: Krioklys
- water_point: Vandens punktas
weir: Slenkstis
level2: Šalies sienos
alt_text: OpenStreetMap logotipas
- home: namo
+ home: Eiti į namų vietą
logout: Atsijungti
- log_in: prisijungti
+ log_in: Prisijungti
log_in_tooltip: Prisijungti prie esamos paskyros
- sign_up: užsiregistruoti
+ sign_up: Užsiregistruoti
+ start_mapping: Pradėti žymėjimą
sign_up_tooltip: Sukurkite paskyrą redagavimui
edit: Keisti
history: Istorija
export: Eksportuoti
+ data: Duomenys
+ export_data: Eksportuoti duomenis
gps_traces: GPS pėdsakai
gps_traces_tooltip: Tvarkyti GPS pėdsakus
user_diaries: Dienoraščiai
user_diaries_tooltip: Peržiūrėti naudotojų dienoraščius
edit_with: Redaguoti per %{editor}
tag_line: Atviras wiki žemėlapis
+ intro_header: Sveiki atvykę į OpenStreetMap!
+ intro_text: OpenStreetMap yra pasaulio žemėlapis, kuriamas žmonių, tokių kaip
+ jūs. Jis atviras ir laisvas - naudojamas pagal atvirą licenciją.
intro_2_create_account: sukurti naudotojo paskyrą
partners_html: Serveris palaikomas %{ucl}, %{ic} ir %{bytemark}, ir kiti %{partners}.
partners_ucl: UCL VR centras
nes vykdomi esminiai priežiūros darbai.
donate: Paremkite OpenStreetMap %{link} aparatinės įrangos atnaujinimo fondui.
help: Pagalba
+ about: Apie
copyright: Teisės ir licencija
community: Bendruomenė
community_blogs: Dienoraščiai
title: Paremkite OpenStreetMap finansiškai
text: Paremkite
+ learn_more: Sužinoti daugiau
+ more: Daugiau
title: Apie šį vertimą
Resources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural
Resources Canada), bei StatCan (Geography Division,
Statistics Canada).
+ contributors_fi_html: '<strong>Suomija</strong>: Yra duomenų iš Nacionalinio
+ žemės tyrimo Suomijos topografijos duomenų bazės ir kitų duomenų rinkinių,
+ pagal <a href="">NLSFI
+ Licensiją</a>.'
contributors_fr_html: |-
<strong>Prancūzija</strong>: Turi duomenis nuo:
Direction Générale des Impôts.
pildymų lapą</a>.
title: Sveiki atvykę!
+ introduction_html: Sveikiname prisijungus prie OpenStreetMap - laisvo ir redaguojamo
+ pasaulio žemėlapio. Dabar, kai prisijungėte, galite pradėti žymėti. Čia trumpa
+ instrukcija su svarbiausiais dalykais, kuriuos turėtumėte žinoti.
title: Kas yra žemėlapyje
+ on_html: OpenStreetMap žymimi objektai, kurie yra <em>tikri ir dabartiniai</em>
+ - tai milijonai pastatų, kelių ir kitos vietovių informacijos. Galite žymėti
+ bet kokius jus dominančius realaus pasaulio objektus.
+ off_html: Kas tikrai <em>netinka</em>, tai subjektyvūs duomenys, tokie kaip
+ įvertinimai, istoriniai arba hipotetiniai objektai, taipogi duomenys iš autorinių
+ teisių saugomų duomenų šaltinių. Jei negavote specialaus leidimo - nekopijuokite
+ iš internetinių ar popierinių žemėlapių.
+ basic_terms:
+ title: Pagrindiniai žymėjimo terminai
+ paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap turi savo žodyną. Čia keli pagrindiniai naudojami
+ terminai/žodžiai.
+ editor_html: <strong>Redaktorius</strong> - tai programa arba svetainė, kurios
+ pagalba galite redaguoti žemėlapį.
+ node_html: <strong>node/taškas</strong> - taškas žemėlapyje, pavyzdžiui vienas
+ restoranas ar medis.
+ way_html: <strong>kelias/way</strong> - linija ar plotas, pavyzdžiui kelias,
+ upeliukas, ežeras ar pastatas.
+ tag_html: <strong>žyma/tag</strong> - informacija apie tašką ar liniją, pavyzdžiui
+ restorano pavadinimas arba kelio greičio apribojimas.
title: Turite klausimų?
+ paragraph_1_html: |-
+ Yra kelios vietos, kur galima rasti informacijos apie OpenStreetMap, užduoti klausimus, diskutuoti ir dokumentuoti žymėjimo temas.
+ <a href='%{help_url}'>Pagalbą rasite čia</a>.
start_mapping: Pradėti žymėti
title: Neturite laiko redaguoti? Pridėkite pastabą!
+ paragraph_1_html: Jei norite pataisyti kažką nedidelio ir neturite laiko registruotis
+ ir mokytis redaguoti - labai paprasta tiesiog palikti pastabą.
+ paragraph_2_html: 'Tiesiog eikite į <a href=''%{map_url}''>žemėlapį</a> ir spauskite
+ pastabų piktogramą: <span class=''icon note''></span>. Žemėlapyje bus pridėtas
+ žymeklis, kurį galite pertempti į kitą vietą. Pridėkite jūsų pranešimą, tada
+ spauskite įrašyti ir kiti žymėtojai patyrinės jūsų pastabą.'
+ fixthemap:
+ title: Pranešti apie problemą / taisyti žemėlapį
+ how_to_help:
+ title: Kaip padėti
+ join_the_community:
+ title: Prisijungti prie bendruomenės
+ explanation_html: Jei pastebėjote žemėlapio duomenų problemą, pavyzdžiui radote
+ trūkstamą kelią ar adresą, geriausias variantas yra prisijungti prie OpenStreetMap
+ bendruomenės ir pridėti ar pataisyti duomenis patiems.
+ add_a_note:
+ instructions_html: Tiesiog spauskite <a class='icon note'></a> arba tą pačią
+ piktogramą žemėlapyje. Žemėlapyje bus pridėtas žymeklis, kurį galėsite pertempti.
+ Pridėkite jūsų pranešimą, kurį kiti žymėtojai perskaitys ir ištirs.
+ other_concerns:
+ title: Kiti rūpesčiai
+ explanation_html: Jei abejojate, kaip mūsų duomenys naudojami arba dėl turinio,
+ prašome perskaityti mūsų <a href='/copyright'>teisių ir licencijos puslapį</a>,
+ kur rasite daugiau teisinės informacijos, arba susisiekite su atitinkama <a
+ href=''>OSMF darbo grupe</a>.
+ help_page:
+ title: Pagalbos paieška
+ introduction: Yra kelios vietos, kur galima rasti informacijos apie OpenStreetMap,
+ užduoti klausimus, diskutuoti ir dokumentuoti žymėjimo temas.
+ welcome:
+ url: /welcome
+ title: Sveiki atvykę į OSM
+ description: Pradėkite šiuo greitu vadovu apie OpenStreetMap pagrindus.
+ help:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Užduokite klausimą arba ieškokite atsakymą OSM klausimų-ir-atsakymų
+ svetainėje.
+ wiki:
+ url:
+ title:
+ description: Naršykite OSM detalios dokumentacijos wiki.
+ about_page:
+ next: Kitas
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>talkininkai
+ used_by: '%{name} duomenis naudoja šimtai svetainių, mobilių aplikacijų ir įrenginių'
+ lede_text: OpenStreetMap kuria bendruomenė žymėtojų, kuriančių ir prižiūrinčių
+ kelių, takų, kavinių, stočių ir kitokius pasaulio duomenis.
+ local_knowledge_title: Vietinės žinios
+ local_knowledge_html: OpenStreetMap išskiria vietines žinias. Talkininkai naudoja
+ orotofoto nuotraukas, GPS įrenginius ir paprastus lauko žemėlapius, tikrindami,
+ kad OSM duomenys yra teisingi ir aktualūs.
+ community_driven_title: Bendruomenės vystomas
+ open_data_title: Atviri duomenys
+ open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap yra <i>atviri duomenys</i>: jūs galite laisvai
+ juos naudoti bet kokiems tikslams, tol kol nepamirštate paminėti OpenStreetMap
+ ir jo talkininkus. Jei keičiate arba pildote duomenis, galite rezultatą teikti
+ tik su tokia pačia licencija. Daugiau informacijos rasite <a href=''%{copyright_path}''>Teisės
+ ir licencija</a>.'
+ partners_title: Partneriai
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} pakomentavo jūsų dienoraščio įrašą'
hi: Sveiki, %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} atsiuntė jums pranešimą per OpenStreetMap su tema „%{subject}“:'
+ footer_html: Pranešimą galite skaityti čia %{readurl}, o atsakyti galite čia
+ %{replyurl}
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} prisidėjo jus kaip draugą'
had_added_you: '%{user} pridėjo jus į savo OpenStreetMap draugų sąrašą.'
confirm: Prieš ką nors darant kito, mes turime patvirtinti, kad ši užklausa
atėjo nuo tavęs, tai atlikus spauskite nuorodą žemiau, kad patvirtintumėte
savo paskyrą
- welcome: Mes norėtume pasveikinti jus ir suteikti papildomos informacijos nuo
- ko galėsite pradėti.
+ welcome: Po to, kai patvirtinsite savo paskyrą, mes suteiksime papildomos informacijos,
+ padėsiančios jums pradėti.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Patvirtinkite savo e-pašto adresą'
commented_note: '%{commenter} aktyvavo žemėlapio pastabą, kurį jūs pakomentavote.
Pastaba yra netoli %{place}.'
details: Daugiau informacijos apie pastaba galima rasti %{url}.
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Labas,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} pakomentavo vieną iš jūsų pakeitimų'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} pakomentavo vieną iš jus dominančių
+ pakeitimų'
+ your_changeset: '%{commenter} pakomentavo vieną iš jūsų pakeitimų, sukurtų
+ %{time}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} pakomentavo jūsų stebimą žemėlapio pakeitimą,
+ sukurtą %{changeset_author} %{time}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: su komentaru '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: be komentaro
+ details: Daugiau informacijos apie pakeitimą rasite čia %{url}.
title: Gautieji
heading: GPX laikmena išjungta
message: GPX pėdsakų saugojimo ir įkėlimo sistema šiuo metu neveikia.
+ georss:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS pėdsakai
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX failas su %{count} tašku, naudotojo %{user}
+ other: GPX failas su %{count} taškais, naudotojo %{user}
+ description_without_count: Naudotojo %{user} GPX failas
cookies_needed: Panašu, kad išjungėte slapukus. Prieš tęsdami, įjunkite savo
neprivalote su jomis sutikti, bet perskaityti - privalote.
+ title: Autorizuoti priėjimą prie jūsų paskyros
request_access: Programa %{app_name} prašo prieigos prie jūsų paskyros, %{user}.
Peržiūrėkite, ar jūs norėtumėte taikyti šias galimybes. Galite pasirinkti
tiek kiek jums reikia.
allow_read_gpx: skaityti jūsų asmeninius GPS pėdsakus.
allow_write_gpx: įkelti GPS pėdsakus.
allow_write_notes: modifikuoti pastabas.
+ oauthorize_success:
+ title: Autorizavimo užklausa leista
+ allowed: Jūs leidote aplikacijai %{app_name} prieiti prie savo paskyros.
+ verification: Patvirtinimo kodas yra %{code}.
+ oauthorize_failure:
+ title: Autorizacijos užklausa nepavyko
+ denied: Jūs neleidote aplikacijai %{app_name} prieiti prie savo paskyros.
+ invalid: Netinkamas autorizacijos žetonas.
flash: Jūs atšaukėte savo ženklą programai %{application}
contact_webmaster: Prašome kreiptis į <a href="">administratorių</a>,
talkinant, kad paskyra būtų sukurta - mes pasižiūrėsime ir susitarsime kaip
įmanoma greičiau.
+ about:
+ header: Laisvas ir redaguojamas
+ html: <p>Priešingai nei kiti žemėlapiai, OpenStreetMap kuriamas vien tik žmonių,
+ tokių kaip jūs, jis laisvas ir bet kas gali jį taisyti, atnaujinti, atsisiųsti
+ ir naudoti.</p> <p>Prisiregistruokite, norėdami pildyti. Mes išsiųsime laišką,
+ kad patvirtintume jūsų paskyrą.</p>
license_agreement: Kai patvirtinsite savo paskyrą, turėsite sutikti su <a href="">talkininkų
email address: 'E-pašto adresas:'
Jei jau turite paskyrą, jūs galite prisijungti prie jūsų pakyros, naudojant savo naudotojo vardą ir slaptažodį ir tada susieti paskyrą su savo OpenID savo naudotojo nustatymuose
- continue: Tęsti
+ continue: Užsiregistruoti
terms accepted: Ačiū, kad patvirtinote naująsias talkininkų sąlygas!
terms declined: Atsiprašome, jei nesutinkate su naujomis Talkininkų sąlygomis.
Daugiau informacijos rasite <a href="%{url}">čia</a>.
my edits: Mano keitimai
my traces: Mano pėdsakai
my notes: Mano žemėlapio pastabos
+ my messages: Mano pranešimai
my profile: Mano profilis
my settings: Mano nustatymai
my comments: Mano komentarai
oauth settings: OAuth nustatymai
- blocks on me: apribojimai man
- blocks by me: mano sukurti apribojimai
+ blocks on me: Apribojimai man
+ blocks by me: Mano sukurti apribojimai
send message: Siųsti žinutę
diary: Dienoraštis
edits: Keitimai
kuriame patvirtinkite savo naują el. pašto adresą.
flash update success: Naudotojo informacija sėkmingai atnaujinta.
- heading: Patvirtinti naudotojo paskyrą.
+ heading: Patikrinkite savo pašto dėžutę!
introduction_1: Mes išsiuntėme jums patvirtinimo laišką.
+ introduction_2: Patvirtinkite paskyrą spausdami ant nuorodos e-laiške ir tada
+ galėsite pradėti žymėti.
press confirm button: Norėdami aktyvuoti savo paskyrą paspauskite žemiau esantį
patvirtinimo mygtuką.
button: Patvirtinti
already active: Ši paskyra jau yra patvirtinta.
- unknown token: Neatrodo, kad šis ženklas egzistuotų
+ unknown token: Šis patvirtinimo kodas nebegalioja arba neegzistuoja.
+ reconfirm_html: Jei norite iš naujo siųsti patvirtinimo laišką, <a href="%{reconfirm}">spauskite
+ čia</a>.
success: Mes nusiuntėme jums naują patvirtinimo pranešimą į %{email} ir ten
patvirtinsite savo paskyrą, kad galėtumėte pradėti žymėti.<br /><br />Jei
image: Paveikslas
link: Nuoroda arba HTML
long_link: Nuoroda
+ short_link: TrumpaNuoroda
embed: HTML
+ custom_dimensions: Nustatyti savo apimtį
+ format: 'Formatas:'
+ scale: 'Mastelis:'
download: Atsisiųsti
+ short_url: Trumpas URL
+ include_marker: Įtraukti žymeklį
+ center_marker: Centruoti žemėlapį ties žymekliu
+ paste_html: Įkelkite HTML, kad įdėtumėte į svetainę
+ view_larger_map: Žiūrėti didesniame žemėlapyje
+ key:
+ title: Sutartiniai ženklai
+ tooltip: Sutartiniai ženklai
+ tooltip_disabled: Sutartiniai ženklai galimi tik standartiniame sluoksnyje
in: Priartinti
out: Nutolinti
title: Rodyti mano vietą
+ popup: Jūs esate {distance} {unit} nuo šio taško
standard: Standartinis
cycle_map: Dviračių žemėlapis
transport_map: Transporto žemėlapis
+ hot: Humanitarinis
+ header: Žemėlapio sluoksniai
notes: Žemėlapio pastabos
+ data: Žemėlapio duomenys
+ title: Sluoksniai
+ copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap talkininkai</a>
+ donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Paremkite</a>
edit_tooltip: Redaguoti žemėlapį
edit_disabled_tooltip: Norėdami redaguoti, priartinkite
createnote_tooltip: Pridėti pastabą prie žemėlapio
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Priartinkite, jei norite pridėti pastabą prie žemėlapio
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Padidinkite, norėdami matyti žemėlapio pastabas
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Padidinkite, norėdami matyti žemėlapio duomenis
+ queryfeature_tooltip: Ieškoti objektų
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Padidinkite, norėdami ieškoti objektų
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Komentuoti
+ subscribe: Užsisakyti
+ unsubscribe: Atsisakyti
+ hide_comment: slėpti
+ unhide_comment: neslėpti
- intro: Siekiant pagerinti žemėlapyje įvesta informacija yra rodomas kitiems
- žymėtojams, todėl prašome būti kaip aprašomasis ir tikslesnis kai perkeliate
- žymeklį į teisingą padėtį ir į jūsų pastabą žemiau.
+ intro: Pastebėjote klaidą ar kažko trūksta? Praneškite kitiems žymėtojams,
+ kad jie galėtų pataisyti. Perkelkite žymeklį į teisingą poziciją ir įrašykite
+ pastabą, aprašančią problemą. (Prašome neįvedinėkite asmeninės informacijos
+ arba informacijos iš autorinių teisių apsaugotų žemėlapių ar katalogų/registrų.)
add: Pridėti pastabą
anonymous_warning: Ši Pastaba turi komentarų nuo anoniminių vartotojų, kurie
reactivate: Iš naujo suaktyvinti
comment_and_resolve: Komentuoti & išspręsti
comment: Komentuoti
+ query:
+ node: Taškas
+ way: Kelias
+ relation: Ryšys
+ nothing_found: Nerasta objektų
+ error: 'Klaida jungiantis prie %{server}: %{error}'
+ timeout: Jungiantis prie %{server} baigėsi laikas
description: Aprašymas
taxiway: Manevrēšanas ceļš
terminal: Terminālis
- airport: Lidosta
arts_centre: Mākslas centrs
- artwork: Mākslas darbs
atm: Bankomāts
- auditorium: Auditorija
bank: Banka
bar: Bārs
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Uzlādēšanas stacija
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klīnika
- club: Klubs
college: Koledža
community_centre: Sabiedriskais centrs
courthouse: Tiesa
fuel: Degviela
grave_yard: Kapsēta
gym: Fitnesa centrs / Sporta zāle
- hall: Zāle
health_centre: Veselības centrs
hospital: Slimnīca
- hotel: Viesnīca
hunting_stand: Medību tornis
ice_cream: Saldējums
kindergarten: Bērnudārzs
library: Bibliotēka
market: Tirgus
marketplace: Tirgus
- mountain_rescue: Kalnu glābēji
nightclub: Naktsklubs
nursery: Pirmsskolas mācību iestāde
nursing_home: Pansionāts
office: Birojs
- park: Parks
parking: Autostāvvieta
pharmacy: Aptieka
place_of_worship: Dievnams
prison: Cietums
pub: Krogs
public_building: Sabiedriskā ēka
- public_market: Tirgus
reception_area: Uzņemšanas zona
recycling: Pārstrādes punkts
restaurant: Restorāns
school: Skola
shelter: Pajumte
shop: Veikals
- shopping: Iepirkšanās
shower: Dušas
social_centre: Sociālais centrs
social_club: Sociālais klubs
social_facility: Sociālā ēka
studio: Studija
- supermarket: Lielveikals
swimming_pool: Peldbaseins
taxi: Taksometrs
telephone: Publisks telefons
veterinary: Veterinārā ķirurģija
village_hall: Pagastmāja
waste_basket: Atkritumu grozs
- wifi: WiFi piekļuves punkts
- WLAN: WiFi piekļuves punkts
youth_centre: Jauniešu centrs
administrative: Administratīvā robeža
"yes": Ēka
- fire_hydrant: Hidrants
phone: Telefons ārkārtas situācijai
bridleway: Izjādes taka
bus_guideway: Vadāmais Autobuss
bus_stop: Autobusa pietura
- byway: Blakusceļš
construction: Automaģistrāle būvniecības stadijā
cycleway: Veloceliņš
emergency_access_point: Ārkārtas piekļuves punkts
ford: Fjords
living_street: Dzīvojamā zona
milestone: Ceļa stabs
- minor: Otršķirīgs ceļš
motorway: Automaģistrāle
motorway_junction: Automaģistrāles krustojums
motorway_link: Automaģistrāles pievedceļš
speed_camera: Ātruma kamera
steps: Pakāpieni
street_lamp: Ielas Laterna
- stile: Pakāpiens
tertiary: Pašvaldību autoceļi
tertiary_link: Pašvaldību autoceļš
track: Zemesceļš
memorial: Memoriāls
mine: Raktuves
monument: Piemineklis
- museum: Muzejs
ruins: Drupas
tomb: Kaps
tower: Tornis
military: Militārā zona
mine: Raktuves
orchard: Dārza zona
- nature_reserve: Dabas rezervāts
- park: Parks
- piste: Slēpošanas trase
quarry: Karjers
railway: Dzelzceļš
recreation_ground: Atpūtas Zona
road: Ceļa Apgabals
village_green: Ciema Centrālais Parks
vineyard: Vīna dārzs
- wetland: Mitrājs
- wood: Mežs
beach_resort: Pludmales kūrorts
bird_hide: Putnu Slēptuve
beach: Pludmale
cape: Zemesrags
cave_entrance: Ieeja alā
- channel: Kanāls
cliff: Klints
crater: Krāteris
dune: Kāpa
- feature: Iezīme
fell: Skandināvisks Kalns
fjord: Fjords
forest: Mežs
point: Punkts
reef: Rifs
ridge: Grēda
- river: Upe
rock: Klints
scree: Nogāze
scrub: Krūmājs
- shoal: Sēklis
spring: Avots
stone: Akmens
strait: Jūras šaurums
volcano: Vulkāns
water: Ūdens
wetland: Mitrājs
- wetlands: Mitrājs
wood: Mežs
accountant: Grāmatvedis
switch: Dzelzceļa punkti
tram: Tramvajs
tram_stop: Tramvaja pietura
- yard: Dzelzceļa Pagalms
- route:
- bus: Autobusa maršruts
alcohol: Alkohola Veikals
antiques: Senlietas
hostel: Hostelis
hotel: Viesnīca
information: Informācija
- lean_to: Liekties uz
motel: Motelis
museum: Muzejs
picnic_site: Piknika vieta
theme_park: Atrakciju parks
- valley: Ieleja
viewpoint: Skatu punkts
zoo: Zooloģiskais dārzs
artificial: Mākslīgais ūdensceļš
boatyard: Jahtu piestātne
canal: Kanāls
- connector: Ūdensceļu savienotājs
dam: Aizsprosts
derelict_canal: Pamests Kanāls
ditch: Grāvis
drain: Grāvis
lock: Slūžas
lock_gate: Slūžu vārti
- mineral_spring: Minerālavots
mooring: Piestātne
rapids: Krāces
river: Upe
- riverbank: Upes krasts
stream: Strauts
wadi: Izkaltusi upes gultne
waterfall: Ūdenskritums
- water_point: Ūdens punkts
weir: Dambis
level2: Valsts robeža
taxiway: Рулажна патека
terminal: Терминал
- airport: Аеродром
arts_centre: Дом на уметности
- artwork: Уметничко дело
atm: Банкомат
- auditorium: Аудиториум
bank: Банка
bar: Бар
bbq: Скара
charging_station: Напојна станица
cinema: Кино
clinic: Клиника
- club: Клуб
college: Колеџ
community_centre: Центар на заедница
courthouse: Суд
fuel: Гориво
grave_yard: Гробишта
gym: Теретана / фитнес
- hall: Соборна сала
health_centre: Здравствен центар
hospital: Болница
- hotel: Хотел
hunting_stand: Ловечка кула
ice_cream: Сладолед
kindergarten: Градинка
library: Библиотека
market: Пазар
marketplace: Пазар
- mountain_rescue: Планинарско спасување
nightclub: Ноќен клуб
nursery: Јасли
nursing_home: Старечки дом
office: Канцеларија
- park: Парк
parking: Паркинг
pharmacy: Аптека
place_of_worship: Верски објект
prison: Затвор
pub: Пивница
public_building: Јавен објект
- public_market: Градски пазар
reception_area: Рецепција
recycling: Рециклирање
restaurant: Ресторан
school: Училиште
shelter: Засолниште
shop: Дуќан
- shopping: Дуќани
shower: Туш
social_centre: Социјален центар
social_club: Друштвен клуб
social_facility: Општествена постројка
studio: Студио
- supermarket: Супермаркет
swimming_pool: Базен
taxi: Такси
telephone: Телефонска говорница
veterinary: Ветеринарна клиника
village_hall: Месна заедница
waste_basket: Корпа за отпадоци
- wifi: WiFi-пристап
- WLAN: WiFi-пристап
youth_centre: Младински центар
administrative: Административна граница
"yes": Градба
- fire_hydrant: Хидрант
phone: Итен телефон
bridleway: Коњски пат
bus_guideway: Автобуски шини
bus_stop: Автобуска постојка
- byway: Спореден пат
construction: Автопат во изградба
cycleway: Велосипедска патека
emergency_access_point: Прва помош
ford: Брод
living_street: Маалска улица
milestone: Милјоказ
- minor: Помал спореден пат
motorway: Автопат
motorway_junction: Клучка
motorway_link: Приклучен пат
speed_camera: Брзиноловец
steps: Скалила
street_lamp: Улична светилка
- stile: Тарабен премин
tertiary: Третостепен пат
tertiary_link: Третостепен пат
track: Полски пат
memorial: Споменик
mine: Рудник
monument: Споменик
- museum: Музеј
ruins: Рушевини
tomb: Гроб
tower: Кула
military: Воено подрачје
mine: Рудник
orchard: Овоштарник
- nature_reserve: Природен резерват
- park: Парк
- piste: Писта
quarry: Каменолом
railway: Железница
recreation_ground: Рекреативен терен
road: Патно подрачје
village_green: Селско зеленило
vineyard: Лозници
- wetland: Мочуриште
- wood: Шума
beach_resort: Крајбрежно одморалиште
bird_hide: Набљудувалиште за птици
beach: Плажа
cape: ‘Рт
cave_entrance: Влез во пештера
- channel: Канал
cliff: Гребен
crater: Кратер
dune: Дина
- feature: Елемент
fell: Фел
fjord: Фјорд
forest: Шума
point: Точка
reef: Гребен
ridge: Срт
- river: Река
rock: Карпа
scree: Сип
scrub: Честак
- shoal: Плитко место
spring: Извор
stone: Камен
strait: Проток
volcano: Вулкан
water: Вода
wetland: Мочуриште
- wetlands: Мочуриште
wood: Шума
accountant: Сметководител
switch: Железнички пунктови
tram: Трамвајска линија
tram_stop: Трамвајска постојка
- yard: Железничко депо
- route:
- bus: Автобуска линија
alcohol: Алкохол на црно
antiques: Старинарница
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Хотел
information: Информации
- lean_to: Прилепена стреа
motel: Мотел
museum: Музеј
picnic_site: Излетничко место
theme_park: Забавен парк
- valley: Долина
viewpoint: Видиковец
zoo: Зоолошка
artificial: Вештачки воден пат
boatyard: Чамцоградилиште
canal: Канал
- connector: Слив
dam: Брана
derelict_canal: Запуштен канал
ditch: Канач
drain: Одвод
lock: Превојница
lock_gate: Превојничка капија
- mineral_spring: Минерален извор
mooring: Сидриште
rapids: Брзак
river: Река
- riverbank: Кеј
stream: Поток
wadi: Вади
waterfall: Водопад
- water_point: Пристап до вода
weir: Јаз
level2: Државна граница
taxiway: विमानखेचमार्ग
terminal: अग्र
- airport: विमानतळ
arts_centre: कलाकेंद्र
- artwork: कलाकृति
atm: एटीएम
- auditorium: श्रोतृगृह
bank: बँक
bar: मद्यगृह
bbq: बार्बेक्यू
charging_station: प्रभारण स्थानक
cinema: चित्रपटगृह
clinic: चिकित्सालय
- club: क्लब
college: महाविद्यालय
community_centre: समाज भवन
courthouse: न्यायमंदिर
fuel: इंधन
grave_yard: दफनभूमी
gym: व्यायामशाळा
- hall: सभागृह
health_centre: आरोग्य केंद्र
hospital: रुग्णालय
- hotel: हॉटेल
hunting_stand: मचाण
ice_cream: आईसक्रिम
kindergarten: बालवाडी
library: ग्रंथालय
market: बाजार
marketplace: बाजार
- mountain_rescue: पर्वत सुटकामार्ग
nightclub: रात्री क्लब
nursery: बालवाडी
nursing_home: शुश्रुषागृह
office: कार्यालय
- park: उद्यान
parking: वाहनतळ
pharmacy: औषधालय
place_of_worship: पूजास्थान
prison: कारागृह
pub: मद्यपानगृह
public_building: सार्वजनिक इमारत
- public_market: सार्वजनिक बाजार
reception_area: स्वागत क्षेत्र
recycling: पुनश्चक्रण केंद्र
restaurant: उपाहारगृह
school: शाळा
shelter: आश्रयस्थान
shop: दुकान
- shopping: खरेदी
shower: तुषारक
social_centre: समाज केंद्र
social_club: समाज क्लब
social_facility: सामाजिक सुविधा
studio: कलागृह
- supermarket: सुपरमार्केट
swimming_pool: जलतरण तलाव
taxi: टॅक्सी
telephone: सार्वजनिक दूरध्वनी
veterinary: पशू शल्यक्रिया
village_hall: गाव सभागृह
waste_basket: कचरा टोपली
- wifi: वायफाय पोहोच
- WLAN: वायफाय पोहोच
youth_centre: युवक केंद्र
administrative: प्रशासकीय सीमा
"yes": इमारत
- fire_hydrant: अग्नि जलोत्सर्गी
phone: संकटकालीन दूरध्वनी
bridleway: अश्वमार्ग
bus_guideway: गायडेड बस लेन
bus_stop: बस थांबा
- byway: उपमार्ग
construction: निर्माणाधीन महामार्ग
cycleway: सायकल मार्ग
emergency_access_point: आकस्मिक पोहोच बिंदू
ford: पाय-उतार
living_street: निवासी रस्ता
milestone: मैलदगड
- minor: किरकोळ रस्ता
motorway: मोटारमार्ग
motorway_junction: मोटारमार्ग जंक्शन
motorway_link: मोटारमार्ग रस्ता
memorial: स्मारक
mine: खाण
monument: स्मारक
- museum: वस्तुसंग्रहालय
ruins: भग्नावशेष
tomb: थडगे
tower: मनोरा
military: सैनिकी क्षेत्र
mine: खाण
orchard: फळबाग
- nature_reserve: अभयारण्य
- park: उद्यान
- piste: स्की उतार
quarry: खुली खाण
railway: लोहमार्ग
recreation_ground: मैदान
road: रस्त्याचे क्षेत्र
village_green: गावहिरवळ
vineyard: द्राक्षमळा
- wetland: आर्द्र जमिन
- wood: जंगल
bird_hide: पक्षी आश्रयस्थान
common: सार्वजनिक जागा
beach: किनारा
cape: भूशिर
cave_entrance: गुंफा प्रवेश
- channel: जलमार्ग
cliff: कडा
crater: विवर
dune: धन्व
- feature: रचना
fell: वृक्ष तोड
forest: वन
geyser: उष्ण झरा
point: बिंदू
reef: प्रवाली
ridge: पर्वतरांग
- river: नदी
rock: खडक
scree: पायथा दगड
scrub: खुरटी झाडी
- shoal: धक्का
spring: झरा
stone: दगड
strait: सामुद्रधुनी
volcano: ज्वालामुखी
water: पाणी
wetland: आर्द्र जमिन
- wetlands: आर्द्र जमिनी
wood: जंगल
accountant: लेखापाल
switch: रेल्वे बिंदू
tram: ट्राममार्ग
tram_stop: ट्राम स्थानक
- yard: रेल्वे आवार
alcohol: परवानाबाह्य
antiques: पुरावस्तु
museum: वस्तुसंग्रहालय
picnic_site: सहल स्थान
theme_park: सूत्र उद्यान
- valley: दरी
viewpoint: देखावाबिंदू
zoo: प्राणीसंग्रहालय
artificial: कृत्रिम जलमार्ग
boatyard: नौकाबांधणी
canal: कालवा
- connector: जलमार्ग अनुबंधक
dam: धरण
derelict_canal: त्यक्त कालवा
ditch: चर
drain: जलनिष्कास
lock: जलपाश
lock_gate: जलपाशद्वार
- mineral_spring: खनिज झरा
mooring: नौबंध
rapids: जलदधारा
river: नदी
- riverbank: नदीकाठ
stream: प्रवाह
wadi: मरुघळ
waterfall: धबधबा
- water_point: जल केंद्र
weir: बंधारा
level2: देशसीमा
taxiway: Jalan Rayap
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Lapangan Terbang
arts_centre: Pusat Seni
- artwork: Karya Seni
atm: ATM
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Kedai Arak
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Stesen Cas
cinema: Pawagam
clinic: Klinik
- club: Kelab
college: Maktab
community_centre: Pusat Komuniti
courthouse: Mahkamah
fuel: Minyak
grave_yard: Perkuburan
gym: Pusat Senaman / Gim
- hall: Dewan
health_centre: Pusat Kesihatan
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Pondok Memburu
ice_cream: Aiskrim
kindergarten: Tadika
library: Perpustakaan
market: Pasar
marketplace: Tempat Pasar
- mountain_rescue: Penyelamat Gunung
nightclub: Kelab Malam
nursery: Tabika
nursing_home: Rumah Penjagaan
office: Pejabat
- park: Taman
parking: Letak Kereta
pharmacy: Farmasi
place_of_worship: Tempat Ibadat
prison: Penjara
pub: Pab
public_building: Bangunan Awam
- public_market: Pasar Awam
reception_area: Sambut Tetamu
recycling: Kitar Semula
restaurant: Kedai Makan
school: Sekolah
shelter: Perteduhan
shop: Kedai
- shopping: Beli-Belah
shower: Pancuran
social_centre: Pusat Sosial
social_club: Kelab Sosial
social_facility: Kemudahan Sosial
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Pasar Raya
swimming_pool: Kolam Renang
taxi: Teksi
telephone: Telefon Awam
veterinary: Doktor Haiwan
village_hall: Balai Raya
waste_basket: Bakul Sampah
- wifi: Capaian WiFi
- WLAN: Capaian WiFi
youth_centre: Pusat Belia
administrative: Sempadan Pentadbiran
"yes": Bangunan
- fire_hydrant: Pili Bomba
phone: Telefon Kecemasan
bridleway: Lorong Kuda
bus_guideway: Lorong Bas Berpandu
bus_stop: Perhentian Bas
- byway: Jalan Kecil
construction: Lebuhraya dalam Pembinaan
cycleway: Lorong Basikal
emergency_access_point: Titik Capaian Kecemasan
ford: Harungan
living_street: Jalan Masyarakat
milestone: Batu Tanda Jalan
- minor: Jalan Sampingan
motorway: Lebuhraya
motorway_junction: Simpang Lebuhraya
motorway_link: Jalan Lebuhraya
speed_camera: Kamera Kelajuan
steps: Tangga
street_lamp: Lampu Jalan
- stile: Tangga Pagar
tertiary: Jalan Tertier
tertiary_link: Jalan Tertier
track: Laluan
memorial: Peringatan
mine: Lombong
monument: Tugu
- museum: Muzium
ruins: Puing
tomb: Makam
tower: Menara
military: Kawasan Tentera
mine: Lombong
orchard: Dusun
- nature_reserve: Cagar Alam
- park: Taman
- piste: Padang Luncur Ais
quarry: Kuari
railway: Landasan Keretapi
recreation_ground: Tempat Berekreasi
road: Kawasan Jalan Raya
village_green: Padang Kampung
vineyard: Ladang Anggur
- wetland: Tanah Lembap
- wood: Hutan Kecil
beach_resort: Peranginan Pantai
bird_hide: Kurungan Burung
beach: Pantai
cape: Tanjung
cave_entrance: Liang Gua
- channel: Alur
cliff: Cenuram
crater: Kawah
dune: Gumuk
- feature: Rupa Muka
fell: Fell
fjord: Fjord
forest: Hutan
point: Titik
reef: Terumbu
ridge: Rabung
- river: Sungai
rock: Batu
scree: Batu Runtuh
scrub: Belukar
- shoal: Beting
spring: Mata Air
stone: Batu
strait: Selat
volcano: Gunung Berapi
water: Air
wetland: Tanah Lembap
- wetlands: Tanah Lembap
wood: Hutan Kecil
accountant: Juruakaun
switch: Titik Landasan Keretapi
tram: Landasan Trem
tram_stop: Perhentian Trem
- yard: Laman Keretapi
alcohol: Kedai Arak Tanpa Lesen
antiques: Kedai Antik
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Maklumat
- lean_to: Bangsal Pisang Sesikat
motel: Motel
museum: Muzium
picnic_site: Tapak Berkelah
theme_park: Taman Tema
- valley: Lembah
viewpoint: Sudut Pandangan
zoo: Taman Haiwan
artificial: Jalan Air Buatan
boatyard: Limbungan Bot
canal: Terusan
- connector: Penyambung Jalan Air
dam: Empangan
derelict_canal: Terusan Terbiar
ditch: Parit
drain: Longkang
lock: Pintu Air
lock_gate: Pintu Air
- mineral_spring: Mata Air Mineral
mooring: Tambatan
rapids: Jeram
river: Sungai
- riverbank: Tebing Sungai
stream: Anak Sungai
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: Air Terjun
- water_point: Titik Jalan Air
weir: Tebat
level2: Sempadan Negara
taxiway: Taksebane
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Flyplass
arts_centre: Kunstsenter
- artwork: Kunstverk
atm: Minibank
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Grill
charging_station: Ladestasjon
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinikk
- club: Klubb
college: Høyskole
community_centre: Samfunnshus
courthouse: Rettsbygning
fuel: Drivstoff
grave_yard: Gravlund
gym: Treningssenter
- hall: Spisesal
health_centre: Helsesenter
hospital: Sykehus
- hotel: Hotell
hunting_stand: Jaktbod
ice_cream: Iskrem
kindergarten: Barnehage
library: Bibliotek
market: Marked
marketplace: Markedsplass
- mountain_rescue: Fjellredning
nightclub: Nattklubb
nursery: Førskole
nursing_home: Pleiehjem
office: Kontor
- park: Park
parking: Parkeringsplass
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Tilbedelsesplass
prison: Fengsel
pub: Pub
public_building: Offentlig bygning
- public_market: Offentlig marked
reception_area: Oppsamlingsområde
recycling: Resirkuleringspunkt
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Skole
shelter: Tilfluktsrom
shop: Butikk
- shopping: Handel
shower: Dusj
social_centre: Samfunnshus
social_club: Sosial klubb
social_facility: Sosialtjeneste
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarked
swimming_pool: Svømmebasseng
taxi: Drosje
telephone: Offentlig telefon
veterinary: Veterinærklinikk
village_hall: Forsamlingshus
waste_basket: Søppelkasse
- wifi: WiFi-tilgangspunkt
- WLAN: Trådløs internettilgang
youth_centre: Ungdomssenter
administrative: Administrativ grense
"yes": Bygning
- fire_hydrant: Brannhydrant
phone: Nødtelefon
bridleway: Ridevei
bus_guideway: Ledet bussfelt
bus_stop: Busstopp
- byway: Stikkvei
construction: Motorvei under konstruksjon
cycleway: Sykkelsti
emergency_access_point: Nødtilgangspunkt
ford: Vadested
living_street: Gatetun
milestone: Milepæl
- minor: Mindre vei
motorway: Motorvei
motorway_junction: Motorveikryss
motorway_link: Vei til motorvei
speed_camera: Fotoboks
steps: Trapper
street_lamp: Gatelys
- stile: Stige
tertiary: Tertiær vei
tertiary_link: Lokalvei
track: Sti
memorial: Minne
mine: Gruve
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruiner
tomb: Grav
tower: Tårn
military: Militært område
mine: Gruve
orchard: Frukthage
- nature_reserve: Naturreservat
- park: Park
- piste: Løype
quarry: Steinbrudd
railway: Jernbane
recreation_ground: Idrettsplass
road: Veiområde
village_green: landsbypark
vineyard: Vingård
- wetland: Våtland
- wood: Skog
beach_resort: Strandsted
bird_hide: Fugletårn
beach: Strand
cape: Nes
cave_entrance: Huleinngang
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Klippe
crater: Krater
dune: Sanddyne
- feature: Egenskap
fell: Fjellskrent
fjord: Fjord
forest: Skog
point: Punkt
reef: Rev
ridge: Rygg
- river: Elv
rock: Stein
scree: Ur
scrub: Kratt
- shoal: Grunning
spring: Kilde
stone: Stein
strait: Stred
volcano: Vulkan
water: Vann
wetland: Våtmark
- wetlands: Våtland
wood: Skog
accountant: Revisor
switch: Sporveksel
tram: Sporvei
tram_stop: Trikkestopp
- yard: Skiftetomt
alcohol: Utenfor lisens
antiques: Antikviteter
hostel: Vandrerhjem
hotel: Hotell
information: Informasjon
- lean_to: Lenne inntil
motel: Motell
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Piknikplass
theme_park: Fornøyelsespark
- valley: Dal
viewpoint: Utsiktspunkt
zoo: Dyrepark
artificial: Kunstig vassdrag
boatyard: Båthan
canal: Kanal
- connector: Vannveiforbindelse
dam: Demning
derelict_canal: Nedlagt kanal
ditch: Grøft
drain: Avløp
lock: Sluse
lock_gate: Sluseport
- mineral_spring: Mineralkilde
mooring: Fortøyning
rapids: Stryk
river: Elv
- riverbank: Elvebredd
stream: Strøm
wadi: Elveleie
waterfall: Foss
- water_point: Vannpunkt
weir: Overløpskant \
level2: Riksgrense
taxiway: Taxibaan
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Luchthaven
arts_centre: Kunstcollectief
- artwork: Kunst
atm: Geldautomaat
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Laadstation
cinema: Bioscoop
clinic: Kliniek
- club: Club
college: Hogeschool
community_centre: Gemeenschapscentrum
courthouse: Rechtbank
fuel: Brandstof
grave_yard: Begraafplaats
gym: Fitnesscentrum
- hall: Hal
health_centre: Gezondheidscentrum
hospital: Ziekenhuis
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Jachttoren
ice_cream: IJs
kindergarten: Kleuterschool
library: Bibliotheek
market: Markt
marketplace: Marktplein
- mountain_rescue: Reddingsdienst
nightclub: Nachtclub
nursery: Peuterspeelzaal
nursing_home: Verpleeghuis
office: Kantoor
- park: Park
parking: Parkeren
pharmacy: Apotheek
place_of_worship: Religieuze samenkomstplaats
prison: Gevangenis
pub: Café
public_building: Openbaar gebouw
- public_market: Openbare markt
reception_area: Receptie
recycling: Recyclingpunt
restaurant: Restaurant
school: School
shelter: Beschutting
shop: Winkel
- shopping: Winkelen
shower: Douche
social_centre: Sociaal centrum
social_club: Sociale club
social_facility: Sociale voorziening
studio: Eenkamerappartement
- supermarket: Supermarkt
swimming_pool: Zwembad
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Openbare telefoon
veterinary: Dierenarts
village_hall: Gemeentehuis
waste_basket: Prullenbak
- wifi: Wifi-toegang
- WLAN: Wifi-toegang
youth_centre: Jeugdcentrum
administrative: Administratieve grens
"yes": Gebouw
- fire_hydrant: Brandkraan
phone: Noodtelefoon
bridleway: Ruiterpad
bus_guideway: Vrijliggende busbaan
bus_stop: Bushalte
- byway: Onverharde weg
construction: Snelweg in aanbouw
cycleway: Fietspad
emergency_access_point: Noodafslag
ford: Voorde
living_street: Woonerf
milestone: Mijlpaal
- minor: Lokale weg
motorway: Autosnelweg
motorway_junction: Autosnelwegknooppunt
motorway_link: Autosnelwegverbindingsweg
speed_camera: Snelheidscamera
steps: Trap
street_lamp: Straatlantaarn
- stile: Overstap
tertiary: Tertiaire weg
tertiary_link: Tertiaire weg
track: Pad
memorial: Herdenkingsmonument
mine: Mijn
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruïne
tomb: Graf
tower: Toren
military: Miltair gebied
mine: Mijn
orchard: Boomgaard
- nature_reserve: Natuurreservaat
- park: Park
- piste: Piste
quarry: Steengroeve
railway: Spoor
recreation_ground: Recreatiegebied
road: Weggebied
village_green: Stadsgroen
vineyard: Wijngaard
- wetland: Moeras
- wood: Hout
beach_resort: Badplaats
bird_hide: Nestplaats
beach: Strand
cape: Kaap
cave_entrance: Grotingang
- channel: Kanaal
cliff: Klif
crater: Krater
dune: Duin
- feature: Bezienswaardigheid
fell: Fjell
fjord: Fjord
forest: Bos
point: Punt
reef: Rif
ridge: Bergkam
- river: Rivier
rock: Rotsen
scree: Puin
scrub: Struikgewas
- shoal: Zandbank
spring: Bron
stone: Steen
strait: Zeeëngte
volcano: Vulkaan
water: Water
wetland: Moeras
- wetlands: Moeras
wood: Bos
accountant: Boekhouder
switch: Wissel
tram: Tramrails
tram_stop: Tramhalte
- yard: Rangeerterrein
- route:
- bus: Busroute
alcohol: Slijterij
antiques: Antiek
hostel: Jeugdherberg
hotel: Hotel
information: Gegevens
- lean_to: Open schutplaats
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Picknickplaats
theme_park: Pretpark
- valley: Vallei
viewpoint: Bijzonder uitzicht
zoo: Dierentuin
artificial: Kunstmatige waterweg
boatyard: Scheepswerf
canal: Kanaal
- connector: Waterverbinding
dam: Dam
derelict_canal: Onbeheerd kanaal
ditch: Sloot
drain: Afvoerkanaal
lock: Schutsluis
lock_gate: Sluisdeur
- mineral_spring: Bron
mooring: Aanlegplaats
rapids: Stroomversnelling
river: Rivier
- riverbank: Rivierbedding
stream: Stroom
wadi: Beek
waterfall: Waterval
- water_point: Waterpunt
weir: Stuwdam
level2: Landsgrens
taxiway: Taksebane
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Flyplass
arts_centre: Kunstsenter
- artwork: Kunstverk
atm: Minibank
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Grill
charging_station: Ladestation
cinema: Kino
clinic: Klinikk
- club: Klubb
college: Høgskule
community_centre: Samfunnshus
courthouse: Rettsbygning
fuel: Drivstoff
grave_yard: Gravlund
gym: Treningssenter
- hall: Spisesal
health_centre: Helsesenter
hospital: Sjukehus
- hotel: Hotell
hunting_stand: Jaktbod
ice_cream: Iskrem
kindergarten: Barnehage
library: Bibliotek
market: Marknad
marketplace: Marknadsplass
- mountain_rescue: Fjellredning
nightclub: Nattklubb
nursery: Førskule
nursing_home: Pleieheim
office: Kontor
- park: Park
parking: Parkeringsplass
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Religiøst hus
prison: Fengsel
pub: Pub
public_building: Offentleg bygning
- public_market: Offentleg marknad
reception_area: Oppsamlingsområde
recycling: Resirkuleringspunkt
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Skule
shelter: Tilfluktsrom
shop: Butikk
- shopping: Handel
shower: Dusj
social_centre: Samfunnshus
social_club: Sosial klubb
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarknad
swimming_pool: Symjebaseng
taxi: Drosje
telephone: Offentleg telefon
veterinary: Veterinærklinikk
village_hall: Forsamlingshus
waste_basket: Søppelkasse
- wifi: WiFi-tilgangspunkt
- WLAN: WiFi-tilgangspunkt
youth_centre: Ungdomssenter
administrative: Administrativ grense
bridleway: Rideveg
bus_guideway: Leidde bussfelt
bus_stop: Busstopp
- byway: Stikkveg
construction: Motorveg under konstruksjon
cycleway: Sykkelsti
emergency_access_point: Nødtilgangspunkt
ford: Vadestad
living_street: Gatetun
milestone: Milestolpe
- minor: Mindre veg
motorway: Motorveg
motorway_junction: Motorvegkryss
motorway_link: Veg til motorveg
services: Motorveitjenester
speed_camera: Fotoboks
steps: Trapper
- stile: Stige
tertiary: Tertiær veg
tertiary_link: Kommunal veg
track: Sti
memorial: Minne
mine: Gruve
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruinar
tower: Tårn
wayside_cross: Vegkant kross
military: Militært område
mine: Gruve
orchard: Frukthage
- nature_reserve: Naturreservat
- park: Park
- piste: Løype
quarry: Steinbrot
railway: Jernbane
recreation_ground: Idrettsplass
road: Vegområde
village_green: landsbypark
vineyard: Vingård
- wetland: Våtmark
- wood: Skog
beach_resort: Strandsted
bird_hide: Fugletårn
beach: Strand
cape: Nes
cave_entrance: Holeinngang
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Klippe
crater: Krater
dune: Sanddyne
- feature: Eigenskap
fell: Fjellskrent
fjord: Fjord
forest: Skog
point: Punkt
reef: Rev
ridge: Rygg
- river: Elv
rock: Stein
scree: Ur
scrub: Kratt
- shoal: Grunning
spring: Kjelde
stone: Stein
strait: Stred
volcano: Vulkan
water: Vatn
wetland: Våtmark
- wetlands: Våtland
wood: Skog
accountant: Revisor
switch: Sporveksel
tram: Sporveg
tram_stop: Trikkestopp
- yard: Skiftetomt
alcohol: Utanfor lisens
antiques: Antikviteter
hostel: Vandrerhjem
hotel: Hotell
information: Informasjon
- lean_to: Gapehuk
motel: Motell
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Piknikplass
theme_park: Fornøyelsespark
- valley: Dal
viewpoint: Utsiktspunkt
zoo: Dyrepark
artificial: Kunstig vassdrag
boatyard: Båtverft
canal: Kanal
- connector: Vannvegforbindelse
dam: Demning
derelict_canal: Nedlagt kanal
ditch: Grøft
drain: Avløp
lock: Sluse
lock_gate: Sluseport
- mineral_spring: Mineralkilde
mooring: Fortøyning
rapids: Bank
river: Elv
- riverbank: Elvebredd
stream: Straum
wadi: Elveleie
waterfall: Foss
- water_point: Vannpunkt
weir: Overløpskant
taxiway: Via de manòbra
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeropòrt
arts_centre: Centre artistic
- artwork: Òbra d'art
atm: Distribuidor automatic de bilhets
- auditorium: Auditòrium
bank: Banca
bar: Bar
bbq: Barbecue
charging_station: Estacion de recarga
cinema: Cinèma
clinic: Clinica
- club: Club
college: Collègi
community_centre: Sala polivalenta
courthouse: Palais de justícia
fuel: Carburant
grave_yard: Cementèri
gym: Fitness /gimnastica
- hall: Sala
health_centre: Centre de santat
hospital: Espital
- hotel: Ostalariá
hunting_stand: Taulièr de tir
ice_cream: Crema glaçada
kindergarten: Jardin infantil
library: Bibliotèca
market: Mercat
marketplace: Plaça del mercat
- mountain_rescue: Secors en montanha
nightclub: Discotèca
nursery: Grépia
nursing_home: Ostal de santat
office: Burèu
- park: Pargue
parking: Parcatge
pharmacy: Farmàcia
place_of_worship: Luòc de culte
prison: Preson
pub: Bar
public_building: Bastiment public
- public_market: Mercat public
reception_area: Zòna de recepcion
recycling: Punt de reciclatge
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Escòla
shelter: Refugi
shop: Magazin
- shopping: Comèrci
shower: Docha
social_centre: Centre social
social_club: Club social
social_facility: Servici social
studio: Estúdio
- supermarket: Supermercat
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefòn public
veterinary: Cirurgia veterinària
village_hall: Sala comunala
waste_basket: Escobilhièr
- wifi: Accès WiFi
- WLAN: Accès WiFi
youth_centre: Centre per la joventud
administrative: Limit administratiu
"yes": Bastiment
- fire_hydrant: Boca d'incendi
phone: Telefòn d'urgéncia
bridleway: Camin per cavalièrs
bus_guideway: Via de bus guidada
bus_stop: Arrèst de bus
- byway: Rota segondària
construction: Autorota en construccion
cycleway: Pista ciclabla
emergency_access_point: Punt d'accès d'urgéncia
ford: Ga
living_street: Carrièra en zòna de rencontre
milestone: Bòrna quilometrica
- minor: Rota menora
motorway: Autorota
motorway_junction: Joncion d'autorota
motorway_link: Rota autorotièra
speed_camera: Radar de velocitat
steps: Escalièr
street_lamp: Lampadari
- stile: Palenc
tertiary: Rota terciària
tertiary_link: Rota terciària
track: Pista
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina
monument: Monument
- museum: Musèu
ruins: Roïnas
tomb: Tombèl
tower: Torre
military: Zòna militara
mine: Mina
orchard: Vergièr
- nature_reserve: Resèrva naturala
- park: Pargue
- piste: Pista
quarry: Peirièra
railway: Via ferrada
recreation_ground: Airal de jòcs
road: Zòna rotièra
village_green: Zòna publica erborada
vineyard: Vinhal
- wetland: Zòna umida
- wood: Bòsc
beach_resort: Estacion belneara
bird_hide: Obsevatòri ornitologic
beach: Plaja
cape: Cap
cave_entrance: Entrada de cauna
- channel: Canal
cliff: Bauç
crater: Cratèr
dune: Duna
- feature: Element
fell: Lana
fjord: Fjòrd
forest: Bòsc
point: Puncha
reef: Estèu
ridge: Cresta
- river: Riu
rock: Ròca
scree: Esbudèl
scrub: Boissa
- shoal: Auçura
spring: Font
stone: Pèira
strait: Estrech
volcano: Volcan
water: Aiga
wetland: Zòna umida
- wetlands: Zònas umidas
wood: Bòsc
accountant: Comptable
switch: Agulhas
tram: Tramvia
tram_stop: Arrèst de tram
- yard: Via de triatge
alcohol: Magazin oficial d'alcoòl
antiques: Antiquari
hostel: Albèrga
hotel: Ostalariá
information: Informacions
- lean_to: Taulièr
motel: Motèl
museum: Musèu
picnic_site: Site de picnic
theme_park: Pargue a tèma
- valley: Val
viewpoint: Punt de vista
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Riu artificial
boatyard: Talhièr de construccion navala
canal: Canal
- connector: Connexion idrografica
dam: Diga
derelict_canal: Canal de deslaissament
ditch: Valat
drain: Toat
lock: Esclusa
lock_gate: Pòrta d'esclusa
- mineral_spring: Font d'aiga minerala
mooring: Ancoratge
rapids: Raspas
river: Riu
- riverbank: Lièch de riu
stream: Riuet
wadi: Oèd
waterfall: Cascada
- water_point: Punt d'aiga
weir: Barratge
level2: Frontièra del país
taxiway: ਟੈਕਸੀਵੇਅ
terminal: ਟਰਮੀਨਲ
- airport: ਹਵਾਈ ਅੱਡਾ
arts_centre: ਕਲਾ ਕੇਂਦਰ
- artwork: ਕਲਾਕਾਰਜ
atm: ਏ੦ਟੀ੦ਐੱਮ
- auditorium: ਆਡੋਟੋਰੀਅਮ
bank: ਬੈਂਕ
bar: ਬਾਰ
bbq: ਬਾਰਬੀਕਿਊ
charging_station: ਚਾਰਜਿੰਗ ਸਟੇਸ਼ਨ
cinema: ਸਿਨੇਮਾ
clinic: ਕਲੀਨਿਕ
- club: ਕਲੱਬ
college: ਕਾਲਜ
community_centre: ਭਾਈਚਾਰਾ ਕੇਂਦਰ
courthouse: ਕਚਹਿਰੀ
fuel: ਤੇਲ
grave_yard: ਕਬਰਿਸਤਾਨ
gym: ਜਿਮ/ਦਰੁਸਤੀ ਕੇਂਦਰ
- hall: ਹਾਲ
health_centre: ਸਿਹਤ ਕੇਂਦਰ
hospital: ਹਸਪਤਾਲ
- hotel: ਹੋਟਲ
hunting_stand: ਸ਼ਿਕਾਰ ਸਟੈਂਡ
ice_cream: ਆਈਸ ਕਰੀਮ
kindergarten: ਬਾਲਵਾੜੀ
library: ਪੁਸਤਕਾਲਾ
market: ਮੰਡੀ
marketplace: ਮੰਡੀ ਦੀ ਥਾਂ
- mountain_rescue: ਪਹਾੜੀ ਬਚਾਉ ਦਸਤਾ
nightclub: ਰਾਤ ਦਾ ਕਲੱਬ
nursery: ਨਰਸਰੀ
nursing_home: ਨਰਸਿੰਗ ਹੋਮ
office: ਦਫ਼ਤਰ
- park: ਬਾਗ਼
parking: ਪਾਰਕਿੰਗ
pharmacy: ਫ਼ਾਰਮੇਸੀ
place_of_worship: ਭਗਤੀ ਦਾ ਘਰ
prison: ਜੇਲ੍ਹ
pub: ਪਬ
public_building: ਜਨਤਕ ਇਮਾਰਤ
- public_market: ਜਨਤਕ ਮੰਡੀ
reception_area: ਸਵਾਗਤ ਖੇਤਰ
recycling: ਰੀਸਾਈਕਲ ਬਿੰਦੂ
restaurant: ਰੈਸਟੋਰੈਂਟ
school: ਸਕੂਲ
shelter: ਸ਼ਰਨ
shop: ਹੱਟੀ
- shopping: ਖ਼ਰੀਦਦਾਰੀ
shower: ਸ਼ਾਵਰ
social_centre: ਸਮਾਜਕ ਕੇਂਦਰ
social_club: ਸਮਾਜਕ ਕਲੱਬ
studio: ਸਟੂਡੀਉ
- supermarket: ਵੱਡੀ ਮੰਡੀ
swimming_pool: ਤੈਰਾਕੀ ਤਲਾਅ
taxi: ਟੈਕਸੀ
telephone: ਜਨਤਕ ਟੈਲੀਫ਼ੋਨ
veterinary: ਡੰਗਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਹਸਪਤਾਲ
village_hall: ਪਿੰਡ ਦਾ ਹਾਲ
waste_basket: ਕੂੜਾਦਾਨ
- wifi: ਵਾਈਫ਼ਾਈ ਪਹੁੰਚ
- WLAN: ਵਾਈਫ਼ਾਈ ਪਹੁੰਚ
youth_centre: ਨੌਜਵਾਨ ਕੇਂਦਰ
administrative: ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਾਸਕੀ ਸਰਹੱਦ
bridleway: ਘੋੜ-ਰਾਹ
bus_stop: ਬੱਸ ਅੱਡਾ
- byway: ਬਾਈਵੇ
construction: ਉਸਾਰੀ ਹੇਠ ਹਾਈਵੇ
cycleway: ਸਾਈਕਲ ਰਾਹ
emergency_access_point: ਐਮਰਜੈਂਸੀ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਬਿੰਦੂ
ford: ਫ਼ੋਰਡ
living_street: ਲਿਵਿੰਗ ਸਟਰੀਟ
milestone: ਮੀਲਪੱਥਰ
- minor: ਛੋਟੀ ਸੜਕ
motorway: ਮੋਟਰਵੇ
motorway_junction: ਮੋਟਰਵੇ ਜੰਕਸ਼ਨ
motorway_link: ਮੋਟਰਵੇ ਰੋਡ
services: ਮੋਟਰਵੇ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ
speed_camera: ਗਤੀ ਕੈਮਰਾ
steps: ਪੌੜੀਆਂ
- stile: ਪੌੜੀ
tertiary: ਤੀਜੇ ਪੱਧਰ ਦੀ ਸੜਕ
tertiary_link: ਤੀਜੇ ਪੱਧਰ ਦੀ ਸੜਕ
track: ਟਰੈਕ
memorial: ਯਾਦਗਾਰ
mine: ਖਾਨ
monument: ਸਮਾਰਕ
- museum: ਅਜਾਇਬਘਰ
ruins: ਖੰਡਰ
tomb: ਮਕਬਰਾ
tower: ਬੁਰਜ
military: ਫ਼ੌਜੀ ਇਲਾਕਾ
mine: ਖਾਨ
orchard: ਬਗ਼ੀਚਾ
- nature_reserve: ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਰੱਖ
- park: ਬਾਗ਼
railway: ਰੇਲਵੇ
residential: ਰਿਹਾਇਸ਼ੀ ਇਲਾਕਾ
retail: ਪਰਚੂਨ
road: ਸੜਕ ਇਲਾਕਾ
village_green: ਪੇਂਡੂ ਹਰਿਆਵਲ
vineyard: ਅੰਗੂਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਬਾਗ਼
- wetland: ਨਮ ਇਲਾਕਾ
- wood: ਜੰਗਲ
common: ਸ਼ਾਮਲਾਟ
fishing: ਮੱਛੀ-ਖੋਜ ਇਲਾਕਾ
beach: ਬੀਚ
cape: ਅੰਤਰੀਪ
cave_entrance: ਗੁਫ਼ਾ ਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਵੇਸ਼
- channel: ਨਹਿਰ
cliff: ਟਿੱਲਾ
crater: ਪਹਾੜ ਦਾ ਮੂੰਹ
dune: ਟਿੱਬਾ
- feature: ਮੁਹਾਂਦਰਾ
forest: ਜੰਗਲ
geyser: ਗੀਜ਼ਰ
glacier: ਗਲੇਸ਼ੀਅਰ
point: ਬਿੰਦੂ
reef: ਰੀਫ਼
ridge: ਰਿੱਜ
- river: ਦਰਿਆ
rock: ਚਟਾਨ
scree: ਰੇੜ੍ਹ
scrub: ਝਾੜ ਬਰੋਟਾ
- shoal: ਬਰੇਤਾ
spring: ਸੋਮਾ
stone: ਪੱਥਰ
strait: ਪਣਜੋੜ
volcano: ਜਵਾਲਾਮੁਖੀ
water: ਪਾਣੀ
wetland: ਨਮ ਇਲਾਕਾ
- wetlands: ਨਮ ਇਲਾਕੇ
wood: ਜੰਗਲ
accountant: ਅਕਾਊਂਟੈਂਟ
subway_entrance: ਸਬਵੇ ਪ੍ਰਵੇਸ਼
tram: ਟਰਾਮਵੇ
tram_stop: ਟਰਾਮ ਅੱਡਾ
- yard: ਰੇਲਵੇ ਯਾਰਡ
art: ਕਲਾ ਹੱਟੀ
bakery: ਨਾਨਬਾਈ ਦੀ ਹੱਟੀ
museum: ਅਜਾਇਬਘਰ
picnic_site: ਪਿਕਨਿਕ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ
theme_park: ਥੀਮ ਪਾਰਕ
- valley: ਘਾਟੀ
viewpoint: ਨੁਕਤਾ ਨਿਗਾਹ
zoo: ਚਿੜੀਆਘਰ
artificial: ਬਣਾਉਟੀ ਨਹਿਰ
boatyard: ਬੇੜੀ ਵਾੜਾ
canal: ਨਹਿਰ
- connector: ਨਹਿਰ-ਜੋੜ
dam: ਬੰਨ੍ਹ
derelict_canal: ਲਾਵਾਰਸ ਨਹਿਰ
ditch: ਖਾਲ਼
drain: ਨਾਲ਼ੀ
lock: ਟੋਭਾ
lock_gate: ਨਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਬੂਹਾ
- mineral_spring: ਖਣਜੀ ਸੋਮਾ
rapids: ਝਾਲ
river: ਦਰਿਆ
- riverbank: ਦਰਿਆ ਦਾ ਕੰਢਾ
stream: ਨਾਲ਼ਾ
wadi: ਬਰਸਾਤੀ ਨਾਲਾ
waterfall: ਝਰਨਾ
- water_point: ਪਾਣੀ ਬਿੰਦੂ
weir: ਬੰਨ੍ਹ
level2: ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਹੱਦ
taxiway: Droga kołowania
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Lonisko
arts_centre: Centrum sztuki
- artwork: Sztuka
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Audytorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: Miejsce do grillowania
charging_station: Stacja paliw
cinema: Kino
clinic: Przychodnia
- club: Klub
college: Uczelnia
community_centre: Centrum społeczności
courthouse: Sąd
fuel: Stacja benzynowa
grave_yard: Mniejszy cmentarz
gym: Centrum Fitness / Sala Gimnastyczna
- hall: Hala
health_centre: Ośrodek zdrowia
hospital: Szpital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Ambona myśliwska
ice_cream: Lodziarnia
kindergarten: Przedszkole
library: Biblioteka
market: Targowisko
marketplace: Plac targowy
- mountain_rescue: Ratownictwo górskie
nightclub: Klub nocny
nursery: Żłobek
nursing_home: Dom opieki
office: Biuro
- park: Park
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Apteka
place_of_worship: Miejsce kultu
prison: Więzienie
pub: Pub
public_building: Budynek publiczny
- public_market: Rynek publiczny
reception_area: Recepcja
recycling: Miejsce recyklingu
restaurant: Restauracja
school: Szkoła
shelter: Schron
shop: Sklep
- shopping: Zakupy
shower: Prysznic
social_centre: Centrum społeczne
social_club: Klub towarzyski
social_facility: Placówka społeczna
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Basen
taxi: Postój taksówek
telephone: Budka telefoniczna
veterinary: Chirurgia weterynaryjna
village_hall: Urząd gminy
waste_basket: Kosz na śmieci
- wifi: Dostęp do WiFi
- WLAN: Dostęp do WiFi
youth_centre: Centrum młodzieżowe
administrative: Granica administracyjna
"yes": Budynek
- fire_hydrant: Hydrant
phone: Telefon alarmowy
bridleway: Droga dla koni
bus_guideway: Droga dla autobusów
bus_stop: Przystanek autobusowy
- byway: Boczna droga
construction: Droga budowana
cycleway: Ścieżka rowerowa
emergency_access_point: Punkt awaryjny
ford: Bród
living_street: Strefa zamieszkania
milestone: Punkt kontrolny
- minor: Drobna droga
motorway: Autostrada
motorway_junction: Skrzyżowanie autostrad
motorway_link: Autostrada – dojazd
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Schody
street_lamp: Lampa uliczna
- stile: Przełaz
tertiary: Droga trzeciorzędna
tertiary_link: Droga trzeciorzędna
track: Droga gruntowa
memorial: Mniejszy pomnik
mine: Kopalnia
monument: Pomnik
- museum: Muzeum
ruins: Ruiny
tomb: Grób
tower: Wieża
military: Teren wojskowy
mine: Kopalnia
orchard: Sad
- nature_reserve: Rezerwat przyrody
- park: Park
- piste: Trasa
quarry: Kamieniołom
railway: Teren kolejowy
recreation_ground: Ziemia rekreacyjna
road: Obszar drogowy
village_green: Nawsie
vineyard: Winnica
- wetland: Tereny podmokłe
- wood: Puszcza
beach_resort: Strzeżona plaża
bird_hide: Ukryj ptaki
beach: Plaża
cape: Przylądek
cave_entrance: Wejście do jaskini
- channel: Kanał
cliff: Urwisko
crater: Krater
dune: Wydma
- feature: Obiekt
fell: Hale górskie
fjord: Fiord
forest: Las
point: Punkt
reef: Rafa
ridge: Grzbiet
- river: Rzeka
rock: Skała
scree: Zsypisko
scrub: Zagajnik
- shoal: Mielizna
spring: Źródło
stone: Kamieniołom
strait: Cieśnina
volcano: Wulkan
water: Woda
wetland: Obszar podmokły
- wetlands: Obszary podmokłe
wood: Puszcza
accountant: Księgowy
switch: Zwrotnica
tram: Linia tramwajowa
tram_stop: Przystanek tramwajowy
- yard: Stacja postojowa, lokomotywownia
- route:
- bus: Linia autobusowa
alcohol: Sklep monopolowy
antiques: Antyki
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacja turystyczna
- lean_to: Nachylenie
motel: Motel
museum: Muzeum
picnic_site: Miejsce na piknik
theme_park: Park tematyczny
- valley: Dolina
viewpoint: Punkt widokowy
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Sztuczne zbiorniki wodne
boatyard: Stocznia
canal: Kanał
- connector: Złącze dróg wodnych
dam: Tama
derelict_canal: Opuszczony kanał
ditch: Rów
drain: Rów odpływowy
lock: Zastawka
lock_gate: Śluza
- mineral_spring: Źródło mineralne
mooring: Kotwicowisko
rapids: Katarakty
river: Rzeka
- riverbank: Brzeg rzeki
stream: Strumień
wadi: Starorzecze
waterfall: Wodospad
- water_point: Punkt wodny
weir: Jaz
level2: Granica kraju
taxiway: Pista de taxiamento
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroporto
arts_centre: Centro Artístico
- artwork: Obra de Arte
atm: Caixa automático
- auditorium: Auditório
bank: Banco
bar: Bar
bbq: Churrasco
charging_station: Estação de Carga
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clínica
- club: Clube
college: Faculdade
community_centre: Centro comunitário/Salão de festas e eventos
courthouse: Fórum
fuel: Combustível
grave_yard: Cemitério
gym: Academia
- hall: Salão
health_centre: Centro de saúde
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Estande de Caça
ice_cream: Sorveteria
kindergarten: Pré-Escola
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercado
marketplace: Feira
- mountain_rescue: Resgate em Montanha
nightclub: Boate
nursery: Berçário
nursing_home: Asilo
office: Escritório
- park: Parque
parking: Estacionamento
pharmacy: Farmácia
place_of_worship: Lugar de prática religiosa
prison: Prisão
pub: Pub
public_building: Edifício Público
- public_market: Mercado Público
reception_area: Área de Recepção
recycling: Posto de Reciclagem
restaurant: Restaurante
school: Escola
shelter: Refúgio
shop: Loja
- shopping: Shopping
shower: Chuveiro
social_centre: Centro Social
social_club: Clube Recreativo
social_facility: Serviço Social
studio: Estúdio
- supermarket: Supermercado
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Táxi
telephone: Telefone Público
veterinary: Clínica veterinária
village_hall: Prefeitura
waste_basket: Cesto de Lixo
- wifi: Acesso WiFi
- WLAN: Acesso WiFi
youth_centre: Centro Juvenil
administrative: Limite Administrativo
"yes": Edifício
- fire_hydrant: Hidrante
phone: Telefone de emergência
bridleway: Pista para cavalos
bus_guideway: Corredor de Ônibus
bus_stop: Ponto de Ônibus
- byway: Vicinal
construction: Estrada em Construção
cycleway: Ciclovia
emergency_access_point: Ponto de Acesso de Emergência
ford: Vau
living_street: Calçadão
milestone: Marco
- minor: Estrada Secundária
motorway: Autoestrada
motorway_junction: Trevo de Acesso
motorway_link: Autoestrada
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Degraus
street_lamp: Iluminação Pública
- stile: Passagem
tertiary: Via Terciária
tertiary_link: Via Terciária
track: Trilha
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina histórica
monument: Monumento
- museum: Museu
ruins: Ruínas
tomb: Tumba
tower: Torre histórica
military: Área militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Pomar
- nature_reserve: Reserva Natural
- park: Parque
- piste: Pista de ski
quarry: Pedreira
railway: Terreno de ferrovia
recreation_ground: Área recreacional
road: Área de estrada
village_green: Parque municipal
vineyard: Vinhedo
- wetland: Pântano / Mangue
- wood: Madeira
beach_resort: Balneário
bird_hide: Observatório de pássaros
beach: Praia
cape: Cabo
cave_entrance: Entrada de Gruta
- channel: Canal
cliff: Penhasco
crater: Cratera
dune: Duna
- feature: Recurso natural
fell: Encosta
fjord: Fiorde
forest: Floresta
point: Ponto
reef: Recife
ridge: Cordilheira
- river: Rio
rock: Rocha
scree: Cascalho
scrub: Arbusto
- shoal: Barra
spring: Nascente
stone: Pedra
strait: Estreito
volcano: Vulcão
water: Água
wetland: Pântano / Mangue
- wetlands: Pântano
wood: Madeira
accountant: Contabilista
switch: Chave de ferrovia
tram: Rota de bonde
tram_stop: Parada de bonde
- yard: Estação de classificação
- route:
- bus: Rota de Ônibus
alcohol: Loja de bebidas alcoolicas
antiques: Antiguidades
hostel: Abrigo
hotel: Hotel
information: Informações
- lean_to: Abrigo
motel: Motel
museum: Museu
picnic_site: Área de Piquenique
theme_park: Parque temático
- valley: Vale
viewpoint: Mirador
zoo: Zoológico
artificial: Via fluvial artificial
boatyard: Estaleiro
canal: Canal
- connector: Eclusa
dam: Represa
derelict_canal: Canal Abandonado
ditch: Vala
drain: Canal
lock: Dique
lock_gate: Portão de Dique
- mineral_spring: Fonte mineral
mooring: Ancoradouro
rapids: Corredeiras
river: Rio
- riverbank: Margem de rio
stream: Córrego
wadi: Uádi
waterfall: Queda de água
- water_point: Ponto de água
weir: Açude
level2: Fronteira Nacional
taxiway: Pista de taxiamento
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroporto
arts_centre: Centro Artístico
- artwork: Obra de Arte
atm: Multibanco
- auditorium: Auditório
bank: Banco
bar: Bar
bbq: Churrasqueira
charging_station: Estação de carregamento para veículos elétricos
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clínica
- club: Clube
college: Colégio
community_centre: Centro Comunitário
courthouse: Tribunal
fuel: Combustível
grave_yard: Cemitério
gym: Centro de Fitness / Ginásio
- hall: Salão
health_centre: Centro de Saúde
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Cabana de Caça
ice_cream: Geladaria
kindergarten: Jardim de infância
library: Biblioteca
market: Mercado
marketplace: Feira
- mountain_rescue: Resgate em Montanha
nightclub: Clube Nocturno
nursery: Creche
nursing_home: Lar de Idosos
office: Escritório
- park: Parque
parking: Estacionamento
pharmacy: Farmácia
place_of_worship: Lugar de Oração
prison: Prisão
pub: Pub
public_building: Edifício Público
- public_market: Mercado Público
reception_area: Área de Receção
recycling: Ecoponto
restaurant: Restaurante
school: Escola
shelter: Abrigo
shop: Loja
- shopping: Compras
shower: Chuveiro
social_centre: Centro Social
social_club: Clube Social
social_facility: Serviços Sociais
studio: Estúdio
- supermarket: Supermercado
swimming_pool: Piscina
taxi: Táxi
telephone: Telefone Público
veterinary: Clínica Veterinária
village_hall: Junta de Freguesia
waste_basket: Caixote do Lixo
- wifi: Acesso WiFi
- WLAN: Acesso WLAN
youth_centre: Casa da Juventude
administrative: Divisão Administrativa
"yes": Edifício
- fire_hydrant: Boca de Incêndio
phone: Telefone de Emergência
bridleway: Pista de Cavalos
bus_guideway: Faixa para Autocarros Guiados
bus_stop: Paragem de Autocarro
- byway: Byway
construction: Estrada em Construção
cycleway: Ciclovia
emergency_access_point: Ponto de Ccesso de Emergência
ford: Vau
living_street: Zona de Coexistência
milestone: Marco Quilométrico
- minor: Estrada menor
motorway: Autoestrada
motorway_junction: Interseção e Saída de Autoestradas
motorway_link: Nó de ligação a uma Autoestrada
speed_camera: Radar de Velocidade
steps: Escadas
street_lamp: Poste de Iluminação
- stile: Passagem Anti-Gado
tertiary: Estrada Terciária
tertiary_link: Nó de ligação a uma Estrada Terciária
track: Estrada Florestal ou Agrícula
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mina histórica
monument: Monumento
- museum: Museu
ruins: Ruínas
tomb: Tumba
tower: Torre
military: Zona Militar
mine: Mina
orchard: Pomar
- nature_reserve: Reserva Natural
- park: Parque
- piste: Pista de Esqui
quarry: Pedreira
railway: Área da Ferrovia
recreation_ground: Área Recreativa
road: Área da Estrada
village_green: Espaço Verde Urbano
vineyard: Vinha
- wetland: Pântano
- wood: Madeira
beach_resort: Resort de Praia
bird_hide: Observatório de Áves
beach: Praia
cape: Cabo
cave_entrance: Entrada de Gruta
- channel: Canal
cliff: Precipício
crater: Cratera
dune: Dunas
- feature: Fenómeno Natural
fell: Encosta
fjord: Fiorde
forest: Floresta
point: Ponto
reef: Recife
ridge: Cordilheira
- river: Rio
rock: Rocha
scree: Encosta de Rochas Soltas
scrub: Matagal
- shoal: Banco de Areia
spring: Nascente
stone: Pedra
strait: Estreito
volcano: Vulcão
water: Água
wetland: Zona Húmida
- wetlands: Zonas Húmidas
wood: Bosque
accountant: Contabilista
switch: Agulha Ferroviária
tram: Linha de Elétrico
tram_stop: Paragem de Elétrico
- yard: Pátio de Manobras Ferroviário
- route:
- bus: Rota de Autocarros
alcohol: Venda de Bebidas (Off License)
antiques: Antiguidades
hostel: Pousada / Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Informação
- lean_to: Abrigo
motel: Motel
museum: Museu
picnic_site: Parque de merendas / piqueniques
theme_park: Parque temático
- valley: Vale
viewpoint: Miradouro
zoo: Jardim zoológico
artificial: Curso de água artificial
boatyard: Estaleiro Naval
canal: Canal
- connector: Conector Aquático
dam: Barragem
derelict_canal: Canal abandonado
ditch: Vala
drain: Vala de drenagem
lock: Eclusa
lock_gate: Comporta de Eclusa
- mineral_spring: Fonte de água mineral
mooring: Ancoragem
rapids: Rápidos
river: Rio
- riverbank: Margem de rio
stream: Ribeiro
wadi: Uádi
waterfall: Queda de água
- water_point: Ponto de água
weir: Represa
level2: Fronteira de País
taxiway: Pistă de manevră
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aeroport
arts_centre: Centru de arte
- artwork: Operă de artă
atm: Bancomat
- auditorium: Auditoriu
bank: Instituție bancară
bar: Bar
bbq: Grătar
charging_station: Stație de taxare
cinema: Cinematograf
clinic: Clinică
- club: Club
college: Colegiu
community_centre: Centru comunitar
courthouse: Tribunal
fuel: Benzinărie
grave_yard: Cimitir
gym: Sală de fitness / gimnastică
- hall: Sală
health_centre: Centru de sănătate
hospital: Spital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Stand de vânătoare
ice_cream: Înghețată
kindergarten: Grădiniță
library: Bibliotecă
market: Piață
marketplace: Piață de mărfuri
- mountain_rescue: Salvamont
nightclub: Club de noapte
nursery: Creșă
nursing_home: Azil de bătrâni
office: Birou
- park: Parc
parking: Parcare
pharmacy: Farmacie
place_of_worship: Lăcaș de cult
prison: Închisoare
pub: Pub
public_building: Clădire publică
- public_market: Piață publică
reception_area: Zonă de recepție
recycling: Punct de reciclare
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Școală
shelter: Adăpost
shop: Magazin
- shopping: Cumpărături
shower: Duș
social_centre: Centru social
social_club: Club social
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Bazin de înot
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefon public
veterinary: Medic veterinar
village_hall: Primărie comunală
waste_basket: Coș de gunoi
- wifi: Acces WiFi
- WLAN: Acces WiFi
youth_centre: Centru de tineret
administrative: Graniță administrativă
bridleway: Drum pentru călărie
bus_guideway: Linie de autobuz ghidată
bus_stop: Stație de autobuz
- byway: Rută secundară
construction: Drum în construcție
cycleway: Pistă de biciclete
emergency_access_point: Punct de acces de urgență
ford: Vad
living_street: Zonă pietonală
milestone: Bornă kilometrică
- minor: Drum minor
motorway: Autostradă
motorway_junction: Intersecție pe autostradă
motorway_link: Autostradă
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mină
monument: Monument
- museum: Muzeu
ruins: Ruine
tower: Turn
wayside_cross: Troiță
meadow: Luncă
military: Zonă militară
mine: Mină
- nature_reserve: Rezervație naturală
- park: Parc
quarry: Carieră
railway: Cale ferată
recreation_ground: Zonă de recreere
reservoir: Rezervor
residential: Zonă rezidențială
vineyard: Podgorie
- wood: Pădure
beach_resort: Stațiune balneară
fishing: Zonă de pescuit
beach: Plajă
cape: Cap
cave_entrance: Intrare în peșteră
- channel: Canal
cliff: Stâncă
crater: Crater
fjord: Fiord
peak: Vârf
reef: Recif
ridge: Creastă
- river: Râu
rock: Rocă
scree: Grohotiș
scrub: Tufăriș
- shoal: Banc de nisip
spring: Izvor
strait: Strâmtoare
tree: Copac
subway_entrance: Intrare la metrou
tram: Tramvai
tram_stop: Stație de tramvai
- yard: Depou
art: Magazin de artă
bakery: Brutărie
motel: Motel
museum: Muzeu
theme_park: Parc tematic
- valley: Vale
zoo: Gradină zoologică
canal: Canal
taxiway: Рулёжная дорожка
terminal: Терминал
- airport: Аэропорт
arts_centre: Дом искусств
- artwork: Произведения искусства
atm: Банкомат
- auditorium: Аудитория
bank: Банк
bar: Бар
bbq: Барбекю
charging_station: Станция зарядки электромобилей
cinema: Кинотеатр
clinic: Поликлиника
- club: Клуб
college: Колледж
community_centre: Общественный центр
courthouse: Помещение суда
fuel: Заправка
grave_yard: Место захоронения
gym: Фитнес-центр / Тренажёрный зал
- hall: Холл
health_centre: Оздоровительный центр
hospital: Госпиталь
- hotel: Гостинница
hunting_stand: Охотничья вышка
ice_cream: Мороженное
kindergarten: Детский сад
library: Библиотека
market: Магазин
marketplace: Рыночная площадь
- mountain_rescue: Горная спасательная служба
nightclub: Ночной клуб
nursery: Пансионат
nursing_home: Дом престарелых
office: Офис
- park: Парк
parking: Стоянка
pharmacy: Аптека
place_of_worship: Место поклонения
prison: Тюрьма
pub: Паб
public_building: Общественное здание
- public_market: Городской рынок
reception_area: Приёмная
recycling: Место утилизации
restaurant: Ресторан
school: Школа
shelter: Укрытие
shop: Магазин
- shopping: Торговый центр
shower: Душ
social_centre: Общественный центр
social_club: Сообщество
social_facility: Социальное учреждение
studio: Студия
- supermarket: Супермаркет
swimming_pool: Бассейн
taxi: Такси
telephone: Телефон
veterinary: Ветеринарная клиника
village_hall: Усадьба
waste_basket: Мусорка
- wifi: WiFi доступ
- WLAN: WiFi доступ
youth_centre: Молодёжный центр
administrative: Административная граница
"yes": Здание
- fire_hydrant: Пожарный гидрант
phone: Телефон экстренной связи
bridleway: Конный путь
bus_guideway: Автобусная полоса-рельс
bus_stop: Автобусная остановка
- byway: Закоулок
construction: Ремонт дороги
cycleway: Велодорожка
emergency_access_point: Пункт первой помощи
ford: Брод
living_street: Жилая улица
milestone: Километровый столб
- minor: Второстепенная дорога
motorway: Автомагистраль
motorway_junction: Перекрёсток
motorway_link: Развязка на автомагистрали
speed_camera: Камера по контролю скорости
steps: Ступеньки
street_lamp: Уличный фонарь
- stile: Турникет
tertiary: Дорога третьего класса
tertiary_link: Дорога третьего класса
track: Неофициальная грунтовка
memorial: Памятник
mine: Рудник
monument: Памятник
- museum: Музей
ruins: Развалины
tomb: Могила
tower: Башня
military: Военная зона
mine: Шахта
orchard: Фруктовый сад
- nature_reserve: Заповедник
- park: Парк
- piste: Лыжня
quarry: Карьер
railway: Железная дорога
recreation_ground: Зона отдыха
road: Зона дорожной сети
village_green: Зелёная деревня
vineyard: Виноградник
- wetland: Заболоченность
- wood: Обслуживаемый лес
beach_resort: Пляж с насаждениями
bird_hide: Засидка (пункт скрытого наблюдения за птицами)
beach: Пляж
cape: Мыс
cave_entrance: Вход в пещеру
- channel: Канал
cliff: Обрыв
crater: Кратер
dune: Дюна
- feature: Природный объект
fell: Холм
fjord: Фьорд
forest: Лес
point: Мыс
reef: Риф
ridge: Хребет
- river: Река
rock: Скала
scree: Осыпь камней
scrub: Кустарник
- shoal: Мелководье
spring: Родник
stone: Камень
strait: Пролив
volcano: Вулкан
water: Водоём
wetland: Заболоченная территория
- wetlands: Заболоченные земли
wood: Лес
accountant: Бухгалтер
switch: Железнодорожная стрелка
tram: Трамвай
tram_stop: Трамвайная остановка
- yard: Депо
- route:
- bus: Автобусный маршрут
alcohol: Винный магазин
antiques: Антиквариат
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Гостиница
information: Информация
- lean_to: Наклон
motel: Мотель
museum: Музей
picnic_site: Место для пикника
theme_park: Аттракционы
- valley: Долина
viewpoint: Смотровая площадка
zoo: Зоопарк
artificial: Искусственный водоток
boatyard: Верфь
canal: Канал
- connector: Слияние рек
dam: Дамба
derelict_canal: Пересохший канал
ditch: Водоотлив
drain: Сточная канава
lock: Шлюз
lock_gate: Ворота шлюза
- mineral_spring: Минеральный родник
mooring: Место швартовки
rapids: Речной порог
river: Река
- riverbank: Берег реки
stream: Ручей
wadi: Высохшее русло
waterfall: Водопад
- water_point: Пункт водоснабжения
weir: Плотина
level2: Граница страны
taxiway: Taxiway
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Airport
arts_centre: Airts Centre
- artwork: Airtwirk
atm: ATM
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Chargin Station
cinema: Cinema
clinic: Clinic
- club: Club
college: College
community_centre: Commonty Centre
courthouse: Coorthoose
fuel: Fuel
grave_yard: Grave Yard
gym: Fitness Centre / Gym
- hall: Haw
health_centre: Heal Centre
hospital: Hospital
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Huntin Staund
ice_cream: Ice Cream
kindergarten: Kindergarten
library: Library
market: Mercat
marketplace: Mercatplace
- mountain_rescue: Moontain Rescue
nightclub: Nicht Club
nursery: Nursery
nursing_home: Nursin Home
office: Office
- park: Pairk
parking: Pairkin
pharmacy: Pharmacy
place_of_worship: Place o Worship
prison: Prison
pub: Pub
public_building: Public Biggin
- public_market: Public Mercat
reception_area: Reception Aurie
recycling: Recyclin Pynt
restaurant: Restaurant
school: Schuil
shelter: Shelter
shop: Shop
- shopping: Shoppin
shower: Shower
social_centre: Social Centre
social_club: Social Club
social_facility: Social Facility
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermercat
swimming_pool: Swimmin Puil
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Public Telephone
veterinary: Veterinary Surgery
village_hall: Veelage Haw
waste_basket: Waste Basket
- wifi: WiFi Access
- WLAN: WiFi Access
youth_centre: Youth Centre
administrative: Admeenistrative Boondary
"yes": Biggin
- fire_hydrant: Fire Hydrant
phone: Emergency Phone
bridleway: Bridleway
bus_guideway: Guidit Bus Lane
bus_stop: Bus Stap
- byway: Byway
construction: Highway unner Construction
cycleway: Cycle Path
emergency_access_point: Emergency Access Pynt
ford: Ford
living_street: Livin Street
milestone: Milestane
- minor: Meenor Road
motorway: Motorway
motorway_junction: Motorway Junction
motorway_link: Motorway Road
speed_camera: Speed Camera
steps: Steps
street_lamp: Street Lamp
- stile: Stile
tertiary: Tertiary Road
tertiary_link: Tertiary Road
track: Track
memorial: Memorial
mine: Mine
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruins
tomb: Tomb
tower: Touer
military: Militar Aurie
mine: Mine
orchard: Orchard
- nature_reserve: Naitur Reserve
- park: Pairk
- piste: Piste
quarry: Quarry
railway: Railway
recreation_ground: Recreation Grund
road: Road Aurie
village_green: Village Green
vineyard: Vineyard
- wetland: Wetlaund
- wood: Wid
beach_resort: Beach Resort
bird_hide: Bird Hide
beach: Beach
cape: Cape
cave_entrance: Cave Entrance
- channel: Channel
cliff: Cliff
crater: Crater
dune: Dune
- feature: Featur
fell: Fell
fjord: Fjord
forest: Forest
point: Pynt
reef: Reef
ridge: Ridge
- river: River
rock: Rock
scree: Scree
scrub: Scrub
- shoal: Shoal
spring: Spring
stone: Stane
strait: Strait
volcano: Volcano
water: Watter
wetland: Wetlaund
- wetlands: Wetlaunds
wood: Wid
accountant: Accoontant
switch: Railway Pynts
tram: Tramway
tram_stop: Tram Stap
- yard: Railway Yard
alcohol: Off License
antiques: Antiques
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Information
- lean_to: Lean Tae
motel: Motel
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Picnic Steid
theme_park: Theme Pairk
- valley: Valley
viewpoint: Viewpynt
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Airtifeecial Watterway
boatyard: Boatyard
canal: Canal
- connector: Watterway Connector
dam: Dam
derelict_canal: Derelict Canal
ditch: Ditch
drain: Drain
lock: Lock
lock_gate: Lock Gate
- mineral_spring: Mineral Spring
mooring: Moorin
rapids: Rapids
river: River
- riverbank: Riverbank
stream: Stream
wadi: Wadi
waterfall: Watterfaw
- water_point: Watter Pynt
weir: Weir
level2: Kintra Boondary
taxiway: Pojazdová dráha
terminal: Terminál
- airport: Letisko
arts_centre: Kultúrne stredisko
- artwork: Umelecké dielo
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Auditórium
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Miesto na grilovanie
charging_station: Nabíjacia stanica
cinema: Kino
clinic: Poliklinika
- club: Klub
college: Vysoká škola
community_centre: Kultúrne stredisko
courthouse: Súd
fuel: Benzínová pumpa
grave_yard: Cintorín
gym: Fitnes centrum / telocvičňa
- hall: Sála
health_centre: Zdravotné stredisko
hospital: Nemocnica
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Poľovnícky posed
ice_cream: Zmrzlina
kindergarten: Materská škola
library: Knižnica
market: Obchod
marketplace: Tržnica
- mountain_rescue: Horská služba
nightclub: Nočný klub
nursery: Jasle
nursing_home: Sanatórium
office: Úrad
- park: Park
parking: Parkovisko
pharmacy: lekáreň
place_of_worship: Miesto pre bohoslužby
prison: Väzenie
pub: Krčma
public_building: Verejná budova
- public_market: Verejné trhovisko
reception_area: Recepcia
recycling: Recyklačné miesto
restaurant: Reštaurácia
school: Škola
shelter: Altánok
shop: Obchod
- shopping: Nákupné centrum
shower: Sprchy
social_centre: Komunitné centrum
social_club: Spoločenský klub
social_facility: Sociálne zariadenie
studio: Ateliér
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Plaváreň, kúpalisko
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Verejný telefón
veterinary: Veterinárna ordinácia
village_hall: Spoločenská miestnosť
waste_basket: Odpadkový kôš
- wifi: Wi-Fi prístup
- WLAN: Wi-Fi prístup
youth_centre: Mládežnícke centrum
administrative: Administratívna hranica
"yes": Budova
- fire_hydrant: Požiarny hydrant
phone: Núdzový telefón
bridleway: Cesta pre kone
bus_guideway: Bus so sprievodcom
bus_stop: Zastávka autobusu
- byway: Účelová komunikácia
construction: Cesta vo výstavbe
cycleway: Cyklistický chodník
emergency_access_point: Stanica prvej pomoci
ford: Brod
living_street: Obytná zóna
milestone: Kilometrovník
- minor: Vedľajšia cesta
motorway: Diaľnica
motorway_junction: Diaľničná križovatka
motorway_link: Diaľničný privádzač
speed_camera: Radar
steps: Schody
street_lamp: Pouličná lampa
- stile: Schodíky cez ohradu
tertiary: Cesta III. triedy
tertiary_link: Cesta III. triedy
track: Nespevnená cesta
memorial: Pomník
mine: Baňa
monument: Pamätník
- museum: Múzeum
ruins: Ruina
tomb: Náhrobok
tower: Veža
military: Vojenský priestor
mine: Baňa
orchard: Sad
- nature_reserve: Prírodná rezervácia
- park: Park
- piste: Zjazdovka
quarry: Lom
railway: Železnica
recreation_ground: Rekreačná oblasť
road: Cesty
village_green: Verejná zeleň
vineyard: Vinica
- wetland: Mokrina
- wood: Les (neudržiavaný)
beach_resort: Plážové letovisko
bird_hide: Vtáčia pozorovateľňa
beach: Pláž
cape: Mys
cave_entrance: Vstup do jaskyne
- channel: Kanál
cliff: Útes, kamenná stena
crater: Kráter
dune: Duna
- feature: Vlastnosť
fell: Horská pastvina
fjord: Fjord
forest: Les (udržiavaný)
point: Bod
reef: Bradlo, Skalisko
ridge: Hrebeň
- river: Rieka
rock: Skala
scree: Sutina
scrub: Rúbanisko
- shoal: Plytčina
spring: Prameň
stone: Balvan
strait: Úžina
volcano: Sopka
water: Voda
wetland: Mokrina
- wetlands: Mokrina
wood: Les (neudržiavaný)
accountant: Účtovník
switch: Železničná výhybka
tram: Električka
tram_stop: Zastávka električky
- yard: Železničné depo
alcohol: Mimo povolenia
antiques: Starožitnosti
hostel: Ubytovňa, internát
hotel: Hotel
information: Informácie
- lean_to: Prístrešok
motel: Motel
museum: Múzeum
picnic_site: Výletné miesto
theme_park: Zábavný park
- valley: Údolie
viewpoint: Rozhľadňa, výhliadka
zoo: Zoo
artificial: Vodný kanál, prieplav
boatyard: Lodenica
canal: Kanál
- connector: Prepojenie vodných ciest
dam: Priehrada,hrádza
derelict_canal: Opustený kanál
ditch: Priekopa
drain: Odvodňovací kanál
lock: Plavebná komora
lock_gate: Brána plavebnej komory
- mineral_spring: Minerálny prameň
mooring: Kotvisko
rapids: Pereje
river: Rieka
- riverbank: Breh rieky
stream: Potok
wadi: Občasné riečisko(Vádí)
waterfall: Vodopád
- water_point: Vodný bod
weir: Splav
level2: Štátna hranica
taxiway: Vozna steza
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Letališče
arts_centre: Umetnostni center
- artwork: Umetnina
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Avditorij
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Žar
charging_station: Polnilna postaja
cinema: Kinematograf
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Srednja šola
community_centre: Center skupnosti
courthouse: Sodišče
fuel: Bencinska črpalka
grave_yard: Pokopališče
gym: Fitnes / Telovadnica
- hall: Dvorana
health_centre: Dom zdravja
hospital: Bolnišnica
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Lovska opazovalnica
ice_cream: Sladoled
kindergarten: Vrtec
library: Knjižnica
market: Trg
marketplace: Tržnica
- mountain_rescue: GRS - Gorska reševalna služba
nightclub: Nočni klub
nursery: Vrtec
nursing_home: Dom za ostarele
office: Pisarne
- park: Park
parking: Parkirišče
pharmacy: Lekarna
place_of_worship: Cerkev
prison: Zapor
pub: Pivnica
public_building: Javne zgradba
- public_market: Javni trg
reception_area: Recepcija
recycling: Reciklirna točka
restaurant: Restavracija
school: Šola
shelter: Zaklonišče
shop: Trgovina
- shopping: Nakupovanje
shower: Tuš
social_centre: Socialni center
social_club: Društveni klub
social_facility: Socialni objekt
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Bazen
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Telefonska govorilnica
veterinary: Veterinarska klinika
village_hall: Vaško središče
waste_basket: Koš za odpadke
- wifi: Dostop WiFi
- WLAN: WiFi dostop
youth_centre: Mladinski center
administrative: Upravne meje
"yes": Zgradba
- fire_hydrant: Hidrant
phone: Klic v sili
bridleway: Jahalna pot
bus_guideway: Turistični avtobus
bus_stop: Avtobusna postaja
- byway: Obvoz
construction: Autocesta v izgradnji
cycleway: Kolesarska steza
emergency_access_point: Dostop za interventna vozila
ford: Prehod
living_street: Ulica z umirjenim prometom
milestone: Kilometerski kamen
- minor: Manjša cesta
motorway: Avtocesta
motorway_junction: Avtocestno križišče
motorway_link: Avtocestni priključek
speed_camera: Hitrostna kamera
steps: Stopnice
street_lamp: Ulična svetilka
- stile: Prehod preko ograje
tertiary: Lokalna cesta
tertiary_link: Terciarna cesta
track: Kolovoz
memorial: Spomenik
mine: Rudnik
monument: Spomenik
- museum: Muzej
ruins: Ruševine
tomb: Grobnica
tower: Stolp
military: Vojaško območje
mine: Minsko polje
orchard: Sadovnjak
- nature_reserve: Naravni rezervat
- park: Park
- piste: Proga
quarry: Dnevni kop
railway: Železnica
recreation_ground: Rekreacijsko območje
road: Območje ceste
village_green: Zelenica
vineyard: Vinograd
- wetland: Mokrišče
- wood: Pragozd
beach_resort: kopališče
bird_hide: Ptičja opazovalnica
beach: Obala
cape: Rt
cave_entrance: Vhod v jamo
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Klif
crater: Krater
dune: Peščina
- feature: Znamenitost
fell: Višinski travnik
fjord: Fjord
forest: Gozd
point: Točka
reef: Greben
ridge: Greben
- river: Reka
rock: Skala
scree: Melišče
scrub: Grmovje
- shoal: Peščena plaža
spring: Izvir
stone: Skala
strait: Ožina
volcano: Vulkan
water: Vodovje
wetland: Mokrišče
- wetlands: Mokrišča
wood: Pragozd
accountant: Računovodja
switch: Kretnica
tram: Tramvaj
tram_stop: Tramvajska postaja
- yard: Železniško dvorišče
alcohol: Trgovina alkoholnih pijač
antiques: Starinarna
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Informacije
- lean_to: Bivak
motel: Motel
museum: Muzej
picnic_site: Prostor za piknike
theme_park: Zabaviščni park
- valley: Dolina
viewpoint: Razgledna točka
zoo: Živalski vrt
artificial: Umetni vodotok
boatyard: Ladjedelnica
canal: Prekop
- connector: Vodne povezave
dam: Jez
derelict_canal: Zapuščen prekop
ditch: Jarek
drain: Jarek
lock: Zapornica
lock_gate: Velika zapornica
- mineral_spring: Mineral vrelec
mooring: Sidrišče
rapids: Brzice
river: Reka
- riverbank: Breg
stream: Potok
wadi: Vadi
waterfall: Slap
- water_point: Pitna voda
weir: Zapornica
level2: Državna meja
taxiway: Rulna staza
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Aerodrom
arts_centre: Umetnički centar
- artwork: Umetničko delo
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Dvorana
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Roštilj
charging_station: Napojna stanica
cinema: Bioskop
clinic: Klinika
- club: Klub
college: Fakultet
community_centre: Društveni centar
courthouse: Sud
fuel: Benzinska pumpa
grave_yard: Groblje
gym: Fitnes centar
- hall: Hala
health_centre: Dom zdravlja
hospital: Bolnica
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Lovački dom
ice_cream: Prodavnica sladoleda
kindergarten: Obdanište
library: Biblioteka
market: Pijaca
marketplace: Pijaca
- mountain_rescue: Gorska služba
nightclub: Noćni klub
nursery: Jaslice
nursing_home: Starački dom
office: Poslovnica
- park: Park
parking: Parking
pharmacy: Apoteka
place_of_worship: Mesto bogosluženja
prison: Zatvor
pub: Pab
public_building: Ustanova
- public_market: Pijaca
reception_area: Prijemno područje
recycling: Mesto za reciklažu
restaurant: Restoran
school: Škola
shelter: Sklonište
shop: Prodavnica
- shopping: Trgovački centar
shower: Tuš
social_centre: Socijalni centar
social_club: Društveni klub
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Supermarket
swimming_pool: Bazen
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Telefonska govornica
veterinary: Veterinarska hirurgija
village_hall: Seoski dom
waste_basket: Korpa za otpatke
- wifi: Bežični internet
- WLAN: Bežični internet
youth_centre: Dom omladine
administrative: Administrativna granica
bridleway: Konjička staza
bus_guideway: Autobuska traka
bus_stop: Autobuska stanica
- byway: Prečica
construction: Auto-put u izgradnji
cycleway: Biciklistička staza
emergency_access_point: Izlaz za slučaj opasnosti
ford: Gaz
living_street: Ulica smirenog prometa
milestone: Miljokaz
- minor: Drugorazredni put
motorway: Auto-put
motorway_junction: Petlja
motorway_link: Moto-put
services: Usluge na auto-putu
speed_camera: Foto-radar
steps: Stepenice
- stile: Prelaz preko ograde
tertiary: Lokalni put
tertiary_link: Lokalni put
track: Makadam
memorial: Spomenik
mine: Rudnik
monument: Spomenik
- museum: Muzej
ruins: Ruševine
tower: Toranj
wayside_cross: Krajputaš
military: Vojno područje
mine: Rudnik
orchard: Voćnjak
- nature_reserve: Rezervat prirode
- park: Park
- piste: Skijaška staza
quarry: Kamenolom
railway: Železnička pruga
recreation_ground: Rekreacijsko područje
road: Putno područje
village_green: Seosko polje
vineyard: Vinograd
- wetland: Močvara
- wood: Šuma
beach_resort: Morsko odmaralište
bird_hide: Sklonište za ptice
beach: Plaža
cape: Rt
cave_entrance: Ulaz u pećinu
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Litica
crater: Krater
dune: Dina
- feature: Obeležje
fell: Brdo
fjord: Fjord
forest: Šuma
point: Tačka
reef: Greben
ridge: Greben
- river: Reka
rock: Stena
scree: Osulina
scrub: Guštara
- shoal: Sprud
spring: Izvor
stone: Kamen
strait: Moreuz
volcano: Vulkan
water: Voda
wetland: Močvara
- wetlands: Močvara
wood: Šuma
accountant: Računovođa
switch: Skretnica
tram: Tramvaj
tram_stop: Tramvajsko stajalište
- yard: Ranžirna stanica
alcohol: Trgovina pićem
antiques: Antikvarnica
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Podaci
- lean_to: Sklonište
motel: Motel
museum: Muzej
picnic_site: Mesto za piknik
theme_park: Tematski park
- valley: Dolina
viewpoint: Vidikovac
zoo: Zoološki vrt
artificial: Veštački vodeni put
boatyard: Brodogradilište
canal: Kanal
- connector: Spoj vodnih puteva
dam: Brana
derelict_canal: Odbačeni kanal
ditch: Jarak
drain: Odvod
lock: Brana
lock_gate: Vrata brane
- mineral_spring: Mineralni izvor
mooring: Sidrište
rapids: Brzaci
river: Reka
- riverbank: Rečna obala
stream: Potok
wadi: Suvo korito reke
waterfall: Vodopad
- water_point: Tačka vodotoka
weir: Brana
# Messages for Serbian (Cyrillic script) (српски (ћирилица))
# Exported from
# Export driver: phpyaml
+# Author: Aktron
# Author: Magnumns
# Author: Milicevic01
# Author: Nemo bis
way_paginated: Путање (%{x}-%{y} од %{count})
relation: Односи (%{count})
relation_paginated: Односи (%{x}-%{y} од %{count})
+ comment: Коментари (%{count})
changesetxml: XML скуп измена
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
title: Белешкаː %{id}
new_note: Нова белешка
- description: 'Опис:'
+ description: Опис
open_title: 'Нерешена белешка #%{note_name}'
closed_title: 'Решена белешка #%{note_name}'
hidden_title: 'Скривена белешка #%{note_name}'
taxiway: Рулна стаза
terminal: Терминал
- airport: Аеродром
arts_centre: Уметнички центар
- artwork: Уметничко дело
atm: Банкомат
- auditorium: Дворана
bank: Банка
bar: Бар
bbq: Роштиљ
charging_station: Напојна станица
cinema: Биоскоп
clinic: Клиника
- club: Клуб
college: Факултет
community_centre: Друштвени центар
courthouse: Суд
fuel: Бензинска пумпа
grave_yard: Гробље
gym: Фитнес центар
- hall: Сала
health_centre: Дом здравља
hospital: Болница
- hotel: Хотел
hunting_stand: Ловачки дом
ice_cream: Продавница сладоледа
kindergarten: Обданиште
library: Библиотека
market: Продавница
marketplace: Пијаца
- mountain_rescue: Горска служба
nightclub: Ноћни клуб
nursery: Јаслице
nursing_home: Дом за негу
office: Пословница
- park: Парк
parking: Паркинг
pharmacy: Апотека
place_of_worship: Место богослужења
prison: Затвор
pub: Паб
public_building: Установа
- public_market: Пијаца
reception_area: Пријемно подручје
recycling: Место за рециклажу
restaurant: Ресторан
school: Школа
shelter: Склониште
shop: Продавница
- shopping: Трговачки центар
shower: Туш
social_centre: Друштвени центар
social_club: Друштвени клуб
social_facility: Социјална установа
studio: Студио
- supermarket: Супермаркет
swimming_pool: Базен
taxi: Такси
telephone: Телефонска говорница
veterinary: Ветеринарска хирургија
village_hall: Сеоски дом
waste_basket: Корпа за отпатке
- wifi: Бежични интернет
- WLAN: Бежични интернет
youth_centre: Дом омладине
administrative: Административна граница
"yes": Зграда
- fire_hydrant: Хидрант
phone: Телефон за хитне случајеве
bridleway: Коњичка стаза
bus_guideway: Аутобуска трака
bus_stop: Аутобуска станица
- byway: Пречица
construction: Ауто-пут у изградњи
cycleway: Бициклистичка стаза
emergency_access_point: Приступ за случај опасности
ford: Газ
living_street: Улица смиреног промета
milestone: Миљоказ
- minor: Другоразредни пут
motorway: Ауто-пут
motorway_junction: Петља
motorway_link: Мото-пут
speed_camera: Фото-радар
steps: Степенице
street_lamp: Улична светиљка
- stile: Прелаз преко ограде
tertiary: Главна улица
tertiary_link: Локални пут
track: Макадам
memorial: Споменик
mine: Рудник
monument: Споменик (монумент)
- museum: Музеј
ruins: Рушевине
tomb: Гробница
tower: Торањ
military: Војно подручје
mine: Рудник
orchard: Воћњак
- nature_reserve: Резерват природе
- park: Парк
- piste: Скијашка стаза
quarry: Каменолом
railway: Железничка пруга
recreation_ground: Подручје за рекреацију
road: Путно подручје
village_green: Сеоско поље
vineyard: Виноград
- wetland: Мочвара
- wood: Шума
beach_resort: Одмаралиште на плажи
bird_hide: Склониште за птице
beach: Плажа
cape: Рт
cave_entrance: Улаз у пећину
- channel: Канал
cliff: Литица
crater: Кратер
dune: Дина
- feature: Обележје
fell: Брдо
fjord: Фјорд
forest: Шума
point: Тачка
reef: Гребен
ridge: Гребен
- river: Река
rock: Стена
scree: Осулина
scrub: Гуштара
- shoal: Спруд
spring: Извор
stone: Камен
strait: Мореуз
volcano: Вулкан
water: Вода
wetland: Мочвара
- wetlands: Мочваре
wood: Шума
accountant: Рачуновођа
switch: Скретница
tram: Трамвај
tram_stop: Трамвајско стајалиште
- yard: Ранжирна станица
alcohol: Трговина пићем
antiques: Антикварница
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Хотел
information: Информације
- lean_to: Склониште
motel: Мотел
museum: Музеј
picnic_site: Место за пикник
theme_park: Тематски парк
- valley: Долина
viewpoint: Видиковац
zoo: Зоолошки врт
artificial: Вештачки водени пут
boatyard: Бродоградилиште
canal: Канал
- connector: Спој водних путева
dam: Брана
derelict_canal: Одбачени канал
ditch: Јарак
drain: Одвод
lock: Устава
lock_gate: Поље уставе
- mineral_spring: Минерални извор
mooring: Сидриште
rapids: Брзаци
river: Река
- riverbank: Речна обала
stream: Поток
wadi: Суво корито реке
waterfall: Водопад
- water_point: Тачка водотока
weir: Брана
level2: Државна граница
anonymous: Анонимни корисник
greeting: Поздрав,
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Поздрав,
+ commented:
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: без коментара
title: Примљене
flash changed: Ваша лозинка је промењена.
flash token bad: Такав новчић није пронађен. Проверите адресу.
- title: Ð\9eÑ\82ваÑ\80аÑ\9aе налога
+ title: Ð\9fÑ\80иÑ\98ави Ñ\81е
no_auto_account_create: Нажалост, тренутно нисмо у могућности да отворимо нови
contact_webmaster: Контактирајте <a href="">администратора</a>
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Увећај да додаш белешку на карту
map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Увећај да видиш белешке на карти
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Увећај да видиш податке са карте
+ changesets:
+ show:
+ comment: Коментар
+ hide_comment: сакриј
+ unhide_comment: прикажи
intro: Видиш грешку или недостатак? Обавести остале картографе. Помери ознаку
taxiway: Taxibana
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Flygplats
arts_centre: Konstcenter
- artwork: Konstverk
atm: Bankomat
- auditorium: Auditorium
bank: Bank
bar: Bar
bbq: BBQ
charging_station: Laddningsstation
cinema: Biograf
clinic: Klinik
- club: Klubb
college: College
community_centre: Allaktivitetshus
courthouse: Tingshus
fuel: Bränsle
grave_yard: Begravningsplats
gym: Fitnesscenter / Gym
- hall: Samlingslokal
health_centre: Vårdcentral
hospital: Sjukhus
- hotel: Hotell
hunting_stand: Jakttorn
ice_cream: Glass
kindergarten: Dagis
marketplace: |2-
- mountain_rescue: Fjällräddning
nightclub: Nattklubb
nursery: Förskola
nursing_home: Vårdhem
office: Kontor
- park: Park
parking: Parkeringsplats
pharmacy: Apotek
place_of_worship: Plats för tillbedjan
prison: Fängelse
pub: Pub
public_building: Offentlig byggnad
- public_market: Marknadsplats
reception_area: Reception
recycling: Återvinningsstation
restaurant: Restaurang
school: Skola
shelter: Hydda
shop: Affär
- shopping: Handel
shower: Dusch
social_centre: Nöjescenter
social_club: Kamratförening
social_facility: Socialtjänst
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Stormarknad
swimming_pool: Simbassäng
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Telefonkiosk
veterinary: Veterinärkirurgi
village_hall: Byastuga
waste_basket: Papperskorg
- wifi: WiFi-åtkomst
- WLAN: WiFi-åtkomst
youth_centre: Ungdomscenter
administrative: Administrativ gräns
"yes": Byggnad
- fire_hydrant: Brandpost
phone: Nödtelefon
bridleway: Ridstig
bus_guideway: Spårbussväg
bus_stop: Busshållplats
- byway: Omfartsväg
construction: Väg under konstruktion
cycleway: Cykelspår
emergency_access_point: Utryckningsplats
ford: Vadställe
living_street: Gångfartsområde
milestone: Milstolpe
- minor: Mindre väg
motorway: Motorväg
motorway_junction: Motorvägskorsning
motorway_link: Påfart/avfart till motorväg
speed_camera: Trafiksäkerhetskamera
steps: Trappa
street_lamp: Gatlykta
- stile: Stätta
tertiary: Landsväg
tertiary_link: Landsväg
track: Traktorväg
memorial: Minnesmärke
mine: Gruva
monument: Monument
- museum: Museum
ruins: Ruin
tomb: Grav
tower: Torn
military: Militärområde
mine: Gruva
orchard: Fruktträdgård
- nature_reserve: Naturreservat
- park: Park
- piste: Pist
quarry: Stenbrott
railway: Järnväg
recreation_ground: Rekreationsområde
road: Vägområde
village_green: Landsbypark
vineyard: Vingård
- wetland: Våtmark
- wood: Skog
beach_resort: Badort
bird_hide: Fågeltorn
beach: Strand
cape: Udde
cave_entrance: Grottmynning
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Klippa
crater: Krater
dune: Sanddyn
- feature: Funktioner
fell: Fjäll
fjord: Fjord
forest: Skog
point: Punkt
reef: Rev
ridge: Bergskam
- river: Flod
rock: Klippa
scree: Taluskon
scrub: Buskskog
- shoal: Sandbank
spring: Källa
stone: Sten
strait: Sund
volcano: Vulkan
water: Vatten
wetland: Våtmark
- wetlands: Våtmarker
wood: Skog
accountant: Revisor
switch: Järnvägsväxel
tram: Spårväg
tram_stop: Spårvagnshållplats
- yard: Bangård
- route:
- bus: Busslinje
alcohol: Spritbutik
antiques: Antikviteter
hostel: Vandrarhem
hotel: Hotell
information: Turistinformation
- lean_to: Skjul
motel: Motell
museum: Museum
picnic_site: Picknickplats
theme_park: Nöjespark
- valley: Dal
viewpoint: Utsiktspunkt
zoo: Djurpark
artificial: Artificiellt vattendrag
boatyard: Båtvarv
canal: Kanal
- connector: Förbindelsepunkt för farled
dam: Damm
derelict_canal: Nerlagd kanal
ditch: Dike
drain: Avlopp
lock: Sluss
lock_gate: Slussport
- mineral_spring: Mineralvattenskälla
mooring: Förtöjning
rapids: Fors
river: Flod
- riverbank: Flodbank
stream: Bäck
wadi: Uttorkad flod
waterfall: Vattenfall
- water_point: Vattenpunkt
weir: Överfallsvärn
level2: Landsgräns
runway: రన్వే
taxiway: ట్యాక్సీదారి
- airport: విమానాశ్రయం
atm: ఏటీఎం
- auditorium: ప్రదర్శనశాల
bank: బ్యాంకు
bar: బార్
bench: బెంచీ
casino: జూదగృహం
cinema: సినిమా
clinic: ఆసుపత్రి
- club: క్లబ్బు
college: కళాశాల
community_centre: సామాజిక కేంద్రం
courthouse: న్యాయస్థానం
grave_yard: స్మశానం
health_centre: ఆరోగ్య కేంద్రం
hospital: ఆసుపత్రి
- hotel: హోటెల్
ice_cream: ఐస్ క్రీం
library: గ్రంథాలయం
market: సంత
marketplace: సంత
nursery: పిల్లల బడి
office: కార్యాలయం
- park: పార్కు
pharmacy: మందుల దుకాణం
place_of_worship: పూజా స్థలం
police: పోలీసు
pedestrian: కాలిబాట
primary: ప్రధాన రహదారి
primary_link: ప్రధాన రహదారి
- residential: నివాసప్రాంతం
+ residential: నివాసప్రాంత దారి
rest_area: విశ్రాంతి స్థలమ
road: దారి
secondary: ద్వితీయ శ్రేణి రహదారి
memorial: జ్ఞాపిక
mine: గని
monument: స్మారకం
- museum: ప్రదర్శన శాల
ruins: శిథిలాలు
tomb: సమాధి
tower: గోపురం
military: సైనిక ప్రాంతం
mine: గని
orchard: పళ్ళతోట
- park: పార్కు
quarry: క్వారీ
railway: రైల్వే
reservoir: జలాశయం
reservoir_watershed: జలాశయం
residential: నివాస ప్రాంతం
- wood: కలప
beach_resort: బీచి రిసార్టు
bird_hide: పక్షులకు ఆవాసం
land: నేల
mud: బురద
peak: శిఖరం
- river: నది
rock: రాయి
spring: ఊట
stone: రాయి
volcano: అగ్ని పర్వతం
water: నీరు
wetland: చిత్తడి నేల
- wetlands: చిత్తడి నేలలు
wood: అడవి
architect: వాస్తుశిల్పి
hotel: హోటెల్
information: సమాచారం
museum: ప్రదర్శన శాల
- valley: లోయ
zoo: జంతుప్రదర్శనశాల
culvert: చప్టా
taxiway: Daanan ng Taksi
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Paliparan
arts_centre: Lunduyan ng Sining
- artwork: Likhang Sining
atm: ATM
- auditorium: Awditoryum
bank: Bangko
bar: Tindahang Inuman ng Alak
bbq: Barbikyuhan
charging_station: Himpilang Kargahan
cinema: Sinehan
clinic: Klinika
- club: Kapisanan
college: Dalubhasaan
community_centre: Lunduyan ng Pamayanan
courthouse: Gusali ng Hukuman
fuel: Panggatong
grave_yard: Sementeryo
gym: Lunduyang Pangkalusugan / Himnasyo
- hall: Bulwagan
health_centre: Lunduyan ng Kalusugan
hospital: Ospital
- hotel: Otel
hunting_stand: Pook-tayuan na Pangpangangaso
ice_cream: Sorbetes
kindergarten: Kindergarten
library: Aklatan
market: Pamilihan
marketplace: Palengke
- mountain_rescue: Pagliligtas na Pangbundok
nightclub: Alibangbang
nursery: Alagaan ng mga Bata
nursing_home: Alagaan ng mga Matatanda
office: Tanggapan
- park: Liwasan
parking: Paradahan
pharmacy: Botika
place_of_worship: Sambahan
prison: Bilangguan
pub: Pangmadlang Bahay
public_building: Pangmadlang Gusali
- public_market: Pangmadlang Pamilihan
reception_area: Tanggapang Pook
recycling: Pook ng Muling Paggamit
restaurant: Kainan
school: Paaralan
shelter: Kanlungan
shop: Tindahan
- shopping: Pamimili
shower: Dutsahan
social_centre: Lunduyan ng Pakikipagkapuwa
social_club: Kapisanang Panglipunan
studio: Istudyo
- supermarket: Malaking Pamilihan
swimming_pool: Palanguyan
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Teleponong Pangmadla
veterinary: Paninistis na Pangbeterinarya
village_hall: Bulwagan ng Nayon
waste_basket: Basurahan
- wifi: Pagpunta sa WiFi
- WLAN: Pagpunta sa WiFi
youth_centre: Lunduyan ng Kabataan
administrative: Hangganang Pampangangasiwa
"yes": Gusali
- fire_hydrant: Panubig ng Bumbero
phone: Teleponong Pangsakuna
bridleway: Daanan ng Kabayo
bus_guideway: Daanan ng Ginagabayang Bus
bus_stop: Hintuan ng Bus
- byway: Landas na Hindi Madaanan
construction: Ginagawang Punong Lansangan
cycleway: Daanan ng Bisikleta
emergency_access_point: Tuldok na Puntahan na Pangsakuna
ford: Bagtasan ng Tao
living_street: Buhay na Lansangan
milestone: Poste ng Milya
- minor: Kalsadang Hindi Pangunahin
motorway: Daanan ng Sasakyang De-motor
motorway_junction: Sugpungan ng Daanan ng Sasakyang De-motor
motorway_link: Lansangang Daanan ng Sasakyang De-motor
services: Mga Palingkuran sa Daanan ng Sasakyang De-motor
speed_camera: Kamera ng Tulin
steps: Mga hakbang
- stile: Hagdanan ng Bakod
tertiary: Pampangatlong Kalsada
tertiary_link: Pampangatlong Kalsada
track: Pinak
memorial: Muog na Pang-alaala
mine: Minahan
monument: Bantayog
- museum: Museo
ruins: Mga Guho
tomb: Nitso/Puntod
tower: Tore
military: Pook ng Militar
mine: Minahan
orchard: Halamanan ng Bunga
- nature_reserve: Lupaing Laan sa Kalikasan
- park: Liwasan
- piste: Piste ng Iski
quarry: Hukay na Tibagan
railway: Daambakal
recreation_ground: Lupaing Libangan
road: Pook na Daanan
village_green: Nayong Lunti
vineyard: Ubasan
- wetland: Babad na Lupain
- wood: Kahoy
beach_resort: Liwaliwang Dalampasigan
bird_hide: Pook-Matyagan ng Ibon
beach: Dalampasigan
cape: Tangway
cave_entrance: Pasukan ng Yungib
- channel: Bambang
cliff: Bangin
crater: Uka
dune: Burol ng Buhangin
- feature: Tampok
fell: Pulak
fjord: Tubigang Mabangin
forest: Gubat
point: Tuldok
reef: Bahura
ridge: Tagaytay
- river: Ilog
rock: Bato
scree: Batuhang Buhaghag
scrub: Palumpong
- shoal: Banlik
spring: Bukal
stone: Bato
strait: Kipot
volcano: Bulkan
water: Tubig
wetland: Babad na Lupain
- wetlands: Mga Babad na Lupain
wood: Kahoy
accountant: Tagatuos
switch: Mga Tuldok na Pangdaambakal
tram: Riles ng Trambya
tram_stop: Hintuan ng Trambya
- yard: Bakuran ng Daambakal
alcohol: Wala sa Lisensiya
antiques: Mga Antigo
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Otel
information: Kabatiran
- lean_to: Sibi
motel: Motel
museum: Museo
picnic_site: Pook na Pampiknik
theme_park: Liwasang may Tema
- valley: Lambak
viewpoint: Tuldok ng pananaw
zoo: Hayupan
artificial: Daanan ng Tubig na Gawang-Tao
boatyard: Bakuran ng bangka
canal: Paralanan
- connector: Pandugtong sa Daanan ng Tubig
dam: Saplad
derelict_canal: Pinabayaang Paralanan
ditch: Bambang
drain: Limasan
lock: Kandado
lock_gate: Tarangkahan ng Kandado
- mineral_spring: Balong na Mineral
mooring: Pugalan
rapids: Mga lagaslasan
river: Ilog
- riverbank: Pampang ng Ilog
stream: Batis
wadi: Tuyot na Ilog
waterfall: Talon
- water_point: Tuldok ng Tubigan
weir: Pilapil
way_paginated: Yol (%{x}-%{y} - toplam %{count})
relation: Relasyonlar (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relasyon (%{x}-%{y} - toplam %{count})
+ comment: Yorumlar (%{count})
changesetxml: Değişiklik takımı XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
önceki</abbr> yorumu
title: Özellikleri Göster
+ introduction: Yakın diğer özellikleri bulmak için harita üzerine tıklayın.
+ nearby: Yakındaki özellikleri
+ enclosing: Kapsayan özellikleri
showing_page: 'Sayfa: %{page}'
title_user: '%{user} tarafından değişiklik setleri'
title_friend: Arkadaşların değişiklik kayıtları
title_nearby: Yakındaki kullanıcıların değişiklik kayıtları
+ empty: Değişiklik kümeleri bulunamadı.
+ empty_area: Bu alanda da değişiklik kümesi bulunmuyor.
+ empty_user: Bu kullanıcının hiçbir değişiklik kümeleri yok.
+ no_more: Daha fazla değişiklik kümeleri yok.
load_more: Daha fazla
sorry: Üzgünüz, değişiklik kayıtlarının listelenmesi fazla sürdü.
title_all: Değişiklik takımı tartışması
title_particular: 'Değişiklik takımı #%{changeset_id} tartışması'
+ commented_at_html: '%{when} önce güncelleştirilmiş'
+ commented_at_by_html: '%{when} önce %{user} tarafından güncelleştirilmiş'
full: Bütün tartışma
taxiway: Taksi yolu
terminal: Terminal
- airport: Havaalanı
arts_centre: Sanat Merkezi
- artwork: Sanat eseri
atm: Bankamatik
- auditorium: Oditoryum
bank: Banka
bar: Bar
bbq: Mangal alanı
charging_station: Şarj İstasyonu
cinema: Sinema
clinic: Klinik
- club: Kulüp
college: Lise
courthouse: Adliye
crematorium: Krematoryum
fuel: Petrol ofisi
grave_yard: Mezarlık
gym: Fitness Merkezi / Spor Salonu
- hall: Toplantı salonu
health_centre: Sağlık Merkezi
hospital: Hastane
- hotel: Hotel
hunting_stand: Avcılık Standı
ice_cream: Dondurma
kindergarten: Kreş
library: Kütüphane
market: Pazar yeri
marketplace: Pazar yeri
- mountain_rescue: Dağ Kurtarma
nightclub: Gece Kulübü
nursery: Kreş
nursing_home: Huzurevi
office: Ofis
- park: Park
parking: Otopark
pharmacy: Eczane
place_of_worship: İbadethane / Tapınak
prison: Cezaevi
pub: Birahane
public_building: Kamu Binası
- public_market: Halk Pazarı
reception_area: Resepsiyon Alanı
recycling: Geri dönüşüm noktası
restaurant: Restoran
school: Okul
shelter: Korunak
shop: Dükkan
- shopping: Alışveriş Merkezi
shower: Duş
social_centre: Sosyal Merkez
social_club: Sosyal kulübü
social_facility: Sosyal Tesis
studio: Stüdyo
- supermarket: Süpermarket
swimming_pool: Yüzme Havuzu
taxi: Taksi
telephone: Telefon
veterinary: Veteriner
village_hall: Köy odası
waste_basket: Çöp sepeti
- wifi: WiFi erişim
- WLAN: WiFi Erişim Noktası
youth_centre: Gençlik Merkezi
administrative: İdari Sınır
"yes": Bina
- fire_hydrant: Yangın Musluğu
phone: Acil Durum Telefonu
bridleway: At yürüyüş yolu
bus_guideway: Güdümlü otobüs yolu
bus_stop: Otobüs durağı
- byway: Yan yolu
construction: İnşaa halinde yolu
cycleway: Bisiklet Yolu
emergency_access_point: Acil Erişim Noktası
ford: Akarsu geçidi
living_street: Yaşam sokağı
milestone: Kilometre taşı
- minor: Ufak yol
motorway: Otoyol
motorway_junction: Otoyol Kavşağı
motorway_link: Otoyol bağlantısı
speed_camera: Hız Kamerası
steps: Merdiven
street_lamp: Sokak Lambası
- stile: Çit basamağı
tertiary: Köy arası yolu
tertiary_link: Köy arası yolu
track: Toprak yolu
memorial: Anıt
mine: Maden Ocağı
monument: Anıt
- museum: Müze
ruins: Harabe
tomb: Mezar
tower: Kule
military: Askeri Bölge
mine: Maden Ocağı
orchard: Meyve Bahçesi
- nature_reserve: Doğa Koruma Alanı
- park: Park
- piste: Pist
quarry: Ocak
railway: Demiryolu
recreation_ground: Eğlence Parkı
road: Yol Alanı
village_green: Yeşil Alan
vineyard: Bağ
- wetland: Sulak Alan
- wood: Orman
beach_resort: Plajlı tatilköyü
bird_hide: Kuş Gözleme Yeri
beach: Plaj
cape: Burun
cave_entrance: Mağara girişi
- channel: Kanal
cliff: Uçurum
crater: Krater
dune: Kumul
- feature: Özelliği
fell: Ağaçsız tepe
fjord: Haliç
forest: Orman
point: Nokta
reef: Resif
ridge: Sırt
- river: Nehir
rock: Kayaç
scree: Kayşat
scrub: Çalılık
- shoal: Sığlık
spring: Pınar
stone: Taş
strait: Boğaz
volcano: Yanardağ
water: Su
wetland: Sulak alan
- wetlands: Sulak Alanlar
wood: Orman
accountant: Muhasebeci
switch: Demiryolu makası
tram: Tramvay
tram_stop: Tramvay Durağı
- yard: Tren Avlusu
alcohol: Tekel bayii
antiques: Antikacı
hostel: Hostel
hotel: Hotel
information: Bilgi
- lean_to: Ek binası
motel: Motel
museum: Müze
picnic_site: Piknik yeri
theme_park: Lunapark
- valley: Dere/vadi
viewpoint: Panoramik view
zoo: Hayvanat bahçesi
artificial: Yapay su yolu
boatyard: Tersane
canal: Kanal
- connector: Su yolu bağlantısı
dam: Baraj
derelict_canal: Sahipsiz kanal
ditch: Sulama kanalı
drain: Atık su kanalı
lock: İskele
lock_gate: Menfez
- mineral_spring: Maden Suyu
mooring: Baba
rapids: Akıntı
river: Nehir
- riverbank: Irmak kenarı
stream: Çay
wadi: Vadi
waterfall: Şelale
- water_point: İçme suyu
weir: Küçük köprü
level2: Ülke Sınırı
greeting: Merhaba,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] notlarından birisini %{commenter} tarafından
+ yorumlandı'
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ greeting: Merhaba,
+ commented:
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: yorumsuz
title: Gelen Kutusu
user_page_link: kullanıcı sayfası
anon_edits: (%{link})
+ id_not_configured: iD yapılandırılmamış
+ no_iframe_support: Bu özelliği görüntülemek için gerekli olan HTML iframe tarayıcınız
+ desteklemiyor.
search_results: Arama Sonuçları
close: Kapat
taxiway: Руліжна доріжка
terminal: Термінал
- airport: Аеропорт
arts_centre: Мистецький центр
- artwork: Образотворче мистецтво
atm: Банкомат
- auditorium: Конференц-зала
bank: Банк
bar: Бар
bbq: Барбекю
charging_station: Станція для зарядки електромобілів
cinema: Кінотеатр
clinic: Клініка
- club: Клуб
college: Коледж
community_centre: Громадський центр
courthouse: Суд
fuel: Пальне
grave_yard: Цвинтар
gym: Тренажерний зал
- hall: Зала
health_centre: Центр здоров'я
hospital: Лікарня
- hotel: Готель
hunting_stand: Мисливська вежа
ice_cream: Морозиво
kindergarten: Дитячий садок
library: Бібліотека
market: Ринок
marketplace: Ринок
- mountain_rescue: Гірські рятувальники
nightclub: Нічний клуб
nursery: Дитсадок
nursing_home: Будинок престарілих
office: Офіс
- park: Парк
parking: Автостоянка
pharmacy: Аптека
place_of_worship: Культова споруда
prison: В’язниця
pub: Паб
public_building: Громадський заклад
- public_market: Базар
reception_area: Зона прийому
recycling: Місце переробки відходів
restaurant: Ресторан
school: Школа
shelter: Укриття
shop: Магазин
- shopping: Торговельний центр
shower: Душ
social_centre: Суспільний центр
social_club: Клуб за інтересами
social_facility: Соціальна установа
studio: Студія
- supermarket: Супермаркет
swimming_pool: Басейн
taxi: Таксі
telephone: Телефон
veterinary: Ветлікарня
village_hall: Сільрада
waste_basket: Контейнер для сміття
- wifi: Wi-Fi доступ
- WLAN: WiFi доступ
youth_centre: Молодіжний центр
administrative: Адміністративний кордон
"yes": Будівля
- fire_hydrant: Пожежний гідрант
phone: Телефон для екстрених викликів
bridleway: Дорога для їзди кіньми
bus_guideway: Рейковий автобус
bus_stop: Автобусна зупинка
- byway: Боковий шлях
construction: Будівництво автомагістралі
cycleway: Велосипедна доріжка
emergency_access_point: Пункт швидкої допомоги
ford: Броди
living_street: Житлова зона
milestone: Віха
- minor: Другорядна дорога
motorway: Автомагістраль
motorway_junction: В’їзд на автомагістраль
motorway_link: З’єднання з автомагістраллю
speed_camera: Камера контролю швидкості
steps: Сходи
street_lamp: Вуличний ліхтар
- stile: Турнікет
tertiary: Третинна дорога
tertiary_link: Виїзд на третинну дорогу
track: Путівець
memorial: Меморіал
mine: Копальня
monument: Пам’ятник
- museum: Музей
ruins: Руїни
tomb: Гробниця
tower: Башта
military: Військова зона
mine: Копальня
orchard: Сад
- nature_reserve: Заповідник
- park: Парк
- piste: Лижня
quarry: Кар’єр
railway: Залізниця
recreation_ground: База відпочинку
road: Зона дорожньої мережі
village_green: Сільська галявина
vineyard: Виноградник
- wetland: Болота
- wood: Дерева
beach_resort: Пляжний курорт
bird_hide: Засідка (пункт спостереження за птахами)
beach: Пляж
cape: Мис
cave_entrance: Вхід до печери
- channel: Канал
cliff: Скеля
crater: Кратер
dune: Дюна
- feature: Елемент
fell: Вирубка
fjord: Фіорд
forest: Ліс
point: Точка
reef: Риф
ridge: Гірський хребет
- river: Ріка
rock: Скеля
scree: Щебінь
scrub: Чагарник
- shoal: Мілина
spring: Джерело
stone: Камінь
strait: Перешийок
volcano: Вулкан
water: Вода
wetland: Заболочені землі
- wetlands: Водно-болотні угіддя
wood: Дерева
accountant: Бухгалтер
switch: Стрілка
tram: Трамвайні колії
tram_stop: Трамвайна зупинка
- yard: Депо
- route:
- bus: Автобусний Маршрут
alcohol: Спиртні напої
antiques: Антикваріат
hostel: Хостел
hotel: Готель
information: Інформація
- lean_to: Навіс
motel: Мотель
museum: Музей
picnic_site: Місце для пікніків
theme_park: Тематичний парк
- valley: Долина
viewpoint: Оглядовий майданчик
zoo: Зоопарк
artificial: Штучні водний шлях
boatyard: Верф
canal: Канал
- connector: З’єднання водних шляхів
dam: Дамба
derelict_canal: Покинутий канал
ditch: Рів
drain: Дренажний канал
lock: Шлюз
lock_gate: Шлюзові ворота
- mineral_spring: Мінеральне джерело
mooring: Якірна стоянка
rapids: Пороги
river: Річка
- riverbank: Берег ріки
stream: Струмок
wadi: Ваді
waterfall: Водоспад
- water_point: Пункт водопостачання
weir: Гребля
level2: Державний кордон
taxiway: Đường lăn
terminal: Nhà ga Sân bay
- airport: Sân bay
arts_centre: Trung tâm Nghệ thuật
- artwork: Tác phẩm Nghệ thuật
atm: Máy Rút tiền Tự động
- auditorium: Phòng hội họp
bank: Ngân hàng
bar: Quán rượu
bbq: Bếp Nướng Ngoài trời
charging_station: Trạm Sạc Pin
cinema: Rạp phim
clinic: Phòng khám
- club: Câu lạc bộ
college: Trường Cao đẳng
community_centre: Trung tâm Cộng đồng
courthouse: Tòa
fuel: Cây xăng
grave_yard: Nghĩa địa
gym: Nhà Thể dục
- hall: Hội trường
health_centre: Trung tâm Y tế
hospital: Bệnh viện
- hotel: Khách sạn
hunting_stand: Ghế Dựng để Săn bắn
ice_cream: Tiệm Kem
kindergarten: Tiểu học
library: Thư viện
market: Chợ
marketplace: Chợ phiên
- mountain_rescue: Đội Cứu nạn Núi
nightclub: Câu lạc bộ Đêm
nursery: Nhà trẻ
nursing_home: Viện Dưỡng lão
office: Văn phòng
- park: Công viên
parking: Chỗ Đậu xe
pharmacy: Nhà thuốc
place_of_worship: Nơi Thờ phụng
prison: Nhà tù
pub: Quán rượu
public_building: Tòa nhà Công cộng
- public_market: Chợ phiên
reception_area: Phòng Tiếp khách
recycling: Trung tâm hoặc Thùng Tái sinh
restaurant: Nhà hàng
school: Trường học
shelter: Nơi Trú ẩn
shop: Tiệm
- shopping: Tiệm
shower: Vòi tắm
social_centre: Hội trường
social_club: Câu lạc bộ Xã hội
social_facility: Cơ quan Xã hội
studio: Studio
- supermarket: Siêu thị
swimming_pool: Hồ tắm
taxi: Taxi
telephone: Điện thoại Công cộng
veterinary: Phẫu thuật Thú y
village_hall: Trụ sở Làng
waste_basket: Thùng rác
- wifi: Điểm Truy cập Wi-Fi
- WLAN: Điểm Truy cập Wi-Fi
youth_centre: Trung tâm Thanh niên
administrative: Biên giới Hành chính
"yes": Tòa nhà
- fire_hydrant: Trụ Cứu hỏa
phone: Điện thoại Khẩn cấp
bridleway: Đường Cưỡi ngựa
bus_guideway: Làn đường Dẫn Xe buýt
bus_stop: Trạm Xe buýt
- byway: Đường mòn Đa mốt
construction: Đường Đang Xây
cycleway: Đường Xe đạp
emergency_access_point: Địa điểm Truy nhập Khẩn cấp
ford: Khúc Sông Cạn
living_street: Đường Hàng xóm
milestone: Mốc
- minor: Đường Nhỏ
motorway: Đường Cao tốc
motorway_junction: Ngã tư Đường Cao tốc
motorway_link: Đường Cao tốc
speed_camera: Máy chụp hình Tốc độ
steps: Cầu thang
street_lamp: Đèn Đường phố
- stile: Cửa xoay
tertiary: Phố
tertiary_link: Phố
track: Đường mòn
memorial: Vật Tưởng niệm
mine: Mỏ
monument: Công trình Tưởng niệm
- museum: Bảo tàng
ruins: Tàn tích
tomb: Mộ
tower: Tháp
military: Khu vực Quân sự
mine: Mỏ
orchard: Vườn Cây
- nature_reserve: Khu Bảo tồn Thiên niên
- park: Công viên
- piste: Đường Trượt tuyết
quarry: Mỏ Đá
railway: Đường sắt
recreation_ground: Sân chơi
road: Đất của con Đường
village_green: Sân Làng
vineyard: Vườn Nho
- wetland: Đầm lầy
- wood: Rừng
beach_resort: Khu Nghỉ mát Ven biển
bird_hide: Căn nhà Quan sát Chim
beach: Bãi biển
cape: Mũi đất
cave_entrance: Cửa vào Hang
- channel: Eo biển
cliff: Vách đá
crater: Miệng Núi
dune: Cồn cát
- feature: Đối tượng Thiên nhiên
fell: Đồi Cằn cỗi
fjord: Vịnh hẹp
forest: Rừng
point: Mũi đất
reef: Rạn san hô
ridge: Luống đất
- river: Sông
rock: Đá
scree: Sườn Núi Đá
scrub: Đất Bụi rậm
- shoal: Bãi cạn
spring: Suối
stone: Đá
strait: Eo biển
volcano: Núi lửa
water: Nước
wetland: Đầm lầy
- wetlands: Đầm lầy
wood: Rừng
accountant: Kế toán viên
switch: Ghi Đường sắt
tram: Đường Xe điện
tram_stop: Ga Xép Điện
- yard: Sân ga
- route:
- bus: Tuyến Xe buýt
alcohol: Tiệm Rượu
antiques: Tiệm Đồ cổ
hostel: Nhà trọ
hotel: Khách sạn
information: Thông tin
- lean_to: Nhà chái
motel: Khách sạn Dọc đường
museum: Bảo tàng
picnic_site: Bàn ăn Ngoài trời
theme_park: Công viên Giải trí
- valley: Thung lũng
viewpoint: Thắng cảnh
zoo: Vườn thú
artificial: Dòng nước Nhân tạo
boatyard: Bãi Thuyền
canal: Kênh
- connector: Đường thủy Nối
dam: Đập
derelict_canal: Kênh Bỏ rơi
ditch: Mương
drain: Cống
lock: Âu tàu
lock_gate: Âu tàu
- mineral_spring: Suối Nước khoáng
mooring: Cột neo tàu
rapids: Thác ghềnh
river: Sông
- riverbank: Bờ sông
stream: Dòng suối
wadi: Dòng sông Vào mùa
waterfall: Thác
- water_point: Máy bơm nước
weir: Đập Tràn
level2: Biên giới Quốc gia
taxiway: 滑行道
terminal: 航站楼
- airport: 机场
arts_centre: 艺术中心
- artwork: 艺术品
atm: 自动提款机
- auditorium: 礼堂
bank: 银行
bar: 酒吧
bbq: 烧烤
charging_station: 充电站
cinema: 电影院
clinic: 诊所
- club: 俱乐部
college: 学院
community_centre: 社区中心
courthouse: 法院
fuel: 加油站
grave_yard: 墓地
gym: 健身中心/健身房
- hall: 会堂
health_centre: 医疗中心
hospital: 医院
- hotel: 酒店
hunting_stand: 狩猎站
ice_cream: 冰淇淋
kindergarten: 幼儿园
library: 图书馆
market: 市场
marketplace: 市场
- mountain_rescue: 山地救援
nightclub: 夜总会
nursery: 托儿所
nursing_home: 疗养院
office: 办公室
- park: 公园
parking: 停车场
pharmacy: 药店
place_of_worship: 宗教场所
prison: 监狱
pub: 酒馆
public_building: 公共建筑
- public_market: 集市
reception_area: 接待区
recycling: 回收点
restaurant: 餐馆
school: 学校
shelter: 亭
shop: 商店
- shopping: 购物
shower: 淋浴
social_centre: 社区中心
social_club: 社交俱乐部
social_facility: 公共设施
studio: 工作室
- supermarket: 超市
swimming_pool: 游泳池
taxi: 出租车
telephone: 公共电话
veterinary: 兽医
village_hall: 村政厅
waste_basket: 垃圾桶
- wifi: WiFi 热点
- WLAN: WiFi 热点
youth_centre: 青少年中心
administrative: 行政区边界
"yes": 建筑物
- fire_hydrant: 消防栓
phone: 紧急电话
bridleway: 马道
bus_guideway: 导轨公交车道
bus_stop: 公共汽车站
- byway: 小路
construction: 在建公路
cycleway: 自行车道
emergency_access_point: 紧急求救点
ford: 浅滩
living_street: 生活街
milestone: 里程碑
- minor: 次要道路
motorway: 高速公路
motorway_junction: 高速公路连接线
motorway_link: 高速公路
speed_camera: 测速摄像头
steps: 楼梯
street_lamp: 路灯
- stile: 跨越围栏的台阶
tertiary: 三级道路
tertiary_link: 三级道路
track: 小路
memorial: 纪念碑
mine: 矿井
monument: 纪念碑
- museum: 博物馆
ruins: 遗迹
tomb: 墓
tower: 塔
military: 军事区
mine: 矿井
orchard: 果园
- nature_reserve: 自然保护区
- park: 公园
- piste: 滑雪场
quarry: 采石场
railway: 铁路
recreation_ground: 游乐场
road: 道路区
village_green: 乡村草坪
vineyard: 葡萄园
- wetland: 湿地
- wood: 树林
beach_resort: 海滩度假村
bird_hide: 野生动物观察站
beach: 滩
cape: 海岬
cave_entrance: 洞口
- channel: 海峡
cliff: 峭壁
crater: 火山口
dune: 沙丘
- feature: 特征
fell: 费尔地貌
fjord: 峡湾
forest: 森林
point: 点
reef: 礁
ridge: 山脊
- river: 河
rock: 岩
scree: 岩屑堆
scrub: 灌木丛
- shoal: 暗沙
spring: 泉
stone: 石
strait: 海峡
volcano: 火山
water: 水
wetland: 湿地
- wetlands: 湿地
wood: 树林
accountant: 会计师事务所
switch: 道岔
tram: 电车轨道
tram_stop: 有轨电车站
- yard: 车辆段
- route:
- bus: 公交路线
alcohol: 无许可证
antiques: 古玩店
hostel: 招待所
hotel: 酒店
information: 信息
- lean_to: 棚屋
motel: 汽车旅馆
museum: 博物馆
picnic_site: 野餐地
theme_park: 主题公园
- valley: 谷
viewpoint: 观景点
zoo: 动物园
artificial: 人工航道
boatyard: 船坞
canal: 运河
- connector: 航道连接器
dam: 水坝
derelict_canal: 废弃运河
ditch: 沟
drain: 渠
lock: 船闸
lock_gate: 船闸
- mineral_spring: 矿泉
mooring: 系泊设备
rapids: 急流
river: 河
- riverbank: 河岸
stream: 溪
wadi: 干河
waterfall: 瀑布
- water_point: 取水点
weir: 堰
level2: 国界
taxiway: 滑行道
terminal: 終端
- airport: 機場
arts_centre: 藝術中心
- artwork: 藝術品
atm: ATM
- auditorium: 演講廳
bank: 銀行
bar: 酒吧
bbq: 燒烤場
charging_station: 充電站
cinema: 電影院
clinic: 診所
- club: 俱樂部
college: 學院
community_centre: 社區中心
courthouse: 法院
fuel: 油店
grave_yard: 墓地
gym: 健身中心 / 健身房
- hall: 禮堂
health_centre: 健康中心
hospital: 醫院
- hotel: 酒店
hunting_stand: 狩獵站
ice_cream: 冰淇淋
kindergarten: 幼稚園
library: 圖書館
market: 市場
marketplace: 市場
- mountain_rescue: 山地救援
nightclub: 夜總會
nursery: 托兒所
nursing_home: 護理院
office: 辦公室
- park: 公園
parking: 停車場
pharmacy: 藥房
place_of_worship: 宗教場所
prison: 監獄
pub: 酒吧
public_building: 公共建築
- public_market: 市集
reception_area: 接待區
recycling: 回收點
restaurant: 餐廳
school: 學校
shelter: 庇護所
shop: 商店
- shopping: 購物
shower: 淋浴
social_centre: 社交中心
social_club: 社交會所
social_facility: 社會福利設施
studio: 錄音室
- supermarket: 超級市場
swimming_pool: 游泳池
taxi: 出租車
telephone: 公共電話
veterinary: 獸醫
village_hall: 村公所
waste_basket: 垃圾桶
- wifi: 無線網路
- WLAN: 無線網路
youth_centre: 青少年中心
administrative: 行政區邊界
"yes": 建築物
- fire_hydrant: 消防栓
phone: 緊急電話
bridleway: 馬道
bus_guideway: 軌道巴士線
bus_stop: 巴士站
- byway: 小路
construction: 建造中道路
cycleway: 單車徑
emergency_access_point: 緊急求助點
ford: 淺灘
living_street: 生活街
milestone: 里程碑
- minor: 次要道路
motorway: 高速公路
motorway_junction: 高速公路交匯處
motorway_link: 高速公路連接路
speed_camera: 測速照相機
steps: 梯級
street_lamp: 路燈
- stile: 跨越圍欄的台階
tertiary: 三級道路
tertiary_link: 三級道路連接路
track: 軌道
memorial: 紀念館
mine: 礦場
monument: 古蹟
- museum: 博物館
ruins: 廢墟
tomb: 墳墓
tower: 塔
military: 軍事區
mine: 礦場
orchard: 果園
- nature_reserve: 自然保護區
- park: 公園
- piste: 滑雪場
quarry: 採石場
railway: 鐵路
recreation_ground: 遊樂場
road: 道路用地
village_green: 鄉村草地
vineyard: 葡萄園
- wetland: 濕地
- wood: 樹林
beach_resort: 海灘度假村
bird_hide: 鳥類觀察站
beach: 海灘
cape: 海角
cave_entrance: 洞穴入口
- channel: 海峽
cliff: 峭壁
crater: 火山口
dune: 沙丘
- feature: 特徵
fell: 高原荒地
fjord: 峽灣
forest: 森林
point: 點
reef: 礁
ridge: 山脊
- river: 河
rock: 岩石
scree: 岩屑堆
scrub: 灌木
- shoal: 暗沙
spring: 泉
stone: 石
strait: 海峡
volcano: 火山
water: 水
wetland: 濕地
- wetlands: 濕地
wood: 樹林
accountant: 會計師事務所
switch: 道岔
tram: 電車軌道
tram_stop: 電車站
- yard: 鐵路站場
- route:
- bus: 公車路線
alcohol: 無許可證
antiques: 古玩店
hostel: 旅舍
hotel: 酒店
information: 資訊
- lean_to: 棚屋
motel: 汽車旅館
museum: 博物館
picnic_site: 野餐地
theme_park: 主題公園
- valley: 山谷
viewpoint: 觀景點
zoo: 動物園
artificial: 人工航道
boatyard: 船塢
canal: 運河
- connector: 水路連接器
dam: 水壩
derelict_canal: 廢棄運河
ditch: 溝
drain: 渠
lock: 鎖
lock_gate: 船閘
- mineral_spring: 礦泉
mooring: 繫泊設備
rapids: 急流
river: 河流
- riverbank: 河岸
stream: 小溪
wadi: 乾河
waterfall: 瀑布
- water_point: 取水處
weir: 堰
level2: 國界