- name: Run javascript tests
run: bundle exec teaspoon
- name: Report completion to Coveralls
- uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2.3.4
+ uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2.3.6
github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
flag-name: ubuntu-${{ matrix.ubuntu }}-ruby-${{ matrix.ruby }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Report completion to Coveralls
- uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2.3.4
+ uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2.3.6
github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
parallel-finished: true
- rubocop-performance
- rubocop-rails
- rubocop-rake
+ - ./.rubocop/specific_action_names.rb
TargetRubyVersion: 3.1
EnforcedStyle: brackets
+ Description: Use only specific action names.
+ Enabled: true
+ ActionNames:
+ - index
+ - show
+ - new
+ - edit
+ - create
+ - update
+ - destroy
+ Include:
+ - app/controllers/**/*.rb
+ Exclude:
+ # This is a todo list, but is currently too long for `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
+ - 'app/controllers/api/changeset_comments_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/changesets_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/nodes_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/notes_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/old_elements_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/relations_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/user_preferences_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/users_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/api/ways_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/browse_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/changesets_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/confirmations_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/diary_comments_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/diary_entries_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/directions_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/errors_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/export_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/geocoder_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/issues_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/site_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/traces_controller.rb'
+ - 'app/controllers/users_controller.rb'
--- /dev/null
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module RuboCop
+ module Cop
+ module Rails
+ # Use only specific action names.
+ #
+ # It is good practice to separate controller classes rather than adding more actions as needed.
+ # By default, the 7 CRUD action names are specified that are generated by the Rails scaffold.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # # bad
+ # class UsersController < ApplicationController
+ # def articles
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # # good
+ # class UserArticlesController < ApplicationController
+ # def index
+ # end
+ # end
+ class SpecificActionNames < Base
+ include VisibilityHelp
+ MSG = "Use only specific action names."
+ # @param node [RuboCop::AST::DefNode]
+ # @return [void]
+ def on_def(node)
+ return unless bad?(node)
+ add_offense(
+ node.location.name,
+ :message => format(
+ "Use only specific action names (%<action_names>s).",
+ :action_names => configured_action_names.join(", ")
+ )
+ )
+ end
+ private
+ # @param node [RuboCop::AST::DefNode]
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def action?(node)
+ node_visibility(node) == :public
+ end
+ # @param node [RuboCop::AST::DefNode]
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def bad?(node)
+ action?(node) && !configured_action_name?(node)
+ end
+ # @param node [RuboCop::AST::DefNode]
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def configured_action_name?(node)
+ configured_action_names.include?(node.method_name.to_s)
+ end
+ # @return [Array<String>]
+ def configured_action_names
+ cop_config["ActionNames"]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
gem "gd2-ffij", ">= 0.4.0"
gem "marcel"
-# Used for browser detection
-gem "browser", "< 6" # for ruby 3.1 support
# Used for S3 object storage
gem "aws-sdk-s3"
autoprefixer-rails (
execjs (~> 2)
aws-eventstream (1.3.0)
- aws-partitions (1.1040.0)
- aws-sdk-core (3.216.0)
+ aws-partitions (1.1043.0)
+ aws-sdk-core (3.217.0)
aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.3.0)
aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.992.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.9)
brakeman (7.0.0)
brotli (0.6.0)
- browser (5.3.1)
builder (3.3.0)
bzip2-ffi (1.1.1)
ffi (~> 1.0)
cancancan (3.6.1)
- canonical-rails (0.2.16)
- actionview (>= 4.1, < 7.3)
+ canonical-rails (0.2.17)
+ actionview (>= 4.1, < 8.1)
capybara (3.40.0)
rchardet (~> 1.8)
globalid (1.2.1)
activesupport (>= 6.1)
- google-protobuf (3.25.5)
+ google-protobuf (3.25.6)
hashdiff (1.1.2)
hashie (5.0.0)
highline (3.1.2)
in_threads (1.6.0)
iniparse (1.5.0)
io-console (0.8.0)
- irb (1.15.0)
+ irb (1.15.1)
pp (>= 0.6.0)
rdoc (>= 4.0.0)
reline (>= 0.4.2)
rexml (>= 3.3.9)
kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
kramdown (~> 2.0)
- language_server-protocol (
+ language_server-protocol (
libv8-node (
libxml-ruby (5.0.3)
listen (3.9.0)
open4 (1.3.4)
openstreetmap-deadlock_retry (1.3.1)
ostruct (0.6.1)
- overcommit (0.64.1)
+ overcommit (0.65.0)
childprocess (>= 0.6.3, < 6)
iniparse (~> 1.4)
rexml (>= 3.3.9)
rouge (4.5.1)
rtlcss (0.2.1)
mini_racer (>= 0.6.3)
- rubocop (1.70.0)
+ rubocop (1.71.0)
json (~> 2.3)
language_server-protocol (>= 3.17.0)
parallel (~> 1.10)
rubocop-ast (>= 1.36.2, < 2.0)
ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
unicode-display_width (>= 2.4.0, < 4.0)
- rubocop-ast (1.37.0)
+ rubocop-ast (1.38.0)
parser (>=
rubocop-capybara (2.21.0)
rubocop (~> 1.41)
rubocop-performance (1.23.1)
rubocop (>= 1.48.1, < 2.0)
rubocop-ast (>= 1.31.1, < 2.0)
- rubocop-rails (2.29.0)
+ rubocop-rails (2.29.1)
activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
rack (>= 1.1)
rubocop (>= 1.52.0, < 2.0)
bootstrap (~> 5.3.2)
bootstrap_form (~> 5.0)
- browser (< 6)
can :update, DiaryEntry, :user => user
can [:create], DiaryComment
can [:show, :create, :destroy], Follow
- can [:read, :create, :mark, :unmute, :destroy], Message
+ can [:read, :create, :destroy], Message
can [:close, :reopen], Note
can [:read, :update], :preference
can :update, :profile
//= link_tree ../../../vendor/assets/leaflet .png
-//= link_directory ../../../vendor/assets/polyfill .js
//= link leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png
//= link leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon-2x.png
//= link leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png
//= require richtext
//= require qs/dist/qs
+ const application_data = $("head").data();
+ I18n.default_locale = OSM.DEFAULT_LOCALE;
+ I18n.locale = application_data.locale;
+ I18n.fallbacks = true;
+ OSM.preferred_editor = application_data.preferredEditor;
+ OSM.preferred_languages = application_data.preferredLanguages;
+ if (application_data.user) {
+ OSM.user = application_data.user;
+ if (application_data.userHome) {
+ OSM.home = application_data.userHome;
+ }
+ }
+ if (application_data.location) {
+ OSM.location = application_data.location;
+ }
* Called as the user scrolls/zooms around to manipulate hrefs of the
* view tab and various other links
- var application_data = $("head").data();
- I18n.default_locale = OSM.DEFAULT_LOCALE;
- I18n.locale = application_data.locale;
- I18n.fallbacks = true;
- OSM.preferred_editor = application_data.preferredEditor;
- OSM.preferred_languages = application_data.preferredLanguages;
- if (application_data.user) {
- OSM.user = application_data.user;
- if (application_data.userHome) {
- OSM.home = application_data.userHome;
- }
- }
- if (application_data.location) {
- OSM.location = application_data.location;
- }
.attr("title", I18n.t("javascripts.site.edit_disabled_tooltip"));
var params = {};
if (mapParams.object) {
- params.id = mapParams.object.type + '/' + mapParams.object.id;
+ params.id = mapParams.object.type + "/" + mapParams.object.id;
mapParams = OSM.parseHash(location.hash);
if (mapParams.center) {
- params.map = mapParams.zoom + '/' + mapParams.center.lat + '/' + mapParams.center.lng;
+ params.map = mapParams.zoom + "/" + mapParams.center.lat + "/" + mapParams.center.lng;
} else if (id.data("lat") && id.data("lon")) {
params.map = "16/" + id.data("lat") + "/" + id.data("lon");
} else {
- params.map = (mapParams.zoom || 17) + '/' + mapParams.lat + '/' + mapParams.lon;
+ params.map = (mapParams.zoom || 17) + "/" + mapParams.lat + "/" + mapParams.lon;
if (hashParams.background) params.background = hashParams.background;
//= depend_on settings.yml
//= depend_on settings.local.yml
+//= depend_on layers.yml
//= require leaflet/dist/leaflet-src
//= require leaflet.osm
//= require i18n
I18n.fallbacks = true;
window.onload = function () {
- var query = (window.location.search || '?').slice(1),
- args = {};
+ const args = Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(window.location.search));
- var pairs = query.split('&');
- for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
- var parts = pairs[i].split('=');
- args[parts[0]] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1] || '');
- }
- var mapnikOptions = {
+ const tileOptions = {
+ mapnik: {
<% if Settings.key?(:tile_cdn_url) %>
- url: <%= Settings.tile_cdn_url.to_json %>
+ url: <%= Settings.tile_cdn_url.to_json %>
<% end %>
+ }
- var thunderforestOptions = {
+ const apiKeys = {
<% if Settings.key?(:thunderforest_key) %>
- apikey: <%= Settings.thunderforest_key.to_json %>
+ THUNDERFOREST_KEY: <%= Settings.thunderforest_key.to_json %>
<% end %>
var map = L.map("map");
- map.attributionControl.setPrefix('');
+ map.attributionControl.setPrefix("");
- if (args.layer === "cyclosm") {
- new L.OSM.CyclOSM().addTo(map);
- } else if (args.layer === "cyclemap" || args.layer === "cycle map") {
- new L.OSM.CycleMap(thunderforestOptions).addTo(map);
- } else if (args.layer === "transportmap") {
- new L.OSM.TransportMap(thunderforestOptions).addTo(map);
- } else if (args.layer === "hot") {
- new L.OSM.HOT().addTo(map);
- } else {
- new L.OSM.Mapnik(mapnikOptions).addTo(map);
- }
+ const isDarkTheme = args.theme === "dark" || (args.theme !== "light" && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches);
+ const layers = <%=
+ YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/layers.yml"))
+ .select { |entry| entry["canEmbed"] }
+ .each_with_object({}) do |entry, obj|
+ obj[entry["layerId"]] = {
+ layer: entry["leafletOsmId"],
+ darkLayer: entry["leafletOsmDarkId"],
+ apiKeyId: entry["apiKeyId"]
+ }.compact
+ end.to_json
+ %>;
+ const layerId = (args.layer || "").replaceAll(" ", "");
+ const layerConfig = layers[layerId] || layers.mapnik;
+ const { layer, ...options } = {
+ layer: layerConfig.darkLayer && isDarkTheme ? layerConfig.darkLayer : layerConfig.layer,
+ apikey: apiKeys[layerConfig.apiKeyId],
+ ...tileOptions[layerId]
+ };
+ new L.OSM[layer](options).addTo(map);
if (args.marker) {
- L.marker(args.marker.split(','), {icon: L.icon({
+ L.marker(args.marker.split(","), { icon: L.icon({
iconUrl: <%= asset_path('leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png').to_json %>,
iconSize: new L.Point(25, 41),
iconAnchor: new L.Point(12, 41),
shadowUrl: <%= asset_path('leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png').to_json %>,
shadowSize: new L.Point(41, 41)
- })}).addTo(map);
+ }) }).addTo(map);
- if (args.bbox) {
- var bbox = args.bbox.split(',');
- map.fitBounds([L.latLng(bbox[1], bbox[0]),
- L.latLng(bbox[3], bbox[2])]);
- } else {
- map.fitWorld();
- }
+ const bbox = (args.bbox || "-180,-90,180,90").split(",");
+ map.fitBounds([[bbox[1], bbox[0]], [bbox[3], bbox[2]]]);
map.addControl(new L.Control.OSMReportAProblem());
L.Control.OSMReportAProblem = L.Control.Attribution.extend({
options: {
- position: 'bottomright',
- prefix: '<a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/fixthemap?lat={x}&lon={y}&zoom={z}" target="_blank">'+I18n.t('javascripts.embed.report_problem')+'</a>'
+ position: "bottomright",
+ prefix: `<a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/fixthemap?lat={x}&lon={y}&zoom={z}" target="_blank">${I18n.t("javascripts.embed.report_problem")}</a>`
onAdd: function (map) {
var container = L.Control.Attribution.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map);
- map.on('moveend', this._update, this);
+ map.on("moveend", this._update, this);
return container;
this._container.innerHTML =
- .replace('{x}', this._map.getCenter().lat)
- .replace('{y}', this._map.getCenter().lng)
- .replace('{z}', this._map.getZoom());
+ .replace("{x}", this._map.getCenter().lat)
+ .replace("{y}", this._map.getCenter().lng)
+ .replace("{z}", this._map.getZoom());
var expiry = new Date();
expiry.setYear(expiry.getFullYear() + 10);
- map.on("moveend layeradd layerremove", function () {
+ map.on("moveend baselayerchange overlayadd overlayremove", function () {
- map.on("layeradd", function (e) {
+ map.on("baselayerchange overlayadd", function (e) {
if (e.layer.options) {
var goal = OSM.MATOMO.goals[e.layer.options.layerId];
text: I18n.t("javascripts.context.directions_from"),
callback: function directionsFromHere(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const latlng = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
OSM.router.route("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
- from: lat + "," + lng,
+ from: latlng.join(","),
to: getDirectionsEndpointCoordinatesFromInput($("#route_to"))
text: I18n.t("javascripts.context.directions_to"),
callback: function directionsToHere(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const latlng = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
OSM.router.route("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
from: getDirectionsEndpointCoordinatesFromInput($("#route_from")),
- to: lat + "," + lng
+ to: latlng.join(",")
text: I18n.t("javascripts.context.add_note"),
callback: function addNoteHere(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.route("/note/new?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lng);
+ OSM.router.route("/note/new?" + Qs.stringify({ lat, lon }));
text: I18n.t("javascripts.context.show_address"),
callback: function describeLocation(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom()).map(encodeURIComponent);
- OSM.router.route("/search?lat=" + encodeURIComponent(lat) + "&lon=" + encodeURIComponent(lng));
+ OSM.router.route("/search?" + Qs.stringify({ lat, lon }));
text: I18n.t("javascripts.context.query_features"),
callback: function queryFeatures(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.route("/query?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lng);
+ OSM.router.route("/query?" + Qs.stringify({ lat, lon }));
function markerDragListener(e) {
- var latlng = convertLatLngToZoomPrecision(e.target.getLatLng());
+ const latlng = L.latLng(OSM.cropLocation(e.target.getLatLng(), map.getZoom()));
+ if (endpoint.geocodeRequest) endpoint.geocodeRequest.abort();
+ delete endpoint.geocodeRequest;
endpoint.value = input.val();
+ if (e.type === "dragend") getReverseGeocode();
dragCallback(e.type === "drag");
- endpoint.setValue = function (value, latlng) {
+ endpoint.setValue = function (value) {
+ if (endpoint.geocodeRequest) endpoint.geocodeRequest.abort();
+ delete endpoint.geocodeRequest;
+ input.removeClass("is-invalid");
+ var coordinatesMatch = value.match(/^\s*([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:\s+|\s*[/,]\s*)([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*$/);
+ var latlng = coordinatesMatch && L.latLng(coordinatesMatch[1], coordinatesMatch[2]);
+ if (latlng && endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode && endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode.latlng.equals(latlng)) {
+ setLatLng(latlng);
+ if (endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode.notFound) {
+ endpoint.value = value;
+ input.addClass("is-invalid");
+ } else {
+ endpoint.value = endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode.value;
+ }
+ input.val(endpoint.value);
+ changeCallback();
+ return;
+ }
endpoint.value = value;
- input.removeClass("is-invalid");
if (latlng) {
+ getReverseGeocode();
} else if (endpoint.value) {
+ endpoint.swapCachedReverseGeocodes = function (otherEndpoint) {
+ var g0 = endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode;
+ var g1 = otherEndpoint.cachedReverseGeocode;
+ delete endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode;
+ delete otherEndpoint.cachedReverseGeocode;
+ if (g0) otherEndpoint.cachedReverseGeocode = g0;
+ if (g1) endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode = g1;
+ };
function getGeocode() {
var viewbox = map.getBounds().toBBoxString(); // <sw lon>,<sw lat>,<ne lon>,<ne lat>
var geocodeUrl = OSM.NOMINATIM_URL + "search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(endpoint.value) + "&format=json&viewbox=" + viewbox;
- if (endpoint.geocodeRequest) endpoint.geocodeRequest.abort();
endpoint.geocodeRequest = $.getJSON(geocodeUrl, function (json) {
delete endpoint.geocodeRequest;
if (json.length === 0) {
+ endpoint.value = json[0].display_name;
+ function getReverseGeocode() {
+ var latlng = endpoint.latlng.clone();
+ var reverseGeocodeUrl = OSM.NOMINATIM_URL + "reverse?lat=" + latlng.lat + "&lon=" + latlng.lng + "&format=json";
+ endpoint.geocodeRequest = $.getJSON(reverseGeocodeUrl, function (json) {
+ delete endpoint.geocodeRequest;
+ if (!json || !json.display_name) {
+ endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode = { latlng: latlng, notFound: true };
+ return;
+ }
+ endpoint.value = json.display_name;
+ input.val(json.display_name);
+ endpoint.cachedReverseGeocode = { latlng: latlng, value: endpoint.value };
+ });
+ }
function setLatLng(ll) {
.attr("data-lat", ll.lat)
input.val(latlng.lat + ", " + latlng.lng);
- function convertLatLngToZoomPrecision(latlng) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- return L.latLng(latlng.lat.toFixed(precision), latlng.lng.toFixed(precision));
- }
return endpoint;
if (coordTo) {
routeTo = coordTo.lat + "," + coordTo.lng;
+ endpoints[0].swapCachedReverseGeocodes(endpoints[1]);
OSM.router.route("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
- from: $("#route_to").val(),
- to: $("#route_from").val(),
route: routeTo + ";" + routeFrom
// Cancel any route that is already in progress
if (routeRequest) routeRequest.abort();
- var o = endpoints[0].latlng,
- d = endpoints[1].latlng;
+ const points = endpoints.map(p => p.latlng);
- if (!o || !d) return;
+ if (!points[0] || !points[1]) return;
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
OSM.router.replace("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
engine: chosenEngine.id,
- route: o.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + o.lng.toFixed(precision) + ";" +
- d.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + d.lng.toFixed(precision)
+ route: points.map(p => OSM.cropLocation(p, map.getZoom()).join()).join(";")
// copy loading item to sidebar and display it. we copy it, rather than
$("#sidebar_content").html($(".directions_form .loader_copy").html());
- routeRequest = chosenEngine.getRoute([o, d], function (err, route) {
+ routeRequest = chosenEngine.getRoute(points, function (err, route) {
routeRequest = null;
if (err) {
var pt = L.DomEvent.getMousePosition(oe, map.getContainer()); // co-ordinates of the mouse pointer at present
pt.y += 20;
var ll = map.containerPointToLatLng(pt);
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- var value = ll.lat.toFixed(precision) + ", " + ll.lng.toFixed(precision);
- var llWithPrecision = L.latLng(ll.lat.toFixed(precision), ll.lng.toFixed(precision));
- endpoints[type === "from" ? 0 : 1].setValue(value, llWithPrecision);
+ const llWithPrecision = OSM.cropLocation(ll, map.getZoom());
+ endpoints[type === "from" ? 0 : 1].setValue(llWithPrecision.join(", "));
var params = Qs.parse(location.search.substring(1)),
- route = (params.route || "").split(";"),
- from = route[0] && L.latLng(route[0].split(",")),
- to = route[1] && L.latLng(route[1].split(","));
+ route = (params.route || "").split(";");
if (params.engine) {
var engineIndex = findEngine(params.engine);
- endpoints[0].setValue(params.from || "", from);
- endpoints[1].setValue(params.to || "", to);
+ endpoints[0].setValue(params.from || route[0] || "");
+ endpoints[1].setValue(params.to || route[1] || "");
- map.setSidebarOverlaid(!from || !to);
+ map.setSidebarOverlaid(!endpoints[0].latlng || !endpoints[1].latlng);
page.load = function () {
function setBounds(bounds) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- $("#minlon").val(bounds.getWest().toFixed(precision));
- $("#minlat").val(bounds.getSouth().toFixed(precision));
- $("#maxlon").val(bounds.getEast().toFixed(precision));
- $("#maxlat").val(bounds.getNorth().toFixed(precision));
+ const truncated = [bounds.getSouthWest(), bounds.getNorthEast()]
+ .map(c => OSM.cropLocation(c, map.getZoom()));
+ $("#minlon").val(truncated[0][1]);
+ $("#minlat").val(truncated[0][0]);
+ $("#maxlon").val(truncated[1][1]);
+ $("#maxlat").val(truncated[1][0]);
"https://overpass-api.de/api/map?bbox=" +
- $("#minlon").val() + "," + $("#minlat").val() + "," +
- $("#maxlon").val() + "," + $("#maxlat").val());
+ truncated.map(p => p.reverse()).join());
function validateControls() {
OSM.initializeDataLayer = function (map) {
- var loadedBounds;
- var dataLayer = map.dataLayer;
+ let dataLoader, loadedBounds;
+ const dataLayer = map.dataLayer;
way: {
- map.on("layeradd", function (e) {
- if (e.layer === dataLayer) {
- map.on("moveend", updateData);
- updateData();
- }
+ dataLayer.on("add", function () {
+ map.fire("overlayadd", { layer: this });
+ map.on("moveend", updateData);
+ updateData();
- map.on("layerremove", function (e) {
- if (e.layer === dataLayer) {
- map.off("moveend", updateData);
- $("#browse_status").empty();
- }
+ dataLayer.on("remove", function () {
+ if (dataLoader) dataLoader.abort();
+ dataLoader = null;
+ map.off("moveend", updateData);
+ $("#browse_status").empty();
+ map.fire("overlayremove", { layer: this });
function updateData() {
- function displayFeatureWarning(count, limit, add, cancel) {
+ function displayFeatureWarning(num_features, add, cancel) {
$("<div class='p-3'>").append(
$("<div class='d-flex'>").append(
.attr("aria-label", I18n.t("javascripts.close"))
$("<p class='alert alert-warning'>")
- .text(I18n.t("browse.start_rjs.feature_warning", { num_features: count, max_features: limit })),
+ .text(I18n.t("browse.start_rjs.feature_warning", { num_features })),
$("<input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary d-block mx-auto'>")
- var dataLoader;
+ function displayLoadError(message, close) {
+ $("#browse_status").html(
+ $("<div class='p-3'>").append(
+ $("<div class='d-flex'>").append(
+ $("<h2 class='flex-grow-1 text-break'>")
+ .text(I18n.t("browse.start_rjs.load_data")),
+ $("<div>").append(
+ $("<button type='button' class='btn-close'>")
+ .attr("aria-label", I18n.t("javascripts.close"))
+ .click(close))),
+ $("<p class='alert alert-warning'>")
+ .text(I18n.t("browse.start_rjs.feature_error", { message: message }))));
+ }
function getData() {
var bounds = map.getBounds();
* Modern browsers are quite happy showing far more than 100 features in
- * the data browser, so increase the limit to 2000 by default, but keep
- * it restricted to 500 for IE8 and 100 for older IEs.
+ * the data browser, so increase the limit to 4000 by default.
- var maxFeatures = 2000;
- /*@cc_on
- if (navigator.appVersion < 8) {
- maxFeatures = 100;
- } else if (navigator.appVersion < 9) {
- maxFeatures = 500;
- }
- @*/
+ const maxFeatures = 4000;
if (dataLoader) dataLoader.abort();
dataLoader = $.ajax({
url: url,
- success: function (xml) {
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function (data) {
- var features = dataLayer.buildFeatures(xml);
+ var features = dataLayer.buildFeatures(data);
function addFeatures() {
if (features.length < maxFeatures) {
} else {
- displayFeatureWarning(features.length, maxFeatures, addFeatures, cancelAddFeatures);
+ displayFeatureWarning(features.length, addFeatures, cancelAddFeatures);
if (map._objectLayer) {
dataLoader = null;
+ },
+ error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
+ dataLoader = null;
+ if (textStatus === "abort") { return; }
+ function closeError() {
+ $("#browse_status").empty();
+ }
+ if (XMLHttpRequest.status === 400 && XMLHttpRequest.responseText) {
+ displayLoadError(XMLHttpRequest.responseText, closeError);
+ } else if (XMLHttpRequest.statusText) {
+ displayLoadError(XMLHttpRequest.statusText, closeError);
+ } else {
+ displayLoadError(String(XMLHttpRequest.status), closeError);
+ }
OSM.initializeNotesLayer = function (map) {
- var noteLayer = map.noteLayer,
- notes = {};
+ let noteLoader;
+ const noteLayer = map.noteLayer;
+ let notes = {};
var noteIcons = {
"new": L.icon({
noteLayer.on("add", () => {
map.on("moveend", loadNotes);
+ map.fire("overlayadd", { layer: noteLayer });
}).on("remove", () => {
+ if (noteLoader) noteLoader.abort();
+ noteLoader = null;
map.off("moveend", loadNotes);
notes = {};
+ map.fire("overlayremove", { layer: noteLayer });
}).on("click", function (e) {
if (e.layer.id) {
OSM.router.route("/note/" + e.layer.id);
if (marker) {
} else {
+ let title;
+ const description = feature.properties.comments[0];
+ if (description?.action === "opened") {
+ title = description.text;
+ }
marker = L.marker(feature.geometry.coordinates.reverse(), {
icon: noteIcons[feature.properties.status],
- title: feature.properties.comments[0].text,
+ title,
opacity: 0.8,
interactive: true
return marker.id;
- var noteLoader;
function loadNotes() {
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var size = bounds.getSize();
function queryOverpass(lat, lng) {
var latlng = L.latLng(lat, lng).wrap(),
bounds = map.getBounds().wrap(),
- precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- bbox = bounds.getSouth().toFixed(precision) + "," +
- bounds.getWest().toFixed(precision) + "," +
- bounds.getNorth().toFixed(precision) + "," +
- bounds.getEast().toFixed(precision),
- radius = 10 * Math.pow(1.5, 19 - map.getZoom()),
- around = "around:" + radius + "," + lat + "," + lng,
- nodes = "node(" + around + ")",
- ways = "way(" + around + ")",
- relations = "relation(" + around + ")",
- nearby = "(" + nodes + ";" + ways + ";);out tags geom(" + bbox + ");" + relations + ";out geom(" + bbox + ");",
- isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;way(pivot.a);out tags bb;out ids geom(" + bbox + ");relation(pivot.a);out tags bb;";
+ zoom = map.getZoom(),
+ bbox = [bounds.getSouthWest(), bounds.getNorthEast()]
+ .map(c => OSM.cropLocation(c, zoom))
+ .join(),
+ geombbox = "geom(" + bbox + ");",
+ radius = 10 * Math.pow(1.5, 19 - zoom),
+ around = "(around:" + radius + "," + lat + "," + lng + ")",
+ nodes = "node" + around,
+ ways = "way" + around,
+ relations = "relation" + around,
+ nearby = "(" + nodes + ";" + ways + ";);out tags " + geombbox + relations + ";out " + geombbox,
+ isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;way(pivot.a);out tags bb;out ids " + geombbox + "relation(pivot.a);out tags bb;";
$("#sidebar_content .query-intro")
function clickHandler(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.route("/query?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lng);
+ OSM.router.route("/query?" + Qs.stringify({ lat, lon }));
function enableQueryMode() {
$(".describe_location").on("click", function (e) {
- var center = map.getCenter().wrap(),
- precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- lat = center.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = center.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(map.getCenter(), map.getZoom()).map(encodeURIComponent);
- OSM.router.route("/search?lat=" + encodeURIComponent(lat) + "&lon=" + encodeURIComponent(lng));
+ OSM.router.route("/search?" + Qs.stringify({ lat, lon }));
input.on("click", function () {
layers.forEach(function (other) {
- if (other === layer) {
- map.addLayer(other);
- } else {
+ if (other !== layer) {
- map.fire("baselayerchange", { layer: layer });
+ map.addLayer(layer);
item.on("dblclick", toggle);
- map.on("layeradd layerremove", function () {
+ map.on("baselayerchange", function () {
input.prop("checked", map.hasLayer(layer));
} else {
- map.fire("overlaylayerchange", { layer: layer });
- map.on("layeradd layerremove", function () {
+ map.on("overlayadd overlayremove", function () {
input.prop("checked", map.hasLayer(layer));
const layer = new layerConstructor(layerOptions);
+ layer.on("add", () => {
+ this.fire("baselayerchange", { layer: layer });
+ });
pane: "overlayPane",
code: "G"
+ this.gpsLayer.on("add", () => {
+ this.fire("overlayadd", { layer: this.gpsLayer });
+ }).on("remove", () => {
+ this.fire("overlayremove", { layer: this.gpsLayer });
+ });
- this.on("layeradd", function (event) {
+ this.on("baselayerchange", function (event) {
if (this.baseLayers.indexOf(event.layer) >= 0) {
updateLayers: function (layerParam) {
- var layers = layerParam || "M",
- layersAdded = "";
- for (var i = this.baseLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (layers.indexOf(this.baseLayers[i].options.code) >= 0) {
- this.addLayer(this.baseLayers[i]);
- layersAdded = layersAdded + this.baseLayers[i].options.code;
- } else if (i === 0 && layersAdded === "") {
- this.addLayer(this.baseLayers[i]);
- } else {
- this.removeLayer(this.baseLayers[i]);
+ const oldBaseLayer = this.getMapBaseLayer();
+ let newBaseLayer;
+ for (const layer of this.baseLayers) {
+ if (!newBaseLayer || layerParam.includes(layer.options.code)) {
+ newBaseLayer = layer;
+ if (newBaseLayer !== oldBaseLayer) {
+ if (oldBaseLayer) this.removeLayer(oldBaseLayer);
+ if (newBaseLayer) this.addLayer(newBaseLayer);
+ }
getLayersCode: function () {
getUrl: function (marker) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(this.getZoom()),
- params = {};
+ const params = {};
if (marker && this.hasLayer(marker)) {
- var latLng = marker.getLatLng().wrap();
- params.mlat = latLng.lat.toFixed(precision);
- params.mlon = latLng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ [params.mlat, params.mlon] = OSM.cropLocation(marker.getLatLng(), this.getZoom());
var url = window.location.protocol + "//" + OSM.SERVER_URL + "/",
getGeoUri: function (marker) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(this.getZoom()),
- latLng,
- params = {};
+ let latLng = this.getCenter();
+ const zoom = this.getZoom();
if (marker && this.hasLayer(marker)) {
- latLng = marker.getLatLng().wrap();
- } else {
- latLng = this.getCenter();
+ latLng = marker.getLatLng();
- params.lat = latLng.lat.toFixed(precision);
- params.lon = latLng.lng.toFixed(precision);
- params.zoom = this.getZoom();
- return "geo:" + params.lat + "," + params.lon + "?z=" + params.zoom;
+ return `geo:${OSM.cropLocation(latLng, zoom).join(",")}?z=${zoom}`;
addObject: function (object, callback) {
if (callback) callback(this._objectLayer.getBounds());
+ this.fire("overlayadd", { layer: this._objectLayer });
} else { // element handled by L.OSM.DataLayer
var map = this;
this._objectLoader = $.ajax({
url: OSM.apiUrl(object),
- dataType: "xml",
- success: function (xml) {
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function (data) {
map._object = object;
map._objectLayer = new L.OSM.DataLayer(null, {
- map._objectLayer.addData(xml);
+ map._objectLayer.addData(data);
if (callback) callback(map._objectLayer.getBounds());
+ map.fire("overlayadd", { layer: map._objectLayer });
this._object = null;
if (this._objectLoader) this._objectLoader.abort();
if (this._objectLayer) this.removeLayer(this._objectLayer);
+ this.fire("overlayremove", { layer: this._objectLayer });
getState: function () {
marker.on("dragend", movedMarker);
map.on("move", movedMap);
- map.on("moveend layeradd layerremove", update);
+ map.on("moveend baselayerchange overlayadd overlayremove", update);
.on("show", shown)
return url;
- params: function(search) {
+ params: function (search) {
var params = {};
- search = (search || window.location.search).replace('?', '').split(/&|;/);
+ search = (search || window.location.search).replace("?", "").split(/&|;/);
for (var i = 0; i < search.length; ++i) {
var pair = search[i],
- j = pair.indexOf('='),
- key = pair.slice(0, j),
- val = pair.slice(++j);
+ j = pair.indexOf("="),
+ key = pair.slice(0, j),
+ val = pair.slice(++j);
try {
params[key] = decodeURIComponent(val);
// Old-style object parameters; still in use for edit links e.g. /edit?way=1234
if (params.node) {
- mapParams.object = {type: 'node', id: parseInt(params.node)};
+ mapParams.object = { type: "node", id: parseInt(params.node, 10) };
} else if (params.way) {
- mapParams.object = {type: 'way', id: parseInt(params.way)};
+ mapParams.object = { type: "way", id: parseInt(params.way, 10) };
} else if (params.relation) {
- mapParams.object = {type: 'relation', id: parseInt(params.relation)};
+ mapParams.object = { type: "relation", id: parseInt(params.relation, 10) };
} else if (params.note) {
- mapParams.object = {type: 'note', id: parseInt(params.note)};
+ mapParams.object = { type: "note", id: parseInt(params.note, 10) };
var hash = OSM.parseHash(location.hash);
- const loc = Cookies.get('_osm_location')?.split("|");
+ const loc = Cookies.get("_osm_location")?.split("|");
// Decide on a map starting position. Various ways of doing this.
if (hash.center) {
mapParams.lat = hash.center.lat;
mapParams.zoom = hash.zoom;
} else if (params.bbox) {
- var bbox = params.bbox.split(',');
+ var bbox = params.bbox.split(",");
mapParams.bounds = L.latLngBounds(
[parseFloat(bbox[1]), parseFloat(bbox[0])],
[parseFloat(bbox[3]), parseFloat(bbox[2])]);
} else if (params.mlon && params.mlat) {
mapParams.lon = parseFloat(params.mlon);
mapParams.lat = parseFloat(params.mlat);
- mapParams.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom || 12);
+ mapParams.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom || 12, 10);
} else if (loc) {
mapParams.lon = parseFloat(loc[0]);
mapParams.lat = parseFloat(loc[1]);
- mapParams.zoom = parseInt(loc[2]);
+ mapParams.zoom = parseInt(loc[2], 10);
} else if (OSM.home) {
mapParams.lon = OSM.home.lon;
mapParams.lat = OSM.home.lat;
mapParams.zoom = 10;
} else if (OSM.location) {
mapParams.bounds = L.latLngBounds(
- [OSM.location.minlat,
- OSM.location.minlon],
- [OSM.location.maxlat,
- OSM.location.maxlon]);
+ [OSM.location.minlat, OSM.location.minlon],
+ [OSM.location.maxlat, OSM.location.maxlon]
+ );
} else {
mapParams.lon = -0.1;
mapParams.lat = 51.5;
- mapParams.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom || 5);
+ mapParams.zoom = parseInt(params.zoom || 5, 10);
- mapParams.layers = hash.layers || (loc && loc[3]) || '';
+ mapParams.layers = hash.layers || (loc && loc[3]) || "";
var scale = parseFloat(params.scale);
if (scale > 0) {
return mapParams;
- parseHash: function(hash) {
+ parseHash: function (hash) {
var args = {};
- var i = hash.indexOf('#');
+ var i = hash.indexOf("#");
if (i < 0) {
return args;
hash = Qs.parse(hash.slice(i + 1));
- var map = (hash.map || '').split('/'),
- zoom = parseInt(map[0], 10),
- lat = parseFloat(map[1]),
- lon = parseFloat(map[2]);
+ var map = (hash.map || "").split("/"),
+ zoom = parseInt(map[0], 10),
+ lat = parseFloat(map[1]),
+ lon = parseFloat(map[2]);
if (!isNaN(zoom) && !isNaN(lat) && !isNaN(lon)) {
args.center = new L.LatLng(lat, lon);
return args;
- formatHash: function(args) {
+ formatHash: function (args) {
var center, zoom, layers;
if (args instanceof L.Map) {
} else {
center = args.center || L.latLng(args.lat, args.lon);
zoom = args.zoom;
- layers = args.layers || '';
+ layers = args.layers || "";
- center = center.wrap();
- layers = layers.replace('M', '');
+ layers = layers.replace("M", "");
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(zoom),
- hash = '#map=' + zoom +
- '/' + center.lat.toFixed(precision) +
- '/' + center.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ let hash = "#map=" + [zoom, ...OSM.cropLocation(center, zoom)].join("/");
if (layers) {
- hash += '&layers=' + layers;
+ hash += "&layers=" + layers;
return hash;
- zoomPrecision: function(zoom) {
+ zoomPrecision: function (zoom) {
var pixels = Math.pow(2, 8 + zoom);
var degrees = 180;
return Math.ceil(Math.log10(pixels / degrees));
- locationCookie: function(map) {
- var center = map.getCenter().wrap(),
- zoom = map.getZoom(),
- precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(zoom);
- return [center.lng.toFixed(precision), center.lat.toFixed(precision), zoom, map.getLayersCode()].join('|');
+ cropLocation: function (latLng, zoom) {
+ const precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(zoom),
+ wrapped = latLng.wrap();
+ return [wrapped.lat, wrapped.lng].map(c => c.toFixed(precision));
- distance: function(latlng1, latlng2) {
+ locationCookie: function (map) {
+ const zoom = map.getZoom(),
+ center = OSM.cropLocation(map.getCenter(), zoom).reverse();
+ return [...center, zoom, map.getLayersCode()].join("|");
+ },
+ distance: function (latlng1, latlng2) {
var lat1 = latlng1.lat * Math.PI / 180,
- lng1 = latlng1.lng * Math.PI / 180,
- lat2 = latlng2.lat * Math.PI / 180,
- lng2 = latlng2.lng * Math.PI / 180,
- latdiff = lat2 - lat1,
- lngdiff = lng2 - lng1;
+ lng1 = latlng1.lng * Math.PI / 180,
+ lat2 = latlng2.lat * Math.PI / 180,
+ lng2 = latlng2.lng * Math.PI / 180,
+ latdiff = lat2 - lat1,
+ lngdiff = lng2 - lng1;
return 6372795 * 2 * Math.asin(
currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath);
- map.on("moveend baselayerchange overlaylayerchange", router.updateHash);
+ map.on("moveend baselayerchange overlayadd overlayremove", router.updateHash);
$(window).on("hashchange", router.hashUpdated);
return router;
map.on("click", function (e) {
if (!$("#updatehome").is(":checked")) return;
- var zoom = map.getZoom(),
- precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(zoom),
- location = e.latlng.wrap();
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng);
- $("#home_lat").val(location.lat.toFixed(precision));
- $("#home_lon").val(location.lng.toFixed(precision));
+ $("#home_lat").val(lat);
+ $("#home_lon").val(lon);
deleted_lat = null;
deleted_lon = null;
+/* Rules for the issues page */
+.issues.issues-index {
+ td.reporter_users {
+ max-width: 5rem;
+ }
/* Rules for the account confirmation page */
.accounts-terms-show {
module Api
- class MapController < ApiController
+ class MapsController < ApiController
authorize_resource :class => false
before_action :set_request_formats
# Then all the relations that reference the already found nodes and ways are
# fetched. All the nodes and ways that are referenced by those ways are then
# fetched. Finally all the xml is returned.
- def index
+ def show
# Figure out the bbox
# check boundary is sane and area within defined
# see /config/application.yml
way_ids = way_nodes.collect { |way_node| way_node.id[0] }
ways = Way.preload(:way_nodes, :way_tags).find(way_ids)
- list_of_way_nodes = ways.collect do |way|
- way.way_nodes.collect(&:node_id)
- end
- list_of_way_nodes.flatten!
+ list_of_way_nodes = ways.flat_map { |way| way.way_nodes.map(&:node_id) }
# - [0] in case some thing links to node 0 which doesn't exist. Shouldn't actually ever happen but it does. FIXME: file a ticket for this
nodes += Node.includes(:node_tags).find(nodes_to_fetch) unless nodes_to_fetch.empty?
- visible_nodes = {}
- @nodes = []
- nodes.each do |node|
- if node.visible?
- visible_nodes[node.id] = node
- @nodes << node
- end
- end
+ @nodes = nodes.filter(&:visible?)
- @ways = []
- way_ids = []
- ways.each do |way|
- if way.visible?
- way_ids << way.id
- @ways << way
- end
- end
+ @ways = ways.filter(&:visible?)
- @relations = Relation.nodes(visible_nodes.keys).visible +
- Relation.ways(way_ids).visible
+ @relations = Relation.nodes(@nodes).visible +
+ Relation.ways(@ways).visible
# we do not normally return the "other" partners referenced by an relation,
# e.g. if we return a way A that is referenced by relation X, and there's
def add_comment(note, text, event, notify: true)
attributes = { :visible => true, :event => event, :body => text }
- if doorkeeper_token
- author = current_user if scope_enabled?(:write_notes)
- else
- author = current_user
- end
+ author = current_user if scope_enabled?(:write_notes)
if author
attributes[:author_id] = author.id
node_ids += way_node_ids.flatten
nodes = Node.where(:id => node_ids.uniq).includes(:node_tags)
- visible_nodes = {}
@nodes = []
nodes.each do |node|
next unless node.visible? # should be unnecessary if data is consistent.
@nodes << node
- visible_nodes[node.id] = node
@ways = []
@way = Way.includes(:nodes => :node_tags).find(params[:id])
if @way.visible
- visible_nodes = {}
@nodes = []
@way.nodes.uniq.each do |node|
- if node.visible
- @nodes << node
- visible_nodes[node.id] = node
- end
+ @nodes << node if node.visible
# Render the result
raise OSM::APIRateLimitExceeded if new_changes > max_changes
+ def scope_enabled?(scope)
+ doorkeeper_token&.includes_scope?(scope)
+ end
+ helper_method :scope_enabled?
def deny_access(_exception)
- if doorkeeper_token
- set_locale
- report_error t("oauth.permissions.missing"), :forbidden
- elsif current_user
+ if current_user
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to :controller => "/errors", :action => "forbidden" }
- def scope_enabled?(scope)
- doorkeeper_token&.includes_scope?(scope)
- end
- helper_method :scope_enabled?
case style
when "osm"
# redirect to API map get
- redirect_to :controller => "api/map", :action => "index", :bbox => bbox
+ redirect_to api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
when "mapnik"
# redirect to a special 'export' cgi script
@issues, @newer_issues_id, @older_issues_id = get_page_items(@issues, :limit => @params[:limit])
+ @unique_reporters = @issues.each_with_object({}) do |issue, reporters|
+ user_ids = issue.reports.order(:created_at => :desc).pluck(:user_id).uniq
+ reporters[issue.id] = {
+ :count => user_ids.size,
+ :users => User.in_order_of(:id, user_ids.first(3))
+ }
+ end
render :partial => "page" if turbo_frame_request_id == "pagination"
--- /dev/null
+module Messages
+ class MutesController < ApplicationController
+ layout "site"
+ before_action :authorize_web
+ before_action :set_locale
+ authorize_resource :message
+ before_action :check_database_readable
+ before_action :check_database_writable
+ # Moves message into Inbox by unsetting the muted-flag
+ def destroy
+ message = current_user.muted_messages.find(params[:message_id])
+ if message.unmute
+ flash[:notice] = t(".notice")
+ else
+ flash[:error] = t(".error")
+ end
+ if current_user.muted_messages.none?
+ redirect_to messages_inbox_path
+ else
+ redirect_to messages_muted_inbox_path
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ @title = t "messages.no_such_message.title"
+ render :template => "messages/no_such_message", :status => :not_found
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module Messages
+ class ReadMarksController < ApplicationController
+ layout "site"
+ before_action :authorize_web
+ before_action :set_locale
+ authorize_resource :message
+ before_action :check_database_readable
+ before_action :check_database_writable
+ def create
+ mark true
+ end
+ def destroy
+ mark false
+ end
+ private
+ def mark(message_read)
+ @message = current_user.messages.unscope(:where => :muted).find(params[:message_id])
+ @message.message_read = message_read
+ if @message.save
+ flash[:notice] = t ".notice"
+ if @message.muted?
+ redirect_to messages_muted_inbox_path, :status => :see_other
+ else
+ redirect_to messages_inbox_path, :status => :see_other
+ end
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ @title = t "messages.no_such_message.title"
+ render :template => "messages/no_such_message", :status => :not_found
+ end
+ end
before_action :lookup_user, :only => [:new, :create]
before_action :check_database_readable
- before_action :check_database_writable, :only => [:new, :create, :mark, :destroy]
+ before_action :check_database_writable, :only => [:new, :create, :destroy]
allow_thirdparty_images :only => [:new, :create, :show]
render :action => "no_such_message", :status => :not_found
- # Set the message as being read or unread.
- def mark
- @message = current_user.messages.unscope(:where => :muted).find(params[:message_id])
- if params[:mark] == "unread"
- message_read = false
- notice = t ".as_unread"
- else
- message_read = true
- notice = t ".as_read"
- end
- @message.message_read = message_read
- if @message.save
- flash[:notice] = notice
- if @message.muted?
- redirect_to messages_muted_inbox_path, :status => :see_other
- else
- redirect_to messages_inbox_path, :status => :see_other
- end
- end
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- @title = t "messages.no_such_message.title"
- render :action => "no_such_message", :status => :not_found
- end
- # Moves message into Inbox by unsetting the muted-flag
- def unmute
- message = current_user.muted_messages.find(params[:message_id])
- if message.unmute
- flash[:notice] = t(".notice")
- else
- flash[:error] = t(".error")
- end
- if current_user.muted_messages.none?
- redirect_to messages_inbox_path
- else
- redirect_to messages_muted_inbox_path
- end
- end
--- /dev/null
+module Traces
+ class DataController < ApplicationController
+ layout "site"
+ before_action :authorize_web
+ before_action :set_locale
+ before_action :check_database_readable
+ authorize_resource :class => Trace
+ before_action :offline_redirect
+ def show
+ trace = Trace.visible.find(params[:trace_id])
+ if trace.public? || (current_user && current_user == trace.user)
+ if Acl.no_trace_download(request.remote_ip)
+ head :forbidden
+ elsif request.format == Mime[:xml]
+ send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.xml", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
+ elsif request.format == Mime[:gpx]
+ send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.gpx", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
+ elsif trace.file.attached?
+ redirect_to rails_blob_path(trace.file, :disposition => "attachment")
+ else
+ send_file(trace.trace_name, :filename => "#{trace.id}#{trace.extension_name}", :type => trace.mime_type, :disposition => "attachment")
+ end
+ else
+ head :not_found
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ head :not_found
+ end
+ private
+ def offline_redirect
+ render :template => "traces/offline" if Settings.status == "gpx_offline"
+ end
+ end
before_action :check_database_writable, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :destroy]
before_action :offline_warning, :only => [:mine, :show]
- before_action :offline_redirect, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :destroy, :data]
+ before_action :offline_redirect, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :destroy]
# Counts and selects pages of GPX traces for various criteria (by user, tags, public etc.).
# target_user - if set, specifies the user to fetch traces for. if not set will fetch all traces
redirect_to :action => :index, :display_name => current_user.display_name
- def data
- trace = Trace.visible.find(params[:id])
- if trace.public? || (current_user && current_user == trace.user)
- if Acl.no_trace_download(request.remote_ip)
- head :forbidden
- elsif request.format == Mime[:xml]
- send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.xml", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
- elsif request.format == Mime[:gpx]
- send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.gpx", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
- elsif trace.file.attached?
- redirect_to rails_blob_path(trace.file, :disposition => "attachment")
- else
- send_file(trace.trace_name, :filename => "#{trace.id}#{trace.extension_name}", :type => trace.mime_type, :disposition => "attachment")
- end
- else
- head :not_found
- end
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- head :not_found
- end
def do_create(file, tags, description, visibility)
def generate_share_url(site, title, url)
site = site.to_sym
- title = URI.encode_www_form_component(title)
- url = URI.encode_www_form_component(url)
+ title = URI.encode_uri_component(title)
+ url = URI.encode_uri_component(url)
case site
when :email
- # Return the note's author ID, derived from the first comment
- def author_id
- comments.first.author_id
- end
- # Return the note's author IP address, derived from the first comment
- def author_ip
- comments.first.author_ip
- end
# Fill in default values for new notes
<th><%= t ".reports" %></th>
<th><%= t ".reported_item" %></th>
<th><%= t ".reported_user" %></th>
+ <th class="reporter_users"><%= t ".reporter_users" %></th>
<th><%= t ".last_updated" %></th>
<td class="text-nowrap"><%= link_to t(".reports_count", :count => issue.reports_count), issue %></td>
<td><%= link_to reportable_title(issue.reportable), reportable_url(issue.reportable) %></td>
<td><%= link_to issue.reported_user.display_name, issue.reported_user if issue.reported_user %></td>
+ <td class="reporter_users text-truncate">
+ <% @unique_reporters[issue.id][:users].each do |reporter| %>
+ <%= link_to reporter.display_name, reporter, :class => "d-block text-truncate", :title => reporter.display_name %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @unique_reporters[issue.id][:count] > 3 %>
+ <p class="m-0"><%= t ".more_reporters", :count => @unique_reporters[issue.id][:count] - 3 %></p>
+ <% end %>
+ </td>
<% if issue.user_updated %>
<%= t ".last_updated_time_ago_user_html", :user => link_to(issue.user_updated.display_name, issue.user_updated),
<%= tag.head :data => application_data do %>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
- <%= javascript_include_tag "es6" unless browser.es6? %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "turbo", :type => "module" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "i18n/#{I18n.locale}" %>
-<%= favicon_link_tag "favicon.ico" if browser.ie? %>
<% [57, 60, 72, 76, 114, 120, 144, 152, 180].each do |size| -%>
<%= favicon_link_tag "apple-touch-icon-#{size}x#{size}.png", :rel => "apple-touch-icon", :sizes => "#{size}x#{size}", :type => "image/png" %>
<% end -%>
<td class="text-nowrap"><%= l message.sent_on, :format => :friendly %></td>
<td class="text-nowrap">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-end gap-1">
- <%= button_to t(".unread_button"), message_mark_path(message, :mark => "unread"), :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true }, :class => "inbox-mark-unread", :hidden => !message.message_read? } %>
- <%= button_to t(".read_button"), message_mark_path(message, :mark => "read"), :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true }, :class => "inbox-mark-read", :hidden => message.message_read? } %>
+ <%= button_to t(".unread_button"), message_read_mark_path(message), :method => :delete, :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true }, :hidden => !message.message_read? } %>
+ <%= button_to t(".read_button"), message_read_mark_path(message), :method => :post, :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true }, :hidden => message.message_read? } %>
<%= button_to t(".destroy_button"), message_path(message, :referer => request.fullpath), :method => :delete, :class => "btn btn-sm btn-danger", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true }, :class => "destroy-message" } %>
<% if message.muted? %>
- <%= button_to t(".unmute_button"), message_unmute_path(message), :method => :patch, :class => "btn btn-sm btn-secondary", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true } } %>
+ <%= button_to t(".unmute_button"), message_mute_path(message), :method => :delete, :class => "btn btn-sm btn-secondary", :form => { :data => { :turbo => true } } %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to t(".reply_button"), new_message_reply_path(@message), :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
<% if current_user == @message.recipient %>
- <%= link_to t(".unread_button"), message_mark_path(@message, :mark => "unread"), :method => "post", :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
+ <%= link_to t(".unread_button"), message_read_mark_path(@message), :method => "delete", :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
<%= link_to t(".destroy_button"), message_path(@message), :method => "delete", :class => "btn btn-danger" %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to t(".destroy_button"), message_path(@message), :method => "delete", :class => "btn btn-danger" %>
+++ /dev/null
-module OpenStreetMap
- module Browser
- module Features
- def es6?
- chrome?(">44") || firefox?(">24") || safari?(">7") || edge?(">11") || generic_webkit?
- end
- def generic_webkit?
- webkit? && !chrome? && !safari? && !edge? && !phantom_js?
- end
- end
- end
my settings: My instellings
current email address: Huidige e-posadres
external auth: Ekserne veriviering.
- public editing:
- heading: Openbare redigerings
- enabled: Geaktiveer. Nie anoniem nie en kan data redigeer.
- enabled link text: wat is dié?
- disabled link text: hoekom kan ek nie redigeer nie?
contributor terms:
heading: Bydraervoorwaardes
link text: wat is dié?
france: Frankryk
italy: Italië
rest_of_world: Die res van die wêreld
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Dankie dat u die nuwe bydraerooreenkoms aanvaar het!
terms_declined_link: diehier wiki-bladsy
title: Wysigingstelle
title_user: Veranderings deur %{user}
- title_friend: Wysigingstelle deur my vriende
title_nearby: Veranderings deur gebruikers naby
empty: Geen wysigingstelle gevind nie.
empty_area: Geen wysigingstelle in hierdie gebied.
your location: U ligging
nearby mapper: Nabygeleë karteerder
- friend: Vriend
title: My paneelbord
edit_your_profile: Wysig u profiel
- my friends: My vriende
- no friends: U het nog geen vriende bygevoeg nie.
nearby users: Ander gebruikers naby
no nearby users: Daar is nog geen ander gebruikers wat sê dat hulle in die nabye
omgewing karteer nie.
- friends_changesets: Wysigingstelle deur my vriende
nearby_changesets: gebruikerswysigingstelle naby
use_map_link: Kies op kaart
title: Gebruikersdagboeke
- title_friends: Dagboeke van vriende
title_nearby: Gebruikers in die omgewing se dagboeke
user_title: '%{user} se dagboek'
in_language_title: Dagboekinkrywings in %{language}
title: OpenStreetMap-dagboekinskrywings
description: Onlangse dagboekinskrywings van OpenStreetMap-gebruikers
- diary_comments:
- index:
- no_comments: Geen dagboekkommentaar
- page:
- post: Inskrywing
- when: Wanneer
- comment: Kommentaar
notice: Program geregistreer.
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} as vriend toevoeg?'
- button: As vriend byvoeg
- success: '%{name} is nou u vriend!'
- failed: Jammer, kon nie %{name} as 'n vriend byvoeg nie.
- already_a_friend: U is reeds met %{name} bevriend.
- limit_exceeded: U het onlangs baie vriendskapsversoeke gestuur. Wag 'n tyd voordat
- u nuwe versoeke probeer stuur.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} as vriend verwyder?'
- button: Verwyder as vriend
- success: '%{name} is uit u vriendekring verwyder.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} is nie een van u vriende nie.'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{message_title}'
hi: Hallo %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hallo %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} het u as ''n vriend bygevoeg'
hi: Hallo %{to_user},
unread_button: Merk as ongelees
destroy_button: Skrap
back: Terug
- mark:
- as_read: Boodskap as gelees gemerk
- as_unread: Boodskap as ongelees gemerk
destroyed: Boodskap is verwyder
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Boodskap as gelees gemerk
+ destroy:
+ notice: Boodskap as ongelees gemerk
my_inbox: My in-vakkie
display name description: U gebruikernaam wat openbaar verskyn. U kan dit wel
later nog onder voorkeure wysig.
continue: Meld aan
- terms accepted: Dankie dat u die nuwe bydraerooreenkoms aanvaar het!
use external auth: Gebruik andersins 'n derde party om mee aan te meld
title: Geen so 'n gebruiker nie
edits: Wysigings
traces: Spore
notes: Kaartnotas
- remove as friend: Verwyder as vriend
- add as friend: Voeg by as vriend
mapper since: 'Karteerder sedert:'
ct status: 'Bydraervoorwaardes:'
email address: 'E-posadres:'
summary_html: '%{name} geskep vanaf %{ip_address} op %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} geskep op %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Wanneer
+ comment: Kommentaar
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Inskrywing
no_authorization_code: Geen matigingskode
title: Ndrysho akountin
my settings: Preferencat e mia
current email address: 'Email adresa e tanishme:'
- public editing:
- heading: Duke ndryshue publikisht
- enabled: E pranishme. Jo anonime dhe muni me i ndryshue t'dhanat.
- enabled link text: çka osht kjo?
- disabled: E çkyckur dhe smuni me i ndryshu të dhanat, të gjitha ndryshimet
- e ma hershme jan anonime.
- disabled link text: pse spo muj me i ndryshue?
save changes button: Ruaj Ndryshimet
heading: 'Ndryshime publike:'
your location: Vendi juej
nearby mapper: Hartues i aftërt
- friend: Shoq
- no friends: Hala nuk ke shtue asni shoq.
nearby users: Shfrytëzuesit e tjer që jan afër
no nearby users: Hala nuk ka shfrytëzues që pranon hartimin e aftërt.
title: hyra OpenStreetMap ditar
description: Shënimet mat fundit të ditarit nga anëtarët e OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- comment: Koment
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: '%{name} është shok/shoqe jot/e.'
- failed: Na vjen keq, dështuam ta shtojm %{name} si shok/qe.
- already_a_friend: Ju tashma jeni shok me %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- success: '%{name} u hek pi shokve tu'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nuk osht njoni pi shokve tu.'
hi: Tung %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} ju ka dërgu një mesazh përmes OpenStreetMap me titullin
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ju ka shtu juve si një shok'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ju ka shtu juve si një shok në OpenStreetMap.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Ju muni me pa profilin e tyre tek %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Ju muni gjithashtu me i shtu ata si shokë tek %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: 'nuk arriti të importit. Këtu është gabim:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] te re dështimit Import'
wrong_user: Ju keni hy si `%{user}' por mesazhi që po doni me lexu nuk u dërgu
për ose nga ai anëtar. Ju lutem hyni si anëtari korrekt nëse doni me lexu
atë mesazh.
- mark:
- as_read: Mesazhi u bo si i lexum
- as_unread: Mesazhi u bo si i palexum
destroyed: Mesazhi u fshi
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mesazhi u bo si i lexum
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesazhi u bo si i palexum
my_inbox: postë e mia
diary: ditari
edits: ndryshimet
traces: gjurmet
- remove as friend: heke si shok
- add as friend: shtoje si shoq
mapper since: 'Hartues qe prej:'
email address: 'Email Adresa:'
created from: 'U krijue prej:'
summary_html: '%{name} u kriju prej %{ip_address} në %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} u krijue me %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ comment: Koment
title: Llogaria u Suspendu
heading: Llogaria u Suspendu
# Author: OsamaK
# Author: Ruila
# Author: TTMTT
+# Author: XIDME
# Author: Yahya Sakhnini
# Author: Zaher kadour
# Author: Zpizza
support_url: رابط الدعم
allow_read_prefs: قراءة تفضيلات المستخدم الخاصة بهم
allow_write_prefs: تعديل تفضيلات المستخدم الخاصة بهم
- allow_write_diary: إنشاء إدخالات اليوميات والتعليقات وتكوين صداقات
+ allow_write_diary: إنشاء إدخالات اليوميات والتعليقات
allow_write_api: تعديل الخريطة.
allow_read_gpx: قراءة آثار جي بي إس الخاصة بهم
allow_write_gpx: رفع آثار جي بي إس.
external auth: مصادقة خارجية
link text: ما هذا؟
- public editing:
- heading: تعديل عام
- enabled: مفعَّل، غير مجهول ويمكنك تعديل البيانات.
- enabled link text: ما هذا؟
- disabled: مُعطل ولا يمكن تعديل البيانات، جميع التعديلات السابقة مجهولة الهوية.
- disabled link text: لماذا لا أستطيع التعديل؟
contributor terms:
heading: شروط المساهم
agreed: لقد وافقت على شروط المساهم الجديدة.
france: فرنسا
italy: إيطاليا
rest_of_world: بقية العالم
+ update:
+ terms accepted: نشكرك على قبول شروط المساهم الجديدة!
deleted_ago_by_html: تم حذف %{time_ago} بواسطة %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: تم تحرير %{time_ago} بواسطة %{user}
title: حزم التغييرات
title_user: حزم التغييرات بواسطة %{user}
title_user_link_html: التغييرات بواسطة %{user_link}
- title_friend: مجموعات تغييرات بواسطة أصدقائي
title_nearby: تغييرات مِن قِبَل مستخدمين قريبين
empty: لم يُعثَر على أية مجموعات تغييرات.
empty_area: لم يُعثَر على أية مجموعات تغييرات في هذه المنطقة.
created: تم الإنشاء
closed: تم الإغلاق
belongs_to: الصانع
- subscribe:
- heading: الاشتراك في مناقشة التغييرات التالية؟
- button: الاشتراك في المناقشة
- unsubscribe:
- heading: الاشتراك في مناقشة التغييرات التالية؟
- button: إلغاء الاشتراك من المناقشة
- heading:
- title: تغييرات %{id}
- created_by_html: تم إنشاؤه بواسطة %{link_user} على %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'لا يوجد إدخال بالمعرف: %{id}'
- body: عذرًا، لا يوجد مجموعة تغيير بالمعرف %{id}. يرجى التحقق من الإملاء، أو
- ربما الرابط الذي قمت بالنقر عليه خاطئ.
title: حزمة التغييرات %{id}
created: 'تم إنشاؤه: %{when}'
relations_paginated: الصلات (%{x}-%{y} من %{count})
sorry: عذرا، لقد استغرقت قائمة مجموعات التغييرات اللتي طلبتها وقتا طويلا لاستردادها.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: الاشتراك في مناقشة التغييرات التالية؟
+ button: الاشتراك في المناقشة
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: الاشتراك في مناقشة التغييرات التالية؟
+ button: إلغاء الاشتراك من المناقشة
+ heading:
+ title: تغييرات %{id}
+ created_by_html: تم إنشاؤه بواسطة %{link_user} على %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'لا يوجد إدخال بالمعرف: %{id}'
+ body: عذرًا، لا يوجد مجموعة تغيير بالمعرف %{id}. يرجى التحقق من الإملاء، أو
+ ربما الرابط الذي قمت بالنقر عليه خاطئ.
km away: على بعد %{count}كم
your location: مكانك
nearby mapper: مخطط بالجوار
- friend: صديق
title: لوحة بياناتي
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} وعيّن موقع منزلك لمشاهدة المستخدمين
edit_your_profile: عدل ملفك
- my friends: أصدقائي
- no friends: لم تقم بإضافة أي أصدقاء بعد.
nearby users: مستخدمون آخرون قريبون
no nearby users: لا يوجد بعد المزيد من المستخدمين أفصحوا عن تخطيطهم بالجوار.
- friends_changesets: مجموعات تغييرات الأصدقاء
- friends_diaries: مدخلات مدونات الأصدقاء
nearby_changesets: حزم تغييرات المستخدمين القريبين
nearby_diaries: إدخالات يوميات المستخدمين القريبين
use_map_link: استخدم الخريطة
title: يوميات المستخدمين
- title_friends: يوميات الأصدقاء
title_nearby: يوميات المستخدمين القريبين
user_title: يومية %{user}
in_language_title: مدخلات اليومية باللغة %{language}
heading: إلغاء الاشتراك في مناقشة إدخال اليوميات التالية؟
button: إلغاء الاشتراك من المناقشة
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: تمت إضافة تعليقات اليوميات بواسطة %{user}
- heading: تعليقات يوميات %{user}
- subheading_html: تمت إضافة تعليقات اليوميات بواسطة %{user}
- no_comments: لا توجد تعليقات اليوميات
- page:
- post: إرسال
- when: متى
- comment: التعليق
title: لم يتم العثور على الملف
description: تعذر العثور على ملف / دليل / عملية API بهذا الاسم على خادم OpenStreetMap
(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: إضافة %{user} كصديق؟
- button: أضف كصديق
- success: '%{name} الآن صديقك.'
- failed: عفوًا، تعذرت إضافة %{name} كصديق.
- already_a_friend: حاليًا أنت و%{name} أصدقاء.
- limit_exceeded: لقد انضممت إلى الكثير من المستخدمين مؤخرًا. يرجى الانتظار قليلاً
- قبل محاولة الصداقة بعد الآن.
- remove_friend:
- heading: إلغاء صداقة %{user}؟
- button: إلغاء الصداقة
- success: تمت إزالة %{name} من قائمة أصدقائك.
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ليس أحد أصدقائك.'
footer: يمكنك أيضًا قراءة الرسالة على %{readurl} ويمكنك إرسال رسالة إلى المؤلف
على %{replyurl}
footer_html: يمكنك أيضا قراءة الرسالة في %{readurl} ويمكنك الرد في %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: مرحبًا %{to_user}،
- subject: '[خريطة الشارع المفتوحة] %{user} أضافك كصديق.'
- had_added_you: '%{user} قام بإضافتك كصديق على خريطة الشارع المفتوحة.'
see_their_profile: يمكنك أن تشاهد ملفهم الشخصي على %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: يمكنك مشاهدة ملفهم الشخصي على %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: "\uFEFFيمكنك أيضًا إضافتهم كصديق على %{befriendurl}."
- befriend_them_html: يمكنك أيضًا إضافتهم كصديق على %{befriendurl}.
hi: مرحبًا %{to_user}،
failed_to_import: يبدو أن ملفك فشل في الاستيراد كملف تتبع GPS.
wrong_user: لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول باسم '%{user}' ولكن الرسالة التي طلبت قراءتها
لم يتم إرسالها من قبل هذا المستخدم أو إليه. يرجى تسجيل الدخول باسم المستخدم
الصحيح حتى تتمكن من قراءتها.
- mark:
- as_read: عُلِّمت الرسالة كمقروءة
- as_unread: عُلِّمت الرسالة كغير مقروءة
- unmute:
- error: لم يتم نقل الرسالة إلى صندوق البريد
destroyed: حُذِفت الرسالة
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: عُلِّمت الرسالة كمقروءة
+ destroy:
+ notice: عُلِّمت الرسالة كغير مقروءة
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ error: لم يتم نقل الرسالة إلى صندوق البريد
my_inbox: الوارد
heading: مخزن جي بي إكس غير متصل
message: مخزن ونظام رفع ملفات جي بي إكس غير متاح حاليًا.
- georss:
- title: GPS آثار من خريطة الشارع المفتوحة
- description:
- description_with_count: ملف GPX ب%{count} نقطة من %{user}
- description_without_count: ملف GPX من %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: GPS آثار من خريطة الشارع المفتوحة
+ description:
+ description_with_count: ملف GPX ب%{count} نقطة من %{user}
+ description_without_count: ملف GPX من %{user}
permission_denied: أنت ليس لديك السماح للوصول لذلك الفعل
display name description: اسم المستخدم الخاص بك الظاهر علنًا، يمكنك تغيير هذا
في التفضيلات في وقت لاحق.
continue: أنشئ حسابًا
- terms accepted: نشكرك على قبول شروط المساهم الجديدة!
use external auth: أو قم بالتسجيل مع طرف ثالث
title: لا يوجد مستخدم كهذا
edits: مساهمات
traces: آثار
notes: ملاحظات الخريطة
- remove as friend: إلغاء الصداقة
- add as friend: أضف كصديق
mapper since: 'مُخطط منذ:'
ct status: 'شروط المساهم:'
ct undecided: متردد
summary_html: '%{name} تم إنشاؤها من %{ip_address} في %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} تم إنشاؤه في %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: متى
+ comment: التعليق
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: تمت إضافة تعليقات اليوميات بواسطة %{user}
+ page:
+ post: إرسال
title: حساب معلق
heading: حساب معلق
close: أغلق
title: شارك
- cancel: Ø£Ù\84غ
+ cancel: Ø¥Ù\84غاء
image: صورة
link: وصلة أو HTML
long_link: وصلة
title: عدّل الحساب
my settings: إعداداتي
- public editing:
- heading: تعديل عام
- enabled: مفعّل. غير مجهول ويمكنك تعديل البيانات.
- enabled link text: ما هذا؟
- disabled: مُعطل ولا يمكن تعديل البيانات، جميع التعديلات السابقه مجهوله الهويه.
- disabled link text: لماذا لا أستطيع التعديل؟
save changes button: حفظ التغييرات
heading: 'تعديل عام:'
your location: موقعك
nearby mapper: مخطط بالجوار
- no friends: لم تقم بإضافه أى أصدقاء بعد.
nearby users: 'مستخدمين بالجوار:'
no nearby users: لا يوجد بعد مستخدمين أفصحوا عن تخطيطهم بالجوار.
title: مدخلات اليوميه فى خريطه الشارع المفتوحة
description: المدخلات الحديثه فى يوميه مستخدمى خريطه الشارع المفتوحة
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: '%{name} الآن صديقك!'
- failed: عفوًا، تعذر إضافه %{name} كصديق.
- already_a_friend: حاليًا أنت و %{name} أصدقاء.
- remove_friend:
- success: تم إزاله %{name} من قائمه أصدقائك.
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ليس من أحد أصدقائك.'
hi: مرحبًا %{to_user}،
header: '%{from_user} قام بإرسال رساله لك عبر خريطه الشارع المفتوحه بالعنوان
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[خريطه الشارع المفتوحة] %{user} أضافك كصديق.'
- had_added_you: '%{user} قام بإضافتك كصديق على خريطه الشارع المفتوحه.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: يمكنك أن تشاهد ملفه الشخصى على %{userurl} وإضافته كصديق أيضًا
إن كنت ترغب فى ذلك.
title: اقرأ الرسالة
reply_button: رد
unread_button: علّم كغير مقروءة
- mark:
- as_read: عُلّمت الرساله مقروءة
- as_unread: عُلّمت الرساله كغير مقروءة
destroyed: حُذفت الرسالة
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: عُلّمت الرساله مقروءة
+ destroy:
+ notice: عُلّمت الرساله كغير مقروءة
my_inbox: الوارد
diary: يومية
edits: مساهمات
traces: آثار
- remove as friend: أزل كصديق
- add as friend: أضف كصديق
mapper since: 'مُخطط منذ:'
email address: 'عنوان البريد الإلكتروني:'
created from: 'أُنشىء من:'
external auth: Autenticación esterna
link text: ¿qué ye esto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edición pública
- enabled: Activaes. Nun yes anónimu y puedes editar los datos.
- enabled link text: ¿qué ye esto?
- disabled: Desactivaes y nun puedes editar los datos; toles ediciones anteriores
- son anónimes.
- disabled link text: ¿por qué nun puedo editar?
contributor terms:
heading: Términos de collaboración
agreed: Aceutasti los nuevos términos de collaboración.
france: Francia
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Restu del mundu
+ update:
+ terms accepted: ¡Gracies por aceutar les condiciones de collaboración!
version: Versión
in_changeset: Conxuntu de cambios
title: Conxuntos de cambeos
title_user: Conxuntos de cambeos de %{user}
- title_friend: Conxuntos de cambeos de los mios collacios
title_nearby: Conxuntos de cambeos d'usuarios cercanos
empty: Nun s'alcontró nengún conxuntu de cambeos.
empty_area: Nun hai conxuntos de cambeos nesta área.
your location: El to allugamientu
nearby mapper: Mapeador próximu
- friend: Amigu
- my friends: Los mios amigos
- no friends: Entá nun amestasti dengún amigu.
nearby users: Otros usuarios próximos
no nearby users: Entá nun hai otros usuarios que tean mapeando cerca de ti.
- friends_changesets: conxuntos de cambios de los amigos
- friends_diaries: entraes de diariu de los amigos
nearby_changesets: conxuntos de cambios d'usuarios cercanos
nearby_diaries: entraes de diariu d'usuarios cercanos
use_map_link: usar mapa
title: Diarios d'usuarios
- title_friends: Diarios de collacios
title_nearby: Diarios d'usuarios cercanos
user_title: Diariu de %{user}
in_language_title: Entraes del diariu en %{language}
title: Entraes nel diariu d'OpenStreetMap
description: Entraes recién nel diariu d'usuarios d'OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Publicar
- when: Cuándo
- comment: Comentariu
title: Error na aplicación
title: Nun s’alcontró’l ficheru
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: ¿Amestar a %{user} a los amigos?
- button: Amestar como amigu
- success: ¡%{name} agora ye'l to amigu!
- failed: Lo sentimos, hebo un fallu al amestar a %{name} como collaciu.
- already_a_friend: Yá yes collaciu de %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: ¿Desaniciar como amigu a %{user}?
- button: Desaniciar como amigu
- success: '%{name} desanicióse de los tos amigos.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nun ye unu de los tos amigos.'
hi: Bones %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} unvióte un mensax per OpenStreetMap col asuntu %{subject}:'
footer_html: Tamién pue lleer el mensaxe en %{readurl} y pue responder en %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Bones %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} amestóte como amigu'
- had_added_you: '%{user} amestóte como amigu n''OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Pues ver el so perfil en %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Tamién pues amestalos como amigos en %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: 'falló la importación. Esti ye''l fallu:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] fallu d''importación GPX'
back: Anterior
wrong_user: Tas coneutáu como `%{user}' pero'l mensaxe que quies lleer nun s'unvió
por o a esi usuariu. Anicia sesión col usuariu correchu pa contestar.
- mark:
- as_read: Mensaxe marcáu como lleíu
- as_unread: Mensaxe marcáu como non lleíu
destroyed: Mensaxe desaniciáu
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mensaxe marcáu como lleíu
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mensaxe marcáu como non lleíu
my_inbox: El mio buzón
heading: Almacenamientu GPX desconectáu
message: El sistema d'almacenamientu y xuba de ficheros GPX nun ta disponible
- georss:
- title: Traces GPS d'OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Ficheru GPX con un puntu de %{user}
- other: Ficheru GPX con %{count} puntos de %{user}
- description_without_count: Ficheru GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Traces GPS d'OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Ficheru GPX con un puntu de %{user}
+ other: Ficheru GPX con %{count} puntos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Ficheru GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Nun tienes permisu d'accesu pa esta aición.
display name description: El nome d'usuariu que s'amuesa en público. Pue camudalo
más sero nes preferencies.
continue: Date d'alta
- terms accepted: ¡Gracies por aceutar les condiciones de collaboración!
use external auth: Alternativamente, usa un terceru p'aniciar sesión
title: Nun esiste l'usuariu
edits: Ediciones
traces: Traces
notes: Notes de mapa
- remove as friend: Desaniciar como amigu
- add as friend: Amestar como amigu
mapper since: 'Mapeador dende:'
ct status: 'Términos de collaboración:'
ct undecided: Indecisu
summary_html: '%{name} creáu dende %{ip_address} el %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creáu el %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Cuándo
+ comment: Comentariu
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Publicar
title: Cuenta suspendida
heading: Cuenta suspendida
current email address: Hazırki E-Poçt Ünvanı
link text: bu nədir?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: Bu nədir?
- disabled link text: Niyə mən redaktə edə bilmirəm?
contributor terms:
link text: bu nədir?
save changes button: Dəyişiklikləri yadda saxla
title: Dəyişikliklər dəsti
title_user: '%{user} tərəfindən edilmiş dəyişikliklər dəsti'
- title_friend: Dostlarınız tərəfindən edilmiş dəyişikliklər dəsti
title_nearby: Yaxınlıqdakı istifadəçilər tərəfindən edilmiş dəyişikliklər dəsti
title: Dəyişikliklər dəsti %{id}
latest_edit_html: 'Son redaktə (%{ago}):'
your location: Yerləşdiyin yer
- friend: Dost
edit_your_profile: Profilinizi redaktə edin
- my friends: Dostlarım
- no friends: Hələ heç bir dost əlavə etməmisiniz.
nearby users: Yaxınlıqdakı digər istifadəçilər
use_map_link: Xəritədən istifadə et
title: İstifadəçi gündəlikləri
- title_friends: Dostların gündəlikləri
title_nearby: Yaxınlıqdakı İstifadəçilərin Gündəlikləri
user_title: '%{user}''nin gündəliyi'
in_language_title: '%{language} dilində gündəlik qeydlər'
title: OpenStreetMap gündəlik yazısı
description: OpenStreetMap istifadəçilərinin axırıncı gündəlik yazıları
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Post
- when: Nə vaxt
- comment: Şərh
title: Fayl tapılmadı
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user}-i(ı) dostluğa əlavə edək?'
- button: Dostluğa əlavə et
- success: '%{name} indi sənin dostundur.'
- failed: Bağışlayın, %{name}-i(ı) dostluğa əlavə etmədə xəta yarandı.
- already_a_friend: Siz artıq %{name} dostsunuz.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} dostluqdan silək?'
- button: Dostluqdan sil
title: Mesajı oxu
reply_button: Geri göndər
unread_button: Oxunulmamış kimi işarələ
- mark:
- as_read: Mesaj oxunulmuş kimi işarələndi
- as_unread: Mesaj oxunulmamış kimi işarələndi
destroyed: Mesaj silindi
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mesaj oxunulmuş kimi işarələndi
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesaj oxunulmamış kimi işarələndi
my_inbox: Mənim gələnlər
my comments: mənim şərhlərim
send message: mesaj göndər
diary: gündəlik
- remove as friend: dostluqdan silinmiş
- add as friend: dostluğa əlavə edilmiş
email address: 'E-poçt ünvanı:'
status: 'Status:'
create_block: bu istifadəçini blokla
one: '%{count} istifadəçi tapıldı'
other: '%{count} istifadəçi tapıldı'
hide: Seçilmiş istifadəçiləri gizlət
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Nə vaxt
+ comment: Şərh
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Post
flash: '%{name} adlı istifadəçiyə blok yaradılıb.'
external auth: Тышҡы аутентификация
link text: был нимә?
- public editing:
- heading: Дөйөм ҡулланыусылар өсөн мөхәррирләү
- enabled: Ҡабыҙылған. Мөхәррирләргә була. Төҙәтеүҙәр аноним түгел.
- enabled link text: был нимә?
- disabled: Һүндерелгән һәм мәғлүмәтте мөхәррирләп булмай, бөтә алдағы төҙәтеүҙәр
- аноним.
- disabled link text: Ни өсөн мөхәррирләй алмайым?
contributor terms:
heading: Ҡатнашыу шарттары
agreed: Һеҙ яңы Ҡатнашыу шарттарына ризалыҡ бирҙегеҙ.
title: Төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты
title_user: ' %{user} ҡулланыусыһының төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты'
title_user_link_html: 'Үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы: %{user_link} тарафынан'
- title_friend: Дуҫтарҙың төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты
title_nearby: Эргәләге ҡатнашыусыларҙың төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты
empty: Төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты табылманы.
empty_area: Был өлкәлә төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты юҡ.
created: Булдырылған
closed: Ябыҡ
belongs_to: Автор
- subscribe:
- heading: Киләһе үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы буйынса фекер алышыуға яҙылырға теләйһегеҙме?
- button: Фекер алышыуға яҙылырға
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Киләһе үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы буйынса фекер алышыуҙан баш тартырға?
- button: Фекер алышыуҙан баш тартырға
- heading:
- title: Үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы %{id}
- created_by_html: '%{created} көндө %{link_user} тарафынан булдырылған.'
- no_such_entry:
- heading: '%{id} һанлы яҙма табылманы'
- body: Ғәфү итегеҙ, %{id} һанлы үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы юҡ. Яҙыуығыҙҙы тикшерегеҙ
- йәки бәлки һеҙ баҫҡан һылтанма дөрөҫ түгелдер.
title: 'Төҙәтеүҙәр пакеты: %{id}'
created: 'Булдырылған: %{when}'
sorry: Ҡыҙғанысҡа ҡаршы, һеҙ һораған төҙәтмә пакеттары исемлеген алыу өсөн күп
ваҡыт талап итә.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Киләһе үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы буйынса фекер алышыуға яҙылырға теләйһегеҙме?
+ button: Фекер алышыуға яҙылырға
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Киләһе үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы буйынса фекер алышыуҙан баш тартырға?
+ button: Фекер алышыуҙан баш тартырға
+ heading:
+ title: Үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы %{id}
+ created_by_html: '%{created} көндө %{link_user} тарафынан булдырылған.'
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: '%{id} һанлы яҙма табылманы'
+ body: Ғәфү итегеҙ, %{id} һанлы үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмаһы юҡ. Яҙыуығыҙҙы тикшерегеҙ
+ йәки бәлки һеҙ баҫҡан һылтанма дөрөҫ түгелдер.
km away: '%{count}км һеҙҙән'
your location: Һеҙҙең урынығыҙ
nearby mapper: Яҡындағы картограф
- friend: Дуҫ
title: Минең панель
no_home_location_html: Яҡындағы ҡулланыусыларҙы күреү өсөн %{edit_profile_link}
баҫып, урынлашҡан урынығыҙҙы билдәләгеҙ.
edit_your_profile: Профильде үҙгәртеү
- my friends: Дуҫтарым
- no friends: Һеҙ әле бер дуҫта өҫтәмәнегеҙ.
nearby users: Яҡындағы башҡа ҡулланыусылар
no nearby users: Әлегә яҡында карталау менән шөғөлләнгән башҡа ҡулланыусылар
- friends_changesets: дуҫтарҙың үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмалары
- friends_diaries: дуҫтар көндәлеге
nearby_changesets: күршеләрҙең үҙгәртеүҙәр йыйылмалары
nearby_diaries: күршеләрҙең көндәлек яҙмалары
use_map_link: Картаны ҡулланырға
title: Көндәлектәр
- title_friends: Дуҫтар көндәлектәре
title_nearby: Йәнәш ҡатнашыусыларҙың көндәлектәре
user_title: '%{user} ҡулланыусының көндәлеге'
in_language_title: Көндәлектәге яҙмалар телдә %{language}
heading: Көндәлек яҙмаһы буйынса фекер алышыуҙан баш тартырға теләйһегеҙме?
button: Фекер алышыуҙан баш тартырға
- index:
- title: '%{user} тарафынан өҫтәлгән көндәлек комментарийҙары'
- heading: '%{user} көндәлек комментарийҙары'
- subheading_html: '%{user} тарафынан өҫтәлгән көндәлеккә комментарийҙар'
- no_comments: Көндәлектә комментарийҙар юҡ
- page:
- post: Post
- when: Ҡасан
- comment: Комментарий
heading: Көндәлек яҙмаһы буйынса фекер алышыуға комментарий өҫтәргәме?
title: Файл табылманы
description: OpenStreetMap серверында был исем менән файл/директория/API операцияһы
табылманы (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} дуҫтарға өҫтәргә?'
- button: Дуҫтарға өҫтәргә
- success: '%{name} хәҙер һеҙҙең дуҫ!'
- failed: Ғәфү итегеҙ, %{name} дуҫтарға өҫтәп булманы.
- already_a_friend: Һеҙ %{name} менән әле дуҫтарһығыҙ.
- limit_exceeded: Һуңғы ваҡытта һеҙ күп ҡулланыусыларҙы дуҫ итеп өҫтәнегеҙ. Яңы
- дуҫтар өҫтәр алдынан бер аҙ көтөгөҙ.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} дуҫтарҙан алып ташларға?'
- button: Дуҫтарҙан алып ташларға
- success: '%{name} дуҫтарҙан алып ташланды.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} һеҙҙең дуҫ түгел.'
%{replyurl} адресы буйынса яуап ебәрә алаһығыҙ
footer_html: Хәбәрҙе шулай уҡ %{readurl} адресы буйынса уҡый алаһығыҙ һәм авторға
%{replyurl} адресы буйынса хәбәр ебәрә алаһығыҙ
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Сәләм, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} һеҙҙе дуҫ итеп өҫтәне'
- had_added_you: '%{user} OpenStreetMap-та һеҙҙе дуҫ итеп өҫтәне.'
see_their_profile: Уның профилен %{userurl} адресы буйынса ҡарай алаһығыҙ.
see_their_profile_html: Уларҙың профилен %{userurl} адресы буйынса ҡарай алаһығыҙ.
- befriend_them: Һеҙ уларҙы дуҫ итеп %{befriendurl} адресы буйынса өҫтәй алаһығыҙ.
- befriend_them_html: Һеҙ уларҙы дуҫ итеп %{befriendurl} адресы буйынса өҫтәй
- алаһығыҙ.
hi: Сәләм, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'импортлау мөмкин түгел. Бына хата:'
title: OSM планетаһы
+ users:
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Ҡасан
+ comment: Комментарий
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user} тарафынан өҫтәлгән көндәлек комментарийҙары'
+ page:
+ post: Post
title: ' %{id} искәрмәһе'
current email address: Цяперашні адрас электроннай пошты
link text: што гэта?
- public editing:
- heading: Публічнае рэдагаваньне
- enabled: Уключана. Вы не ананім і можаце рэдагаваць зьвесткі.
- enabled link text: што гэта?
- disabled: Забаронены і ня можа рэдагаваць зьвесткі, усе папярэднія рэдагаваньні
- былі ананімнымі.
- disabled link text: чаму я не магу рэдагаваць?
contributor terms:
heading: Умовы супрацоўніцтва
agreed: Вы пагадзіліся з новымі ўмовамі супрацоўніцтва.
france: Францыя
italy: Італія
rest_of_world: Астатні сьвет
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Дзякуй за тое, што прынялі новыя ўмовы супрацоўніцтва!
version: Вэрсія
in_changeset: Набор зьменаў
title: Наборы зьменаў
title_user: Набор зьменаў %{user}
- title_friend: Наборы зьменаў маіх сяброў
title_nearby: Наборы зьменаў для суседніх удзельнікаў
title: Набор зьменаў %{id}
your location: Вашае месцазнаходжаньне
nearby mapper: Бліжэйшы стваральнік мапаў
- friend: Сябар
- no friends: Пакуль што Вы не дадалі нікога ў сябры.
nearby users: Іншыя бліжэйшыя карыстальнікі
no nearby users: Няма іншых карыстальнікаў, якія прызнаюць, што займаюцца складаньнем
мапы каля Вас.
- friends_changesets: наборы зьменаў сяброў
- friends_diaries: запісы сяброўскіх дзёньнікаў
nearby_changesets: наборы зьменаў суседніх удзельнікаў
nearby_diaries: запісы дзёньнікаў суседніх удзельнікаў
use_map_link: Выкарыстаць мапу
title: Дзёньнікі карыстальнікаў
- title_friends: Дзёньнікі сяброў
title_nearby: Дзёньнікі суседніх удзельнікаў
user_title: Дзёньнік %{user}
in_language_title: Дзёньнік запісаў у %{language}
title: Запісы ў дзёньніку OpenStreetMap
description: Апошнія запісы ў дзёньніку карыстальнікаў OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Запіс
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: Цяпер %{name} — Ваш сябар!
- failed: Прабачце, немагчыма дадаць %{name} да сьпісу сяброў.
- already_a_friend: Вы ўжо сябруеце з %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- success: '%{name} быў выдалены з Вашага сьпісу сяброў.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} не зьяўляецца Вашым сябрам.'
hi: Вітаем, %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} даслаў Вам паведамленьне праз OpenStreetMap з тэмай %{subject}:'
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} дадаў Вас у сьпіс сваіх сяброў'
- had_added_you: '%{user} дадаў Вас у сьпіс сяброў на OpenStreetMap.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Вы можаце прагледзець яго профіль на %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Вы таксама можаце дадаць іх у якасьці сябраў на %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: 'немагчыма імпартаваць як файл GPS-сьледу. Праверце, ці сапраўды
гэты файл ёсьць GPX альбо архівам з файлам(і) GPX падтрымліванага фармату
wrong_user: Вы ўвайшлі ў сыстэму як '%{user}', але паведамленьне, якое жадаеце
прачытаць, было дасланае ня гэтым ці гэтаму карыстальніку. Калі ласка, увайдзіце
як карыстальнік, адпаведна запыту, каб прачытаць.
- mark:
- as_read: Паведамленьне пазначанае як прачытанае
- as_unread: Паведамленьне пазначанае як непрачытанае
destroyed: Паведамленьне выдаленае
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Паведамленьне пазначанае як прачытанае
+ destroy:
+ notice: Паведамленьне пазначанае як непрачытанае
my_inbox: Мае ўваходзячыя
display name description: Вашае імя, якое будзе бачнае ўсім. Вы можаце зьмяніць
яго потым ў Вашых наладах.
continue: Зарэгістравацца
- terms accepted: Дзякуй за тое, што прынялі новыя ўмовы супрацоўніцтва!
title: Няма такога карыстальніка
heading: Удзельнік %{user} не існуе
diary: Дзёньнік
edits: Рэдагаваньні
traces: Трэкі
- remove as friend: Выдаліць зь сяброў
- add as friend: Дадаць у сябры
mapper since: 'Стварае мапы з:'
ct status: 'Умовы супрацоўніцтва:'
ct undecided: Нявырашана
summary_html: '%{name} створаны з %{ip_address}, %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} створаны %{date}'
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Запіс
title: Рахунак заблякаваны
heading: Рахунак заблякаваны
link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID
link text: што гэта?
- public editing:
- heading: Агульнае рэдагаванне
- enabled: Уключана. Вы - не ананімны і можаце рэдагаваць даныя.
- enabled link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Disabling_anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: што гэта?
- disabled: Адключана. Вы не можаце больш рэдагаваць, але ўсе ранейшыя змены
- ананімныя.
- disabled link text: чаму я не магу рэдагаваць?
contributor terms:
heading: Умовы ўдзелу
agreed: Вы пагадзіліся на новыя ўмовы ўдзелу.
france: Францыя
italy: Італія
rest_of_world: Астатні свет
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Дзякуй за прыняцце новых умоў ўдзелу!
deleted_ago_by_html: Выдалена %{time_ago} карыстальнікам %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: Адрэдагавана %{time_ago} карыстальнікам %{user}
title: Пакет правак
title_user: Пакет правак ад %{user}
title_user_link_html: Змены ад %{user_link}
- title_friend: Пакеты правак ад вашых сяброў
title_nearby: Пакеты правак ад карыстальнікаў паблізу
empty: Пакеты правак не знойдзены.
empty_area: Няма пакетаў правак у гэтай вобласці.
created: Створаны
closed: Зачынены
belongs_to: Аўтар
- subscribe:
- heading: Падпісацца на наступнае абмеркаванне зменаў?
- button: Падпісацца на абмеркаванне
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Скасаваць падпіску на наступнае абмеркаванне зменаў?
- button: Адпісацца ад абмеркавання
- heading:
- title: Набор змен %{id}
- created_by_html: Створана %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Няма запісу з нумарам: %{id}'
- body: На жаль, няма змяненняў з нумарам %{id}. Калі ласка, праверце, ці карэктна
- уведзены нумар, або магчыма вам далі няслушную спасылку.
title: 'Набор змен: %{id}'
created: 'Створана: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Дачыненні (%{x}-%{y} з %{count})
sorry: Выбачайце, спіс набораў правак, што Вы запыталі, занадта вялікі для атрымання.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Падпісацца на наступнае абмеркаванне зменаў?
+ button: Падпісацца на абмеркаванне
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Скасаваць падпіску на наступнае абмеркаванне зменаў?
+ button: Адпісацца ад абмеркавання
+ heading:
+ title: Набор змен %{id}
+ created_by_html: Створана %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Няма запісу з нумарам: %{id}'
+ body: На жаль, няма змяненняў з нумарам %{id}. Калі ласка, праверце, ці карэктна
+ уведзены нумар, або магчыма вам далі няслушную спасылку.
km away: '%{count} км ад вас'
your location: Ваша месцазнаходжанне
nearby mapper: Карыстальнік
- friend: Сябар
title: Мая панэль
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} і ўсталюйце вашае месцазнаходжанне,
каб бачыць карыстальнікаў паблізу.'
edit_your_profile: Адрэдагуйце свой профіль
- my friends: Мае сябры
- no friends: Вы пакуль не дадалі нікога ў сябры.
nearby users: 'Карыстальнікі паблізу:'
no nearby users: Пакуль што няма карыстальнікаў, якія пазначылі сваё месцазнаходжанне
- friends_changesets: наборы зменаў сяброў
- friends_diaries: запісы дзёньнікаў сяброў
nearby_changesets: наборы зменаў удзельнікаў паблізу
nearby_diaries: запісы дзённікаў карыстальнікаў паблізу
use_map_link: Карыстацца мапай
title: Дзённікі карыстальнікаў
- title_friends: Дзённікі сяброў
title_nearby: Дзённікі карыстальнікаў паблізу
user_title: Дзённік %{user}
in_language_title: Дзённік запісаў на %{language}
heading: Адпісацца ад абмеркавання наступнага запісу ў дзённіку?
button: Адпісацца ад абмеркавання
- index:
- title: Каментары да запісаў у дзённіку, дадазеныя карыстальнікам %{user}
- heading: Каментары да запісаў у дзённіку карыстальніка %{user}
- subheading_html: Каментары да запісаў у дзённіку, дадазеныя карыстальнікам %{user}
- no_comments: Няма каментароў у дзённіку
- page:
- post: Апублікаваць
- when: Калі
- comment: Каментар
heading: Дадаць каментар да абмеркавання наступнага запісу ў дзённіку?
title: Файл не знойдзены
description: Не ўдалося знайсці файл/тэчку/аперацыю API з такім імем на серверы
OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Пасябраваць з %{user}?
- button: Пасябраваць
- success: '%{name} пасябраваў з вамі.'
- failed: Прабачце, немагчыма пасябраваць з %{name}.
- already_a_friend: Вы ўжо сябруеце з %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Апошнім часам вы пасябравалі з вялікай колькасцю карыстальнікаў.
- Калі ласка, пачакайце пэўны час, перш чым спрабаваць пасябравацца зноўку.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Перастаць сябраваць з %{user}?
- button: Выдаліць з сяброў
- success: '%{name} выдалены са спіса сяброў.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} не з’яўляецца вашым сябрам.'
адказаць на %{replyurl}
footer_html: Вы можаце таксама прачытаць паведамленне на %{readurl}, і вы можаце
адказаць на %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Прывітанне, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} дадаў вас у спіс сваіх сяброў'
- had_added_you: '%{user} пасябраваў з Вамі на OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Вы можаце прагледзець профіль на %{userurl} і дадаць, як
сябра, у адказ, калі хочаце.
see_their_profile_html: Вы можаце прагледзець профіль на %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Вы таксама можаце пасябраваць з імі на %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Вы таксама можаце дадаць як сябра па спасылцы %{befriendurl}.
hi: Прывітанне, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'збой імпарту. Адбылася памылка:'
wrong_user: Вы ўвайшлі ў сістэму пад імем "%{user}", але паведамленне, якое
вы жадаеце прачытаць, не было адпраўленае гэтым карыстальнікам. Калі ласка,
увайдзіце ў сістэму пад правільным імем, каб прачытаць яго.
- mark:
- as_read: Паведамленне адмечана прачытаным
- as_unread: Паведамленне адмечана нечытаным
- unmute:
- notice: Паведамленне было перамешчана ў папку "Уваходныя".
- error: Паведамленне не можа быць перамешчана ў папку "Уваходныя".
destroyed: Паведамленне выдалена
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Паведамленне адмечана прачытаным
+ destroy:
+ notice: Паведамленне адмечана нечытаным
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Паведамленне было перамешчана ў папку "Уваходныя".
+ error: Паведамленне не можа быць перамешчана ў папку "Уваходныя".
my_inbox: Мае уваходныя
heading: Сховішча GPX-файлаў адключана
message: Сховішча і сістэма загрузкі GPX-файлаў ў бягучы момант недаступныя
- georss:
- title: GPS-сляды OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-файл з %{count} пунктам ад %{user}
- other: GPX-файл з %{count} пунктамі ад %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-файл ад %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: GPS-сляды OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-файл з %{count} пунктам ад %{user}
+ other: GPX-файл з %{count} пунктамі ад %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-файл ад %{user}
permission_denied: У вас няма правоў для выканання гэтага дзеяння
privacy_policy: палітыкай прыватнасці
contributor_terms: умовамі ўдзелу
continue: Зарэгістравацца
- terms accepted: Дзякуй за прыняцце новых умоў ўдзелу!
privacy_policy: палітыкі прыватнасці
html: Адрас вашай электроннай пошты не будзе паказвацца іншым карыстальнікам,
edits: Змены
traces: Сляды
notes: Заўвагі на карце
- remove as friend: Выдаліць з сяброў
- add as friend: Пасябраваць
mapper since: 'Малюе карту з:'
last map edit: 'Апошняе рэдагаванне карты:'
no activity yet: Актыўнасці пакуль няма
summary_html: '%{name} створана з %{ip_address} %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} створаны %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Калі
+ comment: Каментар
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Каментары да запісаў у дзённіку, дадазеныя карыстальнікам %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Апублікаваць
title: Уліковы запіс прыпынены
heading: Уліковы запіс прыпынены
external auth: Удостоверяване от външен източник
link text: какво е това?
- public editing:
- enabled: Разрешено. Не е анонимно и можете да променяте данните.
- enabled link text: какво е това?
- disabled link text: защо не мога да редактирам?
contributor terms:
heading: Условия за сътрудничество
agreed: Приели сте новите условия за сътрудничество.
france: Франция
italy: Италия
rest_of_world: В останалата част на света
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Благодарим Ви, че приемате новите условия за сътрудничество!
edited_ago_by_html: Редактирано %{time_ago} от %{user}
version: Версия
title: Списък с промени
title_user: Списък с промените на %{user}
- title_friend: Списъци с промени на мои приятели
title_nearby: Списъци с промени от потребители в близост
empty: Няма списъци с промени.
empty_area: Няма списъци с промени в този район.
your location: Моето местоположение
nearby mapper: Картографи в близост
- friend: Приятел
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} и задайте домашното си местоположение,
за да видите потребителите наблизо.'
edit_your_profile: Редактиране на профила
- my friends: Моите приятели
- no friends: Все още нямате добавени приятели.
nearby users: Други потребители в близост
no nearby users: Все още няма други потребители, които картографират в близост.
- friends_changesets: набори с промени на приятели
- friends_diaries: записи в дневника на приятели
title: Нова публикация в дневника
use_map_link: Използвай карта
title: Дневници на потребителите
- title_friends: Дневници на приятели
title_nearby: Дневници на потребители в близост
user_title: Дневник на %{user}
in_language_title: Записи на %{language} в дневника
title: Записи в дневника на OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- no_comments: Няма коментари в дневника
- page:
- post: Публикация
- when: Кога
- comment: Коментар
address: Вижте вашия физически адрес
contact: контакт
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Добави %{user} като приятел?
- button: Добави като приятел
- success: Сега сте приятели с %{name}!
- failed: Съжаляваме, неуспешно добавяне на %{name} като приятел.
- already_a_friend: Вие вече сте приятел с %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Премахни %{user} от приятели?
- button: Премахване от приятели
- success: '%{name} беше премахнат от списъка с приятелите.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} не е между вашите приятели.'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{message_title}'
hi: Здравейте %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Здравейте %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ви добави като приятел'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ви добави като приятел на OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Можете да видите профила му на %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Можете да ги добавите като приятел на %{befriendurl}.
hi: Здравейте %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'не е внесен. Това е грешката:'
unread_button: Отбелязване като непрочетено
destroy_button: Изтриване
back: Назад
- mark:
- as_read: Съобщението е отбелязано като прочетено
- as_unread: Съобщението е отбелязано като непрочетено
destroyed: Съобщението беше изтрито
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Съобщението е отбелязано като прочетено
+ destroy:
+ notice: Съобщението е отбелязано като непрочетено
my_inbox: Входяща кутия
upload_trace: Качване на следи от GPS
all_traces: Всички следи
my_traces: Моите следи
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS трасета
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: файл от GPX с %{count} точка от %{user}
- other: файл от GPX с %{count} точки от %{user}
- description_without_count: Файл на GPX от %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS трасета
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: файл от GPX с %{count} точка от %{user}
+ other: файл от GPX с %{count} точки от %{user}
+ description_without_count: Файл на GPX от %{user}
permission_denied: Нямате разрешение за достъп до това действие
хора като Вас и е безплатна за всеки, който иска да я поправи, актуализира,
изтегли и използва.
continue: Регистриране
- terms accepted: Благодарим Ви, че приемате новите условия за сътрудничество!
use external auth: Или използвайте удостоверяване от външен източник
title: Няма такъв потребител
edits: Промени
traces: Следи
notes: Бележки
- remove as friend: Премахване от приятели
- add as friend: Добавяне в приятели
mapper since: 'Картограф от:'
ct status: 'Условия за сътрудничество:'
ct undecided: Неопределени
hide: Скрий избраните потребители
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} създадено на %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Кога
+ comment: Коментар
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Публикация
support: поддръжка
external auth: বাহ্যিক প্রমাণীকরণ
link text: এটি কী?
- public editing:
- heading: পাবলিক সম্পাদনা
- enabled: সক্রিয়। বেনামী নয় এবং উপাত্ত সম্পাদনা করতে পারবে।
- enabled link text: এটি কী?
- disabled: নিস্ক্রিয় এবং ডেটা সম্পাদনা করতে পারবেন না, সমস্ত পূর্ববর্তী সম্পাদনা
- বেনামী।
- disabled link text: আমি সম্পাদনা করতে পারছি না কেন?
contributor terms:
heading: অবদানকারীর জন্য নিয়মাবলি
agreed: আপনি নতুন অবদানকারীর শর্তাবলীতে সম্মত।
france: ফ্রান্স
italy: ইতালি
rest_of_world: অন্যান্য দেশসমূহ
+ update:
+ terms accepted: নতুন অবদানকারী শর্তাবলী গ্রহণ করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!
terms_declined_html: আমরা দুঃখিত যে আপনি নতুন অবদানকারী শর্তাবলী গ্রহণ না
করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছেন। আরও তথ্যের জন্য, অনুগ্রহ করে %{terms_declined_link}
title: পরিবর্তনধার্য
title_user: '%{user} কর্তৃক পরিবর্তন ধার্য'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link}-এর দ্বারা পরিবর্তনগুলি'
- title_friend: আমার বন্ধুদের দ্বারা পরিবর্তনসেট
title_nearby: কাছকাছি ব্যবহারকারীর পরিবর্তনধার্য
empty: কোনো পরিবর্তনধার্য পাওয়া যায়নি।
empty_area: এই এলাকায় কোনো পরিবর্তনধার্য নেই।
created: তৈরি হয়েছে
closed: বন্ধ হয়েছে
belongs_to: লেখক
- subscribe:
- button: আলোচনায় সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন
- unsubscribe:
- button: আলোচনায় আনসাবস্ক্রাইব করুন
- no_such_entry:
- heading: '%{id} আইডির কোনো ভুক্তি নেই'
title: 'পরিবর্তনধার্য: %{id}'
created: 'তৈরি করা হয়েছে: %{when}'
sorry: দুঃখিত, আপনি যেই পরিবর্তনসেটটির জন্য আবেদন করছেন সেটি ফিরিয়ে আনতে আরও
সময় লাগবে।
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ button: আলোচনায় সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন
+ unsubscribe:
+ button: আলোচনায় আনসাবস্ক্রাইব করুন
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: '%{id} আইডির কোনো ভুক্তি নেই'
km away: '%{count}কিমি দূরে'
your location: আপনার অবস্থান
nearby mapper: কাছাকাছি অবস্থানকারী ম্যাপার
- friend: বন্ধু
title: আমার ড্যাশবোর্ড
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} এবং কাছাকাছি ব্যবহারকারীদের দেখতে
আপনার বাড়ির অবস্থান নির্ধারণ করুন।'
edit_your_profile: আপনার প্রোফাইল সম্পাদনা করুন
- my friends: আমার বন্ধুগণ
- no friends: আপনি বন্ধুতালিকায় কাউকে যুক্ত করেননি।
nearby users: কাছাকাছি অন্য ব্যবহারকারী
no nearby users: কাছাকাছি কেউ মানচিত্রাঙ্কন করছেন এমন কোনও ব্যবহারকারী এখনো
- friends_changesets: বন্ধুদের পরিবর্তন
- friends_diaries: বন্ধুর দিনলিপি ভুক্তি
nearby_changesets: কাছাকাছি ব্যবহারকারীদের পরিবর্তনসেট
nearby_diaries: কাছাকাছি ব্যবহারকারীর ডায়েরি এন্ট্রি
use_map_link: মানচিত্র ব্যবহার করুন
title: ব্যবহারকারীর দিনলিপি
- title_friends: বন্ধুর দিনলিপি
title_nearby: নিকটবর্তী ব্যবহারকারীর দিনলিপি
user_title: '%{user}-এর দিনলিপি'
in_language_title: '%{language} ভাষায় দিনলিপির ভুক্তি'
description: ওপেনস্ট্রিটম্যাপ ব্যবহারকারীগণ কর্তৃক সাম্প্রতিক দিনলিপির ভুক্তি
button: আলোচনায় সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: '%{user}-এর কৃত দিনলিপি ভুক্তি'
- heading: '%{user}-এর দিনলিপি মন্তব্য'
- subheading_html: '%{user}-এর করা দিনলিপি মন্তব্য'
- no_comments: কোনও দিনলিপি মন্তব্য নেই
- page:
- post: পোস্ট
- when: কখন
- comment: মন্তব্য
যার ফলে অনুরোধ পূরণ করা যাচ্ছে না (HTTP ৫০০)
title: ফাইল পাওয়া যায়নি
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: বন্ধু হিসেবে %{user} কে যুক্ত করবেন?
- button: বন্ধু হিসাবে যোগ করুন
- success: '%%{name} এখন আপনার বন্ধু!'
- failed: দুঃখিত, %{name} কে বন্ধু হিসাবে যোগ করতে ব্যর্থ।
- already_a_friend: '%{name} ইতিমধ্যে আপনার বন্ধু।'
- limit_exceeded: আপনি ইতিমধ্যে বহু বন্ধু বানিয়েছেন। কিছুক্ষণ অপেক্ষা করে তারপর
- চেষ্টা করুন।
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} কে বন্ধু থেকে বাদ দিবেন?'
- button: বন্ধু থেকে বাদ দিন
- success: আপনার বন্ধু থেকে %{name} কে বাদ দেয়া হয়েছে।
- not_a_friend: '%{name} আপনার বন্ধুদের একজন নন।'
যার বিষয় হল %{subject}:'
footer_html: এছাড়া আপনি %{readurl} এ মন্তব্যটি পড়তে পারেন এবং আপনি %{replyurl}
এ লেখককে একটি বার্তা দিতে পারেন
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: প্রিয় %{to_user},
- had_added_you: '%{user} আপনাকে ওপেনস্ট্রিটম্যাপে বন্ধু হিসেবে যোগ করেছেন।'
see_their_profile: আপনি %{userurl}-এ তাদের প্রোফাইল দেখতে পারেন।
see_their_profile_html: আপনি %{userurl} এ তার প্রোফাইল দেখতে পারেন।
- befriend_them: আপনি %{befriendurl} এ ক্লিক করে তাকেও আপনার বন্ধু হিসেবে যোগ
- করতে পারেন।
- befriend_them_html: আপনি %{befriendurl} এ ক্লিক করে তাকেও আপনার বন্ধু হিসেবে
- যোগ করতে পারেন।
hi: সুপ্রিয় %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'GPS ট্রেস ফাইল হিসাবে আমদানি করা ব্যর্থ হয়েছে। অনুগ্রহ করে
unread_button: অপঠিত হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করুন
destroy_button: অপসারণ
back: পিছনে
- mark:
- as_read: বার্তা পঠিত হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করুন
- as_unread: বার্তা অপঠিত হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করুন
destroyed: বার্তা মোছা হয়েছে
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: বার্তা পঠিত হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করুন
+ destroy:
+ notice: বার্তা অপঠিত হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করুন
my_inbox: আমার ইনবক্স
message: জিপিএক্স ফাইল আপলোড বর্তমানে সম্ভব নয়
message: জিপিএক্স ফাইল সংরক্ষণ এবং আপলোড বর্তমানে সম্ভব নয়
- description:
- description_without_count: '%{user} থেকে GPX ফাইল'
+ feeds:
+ description:
+ description_without_count: '%{user} থেকে GPX ফাইল'
account_settings: অ্যাকাউন্ট সেটিংস
privacy_policy: গোপনীয়তার নীতি
continue: নিবন্ধন করুন
- terms accepted: নতুন অবদানকারী শর্তাবলী গ্রহণ করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ!
privacy_policy: গোপনীয়তার নীতি
or: বা
send message: বার্তা পাঠান
diary: দিনলিপি
edits: সম্পাদনাসমূহ
- remove as friend: বন্ধু থেকে বাদ দিন
- add as friend: বন্ধু যোগ করুন
mapper since: 'এ থেকে মানচিত্র বানাচ্ছেন:'
ct status: 'অবদানকারী শর্তাবলী:'
ct undecided: সিদ্ধান্তহীন
summary_html: '%{ip_address} থেকে %{date} তারিখে %{name} তৈরি করেছেন'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{date}-এ %{name} তৈরি হয়েছে'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: কখন
+ comment: মন্তব্য
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user}-এর কৃত দিনলিপি ভুক্তি'
+ page:
+ post: পোস্ট
title: অ্যাকাউন্ট স্থগিত করা হয়েছে
heading: অ্যাকাউন্ট স্থগিত করা হয়েছে
external auth: Dilesadur diavaez
link text: petra eo an dra-se ?
- public editing:
- heading: Kemm foran
- enabled: Gweredekaet. N'eo ket dizanv ha gallout a ra aozañ roadennoù.
- enabled link text: petra eo an dra-se ?
- disabled: Diweredekaet ha ne c'hall ket aozañ roadennoù ; diznav eo an holl
- aozadennoù kent.
- disabled link text: Perak n'on ket evit aozañ ?
contributor terms:
heading: Diferadennoù ar c'henlabourer
agreed: Degemeret hoc'h eus diferadennoù nevez ar c'henlabourer.
france: Bro-C'hall
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Peurrest ar bed
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Trugarez deoc'h evit bezañ asantet da ziferadennoù nevez ar
+ c'henlabourer !
terms_declined_link: ar bejenn-mañ eus ar wiki
title: Hollad cheñchamantoù
title_user: Hollad cheñchamantoù %{user}
title_user_link_html: Hollad cheñchamantoù %{user_link}
- title_friend: Hollad cheñchamantoù degaset gant ma mignoned
title_nearby: Hollad cheñchamantoù graet gant implijerien a-dost
empty: N'eus bet kavet hollad cheñchamant ebet.
empty_area: Hollad cheñchamant ebet en takad-mañ.
created: Krouet
closed: Serret
belongs_to: Aozer
- subscribe:
- heading: Koumanantiñ da gaozeadenn an hollad cheñchamantoù-mañ?
- button: Koumanantiñ ouzh ar gaozeadenn
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Digoumanantiñ diouzh kaozeadenn an hollad cheñchamantoù-mañ?
- button: Digoumanantiñ diouzh ar gaozeadenn
- heading:
- title: Hollad cheñchamantoù %{id}
- created_by_html: Bet krouet gant %{link_user} d'an %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Enmont ebet gant an id: %{id}'
title: 'Hollad cheñchamantoù: %{id}'
created: 'Krouet: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Darempredoù (%{x}-%{y} diwar %{count})
sorry: Ho tigarez, re hir eo adtapout ar roll cheñchamantoù hoc'h eus goulennet.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Koumanantiñ da gaozeadenn an hollad cheñchamantoù-mañ?
+ button: Koumanantiñ ouzh ar gaozeadenn
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Digoumanantiñ diouzh kaozeadenn an hollad cheñchamantoù-mañ?
+ button: Digoumanantiñ diouzh ar gaozeadenn
+ heading:
+ title: Hollad cheñchamantoù %{id}
+ created_by_html: Bet krouet gant %{link_user} d'an %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Enmont ebet gant an id: %{id}'
km away: war-hed %{count} km
your location: Ho lec'hiadur
nearby mapper: Kartennour en ardremez
- friend: Mignon
title: Ma zaolenn-vourzh
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ha termenit ho chomlec''h evit
gwelout an implijerien en ardremez.'
edit_your_profile: Aozañ ho profil
- my friends: Ma mignoned
- no friends: N'hoc'h eus ouzhpennet mignon ebet c'hoazh.
nearby users: 'Implijerien all tost deoc''h :'
no nearby users: N'eus implijer ebet all en ardremez c'hoazh.
- friends_changesets: Strolladoù kemmoù graet gant mignoned
- friends_diaries: Enmonedoù deizlevr ar vignoned
nearby_changesets: Strolladoù kemmoù an implijer tro-war-dro
nearby_diaries: Enmonedoù deizlevr an implijerien tro-war-dro
use_map_link: Implijout ar gartenn
title: Deizlevrioù an implijerien
- title_friends: Deizlevrioù ar vignoned
title_nearby: Deizlevrioù ar vignoned tost
user_title: Deizlevr %{user}
in_language_title: Enmontoù en deizlevr e %{language}
button: Koumanantiñ ouzh ar gaozeadenn
button: Digoumanantiñ diouzh ar gaozeadenn
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Kemennadennoù skrivet en deizlevr gant %{user}
- heading: Kemennadennoù-deizlevr %{user}
- subheading_html: Kemennadennoù skrivet en deizlevr gant %{user}
- no_comments: Kemennadenn deizlevr ebet
- page:
- post: Embann
- when: Pegoulz
- comment: Evezhiadenn
title: Fazi an arload
title: N'eo ket bet kavet ar restr
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: ↓Ouzhpennañ %{user} evel mignon ?
- button: Ozhpennañ evel mignon
- success: '%{name} eo ho mignon bremañ !'
- failed: Ho tigarez, n'eus ket bet gallet ouzhpennañ %{name} evel mignon.
- already_a_friend: Mignon oc'h gant %{name} dija.
- limit_exceeded: Graet ho peus kalz a vignoned nevez zo. Gortozit ur pennadig
- a-raok klask kavout re all.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Lemel %{user} eus ar vignoned ?
- button: Lemel eus ar vignoned
- success: '%{name} zo bet lamet eus ho mignoned.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} n''eo ket unan eus ho mignoned.'
footer: Gallout a rit ivez lenn ar gemennadenn e %{readurl} ha respont e %{replyurl}
footer_html: Gallout a rit ivez lenn ar gemennadenn e %{readurl} ha respont
e %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Demat dit %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} en deus hoc''h ouzhpennet evel mignon'
- had_added_you: '%{user} en deus hoc''h ouzhpennet evel mignon war OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: 'Gallout a rit gwelet o frofil amañ : %{userurl}.'
see_their_profile_html: 'Gallout a rit gwelet o frofil amañ : %{userurl}.'
- befriend_them: 'Gallout a rit o ouzhpennañ e-touez ho mignoned amañ : %{befriendurl}.'
- befriend_them_html: 'Gallout a rit o ouzhpennañ e-touez ho mignoned amañ : %{befriendurl}.'
hi: Demat %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'n''en deus ket gallet bezañ enporzhiet. Setu amañ ar fazi
wrong_user: Kevreet oc'h evel "%{user}", met ar gemennadenn a fell deoc'h lenn
n'eo ket bet kaset na gant na d'an implijer-se. Mar plij kevreit gant ar gont
reizh evit gellout lenn anezhi.
- mark:
- as_read: Kemennadenn merket evel lennet
- as_unread: Merkañ evel anlennet
- unmute:
- notice: Dilec'hiet eo bet ar gemennadenn d'ar voest resev
- error: Ne c'haller ket dilec'hiañ ar gemennadenn d'ar voest resev.
destroyed: Kemennadenn dilamet
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Kemennadenn merket evel lennet
+ destroy:
+ notice: Merkañ evel anlennet
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Dilec'hiet eo bet ar gemennadenn d'ar voest resev
+ error: Ne c'haller ket dilec'hiañ ar gemennadenn d'ar voest resev.
my_inbox: Ma boest resev
heading: Stokañ GPX ezlinenn
message: Ne'z a ket ar sistem stokañ hag enporzhiañ GPX en-dro evit poent.
- georss:
- title: Roudoù GPS eus OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: restr GPX gant %{count} poent digant %{user}
- other: restr GPX gant %{count} poent digant {user}
- description_without_count: Restr GPX digant %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Roudoù GPS eus OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: restr GPX gant %{count} poent digant %{user}
+ other: restr GPX gant %{count} poent digant {user}
+ description_without_count: Restr GPX digant %{user}
permission_denied: N'emañ ket an aotreoù ret ganeoc'h evit seveniñ an ober-se.
privacy_policy: reolennoù prevezded
contributor_terms: reolennoù ar genlabourerien
continue: En em enskrivañ
- terms accepted: Trugarez deoc'h evit bezañ asantet da ziferadennoù nevez ar
- c'henlabourer !
privacy_policy: Politikerezh prevezded
html: Ho chomlec'h ne vo ket hewel d'an holl, sellit ouzh %{privacy_policy_link}
edits: Kemmoù
traces: roudoù
notes: Notennoù kartenn
- remove as friend: Lemel eus ar vignoned
- add as friend: Ouzhpennañ d'ar vignoned
mapper since: 'Kartennour abaoe :'
last map edit: 'Kemm diwezhañ ar gartenn:'
no activity yet: Obererezh ebet c'hoazh
summary_html: '%{name} krouet eus %{ip_address} d''an %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} krouet d''an %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Pegoulz
+ comment: Evezhiadenn
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Kemennadennoù skrivet en deizlevr gant %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Embann
title: Kont arsavet
heading: Kont arsavet
current email address: Trenutna adresa e-pošte
link text: Šta je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Javno uređivanje:'
- enabled: Omogućeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se uređivati podaci.
- enabled link text: Šta je ovo?
- disabled: Onemogućno i ne mogu se uređivati podaci, sva prethodna uređivanja
- su anonimna.
- disabled link text: Zašto ja ne mogu uređivati?
contributor terms:
heading: Uslovi za doprinosioce
agreed: Prihvatili ste nove uslove za doprinosioce.
france: Francuska
italy: Italija
rest_of_world: Ostatak svijeta
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Hvala za prihvatanje novih uslova za doprinosioce!
version: Verzija
in_changeset: Skup izmjena
title: Setovi promjena
title_user: Setovi promjena od %{user}
- title_friend: Setovi promjena vaših prijatelja
title_nearby: Setovi promjena obližnjih korisnika
load_more: Učitaj više
your location: Vaša lokacija
nearby mapper: Obližnji maper
- friend: Prijatelj
- no friends: Niste dodali nijednog prijatelja.
nearby users: Drugi obližnji korisnici
no nearby users: Još uvijek nema drugih korisnika koji ucrtavaju na kartu u
- friends_changesets: promjena spiska prijatelja
- friends_diaries: unosi u dnevnik prijatelja
nearby_changesets: promjene spiska obližnjih korisnika
nearby_diaries: unosi u dnevnik obližnjih korisnika
use_map_link: korisititi kartu
title: Dnevnici korisnika
- title_friends: Dnevnici prijatelja
title_nearby: Dnevnici obližnjih korisnika
user_title: Dnevnik od %{user}
in_language_title: 'Unosi u dnevnik na jeziku: %{language}'
title: Unosi u OpenStreetMap dnevniku
description: Nedavni unosi u dnevnik OpenStreetMap korisnika
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Post
- when: Kada
- comment: Komentar
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Dodati %{user} kao prijatelja?
- button: Dodati kao prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je sada Vaš prijatelj!'
- failed: Žao mi je, nije uspjelo dodavanje %{name} kao prijatelja.
- already_a_friend: Već ste prijatelj sa %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Ukloniti %{user} iz prijatelja?
- button: Ukloniti prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je uklonjen iz prijatelja.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nije jedan od Vaših prijatelja.'
hi: Zdravo %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} Vam je poslao poruku preko OpenStreetMap sa predmetom
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} Vas je dodao kao prijatelja'
- had_added_you: '%{user} Vas je dodao kao prijatelja na OpenStreetMap-u.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Možete vidjeti njihov profil na %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Takođe, možete ih dodati kao prijatelja na %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: 'Import nije uspio. Evo greške:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import nije uspio'
wrong_user: 'Prijavljeni ste kao: `%{user}'', ali poruka za koju ste tražili
da pročitate nije poslana od strane ili tom korisniku. Molimo, prijavite se
kao ispravan korisnik kako bi ste je pročitali.'
- mark:
- as_read: Poruka označena kao pročitana
- as_unread: Poruka označena kao nepročitana
destroyed: Poruka izbrisana
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Poruka označena kao pročitana
+ destroy:
+ notice: Poruka označena kao nepročitana
my_inbox: Moja dolazna pošta
display name description: Vaše javno prikazano korisničko ime. Možete ga promjeniti
kasnije u postavkama.
continue: Otvorite račun
- terms accepted: Hvala za prihvatanje novih uslova za doprinosioce!
title: Taj korisnik ne postoji.
heading: Korisnik %{user} ne postoji
diary: dnevnik
edits: uređivanja
traces: trase
- remove as friend: ukloniti kao prijatelja
- add as friend: dodati prijatelja
mapper since: 'Maper od:'
ct status: 'Uslovi za doprinosioce:'
ct undecided: Neodlučen
summary_html: '%{name} napravljeno sa %{ip_address} dana %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} napravljeno %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kada
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Post
title: Račun suspendiran
heading: Račun suspendiran
external auth: Autenticació externa
link text: què és això?
- public editing:
- heading: Modificació pública
- enabled: Activades. No anònim i amb permís per editar dades.
- enabled link text: què és això?
- disabled: Desactivades i sense permís per a editar; les modificacions anteriors
- són anònimes.
- disabled link text: per què no puc editar?
contributor terms:
heading: Termes de col·laboració
agreed: Heu acceptat els nous termes de col·laboració.
readable_summary: resum llegible per humans
informal_translations: traduccions informals
continue: Continua
+ cancel: Cancel·la
you need to accept or decline: Per a poder continuar, llegiu i després accepteu
o rebutgeu els nous termes de col·laboració .
legale_select: 'País de residència:'
france: França
italy: Itàlia
rest_of_world: Resta del món
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Gràcies per acceptar els nous termes de col·laboració.
terms_declined_html: Ens sap greu que hàgiu decidit no acceptar els nous termes
de les contribucions. Per més informació, vegeu %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Conjunts de canvis
title_user: Conjunts de canvis de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Conjunts de canvis de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Conjunts de canvis dels meus amics
title_nearby: Conjunts de canvis d'usuaris propers
empty: No s'ha trobat cap conjunt de canvis.
empty_area: No hi ha cap conjunt de canvis en aquesta àrea.
your location: La vostra ubicació
nearby mapper: Cartògraf proper
- friend: Amic
title: El meu tauler
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} i establiu la ubicació de casa
vostra per veure usuaris propers.'
edit_your_profile: Editeu el vostre perfil
- my friends: Les meves amistats
- no friends: Encara no has afegit cap amic.
nearby users: Altres usuaris propers
no nearby users: Cap usuari manifesta cartografiar a prop.
- friends_changesets: conjunts de canvis dels vostres amics
- friends_diaries: entrades de diari dels vostres amics
nearby_changesets: conjunts de canvis d'usuaris propers
nearby_diaries: entrades de diari d'usuaris propers
use_map_link: Useu el mapa
title: Diaris dels usuaris
- title_friends: Diaris d'amics
title_nearby: Diaris d'usuaris propers
user_title: Diari de %{user}
in_language_title: Entrades de diari en %{language}
title: Diari de %{user} | %{title}
user_title: Diari de %{user}
discussion: Discussió
+ subscribe: Subscriu
+ unsubscribe: Cancel·la la subscripció
leave_a_comment: Feu un comentari
login_to_leave_a_comment_html: '%{login_link} per a fer un comentari'
login: Inicia sessió
title: Entrades de diari d'OpenStreetMap
description: Entrades de diari recents dels usuaris d'OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Comentaris del diari afegits per %{user}
- heading: Comentaris del diari de %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentaris del diari afegits per %{user}
- no_comments: Sense comentaris al diari
- page:
- post: Publicar
- when: Quan
- comment: Comentari
notice: S'ha registrat l'aplicació.
+ scopes:
+ openid: Autentiqueu el vostre compte
+ phone: Vegeu el vostre número de telèfon
contact_url_title: Diferents canals de contacte explicats
contact_the_community_html: No dubteu a %{contact_link} la comunitat d'OpenStreetMap
si heu trobat un enllaç trencat / error. Anoteu l'URL exacte de la vostra
+ bad_request:
+ title: Petició incorrecta
title: Prohibit
description: L'operació que heu sol·licitat al servidor OpenStreetMap només
title: No s'ha trobat el fitxer
description: No s'ha pogut trobar cap operació de fitxer/directori/API amb aquest
nom al servidor d'OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Voleu afegir %{user} com un amic?
- button: Afegeix als amics
- success: '%{name} és ara el vostre amic!'
- failed: Ho sentim, no afegir %{name} com un amic.
- already_a_friend: Que ja sou amics amb %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Us heu amistat amb molts usuaris recentment. Espereu una mica
- abans de fer-ho amb algú més.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Voleu suprimir %{user} dels amics?
- button: Suprimeix dels amics
- success: '%{name} s''ha suprimit dels teus amics.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} no és un dels seus amics.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ button: Segueix l'usuari
+ unfollow:
+ button: Deixa de seguir l'usuari
college: Edifici universitari
commercial: Edifici comercial
construction: Edifici en construcció
+ cowshed: Estable
detached: Casa unifamiliar
dormitory: Residència Universitària
duplex: Dúplex
shed: Cobert
stable: Estable
static_caravan: Caravana
+ sty: Porquera
temple: Edifici d'un temple
terrace: Edifici de terrasses
train_station: Edifici d'estació de trens
wayside_shrine: Oratori
wreck: Derelicte
"yes": Lloc històric
+ information:
+ board: Tauler d'informació
+ map: Mapa
+ office: Oficina de turisme
+ terminal: Terminal d'informació
+ sign: Cartell informatiu
+ stele: Estela d'informació
"yes": Intersecció
track: Pista d'atletisme
water_park: Parc aquàtic
"yes": Oci
+ lock:
+ "yes": Resclosa
adit: Galeria d'accés
advertising: Publicitat
building_passage: Passatge en edifici
culvert: Desguàs
"yes": Túnel
+ water:
+ lake: Llac
+ pond: Bassa
+ reservoir: Embassament
+ fishpond: Estany de peixos
+ lagoon: Llacuna
+ wastewater: Aigües residuals
+ oxbow: Braç mort
+ stream_pool: Gorg
+ lock: Resclosa
artificial: Curs d'aigua artificial
boatyard: Drassana
a l'autor a %{replyurl}
footer_html: També podeu llegir el missatge a %{readurl} i podeu enviar un missatge
a l'autor a %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hola %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} us ha afegit a la llista d''amics'
- had_added_you: '%{user} us ha afegit com a amic a l''OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Podeu veure el seu perfil a %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Podeu veure el seu perfil a %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: També el podeu afegir com a amic a %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: També el podeu afegir com a amic a %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hola %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'no es pot importar. L''error ha estat:'
wrong_user: Heu iniciat la sessió com a «%{user}», però aquest usuari no ha
escrit ni ha rebut el missatge que voleu llegir. Per a poder llegir-lo, inicieu
la sessió amb l'usuari correcte.
- mark:
- as_read: Missatge marcat com a llegit
- as_unread: Missatge marcat com a no llegit
- unmute:
- notice: El missatge s'ha mogut a la safata d'entrada
- error: No s'ha pogut moure el missatge a la safata d'entrada.
destroyed: Missatge suprimit
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Missatge marcat com a llegit
+ destroy:
+ notice: Missatge marcat com a no llegit
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: El missatge s'ha mogut a la safata d'entrada
+ error: No s'ha pogut moure el missatge a la safata d'entrada.
my_inbox: La meva safata d'entrada
title: Les meves preferències
+ preferred_site_color_scheme: Esquema de colors preferit pel web
+ site_color_schemes:
+ auto: Auto
+ light: Clar
+ dark: Fosc
+ preferred_map_color_scheme: Esquema de colors preferit pel mapa
+ map_color_schemes:
+ auto: Auto
+ light: Clar
+ dark: Fosc
save: Actualitza les preferències
failure: No s'han pogut actualitzar les preferències.
hospital: Hospital
building: Edifici significatiu
station: Estació de tren
+ railway_halt: Parada del ferrocarril
+ subway_station: Estació de metro
+ tram_stop: Parada de tramvia
summit: Cim
peak: Cim
tunnel: Línia discontínua = túnel
heading: Emmagatzematge GPX fora de línia
message: El sistema d'emmagatzematge i pujada de fitxers GPX no està disponible
- georss:
- title: Traces GPS d'OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Fitxer GPX amb %{count} punt de %{user}
- other: Fitxer GPX amb %{count} punts de %{user}
- description_without_count: Fitxer GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Traces GPS d'OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Fitxer GPX amb %{count} punt de %{user}
+ other: Fitxer GPX amb %{count} punts de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Fitxer GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: No tens permís per a accedir aquesta acció
title: Inicieu la sessió amb Viquipèdia
alt: Logotip de Viquipèdia
+ share:
+ email:
+ alt: Icona de correu electrònic
+ bluesky:
+ alt: Icona de Bluesky
+ linkedin:
+ alt: Icona de LinkedIn
+ mastodon:
+ alt: Icona de Mastodon
+ telegram:
+ alt: Icona de Telegram
+ x:
+ alt: Icona de X
missing: No heu permès l'accés de l'aplicació a aquesta característica
adreces de correu electrònic
contributor_terms: condicions de col·laboració
continue: Registreu-vos-hi
- terms accepted: Gràcies per acceptar els nous termes de col·laboració.
html: La vostra adreça no es mostrarà públicament, consulteu la nostra %{privacy_policy_link}
per obtenir més informació.
edits: Edicions
traces: Traces
notes: Notes de mapa
- remove as friend: Deixa l'amistat
- add as friend: Afegeix com a amic
mapper since: 'Cartografiant des de:'
uid: 'ID d''usuari:'
ct status: 'Termes de col·laboració:'
summary_html: '%{name} creat a partir de %{ip_address} el %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creat el %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quan
+ comment: Comentari
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentaris del diari afegits per %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Publicar
title: Compte suspès
heading: Compte suspès
external auth: Арахьара аутентификаци
link text: хӀун йу хӀара?
- public editing:
- heading: Йукъара нисайар
- enabled: ДӀахӀоттийна. Аноним йац, нисайа йиш ю.
- enabled link text: хӀун йу хӀара?
- disabled: ДӀасакъаьстина а, нисайа йиш йоцуш а, хьалха дина массо а хийцамаш
- анониман ду.
- disabled link text: Соьга хьунда ца йало нийсарш?
contributor terms:
heading: Дакъалацарна хьоьлаш
agreed: Хьо реза хила керлачу дакъалацаран низаман.
readable_summary: адамо еша йиш йолу чулацам
informal_translations: формалан доцу гочдар
continue: Кхин дӀа
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=ce
you need to accept or decline: Дехар ду, деша, тӀаккха реза хила йа йухатоха
керла дакъалацаран хьелаш.
legale_select: 'Дехар ду, шу деха пачхьалкх хьаржар:'
france: Французийн
italy: Италийн
rest_of_world: Дисна дуьйне
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Баркалла хьуна, керла лелоран биллам тӀеэцарна!
terms_declined_html: Тхуна хала хетта, ахь керла Лелоран хьелаш тӀе ца эца
сацам барна. Кхин дӀа хаа лууш волчунна, хьажа %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Нисдарш
title_user: Декъашхочун %{user} нисдарш
title_user_link_html: Декъашхочун %{user_link} нисдарш
- title_friend: Хьан доттагӀийн нисдарш
title_nearby: Уллера декъашхойн нисдарш
empty: Нисдарш цакарий.
empty_area: Кхузахь нисдарш дина дац.
created: Кхоьллина
closed: ДӀачӀагӀа
belongs_to: Автор
- subscribe:
- heading: ТIевазалур вуй хийцамийн дийцар тIе?
- button: ТIевазало дийцар тIе
- unsubscribe:
- heading: ХӀокху хийцамийн дийцар тIера дӀакъаста?
- button: ДӀакъаста дийцар тIера
- heading:
- title: 'Нисдарш: %{id}'
- created_by_html: Кхоьлина %{link_user} on %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'ДӀайазайина йац id: %{id}'
- body: Бехк ма билла, id %{id} хийцамаш бац. Дехар ду, нийса йазийни хьажа, хьо
- чоьха ваьла ссылка нийса ца хила а тарло.
title: 'Нисдарш: %{id}'
created: Кхоьллина %{when}
sorry: Бехк ма билла, ахьа бихина нисдарийн могӀа, арабаккха тӀехь сов хьан
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: ТIевазалур вуй хийцамийн дийцар тIе?
+ button: ТIевазало дийцар тIе
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: ХӀокху хийцамийн дийцар тIера дӀакъаста?
+ button: ДӀакъаста дийцар тIера
+ heading:
+ title: 'Нисдарш: %{id}'
+ created_by_html: Кхоьлина %{link_user} on %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'ДӀайазайина йац id: %{id}'
+ body: Бехк ма билла, id %{id} хийцамаш бац. Дехар ду, нийса йазийни хьажа, хьо
+ чоьха ваьла ссылка нийса ца хила а тарло.
km away: Хьун тIера %{count} км
your location: Хьо волу/йолу меттиг
nearby mapper: Уллера картадилархо
- friend: ДоттагӀ
title: Сан панель
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} а, хьо волу меттиг а хӀоттае, уллера
декъашхо гарахьам.'
edit_your_profile: Хьайн профиль нисайе
- my friends: ДоттагӀий
- no friends: Цкъачунна цхьа а доттагӀ тӀетоьхна вац ахь.
nearby users: Кхибола уллера декъашхой
no nearby users: Кхин цхьа а декъашхо вац цкъачунна уллех карта хӀоттош болх
- friends_changesets: доттагӀийн хийцамаш
- friends_diaries: доттагӀийн тептарш
nearby_changesets: лулара хийцамаш
nearby_diaries: лулара тептаран йаздарш
use_map_link: Карта лела де
title: Тептарш
- title_friends: ДоттагӀийн тептарш
title_nearby: Уллера декъашхойн тептарш
user_title: Декъашхочун тептар %{user}
in_language_title: '%{language} маттахь дневникан дӀайаздарш'
heading: РoгӀepa йаззам йазъечу дискуссина тIера дӀакъастий?
button: ДӀакъаста дийцар тIера
- index:
- title: Декъашхочо тӀетоьхначу дневникан йаздаршна комментареш %{user}
- heading: '%{user} тептар тIе комментареш'
- subheading_html: тдекъашхочо тептар тIе комментареш тоьхна %{user}
- no_comments: цхьа комментари йац тептартех
- page:
- post: Хаам
- when: Маца
- comment: Коммент
heading: Дневник йазъйаран дискуссе комментари тӀетоха?
title: Файл цакарий
description: Цу цӀарца йолу файл/каталог/API операци ца карийра OpenStreetMap
сервер тӀехь (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} доттагӀ санна тӀетохий?'
- button: ТӀетоха доттагӀ сана
- success: '%{name} хIинца хьа доттагI ву!'
- failed: Бехк ма билла, %{name} доттагӀ санна тӀе цатохавела.
- already_a_friend: Хьо хӀинца %{name} доттагӀ ву .
- limit_exceeded: Дукха юзершца доттагӀалла лелийна ахь тӀаьхьарчу хенахь. Кхин
- доттагӀалла лело гӀертале жимма собар дехьа.
- remove_friend:
- heading: ДоттагӀ %{user} дӀаваккхий?
- button: ДоттагӀ дӀаваккха
- success: '%{name} хьан доттагIшна йукъара дӀаваьккхина.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} хIинца хьа доттагI вац.'
ду %{replyurl} тӀера
footer_html: Иштта хьа %{readurl} тӀера хаам еша йиш йу, авторе хаам бахьийта
мегар ду %{replyurl} тӀера
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Маршалла ду %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} хьо доттагӀ санна тӀетоьхна'
- had_added_you: '%{user} -о OpenStreetMap чохь хьо доттагӀ санна тӀетоьхна.'
see_their_profile: Хьан церан профиль ган йиш йу %{userurl} тӀехь.
see_their_profile_html: Хьан церан профиль ган йиш йу %{userurl} тӀехь.
- befriend_them: Иштта %{befriendurl} чохь доттагӀ санна тӀетоха йиш йу хьан.
- befriend_them_html: Иштта %{befriendurl} чохь доттагӀ санна тӀетоха йиш йу хьан.
hi: Маршалла ду %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'импорт ян аьтто ца баьлла. Кхузахь гӀалат ду:'
wrong_user: Хьо `%{user}' санна чуваьлла ву, амма ахь деша дехна хаам цу декъашхочо
я цуьнга дӀа ца бахьийтина. Дехар ду, нийса лелош верг санна чу вала, иза
ешара а.
- mark:
- as_read: Хаам баьшна аьлла билгалбаьккхина
- as_unread: Хаам ца баьшна аьлла билгалбаьккхина
- unmute:
- notice: Хаам дӀабаькхна "Чудохурша" чура
- error: Хаам дӀа ца бахийтина "Чудохурша" чу.
destroyed: Хаам дӀабаьккхина
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Хаам баьшна аьлла билгалбаьккхина
+ destroy:
+ notice: Хаам ца баьшна аьлла билгалбаьккхина
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Хаам дӀабаькхна "Чудохурша" чура
+ error: Хаам дӀа ца бахийтина "Чудохурша" чу.
my_inbox: Сан чудохурша
heading: GPX дуо дIайайина
message: GPX файлан дуо а, чуйакхаран а система карарчу хенахь болх беш йац.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-трекаш
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX файл %{count}-тIера тIадам %{user}-ах
- other: -ах GPX файл %{count}-тIера тIадамаш %{user}-ах
- description_without_count: GPX файл %{user} декъашхочун
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-трекаш
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX файл %{count}-тIера тIадам %{user}-ах
+ other: -ах GPX файл %{count}-тIера тIадамаш %{user}-ах
+ description_without_count: GPX файл %{user} декъашхочун
permission_denied: Хьан бакъо йац и гӀуллакх кхочушдан.
адресех лаьцна дакъа а
contributor_terms: дакъалацархочун хьелаш
continue: Кхин дӀа
- terms accepted: Баркалла хьуна, керла лелоран биллам тӀеэцарна!
privacy_policy: Къайлаха политика
privacy_policy_title: OSMF къайленан политика, цу йукъахь электронан почтан
edits: Нисдарш
traces: Трекаш
notes: Билгалонаш
- remove as friend: ДӀаваккха доттагӀийн йукъара
- add as friend: ДоттагӀийн йукъатоха
mapper since: 'ДӀавазвелла:'
last map edit: 'ТӀаьххьара карта хийцин:'
no activity yet: Цкъачунна жигаралла йац
summary_html: '%{name} кхоьллина %{date}, %{ip_address} адрес чуьра'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} кхоьллина %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Маца
+ comment: Коммент
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Декъашхочо тӀетоьхначу дневникан йаздаршна комментареш %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Хаам
title: Аккаунт сацийна
heading: Аккаунт сацийна
# Author: Paxt
# Author: Reaperman
# Author: Robins7
+# Author: Segoulas
# Author: ShaggyCZ - Main
# Author: Spotter
# Author: StenSoft
support_url: URL s podporou
allow_read_prefs: číst jejich uživatelské nastavení
allow_write_prefs: měnit jejich uživatelské nastavení
- allow_write_diary: vytvářet deníkové záznamy, komentovat a navazovat přátelství
+ allow_write_diary: vytvářet deníkové záznamy a komentáře
allow_write_api: upravovat mapu
allow_read_gpx: číst jejich soukromé GPS stopy
allow_write_gpx: nahrávat GPS stopy
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cs:OpenID
link text: co to znamená?
- public editing:
- heading: Veřejné editace
- enabled: Aktivní. Není anonym, smí editovat data.
- enabled link text: co to znamená?
- disabled: Deaktivováno, nemůže editovat data, všechny předchozí editace jsou
- anonymní.
- disabled link text: proč nemůžu editovat?
contributor terms:
heading: Podmínky pro přispěvatele
agreed: Odsouhlasili jste nové Podmínky pro přispěvatele.
readable_summary: lidsky čitelné shrnutí
informal_translations: neoficiální překlady
continue: Pokračovat
- declined: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/CS:Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=cs
cancel: Zrušit
you need to accept or decline: Pro pokračování si prosím přečtěte a přijměte
nebo odmítněte nové Podmínky pro přispěvatele.
france: Francie
italy: Itálie
rest_of_world: Zbytek světa
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Děkujeme za odsouhlasení nových podmínek pro přispěvatele!
terms_declined_html: Je nám líto, že jste se rozhodli nepřijmout nové Podmínky
pro přispěvatele. Podrobnější informace najdete na %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Sady změn
title_user: Sady změn uživatele %{user}
title_user_link_html: Sady změn uživatele %{user_link}
- title_friend: Sady změn mých přátel
+ title_followed: Sady změn sledovaných
title_nearby: Sady změn uživatelů poblíž
empty: Nebyly nalezeny žádné sady změn.
empty_area: Pro tuto oblast neexistují žádné sady změn.
created: Vytvořeno
closed: Uzavřeno
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Přihlásit se k odběru následující diskuse o sadě změn?
- button: Odebírat diskusi
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Zrušit odběr následující diskuse o sadě změn?
- button: Zrušit odběr diskuse
- heading:
- title: Sada změn %{id}
- created_by_html: Vytvořil uživatel %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: Záznam s ID %{id} neexistuje
- body: Je nám líto, ale sada změn s ID %{id} neexistuje. Zkontrolujte překlepy
- nebo jste možná klikli na chybný odkaz.
title: 'Sada změn: %{id}'
created: 'Vytvořeno: %{when}'
sorry: 'Je nám líto, ale sada změn #%{id} neexistuje.'
sorry: Omlouváme se, ale vámi požadovaný seznam sad změn se načítal příliš dlouho.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Přihlásit se k odběru následující diskuse o sadě změn?
+ button: Odebírat diskusi
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Zrušit odběr následující diskuse o sadě změn?
+ button: Zrušit odběr diskuse
+ heading:
+ title: Sada změn %{id}
+ created_by_html: Vytvořil uživatel %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: Záznam s ID %{id} neexistuje
+ body: Je nám líto, ale sada změn s ID %{id} neexistuje. Zkontrolujte překlepy
+ nebo jste možná klikli na chybný odkaz.
km away: '%{count} km'
your location: Vaše poloha
nearby mapper: Nedaleký uživatel
- friend: Přítel
+ following: Sledovaný
title: Moje nástěnka
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} a nastavte si domovskou lokaci,
abyste viděli uživatele ve vašem okolí.'
edit_your_profile: Upravte si profil
- my friends: Moji přátelé
- no friends: Zatím jste nepřidali žádné přátele.
+ followings: Sledovaní
+ no followings: Zatím nesledujete žádného uživatele.
nearby users: Další uživatelé poblíž
no nearby users: Nejsou známi žádní uživatelé, kteří by uvedli domov blízko
- friends_changesets: sady změn přátel
- friends_diaries: záznamy v denících přátel
+ followed_changesets: sady změn
+ followed_diaries: deníkové záznamy
nearby_changesets: sady změn uživatelů poblíž
nearby_diaries: záznamy v denících uživatelů poblíž
use_map_link: Použít mapu
title: Deníky uživatelů
- title_friends: Deníky přátel
+ title_followed: Deníky sledovaných
title_nearby: Deníky uživatelů poblíž
user_title: Deník uživatele %{user}
in_language_title: Deníkové záznamy v jazyce %{language}
heading: Odhlásit odběr následující diskuse k deníkovému záznamu?
button: Zrušit odběr diskuse
- index:
- title: Komentáře k deníkům přidané uživatelem %{user}
- heading: Deníkové komentáře uživatele %{user}
- subheading_html: Komentáře k deníkům přidané uživatelem %{user}
- no_comments: Žádné komentáře k deníkům
- page:
- post: Záznam
- when: Kdy
- comment: Komentář
heading: Přidat komentář do následující diskuse k deníkovému záznamu?
title: Soubor nenalezen
description: Na serveru OpenStreetMap se nepodařilo najít soubor/adresář/operaci
API s tímto názvem (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Přidat uživatele %{user} jako přítele?
- button: Přidat jako přítele
- success: '%{name} je nyní váš přítel!'
- failed: Je mi líto, nepodařilo se přidat %{name} jako přítele.
- already_a_friend: Již jste přátelé s %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: V poslední době jste přidali spoustu přátel. Před dalším přidáváním
- přátel chvíli počkejte.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Odebrat uživatele %{user} z přátel?
- button: Odebrat z přátel
- success: '%{name} byl odstraněn z vašich přátel.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} není mezi vašimi přáteli.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Chcete sledovat uživatele %{user}?
+ button: Sledovat uživatele
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Chcete přestat sledovat uživatele %{user}?
+ button: Přestat sledovat uživatele
+ create:
+ success: Nyní sledujete uživatele %{name}!
+ failed: Je nám líto, ale váš požadavek sledovat uživatele %{name} selhal.
+ already_followed: Uživatele %{name} už sledujete.
+ limit_exceeded: V poslední době jste začali sledovat spoustu uživatelů. Před
+ sledováním dalších prosím chvíli počkejte.
+ destroy:
+ success: Úspěšně jste přestali sledovat uživatele %{name}.
+ not_followed: Uživatele %{name} nesledujete.
na %{replyurl}
footer_html: Můžete si také přečíst zprávu na %{readurl} a můžete poslat zprávu
autorovi na %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Dobrý den, uživateli %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} si vás přidal jako přítele'
- had_added_you: '%{user} si vás na OpenStreetMap přidal(a) jako přítele.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Uživatel %{user} vás začal sledovat'
+ followed_you: Uživatel %{user} vás nyní na OpenStreetMap sleduje.
see_their_profile: Jeho/její profil si můžete prohlédnout na %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Jeho/její profil si můžete prohlédnout na %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Můžete si ho/ji také přidat jako přítele na %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Můžete si ho/ji také přidat jako přítele na %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Můžete ho také začít sledovat na %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Můžete ho také začít sledovat na %{followurl}.
details: 'Podrobnosti o vašem souboru:'
filename: Název souboru
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Neúspěšný import GPX'
hi: Ahoj %{to_user},
+ imported_successfully: Vypadá to, že se váš soubor úspěšně naimportoval jako
+ GPS stopa.
all_your_traces: Všechny úspěšně načtené GPX stopy můžete najít na %{url}
all_your_traces_html: Všechny úspěšně načtené GPX stopy můžete najít na %{url}.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Úspěšný import GPX'
wrong_user: Jste přihlášeni jako „%{user}“, ale zpráva, kterou si chcete přečíst,
není ani od, ani pro tohoto uživatele. Pokud si ji chcete přečíst, přihlaste
se pod správným účtem.
- mark:
- as_read: Zpráva označena jako přečtená
- as_unread: Zpráva označena jako nepřečtená
- unmute:
- notice: Zpráva byla přesunuta do doručené pošty
- error: Zprávu se nepodařilo přesunout do doručené pošty.
destroyed: Zpráva smazána
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Zpráva označena jako přečtená
+ destroy:
+ notice: Zpráva označena jako nepřečtená
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Zpráva byla přesunuta do doručené pošty
+ error: Zprávu se nepodařilo přesunout do doručené pošty.
my_inbox: Má doručená pošta
preview: Náhled
help: Nápověda
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Starší komentáře
+ newer: Novější komentáře
older: Starší komentáře
newer: Novější komentáře
heading: GPX úložiště offline
message: Úložiště GPX souborů a systém pro nahrávání jsou momentálně mimo provoz.
- georss:
- title: GPS stopy z OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX soubor s %{count} bodem od uživatele %{user}
- other: GPX soubor s %{count} body od uživatele %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX soubor od uživatele %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: GPS stopy z OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX soubor s %{count} bodem od uživatele %{user}
+ other: GPX soubor s %{count} body od uživatele %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX soubor od uživatele %{user}
permission_denied: Pro přístup k této akci nemáte oprávnění
openid: Přihlaste se pomocí OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Číst preference uživatele
write_prefs: Měnit preference uživatele
- write_diary: Vytvářet deníkové záznamy, komentovat a navazovat přátelství
+ write_diary: Vytvářet deníkové záznamy a komentáře
write_api: Upravovat mapu
read_gpx: Číst soukromé GPS stopy
write_gpx: Nahrávat GPS stopy
e-mailových adresách
contributor_terms: podmínkami pro přispěvatele
continue: Zaregistrovat se
- terms accepted: Děkujeme za odsouhlasení nových podmínek pro přispěvatele!
privacy_policy: pravidly ochrany osobních údajů
privacy_policy_title: Pravidla ochrany osobních údajů OSMF, včetně části o
edits: Úpravy
traces: Stopy
notes: Poznámky k mapě
- remove as friend: Odebrat z přátel
- add as friend: Přidat do přátel
+ unfollow: Přestat sledovat
+ follow: Sledovat
mapper since: 'Účastník projektu od:'
last map edit: 'Poslední úprava mapy:'
no activity yet: Zatím žádná činnost
summary_html: '%{name} vytvořeno %{date} z %{ip_address}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} vytvořen %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: Komentáře uživatele %{user}
+ changesets: Sady změn
+ diary_entries: Deníkové záznamy
+ no_comments: Žádné komentáře
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentáře k sadám změn přidané uživatelem %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Sada změn
+ when: Kdy
+ comment: Komentář
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentáře k deníkům přidané uživatelem %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Záznam
+ when: Kdy
+ comment: Komentář
title: Účet pozastaven
heading: Účet pozastaven
k vaší poznámce, %{log_in} nebo %{sign_up}.
anonymous_warning_log_in: přihlaste se
anonymous_warning_sign_up: se zaregistrujte
+ counter_warning_html: Už jste odeslali nejméně %{x_anonymous_notes}, to je pro
+ komunitu skvělé, děkujeme! Co kdybyste zkusili %{contribute_by_yourself},
+ není to tak složité a %{community_can_help}.
+ x_anonymous_notes:
+ one: '%{count} anonymní poznámku'
+ few: '%{count} anonymní poznámky'
+ many: '%{count} anonymní poznámky'
+ other: '%{count} anonymních poznámek'
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ text: přispívat sami
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cs:Pr%C5%AFvodce_za%C4%8D%C3%A1te%C4%8Dn%C3%ADka
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: komunita vám může pomoci
advice: Vaše poznámka je veřejná a může sloužit k úpravám mapy, proto nevkládejte
žádné osobní údaje ani informace z autorskoprávně chráněných map či adresářů.
add: Přidat poznámku
support_url: URL Cefnogaeth
allow_read_prefs: darllen eu dewisiadau defnyddiwr
allow_write_prefs: addasu eu dewisiadau defnyddiwr
- allow_write_diary: creu cofnodion dyddiadur, sylwadau a gwneud ffrindiau
+ allow_write_diary: creu cofnodion dyddiadur a sylwadau
allow_write_api: golygu'r map
allow_read_gpx: darllen eu harllwybrau GPS
allow_write_gpx: uwchlwytho olion GPS
external auth: Dilysu Allanol
link text: beth yw hwn?
- public editing:
- heading: Golygu cyhoeddus
- enabled: Galluogwyd. Ddim yn anhysbys ac yn gallu golygu data.
- enabled link text: beth yw hwn?
- disabled link text: pam na allaf olygu?
contributor terms:
heading: Telerau Cyfranwyr
agreed: Rydych chi wedi cytuno â'r Telerau Cyfranwyr newydd.
readable_summary: crynodeb darllenadwy
informal_translations: cyfieithiadau anffurfiol
continue: Parhau
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Canslo
legale_select: 'Gwlad breswyl:'
france: Ffrainc
italy: Yr Eidal
rest_of_world: Gweddill y byd
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Diolch am dderbyn telerau newydd cyfranwyr!
terms_declined_link: y dudalen wici hon
terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
title: Grwpiau newid
title_user: Grwpiau newid gan %{user}
title_user_link_html: Grwpiau newid gan %{user_link}
- title_friend: Grwpiau newid gan fy ffrindiau
title_nearby: Grwpiau newid gan ddefnyddwyr gerllaw
empty: Heb ganfod grwpiau newid.
empty_area: Heb ganfod grwpiau newid yn yr ardal hon.
created: Crëwyd
closed: Caëwyd
belongs_to: Awdur
- subscribe:
- heading: Tanysgrifio i'r drafodaeth grŵp newid ganlynol?
- button: Tanysgrifio i drafodaeth
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Dad-danysgrifio i'r drafodaeth grŵp newid ganlynol?
- button: Dad-danysgrifio o'r drafodaeth
- heading:
- title: Grŵp newid %{id}
- created_by_html: Crëwyd gan %{link_user} ar %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Dim cofnod gyda''r id: %{id}'
- body: Mae'n ddrwg gennym, nid oes grŵp newid gyda'r id %{id}. Gwiriwch eich
- sillafu, neu efallai bod y ddolen rydych chi wedi ei chlicio arni'n anghywir.
title: 'Grŵp newid: %{id}'
created: 'Crëwyd: %{when}'
sorry: Sori, cymerodd y rhestr o grwpiau newid y gofynnoch amdanynt rhy hir
i'w hadalw.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Tanysgrifio i'r drafodaeth grŵp newid ganlynol?
+ button: Tanysgrifio i drafodaeth
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Dad-danysgrifio i'r drafodaeth grŵp newid ganlynol?
+ button: Dad-danysgrifio o'r drafodaeth
+ heading:
+ title: Grŵp newid %{id}
+ created_by_html: Crëwyd gan %{link_user} ar %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Dim cofnod gyda''r id: %{id}'
+ body: Mae'n ddrwg gennym, nid oes grŵp newid gyda'r id %{id}. Gwiriwch eich
+ sillafu, neu efallai bod y ddolen rydych chi wedi ei chlicio arni'n anghywir.
km away: '%{count}km i ffwrdd'
your location: Eich lleoliad
nearby mapper: Mapiwr gerllaw
- friend: Ffrind
+ following: Yn dilyn
title: Fy Nangosfwrdd
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} a gosodwch eich lleoliad i weld
defnyddwyr cyfagos.'
edit_your_profile: Golygwch eich proffil
- my friends: Fy ffrindiau
- no friends: Nid ydych wedi ychwanegu unrhyw ffrindiau eto.
+ followings: Yn dilyn
+ no followings: Nid ydych wedi dilyn unrhyw ddefnyddwyr eto.
nearby users: Defnyddwyr eraill gerllaw
no nearby users: Nid oes defnyddwyr gerllaw sy'n dweud eu bod yn mapio eto.
- friends_changesets: grwpiau newid eich ffrindiau
- friends_diaries: cofnodion dyddiaduron ffrindiau
+ followed_changesets: grwpiau newid
+ followed_diaries: cofnodion dyddiadur
nearby_changesets: grwpiau newid defnyddwyr gerllaw
nearby_diaries: cofnodion dyddiaduron defnyddwyr gerllaw
use_map_link: Defnyddio Map
title: Dyddiaduron Defnyddwyr
- title_friends: Dyddiaduron Ffrindiau
+ title_followed: Dyddiaduron eich Yn Dilyn
title_nearby: Dyddiaduron Defnyddwyr Gerllaw
user_title: Dyddiadur %{user}
in_language_title: Cofnodion Dyddiadur %{language}
heading: Dad-danysgrifio o'r drafodaeth cofnod dyddiadur ganlynol?
button: Dad-danysgrifio o'r drafodaeth
- index:
- title: Sylwadau Dyddiadur wedi'u hychwanegu gan %{user}
- heading: Sylwadau Dyddiadur %{user}
- subheading_html: Sylwadau Dyddiadur wedi'u hychwanegu gan %{user}
- no_comments: Dim sylwadau dyddiadur
- page:
- post: Post
- when: Pryd
- comment: Sylw
heading: Ychwanegu sylw at y drafodaeth cofnod dyddiadur canlynol?
title: Gwall ap
title: Heb ganfod ffeil
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Ychwanegu %{user} fel ffrind?
- button: Ychwanegu fel ffrind
- success: Mae %{name} nawr yn ffrind i chi!
- failed: Sori, methwyd ychwanegu %{name} fel ffrind.
- already_a_friend: Rydych chi eisoes yn ffrindiau gyda %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Dad-ffrindio %{user}?
- button: Dad-ffrindio
- success: Tynnwyd %{name} o'ch ffrindiau.
- not_a_friend: Nid yw %{name} yn un o'ch ffrindiau.
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Ydych chi am ddilyn %{user}?
+ button: Dilyn Defnyddiwr
+ unfollow:
+ button: Dad-ddilyn Defnyddiwr
+ create:
+ success: Rydych nawr yn dilyn %{name}!
+ already_followed: Rydych chi eisoes yn dilyn %{name}.
stone: Carreg
tomb: Beddrod
tower: Tŵr
- wayside_chapel: Capel Min y Ffordd
- wayside_cross: Croes Min y Ffordd
- wayside_shrine: Cysegrfa Min y Ffordd
+ wayside_chapel: Capel Min Ffordd
+ wayside_cross: Croes Min Ffordd
+ wayside_shrine: Cysegr Min Ffordd
wreck: Llongddrylliad
"yes": Safle Hanesyddol
yr awdur yn %{replyurl}
footer_html: Gallwch hefyd ddarllen y neges yn %{readurl} a gallwch anfon neges
at yr awdur yn %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Helo %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Ychwanegodd %{user} chi fel ffrind'
- had_added_you: Mae %{user} wedi eich ychwanegu fel ffrind ar OpenStreetMap.
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Mae %{user} wedi eich dilyn'
see_their_profile: 'Gallwch weld eu proffil yma: %{userurl}.'
see_their_profile_html: 'Gallwch weld eu proffil yma: %{userurl}.'
- befriend_them: Gallwch hefyd eu hychwanegu fel ffrind ar %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Gallwch hefyd eu hychwanegu fel ffrind ar %{befriendurl}.
details: 'Manylion eich ffeil:'
filename: Enw ffeil
url: URL
+ description: Disgrifiad
tags: Tagiau
hi: Helo %{to_user},
unread_button: Marcio fel heb ei ddarllen
destroy_button: Dileu
back: Yn ôl
- mark:
- as_read: Nodwyd fod y neges wedi ei ddarllen
- as_unread: Nodwyd nad yw'r neges wedi ei ddarllen
- unmute:
- notice: Symudwyd y neges i'r Mewnflwch
- error: Nid oedd modd symud y neges i'r Mewnflwch.
destroyed: Neges wedi'i dileu
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Nodwyd fod y neges wedi ei ddarllen
+ destroy:
+ notice: Nodwyd nad yw'r neges wedi ei ddarllen
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Symudwyd y neges i'r Mewnflwch
+ error: Nid oedd modd symud y neges i'r Mewnflwch.
my_inbox: Fy Mewnflwch
preview: Rhagolwg
help: Cymorth
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Sylwadau Hŷn
+ newer: Sylwadau Diweddarach
older: Sylwadau Hŷn
newer: Sylwadau Diweddarach
heading: Storio GPX All-lein
message: Nid yw'r system uwchlwytho a storio ffeiliau GPX ar gael ar hyn o bryd.
- georss:
- title: Olion GPS OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- zero: Ffeil GPX â %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
- one: Ffeil GPX ag %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
- two: Ffeil GPX â %{count} bwynt gan %{user}
- few: Ffeil GPX â %{count} phwynt gan %{user}
- many: Ffeil GPX â %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
- other: Ffeil GPX â %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
- description_without_count: Ffeil GPX gan %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Olion GPS OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ zero: Ffeil GPX â %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
+ one: Ffeil GPX ag %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
+ two: Ffeil GPX â %{count} bwynt gan %{user}
+ few: Ffeil GPX â %{count} phwynt gan %{user}
+ many: Ffeil GPX â %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
+ other: Ffeil GPX â %{count} pwynt gan %{user}
+ description_without_count: Ffeil GPX gan %{user}
permission_denied: Nid oes gennych ganiatâd i gael mynediad at y weithred honno
openid: Mewngofnodi ag OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Darllen dewisiadau defnyddwyr
write_prefs: Addasu dewisiadau defnyddwyr
- write_diary: Creu cofnodion dyddiadur, sylwadau a gwneud ffrindiau
+ write_diary: Creu cofnodion dyddiadur a sylwadau
write_api: Golygu'r map
read_gpx: Darllen olion GPS preifat
write_gpx: Uwchlwytho olion GPS
privacy_policy: polisi preifatrwydd
contributor_terms: thelerau cyfranwyr
continue: Cofrestru
- terms accepted: Diolch am dderbyn telerau newydd cyfranwyr!
privacy_policy: polisi preifatrwydd
html: Ni chaiff eich cyfeiriad e-bost ei arddangos yn gyhoeddus, gweler ein
edits: Golygiadau
traces: Olion
notes: Nodiadau Map
- remove as friend: Dad-ffrindio
- add as friend: Ychwanegu ffrind
+ unfollow: Dad-ddilyn
+ follow: Dilyn
mapper since: 'Yn mapio ers:'
last map edit: 'Golygiad map diwethaf:'
no activity yet: Dim gweithgaredd eto
summary_html: Crëwyd %{name} o %{ip_address} ar %{date}
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} wedi''i greu ar %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ changesets: Grwpiau newid
+ diary_entries: Cofnodion dyddiadur
+ no_comments: Dim sylwadau
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Sylwadau Grŵp Newid wedi'u hychwanegu gan %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Grŵp newid
+ when: Pryd
+ comment: Sylw
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Sylwadau Dyddiadur wedi'u hychwanegu gan %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Post
+ when: Pryd
+ comment: Sylw
title: Cyfrif wedi'i atal
heading: Cyfrif wedi'i atal
os ydych chi eisiau derbyn diweddariadau am eich nodyn.
anonymous_warning_log_in: Mewngofnodwch
anonymous_warning_sign_up: gofrestrwch
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ url: https://community.openstreetmap.org/
advice: Mae eich nodyn yn gyhoeddus a gellid ei ddefnyddio i ddiweddaru'r map,
felly peidiwch ag ysgrifennu gwybodaeth bersonol, na gwybodaeth o fapiau hawlfreintiedig
neu gyfeiriaduron.
support_url: Support URL
allow_read_prefs: læse deres brugerpræferencer
allow_write_prefs: ændre deres brugeralternativer
- allow_write_diary: oprette blogindlæg, kommentarer og indgå venskaber
+ allow_write_diary: oprette blogindlæg og kommentarer
allow_write_api: ændre kortet
allow_read_gpx: læse deres private GPS-spor
allow_write_gpx: overføre GPS-spor
external auth: Ekstern godkendelse
link text: hvad er dette?
- public editing:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- enabled: Aktiveret. Ikke anonym og kan ændre data.
- enabled link text: hvad er dette?
- disabled: Deaktiveret og kan ikke ændre data, alle tidligere ændringer er
- anonyme.
- disabled link text: hvorfor kan jeg ikke redigere?
contributor terms:
heading: 'Vilkår for bidragsydere:'
agreed: Du har accepteret de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
france: Frankrig
italy: Italien
rest_of_world: Resten af verden
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Tak for at du accepterede de nye vilkår for bidragsydere!
terms_declined_html: Vi er kede af at du har besluttet at du ikke kan acceptere
de nye vilkår for bidragsydere. For yderligere oplysninger, se venligst
terms_declined_link: denne wiki-side
+ terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Da:Contributor_Terms_Declined
deleted_ago_by_html: Slettet %{time_ago} af %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: Redigeret %{time_ago} af %{user}
feature_warning: Indlæser %{num_features} kortobjekter, hvilket kan gøre din
browser langsom eller få den til ikke at svare. Er du sikker på, at du ønsker
at få vist disse data?
+ feature_error: 'Kortobjekter kunne ikke indlæses: %{message}'
load_data: Indlæs data
loading: Indlæser...
title: Ændringssæt
title_user: Ændringssæt af %{user}
title_user_link_html: Ændringssæt af %{user_link}
- title_friend: Ændringssæt af mine venner
+ title_followed: Ændringssæt af dem, du følger
title_nearby: Ændringssæt af brugere i nærheden
empty: Ingen ændringssæt fundet.
empty_area: Ingen ændringssæt i dette område.
created: Oprettet
closed: Lukket
belongs_to: Forfatter
- subscribe:
- heading: Abonner på den følgende ændringssæt-diskussion?
- button: Abonner på diskussion
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Vil du afmelde følgende diskussion om ændringssæt?
- button: Afmeld diskussion
- heading:
- title: Ændringssæt %{id}
- created_by_html: Oprettet af %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Intet indlæg med id: %{id}'
- body: Der findes desværre intet ændringssæt med id %{id}. Tjek stavningen, eller
- måske er linket du trykkede på forkert.
title: 'Ændringssæt: %{id}'
created: 'Oprettet: %{when}'
sorry: Desværre tog det for lang tid at indlæse den liste af ændringssæt du
har bedt om.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Abonner på følgende ændringssæt-diskussion?
+ button: Abonner på diskussion
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Afmeld abonnement på følgende ændringssæt-diskussion?
+ button: Afmeld diskussion
+ heading:
+ title: Ændringssæt %{id}
+ created_by_html: Oprettet af %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Intet indlæg med id: %{id}'
+ body: Der findes desværre intet ændringssæt med id %{id}. Tjek stavningen, eller
+ måske er linket du trykkede på forkert.
km away: '%{count}km væk'
your location: Din position
nearby mapper: Bruger i nærheden
- friend: Ven
+ following: Følger
title: Mit kontrolpanel
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} og angiv din hjemmeposition for
at se brugere i nærheden.'
edit_your_profile: Rediger din profil
- my friends: Mine venner
- no friends: Du har ikke tilføjet nogle venner endnu.
+ followings: Følger
+ no followings: Du har ikke fulgt nogen bruger endnu.
nearby users: 'Andre brugere i nærheden:'
no nearby users: Der er ingen andre brugere der har angivet at de kortlægger
i nærheden.
- friends_changesets: venners ændringssæt
- friends_diaries: venners blogindlæg
+ followed_changesets: ændringssæt
+ followed_diaries: blogindlæg
nearby_changesets: ændringssæt af brugere i nærheden
nearby_diaries: blogindlæg af brugere i nærheden
use_map_link: Brug kort
title: Brugerblogs
- title_friends: Venners blogs
+ title_followed: Blogindlæg fra dem, du følger
title_nearby: Blogs fra brugere i nærheden
user_title: Blog for %{user}
in_language_title: Blogindlæg på %{language}
heading: Vil du afmelde følgende blogindlægsdiskussion?
button: Afmeld diskussion
- index:
- title: Kommentarer til blogindlæg tilføjet af %{user}
- heading: '%{user}s kommentarer til blogindlæg'
- subheading_html: Kommentarer til blogindlæg tilføjet af %{user}
- no_comments: Ingen blogkommentarer
- page:
- post: Indsend
- when: Hvornår
- comment: Kommentar
heading: Vil du tilføje en kommentar til følgende blogindlægsdiskussion?
title: Fil ikke fundet
description: En fil/mappe/API-handling ved dette navn findes ikke på OpenStreetMap-serveren
(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Tilføj %{user} som en ven?
- button: Tilføj som en ven
- success: '%{name} er nu din ven!'
- failed: Desværre, kunne ikke tilføje %{name} som din ven.
- already_a_friend: Du er allerede ven med %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Du er blevet venner med en del brugere for nylig. Vent venligst
- lidt før du forsøger at blive ven med flere.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Fjern %{user} som ven?
- button: Fjern som ven
- success: '%{name} blev fjernet fra din liste af venner.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} er ikke en af dine venner.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Vil du følge %{user}?
+ button: Følg bruger
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Vil du ikke længere følge %{user}?
+ button: Følg ikke længere bruger
+ create:
+ success: Du følger nu %{name}!
+ failed: Beklager, din anmodning om at følge %{name} mislykkedes.
+ already_followed: Du følger allerede %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Du har fulgt mange brugere på det seneste. Vent venligst lidt,
+ før du prøver at følge flere.
+ destroy:
+ success: Du følger ikke længere %{name}.
+ not_followed: Du følger ikke %{name}.
water: Vand
wetland: Vådområde
wood: Skov
- "yes": Naturseværdighed
+ "yes": Naturligt element
accountant: Revisor
administrative: Administration
reports: Rapporter
last_updated: Sidst opdateret
last_updated_time_ago_user_html: '%{time_ago} af %{user}'
+ reporter_users: Rapporterende brugere
one: '%{count} rapport'
other: '%{count} rapporter'
+ more_reporters: og %{count} mere
reported_item: Rapporteret element
ignored: Ignoreret
forfatteren på %{replyurl}
footer_html: Du kan også læse beskeden på %{readurl} og du kan sende en besked
til forfatteren på %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hej %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} tilføjede dig som ven'
- had_added_you: '%{user} har tilføjet dig som ven på OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} fulgte dig'
+ followed_you: '%{user} følger dig nu på OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Du kan se deres profil på %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Du kan se deres profil på %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Du kan også tilføje dem som ven på %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Du kan også tilføje dem som ven på %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Du kan også følge dem på %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Du kan også følge dem på %{followurl}.
details: 'Dine filoplysninger:'
filename: Filnavn
wrong_user: Du er logget på som '%{user}', men den besked du har bedt om at
læse, er ikke sendt af eller til den bruger. Log venligst på som den korrekte
bruger for at læse den.
- mark:
- as_read: Besked markeret som læst
- as_unread: Besked markeret som ulæst
- unmute:
- notice: Beskeden er flyttet til Indbakke
- error: Beskeden kunne ikke flyttes til Indbakke.
destroyed: Besked slettet
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Besked markeret som læst
+ destroy:
+ notice: Besked markeret som ulæst
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Beskeden er flyttet til Indbakke
+ error: Beskeden kunne ikke flyttes til Indbakke.
my_inbox: Min indbakke
preview: Forhåndsvisning
help: Hjælp
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Ældre kommentarer
+ newer: Nyere kommentarer
older: Ældre kommentarer
newer: Nyere kommentarer
heading: GPX-lagring ikke tilgængelig
message: Systemet der håndterer overførsel og lagring af GPX-filer er på nuværende
tidspunkt ikke tilgængeligt
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spor
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX fil med %{count} punkt fra %{user}
- other: GPX fil med %{count} punkter fra %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX fil fra %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spor
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX fil med %{count} punkt fra %{user}
+ other: GPX fil med %{count} punkter fra %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX fil fra %{user}
permission_denied: Du har ikke rettigheder til at udføre den handling
openid: Log ind med OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Læse brugerpræferencer
write_prefs: Ændre brugerpræferencer
- write_diary: Udgiv brugerblogs, kommenter og få venner
+ write_diary: Udgiv blogindlæg og kommentarer
write_api: Ændre kortet
read_gpx: Læse private GPS-spor
write_gpx: Overføre GPS-spor
privacy_policy_title: OSMF privatlivs-politik inklusiv afsnit om e-mailadresser
contributor_terms: vilkår for bidragsydere
continue: Opret konto
- terms accepted: Tak for at du accepterede de nye vilkår for bidragsydere!
privacy_policy: privatlivspolitik
privacy_policy_title: OSMF privatlivspolitik inklusiv afsnit om e-mailadresser
edits: Redigeringer
traces: GPS-spor
notes: Kortbemærkninger
- remove as friend: Fjern som ven
- add as friend: Tilføj som ven
+ unfollow: Følg ikke længere
+ follow: Følg
mapper since: 'Kortlægger siden:'
last map edit: 'Sidste kortredigering:'
no activity yet: Ingen aktivitet endnu
summary_html: '%{name} oprettet fra %{ip_address} på %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} oprettet på %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: '%{user}s kommentarer'
+ changesets: Ændringssæt
+ diary_entries: Blogindlæg
+ no_comments: Ingen kommentarer
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Kommentarer til ændringssæt tilføjet af %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Ændringssæt
+ when: Hvornår
+ comment: Kommentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Kommentarer til blogindlæg tilføjet af %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Indsend
+ when: Hvornår
+ comment: Kommentar
title: Konto suspenderet
heading: Konto suspenderet
other: '%{count} Anonyme bemærkninger'
text: bidrage selv
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Da:Beginners%27_guide
text: fællesskabet kan hjælpe dig
+ url: https://community.openstreetmap.org/c/communities/dk/77
advice: Din bemærkning er offentlig og vil måske blive brugt til at opdatere
kortet, så indtast ikke personlige oplysninger eller oplysninger fra kort
beskyttet af ophavsret eller katalogfortegnelser.
support_url: Support-URL
allow_read_prefs: Ihre Benutzereinstellungen auslesen.
allow_write_prefs: Ihre Benutzereinstellungen verändern
- allow_write_diary: Blogeinträge und Kommentare schreiben und Freunde finden
+ allow_write_diary: Blogeinträge und Kommentare erstellen
allow_write_api: Karte bearbeiten
allow_read_gpx: Zugriff auf ihre privaten GPS-Tracks
allow_write_gpx: GPS-Track hochladen
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:OpenID
link text: Was bedeutet dies?
- public editing:
- heading: Öffentliches Bearbeiten
- enabled: Aktiviert. Normales Bearbeiten der Kartendaten ist möglich.
- enabled link text: Was bedeutet dies?
- disabled: Deaktiviert. Das Bearbeiten von Kartendaten ist NICHT möglich, alle
- bisherigen Bearbeitungen sind anonym.
- disabled link text: Warum kann ich nichts bearbeiten?
contributor terms:
heading: Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
agreed: Du hast den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende zugestimmt.
readable_summary: menschenlesbare Zusammenfassung
informal_translations: informelle Übersetzung
continue: Weiter
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Abbrechen
you need to accept or decline: Bitte lies die neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
und nimm sie an oder lehne sie ab, bevor du weitermachst.
france: Frankreich
italy: Italien
rest_of_world: Rest der Welt
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Vielen Dank, dass du den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
+ zugestimmt hast!
terms_declined_html: Wir bedauern es, dass du dich dazu entschieden hast,
den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende nicht zuzustimmen. Weitere Informationen
feature_warning: Lade %{num_features} Funktionen, was deinen Browser verlangsamen
oder nicht mehr reagieren lassen könnte. Bist du sicher, dass du diese Daten
anzeigen möchtest?
+ feature_error: 'Funktionen konnten nicht geladen werden: %{message}'
load_data: Daten laden
loading: Lade …
title: Änderungssätze
title_user: Änderungssätze von %{user}
title_user_link_html: Änderungssätze von %{user_link}
- title_friend: Änderungssätze von meinen Freunden
+ title_followed: Änderungssätze der abonnierten Benutzer
title_nearby: Änderungssätze von Benutzern in der Nähe
empty: Keine Änderungssätze gefunden.
empty_area: Keine Änderungssätze in diesem Bereich.
created: Erstellt
closed: Geschlossen
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Die folgende Änderungssatz-Diskussion abonnieren?
- button: Diskussion abonnieren
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Von der folgenden Änderungssatz-Diskussion abmelden?
- button: Von der Diskussion abmelden
- heading:
- title: Änderungssatz %{id}
- created_by_html: Erstellt von %{link_user} am %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Kein Eintrag mit der ID: %{id}'
- body: Es existiert leider kein Änderungssatz mit der ID %{id}. Bitte überprüfe
- deine Rechtschreibung, oder vielleicht ist der Link, auf den du geklickt hast,
- falsch.
title: 'Änderungssatz: %{id}'
created: 'Erstellt: %{when}'
sorry: 'Leider konnte das Changeset #%{id} nicht gefunden werden.'
sorry: Es hat leider zu lange gedauert, die angeforderten Änderungssätze abzurufen.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Die folgende Änderungssatz-Diskussion abonnieren?
+ button: Diskussion abonnieren
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Von der folgenden Änderungssatz-Diskussion abmelden?
+ button: Von der Diskussion abmelden
+ heading:
+ title: Änderungssatz %{id}
+ created_by_html: Erstellt von %{link_user} am %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Kein Eintrag mit der ID: %{id}'
+ body: Es existiert leider kein Änderungssatz mit der ID %{id}. Bitte überprüfe
+ deine Rechtschreibung, oder vielleicht ist der Link, auf den du geklickt hast,
+ falsch.
km away: '%{count} km entfernt'
your location: Standort
nearby mapper: Mapper in der Nähe
- friend: Freund
+ following: Abonniert
title: Meine Übersichtsseite
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} und lege deinen Wohnort fest, um
Benutzer in der Nähe zu sehen.'
edit_your_profile: Bearbeite dein Profil
- my friends: Meine Freunde
- no friends: Du hast noch keine Freunde hinzugefügt.
+ followings: Abonnierte Benutzer
+ no followings: Du bist noch keinem Benutzer gefolgt.
nearby users: Mapper in der Nähe
no nearby users: Es existieren bisher keine Benutzer, die einen Standort in
deiner Nähe angegeben haben.
- friends_changesets: Änderungssätze deiner Freunde
- friends_diaries: Blogs deiner Freunde
+ followed_changesets: Änderungssätze
+ followed_diaries: Blogeinträge
nearby_changesets: Änderungssätze von Benutzern in der Nähe
nearby_diaries: Blogs von Benutzern in der Nähe
use_map_link: Karte benutzen
title: Benutzer-Blogs
- title_friends: Blogs deiner Freunde
+ title_followed: Benutzereinträge der abonnierten Benutzer
title_nearby: Blogs von Nutzern in der Nähe
user_title: Blog von %{user}
in_language_title: Blog-Einträge in %{language}
heading: Von der folgenden Tagebucheintragsdiskussion abmelden?
button: Von der Diskussion abmelden
- index:
- title: Tagebuch-Kommentare hinzugefügt von %{user}
- heading: '%{user}s Tagebuch-Kommentare'
- subheading_html: Tagebuch-Kommentare hinzugefügt von %{user}
- no_comments: Keine Blog-Kommentare
- page:
- post: Blogeintrag
- when: Zeitpunkt
- comment: Kommentar
heading: Einen Kommentar zur folgenden Tagebucheintragsdiskussion hinzufügen?
title: Datei nicht gefunden
description: Konnte keine Datei-/Verzeichnis-/API-Operation mit diesem Namen
auf dem OpenStreetMap-Server finden (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} als Freund hinzufügen?'
- button: Als Freund hinzufügen
- success: '%{name} ist nun dein Freund!'
- failed: Sorry, %{name} konnte nicht als dein Freund hinzugefügt werden.
- already_a_friend: Du bist bereits mit %{name} befreundet.
- limit_exceeded: Du hast dich in letzter Zeit mit vielen Benutzern angefreundet.
- Bitte warte eine Weile, bevor du versuchst, weitere Freunde zu finden.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Freund %{user} entfernen?
- button: Freund entfernen
- success: '%{name} wurde als Freund entfernt.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ist nicht dein Freund.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Möchtest du %{user} folgen?
+ button: Benutzer folgen
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Möchtest du %{user} nicht mehr folgen?
+ button: Benutzer entfolgen
+ create:
+ success: Du folgst jetzt %{name}!
+ failed: Deine Anfrage, %{name} zu folgen, ist leider fehlgeschlagen.
+ already_followed: Du folgst bereits %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Du bist in letzter Zeit vielen Nutzern gefolgt. Bitte warte
+ eine Weile, bevor du versuchst, noch mehr zu folgen.
+ destroy:
+ success: Du hast %{name} erfolgreich entfolgt.
+ not_followed: Du folgst %{name} nicht.
reports: Meldungen
last_updated: Zuletzt aktualisiert
last_updated_time_ago_user_html: '%{time_ago} von %{user}'
+ reporter_users: Reporter-Benutzer
one: Eine Meldung
other: '%{count} Meldungen'
+ more_reporters: und %{count} mehr
reported_item: Gemeldetes Objekt
ignored: Ignoriert
%{replyurl} antworten
footer_html: Du kannst auch die Nachricht unter %{readurl} lesen und dem Autor
unter %{replyurl} antworten
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hallo %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} hat dich als Freund hinzugefügt'
- had_added_you: '%{user} hat dich als Freund hinzugefügt.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ist dir gefolgt'
+ followed_you: '%{user} folgt dir jetzt auf OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Du kannst sein/ihr Profil unter %{userurl} ansehen.
see_their_profile_html: Du kannst sein/ihr Profil unter %{userurl} ansehen.
- befriend_them: Du kannst sie/ihn unter %{befriendurl} ebenfalls als Freund hinzufügen.
- befriend_them_html: Du kannst sie/ihn unter %{befriendurl} auch als Freund hinzufügen.
+ follow_them: Du kannst ihnen auch unter %{followurl} folgen.
+ follow_them_html: Du kannst ihnen auch unter %{followurl} folgen.
details: 'Deine Dateidetails:'
filename: Dateiname
wrong_user: Du bist als '%{user}' angemeldet, aber die Nachricht, die du lesen
möchtest, wurde nicht von diesem Benutzer oder an diesen gesendet. Bitte melde
dich mit dem korrekten Benutzer an, um sie zu lesen.
- mark:
- as_read: Nachricht als gelesen markiert
- as_unread: Nachricht als ungelesen markiert
- unmute:
- notice: Die Nachricht wurde in den Posteingang verschoben
- error: Die Nachricht konnte nicht in den Posteingang verschoben werden.
destroyed: Nachricht gelöscht
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Nachricht als gelesen markiert
+ destroy:
+ notice: Nachricht als ungelesen markiert
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Die Nachricht wurde in den Posteingang verschoben
+ error: Die Nachricht konnte nicht in den Posteingang verschoben werden.
my_inbox: Posteingang
preview: Vorschau
help: Hilfe
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Ältere Kommentare
+ newer: Neuere Kommentare
older: Ältere Kommentare
newer: Neuere Kommentare
heading: Speicher für GPX-Dateien ist Offline
message: Das Upload-System und der Speicher für GPX-Dateien ist derzeit nicht
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap-GPS-Tracks
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-Datei mit einem Punkt von %{user}
- other: GPX-Datei mit %{count} Punkten von %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-Datei von %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap-GPS-Tracks
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-Datei mit einem Punkt von %{user}
+ other: GPX-Datei mit %{count} Punkten von %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-Datei von %{user}
permission_denied: Du hast keine Berechtigung, um auf diese Aktion zuzugreifen.
openid: Melde Dich mit OpenStreetMap an
read_prefs: Benutzereinstellungen lesen
write_prefs: Benutzereinstellungen verändern
- write_diary: Tagebucheinträge und Kommentare erstellen und Freunde finden
+ write_diary: Benutzereinträge und Kommentare erstellen
write_api: Karte bearbeiten
read_gpx: Private GPS-Tracks lesen
write_gpx: GPS-Tracks hochladen
zu E-Mail-Adressen
contributor_terms: Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
continue: Registrieren
- terms accepted: Vielen Dank, dass du den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende zugestimmt
- hast!
privacy_policy: Datenschutzrichtlinie
privacy_policy_title: OSMF-Datenschutzrichtlinie mit Abschnitt über E-Mail-Adressen
edits: Bearbeitungen
traces: Tracks
notes: Fehler-Hinweise
- remove as friend: Freund entfernen
- add as friend: Freund hinzufügen
+ unfollow: Entfolgen
+ follow: Folgen
mapper since: 'Mapper seit:'
last map edit: 'Letzte Kartenbearbeitung:'
no activity yet: Noch keine Aktivität
summary_html: '%{name} erstellt von %{ip_address} am %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} erstellt am %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: '%{user}s Blogeintrag-Kommentare'
+ changesets: Änderungssätze
+ diary_entries: Blogeinträge
+ no_comments: Keine Kommentare
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Blogeintrag-Kommentare hinzugefügt von %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Änderungssatz
+ when: Zeitpunkt
+ comment: Kommentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Tagebuch-Kommentare hinzugefügt von %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Blogeintrag
+ when: Wann
+ comment: Kommentar
title: Benutzerkonto gesperrt
heading: Benutzerkonto gesperrt
-# Messages for Zazaki (Zazaki)
+# Messages for Dimli (Zazaki)
# Exported from translatewiki.net
# Export driver: phpyaml
# Author: 1917 Ekim Devrimi
current email address: 'E-postay şımaya newki:'
link text: no çıko?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Pêron rê akerde vurnayış:'
- enabled link text: no çıko?
- disabled link text: Ezo çı nêşena bıvurna?
contributor terms:
link text: no çıko?
save changes button: Vurnayışan qeyd ke
title: Qeydê vurnayışan
title_user: Vurriyayışê qeydi %{user}
- title_friend: Qeydê vurnayışê embazan
title_nearby: Nezdıra vurriyayışê setê karberi
load_more: Tayêna bar ke
your location: Heruna mı
nearby mapper: Xeritoğo emıryan
- friend: Embaz
title: Panel Asengeni
edit_your_profile: Wecê ho bıvurnên
- my friends: Alwazê mı
- no friends: Hona şoma qet alwazê neweyi nêkerdê cı
nearby users: Nezdık ran yobina karkeri
no nearby users: Nezdık ran qet alwazê neweyi nıka çıniyê
- friends_changesets: Qeydê vurnayışê alwazan
- friends_diaries: Qeydê rocek anê alwazan
title: Roceko newe definayış
use_map_link: Xerita bıgurene
title: Rocekê Karberi
- title_friends: Rocekê embazan
title_nearby: Nezdı ra rocekê karberan
user_title: '%{user} rocek'
in_language_title: '%{language} dekewtekê roci'
report: Nê mışewreyi rapor ke
location: 'Lokasyon:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Rışte
- when: Key
- comment: Mışewre
contact: irtibat
title: Qedexe
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: Xo rê embaz ke
- remove_friend:
- button: Embazan ra vec
diary: Rocek
edits: Vurnayışi
traces: Rêçi
- remove as friend: Embazan ra vec
- add as friend: Embazi cı ke
mapper since: 'Demê herdnigarwaniye:'
ct undecided: Darıdeyo
ct declined: Red kerd
summary_html: '%{name} %{ip_address} ra %{date} dı vıraşt'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} %{date} dı vıraşt'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Key
+ comment: Mışewre
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Rışte
+ comment: Mışewre
title: Hesab Darideyo
heading: Hesab Darideyo
current email address: 'Aktualna e-mailowa adresa:'
link text: Co to jo?
- public editing:
- heading: Zjawne wobźěłowanje
- enabled: Zmóžnjony. Nic anonymny, daty daju se wobźěłaś.
- enabled link text: Co to jo?
- disabled: Znjemóžnjony, daty njedaju se wobźěłas, wše pjerwjejšne změny su
- anonymne.
- disabled link text: Cogodla njamógu wobźěłas?
contributor terms:
heading: 'Wuměnjenja za sobustatkujucych:'
agreed: Sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkujucych akceptěrował.
france: Francojska
italy: Italska
rest_of_world: Zbytk swěta
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Źěkujomy se, až sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkajucuch akceptěrował!
version: Wersija
in_changeset: Sajźba změnow
title: Sajźby změnow
title_user: Sajźby změnow wót %{user}
- title_friend: Změny twójich pśijaśelow
title_nearby: Sajźby změnow wužywarjow w bliskosći
empty: Žedne sajźby změnow namakane.
empty_area: Žedne sajźby změnow w toś tom wobcerku.
your location: Twójo městno
nearby mapper: Kartěrowaŕ w bliskosći
- friend: Pśijaśel
title: Mój pśeglědowy bok
- no friends: Hyšći njejsy žednych pśijaśelow pśidał.
nearby users: Druge wužywarje w bliskosći
no nearby users: Hyšći njejsu žedne wužywarje, kótarež kartěruju w bliskosći.
- friends_changesets: Sajźby změnow twójich pśijaśelow
- friends_diaries: dnjownikowe zapiski pśijaśelow
nearby_changesets: sajźby změnow wužywarjow w bliskosći
nearby_diaries: dnjownikowe zapiski wužywarjow w bliskosći
use_map_link: kórtu wužywaś
title: Dnjowniki wužywarjow
- title_friends: Dnjowniki pśijaśelow
title_nearby: Dnjowniki wužywarjow w bliskosći
user_title: dnjownik wužywarja %{user}
in_language_title: Zapiski dnjownika w %{language}
title: Zapiski dnjownika OpenStreetMap
description: Nejnowše zapiski dnjownika wót wužywarjow OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Powěsć
- when: Cas
- comment: Komentar
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} ako pśijaśela pśidaś?'
- button: Ako pśijaśela pśidaś
- success: '%{name} jo něnto twój pśijaśel!'
- failed: Bóžko njejo se raźiło, %{name} ako twójogo pśijaśela pśidaś.
- already_a_friend: Sy južo z %{name} spśijaśelony.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} ako pśijaśela wótpóraś?'
- button: Pśijaśela wótpóraś
- success: '%{name} jo se z twójich pśijaśelow wótpórał.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} njejo twój pśijaśel.'
header: '%{from_user} jo śi pósłał powěsć pśez OpenStreetMap z temowym nadpismom
footer_html: Móžoš powěsć pód %{readurl} cytaś a móžoš pód %{replyurl} wótegroniś
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} jo śi ako pśijaśela pśidał.'
- had_added_you: '%{user} jo śi na OpenStreetMap ako pśijaśela pśidał.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Móžoš profil na %{userurl} wiźeś.
- befriend_them: Móžoš někogo na %{befriendurl} ako pśijaśela pśidaś.
failed_to_import: 'njejo se dał importěrowaś. How jo zmólka:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-import jo se njeraźił'
wrong_user: Sy ako `%{user} pśizjawjony, ale powěsć, kótaruž sy kśěł cytaś,
njejo se pósłała wót togo wužywarja abo k tomu wužywarjeju. Pšosym pśizjaw
se ako korektny wužywaŕ, aby ju cytał.
- mark:
- as_read: Powěsć jo se markěrowała ako pśecytana
- as_unread: Powěsć jo se markěrowała ako njepśecytana
destroyed: Powěsć wulašowana
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Powěsć jo se markěrowała ako pśecytana
+ destroy:
+ notice: Powěsć jo se markěrowała ako njepśecytana
my_inbox: Mój post
heading: Składowanje GPX offline
message: Składowanje a nagrawański system GPX-datajow njestoj tuchylu k dispoziciji.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-slědy
- description:
- description_with_count:
- few: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wót %{user}
- one: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkom wót %{user}
- two: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkoma wót %{user}
- other: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wót %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-dataja wót %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-slědy
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ few: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wót %{user}
+ one: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkom wót %{user}
+ two: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkoma wót %{user}
+ other: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wót %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-dataja wót %{user}
cookies_needed: Zda se, až cookieje su znjemóžnjone - pšosym zmóžni cookieje
display name description: Sy wužywarske mě zjawnje pokazał. Móžoš to pózdźej
w nastajenjach změniś.
continue: Registrěrowaś
- terms accepted: Źěkujomy se, až sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkajucuch akceptěrował!
title: Toś ten wužywaŕ njejo
heading: Wužywaŕ %{user} njeeksistěrujo
edits: Změny
traces: Slědy
notes: Pokazki kórty
- remove as friend: Ako pśijaśela wótpóraś
- add as friend: Pśijaśela pśidaś
mapper since: 'Kartěrowaŕ wót:'
ct status: 'Wuměnjenja za sobustatkujucych:'
ct undecided: Njerozsuźony
summary_html: '%{name} wót %{ip_address} dnja %{date} napórany'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} dnja %{date} napórany'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Cas
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Powěsć
title: Konto wupowěźone
heading: Konto wupowěźone
support_url: URL Υποστήριξης
allow_read_prefs: ανάγνωση των προτιμήσεων χρήστη
allow_write_prefs: τροποποίηση των προτιμήσεων χρήστη
- allow_write_diary: δημιουργία καταχωρήσεων ημερολογίου, σχόλια και δημιουργία
- φίλων
+ allow_write_diary: δημιουργία καταχωρήσεων ημερολογίου και σχολίων
allow_write_api: τροποποίηση του χάρτη
allow_read_gpx: ανάγνωση των προσωπικών ιχνών GPS
allow_write_gpx: μεταφόρτωση ιχνών GPS
external auth: Εξωτερική επαλήθευση ταυτότητας
link text: τι είναι αυτό;
- public editing:
- heading: Δημόσια επεξεργασία
- enabled: Ενεργοποιήθηκε. Δεν είστε πια ανώνυμοι και μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε
- δεδομένα.
- enabled link text: τι είναι αυτό;
- disabled: Απενεργοποιήθηκε και δεν μπορείτε να επεξεργαστείτε δεδομένα, όλες
- οι προηγούμενες επεξεργασίες είναι ανώνυμες.
- disabled link text: γιατί δεν μπορώ να επεξεργαστώ τον χάρτη;
contributor terms:
heading: Όροι Συνεισφοράς
agreed: Έχετε αποδεχτεί τους νέους Όρους Συνεισφοράς.
france: Γαλλία
italy: Ιταλία
rest_of_world: Υπόλοιπος κόσμος
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Ευχαριστούμε για την αποδοχή των νέων όρων συνεισφοράς!
terms_declined_html: Λυπούμαστε που αποφασίσατε να μην αποδεχτείτε τους νέους
Όρους Συνεισφοράς. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, ανατρέξτε στο %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Σύνολα αλλαγών
title_user: Σύνολα αλλαγών από %{user}
title_user_link_html: Σύνολα αλλαγών από %{user_link}
- title_friend: Σύνολα αλλαγών από τους φίλους μου
+ title_followed: Σύνολα αλλαγών από χρήστες που ακολουθείτε
title_nearby: Σύνολα αλλαγών από κοντινούς χρήστες
empty: Δε βρέθηκαν σύνολα αλλαγών.
empty_area: Χωρίς σύνολα αλλαγών σε αυτήν την περιοχή.
created: Δημιουργήθηκε
closed: Έκλεισε
belongs_to: Συντάκτης
- subscribe:
- heading: Εγγραφή στην ακόλουθη συζήτηση συνόλου αλλαγών;
- button: Εγγραφή στη συζήτηση
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Απεγγραφή από την ακόλουθη συζήτηση συνόλο αλλαγών;
- button: Απεγγραφή από τη συζήτηση
- heading:
- title: Σύνολο αλλαγών %{id}
- created_by_html: Δημιουργήθηκε από %{link_user} στις %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Δεν υπάρχει καταχώρηση με id: %{id}'
- body: Λυπούμαστε, δεν υπάρχει σύνολο αλλαγών με το id %{id}. Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε
- για τυχόν ορθογραφικά λάθη ή ίσως ο σύνδεσμος που πατήσατε να είναι λάθος.
title: 'Σύνολο αλλαγών: %{id}'
created: 'Δημιουργήθηκε: %{when}'
sorry: Λυπόμαστε, ο κατάλογος των αλλαγών που ζητήσατε χρειάστηκε πολύ χρόνο
για να ανακτηθεί.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Εγγραφή στην ακόλουθη συζήτηση συνόλου αλλαγών;
+ button: Εγγραφή στη συζήτηση
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Απεγγραφή από την ακόλουθη συζήτηση συνόλο αλλαγών;
+ button: Απεγγραφή από τη συζήτηση
+ heading:
+ title: Σύνολο αλλαγών %{id}
+ created_by_html: Δημιουργήθηκε από %{link_user} στις %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Δεν υπάρχει καταχώρηση με id: %{id}'
+ body: Λυπούμαστε, δεν υπάρχει σύνολο αλλαγών με το id %{id}. Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε
+ για τυχόν ορθογραφικά λάθη ή ίσως ο σύνδεσμος που πατήσατε να είναι λάθος.
km away: '%{count} χλμ. μακριά'
your location: Η τοποθεσία σας
nearby mapper: Κοντινός χαρτογράφος
- friend: Φίλος
+ following: Ακολουθείτε
title: Το ταμπλό μου
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} και βάλτε την τοποθεσία σας για
να δείτε κοντινούς χρήστες.'
edit_your_profile: Επεξεργαστείτε το προφίλ σας
- my friends: Οι φίλοι μου
- no friends: Δεν έχετε προσθέσει φίλους ακόμα.
+ followings: Χρήστες που ακολουθείτε
+ no followings: Δεν έχετε ακολουθήσει ακόμη κανέναν χρήστη.
nearby users: Άλλοι κοντινοί χρήστες
no nearby users: Δεν υπάρχουν άλλοι χρήστες που δήλωσαν ότι χαρτογραφούν κοντά
σας προς το παρόν.
- friends_changesets: σύνολα αλλαγών φίλων
- friends_diaries: καταχωρήσεις ημερολογίου φίλων
+ followed_changesets: σύνολα αλλαγών
+ followed_diaries: καταχωρήσεις ημερολογίου
nearby_changesets: σύνολα αλλαγών από κοντινούς χρήστες
nearby_diaries: καταχωρήσεις ημερολογίου από κοντινούς χρήστες
use_map_link: Χρησιμοποιήστε τον χάρτη
title: Ημερολόγια χρηστών
- title_friends: Ημερολόγια φίλων
+ title_followed: Ημερολόγια χρηστών που ακολουθείτε
title_nearby: Ημερολόγια κοντινών χρηστών
user_title: Ημερολόγιο του χρήστη %{user}
in_language_title: Καταχωρήσεις ημερολογίων στα %{language}
heading: Απεγγραφή από την ακόλουθη συζήτηση καταχώρισης ημερολογίου;
button: Απεγγραφή από τη συζήτηση
- index:
- title: Σχόλια ημερολογίου που προστέθηκαν από τον/την %{user}
- heading: Σχόλια Ημερολογίου %{user}
- subheading_html: Σχόλια ημερολογίου που προστέθηκαν από τον/την %{user}
- no_comments: Χωρίς σχόλια ημερολογίου
- page:
- post: Καταχώρηση
- when: Πότε
- comment: Σχόλιο
heading: Προσθήκη σχολίου στην ακόλουθη συζήτηση καταχώρισης ημερολογίου;
title: Το αρχείο δε βρέθηκε
description: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εύρεση αρχείου/καταλόγου/λειτουργίας API με αυτό
το όνομα στο διακομιστή OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Προσθήκη του %{user} ως φίλου;
- button: Προσθήκη ως φίλο
- success: Ο %{name} είναι τώρα φίλος σου!
- failed: Λυπούμαστε, απέτυχε η προσθήκη του/της %{name} ως φίλου.
- already_a_friend: Είστε ήδη φίλοι με τον/την %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Έκανες πολλούς φίλους τελευταία. Παρακαλώ περίμενε λίγο πριν
- προσπαθήσεις να κάνεις περισσότερους φίλους.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Αφαίρεση φίλου %{user};
- button: Αφαίρεση φίλου
- success: Ο/Η %{name} αφαιρέθηκε από τους φίλους.
- not_a_friend: Ο/Η %{name} δεν είναι ένας από τους φίλους σας.
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Θέλετε να ακολουθήσετε τον/την %{user};
+ button: Ακολουθήστε τον χρήστη
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Θέλετε να καταργήσετε την ακολούθηση του/της %{user};
+ button: Κατάργηση ακολούθησης χρήστη
+ create:
+ success: Τώρα ακολουθείτε τον/την %{name}!
+ failed: Λυπούμαστε, το αίτημα σας να ακολουθήσετε τον/την %{name} απέτυχε.
+ already_followed: Ακολουθείτε ήδη τον/την %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Έχετε ακολουθήσει πολλούς χρήστες πρόσφατα. Παρακαλούμε περιμένετε
+ λίγο πριν προσπαθήσετε να ακολουθήσετε περισσότερους.
+ destroy:
+ success: Καταργήσατε επιτυχώς την ακολούθηση του/της %{name}.
+ not_followed: Δεν ακολουθείτε τον/την %{name}.
μήνυμα στον συγγραφέα στο %{replyurl}
footer_html: Μπορείτε επίσης να διαβάσετε το μήνυμα στο %{readurl} και να στείλετε
μήνυμα στον συγγραφέα στο %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Γεια σας %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Ο/Η %{user} σας πρόσθεσε ως φίλο'
- had_added_you: Ο/Η %{user} σας πρόσθεσε ως φίλο στο OpenStreetMap.
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} σας ακολούθησε'
+ followed_you: '%{user} σας ακολουθεί τώρα στο OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Μπορείτε να δείτε το προφίλ του/της στο %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Μπορείτε να δείτε το προφίλ του/της στο %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Μπορείτε επίσης να τον/την προσθέσετε ως φίλο στο %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Μπορείτε επίσης να τον/την προσθέσετε ως φίλο στο %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Μπορείτε επίσης να τους ακολουθήσετε στο %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Μπορείτε επίσης να τους ακολουθήσετε στο %{followurl}.
details: 'Οι λεπτομέρειες του αρχείου σας:'
filename: Όνομα αρχείου
url: URL
description: Περιγραφή
tags: Ετικέτες
+ total_points: Συνολικός αριθμός σημείων
+ imported_points: Αριθμός εισαγόμενων σημείων
hi: Γεια σας %{to_user},
failed_to_import: Φαίνεται ότι το αρχείο σας απέτυχε να εισαχθεί ως ίχνος GPS.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Αποτυχία εισαγωγής GPX'
hi: Γεια σας %{to_user},
+ imported_successfully: Φαίνεται ότι το αρχείο σας εισήχθη με επιτυχία ως ίχνος
+ GPS.
all_your_traces: Όλα τα επιτυχώς ανεβασμένα ίχνη GPX σας μπορούν να βρεθούν
στο %{url}
all_your_traces_html: Όλα τα επιτυχώς ανεβασμένα ίχνη GPX σας μπορούν να βρεθούν
wrong_user: Έχετε συνδεθεί ως «%{user}» αλλά το μήνυμα που ζητάτε να διαβάσετε
δεν έχει σταλεί σε εσάς ούτε από εσάς. Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε με το σωστό
όνομα χρήστη ώστε να μπορέσετε να το διαβάσετε.
- mark:
- as_read: Το μήνυμα σημειώθηκε ως αναγνωσμένο
- as_unread: Το μήνυμα σημειώθηκε ως μη αναγνωσμένο
- unmute:
- notice: Το μήνυμα μετακινήθηκε στα Εισερχόμενα
- error: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μετακίνηση του μηνύματος στα Εισερχόμενα.
destroyed: Το μήνυμα διαγράφηκε
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Το μήνυμα σημειώθηκε ως αναγνωσμένο
+ destroy:
+ notice: Το μήνυμα σημειώθηκε ως μη αναγνωσμένο
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Το μήνυμα μετακινήθηκε στα Εισερχόμενα
+ error: Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μετακίνηση του μηνύματος στα Εισερχόμενα.
my_inbox: Τα εισερχόμενα μου
preview: Προεπισκόπηση
help: Βοήθεια
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Παλαιότερα σχόλια
+ newer: Νεότερα σχόλια
older: Παλαιότερα σχόλια
newer: Νεότερα σχόλια
heading: Αποθήκευση GPX εκτός σύνδεσης
message: Το σύστημα αποθήκευσης και μεταφόρτωσης αρχείων GPX δεν είναι διαθέσιμο
αυτή την στιγμή
- georss:
- title: Ίχνη GPS OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: αρχείο GPX με %{count} σημείο από %{user}
- other: αρχείο GPX με %{count} σημεία από %{user}
- description_without_count: Αρχείο GPX από τον/την %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Ίχνη GPS OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: αρχείο GPX με %{count} σημείο από %{user}
+ other: αρχείο GPX με %{count} σημεία από %{user}
+ description_without_count: Αρχείο GPX από τον/την %{user}
permission_denied: Δεν έχετε τα απαραίτητα δικαιώματα για πρόσβαση σε αυτήν την
openid: Συνδεθείτε χρησιμοποιώντας το OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Διαβάζει τις προτιμήσεις χρήστη
write_prefs: Τροποποιεί τις προτιμήσεις χρήστη
- write_diary: Î\94ημιοÏ\85Ï\81γήÏ\83Ï\84ε καÏ\84αÏ\87Ï\89Ï\81ήÏ\83ειÏ\82 ημεÏ\81ολογίοÏ\85, Ï\83Ï\87Ï\8cλια και κάνÏ\84ε Ï\86ίλοÏ\85Ï\82
+ write_diary: Î\94ημιοÏ\85Ï\81γεί καÏ\84αÏ\87Ï\89Ï\81ήÏ\83ειÏ\82 ημεÏ\81ολογίοÏ\85 και Ï\83Ï\87Ï\8cλια
write_api: Τροποποίηση του χάρτη
read_gpx: Ανάγνωση προσωπικών ιχνών GPS
write_gpx: Μεταφόρτωση ιχνών GPS
για τις διευθύνσεις ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου
contributor_terms: όρους συνεισφοράς
continue: Εγγραφή
- terms accepted: Ευχαριστούμε για την αποδοχή των νέων όρων συνεισφοράς!
privacy_policy: πολιτική απορρήτου
privacy_policy_title: Πολιτική απορρήτου OSMF, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ενότητας
edits: Επεξεργασίες
traces: Ίχνη
notes: Σημειώσεις χάρτη
- remove as friend: Αφαίρεση φίλου
- add as friend: Προσθήκη φίλου
+ unfollow: Κατάργηση ακολούθησης
+ follow: Ακολούθηση
mapper since: 'Χαρτογράφος από:'
last map edit: 'Τελευταία επεξεργασία χάρτη:'
no activity yet: Καμία δραστηριότητα ακόμη
summary_html: '%{name} δημιουργήθηκε από την διεύθυνση IP %{ip_address} στις
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} δημιουργήθηκε στις %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: Σχόλια %{user}
+ changesets: Σύνολα αλλαγών
+ diary_entries: Καταχωρήσεις ημερολογίου
+ no_comments: Κανένα σχόλιο
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Σχόλιο συνόλου αλλαγών προστέθηκε από %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Σύνολο αλλαγών
+ when: Πότε
+ comment: Σχόλιο
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Σχόλια ημερολογίου που προστέθηκαν από τον/την %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Καταχώρηση
+ when: Πότε
+ comment: Σχόλιο
title: Ο λογαριασμός έχει ανασταλεί
heading: Ο λογαριασμός έχει ανασταλεί
ώστε να λυθεί το πρόβλημα. Μετακινείστε το δείκτη στη σωστή θέση και γράψτε
μια περιγραφή του προβλήματος ως εξήγηση.
anonymous_warning_html: Δεν έχετε συνδεθεί. Παρακαλούμε κάντε %{log_in} ή %{sign_up}
- αν θέλετε να λαμβάνετε ενημερώσεις για την σημείωσή σας.
+ για να λαμβάνετε ενημερώσεις για την σημείωσή σας και να βοηθάτε τους χαρτογράφους
+ για την επίλυση της.
anonymous_warning_log_in: σύνδεση
anonymous_warning_sign_up: εγγραφή
+ counter_warning_html: Έχετε ήδη δημοσιεύσει τουλάχιστον %{x_anonymous_notes},
+ αυτό είναι ωραίο για την κοινότητα, ευχαριστούμε! Τώρα σας ενθαρρύνουμε να
+ %{contribute_by_yourself}, δεν είναι τόσο πολύπλοκο, και %{community_can_help}.
+ x_anonymous_notes:
+ one: '%{count} ανώνυμη σημείωση'
+ other: '%{count} ανώνυμες σημειώσεις'
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ text: συνεισφέρετε μόνοι σας
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/El:Οδηγός_για_αρχάριους
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: η κοινότητα μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει
advice: Η σημείωση σας είναι δημόσια και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την ενημέρωση
του χάρτη, γι'αυτό μην προστέθετε προσωπικές πληροφορίες, ή πληροφορίες από
χάρτες που καλύπτονται από πνευματικά δικαιώματα ή καταχωρήσεις καταλόγου.
external auth: External Authentication
link text: what is this?
- public editing:
- heading: Public editing
- enabled: Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data.
- enabled link text: what is this?
- disabled: Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous.
- disabled link text: why can't I edit?
contributor terms:
heading: Contributor Terms
agreed: You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
france: France
italy: Italy
rest_of_world: Rest of the world
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!
terms_declined_html: We are sorry that you have decided to not accept the
new Contributor Terms. For more information, please see %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Changesets
title_user: Changesets by %{user}
- title_friend: Changesets by my friends
title_nearby: Changesets by nearby users
empty: No changesets found.
empty_area: No changesets in this area.
your location: Your location
nearby mapper: Nearby mapper
- friend: Friend
- no friends: You have not added any friends yet.
nearby users: Other nearby users
no nearby users: There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet.
- friends_changesets: friends' changesets
- friends_diaries: friends' diary entries
nearby_changesets: nearby user changesets
nearby_diaries: nearby user diary entries
title: OpenStreetMap diary entries
description: Recent diary entries from users of OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Post
- when: When
- comment: Comment
consent_required: The authorisation server requires end-user consent
interaction_required: The authorisation server requires end-user interaction
login_required: The authorisation server requires end-user authentication
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Add %{user} as a friend?
- button: Add as friend
- success: '%{name} is now your friend!'
- failed: Sorry, failed to add %{name} as a friend.
- already_a_friend: You are already friends with %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Unfriend %{user}?
- button: Unfriend
- success: '%{name} was removed from your friends.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} is not one of your friends.'
subject %{subject}:'
footer_html: You can also read the message at %{readurl} and you can send a
message to the author at %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hi %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} added you as a friend'
- had_added_you: '%{user} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: You can see their profile at %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: You can also add them as a friend at %{befriendurl}.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import failure'
unread_button: Mark as unread
destroy_button: Delete
back: Back
- mark:
- as_read: Message marked as read
- as_unread: Message marked as unread
destroyed: Message deleted
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Message marked as read
+ destroy:
+ notice: Message marked as unread
my_inbox: My Inbox
heading: GPX Storage Offline
message: The GPX file storage and upload system is currently unavailable.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS Traces
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX file with %{count} point from %{user}
- other: GPX file with %{count} points from %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX file from %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS Traces
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX file with %{count} point from %{user}
+ other: GPX file with %{count} points from %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX file from %{user}
cookies_needed: You appear to have cookies disabled - please enable cookies
display name description: Your publicly displayed username. You can change this
later in the preferences.
continue: Sign Up
- terms accepted: Thanks for accepting the new contributor terms!
title: No such user
heading: The user %{user} does not exist
edits: Edits
traces: Traces
notes: Map Notes
- remove as friend: Unfriend
- add as friend: Add Friend
mapper since: 'Mapper since:'
ct status: 'Contributor terms:'
ct undecided: Undecided
summary_html: '%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} created on %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: When
+ comment: Comment
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Post
title: Account Suspended
heading: Account Suspended
relation: "relation"
feature_warning: "Loading %{num_features} features, which may make your browser slow or unresponsive. Are you sure you want to display this data?"
+ feature_error: "Features could not be loaded: %{message}"
load_data: "Load Data"
loading: "Loading..."
reports: Reports
last_updated: Last Updated
last_updated_time_ago_user_html: "%{time_ago} by %{user}"
+ reporter_users: Reporter Users
one: "%{count} Report"
other: "%{count} Reports"
+ more_reporters: "and %{count} more"
reported_item: Reported Item
ignored: Ignored
destroy_button: "Delete"
back: "Back"
wrong_user: "You are logged in as '%{user}' but the message you have asked to read was not sent by or to that user. Please log in as the correct user in order to read it."
- mark:
- as_read: "Message marked as read"
- as_unread: "Message marked as unread"
- unmute:
- notice: "Message has been moved to Inbox"
- error: "The message could not be moved to the Inbox."
destroyed: "Message deleted"
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: "Message marked as read"
+ destroy:
+ notice: "Message marked as unread"
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: "Message has been moved to Inbox"
+ error: "The message could not be moved to the Inbox."
my_inbox: "My Inbox"
support_url: Subtena retadreso
allow_read_prefs: legi preferojn de uzantoj
allow_write_prefs: modifi preferojn de uzantoj
- allow_write_diary: afiŝi en taglibro, komenti kaj amikiĝi
+ allow_write_diary: afiŝi en taglibro kaj komenti
allow_write_api: redakti la mapon
allow_read_gpx: legi privatajn GPS-spurojn
allow_write_gpx: alŝuti GPS-spurojn
external auth: Ekstera aŭtentigo
link text: Pliaj informoj
- public editing:
- heading: Publika redaktado
- enabled: Ebligita. Ne anonima kaj rajtas redakti.
- enabled link text: Pliaj informoj
- disabled: Malebligita kaj ne rajtas redakti, ĉiuj antaŭaj redaktoj naŭ estas
- publikaj.
- disabled link text: kial mi ne povas redakti?
contributor terms:
heading: Interkonsento pri kontribuado
agreed: Vi konsentis la novan interkonsenton pri kontribuado.
france: Francujo
italy: Italujo
rest_of_world: Resto de la mondo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Dankon por akcepto de nova interkonsento pri kontribuado!
terms_declined_html: Bedaŭrinde vi ne akceptis la novan interkonsenton pri
kontribuado. Por pli da informoj, ekkonu kun %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Ŝanĝaroj
title_user: Ŝanĝaroj de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Ŝanĝaroj de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Ŝanĝaroj de miaj amikoj
+ title_followed: Ŝanĝaroj de uloj, kiujn mi sekvas
title_nearby: Ŝanĝaroj de proksimaj uzantoj
empty: Neniu trovita ŝanĝaro.
empty_area: Neniu ŝanĝaro en tiu ĉi areo.
created: Kreita
closed: Fermita
belongs_to: Aŭtoro
- subscribe:
- heading: Ĉu aboni diskuton pri tiu ĉi ŝanĝaro?
- button: Aboni diskuton
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Ĉu malaboni diskuton pri tiu ĉi ŝanĝaro?
- button: Malaboni diskuton
- heading:
- title: Ŝanĝaro %{id}
- created_by_html: Kreita de %{link_user} je %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Neniu ŝanĝaro kun la identigilo: %{id}'
- body: Bedaŭrinde ne ekzistas ŝanĝaro kun la identigilo %{id}. Kontrolu pri liter-eraroj
- aŭ eble vi alklakis eraran ligilon.
title: 'Ŝanĝaro: %{id}'
created: Kreita je %{when}
sorry: 'Ne trovis ŝanĝaron #%{id}.'
sorry: Bedaŭrinde daŭris tro longe kompili la petitan liston de ŝanĝaroj.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Ĉu aboni diskuton pri tiu ĉi ŝanĝaro?
+ button: Aboni diskuton
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Ĉu malaboni diskuton pri tiu ĉi ŝanĝaro?
+ button: Malaboni diskuton
+ heading:
+ title: Ŝanĝaro %{id}
+ created_by_html: Kreita de %{link_user} je %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Neniu ŝanĝaro kun la identigilo: %{id}'
+ body: Bedaŭrinde ne ekzistas ŝanĝaro kun la identigilo %{id}. Kontrolu pri liter-eraroj
+ aŭ eble vi alklakis eraran ligilon.
km away: '%{count} km for'
your location: Via loko
nearby mapper: Proksima uzanto
- friend: Amiko
+ following: Sekvata de mi
title: Mia panelo
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} kaj agordu vian hejmlokon por vidi
proksimajn uzantojn.'
edit_your_profile: Redaktu vian profilon
- my friends: Miaj amikoj
- no friends: Vi ne aldonis iun amikon ankoraŭ.
+ followings: Uzantoj sekvataj de mi
+ no followings: Vi ankoraŭ sekvas neniun uzanton.
nearby users: Plej proksimaj uzantoj
no nearby users: Neniu alia uzanto, kiu deklaris mapigadon en tiu ĉi areo.
- friends_changesets: ŝanĝaroj de amikoj
- friends_diaries: afiŝoj en taglibroj de amikoj
- nearby_changesets: ŝanĝaroj de proksimuloj
- nearby_diaries: afiŝoj en taglibroj de proksimuloj
+ followed_changesets: ŝanĝaroj
+ followed_diaries: afiŝoj en taglibroj
+ nearby_changesets: ŝanĝaroj
+ nearby_diaries: afiŝoj en taglibroj
title: Nova taglibra afiŝo
use_map_link: Montri sur mapo
title: Taglibroj de uzantoj
- title_friends: Taglibroj de amikoj
+ title_followed: Taglibroj de sekvataj uzantoj
title_nearby: Taglibroj de proksimaj uzantoj
user_title: Taglibro de %{user}
in_language_title: Taglibraj afiŝoj en %{language}
heading: Ĉu malaboni diskuton pri tiu ĉi taglibra afiŝo?
button: Malaboni diskuton
- index:
- title: Komentoj de %{user} sub taglibraj afiŝoj
- heading: Komentoj de %{user}
- subheading_html: Komentoj de %{user} sub taglibraj afiŝoj
- no_comments: Neniu taglibra komento
- page:
- post: Afiŝi
- when: Kiam
- comment: Komento
heading: Ĉu aldoni komenton al la diskuto pri tiu ĉi taglibra afiŝo?
title: Paĝo ne trovita
description: Ne povis trovi dosieron/dosierujon/API-peton kun tiu ĉi nomo ĉe
la OpenStreetMap-servilo (HTTP 404).
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Ĉu aldoni %{user} al amikoj?
- button: Aldoni kiel amikon
- success: '%{name} nun estas via amiko.'
- failed: Bedaŭrinde malsukcesis aldoni %{name} kiel amiko.
- already_a_friend: Vi jam estas amiko de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Vi antaŭtempe aldonis multajn uzantojn al la listo de amikoj.
- Atendu iom da tempo antaŭ aldoni pliajn uzantojn al la listo.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Ĉu eksamikigi %{user}?
- button: Eksamikigi
- success: '%{name} estis forviŝita el viaj amikoj.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ne estas amiko via.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Ĉu vi volas aldoni la uzanton %{user} al sekvataj?
+ button: Aldoni al sekvataj uzantoj
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Ĉu vi volas forigi la uzanton %{user} el sekvataj?
+ button: Forigi el sekvataj uzantoj
+ create:
+ success: Vi nun sekvas la uzanton %{name}!
+ failed: Bedaŭrinde malsukcesis aldoni la uzanton %{name} al viaj sekvataj uzantoj.
+ already_followed: Vi jam sekvas la uzanton %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Vi antaŭtempe aldonis multajn uzantojn al via listo de sekvataj
+ uzantoj. Atendu iom da tempo antaŭ aldoni pliajn.
+ destroy:
+ success: Vi nun ne sekvas la uzanton %{name}.
+ not_followed: Vi ne sekvas la uzanton %{name}.
aŭtoro ĉe %{replyurl}
footer_html: Vi ankaŭ povas legi la mesaĝon ĉe %{readurl} kaj sendi mesaĝon
al la aŭtoro ĉe %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Saluton %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} aldonis vin kiel amikon'
- had_added_you: '%{user} aldonis vin kiel amikon je OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} sekvas vin'
+ followed_you: La uzanto %{user} nun aldonis vin al sia listo de sekvataj uzantoj
+ sur OpenStreetMap.
see_their_profile: Vi povas vidi ties profilon ĉe %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Vi povas vidi ties profilon ĉe %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Vi ankaŭ povas aldoni vin kiel amikon ĉe %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Vi ankaŭ povas aldoni ilin kiel amiko ĉe %{befriendurl}
+ follow_them: Vi ankaŭ povas sekvi lin ĉe %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Vi ankaŭ povas sekvi lin ĉe %{followurl}.
details: 'Detaloj pri via dosiero:'
filename: Dosiernomo
url: Retadreso
description: Priskribo
tags: Etikedoj
+ total_points: Punktoj tute
+ imported_points: Enportitaj punktoj
hi: Saluton %{to_user},
failed_to_import: Malsukcesis enporti vian dosieron kun GPS-spuro.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Eraro dum enportado de GPX-dosiero'
hi: Saluton %{to_user},
+ imported_successfully: Via dosiero estas sukcese enportita kiel GPS-spuro.
all_your_traces: Ĉiuj viaj sukcese alŝutitaj GPX-spuroj troveblas ĉe %{url}
all_your_traces_html: Ĉiuj viaj sukcese alŝutitaj GPX-spuroj troveblas ĉe %{url}.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-dosiero enportita sukcese'
wrong_user: Vi estas ensalutinta kiel '%{user}', sed la mesaĝo – kiun vi volas
legi – ne estas sendita al aŭ el tiu uzanto. Ensalutu kiel propra uzanto por
legi ĝin.
- mark:
- as_read: Mesaĝo markita kiel legitan
- as_unread: Mesaĝo markita kiel nelegitan
- unmute:
- notice: Movis mesaĝon al ricevujo
- error: La mesaĝo ne povis esti movita al la ricevujo.
destroyed: Mesaĝo forigita
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mesaĝo markita kiel legitan
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesaĝo markita kiel nelegitan
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Movis mesaĝon al ricevujo
+ error: La mesaĝo ne povis esti movita al la ricevujo.
my_inbox: Ricevujo
preview: Antaŭvidi
help: Helpo
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Pli malnovaj komentoj
+ newer: Pli novaj komentoj
older: Pli malnovaj komentoj
newer: Pli novaj komentoj
description: 'Priskribo:'
tags: 'Etikedoj:'
none: Neniu
- edit_trace: Redakti ĉi tiun spuron
- delete_trace: Forviŝi ĉi tiun spuron
+ edit_trace: Redakti tiun ĉi spuron
+ delete_trace: Forigi tiun ĉi spuron
trace_not_found: Spuro ne trovebla!
visibility: 'Videbleco:'
confirm_delete: Ĉu forigi tiun ĉi spuron?
heading: GPX-konservejo malaktiva
message: La sistemo por alŝutado kaj konservado de GPX-dosieroj estas nune nedisponebla.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spuroj
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-dosiero kun %{count} punkto de %{user}
- other: GPX-dosiero kun %{count} punktoj de %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-dosiero de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spuroj
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-dosiero kun %{count} punkto de %{user}
+ other: GPX-dosiero kun %{count} punktoj de %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-dosiero de %{user}
permission_denied: Vi ne rajtas fari tiun ĉi agon
openid: ensaluti uzante OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: legi preferojn de uzanto
write_prefs: modifi preferojn de uzanto
- write_diary: afiŝi en taglibro, komenti kaj aldoni amikojn
+ write_diary: afiŝi en taglibro kaj komenti
write_api: redakti la mapon
read_gpx: legi privatajn GPS-spurojn
write_gpx: alŝuti GPS-spurojn
de retpoŝta adreso
contributor_terms: Interkonsento pri kontribuado
continue: Registriĝi
- terms accepted: Dankon por akcepto de nova interkonsento pri kontribuado!
privacy_policy: privatecan politikon
privacy_policy_title: privateca politiko de OSMF enhavanta sekcion pri uzo
edits: Redaktoj
traces: Spuroj
notes: Map-rimarkoj
- remove as friend: Eksamikigi
- add as friend: Aldoni kiel amikon
+ unfollow: Ne sekvi
+ follow: Sekvi
mapper since: 'Mapigisto ekde:'
last map edit: 'Antaŭa map-redakto:'
no activity yet: ankoraŭ neniu agado
summary_html: '%{name} kreita de %{ip_address} je %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} kreita je %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: Komentoj de %{user}
+ changesets: pri ŝanĝaroj
+ diary_entries: pri taglibraj afiŝoj
+ no_comments: Neniu komento
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentoj pri ŝanĝaroj skribitaj de %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Ŝanĝaro
+ when: Kiam
+ comment: Komento
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentoj de %{user} sub taglibraj afiŝoj
+ page:
+ post: Afiŝi
+ when: Kiam
+ comment: Komento
title: Konto haltigita
heading: Konto haltigita
povos ripari tion. Movu la markon al la respektivan pozicion kaj enmetu la
rimarkon priskribantan la problemon.
anonymous_warning_html: Vi ne estas ensalutinta. %{log_in} aŭ %{sign_up} por
- ricevi sciigojn pri via rimarko.
+ ricevi sciigojn pri via rimarko kaj por helpi al mapigistoj solvi ĝin.
anonymous_warning_log_in: Ensalutu
anonymous_warning_sign_up: registriĝu
+ counter_warning_html: Vi jam publikigis almenaŭ %{x_anonymous_notes}, tio ĉi
+ estas bonega por la komunumo, dankon! Nun ni instigas vin al %{contribute_by_yourself},
+ tio ĉi ne estas tiel malsimpla kaj la %{community_can_help}.
+ x_anonymous_notes:
+ one: '%{count} anoniman rimarkon'
+ other: '%{count} anonimajn rimarkojn'
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ text: kontribui mem
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: komunumo povas helpi vin
advice: Via rimarko estas publika kaj povas esti uzita por ĝisdatigi la mapon,
do ne enmetu privatajn informojn kaj informojn el kopirajtaj mapoj aŭ aliaj
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:OpenID
link text: ¿Qué es esto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edición pública
- enabled: Activadas. No es anónimo y puedes editar datos.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Ediciones_an%C3%B3nimas
- enabled link text: ¿Qué es esto?
- disabled: Desactivadas y no puedes editar datos; todas las ediciones anteriores
- son anónimas.
- disabled link text: ¿Por qué no puedo editar?
contributor terms:
heading: Términos de Colaborador
agreed: Has aceptado los nuevos Términos de Colaborador.
readable_summary: resumen legible por humanos
informal_translations: traducciones informales
continue: Continuar
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:Términos_de_contribuidor_rechazados
cancel: Cancelar
you need to accept or decline: Lee y luego acepta o rechaza los nuevos Términos
de Colaborador para continuar.
france: Francia
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Resto del mundo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: ¡Gracias por aceptar los nuevos Términos de Colaborador!
terms_declined_html: Lamentamos que haya decidido no aceptar los nuevos Términos
de Colaborador. Para obtener más información, consulte %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Conjuntos de Cambios
title_user: Conjunto de cambios de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Conjunto de cambios de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Conjuntos de cambios realizados por mis amigos
title_nearby: Conjuntos de cambios realizados por usuarios cercanos
empty: No se han encontrado conjuntos de cambios.
empty_area: No hay conjuntos de cambios en este área.
created: Creado
closed: Cerrado
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: ¿Deseas suscribirte a la siguiente discusión del conjunto de cambios?
- button: Suscribirse a la discusión
- unsubscribe:
- heading: ¿Deseas desuscribirte de la siguiente discusión del conjunto de cambios?
- button: Desuscribirse de la discusión
- heading:
- title: Conjunto de Cambios %{id}
- created_by_html: Creado por %{link_user} el %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'No hay entrada con id: %{id}'
- body: Lo sentimos, no existe algún conjunto de cambios con id %{id}. Revisa
- los dígitos, o tal vez el enlace en el que hiciste clic sea incorrecto.
title: 'Conjunto de Cambios: %{id}'
created: 'Creado: %{when}'
sorry: Lo sentimos, la lista de conjuntos de cambios que solicitó tardó demasiado
en obtenerse.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: ¿Deseas suscribirte a la siguiente discusión del conjunto de cambios?
+ button: Suscribirse a la discusión
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: ¿Deseas desuscribirte de la siguiente discusión del conjunto de cambios?
+ button: Desuscribirse de la discusión
+ heading:
+ title: Conjunto de Cambios %{id}
+ created_by_html: Creado por %{link_user} el %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'No hay entrada con id: %{id}'
+ body: Lo sentimos, no existe algún conjunto de cambios con id %{id}. Revisa
+ los dígitos, o tal vez el enlace en el que hiciste clic sea incorrecto.
km away: '%{count} km. de distancia'
your location: Tu ubicación
nearby mapper: Mapeadores cercanos
- friend: Amigo
title: Mi Tablero
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} y establece tu ubicación de origen
para ver los usuarios cercanos.'
edit_your_profile: Edita tu perfil
- my friends: Mis amigos
- no friends: No has añadido amigos aún.
nearby users: Otros usuarios cercanos
no nearby users: Todavía no hay usuarios que admitan mapear cerca.
- friends_changesets: conjuntos de cambios realizados por amigos
- friends_diaries: entradas de diarios de amigos
nearby_changesets: conjuntos de cambios de los usuarios cercanos
nearby_diaries: entradas de diarios de usuarios cercanos
use_map_link: Usar mapa
title: Diarios de Usuarios
- title_friends: Diarios de Amigos
title_nearby: Diarios de Usuarios Cercanos
user_title: Diario de %{user}
in_language_title: Entradas de diario en %{language}
heading: ¿Deseas desuscribirte de la siguiente discusión de entrada de diario?
button: Desuscribirse de la discusión
- index:
- title: Comentarios de Diario añadidos por %{user}
- heading: Comentarios del diario de %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentarios de diario añadidos por %{user}
- no_comments: Ningún comentario de diario
- page:
- post: Publicación
- when: Cuando
- comment: Comentario
heading: ¿Añadir un comentario a la siguiente discusión de entrada en el diario?
title: No se encontró el archivo
description: No se pudo encontrar un archivo, directorio u operación de API
con ese nombre en el servidor de OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: ¿Añadir a %{user} como un amigo?
- button: Añadir como amigo
- success: ¡%{name} ahora es tu amigo!
- failed: Lo sentimos, no se ha podido añadir a %{name} como un amigo.
- already_a_friend: Ya eres amigo de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Has agregado a muchos amigos recientemente. Por favor espera
- un poco antes de intentar agregar más amigos.
- remove_friend:
- heading: ¿Quitar a %{user} de tus amigos?
- button: Quitar como amigo
- success: Has quitado a %{name} de tus amigos.
- not_a_friend: '%{name} no es uno de tus amigos.'
autor en %{replyurl}
footer_html: También puedes leer el mensaje en %{readurl} y puede responder
en %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hola %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} te ha añadido como amigo'
- had_added_you: '%{user} te ha añadido como amigo en OpenStreetMap'
see_their_profile: Puedes ver su perfil en %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Puedes ver su perfil en %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: También puedes añadirlo como amigo en %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: También puedes añadirlo como amigo en %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hola %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'falló en la importación como un archivo de traza GPS. Verifica
wrong_user: Estás conectado como '%{user}' pero el mensaje que quieres leer
no se ha enviado por o a dicho usuario. Por favor, inicia sesión con el usuario
correcto para leer el mensaje.
- mark:
- as_read: Mensaje marcado como leído
- as_unread: Mensaje marcado como no leído
- unmute:
- notice: El mensaje se ha trasladado a la bandeja de entrada
- error: No se pudo trasladar el mensaje a la bandeja de entrada.
destroyed: Mensaje eliminado
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mensaje marcado como leído
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mensaje marcado como no leído
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: El mensaje se ha trasladado a la bandeja de entrada
+ error: No se pudo trasladar el mensaje a la bandeja de entrada.
my_inbox: Mi buzón
heading: Almacenamiento GPX desconectado
message: El sistema de almacenamiento y subida de archivos GPX no se encuentra
disponible en este momento.
- georss:
- title: Trazas GPS de OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Archivo GPX con %{count} punto de %{user}
- other: Archivo GPX con %{count} puntos de %{user}
- description_without_count: Archivo GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Trazas GPS de OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Archivo GPX con %{count} punto de %{user}
+ other: Archivo GPX con %{count} puntos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Archivo GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: No tienes permisos para realizar esa acción
sobre direcciones de correo electrónico
contributor_terms: términos de colaborador
continue: Registrarse
- terms accepted: ¡Gracias por aceptar los nuevos Términos de Colaborador!
privacy_policy: política de privacidad
privacy_policy_title: Política de privacidad de la OSMF, incluida la sección
edits: Ediciones
traces: Trazas
notes: Notas del mapa
- remove as friend: Eliminar como amigo
- add as friend: Añadir como amigo
mapper since: 'Mapeando desde:'
last map edit: Última edición del mapa
no activity yet: Sin actividad todavía
summary_html: '%{name} creado desde %{ip_address} el %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creado el %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Cuando
+ comment: Comentario
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentarios de Diario añadidos por %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Publicación
title: Cuenta Suspendida
heading: Cuenta suspendida
support_url: Toe URL
allow_read_prefs: lugeda tema kasutajaeelistusi
allow_write_prefs: muuta tema kasutajaeelistusi
- allow_write_diary: luua päevikusissekandeid, kommenteerida ja lisada sõpru
+ allow_write_diary: luua päevikusissekandeid ja -kommentaare
allow_write_api: muuta kaarti
allow_read_gpx: lugeda tema isiklikke GPS-radu
allow_write_gpx: laadida üles GPS-radu
external auth: Väline autentimine
link text: mis see on?
- public editing:
- heading: Avalik toimetamine
- enabled: Lubatud. Pole anonüümne ja saab andmeid muuta.
- enabled link text: mis see on?
- disabled: Keelatud ja ei saa andmeid muuta, kõik varasemad muudatused on anonüümsed.
- disabled link text: Miks ma ei saa kaarti töödelda?
contributor terms:
heading: Kaastöötingimused
agreed: Oled nõustunud uute kaastöötingimustega.
france: Prantsusmaa
italy: Itaalia
rest_of_world: Muu maailm
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Täname, et nõustusid uute kaastöötingimustega!
terms_declined_html: Meil on kahju, et otsustasid kaastöötingimustega mitte
nõustutada. Lisateavet leiad %{terms_declined_link}.
way: joon
relation: relatsioon
- entry_role_html: Relatsioon %{relation_name} (kui %{relation_role})
+ entry_role_html: '%{relation_name} (kui %{relation_role})'
title: Ei leidu
title: Muudatuskogumid
title_user: Kasutaja %{user} muudatuskogumid
title_user_link_html: Kasutaja %{user_link} muudatuskogumid
- title_friend: Sõprade muudatuskogumid
title_nearby: Läheduses asuvate kasutajate muudatuskogumid
empty: Muudatuskogumeid ei leitud.
empty_area: Selles alas ei ole muudatuskogumeid.
created: Loodud
closed: Suletud
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Kas soovid selle muudatuskogumi arutelu tellida?
- button: Telli arutelu
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Kas soovid selle muudatuskogumi arutelu tellimusest loobuda?
- button: Loobu arutelu jälgimisest
- heading:
- title: Muudatuskogum %{id}
- created_by_html: Loonud %{link_user} kuupäeval %{created}
- no_such_entry:
- heading: Ei leidu kirjet identifikaatoriga %{id}
- body: Vabandust, muudatuskogumit identifikaatoriga %{id} ei ole olemas. Palun
- kontrolli, kas kirjutasid selle õigesti või kas link millel klõpsasid, on
- vale.
title: 'Muudatuskogum: %{id}'
created: 'Loodud: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Relatsioonid (%{x}–%{y} %{count}-st)
sorry: Kahjuks võttis taotletud muudatuskogumite laadimine liiga kaua aega.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Kas soovid selle muudatuskogumi arutelu tellida?
+ button: Telli arutelu
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Kas soovid selle muudatuskogumi arutelu tellimusest loobuda?
+ button: Loobu arutelu jälgimisest
+ heading:
+ title: Muudatuskogum %{id}
+ created_by_html: Loonud %{link_user} kuupäeval %{created}
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: Ei leidu kirjet identifikaatoriga %{id}
+ body: Vabandust, muudatuskogumit identifikaatoriga %{id} ei ole olemas. Palun
+ kontrolli, kas kirjutasid selle õigesti või kas link millel klõpsasid, on
+ vale.
km away: '%{count} kilomeetri kaugusel'
your location: Sinu asukoht
nearby mapper: Lähedaloevad kaardistajad
- friend: Sõber
title: Minu andmelaud
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ja määra enda asukoht, et näha
ümberkaudseid kasutajaid.'
edit_your_profile: Muuda profiili
- my friends: Minu sõbrad
- no friends: Sa ei ole lisanud veel ühtegi sõpra.
nearby users: Teised lähedal asuvad kasutajad
no nearby users: Puuduvad teised kasutajad, kes tunnistavad, et kaardistavad
- friends_changesets: sõprade muudatuskogumid
- friends_diaries: sõprade päevikusissekanded
nearby_changesets: lähedalasuvate kasutajate muudatuskogumid
nearby_diaries: lähedalasuvate kasutajate päevikusissekanded
use_map_link: Kasuta kaarti
title: Kasutajate päevikud
- title_friends: Sõprade päevikud
title_nearby: Lähedalasuvate kasutajate päevikud
user_title: Kasutaja %{user} päevik
in_language_title: Päevikusissekanded (%{language})
heading: Kas soovid selle päevikusissekande arutelu tellimusest loobuda?
button: Loobu arutelu jälgimisest
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Kasutaja %{user} lisatud päevikukommentaarid
- heading: Kasutaja %{user} päevikukommentaarid
- subheading_html: Päevikukommentaarid, mille on lisanud kasutaja %{user}
- no_comments: Päevikukommentaarid puuduvad.
- page:
- post: Postitus
- when: Millal
- comment: Kommentaar
title: Faili ei leidu
description: Sellise nimega faili/kataloogi/API meetodit ei leidu OpenStreetMapi
serveris (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Lisada %{user} sõbraks?
- button: Lisa sõbraks
- success: '%{name} on nüüd sinu sõber.'
- failed: Vabandust, kasutaja %{name} sõbraks lisamine ebaõnnestus.
- already_a_friend: Sa oled kasutajaga %{name} juba sõber.
- limit_exceeded: Sa oled endale hiljuti lisanud palju sõpru. Palun oota mõnda
- aega, enne kui proovid veel sõpru lisada.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Eemaldada %{user} sõprade hulgast?
- button: Eemalda sõprade hulgast
- success: '%{name} eemaldati sinu sõprade hulgast.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ei ole üks sinu sõpradest.'
vajalikke hooldustöid.
osm_read_only: OpenStreetMapi andmebaas on hetkel oluliste hooldustööde tõttu
ligipääsetav ainult lugemiseks.
+ nothing_to_preview: Eelvaates pole midagi näidata.
help: Juhend
about: Teave
copyright: Autoriõigused
aadressil %{replyurl}.
footer_html: Saad lugeda sõnumit ka aadressil %{readurl} ja saata autorile sõnumi
aadressil %{replyurl}.
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Tere, %{to_user}
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} lisas sind oma sõbraks'
- had_added_you: '%{user} lisas sind OpenStreetMapis sõbraks.'
see_their_profile: Tema profiiliga võid tutvuda aadressil %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Tema profiiliga saad tutvuda aadressil %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Sa võid ta lisada oma sõbraks aadressil %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Saad ta ka enda sõbraks lisada aadressil %{befriendurl}.
+ gpx_details:
+ details: 'Sinu faili üksikasjad:'
+ filename: Failinimi
+ description: Kirjeldus
+ tags: Sildid
+ total_points: Punktide koguarv
+ imported_points: Imporditud punktide arv
hi: Tere, %{to_user}
- failed_to_import: 'importimine GPS-rajafailiks ebaõnnestus. Palun veendu, et
- sinu fail on korrektne GPX-fail või arhiiv, mis sisaldab GPX-faili või GPX-faile
- ja mille vorming on toetatud (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar, .zip, .gpx.gz, .gpx.bz2).
- Kas sinu failis võib olla vormingu- või süntaksiviga? Siin on importimisviga:'
+ failed_to_import: Paistab, et sinu faili ei õnnestunud GPS-rajana importida.
+ verify: 'Palun veendu, et sinu fail on korrektne GPX-fail või arhiiv, mis sisaldab
+ GPX-faili või GPX-faile ja mille vorming on toetatud (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar,
+ .zip, .gpx.gz, .gpx.bz2). Kas sinu failis võib olla vormingu- või süntaksiviga?
+ Siin on importimisviga:'
+ more_info: Rohkem teavet GPX-failide importimise ja sellega seotud tõrgete vältimise
+ kohta leiad aadressilt %{url}
more_info_html: Rohkem teavet GPX-failide importimise funktsiooni ja nende vältimise
kohta leiad aadressilt %{url}.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-faili importimine nurjus'
hi: Tere, %{to_user}
+ imported_successfully: Paistab, et sinu fail on GPS-rajana edukalt imporditud.
+ all_your_traces: Kõik GPX-rajad, mille oled edukalt üles laadinud, on leitavad
+ aadressil %{url}
all_your_traces_html: Kõik sinu üles laaditud GPX-rajad on leitavad aadressil
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-faili importimine õnnestus'
wrong_user: Oled sisse loginud kui "%{user}" aga sõnum, mida soovid lugeda ei
ole sellele kasutajale saadetud ega selle kasutaja poolt saadetud. Lugemiseks
palun logi sisse õige kasutajana.
- mark:
- as_read: Sõnum on märgitud loetud sõnumiks.
- as_unread: Sõnum on märgitud lugemata sõnumiks.
- unmute:
- notice: Sõnum on teisaldatud postkasti.
- error: Sõnumit ei õnnestunud postkasti teisaldada.
destroyed: Sõnum kustutatud.
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Sõnum on märgitud loetud sõnumiks.
+ destroy:
+ notice: Sõnum on märgitud lugemata sõnumiks.
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Sõnum on teisaldatud postkasti.
+ error: Sõnumit ei õnnestunud postkasti teisaldada.
my_inbox: Saabunud sõnumid
heading: GPX-failide salvestamine hetkel ei tööta
message: GPX-failide salvestamise ja üleslaadimise süsteem pole hetkel kasutatav.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMapi GPS-rajad
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Kasutaja %{user} %{count}-punktline GPX-fail
- other: Kasutaja %{user} %{count}-punktline GPX-fail
- description_without_count: Kasutaja %{user} GPX-fail
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMapi GPS-rajad
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Kasutaja %{user} %{count}-punktline GPX-fail
+ other: Kasutaja %{user} %{count}-punktline GPX-fail
+ description_without_count: Kasutaja %{user} GPX-fail
cookies_needed: Paistab, et sul on küpsised keelatud. Enne jätkamist luba palun
openid: Sisse logida kasutades OpenStreetMapi
read_prefs: Lugeda kasutajaeelistusi
write_prefs: Muuta kasutajaeelistusi
- write_diary: Luua päevikusissekandeid, kommenteerida ja lisada sõpru
+ write_diary: Luua päevikusissekandeid ja -kommentaare
write_api: Muuta kaarti
read_gpx: Lugeda isiklikke GPS-radu
write_gpx: Laadida üles GPS-radu
aadresside kohta
contributor_terms: kaastöötingimustega
continue: Registreeru
- terms accepted: Täname, et nõustusid uute kaastöötingimustega!
privacy_policy: andmekaitsereeglitega
privacy_policy_title: OSMF-i andmekaitsereeglid, sealhulgas peatükk e-posti
edits: Muudatused
traces: Rajaloend
notes: Märkused
- remove as friend: Eemalda sõprade hulgast
- add as friend: Lisa sõbraks
mapper since: 'Kaardistaja alates:'
last map edit: 'Viimane muudatus kaardil:'
uid: 'Kasutaja ID:'
summary_html: '%{name} loodud IP-aadressilt %{ip_address} (%{date})'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} loodud (%{date})'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Millal
+ comment: Kommentaar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Kasutaja %{user} lisatud päevikukommentaarid
+ page:
+ post: Postitus
title: Konto peatatud
heading: Konto peatatud
kaardistajatele teada, et nad saaksid seda parandada. Lohista marker õigele
kohale ja kirjuta märkus, et probleemi selgitada.
anonymous_warning_html: Sa pole sisse logitud. Palun %{log_in} või %{sign_up},
- kui soovid saada enda märkuse kohta uuendusi.
+ et saada enda märkuse kohta uuendusi ja et aidada kaardistajatel seda lahendada.
anonymous_warning_log_in: logi sisse
anonymous_warning_sign_up: registreeru
advice: Märkus on avalik ja seda võidakse kasutada kaardi uuendamiseks. Seega
external auth: Kanpoko Autentifikazioa
link text: zer da hau?
- public editing:
- heading: Aldaketa publikoa
- enabled: Gaituta. Ez da anonimoa eta datuak editatu ditzake.
- enabled link text: zer da hau?
- disabled: Ezgaituta dago eta ezin ditu datuak editatu, aurreko aldaketa guztiak
- anonimoak dira.
- disabled link text: Zergatik ezin dut aldatu?
contributor terms:
heading: Kolaboratzaile Terminoak
agreed: Kolaboratzaile-termino berriak onartu dituzu.
france: Frantzia
italy: Italy
rest_of_world: Gainerako mundua
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Eskerrik asko laguntzaileen termino berriak onartzeagatik!
terms_declined_html: Sentitzen dugu Laguntzaile Baldintza berriak ez onartzea
erabaki izana. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, ikusi %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Aldaketak
title_user: '%{user}k egindako aldaketak'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link}-(e)k eginiko aldaketak'
- title_friend: Nire lagunek egindako aldaketak
title_nearby: Hurbil dauden erabiltzaileek egindako aldaketak
empty: Ez da aldaketarik aurkitu.
empty_area: Inguru honetan ez dago aldaketarik.
created: Sortua
closed: Itxita
belongs_to: Egilea
- subscribe:
- heading: Aldaketa multzoko eztabaida honetara harpidetu nahi duzu?
- unsubscribe:
- button: Eztabaidatik harpidetza kendu
title: 'Aldaketa: %{id}'
created_ago_html: Sortua orain dela %{time_ago}
sorry: Barkatu, zuk eskatutako aldaketen zerrenda berreskuratzeko denbora gehiegi
behar izan da.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Aldaketa multzoko eztabaida honetara harpidetu nahi duzu?
+ unsubscribe:
+ button: Eztabaidatik harpidetza kendu
km away: '%{count} km-tara'
your location: Zure kokapena
nearby mapper: Hurbileko mapeatzaileak
- friend: Laguna
title: Nire Arbela
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} eta ezarri zure etxeko kokapena
inguruko erabiltzaileak ikusteko.'
edit_your_profile: Zure perfila aldatu
- my friends: Nire lagunak
- no friends: Oraindik ez duzu lagunik gehitu.
nearby users: Gertuko beste erabiltzaile batzuk
no nearby users: Ez dago oraindik hurbileko mapa editatzea onartzen duen erabiltzailerik.
- friends_changesets: Lagunen aldaketak
- friends_diaries: Lagunen eguneroko sarrerak
nearby_changesets: inguruko erabiltzaileen aldaketak
nearby_diaries: inguruko erabiltzaileen eguneroko sarrerak
use_map_link: Erabili mapa
title: Erabiltzaileen egunerokoak
- title_friends: Lagunen egunerokoak
title_nearby: Hurbileko erabiltzaileen egunerokoak
user_title: '%{user}(r)en egunerokoa'
in_language_title: Eguneroko Sarrerak %{language} hizkuntzan
title: OpenStreetMap eguneroko sarrerak
description: OpenStreetMap erabiltzaileek azkenaldian egindako eguneroko sarrerak
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: '%{user} erabiltzaileak gehitutako egunkariko iruzkinak'
- heading: '%{user} erabiltzailearen egunkariko iruzkinak'
- subheading_html: '%{user} erabiltzaileak gehitutako egunkariko iruzkinak'
- no_comments: Ez dago egunkariko iruzkinik
- page:
- post: Argitaratu
- when: Noiz
- comment: Iruzkina
title: Fitxategia ez da aurkitu
description: Ezin izan da izen hori duen fitxategi/karpeta/API eragiketarik
OpenStreetMap zerbitzarian aurkitu (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Gehitu %{user} adiskidetzat?
- button: Gehitu lagun gisa
- success: '%{name} zure laguna de orain!'
- failed: Barkatu, ezin izan da %{name} adiskidetzat gehitu.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} eta zuk lagunak zarete jada.'
- limit_exceeded: Erabiltzaile askoren lagun egin zara azkenaldian. Mesedez, itxaron
- pixka bat lagun gehiago egiten saiatu aurretik.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} lagun moduan kendu?'
- button: Kendu adiskidetzat
- success: '%{name} kendu duzu zure adiskide zerrendatik.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ez da zure laguna.'
footer: Mezua %{readurl} helbidean ere irakur dezakezu eta egileari mezu bat
bidal diezaiokezu %{replyurl} helbidean
footer_html: Mezua irakurri dezakezu %{readurl}-n ere eta erantzun %{replyurl}-n
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Kaixo %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} erabiltzaileak adiskidetzat gehitu zaitu'
- had_added_you: '%{user} lagun bezala gehitu zaitu OpenStreetMap-en.'
see_their_profile: Haien profila %{userurl}n ikusi dezakezu.
see_their_profile_html: Haien profila %{userurl} helbidean ikusi dezakezu.
- befriend_them: Hura adiskidetzat gehitzeko aukera ere baduzu, %{befriendurl}
- orrian.
- befriend_them_html: Lagun gisa ere gehi ditzakezu %{befriendurl} helbidean.
hi: Kaixo %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'inportzean kale egin du. Hemen dago akatsa:'
wrong_user: '''%{user}'' bezala saioa hasi duzu baina irakurtzeko eskatu duzun
mezua ez da erabiltzaile horri bidali edo berak ez du bidali. Hasi saioa erabiltzaile
zuzenarekin irakurtzeko.'
- mark:
- as_read: Mezua irakurrita gisa markatu da
- as_unread: Mezua irakurri gabe gisa markatu da
- unmute:
- notice: Mezua Sarrera-ontzira eraman dugu
- error: Mezua ezin izan da postontzira eraman.
destroyed: Mezua ezabatuta
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mezua irakurrita gisa markatu da
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mezua irakurri gabe gisa markatu da
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mezua Sarrera-ontzira eraman dugu
+ error: Mezua ezin izan da postontzira eraman.
my_inbox: Nire sarrera-ontzia
heading: Offline GPX Biltegia
message: GPX fitxategien biltegiratze eta kargatze sistema ez dago erabilgarri.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS Aztarnak
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: '%{user} %{count} puntua duen GPX fitxategia'
- other: '%{user} %{count} puntuak dituen GPX fitxategia'
- description_without_count: '%{user}ren GPX fitxategia'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS Aztarnak
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: '%{user} %{count} puntua duen GPX fitxategia'
+ other: '%{user} %{count} puntuak dituen GPX fitxategia'
+ description_without_count: '%{user}ren GPX fitxategia'
permission_denied: Ez duzu baimenik ekintza hori burutzeko
privacy_policy_title: OSMF pribatutasun-politika helbide elektronikoei buruzko
atala barne
continue: Eman izena
- terms accepted: Eskerrik asko laguntzaileen termino berriak onartzeagatik!
html: Zure helbidea ez da publikoki bistaratzen, ikusi gure %{privacy_policy_link}
informazio gehiago lortzeko.
edits: Aldaketak
traces: Aztarnak
notes: Mapa Oharrak
- remove as friend: Kendu adiskidetzat
- add as friend: Gehitu adiskidetzat
mapper since: 'Noiztik mapatzaile:'
uid: 'Erabiltzaile ID:'
ct status: 'Kolaboratzaile terminoak:'
summary_html: '%{date}n %{ip_address}tik %{name} sortu da'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} %{date} datan sortua'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Noiz
+ comment: Iruzkina
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user} erabiltzaileak gehitutako egunkariko iruzkinak'
+ page:
+ post: Argitaratu
title: Kontua bertan behera geratu da
heading: Kontua bertan behera geratu da
external auth: احراز هویت خارجی
link text: این چیست؟
- public editing:
- heading: ویرایش عمومی
- enabled: فعال. گمنام نیستید و میتوانید داده را ویرایش کنید.
- enabled link text: این چیست؟
- disabled: غیرفعال شده و نمیتوان داده را ویرایش کرد، همهٔ ویرایشهای قبلی
- گمنام هستند.
- disabled link text: چرا من نمیتوانم ویرایش کنم؟
contributor terms:
heading: شرایط مشارکتکننده
agreed: شما شرایط جدید مشارکتکننده را پذیرفتهاید.
france: فرانسه
italy: ایتالیا
rest_of_world: دیگر نقاط جهان
+ update:
+ terms accepted: از اینکه شرایط جدید مشارکتکننده را پذیرفتید، سپاسگزاریم!
terms_declined_html: از اینکه تصمیم گرفتهاید شرایط جدید مشارکتکننده را نپذیرید،
متأسف هستیم. برای اطلاعات بیشتر، لطفاً %{terms_declined_link} را ببینید.
title: بستههای تغییر
title_user: بستههای تغییر %{user}
title_user_link_html: بستههای تغییر %{user_link}
- title_friend: بستههای تغییر دوستان من
title_nearby: بستههای تغییر کاربران نزدیک
empty: هیچ بستۀ تغییری یافت نشد.
empty_area: هیچ بستهٔ تغییری در این ناحیه یافت نشد.
your location: مکان شما
nearby mapper: نقشهکش نزدیک
- friend: دوست
title: پیشخوان من
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} و موقعیت خانهٔ خود را تنظیم کنید
تا کاربران نزدیک را ببینید.'
edit_your_profile: ویرایش پروفایل
- my friends: دوستان من
- no friends: هنوز هیچ دوستی اضافه نکردهاید
nearby users: دیگر کاربران نزدیک
no nearby users: در این حوالی هیچ کاربری نقشه ترسیم نکرده است
- friends_changesets: بستههای تغییر دوستان
- friends_diaries: روزنوشتهای دوستان
nearby_changesets: ویرایشهای کاربران نزدیک
nearby_diaries: روزنوشتهای کاربران نزدیک
use_map_link: استفاده از نقشه
title: روزنوشتهای کاربران
- title_friends: روزنوشتهای دوستان
title_nearby: روزنوشتهای کاربران نزدیک
user_title: روزنوشتهای %{user}
in_language_title: روزنوشتهای %{language}
button: اشتراک در بحث
button: لغو اشتراک در بحث
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: نظراتی که %{user} به روزنوشتها داده است
- heading: نظرات %{user} به روزنوشتها
- subheading_html: نظراتی که %{user} به روزنوشتها داده است
- no_comments: به روزنوشتها نظری نداده است
- page:
- post: فرسته
- when: زمان
- comment: نظر
title: پرونده پیدا نشد
description: پرونده/پوشه/عملیات API با آن نام در سرور OpenStreetMap پیدا نشد
(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} بهعنوان دوست افزوده شود؟'
- button: افزودن بهعنوان دوست
- success: '%{name} اکنون دوست شماست!'
- failed: پوزش، افزودن %{name} به دوستان شما انجام نشد.
- already_a_friend: شما و %{name}از قبل دوست هستید.
- limit_exceeded: تازگی افراد خیلی زیادی را بهعنوان دوست اضافه کردهاید. لطفاً
- تا مدتی دست نگه دارید.
- remove_friend:
- heading: لغو دوستی %{user}؟
- button: لغو دوستی
- success: '%{name} از دوستان شما حذف شد.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} یکی از دوستان شما نیست.'
به نویسنده پیام بدهید: %{replyurl} '
footer_html: 'همچنین میتوانید این پیام را در اینجا بخوانید: %{readurl} و از
اینجا به نویسنده پیام بدهید: %{replyurl} '
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: سلام %{to_user}،
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} شما را بهعنوان دوست اضافه کرد'
- had_added_you: %{user} در اوپناستریتمپ شما را بهعنوان دوست اضافه کرد.
see_their_profile: 'میتوانید نمایهٔ کاربری او را در اینجا ببینید: %{userurl}
see_their_profile_html: 'میتوانید نمایهٔ کاربری او را در اینجا ببینید: %{userurl}
- befriend_them: 'شما نیز میتوانید از اینجا او را بهعنوان دوست اضافه کنید:
- %{befriendurl} '
- befriend_them_html: 'شما نیز میتوانید از اینجا او را بهعنوان دوست اضافه کنید:
- %{befriendurl} '
hi: سلام %{to_user}،
failed_to_import: 'درونبرد انجام نشد. این خطا رخ داد:'
success: ' تشکر بابت ثبت نام! حساب کاربری شما تأیید شد.'
already active: این حساب کاربری قبلاً تأیید شده است.
unknown token: کد تأیید منقضی شده یا وجود ندارد.
+ if_need_resend: اگر میخواهید ایمیل تأییدیه را دوباره برای شما بفرستیم، روی
+ دکمهٔ زیر کلیک کنید.
+ resend_button: ارسال مجدد ایمیل تأییدیه
failure: کاربر %{name} پیدا نشد.
wrong_user: شما با نام کاربری %{user} وارد سامانه شدهاید، اما پیامی که درخواست
خواندن آن را دارید از/به این کابر ارسال نشده است. لطفاً با نام کاربری صحیح
وارد سامانه شوید تا بتوانید آن را بخوانید.
- mark:
- as_read: پیام بهعنوان خوانده علامتگذاری شد
- as_unread: پیام به عنوان نخوانده علامتگذاری شد
destroyed: پیام حذف شد
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: پیام بهعنوان خوانده علامتگذاری شد
+ destroy:
+ notice: پیام به عنوان نخوانده علامتگذاری شد
my_inbox: صندوق دریافت
heading: ذخیرهگاه GPX برونخط است
message: ذخیرهگاه پروندهٔ GPX و سامانهٔ بارگذاری هماکنون در دسترس نیستند.
- georss:
- title: ردهای جیپیاس OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: فایل GPX با %{count} نقطه از %{user}
- other: ' فایل GPX با %{count} نقطه از %{user}'
- description_without_count: پروندهٔ GPX از %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: ردهای جیپیاس OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: فایل GPX با %{count} نقطه از %{user}
+ other: ' فایل GPX با %{count} نقطه از %{user}'
+ description_without_count: پروندهٔ GPX از %{user}
permission_denied: شما اجازهٔ دسترسی به آن کنش را ندارید.
privacy_policy: سیاست محرمانگی
continue: ثبت نام
- terms accepted: از اینکه شرایط جدید مشارکتکننده را پذیرفتید، سپاسگزاریم!
use external auth: بهجای ثبت نام، از روش شخص ثالث استفاده کنید
title: چنین کاربری وجود ندارد
edits: ویرایشها
traces: ردها
notes: یادداشتهای نقشه
- remove as friend: لغو دوستی
- add as friend: افزودن دوست
mapper since: 'آغاز نقشهکشی از:'
ct status: 'شرایط مشارکتکننده:'
ct undecided: بلاتکلیف
summary_html: '%{name} با آیپی %{ip_address} در %{date} ایجاد شد'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} در %{date} ایجاد شد'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: زمان
+ comment: نظر
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: نظراتی که %{user} به روزنوشتها داده است
+ page:
+ post: فرسته
title: حساب معلق شده است
heading: تعلیق حساب
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fi:OpenID
link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
- public editing:
- heading: Julkinen muokkaus
- enabled: Kyllä. Karttatietojen muokkaus sallittu.
- enabled link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
- disabled: Ei. Karttatietojen muokkaus estetty. Aiemmat karttamuutokset anonyymejä.
- disabled link text: Miksen voi enää muokata karttaa?
contributor terms:
heading: Osallistumisehdot
agreed: Olet hyväksynyt osallistumisehdot.
readable_summary: selkokielinen yhteenveto (englanniksi)
informal_translations: epäviralliset käännökset
continue: Seuraava
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fi:Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Peruuta
you need to accept or decline: Ennen jatkamista lue läpi osallistumisehdot
ja hyväksy tai hylkää se.
france: Ranska
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Muu maailma
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Kiitos uusien osallistujaehtojen hyväksymisestä!
terms_declined_link: tämä wikisivu
terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fi:Contributor_Terms_Declined
title: Muutoskokoelmat
title_user: Käyttäjän %{user} muutoskokoelmat
title_user_link_html: Käyttäjän %{user_link} muutoskokoelmat
- title_friend: Kaverien muutoskokoelmat
title_nearby: Lähellä olevien käyttäjien muutoskokoelmat
empty: Muutosryhmiä ei löytynyt.
empty_area: Ei muutosryhmiä tällä alueella.
your location: Oma sijaintisi
nearby mapper: Lähellä oleva kartoittaja
- friend: Kaveri
title: Tapahtumat
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ja aseta kotisijaintisi, jotta
näet lähellä olevat käyttäjät.'
edit_your_profile: Muokkaa profiiliasi
- my friends: Kaverit
- no friends: Sinulla ei ole vielä kavereita.
nearby users: Muut lähialueen käyttäjät
no nearby users: Valitun sijainnin lähellä ei ole tiedossa muita käyttäjiä.
- friends_changesets: kaverien muutoskokoelmat
- friends_diaries: kaverien päiväkirjamerkinnät
nearby_changesets: lähialueen käyttäjien muutoskokoelmat
nearby_diaries: lähialueen käyttäjien päiväkirjamerkinnät
use_map_link: Käytä karttaa
title: Käyttäjien päiväkirjamerkinnät
- title_friends: Kaverien päiväkirjat
title_nearby: Lähellä olevien käyttäjien päiväkirjat
user_title: Käyttäjän %{user} päiväkirja
in_language_title: Päiväkirjamerkinnät kielellä %{language}
title: OpenStreetMap-päiväkirjamerkinnät
description: Tuoreimmat OpenStreetMapin käyttäjien päiväkirjamerkinnät
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Käyttäjän %{user} lisäämät päiväkirjamerkinnät
- heading: Päiväkirjamerkinnät käyttäjältä %{user}
- subheading_html: Käyttäjän %{user} lisäämät päiväkirjamerkinnät
- no_comments: Ei päiväkirjamerkintöjä
- page:
- post: Kommentti
- when: Päiväys
- comment: Kommentti
sitä täyttämästä pyyntöä (HTTP 500)
title: Tiedostoa ei löydy
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Lisätäänkö %{user} kaveriksi?
- button: Lisää kaveriksi
- success: '%{name} on nyt kaverisi.'
- failed: Käyttäjää %{name} ei voitu lisätä kaverilistaasi.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} on jo kaverisi.'
- remove_friend:
- heading: Poistetaanko kaveri %{user}?
- button: Poista kaveri
- success: '%{name} poistettiin kaverilistastasi.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ei ole enää kaverisi.'
footer_html: Lue viesti osoitteessa %{readurl} ja lähetä viesti tekijälle osoitteessa
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hei %{to_user}!
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} lisäsi sinut kaverikseen'
- had_added_you: Käyttäjä %{user} lisäsi sinut kaverikseen OpenStreetMapissa.
see_their_profile: Voit tutustua hänen käyttäjäsivuunsa osoitteessa %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Tutustu hänen käyttäjäsivuunsa osoitteessa %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Voit myös lisätä lähettäjän kaveriksi osoitteessa %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Voit myös lisätä lähettäjän kaveriksi osoitteessa %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hei %{to_user}!
failed_to_import: 'epäonnistui tuoda. Tässä virhe:'
wrong_user: Olet kirjautunut sisään tunnuksella `%{user}' mutta viestiä, jonka
tahdot lukea, ei ole lähetetty kyseiselle käyttäjälle. Ole hyvä ja kirjaudu
sisään oikealla käyttäjätunnukselle lukeaksesi sen.
- mark:
- as_read: Viesti on merkitty luetuksi.
- as_unread: Viesti on merkitty lukemattomaksi.
destroyed: Viesti on poistettu.
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Viesti on merkitty luetuksi.
+ destroy:
+ notice: Viesti on merkitty lukemattomaksi.
my_inbox: Saapuneet
heading: GPX-jälkien tallennus ei ole käytettävissä
message: GPX-jälkien tallennusjärjestelmä ei ole tällä hetkellä käytettävissä
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMapin GPS-jäljet
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-tiedosto, jossa on %{count} piste käyttäjältä %{user}
- other: GPX-tiedosto, jossa on %{count} pistettä käyttäjältä %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-tiedosto käyttäjältä %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMapin GPS-jäljet
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-tiedosto, jossa on %{count} piste käyttäjältä %{user}
+ other: GPX-tiedosto, jossa on %{count} pistettä käyttäjältä %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-tiedosto käyttäjältä %{user}
permission_denied: Sinulla ei ole oikeutta käyttää tätä toimintoa
privacy_policy: tietosuojakäytäntö
contributor_terms: osallistumisehdot
continue: Rekisteröidy
- terms accepted: Kiitos uusien osallistujaehtojen hyväksymisestä!
privacy_policy: tietosuojakäytäntö
html: Osoitetta ei näytetä julkisesti, lisätietoja on sivulla %{privacy_policy_link}.
edits: Muokkaukset
traces: Jäljet
notes: Karttailmoitukset
- remove as friend: Poista kavereista
- add as friend: Lisää kaveriksi
mapper since: 'Rekisteröitynyt:'
last map edit: 'Viimeisin karttamuokkaus:'
ct status: 'Osallistumisehdot:'
summary_html: '%{name} luotu %{date} osoitteesta %{ip_address}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} luotu %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Päiväys
+ comment: Kommentti
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Käyttäjän %{user} lisäämät päiväkirjamerkinnät
+ page:
+ post: Kommentti
title: Käyttäjätili jäädytetty
heading: Käyttäjätili jäädytetty
title: Mookkaa konttua
my settings: Minun inställninkit
current email address: 'Nykynen e-postiatressi:'
- public editing:
- heading: Julkinen mookkaus
- enabled: Joo. Karttatietojen mookkaus sallittu.
- disabled link text: miksi en voi mookata?
save changes button: Säästä muutokset
heading: 'Mookkaukset julkisia:'
title: Muutoskokoelmat
title_user: Käyttäjän %{user} muutoskokoelmat
- title_friend: Minun ystävien muutoskokoelmat
title_nearby: Lähelä olevien käyttäjitten muutoskokoelmat
empty: Muutosryhmiä ei löytynyt.
empty_area: Ei muutosryhmiä tällä alueella.
latest_edit_html: 'Viimeisin muutos (%{ago}):'
your location: Sinun paikka
- friend: Kaveri
- show:
- my friends: Minun ystävät
title: Uusi päiväkirjamerkintä
use_map_link: valitte kartalta
title: Käyttäjitten päiväkirjamerkinnät
- title_friends: Ystävien päiväkirjat
title_nearby: Lähelä olevien käyttäjitten päiväkirjat
user_title: Käyttäjän %{user} päiväkirja
in_language_title: Päiväkirjamerkinnät kielellä %{language}
title: OpenStreetMap-päiväkirjamerkinnät
description: Verekset OpenStreetMapin käyttäjitten päiväkirjamerkinnät
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Kommentti
- when: Taatumi
- comment: Kommentti
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: Lissää ystäväksi
- success: '%{name} oon nyt sinun ystävä!'
- failed: Käyttäjää %{name} ei voitu lisätä sinun ystävälistaan.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} oon jo sinun ystävä.'
- remove_friend:
- heading: Poistetaanko ystävä %{user}?
- button: Ota poies ystävä
- success: '%{name} otettiin poies sinun ystävistä.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ei ole enää sinun ystävä.'
hi: Hei %{to_user},
hi: Hei %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hei %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'epäonnistui importeerata. Tässä virhe:'
unread_button: Markeeraa lukemattomaksi
destroy_button: Ota poies
back: Takashiin
- mark:
- as_read: Viesti markeerattu luetuksi.
- as_unread: Viesti markeerattu lukemattomaksi.
destroyed: Viesti otettu poies
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Viesti markeerattu luetuksi.
+ destroy:
+ notice: Viesti markeerattu lukemattomaksi.
my_inbox: Saapuneet
my comments: Minun kommentit
send message: Lähätä viesti
edits: Mookkaukset
- add as friend: Lissää ystäväksi
email address: 'E-postiatressi:'
flash success: Kaikki tekemäsi mookkaukset ovat nyt julkisia.
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Taatumi
+ comment: Kommentti
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Kommentti
no_authorization_code: Ei käyttöoikeuskootia
# Author: Adriendelucca
# Author: Ajeje Brazorf
# Author: Alno
+# Author: AnatoleeSV
# Author: Antimuonium
# Author: BlueCamille
# Author: Boniface
support_url: URL de l’assistance
allow_read_prefs: lire les préférences de l’utilisateur
allow_write_prefs: modifier les préférences de l’utilisateur
- allow_write_diary: créer des entrées du journal, des commentaires et des liens
- d’amitié
+ allow_write_diary: créer des entrées du journal et des commentaires
allow_write_api: modifier la carte
allow_read_gpx: lire ses traces GPS privées
allow_write_gpx: téléverser des traces GPS
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:OpenID
link text: qu’est-ce ?
- public editing:
- heading: Modification publique
- enabled: Activée. Non anonyme et peut modifier les données.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Modifications_anonymes
- enabled link text: qu’est-ce ?
- disabled: Désactivée et ne peut pas modifier les données ; toutes les précédentes
- modifications sont anonymes.
- disabled link text: pourquoi ne puis-je pas modifier ?
contributor terms:
heading: Conditions de contribution
agreed: Vous avez accepté les nouvelles Conditions de contribution.
consider_pd: En plus de l’accord ci-dessus, je considère mes contributions
comme étant dans le domaine public.
consider_pd_why: qu’est-ce que ceci ?
+ consider_pd_why_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence_and_Legal_FAQ/Why_would_I_want_my_contributions_to_be_public_domain
guidance_info_html: 'Informations pour aider à comprendre ces termes : un
%{readable_summary_link} et quelques %{informal_translations_link}'
readable_summary: résumé lisible par un humain
informal_translations: traductions informelles
continue: Continuer
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Annuler
you need to accept or decline: Veuillez lire et ensuite soit accepter ou refuser
les nouvelles Conditions du contributeur pour continuer.
france: France
italy: Italie
rest_of_world: Reste du monde
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Merci d’avoir accepté les nouveaux termes du contributeur !
terms_declined_html: Nous sommes désolés que vous ayez décidé de ne pas accepter
les nouvelles Conditions de contribution. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez
consulter %{terms_declined_link}.
terms_declined_link: cette page du wiki
+ terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
deleted_ago_by_html: Supprimé %{time_ago} par %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: Modifié %{time_ago} par %{user}
view_redacted_data: Afficher les données masquées
view_redaction_message: Afficher le message de masquage
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Désolé, node #%{id} n''a pas pu être trouvé'
sorry: Désolé, l'extraction des données du nœud avec l'identifiant %{id} a pris
trop de temps.
sorry: Désolé, l'historique du nœud avec l'ID %{id} a pris trop de temps à récupérer.
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Désolé, le chemin #%{id} n''a pas pu être trouvé.'
sorry: Désolé, les données du chemin avec l'ID %{id} ont pris trop de temps
à récupérer.
sorry: Désolé, l'historique du chemin avec l'identifiant %{id} a pris trop de
temps pour être récupéré.
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Désolé, la relation #%{id} n''a pas pu être trouvé.'
sorry: Désolé, l'extraction des données de la relation avec l'identifiant %{id}
a pris trop de temps.
title: Groupes de modifications
title_user: Groupes de modifications par %{user}
title_user_link_html: Groupes de modifications par %{user_link}
- title_friend: Groupes de modifications par mes amis
+ title_followed: Modifications par suivi
title_nearby: Groupes de modifications par des utilisateurs à proximité
empty: Aucun groupe de modifications trouvé.
empty_area: Aucun groupe de modifications dans cette zone.
created: Créé
closed: Fermé
belongs_to: Auteur
- subscribe:
- heading: S’abonner à la discussion sur l’ensemble de modifications suivant ?
- button: S’abonner à la discussion
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Se désabonner de la discussion du groupe de modifications suivant ?
- button: Se désinscrire de la discussion
- heading:
- title: Groupe de modifications %{id}
- created_by_html: Créé par %{link_user} le %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Aucune entrée avec l’identifiant : %{id}'
- body: Désolé, il n’y a aucun groupe de modifications avec l’identifiant %{id}.
- Peut-être avez-vous fait une erreur en le recopiant ou suivi un lien erroné ?
title: 'Groupe de modifications : %{id}'
created: 'Créé : %{when}'
ways_paginated: Chemins (%{x} à %{y} sur %{count})
relations: Relations (%{count})
relations_paginated: Relations (%{x} à %{y} sur %{count})
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Désolé, la modification #%{id} n''a pas pu être trouvé.'
sorry: Désolé, récupérer la liste des groupes de modifications que vous avez
demandée a pris trop de temps.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: S’abonner à la discussion sur l’ensemble de modifications suivant ?
+ button: S’abonner à la discussion
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Se désabonner de la discussion du groupe de modifications suivant ?
+ button: Se désinscrire de la discussion
+ heading:
+ title: Groupe de modifications %{id}
+ created_by_html: Créé par %{link_user} le %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Aucune entrée avec l’identifiant : %{id}'
+ body: Désolé, il n’y a aucun groupe de modifications avec l’identifiant %{id}.
+ Peut-être avez-vous fait une erreur en le recopiant ou suivi un lien erroné ?
km away: à %{count} km
your location: Votre emplacement
nearby mapper: Cartographe à proximité
- friend: Ami(e)
+ following: Suivant
title: Mon tableau de bord
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} et définissez l’emplacement de
votre domicile pour voir les utilisateurs à proximité.'
edit_your_profile: Modifiez votre profil
- my friends: Mes amis
- no friends: Vous n’avez encore ajouté aucun ami.
+ followings: Suivis
+ no followings: Vous n'avez encore suivi aucun utilisateur.
nearby users: Autres utilisateurs à proximité
no nearby users: Aucun utilisateur n’a encore signalé qu’il cartographiait à
- friends_changesets: groupes de modifications des amis
- friends_diaries: entrées de journal des amis
+ followed_changesets: groupe de modifications
+ followed_diaries: entrées de journal
nearby_changesets: groupes de modifications des utilisateurs à proximité
nearby_diaries: entrées de journal des utilisateurs à proximité
use_map_link: Utiliser la carte
title: Journaux des utilisateurs
- title_friends: Journaux des amis
+ title_followed: Journaux suivants
title_nearby: Journaux des utilisateurs à proximité
user_title: Journal de %{user}
in_language_title: Entrées du journal en %{language}
heading: Se désinscrire de la discussion suivante sur les entrées du journal ?
button: Se désinscrire de la discussion
- index:
- title: Commentaires de journal ajoutés par %{user}
- heading: Commentaires de journal de %{user}
- subheading_html: Commentaires de journal ajoutés par %{user}
- no_comments: Aucun commentaire de journal
- page:
- post: Billet
- when: Quand
- comment: Commentaire
heading: Ajouter un commentaire à cette discussion ?
title: Fichier introuvable
description: Impossible de trouver un fichier, un répertoire ou une opération
de l’API portant ce nom sur le serveur OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404).
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Ajouter %{user} en tant qu’ami(e) ?
- button: Ajouter en tant qu’ami(e)
- success: '%{name} est désormais votre ami(e) !'
- failed: Désolé, échec lors de l’ajout de %{name} en tant qu’ami(e).
- already_a_friend: Vous et %{name} êtes déjà ami(e)s.
- limit_exceeded: Vous avez récemment déclaré beaucoup d’utilisateurs comme ami(e)s.
- Veuillez attendre un peu avant d’essayer d’en déclarer d’autres.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Supprimer %{user} en tant qu’ami(e) ?
- button: Supprimer en tant qu’ami(e)
- success: '%{name} a été retiré de vos ami(e)s.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} n’est pas parmi vos ami(e)s.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Voulez-vous suivre %{user} ?
+ button: Suivre l'utilisateur
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Voulez-vous vous désabonner de %{user} ?
+ button: Ne plus suivre l'utilisateur
+ create:
+ success: Vous suivez désormais %{name} !
+ failed: Désolé, votre demande de suivi à %{name} a échoué.
+ already_followed: Vous suivez déjà %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Vous avez suivit beaucoup d'utilisateurs récemment. Veuillez
+ patienter avant de réessayer.
+ destroy:
+ success: Vous vous êtes désabonné de %{name}.
+ not_followed: Vous suivez désormais %{name} !
à l’auteur sur %{replyurl}
footer_html: Vous pouvez aussi lire le message sur %{readurl} ou envoyer un
message à l'auteur sur %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Bonjour %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vous a ajouté comme ami'
- had_added_you: '%{user} vous a ajouté comme ami dans OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vous a suivi'
+ followed_you: '%{user} vous suit désormais sur OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: 'Vous pouvez voir son profil ici : %{userurl}.'
see_their_profile_html: Vous pouvez voir son profil sur %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: 'Vous pouvez également l’ajouter comme ami(e) ici : %{befriendurl}.'
- befriend_them_html: Vous pouvez aussi l’ajouter comme ami à l’adresse %{befriendurl}.
hi: Bonjour %{to_user},
- failed_to_import: 'échec de l''importation en tant que fichier de trace GPS.
- Veuillez vérifier que votre fichier est un fichier GPX valide ou une archive
- contenant des fichiers GPX au format pris en charge (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar,
- .zip, .gpx.gz, .gpx.bz2). Votre fichier pourrait-il présenter un problème
- de format ou de syntaxe ? Voici l''erreur d''importation :'
+ failed_to_import: Il semble que votre fichier n'ait pas pu être importé en tant
+ que trace GPS.
more_info: Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les échecs d’import GPX et
comment les éviter à l’adresse %{url}.
more_info_html: Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les échecs d’import GPX
wrong_user: Vous êtes identifié(e) sous le nom « %{user} » mais le message que
vous souhaitez lire n’a pas été envoyé par ou à cet utilisateur. Veuillez
vous connecter avec le bon identifiant pour pouvoir le voir.
- mark:
- as_read: Message marqué comme lu
- as_unread: Message marqué comme non lu
- unmute:
- notice: Le message a été déplacé dans la boîte de réception
- error: Le message n'a pas pu être déplacé vers la boîte de réception.
destroyed: Message supprimé
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Message marqué comme lu
+ destroy:
+ notice: Message marqué comme non lu
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Le message a été déplacé dans la boîte de réception
+ error: Le message n'a pas pu être déplacé vers la boîte de réception.
my_inbox: Ma boîte de réception
heading: Stockage GPX hors ligne
message: Le système de stockage et de téléversement des fichiers GPX est actuellement
- georss:
- title: Traces GPS d’OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Fichier GPX avec %{count} point de %{user}
- other: Fichier GPX avec %{count} points de %{user}
- description_without_count: Fichier GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Traces GPS d’OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Fichier GPX avec %{count} point de %{user}
+ other: Fichier GPX avec %{count} points de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Fichier GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Vous n’avez pas le droit d’accéder à cette action
openid: Se connecter avec OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Lire les préférences de l’utilisateur
write_prefs: Modifier les préférences de l’utilisateur
- write_diary: Créer des entrées de journal, des commentaires et se faire des
- amis
+ write_diary: créer des entrées du journal et des commentaires
write_api: Modifier la carte
read_gpx: Lire les traces GPC privées
write_gpx: Mettre à jour les traces GPC
contributor_terms_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Contributor_Terms/FR
contributor_terms: Conditions de contribution
continue: S’inscrire
- terms accepted: Merci d’avoir accepté les nouveaux termes du contributeur !
privacy_policy: politique de confidentialité
privacy_policy_title: Politique de confidentialité d'OSMF, y compris une section
edits: Modifications
traces: Traces
notes: Notes de carte
- remove as friend: Supprimer en tant qu’ami
- add as friend: Ajouter en tant qu’ami
mapper since: 'Cartographe depuis :'
last map edit: 'Dernière modification de la carte :'
no activity yet: Pas encore d'activité
summary_html: '%{name} créé depuis %{ip_address} le %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} créé le %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quand
+ comment: Commentaire
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Commentaires de journal ajoutés par %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Billet
title: Compte suspendu
heading: Compte suspendu
cartographes afin qu’ils puissent y remédier. Déplacez le marqueur à la position
exacte et écrivez une note pour expliquer le problème.
anonymous_warning_html: Vous n'êtes pas connecté. Veuillez %{log_in} ou %{sign_up}
- si vous souhaitez recevoir des mises à jour pour votre note.
+ pour recevoir des mises à jour de votre note et aider les cartographes à la
+ résoudre.
anonymous_warning_log_in: se connecter
anonymous_warning_sign_up: créer un compte
advice: Votre note est publique et peut être utilisée pour mettre à jour la
external auth: Autenticazion esterne
link text: ce isal chest?
- public editing:
- heading: Modifiche publiche
- enabled: Ativâts. No anonims e si pues cambiâ i dâts.
- enabled link text: ce isal chest?
- disabled: Disativâts e no si pues cambiâ i dâts, ducj i cambiaments precedents
- a son anonims.
- disabled link text: parcè no puedio cambiâ?
contributor terms:
heading: Tiermins par contribuî
agreed: Tu âs acetât i gnûfs tiermins di contribuzion.
france: France
italy: Italie
rest_of_world: Rest dal mont
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Graziis par vê acetât i gnûfs tiermins par contribuî!
deleted_ago_by_html: Eliminât di %{user} %{time_ago}
edited_ago_by_html: Modificât di %{user} %{time_ago}
title: Grups di cambiaments
title_user: Grups di cambiaments di %{user}
title_user_link_html: Grups di cambiaments di %{user_link}
- title_friend: Grups di cambiaments dai tiei amîs
title_nearby: Grups di cambiaments dai utents dongje
empty: Nissun grup di cambiaments cjatât.
empty_area: Nissun grup di cambiaments in cheste zone.
your location: La tô posizion
nearby mapper: Mapadôr dongje
- friend: Amì
title: La mê pagjine iniziâl
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e impueste il to lûc iniziâl par
viodi utents dongje di te.'
edit_your_profile: Cambie il to profîl
- my friends: I miei amîs
- no friends: No tu âs ancjemò nissun amì.
nearby users: Altris utents dongje
no nearby users: Nol è ancjemò nissun utent che al declare di mapâ dongje di
- friends_changesets: grups di cambiaments dai amîs
- friends_diaries: vôs di diari dai amîs
nearby_changesets: grups di cambiaments dai utents dongje
nearby_diaries: vôs di diari dai utents dongje
use_map_link: Dopre mape
title: Diaris dai utents
- title_friends: Diaris dai amîs
title_nearby: Diaris dai utents dongje
user_title: Diari di %{user}
in_language_title: Vôs dai diaris par %{language}
title: Vôs dai diaris di OpenStreetMap
description: Lis ultimis vôs dai diaris dai utents di OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Coments ai diaris zontâts par %{user}
- heading: Coments ai diaris di %{user}
- subheading_html: Coments ai diaris zontâts di %{user}
- no_comments: Nissun coment ai diaris
- page:
- post: Messaç
- when: Cuant
- comment: Coment
title: Proibît
title: File no cjatât
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Zontâ %{user} ai amîs?
- button: Zonte ai amîs
- success: '%{name} al è cumò to amì!'
- already_a_friend: Tu sês za amì di %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Vuelistu gjavâ dai amîs %{user}?
- button: Gjave dai amîs
- success: '%{name} al è stât gjavât dai tiei amîs.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nol è un dai tiei amîs.'
header: '%{from_user} ti à mandât un messaç su OpenStreetMap cun sogjet %{subject}:'
footer_html: Tu puedis ancje lei il messaç su %{readurl} e tu puedis rispuindi
su %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ti à zontât come amì su OpenStreetMap.'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ti à zontât come amì su OpenStreetMap.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Tu puedis viodi il sô profîl su %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Tu puedis ancje zontâlu/le come amì su %{befriendurl}.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Impuartazion GPX completade cun sucès'
unread_button: Segne come di lei
destroy_button: Elimine
back: Indaûr
- mark:
- as_read: Messaç segnât come za let
- as_unread: Messaç segnât come di lei
destroyed: Messaç eliminât
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Messaç segnât come za let
+ destroy:
+ notice: Messaç segnât come di lei
my_inbox: I miei messaçs in jentrade
all_traces: Ducj i percors
my_traces: I miei percors
traces_from_html: Percors publics di %{user}
- georss:
- title: Percors GPS di OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_without_count: File GPS di %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Percors GPS di OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_without_count: File GPS di %{user}
account_settings: Impostazions dal profîl
display name description: Il non utent che al vignarà mostrât a ducj. Tu podarâs
gambiâlu plui tart tes preferencis.
continue: Regjistriti
- terms accepted: Graziis par vê acetât i gnûfs tiermins par contribuî!
use external auth: In alternative, dopre une tierce part par jentrâ
title: Utent no cjatât
edits: Cambiaments
traces: Percors
notes: Notis ae mape
- remove as friend: Gjave dai amîs
- add as friend: Zonte ai amîs
mapper since: 'Al mape dai:'
ct status: 'Tiermins par contribuî:'
ct undecided: Nol à decidût
summary_html: '%{name} creât di %{ip_address} ai %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creât ai %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Cuant
+ comment: Coment
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Coments ai diaris zontâts par %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Messaç
support: assistence
external auth: Autentifikaasje om utens
link text: wat is dat?
- public editing:
- heading: Iepenbier bewurkjen
- enabled: Ynskeakele. Net anonym en kin data bewurkje.
- enabled link text: wat is dat?
- disabled: Utskeakele en kin gjin data bewurkje, alle eardere bewurkings binne
- anonym.
- disabled link text: wêrom kin ik net bewurkje?
contributor terms:
heading: Bydragersbetingsten
agreed: Jo binne akkoart gien mei de nije Bydragersbetingsten.
france: Frankryk
italy: Itaalje
rest_of_world: Rest fan 'e wrâld
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Tankjewol foar it akseptearjen fan 'e nije bydragersbetingsten!
terms_declined_html: It muoit ús dat jo de nije Bydragersbetingsten net akseptearje
wolle. Sjoch %{terms_declined_link} foar mear ynformaasje.
title: Wizigingssets
title_user: Wizigingssets fan %{user}
- title_friend: Wizigingssets fan myn freonen
title_nearby: Wizigingssets fan meidoggers yn 'e omkriten
empty: Gjin wizigingssets fûn.
empty_area: Gjin wizigingssets yn dizze krite.
your location: Jo lokaasje
nearby mapper: Kaartmakker fuortby
- friend: Freon
title: Myn oersjochpaniel
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} en stel jo fêste lokaasje yn, om
meidoggers yn ''e omkriten te sjen.'
edit_your_profile: Bewurkje jo profyl
- my friends: Myn freonen
- no friends: Jo hawwe noch gjin freonen tafoege.
nearby users: Oare meidoggers yn 'e omkriten
no nearby users: Noch gjin oare kaartmakker hat oanjûn fuort by jo om te sitten.
- friends_changesets: wizigingssets fan freonen
- friends_diaries: deiboekstikken fan freonen
nearby_changesets: wizigingssets fan meidoggers fuortby
nearby_diaries: deiboekstikken fan meidoggers fuortby
use_map_link: Kaart brûke
title: Deiboeken fan meidoggers
- title_friends: Deiboeken fan freonen
title_nearby: Deiboeken fan meidoggers fuortby
user_title: Deiboek fan %{user}
in_language_title: Deiboekstikken yn it %{language}
title: OpenStreetMap Deiboekstikken
description: Nije deiboekstikken fan meidoggers oan OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Troch %{user} taheakke deiboekreäksjes
- heading: Deiboekreäksjes fan %{user}
- subheading_html: Troch %{user} taheakke deiboekreäksjes
- no_comments: Gjin deiboekreäksjes
- page:
- post: Stik
- when: Wannear
- comment: Reäksje
notice: Applikaasje registrearre.
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} as freon tafoegje?'
- button: As freon tafoegje
- success: '%{name} is no jo freon(dinne)!'
- failed: Spitich, %{name} as freon tafoegjen mislearre.
- already_a_friend: Jo binne al freonen mei %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Jo hawwe de lêste tiid in soad meidoggers freon makke. Wachtsje
- in skoftke mei noch mear te meitsjen.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} as freon ôffiere?'
- button: Offiere
- success: '%{name} is ôffierd fan jo freonen.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} is net ien fan jo freonen.'
werom jaan op %{replyurl}
footer_html: Jo kinne it berjocht ek lêze op %{readurl} en de ôfstjoerder in
berjocht werom jaan op %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Goeie %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} hat jo as freon tafoege'
- had_added_you: '%{user} hat jo as freon tafoege op OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Jo kinne syn/har profyl besjen op %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Jo kinne syn/har profyl besjen op %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Jo kinne him/har ek as freon tafoegje op %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Jo kinne him/har ek as freon tafoegje op %{befriendurl}.
hi: Goeie %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'net ymportearre wurde koe. Hjir is de foutmelding:'
wrong_user: Jo binne oanmeld as '%{user}', mar it berjocht dat jo lêze wolle
is net troch/nei dy meidogger stjoerd. Meld jo oan as de krekte meidogger
om it lêze te kinnen.
- mark:
- as_read: Berjocht as lêzen oanmurken
- as_unread: Berjocht as net-lêzen oanmurken
destroyed: Berjocht wiske
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Berjocht as lêzen oanmurken
+ destroy:
+ notice: Berjocht as net-lêzen oanmurken
my_inbox: Myn ynfek
heading: GPX-opslach ôfline
message: It systeem foar opslach en opladen fan GPX-bestannen is op it stuit
net beskikber.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-trajekten
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-bestân mei %{count} punt fan %{user}
- other: GPX-bestân mei %{count} punten fan %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-bestân fan %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-trajekten
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-bestân mei %{count} punt fan %{user}
+ other: GPX-bestân mei %{count} punten fan %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-bestân fan %{user}
permission_denied: Jo hawwe net de rjochten foar tagong ta dy hanneling
display name description: Jo meidochnamme dy't elkenien sjen kin. Jo kinne dy
letter yn 'e foarkarren feroarje.
continue: Ynskriuwe
- terms accepted: Tankjewol foar it akseptearjen fan 'e nije bydragersbetingsten!
use external auth: Brûk oars in treddepartij om jo oan te melden
title: Meidogger ûnbekend
edits: Bewurkings
traces: Trajekten
notes: Kaartnotysjes
- remove as friend: Freon ôffiere
- add as friend: Freon tafoegje
mapper since: 'Kaartmakker sûnt:'
ct status: 'Bydragersbetingsten:'
ct undecided: neat besletten
summary_html: '%{name} oanmakke fan %{ip_address} op %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} oanmakke op %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Wannear
+ comment: Reäksje
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Troch %{user} taheakke deiboekreäksjes
+ page:
+ post: Stik
title: Akkount skoattele
heading: Akkount skoattele
external auth: Fíordheimhniú Seachtrach
link text: céard é seo?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: céard é seo?
contributor terms:
heading: Téarmaí do Rannchuiditheoirí
agreed: D'aontaigh tú leis na Téarmaí nua do Rannchuiditheoirí.
france: An Fhrainc
italy: An Iodáil
rest_of_world: An chuid eile den Domhan
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Go raibh maith agat as glacadh leis na téarmaí nua do rannchuiditheoirí.
version: Leagan
in_changeset: Tacar athruithe
title: Tacair athruithe
title_user: Tacair athruithe de chuid %{user}
- title_friend: Tacair athruithe de chuid mo chairde
title_nearby: Tacair athruithe a rinne úsáideoirí in aice láimhe
empty: Níor aimsíodh aon tacar athruithe.
empty_area: Níl aon tacar athruithe sa limistéar seo.
latest_edit_html: 'An t-athrú is déanaí (%{ago}):'
nearby mapper: Léarscálaí in aice láimhe
- friend: Cara
nearby users: Úsáideoirí eile in aice láimhe
- friends_diaries: iontrálacha dialainne do chairde
title: Iontráil Nua Dialainne
use_map_link: An Léarscáil a Úsáid
title: Dialanna úsáideoirí
- title_friends: Dialanna cairde
title_nearby: Dialann de chuid Úsáideoirí In Aice Láimhe
user_title: Dialann %{user}
in_language_title: 'Iontrálacha Dialainne i: %{language}'
title: Iontrálacha dialainne OpenStreetMap
description: Iontrálacha dialainne le déanaí ó úsáideoirí OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- no_comments: Níl aon nóta tráchta dialainne ann
- page:
- post: Postáil
- when: Cá huair
- comment: Nóta tráchta
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Cuir %{user} leis mar chara?
- button: Cuir leis mar chara
- success: Is cara leat %{name} anois!
- failed: Ár leithscéal, níorbh fhéidir %{name} a chur leis mar chara.
- already_a_friend: Is cairde tú féin agus %{name} cheana féin
ábhar %{subject}:'
footer_html: Is féidir leat an teachtaireacht a léamh ag %{readurl} freisin
agus is féidir leat freagra a scríobh ag %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: A %{to_user}, a chara,
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Chuir %{user} ar liosta na gcairde thú'
- had_added_you: Chuir %{user} ar liosta na gcairde atá acu ar OpenStreetMap thú.
see_their_profile: Is féidir leat a p(h)róifíl a fheiceáil ag %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Is féidir an duine sin a chur ar liosta na gcairde atá agatsa
- ag %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: ', theip ar an iompórtáil. Seo an earráid:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Theip ar Iompórtáil GPX'
wrong_user: Tá tú logáilte isteach mar '%{user}' ach níor seoladh an teachtaireacht
atá tú ag iarraidh léamh chuig an úsáideoir sin agus ní hé a sheol é ach an
oiread. Logáil isteach mar an t-úsáideoir ceart chun é a léamh.
- mark:
- as_read: Teachtaireacht marcáilte mar léite
- as_unread: Teachtaireacht marcáilte mar neamhléite
destroyed: Teachtaireacht scriosta
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Teachtaireacht marcáilte mar léite
+ destroy:
+ notice: Teachtaireacht marcáilte mar neamhléite
my_inbox: Mo Bhosca Isteach
heading: Stóráil GPX As Líne
message: Níl córas uaslódála agus stórála na gcomhad GPX ar fáil faoi láthair
- georss:
- title: Loirg GPX OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} phointe ann ó %{user}
- few: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} phointe ann ó %{user}}
- many: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} bpointe ann ó %{user}}
- other: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} pointe ann ó %{user}
- description_without_count: Comhad GPX ó %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Loirg GPX OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} phointe ann ó %{user}
+ few: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} phointe ann ó %{user}}
+ many: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} bpointe ann ó %{user}}
+ other: Comhad GPX a bhfuil %{count} pointe ann ó %{user}
+ description_without_count: Comhad GPX ó %{user}
cookies_needed: Is cosúil go bhfuil fianáin díchumasaithe agat - cumasaigh fianáin
display name description: An t-ainm úsáideora atá agat a thaispeántar go poiblí.
Is féidir leat é seo a athrú níos moille sna sainroghanna.
continue: Cláraigh
- terms accepted: Go raibh maith agat as glacadh leis na téarmaí nua do rannchuiditheoirí.
use external auth: Nó, bain úsáid as tríú páirtí le logáil isteach
title: Níl an t-úsáideoir sin ann
edits: Athruithe
traces: Loirg
notes: Nótaí Léarscáile
- remove as friend: Bris cairdeas
- add as friend: Cuir Cara Leis
mapper since: 'Ag léarscáiliú ó:'
ct status: 'Téarmaí do rannchuiditheoirí:'
ct declined: Diúltaithe
title: Úsáideoirí
heading: Úsáideoirí
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Cá huair
+ comment: Nóta tráchta
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Postáil
my settings: Mes options
link text: Ka sa yé?
- public editing:
- enabled: Aktif. Y pa anonnim, y pé édité doné.
- enabled link text: Ka sa yé?
- disabled: Inaktif y pé pa édité doné ; tout édision pasé anonim.
- disabled link text: Pouki an pé pa modifyé?
contributor terms:
link text: Ka sa yé?
save changes button: Enrèjisré tout chanjman
your location: Koté ou yé
nearby mapper: Arpantè owa aw
- friend: Zanmi
- my friends: Zanmi a-w
- no friends: Ou poko ni pon zanmi
nearby users: 'Itilizatè owa a-w :'
no nearby users: Ou poko ni itilizatè owa a-w.
comment_from_html: Komantè a %{link_user} koté %{comment_created_at}
hide_link: Dévwè komantasyon-lasa
confirm: Konfirmé
- diary_comments:
- page:
- comment: Komantasyon
phone: Vwè liméwo a téléfòn a-w
title: Défandi
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Mèt %{user} adan sé zanmi a-w la?
- button: Jouté on zanmi
- success: Alè-la %{name} sé sendika a-w la!
- failed: Malérèzsò, Zingchap toupannan joutaj a %{name} adan sé zanmi a-w la
- already_a_friend: '%{name} ja zanmi a-w'
- limit_exceeded: |-
- Pa ni enpé tan ou jwenn zanmi kon tilili.
- Atann tibwen avan ou ka séyé trapé dòt ankò.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Kasé-lo èvè %{user}?
- button: Woté on zanmi
- success: '%{name} pa zanmi a-w ankò.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} pa zanmi a-w'
hi: Yéla %{to_user},
hi: Yéla %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Yéla %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} jouté-w kon on zanmi'
- had_added_you: '%{user} jouté-w kontèl on zanmi adan OpenStreetMap.'
hi: Yéla %{to_user},
diary: Jounal
edits: Édision
traces: Chimen
- remove as friend: Woté on zanmi
- add as friend: Ajouté on zanmi
mapper since: 'Arpantè dèpi:'
comments: Komantasyon
flash success: Tou sa ou fè jis alè ki lé piblik ou pa otorizé édité.
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ comment: Komantasyon
support: janmdifòs
external auth: Dearbhadh taobh a-muigh
link text: dè th`ann?
- public editing:
- heading: Deasachadh poblach
- enabled: An comas. Nochdaidh d' ainm agus faodaidh tu dàta a dheasachadh.
- enabled link text: dè th`ann?
- disabled: À comas agus chan fhaod thu dàta a dheasachadh, bith gach deasachadh
- a rinn thu roimhe gun urra.
- disabled link text: Carson nach urrainn dhomh deasachadh?
contributor terms:
heading: 'Teirmichean a'' chom-pàirtiche:'
agreed: Dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pàirtiche.
france: An Fhraing
italy: An Eadailt
rest_of_world: An corr dhen t-saoghail
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Mòran taing gun do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean a' chom-pàirtiche!
version: Tionndadh
in_changeset: Seata atharraichean
title: Seataichean atharraichean
title_user: Seataichean atharraichean le %{user}
title_user_link_html: Seataichean atharraichean le %{user_link}
- title_friend: Seataichean atharraichean le mo charaidean
title_nearby: Seataichean atharraichean le cleachdaichean am fagas
empty: Cha deach seata atharraichean a lorg.
empty_area: Chan eil seata atharraichean san raon seo.
created: Air a chruthachadh
closed: Dùinte
belongs_to: Ùghdar
- heading:
- title: Seata atharraichean %{id}
title: 'Seata atharraichean: %{id}'
created: 'Air a chruthachadh: %{when}'
sorry: Duilich ach thug e ro fhada gus an seata atharraichean a dh'iarr thu
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ heading:
+ title: Seata atharraichean %{id}
km away: '%{count}km air falbh'
your location: Far a bheil thu
nearby mapper: Neach-mapachaidh am fagas
- friend: Caraid
- no friends: Cha do chuir thu caraid ris fhathast.
nearby users: Cleachdaichean am fagas eile
no nearby users: Chan eil cleachdaiche sam bith eile ann a dh'innis gu bheil
iad ris an obair-mhapa am fagas.
- friends_changesets: seata atharraichean nan caraidean
- friends_diaries: clàran leabhair-latha nan caraidean
nearby_changesets: seata atharraichean nan cleachdaichean am fagas
nearby_diaries: clàran leabhair-latha am fagas
use_map_link: Cleachd mapa
title: Leabhraichean-latha
- title_friends: Leabhraichean-latha do charaidean
title_nearby: Leabhraichean-latha am fagas
user_title: An leabhar-latha aig %{user}
in_language_title: Is %{language} cànan nan clàran san leabhar-latha
title: Clàran san leabhar-latha OpenStreetMap
description: Clàran leabhair-latha le cleachdaichean OpenStreetMap o chionn
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Post
- when: Àm
- comment: Beachd
title: Toirmisgte
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: An cuir thu %{user} ris na caraidean agad?
- button: Cuir caraid ris
- success: Chaidh %{name} a chur ris na caraidean agad!
- failed: Duilich ach cha deach leinn %{name} a chur ris na caraidean agad.
- already_a_friend: Tha càirdeas eadar thu fhèin agus %{name} mar-thà.
- remove_friend:
- heading: An toir thu %{user} air falbh o na caraidean agad?
- button: Thoir an càirdeas air falbh
- success: Chaidh %{name} a thoirt air falbh o na caraidean agad.
- not_a_friend: Chan eil càirdeas eadar thu fhèin agus %{name}.
bheil an cuspair "%{subject}":'
footer_html: '''S urrainn dhut an teachdaireachd a leughadh air %{readurl} cuideachd
agus freagairt a sgrìobhadh air %{replyurl}'
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Shin thu, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Chuir %{user} ''na charaid ris thu'
- had_added_you: '[OpenStreetMap] Chuir %{user} ''na charaid ris thu air OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: '''S urrainn dhut a'' phròifil aig an neach ud a shealltainn
air %{userurl}.'
- befriend_them: '''S urrainn dhut an neach ud a a chur ''nad caraid ris air %{befriendurl}
- cuideachd.'
hi: Shin thu, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'ion-phortachadh. Seo a'' mhearachd:'
wrong_user: Rinn thu clàradh a-steach mar `%{user}' ach cha deach an teachdaireachd
a tha thu a' feuchainn ri leughadh a chur gun neach-chleachdaidh ud. Feuch
an clàraich thu a-steach 'na chleachdaiche a bu chòir airson a leughadh.
- mark:
- as_read: Chuir thu comharra gun deach an teachdaireachd a leughadh
- as_unread: Chuir thu comharra nach deach an teachdaireachd a leughadh
destroyed: Chaidh an teachdaireachd a sguabadh às
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Chuir thu comharra gun deach an teachdaireachd a leughadh
+ destroy:
+ notice: Chuir thu comharra nach deach an teachdaireachd a leughadh
my_inbox: Am bogsa a-steach agam
heading: Tha stòras GPX far loidhne
message: Chan eil stòras no siostam luchdaidh suas nam faidhlichean GPX ri fhaighinn
- georss:
- title: Lorgaidhean GPS aig OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: faidhle GPX le %{count} phuing o %{user}
- two: faidhle GPX le %{count} phuing o %{user}
- few: faidhle GPX le %{count} puingean o %{user}
- other: faidhle GPX le %{count} puing o %{user}
- description_without_count: Faidhle GPX o %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Lorgaidhean GPS aig OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: faidhle GPX le %{count} phuing o %{user}
+ two: faidhle GPX le %{count} phuing o %{user}
+ few: faidhle GPX le %{count} puingean o %{user}
+ other: faidhle GPX le %{count} puing o %{user}
+ description_without_count: Faidhle GPX o %{user}
cookies_needed: Tha coltas gun do chuir thu briosgaidean à comas - feuch an
display name description: An t-ainm-cleachdaiche agad a thèid a shealltainn
gu poblach. 'S urrainn dhut seo atharrachadh uair sam bith sna roghainnean.
continue: Clàraich
- terms accepted: Mòran taing gun do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean a' chom-pàirtiche!
or: "no"
use external auth: No cleachd treas-phàrtaidh airson clàradh a-steach
edits: Deasachaidhean
traces: Lorgaidhean
notes: Nòtaichean a' mhapa
- remove as friend: Thoir an càirdeas air falbh
- add as friend: Cuir caraid ris
mapper since: 'Ris an obair-mhapa o:'
ct status: 'Teirmichean a'' chom-pàirtiche:'
ct undecided: Gun taghadh
summary_html: Chaidh %{name} a chruthachadh o %{ip_address} %{date}
summary_no_ip_html: Chaidh %{name} a chruthachadh %{date}
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Àm
+ comment: Beachd
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Post
title: Chaidh an cunntas a chur à rèim
heading: Chaidh an cunntas a chur à rèim
support_url: URL de apoio
allow_read_prefs: ler as súas preferencias de usuario
allow_write_prefs: modificar as súas preferencias de usuario
- allow_write_diary: crear entradas de diario, comentarios e facer amizades
+ allow_write_diary: crear entradas de diario e comentarios
allow_write_api: modificar o mapa
allow_read_gpx: ler as súas pistas GPS privadas
allow_write_gpx: subir pistas GPS
external auth: Autenticación externa
link text: que é isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edición pública
- enabled: Activado. Non es anónimo e podes editar os datos.
- enabled link text: que é isto?
- disabled: Desactivado e non pode editar os datos. Tódalas anteriores edicións
- son anónimas.
- disabled link text: por que non podo editar?
contributor terms:
heading: Termos do colaborador
agreed: Aceptaches os novos termos do colaborador.
readable_summary: resumo lexible por humanos
informal_translations: traducións informais
continue: Continuar
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Cancelar
you need to accept or decline: Le e, deseguido, acepta ou rexeita os novos
termos do colaborador para continuar.
france: Francia
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Resto do mundo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Grazas por aceptar os novos termos do colaborador!
terms_declined_html: Lamentamos que decidises non aceptar as novas condicións
dos colaboradores. Para obter máis información, consulta %{terms_declined_link}.
view_changeset_details: Ollar os detalles do conxunto de modificacións
title: Conxuntos de modificacións
- title_user: Conxuntos de modificacións por %{user}
- title_user_link_html: Conxuntos de modificacións por %{user_link}
- title_friend: Conxuntos de modificacións das amizades
+ title_user: Conxuntos de modificacións de %{user}
+ title_user_link_html: Conxuntos de modificacións de %{user_link}
+ title_followed: Conxuntos de modificacións das persoas que segues
title_nearby: Conxuntos de modificacións dos usuarios de lugares preto de ti
empty: Non se atoparon conxuntos de modificacións.
empty_area: Non hai conxuntos de modificacións nesta zona.
created: Creado
closed: Pechado
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Queres subscribirte á seguinte conversa sobre o conxunto de modificacións?
- button: Subscribirse á conversa
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Queres cancelar a subscrición á seguinte conversa sobre o conxunto
- de modificacións?
- button: Cancelar a subscrición á conversa
- heading:
- title: Conxunto de modificacións %{id}
- created_by_html: Creado por %{link_user} o %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Non hai ningunha entrada co ID: %{id}'
- body: Non existe ningún conxunto de modificacións co identificador %{id}. Comproba
- a ortografía ou que a ligazón que seguiches estea ben.
title: 'Conxunto de modificacións: %{id}'
created: 'Creado: %{when}'
sorry: Sentímolo, a lista dos conxuntos de modificacións que solicitaches tardou
moito en obterse.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Queres subscribirte á seguinte conversa sobre o conxunto de modificacións?
+ button: Subscribirse á conversa
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Queres cancelar a subscrición á seguinte conversa sobre o conxunto
+ de modificacións?
+ button: Cancelar a subscrición á conversa
+ heading:
+ title: Conxunto de modificacións %{id}
+ created_by_html: Creado por %{link_user} o %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Non hai ningunha entrada co ID: %{id}'
+ body: Non existe ningún conxunto de modificacións co identificador %{id}. Comproba
+ a ortografía ou que a ligazón que seguiches estea ben.
km away: a %{count}km de distancia
your location: A túa localización
nearby mapper: Cartógrafo preto de ti
- friend: Amizade
+ following: Seguindo
title: O meu panel de control
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e define a localización da túa
casa para ver usuarios preto de ti.'
edit_your_profile: Editar o teu perfil
- my friends: As miñas amizades
- no friends: Aínda non engadiu ningunha amizade.
+ followings: Persoas que segues
+ no followings: Aínda non segues a ningunha persoa.
nearby users: Outros usuarios preto de ti
no nearby users: Aínda non hai usuarios que estean situados preto de ti.
- friends_changesets: conxuntos de modificacións das amizades
- friends_diaries: entradas de diario das amizades
+ followed_changesets: conxuntos de modificacións
+ followed_diaries: entradas no diario
nearby_changesets: conxuntos de modificacións dos usuarios de lugares preto
de ti
nearby_diaries: entradas de diario dos usuarios de lugares preto de ti
use_map_link: Empregar mapa
title: Diarios dos usuarios
- title_friends: Diarios das amizades
+ title_followed: Diarios das persoas que segues
title_nearby: Diarios dos usuarios de lugares preto de ti
user_title: Diario de %{user}
in_language_title: Entradas do diario en %{language}
button: Cancelar a subscrición á conversa
- index:
- title: Comentarios do diario engadidos por %{user}
- heading: Comentarios do diario de %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentarios do diario engadidos por %{user}
- no_comments: Sen comentarios no diario
- page:
- post: Artigo
- when: Cando
- comment: Comentario
heading: Queres engadir un comentario á seguinte conversa sobre a entrada no
title: Non se atopou o ficheiro
description: Non se puido atopar unha operación de ficheiro/directorio/API con
ese nome no servidor do OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Queres engadir a %{user} coma amizade?
- button: Engadir coma amizade
- success: '%{name} xa é a túa amizade!'
- failed: Houbo un erro ó engadir a %{name} coma amizade.
- already_a_friend: Xa é amizade de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Estivo enviando unha morea de peticións de amizade recentemente.
- Agarde uns intres denantes de tentar enviar máis.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Queres eliminar a %{user} das amizades?
- button: Eliminar coma amizade
- success: '%{name} foi eliminado das túas amizades.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} non é unha das túas amizades.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Queres seguir a %{user}?
+ button: Seguir a persoa
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Queres deixar de seguir a %{user}?
+ button: Deixar de seguir a persoa
+ create:
+ success: Agora segues a %{name}!
+ failed: Sentímolo, fallou a túa solicitude para seguir a %{name}.
+ already_followed: Xa segues a %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Estiveches seguindo a moitas persoas recentemente. Agarda uns
+ intres antes de intentar seguir a máis.
+ destroy:
+ success: Deixaches de seguir a %{name}.
+ not_followed: Non segues a %{name}.
en %{replyurl}
footer_html: Tamén podes ler a mensaxe en %{readurl} e enviar unha mensaxe ó
autor en %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: 'Ola %{to_user}:'
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} engadiuno coma amizade'
- had_added_you: '%{user} engadiuno coma amizade no OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} seguiute'
+ followed_you: '%{user} está a seguirte no OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Podes ollar o seu perfil en %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Podes ollar o seu perfil en %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Tamén pode engadilo coma amizade no %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Tamén podes engadilo como amizade no %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Tamén podes seguir a esta persoa en %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Tamén podes seguir a esta persoa en %{followurl}.
details: 'Detalles do teu ficheiro:'
filename: Nome do ficheiro
wrong_user: Accediches ó sistema como "%{user}", pero a mensaxe que pediches
ler non a enviou ese usuario nin foi enviada a ese usuario. Accede co usuario
correcto para ler a mensaxe.
- mark:
- as_read: Mensaxe marcada coma lida
- as_unread: Mensaxe marcada coma non lida
- unmute:
- notice: A mensaxe moveuse á caixa de entrada
- error: Non se puido mover a mensaxe á caixa de entrada.
destroyed: Mensaxe eliminada
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mensaxe marcada coma lida
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mensaxe marcada coma non lida
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: A mensaxe moveuse á caixa de entrada
+ error: Non se puido mover a mensaxe á caixa de entrada.
my_inbox: A miña caixa de entrada
preview: Vista previa
help: Axuda
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Comentarios máis vellos
+ newer: Comentarios máis recentes
older: Comentarios máis vellos
newer: Comentarios máis recentes
heading: Almacenamento GPX fóra de liña
message: O sistema de subida e almacenaxe de ficheiros GPX non está dispoñíbel.
- georss:
- title: Pistas GPS do OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Ficheiro GPX cun punto de %{user}
- other: Ficheiro GPX con %{count} puntos de %{user}
- description_without_count: Ficheiro GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Pistas GPS do OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Ficheiro GPX cun punto de %{user}
+ other: Ficheiro GPX con %{count} puntos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Ficheiro GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Non ten permisos para acceder a esa acción
openid: Iniciar sesión usando OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Ler preferencias de usuario
write_prefs: Modificar preferencias de usuario
- write_diary: Crear entradas de diario, comentarios e amizades
+ write_diary: Crear entradas de diario e comentarios
write_api: Modificar o mapa
read_gpx: Ler pistas GPS privadas
write_gpx: Subir pistas GPS
unha sección sobre os enderezos de correo electrónico
contributor_terms: termos do colaborador
continue: Rexistrarse
- terms accepted: Grazas por aceptar os novos termos do colaborador!
privacy_policy: política de protección de datos
privacy_policy_title: Política de protección de datos da OSMF, que contén
edits: Edicións
traces: Pistas
notes: Notas do mapa
- remove as friend: Eliminar coma amizade
- add as friend: Engadir coma amizade
+ unfollow: Deixar de seguir
+ follow: Seguir
mapper since: 'Cartógrafo dende:'
last map edit: 'Última edición do mapa:'
no activity yet: Aínda non hai actividade
summary_html: '%{name} creado dende %{ip_address} o %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creado o %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: Comentarios de %{user}
+ changesets: Conxuntos de modificacións
+ diary_entries: Entradas no diario
+ no_comments: Sen comentarios
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Conxuntos de modificacións engadidos por %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Conxunto de modificacións
+ when: Cando
+ comment: Comentario
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentarios do diario engadidos por %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Artigo
+ when: Cando
+ comment: Comentario
title: Conta suspendida
heading: Conta suspendida
your location: Dyy Standort
nearby mapper: Mapper in dr Nechi
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: '%{name} isch jetz Dyy Frynd.'
- failed: Excusez, %{name} het nit as Frynd chenne zuegfiegt wäre.
- already_a_friend: Du bisch scho ne Frynd vu %{name}.
heading: Änderig vu dr E-Mail-Adräss bstetige
link text: આ શું છે?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: આ શું છે?
- disabled link text: હું શા માટે સંપાદન કરી શકતો નથી?
contributor terms:
link text: આ શું છે?
save changes button: ફેરફારો સાચવો
km away: '%{count} કિમી દૂર'
m away: '%{count} મીટર દૂર'
- popup:
- friend: મિત્ર
- show:
- my friends: મારા મિત્રો
- no friends: તમે હજુ સુધી કોઈ મિત્ર ઉમેર્યા નથી.
title: વપરાશકર્તાઓની ડાયરી
- title_friends: મિત્રોની ડાયરી
title_nearby: નજીકના વપરાશકર્તાઓની ડાયરી
user_title: '%{user}ની ડાયરી'
in_language_title: '%{language} ભાષામાં ડાયરીની નોંધણીઓ'
discussion: ચર્ચા
confirm: ખાતરી કરો
- diary_comments:
- page:
- when: ક્યારે
- comment: ટિપ્પણી
address: તમારું ભૌતિક સરનામું જુઓ
contact: સંપર્ક
title: ખરાબ વિનંતી
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: મિત્ર તરીકે ઉમેરો
- success: '%{name} હવે તમારા મિત્ર છે!'
- failed: માફ કરશો, %{name}ને મિત્ર તરીકે ઉમેરવામાં અસફળ.
- already_a_friend: તમે પહેલેથી જ %{name} સાથે મિત્ર છો.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user}ને મિત્ર માંથી દૂર કરો?'
- button: મિત્ર માંથી દૂર કરો
- success: '%{name}ને તમારા મિત્રોમાંથી દૂર કરવામાં આવ્યા છે.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} એ તમારા મિત્રોમાં નથી.'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{message_title}'
hi: નમસ્તે %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: નમસ્તે %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} એ તમને મિત્ર તરીકે ઉમેર્યા'
- had_added_you: '%{user} એ તમને મિત્ર તરીકે ઉમેર્યા છે.'
see_their_profile: તમે તેમની પ્રોફાઇલ %{userurl} પર જોઈ શકો છો.
see_their_profile_html: તમે તેમની પ્રોફાઇલ %{userurl} પર જોઈ શકો છો.
my edits: મારા સંપાદનો
diary: ડાયરી
edits: સંપાદનો
- remove as friend: મિત્ર માંથી દૂર કરો
- add as friend: મિત્ર તરીકે ઉમેરો
uid: 'વપરાશકર્તા id:'
email address: 'ઇમેઇલ સરનામું:'
status: 'સ્થિતિ:'
title: વપરાશકર્તાઓ
heading: વપરાશકર્તાઓ
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: ક્યારે
+ comment: ટિપ્પણી
title: ખાતું નિલંબિત
heading: ખાતું નિલંબિત
external auth: אימות חיצוני
link text: מה זה?
- public editing:
- heading: עריכה ציבורית
- enabled: מופעלת. לא אלמוני ויכול לערוך מידע.
- enabled link text: מה זה?
- disabled: לא מופעלת, אין אפשרות לערוך נתונים וכל העריכות הקודמות אלמוניות.
- disabled link text: מדוע איני יכול לערוך?
contributor terms:
heading: תנאי תרומה
agreed: הסכמת לתנאי התרומה החדשים.
readable_summary: תקציר קריא לבני־אדם
informal_translations: תרגומים בלתי־פורמליים
continue: להמשיך
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/He:Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: ביטול
you need to accept or decline: נא לקרוא ולקבל או לדחות את תנאי התרומה החדשים
כדי להמשיך.
france: צרפת
italy: איטליה
rest_of_world: שאר העולם
+ update:
+ terms accepted: תודה על קבלת תנאי התרומה החדשים!
terms_declined_html: מתנצלים שהחלטת לא לאשר את תנאי השימוש החדשים. למידע נוסף,
נא לפנות אל %{terms_declined_link}
view_redacted_data: הצגת הנתונים שהוסרו
view_redaction_message: הצגת הודעת הסרה
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: מצטערים, לא ניתן למצוא את הנקודה %{id}.
sorry: מצטערים, אחזור הנתונים עבור הנקודה מספר %{id} ארך זמן רב מדי.
title: ערכות שינויים
title_user: ערכות שינויים מאת %{user}
title_user_link_html: ערכות שינויים מאת %{user_link}
- title_friend: ערכות שינויים של החברים שלי
title_nearby: ערכות שינויים של משתמשים בסביבה
empty: לא נמצאה אף ערכת שינויים.
empty_area: אין ערכות שינויים באזור הזה.
created: נוצרה
closed: נסגרה
belongs_to: יוצר
- subscribe:
- heading: לעשות מינוי לדיון בערכת השינויים הבאה?
- button: מינוי לדיון
- unsubscribe:
- heading: לבטל את המינוי לדיון בערכת השינויים הבאה?
- button: ביטול המינוי לדיון
- heading:
- title: ערכת שינויים %{id}
- created_by_html: נוצרה על־ידי %{link_user} ב־%{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'אין רשומה עם המזהה: %{id}'
- body: מצטערים, אין ערכת שינויים עם המזהה %{id}. אולי האיות לא נכון ואולי לחצת
- על קישור שגוי.
title: 'ערכת שינויים: %{id}'
created: 'נוצרה: %{when}'
relations_paginated: יחסים (%{x}–%{y} מתוך %{count})
sorry: מצטערים, קבלת רשימת ערכות השינויים שביקשת אורכת זמן רב מדי.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: לעשות מינוי לדיון בערכת השינויים הבאה?
+ button: מינוי לדיון
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: לבטל את המינוי לדיון בערכת השינויים הבאה?
+ button: ביטול המינוי לדיון
+ heading:
+ title: ערכת שינויים %{id}
+ created_by_html: נוצרה על־ידי %{link_user} ב־%{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'אין רשומה עם המזהה: %{id}'
+ body: מצטערים, אין ערכת שינויים עם המזהה %{id}. אולי האיות לא נכון ואולי לחצת
+ על קישור שגוי.
km away: במרחק %{count} ק״מ
your location: מיקומך
nearby mapper: ממפה סמוך
- friend: חבר
title: לוח הבקרה שלי
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} והגדרת מיקום הבית שלך לצפייה במשתמשים
edit_your_profile: עריכת הפרופיל שלך
- my friends: החברים שלי
- no friends: עדיין לא הוספת חברים.
nearby users: עוד משתמשים בסביבה
no nearby users: אין עדיין עוד משתמשים שמודים שהם מיפו בסביבה.
- friends_changesets: ערכות שינויים של חברים
- friends_diaries: רשומות יומן של חברים
nearby_changesets: ערכות השינויים של משתמשים בסביבה
nearby_diaries: רשומות יומן של משתמשים בסביבה
use_map_link: להשתמש במפה
title: יומנים של המשתמש
- title_friends: יומנים של חברים
title_nearby: יומנים של משתמשים בסביבה
user_title: היומן של %{user}
in_language_title: רשומות יומן ב%{language}
heading: לבטל את המינוי לדיון ברשומת היומן הבאה?
button: ביטול המינוי לדיון
- index:
- title: הערות יומן שנוספו על־ידי %{user}
- heading: הערות ביומן של %{user}
- subheading_html: הערות יומן שנוספו על־ידי %{user}
- no_comments: אין הערות יומן
- page:
- post: רשומה
- when: מתי
- comment: תגובה
heading: להוסיף הערה לדיון ברשומת היומן הבאה?
title: הקובץ לא נמצא
description: איתור קובץ/תיקייה/פעולת API בשם הזה בשרת של OpenStreetMap לא הצליחה
(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: להוסיף את %{user} בתור חבר?
- button: להוסיף כחבר
- success: '%{name} חבר שלך עכשיו!'
- failed: מצטערים, הוספת %{name} כחבר נכשלה.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} כבר חבר שלך.'
- limit_exceeded: שלחת בקשות חברות רבות לאחרונה. נא להמתין לפני שליחת בקשות חברות
- נוספות
- remove_friend:
- heading: להסיר את %{user} מרשימת החברים?
- button: להסיר מרשימת החברים
- success: '%{name} הוסר מרשימת החברים שלך.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} אינו אחד מהחברים שלך.'
footer: ניתן גם לקרוא את ההודעה בכתובת %{readurl} ולשלוח הודעה לשולח דרך %{replyurl}
footer_html: ניתן גם לקרוא את ההודעה בכתובת %{readurl} ולשלוח הודעה ליוצר דרך
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: שלום %{to_user},
- subject: '[אופן סטריט מאפ OpenStreetMap] נוספת לרשימת החברים של %{user}'
- had_added_you: '%{user} הוסיף אותך כחבר ב־OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: באפשרותך לצפות בפרופיל שלו בכתובת %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: באפשרותך לצפות בפרופיל שלו בכתובת %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: באפשרותך לסמנו כחבר בכתובת %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: באפשרותך לסמנו כחבר בכתובת %{befriendurl}.
hi: שלום %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'הייבוא כקובץ מסלול GPS נכשל. נא לוודא שהקובץ שלך הוא קובץ
back: חזרה
wrong_user: נכנסת בשם „%{user}”, אבל ההודעה שביקשת לקרוא לא נשלחה לאותו המשתמש.
נא להיכנס לחשבון הנכון כדי לקרוא אותה.
- mark:
- as_read: ההודעה סומנה כהודעה שנקראה
- as_unread: ההודעה סומנה כהודעה שלא נקראה
- unmute:
- notice: הודעה הועברה לדואר הנכנס
- error: אי־אפשר להעביר את ההודעה לדואר הנכנס.
destroyed: ההודעה נמחקה
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: ההודעה סומנה כהודעה שנקראה
+ destroy:
+ notice: ההודעה סומנה כהודעה שלא נקראה
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: הודעה הועברה לדואר הנכנס
+ error: אי־אפשר להעביר את ההודעה לדואר הנכנס.
my_inbox: תיבת הדואר הנכנס שלי
heading: אחסון GPX בלתי־מקוון
message: מערכת האחסון וההעלאה של קובצי GPX אינה זמינה עכשיו.
- georss:
- title: מסלולי GPS של OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: קובץ GPS עם נקודה אחת מאת %{user}
- other: קובץ GPS עם %{count} נקודות מאת %{user}
- description_without_count: קובץ GPS מאת %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: מסלולי GPS של OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: קובץ GPS עם נקודה אחת מאת %{user}
+ other: קובץ GPS עם %{count} נקודות מאת %{user}
+ description_without_count: קובץ GPS מאת %{user}
permission_denied: אין לך הרשאה לגשת לפעולה הזאת
privacy_policy_title: מדיניות הפרטיות של OSMF כוללת סעיף על כתובות דוא״ל
contributor_terms: תנאי התרומה
continue: הרשמה
- terms accepted: תודה על קבלת תנאי התרומה החדשים!
privacy_policy: מדיניות פרטיות
privacy_policy_title: מדיניות הפרטיות של OSMF כוללת סעיף על כתובות דוא״ל
edits: עריכות
traces: מסלולים
notes: הערות מפה
- remove as friend: הסרה מרשימת חברים
- add as friend: הוספה כחבר
mapper since: 'ממפה מאז:'
last map edit: 'עריכת מפה אחרונה:'
no activity yet: עדיין אין פעילות
summary_html: '%{name} נוצר מכתובת %{ip_address} ב־%{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} נוצר ב־%{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: מתי
+ comment: תגובה
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: הערות יומן שנוספו על־ידי %{user}
+ page:
+ post: רשומה
title: החשבון הושעה
heading: החשבון הושעה
full: पूरा नोट
- public editing:
- enabled link text: यह क्या है?
- disabled link text: मैं नक्षे में बदलाव क्यों नहीं कर पा रहा हूँ?
contributor terms:
link text: यह क्या है?
save changes button: बदलाव सहेजें
title: चेंजसेट
title_user: '%{user} द्वारा चेंजसेट'
- title_friend: मेरे दोस्तों के चेंजसेट
title_nearby: आस-पास के सदस्यों द्वारा चेंजसेट
empty: कोई चेंजसेट नहीं मिला।
empty_area: इस इलाके में कोई चेंजसेट नहीं है।
sorry: माफ़ कीजिए, जिन चेंजसेट की आपने अनुरोध की थी उन्हें लाने में कुछ ज़्यादा
ही वक्त लग गया।
- dashboards:
- popup:
- friend: दोस्त
- show:
- my friends: मेरे मित्र
title: नई डायरी प्रवेश
use_map_link: नक्शा का इस्तेमाल
title: सदस्यों की दैनिकी
- title_friends: दोस्तों के डायरी
title_nearby: आस-पास के सदस्यों के डायरी
user_title: '%{user} की दैनिकी'
in_language_title: '%{language} में सदस्यों के डायरी'
title: ओपनस्ट्रीटमैप डायरी एंट्री
description: ओपनस्ट्रीटमैप के सदस्यों से नई डायरी एंट्रियाँ
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: पोस्ट
- when: कब
- comment: टिप्पणी
contact: संपर्क
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: क्या आप %{user} को दोस्त बनाना चाहेते हैं?
- button: दोस्त बनाएं
- success: '%{name} अब आपके दोस्त हैं!'
- failed: माफ़ी चाहते हैं, हम %{name} को दोस्त नहीं बना पाए।
- already_a_friend: आप पहले से ही %{name} के दोस्त हैं।
- remove_friend:
- heading: क्या आप %{user} से दोस्ती तोड़ना चाहते हैं?
- button: दोस्ती तोड़ें
- success: '%{name} अब आपके दोस्त नहीं हैं।'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} आपके दोस्त नहीं हैं।'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ने एक दैनिकी पर प्रतिक्रिया दी'
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ने आपको अपने दोस्तों में शामिल किया है'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ने आपको OpenStreetMap पर अपने दोस्तों में शामिल किया
- है।'
greeting: नमस्कार,
confirm: इन सदस्यों को चुनें
hide: इन सदस्यों को न दिखाएं
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: कब
+ comment: टिप्पणी
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: पोस्ट
title: खाता निलंबित
heading: खाता निलंबित
current email address: Trenutna adresa e-pošte
link text: što je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: Javno uređivanje
- enabled: Omogućeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se uređivati podaci.
- enabled link text: što je ovo?
- disabled: Onemogućno i ne mogu se uređivati podaci, sve prethodne promjene
- su anonimne.
- disabled link text: zašto ne mogu uređivati?
contributor terms:
heading: Uvjeti doprinositelja
agreed: Prihvatio/la si nove Uvjete doprinositelja.
france: Francuska
italy: Italija
rest_of_world: Ostatak svijeta
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Hvala za prihvaćanje novih pridonositeljskih uvjeta!
version: Inačica
in_changeset: Set promjena
title: Setovi promjena
title_user: Setovi promjena od %{user}
- title_friend: Setovi promjena mojih prijatelja
title_nearby: Setovi promjena obližnjih korisnika
empty: Nisu pronađeni setovi promjena.
empty_area: Nema setova promjena na ovom području.
your location: Vaša lokacija
nearby mapper: Obližnji maper
- friend: Prijatelj
- my friends: Moji prijatelji
- no friends: Nisi dodao niti jednog prijatelja.
nearby users: Drugi korisnici u blizini
no nearby users: Još uvijek nema drugih korisnika koji kartiraju-mapiraju u
- friends_changesets: changesetovi prijatelja
title: Novi zapis u dnevnik
use_map_link: Koristi kartu
title: Dnevnici korisnika
- title_friends: Dnevnici prijatelja
title_nearby: Dnevnici obližnjih članova
user_title: '%{user}ov dnevnik'
in_language_title: 'Zapisi u dnevniku na jeziku: %{language}'
title: Zapisi u OpenStreetMap dnevniku
description: Nedavni zapisi u dnevnik korisnika OpenStreetMapa
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Pošalji
- when: Kada
- comment: Komentar
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Dodaj %{user} kao prijatelja?
- button: Dodaj u prijatelje
- success: '%{name} je sada tvoj prijatelj!'
- failed: Žao mi je, nije uspjelo dodavanje %{name} kao prijatelja.
- already_a_friend: Već jesi prijatelj s %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- success: '%{name} je izbačen iz prijatelja.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nije tvoj prijatelj.'
hi: Bok %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} ti je poslao poruku preko OpenStreetMap sa predmetom %{subject}:'
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} te je dodao kao prijatelja'
- had_added_you: '%{user} te je dodao kao prijatelja na OpenStreetMap-u.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Možeš vidjeti njihov profil na %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Također, možete ih dodati kao prijatelja na %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: 'Import nije uspio. Ovdje je greška:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import nije uspio'
wrong_user: 'Prijavljeni ste kao: `%{user}'', ali poruka za koju ste zamoljeni
da pročitate nije poslana od ili prema tom korisniku. Molimo, prijavite se
kao ispravan korisnik kako bi ste pročitali.'
- mark:
- as_read: Poruka označena pročitanom
- as_unread: Poruka označena nepročitanom
destroyed: Poruka obrisana
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Poruka označena pročitanom
+ destroy:
+ notice: Poruka označena nepročitanom
my_inbox: Dolazna pošta
heading: GPX spremište Offline
message: Sustav za GPX spremanje i upload trenutno nisu u funkciji.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GNSS tragovi
- description:
- description_without_count: GPX datoteka od %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GNSS tragovi
+ description:
+ description_without_count: GPX datoteka od %{user}
cookies_needed: Čini se da su vam cookie-i onemogućeni, molim omogućite cookie
display name description: Javno prikazano korisničko ime. Možete ga promjeniti
i kasnije u postavkama.
continue: Otvori račun
- terms accepted: Hvala za prihvaćanje novih pridonositeljskih uvjeta!
use external auth: Alternativno, koristite drugi servis za prijavljivanje
title: Nema takvog korisnika
edits: Promjene
traces: Tragovi
notes: Bilješke karte
- remove as friend: Prekini prijateljstvo
- add as friend: Dodaj prijatelja
mapper since: 'Maper od:'
ct status: 'Uvjeti doprinositelja:'
ct undecided: Neopredjeljen
summary_html: '%{name} napravljeno sa %{ip_address} dana %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} napravljeno %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kada
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Pošalji
title: Račun suspendiran
heading: Račun suspendiran
external auth: Eksterna awtentifikacija
link text: Što to je?
- public editing:
- heading: Zjawne wobdźěłowanje
- enabled: Zmóžnjene. Nic anonymne a daty hodźa so wobdźěłać.
- enabled link text: Što to je?
- disabled: Znjemóžnjeny a daty njehodźa so wobdźěłać, wšě prjedawše změny su
- anonymne.
- disabled link text: čehodla njemóžu wobdźěłać?
contributor terms:
heading: Wuměnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow
agreed: Sy do nowych wuměnjenjow za sobuskutkowarjow zwolił.
za powšitkownosći wužitne.
consider_pd_why: Što to je?
continue: Dale
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Contributor_Terms_Declined
you need to accept or decline: Prošu přečitaj nowe wužiwarske wuměnjenja a
akceptuj abo wotpokazaj je, prjedy hač dale činiš.
legale_select: 'Prošu wubjer kraj swojeho bydlišća:'
france: Francoska
italy: Italska
rest_of_world: Zbytk swěta
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Dźakujemy so, zo sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow akceptował!
terms_declined_html: Wobžarujemy, zo sy so rozsudźił, nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow
njeakceptować. Za dalše informacije hlej prošu %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Sadźby změnow
title_user: Sadźby změnow wot %{user}
- title_friend: Změny mojich přećelow
title_nearby: Sadźby změnow wužiwarjow w bliskosći
empty: Žane sadźby změnow namakane.
empty_area: Žane sadźby změnow w tutej kónčinje.
created: Wutworjeny
closed: 'Začinjeny:'
belongs_to: Awtor
- subscribe:
- button: Diskusiju abonować
- unsubscribe:
- button: Diskusiju wotskazać
title: 'Sadźba změnow: %{id}'
created: 'Wutworjeny: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Relacije (%{x}-%{y} z %{count})
sorry: Bohužel je předołho trało, požadanu lisćinu změnow wotwołać.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ button: Diskusiju abonować
+ unsubscribe:
+ button: Diskusiju wotskazać
km away: '%{count} km zdaleny'
your location: Twoje městno
nearby mapper: Kartěrowar w bliskosći
- friend: Přećel
title: Moja přehladna strona
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} a nastaj swoje ródne město, zo
by wužiwarjow w bliskosći widźał.'
edit_your_profile: Wobdźěłaj swój profil
- my friends: Moji přećeljo
- no friends: Hišće njejsy přećelow přidał.
nearby users: Druzy wužiwarjo w bliskosći
no nearby users: Njejsu druzy wužiwarjo, kotřiž w bliskosći kartěruja.
- friends_changesets: Sadźby změnow twojich přećelow
- friends_diaries: Dźenikowe zapiski přećelow
nearby_changesets: sadźby změnow wužiwarjow w bliskosći
nearby_diaries: dźenikowe zapiski wužiwarjow w bliskosći
use_map_link: Kartu wužiwać
title: Wužiwarske dźeniki
- title_friends: Dźeniki přećelow
title_nearby: Dźeniki wužiwarjow w bliskosći
user_title: dźenik wužiwarja %{user}
in_language_title: Dźenikowe zapiski w rěči %{language}
button: Diskusiju abonować
button: Diskusiju wotskazać
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Dźenikowe komentary přidate wot wužiwarja %{user}
- heading: Dźenikowe komentary wot wužiwarja %{user}
- subheading_html: Dźenikowe komentary přidate wot wužiwarja %{user}
- no_comments: Žane dźenikowe komentary
- page:
- post: Zapisk
- when: Hdy
- comment: Komentar
title: Nałoženski zmylk
title: Dataja njeje so namakała
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} jako přećela přidać?'
- button: Jako přećela přidać
- success: '%{name} je nětko twój přećel!'
- failed: Wodaj, %{name} njeda so jako přećel přidać.
- already_a_friend: Sy hižo přećel wužiwarja %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Sy so njedawno z wjele přećelemi spřećeliłm prošu dočakaj chwilku,
- prjedy hač pospytuješ dalšich přećelow namakać.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} jako přećela wotstronić?'
- button: Přećela wotstronić
- success: '%{name} je so jako přećel wotstronił.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} twój přećel njeje.'
footer: Móžeš tež powěsć na %{readurl} čitać a móžeš awtorej powěsć na %{replyurl}
footer_html: Móžeš powěsć tež pod %{readurl} čitać a pod %{replyurl} wotmołwić
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Witaj %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} je će jako přećela přidał'
- had_added_you: '%{user} je će na OpenStreetMap jako přećela přidał.'
see_their_profile: Móžeš sej jeho abo jeje profil na %{userurl} wobhladać.
see_their_profile_html: Móžeš sej jeho abo jeje profil na %{userurl} wobhladać.
- befriend_them: Móžeš jeho/nju na %{befriendurl} jako přećela přidać.
- befriend_them_html: Móžeš jeho/ju na %{befriendurl} jako přećela přidać.
hi: Witaj %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'njemóhło so importować. Zmylk je:'
back: Wróćo
wrong_user: Sy jako `%{user}' přizjewjeny, ale powěsć, kotruž chceš čitać, bu
na druheho wužiwarja pósłana. Prošu přizjew so z prawym kontom, zo by ju čitał(a).
- mark:
- as_read: Powěsć jako přečitanu markěrowana
- as_unread: Powěsć jako njepřečitanu markěrowana
destroyed: Powěsć wotstronjena
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Powěsć jako přečitanu markěrowana
+ destroy:
+ notice: Powěsć jako njepřečitanu markěrowana
my_inbox: Moja póšta
heading: Składowanje offline GPX
message: Składowanje a nahrawanski system GPX-datajow tuchwilu k dispoziciji
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-slědy
- description:
- description_with_count:
- few: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wot %{user}
- one: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkom wot %{user}
- two: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkomaj wot %{user}
- other: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wot %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-dataja wot %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-slědy
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ few: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wot %{user}
+ one: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkom wot %{user}
+ two: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkomaj wot %{user}
+ other: GPX-dataja z %{count} dypkami wot %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-dataja wot %{user}
cookies_needed: Zda so, zo maš placki znjemóžnjene - prošu zmóžń placki w swojim
privacy_policy: prawidła priwatnosće
continue: Registrować
- terms accepted: Dźakujemy so, zo sy nowe wuměnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow akceptował!
use external auth: Jako alternatiwa wužij třeću stronu za přizjewjenje
title: Wužiwar njeeksistuje
edits: Změny
traces: Ćěrje
notes: Pokazki
- remove as friend: Přećela wotstronić
- add as friend: Přećela přidać
mapper since: 'Kartěrowar wot:'
uid: 'Wužiwarski ID:'
ct status: 'Wuměnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow:'
summary_html: '%{name} wot %{ip_address} dnja %{date} wutworjeny'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} dnja %{date} wutworjeny'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Hdy
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Dźenikowe komentary přidate wot wužiwarja %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Zapisk
title: Konto wupowědźene
heading: Konto wupowědźene
external auth: Külső hitelesítés
link text: mi ez?
- public editing:
- heading: Nyilvános szerkesztés
- enabled: Engedélyezve. Nem vagy névtelen, így szerkesztheted az adatokat.
- enabled link text: mi ez?
- disabled: Tiltva, így nem szerkesztheted az adatokat, az összes eddigi szerkesztés
- névtelen.
- disabled link text: miért nem tudok szerkeszteni?
contributor terms:
heading: Hozzájárulási feltételek
agreed: Elfogadtad az új közreműködési feltételeket.
france: Franciaország
italy: Olaszország
rest_of_world: A világ többi része
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Köszönjük, hogy elfogadtad az új közreműködési feltételeket!
terms_declined_html: Sajnáljuk, hogy úgy döntöttél, nem fogadod el az új közreműködési
feltételeket. További információkért lásd %{terms_declined_link}.
way: 'Vonal:'
relation: 'Kapcsolat:'
- entry_role_html: '%{relation_name} kapcsolat (mint %{relation_role})'
+ entry_role_html: '%{relation_name} (mint %{relation_role})'
title: Nem található
view_redacted_data: Módosított előzményeket megtekintése
view_redaction_message: Adattörlési üzenet megtekintése
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú pont nem található.
sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú pont adatainak lekérése túl sokáig
sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú pont előzményeinek lekérése túl sokáig
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú vonal nem található.
sorry: Sajnáljuk, a %{id} azonosítójú úthoz tartozó adatok lekérése túl sokáig
sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú út előzményeinek lekérése túl sokáig
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú kapcsolat nem található.
sorry: Sajnáljuk, a %{id} azonosítójú reláció adatainak lekérése túl sokáig
title: Módosításcsomagok
title_user: '%{user} módosításcsomagjai'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} módosításcsomagjai'
- title_friend: Ismerősök módosításcsomagjai
title_nearby: Közeli felhasználók módosításcsomagjai
empty: Nem található módosításcsomag.
empty_area: Ezen a területen nincs módosításcsomag.
created: Létrehozva
closed: Lezárva
belongs_to: Szerző
- subscribe:
- heading: Feliratkozol a következő módosításcsomag-megbeszélésére?
- button: Feliratkozás a megbeszélésre
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Leiratkozol a következő módosításcsomag-megbeszéléséről?
- button: Leiratkozás a megbeszélésről
- heading:
- title: '%{id} számú módosításcsomag'
- created_by_html: 'Létrehozta: %{link_user} (%{created}).'
- no_such_entry:
- heading: Nincs %{id} azonosítójú naplóbejegyzés
- body: Sajnáljuk, nincs %{id} azonosítójú módosításcsomag. Ellenőrizd, hogy jól
- írtad-e. Az is lehet, hogy rossz linkre kattintottál.
title: 'Módosításcsomag: %{id}'
created: 'Létrehozva: %{when}'
ways_paginated: 'Vonalak (%{x}-%{y} ennyiből: %{count})'
relations: Kapcsolatok (%{count})
relations_paginated: 'Kapcsolatok (%{x}-%{y} ennyiből: %{count})'
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: Sajnáljuk, a(z) %{id} azonosítójú módosításcsomag nem található.
sorry: Sajnáljuk, az általad kért módosításcsomagok listájának lekérése túl
sokáig tartott.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Feliratkozol a következő módosításcsomag-megbeszélésére?
+ button: Feliratkozás a megbeszélésre
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Leiratkozol a következő módosításcsomag-megbeszéléséről?
+ button: Leiratkozás a megbeszélésről
+ heading:
+ title: '%{id} számú módosításcsomag'
+ created_by_html: 'Létrehozta: %{link_user} (%{created}).'
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: Nincs %{id} azonosítójú naplóbejegyzés
+ body: Sajnáljuk, nincs %{id} azonosítójú módosításcsomag. Ellenőrizd, hogy jól
+ írtad-e. Az is lehet, hogy rossz linkre kattintottál.
km away: '%{count} km távolságra'
your location: Helyed
nearby mapper: Közeli térképszerkesztő
- friend: Ismerős
title: Irányítópult
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link}, és add meg az otthoni tartózkodási
helyed, hogy lásd a közeli felhasználókat.'
edit_your_profile: Szerkeszd a profilodat
- my friends: Ismerősök
- no friends: Még nem adtál meg egyetlen ismerőst sem.
nearby users: További közeli felhasználók
no nearby users: Még nincsenek más felhasználók, akik megadták, hogy a közelben
- friends_changesets: ismerősök módosításcsomagjai
- friends_diaries: ismerősök naplóbejegyzései
nearby_changesets: közeli felhasználók módosításcsomagjai
nearby_diaries: közeli felhasználók naplóbejegyzései
use_map_link: térkép használata
title: Felhasználók naplói
- title_friends: Ismerősök naplói
title_nearby: Közeli felhasználók naplói
user_title: '%{user} naplója'
in_language_title: Naplóbejegyzések %{language} nyelven
heading: Leiratkozol a következő naplóbejegyzés-megbeszélésről?
button: Leiratkozás a megbeszélésről
- index:
- title: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
- heading: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
- subheading_html: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
- no_comments: Nincs naplóhozzászólás
- page:
- post: Bejegyzés
- when: Mikor
- comment: Hozzászólás
heading: Hozzáfűzől egy megjegyzést a következő naplóhozzászóláshoz?
title: A fájl nem található
description: Nem található ilyen nevű fájl/könyvtár/API-művelet az OpenStreetMap
szerveren (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} hozzáadása ismerősként?'
- button: Hozzáadás ismerősként
- success: '%{name} mostantól az ismerősöd.'
- failed: Sajnáljuk, sikertelen volt %{name} felvétele ismerősnek.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} már az ismerősöd.'
- limit_exceeded: Sok felhasználóval barátkoztál az utóbbi időben. Kérjük, várj
- egy kicsit, mielőtt további ismerősöket próbálnál találni.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} eltávolítása az ismerőseid közül?'
- button: Ismerős eltávolítása
- success: '%{name} eltávolítva az ismerőseid közül.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nem tartozik az ismerőseid közé.'
wayside_shrine: Út menti kegyhely
wreck: Hajóroncs
"yes": Történelmi hely
+ information:
+ map: Térkép
"yes": Csomópont
a szerzőnek (%{replyurl}).
footer_html: 'Az üzenet a %{readurl} címen is elolvashatod, vagy válaszolhatsz
rá itt: %{replyurl}'
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Szia %{to_user}!
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} felvett az ismerősei közé'
- had_added_you: '%{user} felvett az ismerősei közé az OpenStreetMapen.'
see_their_profile: 'Megnézheted a profilját itt: %{userurl}.'
see_their_profile_html: 'A felhasználó profilját megtekintheti itt: %{userurl}'
- befriend_them: 'Te is hozzáadhatod ismerősként itt: %{befriendurl}.'
- befriend_them_html: 'Te is hozzáadhatod ismerősként itt: %{befriendurl}'
+ gpx_details:
+ filename: Fájlnév
+ url: URL
+ description: Leírás
+ tags: Címkék
hi: Szia %{to_user}!
failed_to_import: 'nem sikerült GPS nyomkövetési fájlként importálni. Ellenőrizd,
wrong_user: „%{user}” néven jelentkeztél be, de az üzenetet, amelyet el szeretnél
olvasni, nem ez a felhasználó küldte vagy kapta. Az elolvasásához jelentkezz
be a helyes felhasználónévvel.
- mark:
- as_read: Üzenet megjelölve olvasottként
- as_unread: Üzenet megjelölve olvasatlanként
- unmute:
- notice: Az üzenet átkerült a Beérkezett üzenetek mappába
- error: Az üzenetet nem sikerült áthelyezni a Beérkezett üzenetek mappába.
destroyed: Üzenet törölve
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Üzenet megjelölve olvasottként
+ destroy:
+ notice: Üzenet megjelölve olvasatlanként
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Az üzenet átkerült a Beérkezett üzenetek mappába
+ error: Az üzenetet nem sikerült áthelyezni a Beérkezett üzenetek mappába.
my_inbox: Beérkezett üzenetek
heading: A GPX-tároló offline
message: A GPX-fájltároló és -feltöltő rendszer jelenleg nem érhető el.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-nyomvonalak
- description:
- description_with_count: '%{user} GPX fájlja %{count} ponttal'
- description_without_count: GPX fájl %{user} felhasználótól
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-nyomvonalak
+ description:
+ description_with_count: '%{user} GPX fájlja %{count} ponttal'
+ description_without_count: GPX fájl %{user} felhasználótól
permission_denied: Nincs megfelelő jogosultságod a művelet végrehajtásához
title: Bejelentkezés Wikipédiával
alt: Wikipédia logó
+ share:
+ email:
+ title: Megosztás e-mailben
+ alt: E-mail ikon
+ bluesky:
+ title: Megosztás Bluesky-on
+ alt: Bluesky ikon
+ facebook:
+ title: Megosztás Facebookon
+ alt: Facebook ikon
+ linkedin:
+ title: Megosztás LinkedInen
+ alt: LinkedIn ikon
+ mastodon:
+ title: Megosztás Mastodonon
+ alt: Mastodon ikon
+ telegram:
+ title: Megosztás Telegramon
+ alt: Telegram ikon
+ x:
+ title: Megosztás X-en
+ alt: X ikon
missing: Nem engedted meg az alkalmazás számára, hogy hozzáférjen ehhez a létesítményhez
címekről szóló részt
contributor_terms: közreműködői feltételek
continue: Regisztráció
- terms accepted: Köszönjük, hogy elfogadtad az új közreműködési feltételeket!
privacy_policy: adatvédelmi irányelvek
privacy_policy_title: Az OSMF adatvédelmi szabályzata, beleértve az e-mail
edits: Szerkesztések
traces: Nyomvonalak
notes: Térképjegyzetek
- remove as friend: Ismerős eltávolítása
- add as friend: Felvétel ismerősnek
mapper since: 'Térképszerkesztő ezóta:'
last map edit: 'Legutóbbi térképszerkesztés:'
no activity yet: Még nincs tevékenység
summary_html: '%{name} létrejött innen: %{ip_address}, ekkor: %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} letrejött ekkor: %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Mikor
+ comment: Hozzászólás
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
+ page:
+ post: Bejegyzés
title: Felhasználói fiók felfüggesztve
heading: Felhasználói fiók felfüggesztve
support_url: URl de supporto
allow_read_prefs: leger su preferentias de usator
allow_write_prefs: modificar su preferentias de usator
- allow_write_diary: crear entratas de diario, commentos e adder amicos
+ allow_write_diary: crear entratas de diario e commentos
allow_write_api: modificar le carta
allow_read_gpx: leger su tracias GPS private
allow_write_gpx: incargar tracias GPS
external auth: Authentication externe
link text: que es isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Modification public
- enabled: Activate. Non anonyme e pote modificar datos.
- enabled link text: que es isto?
- disabled: Disactivate e non pote modificar datos, tote le previe modificationes
- es anonyme.
- disabled link text: proque non pote io modificar?
contributor terms:
heading: Conditiones de contributor
agreed: Tu ha acceptate le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
readable_summary: summario legibile per humanos
informal_translations: traductiones informal
continue: Continuar
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Cancellar
you need to accept or decline: Per favor lege e postea accepta o declina le
nove Conditiones del Contributor pro continuar.
france: Francia
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Resto del mundo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Gratias pro acceptar le nove conditiones de contributor!
terms_declined_html: Nos regretta que tu ha decidite de non acceptar le nove
Conditiones de contributor. Pro plus informationes, per favor vide %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Gruppos de modificationes
title_user: Gruppos de modificationes facite per %{user}
title_user_link_html: Gruppos de modificationes facite per %{user_link}
- title_friend: Gruppos de modificationes facite per mi amicos
+ title_followed: Gruppos de modificationes de personas que tu seque
title_nearby: Gruppos de modificationes facite per usatores vicin
empty: Nulle gruppo de modificationes trovate.
empty_area: Nulle gruppo de modificationes in iste area.
created: Create a
closed: Claudite a
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Abonar te al sequente discussion de gruppo de modificationes?
- button: Abonar te al discussion
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Disabonar te del sequente discussion de gruppo de modificationes?
- button: Disabonar te del discussion
- heading:
- title: Gruppo de modificationes %{id}
- created_by_html: Create per %{link_user} le %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Nulle entrata con le ID: %{id}'
- body: Non existe un gruppo de modificationes con le ID %{id}. Per favor verifica
- le orthographia, o pote esser que le ligamine que tu sequeva es incorrecte.
title: 'Gruppo de modificationes: %{id}'
created: 'Create: %{when}'
sorry: Le lista de gruppos de modificationes que tu requestava tardava troppo
de tempore pro esser recuperate.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Abonar te al sequente discussion de gruppo de modificationes?
+ button: Abonar te al discussion
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Disabonar te del sequente discussion de gruppo de modificationes?
+ button: Disabonar te del discussion
+ heading:
+ title: Gruppo de modificationes %{id}
+ created_by_html: Create per %{link_user} le %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Nulle entrata con le ID: %{id}'
+ body: Non existe un gruppo de modificationes con le ID %{id}. Per favor verifica
+ le orthographia, o pote esser que le ligamine que tu sequeva es incorrecte.
km away: a %{count} km de distantia
your location: Tu position
nearby mapper: Cartographo vicin
- friend: Amico
+ following: Tu seque
title: Mi pannello
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e defini tu loco de residentia
pro vider le usatores a proximitate.'
edit_your_profile: Modifica tu profilo
- my friends: Mi amicos
- no friends: Tu non ha ancora addite alcun amico.
+ followings: Personas que tu seque
+ no followings: Tu non ancora seque alcun usator.
nearby users: Altere usatores vicin
no nearby users: Il non ha ancora altere cartographos in le vicinitate.
- friends_changesets: gruppos de modificationes de tu amicos
- friends_diaries: articulos de diario de tu amicos
+ followed_changesets: gruppos de modificationes
+ followed_diaries: entratas de diario
nearby_changesets: gruppos de modificationes de usatores a proximitate
nearby_diaries: articulos de diario per usatores a proximitate
use_map_link: Usar le carta
title: Diarios de usatores
- title_friends: Diarios de amicos
+ title_followed: Diarios de personas que tu seque
title_nearby: Diarios de usatores vicin
user_title: Diario de %{user}
in_language_title: Entratas de diario in %{language}
heading: Disabonar te del sequente discussion de entrata de diario?
button: Disabonar te del discussion
- index:
- title: Commentos de diario addite per %{user}
- heading: Commento de diario de %{user}
- subheading_html: Commentos de diario addite per %{user}
- no_comments: Nulle commento de diario
- page:
- post: Articulo
- when: Quando
- comment: Commento
heading: Adder un commento al sequente discussion de entrata de diario?
title: File non trovate
description: Non poteva trovar un file, directorio o operation API con iste
nomine sur le servitor de OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Adder %{user} como amico?
- button: Adder como amico
- success: '%{name} es ora tu amico!'
- failed: Pardono, non poteva adder %{name} como amico.
- already_a_friend: Tu es ja amico de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Tu ha addite multe personas al lista de amicos recentemente.
- Per favor attende un momento ante de tentar adder alteres.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Remover %{user} como amico?
- button: Remover amico
- success: '%{name} ha essite removite de tu amicos.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} non es un de tu amicos.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Vole tu sequer %{user}?
+ button: Sequer usator
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Vole tu cessar de sequer %{user}?
+ button: Non plus sequer le usator
+ create:
+ success: Tu ora seque %{name}!
+ failed: Regrettabilemente, le requesta de sequer %{name} ha fallite.
+ already_followed: Tu ja seque %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Tu ha comenciate a sequer multe personas recentemente. Per favor
+ attende un momento ante de tentar sequer alteres.
+ destroy:
+ success: Tu ha cessate de sequer %{name}.
+ not_followed: Tu non seque %{name}.
pond: Stagno
reservoir: Reservoir
basin: Bassino de aqua
+ fishpond: Stagno de pisces
+ lagoon: Laguna
+ wastewater: Aqua residual
artificial: Via aquatic artificial
boatyard: Cantier naval
al autor sur %{replyurl}
footer_html: Tu pote etiam leger le message a %{readurl} e tu pote inviar un
message al autor a %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Salute %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} te ha addite como amico'
- had_added_you: '%{user} te ha addite como amico in OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Tu pote vider su profilo a %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Tu pote vider su profilo a %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Tu pote equalmente adder le/la como amico a %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Tu pote equalmente adder le/la como amico a %{befriendurl}.
hi: Salute %{to_user},
failed_to_import: Pare que tu file non poteva esser importate como file de tracia
wrong_user: Tu es authenticate como ‘%{user}’, ma le message que tu vole leger
non ha essite inviate per o a iste usator. Per favor aperi session como le
usator correcte pro poter leger lo.
- mark:
- as_read: Message marcate como legite
- as_unread: Message marcate como non legite
- unmute:
- notice: Le message ha essite displaciate al cassa de entrata
- error: Le message non poteva esser displaciate al cassa de entrata.
destroyed: Message delite
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Message marcate como legite
+ destroy:
+ notice: Message marcate como non legite
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Le message ha essite displaciate al cassa de entrata
+ error: Le message non poteva esser displaciate al cassa de entrata.
my_inbox: Mi cassa de entrata
heading: Immagazinage GPX foras de linea
message: Le systema pro immagazinar e incargar files GPX es actualmente indisponibile.
- georss:
- title: Tracias GPS de OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: File GPX con %{count} puncto de %{user}
- other: File GPX con %{count} punctos de %{user}
- description_without_count: File GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Tracias GPS de OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: File GPX con %{count} puncto de %{user}
+ other: File GPX con %{count} punctos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: File GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Tu non ha le permission de acceder a iste action
openid: Aperir session con OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Leger preferentias de usator
write_prefs: Modificar preferentias de usator
- write_diary: Crear entratas de diario, commentos e adder amicos
+ write_diary: Crear entratas de diario e commentos
write_api: Modificar le carta
read_gpx: Leger tracias GPS private
write_gpx: Incargar tracias GPS
sur adresses de e-mail
contributor_terms: conditiones de contributor
continue: Crear conto
- terms accepted: Gratias pro acceptar le nove conditiones de contributor!
privacy_policy: politica de confidentialitate
privacy_policy_title: Politica de confidentialitate del OSMF con un section
edits: Modificationes
traces: Tracias
notes: Notas de carta
- remove as friend: Remover amico
- add as friend: Adder amico
mapper since: 'Cartographo depost:'
last map edit: 'Ultime modification del carta:'
no activity yet: Necun activitate ancora
summary_html: '%{name} create ab %{ip_address} le %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} create le %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quando
+ comment: Commento
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Commentos de diario addite per %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Articulo
title: Conto suspendite
heading: Conto suspendite
a fin que nos pote corriger lo. Displacia le marcator al position correcte
e scribe un nota pro explicar le problema.
anonymous_warning_html: Tu non ha aperite session. Per favor %{log_in} o %{sign_up}
- si tu vole reciper actualisationes pro tu nota.
+ si tu vole reciper actualisationes pro tu nota e adjutar le cartographos a
+ resolver lo.
anonymous_warning_log_in: aperi session
anonymous_warning_sign_up: crea un conto
advice: Tu nota es public e pote esser usate pro actualisar le carta. Dunque,
external auth: Autentikasi Eksternal
link text: Apa ini?
- public editing:
- heading: Mengedit secara publik
- enabled: Diaktifkan. Tidak anonim dan dapat mengedit data.
- enabled link text: Apa ini?
- disabled: Dinonaktifkan dan tidak dapat mengedit data, seluruh hasil edit
- sebelumnya anonim.
- disabled link text: mengapa saya tidak bisa mengedit?
contributor terms:
heading: Syarat-syarat Kontributor
agreed: Anda telah menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
france: Perancis
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Bagian lain dari dunia
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Terima kasih telah menerima persyaratan kontributor yang baru!
terms_declined_html: Kami mohon maaf Anda tidak menerima Persyaratan Kontributor
baru. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Set perubahan
title_user: Set perubahan oleh %{user}
title_user_link_html: Set perubahan oleh %{user_link}
- title_friend: Set perubahan oleh teman saya
title_nearby: Set perubahan oleh pengguna terdekat
empty: Tidak ada set perubahan yang ditemukan.
empty_area: Tidak ada set perubahan di daerah ini.
your location: Lokasi Anda
nearby mapper: Pembuat peta disekitar Anda
- friend: Teman
title: Dasborku
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} dan atur lokasi rumah Anda untuk
melihat pengguna yang ada di sekitar.'
edit_your_profile: Sunting profil Anda
- my friends: Teman saya
- no friends: Anda belum menambahkan teman.
nearby users: Pengguna lain terdekat
no nearby users: Tidak ada pengguna lain yang mengaku untuk melakukan pemetaan
- friends_changesets: Telusuri semua set perubahan yang dibuat oleh teman-teman
- friends_diaries: Telusuri seluruh entri catatan harian oleh teman-teman
nearby_changesets: Telusuri seluruh set perubahan oleh pengguna terdekat
nearby_diaries: Telurusi seluruh entri catatan harian oleh pengguna terdekat
use_map_link: Gunakan Peta
title: Catatan harian pengguna
- title_friends: Catatan harian teman
title_nearby: Catatan harian pengguna terdekat
user_title: Catatan harian %{user}
in_language_title: Entri catatan harian dalam %{language}
title: Entri catatan harian OpenStreetMap
description: Entri catatan harian terbaru dari pengguna OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Komentar Buku Harian ditambahkan oleh %{user}
- heading: Komentar Buku Harian %{user}
- subheading_html: Komentar Buku Harian yang ditambahkan oleh %{user}
- no_comments: Tidak ada komentar buku harian
- page:
- post: Artikel
- when: Kapan
- comment: Komentar
title: Berkas tidak ditemukan
description: Gagal menemukan operasi berkas/direktori/API dengan nama itu di
server OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Tambahkan %{user} sebagai teman?
- button: Tambahkan sebagai teman
- success: '%{name} sekarang adalah teman Anda!'
- failed: Maaf, gagal menambahkan %{name} sebagai teman.
- already_a_friend: Anda sudah berteman dengan %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Anda telah berteman dengan banyak sekali penggunan akhir-akhir
- ini. Silahkan tunggu sebentar sebelum mencoba berteman lagi.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Hapus %{user} sebagai teman?
- button: Hapus sebagai teman
- success: '%{name} telah dihapus dari daftar teman Anda.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} bukanlah salah satu dari teman Anda.'
kepada penulis di %{replyurl}
footer_html: Anda juga dapat membaca pesan di %{readurl} dan membalasnya di
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Halo %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} menambahkan Anda sebagai teman'
- had_added_you: '%{user} telah menambahkan Anda sebagai teman pada OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Anda dapat melihat profilnya pada %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Anda dapat melihat profil mereka di %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Anda juga dapat menambahkannua sebagai teman di %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Anda juga bisa menambahkan mereka sebagai teman di %{befriendurl}.
hi: Halo %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'gagal melakukan impor. Berikut ini adalah kesalahannya:'
wrong_user: Anda masuk log sebagai '%{user}' tetapi pesan yang anda balas tidak
dikirim oleh atau untuk pengguna tersebut. Silahkan masuk log sebagai pengguna
yang benar untuk membacanya.
- mark:
- as_read: Pesan ditandai sebagai telah dibaca
- as_unread: Pesan ditandai sebagai belum dibaca
- unmute:
- notice: Pesan berhasil dipindahkan ke Kotak Masuk
- error: Pesan tidak berhasil dipindahkan ke Kotak Masuk
destroyed: Pesan dihapus
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Pesan ditandai sebagai telah dibaca
+ destroy:
+ notice: Pesan ditandai sebagai belum dibaca
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Pesan berhasil dipindahkan ke Kotak Masuk
+ error: Pesan tidak berhasil dipindahkan ke Kotak Masuk
my_inbox: Kotak Masuk Saya
heading: Penyimpanan GPX Offline
message: Sistem upload dan penyimpanan file GPX saat ini tidak tersedia.
- georss:
- title: Jejak GPS OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Berkas GPX dengan %{count} titik dari %{user}
- other: Berkas GPX dengan %{count} titik dari %{user}
- description_without_count: Berkas GPX dari %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Jejak GPS OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Berkas GPX dengan %{count} titik dari %{user}
+ other: Berkas GPX dengan %{count} titik dari %{user}
+ description_without_count: Berkas GPX dari %{user}
permission_denied: Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk melakukan tindakan ini.
privacy_policy_title: Kebijakan privasi OSMF meliputi aturan soal alamat surat
continue: Mendaftar
- terms accepted: Terima kasih telah menerima persyaratan kontributor yang baru!
html: Alamat Anda tidak dapat dilihat publik. Lihat %{privacy_policy_link}
kami untuk info lebih lanjut.
edits: Suntingan
traces: Jejak
notes: Catatan Peta
- remove as friend: Hapus pertemanan
- add as friend: Jadikan Teman
mapper since: 'Melakukan pemetaan sejak:'
uid: 'ID pengguna:'
ct status: 'Syarat-syarat kontributor:'
summary_html: '%{name} dibuat dari %{ip_address} pada %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} dibuat pada %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kapan
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentar Buku Harian ditambahkan oleh %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Artikel
title: Akun Ditangguhkan
heading: Akun Ditangguhkan
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID
link text: hvað er openID?
- public editing:
- heading: Nafngreindar breytingar
- enabled: Virkt. Ekki nafnlaus og getur breytt gögnum.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: Hvað er þetta?
- disabled: Óvirkur og getur ekki breytt gögnum, allar fyrri breytingar eru
- ónafngreindar.
- disabled link text: af hverju get ég ekki breytt neinu?
contributor terms:
heading: Skilmálar vegna framlags
agreed: Þú hefur samþykkt nýju skilmálana vegna framlags þíns.
readable_summary: læsilegt yfirlit
informal_translations: óformlegar þýðingar
continue: Halda áfram
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
you need to accept or decline: Endilega lestu og samþykktu eða hafnaðu nýju
skilmálunum vegna framlags þíns, áður en þú heldur áfram.
legale_select: 'Búseta (land):'
france: Frakkland
italy: Ítalía
rest_of_world: Restin af heiminum
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Bestu þakkir fyrir að samþykkja nýju skilmálana vegna framlags
+ þíns!
terms_declined_html: Okkur þykir miður að þú hafir ákveðið að samþykkja ekki
nýja skilmála vegna framlags (contributor terms). Til að sjá ítarlegri upplýsingar,
title: Breytingasett
title_user: Breytingar eftir %{user}
title_user_link_html: Breytingasett eftir %{user_link}
- title_friend: Breytingar eftir vini mína
title_nearby: Breytingar eftir nálæga notendur
empty: Engin breytingasett fundust.
empty_area: Engin breytingasett á þessu svæði.
created: Búið til
closed: Lokað
belongs_to: Höfundur
- subscribe:
- heading: Gerast áskrifandi að umræðu með breytingasetti?
- button: Gerast áskrifandi að umræðu
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Hætta áskrift að umræðu með breytingasetti?
- button: Hætta áskrift að umræðu
- heading:
- title: Breytingasett %{id}
- created_by_html: Útbúið af %{link_user} þann %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Engin færsla er til með auðkennið: %{id}'
- body: Breytingasett númerið %{id} er ekki til. Kannski settirðu inn rangt stafsetta
- slóð eða fylgdir ógildum tengli.
title: 'Breytingasett: %{id}'
created: 'Búið til: %{when}'
sorry: Því miður, það tók of langan tíma að ná í listann yfir þau breytingasett
sem þú baðst um.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Gerast áskrifandi að umræðu með breytingasetti?
+ button: Gerast áskrifandi að umræðu
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Hætta áskrift að umræðu með breytingasetti?
+ button: Hætta áskrift að umræðu
+ heading:
+ title: Breytingasett %{id}
+ created_by_html: Útbúið af %{link_user} þann %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Engin færsla er til með auðkennið: %{id}'
+ body: Breytingasett númerið %{id} er ekki til. Kannski settirðu inn rangt stafsetta
+ slóð eða fylgdir ógildum tengli.
km away: í %{count} km fjarlægð
your location: Staðsetning þín
nearby mapper: Nálægur notandi
- friend: Vinur
title: Stjórnborðið mitt
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} og stilltu heimastaðsetninguna
þína til að sjá nálæga notendur.'
edit_your_profile: Breyttu notandaaðgangnum þínum
- my friends: Vinir mínir
- no friends: Þú hefur ekki bætt við neinum vinum ennþá.
nearby users: Aðrir nálægir notendur
no nearby users: Engir notendur hafa stillt staðsetningu sína á korti nálægt
- friends_changesets: breytingasett vina
- friends_diaries: bloggfærslur vina
nearby_changesets: breytingasett vina í næsta nágrenni
nearby_diaries: bloggfærslur vina í næsta nágrenni
use_map_link: Nota kort
title: Blogg notenda
- title_friends: Blogg vina
title_nearby: Blogg notenda í nágrenninu
user_title: Blogg frá %{user}
in_language_title: Bloggfærslur á %{language}
heading: Hætta áskrift að umræðu með bloggfærslu?
button: Hætta áskrift að umræðu
- index:
- title: Dagbók Athugasemdir bætt við af %{user}
- heading: Athugasemdir dagbókar %{user}
- subheading_html: Dagbóka Athugasemdir bætt við af %{user}
- no_comments: Engar athugasemdir við dagbók
- page:
- post: Senda
- when: Þegar
- comment: Athugasemd
heading: Bæta athugasemd við umræðu með bloggfærslu?
title: Skrá fannst ekki
description: Gat ekki fundið skrá/skrá/API-aðgerð með því nafni á OpenStreetMap-þjóninum
(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Bæta %{user} við sem vini?
- button: Bæta við sem vini
- success: '%{name} er núna vinur þinn!'
- failed: Gat ekki bætt %{name} á vinalistann þinn.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} er þegar vinur þinn.'
- limit_exceeded: Þú hefur vingast við marga notendur nýlega. Bíddu aðeins áður
- en þú reynir að vingast fleiri.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Hætta að vera vinur %{user}?
- button: Fjarlægja úr vinum
- success: '%{name} er ekki lengur vinur þinn.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} er ekki einn af vinum þínum.'
á %{replyurl}
footer_html: Þú getur einnig lesið skilaboðin á %{readurl} og sent skilaboð
til höfundarins á %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hæ %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} bætti þér við sem vin'
- had_added_you: Notandinn %{user} hefur bætt þér við sem vini á OpenStreetMap.
see_their_profile: Þú getur séð notandasíðu notandans á %{userurl} og jafnvel
bætt honum við sem vini líka.
see_their_profile_html: Þú getur séð notandasíðu notandans á %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Þú getur líka bætt þeim við sem vinum á %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Þú getur líka bætt þeim við sem vinum á %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hæ %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'tókst ekki að flytja inn. Hér er villan:'
wrong_user: Þú hefur skráð þig inn sem `%{user}' en skilaboðin sem þú baðst
um að lesa voru ekki send af eða til þess notanda. Skráðu þig inn sem réttan
notanda til að geta svarað.
- mark:
- as_read: Skilaboðin voru merkt sem lesin
- as_unread: Skilaboðin voru merkt sem ólesin
- unmute:
- notice: Skilaboð voru færð í Innhólf
- error: Ekki var hægt að færa skilaboðin í innhólfið.
destroyed: Skilaboðunum var eytt
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Skilaboðin voru merkt sem lesin
+ destroy:
+ notice: Skilaboðin voru merkt sem ólesin
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Skilaboð voru færð í Innhólf
+ error: Ekki var hægt að færa skilaboðin í innhólfið.
my_inbox: Innhólfið mitt
heading: Ekki hægt að hlaða upp GPX
message: Ekki er hægt að hlaða upp GPX í augnablikinu vegna viðhalds.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-ferlar
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-skrá með %{count} punkti frá %{user}
- other: GPX-skrá með %{count} punktum frá %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-skrá frá %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-ferlar
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-skrá með %{count} punkti frá %{user}
+ other: GPX-skrá með %{count} punktum frá %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-skrá frá %{user}
permission_denied: Þú hefur ekki réttindi til að nota þessa aðgerð
contributor_terms_url: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Contributor_Terms
contributor_terms: skilmálar vegna framlags
continue: Nýskrá
- terms accepted: Bestu þakkir fyrir að samþykkja nýju skilmálana vegna framlags
- þíns!
privacy_policy: stefna vegna meðferðar persónuupplýsinga
privacy_policy_url: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy
edits: Breytingar
traces: Ferlar
notes: Minnispunktar á korti
- remove as friend: Fjarlægja úr vinum
- add as friend: Bæta við sem vini
mapper since: 'Í kortlagningu síðan:'
last map edit: 'Síðasta breyting á korti:'
no activity yet: Engin virkni ennþá
summary_html: '%{name} var útbúinn frá %{ip_address} þann %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} útbúinn þann %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Þegar
+ comment: Athugasemd
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Dagbók Athugasemdir bætt við af %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Senda
title: Aðgangur frystur
heading: Aðgangur frystur
support_url: Indirizzo URL di supporto
allow_read_prefs: leggi le sue preferenze utente
allow_write_prefs: modifica le sue preferenze utente
- allow_write_diary: creare pagine di diario, commenti e stringere amicizie
+ allow_write_diary: creare pagine di diario e commenti
allow_write_api: modificare la mappa
allow_read_gpx: visualizza le sue tracce GPS private
allow_write_gpx: carica tracce GPS
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:OpenID
link text: che cos'è questo?
- public editing:
- heading: Modifica pubblica
- enabled: Abilitate. Non anonimo con il permesso di modificare i dati.
- enabled link text: che cos'è questo?
- disabled: Disabilitate senza il permesso di modificare i dati, tutte le modifiche
- precedenti sono anonime.
- disabled link text: perché non posso modificare?
contributor terms:
heading: Regole per contribuire
agreed: Hai accettato le nuove regole per contribuire.
france: Francia
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Resto del mondo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Grazie di aver accettato le nuove regole per contribuire!
terms_declined_html: Siamo spiacenti che tu abbia deciso di non accettare
i nuovi termini di contribuzione. Per ulteriori informazioni consultare
title: Gruppi di modifiche
title_user: Gruppi di modifiche di %{user}
title_user_link_html: Gruppi di modifiche di %{user_link}
- title_friend: Gruppi di modifiche dei miei amici
+ title_followed: Gruppi di modifiche delle persone che segui
title_nearby: Gruppi di modifiche da parte di utenti nelle vicinanze
empty: Nessun gruppo di modifiche trovato.
empty_area: Nessun gruppo di modifiche in quest'area.
created: Creato
closed: Chiuso
belongs_to: Autore
- subscribe:
- heading: Vuoi iscriverti alla seguente discussione del gruppo di modifiche?
- button: Iscriviti alla discussione
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Annullare l'iscrizione alla seguente discussione del gruppo di modifiche?
- button: Annulla l'iscrizione alla discussione
- heading:
- title: Gruppo di modifiche %{id}
- created_by_html: Creato da %{link_user} il %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Nessuna voce con l''ID: %{id}'
- body: Non esiste alcun gruppo di modifiche con l’ID %{id}. Controlla la digitazione
- o che il collegamento sul quale hai cliccato non sia errato.
title: 'Gruppo di modifiche: %{id}'
created: 'Creato: %{when}'
sorry: Spiacenti, l'elenco dei gruppi di modifiche che hai richiesto ha impiegato
troppo tempo per poter essere recuperato.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Vuoi iscriverti alla seguente discussione del gruppo di modifiche?
+ button: Iscriviti alla discussione
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Annullare l'iscrizione alla seguente discussione del gruppo di modifiche?
+ button: Annulla l'iscrizione alla discussione
+ heading:
+ title: Gruppo di modifiche %{id}
+ created_by_html: Creato da %{link_user} il %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Nessuna voce con l''ID: %{id}'
+ body: Non esiste alcun gruppo di modifiche con l’ID %{id}. Controlla la digitazione
+ o che il collegamento sul quale hai cliccato non sia errato.
km away: distante %{count} km
your location: Propria posizione
nearby mapper: Mappatore vicino
- friend: Amico
+ following: Utenti che ti seguono
title: La mia dashboard
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e imposta la posizione di casa
per vedere gli utenti vicini.'
edit_your_profile: Modifica il tuo profilo
- my friends: I miei amici
- no friends: Non ci sono ancora amici.
+ followings: Utenti che segui
+ no followings: Non stai ancora seguendo alcun utente.
nearby users: Altri utenti nelle vicinanze
no nearby users: Non ci sono ancora altri utenti che ammettono di mappare nelle
- friends_changesets: gruppi di modifiche degli amici
- friends_diaries: note dei diari degli amici
+ followed_changesets: gruppi di modifiche
+ followed_diaries: voci del diario
nearby_changesets: gruppi di modifiche da parte degli utenti nelle vicinanze
nearby_diaries: note dei diari degli utenti nelle vicinanze
use_map_link: Utilizza mappa
title: Diari degli utenti
- title_friends: Diari degli amici
+ title_followed: Diari delle persone che segui
title_nearby: Diari degli utenti nelle vicinanze
user_title: Diario di %{user}
in_language_title: Voci del diario in %{language}
heading: Annullare l'iscrizione alla seguente discussione sul diario?
button: Annulla l'iscrizione alla discussione
- index:
- title: Commenti del diario aggiunti da %{user}
- heading: I commenti del diario di %{user}
- subheading_html: Commenti del diario aggiunti da %{user}
- no_comments: Nessun commento al diario
- page:
- post: Messaggio
- when: Quando
- comment: Commento
heading: Aggiungere un commento alla discussione sulla seguente voce del diario?
title: File non trovato
description: Impossibile trovare un file/cartella/operazione API con questo
nome sul server OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Aggiungere %{user} agli amici?
- button: Aggiungi come amico
- success: '%{name} è ora tuo amico!'
- failed: Spiacenti, non è stato possibile aggiungere %{name} come un amico.
- already_a_friend: Sei già amico di %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Recentemente hai aggiunto un sacco di utenti come amici. Aspetta
- un po’ di tempo prima di aggiungerne altri.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Rimuovere ${user} dagli amici?
- button: Rimuovi dagli amici
- success: '%{name} è stato rimosso dai tuoi amici.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} non è uno dei tuoi amici.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Vuoi seguire %{user}?
+ button: Segui utente
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Vuoi smettere di seguire %{user}?
+ button: Smetti di seguire utente
+ create:
+ success: Adesso stai seguendo %{name}!
+ failed: La tua richiesta di seguire %{name} è fallita.
+ already_followed: Stai già seguendo %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Hai iniziato a seguire molti utenti di recente. Attendi un po’
+ prima di tentare di seguirne altri.
+ destroy:
+ success: Hai smesso di seguire con successo %{name}.
+ not_followed: Non stai seguendo %{name}.
all'autore al %{replyurl}
footer_html: Puoi anche leggere il messaggio al %{readurl} e puoi inviare un
messaggio all'autore al %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Ciao %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ti ha aggiunto come amico'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ti ha aggiunto come suo amico su OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ha iniziato a seguirti'
+ followed_you: '%{user} ora ti segue su OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Puoi vedere il suo profilo su %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Puoi vedere il suo profilo su %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Puoi anche aggiungerli come amici in %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Puoi anche aggiungerli come amici in %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Puoi seguirli anche su %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Puoi seguirli anche su %{followurl}.
details: 'I dettagli del tuo file:'
filename: Nome del file
description: Descrizione
tags: Etichette
total_points: Numero totale di punti
+ imported_points: Numero di punti importati
hi: Ciao %{to_user},
failed_to_import: Sembra che l'importazione del file come traccia GPS non sia
wrong_user: Hai effettuato l'accesso come '%{user}', ma il messaggio che hai
chiesto di leggere non era diretto a quell'utente. Se vuoi leggerlo, per favore
accedi con l'utenza interessata.
- mark:
- as_read: Messaggio marcato come già letto
- as_unread: Messaggio marcato come non letto
- unmute:
- notice: Il messaggio è stato spostato nella Posta in arrivo
- error: Non è stato possibile spostare il messaggio nella Posta in arrivo.
destroyed: Messaggio eliminato
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Messaggio marcato come già letto
+ destroy:
+ notice: Messaggio marcato come non letto
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Il messaggio è stato spostato nella Posta in arrivo
+ error: Non è stato possibile spostare il messaggio nella Posta in arrivo.
my_inbox: Posta in arrivo
preview: Anteprima
help: Aiuto
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Commenti meno recenti
+ newer: Commenti più recenti
older: Commenti più vecchi
newer: Commenti più recenti
heading: Archiviazione GPX non in linea
message: L'archiviazione dei file GPX ed il sistema di upload al momento non
sono disponibili.
- georss:
- title: Tracce GPS di OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: File GPX con %{count} punto da %{user}
- other: File GPX con %{count} punti da %{user}
- description_without_count: File GPX da %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Tracce GPS di OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: File GPX con %{count} punto da %{user}
+ other: File GPX con %{count} punti da %{user}
+ description_without_count: File GPX da %{user}
permission_denied: Non si dispone dei permessi necessari per eseguire questa azione
openid: Accedi utilizzando OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Leggere le preferenze dell'utente
write_prefs: Modificare le preferenze dell'utente
- write_diary: Creare voci del diario, commenti e stringere amicizie
+ write_diary: Creare voci del diario e commenti
write_api: Modificare la mappa
read_gpx: Leggere tracciati GPS privati
write_gpx: Caricare tracciati GPS
la sezione sugli indirizzi e-mail
contributor_terms: regole per contribuire
continue: Registrati
- terms accepted: Grazie di aver accettato le nuove regole per contribuire!
privacy_policy: informativa sulla privacy
privacy_policy_title: Normativa sulla privacy dell'OSMF, inclusa la sezione
edits: Modifiche
traces: Tracciati
notes: Note sulla mappa
- remove as friend: Rimuovi amico
- add as friend: Aggiungi amico
+ unfollow: Smetti di seguire
+ follow: Segui
mapper since: 'Mappatore dal:'
last map edit: 'Ultima modifica della mappa:'
no activity yet: Non ci sono ancora attività
summary_html: '%{name} creato da %{ip_address} il %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creato il %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: Commenti di %{user}
+ changesets: Gruppi di modifiche
+ diary_entries: Voci del diario
+ no_comments: Nessun commento
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Commenti del diario aggiunti da %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Gruppo di modifiche
+ when: Quando
+ comment: Commento
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Commenti del diario aggiunti da %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Messaggio
+ when: Quando
+ comment: Commento
title: Account sospeso
heading: Account sospeso
per ricevere aggiornamenti sulla tua nota e aiutare i mappatori a risolverla.
anonymous_warning_log_in: entra
anonymous_warning_sign_up: registrati
+ counter_warning_html: Hai già pubblicato almeno %{x_anonymous_notes}, è fantastico
+ per la comunità, grazie! Adesso ti incoraggiamo a %{contribute_by_yourself},
+ non è così complicato e %{community_can_help}.
one: '%{count} nota anonima'
other: '%{count} note anonime'
+ text: contribuire personalmente
url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Beginners%27_guide
text: la comunità può aiutarti
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:OpenID?uselang=ja
link text: これは何ですか?
- public editing:
- heading: 公開編集
- enabled: 有効。匿名ではなく、データを編集できます。
- enabled link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Anonymous_edits?uselang=ja
- enabled link text: これは何ですか?
- disabled: 無効。データを編集できず、これまでの編集はすべて匿名です。
- disabled link text: なぜ編集できないのですか?
contributor terms:
heading: 協力者規約
agreed: あなたは、新しい協力者規約を承諾しています。
readable_summary: 人間が読める要約
informal_translations: 非公式の翻訳
continue: 続行
- declined: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Contributor_Terms_Declined
you need to accept or decline: 続行するには新しい協力者規約を読んで承諾または拒否してください。
legale_select: 'お住まいの国:'
france: フランス
italy: イタリア
rest_of_world: それ以外の国
+ update:
+ terms accepted: 新しい協力者規約を承諾していただき、ありがとうございます!
terms_declined_html: 新しい投稿者規約に同意しないことを決定されたことを残念に思います。詳細については、%{terms_declined_link}
title: 変更セット
title_user: '%{user} による変更セット'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} による変更セット'
- title_friend: 友達による変更セット
title_nearby: 周辺の利用者による変更セット
empty: 変更セットが見つかりませんでした。
empty_area: この領域には変更セットはありません。
created: 作成
closed: クローズ
belongs_to: 著者
- subscribe:
- heading: この変更セットのディスカッションの通知を受け取りますか?
- button: 議論に参加する
- unsubscribe:
- heading: この変更セットの議論の通知を解除しますか?
- button: 議論の通知を解除
- heading:
- title: 変更セット %{id}
- created_by_html: ユーザ %{link_user} によって %{created} に作成されました。
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'ID番号: %{id} のエントリはありません'
- body: 申し訳ありませんが、ID %{id} という変更セットはありません。入力した文字列が誤っているか、クリックしたリンクが間違っている可能性があります。
title: '変更セット: %{id}'
created: '作成日: %{when}'
relations_paginated: リレーション (%{x}-%{y} / %{count})
sorry: 申し訳ありませんが、要求した変更セットの一覧は時間がかかりすぎたため取得できませんでした。
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: この変更セットのディスカッションの通知を受け取りますか?
+ button: 議論に参加する
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: この変更セットの議論の通知を解除しますか?
+ button: 議論の通知を解除
+ heading:
+ title: 変更セット %{id}
+ created_by_html: ユーザ %{link_user} によって %{created} に作成されました。
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'ID番号: %{id} のエントリはありません'
+ body: 申し訳ありませんが、ID %{id} という変更セットはありません。入力した文字列が誤っているか、クリックしたリンクが間違っている可能性があります。
km away: 距離 %{count} km
your location: 自分の位置
nearby mapper: 周辺のマッパー
- friend: 友達
title: 私のダッシュボード
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link}そして、近くの利用者が表示されるように自宅の場所を設定します。'
edit_your_profile: プロフィールの編集
- my friends: 友達
- no friends: あなたはまだ誰も友達として登録していません。
nearby users: 周辺にいるその他の利用者
no nearby users: あなたの活動地域周辺に他のマッパーはいないようです。
- friends_changesets: 友達による変更セット
- friends_diaries: 友達の日記エントリ
nearby_changesets: 周辺の利用者の変更セット
nearby_diaries: 周辺の利用者の日記エントリ
use_map_link: 地図を使用
title: 利用者の日記
- title_friends: 友達の日記
title_nearby: 周辺の利用者の日記
user_title: '%{user}さんの日記'
in_language_title: '%{language}の日記エントリ'
heading: この日記エントリの議論の通知を解除しますか?
button: 議論の通知を解除
- index:
- title: '%{user}が追加した日記コメント'
- heading: '%{user}の日記コメント'
- subheading_html: '%{user}が追加した日記コメント'
- no_comments: 日記のコメントはありません
- page:
- post: 投稿
- when: 日時
- comment: コメント
heading: この日記エントリの議論にコメントを追加しますか?
title: ファイルが見つかりません
description: OpenStreetMapサーバ上に、その名称のファイル/ディレクトリ/API操作はありません (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} を友達に追加しますか?'
- button: 友達に追加
- success: '%{name} と友達になりました!'
- failed: '%{name} を友達として登録できませんでした。'
- already_a_friend: あなたは %{name} と既に友達です。
- limit_exceeded: 短い間隔で大量の友達申請を送っていますね。しばらくしてから友達申請してください。
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} を友達から削除しますか?'
- button: 友達を解除
- success: '%{name} を友達から解除しました。'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} は友達ではありません。'
header_html: '%{from_user} さんが、OpenStreetMap であなたに件名 %{subject} のメッセージを送信しました:'
footer: メッセージを読むにはこちら %{readurl}、筆者に返信するにはこちら %{replyurl}
footer_html: メッセージを読むにはこちら %{readurl}、筆者に返信するにはこちら %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: '%{to_user},'
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} さんがあなたを友達に追加しました。'
- had_added_you: OpenStreetMap で %{user} さんがあなたを友達に追加しました。
see_their_profile: '%{userurl} でプロフィールを閲覧できます。'
see_their_profile_html: '%{userurl} でプロフィールを閲覧できます。'
- befriend_them: '%{befriendurl} で友達になることができます。'
- befriend_them_html: '%{befriendurl} で友達になることができます。'
hi: こんにちは、%{to_user} さん。
failed_to_import: 'GPS トレース ファイルとしてインポートできませんでした。ファイルが有効な GPXファイル、または、GPX ファイルを含む圧縮ファイル(対応形式は.tar.gz,
destroy_button: 削除
back: 戻る
wrong_user: あなたは「%{user}」としてログインしていますが、閲覧しようとしたメッセージは、この利用者が送信したものでも、この利用者宛てのものでもありません。メッセージを閲覧するには、正しい利用者としてログインしてください。
- mark:
- as_read: 既読メッセージ
- as_unread: 未読メッセージ
- unmute:
- notice: メッセージは受信箱に移動されました
- error: メッセージを受信箱に移動できませんでした。
destroyed: メッセージを削除しました
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: 既読メッセージ
+ destroy:
+ notice: 未読メッセージ
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: メッセージは受信箱に移動されました
+ error: メッセージを受信箱に移動できませんでした。
my_inbox: 自分の受信箱
heading: GPX のストレージが利用できません
message: GPX ファイルのストレージとアップロード システムは現在利用できません。
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPSトレース
- description:
- description_with_count: '{{%{user}|GPX ファイルによる地 %{count}件と%{user}による地点%{count}件を含む{PLURAL|one=GPX
- ファイル}}'
- description_without_count: '%{user} による GPX ファイル'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPSトレース
+ description:
+ description_with_count: '{{%{user}|GPX ファイルによる地 %{count}件と%{user}による地点%{count}件を含む{PLURAL|one=GPX
+ ファイル}}'
+ description_without_count: '%{user} による GPX ファイル'
permission_denied: その処理をする権限がありません
privacy_policy_title: OSMFのプライバシーポリシー(電子メールアドレスに関するセクションを含む)
contributor_terms: 協力者規約
continue: 利用者登録
- terms accepted: 新しい協力者規約を承諾していただき、ありがとうございます!
privacy_policy: プライバシー・ポリシー
privacy_policy_title: OSMFのプライバシーポリシー(メールアドレスに関するセクションを含む)
edits: 編集
traces: トレース
notes: 地図メモ
- remove as friend: 友達を解除
- add as friend: 友達として追加
mapper since: 'マッパー歴:'
last map edit: '地図の最後の編集:'
no activity yet: 活動がありません
summary_html: '%{name} は %{ip_address}から%{date}に作成されました。'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} は%{date}に作成されました。'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: 日時
+ comment: コメント
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user}が追加した日記コメント'
+ page:
+ post: 投稿
title: アカウント停止
heading: アカウント停止
link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/KA:OpenID
link text: რა არის ეს?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: რა არის ეს?
- disabled link text: რატომ არ შემიძლია რედაქტირება?
contributor terms:
link text: რა არის ეს?
save changes button: ცვლილებების შენახვა
latest_edit_html: 'ბოლო რედაქტირება %{ago}:'
your location: თქვენი ადგილმდებარეობა
- friend: მეგობარი
title: დღიურში ახალი ჩანაწერის გაკეთება
use_map_link: რუკაზე ჩვენება
title: მომხმარებლების დღიურები
- title_friends: მეგობრების დღიურები
title_nearby: მეზობელი მომხმარებლების დღიურები
user_title: '%{user}-ის დღიური'
in_language_title: დღიურის ჩანაწერები %{language}
confirm: დადასტურება
location: 'მდებარეობა:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: პოსტი
- when: როდის
- comment: კომენტარი
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: დავამატო %{user} მეგობრებში?
- button: მეგობრებში დამატება
- success: '%{name} ახლა უკვე თქვენი მეგობარია!'
- remove_friend:
- heading: წავშალო მეგობრებიდან %{user}?
- button: მეგობრებიდან წაშლა
hi: გამარჯობა %{to_user},
hi: გამარჯობა %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap]-ის მომხმარებელმა %{user} დაგამატათ მეგობრებში'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] მოგესალმებით OpenStreetMap-ში'
greeting: გამარჯობა!
wrong_user: თქვენ შეხვედით როგორც `%{user}' მაგრამ შეტყობინება რომლის წაკითხვაც
გსურთ, არ არის გაგზავნილი ამ მომხმარებელთან, ან მის მიერ. გთხოვთ, შეხვიდეთ,
როგორც შესაბამისი მომხმარებელი, რათა წაიკითხოთ ის.
- mark:
- as_read: შეტყობინება მონიშნულია როგორც წაკითხული
- as_unread: შეტყობინება მონიშნულია როგორც წაუკითხავი
destroyed: შეტყობინება წაშლილია
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: შეტყობინება მონიშნულია როგორც წაკითხული
+ destroy:
+ notice: შეტყობინება მონიშნულია როგორც წაუკითხავი
my_inbox: ჩემი მიღებული
send message: შეტყობინების გაგზავნა
diary: დღიური
edits: რედაქტირებები
- remove as friend: მეგობრებიდან წაშლა
- add as friend: მეგობრებში დამატება
email address: 'ელ. ფოსტის მისამართი:'
created from: 'შექმნილია:'
status: 'სტატუსი:'
title: მომხმარებლები
heading: მომხმარებლები
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: როდის
+ comment: კომენტარი
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: პოსტი
title: მომხმარებელ %{name} ბლოკირების შექმნა
current email address: Tansa imayl n tura
link text: d acu-t wa?
- public editing:
- heading: Taẓrigt tazayezt
- enabled link text: d acu-t wa?
- disabled link text: Acu zemreɣ ad beddleɣ?
contributor terms:
heading: 'Tiwtilin n iwiziw:'
link text: what is this?
title: Agraw n usnifel
title_user: Igrawen n usnifel sɣur %{user}
- title_friend: Igrawen n usnifel n imdukal-ik
title_nearby: Igrawen n usnifel n iseqdacen iqeṛben
empty: Ulac agraw n usnifel yettwafen.
empty_area: Ulac agraw n ubeddel di temnaḍt-agi.
latest_edit_html: 'Asnifel aneggaru %{ago} :'
your location: Adig-ik
- friend: Amdakkel
- my friends: Imeddukal-iw
nearby users: Iseqdacen-nniḍen iqeṛben
- friends_changesets: Igrawen n usnifel n yidukkal
- friends_diaries: Inekcam n uɣmis n yimdukkal
nearby_changesets: Ihrawen n usnifel n iseqdacen iqeṛben
nearby_diaries: Inekcam n uɣmis n iseqdacen iqeṛben
use_map_link: Seqdec takarḍa
title: Iɣmisen n yiseqdacen
- title_friends: Iɣmisen n yimeddukal
title_nearby: Iɣmisen n yiseqdacen iqeṛben
user_title: Aɣmis n %{user}
in_language_title: Inekcam n uɣmis s %{language}
title: Imagraden n iɣmisen OpenStreetMap
description: Imagraden inegguran n iɣmisen n iseqdacen OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Amagrad
- when: Melmi
- comment: Awennit
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Rnu %{user} d amdakkel?
- button: Rnu d aseqdac
- success: '%{name} d amdakkel-ik tura!'
- already_a_friend: Telliḍ yakan d amdakul n %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Kkes %{user} seg yimdukkal?
- button: Kkes seg imdukkal
- success: '%{name} yettwakkes seg yimdukkal.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ur yelli ara d amdakkel.'
header: '%{from_user} yuzen-ak-d izen si OpenStreetMap s usentel %{subject} :'
footer_html: Tzemreḍ daɣen ad teɣreḍ izen di %{readurl} sakin ad tizmireḍ ad
terreḍ i %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Azul %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} yerna-k d amdakkel'
- had_added_you: '%{user} yerna-k d amdakkel di OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: 'Tzemred ad twaliḍ amaɣnu-is dagi : %{userurl}.'
- befriend_them: 'Tzemred daɣed ad tt-rnuḍ-t d amdakkel dagi : %{befriendurl}.'
failed_to_import: 'ur d-yettwakter ara. Hatta tuccḍa:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Akter GPX ur yeddi ara'
unread_button: Creḍ yettwaɣra
destroy_button: Kkes
back: Uɣal
- mark:
- as_read: Izen yettwacred yettwaɣra
- as_unread: Izen yettwacred ur yettwaɣra ara
destroyed: Izen yettwakkes
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Izen yettwacred yettwaɣra
+ destroy:
+ notice: Izen yettwacred ur yettwaɣra ara
my_inbox: Tanaka-iw n urmas
heading: Asekles GPX n war tuqqna
message: Anagraw n usekles d tuzna n ifuyla GPX ulac-it tura.
- georss:
- title: Lǧerrat GPS n OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Afaylu GPX s %{count} n tneqqiḍt n %{user}
- other: Afaylu GPX s %{count} n tneqqiḍin n %{user}
- description_without_count: Afaylu GPX n %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Lǧerrat GPS n OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Afaylu GPX s %{count} n tneqqiḍt n %{user}
+ other: Afaylu GPX s %{count} n tneqqiḍin n %{user}
+ description_without_count: Afaylu GPX n %{user}
cookies_needed: Yettban d akken inagan n tuqqna nsan ɣef iminig-ik. Rmed-iten
edits: Tiẓrigin
traces: Lǧeṛṛat
notes: Tizmilin n tkarḍa
- remove as friend: Kkes seg imdukkal
- add as friend: Rnu amdakkel
ct status: 'Tiwtilin n iwiziw:'
ct declined: Yettwagi
email address: 'Tansa imayl:'
summary_html: '%{name} yettwarna si %{ip_address} di %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} yettwarna di %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Melmi
+ comment: Awennit
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Amagrad
title: Amiḍan yettwaseḥbes
heading: Amiḍan yettwaseḥbes
current email address: Ағымдағы е-пошта мекенжайы
link text: бұл не?
- public editing:
- heading: Жария өңдеу
- enabled link text: бұл не?
- disabled link text: Неге өзгерістер енгізе алмаймын?
contributor terms:
heading: Жобаға қатысу шарттары
link text: бұл не?
title: Өңдеме дестелері
title_user: '%{user} жасаған өңдемелер дестелері'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} жасаған өңдеме дестелері'
- title_friend: Достарымның өңдемелер дестелері
load_more: Көбірек жүктеу
title: Өңдеме дестесі %{id}
closed: Жабық
belongs_to: Автор
- heading:
- title: Өңдеме дестесі %{id}
title: 'Өңдеме дестесі: %{id}'
discussion: Талқылау
nodes: Нүктелер (%{count})
ways: Сызықтар (%{count})
relations: Қатынастар (%{count})
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ heading:
+ title: Өңдеме дестесі %{id}
km away: Бұдан %{count} км жерде
m away: Бұдан %{count} м жерде
your location: Орналасқан жеріңіз
- friend: Дос
title: Ақпарат панелім
- my friends: Достарым
- friends_changesets: достардың өңдеме дестелері
- friends_diaries: Достардың күнделік жазбалары
title: Жаңа күнделік жазбасы
location: Орналасуы
title: Қолданушылардың күнделіктері
- title_friends: Достардың күнделіктері
user_title: '%{user} күнделігі'
in_language_title: '%{language} тіліндегі күнделік жазбалары'
new: Жаңа күнделік жазбасы
confirm: Құптау
button: Талқыға жазылу
- diary_comments:
- page:
- when: Қашан
- comment: Пікір
title: Файл табылмады
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} достарға қосу керек пе?'
- button: Достарға қосу
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} достардан жою керек пе?'
- button: Достардан жою
- success: '%{name} достардан жойылды.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} досыңыз емес.'
hi: Сәлеметсіз бе, %{to_user},
header: 'OpenStreetMap қолданушысы %{from_user} сізге хат жіберді. Тақырыбы:
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Сәлеметсіз бе, %{to_user},
hi: Сәлеметсіз бе, %{to_user},
unread_button: Оқылмаған деп белгілеу
destroy_button: Жою
back: Артқа
- mark:
- as_read: Хатқа оқылды деген белгі қойдыңыз
- as_unread: Хатқа оқылмады деген белгі қойдыңыз
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Хатқа оқылды деген белгі қойдыңыз
+ destroy:
+ notice: Хатқа оқылмады деген белгі қойдыңыз
from: Кімнен
send message: Хат жіберу
diary: Күнделік
traces: Бағдарлары
- remove as friend: Достардан жою
mapper since: 'Тіркелген күні:'
title: Қолданушылар
heading: Қолданушылар
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Қашан
+ comment: Пікір
title: កែប្រែគណនី
- public editing:
- disabled link text: មូលហេតុអ្វី ខ្ញុំមិនអាចកែប្រែបាន?
success_confirm_needed: ព័ត៌មានអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ បានបន្ទាន់សម័យដោយជោគជ័យ។ សូមពិនិត្យមើលអ៊ីមែលរបស់អ្នក
title: សំណុំបន្លាស់ប្ដូរ
title_user: សំណុំបន្លាស់ប្ដូរធ្វើដោយ %{user}
- title_friend: សំណុំបន្លាស់ប្ដូរធ្វើដោយមិត្តភក្ដិខ្ញុំ
title_nearby: សំណុំបន្លាស់ប្ដូរធ្វើដោយអ្នកប្រើប្រាស់ក្បែរៗអ្នក
empty: រកមិនឃើញសំណុំបន្លាស់ប្ដូរទេ។
empty_area: គ្មានសំណុំបន្លាស់ប្ដូរនៅក្នុងតំបន់នេះទេ។
km away: ចម្ងាយ %{count} គ.ម.
m away: ចម្ងាយ %{count} ម.
- show:
- no friends: អ្នកមិនទាន់បានបន្ថែមមិត្តណាមួយនៅឡើយទេ។
title: ប្រកាសកំណត់ហេតុថ្មី
use_map_link: ប្រើផែនទី
title: កំណត់ហេតុរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់
- title_friends: កំណត់ហេតុរបស់មិត្តភក្ដិ
title_nearby: កំណត់ហេតុរបស់អ្នកប្រើប្រាស់នៅក្បែរៗ
user_title: កំណត់ហេតុរបស់ %{user}
in_language_title: ប្រកាសន៍កំណត់ហេតុជា %{language}
confirm: បញ្ជាក់
location: ទីតាំង៖
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: '%{name} ឥឡូវនេះជាមិត្តរបស់អ្នក។'
- failed: អភ័យទោស, បរាជ័យក្នុងការបន្ដែម %{name} ជាមិត្ត។
- already_a_friend: អ្នកគឺជាមិត្តជាមួយ %{name} រួចហើយ។
- remove_friend:
- not_a_friend: '%{name} មិនមែនជាមិត្តរបស់អ្នកទេ។'
hi: សួស្ដី %{to_user},
hi: សួស្ដី %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} បានបន្ថែមអ្នកជាមិត្ត'
- had_added_you: '%{user} បានបន្ថែមអ្នកជាមិត្តនៅ [OpenStreetMap] ។'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: អ្នកអាចមើលប្រវត្តិរូបរបស់ពួកគេនៅ %{userurl} និងបន្ថែមពួកគេជាមិត្តរបស់អ្នកវិញបើអ្នកចង់។
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] សូមស្វាគមន៍មកកាន់ OpenStreetMap'
my edits: កំណែប្រែរបស់ខ្ញុំ
edits: កំណែប្រែ
- remove as friend: ដកចេញជាមិត្ត
- add as friend: បន្ថែមជាមិត្ត
title: កំណត់សម្គាល់៖ %{id}
external auth: ಬಾಹ್ಯ ದೃಢೀಕರಣ
link text: ಇದು ಏನು?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: ಇದು ಏನು?
contributor terms:
link text: ಇದು ಏನು?
save changes button: ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಿ
title: ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳು
title_user: '%{user}ಅವರಿಂದಾದ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳು'
- title_friend: ನನ್ನ ಗೆಳೆಯರಿಂದಾದ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳು
title_nearby: ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಂದಾದ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳು
empty: ಯಾವುದೇ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳು ಸಿಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ.
empty_area: ಈ ಪ್ರದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವುದೇ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳಿಲ್ಲ.
m away: '%{count} ಮೀ ದೂರ'
your location: ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ಥಳ
- friend: ಗೆಳೆಯ
- show:
- my friends: ನನ್ನ ಗೆಳೆಯರು
- no friends: ನೀವು ಇನ್ನೂ ಯಾವ ಗೆಳೆಯರನ್ನೂ ಸೇರಿಸಿಲ್ಲ.
title: ದಿನಚರಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹೊಸದಾದ ದಾಖಲೆ
use_map_link: ನಕ್ಷೆ ಬಳಸು
title: ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ದಿನಚರಿಗಳು
- title_friends: ಗೆಳೆಯರ ದಿನಚರಿಗಳು
title_nearby: ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ದಿನಚರಿಗಳು
user_title: '%{user}ರ ದಿನಚರಿ'
in_language_title: ದಿನಚರಿ ದಾಖಲಾತಿ %{language}ನಲ್ಲಿ
description: ಓಪನ್ಸ್ಟ್ರೀಟ್ಮ್ಯಾಪ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ %{user} ಅವರ ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ದಿನಚರಿ ದಾಖಲಾತಿಗಳು
title: '%{language_name} ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಓಪನ್ಸ್ಟ್ರೀಟ್ಮ್ಯಾಪ್ನ ದಿನಚರಿ ದಾಖಲಾತಿಗಳು'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ
- when: ಯಾವಾಗ
- comment: ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರಾಗಿ ಸೇರಿಸಿ
unread_button: ಓದಿಲ್ಲವೆಂದು ಗುರುತು ಮಾಡಿ
destroy_button: ಅಳಿಸು
back: ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ
- mark:
- as_read: ಸಂದೇಶ ಓದಾಲಾಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಗುರುತು ಮಾಡಿ
- as_unread: ಸಂದೇಶ ಓದಾಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ ಎಂದು ಗುರುತು ಮಾಡಿ
destroyed: ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ ಹಾಕಲಾಗಿದೆ
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: ಸಂದೇಶ ಓದಾಲಾಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಗುರುತು ಮಾಡಿ
+ destroy:
+ notice: ಸಂದೇಶ ಓದಾಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ ಎಂದು ಗುರುತು ಮಾಡಿ
from: ಇಂದ
my messages: ನನ್ನ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು
edits: ಸಂಪಾದನೆಗಳು
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: ಯಾವಾಗ
+ comment: ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ
created: 'ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ:'
external auth: 외부 인증
link text: 무엇인가요?
- public editing:
- heading: 공개 편집
- enabled: 활성화했습니다. 익명이 아니며 데이터를 편집할 수 있습니다.
- enabled link text: 무엇인가요?
- disabled: 바활성화되어 데이터를 편집할 수 없으며, 모든 이전 편집은 익명입니다.
- disabled link text: 왜 편집할 수 없나요?
contributor terms:
heading: 기여자 약관
agreed: 새 기여자 약관에 동의했습니다.
readable_summary: 해석 요약본
informal_translations: 비공식 번역
continue: 계속
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: 취소
you need to accept or decline: 계속하려면 새 기여자 약관을 읽고 나서 동의나 거부하세요.
legale_select: '거주 국가:'
france: 프랑스
italy: 이탈리아
rest_of_world: 나머지 국가
+ update:
+ terms accepted: 새 기여자 약관에 동의해 주셔서 감사합니다!
terms_declined_html: 새 기여자 약관에 동의하지 않기로 결정하셨습니다. 자세한 내용은 %{terms_declined_link}를
title: 바뀜집합
title_user: '%{user}님의 바뀜집합'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link}님의 바뀜집합'
- title_friend: 내 친구의 바뀜집합
title_nearby: 근처 사용자의 바뀜집합
empty: 찾는 바뀜집합이 없습니다.
empty_area: 이 지역에 바뀜집합이 없습니다.
created: 만들어짐
closed: 닫힘
belongs_to: 저자
- subscribe:
- heading: 다음 바뀜집합 토론을 구독하시겠습니까?
- button: 토론 구독
- unsubscribe:
- heading: 다음 바뀜집합 토론의 구독을 취소하시겠습니까?
- button: 토론 구독 취소
- heading:
- title: 바뀜집합 %{id}
- created_by_html: '%{created}에 의해 %{link_user}이(가) 생성되었습니다.'
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'id에 해당하는 엔트리 없음: %{id}'
title: '바뀜집합: %{id}'
created: '생성 시기: %{when}'
relations_paginated: 관계(%{count}개 중 %{x}-%{y})
sorry: 죄송합니다, 요청하는 바뀜집합 목록을 가져오는 데 너무 오래 걸렸습니다.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: 다음 바뀜집합 토론을 구독하시겠습니까?
+ button: 토론 구독
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: 다음 바뀜집합 토론의 구독을 취소하시겠습니까?
+ button: 토론 구독 취소
+ heading:
+ title: 바뀜집합 %{id}
+ created_by_html: '%{created}에 의해 %{link_user}이(가) 생성되었습니다.'
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'id에 해당하는 엔트리 없음: %{id}'
km away: '%{count}km 거리'
your location: 내 위치
nearby mapper: 근처 매퍼
- friend: 친구
title: 내 대시보드
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link}을 하여 집 위치를 설정하면 주변 사용자를 볼 수 있습니다.'
edit_your_profile: 내 프로파일 편집
- my friends: 내 친구
- no friends: 아직 어떠한 친구도 추가하지 않았습니다.
nearby users: 기타 근처 사용자
no nearby users: 아직 근처에 매핑을 인정하는 다른 사용자가 없습니다.
- friends_changesets: 친구의 바뀜집합
- friends_diaries: 친구의 일기 항목
nearby_changesets: 근처 사용자의 바뀜집합
nearby_diaries: 근처 사용자의 일기 항목
use_map_link: 지도 사용
title: 사용자의 일기
- title_friends: 친구의 일기
title_nearby: 근처 사용자의 일기
user_title: '%{user}의 일기'
in_language_title: '%{language}의 일기 항목'
button: 토론 구독
button: 토론 구독 취소
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: '%{user}님이 추가한 일기 댓글'
- heading: '%{user}의 일기 댓글'
- subheading_html: '%{user}님이 추가한 일기 댓글'
- no_comments: 일기 댓글이 없습니다.
- page:
- post: 게시물
- when: 날짜
- comment: 의견
title: 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다
description: 오픈스트리트맵 서버에서 해당 이름으로 파일/디렉토리/API 작업을 찾을 수 없습니다(HTTP 404).
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} 님을 친구로 추가할까요?'
- button: 친구 추가
- success: '%{name}님은 이제 친구입니다!'
- failed: 죄송합니다, %{name}님을 친구로 추가하는 데 실패했습니다.
- already_a_friend: 이미 %{name}님과 친구입니다.
- limit_exceeded: 최근에 많은 사용자와 친구가 되었습니다. 친구 추가를 시도하기 전에 잠시 기다리십시오.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user}님을 친구 제거할까요?'
- button: 친구 제거
- success: '%{name}님을 친구에서 제거했습니다.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name}님은 친구가 아닙니다.'
header_html: '%{from_user}님이 오픈스트리트맵을 통해 %{subject} 제목으로 된 메시지를 보냈습니다:'
footer: 또한 %{readurl}에서 메시지를 읽을 수 있고 %{replyurl}에서 저자에게 메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다.
footer_html: 또한 %{readurl}에서 메시지를 읽을 수 있고 %{replyurl}에서 저자에게 메시지를 보낼 수 있습니다.
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: 안녕하세요 %{to_user}님,
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user}님이 당신을 친구로 추가했습니다'
- had_added_you: '%{user}님이 당신을 오픈스트리트맵 친구로 추가했습니다.'
see_their_profile: '%{userurl}에서 그들의 프로필을 볼 수 있습니다.'
see_their_profile_html: '%{userurl}에서 그들의 프로필을 볼 수 있습니다.'
- befriend_them: 또한 %{befriendurl}에서 친구로 추가할 수 있습니다.
- befriend_them_html: 또한 %{befriendurl}에서 친구로 추가할 수 있습니다.
details: '파일 세부 정보:'
filename: 파일 이름
tags: 태그
hi: 안녕하세요 %{to_user}님,
- failed_to_import: '가져오기에 실패했습니다. 오류는 다음과 같습니다:'
+ failed_to_import: GPS 트레이스로 파일을 가져오지 못한 것 같습니다.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX 가져오기 실패'
hi: 안녕하세요 %{to_user}님,
back: 뒤로
wrong_user: '''%{user}''님으로 로그인하고 있지만 읽기를 요청한 메시지가 해당 사용자에게 보내지지 않았습니다. 읽으려면
올바른 사용자로 로그인하세요.'
- mark:
- as_read: 메시지를 읽은 것으로 표시
- as_unread: 메시지를 읽지 않은 것으로 표시
destroyed: 메시지가 삭제됨
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: 메시지를 읽은 것으로 표시
+ destroy:
+ notice: 메시지를 읽지 않은 것으로 표시
my_inbox: 받은 쪽지함
preview: 미리 보기
help: 도움말
+ changeset_comments:
+ newer: 새 의견
older: 이전 의견
newer: 새 의견
heading: GPX 저장소 오프라인
message: GPX 파일 저장소와 올리기 시스템은 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS 궤적
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: '%{user}에서의 점 %{count}개로 된 GPX 파일'
- other: '%{user}에서의 점 %{count}개으로 된 GPX 파일'
- description_without_count: '%{user}에서의 GPX 파일'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS 궤적
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: '%{user}에서의 점 %{count}개로 된 GPX 파일'
+ other: '%{user}에서의 점 %{count}개으로 된 GPX 파일'
+ description_without_count: '%{user}에서의 GPX 파일'
permission_denied: 이 작업에 접근할 권한이 없습니다
privacy_policy_title: 이메일 주소 섹션을 포함한 OSMF 개인 정보 보호 정책
contributor_terms: 기여자 약관
continue: 가입하기
- terms accepted: 새 기여자 약관에 동의해 주셔서 감사합니다!
privacy_policy: 개인정보처리방침
privacy_policy_title: 이메일 주소 섹션을 포함한 OSMF 개인 정보 보호 정책
edits: 편집
traces: 궤적
notes: 지도 참고
- remove as friend: 친구 제거
- add as friend: 친구 추가
mapper since: '가입일:'
last map edit: '마지막 지도 편집:'
no activity yet: 아직 활동이 없습니다
summary_html: '%{name}님이 %{date}에 %{ip_address}에서 만들어짐'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name}이(가) %{date}에 만들어짐'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: '%{user}님의 의견'
+ no_comments: 의견 없음
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: 날짜
+ comment: 의견
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user}님이 추가한 일기 댓글'
+ page:
+ post: 게시물
+ comment: 의견
title: 계정 정지
heading: 계정 정지
heading: Mer han keine Metmaacher, dä „%{user} “ heiße däät.
traces: Opnahme
- remove as friend: uß dä Frünndschaffs-Leß nämme
create_block: Donn heh dä Metmaacher schpärre
activate_user: Donn heh dä Metmaacher aktevehre
confirm_user: Donn heh dä Metmaacher beschtähtejje
external auth: Teyîdkirina xaricî
link text: Ev çi ye?
- public editing:
- heading: Guherandina ji her kesê re vekirî
- enabled: Çalak e. Ne anonîm e û dikare daneyan biguherîne.
- enabled link text: Ev çiye?
- disabled: Neçalak e û nikare daneyan biguherîne, hemû guherandinên berê anonîm
- in.
- disabled link text: Ez çima nikarim biguherînim?
contributor terms:
heading: Şertên beşdariyê
agreed: Te Şertên Beşdariyê ya nû qebûl kir
france: Frensa
italy: Îtalya
rest_of_world: Cihên din ên dinyayê
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Em spasiya te dikin ji bo ku te şertên beşdariyê yê nû qebûl
+ kirǃ
terms_declined_html: Em xengîn bûn ji ber te qerar da ku Şertûmercên Bikaranînê
qebûl nekî. Ji bo agahiyên zêdetir, ji kerema xwe binêre %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Desteya guhartinan
title_user: Desteyên guhartinan yên ji alî %{user} ve
title_user_link_html: Desteyên guhartinan yên ji alî %{user_link} ve
- title_friend: Desteyên guhartinan yên ji aliyê hevalên te ve
title_nearby: Desteyên guhartinan yên ji alî bikarhênerên nêz ve
empty: Desteyên guhartinan nehate dîtin.
empty_area: Li vê derê desteyên guhartinan tine ne.
your location: Cihê te
nearby mapper: Nexşesazên nêz
- friend: Heval
title: Panela Kontrolê
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} û cihê mala xwe saz bike ji bo
dîtina bikarhênerên nêzî xwe.'
edit_your_profile: Profîla xwe biguherîne
- my friends: Hevalên min
- no friends: Te hêj ji xwe re hevalek çênekiriye.
nearby users: Bikarhênerên din ên nêz
no nearby users: Li nêzî te bikarhênerekî din yê ku cihê xwe diyar kiribe tine
- friends_changesets: desteyên guhartinan yên hevalan
- friends_diaries: nivîsên rojane yên hevalan
nearby_changesets: desteyên guhartinan yên bikarhênerên nêz
nearby_diaries: nivîsên rojane yên bikarhênerên nêz
use_map_link: Nexşeyê bi kar bîne
title: Rojnivîskên bikarhêneran
- title_friends: Rojnivîskên hevalan
title_nearby: Rojnivîskên Bikarhênerên nêzîk
user_title: Rojnivîska %{user}
in_language_title: Nivîsên Rojane yên bi %{language}
title: Nivîsên rojane yên OpenStreetMapê
description: Nivîsên rojane yên bikarhênerên OpenStreetMapê
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Şîroveyên Rojnivîskê ji aliyê %{user} ve hatiye kirin
- heading: Şîroveyên Rojnivîskê yên %{user}
- subheading_html: Şîroveyên Rojnivîskê ji aliyê %{user} ve hatiye tevlîkirin
- no_comments: Ti şîroveyeke rojnivîskê nîne
- page:
- post: Nivîs
- when: Kengê
- comment: Şîrove
title: Dosye peyda nebû
description: Ti kiryara dosye/pelrêç/APIyê peyda nebû bi wê navê li ser servera
OpenStreetMapê (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Bila %{user} li hevalên te were zêdekirin?
- button: Bibe heval
- success: '%{name} niha hevalê te yeǃ'
- failed: Bibore, %{name} li hevalên te nikarîbû were zêdekirin.
- already_a_friend: Tu bi %{name} re jixwe heval î.
- limit_exceeded: Te vê dawiyê bi gelek bikarhêneran re bû heval. Ji kerema xwe
- berî ku hevalbûna bi zêdetir bikarhêneran re biceribînî, hinekî bêhna xwe
- vede.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Bila %{user} ji hevaltiyê were derxistin?
- button: Ji hevaltiyê derxe
- success: '%{name} ji hevalên te hate derxistin.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ne hevalekî/eke te ye.'
dikarî bersiv bidî ê go ji te re şand.
footer_html: Tu dikarî peyamê li ser %{readurl} jî bixwînî û li ser %{replyurl}
jî dikarî cewab bidî ê ku ji te re şand.
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Merheba %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} te wek heval lê zêde kir'
- had_added_you: Bikarhêner %{user} li ser OpenStreetMapê te wek heval lê zêde
- kir.
see_their_profile: Ji ser %{userurl} dikarî binêrî profîlê wan.
see_their_profile_html: Ji ser %{userurl} dikarî binêrî profîlê wan.
- befriend_them: Herwiha ji ser %{befriendurl} wan dikarî wek heval lê zêde bikî.
- befriend_them_html: Herwiha ji ser %{befriendurl} wan dikarî wek heval lê zêde
- bikî.
hi: Merheba %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'anîna dosyeyê bi ser neket. Çewtî ev e:'
wrong_user: Te wek `%{user}' têket, lê peyama ku dihate xwestin ku tu wê bixwînî
ji aliyê wî/wê bikarhênerê ve an jî ji wî/wê bikarhênerê re nehatiye şandin.
Xêra xwe ji bo xwendinê wekî bikarhênerê rast têkeve.
- mark:
- as_read: Peyam wek xwendî hate nîşankirin
- as_unread: Peyam wek nexwendî hate nîşankirin
destroyed: Payam hate jêbirin
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Peyam wek xwendî hate nîşankirin
+ destroy:
+ notice: Peyam wek nexwendî hate nîşankirin
my_inbox: Qutiya min a hatiyan
heading: Xizmeta depokirinê ya dosyeyên GPXê offline ye
message: Sîstema barkirin û depokirina dosyeyên GPXê niha neberdest e
- georss:
- title: Şopên GPSê yê OpenStreetMapê
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Dosyeya GPXê yê bi %{count} nuqteyê ya ji %{user}
- other: Dosyeya GPXê yê bi %{count} nuqteyan ya ji %{user}
- description_without_count: Dosyeya GPXê yê ji %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Şopên GPSê yê OpenStreetMapê
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Dosyeya GPXê yê bi %{count} nuqteyê ya ji %{user}
+ other: Dosyeya GPXê yê bi %{count} nuqteyan ya ji %{user}
+ description_without_count: Dosyeya GPXê yê ji %{user}
permission_denied: Destûra te tine ji bo gihîna vê kiryarê
display name description: Navê te yê ku ji her kesê re tê xuyan. Tu paşê dikarî
vê navê ji hevyazên xwe biguherînî.
continue: Qeyd bibe
- terms accepted: Em spasiya te dikin ji bo ku te şertên beşdariyê yê nû qebûl
- kirǃ
use external auth: An bi yek ji aplîkasyonên alîyê sêyem qeyd bibe
title: Bikarhênerek wek vê tine
edits: Guhartin
traces: Şop
notes: Notên nexşeyê
- remove as friend: Ji hevaltiyê derxe
- add as friend: Bibe heval
mapper since: Destpêka nexşesaziyêː
ct status: Şertên beşdariyêː
ct undecided: Bêqerar
summary_html: '%{name} ji aliyê %{ip_address} ve di %{date} de hate çêkirin'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} di %{date} de hate çêkirin'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kengê
+ comment: Şîrove
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Şîroveyên Rojnivîskê ji aliyê %{user} ve hatiye kirin
+ page:
+ post: Nivîs
title: Hesab hatiye rawestandin
heading: Hesab hatiye rawestandin
- friendly: '%e %B %Y um %H:%M Auer'
+ friendly: '%-d. %B %Y um %H:%M Auer'
+ blog: '%-d. %B %Y'
prompt: Fichier eraussichen
create: Spären
update: Spär aktualiséieren
+ errors:
+ models:
+ user_mute:
+ is_already_muted: ass scho stommgeschalt
acl: Zougrëffssteierlëscht
changeset: Set vun Ännerungen
external auth: Extern Authentifikatioun
link text: wat ass dat?
- public editing:
- heading: Ëffentlecht Beaarbechten
- enabled: Aktivéiert. Net anonym a kann Daten änneren.
- enabled link text: wat ass dëst?
- disabled: Déaktivéiert an kann keng Daten änneren, all vireg Beaarbeschtungen
- sinn anonym.
- disabled link text: Firwat kann ech net änneren?
contributor terms:
heading: Bedéngungen fir Matwierkender
agreed: Dir hutt den neien Bedéngungen fir Matwierkender zougestëmmt.
delete_account: Benotzerkont läschen...
heading: Ëffentlecht Beaarbechten
+ find_out_why: fannt eraus firwat
make_edits_public_button: All meng Ännerunge ëffentlech maachen
success_confirm_needed: Benotzerinformatioun aktualiséiert. Checkt Är E-Mail
consider_pd: Zousätzlech zu den uewe genannte Konditioune betruechten ech
meng Bäiträg als gemengfräi (domaine public).
consider_pd_why: wat ass dat?
+ informal_translations: informell Iwwersetzungen
continue: Weider
cancel: Ofbriechen
legale_select: 'Sicht wgl. d''Land eraus wou Dir wunnt:'
terms_declined_link: dës Wiki-Säit
+ deleted_ago_by_html: '%{time_ago} vum %{user} geläscht'
+ edited_ago_by_html: '%{time_ago} vum %{user} geännert'
version: Versioun
in_changeset: Set vun Ännerungen
anonymous: anonym
title: Net fonnt
title: Zäitdepassementsfeeler
- sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, 'Donnéeën fir %{type} mat der ID %{id}
- ofzeruffen.
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, d'Donnéeë fir den Objet vum Typ %{type}
+ mat der ID %{id} opzeruffen.
node: Knuet
way: Wee
title: Objetsoffro
introduction: Klick op d'Kaart, fir Objeten an der Noperschaft ze fannen.
nearby: Objeten an der Noperschaft
- enclosing: Ëmschléißend Objeten
+ enclosing: Ëmschléissend Objeten
title_html: 'Versioune vun der Relatioun: %{name}'
- sorry: 'Entschëllegt, den Node #%{id} konnt net fonnt ginn.'
+ sorry: 'De Knuet #%{id} gouf leider net fonnt.'
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, d'Donnéeë fir de Knuet mat der ID %{id}
+ opzeruffen.
+ old_nodes:
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'De Knuet #%{id}, Versioun %{version}, gouf leider net fonnt.'
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, den Historique vum Knuet mat der ID
+ %{id} opzeruffen.
- sorry: 'Entschëllegt, de Wee #%{id} konnt net fonnt ginn.'
+ sorry: 'De Wee #%{id} gouf leider net fonnt.'
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, d'Donnéeë fir de Wee mat der ID %{id}
+ opzeruffen.
+ old_ways:
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'De Wee #%{id}, Versioun %{version}, gouf leider net fonnt.'
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, den Historique vum Wee mat der ID %{id}
+ opzeruffen.
- sorry: 'Entschëllegt, d''Relatioun #%{id} konnt net fonnt ginn.'
+ sorry: 'D''Relatioun #%{id} gouf leider net fonnt.'
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, d'Donnéeë fir d'Relatioun mat der ID
+ %{id} opzeruffen.
+ old_relations:
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'D''Relatioun #%{id}, Versioun %{version}, gouf leider net fonnt.'
+ timeout:
+ sorry: Et huet leider ze laang gedauert, den Historique vun der Relatioun mat
+ der ID %{id} opzeruffen.
- comment: 'Neien Diskussiounsbäitrag zum Ännerungssaz #%{changeset_id} vun
+ comment: 'Neien Diskussiounsbäitrag zum Ännerungssaz #%{changeset_id} vum
commented_at_by_html: '%{when} vum %{user} aktualiséiert'
title_all: Diskussioun iwwer den OpenStreetMap-Ännerungssaz
title_particular: 'Diskussioun iwwer den OpenStreetMap-Ännerungssaz #%{changeset_id}'
- sorry: Leider ass d'Lëscht mat de Commentairë vun den Ännerungssätz, déis
- du ugefuerdert hues, fir den Ofruff ze laang.
+ sorry: Leider huet et ze laang gedauert fir d'Lëscht mat de Commentairë vun
+ den Ännerungssätz, déi Dir ugefrot hutt, opzeruffen.
no_edits: (keng Ännerungen)
title: Sette vun Ännerungen
title_user: Sette vun Ännerunge vum %{user}
title_user_link_html: Ännerunge vum %{user_link}
- title_friend: Ännerungs-Sette vu menge Frënn
title_nearby: Gruppe vun Ännerunge vu Benotzer nobäi
empty: Keng Gruppe vun Ännerunge fonnt.
empty_area: Keng Gruppe vun Ännerungen an dëser Géigend.
sorry: 'Entschëllegt, den Changeset #%{id} konnt net fonnt ginn.'
sorry: Et leider ze laang gedauert, déi ugefuerdert Ännerungssätz ofzeruffen.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Déi follgend Ännerungssaz-Diskussioun abonéieren?
+ button: Diskussioun abonéieren
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Déi follgend Ännerungssaz-Diskussioun ofbestellen?
+ button: Diskussioun ofbestellen
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Keen Antrag mat der ID: %{id}'
km away: '%{count} km ewech'
your location: Äre Standuert
nearby mapper: Mapper an der Emgéigend
- friend: Frënn
title: Meng Iwwersiichtssäit
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} a lee deng Heemecht fest, fir Benotzer
an der Noperschaft ze gesinn.'
edit_your_profile: Äre Profil änneren
- my friends: Meng Frënn
- no friends: Dir hutt nach keng Frënn derbäigesat.
nearby users: Aner Benotzer nobäi
no nearby users: Et gi keng aner Benotzer déi hiren Standort an der Géigend
- friends_changesets: Ännerungssätz vun dénge Frënn
- friends_diaries: Blogs vun denge Frënn
nearby_changesets: Ännerungssätz vu Benotzer an der Noperschaft
nearby_diaries: Blogs vun Benotzer an der Emgéigend.
use_map_link: Kaart benotzen
title: Blogge vun de Benotzer
- title_friends: Blogge vun dénge Frënn
title_nearby: Blogge vu Benotzer an dénger Noperschaft
user_title: Blog vum %{user}
in_language_title: Blog-Anträg op %{language}
title: Blogantrag net fonnt
heading: Kee Blogantrag mat der Nummer %{id}
- body: Mir konnte leider kee Blogantrag oder Commentaire mat der Nummer %{id}
- fannen. Du hues dech méiglecherweis vertippt oder hues en ongëltege Link opgemaach.
+ body: Leider gëtt et kee Blogantrag oder Commentaire mat der ID %{id}. Dir hutt
+ Iech méiglecherweis vertippt oder op en ongültege Link geklickt.
posted_by_html: Vum %{link_user} matgedeelt de(n) %{created} op %{language_link}.
updated_at_html: Lescht Aktualiséierung de(n) %{updated}
title: OpenStreetMap Blogbäiträg
description: Neiest Bloganträg vun OpenStreetMap-Benotzer
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Tagebuch Kommentarer bäigefüügt vum %{user}
- heading: '%{user}''s Tagebuch Kommentarer'
- subheading_html: Tagebuch Kommentarer bäigefüügt vum %{user}
- no_comments: Keng Blog-Commentairen
- page:
- post: Blogantrag
- when: Wéini
- comment: Bemierkung
+ subscribe:
+ button: Diskussioun abonéieren
+ unsubscribe:
+ button: Diskussioun ofbestellen
notice: Applikatioun registréiert.
+ scopes:
+ address: Är physesch Adress weisen
+ email: Är E-Mail-Adress weisen
+ openid: Äre Kont authentifizéieren
+ phone: Är Telefonsnummer weisen
+ profile: Är Profilinformatioune weisen
contact_url_title: Erklärung vu verschiddene Kontaktkanäl
contact_the_community_html: Dir kënnt gären d'OpenStreetMap-Communautéit %{contact_link},
wann Dir ee futtisse Link oder e Feeler fannt. Notéiert Iech déi exakt URL
vun Ärer Ufro.
+ bad_request:
+ title: Ongülteg Ufro
+ description: D'Operatioun, déi Dir um OpenStreetMap-Server ugefrot hutt, ass
+ ongülteg (HTTP 400)
title: Verbueden
+ description: D'Operatioun, déi Dir um OpenStreetMap-Server ugefrot hutt, ass
+ nëmme fir Administrateure verfügbar (HTTP 403)
title: Fichier gouf net fonnt
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} als Frënd derbäisetzen?'
- button: Als Frënd derbäisetzen
- success: '%{name} ass elo Äre Frënd!'
- failed: Pardon, %{name} konnt net als Frënd derbäigesat ginn.
- already_a_friend: Dir sidd schonn de Frënd vum %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Du hues dech a leschter Zäit mat ville Benotzer ugefrënnt. Wannechgelift
- waart eng Zäit, iers de versichs, weider Frënn ze fannen.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Frënd %{user} ewechmaachen?
- button: Frënd ewechmaachen
- success: '%{name} gouf als Äre Frënd ewechgeholl.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ass kee vun Äre Frënn.'
wreck: Wrack
"yes": Historesch Plaz
+ board: Informatiounstafel
map: Kaart
+ office: Touristebüro
terminal: Informatiounsterminal
sign: Informatiounsschëld
intro: 'Iers de deng Meldung un d''Websäitmoderatore schécks, stell wannechgelift
sécher, datt:'
- not_just_mistake: Du bass dir sécher, datt däi Problem net nëmmen e Feeler
- ass.
- unable_to_fix: Du kanns dëse Problem selwer oder mat Hëllef vun eise Communautéitsmemberen
- net léisen
- resolve_with_user: Du hues ewell versicht, de Problem mam zoustännege Benotzer
- ze léisen.
+ not_just_mistake: Dir sidd Iech sécher, datt de Problem net nëmmen e Feeler
+ ass
+ unable_to_fix: Dir kritt de Problem net selwer oder mat der Hëllef vu Communautéitsmembere
+ geléist
+ resolve_with_user: Dir hutt ewell probéiert de Problem mam betraffene Benotzer
+ ze léisen
spam_label: Dëse Blogantrag ass/enthält Spam
header_html: '%{from_user} huet den OpenStreetMap-Blogantrag mam Theema %{subject}
- footer: Hei geet et zum Commentaire %{readurl}, du kanns e kommentéieren %{commenturl}
- oder dem Auteur ënner %{replyurl} äntferen.
- footer_html: Du kanns och de Commentaire ënner %{readurl} an en ënnert %{commenturl}
- kommentéieren oder dem Auteur ënner %{replyurl} e Message schécken.
+ footer: Dir kënnt de Commentaire och ënner %{readurl} liesen an Dir kënnt ënner
+ %{commenturl} kommentéieren oder dem Auteur ënner %{replyurl} e Message schécken
+ footer_html: Dir kënnt de Commentaire och ënner %{readurl} liesen an Dir kënnt
+ ënner %{commenturl} kommentéieren oder dem Auteur ënner %{replyurl} e Message
+ schécken
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{message_title}'
hi: Salut %{to_user},
header_html: '%{from_user} huet dir e Message iwwer OpenStreetMap mat dem Betreff
%{subject} geschéckt:'
- footer: Du kanns de Message och ënner %{readurl} liesen an dem Auteur ënner
- %{replyurl} äntferen
+ footer: Dir kënnt de Message och ënner %{readurl} liesen an Dir kënnt dem Auteur
+ ënner %{replyurl} e Message schécken
footer_html: Dir kënnt de Message och op %{readurl} liesen an Dir kënnt op %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Salut %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} huet dech als Frënd bäigefügt'
- had_added_you: '%{user} hat Iech als Frënd op OpenStreet Map derbäigesat.'
see_their_profile: Dir kënnt säin/hire Profil op %{userurl} kucken.
see_their_profile_html: Dir kënnt säin/hire Profil ënner %{userurl} kucken.
- befriend_them: Dir kënnt hien/si och als Frënd op %{befriendurl} derbäisetzen.
- befriend_them_html: Dir kënnt hien/si och als Frënd ënner %{befriendurl} derbäisetzen.
+ details: 'Detailer vun Ärem Fichier:'
+ filename: Numm vum Fichier
url: URL
description: Beschreiwung
+ total_points: Gesamtzuel vu Punkten
+ imported_points: Zuel vun importéierte Punkten
hi: Salut %{to_user},
- failed_to_import: 'konnt net importéiert ginn. Hei ass de Feeler:'
+ failed_to_import: Et schéngt, datt Äre Fichier net als GPS-Spuer konnt importéiert
+ ginn.
more_info_html: Weider Informatiounen iwwer Feeler bei GPX-Importer a wéi se
vermidde kënne gi fanne sech ënner %{url}
import_failures_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/LB:GPX
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-Import Feeler'
hi: Salut %{to_user},
+ imported_successfully: Et schéngt, datt Äre Fichier erfollegräich als GPS-Spuer
+ importéiert gouf.
+ all_your_traces: All Är erfollegräich importéiert GPX-Spuere fannt Dir ënner
+ %{url}
+ all_your_traces_html: All Är erfollegräich importéiert GPX-Spuere fannt Dir
+ ënner %{url}.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-Import erfollegräich'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Wëllkomm bei OpenStreetMap'
greeting: Moien!
- created: Iergendeen (hoffentlech du) huet grad bei %{site_url} e Benotzerkont
- erstallt
+ created: Iergendeen (hoffentlech Dir selwer) huet grad bei %{site_url} e Benotzerkont
+ ugeluecht.
confirm: Ier mir eppes ënnerhuelen, brauche mir eng Bestätegung, datt dës Ufro
vun dir staamt. Falls jo, klick wannechgelift op den ënne stoende Link, fir
däi Kont ze bestätegen.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Confirméiert Är E-Mailadress'
greeting: Salut,
- hopefully_you: Iergendeen (hoffentlech du) wëll seng E-Mail-Adress op %{server_url}
- zu %{new_address} änneren.
+ hopefully_you: Iergendeen (hoffentlech Dir selwer) wëll seng E-Mail-Adress op
+ %{server_url} op %{new_address} änneren.
click_the_link: Wann Dir dat sidd, da klickt op de Link hei drënner fir d'Ännerung
ze confirméieren.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Ufro fir d''Passwuert zréckzesetzen'
greeting: Salut,
- hopefully_you: Iergendeen (hoffentlech du) huet eng Zerécksetzung vum Passwuert
- fir den OpenStreetMap.org-Kont vun dëser E-Mail-Adress ugefuerdert.
+ hopefully_you: Iergendeen (hoffentlech Dir selwer) huet ugefrot fir d'Passwuert
+ vum openstreetmap.org-Kont vun dëser E-Mail-Adress zréckzesetzen.
click_the_link: Wann Dir dat sidd da klickt wgl. op de Link hei drënner fir
Äert Passwuert zréckzesetzen.
subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet ee vun déngen Hiweiser kommentéiert'
subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet en Hiweis kommentéiert,
- un deems du interesséiert bass'
+ un deem Dir interesséiert sidd'
your_note: '%{commenter} huet ee vun dir gemellten Hiweis an der Noperschaft
vu(n) %{place} kommentéiert.'
your_note_html: '%{commenter} huet ee vun dir gemellten Hiweis an der Noperschaft
vu(n) %{place} kommentéiert.'
- commented_note: '%{commenter} huet zu engem Hiweis, deens du kommentéiert
- has, e weidere Commentaire hannerluecht. Den Hiweis ass an der Noperschaft
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} huet zu engem Kaartenhiweis, deen Dir kommentéiert
+ hutt, e weidere Commentaire hannerluecht. Den Hiweis ass an der Géigend
vu(n) %{place}.'
- commented_note_html: '%{commenter} huet zu engem Hiweis, denns du kommentéiert
- has, e weidere Commentaire hannerluecht. Dësen Hiweis ass an der Noperschaft
+ commented_note_html: '%{commenter} huet zu engem Kaartenhiweis, deen Dir kommentéiert
+ hutt, e weidere Commentaire hannerluecht. Den Hiweis ass an der Géigend
vu(n) %{place}.'
subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet ee vun dengen Hiweiser kommentéiert'
subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet e gemellte Problem geléist,
- un deems du interesséiert bass.'
+ un deem Dir interesséiert sidd'
your_note: '%{commenter} huet ee vun Iech gemellte Problem an der Noperschaft
vu(n) %{place} geléist.'
your_note_html: '%{commenter} huet ee vun dir gemellte Problem an der Noperschaft
vu(n) %{place} geléist.'
- commented_note: '%{commenter} huet e Problem geléist, deens du kommentéiert
- has. Den Hiweis war an der Noperschaft vu(n) %{place}.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} huet e Kaartenhiweis geléist, deen Dir kommentéiert
+ hutt. Den Hiweis ass an der Géigend vu(n) %{place}.'
commented_note_html: '%{commenter} huet e Problem/Theema geléist, zu deem
Dir e Kommentar gemaach hutt. Den Hiweis war an der Géigend vu(n) %{place}.'
subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet ee vun dengen Hiweiser kommentéiert'
- subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet en Hiweis, un deems du interesséiert
- bass, reaktivéiert.'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet en Hiweis, un deem Dir interesséiert
+ sidd, reaktivéiert'
your_note: '%{commenter} huet ee vun Iech gemellte Problem an der Noperschaft
vu(n) %{place} geléist.'
your_note_html: '%{commenter} huet ee vun Iech gemellten Hiweis an der Noperschaft
vu(n) %{place} kommentéiert.'
- commented_note: '%{commenter} huet en Hiweis an der Noperschaft vu(n) %{place},
- deens du kommentéiert has, reaktivéiert.'
- commented_note_html: '%{commenter} huet en Hiweis an der Noperschaft vu(n)
- %{place}, deens du kommentéiert has, reaktivéiert.'
+ commented_note: '%{commenter} huet e Kaartenhiweis, deen Dir kommentéiert
+ hutt, reaktivéiert. Den Hiweis ass an der Géigend vu(n) %{place}.'
+ commented_note_html: '%{commenter} huet e Kaartenhiweis, deen Dir kommentéiert
+ hutt, reaktivéiert. Den Hiweis ass an der Géigend vu(n) %{place}.'
details: Äntweren oder méi gewuer ginn iwwer d'Notiz op %{url}.
- details_html: Méi Detailer iwwer d'Notiz fannt Dir op %{url}.
+ details_html: Äntwert oder gitt méi gewuer iwwer d'Notiz ënner %{url}.
hi: Salut %{to_user},
subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet ee vun dengen Ännerungssätz
subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} huet en Ännerungssaz kommentéiert,
- un deems du interesséiert bass'
+ un deem Dir interesséiert sidd'
your_changeset: '%{commenter} huet e Commentaire um %{time} zu engem vun dengen
Ännerungssätz hannerlooss'
your_changeset_html: '%{commenter} huet um %{time} zu engem vun dengen Ännerungssätz
en Diskussiounsbäitrag hannerlooss'
- commented_changeset: '%{commenter} huet en Diskussiounsbäitrag um %{time}
- zu engem Kaartenännerungssaz hannerlooss, deens du observéiert hues, erstallt
- vu(m) %{changeset_author}'
+ commented_changeset: '%{commenter} huet um %{time} e Commentaire zu engem
+ Ännerungssaz hannerlooss, deen Dir observéiert an dee vu(m) %{changeset_author}
+ ugeluecht gouf'
commented_changeset_html: '%{commenter} huet um %{time} en Diskussiounsbäitrag
zu engem vun dir observéierten Ännerungssaz vu(m) %{changeset_author} hannerlooss'
partial_changeset_with_comment: mat der Bemierkung „%{changeset_comment}“
heading: Iwwerpréift Är E-Mail!
introduction_1: Mir hunn Iech eng Confirmatiouns-E-Mail geschéckt.
- introduction_2: Wannechgelift bestäteg däi Benotzerkont, an deems du de Link
- an der Bestätegungs-E-Mail uklicks. Da kanns du domat ufänken, bei OpenStreetMap
- matzeschaffen.
+ introduction_2: Confirméiert wgl. Äre Benotzerkont, andeems Dir op de Link an
+ der E-Mail klickt, an da kënnt Dir domat ufänke bei OpenStreetMap matzeschaffen.
press confirm button: Klickt wgl. op de Knäppchen confirméieren fir Äre Benotzerkont
button: Confirméieren
confirmation_sent: Mir hunn eng nei Bestätegungsnotiz un %{email} geschéckt
a soubal Dir Äre Kont confirméiert hutt, kënnt Dir mam kartograféieren ufänken.
- whitelist: Wanns du en Antispam-System verwenns, dee Bestätegungsufroe sent,
- stell wannechgelift sécher, dass du %{sender} op eng Erlaabnislëscht setz,
- well mir keng Bestätegungsufroë beäntwere kënnen.
+ whitelist: Wann Dir en Antispam-System benotzt, dee Bestätegungsufroe verschéckt,
+ stellt wgl. sécher, datt Dir %{sender} op eng Erlaabnislëscht setzt, well
+ mir op keng Bestätegungsufroen äntwere kënnen.
title: Noriicht schécken
wrong_user: Dir sidd als '%{user}' ugemellt, awer d'Noriicht, déi Dir liese
wollt, gouf net vun an net un dëse Benotzer geschéckt. Mellt Iech wgl. mat
dem richtege Benotzerkont u fir se ze liesen.
- mark:
- as_read: Message als gelies markéiert
- as_unread: Message als net gelies markéiert
destroyed: Message geläscht
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Message als gelies markéiert
+ destroy:
+ notice: Message als net gelies markéiert
my_inbox: Mäi Postagang
my_outbox: Mäi Postausgang
+ muted_messages: Stommgeschalt Noriichten
from: Vu(n)
to: Un
one: '%{count} ale Message'
other: '%{count} al Messagen'
- no_messages_yet_html: Du hues nach keng Noriichte versent. Wëlls de mat %{people_mapping_nearby_link}
- Kontakt ophuelen?
+ no_messages_yet_html: Dir hutt nach keng Messagë verschéckt. Wëllt Dir mat
+ %{people_mapping_nearby_link} Kontakt ophuelen?
people_mapping_nearby: Mapperen an der Noperschaft
+ muted_inboxes:
+ show:
+ title: Stommgeschalt Noriichten
+ messages:
+ one: '%{count} stommgeschalte Message'
+ other: Dir hutt %{count} stommgeschalt Messagen
title: Outbox
- one: Du hues %{count} Noriicht gesent
- other: Du hues %{count} Noriichte gesent
- no_sent_messages_html: Du hues nach keng Noriichte versent. Wëlls de mat %{people_mapping_nearby_link}
- Kontakt ophuelen?
- people_mapping_nearby: Mapperen an der Noperschaft
+ one: Dir hutt %{count} verschéckte Message
+ other: Dir hutt %{count} verschéckte Messagen
+ no_sent_messages_html: Dir hutt nach keng Messagë verschéckt. Wëll Dir mat
+ %{people_mapping_nearby_link} Kontakt ophuelen?
+ people_mapping_nearby: Mapperen an Ärer Géigend
destroy_button: Läschen
heading: Passwuert vergiess?
email address: E-Mail-Adress
new password button: Passwuert zrécksetzen
- help_text: Wannechgelift gëff deng E-Mail-Adress an, mat däers du dech ugemellt
- has. Mir wäerten dir dann e Link schécken, mat dems du däi Passwuert zerécksetze
- kanns.
+ help_text: Gitt d'E-Mail-Adress an, mat där Dir Iech ugemellt hutt. Mir wäerten
+ dann op déi Adress e Link schécken, mat deem Dir Äert Passwuert zrécksetze
+ kënnt.
title: Passwuert zrécksetzen
heading: Passwuert fir %{user} zrécksetzen
reset: Passwuert zrécksetzen
- flash token bad: Mir konnten dëst Kierzel leider net fannen. Du hues dech méiglecherweis
- vertippt oder du hues en ongëltege Link opgemaach.
+ flash token bad: Mir konnten dëst Kierzel leider net fannen, iwwerpréift villäicht
+ d'URL?
flash changed: Äert Passwuert gouf geännert.
title: Meng Benotzerastellungen
+ preferred_site_color_scheme: Preferéiert Faarfschema fir d'Websäit
auto: Automatesch
light: Hell
dark: Däischter
+ preferred_map_color_scheme: Preferéiert Faarfscheema fir d'Kaarten
auto: Automatesch
light: Hell
failure: D'Benotzerastellunge konnten net aktualiséiert ginn.
- message: Astellungen aktualiséiert.
+ message: Benotzerastellungen aktualiséiert.
- title: Profil beaarbechten
+ title: Profil änneren
save: Profil aktualiséieren
cancel: Ofbriechen
image: Bild
- gravatar: Gravatar verwenden
+ gravatar: Gravatar benotzen
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Gravatar
what_is_gravatar: Wat ass Gravatar?
disabled: Gravatar gouf desaktivéiert.
enabled: D'Weise vun Ärem Gravatar gouf aktivéiert.
new image: E Bild derbäisetzen
- keep image: Dat aktuellt Bild behalen
+ keep image: Dat aktuellt Bild halen
delete image: Dat aktuellt Bild ewechhuelen
replace image: Dat aktuellt Bild ersetzen
- image size hint: (quadratesch Biller mat zumindest 100x100 Pixel funktionéieren
+ image size hint: (quadratesch Biller mat mindestens 100x100 Pixel funktionéieren
am beschten)
- home location: Heemecht
- no home location: Du hues nach keng Heemecht aginn.
- update home location on click: Heemecht beim Klick op d'Kaart aktualiséieren
+ home location: Heemechtsplaz
+ no home location: Dir hutt nach keng Heemechtsplaz aginn.
+ update home location on click: Heemechtsplaz beim Klicken op d'Kaart aktualiséieren?
show: Weisen
delete: Läschen
undelete: Läsche réckgängeg maachen
tab_title: Aloggen
+ login_to_authorize_html: Op OpenStreetMap alogge fir op %{client_app_name} zouzegräifen.
email or username: E-Mail-Adress oder Benotzernumm
password: Passwuert
remember: Sech u mech erënneren
lost password link: Hutt Dir Äert Passwuert vergiess?
login_button: Aloggen
- with external: 'Benotzt alternativ eng Drëtt Partei fir anzeloggen:'
+ with external: oder loggt Iech mat engem Drëttubidder an
or: oder
auth failure: Mat dëssen Daten ass leider keng Umeldung méiglech.
heading: Vun OpenStreetMap ofmellen
logout_button: Ofmellen
- suspended: Entschëllegt, Äre Kont gouf wéinst verdächteger Aktivitéit suspendéiert.
+ suspended: Äre Kont gouf leider wéinst verdächtegen Aktivitéite suspendéiert.
contact_support_html: Kontaktéiert w.e.g. %{support_link} wann Dir dëst diskutéiere
support: support
image: Bild
alt: Alternativen Text
url: URL
+ codeblock: Code-Block
edit: Änneren
preview: Virschau
help: Hëllef
- older: Méi al Bemierkungen
+ older: Eeler Bemierkungen
newer: Méi nei Bemierkungen
older: Eeler Anträg
newer: Méi nei Anträg
- older: Méi al Problemer
+ older: Eeler Problemer
newer: Méi nei Problemer
older: Eeler Spueren
newer: Méi nei Spueren
+ user_blocks:
+ older: Eeler Spären
+ newer: Méi nei Spären
older: Eeler Benotzer
newer: Méi nei Benotzer
- used_by_html: '%{name} stellt Kaartendonnéeë fir dausende vu Websäiten, Appen
- an anere Geräter zur Verfügung'
+ heading_html: '%{copyright}OpenStreetMap %{br} Mataarbechter'
+ used_by_html: '%{name} stellt Kaartendonnéeë fir dausende vu Websäiten, mobil
+ Appen an Hardware-Geräter zur Verfügung'
lede_text: OpenStreetMap gëtt vun enger Panoplie vu Mapperen erstallt, déi Donnéeën
zu Weeër, Gebaier an allerlee Weiderem weltwäit erfaassen a fleegen.
local_knowledge_title: Lokaalt Wëssen
Loftbiller, GPS-Geräter a Feldkaarte fir d'Verifizéierung, sou dass OSM korrekt
an aktuell ass.
community_driven_title: Communautéitsbedriwwen
+ community_driven_osm_blog: OpenStreetMap-Blog
+ community_driven_community_blogs: Communautéits-Bloggen
open_data_title: Open Data
legal_title: Rechtlech Hiweiser
legal_1_1_privacy_policy: Dateschutzrichtlinnen
+ legal_2_1_contact_the_osmf: d'OSMF kontaktéieren
partners_title: Partneren
title: Copyright a Lizenz
native_link: lëtzebuergesch Versioun
mapping_link: mat dem Kaartéieren ufänken
- credit_title_html: Wéi et op d'Urhiewerschaft vun OpenStreetMap hinzeweise
- gëllt
- credit_1_html: 'Wann Dir Donnéeë vun OpenStreetMap benotz muss Dir dës zwou
+ credit_title_html: Wéi een op d'Urhiewerschaft vun OpenStreetMap hiweist
+ credit_1_html: 'Wann Dir Donnéeë vun OpenStreetMap benotzt, muss Dir dës zwou
Saache respektéieren:'
more_title_html: Fir méi ze wëssen
+ more_1_1_osmf_licence_page: OSMF-Lizenzsäit
contributors_title_html: Eis Matwierkend
contributors_intro_html: 'Eis Matwierkend sinn dausende vun eenzele Mënschen.
Mir bezéien och oppe lizenzéiert Donnéeë vu nationale Kaartenagenturen an
contributors_ca_canada: Kanada
contributors_cz_czechia: Tschechien
contributors_fi_finland: Finnland
+ contributors_fi_nlsfi_license: NLSFI-Lizenz
contributors_fr_france: Frankräich
contributors_hr_croatia: Kroatien
contributors_nl_netherlands: Holland
not_public: Dir hutt net agestallt datt Är Ännerungen ëffentlech sinn.
user_page_link: Benotzersäit
anon_edits_link_text: Fannt eraus firwat dat de Fall ass.
+ id_not_configured: iD gouf net konfiguréiert
title: Exportéieren
manually_select: Sicht manuell eng aner Géigend eraus
licence: Lizenz
+ licence_details_html: OpenStreetMap-Donnéeë sinn ënnert der %{odbl_link} (ODbL)
+ lizenzéiert.
+ odbl: Open-Data-Commons-Open-Database-Lizenz
body: Dëse Beräich ass ze grouss, fir als OpenStreetMap-XML-Donnéeën exportéiert
ze ginn. Wannechgelift vergréisseren, e méi klenge Beräich wielen oder eng
title: Maacht bei eis mat
title: Aner Uleies
+ working_group: OSMF-Aarbechtsgrupp
title: Hëllef kréien
title: Fir Organisatiounen
title: OpenStreetMap Wiki
+ potlatch:
+ change_preferences: Ännert Är Benotzerastellungen hei
title: Nach Froen?
+ get_help_here: Hei kritt Dir gehollef
search_results: Resultater vum Sichen
vineyard: Wéngert
forest: Bësch
wood: Bësch
+ farmland: Akerland
grass: Wiss
+ meadow: Wiss
+ bare_rock: Plakege Fiels
sand: Sand
golf: Golfterrain
park: Park
common: ëffentlech Gréngfläch (brit.)
+ resident: Wunngéigend
retail: Akaafszentrum
industrial: Industriezone
commercial: Commercëgebitt
heathland: Heed
lake: Séi
+ reservoir: Reservoir
glacier: Gletscher
+ wetland: Fiichtgebitt
farm: Bauerenhaff
brownfield: Broochland
cemetery: Kierfecht
allotments: Klenggäert
pitch: Sportsterrain
centre: Sportszenter
+ beach: Plage
reserve: Naturschutzgebitt
military: Militärgebitt
school: Schoul
hospital: Spidol
building: Bedeitend Gebai
station: Gare (Eisebunn)
+ tram_stop: Tramshalt
summit: Spëtzt
private: Privaten Terrain
destination: Nëmme fir Leit mat Uleies
title: Wëllkomm!
title: Wat ass op der Kaart
+ basic_terms:
+ node: Knuet
title: Reegelen!
upload_trace: GPS-Spuer eroplueden
- one: Du hues momentan %{count} Spuer an der Waardeschleef. Wannechgelift waart,
- bis e fäerdeg ass, fir d'Veraarbechtung net fir aner Benotzer ze blockéieren.
- other: Du hues momentan %{count} Spueren an der Waardeschleef. Wannechgelift
- waart, bis dës fäerdeg sinn, fir d'Veraarbechtung net fir aner Benotzer
- ze blockéieren.
+ one: Dir hutt momentan %{count} Spuer an der Waardeschleef. Wgl. waart, bis
+ e fäerdeg ass, fir d'Veraarbechtung net fir aner Benotzer ze blockéieren.
+ other: Dir hutt momentan %{count} Spueren an der Waardeschleef. Wgl. waart,
+ bis dës fäerdeg sinn, fir d'Veraarbechtung net fir aner Benotzer ze blockéieren.
cancel: Ofbriechen
heading: Spuer %{name} beaarbechten
remove_tag_filter: Tag-Filter ewechhuelen
scheduled_for_deletion: Fir d'Läsche bestëmmt Spuer
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap-GPS-Spueren
- description:
- description_without_count: GPX-Fichier vum %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap-GPS-Spueren
+ description:
+ description_without_count: GPX-Fichier vum %{user}
account_settings: Astellunge vum Benotzerkont
delete: Läschen
confirm_delete: Dës Applikatioun läschen?
client_id: Client ID
- client_secret_warning: Späichert dëse Code - en ass duerno net méi accessibel
+ client_secret_warning: Späichert dëse Code – en ass duerno net méi accessibel
permissions: Autorisatiounen
title: Autorisatioun erfuerderlech
authorize: Autoriséieren
+ deny: Refuséieren
title: Et ass e Feeler geschitt
edits: Ännerungen
traces: Spueren
notes: Notizen op der Kaart
- remove as friend: Frënd ewechhuelen
- add as friend: Frënd derbäisetzen
no activity yet: Nach keng Aktivitéit
email address: 'E-Mail-Adress:'
status: 'Status:'
other: '%{count} Benotzer fonnt'
confirm: Erausgesicht Benotzer confirméieren
hide: Erausgesicht Benotzer vrstoppen
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Wéini
+ comment: Bemierkung
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Tagebuch Kommentarer bäigefüügt vum %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Blogantrag
support: Ënnerstëtzung
comment: Kommentéieren
title: Nei Notiz
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: d'Communautéit kann Iech hëllefen
add: Notiz derbäisetzen
showing_page: Säit %{page}
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Vergréisser d'Kaart, fir 'Donnéeën ze gesinn
queryfeature_tooltip: Objetsoffro
queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Fir Objetsoffro vergréisseren
- edit_help: Vergréisser a verschib d'Kaart un en Uert, deens du beaarbechte wëlls,
- a klick hei
+ edit_help: Réckelt d'Kaart a vergréissert op eng Plaz, déi Dir ännere wëllt, a
+ klickt dann hei.
ascend: Vu kleng op grouss
flash: Ännerunge gespäichert.
leading_whitespace: huet en Espace am Ufank
- invalid_characters: huet net valabel Zeechen
+ invalid_characters: enthält ongülteg Zeechen
external auth: Išorinė autentikacija
link text: kas tai?
- public editing:
- heading: Viešas keitimas
- enabled: Įjungtas. Nėra anoniminis ir gali keisti duomenis.
- enabled link text: kas tai?
- disabled: Išjungtas ir negali keisti duomenų, visi ankstesni pakeitimai yra
- anonimiški.
- disabled link text: kodėl aš negaliu redaguoti?
contributor terms:
heading: Talkininkų sąlygos
agreed: Jūs sutikote su naujomis talkininkų sąlygomis.
france: Prancūzija
italy: Italija
rest_of_world: Likęs pasaulis
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Ačiū, kad patvirtinote naująsias talkininkų sąlygas!
terms_declined_html: Apgailestaujame, kad nusprendėte nesutikti su naujomis
bendraautoriu sąlygomis. Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, žr. %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Pakeitimai
title_user: Naudotojo %{user} pakeitimai
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} pakeitimai'
- title_friend: Mano draugų pakeitimai
title_nearby: Netoliese esančių naudotojų pakeitimai
empty: Nerasta pakeitimų.
empty_area: Nėra šios vietos pakeitimų.
created: Sukurtas
closed: Uždarytas
belongs_to: Autorius
- subscribe:
- heading: Prenumeruoti šią pakeitimų rinkinio diskusiją?
- button: Prenumeruokite diskusiją
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Atsisakyti šio pakeitimų rinkinio diskusijos prenumeratos?
- button: Atsisakyti diskusijos prenumeratos
- heading:
- title: Pakeitimų rinkinys %{id}
- created_by_html: Sukūrė %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Nėra įrašo su id: %{id}'
- body: Atsiprašome, nėra pakeitimų rinkinio su id %{id}. Patikrinkite rašybą,
- o gal nuoroda, kurią spustelėjote, yra neteisinga.
title: 'Pakeitimas: %{id}'
created: 'Sukurta: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Ryšiai (%{x}-%{y} iš %{count})
sorry: Atsiprašome, bet jūsų prašytų pakeitimų ištraukimas užtruko per ilgai.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Prenumeruoti šią pakeitimų rinkinio diskusiją?
+ button: Prenumeruokite diskusiją
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Atsisakyti šio pakeitimų rinkinio diskusijos prenumeratos?
+ button: Atsisakyti diskusijos prenumeratos
+ heading:
+ title: Pakeitimų rinkinys %{id}
+ created_by_html: Sukūrė %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Nėra įrašo su id: %{id}'
+ body: Atsiprašome, nėra pakeitimų rinkinio su id %{id}. Patikrinkite rašybą,
+ o gal nuoroda, kurią spustelėjote, yra neteisinga.
km away: Nutolęs %{count}km
your location: Jūsų pozicija
nearby mapper: Šalia esantis žemėlapių kūrėjas
- friend: Draugas
title: Valdymo skydas
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ir nurodykite savo namų vietą,
kad matytumėte netoliese esančius naudotojus.'
edit_your_profile: Redaguoti profilį
- my friends: Mano draugai
- no friends: Jūs dar nepridėjote nei vieno draugo.
nearby users: Kiti greta esantys naudotojai
no nearby users: Dar nėra jokių kitų naudotojų, kurie būtų pakviesti į žemėlapio
- friends_changesets: draugų keitimai
- friends_diaries: draugų dienoraščių įrašai
nearby_changesets: greta esančių naudotojų keitimai
nearby_diaries: greta esančių naudotojų dienoraščių įrašai
use_map_link: Naudoti žemėlapį
title: Naudotojo dienoraščiai
- title_friends: Draugų dienoraščiai
title_nearby: Netoliese esančių naudotojų dienoraščiai
user_title: '%{user} dienoraštis'
in_language_title: 'Dienoraščio įrašai: %{language}'
heading: Atsisakyti šios dienoraščio įrašo diskusijos prenumeratos?
button: Atsisakyti diskusijos prenumeratos
- index:
- title: Dienoraščio komentarus pridėjo %{user}
- heading: Naudotojo %{user} dienoraščio komentarai
- subheading_html: Dienoraščio komentarus pridėjo %{user}
- no_comments: Nėra dienoraščio komentarų
- page:
- post: Įrašas
- when: Kada
- comment: Komentaras
heading: Pridėti komentarą prie šios dienoraščio įrašo diskusijos?
title: Failas nerastas
description: OpenStreetMap serveryje nepavyko rasti failo, katalogo ar API veiksmo
su nurodytu pavadinimu (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Pridėti „%{user}“ kaip draugą?
- button: Pridėti kaip draugą
- success: '%{name} dabar jau yra jūsų draugas.'
- failed: Atsiprašome, nepavyko pridėti naudotojo %{name} į draugų sąrašą.
- already_a_friend: Jūs jau draugaujate su %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Pastaruoju metu Jūs pridėjote daug naudotojų į draugų sąrašą.
- Prašome šiek tiek palaukti prieš pridedant daugiau naudotojų.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Nebedraugauti su naudotoju „%{user}“?
- button: Nebedraugauti
- success: '%{name} pašalintas iš jūsų draugų sąrašo.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nėra jūsų draugas.'
autoriui %{replyurl}
footer_html: Pranešimą galite skaityti čia %{readurl}, o nusiųsti žinutę autoriui
galite čia %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Labas, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} prisidėjo jus kaip draugą'
- had_added_you: '%{user} pridėjo jus į savo OpenStreetMap draugų sąrašą.'
see_their_profile: Galite peržiūrėti jo profilį adresu %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Galite peržiūrėti jų profilį %{userurl}
- befriend_them: 'Galite pridėti juos prie draugų: %{befriendurl}'
- befriend_them_html: Galite pridėti juos prie draugų %{befriendurl}
hi: Sveiki, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'nepavyko importuoti kaip GPS sekimo failas. Patvirtinkite,
wrong_user: Jūs prisijungę kaip „%{user}“, bet pranešimas, kuri prašėte perskaityti,
nebuvo siųstas tam naudotojui. Prisijunkite prie teisingos naudotojo paskyros,
jei norite perskaityti.
- mark:
- as_read: Pranešimas pažymėtas kaip skaitytas
- as_unread: Pranešimas pažymėtas kaip neskaitytas
- unmute:
- notice: Žinutė perkelta į gautuosius
- error: Žinutės nepavyko perkelti į gautuosius.
destroyed: Pranešimas ištrintas
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Pranešimas pažymėtas kaip skaitytas
+ destroy:
+ notice: Pranešimas pažymėtas kaip neskaitytas
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Žinutė perkelta į gautuosius
+ error: Žinutės nepavyko perkelti į gautuosius.
my_inbox: Mano gauti
heading: GPX laikmena išjungta
message: GPX pėdsakų saugojimo ir įkėlimo sistema šiuo metu neveikia.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS pėdsakai
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX failas su %{count} tašku, naudotojo %{user}
- other: GPX failas su %{count} taškais, naudotojo %{user}
- description_without_count: Naudotojo %{user} GPX failas
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS pėdsakai
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX failas su %{count} tašku, naudotojo %{user}
+ other: GPX failas su %{count} taškais, naudotojo %{user}
+ description_without_count: Naudotojo %{user} GPX failas
permission_denied: Jūs neturite teisių vykdyti šį veiksmą
privacy_policy: privatumo politika
contributor_terms: bendraautorių sąlygos
continue: Užsiregistruoti
- terms accepted: Ačiū, kad patvirtinote naująsias talkininkų sąlygas!
privacy_policy: privatumo politika
privacy_policy_title: OSMF privatumo politika, įskaitant skyrių apie el. pašto
edits: Keitimai
traces: Pėdsakai
notes: Žemėlapio pastabos
- remove as friend: Nebedraugauti
- add as friend: Pridėti draugą
mapper since: 'Žymi nuo:'
last map edit: 'Paskutinis žemėlapio keitimas:'
no activity yet: Kol kas nėra veiklos
summary_html: '%{name} sukurta %{ip_address} %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} sukurta %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kada
+ comment: Komentaras
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Dienoraščio komentarus pridėjo %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Įrašas
title: Paskyra sustabdyta
heading: Paskyra sustabdyta
external auth: Ārējā autentifikācija
link text: Kas tas ir?
- public editing:
- heading: Publiska rediģēšana
- enabled: Ieslēgts. Nav anonīms, un var rediģēt datus.
- enabled link text: Kas tas ir?
- disabled: Atspējots un nevar labot datus, visi iepriekšējie labojumi ir anonīmi.
- disabled link text: Kāpēc nevar rediģēt?
contributor terms:
heading: Devuma noteikumi
agreed: Tu esi pieņēmis jaunos Veidotāju Noteikumus.
france: Francija
italy: Itālija
rest_of_world: Pārējā pasaule
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Paldies, ka pieņēmāt jaunos devuma noteikumus!
version: Versija
in_changeset: Izmaiņu kopa
title: Izmaiņu kopas
title_user: Lietotāja %{user} izmaiņu kopas
- title_friend: Tavu draugu izmaiņu kopas
title_nearby: Tuvējo lietotāju izmaiņu kopas
empty: Nav atrasta neviena izmaiņu kopa.
empty_area: Šajā apgabalā nav izmaiņu kopu.
your location: Jūsu atrašanās vieta
nearby mapper: Kartētājs tuvējā apkārtnē
- friend: Draugs
title: Mans vadības panelis
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} un iestatiet savu atrašanās vietu,
lai redzētu tuvumā esošos lietotājus.'
- my friends: Mani draugi
- no friends: Tu vēl neesi pievienojis draugus.
nearby users: Citi tuvumā esoši lietotāji
no nearby users: Nav citu lietotāju kas tuvumā kartētu.
- friends_changesets: Skatīt visas draugu izmaiņu kopas
- friends_diaries: Skatīt visus draugu dienasgrāmatu ierakstus
nearby_changesets: Skatīt visas tuvējo lietotāju izmaiņu kopas
nearby_diaries: Skatīt visus tuvējo lietotāju dienasgrāmatu ierakstus
use_map_link: Izmantot karti
title: Lietotāju dienasgrāmatas
- title_friends: Draugu dienasgrāmatas
title_nearby: Tuvumā esošu lietotāju dienasgrāmatas
user_title: '%{user} dienasgrāmata'
in_language_title: Dienasgrāmatas ieraksti valodā %{language}
title: OpenStreetMap dienasgrāmatu ieraksti
description: Pēdējie dienasgrāmatu ieraksti no OpenStreetMap lietotājiem
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Publicēt
- when: Kad
- comment: Komentārs
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Pievienot %{user} kā draugu?
- button: Pievienot kā draugu
- success: '%{name} tagad ir jūsu draugs.'
- failed: Atvainojiet, neizdevās pievienot %{name} kā draugu.
- already_a_friend: Jūs jau esat draugos ar %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Noņemt %{user} kā draugu?
- button: Atcelt draudzību
- success: '%{name} tika izņemts no jūsu draugiem.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nav no jūsu draugs.'
header: 'OpenStreetMap lietotājs %{from_user} ir jums nosūtījis ziņu ar tematu
footer_html: Tu arī vari izlasīt ziņojumu iekš %{readurl} un atbildēt iekš %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Sveiks, %{to_user}
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} pievienoja Jūs kā draugu'
- had_added_you: '%{user} pievienoja jūs kā draugu OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Jūs variet redzēt viņu profilu %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Jūs variet viņus arī pievienot par draugiem %{befriendurl}.
failed_to_import: 'imports neizdevās. Kļūda:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX importēšanas kļūme'
wrong_user: Jūs esat autorizējies kā `%{user}', bet ziņojums, kuru vēlaties
izlasīt, nav sūtīts šim lietotājam. Lūdzu autorizējaties kā pareizais lietotājs,
lai izlasītu to.
- mark:
- as_read: Ziņa atzīmēta kā lasīta
- as_unread: Ziņa atzīmēta kā nelasīta
destroyed: Ziņa izdzēsta
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Ziņa atzīmēta kā lasīta
+ destroy:
+ notice: Ziņa atzīmēta kā nelasīta
my_inbox: Mana iesūtne
heading: GPX bezsaistes glabātuve
message: GPX datņu glabātuve un augšupielādes sistēma pašlaik nav pieejama.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS Trases
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX fails ar %{count} punktu no %{user}
- other: GPX fails ar %{count} punktiem no %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX fails no %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS Trases
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX fails ar %{count} punktu no %{user}
+ other: GPX fails ar %{count} punktiem no %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX fails no %{user}
cookies_needed: Izskatā, ka jums cookies ir atslēgti, pirms turpināt, lūdzu,
display name description: Vārds, kas tiks rādīts publiski. Jūs to vēlāk varēsiet
izmainīt iestatījumos.
continue: Reģistrēties
- terms accepted: Paldies, ka pieņēmāt jaunos devuma noteikumus!
use external auth: Alternatīvi, varat izmantot trešās puses 'ielogošanās' opciju
title: Neesošs lietotājs
edits: Labojumi
traces: Trases
notes: Kartes piezīmes
- remove as friend: Atcelt draudzību
- add as friend: Pievienot kā draugu
mapper since: 'Kartētājs kopš:'
ct status: 'Dalībnieka noteikumi:'
ct undecided: Nav izlēmis
summary_html: '%{name} izveidoja no %{ip_address} @ %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} izveidoja @ %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kad
+ comment: Komentārs
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Publicēt
title: Konta darbība apturēta
heading: Konta darbība apturēta
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MK:OpenID?uselang=mk
link text: што е ова?
- public editing:
- heading: Јавно уредување
- enabled: Овозможено. Сега не е анонимно и може да се уредуваат податоци.
- enabled link text: што е ова?
- disabled: Оневозможено и не може да се уредуваат податоци, сите претходни
- уредувања се анонимни.
- disabled link text: зошто не можам да уредувам?
contributor terms:
heading: Услови за учество
agreed: Се согласивте на новите Услови за учество.
readable_summary: човечки читлив опис
informal_translations: неформални преводи
continue: Продолжи
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=mk
cancel: Откажи
you need to accept or decline: Прочитајте ги новите Услови за учество, а потоа
согласете се или одбијте ги.
france: Франција
italy: Италија
rest_of_world: Остатокот од светот
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Ви благодариме што ги прифативте новите услови за учество!
terms_declined_html: Жалиме што не се согласувате со новите Услови за учество.
Повеќе информации ќе најдете на %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Измени
title_user: Измени на %{user}
title_user_link_html: Промени од %{user_link}
- title_friend: Измени од мои пријатели
title_nearby: Измени од соседни корисници
empty: Не пронајдов промени.
empty_area: Нема промени на ова подрачје.
created: Создадено
closed: Затворено
belongs_to: Автор
- subscribe:
- heading: Да ве претплатам на слединов разговор за измени?
- button: Претплати се на разговорот
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Да ве отпишам од претплатата на следниов разговор за измени?
- button: Отпиши се од разговорот
- heading:
- title: Измени %{id}
- created_by_html: Создадено од %{link_user} на %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Нема ставка со назнаката: %{id}'
- body: Жалиме, но не постојат измени со назнаката %{id}. Проверете да не сте
- згрешиле во пишувањето, или пак да не сте стиснале на погрешна врска.
title: 'Измена: %{id}'
created: 'Создадено: %{when}'
sorry: За жал, на списокот на промени што го побаравте му требаше предолго за
да се добие.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Да ве претплатам на слединов разговор за измени?
+ button: Претплати се на разговорот
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Да ве отпишам од претплатата на следниов разговор за измени?
+ button: Отпиши се од разговорот
+ heading:
+ title: Измени %{id}
+ created_by_html: Создадено од %{link_user} на %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Нема ставка со назнаката: %{id}'
+ body: Жалиме, но не постојат измени со назнаката %{id}. Проверете да не сте
+ згрешиле во пишувањето, или пак да не сте стиснале на погрешна врска.
km away: '%{count} км од вас'
your location: Ваша местоположба
nearby mapper: Соседен картограф
- friend: Пријател
title: Моја управувачница
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} и задајте ја вашата матична местоположба
за да гледате корисници во близина.'
edit_your_profile: Уредете си го профилот
- my friends: Мои пријатели
- no friends: Сè уште немате додадено пријатели.
nearby users: Други соседни корисници
no nearby users: Сè уште нема други корисници во вашата околина што признаваат
дека работат на карти.
- friends_changesets: измени на пријателите
- friends_diaries: дневнички ставки на пријателите
nearby_changesets: измени на соседните корисници
nearby_diaries: дневнички ставки на сосед. корисн.
use_map_link: На карта
title: Дневници на корисници
- title_friends: Дневници на пријателите
title_nearby: Дневници на соседните корисници
user_title: Дневникот на %{user}
in_language_title: Дневнички написи на %{language}
heading: Да ве отпишам од претплатата на разговорот во следната дневничка ставка?
button: Отпиши се од разговорот
- index:
- title: Дневнички коментари додадени од %{user}
- heading: Дневнички коментари на %{user}
- subheading_html: Дневнички коментари додадени од %{user}
- no_comments: Нема дневнички коментари
- page:
- post: Објава
- when: Кога
- comment: Коментар
heading: Ставате коментар во следниов разговор за дневничка ставка?
title: Податотеката не е пронајдена
description: Не можев да најдам постапка со податотека/папка/приложник со тоа
име на опслужувачот на OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Да го додадам корисникот %{user} како пријател?
- button: Додај како пријател
- success: Сега сте пријатели со %{name}!
- failed: Жалам, не можев да го додадам корисникот %{name} како пријател.
- already_a_friend: Веќе сте пријатели со %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Во последно време се имате спријателено со многу корисници.
- Почекајте малку, за да можете да се спријателувате со други.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Да го отстранам корисникот %{user} од пријатели?
- button: Отстрани од пријатели
- success: Корисникот %{name} е отстранет од вашите пријатели.
- not_a_friend: '%{name} не е меѓу вашите пријатели.'
на авторот на %{replyurl}
footer_html: Можете и да ја прочитате пораката на %{readurl} и да му испратите
порака на авторот на %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Здраво %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ве додаде како пријател'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ве додаде како пријател на OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Можете да го погледате профилот на оваа личност на %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Можете да го погледате профилот на оваа личност на %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Можете личноста и да ја додадете како пријател на %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Можете личноста и да ја додадете како пријател на %{befriendurl}.
hi: Здраво %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'не можеше да се увезе. Проверете дали е важечка GPX-податотека
wrong_user: Најавени сте како „%{user}“, но пораката што побаравте да ја прочитате
не е испратена до или од тој корисник. Најавете се под правилно корисничко
име за да ја прочитате.
- mark:
- as_read: Пораката е означена како прочитана
- as_unread: Пораката е означена како непрочитана
- unmute:
- notice: Пораката е преместена во Примени
- error: Пораката не можеше да се премести во Примени.
destroyed: Пораката е избришана
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Пораката е означена како прочитана
+ destroy:
+ notice: Пораката е означена како непрочитана
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Пораката е преместена во Примени
+ error: Пораката не можеше да се премести во Примени.
my_inbox: Примени
heading: GPX-складиштето е исклучено
message: Системот за складирање и подигање на GPX-податотеки моментално е недостапен.
- georss:
- title: ГПС-траги од OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-податотека со %{count} точка од %{user}
- other: GPX-податотеки со %{count} точки од %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-податотека од %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: ГПС-траги од OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-податотека со %{count} точка од %{user}
+ other: GPX-податотеки со %{count} точки од %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-податотека од %{user}
permission_denied: Немате дозвола за ова дејство
contributor_terms_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Contributor_Terms
contributor_terms: услови на учество
continue: Зачленување
- terms accepted: Ви благодариме што ги прифативте новите услови за учество!
privacy_policy: правила за личните податоци
privacy_policy_title: Правилата за лични податоци на OSMF, со одделот за е-поштенски
edits: Уредувања
traces: Траги
notes: Белешки на картата
- remove as friend: Отстрани од пријатели
- add as friend: Додај во пријатели
mapper since: 'Картограф од:'
last map edit: 'Последно уредување на картата:'
no activity yet: Сè уште нема активности
summary_html: '%{name} создадено од %{ip_address} на %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} создадено на %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Кога
+ comment: Коментар
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Дневнички коментари додадени од %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Објава
title: Сметката е закочена
heading: Сметката е закочена
external auth: 'Ынтраря ын конт екстернэ:'
link text: че май есте ши аста?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: че май есте ши аста?
contributor terms:
link text: че май есте ши аста?
save changes button: Апликаря модификэрилор
ways_paginated: Кэй (%{x}-%{y} дин %{count})
relations: Релаций (%{count})
relations_paginated: Релаций (%{x}-%{y} дин %{count})
- dashboards:
- show:
- my friends: Приетений мей
location: 'Ситуаре:'
confirm: Конфирмаре
confirm: Конфирмаре
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Месаж
- when: Кынд
- comment: Коментариу
my profile: Профилул меу
my settings: Реглажеле меле
my comments: Коментарииле меле
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Кынд
+ comment: Коментариу
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Месаж
title: 'Нотэ: %{id}'
current email address: वर्तमान ईमेल पत्ता
link text: हे काय आहे?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: हे काय आहे?
- disabled link text: मी संपादन कां करू शकत नाही?
contributor terms:
link text: हे काय आहे?
save changes button: बदल जतन करा
title: बदलसंच
title_user: '%{user}चे बदलसंच'
- title_friend: आपल्या मित्रांचे बदलसंच
title_nearby: जवळपासच्या सदस्यांचे बदलसंच
empty: बदलसंच सापडले नाहीत.
empty_area: या भागात बदलसंच नाहीत.
your location: आपले ठिकाण
nearby mapper: जवळपासचे नकाशाकार
- friend: मित्र
title: माझे फलक
- my friends: माझे मित्र
nearby users: जवळपासचे इतर सदस्य
- friends_changesets: मित्रांचे बदलसंच
- friends_diaries: मित्रांच्या अनुदिनीतील नोंदी
nearby_changesets: जवळपासच्या सदस्यांचे बदलसंच
nearby_diaries: जवळपासच्या सदस्यांच्या अनुदिनीतील नोंदी
use_map_link: नकाशा वापरा
title: सदस्यांच्या अनुदिनी
- title_friends: मित्रांच्या अनुदिनी
title_nearby: जवळपासच्या सदस्यांच्या अनुदिनी
user_title: '%{user}ची अनुदिनी'
in_language_title: '%{language} भाषेतील अनुदिनीतील नोंदी'
title: ओपनस्ट्रीटमॅप अनुदिनीतील नोंदी
description: ओपनस्ट्रीटमॅप सदस्यांकडून अलीकडील अनुदिनी-नोंदी
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: पाठवा
- when: कधी
- comment: टिप्पणी
wrong_user: आपण '%{user}' म्हणून दाखल झालेले आहात, पण आपण जो संदेश वाचू इच्छिता,
तो संदेश वेगळ्या सदस्यास पाठविण्यात आला आहे. कृपया संदेश वाचण्यासाठी बरोबर
सदस्य म्हणून दाखल व्हा.
- mark:
- as_read: संदेश वाचला आहे अशी खूण केली
- as_unread: संदेश वाचला नाही अशी खूण केली
destroyed: संदेश वगळला
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: संदेश वाचला आहे अशी खूण केली
+ destroy:
+ notice: संदेश वाचला नाही अशी खूण केली
my_inbox: माझी अंतर्पेटी
upload_trace: अनुरेख चढवा
all_traces: सर्व अनुरेख
my_traces: माझे अनुरेख
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS अनुरेखा
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS अनुरेखा
account_settings: खाते मांडण्या
edits: संपादने
traces: अनुरेख
notes: नकाशावरील टीपा
- add as friend: मित्र जोडा
mapper since: 'ह्या दिनांकपासून मानचित्रकार:'
ct status: 'योगदात्यांसाठी अटी:'
ct undecided: अनिर्णीत
title: सदस्य
heading: सदस्य
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: कधी
+ comment: टिप्पणी
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: पाठवा
external auth: Pengesahan Luaran
link text: apakah ini?
- public editing:
- heading: Penyuntingan umum
- enabled: Dihidupkan. Tidak tanpa nama, data boleh disunting.
- enabled link text: apakah ini?
- disabled: Dimatikan, data tidak boleh disunting, semua suntingan yang sebelumnya
- adalah tanpa nama.
- disabled link text: mengapa tak boleh sunting?
contributor terms:
heading: Syarat Penyumbang
agreed: Anda telah bersetuju dengan Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
france: Perancis
italy: Itali
rest_of_world: Negara lain
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Terima kasih kerana menerima terma-terma penyumbang yang baru!
terms_declined_link: laman wiki ini
title: Set perubahan
title_user: Set perubahan oleh %{user}
- title_friend: Set perubahan oleh kawan anda
title_nearby: Set perubahan pengguna berdekatan
empty: Tiada set perubahan ditemui.
empty_area: Tiada set perubahan di kawasan ini.
your location: Lokasi anda
nearby mapper: Pemeta berdekatan
- friend: Kawan
edit_your_profile: Sunting profil anda
- my friends: Kawan saya
- no friends: Anda belum mencari kawan lagi.
nearby users: Pengguna lain yang berdekatan
no nearby users: Belum ada pengguna lain yang mengaku memetakan kawasan berdekatan.
- friends_changesets: set ubah kawan-kawan
- friends_diaries: catatan diari kawan-kawan
nearby_changesets: set ubah pengguna berdekatan
nearby_diaries: catatan diari pengguna berdekatan
use_map_link: Guna Peta
title: Diari pengguna
- title_friends: Diari kawan
title_nearby: Diari pengguna berdekatan
user_title: Diari %{user}
in_language_title: Catatan Diari dalam %{language}
title: Catatan diari OpenStreetMap
description: Catatan-catatan diari terbaru oleh pengguna OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- no_comments: Tiada ulasan diari
- page:
- post: Muat Naik
- when: Bila
- comment: Komen
title: Ralat aplikasi
title: Fail tidak dijumpai
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Jadikan %{user} sebagai kawan?
- button: Jadikan kawan
- success: '%{name} kini kawan anda!'
- failed: Maaf, %{name} tidak dapat ditambahkan sebagai kawan.
- already_a_friend: Anda sudah berkawan dengan %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Gugurkan %{user} sebagai kawan?
- button: Gugurkan kawan
- success: '%{name} telah dibuang daripada senarai kawan anda.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} bukan kawan anda.'
dengan subjek %{subject}:'
footer_html: Anda juga boleh membaca pesanan ini di %{readurl} dan anda boleh
membalasnya di %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Apa khabar %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} menjadikan anda sebagai rakannya'
- had_added_you: '%{user} telah menjadikan anda sebagai kawan di OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Anda boleh membaca profilnya di %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Anda boleh melihat profilnya di %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Anda juga boleh menjadikannya sebagai kawan di %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hai %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'tidak dapat diimport. Berikut ialah ralatnya:'
wrong_user: Anda telah log masuk sebagai `%{user}' tetapi pesanan yang anda
pohon untuk membaca itu tidak dihantar oleh/kepada pengguna itu. Sila log
masuk sebagai pengguna yang betul untuk membacanya.
- mark:
- as_read: Pesanan ditandai sebagai sudah dibaca
- as_unread: Pesanan ditandai sebagai belum dibaca
destroyed: Pesanan dihapuskan
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Pesanan ditandai sebagai sudah dibaca
+ destroy:
+ notice: Pesanan ditandai sebagai belum dibaca
my_inbox: Peti masuk saya
heading: Storan GPX di Luar Talian
message: Sistem storan dan muat naik fail GPX kini tidak boleh digunakan.
- georss:
- title: Jejak OpenStreetMap GPS
- description:
- description_with_count:
- other: GPX fail dengan %{count} mata dari %{user}
- description_without_count: Fail GPX daripada %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Jejak OpenStreetMap GPS
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ other: GPX fail dengan %{count} mata dari %{user}
+ description_without_count: Fail GPX daripada %{user}
permission_denied: Anda tidak mempunyai keizinan untuk melakukan tindakan ini.
display name description: Nama pengguna anda yang dipaparkan kepada awam. Anda
boleh menukarnya dalam keutamaan anda pada bila-bila masa.
continue: Daftar
- terms accepted: Terima kasih kerana menerima terma-terma penyumbang yang baru!
use external auth: Secara alternatif, gunakan khidmat pihak ketiga untuk log
edits: Suntingan
traces: Jejak
notes: Nota Peta
- remove as friend: Gugurkan Kawan
- add as friend: Jadikan Kawan
mapper since: 'Pemeta sejak:'
ct status: 'Terma-terma penyumbang:'
ct undecided: Belum diputuskan
summary_html: '%{name} diwujudkan dari %{ip_address} pada %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} diwujudkan pada %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Bila
+ comment: Komen
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Muat Naik
title: Akaun Digantung
heading: Akaun Digantung
m away: '%{count}မိုင် အကွာ'
your location: သင်၏ တည်နေရာ
- friend: သူငယ်ချင်း
location: တည်နေရာ
use_map_link: မြေပုံကို အသုံးချရန်
title: အသုံးပြုသူများ၏ နေ့စဉ်မှတ်တမ်းများ
- title_friends: မိတ်ဆွေများ၏ နေ့စဉ်မှတ်တမ်းများ
title_nearby: အနီးအနားရှိ အသုံးပြု၏နေ့စဉ်မှတ်တမ်းများ
user_title: '%{user}၏ နေ့စဉ်မှတ်တမ်း'
report: ဤမှတ်ချက်ကို အစီရင်ခံတင်ပြရန်
location: 'တည်နေရာ:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- comment: မှတ်ချက်
hi: ဟိုင်း %{to_user}၊
hi: ဟိုင်း %{to_user}၊
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: ဟိုင်း %{to_user}၊
greeting: ဟိုင်း၊
title: အသုံးပြုသူများ
heading: အသုံးပြုသူများ
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ comment: မှတ်ချက်
external auth: Ekstern autentisering
link text: hva er dette?
- public editing:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- enabled: Aktivert. Ikke anonym og kan redigere data.
- enabled link text: hva er dette?
- disabled: Deaktivert og kan ikke redigere data. Alle tidligere redigeringer
- er anonyme.
- disabled link text: hvorfor kan jeg ikke redigere?
contributor terms:
heading: Bidragsytervilkår
agreed: Du har godkjent de nye Bidragsytervilkårene.
france: Frankrike
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Resten av verden
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Takk for at du godtok de nye bidragsytervilkårene!
deleted_ago_by_html: Slettet %{time_ago} av %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: Redigert %{time_ago} av %{user}
title: Endringssett
title_user: Endringssett av %{user}
- title_friend: Mine venners endringssett
title_nearby: Endringssett av brukere i nærheten
empty: Fant ingen endringssett.
empty_area: Ingen endringssett i dette området.
created: Opprettet
closed: Lukket
belongs_to: Forfatter
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Ingen oppføring med ID-en: %{id}'
title: 'Endringssett: %{id}'
discussion: Diskusjon
relations_paginated: Forbindelser (%{x}-%{y} av %{count})
sorry: Listen over endringssett du ba om tok for lang tid å hente.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Ingen oppføring med ID-en: %{id}'
km away: '%{count}km unna'
your location: Din posisjon
nearby mapper: Bruker i nærheten
- friend: Venn
- my friends: Vennene mine
- no friends: Du har ikke lagt til noen venner ennå.
nearby users: Andre nærliggende brukere
no nearby users: Det er ingen andre brukere som innrømmer kartlegging i ditt
område ennå.
- friends_changesets: venners endringssett
- friends_diaries: venners dagbokoppføringer
nearby_changesets: endringssett av brukere i nærheten
nearby_diaries: dagbokoppføringer av brukere i nærheten
use_map_link: Bruk kart
title: Brukeres dagbøker
- title_friends: Dine venners dagbøker
title_nearby: Dagbøkene til brukere i nærheten
user_title: Dagboken til %{user}
in_language_title: Dagboksoppføringer på %{language}
title: Innlegg i OpenStreetMap-dagboka
description: Nye innlegg i dagbøkene til OpenStreetMap-brukere
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Artikkel
- when: Når
- comment: Kommentar
contact: kontakt
title: Forbudt
title: Fil ikke funnet
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Legge til %{user} som venn?
- button: Legg til som venn
- success: '%{name} er nå din venn!'
- failed: Klarte ikke legge til %{name} som venn.
- already_a_friend: Du og %{name} er allerede venner.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Fjerne %{user} som venn?
- button: Fjern venn
- success: '%{name} ble fjernet fra dine venner'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} er ikke en av dine venner.'
footer_html: Du kan også lese meldingen på %{readurl}, eller sende forfatteren
en melding på %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hei %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} la deg til som en venn'
- had_added_you: '%{user} har lagt deg til som venn på OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Du kan se profilen deres på %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Du kan se profilen hens på %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Du kan også legge dem til som venn på %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Du kan også legge hen til som venn på %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hei, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'klarte ikke importere. Her er feilen:'
back: Tilbake
wrong_user: Du er logget inn som «%{user}», men meldingen du ønsker å lese ble
ikke sendt fra eller til den brukeren. Logg inn som korrekt bruker for å lese.
- mark:
- as_read: Melding markert som lest
- as_unread: Melding markert som ulest
- unmute:
- notice: Meldingen har blitt flyttet til innboksen
- error: Meldingen kunne ikke flyttes til innboksen.
destroyed: Melding slettet
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Melding markert som lest
+ destroy:
+ notice: Melding markert som ulest
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Meldingen har blitt flyttet til innboksen
+ error: Meldingen kunne ikke flyttes til innboksen.
my_inbox: Min innboks
heading: GPX-lagring er utilgjengelig
message: Systemet for opplasting og lagring av GPX-filer er ikke tilgjengelig
for øyeblikket.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spor
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-fil med %{count} punkt fra %{user}
- other: GPX-fil med %{count} punkter fra %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-fil fra %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spor
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-fil med %{count} punkt fra %{user}
+ other: GPX-fil med %{count} punkter fra %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-fil fra %{user}
permission_denied: Du har ikke tilgang til å utføre denne handlingen
display name description: Ditt offentlig fremviste brukernavn. Du kan endre
dette senere i alternativ.
continue: Registrer deg
- terms accepted: Takk for at du godtok de nye bidragsytervilkårene!
use external auth: Alternativt kan du bruke en tredjepart til å logge inn
title: Ingen bruker funnet
edits: Redigeringer
traces: Spor
notes: Kartmerknader
- remove as friend: Fjern venn
- add as friend: Legg til venn
mapper since: 'Bruker siden:'
ct status: 'Bidragsyters vilkår:'
ct undecided: Usikker
summary_html: '%{name} opprettet fra %{ip_address} den %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} opprettet %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Når
+ comment: Kommentar
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Artikkel
title: Konto stengt
heading: Konto stengt
title: Brukerkonto ännern
- public editing:
- enabled link text: Wat is dat?
- disabled link text: Worüm kann ik nix ännern?
save changes button: Ännern spiekern
make_edits_public_button: All mien Ännern apen wiesen
your location: Dien Standoort
nearby mapper: Koortenmaker in de Neegd
- friend: Fründ
nearby users: Annere Brukers in de Neegd
one: 1 Kommentar
other: '%{count} Kommentare'
edit_link: Dissen Indrag ännern
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: '%{name} ist nu dien Fründ.'
- failed: Dat hett nich klappt, %{name} as Fründ totofögen.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} is al dien Fründ.'
- remove_friend:
- success: '%{name} is rutnahmen bi de Frünn.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} is keen von dien Frünn.'
send message: Naricht sennen
diary: Dagbook
edits: Ännern
- remove as friend: as Fründ rutnehmen
- add as friend: as Fründ tofögen
mapper since: 'Koortenmaker sied:'
email address: 'E-Mail-Adress:'
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID
link text: यो के हो ?
- public editing:
- heading: सार्वजनिक सम्पादन
- enabled: सक्रिय। Not anonymous and can edit data.
- enabled link text: यो के हो ?
- disabled link text: म किन सम्पादन गर्न सक्दिन?
contributor terms:
heading: योगदानकर्ता सर्तहरू
agreed: तपाईँले नयाँ योगदानकर्ता सर्तहरू स्वीकार गर्नुभएको छ।
title: परिवर्नहरू
title_user: '%{user}द्वरा गरिएका परिवर्तनहरू'
- title_friend: तपाईको मित्रहरूद्वारा गरिएका परिवर्तनहरू
title_nearby: तपाईँको नजिक हुनुभएका प्रयोगकर्ताहरूद्वारा गरिएका परिवर्तनहरू
empty: कुनै पनि परिवर्तनहरू भेटिएनन्।
empty_area: यो क्षेत्रमा कुनै परिवर्तनहरू छैनन्।
created: सृजना गरिएको
closed: समापन भएको
belongs_to: रचयिता
- heading:
- title: 'परिवर्तनहरू: %{id}'
- no_such_entry:
- heading: '%{id} आइडी भएको कुनै अभिलेख भेटिएन'
title: 'परिवर्तनहरू: %{id}'
discussion: छलफल
sorry: माफ गर्नुहोला, तपाईँले खोज्नुभएको परिवर्तनहरूको सूची प्राप्त गर्न निकै
समय लाग्यो ।
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ heading:
+ title: 'परिवर्तनहरू: %{id}'
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: '%{id} आइडी भएको कुनै अभिलेख भेटिएन'
km away: '%{count}किमि टाढा'
your location: तपाईँको स्थान
nearby mapper: नजिकको मानचित्रकर्मी
- friend: साथी
- my friends: मेरा साथीहरू
- no friends: तपाईँ कुनै साथीहरूलाई थप्नु भएको छैन
nearby users: अन्य नजिकका प्रयोगकर्ताहरू
use_map_link: नक्सा प्रयोग गर्ने
title: प्रयोगकर्ताका डायरीहरू
- title_friends: साथीहरूका डायरीहरू
title_nearby: नजिकका प्रयोगकर्ताहरूका डायरीहरू
user_title: '%{user}को डायरी'
in_language_title: '%{language} भाषामा भएका दैनिकीहरू'
button: छलफलको लागि सदस्यता लिनुहोस्
button: छलफलबाट सदस्यता रद्द गर्नुहोस्
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: पोष्ट
- when: कहिले
- comment: टिप्पणी
contact: सम्पर्क
title: अनुप्रयोगसम्बन्धी त्रुटि
title: फाइल फेला परेन
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: साथीको रूपमा थप्नुहोस्
- success: '%{name} अब तपाईँको साथी हुनुभएको छ!'
- failed: माफ गर्नुहोला, %{name}लाई मित्रको रुपमा थप्न सकिएन।
- already_a_friend: '%{name} सँग तपाईँले पहिले साथी हुनुहुन्छ।'
- limit_exceeded: तपाईँले हालसालै थुप्रै प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई साथी बनाउनु भएको छ।
- Please wait a while before trying to friend any more.
- remove_friend:
- button: साथीबाट हटाउने
hi: नमस्ते %{to_user},
hi: नमस्ते %{to_user},
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: नमस्ते %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} ले तपाईँलाई मित्रको रूपमा थप्नु भयो'
hi: नमस्ते %{to_user},
edits: सम्पादनहरू
traces: ट्रेसहरू
notes: म्याप टिप्पणीहरू
- remove as friend: साथीबाट हटाउने
- add as friend: साथी जोड्नुहोस्
status: 'स्थिति:'
administrator: यी प्रयोगकर्ता प्रबन्धक हुनुहुन्छ
title: प्रयोगकर्ताहरू
heading: प्रयोगकर्ताहरू
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: कहिले
+ comment: टिप्पणी
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: पोष्ट
not_a_role: '`%{role}'' मान्य भूमिका हैन ।'
support_url: Ondersteunings-URL
allow_read_prefs: gebruikersvoorkeuren lezen
allow_write_prefs: gebruikersvoorkeuren wijzigen
- allow_write_diary: dagboekberichten schrijven, reacties en vrienden toevoegen
+ allow_write_diary: dagboekberichten schrijven en reacties toevoegen
allow_write_api: de kaart wijzigen
- allow_read_gpx: privé-GPS-trajecten lezen
- allow_write_gpx: GPS-trajecten uploaden
+ allow_read_gpx: privé-gps-trajecten lezen
+ allow_write_gpx: gps-trajecten uploaden
allow_write_notes: opmerkingen wijzigen
body: Tekst
longitude: Lengtegraad
public: Openbaar
description: Beschrijving
- gpx_file: Kies GPS-trajectbestand
+ gpx_file: Kies gps-trajectbestand
visibility: Zichtbaarheid
tagstring: Labels
external auth: Externe authenticatie
link text: wat is dit?
- public editing:
- heading: Openbaar bewerken
- enabled: Ingeschakeld. U bent niet anoniem en u kunt bewerken.
- enabled link text: wat is dit?
- disabled: Uitgeschakeld. U kunt niet bewerken en al uw eerdere bewerkingen
- zijn anoniem.
- disabled link text: waarom kan ik niets bewerken?
contributor terms:
heading: Bijdragersvoorwaarden
agreed: U bent akkoord gegaan met de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst.
france: Frankrijk
italy: Italië
rest_of_world: Rest van de wereld
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Dank u wel voor het aanvaarden van de nieuwe bijdragersovereenkomst!
terms_declined_html: We vinden het jammer dat u hebt besloten de nieuwe Bijdragersvoorwaarden
niet te accepteren. Zie %{terms_declined_link} voor meer informatie.
terms_declined_link: deze wiki-pagina
+ terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NL:Contributor_Terms_Declined
deleted_ago_by_html: '%{time_ago} verwijderd door %{user}'
edited_ago_by_html: '%{time_ago} bewerkt door %{user}'
view_redacted_data: Geredigeerde gegevens bekijken
view_redaction_message: Redactiebericht bekijken
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Knooppunt #%{id} kon helaas niet gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het ophalen van de gegevens voor het ID %{id} duurde te lang.
- sorry: 'Sorry, knooppunt #%{id} versie %{version} kon niet worden gevonden.'
+ sorry: 'Sorry, knooppunt #%{id} versie %{version} kon niet gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het ophalen van de gegevens voor knooppunt met het ID %{id} duurde te
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Weg #%{id} kon helaas niet gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het ophalen van de gegevens voor de weg met het ID %{id} duurde te lang.
- sorry: 'Sorry, weg #%{id} versie %{version} niet kon worden gevonden.'
+ sorry: 'Sorry, weg #%{id} versie %{version} niet kon gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het ophalen van de geschiedenis voor de weg met het ID %{id} duurde te
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Relatie #%{id} kon helaas niet gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het ophalen van de relatie met het ID %{id} duurde te lang.
- sorry: 'Sorry, relatie #%{id} versie %{version} kon niet worden gevonden.'
+ sorry: 'Sorry, relatie #%{id} versie %{version} kon niet gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het ophalen van de geschiedenis voor de relatie met het ID %{id} duurde
te lang.
title: Wijzigingensets
title_user: Wijzigingensets door %{user}
title_user_link_html: Wijzigingensets door %{user_link}
- title_friend: Wijzigingensets van mijn vrienden
+ title_followed: Wijzigingensets door gevolgde kaartmakers
title_nearby: Wijzigingensets van gebruikers in de buurt
empty: Geen wijzigingensets gevonden.
empty_area: Geen wijzigingensets in dit gebied.
created: Aangemaakt
closed: Gesloten
belongs_to: Auteur
- subscribe:
- heading: Abonneren op de volgende discussie over wijzigingenreeks?
- button: Op discussie abonneren
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Afmelden voor de volgende discussie over wijzigingenreeks
- button: Van discussie afmelden
- heading:
- title: Wijzigingenreeks %{id}
- created_by_html: Gemaakt door %{link_user} op %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Geen gegevens met de id: %{id}'
- body: Er is geen wijzigingenreeks met de id %{id}. Controleer uw spelling, of
- wellicht is de lijk die u hebt gevolgd foutief.
title: 'Wijzigingenset: %{id}'
created: 'Aangemaakt: %{when}'
ways_paginated: Wegen (%{x}-%{y} van %{count})
relations: Relaties (%{count})
relations_paginated: Relaties (%{x}-%{y} van %{count})
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Wijzigingenset #%{id} kon helaas niet gevonden worden.'
sorry: Het oproepen van de lijst met wijzigingensets die u hebt opgevraagd duurde
te lang.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Abonneren op de volgende discussie over wijzigingenset?
+ button: Op discussie abonneren
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Afmelden voor de volgende discussie over wijzigingenset
+ button: Van discussie afmelden
+ heading:
+ title: Wijzigingenset %{id}
+ created_by_html: Gemaakt door %{link_user} op %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Geen gegevens met de id: %{id}'
+ body: Er is geen wijzigingenset met de id %{id}. Controleer uw spelling, of
+ wellicht is de lijk die u hebt gevolgd foutief.
km away: '%{count} km verwijderd'
your location: Uw locatie
nearby mapper: Nabije kaartmaker
- friend: Vriend
+ following: Gevolgde kaartmaker
title: Mijn dashboard
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} en stel uw thuislocatie in om gebruikers
in de buurt te zien.'
edit_your_profile: Pas uw profiel aan
- my friends: Mijn vrienden
- no friends: U hebt nog geen vrienden toegevoegd.
+ followings: Gevolgde kaartmakers
+ no followings: Je volgt nog geen andere kaartmakers.
nearby users: Andere nabije gebruikers
no nearby users: Er zijn nog geen andere gebruikers die hebben opgegeven in
de buurt te mappen.
- friends_changesets: wijzigingensets van vrienden
- friends_diaries: dagboekberichten van vrienden
+ followed_changesets: wijzigingensets
+ followed_diaries: dagboekberichten
nearby_changesets: wijzigingensets van gebruikers in de buurt
nearby_diaries: dagboekberichten van gebruikers in de buurt
use_map_link: Kaart gebruiken
title: Gebruikersdagboeken
- title_friends: Dagboeken van vrienden
+ title_followed: Dagboeken van gevolgde kaartmakers
title_nearby: Dagboeken van gebruikers in de buurt
user_title: Dagboek van %{user}
in_language_title: Dagboekberichten in het %{language}
heading: Afmelden voor de volgende dagboekaantekeningendiscussie?
button: Van discussie afmelden
- index:
- title: Dagboekreacties toegevoegd door %{user}
- heading: Dagboekreacties van %{user}
- subheading_html: Dagboekreacties toegevoegd door %{user}
- no_comments: Geen dagboekreacties
- page:
- post: Dagboekbericht
- when: Wanneer
- comment: Reactie
heading: Een reactie toevoegen aan de volgende dagboekaantekening?
title: Bestand niet gevonden
description: Kon een bestand/directory/API-bewerking met die naam niet vinden
op de OpenStreetMap-server (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} als vriend toevoegen?'
- button: Als vriend toevoegen
- success: '%{name} is nu uw vriend.'
- failed: Het toevoegen van %{name} als vriend is helaas mislukt.
- already_a_friend: U bent al bevriend met %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: U hebt recentelijk veel vriendschapsverzoeken verstuurd. Wacht
- even voordat u nieuwe verzoeken kunt versturen.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} als vriend verwijderen?'
- button: Als vriend verwijderen
- success: '%{name} is verwijderd uit uw vriendenlijst.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} staat niet in uw vriendelijst.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Wil je %{user} volgen?
+ button: Gebruiker volgen
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Wil je %{user} niet langer volgen?
+ button: Gebruiker niet langer volgen
+ create:
+ success: Je volgt vanaf nu %{name}!
+ failed: Het beginnen volgen van %{name} is helaas mislukt.
+ already_followed: Je volgt %{name} al.
+ limit_exceeded: Je bent recentelijk veel gebruikers beginnen volgen. Gelieve
+ even te wachten alvorens nog meer gebruikers te proberen volgen.
+ destroy:
+ success: Je volgt nu niet langer %{name}.
+ not_followed: Je volgt %{name} niet.
naar de auteur via %{replyurl}
footer_html: U kunt het bericht ook lezen op %{readurl} en u kunt een bericht
sturen naar de auteur via %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hoi %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} heeft u als vriend toegevoegd'
- had_added_you: '%{user} heeft u toegevoegd als vriend op OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} volgt je'
+ followed_you: '%{user} volgt je nu op OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: U kunt zijn/haar profiel weergeven op %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: U kunt zijn/haar profiel weergeven op %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: U kunt deze gebruiker ook als vriend toevoegen op %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: U kunt deze gebruiker ook als vriend toevoegen op %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Je kunt hen terugvolgen op %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Je kunt hen terugvolgen op %{followurl}.
+ gpx_details:
+ details: 'Details van je bestand:'
+ filename: Bestandsnaam
+ url: URL
+ description: Beschrijving
+ tags: Labels
+ total_points: Totaal aantal punten
+ imported_points: Aantal geïmporteerde punten
hi: Hallo %{to_user},
- failed_to_import: Het lijkt erop dat het importeren van uw bestand als GPS-tracering
+ failed_to_import: Het lijkt erop dat het importeren van uw bestand als gps-traject
mislukt is.
+ verify: 'Controleer of je bestand een geldig GPX-bestand of een archief met
+ GPX-bestand(en) in een ondersteund formaat is (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar, .zip,
+ .gpx.gz, .gpx.bz2). Is er misschien een formatterings- of syntaxisprobleem
+ met het bestand? Dit is de importfoutmelding:'
more_info: Meer informatie over mislukte GPX-imports en hoe u ze kunt vermijden,
kunt u vinden op %{url}
more_info_html: Meer informatie over mislukte GPX-imports en hoe u ze kunt vermijden,
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX-import mislukt'
hi: Hallo %{to_user},
+ imported_successfully: Je bestand is toegevoegd als gps-traject.
all_your_traces: Al uw succesvol geüploade GPX-traces zijn te vinden op %{url}.
all_your_traces_html: Alle succesvol geüploade GPX-traces zijn te vinden op
details: Reageer of lees meer over de opmerking op %{url}.
details_html: Reageer of lees meer over de opmerking op %{url}.
- description: 'OpenStreetMap-wijzigingenreeks #%{id}'
+ description: 'OpenStreetMap-wijzigingenset #%{id}'
hi: Hoi %{to_user},
subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} heeft gereageerd op één van uw
success: Uw registratie is bevestigd. Dank u wel voor het registreren!
already active: Dit account is al bevestigd.
unknown token: De opgegeven bevestigingscode is verlopen of bestaat niet.
+ if_need_resend: Als we de bevestigingsmail opnieuw moeten zenden, gebruik dan
+ de onderstaande knop.
resend_button: Stuur de bevestigingsmail opnieuw
failure: De gebruiker %{name} is niet gevonden.
wrong_user: |-
U bent aangemeld als "%{user}", maar het bericht dat u wilt lezen is niet door die gebruiker gestuurd of aan die gebruiker gericht.
Meld u aan als de juiste gebruiker om het te lezen.
- mark:
- as_read: Gemarkeerd als gelezen
- as_unread: Gemarkeerd als ongelezen
- unmute:
- notice: Bericht is verplaatst naar Inbox
- error: Het bericht kon niet naar de Inbox worden verplaatst.
destroyed: Het bericht is verwijderd
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Gemarkeerd als gelezen
+ destroy:
+ notice: Gemarkeerd als ongelezen
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Bericht is verplaatst naar Inbox
+ error: Het bericht kon niet naar de Inbox worden verplaatst.
my_inbox: Mijn Postvak IN
details_without_tags_html: '%{time_ago} door %{user}'
public_traces: Openbare gps-trajecten
- my_gps_traces: Mijn GPS-traces
+ my_gps_traces: Mijn gps-trajecten
public_traces_from: Openbare gps-trajecten van %{user}
description: Door recente gps-traject-uploads bladeren
tagged_with: ' gelabeld met %{tags}'
empty_title: Hier nog niets
- empty_upload_html: '%{upload_link} of lees meer over GPS-tracering op de %{wiki_link}.'
- upload_new: Upload een nieuwe tracering
+ empty_upload_html: '%{upload_link} of lees meer over gps-trajecten op de %{wiki_link}.'
+ upload_new: Upload een nieuw traject
wiki_page: wikipagina
upload_trace: Traject uploaden
all_traces: Alle trajecten
heading: De opslag van GPX-bestanden is niet beschikbaar
message: Het systeem voor het opslaan en uploaden van GPX-bestanden is momenteel
niet beschikbaar.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap gps-trajecten
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-bestand met één punt van %{user}
- other: GPX-bestand met %{count} punten van %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-bestand van %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap gps-trajecten
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-bestand met één punt van %{user}
+ other: GPX-bestand met %{count} punten van %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-bestand van %{user}
permission_denied: U hebt geen toestemming om toegang te krijgen tot die handeling
openid: Aanmelden met OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Gebruikersvoorkeuren lezen
write_prefs: Gebruikersvoorkeuren wijzigen
- write_diary: Dagboekberichten schrijven, reacties geven en vrienden maken
+ write_diary: Dagboekberichten schrijven en reacties bij dagboekberichten plaatsen
write_api: De kaart wijzigen
read_gpx: Persoonlijke gps-trajecten lezen
write_gpx: Gps-trajecten uploaden
permissions: Rechten
redirect_uris: Omleidings-URI's
- sorry: Die toepassing kon helaas niet worden gevonden.
+ sorry: Die toepassing kon helaas niet gevonden worden.
title: Autorisatie vereist
privacy_policy_title: OSMF-privacybeleid, met een kopje over e-mailadressen
contributor_terms: bijdragevoorwaarden
continue: Registreren
- terms accepted: Dank u wel voor het aanvaarden van de nieuwe bijdragersovereenkomst!
privacy_policy: privacybeleid
privacy_policy_title: OSMF-privacybeleid, met een sectie over e-mailadressen
edits: Bewerkingen
traces: Trajecten
notes: Kaartopmerkingen
- remove as friend: Vriend verwijderen
- add as friend: Vriend toevoegen
+ unfollow: Niet langer volgen
+ follow: Volgen
mapper since: 'Kaartmaker sinds:'
last map edit: 'Recentste bewerking:'
no activity yet: Nog geen activiteit
summary_html: '%{name} aangemaakt vanaf %{ip_address} op %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} aangemaakt op %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ changesets: Wijzigingensets
+ diary_entries: Dagboekberichten
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ changeset: Wijzigingenset
+ when: Wanneer
+ comment: Reactie
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Dagboekreacties toegevoegd door %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Dagboekbericht
+ when: Wanneer
title: Gebruiker opgeschort
heading: Account opgeschort
of bijwerken.
non_moderator_revoke: U moet moderator zijn om een blokkade te kunnen verwijderen.
- sorry: De gebruikersblokkade met het ID %{id} kon helaas niet worden gevonden.
+ sorry: De gebruikersblokkade met het ID %{id} kon helaas niet gevonden worden.
back: Terug naar de index
title: Blokkade aanmaken voor %{name}
ended: beëindigd
revoked_html: ingetrokken door %{name}
active: actief
+ active_until_read: actief tot gelezen
read_html: gelezen op %{time}
time_in_future_title: '%{time_absolute}; in %{time_relative}'
time_in_past_title: '%{time_absolute}; %{time_relative}'
title: Opmerkingen gemaakt door %{user}
heading: Opmerkingen van %{user}
- subheading_html: Opmerkingen %{submitted} of %{commented} door %{user}
- subheading_submitted: verzonden
- subheading_commented: gereageerd op
+ subheading_html: Opmerkingen %{submitted} door %{user} of waar %{user} op %{commented}
+ subheading_submitted: geplaatst
+ subheading_commented: reageerde
no_notes: Geen opmerkingen
id: Id
creator: Auteur
intro: Een fout gezien? Ontbreekt er iets? Laat het andere kaartmakers weten
zodat wij het kunnen verbeteren. Verplaats de markering naar de juiste positie
en beschrijf het probleem.
- anonymous_warning_html: U bent niet aangemeld. Als u updates van uw aantekening
- wilt ontvangen, kunt u %{log_in} of %{sign_up}.
- anonymous_warning_log_in: aanmelden
- anonymous_warning_sign_up: registreren
+ anonymous_warning_html: Je bent niet aangemeld. Het is aanbevolen %{log_in}
+ of %{sign_up} zodat u reacties van andere kaartmakers kunt ontvangen en uw
+ opmerking beter opgevolgd kan worden.
+ anonymous_warning_log_in: je aan te melden
+ anonymous_warning_sign_up: je te registreren
+ counter_warning_html: Je hebt meer dan %{x_anonymous_notes} geplaatst, dat is
+ geweldig voor de community, bedankt! We willen je graag uitnodigen om %{contribute_by_yourself},
+ het is niet zo heel ingewikkeld en %{community_can_help}.
+ x_anonymous_notes:
+ one: '%{count} anonieme opmerking'
+ other: '%{count} anonieme opmerkingen'
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ text: zelf de kaart te bewerken
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NL:Beginnershandleiding
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: de community helpt je graag
+ url: https://community.openstreetmap.org/
advice: Deze opmerking is openbaar en kan gebruikt worden om de kaart bij te
werken. Vul hier dus geen persoonlijke informatie in, en ook geen informatie
uit kaarten of telefoonboeken waar auteursrechtelijke bescherming op rust.
showing_page: Pagina %{page}
next: Volgende
previous: Vorige
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Opmerking #%{id} kon helaas niet gevonden worden.'
close: Sluiten
external auth: Ekstern autentisering
link text: kva er dette?
- public editing:
- heading: Offentleg redigering
- enabled: Aktivert. Ikkje anonym og kan redigere data.
- enabled link text: kva er dette?
- disabled: Deaktivert og kan ikkje redigere data. Alle tidlegare redigeringar
- er anonyme.
- disabled link text: kvifor can eg ikkje redigere?
contributor terms:
heading: Vilkår for bidragsytarar
agreed: Du har godkjent dei nye bidragsytervilkåra
france: Frankrike
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Resten av verda
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Takk for at du godtok dei nye bidragsytervilkårene!
deleted_ago_by_html: Sletta %{time_ago} av %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: Redigert %{time_ago} av %{user}
title: Endringssett
title_user: Endringssett av %{user}
title_user_link_html: Endringssett av %{user_link}
- title_friend: Endringssett av venene dine
title_nearby: Endringssett av brukarar i nærleiken
empty: Fann ingen endringssett.
empty_area: Ingen endringssett i dette området.
your location: Posisjonen din
nearby mapper: Brukarar i nærleiken
- friend: Ven
title: Kontrollpanelet mitt
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} og set heimestaden din for å sjå
brukarar i nærleiken.'
edit_your_profile: Endra profilen din
- my friends: Mine vener
- no friends: Du har ikkje lagt til nokon venner enno.
nearby users: Andre brukarar i nærleiken
no nearby users: Det er ingen andre brukarar som innrømmer kartlegging i området
ditt enno.
- friends_changesets: endringssett av vener
- friends_diaries: dagbokoppføringar av vener
nearby_changesets: endringssett av naboar
nearby_diaries: dagbokoppføringar av naboar
use_map_link: Bruk kart
title: Brukardagbøker
- title_friends: Dagbøkene til venane dine
title_nearby: Dagbøkene til brukarar i nærleiken
user_title: '%{user} si dagbok'
in_language_title: Dagbokoppføringar på %{language}
title: Oppføringar OpenStreetMap-dagboka
description: Nylege oppføringar i dagbøkene til OpenStreetMap-brukarar
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Kommentarar i dagboka frå %{user}
- heading: '%{user} sine kommentarar til dagboksoppføringar'
- subheading_html: Kommentarar i dagboka frå %{user}
- no_comments: Ingen kommentarar i dagboka
- page:
- post: Oppføring
- when: Når
- comment: Kommentar
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Legg til %{user} som ein ven?
- button: Legg til som ven
- success: '%{name} er no venen din!'
- failed: Klarte ikkje leggje til %{name} som ven.
- already_a_friend: Du er allereie venner med %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Du har lagt til mange venar i det siste. Ver venleg og vent
- litt før du legg til fleire.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Fjern %{user} som ein ven?
- button: Fjern som ein ven
- success: '%{name} vart fjerna frå venene dine'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} er ikkje ein av venene dine.'
forfattaren på %{replyurl}
footer_html: Du kan òg lesa meldinga på %{readurl}, og du kan senda ei melding
til forfattaren på %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hei %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} la deg til som ein ven'
- had_added_you: '%{user} har lagt deg til som ven på OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Du kan sjå profilen deira på %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Du kan sjå profilen hens på %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Du kan òg leggje dei til som ven på %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Du kan òg legga hen til som ein ven på %{befriendurl}.
hi: Hei, %{to_user}
failed_to_import: 'klarte ikkje importere. Her er feilen:'
back: Tilbake
wrong_user: Du er logga inn som «%{user}», men meldinga du ynskjer å lese vart
ikkje send til den brukaren. Logg inn som korrekt brukar for å lese.
- mark:
- as_read: Melding markert som lese
- as_unread: Melding markert som ulese
destroyed: Melding sletta
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Melding markert som lese
+ destroy:
+ notice: Melding markert som ulese
my_inbox: Mottekne
heading: GPX-lagring er utilgjengelig
message: Systemet for opplasting og lagring av GPX-filer er ikkje tilgjengeleg
for augneblunken.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spor
- description:
- description_without_count: GPX-fil frå %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spor
+ description:
+ description_without_count: GPX-fil frå %{user}
cookies_needed: Du ser ut til å ha deaktivert informasjonskapsler. Aktivar informasjonskapsler
display name description: Ditt offentleg framviste brukernavn. Du kan endre
dette seinare i innstellingane.
continue: Registrer deg
- terms accepted: Takk for at du godtok dei nye bidragsytervilkårene!
title: Ingen brukar funnet
heading: Brukaren %{user} finst ikkje
edits: Endringar
traces: Spor
notes: Kartmerknadar
- remove as friend: Fjern ven
- add as friend: Legg til ven
mapper since: 'Brukar sidan:'
ct status: 'Bidragsytarvilkår:'
ct undecided: Usikker
summary_html: '%{name} oppretta frå %{ip_address} den %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} oppretta %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Når
+ comment: Kommentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Kommentarar i dagboka frå %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Oppføring
title: Konto stengt
heading: Konto stengt
external auth: ߞߐߞߊ߲ߠߊ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߢߐ߲߰ߦߊ߬ߟߌ
link text: ߡߎ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߣߌ߲߬ ߘߌ߫؟
- public editing:
- heading: ߖߊ߬ߡߊ ߟߊ߫ ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲
- enabled: ߓߘߊ߫ ߓߌ߬ߟߴߊ߬ ߟߊ߫. ߊ߬ ߕߍ߫ ߘߋ߬ ߞߏ߫ ߕߐ߯ߒߕߊ߲ ߛߋ߫ ߕߐ߫ ߓߍ߫ ߟߐ߲ߕߊ ߡߊߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߫
- ߠߊ߫.
- enabled link text: ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߡߎ߲߬ ߘߌ߫؟
- disabled: ߊ߬ ߓߘߊ߫ ߓߴߊ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߊ߬ ߘߏ߲߬ ߕߍ߫ ߛߋ߫ ߟߐ߲ߕߊ ߡߊߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߫ ߠߊ߫߸ ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲
- ߛߎ߯-ߎ-ߛߎ߫ ߞߐ߲߬ߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ ߢߍ ߘߐ߫߸ ߏ߬ ߓߍ߯ ߦߋ߫ ߕߐ߯ߒߕߊ߲ ߠߋ߬ ߘߌ߫.
- disabled link text: ߡߎ߲߬ߠߊ߫ ߒߠߋ ߕߍ߫ ߛߋ߫ ߟߊ߫ ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲߫ ߞߍ߫ ߟߊ߫؟
contributor terms:
heading: ߓߟߏߓߌߟߊߢߐ߲߯ߞߊ߲ ߛߙߊߕߌ ߟߎ߬
agreed: ߌ ߓߘߊ߫ ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߫ ߓߟߏߓߌߟߊߢߐ߲߯ߞߊ߲ߠߊ߫ ߞߎߘߊ ߛߙߊߕߌ ߟߎ߬ ߡߊ߬.
france: ߝߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߛߌ߫
italy: ߌߕߊߟߌ߫
rest_of_world: ߘߎߢߊ߫ ߕߐ߬ ߕߏߣߍ߲
+ update:
+ terms accepted: ߌ ߣߌ߫ ߗߋ߫ ߓߟߏߡߊߜߍ߲ ߛߙߊߕߌ߫ ߞߎߘߊ ߟߊߡߌ߬ߘߊ ߟߊ߫߹
terms_declined_html: ߊ߲ ߓߘߊ߫ ߖߌ߰ߡߊߖߊ߲߬ߝߊ߫ ߞߊ߬ ߓߍ߲߬ ߌ ߓߊ߲߭ ߡߊ߬ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ߫
ߞߎߘߊ ߞߎߘߊ ߛߙߊߕߌ ߟߊߡߌ߬ߣߊ߫ ߟߊ߫. ߛߴߌ ߘߌ߫ ߞߎ߲߬ߠߊ߬ߝߏ߬ߣߌ߲߫ ߛߌߦߊߡߊ߲߫ ߞߏ ߘߐ߫߸ %{terms_declined_link}
title: ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߎ߬ ߡߊߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲߫
title_user: '%{user} ߓߘߊ߫ ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߡߊߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲߫'
title_user_link_html: ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲߫ ߞߙߎ %{user_link} ߓߟߏ߫
- title_friend: ߒ ߕߋߙߌ ߓߘߊ߫ ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߡߊߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲߫
title_nearby: ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߡߍ߲ ߟߊߘߏ߲߬ߣߍ߲߫ ߛߌ߬ߢߐ߲߰ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߟߎ߬ ߓߟߏ߫
empty: ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲߬ ߡߊ߬ߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲߬ߠߌ߲߬ ߡߊ߫ ߛߐ߬ߘߐ߲߫
empty_area: ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲߬ ߡߊ߬ߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲߬ߠߌ߲߬ ߕߍ߫ ߕߌ߲߬ߞߎߘߎ߲ ߘߐ߫.
your location: ߌ ߘߌ߲߬ߞߌߙߊ
nearby mapper: ߛߌ߰ߢߐ߲߮ ߔߊ߬ߔߘߊ߬ߦߊ߬ߟߊ
- friend: ߕߋߙߌ
edit_your_profile: ߌ ߢߊߞߙߍ ߡߊߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߫
- my friends: ߒ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬
- no friends: ߌ ߡߊ߫ ߕߋߙߌ߫ ߛߌ߫ ߝߙߊ߬ ߡߎߣߎ߲߬.
nearby users: ߛߌ߰ߢߐ߲߮ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ߫ ߜߘߍ ߟߎ߬
no nearby users: ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ߫ ߜߘߍ߫ ߛߌ߫ ߟߊߞߙߐ߬ߛߌ߫ ߔߊ߬ߔߘߊ߬ߦߊ߬ߟߊ ߘߴߌ ߕߙߐߝߍ߬ ߡߎߣߎ߲߬.
- friends_changesets: ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߎ߬
- friends_diaries: ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߓߊ߯ߙߊ ߟߎ߬
nearby_changesets: ߞߙߍ߬ߝߍ߬ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߎ߬
nearby_diaries: ߛߌ߰ߢߐ߲߰ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߟߊ߫ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߬ߠߌ߲߬ߣߐ ߟߎ߬
use_map_link: ߔߊ߬ߔߘߊ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫
title: ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߟߎ߬ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲
- title_friends: ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲
title_nearby: ߛߌ߰ߢߐ߲߮ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߟߎ߬ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲
user_title: '%{user} ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲'
in_language_title: '%{language} ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߎ߬'
title: ߏߔߌ߲ߛߕߑߙߌߕߑߡߊߔ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߎ߬
description: ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߟߊ߫ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߟߊ߬ߘߏ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߏߔߌ߲ߛߕߑߙߌߕߑߡߊߔ ߞߊ߲߬
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߡߙߌߣߊ߲߲߫ ߝߙߊ߬ߣߍ߲ %{user} ߓߟߏ߫
- heading: '%{user} ߟߊ߫ ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߡߙߌߣߊ߲߲ ߠߎ߬'
- subheading_html: ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߡߙߌߣߊ߲߲ ߝߙߊ߬ߣߍ߲ %{user} ߓߟߏ߫
- no_comments: ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߡߙߌߣߊ߲߲߫ ߕߴߦߋ߲߬
- page:
- post: ߗߋߓߏ߲
- when: ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߫ ߖߐ߲߬
- comment: ߡߙߌߣߊ߲ߦߌߘߊ
title: ߟߥߊ߬ߟߌ߬ߟߌ ߝߎ߬ߕߎ߲߬ߕߌ
title: ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߡߊ߬ ߛߐ߬ߘߐ߲߬
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: ' ߞߊ߬ %{user} ߞߍ߫ ߌ ߕߋߙߌ ߘߌ߫؟'
- button: ߞߍ߫ ߕߋߙߌ ߘߌ߫
- success: '%{name} ߓߘߊ߫ ߞߴߌ ߕߋߙߌ ߘߌ߫߹'
- failed: ߤߊߞߍ߬ߕߏ߫߸ %{name} ߓߘߊ߫ ߗߌߙߏ߲߫ ߝߊ߬ߙߊ ߘߐ߫ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫
- already_a_friend: ߌ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߋ߬ ߦߋ߫ %{name} ߘߌ߫ ߞߘߐ߬ߡߊ߲߫
- limit_exceeded: ߌ ߓߊ߲߫ ߛߊ߲߮ ߠߋ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ߫ ߥߙߍߓߊߓߊ ߞߍ߫ ߟߴߌ ߕߋߙߌ ߘߌ߫ ߣߌ߲߬.
- ߒ߬ߓߊ߬ ߥߛߎ߬ߣߍ߲߫ ߘߐߞߐ߬ߣߐ߲߫ ߖߊ߰ߣߌ߲߫ ߦߊ߬ߣߴߌ ߞߍߕߐ߫ ߦߋ߫ ߕߋߙߌ߫ ߜߘߍ߫ ߟߊߘߊ߲߫ ߠߊ߫.
- remove_friend:
- heading: ߡߍ߲ ߕߴߌ ߕߋߙߌ߫ ߘߌ߫ %{user}؟
- button: ߌ ߕߋߙߌ߫ ߕߍ߫
- success: '%{name} ߓߘߊ߫ ߓߊ߲߫ ߓߐ߫ ߟߴߌ ߕߋߙߌߦߊ ߟߊ߫'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ߕߴߌ ߕߋߙߌ ߝߋ߲߫ ߘߌ߫.'
ߟߴߊ߬ ߛߓߍߓߊ߮ ߡߊ߬ %{replyurl} ߟߊ߫
footer_html: ߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߋ߫ ߗߋߛߓߍ ߘߐߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ ߠߊ߫ %{readurl} ߟߊ߫ ߊ߬ ߣߴߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߋ߫ ߗߋߛߓߍ
ߗߋ߫ ߟߴߊ߬ ߛߓߍߓߊ߮ ߡߊ߬ %{replyurl} ߟߊ߫
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: '%{to_user} ߣߌ߫ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬'
- subject: '[ߏߔߌ߲ߛߑߕߙߌߕߑߡߊߔ] %{user} ߓߘߴߌ ߝߙߊ߬ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ߓߘߴߌ ߝߙߊ߬ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߏߔߌ߲ߛߑߕߙߌߕߑߡߊߔ ߞߊ߲߬.'
see_their_profile: ߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ߟߎ߬ ߢߊߞߙߍ ߦߋ߫ ߟߊ߫ ߦߊ߲߬ %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: ߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ߟߎ߬ ߢߊߞߙߍ ߦߋ߫ ߟߊ߫ ߦߊ߲߬ %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: ߌ ߝߣߊ߫ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ߟߎ߫ ߝߙߊ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫ %{befriendurl} ߘߐ߫
- befriend_them_html: ߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ߟߎ߫ ߝߙߊ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߕߋߙߌ ߟߎ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߝߣߊ߫ %{befriendurl}
- ߘߐ߫
hi: '%{to_user} ߣߌ߫ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬'
failed_to_import: 'ߟߊ߬ߛߣߍ߬ߟߌ߬ ߗߌߙߏ߲ߣߍ߲. ߝߎ߬ߕߎ߲߬ߕߌ ߦߋ߫ ߦߊ߲߬:'
wrong_user: ߌ ߜߊ߲߬ߞߎ߲߬ߣߍ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ %{user} ߟߋ߬ ߘߌ߫ ߒ߬ߞߊ߬ ߌ ߢߌ߬ߣߊ߬ߣߍ߲߫ ߗߋߛߓߍ ߡߍ߲
ߘߐߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ ߞߏ ߡߊ߬߸ ߏ߬ ߗߋߣߍ߲߫ ߕߴߏ߬ ߓߟߏ߫ ߥߟߊ߫ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߏ߬ ߡߊ߬. ߌ ߜߊ߲߬ߞߎ߲߫
ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ߫ ߖߐ߲ߖߐ߲ ߘߌ߫ ߖߊ߰ߣߌ߲߫ ߛߴߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ ߘߐߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ ߠߊ߫.
- mark:
- as_read: ߗߋߛߓߍ ߓߘߊ߫ ߣߐ߫ߣߐ߫ ߘߐ߬ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߣߍ߲ ߘߌ߫
- as_unread: ߗߋߛߓߍ ߓߘߊ߫ ߣߐ߬ߣߐ߬ ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߓߊߟߌ ߘߌ߫
destroyed: ߗߋߛߓߍ ߓߘߊ߫ ߖߏ߬ߛߌ߫
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: ߗߋߛߓߍ ߓߘߊ߫ ߣߐ߫ߣߐ߫ ߘߐ߬ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߣߍ߲ ߘߌ߫
+ destroy:
+ notice: ߗߋߛߓߍ ߓߘߊ߫ ߣߐ߬ߣߐ߬ ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߓߊߟߌ ߘߌ߫
my_inbox: ߒ ߠߊ߫ ߞߏ߲߬ߘߏ ߞߣߐߟߊ
heading: GPX ߟߊߡߙߊ߬ߦߙߐ ߜߊ߲߬ߞߎ߲߬ߓߊߟߌ ߟߋ߬
message: GPX ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߊߡߙߊ߬ߦߙߐ ߣߴߊ߬ ߟߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߟߌ߬ ߞߊ߲ߞߋ ߟߎ߬ ߕߴߊ߬ ߟߊ߫ ߕߊ߲߬.
- georss:
- title: ߏߔߌ߲ߛߑߕߙߌߕߑߡߊߔ GPS ߜߋ߬ߙߋ
- description:
- description_without_count: GPX ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߞߊ߬ ߝߘߊ߫ %{user} ߟߊ߫
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: ߏߔߌ߲ߛߑߕߙߌߕߑߡߊߔ GPS ߜߋ߬ߙߋ
+ description:
+ description_without_count: GPX ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߞߊ߬ ߝߘߊ߫ %{user} ߟߊ߫
permission_denied: ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ ߞߍߣߍ߲߫ ߕߴߌ ߡߊ߬ ߞߏ߫ ߛߎ߮ ߏ߬ ߟߊߛߐ߬ߘߐ߲ ߘߐ߫
display name description: ߌ ߓߘߊ߫ ߕߐ߮ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߕߊ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߖߊ߬ߡߊ ߢߊߞߘߐ߫.ߌ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߏ߬
ߡߊߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲߬ ߠߊ߫ ߦߟߌߡߊߛߙߋ ߞߣߐ߫ ߞߐߝߍ߬.
continue: ߖߊ߬ߕߋ߬ߘߊ ߟߊߞߊ߬
- terms accepted: ߌ ߣߌ߫ ߗߋ߫ ߓߟߏߡߊߜߍ߲ ߛߙߊߕߌ߫ ߞߎߘߊ ߟߊߡߌ߬ߘߊ ߟߊ߫߹
title: ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ߫ ߛߎ߮ ߏ߬ ߕߍ߫ ߦߋ߲߬
heading: ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ %{user} ߕߍ߫ ߦߋ߲߬
edits: ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߎ߬
traces: ߝߏ߲߬ߝߏ߲ ߠߎ߬
notes: ߡߊߔ ߦߟߌߣߐ ߟߎ߬
- remove as friend: ߕߋߙߌߦߊ ߝߘߊ߫
- add as friend: ߕߋߙߌ ߝߙߊ߬
mapper since: 'ߔߊ߬ߔߘߊ߬ߦߊ߬ߟߊ ߘߌ߫ ߞߊ߬ߦߌ߯:'
ct status: 'ߓߟߏߓߌߟߊߢߐ߲߯ߞߊ߲ ߛߙߊߕߌ ߟߎ߬:'
email address: 'ߢߎߡߍߙߋ߲߫ߞߏ߲ߘߏ ߛߊ߲߬ߓߊ߬ߕߐ߮:'
summary_html: '%{name} ߛߌ߲ߘߌߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ %{ip_address} ߟߋ߬ ߡߊ߬ %{date} ߟߊ߫'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} ߛߌ߲ߘߌߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ %{date} ߟߋ߬ ߟߊ߫'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߫ ߖߐ߲߬
+ comment: ߡߙߌߣߊ߲ߦߌߘߊ
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: ߕߋ߬ߟߋ߲ ߡߙߌߣߊ߲߲߫ ߝߙߊ߬ߣߍ߲ %{user} ߓߟߏ߫
+ page:
+ post: ߗߋߓߏ߲
title: ߖߊ߬ߕߋ߬ߘߊ߬ ߟߊߘߎ߲ߣߍ߲
heading: ߖߊ߬ߕߋ߬ߘߊ߬ ߟߊߘߎ߲ߣߍ߲
external auth: 'Autentificacion extèrna:'
link text: qu’es aquò ?
- public editing:
- heading: Modificacion publica
- enabled: Activat. Pas anonim e pòt modificar lei donadas.
- enabled link text: qu’es aquò ?
- disabled: Desactivadas e sensa permés per editar; lei modificacions anterioras
- son anonimas.
- disabled link text: perqué pòdi pas modificar ?
contributor terms:
heading: Tèrmes de collaboracion
agreed: Avètz acceptat lei tèrmes novèus dau contributor.
france: França
italy: Itàlia
rest_of_world: Rèsta del mond
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Mercé d’aver acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor !
version: Version
in_changeset: Grop de modificacions
title: Gropes de modificacions
title_user: Gropes de modificacions per %{user}
- title_friend: Grops de modificacions deis amics
title_nearby: Gropes de modificacions deis utilizaires a proximitat
empty: Ges de grop de modificacions trobat.
empty_area: Ges de grop de modificacions dins aquesta zòna.
your location: Vòstre emplaçament
nearby mapper: Mapaire dins los environs
- friend: Amic
title: Tablèu de bòrd
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} E establissètz la posicion de vòstre
domicili per veire leis usatgiers vesins.'
edit_your_profile: Modificar lo perfiu
- my friends: los mens amics
- no friends: Avètz pas encara ajustat d'amics
nearby users: Autreis utilizaires pròches
no nearby users: Ges d'utilizaire a pas encara senhalat que cartografiava a
- friends_changesets: Percórrer totes los gropes de modificacions dels amics
- friends_diaries: Entradas de jornal dels amics
nearby_changesets: Percórrer totes los gropes de modificacions dels utilizaires
a proximitat
nearby_diaries: Entradas de jornal dels utilizaires a proximitat
use_map_link: Utilizar la mapa
title: Jornaus deis utilizaires
- title_friends: Jornaus deis amics
title_nearby: Jornaus deis utilizaires pròches
user_title: Jornau de %{user}
in_language_title: Entradas de jornau en %{language}
title: Entradas de jornau d'OpenStreetMap
description: Entradas recentas de jornau deis utilizaires d'OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Comentaris ajustats au jornau per %{user}
- heading: Comentaris dau jornau de %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentaris dau jornau ajustats per %{user}
- no_comments: Ges de comentaris au jornau
- page:
- post: Mandar
- when: Quand
- comment: Comentari
contact_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contact
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Ajustar %{user} per amic ?
- button: Ajustar per amic
- success: d'ara enlà, %{name} es vòstre amic.
- failed: O planhèm, fracàs al moment de l'ajust de %{name} per amic
- already_a_friend: Sètz ja amic amb %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Avètz enviat tròp de de messatges recentament, esperatz un moment
- abans d'assajar tornarmai.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Suprimir %{user} per amic ?
- button: Suprimir per amic
- success: '%{name} es estat levat de vòstres amics.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} es pas de vòstres amics.'
a l'autor a %{replyurl}
footer_html: Tanben podètz legir lo messatge a %{readurl} e i podètz respondre
a %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Bonjorn %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vos a ajustat per amic'
- had_added_you: '%{user} vos a ajustat per amic dins OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: 'Podètz veire son perfiu aicí : %{userurl}.'
see_their_profile_html: 'Podètz veire son perfiu aicí : %{userurl}.'
- befriend_them: 'Tanben, lo podètz ajustar per amic aicí : %{befriendurl}.'
- befriend_them_html: 'Tanben, lo podètz ajustar coma amic-ga aicí : %{befriendurl}.'
hi: Bonjorn %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'a pas pogut èsser importat. Aquí l''error :'
wrong_user: Sètz identificat(-ada) coma « %{user} » mas lo messatge qu'ensajatz
de legir es pas estat enviat a vos o a aqueste utilizaire. Connectatz-vos
amb l'identificant corrècte per lo poder legir.
- mark:
- as_read: Messatge marcat coma legit
- as_unread: Messatge marcat coma pas legit
destroyed: Messatge suprimit
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Messatge marcat coma legit
+ destroy:
+ notice: Messatge marcat coma pas legit
my_inbox: Ma bóstia de recepcion
heading: Emmagazinatge GPX fòra linha
message: Lo sistèma d'emmagazinatge GPX es actualament indisponible.
- georss:
- title: Traças GPS d'OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Fichièr GPX file amb %{count} punt de %{user}
- other: Fichièr GPX amb %{count} punts de %{user}
- description_without_count: Fichièr GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Traças GPS d'OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Fichièr GPX file amb %{count} punt de %{user}
+ other: Fichièr GPX amb %{count} punts de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Fichièr GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Vos es pas permés de realizar aquesta accion.
display name description: Vòstre nom d'utilizaire afichat publicament. Podètz
cambiar aquò ulteriorament dins las preferéncias.
continue: S’inscriure
- terms accepted: Mercé d’aver acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor !
use external auth: A la plaça, utilizatz un tèrç per vos connectar
title: Utilizaire inexistent
edits: Modificacions
traces: Traças
notes: Nòtas de mapa
- remove as friend: Suprimir en tant qu'amic
- add as friend: Apondre en tant qu'amic
mapper since: 'Mapaire dempuèi :'
ct status: 'Condicions del contributor :'
ct undecided: Pas decidit
summary_html: '%{name} creat dempuèi %{ip_address} lo %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creat lo %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quand
+ comment: Comentari
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentaris ajustats au jornau per %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Mandar
title: Compte suspendut
heading: Compte suspendut
external auth: ਬਾਹਰੀ ਪ੍ਰਮਾਣਿਕਤਾ
link text: ਇਹ ਕੀ ਹੈ?
- public editing:
- heading: ਜਨਤਕ ਸੁਧਾਈ
- enabled: ਯੋਗ ਕੀਤਾ। ਅਗਿਆਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਡਾਟਾ ਨੂੰ ਸੋਧ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।
- enabled link text: ਇਹ ਕੀ ਹੈ?
- disabled: ਅਯੋਗ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਡੇਟਾ ਨੂੰ ਸੋਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ, ਸਾਰੇ ਪਿਛਲੇ ਸੋਧ ਅਗਿਆਤ ਹਨ।
- disabled link text: ਮੈਂ ਸੋਧ ਕਿਉਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ?
contributor terms:
heading: 'ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਦੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਂ:'
agreed: ਤੁਸੀਂ ਯੋਗਦਾਨੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਨਵੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਂ ਨਾਲ਼ ਸਹਿਮਤੀ ਜਤਾਈ ਹੈ।
france: ਫ਼ਰਾਂਸ
italy: ਇਟਲੀ
rest_of_world: ਬਾਕੀ ਦੁਨੀਆਂ
+ update:
+ terms accepted: ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਪਾਉਣ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਨਵੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!
terms_declined_html: ਸਾਨੂੰ ਅਫ਼ਸੋਸ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਪਾਉਣ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਨਵੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਂ
ਨੂੰ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਨਾ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਫੈਸਲਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ। ਵਧੇਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ %{terms_declined_link}
title: ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ
title_user: '%{user} ਵੱਲੋਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} ਵੱਲੋਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ'
- title_friend: ਮੇਰੇ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ
title_nearby: ਨੇੜਲੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰਾਂ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ
empty: ਕੋਈ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲਿਆਂ।
empty_area: ਇਸ ਖੇਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ।
created: ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ
closed: ਬੰਦ ਹੋਇਆ
belongs_to: ਲੇਖਕ
- subscribe:
- heading: ਹੇਠਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਲਈ ਗਾਹਕ ਬਣੋ?
- button: ਚਰਚਾ ਲਈ ਗਾਹਕ ਬਣੋ
- unsubscribe:
- heading: ਹੇਠਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੀਆਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਚਰਚਾ ਤੋਂ ਗਾਹਕੀ ਹਟਾਓ?
- button: ਚਰਚਾ ਤੋਂ ਗਾਹਕੀ ਹਟਾਓ
- heading:
- title: ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀ %{id}
- created_by_html: '%{link_user} ਵੱਲੋਂ %{created} ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ।'
- no_such_entry:
- heading: ਸ਼ਿਨਾਖਤ:%{id} ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ
- body: ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨਾ, id %{id} ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ-ਜੋੜ ਦੀ
- ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ, ਜਾਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਕੜੀ ਗਲਤ ਹੈ।
title: 'ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਲੜੀ: %{id}'
created: 'ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ: %{when}'
sorry: ਮੁਆਫ ਕਰਨਾ, ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਸੂਚੀ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ
ਵਿੱਚ ਬਹੁਤ ਲੰਬਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਲੱਗ ਗਿਆ।
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: ਹੇਠਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਲਈ ਗਾਹਕ ਬਣੋ?
+ button: ਚਰਚਾ ਲਈ ਗਾਹਕ ਬਣੋ
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: ਹੇਠਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੀਆਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ ਚਰਚਾ ਤੋਂ ਗਾਹਕੀ ਹਟਾਓ?
+ button: ਚਰਚਾ ਤੋਂ ਗਾਹਕੀ ਹਟਾਓ
+ heading:
+ title: ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀ %{id}
+ created_by_html: '%{link_user} ਵੱਲੋਂ %{created} ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ।'
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: ਸ਼ਿਨਾਖਤ:%{id} ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ
+ body: ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨਾ, id %{id} ਨਾਲ ਕੋਈ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ-ਜੋੜ ਦੀ
+ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ, ਜਾਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਕੜੀ ਗਲਤ ਹੈ।
km away: '%{count}ਕਿ.ਮੀ. ਪਰ੍ਹਾਂ'
your location: ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ
nearby mapper: ਨੇਡ਼ਲੇ ਨਕਸ਼ਾ-ਨਵੀਸ਼
- friend: ਦੋਸਤ
title: ਮੇਰਾ ਡੈਸ਼ਬੋਰਡ
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ਅਤੇ ਨੇਡ਼ਲੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਣ ਲਈ
ਆਪਣੇ ਘਰ ਦਾ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਕਾਇਮ ਕਰੋ।'
edit_your_profile: ਆਪਣਾ ਪ੍ਰੋਫਾਈਲ ਸੋਧੋ
- my friends: ਮੇਰੇ ਦੋਸਤ
- no friends: ਤੁਸੀਂ ਅਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਮਿੱਤਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਜੋੜਿਆ।
nearby users: ਨੇੜੇ-ਤੇੜੇ ਦੇ ਹੋਰ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ
no nearby users: ਅਜੇ ਤੱਕ ਇੱਥੇ ਨੇੜੇ ਕੋਈ ਹੋਰ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ ਜੋ ਨਕਸ਼ਾ-ਉਲੀਕਣ
ਨੂੰ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ।
- friends_changesets: ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਦਿਆਂ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ
- friends_diaries: ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ਼
nearby_changesets: ਨੇੜਲੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਦੀ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ-ਲੜੀਆਂ
nearby_diaries: ਨੇੜਲੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ਼
use_map_link: ਨਕਸ਼ਾ ਵਰਤੋ
title: ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚੇ
- title_friends: ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚੇ
title_nearby: ਨੇਡ਼ਲੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚੇ
user_title: '%{user} ਦੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚੇ'
in_language_title: '%{language} ਵਿੱਚ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ਼'
heading: ਹੇਠ ਲਿਖੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ ਚਰਚਾ ਤੋਂ ਗਾਹਕੀ ਹਟਾਓ?
button: ਚਰਚਾ ਤੋਂ ਗਾਹਕੀ ਹਟਾਓ
- index:
- title: ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ %{user} ਵੱਲੋਂ ਜੋੜੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ
- heading: '%{user} ਦੀਆਂ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ'
- subheading_html: ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ %{user} ਵੱਲੋਂ ਜੋੜੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ
- no_comments: ਕੋਈ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ
- page:
- post: ਡਾਕ
- when: ਕਦੋਂ
- comment: ਟਿੱਪਣੀ
heading: ਹੇਠ ਲਿਖੇ ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਇੰਦਰਾਜ ਚਰਚਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਟਿੱਪਣੀ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ?
title: ਆਦੇਸ਼ਕਾਰੀ ਦੀ ਗਲਤੀ
title: ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭੀ
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} ਨਾਲ਼ ਯਾਰੀ ਪਾਉਣੀ ਹੈ?'
- button: ਦੋਸਤ ਵਜੋਂ ਜੋੜੋ
- success: '%{name} ਹੁਣ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਦੋਸਤ ਹੈ!'
- failed: ਮੁਆਫ ਕਰਨਾ,%{name} ਨੂੰ ਦੋਸਤ ਵਜੋਂ ਜੋਡ਼ਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਫਲ ਰਿਹਾ।
- already_a_friend: ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪਹਿਲੋਂ ਹੀ %{name} ਨਾਲ਼ ਯਾਰੀ ਪਾ ਚੁੱਕੇ ਹੋ।
- limit_exceeded: ਤੁਸੀਂ ਹਾਲ ਹੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਦੋਸਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ
- ਕਰਕੇ ਹੋਰ ਦੋਸਤੀ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਕੁਝ ਸਮਾਂ ਉਡੀਕ ਕਰੋ।
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} ਨਾਲ਼ ਯਾਰੀ ਤੋੜਨੀ ਹੈ?'
- button: ਯਾਰੀ ਤੋੜੋ
- success: '%{name} ਨੂੰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਹਟਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ।'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਦੋਸਤਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।'
ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਹੈ।'
header_html: '%{from_user} ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ %{subject} ਵਿਸ਼ੇ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਖੁੱਲ੍ਹਾ-ਗਲੀ-ਨਕਸ਼ਾ
ਰਾਹੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਹੈ:'
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: ਸਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ %{to_user}
- subject: '[ਖੁੱਲ੍ਹਾ-ਗਲੀ-ਨਕਸ਼ਾ] %{user} ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਦੋਸਤ ਵਜੋਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ'
- had_added_you: '%{user} ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਖੁੱਲ੍ਹਾ-ਗਲੀ-ਨਕਸ਼ਾ ''ਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਦੋਸਤ ਵਜੋਂ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ
- ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ।'
hi: ਸਤਿ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ %{to_user}
subject: '[ਖੁੱਲ੍ਹਾ-ਗਲੀ-ਨਕਸ਼ਾ] GPX ਦਰਾਮਦ ਅਸਫਲਤਾ'
unread_button: ਨਹੀਂ-ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨ ਲਾਓ
destroy_button: ਮਿਟਾਓ
back: ਪਿਛਾਂਹ
- mark:
- as_read: ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਪਡ਼੍ਹਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ
- as_unread: ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ-ਪਡ਼੍ਹਿਆ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ
destroyed: ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਮਿਟਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਪਡ਼੍ਹਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ
+ destroy:
+ notice: ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਨਹੀਂ-ਪਡ਼੍ਹਿਆ ਵਜੋਂ ਨਿਸ਼ਾਨਬੱਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ
my_inbox: ਮੇਰਾ ਇਨਬਾਕਸ
all_traces: ਸਾਰੇ ਖੁਰਾ-ਖੋਜ
my_traces: ਮੇਰੇ ਖੁਰਾ-ਖੋਜ
traces_from_html: '%{user} ਤੋਂ ਜਨਤਕ ਖੁਰਾ-ਖੋਜ'
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS ਖੁਰਾ-ਖੋਜ
- description:
- description_without_count: '%{user} ਤੋਂ GPX ਫ਼ਾਈਲ'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS ਖੁਰਾ-ਖੋਜ
+ description:
+ description_without_count: '%{user} ਤੋਂ GPX ਫ਼ਾਈਲ'
permission_denied: ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਉਸ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਤੱਕ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ
contributor_terms: ਯੋਗਦਾਨੀ ਦੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਂ
continue: ਖਾਤਾ ਬਣਾਓ
- terms accepted: ਯੋਗਦਾਨ ਪਾਉਣ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਨਵੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ!
privacy_policy: ਨਿੱਜਤਾ ਨੀਤੀ
privacy_policy_title: OSMF ਦੀ ਗੋਪਨੀਯਤਾ ਨੀਤੀ ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਈਮੇਲ ਪਤੇ 'ਤੇ ਭਾਗ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ
edits: ਸੋਧਾਂ
traces: ਖੁਰਾ-ਖੋਜ
notes: ਨਕਸ਼ੇ ਦੇ ਨੋਟ
- remove as friend: ਯਾਰੀ ਤੋੜੋ
- add as friend: ਯਾਰੀ ਪਾਉ
mapper since: 'ਕਦੋਂ ਤੋਂ ਨਕਸ਼ਾ-ਨਵੀਸ਼:'
last map edit: ਆਖ਼ਰੀ ਨਕਸ਼ਾ ਸੋਧਃ
no activity yet: ਹਾਲੇ ਕੋਈ ਗਤੀਵਿਧੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ
summary_html: '%{date} ਨੂੰ %{ip_address} ਤੋਂ %{name} ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} ਨੂੰ %{date} ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: ਕਦੋਂ
+ comment: ਟਿੱਪਣੀ
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: ਰੋਜ਼ਨਾਮਚਾ ਟਿੱਪਣੀਆਂ %{user} ਵੱਲੋਂ ਜੋੜੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ
+ page:
+ post: ਡਾਕ
title: ਖਾਤਾ ਮੁਅੱਤਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ
heading: ਖਾਤਾ ਮੁਅੱਤਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ
support_url: Adres URL pomocy technicznej
allow_read_prefs: Odczytywanie ich ustawień
allow_write_prefs: Modyfikowanie ich ustawień
- allow_write_diary: Tworzenie wpisów w dzienniku, dodawanie komentarzy i nawiązywanie
- kontaktów
+ allow_write_diary: Tworzenie wpisów w dzienniku i dodawanie komentarzy
allow_write_api: Modyfikowanie mapy
allow_read_gpx: Odczytywanie ich prywatnych śladów GPS
allow_write_gpx: Przesyłanie śladów GPS
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pl:OpenID
link text: co to jest?
- public editing:
- heading: Edycje publiczne
- enabled: Włączone. Nieanonimowy i uprawniony do edycji danych.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: co to jest?
- disabled: Wyłączone i nieuprawniony do edycji danych, wszystkie wcześniejsze
- edycje są anonimowe.
- disabled link text: dlaczego nie mogę mapować?
contributor terms:
heading: Warunki uczestnictwa
agreed: Wyrażono zgodę na nowe Warunki Uczestnictwa.
readable_summary: czytelne podsumowanie
informal_translations: tłumaczenia nieformalne
continue: Dalej
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Anuluj
you need to accept or decline: Prosimy przeczytać i następnie przyjąć lub
odrzucić nowe Warunki uczestnictwa, aby kontynuować.
france: Francja
italy: Włochy
rest_of_world: Reszta świata
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Dziękujemy za przyjęcie nowych Warunków uczestnictwa!
terms_declined_html: Jest nam przykro, że zdecydowałeś się nie przyjmować
nowych Warunków uczestnictwa. Więcej informacji możesz znaleźć %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Zestawy zmian
title_user: Zestawy zmian użytkownika %{user}
title_user_link_html: Zestawy zmian użytkownika %{user_link}
- title_friend: Zestawy zmian moich znajomych
+ title_followed: Zestawy zmian moich znajomych
title_nearby: Zestawy zmian pobliskich użytkowników
empty: Nie odnaleziono zestawów zmian.
empty_area: Brak zestawów zmian na tym obszarze.
created: Utworzone
closed: Zamknięte
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Zasubskrybować następującą dyskusję dotyczącą zmian ?
- button: Zasubskrybuj dyskusję
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Wypisać się z poniższej dyskusji na temat zestawu zmian?
- button: Wypisz się z dyskusji
- heading:
- title: Zestaw zmian %{id}
- created_by_html: Utworzony przez %{link_user} w %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: Brak wpisu o identyfikatorze %{id}
- body: Niestety nie odnaleziono zestawu zmian o identyfikatorze %{id}. Sprawdź
- pisownię. Być może skorzystano z nieprawidłowego odnośnika.
title: 'Zestaw zmian: %{id}'
created: 'Utworzony: %{when}'
sorry: Nie odnaleziono zestawu zmian %{id}.
sorry: Niestety, pobieranie listy żądanych zestawów zmian trwało zbyt długo.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Zasubskrybować następującą dyskusję dotyczącą zmian ?
+ button: Zasubskrybuj dyskusję
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Wypisać się z poniższej dyskusji na temat zestawu zmian?
+ button: Wypisz się z dyskusji
+ heading:
+ title: Zestaw zmian %{id}
+ created_by_html: Utworzony przez %{link_user} w %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: Brak wpisu o identyfikatorze %{id}
+ body: Niestety nie odnaleziono zestawu zmian o identyfikatorze %{id}. Sprawdź
+ pisownię. Być może skorzystano z nieprawidłowego odnośnika.
km away: '%{count} km stąd'
your location: Twoje położenie
nearby mapper: Mapujący z okolicy
- friend: Znajomy
+ following: Znajomy
title: Mój panel
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} i podaj swoją lokalizację, aby
zobaczyć użytkowników w pobliżu.'
edit_your_profile: Edytuj swój profil
- my friends: Moi znajomi
- no friends: Nie dodano jeszcze żadnych znajomych.
+ followings: Moi znajomi
+ no followings: Nie dodano jeszcze żadnych znajomych.
nearby users: Najbliżsi użytkownicy
no nearby users: Nie ma innych użytkowników, którzy przyznają się do mapowania
w tej okolicy.
- friends_changesets: zestawy zmian znajomych
- friends_diaries: wpisy w dziennikach znajomych
+ followed_changesets: zestawy zmian znajomych
+ followed_diaries: wpisy w dziennikach znajomych
nearby_changesets: pobliskie zestawy zmian
nearby_diaries: pobliskie wpisy w dziennikach
use_map_link: wskaż na mapie
title: Dzienniki użytkowników
- title_friends: Dzienniki znajomych
+ title_followed: Dzienniki znajomych
title_nearby: Dzienniki pobliskich użytkowników
user_title: Dziennik użytkownika %{user}
in_language_title: Wpisy w języku %{language}
heading: Wypisać się z poniższej dyskusji na temat wpisu dziennika?
button: Wypisz się z dyskusji
- index:
- title: Komentarze do dzienników dodane przez %{user}
- heading: Komentarze do dzienników użytkownika %{user}
- subheading_html: Komentarze do dzienników dodane przez %{user}
- no_comments: Brak komentarzy
- page:
- post: Wpis
- when: Kiedy
- comment: Komentarz
heading: Czy dodać komentarz do tej dyskusji o wpisie dziennika?
title: Nie znaleziono strony
description: Nie udało się znaleźć pliku / katalogu / operacji API o tej nazwie
na serwerze OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404).
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Dodać %{user} do grona znajomych?
- button: Dodaj do listy znajomych
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Dodać %{user} do grona znajomych?
+ button: Dodaj do listy znajomych
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Usunąć %{user} z grona znajomych?
+ button: Usuń ze znajomych
+ create:
success: '%{name} należy teraz do grona znajomych!'
failed: Nie udało się dodać %{name} do grona znajomych.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} już jest znajomym.'
+ already_followed: '%{name} już jest znajomym.'
limit_exceeded: Wysłałeś ostatnio wiele zaproszeń do znajomych. Poczekaj chwilę
przed wysłaniem następnych.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Usunąć %{user} z grona znajomych?
- button: Usuń ze znajomych
+ destroy:
success: Usunięto %{name} z grona znajomych.
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nie należy do grona znajomych.'
+ not_followed: '%{name} nie należy do grona znajomych.'
do autora na %{replyurl}
footer_html: Możesz również przeczytać wiadomość na %{readurl} i wysłać wiadomość
do autora na %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Cześć, %{to_user},
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} dodał cię jako znajomego'
- had_added_you: '%{user} dodał(a) cię jako swojego znajomego na OpenStreetMap.'
+ followed_you: '%{user} dodał(a) cię jako swojego znajomego na OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Możesz zobaczyć jego profil na stronie %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Możesz zobaczyć jego profil na stronie %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Możesz również dodać go jako znajomego na %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Możesz również dodać go jako znajomego na %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Możesz również dodać go jako znajomego na %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Możesz również dodać go jako znajomego na %{followurl}.
details: 'Szczegóły twojego pliku:'
filename: Nazwa pliku
wrong_user: Jesteś zalogowany jako %{user}, ale wiadomość, którą chcesz przeczytać,
nie została wysłana przez tego użytkownika ani do niego. Zaloguj się jako
właściwy użytkownik, aby ją przeczytać.
- mark:
- as_read: Wiadomość została oznaczona jako przeczytana
- as_unread: Wiadomość została oznaczona jako nieprzeczytana
- unmute:
- notice: Wiadomość przeniesiono do wiadomości odebranych
- error: Nie można było przenieść wiadomości do skrzynki odbiorczej.
destroyed: Wiadomość usunięta
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Wiadomość została oznaczona jako przeczytana
+ destroy:
+ notice: Wiadomość została oznaczona jako nieprzeczytana
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Wiadomość przeniesiono do wiadomości odebranych
+ error: Nie można było przenieść wiadomości do skrzynki odbiorczej.
my_inbox: wiadomości odebrane
preview: Podgląd
help: Pomoc
+ changeset_comments:
+ older: Starsze komentarze
+ newer: Nowsze komentarze
older: Starsze komentarze
newer: Nowsze komentarze
heading: Przechowywanie danych GPX jest wyłączone
message: System przechowywania i przesyłania plików GPX jest obecnie niedostępny
- georss:
- title: Ślady GPS OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Plik GPX z %{count} punktem od %{user}
- other: Plik GPX z %{count} punktami od %{user}
- description_without_count: Plik GPX od %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Ślady GPS OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Plik GPX z %{count} punktem od %{user}
+ other: Plik GPX z %{count} punktami od %{user}
+ description_without_count: Plik GPX od %{user}
permission_denied: Nie masz uprawnień do wykonywania tej akcji
openid: Zaloguj się za pomocą OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Odczytywanie preferencji użytkownika
write_prefs: Modyfikowanie preferencji użytkownika
- write_diary: Tworzenie wpisów w dzienniku, dodawanie komentarzy i nawiązywanie
- kontaktów
+ write_diary: Tworzenie wpisów w dzienniku i dodawanie komentarzy
write_api: Modyfikowanie mapy
read_gpx: Odczytywanie ich prywatnych śladów GPS
write_gpx: Przesyłanie śladów GPS
contributor_terms_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Contributor_Terms
contributor_terms: warunki uczestnictwa
continue: Zarejestruj się
- terms accepted: Dziękujemy za przyjęcie nowych Warunków uczestnictwa!
privacy_policy: politykę prywatności
privacy_policy_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy
edits: edycje
traces: ślady
notes: uwagi
- remove as friend: usuń ze znajomych
- add as friend: dodaj do znajomych
+ unfollow: usuń ze znajomych
+ follow: dodaj do znajomych
mapper since: 'Mapuje od:'
last map edit: 'Ostatnia edycja mapy:'
no activity yet: —
summary_html: '%{name} utworzony z adresu %{ip_address} dnia %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} utworzony %{date}'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ heading_html: Komentarze użytkownika %{user}
+ changesets: Zestawy zmian
+ diary_entries: Dzienniki
+ no_comments: Brak komentarzy
+ changeset_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentarze do zestawów zmian dodane przez %{user}
+ page:
+ changeset: Zestaw zmian
+ when: Kiedy
+ comment: Komentarz
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentarze do dzienników dodane przez %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Wpis
+ when: Kiedy
+ comment: Komentarz
title: Konto zawieszone
heading: Konto zawieszone
external auth: باہرلی تصدیق
link text: اِیہہ کی اے؟
- public editing:
- heading: جنتک سدھائی
- enabled: چالو اے۔ تہاڈے ناں ویکھدے تے تسیں ڈیٹا سودھ سکدے۔
- enabled link text: اِیہہ کی اے؟
- disabled: بند اے۔ تہاڈے ناں لُکادے تے سودھ نہیں سکدے۔
- disabled link text: میں سودھ کیوں نہیں کر سکدا؟
contributor terms:
heading: لیکھکاں لئی شرطنامہ
agreed: تسیں یوگدانی دیاں نویاں شرتاں نال سہمتی جتائی اےـ
title: تبدیلیاں
title_user: '%{user} دیاں تبدیلیاں'
- title_friend: میرے دوست دیاں تبدیلیاں
title_nearby: نیڑے تیڑے تے نقشے والے دیاں تبدیلیاں
empty: تبدیلیاں نہیں لبھیاں
empty_area: اِتھے تبدیلیاں نہیں اے۔
your location: تہاڈیاں ستھتی
nearby mapper: نیڑے تیڑے دا نقشہ والا
- friend: دوست
title: ڈیش بورڈ
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} تے جے تسیں ستھتی پایو، نیڑے تیڑے
دے نقشے والے لبھ سکدیئے گئی اے۔'
edit_your_profile: تہاڈے صفحہ سودھو
- my friends: میرے دوست
- no friends: حالیہ تسیں اجے کوئی دوست نہیں جوڑیئے۔
nearby users: نیڑے تیڑے دے نقشے والے
no nearby users: نیڑے تیڑے تے نقشے والے نہیں لبھیئے۔
- friends_changesets: دوست دیاں تبدیلیاں
- friends_diaries: دوستاں دے لیکھ
nearby_changesets: نیڑے تیڑے تے نقشے والے دیاں تبدیلیاں
nearby_diaries: نیڑے تیڑے تے نقشے والے دے روزنامچے
use_map_link: نقشہ ورتو
title: روزنامچے
- title_friends: دوست دے لیکھ
title_nearby: نیڑے تیڑے تے نقشے والے دے روزنامچے
user_title: ایہہ «%{user}» روزنامچے دے لیکھ
in_language_title: ایہہ %{language} وچ روزنامچے دے لیکھ
title: نقشے بارے وچ روزنامچے دے لیکھ
description: حالیہ نقشے بارے وچ روزنامچے دے لیکھ
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: ایہہ روزنامچے وچ «%{user}» دیاں ٹپݨیاں پائیاں
- heading: روزنامچے وچ «%{user}» دیاں ٹپݨیاں
- subheading_html: ایہہ روزنامچے وچ «%{user}» دیاں ٹپݨیاں پائیاں
- no_comments: روزنامچے وچ ٹپݨیاں نہیں اے
- page:
- post: لیکھ
- when: کدوں
- comment: ٹپݨی
notice: اِیپ پکا کیتا سی۔
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: تسیں «%{user}» دوست چاہیدے ہوگیئے؟
- button: دوست وجوں جوڑو
- success: ہݨے «%{name}» دوست ہووۓ گیئے سی!
- failed: ایہہ «%{name}» دوست جوڑ نہیں سکدا سی۔
- already_a_friend: تسیں پہلوں ہی «%{name}» نال یاری پا چُکّے او۔
- limit_exceeded: حالیہ تسیں ورتنوالے بہت کوڑیا گیا۔
- remove_friend:
- heading: تسیں «%{user}» نال یاری روڑنی اے؟
- button: یاری توڑو
- success: دوست دی فہرست وچ «%{name}» ہٹایا
- not_a_friend: تہاڈے دوست «%{name}» نہیں اے۔
subject: '[اوایسایم] %{message_title}'
hi: سالام %{to_user}،
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: سالام %{to_user}،
- subject: '[اوایسایم] تسیں ہُݨ «%{user}» دوستاں دی فہرست او'
- had_added_you: تسیں ہُݨ «%{user}» دوستاں دی فہرست او۔
see_their_profile: ایہدے صفحے %{userurl}۔
see_their_profile_html: ایہدے صفحے %{userurl}۔
- befriend_them: 'تسیں وی دوست دی لست وچ ایہہ پا سکدے اے: %{befriendurl}'
- befriend_them_html: 'تسیں وی دوست دی لست وچ ایہہ پا سکدے اے: %{befriendurl}'
hi: سالام %{to_user}،
failed_to_import: 'کھرا اِمپورٹ کر نہیں سکیا۔ اِتھے ویروے بارے پڑھیو:'
unread_button: اݨ پڑھا نشان لاؤ
destroy_button: مٹاؤ
back: پچھے
- mark:
- as_read: سنیہا پڑھا نشان لایا گیا
- as_unread: سنیہا اݨ پڑھا نشان لایا گیا
destroyed: سُنیہا مٹائا گیا
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: سنیہا پڑھا نشان لایا گیا
+ destroy:
+ notice: سنیہا اݨ پڑھا نشان لایا گیا
my_inbox: اینباکس
my_traces: میرے کھرے
traces_from_html: «%{user}» دے عوام کھرے
remove_tag_filter: فلٹر ہٹاؤ
- georss:
- title: کھرے کھوجاں
- description:
- description_without_count: '%{user} دی گی پی ایکس فایل'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: کھرے کھوجاں
+ description:
+ description_without_count: '%{user} دی گی پی ایکس فایل'
account_settings: کھاتے دیاں سیٹنگاں
edits: سودھاں
traces: کھرے کھوجاں
notes: نقشے دے نوٹ
- remove as friend: دوست توڑو
- add as friend: دوست پایو
mapper since: 'نقشہ والا پہلا آیا گیا:'
ct status: 'لیکھک قواعد:'
ct undecided: دچتی وچ
confirm: چݨے ہوۓ ورتنوالیاں دی تصدیق کرو
hide: چݨے ہوۓ ورتنوالے لُکاؤ
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: کدوں
+ comment: ٹپݨی
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: ایہہ روزنامچے وچ «%{user}» دیاں ٹپݨیاں پائیاں
+ page:
+ post: لیکھ
title: کھاتہ مواتل کیتا گیا
heading: کھاتہ مواتل کیتا گیا
my settings: زما امستنې
link text: دا څه دی؟
- public editing:
- enabled link text: دا څه دی؟
contributor terms:
link text: دا څه دی؟
save changes button: بدلونونه خوندي کول
created: جوړ شو
closed: تړل شوی
- dashboards:
- popup:
- friend: ملگری
location: 'ځای:'
confirm: تاييد
location: 'ځای:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- when: کله
- comment: تبصره
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: د ملگري په توگه ورگډول
my messages: زما پيغامونه
send message: پيغام لېږل
edits: سمونونه
- add as friend: ملگری ورگډول
email address: 'برېښليک پته:'
status: 'دريځ:'
block_history: فعاله بنديزونه
title: کارنان
heading: کارنان
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: کله
+ comment: تبصره
created: جوړ شو
external auth: Autenticação externa
link text: o que é isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edição pública
- enabled: Ativado. Não é anónimo e pode editar dados.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt:Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: o que é isto?
- disabled: Desativado e não pode editar. Todas as edições anteriores são anónimas.
- disabled link text: porque não posso editar?
contributor terms:
heading: Termos de contribuidor
agreed: Aceitaste os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
readable_summary: sumário legível por humanos
informal_translations: traduções informais
continue: Continuar
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt:Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Cancelar
you need to accept or decline: Por favor, lê e, em seguida, aceita ou recusa
os novos Termos do Contribuidor para continuar.
france: França
italy: Itália
rest_of_world: Resto do mundo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Obrigado por aceitares os novos termos de contribuidor!
terms_declined_html: Lamentamos que não tenhas aceitado os novos Termos de
Contribuidor. Para mais informações, consulta %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Conjuntos de alterações
title_user: Conjuntos de alterações de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Conjuntos de alterações de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Conjuntos de alterações feitos pelos meus amigos
title_nearby: Conjuntos de alterações feitos por utilizadores próximos
empty: Não foi encontrado nenhum conjunto de alterações.
empty_area: Não há nenhum conjunto de alterações nesta área.
created: Criado
closed: Fechado
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Deseja subscrever à seguinte discussão do conjunto de mudanças?
- button: Inscreva-se na discussão
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Cancelar a inscrição na seguinte discussão do conjunto de alterações?
- button: Cancelar inscrição da discussão
- heading:
- title: Conjunto de alterações %{id}
- created_by_html: Criado por %{link_user} em %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Nenhuma entrada com o id: %{id}'
- body: Desculpe, não há conjunto de alterações com o id %{id}. Verifique a ortografia,
- ou talvez o link em que clicou esteja errado.
title: 'Conjunto de alterações: %{id}'
created: 'Criado: %{when}'
sorry: Lamentamos, mas a lista de conjuntos de alterações que pediste excedeu
o tempo limite de resposta.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Deseja subscrever à seguinte discussão do conjunto de mudanças?
+ button: Inscreva-se na discussão
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Cancelar a inscrição na seguinte discussão do conjunto de alterações?
+ button: Cancelar inscrição da discussão
+ heading:
+ title: Conjunto de alterações %{id}
+ created_by_html: Criado por %{link_user} em %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Nenhuma entrada com o id: %{id}'
+ body: Desculpe, não há conjunto de alterações com o id %{id}. Verifique a ortografia,
+ ou talvez o link em que clicou esteja errado.
km away: '%{count} km de distância'
your location: A tua localização
nearby mapper: Mapeador próximo de ti
- friend: Amigo
title: Painel de Controlo
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e define a localização da tua morada
para veres utilizadores próximos.'
edit_your_profile: Editar perfil
- my friends: Os meus amigos
- no friends: Ainda não adicionaste nenhum amigo.
nearby users: Outros mapeadores nas redondezas
no nearby users: Não há outros mapeadores que admitam estar a editar o mapa
nas redondezas.
- friends_changesets: conjuntos de alterações dos amigos
- friends_diaries: publicações nos diários dos amigos
nearby_changesets: conjuntos de alterações de utilizadores próximos
nearby_diaries: publicações no diário de utilizadores próximos
use_map_link: Usar mapa
title: Diários dos Utilizadores
- title_friends: Diários dos amigos
title_nearby: Diários dos utilizadores próximos
user_title: Diário de %{user}
in_language_title: Publicações em Diários em %{language}
no diário?
button: Deixar de acompanhar a discussão
- index:
- title: Comentários no Diário feitos por %{user}
- heading: Comentários no Diário de %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentários no Diário feitos por %{user}
- no_comments: Sem comentários no diário
- page:
- post: Publicação
- when: Quando
- comment: Comentário
heading: Adicionar um comentário à seguinte discussão de entrada no diário?
title: Ficheiro não encontrado
description: Não foi possível encontrar uma operação de ficheiro/diretório/API
com esse nome no servidor do OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Adicionar %{user} à lista de amigos?
- button: Adicionar aos amigos
- success: '%{name} entrou para a tua lista de amigos!'
- failed: Lamentamos, não foi possível adicionar %{name} à tua lista de amigos.
- already_a_friend: Já és amigo de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Recentemente, adicionaste muitos utilizadores à tua lista de
- amigos. Por favor, aguarda um pouco até poderes voltar a fazê-lo.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Remover %{user}da lista de amigos?
- button: Remover amigo
- success: '%{name} foi removido(a) da tua lista de amigos.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} não é um dos teus amigos.'
em %{replyurl}
footer_html: Também podes ler a mensagem em %{readurl} e enviar mensagem ao
autor em %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Olá, %{to_user}.
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} adicionou-te como amigo'
- had_added_you: '%{user} adicionou-te como amigo no OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Podes ver o perfil dele em %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Podes ver o seu perfil em %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Também podes adicioná-lo como amigo em %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Também podes adicionar este utilizador como amigo em %{befriendurl}.
hi: Olá, %{to_user}.
failed_to_import: 'não pôde ser importado como ficheiro de rota GPS. Verifica
wrong_user: Iniciaste sessão como `%{user}', mas a mensagem que pediste para
ler não foi enviada por ou para esse utilizador. Por favor, entra na conta
correta para poderes ler a mensagem.
- mark:
- as_read: Mensagem marcada como lida
- as_unread: Mensagem marcada como não lida
- unmute:
- notice: A mensagem foi movida para a caixa de entrada
- error: A mensagem não pôde ser movida para a caixa de entrada.
destroyed: Mensagem eliminada
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mensagem marcada como lida
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mensagem marcada como não lida
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: A mensagem foi movida para a caixa de entrada
+ error: A mensagem não pôde ser movida para a caixa de entrada.
my_inbox: Caixa de entrada
heading: Armazenamento de GPX indisponível
message: O sistema de envio e armazenamento de ficheiros GPX encontra-se indisponível.
- georss:
- title: Rotas de GPS do OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Ficheiro GPX com %{count} ponto de %{user}
- other: Ficheiro GPX com %{count} pontos de %{user}
- description_without_count: Ficheiro GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Rotas de GPS do OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Ficheiro GPX com %{count} ponto de %{user}
+ other: Ficheiro GPX com %{count} pontos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Ficheiro GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Não tens permissões para realizar essa operação
endereços de correio eletrónico
contributor_terms: Termos de Contribuidor
continue: Criar conta
- terms accepted: Obrigado por aceitares os novos termos de contribuidor!
privacy_policy: política de privacidade
privacy_policy_title: Política de privacidade da OSMF incluindo seção sobre
edits: Edições
traces: Rotas
notes: Notas no mapa
- remove as friend: Remover amigo
- add as friend: Adicionar aos amigos
mapper since: 'A mapear desde:'
last map edit: 'Última edição do mapa:'
no activity yet: Ainda sem atividade
summary_html: '%{name} criado com o ip %{ip_address} em %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} criado em %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quando
+ comment: Comentário
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentários no Diário feitos por %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Publicação
title: Conta suspensa
heading: Conta Suspensa
external auth: Autenticação externa
link text: o que é isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edição pública
- enabled: Ativado. Não é anônimo e pode editar dados.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt:Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: o que é isso?
- disabled: Desativado e não pode editar dados, todas as edições anteriores
- são anônimas.
- disabled link text: porque não posso editar?
contributor terms:
heading: Termos do contribuidor
agreed: Você aceitou os novos termos do contribuidor.
readable_summary: resumo legível para humanos
informal_translations: traduções informais
continue: Continuar
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt:Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=pt-br
cancel: Cancelar
you need to accept or decline: Por favor leia e, em seguida, aceite ou recuse
os novos termos do contribuidor para continuar.
france: França
italy: Itália
rest_of_world: Outros países
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Obrigado por aceitar os novos termos de contribuição!
terms_declined_html: Lamentamos que não tenha aceitado os novos termos de
contribuidor. Para mais informações, consulta %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Conjuntos de alterações
title_user: Conjuntos de alterações de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Conjuntos de alterações de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Conjuntos de alterações feitos pelos meus amigos
title_nearby: Conjuntos de alterações de usuários próximos
empty: Nenhum conjunto de alterações encontrado.
empty_area: Nenhum conjunto de alterações nesta área.
created: Criado
closed: Fechado
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Deseja se inscrever à seguinte discussão do conjunto de alterações?
- button: Inscreva-se na discussão
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Deseja cancelar a inscrição na seguinte discussão do conjunto de alterações?
- button: Cancelar inscrição da discussão
- heading:
- title: Conjunto de alterações %{id}
- created_by_html: Criado por %{link_user} em %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Não há postagens no diário com o id: %{id}'
- body: Desculpe, não há conjunto de alterações com o id %{id}. Verifique a ortografia,
- ou talvez o link que que você clicou esteja errado.
title: 'Conjunto de alterações: %{id}'
created: 'Criado: %{when}'
sorry: A lista de conjuntos de alterações solicitada está demorando demais para
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Deseja se inscrever à seguinte discussão do conjunto de alterações?
+ button: Inscreva-se na discussão
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Deseja cancelar a inscrição na seguinte discussão do conjunto de
+ alterações?
+ button: Cancelar inscrição da discussão
+ heading:
+ title: Conjunto de alterações %{id}
+ created_by_html: Criado por %{link_user} em %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Não há postagens no diário com o id: %{id}'
+ body: Desculpe, não há conjunto de alterações com o id %{id}. Verifique a ortografia,
+ ou talvez o link que que você clicou esteja errado.
km away: '%{count}km de distância'
your location: Sua localização
nearby mapper: Mapeador próximo
- friend: Amigo
title: Meu painel
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e defina seu local de origem para
ver usuários próximos.'
edit_your_profile: Editar seu perfil
- my friends: Meus amigos
- no friends: Você ainda não adicionou amigos.
nearby users: Outros usuários próximos
no nearby users: Ainda não há outros usuários mapeando por perto.
- friends_changesets: conjuntos de alterações dos amigos
- friends_diaries: publicações no diário dos amigos
nearby_changesets: conjuntos de alterações de usuários próximos
nearby_diaries: publicações no diário dos usuários próximos
use_map_link: Usar mapa
title: Diários dos usuários
- title_friends: Diários dos amigos
title_nearby: Diários dos usuários próximos
user_title: Diário de %{user}
in_language_title: Publicações de Diário em %{language}
heading: Cancelar a in=inscrição da seguinte discussão de entrada de diário?
button: Cancelar a inscrição na discussão
- index:
- title: Comentários no diário feitos por %{user}
- heading: Comentários no diário de %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentários no diário feitos por %{user}
- no_comments: Sem comentários no diário.
- page:
- post: Entrada
- when: Quando
- comment: Comentário
heading: Deseja adicionar um comentário na seguinte discussão sobre a entrada
de diário?
title: Arquivo não encontrado
description: Não foi possível encontrar uma operação de arquivo/diretório/API
com esse nome no servidor OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Adicionar %{user} como amigo?
- button: Adicionar como amigo
- success: '%{name} agora é seu amigo!'
- failed: Falha ao adicionar %{name} como seu amigo.
- already_a_friend: Você já é amigo de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Você tornou amigo de muitos usuários recentemente. Por favor,
- espere um pouco antes de tentar mais amigo.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Desfazer amizade com %{user}?
- button: Desfazer amizade
- success: '%{name} foi removido dos seus amigos.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} não é um dos seus amigos.'
mensagem ao autor em %{replyurl}
footer_html: Você pode também ler a mensagem em %{readurl} e você pode enviar
uma mensagem ao autor em %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Olá %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} adicionou você como amigo(a)'
- had_added_you: '%{user} adicionou você como amigo(a) no OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Você pode ver o perfil dele(a) em %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Você pode ver o perfil dele(a) em %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Você também pode adicioná-lo(a) como amigo em %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Você também pode adicioná-lo(a) como amigo em %{befriendurl}.
hi: Olá %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'falha na importação do arquivo de rastreamento de GPS. Por
wrong_user: Você está conectado como '%{user}' mas a mensagem que você quer
ler não foi enviada para ou por este usuário. Entre com o usuário correto
para poder ler.
- mark:
- as_read: Mensagem marcada como lida
- as_unread: Mensagem marcada como não lida
- unmute:
- notice: A mensagem foi movida para a caixa de entrada
- error: A mensagem não pôde ser movida para a caixa de entrada.
destroyed: Mensagem apagada
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mensagem marcada como lida
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mensagem marcada como não lida
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: A mensagem foi movida para a caixa de entrada
+ error: A mensagem não pôde ser movida para a caixa de entrada.
my_inbox: Minha caixa de entrada
heading: Armazenamento de GPX Desligado
message: O sistema de armazenamento e envio de arquivos GPX está atualmente
- georss:
- title: Trilhas de GPS do OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Arquivo GPX com %{count} ponto de %{user}
- other: Arquivo GPX com %{count} pontos de %{user}
- description_without_count: Arquivo GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Trilhas de GPS do OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Arquivo GPX com %{count} ponto de %{user}
+ other: Arquivo GPX com %{count} pontos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Arquivo GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Você não tem permissão para acessar essa ação
contributor_terms_url: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Contributor_Terms
contributor_terms: termos do contribuidor
continue: Registrar-se
- terms accepted: Obrigado por aceitar os novos termos de contribuição!
privacy_policy: política de privacidade
privacy_policy_title: Política de privacidade da OSMF incluindo seção sobre
edits: Edições
traces: Trilhas
notes: Notas de Mapa
- remove as friend: Desfazer amizade
- add as friend: Adicionar como amigo
mapper since: 'Mapeador desde:'
last map edit: 'Última edição do mapa:'
no activity yet: Ainda sem atividade
summary_html: '%{name} criado no computador %{ip_address} em %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} criado em %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quando
+ comment: Comentário
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentários no diário feitos por %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Entrada
title: Conta suspensa
heading: Conta suspensa
external auth: Autentificare externă
link text: Ce este aceasta?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Editarea publică:'
- enabled: Activat. Nu este anonim și poate edita date.
- enabled link text: Ce este aceasta?
- disabled: Dezactivat și nu poate edita date, toate editările anterioare sunt
- anonime.
- disabled link text: de ce nu pot edita?
contributor terms:
heading: Termenii contribuitorului
agreed: Ați fost de acord cu noii Termeni ai Contributorului.
france: Franța
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Restul lumii
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Vă mulțumim pentru acceptarea noilor termeni de contribuire!
terms_declined_html: Ne pare rău că ați decis să nu acceptați noii Termeni
de Contributor. Pentru mai multe informații, consultați %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Set de modificări
title_user: Seturi de modificări făcute de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Seturi de modificări făcute de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Seturi de modificări făcute de prietenii mei
title_nearby: Modificări făcute de utilizatori din apropiere
empty: Niciun set de modificări găsit.
empty_area: Niciun set de modificări în această zonă.
created: Creat
closed: Închis
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- button: Abonează-te la discuție
- unsubscribe:
- button: Dezabonează-te de la discuție
title: 'Set de modificări: %{id}'
created: 'Creat: %{when}'
sorry: Ne pare rău, preluarea listei de modificări pe care ați solicitat-o a
durat prea mult.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ button: Abonează-te la discuție
+ unsubscribe:
+ button: Dezabonează-te de la discuție
km away: '%{count} km depărtare'
your location: Locația utilizatorului
nearby mapper: Cartograful din apropiere
- friend: Prieten
title: Dashboardul meu
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} și setați locația de acasă pentru
a vedea utilizatorii din apropiere.'
edit_your_profile: Editați-vă profilul
- my friends: Prietenii mei
- no friends: Nu ați adăugat încă niciun prieten.
nearby users: Alți utilizatori din apropriere
no nearby users: Nu există alți utilizatori care să admită cartografiere în
- friends_changesets: changeset prieteni
- friends_diaries: intrările prietenilor în jurnal
nearby_changesets: schimbări de setări ale utilizatorilor
nearby_diaries: intrările în jurnalul utilizatorului din apropiere
use_map_link: Utilizează Harta
title: Jurnalele utilizatorilor
- title_friends: Jurnalele prietenilor
title_nearby: Jurnalele utilizatorilor aflați în apropiere
user_title: Jurnalul utilizatorului %{user}
in_language_title: Înregistrări de jurnal în %{language}
heading: Te dezabonezi de la următoarea discuție de intrare a jurnalului?
button: Dezabonează-te de la discuție
- index:
- title: Comentarii din jurnal adăugate de %{user}
- heading: Comentariile la jurnal a lui %{user}
- subheading_html: Comentarii din jurnal adăugate de %{user}
- no_comments: Fără comentarii din jurnal
- page:
- post: Postează
- when: Când
- comment: Comentariu
heading: Adaugi un comentariu la următoarea discuție de intrare a jurnalului?
title: Fișierul nu a fost găsit
description: Nu s-a putut găsi o operație de file/directory/API operation cu
acest nume pe serverul OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Adăugați %{user} ca prieten?
- button: Adaugă ca prieten
- success: '%{name} este acum prietenul tău!'
- failed: Ne pare rău, nu a reușit să adăugați %{name} ca prieten.
- already_a_friend: Sunteți deja prieteni cu %{name}
- limit_exceeded: V-ați împrietenit cu mulți utilizatori recent. Vă rugăm să așteptați
- puțin înainte de a încerca să vă mai împrieteniți.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Scoate de la prieteni pe %{user}?
- button: Scoate din lista de prieteni
- success: '%{name} a fost scos de la lista de prieteni.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nu este unul din prietenii tăi.'
la %{replyurl}
footer_html: De asemenea, puteți citi mesajul la %{readurl} și puteți răspunde
la %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Salut %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} te-a adaugat ca prieten'
- had_added_you: '%{user} te-a adăugat ca prieten pe OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Puteți vedea profilul lor la %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Puteți vedea profilul respectiv la %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: De asemenea, îi puteți adăuga ca prieten la %{befriendurl}
- befriend_them_html: Le puteți adăuga și ca prieten la %{befriendurl}.
hi: Salut %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'nu a putut fi importat ca fișier de urmărire GPS. Verificați
wrong_user: Sunteți conectat ca `%{user}', dar mesajul pe care ați solicitat
să îl citiți nu a fost trimis de către sau către respectivul utilizator. Conectați-vă
ca utilizatorul corect pentru a-l citi.
- mark:
- as_read: Mesaj marcat ca fiind citit
- as_unread: Mesaj marcat ca necitit
- unmute:
- notice: Mesajul a fost mutat în Primite
- error: Mesajul nu a putut fi mutat în Primite
destroyed: Mesaj șters
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mesaj marcat ca fiind citit
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesaj marcat ca necitit
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesajul a fost mutat în Primite
+ error: Mesajul nu a putut fi mutat în Primite
my_inbox: Mesaje primite
heading: Stocare offline GPX
message: În prezent, sistemul de stocare și încărcare a fișierelor GPX nu este
- georss:
- title: Urmele GPS OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Fișier GPX cu %{count} puncte de la %{user}
- other: Fișier GPX cu %{count} puncte de la %{user}
- description_without_count: Fișier GPX de la %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Urmele GPS OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Fișier GPX cu %{count} puncte de la %{user}
+ other: Fișier GPX cu %{count} puncte de la %{user}
+ description_without_count: Fișier GPX de la %{user}
permission_denied: Nu aveți permisiuni pentru a efectua această acțiune
privacy_policy_title: Politica de confidențialitate OSMF, inclusiv secțiunea
privind adresele de e-mail
continue: Înregistrare
- terms accepted: Vă mulțumim pentru acceptarea noilor termeni de contribuire!
html: Adresa dvs. nu este afișată public, consultați %{privacy_policy_link}
pentru mai multe informații.
edits: Modificare
traces: Urme
notes: Notițe hartă
- remove as friend: Scoate din lista de prieteni
- add as friend: Adaugă Prieten
mapper since: 'Cartograf din:'
last map edit: 'Ultima editare a hărții:'
no activity yet: Nicio activitate încă
summary_html: '%{name} creat de %{ip_address} pe %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creat pe %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Când
+ comment: Comentariu
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Comentarii din jurnal adăugate de %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Postează
title: Cont Suspendat
heading: Cont Suspendat
# Author: Kareyac
# Author: Katunchik
# Author: Kirill-224
+# Author: Knxb
# Author: Komzpa
# Author: Link2xt
# Author: Lockal
support_url: URL пользовательской поддержки
allow_read_prefs: читать пользовательские настройки
allow_write_prefs: изменять пользовательские настройки
- allow_write_diary: создавать записи в дневнике, комментировать и заводить
- друзей
+ allow_write_diary: создавать записи в дневнике и комментарии
allow_write_api: редактировать карту
allow_read_gpx: читать частные GPS-треки
allow_write_gpx: загружать GPS-треки
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:OpenID
link text: что это?
- public editing:
- heading: Общедоступная правка
- enabled: Включено. Можно редактировать. Правки не анонимны.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B8
- enabled link text: что это?
- disabled: Отключён и не может вносить правки, все предыдущие изменения анонимны.
- disabled link text: почему я не могу вносить изменения?
contributor terms:
heading: Условия участия
agreed: Вы согласились с новыми Условиями участия.
consider_pd: В дополнение к вышеизложенному, я принимаю во внимание, что мой
вклад находится в общественном достоянии
consider_pd_why: что это значит?
- readable_summary: удобочитаемое резюме
+ consider_pd_why_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence_and_Legal_FAQ/Why_would_I_want_my_contributions_to_be_public_domain
+ guidance_info_html: 'Информация, помогающая понять эти условия: %{readable_summary_link}
+ и некоторые %{informal_translations_link}'
+ readable_summary: краткое содержание
+ informal_translations: неформальные переводы
continue: Продолжить
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=ru
cancel: Отмена
you need to accept or decline: Пожалуйста, прочитайте, а затем согласитесь
или отклоните новые Условия участия.
france: На французском
italy: На итальянском
rest_of_world: Остальной мир
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Спасибо за принятие новых условий участия!
terms_declined_html: Нам жаль, что вы решили не принимать Новые Условия участия.
Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Пакеты правок
title_user: Пакеты правок пользователя %{user}
title_user_link_html: Пакеты правок пользователя %{user_link}
- title_friend: Пакеты правок друзей
title_nearby: Пакеты правок соседних участников
empty: Пакеты правок не найдены.
empty_area: Нет пакетов правок в этой области.
created: Создано
closed: Закрыто
belongs_to: Автор
- subscribe:
- heading: Подписаться на следующее обсуждение пакета правок?
- button: Подписаться на обсуждение
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Отписаться от следующего обсуждения пакета правок?
- button: Отписаться от обсуждения
- heading:
- title: Пакет правок %{id}
- created_by_html: Создал %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Нет записи с номером: %{id}'
- body: К сожалению, пакета правок с идентификатором %{id} нет. Пожалуйста, проверьте
- правильность написания, возможно, ссылка, по которой вы перешли, неверна.
title: 'Пакет правок: %{id}'
created: 'Создан: %{when}'
sorry: К сожалению, список пакетов правок, который вы запросили, требует слишком
много времени для извлечения.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Подписаться на следующее обсуждение пакета правок?
+ button: Подписаться на обсуждение
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Отписаться от следующего обсуждения пакета правок?
+ button: Отписаться от обсуждения
+ heading:
+ title: Пакет правок %{id}
+ created_by_html: Создал %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Нет записи с номером: %{id}'
+ body: К сожалению, пакета правок с идентификатором %{id} нет. Пожалуйста, проверьте
+ правильность написания, возможно, ссылка, по которой вы перешли, неверна.
km away: '%{count} км от вас'
your location: Ваше местоположение
nearby mapper: Ближайший картограф
- friend: Друг
title: Мой пульт
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} и установите ваше местоположение,
чтобы видеть близлежащих пользователей.'
edit_your_profile: Отредактируйте свой профиль
- my friends: Мои друзья
- no friends: Вы не добавили ещё ни одного друга.
nearby users: Другие ближайшие пользователи
no nearby users: Пока нет других пользователей, которые признают, что занимаются
составлением карты поблизости.
- friends_changesets: пакеты правок друзей
- friends_diaries: дневники друзей
nearby_changesets: пакеты правок соседей
nearby_diaries: дневники соседей
use_map_link: Использовать карту
title: Дневники
- title_friends: Дневники друзей
title_nearby: Дневники соседних участников
user_title: Дневник пользователя %{user}
in_language_title: Дневниковые записи на языке %{language}
heading: Отписаться от обсуждения следующей записи в дневнике?
button: Отписаться от обсуждения
- index:
- title: Комментарии к записям в дневнике, добавленные пользователем %{user}
- heading: Комментарии к записям в дневнике пользователя %{user}
- subheading_html: Комментарии к записям в дневнике, добавленные пользователем
- %{user}
- no_comments: Никаких комментариев в дневнике
- page:
- post: Сообщение
- when: Когда
- comment: Комментарий
heading: Добавить комментарий к следующему обсуждению записи в дневнике?
title: Файл не найден
description: Не удалось найти файл/каталог/операцию API с таким именем на сервере
OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Добавить %{user} в друзья?
- button: Добавить в друзья
- success: '%{name} теперь ваш друг!'
- failed: Не удалось добавить %{name} в друзья.
- already_a_friend: Вы уже друзья с %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: В последнее время вы подружились со многими пользователями.
- Пожалуйста, подождите некоторое время, прежде чем пытаться снова дружить.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Удалить %{user} из друзей?
- button: Удалить из друзей
- success: '%{name} удалён из друзей.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} не является вашим другом.'
wreck: Остов судна
"yes": Памятное место
+ guidepost: Указательный столб
+ board: Информационная доска
map: Карта
"yes": Перекрёсток
track: Спортивная дорожка
water_park: Аквапарк
"yes": Досуг
+ lock:
+ "yes": Шлюз
adit: Штольня
advertising: Реклама
building_passage: Проезд через здание
culvert: Водопропускная труба, кульверт
"yes": Тоннель
+ water:
+ lake: Озеро
+ pond: Пруд
+ reservoir: Водохранилище
+ lagoon: Лагуна
+ wastewater: Сточные воды
+ oxbow: Старица
+ stream_pool: Ручьевой плёс
+ lock: Шлюз
artificial: Искусственный водоток
boatyard: Верфь
необходимое техническое обслуживание.
osm_read_only: База данных OpenStreetMap в данный момент доступна только для чтения,
так как проводится необходимое техническое обслуживание.
+ nothing_to_preview: Нечего предпросматривать.
help: Помощь
about: О проекте
copyright: Авторские права
more: Ещё
+ description: 'Запись в дневнике OpenStreetMap #%{id}'
subject: Пользователь [OpenStreetMap] %{user} оставил комментарий в дневнике
hi: Здравствуйте, %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} прокомментировал на OpenStreetMap с темой %{subject}:'
на него на %{replyurl}
footer_html: Вы можете также прочитать сообщение на странице %{readurl} и ответить
на него на %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Здравствуйте, %{to_user},
- subject: Пользователь [OpenStreetMap] %{user} добавил вас в список своих друзей
- had_added_you: '%{user} добавил вас в друзья на OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: 'Вы можете просмотреть информацию о них по ссылке: %{userurl}.'
see_their_profile_html: 'Вы можете просмотреть информацию о них по ссылке: %{userurl}.'
- befriend_them: Вы также можете добавить их в качестве друзей в %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Вы также можете добавить их в качестве друзей в %{befriendurl}.
+ details: 'Подробности вашего файла:'
+ filename: Имя файла
+ url: URL
description: Описание
+ tags: Теги
hi: Здравствуйте, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'сбой импорта. Произошла ошибка:'
wrong_user: Вы вошли в систему под именем '%{user}', но сообщение, которое вы
просили прочитать, не было отправлено этим пользователем. Пожалуйста, войдите
в систему под правильным именем, чтобы прочитать его.
- mark:
- as_read: Сообщение отмечено как прочитанное
- as_unread: Сообщение отмечено как непрочитанное
- unmute:
- notice: Сообщение перемещено во Входящие
destroyed: Сообщение удалено
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Сообщение отмечено как прочитанное
+ destroy:
+ notice: Сообщение отмечено как непрочитанное
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Сообщение перемещено во Входящие
my_inbox: Мои входящие
support: поддержка
+ heading_html: Синтаксис %{kramdown_link}
headings: Заголовки
heading: Заголовок
subheading: Подзаголовок
image: Изображение
alt: Альтернативный текст
url: URL
+ codeblock: Блок кода
edit: Править
preview: Предпросмотр
older: Более старые записи
newer: Более новые записи
+ issues:
+ older: Более старые проблемы
+ newer: Более новые проблемы
older: Более старые треки
newer: Более новые треки
newer: Новые участники
+ heading_html: '%{copyright}Авторы%{br}OpenStreetMap'
used_by_html: '%{name} предоставляет данные для тысяч сайтов, мобильных приложений
и устройств'
lede_text: OpenStreetMap создан сообществом картографов, которые добавляют и
heading: GPX хранилище отключено
message: Хранилище GPX файлов и система их загрузки в настоящий момент недоступна.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-треки
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-файл с %{count} точкой от %{user}}
- other: GPX-файл с %{count} точками от %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-файл от %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-треки
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-файл с %{count} точкой от %{user}}
+ other: GPX-файл с %{count} точками от %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-файл от %{user}
permission_denied: У вас нет прав для выполнения этого действия
privacy_policy_title: Политика конфиденциальности OSMF, включая раздел об
адресах электронной почты
continue: Зарегистрироваться
- terms accepted: Спасибо за принятие новых условий участия!
html: Ваш адрес не отображается публично, см. нашу %{privacy_policy_link}
для получения дополнительной информации.
edits: Правки
traces: Треки
notes: Заметки
- remove as friend: Удалить из друзей
- add as friend: Добавить в друзья
mapper since: 'Зарегистрирован:'
+ last map edit: Последняя правка карты
+ no activity yet: Пока нет активности
uid: 'ID пользователя:'
ct status: 'Условия участия:'
ct undecided: Неопределено
summary_html: '%{name} создан %{date}, с адреса %{ip_address}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} создан %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Когда
+ comment: Комментарий
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Комментарии к записям в дневнике, добавленные пользователем %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Сообщение
title: Учётная запись приостановлена
heading: Учётная запись приостановлена
muted_user: Заглушённый пользователь
actions: Действия
+ unmute: Отменить заглушение
send_message: Отправить сообщение
notice: Вы заглушили пользователя %{name}.
all: Все
open: Незакрытые
closed: Закрытые
+ status: Статус
title: 'Заметка: %{id}'
description: Описание
event_commented_by_anonymous_html: Анонимный комментарий %{time_ago}
event_closed_by_html: Решено %{user} %{time_ago}
event_closed_by_anonymous_html: Решено анонимно %{time_ago}
+ event_reopened_by_html: Вновь активировано %{user} %{time_ago}
+ event_reopened_by_anonymous_html: Вновь активировано анонимом %{time_ago}
event_hidden_by_html: Скрыто %{user} %{time_ago}
report: пожаловаться на эту заметку
anonymous_warning: Заметка содержит комментарии анонимных участников. Требуется
reactivate: Открыть снова
comment_and_resolve: Закрыть с комментарием
comment: Комментировать
+ log_in_to_comment: Войдите чтобы прокомментировать эту заметку
report_link_html: Если эта заметка содержит чувствительную информацию, которую
нужно удалить, вы можете %{link}.
other_problems_resolve: При всех других проблемах с заметкой, закройте её, пожалуйста,
и напечатайте сообщение, объясняющее проблему.
anonymous_warning_log_in: войти
anonymous_warning_sign_up: зарегистрироваться
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:%D0%A0%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE_%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0
advice: Ваша заметка является общедоступной и может использоваться для обновления
карты, поэтому не вводите личную информацию, информацию из защищённых авторскими
правами карт или справочников.
add: Добавить заметку
+ new_readonly:
+ title: Новая заметка
+ warning: Новые заметки не могут быть созданы, поскольку API OpenStreetMap в
+ настоящий момент находится в режиме только для чтения.
showing_page: Страница %{page}
next: Следующая
previous: Предыдущая
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'К сожалению, заметка #%{id} не найдена.'
close: Закрыть
title: Показать мое местоположение
- one: Вы находитесь в одном метре от этой точки
+ one: Вы находитесь в %{count} метре от этой точки
few: 'Вы находитесь в %{count} метрах от этой точки '
many: Вы находитесь в %{count} метрах от этой точки
other: Вы находитесь в %{count} метрах от этой точки
- one: Вы находитесь в одном футе от этой точки
+ one: Вы находитесь в %{count} футе от этой точки
few: Вы находитесь в %{count} футах от этой точки
many: Вы находитесь в %{count} футах от этой точки
other: Вы находитесь в %{count} футах от этой точки
standard: Стандартный
cycle_map: Велосипедная карта
transport_map: Карта транспорта
+ tracestracktop_topo: Топографическая
hot: Гуманитарная
header: Слои карты
title: Слои
openstreetmap_contributors: Авторы OpenStreetMap
make_a_donation: Сделать пожертвование
+ website_and_api_terms: Условия сайта и API
cyclosm_credit: Стиль тайлов от %{cyclosm_link} размещен на %{osm_france_link}
osm_france: OpenStreetMap Франция
thunderforest_credit: Тайлы предоставлены %{thunderforest_link}
andy_allan: Энди Аллан
+ tracestrack_credit: Тайлы предоставлены %{tracestrack_link}
hotosm_credit: Стиль тайлов от %{hotosm_link} размещен на %{osm_france_link}
edit_tooltip: Править карту
current email address: 'ᱱᱮᱛᱚᱜ-ᱟᱜ ᱤᱢᱮᱞ ᱴᱷᱤᱠᱟᱹᱬᱟ:'
link text: ᱱᱤᱭᱟᱹ ᱫᱚ ᱪᱮᱫ?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: ᱱᱤᱭᱟᱹ ᱫᱚ ᱪᱮᱫ?
contributor terms:
link text: ᱱᱤᱭᱟᱹ ᱫᱚ ᱪᱮᱫ?
save changes button: ᱵᱚᱫᱚᱞᱠᱚ ᱪᱟᱺᱪᱟᱣ ᱢᱮ
your location: ᱟᱢᱟᱜ ᱡᱟᱭᱜᱟ
- friend: ᱜᱟᱛᱮ
- show:
- my friends: ᱤᱧᱭᱟᱜ ᱜᱟᱛᱮ ᱠᱚ
- no friends: ᱱᱤᱛ ᱫᱷᱟᱹᱵᱤᱡ ᱢᱤᱛᱴᱮᱱ ᱜᱟᱛᱮᱠᱩ ᱦᱚᱸ ᱵᱟᱢ ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱫ ᱠᱟᱛ ᱠᱚᱣᱟ᱾
title: ᱱᱟᱶᱟ ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤ ᱟᱫᱮᱨ
use_map_link: ᱱᱚᱠᱥᱟ ᱵᱮᱵᱷᱟᱨ ᱢᱮ
title: ᱵᱮᱵᱷᱟᱨᱤᱡ ᱠᱚᱣᱟ ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤᱠᱚ
- title_friends: ᱜᱟᱛᱮ ᱠᱚᱣᱟ ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤᱠᱚ
new: ᱱᱟᱶᱟ ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤ ᱟᱫᱮᱨ
my_diary: ᱤᱧᱭᱟᱜ ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤ
no_entries: ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤ ᱟᱫᱮᱨᱠᱚ ᱵᱟᱹᱱᱩᱜ-ᱟ
report: ᱱᱚᱶᱟ ᱚᱠᱛᱟ ᱨᱤᱯᱚᱴ ᱢᱮ
location: 'ᱡᱟᱭᱜᱟ:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- when: ᱛᱤᱥ
- comment: ᱚᱠᱛᱟ
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- button: ᱜᱟᱛᱤ ᱞᱮᱠᱟ ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱫ ᱮᱢ
- success: '%{name} ᱱᱤᱛᱚᱜ ᱫᱚ ᱟᱢᱨᱮᱱ ᱜᱟᱛᱮ ᱦᱚᱭ ᱱᱟ'
diary: ᱰᱟᱭᱨᱤ
edits: ᱥᱟᱯᱲᱟᱣᱠᱚ
notes: ᱱᱚᱠᱥᱟ ᱠᱷᱟᱴᱟᱹ ᱚᱞᱠᱚ
- add as friend: ᱜᱟᱛᱮ ᱥᱮᱞᱮᱫᱮᱢ
email address: 'ᱤᱢᱮᱞ ᱴᱷᱤᱠᱟᱹᱬᱟ:'
status: 'ᱫᱚᱥᱟ:'
comments: ᱚᱠᱛᱟᱠᱚ
title: ᱵᱮᱵᱦᱟᱨᱤᱡᱽᱠᱩ
heading: ᱵᱮᱵᱦᱟᱨᱤᱡᱽᱠᱩ
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: ᱛᱤᱥ
+ comment: ᱚᱠᱛᱟ
status: ᱫᱚᱥᱟ
external auth: Autenticatzione esterna
link text: ite est custu?
- public editing:
- heading: Modificatzione pùblica
- enabled: Abilitada. No anònimu e podet modificare datos.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Sc:Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: ite est custu?
- disabled: Inabilitadu e chene permissu de mudare sos datos; totu sas modìficas
- antepostas sunt anònimas.
- disabled link text: pro ite non potzo fàghere modìficas?
contributor terms:
heading: Règulas po contribuire
agreed: As atzetadu sos tèrmines noos de collaboratzione.
france: Frantza
italy: Itàlia
rest_of_world: Restu de su mundu
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Ti torramus gràtzias pro àere atzetadu sas cunditziones noas
+ de collaboratzione.
terms_declined_html: Nos dipraghet chi apas isseberadu de no atzetare sos
tèrmines de contributzione noos. Pro àteras informatziones pòmpia·ti %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Annantos de modìficas
title_user: Annantos de modìficas de %{user}
title_user_link_html: Annantos de modìficas de %{user_link}
- title_friend: Annantos de modìficas de sos amigos meos
title_nearby: Annantos de modìficas de utentes a curtzu
empty: Perunu annantu de modìficas agatadu.
empty_area: Perunu grupu de modìficas in custa àrea.
your location: Sa positzione tua
nearby mapper: Mapadore a curtzu
- friend: Amigu
title: Su pannellu de controllu meu
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} e imposta sa positzione de domo
tua pro bìdere sos utentes a curtzu.'
edit_your_profile: Modìfica su profilu tuo
- my friends: Amigos meos
- no friends: No as galu annantu perunu amigu.
nearby users: Àteros utentes a curtzu
no nearby users: Non b'at perunu àteru utente chi ammitat de mapare a curtzu
a inoghe.
- friends_changesets: annantos de modìficas de sos amigos
- friends_diaries: intradas de diàriu de sos amigos
nearby_changesets: annantos de modìficas de utentes a curtzu
nearby_diaries: intradas de diàriu de utentes a curtzu
use_map_link: Imprea sa mapa
title: Diàrios de sos utentes
- title_friends: Diàrios de sos amigos
title_nearby: Diàrios de sos utentes a curtzu
user_title: Diàriu de %{user}
in_language_title: Intradas de diàriu in %{language}
title: Intradas de diàriu de OpenStreetMap
description: Intradas de diàriu reghentes de sos utentes de OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Cummentos de su diàriu annantos dae %{user}
- heading: Cummentos de su diàriu de %{user}
- subheading_html: Cummentos de su diàriu annantos dae %{user}
- no_comments: Perunu cummentu a su diàriu
- page:
- post: Publicatzione
- when: Cando
- comment: Cummentu
title: Documentu no agatadu
description: No at fatu a agatare unu documentu/cartella/operatzione API cun
custu nùmene in de su serbidore de OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Annànghere %{user} a sos amigos?
- button: Annanghe a sos amigos
- success: '%{name} como est amigu tuo!'
- failed: Annanta de %{name} a sos amigos fallida.
- already_a_friend: Ses giai amigu de %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: In custu ùrtimu perìodu as annantu utentes medas a sos amigos
- tuos. Iseta unu pagu in antis de proare a nde annànghere àteros.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Bogare %{user} dae sos amigos?
- button: Boga dae sos amigos
- success: '%{name} est istadu bogadu dae sos amigos tuos.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} no est unu de sos amigos tuos.'
messàgiu a s'autore in %{replyurl}
footer_html: Podes lèghere su messàgiu fintzas in %{readurl} e podes imbiare
unu messàgiu a s'autore in %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Salude %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} t''at annantu a sa lista de amigos'
- had_added_you: '%{user} t''at annantu comente a amigu in OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Podes bìdere su profilu suo in %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Podes bìdere su profilu suo in %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Lu podes fintzas annànghere comente amigu in %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Lu podes fintzas annànghere comente amigu in %{befriendurl}.
hi: Salude %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'non si podet importare. Sa faddina est istada:'
wrong_user: Ti ses autenticadu comente `%{user}', ma su messàgiu chi as pedidu
de pòdere lèghere no est istadu imbiadu a cussu utente. Faghe s'atzessu comente
s'utente curretu pro lu lèghere.
- mark:
- as_read: Messàgiu marcadu comente lèghidu
- as_unread: Messàgiu marcadu comente non lèghidu
destroyed: Messàgiu iscantzelladu
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Messàgiu marcadu comente lèghidu
+ destroy:
+ notice: Messàgiu marcadu comente non lèghidu
my_inbox: Posta in intrada mea
heading: Archiviatzione GPX non in lìnia
message: Su sistema de archiviatzione e carrigamentu de archìvios GPX no est
a disponimentu in custu momentu.
- georss:
- title: Rastas GPS de OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: archìviu GPX cun %{count} puntu de %{user}
- other: archìviu GPX cun %{count} puntos de %{user}
- description_without_count: Archìviu GPX de %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Rastas GPS de OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: archìviu GPX cun %{count} puntu de %{user}
+ other: archìviu GPX cun %{count} puntos de %{user}
+ description_without_count: Archìviu GPX de %{user}
permission_denied: Non tenes su permissu pro atzèdere a custa atzione
privacy_policy_title: Informativa subra de sa riservadesa de sa Fundatzione
OSM chi incluet sa setzione subra de sos indiritzos de posta eletrònica
continue: Iscrie·ti
- terms accepted: Ti torramus gràtzias pro àere atzetadu sas cunditziones noas
- de collaboratzione.
html: S'indiritzu tuo no est ammustradu in manera pùblica, consulta sa %{privacy_policy_link}
pro àteras informatziones.
edits: Modìficas
traces: Rastas
notes: Notas de sa mapa
- remove as friend: Boga dae sos amigos
- add as friend: Annanghe comente amigu
mapper since: 'Mapadore dae su:'
uid: 'ID utente:'
ct status: 'Tèrmines de collaboratzione:'
summary_html: '%{name} creadu dae %{ip_address} su %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creadu su %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Cando
+ comment: Cummentu
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Cummentos de su diàriu annantos dae %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Publicatzione
title: Contu suspesu
heading: Contu suspesu
link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID
link text: zoccu è chissu?
- public editing:
- heading: Canciu pùbblicu
- enabled: Abbilitati. Senza anònimu e cû pirmisu pi canciari i dati.
- enabled link text: zoccu è chissu?
- disabled: Disabbilitati e senza u pirmisu pi canciari i dati, tutti i canci
- d’avanti sunnu anònimi.
- disabled link text: picchì nun pozzu fari canci?
contributor terms:
heading: Règuli pî cuntribbuti
agreed: Accittasti i règuli pî cuntribbuti novi.
france: Francia
italy: Italia
rest_of_world: Restu dû munnu
+ update:
+ terms accepted: T'arringrazziamu d'aviri accittatu li cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
+ novi!
terms_declined_link: sta pàggina wiki
title: Gruppi di canciamenti
title_user: Gruppi di canciamenti di %{user}
- title_friend: Gruppi di canciamenti dî tò amici
title_nearby: Gruppi di canciamenti di l'utenti vicini
empty: Nuḍḍu gruppu di canciamenti attruvatu.
empty_area: Nuḍḍu gruppu di canciamenti nta st’ària.
your location: La tò pusizzioni
nearby mapper: Mappaturi vicinu
- friend: Amicu
edit_your_profile: Cancia lu tò prufilu
- my friends: Li mè amici
- no friends: Ancora nun agghiuncisti nuḍḍu amicu.
nearby users: Àutri utenti vicinu
no nearby users: Ancora nun ci sunnu àutri utenti chi si dichiàranu mappatura
ccà vicinu.
- friends_changesets: gruppa di canciamenti di l'amici
- friends_diaries: vuci dî diarî di l'amici
nearby_changesets: gruppa di canciamenti di l'utenti vicini
nearby_diaries: vuci dî diarî di l'utenti vicini
use_map_link: Usa la cartina
title: Diarî di l'utenti
- title_friends: Diarî di l'amici
title_nearby: Diarî di l'utenti vicini
user_title: Diariu di %{user}
in_language_title: Vuci dô diariu n %{language}
title: Vuci dû diariu d'OpenStreetMap
description: Vuci ricenti dû diariu di l'utenti d'OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Missaggiu
- when: Quannu
- comment: Cummentu
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Agghiùnciri a %{user} comu amicu?
- button: Agghiunci comu amicu
- success: Ora %{name} è amicu tò!
- failed: Purtroppu la junta di %{name} comu amicu nun arriniscìu.
- already_a_friend: Già siti amici cu %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Livari %{user} di l'amici?
- button: Leva di l'amici
- success: '%{name} fu livatu dî tò amici.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nun è amicu tò.'
cu l''oggettu %{subject}:'
footer_html: Poi lèggiri lu missaggiu macari nta %{readurl} e ci poi arrispùnniri
di %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Salutamu %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} t''agghiuncìu comu amicu'
- had_added_you: '%{user} t''agghiuncìu comu amicu nta OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Poi taliari lu sò prufilu nta %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Poi taliari lu sò prufilu nta %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Lu poi macari agghiùnciri comu amicu nta %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Lu poi macari agghiùnciri comu amicu nta %{befriendurl}.
hi: Salutamu %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'nun arriniscìu a èssiri mpurtatu. Ccà c''è l''erruri:'
back: Torna n arreri
wrong_user: Trasisti comu «%{user}» pirò lu missaggiu chi vulivi lèggiri nun
fu mannatu a dd'utenti. Pi favuri trasi comu l'utenti giustu pi putiri liggìrilu.
- mark:
- as_read: Missaggiu signatu comu già liggiutu
- as_unread: Missaggiu marcatu comu di lèggiri
destroyed: Missaggiu cancillatu
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Missaggiu signatu comu già liggiutu
+ destroy:
+ notice: Missaggiu marcatu comu di lèggiri
my_inbox: La mè posta arrivata
heading: Mimurizzazzioni dî GPX fora sirvizziu
message: Lu sistema di mimurizzazzioni e carricamentu dî file GPX pi com'ora
è fora sirvizziu.
- georss:
- title: Tracciati GPS d'OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: File GPX cu %{count} punti di %{user}
- other: File GPX cu %{count} punti di %{user}
- description_without_count: File GPX di %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Tracciati GPS d'OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: File GPX cu %{count} punti di %{user}
+ other: File GPX cu %{count} punti di %{user}
+ description_without_count: File GPX di %{user}
cookies_needed: Pari chi hai li cookie disattivati; pi favuri attìvali ntô tò
display name description: Lu tò nomu d'utenti comu veni ammustratu pubblicamenti.
Appoi lu poi canciari ntê prifirenzi.
continue: Scrìviti
- terms accepted: T'arringrazziamu d'aviri accittatu li cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
- novi!
use external auth: O puru, trasi pi menzu di na terza parti
title: St'utenti nun c'è
edits: Canciamenti
traces: Tracciati
notes: Noti dâ cartina
- remove as friend: Leva di l'amici
- add as friend: Agghiunci a l'amici
mapper since: 'Mappaturi di:'
ct status: 'Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni:'
ct undecided: Nun dicisi
summary_html: '%{name} criatu di %{ip_address} lu %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} criatu lu %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Quannu
+ comment: Cummentu
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Missaggiu
title: Cuntu suspinnutu
heading: Cuntu suspinnutu
title: Chyngesets
title_user: Chyngesets bi %{user}
- title_friend: Chyngesets bi yer friends
title_nearby: Chyngesets bi nearbi uisers
empty: No chyngesets foond.
empty_area: No chyngesets in this aurie.
use_map_link: uise map
title: Uisers' diaries
- title_friends: Friends' diaries
title_nearby: Nearbi Uisers' diaries
user_title: '%{user}''s diary'
in_language_title: Diary Entries in %{language}
title: OpenStreetMap diary entries
description: Recent diary entries frae uisers o OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Post
- when: When
- comment: Comment
edits: Edits
created from: 'Made frae:'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: When
+ comment: Comment
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Post
title: 'Note: %{id}'
current email address: Trenutna adresa e-pošte
link text: šta je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: Javno uređivanje
- enabled: Omogućeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se uređivati podaci.
- enabled link text: šta je ovo?
- disabled: Onemogućeno i ne mogu se uređivati podaci, sve prethodne izmjene
- su anonimne.
- disabled link text: zašto ne mogu uređivati?
contributor terms:
heading: Uslovi za doprinosioce
agreed: Prihvatili ste nove Uslove za doprinosioce.
title: Setovi promjena
title_user: Setovi promjena od %{user}
title_user_link_html: Setovi promjena od %{user_link}
- title_friend: Promjene mojih prijatelja
title_nearby: Promjene obližnjih korisnika
discussion: Razgovor
use_map_link: Koristi kartu
title: Dnevnici korisnika
- title_friends: Dnevnici prijatelja
title_nearby: Dnevnici obližnjih članova
user_title: Dnevnik korisnika %{user}
in_language_title: 'Zapisi u dnevniku na jeziku: %{language}'
title: Datoteka nije pronađena
description: Nije moguće pronaći operaciju za datoteku/direktorij/priložnik
pod im imenom na poslužitelju OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Dodati %{user} kao prijatelja?
- button: Dodaj kao prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je sada vaš prijatelj!'
- failed: Žao mi je, nije uspjelo dodavanje %{name} kao prijatelja.
- already_a_friend: Već ste prijatelj sa %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Nedavno ste se sprijateljili s mnogo korisnika. Molimo sačekajte
- neko vrijeme, prije nego što se više pokušate sprijateljiti.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Ukloniti %{user} iz prijatelja?
- button: Ukloniti prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je uklonjen iz prijatelja.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nije vaš prijatelj.'
link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/CS:OpenID
link text: čo to znamená?
- public editing:
- heading: Verejné editácie
- enabled: Zapnuté. Nie je anonym a môže upravovať údaje.
- enabled link text: čo to znamená?
- disabled: Vypnutý a nemôže upravovať údaje, všetky predchádzajúce úpravy sú
- anonymné.
- disabled link text: prečo nemôžem upravovať?
contributor terms:
heading: Podmienky prispievania
agreed: Súhlasili ste s novými Podmienkami prispievania.
france: Francúzsko
italy: Taliansko
rest_of_world: Zvyšok sveta
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Ďakujeme za odsúhlasenie nových podmienok prispievania!
terms_declined_link: tejto wiki stránke
title: Sady zmien
title_user: Sady zmien používateľa %{user}
title_user_link_html: Sady zmien od %{user_link}
- title_friend: Sady zmien vašich priateľov
title_nearby: Sady zmien používateľov v okolí
empty: Neboli nájdené žiadne sady zmien.
empty_area: V tejto oblasti neexistujú žiadne sady zmien.
created: Vytvorené
closed: Uzavreté
belongs_to: Autor
- subscribe:
- heading: Prihlásiť sa na odber nasledujúcej diskusie o zmenách?
- button: Odoberať diskusiu
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Odhlásiť sa z odberu nasledujúcej diskusie o zmenách?
- button: Zrušiť odber diskusie
- heading:
- title: Sada zmien %{id}
- created_by_html: Vytvoril %{link_user} dňa %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Žiadna položka s ID: %{id}'
- body: Ľutujeme, neexistuje žiadna sada zmien s ID %{id}. Skontrolujte si pravopis,
- alebo možno je odkaz, na ktorý ste klikli, nesprávny.
title: 'Sada zmien: %{id}'
created: 'Vytvorená: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Relácie (%{x}–%{y} z %{count})
sorry: Ľutujeme, ale vami požadovaný zoznam sád zmien sa načítaval príliš dlho.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Prihlásiť sa na odber nasledujúcej diskusie o zmenách?
+ button: Odoberať diskusiu
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Odhlásiť sa z odberu nasledujúcej diskusie o zmenách?
+ button: Zrušiť odber diskusie
+ heading:
+ title: Sada zmien %{id}
+ created_by_html: Vytvoril %{link_user} dňa %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Žiadna položka s ID: %{id}'
+ body: Ľutujeme, neexistuje žiadna sada zmien s ID %{id}. Skontrolujte si pravopis,
+ alebo možno je odkaz, na ktorý ste klikli, nesprávny.
km away: vzdialený %{count}km
your location: Vaša poloha
nearby mapper: Používateľ v okolí
- friend: Priateľ
title: Moja nástenka
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} a nastavte svoju domovskú polohu,
aby ste mohli vidieť používateľov vo vašom okolí.'
edit_your_profile: Upraviť váš profil
- my friends: Moji priatelia
- no friends: Ešte nemáte pridaných žiadnych priateľov.
nearby users: Ďalší používatelia v okolí
no nearby users: Nie je tu iný používateľ, ktorý priznáva mapovanie v okolí.
- friends_changesets: Prechádzať všetky sady zmien priateľov
- friends_diaries: Prechádzať všetky denníkové záznamy priateľov
nearby_changesets: Prechádzať všetky sady zmien používateľov v okolí
nearby_diaries: Prechádzať všetky denníkové záznamy používateľov v okolí
use_map_link: Použiť mapu
title: Denníky používateľov
- title_friends: Denníky priateľov
title_nearby: Denníky používateľov v okolí
user_title: Denník používateľa %{user}
in_language_title: Záznamy denníka v jazyku %{language}
button: Odoberať diskusiu
button: Zrušiť odber diskusie
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Komentáre k denníkom pridané používateľom %{user}
- heading: Komentáre v denníku používateľa %{user}
- subheading_html: Komentáre v denníku pridané používateľom %{user}
- no_comments: Žiadne komentáre k denníku
- page:
- post: Príspevok
- when: Kedy
- comment: Komentár
title: Súbor nenájdený
description: Nepodarilo sa nájsť súbor/adresár/operáciu API s týmto názvom na
serveri OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Pridať používateľa %{user} ako priateľa?
- button: Pridať ako priateľa
- success: '%{name} je teraz váš priateľ!'
- failed: Ľutujeme, nepodarilo sa pridať %{name} ako priateľa.
- already_a_friend: Ste už priatelia s %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: V poslednej dobe ste pridali veľa priateľov. Pred nastavením
- ďalších priateľov prosím chvíľu počkajte.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Odobrať používateľa %{user} zo zoznamu priateľov?
- button: Odobrať z priateľov
- success: '%{name} bol z vašich priateľov vymazaný.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nie je nikto z vašich priateľov.'
na %{replyurl}
footer_html: Správu si môžete prečítať aj na %{readurl} a môžete odpovedať autorovi
na %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Ahoj %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vás pridal ako priateľa'
- had_added_you: '%{user} vás pridal ako priateľa na OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Jeho/jej profil si môžete pozrieť na %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Jeho/jej profil si môžete pozrieť na %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Môžete ich tiež pridať ako priateľov na %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Môžete ho/ju tiež pridať ako priateľov na %{befriendurl}.
hi: Ahoj %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'sa nepodarilo naimportovať. Chybové hlásenie:'
wrong_user: Ste prihlásený ako „%{user}“, ale správa, ktorú si chcete prečítať,
nie je ani od, ani pre tohoto používateľa. Ak si ju chcete prečítať, prihláste
sa pod príslušným kontom.
- mark:
- as_read: Správa označená ako prečítaná
- as_unread: Správa označená ako neprečítaná
- unmute:
- notice: Správa bola presunutá do doručenej pošty
- error: Správa nemohla byť presunutá do doručenej pošty.
destroyed: Správa vymazaná
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Správa označená ako prečítaná
+ destroy:
+ notice: Správa označená ako neprečítaná
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Správa bola presunutá do doručenej pošty
+ error: Správa nemohla byť presunutá do doručenej pošty.
my_inbox: Doručená pošta
heading: GPX úložisko je offline
message: GPX úložisko a nahrávanie GPX súborov je momentálne nedostupné.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS Stopy
- description:
- description_without_count: GPX súbor od používateľa %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS Stopy
+ description:
+ description_without_count: GPX súbor od používateľa %{user}
permission_denied: Nemáte oprávnenie na prístup k tejto akcii
o e-mailových adresách
contributor_terms: Podmienky prispievania
continue: Zaregistrujte sa
- terms accepted: Ďakujeme za odsúhlasenie nových podmienok prispievania!
html: Vaša adresa sa nezobrazuje verejne, pre ďalšie informácie venujte pozornosť
našim %{privacy_policy_link}.
edits: Úpravy
traces: Stopy
notes: Poznámky k mape
- remove as friend: Odstrániť z priateľov
- add as friend: Pridať priateľa
mapper since: 'Mapuje od:'
last map edit: 'Posledná úprava mapy:'
no activity yet: Zatiaľ žiadna aktivita
summary_html: '%{name} založené %{date} z %{ip_address}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} založený %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kedy
+ comment: Komentár
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Komentáre k denníkom pridané používateľom %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Príspevok
title: Konto bolo pozastavené
heading: Konto bolo pozastavené
external auth: باہرلی تصدیق
link text: ایہ کیا ہے؟
- public editing:
- heading: عوامی تبدیلیاں
- enabled link text: ایہ کیا ہے؟
- disabled link text: میں تبدیلی کیوں کائنی کر سڳداں؟
contributor terms:
link text: ایہ کیا ہے؟
save changes button: تبدیلیاں محفوظ کرو
m away: '%{count} میٹر دور'
your location: تہاݙا مقام
- friend: دوست
title: میݙا ڈیش بورڈ
edit_your_profile: آپݨی پروفائل وچ تبدیلی کرو
- my friends: میݙے یار
location: محل وقوع
confirm: تصدیق
location: 'محل وقوع:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: پوسٹ
- when: کڈݨ
- comment: رائے
email: آپݨاں ای میل پتہ ݙیکھو
hi: سلام %{to_user}،
hi: سلام %{to_user}،
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: سلام %{to_user}،
filename: 'فائل ناں:'
my profile: میݙی پروفائل
my settings: میݙیاں ترتیباں
my comments: میݙے تبصرے
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: کڈݨ
+ comment: رائے
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: پوسٹ
+ when: کݙݨ
+ comment: تبصرہ
revoke: بلاک منسوخ کرو
external auth: Zunanja avtentikacija
link text: kaj je to?
- public editing:
- heading: Javno urejanje
- enabled: Omogočeno. Niste anonimni in lahko urejate podatke.
- enabled link text: Kaj je to?
- disabled: Onemogočeno in ne morete urejati podatkov. Vsi vaši prejšnji prispevki
- so anonimni.
- disabled link text: Zakaj ne morem urejati?
contributor terms:
heading: Pogoji sodelovanja
agreed: Sprejeli ste nove pogoje sodelovanja.
readable_summary: človeško berljiv povzetek
informal_translations: neuradnih prevodov
continue: Nadaljuj
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Prekliči
you need to accept or decline: Prosimo, preberite in nato sprejmite ali odklonite
nove Pogoje za sodelovanje.
france: Francija
italy: Italija
rest_of_world: Ostali svet
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Hvala za sprejem novih pogojev prispevanja!
terms_declined_html: Žal nam je, da ste se odločili, da ne sprejmete novih
pogojev za sodelavce. Za več informacij glejte %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Sklopi sprememb
title_user: Sklopi sprememb od %{user}
title_user_link_html: Sklopi sprememb uporabnika_ce %{user_link}
- title_friend: Množice sprememb mojih prijateljev
title_nearby: Sklopi sprememb bližnjih uporabnikov
empty: Ni najdenih množic sprememb.
empty_area: Na tem območju ni naborov sprememb.
created: Ustvarjeno
closed: Zaprto
belongs_to: Avtor
- subscribe:
- heading: Se želite prijaviti na naslednjo razprave o naboru sprememb?
- button: Prijava na razpravo
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Se želite odjaviti od naslednje razprave o naboru sprememb?
- button: Odjava od razprave
- heading:
- title: Nabor sprememb %{id}
- created_by_html: Ustvaril %{link_user} dne %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: Zapisa z id-jem %{id} ni
- body: Oprostite, nabora sprememb z oznako %{id} ni. Prosimo, preverite črkovanje
- in povezavo, ki ste jo kliknili.
title: 'Nabor sprememb: %{id}'
created: 'Ustvarjeno: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Zveze (%{x}-%{y} od %{count})
sorry: Žal je trajalo pridobivanje zahtevanega nabora sprememb predolgo.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Se želite prijaviti na naslednjo razprave o naboru sprememb?
+ button: Prijava na razpravo
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Se želite odjaviti od naslednje razprave o naboru sprememb?
+ button: Odjava od razprave
+ heading:
+ title: Nabor sprememb %{id}
+ created_by_html: Ustvaril %{link_user} dne %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: Zapisa z id-jem %{id} ni
+ body: Oprostite, nabora sprememb z oznako %{id} ni. Prosimo, preverite črkovanje
+ in povezavo, ki ste jo kliknili.
km away: oddaljen %{count} km
your location: Vaša lokacija
nearby mapper: Bližnji kartograf
- friend: Prijatelj
title: Moja nadzorna plošča
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} in nastavite svojo domačo lokacijo
za prikaz bližnjih uporabnikov.'
edit_your_profile: Uredite svoj profil
- my friends: Moji prijatelji
- no friends: Niste še dodali nobenih prijateljev.
nearby users: Drugi bližnji uporabniki
no nearby users: Ni drugih uporabnikov, ki bi sporočili, da kartirajo v vaši
- friends_changesets: sklopi sprememb prijateljev
- friends_diaries: dnevniki prijateljev
nearby_changesets: sklopi sprememb bližnjih uporabnikov
nearby_diaries: dnevniški vnosi bližnjih uporabnikov
use_map_link: Uporabi zemljevid
title: Dnevniki uporabnikov
- title_friends: Dnevniki vaših prijateljev
title_nearby: Dnevniki bližnjih uporabnikov
user_title: Dnevnik uporabnika %{user}
in_language_title: Dnevniški zapisi v jeziku %{language}
title: Dnevniški zapisi OpenStreetMap
description: Nedavni dnevniški zapisi uporabnikov OpenStreetmap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Dnevniški komentarji, ki jih je dodal_a %{user}
- heading: Dnevniški komentarji %{user}
- subheading_html: Dnevniški komentarji, ki jih je dodal_a %{user}
- no_comments: Brez dnevniških komentarjev
- page:
- post: Objavi
- when: Kdaj
- comment: Komentar
title: Datoteka ni bila najdena
description: Datoteke/imenika/API-operacije s tem imenom v strežniku OpenStreetMap
ni bilo mogoče najti (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Dodaj %{user} med prijatelje?
- button: Dodaj prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je sedaj vaš prijatelj!'
- failed: Oprostite, uporabnika %{name} ni bilo mogoče dodati med prijatelje.
- already_a_friend: Z uporabnikom %{name} sta že prijatelja.
- limit_exceeded: V kratkem času ste se spoprijateljili s številnimi uporabniki.
- Prosimo, nekoliko počakajte, preden dodate nove prijatelje.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Odstrani %{user} iz prijateljev?
- button: Odstrani prijatelja
- success: Uporabnika %{name} ste odstranili izmed svojih prijateljev.
- not_a_friend: Uporabnika %{name} ni med vašimi prijatelji.
footer_html: Lahko tudi preberete sporočilo na %{readurl} in lahko odgovorite
na %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Pozdravljeni, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vas je dodal med prijatelje'
- had_added_you: '%{user} vas je dodal med prijatelje na OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Njegov profil si lahko ogledate na %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Njegov profil si lahko ogledate na %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Lahko ga tudi dodate kot prijatelja na %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Lahko ga tudi dodate kot prijatelja na %{befriendurl}.
hi: Pozdravljeni, %{to_user},
failed_to_import: ' vsebovala neko napako, zaradi katere je ni bilo mogoče uvoziti.
back: Nazaj
wrong_user: Prijavljeni ste kot '%{user}', ampak sporočilo, ko ga \elite prebrati
ni bilo poslano vam. Prosimo, prijavite se, kot pravi uporabnik za branje.
- mark:
- as_read: Sporočilo označeno kot prebrano
- as_unread: Sporočilo označeno kot neprebrano
- unmute:
- notice: Sporočilo je bilo prestavljeno v mapo »Prejeto«.
- error: Sporočila ni bilo mogoče premakniti v mapo »Prejeto«.
destroyed: Sporočilo izbrisano
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Sporočilo označeno kot prebrano
+ destroy:
+ notice: Sporočilo označeno kot neprebrano
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Sporočilo je bilo prestavljeno v mapo »Prejeto«.
+ error: Sporočila ni bilo mogoče premakniti v mapo »Prejeto«.
my_inbox: Prejeta pošta
heading: GPX-sistem trenutno ni dostopen.
message: Sistem za nalaganje GPX-datotek in GPX-sistem trenutno nista na voljo.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap-sledi GPS
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Datoteka GPX z %{count} točko uporabnika %{user}
- two: Datoteka GPX z %{count} točkama uporabnika %{user}
- other: Datoteka GPX z %{count} točkami uporabnika %{user}
- description_without_count: Datoteka GPX uporabnika %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap-sledi GPS
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Datoteka GPX z %{count} točko uporabnika %{user}
+ two: Datoteka GPX z %{count} točkama uporabnika %{user}
+ other: Datoteka GPX z %{count} točkami uporabnika %{user}
+ description_without_count: Datoteka GPX uporabnika %{user}
permission_denied: Za dostop do tega dejanja nimate dovoljenja.
e-poštnih naslovih
contributor_terms: pogoji sodelovanja
continue: Registracija
- terms accepted: Hvala za sprejem novih pogojev prispevanja!
privacy_policy: pravilnik o zasebnosti
privacy_policy_title: Pravilnik o zasebnosti OSMF, vključno z razdelkom o
edits: Prispevki
traces: Sledi
notes: Opombe na zemljevidu
- remove as friend: Odstrani prijatelja
- add as friend: Dodaj med prijatelje
mapper since: 'Kartograf od:'
uid: 'ID uporabnika:'
ct status: 'Pogoji sodelovanja:'
summary_html: '%{name} ustvarjen iz %{ip_address} dne %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} ustvarjen dne %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kdaj
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Dnevniški komentarji, ki jih je dodal_a %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Objavi
title: Račun zaklenjen
heading: Račun zaklenjen
hotosm_name: Humanitarna ekipa OpenStreetMap
edit_tooltip: Urejanje zemljevida
- edit_disabled_tooltip: Približajte za urejanje zemljevida
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Približaj za urejanje zemljevida
createnote_tooltip: Dodaj opombo na zemljevid
createnote_disabled_tooltip: Približajte za dodajanje opomb na zemljevid
- map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Približajte za ogled opomb zemljevida
- map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Približajte za ogled podatkov zemljevida
+ map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: Približaj za ogled opomb zemljevida
+ map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Približaj za ogled podatkov zemljevida
queryfeature_tooltip: Preveri značilnosti
- queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Približajte za preverjanje značilnosti
+ queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Približaj za preverjanje značilnosti
embed_html_disabled: Za ta sloj zemljevida vdelava HTML ni na voljo
edit_help: Premaknite zemljevid in približajte lokacijo, ki jo želite urediti,
nato pa kliknite tukaj.
current email address: Adresa e Tanishme e Emailit
link text: çfarë është kjo?
- public editing:
- heading: Redaktim publik
- enabled: I aktivizuar. Jo anonim dhe mund të redaktojë të dhënat.
- enabled link text: çfarë është kjo?
- disabled: I çaktivizuar dhe nuk mund të redaktojë të dhënat, të gjitha redaktimet
- e mëparshme janë anonime.
- disabled link text: pse nuk mund të redaktoj?
contributor terms:
heading: Kushtet e kontribuesit
agreed: Ti je pajtuar me kushtet e reja për kontribues.
france: Francë
italy: Itali
rest_of_world: Pjesa tjetër e botës
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Faleminderit për pranimin kushteve të reja për kontribues!
version: Versioni
in_changeset: Grupi i Ndryshimeve
title: Ndryshimet
title_user: Ndryshime fjalish nga %{user}
- title_friend: Ndryshime nga miqtë e mi
title_nearby: Ndryshime nga përdorues të zonës
empty: Asnjë ndryshim nuk u gjet.
empty_area: Asnjë ndryshim në këtë zonë.
your location: Vendndodhja e jote
nearby mapper: Hartuesi aty pranë
- friend: Mik
- no friends: Akoma nuk ke shtuar ndonjë mik.
nearby users: Përdoruesit e tjerë aty pranë
no nearby users: Nuk ka përdorues tjerë aty pranë, të cilët pranojnë të hartografojnë.
use_map_link: Përdor Hartën
title: Ditarët e përdoruesëve
- title_friends: Ditarët e miqve
title_nearby: Ditarët e përdoruesve këtu pranë
user_title: Ditari i %{user}
in_language_title: Shënimet në Ditar në %{language}
title: Shënimet e ditarit të OpenStreetMap
description: Shënimet e fundit në ditar nga përdoruesit e OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Posto
- when: Kur
- comment: Koment
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- success: '%{name} është tani mik i juaj.'
- failed: Na vjen keq, nuk arritëm të shtojmë %{name} si mik.
- already_a_friend: Ju tashmë jeni miq me %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- success: '%{name} u hoq nga miqtë tuaj.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nuk është një nga miqtë tuaj.'
wrong_user: 'TI je identifikuar si: "%{user}'', por mesazhi që ke kërkuar për
të lexuar nuk ishte dërguar nga ose për atë përdorues. Të lutem identifikohu
si përdorues i saktë për të lexuar atë.'
- mark:
- as_read: Mesazhi është shënuar si të lexuar
- as_unread: Mesazhi është shënuar si i palexuar
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mesazhi është shënuar si të lexuar
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesazhi është shënuar si i palexuar
my_inbox: Kutia ime mbërritëse
header: E lirë dhe e redaktueshme
display name description: Emri yt publik. Ti mund ta ndryshosh më vonë në preferenca.
continue: Vazhdo
- terms accepted: Faleminderit për pranimin kushteve të reja për kontribues!
title: Nuk ka përdorues të tillë
heading: Përdoruesi %{user} nuk ekziston
edits: Redaktimet
traces: Gjurmët
notes: Shënimet e hartës
- remove as friend: Largo mikun
- add as friend: Shto si mik
mapper since: 'Hartues që prej:'
email address: 'Adresa e emailit:'
created from: 'Krijuar nga:'
summary_html: '%{name} krijuar nga %{ip_address} më %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} krijuar më %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kur
+ comment: Koment
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Posto
not_a_role: Vargu `%{role}' nuk është një rol i vlefshëm.
current email address: 'Trenutna e-adresa:'
link text: šta je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: Javno uređivanje
- enabled: Omogućeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se uređivati podaci.
- enabled link text: šta je ovo?
- disabled: Onemogućeno i ne mogu se uređivati podaci. Sve prethodne izmene
- su anonimne.
- disabled link text: zašto ne mogu da uređujem?
contributor terms:
heading: 'Uslovi uređivanja:'
agreed: Prihvatili ste nove uslove uređivanja.
consider_pd: Prema gorenavedenom ugovoru, smatram da moji doprinosi pripadaju
javnom vlasništvu
consider_pd_why: šta je ovo?
- declined: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=sr-ec
you need to accept or decline: Molimo vas da pročitate ugovor pre nego što
ga prihvatite.
legale_select: 'Izaberite zemlju prebivališta:'
france: Francuska
italy: Italija
rest_of_world: Ostatak sveta
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Hvala vam što prihvatate nove uslove uređivanja.
terms_declined_url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=sr-ec
title: Skupovi izmena
title_user: Skupovi izmena korisnika %{user}
- title_friend: Izmene vaših prijatelja
title_nearby: Izmene od okolnih korisnika
title: Skup izmena %{id}
your location: Vaša lokacija
nearby mapper: Obližnji kartograf
- friend: Prijatelj
- no friends: Niste dodali nijednog prijatelja.
nearby users: 'Ostali obližnji korisnici:'
no nearby users: Još uvek nema obližnjih korisnika koji mapiraju.
- friends_changesets: Sve izmene prijatelja
- friends_diaries: Pregled svih zapisa u dnevniku prijatelja
nearby_changesets: Pregled svih izmena okolnih korisnika
nearby_diaries: Pregled svih zapisa u dnevniku okolnih korisnika
use_map_link: koristi mapu
title: Korisnički dnevnici
- title_friends: Dnevnici prijatelja
title_nearby: Dnevnici okolnih korisnika
user_title: Dnevnik korisnika %{user}
in_language_title: Dnevnici na %{language}
title: Unosi u dnevniku Openstritmapa
description: Skorašnji unosi u dnevniku od korisnika Openstritmapa
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Postavi
- when: Kada
- comment: Komentar
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Dodati korisnika %{user} kao prijatelja?
- button: Dodaj kao prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je sada vaš prijatelj.'
- failed: Ne mogu da dodam %{name} kao prijatelja.
- already_a_friend: Već ste prijatelj sa %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Ukloniti korisnika %{user} iz prijatelja?
- button: Ukloni iz prijatelja
- success: '%{name} je izbačen iz prijatelja.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} nije vaš prijatelj.'
hi: Pozdrav, %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} vam posla poruku preko Openstritmapa pod naslovom %{subject}:'
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[Openstritmap] %{user} vas je dodao kao prijatelja'
- had_added_you: '%{user} vas je dodao kao prijatelja na Openstritmapu.'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: Možete videti njegov/njen profil na %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Možete ga/je dodati i kao prijatelja na %{befriendurl}.
import_failures_url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GPX_Import_Failures?uselang=sr-ec
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX uvoz nije uspeo'
wrong_user: Prijavljeni ste kao %{user}, ali poruka koju ste želeli da pročitate
nije poslata tom korisniku. Prijavite se kao ispravan korisnik da biste je
- mark:
- as_read: Poruka je označena kao pročitana
- as_unread: Poruka je označena kao nepročitana
destroyed: Poruka je obrisana
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Poruka je označena kao pročitana
+ destroy:
+ notice: Poruka je označena kao nepročitana
my_inbox: Primljene
display name description: Javno prikazano korisničko ime. Kasnije ga možete
promeniti u postavkama.
continue: Nastavi
- terms accepted: Hvala vam što prihvatate nove uslove uređivanja.
title: Nema takvog korisnika
heading: Korisnik %{user} ne postoji
diary: dnevnik
edits: izmene
traces: tragovi
- remove as friend: ukloni kao prijatelja
- add as friend: dodaj kao prijatelja
mapper since: 'Kartograf od:'
ct status: 'Uslovi za učešće:'
ct undecided: Neodlučeno
summary_html: '%{name} napravljeno od %{ip_address} dana %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} napravljeno %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kada
+ comment: Komentar
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Postavi
title: Suspendovan nalog
heading: Suspendovan nalog
support_url: Адреса подршке
allow_read_prefs: чита њихове корисничке поставке
allow_write_prefs: мења њихове корисничке поставке
- allow_write_diary: прави дневничке записе, коментарише и додаје пријатеље
+ allow_write_diary: прави дневничке записе и коментарише
allow_write_api: мења мапу
allow_read_gpx: чита њихове приватне GPS трагове
allow_write_gpx: отпрема GPS трагове
external auth: Спољна аутентификација
link text: шта је ово?
- public editing:
- heading: Јавно уређивање
- enabled: Омогућено. Није анонимно и могу се уређивати подаци.
- enabled link text: шта је ово?
- disabled: Онемогућено и не могу се уређивати подаци. Све претходне измене
- су анонимне.
- disabled link text: зашто не могу да уређујем?
contributor terms:
heading: Услови уређивања
agreed: Прихватили сте нове услове уређивања.
readable_summary: сумарум
informal_translations: неформални преводи
continue: Настави
- declined: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=sr-ec
cancel: Откажи
you need to accept or decline: Молимо вас да прочитате уговор пре него што
га прихватите.
france: Француска
italy: Италија
rest_of_world: Остатак света
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Хвала вам што прихватате нове услове уређивања.
terms_declined_url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=sr-ec
title: Скупови промена
title_user: Скупови промена корисника %{user}
title_user_link_html: Сетови промена за %{user_link}
- title_friend: Скупови промена мојих пријатеља
title_nearby: Скупови промена корисника у близини
empty: Скупови промена нису пронађени.
empty_area: Нема скупова промена у овој области.
your location: Ваша локација
nearby mapper: Оближњи картограф
- friend: Пријатељ
title: Tабла
edit_your_profile: Уредите Ваш профил
- my friends: Моји пријатељи
- no friends: Нисте додали ниједног пријатеља.
nearby users: 'Остали оближњи корисници:'
no nearby users: Још увек нема оближњих корисника који мапирају.
- friends_changesets: Спискови промена пријатеља
- friends_diaries: Дневник пријатеља
nearby_changesets: Спискови промена корисника у околини
nearby_diaries: Дневници корисника у околини
use_map_link: Користи мапу
title: Кориснички дневници
- title_friends: Дневници пријатеља
title_nearby: Дневници корисника у близини
user_title: Дневник корисника %{user}
in_language_title: Уноси у дневнику на %{language}
button: Прати дискусију
button: Прекини праћење дискусије
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: Објава
- when: Када
- comment: Коментар
address: Види своју физичку адресу
title: Грешка у апликацији
title: Датотека није пронађена
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Додати корисника %{user} као пријатеља?
- button: Додај као пријатеља
- success: '%{name} је сада твој пријатељ.'
- failed: Не могу да додам %{name} као пријатеља.
- already_a_friend: Већ сте пријатељ са %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Уклонити %{user} из списка пријатеља?
- button: Уклони из списка пријатеља
- success: '%{name} је избачен из пријатеља.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} није ваш пријатељ.'
header: '%{from_user} вам посла поруку преко Опенстритмапа под насловом %{subject}:'
footer_html: Такође можете да прочитате поруку на %{readurl} и можете да одговорите
на %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Поздрав, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} вас је додао као пријатеља'
- had_added_you: '%{user} вас је додао као пријатеља на Опенстритмапу.'
see_their_profile: Можете видети његов/њен профил на %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Можете га/је додати и као пријатеља на %{befriendurl}.
details: 'Детаљи ваше датотеке:'
filename: Назив датотеке
url: URL
description: Опис
tags: Ознаке
+ total_points: Укупан број тачака
+ imported_points: Број увезених тачака
hi: Здраво %{to_user},
import_failures_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GPX_Import_Failures?uselang=sr-ec
wrong_user: Пријављени сте као '%{user}', али порука коју сте желели да прочитате
нисте послали ви или том кориснику. Пријавите се као исправан корисник да
бисте је прочитали.
- mark:
- as_read: Порука је означена као прочитана
- as_unread: Порука је означена као непрочитана
destroyed: Порука је обрисана
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Порука је означена као прочитана
+ destroy:
+ notice: Порука је означена као непрочитана
my_inbox: Примљене
heading: GPX остава је ван мреже
message: GPX остава и отпремање тренутно нису доступни.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS трасе
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX датотека са %{count} тачком од %{user}
- other: GPX датотека са %{count} тачака од %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX датотека од %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS трасе
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX датотека са %{count} тачком од %{user}
+ other: GPX датотека са %{count} тачака од %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX датотека од %{user}
permission_denied: Немате дозволу да приступите тој радњи
privacy_policy: политика приватности
continue: Отвори налог
- terms accepted: Хвала вам што прихватате нове услове уређивања.
privacy_policy: политика приватности
consider_pd: јавно власништво
edits: Измене
traces: Трагови
notes: Белешке на карти
- remove as friend: Избаци из пријатеља
- add as friend: Додај пријатеља
mapper since: 'Картограф од:'
uid: 'ID корисника:'
ct status: 'Услови за учешће:'
summary_html: '%{name} направљено од %{ip_address} дана %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} направљено %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Када
+ comment: Коментар
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: Објава
title: Суспендован налог
heading: Суспендован налог
external auth: Extern autentisering
link text: vad är detta?
- public editing:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- enabled: Aktiverat, du är inte anonym och kan redigera data.
- enabled link text: vad är detta?
- disabled: Avstängt och kan inte redigera data, alla redigeringar som gjorts
- är anonyma.
- disabled link text: varför kan jag inte redigera?
contributor terms:
heading: Bidragsgivarvillkor
agreed: Du har godkänt de nya bidragsgivarvillkoren.
france: Frankrike
italy: Italien
rest_of_world: Övriga världen
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Tack för att du accepterat de nya villkoren för bidrag till
+ kartan!
terms_declined_html: Vi beklagar att du bestämt dig för att inte acceptera
de nya användarvillkoren. För mer information, se %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Ändringsuppsättningar
title_user: Ändringsuppsättningar av %{user}
title_user_link_html: Ändringsuppsättningar av %{user_link}
- title_friend: Ändringsuppsättningar av mina vänner
title_nearby: Ändringsuppsättningar av närbelägna användare
empty: Inga ändringsuppsättningar hittades.
empty_area: Inga ändringsuppsättningar i det här området.
created: Skapad
closed: Stängd
belongs_to: Författare
- subscribe:
- heading: Prenumerera på följande diskussion om ändringsuppsättning?
- button: Prenumerera på diskussion
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Avsluta prenumeration på följande diskussion om ändringsuppsättning?
- button: Sluta prenumerera på diskussion
- heading:
- title: Ändringsuppsättning %{id}
- created_by_html: Skapades av %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Inget inlägg med ID: %{id}'
- body: Det finns tyvärr ingen ändringsuppsättning med ID:t %{id}. Kontrollera
- stavningen eller så kanske du tryckt på fel länk.
title: 'Ändringsuppsättning: %{id}'
created: 'Skapades: %{when}'
sorry: Kunde tyvärr inte lista begärda ändringsuppsättningar. Begäran tog för
lång tid att hämta.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Prenumerera på följande diskussion om ändringsuppsättning?
+ button: Prenumerera på diskussion
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Avsluta prenumeration på följande diskussion om ändringsuppsättning?
+ button: Sluta prenumerera på diskussion
+ heading:
+ title: Ändringsuppsättning %{id}
+ created_by_html: Skapades av %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Inget inlägg med ID: %{id}'
+ body: Det finns tyvärr ingen ändringsuppsättning med ID:t %{id}. Kontrollera
+ stavningen eller så kanske du tryckt på fel länk.
km away: '%{count}km bort'
your location: Din position
nearby mapper: Användare i närheten
- friend: Vän
title: Min kontrollpanel
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} och sätt din hemposition för att
se närliggande användare.'
edit_your_profile: Redigera din profil
- my friends: Mina vänner
- no friends: Du har inte lagt till några vänner ännu.
nearby users: Andra användare nära dig
no nearby users: Det är ännu inga andra användare som uppgett att de kartlägger
nära dig.
- friends_changesets: vänners ändringsuppsättningar
- friends_diaries: vänners dagboksinlägg
nearby_changesets: närbelägna användares ändringsuppsättningar
nearby_diaries: närbelägna användares dagboksinlägg
use_map_link: Använd karta
title: Användardagböcker
- title_friends: Vänners dagböcker
title_nearby: Närbelägna användares dagböcker
user_title: '%{user}s dagbok'
in_language_title: Dagboksinlägg på %{language}
heading: Avsluta prenumeration på följande diskussion om dagboksinlägg?
button: Avsluta prenumeration på diskussion
- index:
- title: Dagbokskommentarer tillagda av %{user}
- heading: '%{user}s dagbokskommentarer'
- subheading_html: Dagbokskommentarer tillagda av %{user}
- no_comments: Inga dagbokskommentarer
- page:
- post: Inlägg
- when: När
- comment: Kommentar
heading: Lägg en kommentar på följande diskussion om dagboksinlägg?
title: Filen hittades inte
description: Det gick inte att hitta en fil/katalog/API-operation med det namnet
på OpenStreetMap-servern (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Lägg till %{user} som en vän?
- button: Lägg till som vän
- success: '%{name} är nu din vän!'
- failed: Misslyckades med att lägga till %{name} som en vän.
- already_a_friend: Du är redan vän med %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Du har lagt till många vänner nyligen. Var snäll och vänta ett
- tag innan du lägger till fler vänner.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Ta bort %{user} som vän?
- button: Ta bort som vän
- success: '%{name} togs bort från dina vänner.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} är inte en av dina vänner.'
till författaren på %{replyurl}
footer_html: Du kan också läsa meddelandet på %{readurl} och du kan skicka ett
meddelande till författaren på %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Hej %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} lade till dig som en vän'
- had_added_you: '%{user} har lagt till dig som vän på OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Du kan se deras profil på %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Du kan se deras profil på %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Du kan också lägga till dem som en vän på %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Du kan också lägga till dem som en vän på %{befriendurl}.
details: 'Dina fildetaljer:'
filename: Filnamn
wrong_user: Du är inloggad som '%{user}', men meddelandet du har bett om att
få läsa skickades inte till eller av den användaren. Logga in med korrekt
användare för att läsa det.
- mark:
- as_read: Meddelandet markerat som läst
- as_unread: Meddelandet markerat som oläst
- unmute:
- notice: Meddelandet har flyttats till inkorgen
- error: Meddelandet kunde inte flyttas till inkorgen.
destroyed: Meddelande raderat
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Meddelandet markerat som läst
+ destroy:
+ notice: Meddelandet markerat som oläst
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Meddelandet har flyttats till inkorgen
+ error: Meddelandet kunde inte flyttas till inkorgen.
my_inbox: Min inkorg
heading: GPX-lagring offline
message: GPX-uppladdningssystemet är för närvarande inte tillgängligt.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spår
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: GPX-fil med %{count} punkt från %{user}
- other: GPX-fil med %{count} punkter från %{user}
- description_without_count: GPX-fil från %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS-spår
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: GPX-fil med %{count} punkt från %{user}
+ other: GPX-fil med %{count} punkter från %{user}
+ description_without_count: GPX-fil från %{user}
permission_denied: Du har inte behörighet för denna åtgärd
privacy_policy_title: OSMFs integritetspolicy inklusive avsnitt om e-postadresser
contributor_terms: bidragsvillkor
continue: Registrera
- terms accepted: Tack för att du accepterat de nya villkoren för bidrag till
- kartan!
privacy_policy: integritetspolicy
privacy_policy_title: OSMF:s integritetspolicy inkluderingsavsnitt om e-postadresser
edits: Redigeringar
traces: Spår
notes: Kartanteckningar
- remove as friend: Ta bort vän
- add as friend: Lägg till vän
mapper since: 'Karterar sedan:'
last map edit: 'Senaste kartredigering:'
no activity yet: Ännu ingen aktivitet
summary_html: '%{name} skapades från %{ip_address} den %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} skapad den %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: När
+ comment: Kommentar
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Dagbokskommentarer tillagda av %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Inlägg
title: Kontot avstängt
heading: Kontot avstängt
current email address: 'தற்பொழுதுள்ள மின்னஞ்சல் முகவரி:'
link text: இது என்ன?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: இது என்ன?
contributor terms:
link text: இது என்ன?
save changes button: மாற்றங்களைச் சேமி
latest_edit_html: 'தற்போதைய திருத்தம் %{ago}:'
your location: உங்களது இருப்பிடம்
- friend: நண்பர்
- my friends: எனது நண்பர்கள்
- no friends: நீங்கள் இதுவரை எந்த நண்பர்களையும் சேர்க்கவில்லை
nearby users: மற்ற அருகிலுள்ள பயனர்கள்
use_map_link: வரைபடத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்
title: பயனரின் நாட்குறிப்பேடுகள்
- title_friends: நண்பர்களின் நாட்குறிப்பேடுகள்
title_nearby: அருகிலுள்ள பயனர்களின் நாட்குறிப்பேடுகள்
user_title: '%{user}''ரின் நாட்குறிப்பேடு'
in_language_title: '%{language}ல் நாட்குறிப்பேடு உள்ளீடுகள்'
report: இந்தப் பின்னூட்டத்தை முறையிடுக
location: 'இடம்:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: பதியவும்
- when: எப்பொழுது
- comment: கருத்துரை
reply_button: பதிலளி
unread_button: வாசிக்கப்படாததாக குறியிடு
destroy_button: நீக்கு
- unmute:
- notice: தகவல் வருமஞ்சலுக்கு நகர்த்தப்பட்டுள்ளது
destroyed: தகவல் நீக்கப்பட்டது
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: தகவல் வருமஞ்சலுக்கு நகர்த்தப்பட்டுள்ளது
muted_messages: மௌனித்த தகவல்கள்
destroy_mute: இப்பயனரை ஓசையாக்கு
diary: நாட்குறிப்பேடு
edits: தொகுப்புகள்
- add as friend: நண்பராக சேர்
ct status: 'பங்களிப்பாளர் விதிமுறைகள்:'
ct undecided: முடிவு செய்யப்படாத
ct declined: நிராகரிக்கப்பட்டது
title: பயனர்கள்
heading: பயனர்கள்
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: எப்பொழுது
+ comment: கருத்துரை
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: பதியவும்
title: கணக்கு இடைநீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது
heading: கணக்கு இடைநீக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது
external auth: బయటి ఆథెంటికేషను
link text: ఇది ఏమిటి?
- public editing:
- heading: బహిరంగ ఎడిటింగు
- enabled: చేతనం. అజ్ఞాతగా లేరు, అంచేత దిద్దుబాట్లు చెయ్యవచ్చు.
- enabled link text: ఇది ఏమిటి?
- disabled: అచేతనంగా ఉంది, అంచేత దిద్దుబాట్లు చెయ్యలేరు. ఇంతకుముందు చేసిన దిద్దుబాట్లన్నీ
- అజ్ఞాతగా చేసినవే.
- disabled link text: నేను ఎందుకు మార్చలేను?
contributor terms:
heading: తోడ్పాటు నియమాలు
agreed: మీరు కొత్త తోడ్పాటు నియమాలకు అంగీకరించారు.
title: మార్పుల సమితులు
title_user: '%{user} చేసిన మార్పులసమితులు'
- title_friend: నా మిత్రుల మార్పులసమితులు
title_nearby: దగ్గర్లోని వాడుకరుల మార్పులసమితులు
empty: మార్పులసమితులేమీ కనబడలేదు.
empty_area: ఈ ప్రాంతంలో మార్పులసమితులేమీ లేవు.
your location: మీ ప్రాంతం
nearby mapper: సమీపం లోని మ్యాపరు
- friend: మిత్రుడు
title: నా డ్యాష్బోర్డు
no_home_location_html: మీ సమీపం లోని వాడూకరులను చూసేందుకు %{edit_profile_link}
కు వెళ్ళి మీ స్థానాన్ని సెట్ చేసుకోండి.
edit_your_profile: మీ ప్రొఫైలును సవరించండి
- my friends: నా మిత్రులు
- no friends: మీరు ఇంకా స్నేహితులెవరినీ చేర్చలేదు.
nearby users: 'దగ్గరలోని వాడుకరులు:'
no nearby users: మ్యాపింగు చేస్తామని చెబుతున్న వాడుకరులు సమీపంలో ఇంకా ఎవరూ లేరు.
- friends_changesets: మిత్రుల మార్పులసమితులు
- friends_diaries: మిత్రుల డైరీ పద్దులు
nearby_changesets: దగ్గర్లోని వాడుకరుల మార్పులసమితులు
nearby_diaries: సమీపం లోని వాడుకరుల డైరీ పద్దులు
use_map_link: పటాన్ని వాడు
title: వాడుకరుల డైరీలు
- title_friends: స్నేహితుల దినచర్యలు
title_nearby: చుట్టుపక్కల వాడుకరుల డైరీలు
user_title: '%{user} దినచర్య'
in_language_title: '%{language}లో ఉన్న డైరీ పద్దులు'
title: OpenStreetMap డైరీ పద్దులు
description: OpenStreetMap వాడుకరులు ఇటీవల చేర్చిన డైరీ పద్దులు
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: '%{user} చేర్చిన డైరీ వ్యాఖ్యలు'
- heading: '%{user} గారి డైరీ వ్యాఖ్యలు'
- subheading_html: '%{user} డైరీ వ్యాఖ్యలను చేర్చారు'
- no_comments: డైరీ వ్యాఖ్యలేమీ లేవు
- page:
- post: పంపించు
- when: ఎప్పుడు
- comment: వ్యాఖ్య
notice: అనువర్తనం నమోదైంది.
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user} ను మిత్రులుగా చేర్చాలా?'
- button: మిత్రులుగా చేర్చు
- success: '%{name} ఇప్పుడు మీ మిత్రులు!'
- failed: సారీ, %{name} ను మిత్రులుగా చేర్చలేకపోయాం.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} మీకు ఇప్పటికే స్నేహితులు.'
- limit_exceeded: మీరు ఈ మధ్య చాలామందితో మైత్రి కలుపుకున్నారు. మరింత మందితో మైత్రి
- కలుపుకునే ముందు కాస్త ఆగండి.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user} తో మైత్రి ఆపేస్తారా?'
- button: మైత్రిని ఆపు
- success: '%{name} ను మీ మిత్రుల జాబితా నుండి తీసేసాం.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} మీ మిత్రులు కాదు.'
సందేశం పంపించవచ్చు
footer_html: ఆ సందేశాన్ని %{readurl} వద్ద కూడా చదవవచ్చు, %{replyurl} వద్ద వారికి
సందేశం పంపించవచ్చు
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: నమస్కారం %{to_user} గారూ,
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} మిమ్మల్ని మిత్రులుగా చేర్చుకున్నారు'
- had_added_you: '%{user} మిమ్మల్ని OpenStreetMap లో మిత్రులుగా చేర్చుకున్నారు.'
see_their_profile: '%{userurl} వద్ద వారి ప్రొఫైలును చూడవచ్చు.'
see_their_profile_html: '%{userurl} వద్ద వారి ప్రొఫైలును చూడవచ్చు.'
- befriend_them: '%{befriendurl} వద్ద వారిని మీరు కూడా మిత్రులుగా చేసుకోవచ్చు.'
- befriend_them_html: అలాగే, %{befriendurl} వద్ద వారిని మీ మిత్రులుగా చేర్చుకోవచ్చు.
hi: నమస్కారం %{to_user} గారూ,
failed_to_import: 'దిగుమతి విఫలమైంది. లోపం ఇది:'
back: వెనుకకు
wrong_user: మీరు `%{user}' గా లాగినై ఉన్నారు. కానీ మీరు చదవదలచిన సందేశం ఆ వాడుకరి
పంపలేదు, ఆ వాడుకరికి రాలేదు. సరైన వాడుకరిగా లాగినై చదవండి.
- mark:
- as_read: సందేశాన్ని చదివినట్లుగా గుర్తుపెట్టాం
- as_unread: సందేశాన్ని చదవనట్లుగా గుర్తుపెట్టాం
destroyed: సందేశాన్ని తొలగించాం
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: సందేశాన్ని చదివినట్లుగా గుర్తుపెట్టాం
+ destroy:
+ notice: సందేశాన్ని చదవనట్లుగా గుర్తుపెట్టాం
my_inbox: నా ఇన్బాక్స్
heading: GPX స్టోరేజీ ఆఫ్లైను లోకి పోయింది
message: ఫైలు స్టోరేజీ, ఎక్కింపు వ్యవస్థ ప్రస్తుతం అందుబాటులో లేదు.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS ట్రేసులు
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: '%{count} బిందువుతో %{user} గారి GPX ఫైలు'
- other: '%{count} బిందువులతో %{user} గారి GPX ఫైలు'
- description_without_count: '%{user} గారి GPX ఫైలు'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS ట్రేసులు
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: '%{count} బిందువుతో %{user} గారి GPX ఫైలు'
+ other: '%{count} బిందువులతో %{user} గారి GPX ఫైలు'
+ description_without_count: '%{user} గారి GPX ఫైలు'
permission_denied: ఈ చర్య చేసేందుకు మీకు అనుమతి లేదు
edits: మార్పులు
traces: ట్రేసులు
notes: పటపు గమనికలు
- remove as friend: స్నేహితునిగా తొలగించు
- add as friend: స్నేహితునిగా చేర్చు
mapper since: 'ఇప్పటినుండి మ్యాపరు:'
ct status: 'తోడ్పాటు నియమాలు:'
ct undecided: నిర్ణయించుకోలేదు
summary_html: '%{name}, %{date} న %{ip_address} నుండి సృష్టించారు'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} %{date} న సృష్టించారు'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: ఎప్పుడు
+ comment: వ్యాఖ్య
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user} చేర్చిన డైరీ వ్యాఖ్యలు'
+ page:
+ post: పంపించు
title: ఖాతాను సస్పెండు చేసారు
heading: సస్పెండు చేసిన ఖాతా
external auth: การยืนยันตัวตนด้วยบริการภายนอก
link text: นี่คืออะไร?
- public editing:
- heading: การแก้ไขสาธารณะ
- enabled: 'เปิดใช้: สามารถแก้ไขแผนที่ได้โดยเปิดเผยนาม'
- enabled link text: นี่คืออะไร?
- disabled: ปิดใช้ และไม่สามารถแก้ไขแผนที่ได้อีก โดยการแก้ไขในอดีตทั้งหมดจะยังคงความนิรนามไว้
- disabled link text: ทำไมถึงแก้ไขไม่ได้?
contributor terms:
heading: ข้อกำหนดผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูล
agreed: คุณได้ยอมรับข้อกำหนดผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูลใหม่แล้ว
france: ฝรั่งเศส
italy: อิตาลี
rest_of_world: พื้นที่อื่น ๆ ในโลก
+ update:
+ terms accepted: ขอบคุณสำหรับการตอบรับเงื่อนไขผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูล!
deleted_ago_by_html: ลบเมื่อ %{time_ago} โดย %{user}
edited_ago_by_html: แก้ไขเมื่อ %{time_ago} โดย %{user}
title: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลง
title_user: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำโดย %{user}
title_user_link_html: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำโดย %{user_link}
- title_friend: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำโดยเพื่อนของฉัน
title_nearby: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ทำโดยผู้ใช้ที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง
empty: ไม่พบชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลง
empty_area: ไม่พบชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงในพื้นที่นี้
created: สร้างเมื่อ
closed: ปิดเมื่อ
belongs_to: ผู้สร้าง
- subscribe:
- heading: สมัครสมาชิกการอภิปรายเซ็ตการแก้ไขต่อไปนี้หรือไม่
- button: สมัครสมาชิกการอภิปราย
- unsubscribe:
- heading: ยกเลิกการสมัครสมาชิกการอภิปรายต่อไปนี้หรือไม่
- button: ยกเลิกการสมัครสมาชิกการอภิปราย
- heading:
- title: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลง %{id}
- created_by_html: สร้างโดย %{link_user} บน %{created}
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'ไม่มีรายการที่มีรหัส: %{id}'
- body: ขออภัย ไม่มีชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่มีรหัส %{id} โปรดตรวจสอขความถูกต้องของการสะกด
- หรือลิงก์ที่กดมานั้นมีข้อผิดพลาด
title: 'ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลง: %{id}'
created: 'สร้างเมื่อ: %{when}'
relations_paginated: ความสัมพันธ์ (%{x}-%{y} จาก %{count})
sorry: ขออภัย รายการชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ร้องขอใช้เวลานานเกินสมควรในการสืบค้น
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: สมัครสมาชิกการอภิปรายเซ็ตการแก้ไขต่อไปนี้หรือไม่
+ button: สมัครสมาชิกการอภิปราย
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: ยกเลิกการสมัครสมาชิกการอภิปรายต่อไปนี้หรือไม่
+ button: ยกเลิกการสมัครสมาชิกการอภิปราย
+ heading:
+ title: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลง %{id}
+ created_by_html: สร้างโดย %{link_user} บน %{created}
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'ไม่มีรายการที่มีรหัส: %{id}'
+ body: ขออภัย ไม่มีชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่มีรหัส %{id} โปรดตรวจสอขความถูกต้องของการสะกด
+ หรือลิงก์ที่กดมานั้นมีข้อผิดพลาด
km away: ห่างออกไป %{count} กม.
your location: ตำแหน่งของคุณ
nearby mapper: คนทำแผนที่ ที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง
- friend: เพื่อน
title: แผงควบคุมของฉัน
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} และตั้งตำแหน่งบ้านของให้ผู้ใช้ไกล้เคียงเห็น'
edit_your_profile: แก้ไขโปรไฟล์ของคุณ
- my friends: รายการเพื่อน
- no friends: ท่านยังไม่ได้เพิ่มเพื่อนใด ๆ
nearby users: ผู้ใช้อื่นที่ใกล้เคียง
no nearby users: ไม่ได้มีผู้ใดแสดงตัวว่าทำแผนที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง
- friends_changesets: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงของเพื่อน
- friends_diaries: บันทึกของเพื่อน
nearby_changesets: ชุดการเปลี่ยนแปลงของผู้ใช้ใกล้เคียง
nearby_diaries: บันทึกของผู้ใช้ใกล้เคียง
use_map_link: ใช้แผนที่
title: บันทึกของผู้ใช้
- title_friends: บันทึกของเพื่อน
title_nearby: บันทึกของผู้ใช้ที่อยู่ใกล้เคียง
user_title: บันทึกของ %{user}
in_language_title: รายการบันทึกทั้งหมดในภาษา %{language}
heading: เลิกติดตามการอภิปรายต่อไปนี้หรือไม่
button: เลิกติดตามการอภิปราย
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: ความคิดเห็นในรายการบันทึกที่เพิ่มโดย %{user}
- heading: ความคิดเห็นในรายการบันทึกของ %{user}
- subheading_html: ความคิดเห็นในรายการบันทึกที่เพิ่มโดย %{user}
- no_comments: ไม่มีความคิดเห็นในรายการบึกทึก
- page:
- post: เผยแพร่
- when: เมื่อ
- comment: แสดงความเห็น
title: ไม่พบไฟล์
description: ไม่พบการดำเนินการของไฟล์/ไดเรกทอรี/API ตามชื่อนั้นบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์
OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: เพิ่มผู้ใช้ %{user} ในรายการเพื่อนหรือไม่?
- button: เพิ่มในรายการเพื่อน
- success: ผู้ใช้ %{name} อยู่ในรายการเพื่อนเรียบร้อย!
- failed: ขออภัย ไม่สามารถเพิ่มผู้ใช้ %{name} ในรายการเพื่อน
- already_a_friend: มีผู้ใช้ %{name}ในรายการเพื่อนอยู่แล้ว
- limit_exceeded: คุณได้เป็นเพื่อนกับผู้ใช้จำนวนมากเมื่อไม่นานมานี้ โปรดรอสักครู่ก่อนที่จะพยายามเป็นเพื่อนต่อไป
- remove_friend:
- heading: ต้องการลบผู้ใช้ %{user} ออกจากรายการเพื่อนหรือไม่?
- button: ลบจากรายการเพื่อน
- success: ท่านได้ลบผู้ใช้ %{name} ออกจากรายการเพื่อน
- not_a_friend: ผู้ใช้ %{name} ไม่ได้อยู่ในรายการเพื่อน
%{replyurl} หากต้องการ
footer_html: คุณสามารถอ่านข้อความที่ลิงก์ %{readurl} และถ้าต้องการสามารถตอบกลับที่ลิงก์
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: เรียนคุณ %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} เพิ่มคุณในรายการเพื่อน'
- had_added_you: ผู้ใช้ %{user} เพิ่มคุณในรายการเพื่อนบน OpenStreetMap
see_their_profile: สามารถดูหน้าโปรไฟล์ของผู้ใช้นี้ได้ที่ %{userurl}
see_their_profile_html: สามารถดูหน้าโปรไฟล์ของผู้ใช้นี้ได้ที่ %{userurl}
- befriend_them: นอกจากนี้ คุณสามารถเพิ่มผู้ใช้นี้ในรายการเพื่อนได้ที่ %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: คุณยังสามารถเพิ่มผู้ใช้นี้ไปในรายการเพื่อนได้ที่ %{befriendurl}
hi: เรียนคุณ %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'การนำเข้าล้มเหลว เนื่องจาก:'
back: ย้อนกลับ
wrong_user: ท่านเข้าระบบโดยใช้ชื่อผู้ใช้ `%{user}' แต่ข้อความที่ท่านกำลังจะตอบกลับไม่ได้ส่งโดยหรือส่งถึงผู้ใช้ดังกล่าว
- mark:
- as_read: ข้อความถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่าอ่านแล้ว
- as_unread: ข้อความถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่ายังไม่ได้อ่าน
destroyed: ข้อความถูกลบแล้ว
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: ข้อความถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่าอ่านแล้ว
+ destroy:
+ notice: ข้อความถูกทำเครื่องหมายว่ายังไม่ได้อ่าน
my_inbox: จดหมายรับส่วนตัว
message: ระบบอัปโหลดแฟ้มข้อมูล GPX ไม่พร้อมใช้งานในขณะนี้
message: หน่วยจัดเก็บแฟ้มข้อมูล GPX และระบบอัปโหลดไม่พร้อมใช้งานในขณะนี้
- description:
- description_with_count: แฟ้มข้อมูล GPX จำนวน %{count} จุด จากผู้ใช้ %{user}
- description_without_count: แฟ้มข้อมูล GPX จากผู้ใช้ %{user}
+ feeds:
+ description:
+ description_with_count: แฟ้มข้อมูล GPX จำนวน %{count} จุด จากผู้ใช้ %{user}
+ description_without_count: แฟ้มข้อมูล GPX จากผู้ใช้ %{user}
cookies_needed: ดูเหมือนว่าคุณปิดใช้งานคุกกี้อยู่, กรุณาเปิดใช้งานคุกกี้ในบราวเซอร์ของคุณก่อนจะดำเนินการต่อ
header: เสรีและแก้ไขได้
display name description: ชื่อที่แสดงต่อสาธารณะ ท่านสามารถเปลี่ยนในภายหลังได้ในหน้าการตั้งค่า
continue: สมัครบัญชี
- terms accepted: ขอบคุณสำหรับการตอบรับเงื่อนไขผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูล!
use external auth: นอกจากนี้ ท่านสามารถใช้บัญชีผู้ใช้จากเว็บอื่นในการเข้าใช้งานได้
title: ไม่มีผู้ใช้ที่ระบุ
edits: การแก้ไข
traces: รอยทาง
notes: หมายเหตุแผนที่
- remove as friend: ลบจากรายการเพื่อน
- add as friend: เพิ่มเข้ารายการเพื่อน
mapper since: 'ทำแผนที่นี้ตั้งแต่:'
ct status: 'เงื่อนไขผู้ร่วมให้ข้อมูล:'
ct undecided: ยังไม่ตัดสินใจ
hide: ซ่อนผู้ใช้ที่เลือก
summary_html: '%{name} สร้างจากไอพี %{ip_address} เมื่อ %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: เมื่อ
+ comment: แสดงความเห็น
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: ความคิดเห็นในรายการบันทึกที่เพิ่มโดย %{user}
+ page:
+ post: เผยแพร่
title: บัญชีถูกระงับ
heading: บัญชีถูกระงับ
external auth: Panlabas na Pagpapatunay
link text: ano ba ito?
- public editing:
- heading: Pangmadlang pamamatnugot
- enabled: Pinagana. Nagpakilala at maaaring magbago ng dato.
- enabled link text: ano ba ito?
- disabled: Hindi pinagana at hindi makapagbabago ng dato, lahat ng nakaraang
- mga pagbabago ay bilang hindi nagpapakilala.
- disabled link text: bakit hindi ako makapamatnugot?
contributor terms:
heading: Mga Tuntunin sa Tagapag-ambag
agreed: Sumang-ayon ka sa bagong mga Tuntunin na Pangtagapag-ambag.
france: Pransiya
italy: Italya
rest_of_world: Iba pang bahagi ng mundo
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Salamat sa pagtanggap ng bagong mga tuntunin ng tagapag-ambag!
terms_declined_html: Ikinalulungkot namin na nagpasya kang hindi tanggapin
ang bagong Mga Tuntunin sa Tagapag-ambag. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon,
title: Mga pangkat ng pagbabago
title_user: Mga pangkat ng pagbabago ayon sa %{user}
- title_friend: Mga pangkat ng pagbabago ng mga kaibigan mo
title_nearby: Mga pangkat ng pagbabago ng kalapit na mga tagagamit
empty: Walang natagpuang mga aparato/gadyet.
empty_area: Walang pangkat ng pagbabago sa lugar na ito.
your location: Kinalalagyan mo
nearby mapper: Malapit na tagapagmapa
- friend: Kaibigan
title: Aking Tapalodo
edit_your_profile: Baguhin ang iyong balangkas
- my friends: Aking mga kaibigan
- no friends: Hindi ka pa nagdaragdag ng sinumang mga kaibigan.
nearby users: Iba pang kalapit na mga tagagamit
no nearby users: Wala pang ibang mga tagagamit na umaamin sa pagmamapa ng malapitan.
- friends_changesets: mga pagbabago ng mga kaibigan
- friends_diaries: mga lahok ng mga kaibigan
nearby_changesets: mga pagtatakda ng pagbabago mula sa kalapit na mga tagagamit
nearby_diaries: mga inilahok sa talaarawan ng kalapit na mga tagagamit
use_map_link: Gamitin ang Mapa
title: Mga talaarawan ng mga tagagamit
- title_friends: Mga talaarawan ng mga kaibigan
title_nearby: Mga talaarawan ng Kanugnog na mga Tagagamit
user_title: Talaarawan ni %{user}
in_language_title: Mga Pagpapasok sa Talaarawan na nasa %{language}
title: Mga ipinasok sa talaarawan ng OpenStreetMap
description: Kamakailang mga pagpapasok sa talaarawan mula sa mga tagagamit
ng OpenStreetMap
- diary_comments:
- index:
- title: Mga Puna sa Talaarawan ay idinagdag ni %{user}
- heading: Mga Puna sa Talaarawan ni %{user}
- subheading_html: Mga Puna sa Talaarawan ay idinagdag ni %{user}
- no_comments: Walang mga puna sa talaarawan
- page:
- post: Ipaskil
- when: Kailan
- comment: Puna
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Idagdag si %{user} bilang isang kaibigan?
- button: idagdag bilang kaibigan
- success: Kaibigan mo na ngayon si %{name}!
- failed: Paumanhin, nabigong maidagdag si %{name} bilang isang kaibigan.
- already_a_friend: Kaibigan ka na ni %{name}.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Tanggalin bilang isang kaibigan si %{user}?
- button: Tanggalin bilang kaibigan
- success: Si %{name} ay tinanggal mula sa mga kaibigan mo.
- not_a_friend: Si %{name} ay hindi isa sa mga kaibigan mo.
ng OpenStreetMap na may paksang %{subject}:'
header_html: 'Si %{from_user} ay nagpadala sa iyo ng isang mensahe sa pamamagitan
ng OpenStreetMap na may paksang %{subject}:'
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Kumusta %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Idinagdag ka ni %{user} bilang isang kaibigan'
- had_added_you: Idinagdag ka ni %{user} bilang isang kaibigan doon sa OpenStreetMap.
see_their_profile: Maaari mong makita ang kaniyang balangkas sa %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Maaari mong makita ang kaniyang balangkas sa %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Maaari mong rin siyang idagdag bilang isang kaibigan sa %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Maaari mong rin siyang idagdag bilang isang kaibigan sa
- %{befriendurl}.
hi: Kumusta %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'nabigo sa pag-angkat. Narito ang kamalian:'
wrong_user: Lumagda ka bilang si `%{user}' ngunit ang mensaheng hiniling mong
basahin ay hindi ipinadala ni o papunta sa tagagamit na iyan. Mangyaring lumagda
bilang ang tamang tagagamit upang mabasa ito.
- mark:
- as_read: Minarkahan ang mensahe bilang nabasa na
- as_unread: Minarkahan ang mensahe bilang hindi pa nababasa
destroyed: Binura ang mensahe
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Minarkahan ang mensahe bilang nabasa na
+ destroy:
+ notice: Minarkahan ang mensahe bilang hindi pa nababasa
my_inbox: Kahong-tanggapan Ko
display name description: Ang iyong pangalan ng tagagamit na ipinapakita sa
madla. Maaari mo itong baguhin mamaya sa loob ng mga kanaisan.
continue: Magpatala
- terms accepted: Salamat sa pagtanggap ng bagong mga tuntunin ng tagapag-ambag!
use external auth: Bilang alternatibo, gumamit ng serbisyo ikatlong partido
para lumagda
edits: mga pagbabago
traces: mga bakas
notes: Mga tala ng mapa
- remove as friend: tanggalin bilang kaibigan
- add as friend: idagdag bilang kaibigan
mapper since: 'Tagapagmapa mula pa noong:'
ct status: 'Mga tuntunin sa taga-ambag:'
ct undecided: Walang kapasyahan
summary_html: Nilikha ang %{name} mula sa %{ip_address} noong %{date}
summary_no_ip_html: Nilikha ang %{name} noong %{date}
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Kailan
+ comment: Puna
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Mga Puna sa Talaarawan ay idinagdag ni %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Ipaskil
title: Naantalang Akawnt
heading: Inantala ang Akawnt
# Author: SalihB
# Author: Sayginer
# Author: Sezgin İbiş
+# Author: Slickdaddy
# Author: Stonecy
# Author: Sucsuzz
# Author: Szoszv
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tr:OpenID
link text: bu nedir?
- public editing:
- heading: Herkese açık düzenleme modu
- enabled: Etkin. Anonim değil ve verileri düzenleyebilir.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tr:Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: bu nedir?
- disabled: Devre dışı bırakıldı ve verileri düzenleyemiyor, önceki tüm düzenlemeler
- anonim.
- disabled link text: neden düzenleyemiyorum?
contributor terms:
heading: Katılımcı Şartları
agreed: Yeni katılımcı şartlarını kabul ettin.
readable_summary: okunabilir özet
informal_translations: resmî olmayan çeviriler
continue: Devam
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tr:Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: İptal
you need to accept or decline: Lütfen katılımcı şartlarını okuyunuz ve şartları
kabul ya da ret ediniz.
france: Fransa
italy: İtalya
rest_of_world: Dünyanın geri kalanı
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Yeni katılımcı şartları kabul ettiğin için teşekkür ederiz!
terms_declined_html: Yeni Katılımcı Şartlarına kabul etmediğiniz için üzgünüz.
Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen %{terms_declined_link} sayfasına bakınız.
title: Değişiklik Kayıtları
title_user: '%{user} kullanıcısının değişiklik kayıtları'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} kullanıcısının değişiklik kayıtları'
- title_friend: Arkadaşlarımın değişiklik kayıtları
title_nearby: Yakındaki kullanıcıların değişiklik kayıtları
empty: Değişiklik kayıtları bulunamadı.
empty_area: Bu alanda değişiklik kaydı bulunmuyor.
created: Oluşturulma
closed: Kapandı
belongs_to: Yazar
- subscribe:
- heading: Aşağıdaki değişiklik kaydı tartışmasına abone olmak ister misiniz?
- button: Tartışmaya abone ol
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Aşağıdaki değişiklik kaydı tartışmasının aboneliği iptal edilsin mi?
- button: Tartışma aboneliğinden çık
- heading:
- title: Değişiklik Kaydı %{id}
- created_by_html: '%{link_user} tarafından %{created} tarihinde oluşturuldu.'
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Şu kimliğe sahip girdi yok: %{id}'
- body: Üzgünüz, %{id} kimliğine sahip herhangi bir değişiklik kaydı yok. Lütfen
- yazımınızı kontrol edin ya da tıkladığınız bağlantı yanlış olabilir.
title: 'Değişiklik kaydı: %{id}'
created: 'Oluşturma: %{when}'
sorry: 'Üzgünüz, #%{id} değişiklik kümesi bulunamadı.'
sorry: Üzgünüz, değişiklik kayıtlarının listelenmesi fazla sürdü.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Aşağıdaki değişiklik kaydı tartışmasına abone olmak ister misiniz?
+ button: Tartışmaya abone ol
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Aşağıdaki değişiklik kaydı tartışmasının aboneliği iptal edilsin
+ mi?
+ button: Tartışma aboneliğinden çık
+ heading:
+ title: Değişiklik Kaydı %{id}
+ created_by_html: '%{link_user} tarafından %{created} tarihinde oluşturuldu.'
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Şu kimliğe sahip girdi yok: %{id}'
+ body: Üzgünüz, %{id} kimliğine sahip herhangi bir değişiklik kaydı yok. Lütfen
+ yazımınızı kontrol edin ya da tıkladığınız bağlantı yanlış olabilir.
km away: '%{count} km uzak'
your location: Konumum
nearby mapper: Yakındaki haritacı
- friend: Arkadaş
title: Gösterge Panelim
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ve yakındaki kullanıcıları görmek
için bulunduğunuz konumu ayarlayın.'
edit_your_profile: Profilinizi düzenleyin
- my friends: Arkadaşlarım
- no friends: Henüz herhangi bir arkadaş eklemediniz.
nearby users: Yakın çevrede bulunan kullanıcılar
no nearby users: Yakın çevrede herhangi başka kullanıcı henüz yok.
- friends_changesets: arkadaşların değişiklik kayıtları
- friends_diaries: arkadaşların günlük girdileri
nearby_changesets: yakınlarındaki kullanıcıların bütün değişiklik kayıtları
nearby_diaries: yakınlarındaki kullanıcıların günlük girdileri
use_map_link: Haritayı Kullan
title: Kullanıcı Günlükleri
- title_friends: Arkadaşların günlükleri
title_nearby: Yakındaki kullanıcıların günlükleri
user_title: '%{user} Kullanıcısının Günlüğü'
in_language_title: '%{language} dillindeki günlük girdiler'
heading: Aşağıdaki günlük girdisi tartışmasının aboneliği iptal edilsin mi?
button: Tartışma aboneliğinden çık
- index:
- title: '%{user} tarafından yapılan günlük yorumları'
- heading: '%{user} Kullanıcısının Günlük Yorumları'
- subheading_html: '%{user} tarafından yapılan günlük yorumları'
- no_comments: Günlük yorumu yok
- page:
- post: Gönderi
- when: Tarih
- comment: Yorum
heading: Aşağıdaki günlük girdisinin tartışmasına bir yorum ekle?
title: Dosya bulunamadı
description: OpenStreetMap sunucusunda (HTTP 404) bu ada sahip bir dosya/dizin/API
işlemi bulunamadı
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: '%{user}, arkadaş olarak eklensin mi?'
- button: Arkadaş olarak ekle
- success: '%{name}, arkadaş listesine eklendi!'
- failed: Üzgünüz, %{name} arkadaş olarak eklenemedi.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} ile zaten arkadaşsın.'
- limit_exceeded: Son zamanlarda çok sayıda kullanıcıyla arkadaş oldunuz. Lütfen
- daha fazla arkadaş olmaya çalışmadan önce bir süre bekleyin.
- remove_friend:
- heading: '%{user}, arkadaşlıktan çıkarılsın mı?'
- button: Arkadaşlıktan Çıkar
- success: '%{name}, arkadaş listesinden çıkarıldı.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name}, arkadaşın değil.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ button: Kullanıcıyı Takip Et
adresinden mesaj gönderebilirsiniz.
footer_html: İletiyi %{readurl} adresinden de okuyabilir ve yazara %{replyurl}
adresinden ileti gönderebilirsiniz.
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Merhaba %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] kullanıcı %{user} seni arkadaş olarak ekledi'
- had_added_you: Kullanıcı %{user} seni arkadaş olarak OpenStreetMap'te ekledi.
see_their_profile: '%{userurl} üzerinden profillerini görebilirsiniz.'
see_their_profile_html: '%{userurl} üzerinden profilini görebilirsiniz.'
- befriend_them: '%{befriendurl} üzerinden arkadaş olarak da ekleyebilirsiniz.'
- befriend_them_html: '%{befriendurl} üzerinden arkadaş olarak da ekleyebilirsiniz.'
details: 'Dosya bilgileriniz:'
filename: Dosya adı
wrong_user: '''%{user}'' olarak giriş yaptınız ancak okumak istediğiniz mesaj
o kullanıcı tarafından veya o kullanıcıya gönderilmedi. Lütfen okumak için
doğru kullanıcı olarak giriş yapın.'
- mark:
- as_read: Mesaj okundu olarak işaretlendi
- as_unread: Mesaj okunmadı olarak işaretlendi
- unmute:
- notice: Mesaj, gelen kutusuna taşındı
- error: Mesaj, gelen kutusuna taşınamadı.
destroyed: Mesaj silindi
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Mesaj okundu olarak işaretlendi
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesaj okunmadı olarak işaretlendi
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Mesaj, gelen kutusuna taşındı
+ error: Mesaj, gelen kutusuna taşınamadı.
my_inbox: Gelen kutusu
heading: GPX Yükleme Servisi Çevrimdışı
message: GPX dosya depolama ve yükleme sistemi şu anda kullanılamıyor.
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS İzleri
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: '%{user} tarafından %{count} noktalı GPX dosyası'
- other: '%{user} tarafından %{count} noktalı GPX dosyası'
- description_without_count: '%{user} tarafından GPX dosyası'
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS İzleri
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: '%{user} tarafından %{count} noktalı GPX dosyası'
+ other: '%{user} tarafından %{count} noktalı GPX dosyası'
+ description_without_count: '%{user} tarafından GPX dosyası'
permission_denied: Bu eyleme erişme izniniz yok
contributor_terms: katılımcı şartları
continue: Kaydol
- terms accepted: Yeni katılımcı şartları kabul ettiğin için teşekkür ederiz!
privacy_policy: gizlilik politikası
privacy_policy_title: E-posta adresleriyle ilgili bölümü içeren OSMF gizlilik
edits: Düzenlemeler
traces: İzler
notes: Harita Notları
- remove as friend: Arkadaşlıktan Çıkar
- add as friend: Arkadaş Olarak Ekle
mapper since: 'Haritacılığa başlama tarihi:'
last map edit: 'Son harita düzenlemesi:'
no activity yet: Henüz herhangi bir etkinlik yok
summary_html: '%{name}, %{date} tarihinde %{ip_address} tarafından oluşturuldu.'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} %{date} tarihinde oluşturuldu.'
+ comments:
+ index:
+ no_comments: Yorum yok
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Tarih
+ comment: Yorum
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user} tarafından yapılan günlük yorumları'
+ page:
+ post: Gönderi
title: Hesap Askıda
heading: Hesap Askıda
external auth: Тышкы аутентификация
link text: бу нәрсә?
- public editing:
- heading: Барысына күренерлек үзгәртүләр
- enabled: Кабызылган. Мөхәррирләргә була. Үзгәртүләр аноним түгел.
- enabled link text: бу нәрсә?
- disabled: Сүндерелгән һәм яңа кертемнәр ясый алмый, моңарчы ясалган үзгәртүләр
- аноним була кала.
- disabled link text: мин ник үзгәртүләр кертә алмыйм?
contributor terms:
heading: Катнашу шартлары
agreed: Сез яңа Катнашу Шартлары белән ризалаштыгыз.
latest_edit_html: 'Соңгы төзәтмә (%{ago}):'
- popup:
- friend: Дус
- show:
- my friends: Дусларым
location: Урын
use_map_link: Хаританы кулланырга
title: Көндәлекләр
- title_friends: Дуслар көндәлекләре
user_title: '%{user} кулланучының көндәлеге'
user_title: '%{user} кулланучының көндәлеге'
confirm: Раслау
location: 'Урын:'
- diary_comments:
- page:
- when: Кайчан
- comment: Шәрех
contact: элемтә
title: Кулланучылар
heading: Кулланучылар
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Кайчан
+ comment: Шәрех
support_url: URL підтримки
allow_read_prefs: отримувати налаштування
allow_write_prefs: змінювати налаштування
- allow_write_diary: створювати записи у щоденнику, коментарі та заводити друзів
+ allow_write_diary: створювати записи у щоденнику та залишати коментарі
allow_write_api: змінювати мапу
allow_read_gpx: отримувати приватні GPS-треки.
allow_write_gpx: надсилати GPS-треки на сервер
link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Uk:OpenID
link text: що це?
- public editing:
- heading: Загальнодоступне редагування
- enabled: Увімкнено. Можна редагувати. Зміни не анонімні.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Uk:Anonymous_edits
- enabled link text: що це?
- disabled: Вимкнено й не можна редагувати дані, всі попередні редагування анонімні.
- disabled link text: чому я не можу вносити зміни?
contributor terms:
heading: Умови Співпраці
agreed: Ви погодилися на нові Умови Співпраці.
consider_pd: На додачу до зазначеного, прошу вважати мій внесок суспільним
consider_pd_why: що це?
+ consider_pd_why_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Uk:Чому_я_хочу,_щоб_мої_внески_були_суспільним_надбанням
guidance_info_html: 'Інформація, що допоможе зрозуміти ці терміни: %{readable_summary_link}
та %{informal_translations_link}'
readable_summary: простою мовою
informal_translations: неофіційні переклади
continue: Продовжити
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Uk:Contributor_Terms_Declined
cancel: Скасувати
you need to accept or decline: Будь ласка, прочитайте, а потім або прийміть
або відхиліть нові Умови Участі.
france: Франція
italy: Італія
rest_of_world: Решта світу
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Дякуємо за прийняття нових умов співпраці!
terms_declined_html: Нам шкода, що ви не погодились з новими Умовами Співпраці.
Докладніше дивіться %{terms_declined_link}.
view_redacted_data: Переглянути очищені дані
view_redaction_message: Переглянути повідомлення про очищення
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Вибачте, не вдалося знайти точку #%{id}.'
sorry: На жаль, отримання даних для точки з ідентифікатором %{id} тривало занадто
sorry: На жаль, отримання історії точки з ідентифікатором %{id} потребує багато
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'На жаль, лінію #%{id} не знайдено.'
sorry: На жаль, отримання даних для лінії з ідентифікатором %{id} зайняло занадто
багато часу.
sorry: На жаль, отримання історії лінії з ідентифікатором %{id} потребує багато
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'На жаль, зв''язок #%{id} не знайдено.'
sorry: На жаль, отримання даних для зв’язку з ідентифікатором %{id} зайняло
занадто багато часу.
title: Набори змін
title_user: Набори змін від %{user}
title_user_link_html: Набори змін від %{user_link}
- title_friend: Набори змін друзів
+ title_followed: Набори змін від тих за ким слідкуєш
title_nearby: Набори змін маперів поряд з вами
empty: Жодного набору змін не знайдено.
empty_area: На цій ділянці набори змін відсутні.
created: Створено
closed: Закрито
belongs_to: Автор
- subscribe:
- heading: Підписатися на обговорення набору змін?
- button: Підписатись на обговорення
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Відписатись від обговорення набору змін?
- button: Відписатися від обговорення
- heading:
- title: Набір змін %{id}
- created_by_html: Створений %{link_user} %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: Немає запису з id %{id}
- body: На жаль, немає набору змін %{id}. Будь ласка, перевірте посилання, або,
- можливо, посилання, яке ви натиснули, неправильне.
title: 'Набір змін: %{id}'
created: 'Створено: %{when}'
ways_paginated: Лінії (%{x}-%{y} з %{count})
relations: Зв’язки (%{count})
relations_paginated: Зв’язки (%{x}-%{y} з %{count})
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'На жаль, набір змін #%{id} не знайдено.'
sorry: На жаль, перелік наборів змін, який ви запросили, потребує забагато часу
для завантаження.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Підписатися на обговорення набору змін?
+ button: Підписатись на обговорення
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Відписатись від обговорення набору змін?
+ button: Відписатися від обговорення
+ heading:
+ title: Набір змін %{id}
+ created_by_html: Створений %{link_user} %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: Немає запису з id %{id}
+ body: На жаль, немає набору змін %{id}. Будь ласка, перевірте посилання, або,
+ можливо, посилання, яке ви натиснули, неправильне.
km away: '%{count} км від вас'
your location: Ваше місце розташування
nearby mapper: Мапери поруч з вами
- friend: Друг
+ following: Відслідковуєш
title: Інфо панель
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} і встановіть своє місце розташування,
щоб бачити маперів поруч.'
edit_your_profile: Редагувати свій профіль
- my friends: Друзі
- no friends: Ви ще не додали жодного друга.
+ followings: Відслідковуєш
+ no followings: Ви поки що не слідкуєте за жодним учасником.
nearby users: Інші мапери поруч
no nearby users: Поблизу поки немає маперів, які позначили своє розташування.
- friends_changesets: набори змін друзів
- friends_diaries: дописи в щоденниках друзів
+ followed_changesets: набори змін
+ followed_diaries: щоденники
nearby_changesets: набори змін від маперів, що знаходяться поруч
nearby_diaries: дописи в щоденниках маперів, що знаходяться поруч з вами
use_map_link: Вказати на мапі
title: Щоденники учасників
- title_friends: Щоденники друзів
+ title_followed: Щоденники тих, за ким слідкуєш
title_nearby: Щоденники учасників поряд з вами
user_title: Щоденник %{user}
in_language_title: Записи щоденника мовою %{language}
heading: Відписатись від обговорення цього допису щоденника?
button: Відписатися від обговорення
- index:
- title: Коментарі до щоденника додав %{user}
- heading: Коментарі щоденника %{user}
- subheading_html: Коментарі до щоденника додав %{user}
- no_comments: Немає коментарів до допису
- page:
- post: Повідомлення
- when: Коли
- comment: Коментар
heading: Додати коментар до обговорення запису в щоденнику?
title: Файл не знайдено
description: Не вдалося знайти файл/теку/дію API з такою назвою на сервері OpenStreetMap
(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Додати %{user} як друга?
- button: Додати як друга
- success: Тепер %{name} є вашим другом!
- failed: На жаль, %{name} не вдалось додати до списку друзів.
- already_a_friend: Ви вже товаришуєте з %{name}.
- limit_exceeded: Ви надіслали багато запитів на додавання друзів. Почекайте трохи
- перед тим, надсилати нові.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Вилучити %{user} з друзів?
- button: Вилучити із списку друзів
- success: '%{name} вилучений з вашого списку друзів.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} не є вашим другом.'
+ follows:
+ show:
+ follow:
+ heading: Хочете слідкувати за %{user}?
+ button: Слідкувати за учасником
+ unfollow:
+ heading: Хочете припинити слідкувати за %{user}?
+ button: Не слідкувати за учасником
+ create:
+ success: Тепер ви слідкуєте за %{name}!
+ failed: Вибачте, ваш запит на слідкування за %{name} зазнав невдачі.
+ already_followed: Ви вже слідкуєте за %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Ви надіслали багато запитів на слідкування за учасниками. Почекайте
+ трохи перед тим, як надсилати нові.
+ destroy:
+ success: Ви більше не слідкуєте за %{name}.
+ not_followed: Ви не слідкуєте за %{name}.
wayside_shrine: Придорожній храм
wreck: Місце катастрофи
"yes": Історичне місце
+ information:
+ guidepost: Вказівник напрямку
+ board: Інформаційна дошка
+ map: Карта
+ office: Туристичний офіс
+ terminal: Інформаційний термінал
+ sign: Інформаційний знак
+ stele: Інформаційна стела
"yes": Перехресття
track: Бігова доріжка
water_park: Аквапарк
"yes": Дозвілля
+ lock:
+ "yes": Шлюз
adit: Штольня
advertising: Реклама
building_passage: Проїзд через будівлю
culvert: Дренажна труба
"yes": Тунель
+ water:
+ lake: Озеро
+ pond: Ставок
+ reservoir: Водосховище
+ basin: Водонакопичувач
+ fishpond: Ставок для риби
+ lagoon: Лагуна
+ wastewater: Відстійник очисних споруд
+ oxbow: Стариця
+ stream_pool: Плес
+ lock: Шлюз
artificial: Штучні водний шлях
boatyard: Верф
open: Відкрито
resolved: Вирішено
+ title:
+ open: 'Відкрити тікет #%{issue_id}'
+ ignored: 'Проігнорований тікет #%{issue_id}'
+ resolved: 'Розвʼязаний тікет #%{issue_id}'
one: '%{count} скарга'
few: '%{count} скарги'
footer_html: Ви також можете прочитати повідомлення в %{readurl} і ви можете
відповісти на %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Привіт, %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} додав Вас як друга'
- had_added_you: '%{user} додав Вас як друга в OpenStreetMap.'
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} слідкує за вами'
+ followed_you: '%{user} тепер слідкує за вашим мапінгом на OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Ви можете побачити їх профіль на %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Ви можете ознайомитись з його/її профілем - %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Ви також можете додати їх як друзів %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Ви також можете додати його/її до друзів %{befriendurl}.
+ follow_them: Ви також можете слідувати у відповідь за посиланням %{followurl}.
+ follow_them_html: Ви також можете слідувати у відповідь за посиланням %{followurl}.
+ gpx_details:
+ details: 'Деталі вашого файлу:'
+ filename: Назва файлу
+ url: URL
+ description: Опис
+ tags: Теґи
+ total_points: Загальна кількість точок
+ imported_points: Кількість імпортованих точок
hi: Привіт, %{to_user},
- failed_to_import: 'не вдалося імпортувати як файл GPS-треку. Переконайтеся,
- що ваш файл є відповідним файлом GPX або архівом, який містить файл(и) GPX
- Ñ\83 пÑ\96дÑ\82Ñ\80имÑ\83ваномÑ\83 Ñ\84оÑ\80маÑ\82Ñ\96 (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar, .zip, .gpx.gz, .gpx.bz2).
- Чи може виникнути проблема з форматом або синтаксисом вашого файлу? Ось помилка
- імпорту:'
+ failed_to_import: Схоже, що ваш файл не вдалося імпортувати як GPS-трек.
+ verify: 'Переконайтеся, що ваш файл є вірним файлом GPX або архівом, який містить
+ Ñ\84айл(и) GPX Ñ\83 пÑ\96дÑ\82Ñ\80имÑ\83ваномÑ\83 Ñ\84оÑ\80маÑ\82Ñ\96 (.tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar, .zip, .gpx.gz,
+ .gpx.bz2). Чи може виникнути проблема з форматом або синтаксисом вашого файлу?
+ Ось помилка імпорту:'
more_info: Більше інформації про помилки імпорту GPX та способи їх уникнення
можна знайти за посиланням %{url}.
more_info_html: Докладна інформація про проблеми імпорту GPX та шляхи їх вирішення
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Збій імпорту GPX'
hi: Привіт, %{to_user},
+ imported_successfully: Схоже, ваш файл успішно імпортовано як GPS-трек.
all_your_traces: Усі ваші успішно завантажені GPX-треки можна знайти за посиланням
all_your_traces_html: Усі успішно завантажені треки GPX можна знайти за адресою
success: Ваш обліковий запис підтверджено, дякуємо за реєстрацію!
already active: Цей обліковий запис вже підтверджений.
unknown token: Термін дії коду підтвердження вже минув або його не існує.
+ if_need_resend: Якщо вам потрібно, щоб ми повторно надіслали електронного листа
+ з підтвердженням, натисніть кнопку нижче.
+ resend_button: Повторно надіслати електронного листа з підтвердженням
failure: Учасника %{name} не знайдено.
wrong_user: Ви увійшли як „%{user}“, але повідомлення, яке вас попросили прочитати,
не було надіслане вами, чи призначено для вас. Будь ласка, увійдіть до відповідного
облікового запису, щоб прочитати його.
- mark:
- as_read: Повідомлення позначене як прочитане
- as_unread: Повідомлення позначене як непрочитане
- unmute:
- notice: Повідомлення переміщено до "Вхідних".
- error: Не вдалося перемістити повідомлення до "Вхідних".
destroyed: Повідомлення вилучено
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Повідомлення позначене як прочитане
+ destroy:
+ notice: Повідомлення позначене як непрочитане
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Повідомлення переміщено до "Вхідних".
+ error: Не вдалося перемістити повідомлення до "Вхідних".
my_inbox: Вхідні
title: Вподобання
+ preferred_site_color_scheme: Бажана колірна схема вебсайту
+ site_color_schemes:
+ auto: Авто
+ light: Світла
+ dark: Темна
+ preferred_map_color_scheme: Бажана колірна схема мапи
+ map_color_schemes:
+ auto: Авто
+ light: Світла
+ dark: Темна
save: Зберегти вподобання
failure: Неможливо зберегти вподобання.
heading: Сховище GPX відключено
message: Доступ до сховища GPX-файлів та системи завантаження на поточний момент
- georss:
- title: GPS-Треки OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: Файл GPX з %{count} точкою від %{user}
- few: Файл GPX з %{count} точками від %{user}
- many: Файл GPX з %{count} точками від %{user}
- other: ""
- description_without_count: GPX файл від %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: GPS-Треки OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: Файл GPX з %{count} точкою від %{user}
+ few: Файл GPX з %{count} точками від %{user}
+ many: Файл GPX з %{count} точками від %{user}
+ other: ""
+ description_without_count: GPX файл від %{user}
permission_denied: Вибачте, у вас недостатньо прав для виконання цієї дії.
title: Увійти через Вікіпедію
alt: Wikipedia лого
+ share:
+ email:
+ title: Поділитися через електронну пошту
+ alt: Піктограма електронної пошти
+ bluesky:
+ title: Поділитися у Bluesky
+ alt: Піктограма Bluesky
+ facebook:
+ title: Поділитися у Facebook
+ alt: Піктограма Facebook
+ linkedin:
+ title: Поділитися у LinkedIn
+ alt: Піктограма LinkedIn
+ mastodon:
+ title: Поділитися на Mastodon
+ alt: Піктограма Mastodon
+ telegram:
+ title: "Поділитися в Telegram \U0001F9CC"
+ alt: Піктограма Telegram
+ x:
+ title: Поділитися в X
+ alt: Піктограма X
missing: Ви не дозволили програмі отримати доступ до цієї функції
openid: Вхід за допомогою OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Отримувати налаштування
write_prefs: Змінювати налаштування
- write_diary: Створювати записи у щоденнику, коментарі та надсилати запити на
- додавання друзів
+ write_diary: Створювати записи у щоденнику та залишати коментарі
write_api: Змінювати мапу
read_gpx: Отримувати приватні GPS-треки
write_gpx: Завантажувати GPS-треки
адреси електронної пошти
contributor_terms: умови співпраці
continue: Зареєструватись
- terms accepted: Дякуємо за прийняття нових умов співпраці!
privacy_policy: Політикою конфіденційності
privacy_policy_title: Політика конфіденційності OSMF, має розділ про адреси
edits: Редагування
traces: Треки
notes: Нотатки
- remove as friend: Вилучити зі списку друзів
- add as friend: Додати до списку друзів
+ unfollow: Не відслідковувати
+ follow: Слідкувати
mapper since: 'Обліковий запис створено:'
last map edit: 'Останнє редагування мапи:'
no activity yet: Ще немає активності
summary_html: '%{name} зареєстровано з %{ip_address}, %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} зареєстровано %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Коли
+ comment: Коментар
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Коментарі до щоденника додав %{user}
+ page:
+ post: Повідомлення
title: Обліковий запис призупинено
heading: Обліковий запис призупинено
few: '%{count} роки'
many: '%{count} років'
other: ""
+ short:
+ ended: закінчилось
+ revoked_html: відкликано %{name}
+ active: активне
+ active_until_read: активне до моменту ознайомлення
+ read_html: прочитано о %{time}
+ time_in_future_title: '%{time_absolute}; в %{time_relative}'
+ time_in_past_title: '%{time_absolute}; %{time_relative}'
title: '%{block_on} був (була) заблокований(а) %{block_by}'
heading_html: '%{block_on} був (була) заблокований(а) %{block_by}'
display_name: Заблокований учасник
creator_name: Автор
reason: Причина блокування
+ start: Початок
+ end: Кінець
status: Стан
all_blocks: Всі блокування
можна було це виправити. Перемістіть позначку в потрібне місце та додайте
пояснення проблеми.
anonymous_warning_html: Ви не ввійшли в систему. Будь ласка, %{log_in} або %{sign_up},
- якщо ви хочете отримувати оновлення щодо своєї нотатки.
+ якщо ви хочете отримувати оновлення щодо своєї нотатки та допомогти маперам
+ розвʼязати її.
anonymous_warning_log_in: увійдіть
anonymous_warning_sign_up: зареєструйтесь
+ counter_warning_html: Ви вже опублікували не менше %{x_anonymous_notes}, це
+ чудово для спільноти, дякую! Тепер ми заохочуємо вас %{contribute_by_yourself},
+ це не так складно, а %{community_can_help}.
+ x_anonymous_notes:
+ one: '%{count} анонімну нотатку'
+ few: '%{count} анонімні нотатки'
+ many: '%{count} анонімних нотаток'
+ other: ""
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ text: зробити власний внесок
+ url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Uk:Beginners%27_guide
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: спільнота допоможе вам
+ url: https://community.openstreetmap.org/c/communities/ua/66
advice: Ваша нотатка є публічною та може бути використана для оновлення мапи.
Будь ласка, не додавайте персональні дані або інформацію, яка міститься на
захищених авторським правом мапах чи каталогах.
add: Додати нотатку
+ new_readonly:
+ title: Нова нотатка
+ warning: Неможливо створити нові нотатки, оскільки API OpenStreetMap зараз у
+ режимі лише для читання.
showing_page: Сторінка %{page}
next: Далі
previous: Назад
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: 'Вибачте, не вдалося знайти точку #%{id}.'
close: Закрити
center_marker: Центрувати мапу на маркері
paste_html: HTML-код для вбудування у сайт
view_larger_map: Переглянути більшу мапу
+ only_layers_exported_as_image: 'Лише наступні шари можна експортувати як зображення:'
report_problem: Повідомити про проблему
external auth: Xác minh Bên ngoài
link text: đây là gì?
- public editing:
- heading: Sửa đổi công khai
- enabled: Kích hoạt. Không vô danh và có thể sửa đổi dữ liệu.
- enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits?uselang=vi
- enabled link text: đây là gì?
- disabled: Vô hiệu. Không thể sửa đổi dữ liệu. Tất cả các sửa đổi truớc là
- vô danh.
- disabled link text: tại sao không thể sửa đổi?
contributor terms:
heading: Các Điều khoản Đóng góp
agreed: Bạn đã đồng ý với các Điều khoản Đóng góp mới.
readable_summary: bản tóm tắt dễ đọc
informal_translations: bản dịch không chính thức
continue: Tiếp tục
- declined: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined?uselang=vi
cancel: Hủy bỏ
you need to accept or decline: Để tiếp tục, xin vui lòng đọc các Điều khoản
Đóng góp mới và chấp nhận hoặc từ chối chúng.
france: Pháp
italy: Ý
rest_of_world: Các nước khác
+ update:
+ terms accepted: Cám ơn bạn đã chấp nhận các điều khoản đóng góp mới!
terms_declined_html: Chúng tôi rất tiếc rằng bạn đã quyết định không chấp
nhận các Điều khoản Đóng góp mới. Vui lòng xem chi tiết tại %{terms_declined_link}.
title: Bộ thay đổi
title_user: Những bộ thay đổi bởi %{user}
title_user_link_html: Những bộ thay đổi bởi %{user_link}
- title_friend: Những bộ thay đổi bởi bạn bè của bạn
title_nearby: Những bộ thay đổi bởi người dùng ở gần
empty: Không tìm thấy bộ thay đổi.
empty_area: Không có bộ thay đổi trong khu vực này.
created: Tạo
closed: Đóng
belongs_to: Tác giả
- subscribe:
- heading: Theo dõi cuộc thảo luận về bộ thay đổi sau đây?
- button: Theo dõi cuộc thảo luận
- unsubscribe:
- heading: Ngừng theo dõi cuộc thảo luận về bộ thay đổi sau đây?
- button: Ngừng theo dõi cuộc thảo luận
- heading:
- title: Bộ thay đổi %{id}
- created_by_html: Được %{link_user} tạo %{created}.
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 'Không tìm thấy mục có số: %{id}'
- body: Rất tiếc, không có bộ thay đổi với số %{id}. Xin hãy kiểm tra chính tả,
- hoặc có lẽ bạn đã theo một liên kết sai.
title: 'Bộ thay đổi: %{id}'
created: 'Lúc tạo: %{when}'
relations_paginated: Các quan hệ (%{x}–%{y} trên %{count})
sorry: Rất tiếc, việc lấy danh sách bộ thay đổi tốn quá nhiều thì giờ.
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: Theo dõi cuộc thảo luận về bộ thay đổi sau đây?
+ button: Theo dõi cuộc thảo luận
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: Ngừng theo dõi cuộc thảo luận về bộ thay đổi sau đây?
+ button: Ngừng theo dõi cuộc thảo luận
+ heading:
+ title: Bộ thay đổi %{id}
+ created_by_html: Được %{link_user} tạo %{created}.
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 'Không tìm thấy mục có số: %{id}'
+ body: Rất tiếc, không có bộ thay đổi với số %{id}. Xin hãy kiểm tra chính tả,
+ hoặc có lẽ bạn đã theo một liên kết sai.
km away: cách %{count} km
your location: Vị trí của bạn
nearby mapper: Người vẽ bản đồ ở gần
- friend: Người bạn
title: Bảng điều khiển
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} và đặt vị trí nhà ở để xem những
người dùng lân cận.'
edit_your_profile: Sửa đổi hồ sơ của bạn
- my friends: Bạn bè của tôi
- no friends: Bạn chưa thêm bạn bè.
nearby users: Người dùng khác ở gần
no nearby users: Không có người dùng nào nhận rằng họ ở gần.
- friends_changesets: bộ thay đổi của bạn bè
- friends_diaries: mục nhật ký của bạn bè
nearby_changesets: bộ thay đổi của người dùng ở gần
nearby_diaries: mục nhật ký của người dùng ở gần
use_map_link: Sử dụng Bản đồ
title: Các nhật ký của các người dùng
- title_friends: Các nhật ký của bạn bè
title_nearby: Các nhật ký của người dùng ở gần
user_title: Nhật ký của %{user}
in_language_title: Các mục nhật ký bằng %{language}
heading: Ngừng theo dõi cuộc thảo luận về mục nhật ký sau đây?
button: Ngừng theo dõi cuộc thảo luận
- index:
- title: Bình luận Nhật ký do %{user} Đăng
- heading: Bình luận Nhật ký của %{user}
- subheading_html: Bình luận Nhật ký do %{user} Đăng
- no_comments: Không có bình luận nhật ký
- page:
- post: Mục nhật ký
- when: Lúc đăng
- comment: Nhận xét
heading: Thêm bình luận vào cuộc thảo luận về mục nhật ký sau đây?
title: Không tìm thấy tập tin
description: Không thể tìm thấy thao tác tập tin/thư mục/API có tên đó trên
máy chủ OpenStreetMap (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: Kết bạn với %{user}?
- button: Thêm là người bạn
- success: '%{name} bây giờ là bạn bè của bạn!'
- failed: Rất tiếc, thất bại khi kết bạn với %{name}.
- already_a_friend: '%{name} đã là người bạn.'
- limit_exceeded: Bạn đã kết bạn với rất nhiều người dùng gần đây. Vui lòng đợi
- một lúc trước khi cố gắng kết bạn nữa.
- remove_friend:
- heading: Hủy kết nối bạn với %{user}?
- button: Hủy kết nối bạn
- success: '%{name} đã được xóa khỏi danh sách bạn của bạn.'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} đã không phải người bạn.'
giả tại %{replyurl}
footer_html: Bạn cũng có thể đọc thư này tại %{readurl} và có thể nhắn tin cho
tác giả tại %{replyurl}
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: Chào %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} đã kết bạn với bạn'
- had_added_you: '%{user} đã thêm bạn vào danh sách bạn tại OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: Có thể xem trang cá nhân của họ tại %{userurl}.
see_their_profile_html: Có thể xem trang cá nhân của họ tại %{userurl}.
- befriend_them: Bạn cũng có thể thêm họ vào danh sách bạn bè của bạn tại %{befriendurl}.
- befriend_them_html: Bạn cũng có thể thêm họ vào danh sách bạn bè của bạn tại
- %{befriendurl}.
hi: Chào %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'không nhập thành công là tập tin tuyến GPS. Vui lòng kiểm
wrong_user: Bạn đã đăng nhập dùng tài khoản “%{user}” nhưng vừa yêu cầu đọc
một thư không được gửi từ hay đến bạn. Xin hãy đăng nhập với nhận diện chính
xác để đọc nó.
- mark:
- as_read: Thư đã đọc
- as_unread: Thư chưa đọc
- unmute:
- notice: Thư đã được chuyển vào Hộp thư đến
- error: Không thể chuyển thư vào Hộp thư đến.
destroyed: Đã xóa thư
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: Thư đã đọc
+ destroy:
+ notice: Thư chưa đọc
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: Thư đã được chuyển vào Hộp thư đến
+ error: Không thể chuyển thư vào Hộp thư đến.
my_inbox: Hộp thư đến
heading: Kho GPX Ngoại tuyến
message: Hệ thống lưu giữ và tải lên tập tin GPX tạm ngừng hoạt động.
- georss:
- title: Tuyến đường GPS OpenStreetMap
- description:
- description_with_count:
- other: Tập tin GPX của %{user} có %{count} địa điểm
- description_without_count: Tập tin GPX của %{user}
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: Tuyến đường GPS OpenStreetMap
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ other: Tập tin GPX của %{user} có %{count} địa điểm
+ description_without_count: Tập tin GPX của %{user}
permission_denied: Bạn không có quyền thực hiện tác vụ này
địa chỉ thư điện tử
contributor_terms: các điều kiện đóng góp
continue: Mở tài khoản
- terms accepted: Cám ơn bạn đã chấp nhận các điều khoản đóng góp mới!
privacy_policy: quy định về quyền riêng tư
privacy_policy_title: Quy định về quyền riêng tư của OSMF, bao gồm phần về
edits: Đóng góp
traces: Tuyến đường
notes: Ghi chú trên Bản đồ
- remove as friend: Hủy Kết Bạn
- add as friend: Kết Bạn
mapper since: 'Tham gia:'
last map edit: 'Sửa đổi bản đồ cuối cùng:'
no activity yet: Chưa có hoạt động nào
summary_html: '%{name} do %{ip_address} mở ngày %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} mở ngày %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: Lúc đăng
+ comment: Nhận xét
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: Bình luận Nhật ký do %{user} Đăng
+ page:
+ post: Mục nhật ký
title: Tài khoản bị Cấm
heading: Tài khoản bị Cấm
link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/KA:OpenID
link text: მუ რე თენა?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: მუ რე თენა?
- disabled link text: მუშენ ვეშემლებუ რედაქტირაფა?
contributor terms:
link text: მუ რე თენა?
save changes button: თირუეფიშ ჩუალა
title: თირუეფიშ პაკეტი
title_user: მახვარებუ %{user}-შ თირუეფიშ პაკეტეფი
- title_friend: მაჸალეფიშ თირუეფიშ პაკეტეფი
title_nearby: გოხოლუაშ მახვარებუეფიშ თირუეფიშ პაკეტეფი
empty: თირუეფიშ პაკეტეფქ ვეგორუ.
empty_area: თე ტერიტორიას თირუეფიშ პაკეტეფი ვა რე.
your location: თქვანი ორენი
nearby mapper: უახოლაში კარტოგრაფი
- friend: მაჸალე
title: ჩქიმი პანელი
edit_your_profile: თქვანი პროფილიშ რედაქტირაფა
- my friends: ჩქიმი მაჸალეეფი
- no friends: დიო აკა მაჸალე ვეგეიძინჷნა.
nearby users: შხვა უახოლაში მახვარებუ
use_map_link: რუკას ძირაფა
title: მახვარებუეფიშ დღარეფი
- title_friends: მაჸალეეფიშ დღარეფი
title_nearby: გოხოლუაშ მაჸალეეფიშ დღარეფი
user_title: '%{user}-იშ დღარი'
in_language_title: დღარიშ დინნაჭარა %{language}-შა
title: OpenStreetMap დღარიშ დინნაჭარეფი გეჸვენჯი ნინაშა %{language_name}
title: OpenStreetMap დღარიშ დინნაჭარეფი
- diary_comments:
- index:
- no_comments: დღარი კომენტარეფი ვა რე
- page:
- post: პოსტი
- when: მუჟამს
- comment: კომენტარი
contact: კონტაქტი
title: აპლიკაციაშ ჩილათა
title: ფაილქ ვეგორჷ
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: ქეგუძინაო %{user} მაჸალეთ?
- button: მაჸალეთ გეძინა
- success: '%{name} ასე უკვე თქვანი მაჸალე რე!'
- already_a_friend: თქვა დო %{name} უკვე მაჸალეეფი რეთ.
- remove_friend:
- heading: გეშაბლასათო მაჸალეეფშე %{user}?
- button: მაჸალეეფშე ლასუა
- success: '%{name} ეშალასირი რე თქვანი მაჸალეეფშე.'
older: ჯვეში კომენტარეფი
newer: უახალაში კომენტარეფი
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: მუჟამს
+ comment: კომენტარი
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: პოსტი
unknown_error: ავთენტიფიკაციაქ ვეგშართჷ
# Author: Assoc
# Author: Boyuan Yang
# Author: C933103
+# Author: Chimes
# Author: David S. Hwang
# Author: Deathkon
# Author: Dimension
# Author: Zazzzz
# Author: Zfshuo
# Author: Zhang8569
+# Author: 七八年再来一次
# Author: 乌拉跨氪
# Author: 予弦
# Author: 列维劳德
external auth: 外部身份验证
link text: 这是什么?
- public editing:
- heading: 公开编辑
- enabled: 启用。非匿名用户,可以编辑数据。
- enabled link text: 这是什么?
- disabled: 禁用且无法编辑数据,所有过去的编辑均为匿名。
- disabled link text: 我为什么不能编辑?
contributor terms:
heading: 贡献者条款
agreed: 您已同意新的贡献者条款。
read_tou: 我已阅读并同意使用条款
consider_pd: 除了上述协议,我同意将我的贡献释于公有领域
consider_pd_why: 这是什么?
+ consider_pd_why_url: https://osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence_and_Legal_FAQ/Why_would_I_want_my_contributions_to_be_public_domain
guidance_info_html: 有助于理解这些术语的信息:一个 %{readable_summary_link} 和一些 %{informal_translations_link}
readable_summary: 人类可读的摘要
informal_translations: 非正式翻译
france: 法国
italy: 意大利
rest_of_world: 世界其他地区
+ update:
+ terms accepted: 感谢您接受新的贡献条款!
terms_declined_html: 我们很遗憾您已决定不接受新的贡献者条款。有关详细信息,请参阅%{terms_declined_link}。
terms_declined_link: 此wiki页面
+ terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
deleted_ago_by_html: 由 %{user} 删除于 %{time_ago}
edited_ago_by_html: 由%{user} 编辑于 %{time_ago}
view_redacted_data: 查看已隐删的数据
view_redaction_message: 查看隐删消息
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,未能找到编号为 #%{id} 的节点。'
sorry: 抱歉,检索id为%{id}的节点数据花费时间过长。
sorry: 抱歉,检索id为%{id}的节点历史花费时间过长。
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,未能找到编号为 #%{id} 的路径。'
sorry: 抱歉,检索id为%{id}的路径数据花费时间过长。
sorry: 抱歉,检索id为%{id}的路径历史花费时间过长。
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,未能找到编号为 #%{id} 的关联关系。'
sorry: 抱歉,检索id为%{id}的关系数据花费时间过长。
title: 变更集
title_user: '%{user}的变更集'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link}的变更集'
- title_friend: 由我的朋友所做的变更集
title_nearby: 附近用户的变更集
empty: 未找到变更集。
empty_area: 该区域内没有变更集。
created: 创建于
closed: 关闭于
belongs_to: 作者
- subscribe:
- heading: 订阅以下变更集讨论吗?
- button: 订阅讨论
- unsubscribe:
- heading: 退订以下变更集讨论吗?
- button: 退订讨论
- heading:
- title: 变更集 %{id}
- created_by_html: 由 %{link_user} 在 %{created} 创建。
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 找不到ID为%{id}的文章
- body: 对不起,没有ID为 %{id} 的变更集。请检查您的拼写,或者可能是点击了错误的链接。
title: 变更集:%{id}
created: 创建于:%{when}
ways_paginated: 路径 (%{x}-%{y},共 %{count})
relations: 关系 (%{count})
relations_paginated: 关系 (%{x}-%{y},共 %{count})
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,未能找到编号为 #%{id} 的更改集。'
sorry: 抱歉,您所请求的变更集列表检索时间过长。
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: 订阅以下变更集讨论吗?
+ button: 订阅讨论
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: 退订以下变更集讨论吗?
+ button: 退订讨论
+ heading:
+ title: 变更集 %{id}
+ created_by_html: 由 %{link_user} 在 %{created} 创建。
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 找不到ID为%{id}的文章
+ body: 对不起,没有ID为 %{id} 的变更集。请检查您的拼写,或者可能是点击了错误的链接。
km away: '%{count}千米外'
your location: 您的位置
nearby mapper: 附近绘图者
- friend: 朋友
title: 我的综合面板
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link}并设定你的家庭地址来查看附近的用户。'
edit_your_profile: 编辑你的档案
- my friends: 我的朋友
- no friends: 您还没有添加任何好友。
nearby users: 其他附近的用户
no nearby users: 附近没有在进行制图的用户。
- friends_changesets: 朋友的变更集
- friends_diaries: 朋友的日记文章
nearby_changesets: 附近用户的变更集
nearby_diaries: 附近用户的日记文章
use_map_link: 使用地图
title: 用户日记
- title_friends: 朋友的日记
title_nearby: 附近用户的日记
user_title: '%{user}的日记'
in_language_title: '%{language}日记文章'
heading: 退订以下日记讨论吗?
button: 退订讨论
- index:
- title: '%{user} 已添加日记评论'
- heading: '%{user} 的日记评论'
- subheading_html: '%{user} 已添加日记评论'
- no_comments: 没有日记评论
- page:
- post: 发布
- when: 时间
- comment: 评论
heading: 在以下日记条目的讨论中留言吗?
title: 文件未找到
description: 在 OpenStreetMap 服务器上找不到该名称的文件、目录或API 操作(HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: 添加 %{user} 为朋友?
- button: 添加为朋友
- success: '%{name} 现在已成为您的朋友!'
- failed: 对不起,未能添加 %{name} 为朋友。
- already_a_friend: 您和 %{name} 已经是朋友了。
- limit_exceeded: 您刚新添加了很多用户为好友。在尝试添加更多好友之前,请稍等一会儿。
- remove_friend:
- heading: 删除朋友 %{user}?
- button: 删除朋友
- success: '%{name} 已从您的朋友中删除。'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} 不是您的朋友。'
"yes": 古迹
guidepost: 指路牌
+ board: 信息板
map: 地图
+ office: 游客服务中心
+ terminal: 信息终端
+ sign: 信息标志
+ stele: 信息牌
"yes": 交叉点
track: 跑道
water_park: 水上公园
"yes": 闲暇
+ lock:
+ "yes": 水闸
adit: 平坑
advertising: 广告牌
lake: 湖
pond: 池塘
reservoir: 水库
+ basin: 蓄水池
+ fishpond: 鱼塘
+ lagoon: 泻湖
+ wastewater: 污水池
+ oxbow: 牛弓
+ stream_pool: 流水池
+ lock: 水闸
artificial: 人工航道
boatyard: 船坞
open: 开放
resolved: 已解决
+ title:
+ open: '尚未解决的问题 #%{issue_id}'
+ ignored: '忽略的问题 #%{issue_id}'
+ resolved: '已解决的问题 #%{issue_id}'
one: '%{count}个举报'
other: '%{count}个举报'
header_html: '%{from_user} 已经通过 OpenStreetMap 给您发送了一条主题为 %{subject} 的信息:'
footer: 您也可以在%{readurl}阅读此消息并在%{replyurl}向作者发送信息
footer_html: 您还可以在%{readurl}阅读这条信息并在%{replyurl}向作者发送信息
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: 您好,%{to_user}:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} 添加您为朋友'
- had_added_you: '%{user} 已经在 OpenStreetMap 添加您为朋友。'
see_their_profile: 您可以在%{userurl}查看他们的个人资料。
see_their_profile_html: 您可以在%{userurl}查看他们的个人资料。
- befriend_them: 您也可以在 %{befriendurl} 添加他们为朋友。
- befriend_them_html: 您也可以在%{befriendurl}把他们添加为朋友。
+ gpx_details:
+ details: 文件详细信息:
+ filename: 文件名
+ url: URL
+ description: 描述
+ tags: 标签
+ total_points: 总积分
+ imported_points: 导入积分数量
hi: 您好,%{to_user}:
- failed_to_import: 无法导入为GPS轨迹文件。请验证您的文件是否为有效的GPX文件或包含GPX文件的受支持格式(.tar.gz、.tar.bz2、.tar、.zip、.gpx.gz、.gpx.bz2)的存档。您的文件是否存在格式或语法问题?以下是导入错误信息:
- more_info: 更多有关GPX导入失败的信息及如何避免这些问题,可以在%{url}找到。
+ failed_to_import: 看起来您的文件不能作为GPS轨迹导入。
+ verify: '请核实您的文件是否为有效的GPX文件,或者是否为包含GPX文件的受支持格式的压缩包(.tar.gz、.tar.bz2、.tar、.zip、.gpx.gz、.gpx.bz2)。您的文件是否存在格式或语法问题?以下是导入错误信息:'
+ more_info: 关于GPX导入失败的原因及避免方法的更多信息,可以在%{url}找到。
more_info_html: 更多关于 GPX 导入失败的信息,以及如何避免失败可在%{url}找到。
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX 导入失败'
hi: 您好,%{to_user}:
+ imported_successfully: 看起来您的文件已成功作为GPS轨迹导入。
all_your_traces: 您可以在%{url}找到所有您成功上传的GPX轨迹
all_your_traces_html: 您可以在 %{url} 找到所有您成功上传的 GPX 轨迹。
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX 导入成功'
success: 已确认您的账户,感谢您的注册!
already active: 该账户已经确认。
unknown token: 确认码已经过期或不存在。
+ if_need_resend: 如果您需要我们重新发送确认电子邮件,请点击下方按钮。
resend_button: 重新发送确认电子邮件
failure: 用户 %{name} 未找到。
destroy_button: 删除
back: 返回
wrong_user: 您已经以 '%{user}' 的身份登录,但是您想要阅读的消息并非寄给这个用户。请以正确的用户身份登录以阅读这个消息。
- mark:
- as_read: 标记消息为已读
- as_unread: 标记消息为未读
- unmute:
- notice: 消息已移至收件箱
- error: 无法将消息移至收件箱。
destroyed: 消息已删除
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: 标记消息为已读
+ destroy:
+ notice: 标记消息为未读
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: 消息已移至收件箱
+ error: 无法将消息移至收件箱。
my_inbox: 我的收件箱
heading: GPX 脱机存储
message: GPX 文件存储和上传系统当前不可用。
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS 轨迹
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: 来自 %{user} 的带 %{count} 点的GPX文件
- other: 来自 %{user} 的带 %{count} 点的GPX文件
- description_without_count: 来自 %{user} 的 GPX 文件
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS 轨迹
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: 来自 %{user} 的带 %{count} 点的GPX文件
+ other: 来自 %{user} 的带 %{count} 点的GPX文件
+ description_without_count: 来自 %{user} 的 GPX 文件
permission_denied: 您没有权限来执行此操作
privacy_policy_title: OSM基金会隐私政策包括电子邮件地址部分
contributor_terms: 贡献者条款
continue: 注册
- terms accepted: 感谢您接受新的贡献条款!
privacy_policy: 隐私政策
privacy_policy_title: OSM基金会隐私政策包括电子邮件地址部分
edits: 编辑
traces: 轨迹
notes: 地图注记
- remove as friend: 删除朋友
- add as friend: 添加朋友
mapper since: 绘图者注册于:
last map edit: 最后地图编辑于:
no activity yet: 尚无活动
summary_html: '%{name}在%{date}从%{ip_address}创建'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} 创建于 %{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: 时间
+ comment: 评论
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: '%{user} 已添加日记评论'
+ page:
+ post: 发布
title: 帐户已暂停
heading: 帐户已暂停
ended: 已结束
revoked_html: 被%{name}撤销
active: 有效
+ active_until_read: 直到读取后才激活
read_html: 已读于%{time}
+ time_in_future_title: '%{time_absolute}; 于 %{time_relative}'
+ time_in_past_title: '%{time_absolute}; %{time_relative}'
title: '%{block_on} 被 %{block_by} 封禁'
heading_html: '%{block_on} 被 %{block_by} 封禁'
title: 新注记
intro: 发现错误或遗漏了什么?请告诉其他绘图者以便于我们更正错误。将标记移动到正确的位置并输入备注说明问题。
- anonymous_warning_html: 您尚未登录。如果您想接收笔记的更新信息,请%{log_in}或%{sign_up}。
+ anonymous_warning_html: 您尚未登录。请%{log_in}或%{sign_up},以便接收关于您留言的更新信息,并帮助地图制作者解决该问题。
anonymous_warning_log_in: 登录
anonymous_warning_sign_up: 注册
+ counter_warning_html: 您已至少发布了 %{x_anonymous_notes}条匿名留言,这对社区来说很棒,谢谢!现在我们鼓励您
+ %{contribute_by_yourself},这并不复杂,而且 %{community_can_help}。
+ x_anonymous_notes:
+ one: '%{count} 个匿名注释'
+ other: '%{count} 个匿名注释'
+ counter_warning_guide_link:
+ text: 自己贡献
+ url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide
+ counter_warning_forum_link:
+ text: 社区可以帮助你
+ url: https://community.openstreetmap.org/
advice: 您的注释会公开,并可能用于更新地图,所以不要输入个人信息,或是来自版权保护地图的信息或目录列表。
add: 添加注记
title: 新注记
+ warning: 无法创建新注释,因为 OpenStreetMap API 当前处于只读模式。
showing_page: 第 %{page} 页
next: 下一页
previous: 上一页
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,未能找到编号为 #%{id} 的留言。'
close: 关闭
center_marker: 以标记作为地图中心
paste_html: 粘贴HTML以嵌入网站
view_larger_map: 查看更大的地图
+ only_layers_exported_as_image: 仅以下图层可以导出为图像:
report_problem: 报告问题
external auth: 外部認證
link text: 這是什麼?
- public editing:
- heading: 公開編輯
- enabled: 已啟用。並非匿名而可以編輯資料。
- enabled link text: 這是什麼?
- disabled: 已停用而不能編輯資料,所有以往的編輯為匿名。
- disabled link text: 為什麼我不能編輯?
contributor terms:
heading: 貢獻者條款
agreed: 您已同意新的貢獻者條款。
france: 法國
italy: 意大利
rest_of_world: 世界其他地方
+ update:
+ terms accepted: 感謝您接受新的貢獻條款!
version: 版本
in_changeset: 變更集
description: 近期以%{language_name}撰寫的OpenStreetMap用戶日記文章
description: 近期的OpenStreetMap用戶日記文章
- diary_comments:
- page:
- post: 貼文
- when: 於
- comment: 評論
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: 將%{user}加為好友?
- button: 加入為好友
- remove_friend:
- heading: 刪除好友%{user}?
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user}在日記中留下了評論'
- friendship_notification:
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} 添加了您成為好友'
+ follow_notification:
see_their_profile: 您可以在 %{userurl} 查看他的個人檔案。
greeting: 您好,
header: 自由而可編輯
display name description: 您公開顯示的用戶名稱。以後還可以在設定中更換。
continue: 註冊
- terms accepted: 感謝您接受新的貢獻條款!
title: 沒有這用戶
body: 抱歉,沒有名為%{user}的用戶。請檢查您的拼寫,或者您可能按到了錯誤的連結。
title: 用戶
heading: 用戶
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: 於
+ comment: 評論
+ diary_comments:
+ page:
+ post: 貼文
option_2: 如果您已經有帳號,您可以用該帳號的用戶名稱和密碼登入,然後到用戶設定中把您的ID和帳號關聯到一起。
# Author: Learnerq
# Author: Lepus
# Author: Liuxinyu970226
+# Author: LowensteinYang
# Author: Mikepanhu
# Author: Mmyangfl
# Author: Mstar
message: 訊息
node: 節點
node_tag: 節點標籤
+ note: 註解
old_node: 舊的節點
old_node_tag: 舊的節點標籤
old_relation: 舊的關聯
support_url: 支援 URL
allow_read_prefs: 讀取使用者偏好設定
allow_write_prefs: 修改使用者偏好設定
- allow_write_diary: 建立日記、評論和加入好友
+ allow_write_diary: 建立日記、評論
allow_write_api: 修改地圖
allow_read_gpx: 讀取個人 GPS 軌跡
allow_write_gpx: 上傳 GPS 軌跡
external auth: 外部認證
link text: 這是什麼?
- public editing:
- heading: 公開編輯
- enabled: 已開啟。非匿名且可以編輯資料。
- enabled link text: 這是什麼?
- disabled: 已停用且不能編輯資料,所有你先前的編輯都會成為匿名的。
- disabled link text: 為什麼我不能編輯?
contributor terms:
heading: 貢獻者條款
agreed: 你已同意新的貢獻者條款。
read_tou: 我已經閱讀過並同意使用條款
consider_pd: 除上述內容之外,我同意將我的貢獻放到公共領域
consider_pd_why: 這是什麼?
+ consider_pd_why_url: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence_and_Legal_FAQ/Why_would_I_want_my_contributions_to_be_public_domain
guidance_info_html: 有助於理解這些術語的資訊:一個%{readable_summary_link}和一些%{informal_translations_link}
readable_summary: 人類可讀的摘要
informal_translations: 非正式翻譯
france: 法國
italy: 義大利
rest_of_world: 世界其他地區
+ update:
+ terms accepted: 感謝你接受新的貢獻條款!
terms_declined_html: 我們很遺憾你已決定不接受新的貢獻者條款。有關詳細資訊,請參閱 %{terms_declined_link}。
terms_declined_link: 此 wiki 頁面
+ terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributor_Terms_Declined
deleted_ago_by_html: 由%{user}%{time_ago}刪除
edited_ago_by_html: 由%{user}%{time_ago}編輯
way: 路徑
relation: 關聯
- entry_role_html: 關聯 %{relation_name} (作為 %{relation_role})
+ entry_role_html: '%{relation_name} (作為 %{relation_role})'
title: 找不到
view_redacted_data: 查看編修資料
view_redaction_message: 查看密文訊息
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,找不到此節點 #%{id}。'
sorry: 很抱歉,索取 id 為 %{id} 的節點資料花費時間過長。
sorry: 很抱歉,索取 id 為 %{id} 的節點歷史花費時間過長。
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,找不到此路徑 #%{id}。'
sorry: 很抱歉,索取 id 為 %{id} 的路徑資料花費時間過長。
sorry: 很抱歉,索取 id 為 %{id} 的路徑歷史花費時間過長。
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,找不到此關聯 #%{id}。'
sorry: 很抱歉,索取 id 為 %{id} 的關聯資料花費時間過長。
title: 變更集
title_user: '%{user} 的變更集'
title_user_link_html: '%{user_link} 的變更集'
- title_friend: 好友的變更集
title_nearby: 附近使用者的變更集
empty: 查無變更集。
empty_area: 此區域沒有變更集。
created: 建立於
closed: 關閉於
belongs_to: 作者
- subscribe:
- heading: 訂閱以下變更集討論?
- button: 訂閱討論
- unsubscribe:
- heading: 取消訂閱以下變更集討論?
- button: 取消訂閱討論
- heading:
- title: 變更集 %{id}
- created_by_html: 由 %{link_user} 在 %{created} 建立。
- no_such_entry:
- heading: 沒有 id 為 %{id} 的項目
- body: 抱歉,沒有 id 為 %{id} 的變更集。請檢查你的拼字,或者可能是你按到錯誤的連結。
title: 變更集:%{id}
created: 建立於:%{when}
ways_paginated: 路線 (%{count} 的 %{x}-%{y})
relations: 關聯 (%{count})
relations_paginated: 關聯 (%{count} 的 %{x}-%{y})
+ not_found_message:
+ sorry: '抱歉,找不到此變更集 #%{id}。'
sorry: 很抱歉,你請求的變更集清單過長無法讀取。
+ changeset_subscriptions:
+ show:
+ subscribe:
+ heading: 訂閱以下變更集討論?
+ button: 訂閱討論
+ unsubscribe:
+ heading: 取消訂閱以下變更集討論?
+ button: 取消訂閱討論
+ heading:
+ title: 變更集 %{id}
+ created_by_html: 由 %{link_user} 在 %{created} 建立。
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: 沒有 id 為 %{id} 的項目
+ body: 抱歉,沒有 id 為 %{id} 的變更集。請檢查你的拼字,或者可能是你按到錯誤的連結。
km away: '%{count} 公里遠'
your location: 你的位置
nearby mapper: 附近的製圖者
- friend: 好友
title: 我的功能面板
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link}並編輯你的家位置,來查看附近的使用者。'
edit_your_profile: 編輯你的個人檔案
- my friends: 我的好友
- no friends: 你尚未加入任何好友。
nearby users: 其他附近的使用者
no nearby users: 附近沒有已加入製圖的使用者。
- friends_changesets: 好友的變更集
- friends_diaries: 好友的日記項目
nearby_changesets: 附近使用者的變更集
nearby_diaries: 附近使用者的日記項目
use_map_link: 使用地圖
title: 使用者日記
- title_friends: 好友日記
title_nearby: 附近的使用者的日記
user_title: '%{user} 的日記'
in_language_title: 語言為%{language}的日記項目
heading: 取消訂閱以下日記項目討論?
button: 取消訂閱討論
- index:
- title: 日記評論由%{user}添加
- heading: '%{user}的日記評論'
- subheading_html: 日記評論由%{user}添加
- no_comments: 沒有日記評論
- page:
- post: 貼文
- when: 於
- comment: 評論
heading: 在以下日記項目討論添加評論?
title: 檔案未找到
description: 在 OpenStreetMap 伺服器上找不到該名稱的檔案/目錄/API 操作 (HTTP 404)
- friendships:
- make_friend:
- heading: 將 %{user} 加入為好友?
- button: 加入為好友
- success: '%{name} 現在已成為你的好友!'
- failed: 抱歉,無法將 %{name} 加入為好友。
- already_a_friend: 你已經是 %{name} 的好友了。
- limit_exceeded: 你最近與許多使用者成為朋友,要再與其他人成為朋友前請稍候。
- remove_friend:
- heading: 移除好友 %{user}?
- button: 移除好友
- success: '%{name} 已從你的好友中移除。'
- not_a_friend: '%{name} 並不是你的好友。'
wayside_shrine: 小祠堂
wreck: 沈船
"yes": 古蹟
+ information:
+ guidepost: 指標
+ board: 資訊板
+ map: 地圖
+ office: 旅遊服務中心
+ terminal: 資訊終端
+ sign: 資訊標誌
+ stele: 資訊碑
"yes": 路口
track: 跑道
water_park: 水上樂園
"yes": 休閒娛樂
+ lock:
+ "yes": 水閘
adit: 坑口
advertising: 廣告
building_passage: 建築物穿堂
culvert: 涵管
"yes": 隧道
+ water:
+ lake: 湖泊
+ pond: 池塘
+ reservoir: 水庫
+ basin: 蓄水池
+ fishpond: 魚池
+ lagoon: 潟湖
+ wastewater: 廢水池
+ oxbow: 牛弓
+ stream_pool: 流水池
+ lock: 水閘
artificial: 人工水道
boatyard: 船廠
open: 開放
resolved: 已解決
+ title:
+ open: '未決問題 #%{issue_id}'
one: '%{count} 份回報'
other: '%{count} 份回報'
header_html: '%{from_user} 透過 OpenStreetMap 寄給你主旨為 %{subject} 的訊息:'
footer: 你也可以在 %{readurl} 閱讀訊息,並且在 %{replyurl} 發送訊息給作者
footer_html: 你也可以在 %{readurl} 閱讀訊息,並且在 %{replyurl} 發送訊息給作者
- friendship_notification:
+ follow_notification:
hi: 嗨 %{to_user},
- subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} 將你加為好友'
- had_added_you: '%{user} 已在 OpenStreetMap 將你加為好友。'
see_their_profile: 你可以在 %{userurl} 查看他的基本資料。
see_their_profile_html: 你可以在 %{userurl} 查看他的基本資料。
- befriend_them: 你可以在 %{befriendurl} 把他加入為好友。
- befriend_them_html: 你可以在 %{befriendurl} 把他加入為好友。
hi: '%{to_user} 你好,'
- failed_to_import: 匯入成 GPS 軌跡檔案失敗。請驗證您的檔案是否為有效的 GPX 檔案,或是否為含有 GPX 檔案的支援格式存檔(.tar.gz、.tar.bz2、.tar、.zip、.gpx.gz、.gpx.bz2)。您的檔案是否有格式或語法問題?此為匯入的錯誤內容:
- more_info: æ\9b´å¤\9aé\97\9cæ\96¼ GPX å\8c¯å\85¥å¤±æ\95\97ç\9a\84è³\87è¨\8aè\88\87å¦\82ä½\95é\81¿å\85\8dï¼\8cå\8f¯å\9c¨ %{url} æ\9f¥è©¢ã\80\82
+ failed_to_import: 您的文件似乎無法以GPS軌跡匯入。
+ more_info: æ\9c\89æ\9b´å¤\9aé\97\9cæ\96¼GPXå\8c¯å\85¥å¤±æ\95\97ç\9a\84è³\87è¨\8aè\88\87å¦\82ä½\95é\81¿å\85\8dï¼\8cå\8f¯å\9c¨ %{url} æ\9f¥è©¢
more_info_html: 更多關於 GPX 匯入失敗的資訊與如何避免,可在 %{url} 查詢。
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX 匯入失敗'
unread_button: 標記為未讀
destroy_button: 刪除
back: 返回
- wrong_user: 你已經以「%{user}」的身份登入,但是你想要閱讀的訊息並非寄給那個使用者。請以正確的使用者身份登入以閱讀它。
- mark:
- as_read: 訊息標記為已讀
- as_unread: 訊息標記為未讀
- unmute:
- notice: 訊息已移至收件匣
- error: 無法將訊息移至收件匣。
+ wrong_user: 你已經以「%{user}」的身份登入,但是你想要閱讀的訊息並非是寄給那個或是來自那個使用者。請以正確的使用者身份登入以閱讀它。
destroyed: 訊息已刪除
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: 訊息標記為已讀
+ destroy:
+ notice: 訊息標記為未讀
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: 訊息已移至收件匣
+ error: 無法將訊息移至收件匣。
my_inbox: 我的收件匣
title: 我的偏好設定
+ map_color_schemes:
+ auto: 自動
+ light: 明亮
+ dark: 深色
save: 更新偏好
failure: 無法更新偏好設定。
heading: GPX 離線儲存
message: GPX 檔案儲存,上傳系統目前無法使用。
- georss:
- title: OpenStreetMap GPS 軌跡
- description:
- description_with_count:
- one: 由 %{user} 上傳的 GPX 檔案,含有 %{count} 點
- other: 由 %{user} 上傳的 GPX 檔案,含有 %{count} 點
- description_without_count: 由 %{user} 上傳的 GPX 檔案
+ feeds:
+ show:
+ title: OpenStreetMap GPS 軌跡
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: 由 %{user} 上傳的 GPX 檔案,含有 %{count} 點
+ other: 由 %{user} 上傳的 GPX 檔案,含有 %{count} 點
+ description_without_count: 由 %{user} 上傳的 GPX 檔案
permission_denied: 你沒有權限來存取該操作。
title: 使用維基百科登入
alt: 維基百科標誌
+ share:
+ email:
+ title: 透過電子郵件分享
+ alt: 電子郵件圖示
+ bluesky:
+ title: 分享到藍天
+ alt: 藍天圖示
+ facebook:
+ title: 分享到 Facebook
+ alt: Facebook 圖示
+ linkedin:
+ title: 分享到 LinkedIn
+ alt: LinkedIn 圖示
+ mastodon:
+ title: 分享到乳齒象
+ alt: 乳齒象圖示
+ telegram:
+ title: 分享到 Telegram
+ alt: Telegram 圖示
+ x:
+ title: 分享到 X
+ alt: X 圖示
missing: 你尚未允許應用程式來訪問此設施
openid: 使用 OpenStreetMap 登入
read_prefs: 讀取使用者偏好設定
write_prefs: 修改使用者偏好設定
- write_diary: 建立日記、評論和加入好友
+ write_diary: 建立日記並評論
write_api: 修改地圖
read_gpx: 讀取私人 GPS 軌跡
write_gpx: 上傳 GPS 軌跡
contributor_terms_url: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Contributor_Terms
contributor_terms: 貢獻者條款
continue: 註冊
- terms accepted: 感謝你接受新的貢獻條款!
privacy_policy: 隱私權政策
privacy_policy_title: OSMF 隱私權政策包含電子郵件地址部份
edits: 編輯
traces: 軌跡
notes: 地圖註記
- remove as friend: 移除好友
- add as friend: 加入為好友
mapper since: 註冊為製圖者日期:
last map edit: 最後地圖編輯於:
no activity yet: 尚無活動
summary_html: '%{name} 由 %{ip_address} 於 %{date} 建立'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} 建立於:%{date}'
+ changeset_comments:
+ page:
+ when: 於
+ comment: 評論
+ diary_comments:
+ index:
+ title: 日記評論由%{user}添加
+ page:
+ post: 貼文
title: 帳號已暫停
heading: 帳號已暫停
option_2: 如果你已擁有一個帳號,可以用你的使用者名稱與密碼登入你的帳號,並在使用者設定中關連你的 ID。
- not_a_role: 字串 "%{role}" 不是有效的身份。
+ not_a_role: 字串 '%{role}' 不是有效的身份。
already_has_role: 這個使用者已經有 %{role} 身份。
doesnt_have_role: 這個使用者沒有 %{role} 身份。
not_revoke_admin_current_user: 無法撤銷目前使用者的管理員身份。
- are_you_sure: 你確定要授予使用者 "%{name}" "%{role}" 的身份?
+ are_you_sure: 你確定要授予使用者 '%{name}' '%{role}' 的身份?
- are_you_sure: 你確定要撤銷使用者 "%{name}" "%{role}" 的身份?
+ are_you_sure: 你確定要撤銷使用者 '%{name}' '%{role}' 的身份?
non_moderator_update: 只有仲裁員才可作出或更新封鎖。
one: '%{count} 年'
other: '%{count} 年'
+ short:
+ ended: 已結束
+ revoked_html: 已被 %{name} 撤銷
+ active: 活躍的
+ active_until_read: 直到讀取後才活躍
title: '%{block_by}封鎖了%{block_on}'
heading_html: '%{block_by}封鎖了%{block_on}'
title: 新增註記
intro: 發現錯誤或缺少些什麼東西嗎?請告訴其他地圖製作者以便於我們處理。將標記移動到正確的位置並輸入註記,以解釋問題。
- anonymous_warning_html: ä½ å°\9aæ\9cªç\99»å\85¥ã\80\82è\8b¥æ\83³æ\94¶å\88°ä½ ç\9a\84註è¨\98æ\9b´æ\96°å\85§å®¹ï¼\8cè«\8b%{log_in}æ\88\96%{sign_up}。
+ anonymous_warning_html: ä½ å°\9aæ\9cªç\99»å\85¥ã\80\82è«\8b%{log_in}æ\88\96%{sign_up}以便æ\94¶å\88°ä½ ç\9a\84註è¨\98ç\9a\84æ\9b´æ\96°å\85§å®¹ä¸¦å\8d\94å\8a©å\85¶ä»\96ç\9a\84å\9c°å\9c\96編輯è\80\85解決å\95\8fé¡\8c。
anonymous_warning_log_in: 登入
anonymous_warning_sign_up: 註冊
advice: 你的註記已公開並可用於更新地圖,因此請不要輸入個人訊息,或是來自於具版權保護地圖的訊息以及目錄清單。
put "relation/:id" => "relations#update", :id => /\d+/
delete "relation/:id" => "relations#delete", :id => /\d+/
get "relations" => "relations#index"
- get "map" => "map#index"
namespace :api, :path => "api/0.6" do
+ resource :map, :only => :show
resources :tracepoints, :path => "trackpoints", :only => :index
resources :users, :only => :index
post "/preview/:type" => "site#preview", :as => :preview
# traces
- resources :traces, :id => /\d+/, :except => [:show]
+ resources :traces, :id => /\d+/, :except => [:show] do
+ resource :data, :module => :traces, :only => :show
+ end
get "/user/:display_name/traces/tag/:tag/page/:page", :page => /[1-9][0-9]*/, :to => redirect(:path => "/user/%{display_name}/traces/tag/%{tag}")
get "/user/:display_name/traces/tag/:tag" => "traces#index"
get "/user/:display_name/traces/page/:page", :page => /[1-9][0-9]*/, :to => redirect(:path => "/user/%{display_name}/traces")
get "/traces/mine/page/:page", :page => /[1-9][0-9]*/, :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/mine")
get "/traces/mine" => "traces#mine"
get "/trace/create", :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/new")
- get "/trace/:id/data" => "traces#data", :id => /\d+/, :as => "trace_data"
+ get "/trace/:id/data", :format => false, :id => /\d+/, :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/%{id}/data")
+ get "/trace/:id/data.:format", :id => /\d+/, :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/%{id}/data.%{format}")
get "/trace/:id/edit", :id => /\d+/, :to => redirect(:path => "/traces/%{id}/edit")
namespace :traces, :path => "" do
# messages
resources :messages, :path_names => { :new => "new/:display_name" }, :id => /\d+/, :only => [:new, :create, :show, :destroy] do
- post :mark
- patch :unmute
- resource :reply, :module => :messages, :path_names => { :new => "new" }, :only => :new
+ scope :module => :messages do
+ resource :reply, :path_names => { :new => "new" }, :only => :new
+ resource :read_mark, :only => [:create, :destroy]
+ resource :mute, :only => :destroy
+ end
namespace :messages, :path => "/messages" do
resource :inbox, :only => :show
class ModeratorApiAbilityTest < ApiAbilityTest
test "Note permissions" do
- token = create(:oauth_access_token, :scopes => %w[write_notes], :resource_owner_id => create(:moderator_user).id)
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :scopes => %w[write_notes], :user => create(:moderator_user))
ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:index, :create, :comment, :feed, :show, :search, :close, :reopen, :destroy].each do |action|
test "as a moderator with permissionless token" do
- token = create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => create(:moderator_user).id)
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :user => create(:moderator_user))
ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:create, :destroy, :restore].each do |action|
test "as a moderator with write_api token" do
- token = create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => create(:moderator_user).id, :scopes => %w[write_api])
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :user => create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_api])
ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:create, :destroy, :restore].each do |action|
test "as a moderator with permissionless token" do
- token = create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => create(:moderator_user).id)
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :user => create(:moderator_user))
ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:destroy].each do |action|
test "as a moderator with write_notes token" do
- token = create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => create(:moderator_user).id, :scopes => %w[write_notes])
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :user => create(:moderator_user), :scopes => %w[write_notes])
ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:destroy].each do |action|
require "test_helper"
module Api
- class MapControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ class MapsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def setup
@badbigbbox = %w[-0.1,-0.1,1.1,1.1 10,10,11,11]
def test_routes
{ :path => "/api/0.6/map", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/map", :action => "index" }
+ { :controller => "api/maps", :action => "show" }
{ :path => "/api/0.6/map.json", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "api/map", :action => "index", :format => "json" }
+ { :controller => "api/maps", :action => "show", :format => "json" }
# Accept: XML format -> use XML
accept_header = accept_format_header("text/xml")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/xml; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: Any format -> use XML
accept_header = accept_format_header("*/*")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/xml; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: Any format, .json URL suffix -> use json
accept_header = accept_format_header("*/*")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox, :format => "json"), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox, :format => "json"), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/json; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: Firefox header -> use XML
accept_header = accept_format_header("text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/xml; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: JOSM header text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2 -> use XML
# Note: JOSM's header does not comply with RFC 7231, section 5.3.1
accept_header = accept_format_header("text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/xml; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: text/plain, */* -> use XML
accept_header = accept_format_header("text/plain, */*")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/xml; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: text/* -> use XML
accept_header = accept_format_header("text/*")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/xml; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: json, */* format -> use json
accept_header = accept_format_header("application/json, */*")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/json; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# Accept: json format -> use json
accept_header = accept_format_header("application/json")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :success, "Expected success with the map call"
assert_equal "application/json; charset=utf-8", @response.header["Content-Type"]
# text/json is in invalid format, return HTTP 406 Not acceptable
accept_header = accept_format_header("text/json")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :not_acceptable, "text/json should fail"
# image/jpeg is a format which we don't support, return HTTP 406 Not acceptable
accept_header = accept_format_header("image/jpeg")
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox), :headers => accept_header
assert_response :not_acceptable, "text/json should fail"
maxlon = node.lon + 0.1
maxlat = node.lat + 0.1
bbox = "#{minlon},#{minlat},#{maxlon},#{maxlat}"
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
print @request.to_yaml
print @response.body
maxlon = node.lon + 0.1
maxlat = node.lat + 0.1
bbox = "#{minlon},#{minlat},#{maxlon},#{maxlat}"
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox, :format => "json")
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox, :format => "json")
print @request.to_yaml
print @response.body
relation = create(:relation_member, :member => node).relation
bbox = "#{node.lon},#{node.lat},#{node.lon},#{node.lat}"
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{node.lon}']" \
relation = create(:relation_member, :member => way1).relation
bbox = "#{node.lon},#{node.lat},#{node.lon},#{node.lat}"
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='#{node.lon}'][minlat='#{node.lat}'][maxlon='#{node.lon}'][maxlat='#{node.lat}']", :count => 1
def test_map_empty
- get map_path(:bbox => "179.998,89.998,179.999.1,89.999")
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => "179.998,89.998,179.999.1,89.999")
assert_response :success, "The map call should have succeeded"
assert_select "osm[version='#{Settings.api_version}'][generator='#{Settings.generator}']", :count => 1 do
assert_select "bounds[minlon='179.9980000'][minlat='89.9980000'][maxlon='179.9990000'][maxlat='89.9990000']", :count => 1
def test_map_without_bbox
- get map_path
+ get api_map_path
assert_response :bad_request
assert_equal "The parameter bbox is required", @response.body, "A bbox param was expected"
def test_bbox_too_big
@badbigbbox.each do |bbox|
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to be too big"
assert_equal "The maximum bbox size is #{Settings.max_request_area}, and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_bbox_malformed
@badmalformedbbox.each do |bbox|
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to be malformed"
assert_equal "The parameter bbox must be of the form min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_bbox_lon_mixedup
@badlonmixedbbox.each do |bbox|
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to have the longitude mixed up"
assert_equal "The minimum longitude must be less than the maximum longitude, but it wasn't", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
def test_bbox_lat_mixedup
@badlatmixedbbox.each do |bbox|
- get map_path(:bbox => bbox)
+ get api_map_path(:bbox => bbox)
assert_response :bad_request, "The bbox:#{bbox} was expected to have the latitude mixed up"
assert_equal "The minimum latitude must be less than the maximum latitude, but it wasn't", @response.body, "bbox: #{bbox}"
assert_equal note, subscription.note
+ def test_create_no_scope_fail
+ user = create(:user)
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header user, :scopes => %w[read_prefs]
+ assert_no_difference "Note.count" do
+ post api_notes_path(:lat => -1.0, :lon => -1.0, :text => "This is a description", :format => "json"), :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ end
+ end
def test_comment_success
open_note_with_comment = create(:note_with_comments)
user = create(:user)
# test the finish action for raw OSM data
def test_finish_osm
post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "osm")
- assert_redirected_to "controller" => "api/map", "action" => "index", "bbox" => "0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0"
+ assert_redirected_to api_map_path(:bbox => "0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0")
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Messages
+ class MutesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/messages/1/mute", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "messages/mutes", :action => "destroy", :message_id => "1" }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_destroy_when_not_logged_in
+ sender_user = create(:user)
+ recipient_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
+ message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
+ delete message_mute_path(message)
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ end
+ def test_destroy_as_other_user
+ sender_user = create(:user)
+ recipient_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
+ message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ delete message_mute_path(message)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_destroy_as_sender
+ sender_user = create(:user)
+ recipient_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
+ message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
+ session_for(sender_user)
+ delete message_mute_path(message)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_destroy_as_recipient
+ sender_user = create(:user)
+ recipient_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
+ message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
+ session_for(recipient_user)
+ delete message_mute_path(message)
+ assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
+ assert_not message.reload.muted
+ end
+ def test_destroy_on_missing_message
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ delete message_mute_path(99999)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Messages
+ class ReadMarksControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/messages/1/read_mark", :method => :post },
+ { :controller => "messages/read_marks", :action => "create", :message_id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/messages/1/read_mark", :method => :delete },
+ { :controller => "messages/read_marks", :action => "destroy", :message_id => "1" }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_create_when_not_logged_in
+ message = create(:message, :unread)
+ post message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ end
+ def test_create_as_other_user
+ message = create(:message, :unread)
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ post message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_create_as_sender
+ message = create(:message, :unread)
+ session_for(message.sender)
+ post message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_create_as_recipient
+ message = create(:message, :unread)
+ session_for(message.recipient)
+ post message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
+ assert message.reload.message_read
+ end
+ def test_create_on_missing_message
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ post message_read_mark_path(99999)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_create_on_message_from_muted_user
+ sender_user = create(:user)
+ recipient_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
+ message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
+ session_for(recipient_user)
+ post message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_redirected_to messages_muted_inbox_path
+ assert message.reload.message_read
+ end
+ def test_destroy_when_not_logged_in
+ message = create(:message, :read)
+ delete message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ end
+ def test_destroy_as_other_user
+ message = create(:message, :read)
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ delete message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_destroy_as_sender
+ message = create(:message, :read)
+ session_for(message.sender)
+ delete message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_destroy_as_recipient
+ message = create(:message, :read)
+ session_for(message.recipient)
+ delete message_read_mark_path(message)
+ assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
+ assert_not message.reload.message_read
+ end
+ def test_destroy_on_missing_message
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ delete message_read_mark_path(99999)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "no_such_message"
+ end
+ def test_destroy_on_message_from_muted_user
+ sender_user = create(:user)
+ recipient_user = create(:user)
+ create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
+ message = create(:message, :read, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
+ session_for(recipient_user)
+ delete message_read_mark_path(message, :mark => "unread")
+ assert_redirected_to messages_muted_inbox_path
+ assert_not message.reload.message_read
+ end
+ end
{ :path => "/messages/1", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "messages", :action => "show", :id => "1" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/messages/1/mark", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "messages", :action => "mark", :message_id => "1" }
- )
{ :path => "/messages/1", :method => :delete },
{ :controller => "messages", :action => "destroy", :id => "1" }
assert_template "no_such_message"
- ##
- # test the mark action
- def test_mark
- sender_user = create(:user)
- recipient_user = create(:user)
- other_user = create(:user)
- message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
- # Check that the marking a message requires us to login
- post message_mark_path(message)
- assert_response :forbidden
- # Login as a user with no messages
- session_for(other_user)
- # Check that marking a message we didn't send or receive fails
- post message_mark_path(message)
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "no_such_message"
- # Login as the message sender_user
- session_for(sender_user)
- # Check that marking a message we sent fails
- post message_mark_path(message)
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "no_such_message"
- # Login as the message recipient_user
- session_for(recipient_user)
- # Check that the marking a message read works
- post message_mark_path(message, :mark => "read")
- assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
- assert Message.find(message.id).message_read
- # Check that the marking a message unread works
- post message_mark_path(message, :mark => "unread")
- assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
- assert_not Message.find(message.id).message_read
- # Check that the marking a message read works and redirects to inbox from the message page
- post message_mark_path(message, :mark => "read"), :headers => { :referer => message_path(message) }
- assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
- assert Message.find(message.id).message_read
- # Check that the marking a message unread works and redirects to inbox from the message page
- post message_mark_path(message, :mark => "unread"), :headers => { :referer => message_path(message) }
- assert_redirected_to messages_inbox_path
- assert_not Message.find(message.id).message_read
- # Asking to mark a message with a bogus ID should fail
- post message_mark_path(99999)
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "no_such_message"
- end
- ##
- # test the mark action for messages from muted users
- def test_mark_muted
- sender_user = create(:user)
- recipient_user = create(:user)
- create(:user_mute, :owner => recipient_user, :subject => sender_user)
- message = create(:message, :unread, :sender => sender_user, :recipient => recipient_user)
- session_for(recipient_user)
- # Check that the marking a message read works
- post message_mark_path(message, :mark => "read")
- assert_redirected_to messages_muted_inbox_path
- assert Message.find(message.id).message_read
- # Check that the marking a message unread works
- post message_mark_path(message, :mark => "unread")
- assert_redirected_to messages_muted_inbox_path
- assert_not Message.find(message.id).message_read
- end
# test the destroy action
def test_destroy
def test_index
user = create(:user)
application1 = create(:oauth_application)
- create(:oauth_access_grant, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1)
- create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1)
+ create(:oauth_access_grant, :user => user, :application => application1)
+ create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user, :application => application1)
application2 = create(:oauth_application)
- create(:oauth_access_grant, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application2)
- create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application2)
+ create(:oauth_access_grant, :user => user, :application => application2)
+ create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user, :application => application2)
get oauth_authorized_applications_path
def test_index_scopes
user = create(:user)
application1 = create(:oauth_application, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_prefs write_diary read_gpx write_gpx])
- create(:oauth_access_grant, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_prefs])
- create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_prefs])
- create(:oauth_access_grant, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_diary])
- create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_diary])
+ create(:oauth_access_grant, :user => user, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_prefs])
+ create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_prefs])
+ create(:oauth_access_grant, :user => user, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_diary])
+ create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user, :application => application1, :scopes => %w[read_prefs write_diary])
get oauth_authorized_applications_path
assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => oauth_authorized_applications_path)
def test_destroy
user = create(:user)
application1 = create(:oauth_application)
- create(:oauth_access_grant, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1)
- create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application1)
+ create(:oauth_access_grant, :user => user, :application => application1)
+ create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user, :application => application1)
application2 = create(:oauth_application)
- create(:oauth_access_grant, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application2)
- create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id, :application => application2)
+ create(:oauth_access_grant, :user => user, :application => application2)
+ create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user, :application => application2)
delete oauth_authorized_application_path(:id => application1.id)
--- /dev/null
+require "test_helper"
+module Traces
+ class DataControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/traces/1/data", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "traces/data", :action => "show", :trace_id => "1" }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/traces/1/data.xml", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "traces/data", :action => "show", :trace_id => "1", :format => "xml" }
+ )
+ get "/trace/1/data"
+ assert_redirected_to "/traces/1/data"
+ get "/trace/1/data.xml"
+ assert_redirected_to "/traces/1/data.xml"
+ end
+ # Test downloading a trace
+ def test_show
+ public_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :fixture => "a")
+ # First with no auth, which should work since the trace is public
+ get trace_data_path(public_trace_file)
+ follow_redirect!
+ follow_redirect!
+ check_trace_data public_trace_file, "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9"
+ # Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ get trace_data_path(public_trace_file)
+ follow_redirect!
+ follow_redirect!
+ check_trace_data public_trace_file, "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9"
+ # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
+ session_for(public_trace_file.user)
+ get trace_data_path(public_trace_file)
+ follow_redirect!
+ follow_redirect!
+ check_trace_data public_trace_file, "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9"
+ end
+ # Test downloading a compressed trace
+ def test_show_compressed
+ identifiable_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "identifiable", :fixture => "d")
+ # First get the data as is
+ get trace_data_path(identifiable_trace_file)
+ follow_redirect!
+ follow_redirect!
+ check_trace_data identifiable_trace_file, "c6422a3d8750faae49ed70e7e8a51b93", "application/gzip", "gpx.gz"
+ # Now ask explicitly for XML format
+ get trace_data_path(identifiable_trace_file, :format => "xml")
+ check_trace_data identifiable_trace_file, "abd6675fdf3024a84fc0a1deac147c0d", "application/xml", "xml"
+ # Now ask explicitly for GPX format
+ get trace_data_path(identifiable_trace_file, :format => "gpx")
+ check_trace_data identifiable_trace_file, "abd6675fdf3024a84fc0a1deac147c0d"
+ end
+ # Check an anonymous trace can't be downloaded by another user
+ def test_show_anon
+ anon_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :fixture => "b")
+ # First with no auth
+ get trace_data_path(anon_trace_file)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # Now with some other user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
+ session_for(create(:user))
+ get trace_data_path(anon_trace_file)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
+ session_for(anon_trace_file.user)
+ get trace_data_path(anon_trace_file)
+ follow_redirect!
+ follow_redirect!
+ check_trace_data anon_trace_file, "db4cb5ed2d7d2b627b3b504296c4f701"
+ end
+ # Test downloading a trace that doesn't exist
+ def test_show_not_found
+ deleted_trace_file = create(:trace, :deleted)
+ # First with a trace that has never existed
+ get trace_data_path(0)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ # Now with a trace that has been deleted
+ session_for(deleted_trace_file.user)
+ get trace_data_path(deleted_trace_file)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ end
+ def test_show_offline
+ public_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :fixture => "a")
+ with_settings(:status => "gpx_offline") do
+ get trace_data_path(public_trace_file)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template :offline
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def check_trace_data(trace, digest, content_type = "application/gpx+xml", extension = "gpx")
+ assert_equal digest, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(response.body)
+ assert_equal content_type, response.media_type
+ assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"#{trace.id}.#{extension}\"; filename*=UTF-8''#{trace.id}.#{extension}", @response.header["Content-Disposition"]
+ end
+ end
{ :path => "/traces", :method => :post },
{ :controller => "traces", :action => "create" }
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/trace/1/data", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "traces", :action => "data", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/trace/1/data.xml", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "traces", :action => "data", :id => "1", :format => "xml" }
- )
{ :path => "/traces/1/edit", :method => :get },
{ :controller => "traces", :action => "edit", :id => "1" }
assert_redirected_to :action => :index
- # Test downloading a trace
- def test_data
- public_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :fixture => "a")
- # First with no auth, which should work since the trace is public
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file)
- follow_redirect!
- follow_redirect!
- check_trace_data public_trace_file, "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9"
- # Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- session_for(create(:user))
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file)
- follow_redirect!
- follow_redirect!
- check_trace_data public_trace_file, "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9"
- # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- session_for(public_trace_file.user)
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => public_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => public_trace_file)
- follow_redirect!
- follow_redirect!
- check_trace_data public_trace_file, "848caa72f2f456d1bd6a0fdf228aa1b9"
- end
- # Test downloading a compressed trace
- def test_data_compressed
- identifiable_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "identifiable", :fixture => "d")
- # First get the data as is
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => identifiable_trace_file)
- follow_redirect!
- follow_redirect!
- check_trace_data identifiable_trace_file, "c6422a3d8750faae49ed70e7e8a51b93", "application/gzip", "gpx.gz"
- # Now ask explicitly for XML format
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => identifiable_trace_file.id, :format => "xml")
- check_trace_data identifiable_trace_file, "abd6675fdf3024a84fc0a1deac147c0d", "application/xml", "xml"
- # Now ask explicitly for GPX format
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => identifiable_trace_file.id, :format => "gpx")
- check_trace_data identifiable_trace_file, "abd6675fdf3024a84fc0a1deac147c0d"
- end
- # Check an anonymous trace can't be downloaded by another user
- def test_data_anon
- anon_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :fixture => "b")
- # First with no auth
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file)
- assert_response :not_found
- # Now with some other user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- session_for(create(:user))
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file)
- assert_response :not_found
- # And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- session_for(anon_trace_file.user)
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => anon_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => anon_trace_file)
- follow_redirect!
- follow_redirect!
- check_trace_data anon_trace_file, "db4cb5ed2d7d2b627b3b504296c4f701"
- end
- # Test downloading a trace that doesn't exist
- def test_data_not_found
- deleted_trace_file = create(:trace, :deleted)
- # First with a trace that has never existed
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => create(:user).display_name, :id => 0)
- assert_response :not_found
- # Now with a trace that has been deleted
- session_for(deleted_trace_file.user)
- get trace_data_path(:display_name => deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, :id => deleted_trace_file)
- assert_response :not_found
- end
# Test fetching the new trace page
def test_new_get
# First with no auth
assert_select "td", trace.description
- def check_trace_data(trace, digest, content_type = "application/gpx+xml", extension = "gpx")
- assert_equal digest, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(response.body)
- assert_equal content_type, response.media_type
- assert_equal "attachment; filename=\"#{trace.id}.#{extension}\"; filename*=UTF-8''#{trace.id}.#{extension}", @response.header["Content-Disposition"]
- end
FactoryBot.define do
factory :oauth_access_grant, :class => "Doorkeeper::AccessGrant" do
- resource_owner_id :factory => :user
application :factory => :oauth_application
+ resource_owner_id { user.id }
expires_in { 86400 }
redirect_uri { application.redirect_uri }
+ transient do
+ user { create(:user) } # rubocop:disable FactoryBot/FactoryAssociationWithStrategy
+ end
factory :oauth_access_token, :class => "Doorkeeper::AccessToken" do
application :factory => :oauth_application
- resource_owner_id { create(:user).id }
+ resource_owner_id { user.id }
+ transient do
+ user { create(:user) } # rubocop:disable FactoryBot/FactoryAssociationWithStrategy
+ end
SOCIAL_SHARE_CONFIG.each_value do |icon|
assert_dom buttons_dom, "div:has(a img[src='/images/#{icon}'])", :count => 1 do
- assert_dom "a[href*='Test+Title']"
+ assert_dom "a[href*='Test%20Title']"
assert_dom "a[href*='https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com']"
+ def test_generate_share_url_email
+ url = generate_share_url(:email, "Diary Entry Title", "https://osm.example.com/some/diary/entry")
+ assert_equal "mailto:?subject=Diary%20Entry%20Title&body=https%3A%2F%2Fosm.example.com%2Fsome%2Fdiary%2Fentry", url
+ end
assert_equal user, comment.note.author
- def test_author_id
- comment = create(:note_comment)
- assert_nil comment.note.author_id
- user = create(:user)
- comment = create(:note_comment, :author => user)
- assert_equal user.id, comment.note.author_id
- end
- def test_author_ip
- comment = create(:note_comment)
- assert_nil comment.note.author_ip
- comment = create(:note_comment, :author_ip => IPAddr.new(""))
- assert_equal IPAddr.new(""), comment.note.author_ip
- end
# Ensure the lat/lon is formatted as a decimal e.g. not 4.0e-05
def test_lat_lon_format
note = build(:note, :latitude => 0.00004 * GeoRecord::SCALE, :longitude => 0.00008 * GeoRecord::SCALE)
def test_soft_destroy_revokes_oauth2_tokens
user = create(:user)
- oauth_access_token = create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => user.id)
+ oauth_access_token = create(:oauth_access_token, :user => user)
assert_equal 1, user.access_tokens.not_expired.count
+ def test_single_issue_reporters
+ sign_in_as(create(:moderator_user))
+ issue = create(:issue, :assigned_role => "moderator")
+ issue.reports << create(:report, :user => create(:user, :display_name => "Test Name"))
+ visit issues_path
+ assert_content issue.reported_user.display_name
+ assert_content issue.reports.first.user.display_name
+ end
+ def test_multiple_issue_reporters
+ sign_in_as(create(:moderator_user))
+ issue = create(:issue, :assigned_role => "moderator")
+ create_list(:report, 5, :issue => issue)
+ visit issues_path
+ 0.upto(1).each do |n|
+ assert_no_content issue.reports[n].user.display_name
+ end
+ 2.upto(4).each do |n|
+ assert_content issue.reports[n].user.display_name
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ordering_issue_reporters
+ sign_in_as(create(:moderator_user))
+ issue = create(:issue, :assigned_role => "moderator")
+ create_list(:report, 5, :issue => issue)
+ 4.downto(0).each do |n|
+ issue.reports << create(:report, :user => issue.reports[n].user)
+ end
+ visit issues_path
+ 0.upto(2).each do |n|
+ assert_content issue.reports[n].user.display_name
+ end
+ 3.upto(4).each do |n|
+ assert_no_content issue.reports[n].user.display_name
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+require "application_system_test_case"
+class NoteLayerTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
+ test "note marker should have description as a title" do
+ position = (1.1 * GeoRecord::SCALE).to_i
+ create(:note, :latitude => position, :longitude => position) do |note|
+ create(:note_comment, :note => note, :body => "Note description")
+ end
+ visit root_path(:anchor => "map=18/1.1/1.1&layers=N")
+ all "img.leaflet-marker-icon", :count => 1 do |marker|
+ assert_equal "Note description", marker["title"]
+ end
+ end
+ test "note marker should not have a title if the note has no visible description" do
+ position = (1.1 * GeoRecord::SCALE).to_i
+ create(:note, :latitude => position, :longitude => position) do |note|
+ create(:note_comment, :note => note, :body => "Note description is hidden", :visible => false)
+ create(:note_comment, :note => note, :body => "Note comment visible", :event => "commented")
+ end
+ visit root_path(:anchor => "map=18/1.1/1.1&layers=N")
+ all "img.leaflet-marker-icon", :count => 1 do |marker|
+ assert_equal "", marker["title"]
+ end
+ end
+ test "note marker should not have a title if the note has no visible description and comments" do
+ position = (1.1 * GeoRecord::SCALE).to_i
+ create(:note, :latitude => position, :longitude => position) do |note|
+ create(:note_comment, :note => note, :body => "Note description is hidden", :visible => false)
+ end
+ visit root_path(:anchor => "map=18/1.1/1.1&layers=N")
+ all "img.leaflet-marker-icon", :count => 1 do |marker|
+ assert_equal "", marker["title"]
+ end
+ end
def bearer_authorization_header(token_or_user = nil, scopes: Oauth::SCOPES)
token = case token_or_user
when nil then create(:oauth_access_token, :scopes => scopes).token
- when User then create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id => token_or_user.id, :scopes => scopes).token
+ when User then create(:oauth_access_token, :user => token_or_user, :scopes => scopes).token
when Doorkeeper::AccessToken then token_or_user.token
when String then token_or_user
- buildFeatures: function (xml) {
- var features = L.OSM.getChangesets(xml),
- nodes = L.OSM.getNodes(xml),
- ways = L.OSM.getWays(xml, nodes),
- relations = L.OSM.getRelations(xml, nodes, ways);
+ buildFeatures: function (data) {
+ const parser = data instanceof Document ? L.OSM.XMLParser : L.OSM.JSONParser;
+ var features = parser.getChangesets(data),
+ nodes = parser.getNodes(data),
+ ways = parser.getWays(data, nodes),
+ relations = parser.getRelations(data, nodes, ways);
var wayNodes = {}
for (var i = 0; i < ways.length; i++) {
-L.Util.extend(L.OSM, {
+L.OSM.XMLParser = {
getChangesets: function (xml) {
var result = [];
return result;
+L.OSM.JSONParser = {
+ getChangesets(json) {
+ const changesets = json.changeset ? [json.changeset] : [];
+ return changesets.map(cs => ({
+ id: String(cs.id),
+ type: "changeset",
+ latLngBounds: L.latLngBounds(
+ [cs.min_lat, cs.min_lon],
+ [cs.max_lat, cs.max_lon]
+ ),
+ tags: this.getTags(cs)
+ }));
+ },
+ getNodes(json) {
+ const nodes = json.elements?.filter(el => el.type === "node") ?? [];
+ let result = {};
+ for (const node of nodes) {
+ result[node.id] = {
+ id: String(node.id),
+ type: "node",
+ latLng: L.latLng(node.lat, node.lon, true),
+ tags: this.getTags(node)
+ };
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ getWays(json, nodes) {
+ const ways = json.elements?.filter(el => el.type === "way") ?? [];
+ return ways.map(way => ({
+ id: String(way.id),
+ type: "way",
+ nodes: way.nodes.map(nodeId => nodes[nodeId]),
+ tags: this.getTags(way)
+ }));
+ },
+ getRelations(json, nodes, ways) {
+ const relations = json.elements?.filter(el => el.type === "relation") ?? [];
+ return relations.map(rel => ({
+ id: String(rel.id),
+ type: "relation",
+ members: (rel.members ?? []) // relation-way and relation-relation membership not implemented
+ .map(member => member.type === "node" ? nodes[member.ref] : null)
+ .filter(Boolean), // filter out null and undefined
+ tags: this.getTags(rel)
+ }));
+ },
+ getTags(json) {
+ return json.tags ?? {};
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-/* Polyfill service v3.38.0
- * For detailed credits and licence information see https://github.com/financial-times/polyfill-service.
- *
- * Features requested: es6
- *
- * - _ESAbstract.ArrayCreate, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.Call, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "Map", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IteratorClose", "_ESAbstract.IteratorNext", "_ESAbstract.IteratorStep", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map", "_ESAbstract.ToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToString", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.fill", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive")
- * - _ESAbstract.Get, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "Object.assign", "RegExp.prototype.flags", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.IteratorValue", "Map", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IteratorComplete", "_ESAbstract.IteratorStep", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ESAbstract.IsRegExp", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.startsWith", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map", "_ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "Object.defineProperties", "Object.create", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToString", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.repeat")
- * - _ESAbstract.HasProperty, License: CC0 (required by "Array.prototype.copyWithin", "es6", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.IsArray, License: CC0 (required by "String.fromCodePoint", "es6", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "Array.isArray", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.IsCallable, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.GetMethod", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map", "Function.prototype.bind", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "Object.assign", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToString", "Array.prototype.fill", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith")
- * - _ESAbstract.RequireObjectCoercible, License: CC0 (required by "String.prototype.@@iterator", "es6", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith")
- * - _ESAbstract.SameValueNonNumber, License: CC0 (required by "_ESAbstract.SameValueZero", "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.SameValue", "Object.is", "String.fromCodePoint", "WeakMap")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToBoolean, License: CC0 (required by "Array.prototype.find", "es6", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "RegExp.prototype.flags", "_ESAbstract.IteratorComplete", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IteratorStep", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.IsRegExp", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.startsWith", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToInteger, License: CC0 (required by "Array.prototype.copyWithin", "es6", "Array.prototype.fill", "Number.isInteger", "Number.isSafeInteger", "String.fromCodePoint", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith", "_ESAbstract.ToLength", "Array.from", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToLength, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToNumber, License: CC0 (required by "String.fromCodePoint", "es6")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToObject, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Object.assign", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map", "_ESAbstract.GetV", "_ESAbstract.GetMethod", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "Object.defineProperties", "Object.create", "_ArrayIterator", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator")
- * - _ESAbstract.GetV, License: CC0 (required by "_ESAbstract.GetMethod", "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.GetMethod, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IsConstructor", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.IteratorClose", "_ESAbstract.ToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToString", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToUint32, License: CC0 (required by "Math.clz32", "es6", "Math.imul")
- * - _ESAbstract.Type, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Number.isFinite", "Number.isInteger", "Number.isNaN", "Number.isSafeInteger", "Object.seal", "RegExp.prototype.flags", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.IsConstructor", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IteratorClose", "_ESAbstract.ToString", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith", "_ESAbstract.IteratorValue", "_ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject", "_ESAbstract.IteratorComplete", "_ESAbstract.IteratorStep", "_ESAbstract.IteratorNext", "_ESAbstract.SameValueZero", "Object.create", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "_ESAbstract.SameValue", "Object.is", "String.fromCodePoint", "_ESAbstract.IsRegExp", "_ESAbstract.ToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor", "Object.defineProperties", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive")
- * - _ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor, License: CC0 (required by "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of")
- * - _ESAbstract.IsConstructor, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.IsRegExp, License: CC0 (required by "String.prototype.endsWith", "es6", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.startsWith")
- * - _ESAbstract.IteratorClose, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.IteratorComplete, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IteratorStep", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.IteratorNext, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "_ESAbstract.IteratorStep", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.IteratorStep, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.IteratorValue, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive, License: CC0 (required by "_ESAbstract.ToPrimitive", "_ESAbstract.ToString", "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith")
- * - _ESAbstract.SameValue, License: CC0 (required by "Object.is", "es6", "String.fromCodePoint", "WeakMap")
- * - _ESAbstract.SameValueZero, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakSet")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToPrimitive, License: CC0 (required by "_ESAbstract.ToString", "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith")
- * - _ESAbstract.ToString, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.UTF16Decode, License: CC0 (required by "String.prototype.codePointAt", "es6")
- * - _ESAbstract.UTF16Encoding, License: CC0 (required by "String.fromCodePoint", "es6")
- * - _TypedArray, License: MIT (required by "Math.fround", "es6")
- * - Object.defineProperty, License: CC0 (required by "Function.prototype.name", "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Number.Epsilon", "Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", "Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "RegExp.prototype.flags", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Symbol", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.copyWithin", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Math.acosh", "Math.asinh", "Math.atanh", "Math.cbrt", "Math.clz32", "Math.cosh", "Math.expm1", "Math.fround", "Math.hypot", "Math.imul", "Math.log10", "Math.log1p", "Math.log2", "Math.sign", "Math.sinh", "Math.tanh", "Math.trunc", "Number.isFinite", "Number.isInteger", "Number.isNaN", "Number.isSafeInteger", "Number.parseFloat", "Number.parseInt", "Object.assign", "Object.is", "Object.seal", "String.fromCodePoint", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith", "_ArrayIterator", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "_StringIterator", "_ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty", "_ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow", "_ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject", "_Iterator", "Object.defineProperties", "Object.create", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator")
- * - _ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty, License: CC0 (required by "_ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow", "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject", "Map", "Set")
- * - _ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set")
- * - _ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Array.prototype.copyWithin", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.fill", "Array.prototype.find", "Array.prototype.findIndex", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Map", "Math.acosh", "Math.asinh", "Math.atanh", "Math.cbrt", "Math.clz32", "Math.cosh", "Math.expm1", "Math.fround", "Math.hypot", "Math.imul", "Math.log10", "Math.log1p", "Math.log2", "Math.sign", "Math.sinh", "Math.tanh", "Math.trunc", "Number.isFinite", "Number.isInteger", "Number.isNaN", "Number.isSafeInteger", "Number.parseFloat", "Number.parseInt", "Object.assign", "Object.is", "Object.seal", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Set", "String.fromCodePoint", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.codePointAt", "String.prototype.endsWith", "String.prototype.includes", "String.prototype.repeat", "String.prototype.startsWith", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "Array.isArray", "Object.create", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "_ArrayIterator", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "Object.keys", "Array.prototype.forEach", "Object.getPrototypeOf", "Object.getOwnPropertyNames", "Array.prototype.filter", "Array.prototype.map", "Object.freeze", "Function.prototype.bind", "Object.defineProperties", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator")
- * - Array.isArray, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakMap")
- * - Array.prototype.copyWithin, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Array.prototype.fill, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Array.prototype.find, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Array.prototype.findIndex, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Array.prototype.forEach, License: CC0 (required by "Object.setPrototypeOf", "es6", "Symbol", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables")
- * - Function.prototype.bind, License: MIT (required by "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "Object.assign", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_StringIterator")
- * - Math.acosh, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.asinh, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.atanh, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.cbrt, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.clz32, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.cosh, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.expm1, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.fround, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.hypot, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.imul, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.log10, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.log1p, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.log2, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.sign, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.sinh, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.tanh, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Math.trunc, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Number.isFinite, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.isInteger, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.isNaN, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.isSafeInteger, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.parseFloat, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.parseInt, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Function.prototype.name, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.Epsilon, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Object.freeze, License: CC0 (required by "Symbol", "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables")
- * - Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, License: CC0 (required by "Object.assign", "es6", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Symbol", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Object.defineProperties", "Object.create", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator")
- * - Object.getOwnPropertyNames, License: CC0 (required by "Object.setPrototypeOf", "es6", "Symbol", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables")
- * - Object.getPrototypeOf, License: CC0 (required by "Object.setPrototypeOf", "es6", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of")
- * - Object.is, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Object.keys, License: MIT (required by "Object.assign", "es6", "Symbol", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Object.defineProperties", "Object.create", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator")
- * - Object.assign, License: CC0 (required by "es6", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "_StringIterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - Object.defineProperties, License: CC0 (required by "Object.create", "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Set", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator")
- * - Object.create, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Set", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_StringIterator")
- * - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of")
- * - _ESAbstract.Construct, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - _ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate, License: CC0 (required by "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
- * - Array.prototype.filter, License: CC0 (required by "Symbol", "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables")
- * - Array.prototype.map, License: CC0 (required by "Symbol", "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables")
- * - Array.of, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Object.seal, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Object.setPrototypeOf, License: MIT (required by "es6", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "_StringIterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - Promise, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - RegExp.prototype.flags, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - String.fromCodePoint, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - String.prototype.codePointAt, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - String.prototype.endsWith, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - String.prototype.includes, License: CC0 (required by "es6", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - String.prototype.repeat, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - String.prototype.startsWith, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_StringIterator")
- * - Symbol.hasInstance, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.iterator, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Array.from", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Map", "Set", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_StringIterator")
- * - _ESAbstract.GetIterator, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
- * - Symbol.match, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.replace, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.search, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.species, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set")
- * - Map, License: CC0 (required by "es6", "Array.from")
- * - Set, License: CC0 (required by "es6", "Array.from")
- * - Array.from, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.split, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.toPrimitive, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.toStringTag, License: MIT (required by "es6", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "_StringIterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - _Iterator, License: MIT (required by "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "es6", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "_StringIterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - _ArrayIterator, License: MIT (required by "Array.prototype.entries", "es6", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - Array.prototype.entries, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Array.prototype.keys, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Array.prototype.values, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Array.prototype.@@iterator")
- * - Array.prototype.@@iterator, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - _StringIterator, License: MIT (required by "String.prototype.@@iterator", "es6")
- * - String.prototype.@@iterator, License: CC0 (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.unscopables, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - WeakMap, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - WeakSet, License: MIT (required by "es6") */
-(function(undefined) {
-// _ESAbstract.ArrayCreate
-// ArrayCreate ( length [ , proto ] )
-function ArrayCreate(length /* [, proto] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: length is an integer Number ≥ 0.
- // 2. If length is -0, set length to +0.
- if (1 / length === -Infinity) {
- length = 0;
- }
- // 3. If length>2^32-1, throw a RangeError exception.
- if (length > (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1)) {
- throw new RangeError('Invalid array length');
- }
- // 4. If proto is not present, set proto to the intrinsic object %ArrayPrototype%.
- // 5. Let A be a newly created Array exotic object.
- var A = [];
- // 6. Set A's essential internal methods except for [[DefineOwnProperty]] to the default ordinary object definitions specified in 9.1.
- // 7. Set A.[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in
- // 8. Set A.[[Prototype]] to proto.
- // 9. Set A.[[Extensible]] to true.
- // 10. Perform ! OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(A, "length", PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: length, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}).
- A.length = length;
- // 11. Return A.
- return A;
-// _ESAbstract.Call
-/* global IsCallable */
-// 7.3.12. Call ( F, V [ , argumentsList ] )
-function Call(F, V /* [, argumentsList] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
- var argumentsList = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : [];
- // 2. If IsCallable(F) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(F) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(F) + 'is not a function.');
- }
- // 3. Return ? F.[[Call]](V, argumentsList).
- return F.apply(V, argumentsList);
-// _ESAbstract.Get
-// 7.3.1. Get ( O, P )
-function Get(O, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
- // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // 3. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, O).
- return O[P];
-// _ESAbstract.HasProperty
-// 7.3.10. HasProperty ( O, P )
-function HasProperty(O, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // Assert: Type(O) is Object.
- // Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // Return ? O.[[HasProperty]](P).
- return P in O;
-// _ESAbstract.IsArray
-// 7.2.2. IsArray ( argument )
-function IsArray(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
- // 2. If argument is an Array exotic object, return true.
- // 3. If argument is a Proxy exotic object, then
- // a. If argument.[[ProxyHandler]] is null, throw a TypeError exception.
- // b. Let target be argument.[[ProxyTarget]].
- // c. Return ? IsArray(target).
- // 4. Return false.
- // Polyfill.io - We can skip all the above steps and check the string returned from Object.prototype.toString().
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === '[object Array]';
-// _ESAbstract.IsCallable
-// 7.2.3. IsCallable ( argument )
-function IsCallable(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
- // 2. If argument has a [[Call]] internal method, return true.
- // 3. Return false.
- // Polyfill.io - Only function objects have a [[Call]] internal method. This means we can simplify this function to check that the argument has a type of function.
- return typeof argument === 'function';
-// _ESAbstract.RequireObjectCoercible
-// 7.2.1. RequireObjectCoercible ( argument )
-// The abstract operation ToObject converts argument to a value of type Object according to Table 12:
-// Table 12: ToObject Conversions
-| Argument Type | Result |
-| Undefined | Throw a TypeError exception. |
-| Null | Throw a TypeError exception. |
-| Boolean | Return argument. |
-| Number | Return argument. |
-| String | Return argument. |
-| Symbol | Return argument. |
-| Object | Return argument. |
-function RequireObjectCoercible(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
- throw TypeError();
- }
- return argument;
-// _ESAbstract.SameValueNonNumber
-// 7.2.12. SameValueNonNumber ( x, y )
-function SameValueNonNumber(x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(x) is not Number.
- // 2. Assert: Type(x) is the same as Type(y).
- // 3. If Type(x) is Undefined, return true.
- // 4. If Type(x) is Null, return true.
- // 5. If Type(x) is String, then
- // a. If x and y are exactly the same sequence of code units (same length and same code units at corresponding indices), return true; otherwise, return false.
- // 6. If Type(x) is Boolean, then
- // a. If x and y are both true or both false, return true; otherwise, return false.
- // 7. If Type(x) is Symbol, then
- // a. If x and y are both the same Symbol value, return true; otherwise, return false.
- // 8. If x and y are the same Object value, return true. Otherwise, return false.
- // Polyfill.io - We can skip all above steps because the === operator does it all for us.
- return x === y;
-// _ESAbstract.ToBoolean
-// 7.1.2. ToBoolean ( argument )
-// The abstract operation ToBoolean converts argument to a value of type Boolean according to Table 9:
-| Argument Type | Result |
-| Undefined | Return false. |
-| Null | Return false. |
-| Boolean | Return argument. |
-| Number | If argument is +0, -0, or NaN, return false; otherwise return true. |
-| String | If argument is the empty String (its length is zero), return false; otherwise return true. |
-| Symbol | Return true. |
-| Object | Return true. |
-function ToBoolean(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- return Boolean(argument);
-// _ESAbstract.ToInteger
-// 7.1.4. ToInteger ( argument )
-function ToInteger(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
- var number = Number(argument);
- // 2. If number is NaN, return +0.
- if (isNaN(number)) {
- return 0;
- }
- // 3. If number is +0, -0, +∞, or -∞, return number.
- if (1/number === Infinity || 1/number === -Infinity || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
- return number;
- }
- // 4. Return the number value that is the same sign as number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(number)).
- return ((number < 0) ? -1 : 1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
-// _ESAbstract.ToLength
-/* global ToInteger */
-// 7.1.15. ToLength ( argument )
-function ToLength(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Let len be ? ToInteger(argument).
- var len = ToInteger(argument);
- // 2. If len ≤ +0, return +0.
- if (len <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- // 3. Return min(len, 253-1).
- return Math.min(len, Math.pow(2, 53) -1);
-// _ESAbstract.ToNumber
-// 7.1.3. ToNumber ( argument )
-function ToNumber(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- return Number(argument);
-// _ESAbstract.ToObject
-// 7.1.13 ToObject ( argument )
-// The abstract operation ToObject converts argument to a value of type Object according to Table 12:
-// Table 12: ToObject Conversions
-| Argument Type | Result |
-| Undefined | Throw a TypeError exception. |
-| Null | Throw a TypeError exception. |
-| Boolean | Return a new Boolean object whose [[BooleanData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 19.3 for a description of Boolean objects. |
-| Number | Return a new Number object whose [[NumberData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 20.1 for a description of Number objects. |
-| String | Return a new String object whose [[StringData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 21.1 for a description of String objects. |
-| Symbol | Return a new Symbol object whose [[SymbolData]] internal slot is set to argument. See 19.4 for a description of Symbol objects. |
-| Object | Return argument. |
-function ToObject(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- if (argument === null || argument === undefined) {
- throw TypeError();
- }
- return Object(argument);
-// _ESAbstract.GetV
-/* global ToObject */
-// 7.3.2 GetV (V, P)
-function GetV(v, p) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // 2. Let O be ? ToObject(V).
- var o = ToObject(v);
- // 3. Return ? O.[[Get]](P, V).
- return o[p];
-// _ESAbstract.GetMethod
-/* global GetV, IsCallable */
-// 7.3.9. GetMethod ( V, P )
-function GetMethod(V, P) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // 2. Let func be ? GetV(V, P).
- var func = GetV(V, P);
- // 3. If func is either undefined or null, return undefined.
- if (func === null || func === undefined) {
- return undefined;
- }
- // 4. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(func) === false) {
- throw new TypeError('Method not callable: ' + P);
- }
- // 5. Return func.
- return func;
-// _ESAbstract.ToUint32
-// 7.1.6. ToUint32 ( argument )
-function ToUint32(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Let number be ? ToNumber(argument).
- var number = Number(argument);
- // 2. If number is NaN, +0, -0, +∞, or -∞, return +0.
- if (isNaN(number) || 1/number === Infinity || 1/number === -Infinity || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
- return 0;
- }
- // 3. Let int be the mathematical value that is the same sign as number and whose magnitude is floor(abs(number)).
- var int = ((number < 0) ? -1 : 1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
- // 4. Let int32bit be int modulo 2^32.
- var int32bit = int >>> 0;
- // 5. Return int32bit.
- return int32bit;
-// _ESAbstract.Type
-// "Type(x)" is used as shorthand for "the type of x"...
-function Type(x) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- switch (typeof x) {
- case 'undefined':
- return 'undefined';
- case 'boolean':
- return 'boolean';
- case 'number':
- return 'number';
- case 'string':
- return 'string';
- case 'symbol':
- return 'symbol';
- default:
- // typeof null is 'object'
- if (x === null) return 'null';
- // Polyfill.io - This is here because a Symbol polyfill will have a typeof `object`.
- if ('Symbol' in this && x instanceof this.Symbol) return 'symbol';
- return 'object';
- }
-// _ESAbstract.GetPrototypeFromConstructor
-/* global Get, Type */
-// 9.1.14. GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
-function GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: intrinsicDefaultProto is a String value that is this specification's name of an intrinsic object. The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the [[Prototype]] value of an object.
- // 2. Assert: IsCallable(constructor) is true.
- // 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
- var proto = Get(constructor, "prototype");
- // 4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
- if (Type(proto) !== 'object') {
- // a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
- // b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
- proto = intrinsicDefaultProto;
- }
- // 5. Return proto.
- return proto;
-// _ESAbstract.IsConstructor
-/* global Type */
-// 7.2.4. IsConstructor ( argument )
-function IsConstructor(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
- if (Type(argument) !== 'object') {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
- // 3. Return false.
- // Polyfill.io - `new argument` is the only way to truly test if a function is a constructor.
- // We choose to not use`new argument` because the argument could have side effects when called.
- // Instead we check to see if the argument is a function and if it has a prototype.
- // Arrow functions do not have a [[Construct]] internal method, nor do they have a prototype.
- return typeof argument === 'function' && !!argument.prototype;
-// _ESAbstract.IsRegExp
-/* global Type, Get, ToBoolean */
-// 7.2.8. IsRegExp ( argument )
-function IsRegExp(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
- if (Type(argument) !== 'object') {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. Let matcher be ? Get(argument, @@match).
- var matcher = 'Symbol' in this && 'match' in this.Symbol ? Get(argument, this.Symbol.match) : undefined;
- // 3. If matcher is not undefined, return ToBoolean(matcher).
- if (matcher !== undefined) {
- return ToBoolean(matcher);
- }
- // 4. If argument has a [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot, return true.
- try {
- var lastIndex = argument.lastIndex;
- argument.lastIndex = 0;
- RegExp.prototype.exec.call(argument);
- return true;
- } catch (e) {} finally {
- argument.lastIndex = lastIndex;
- }
- // 5. Return false.
- return false;
-// _ESAbstract.IteratorClose
-/* global GetMethod, Type, Call */
-// 7.4.6. IteratorClose ( iteratorRecord, completion )
-function IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, completion) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]]) is Object.
- if (Type(iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']) !== 'object') {
- throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']) + 'is not an Object.');
- }
- // 2. Assert: completion is a Completion Record.
- // Polyfill.io - Ignoring this step as there is no way to check if something is a Completion Record in userland JavaScript.
- // 3. Let iterator be iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]].
- var iterator = iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'];
- // 4. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return").
- // Polyfill.io - We name it returnMethod because return is a keyword and can not be used as an identifier (E.G. variable name, function name etc).
- var returnMethod = GetMethod(iterator, "return");
- // 5. If return is undefined, return Completion(completion).
- if (returnMethod === undefined) {
- return completion;
- }
- // 6. Let innerResult be Call(return, iterator, « »).
- try {
- var innerResult = Call(returnMethod, iterator);
- } catch (error) {
- var innerException = error;
- }
- // 7. If completion.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(completion).
- if (completion) {
- return completion;
- }
- // 8. If innerResult.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(innerResult).
- if (innerException) {
- throw innerException;
- }
- // 9. If Type(innerResult.[[Value]]) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(innerResult) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError("Iterator's return method returned a non-object.");
- }
- // 10. Return Completion(completion).
- return completion;
-// _ESAbstract.IteratorComplete
-/* global Type, ToBoolean, Get */
-// 7.4.3 IteratorComplete ( iterResult )
-function IteratorComplete(iterResult) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
- if (Type(iterResult) !== 'object') {
- throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iterResult) + 'is not an Object.');
- }
- // 2. Return ToBoolean(? Get(iterResult, "done")).
- return ToBoolean(Get(iterResult, "done"));
-// _ESAbstract.IteratorNext
-/* global Call, Type */
-// 7.4.2. IteratorNext ( iteratorRecord [ , value ] )
-function IteratorNext(iteratorRecord /* [, value] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If value is not present, then
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- // a. Let result be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], « »).
- var result = Call(iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'], iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]']);
- // 2. Else,
- } else {
- // a. Let result be ? Call(iteratorRecord.[[NextMethod]], iteratorRecord.[[Iterator]], « value »).
- result = Call(iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'], iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'], [arguments[1]]);
- }
- // 3. If Type(result) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
- }
- // 4. Return result.
- return result;
-// _ESAbstract.IteratorStep
-/* global IteratorNext, IteratorComplete */
-// 7.4.5. IteratorStep ( iteratorRecord )
-function IteratorStep(iteratorRecord) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Let result be ? IteratorNext(iteratorRecord).
- var result = IteratorNext(iteratorRecord);
- // 2. Let done be ? IteratorComplete(result).
- var done = IteratorComplete(result);
- // 3. If done is true, return false.
- if (done === true) {
- return false;
- }
- // 4. Return result.
- return result;
-// _ESAbstract.IteratorValue
-/* global Type, Get */
-// 7.4.4 IteratorValue ( iterResult )
-function IteratorValue(iterResult) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // Assert: Type(iterResult) is Object.
- if (Type(iterResult) !== 'object') {
- throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(iterResult) + 'is not an Object.');
- }
- // Return ? Get(iterResult, "value").
- return Get(iterResult, "value");
-// _ESAbstract.OrdinaryToPrimitive
-/* global Get, IsCallable, Call, Type */
-// OrdinaryToPrimitive ( O, hint )
-function OrdinaryToPrimitive(O, hint) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
- // 2. Assert: Type(hint) is String and its value is either "string" or "number".
- // 3. If hint is "string", then
- if (hint === 'string') {
- // a. Let methodNames be « "toString", "valueOf" ».
- var methodNames = ['toString', 'valueOf'];
- // 4. Else,
- } else {
- // a. Let methodNames be « "valueOf", "toString" ».
- methodNames = ['valueOf', 'toString'];
- }
- // 5. For each name in methodNames in List order, do
- for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; ++i) {
- var name = methodNames[i];
- // a. Let method be ? Get(O, name).
- var method = Get(O, name);
- // b. If IsCallable(method) is true, then
- if (IsCallable(method)) {
- // i. Let result be ? Call(method, O).
- var result = Call(method, O);
- // ii. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
- if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- // 6. Throw a TypeError exception.
- throw new TypeError('Cannot convert to primitive.');
-// _ESAbstract.SameValue
-/* global Type, SameValueNonNumber */
-// 7.2.10. SameValue ( x, y )
-function SameValue(x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
- if (Type(x) !== Type(y)) {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If Type(x) is Number, then
- if (Type(x) === 'number') {
- // a. If x is NaN and y is NaN, return true.
- if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)) {
- return true;
- }
- // Polyfill.io - 0 === -0 is true, but they are not the same value.
- // b. If x is +0 and y is -0, return false.
- // c. If x is -0 and y is +0, return false.
- if (x === 0 && y === 0 && 1/x !== 1/y) {
- return false;
- }
- // d. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
- if (x === y) {
- return true;
- }
- // e. Return false.
- return false;
- }
- // 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
- return SameValueNonNumber(x, y);
-// _ESAbstract.SameValueZero
-/* global Type, SameValueNonNumber */
-// 7.2.11. SameValueZero ( x, y )
-function SameValueZero (x, y) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
- if (Type(x) !== Type(y)) {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If Type(x) is Number, then
- if (Type(x) === 'number') {
- // a. If x is NaN and y is NaN, return true.
- if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)) {
- return true;
- }
- // b. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
- if (1/x === Infinity && 1/y === -Infinity) {
- return true;
- }
- // c. If x is -0 and y is +0, return true.
- if (1/x === -Infinity && 1/y === Infinity) {
- return true;
- }
- // d. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
- if (x === y) {
- return true;
- }
- // e. Return false.
- return false;
- }
- // 3. Return SameValueNonNumber(x, y).
- return SameValueNonNumber(x, y);
-// _ESAbstract.ToPrimitive
-/* global Type, GetMethod, Call, OrdinaryToPrimitive */
-// 7.1.1. ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] )
-function ToPrimitive(input /* [, PreferredType] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- var PreferredType = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 1. Assert: input is an ECMAScript language value.
- // 2. If Type(input) is Object, then
- if (Type(input) === 'object') {
- // a. If PreferredType is not present, let hint be "default".
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- var hint = 'default';
- // b. Else if PreferredType is hint String, let hint be "string".
- } else if (PreferredType === String) {
- hint = 'string';
- // c. Else PreferredType is hint Number, let hint be "number".
- } else if (PreferredType === Number) {
- hint = 'number';
- }
- // d. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive).
- var exoticToPrim = typeof this.Symbol === 'function' && typeof this.Symbol.toPrimitive === 'symbol' ? GetMethod(input, this.Symbol.toPrimitive) : undefined;
- // e. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then
- if (exoticToPrim !== undefined) {
- // i. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »).
- var result = Call(exoticToPrim, input, [hint]);
- // ii. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
- if (Type(result) !== 'object') {
- return result;
- }
- // iii. Throw a TypeError exception.
- throw new TypeError('Cannot convert exotic object to primitive.');
- }
- // f. If hint is "default", set hint to "number".
- if (hint === 'default') {
- hint = 'number';
- }
- // g. Return ? OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint).
- return OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, hint);
- }
- // 3. Return input
- return input;
-// _ESAbstract.ToString
-/* global Type, ToPrimitive */
-// 7.1.12. ToString ( argument )
-// The abstract operation ToString converts argument to a value of type String according to Table 11:
-// Table 11: ToString Conversions
-| Argument Type | Result |
-| Undefined | Return "undefined". |
-| Null | Return "null". |
-| Boolean | If argument is true, return "true". |
-| | If argument is false, return "false". |
-| Number | Return NumberToString(argument). |
-| String | Return argument. |
-| Symbol | Throw a TypeError exception. |
-| Object | Apply the following steps: |
-| | Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint String). |
-| | Return ? ToString(primValue). |
-function ToString(argument) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- switch(Type(argument)) {
- case 'symbol':
- throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string');
- break;
- case 'object':
- var primValue = ToPrimitive(argument, 'string');
- return ToString(primValue);
- default:
- return String(argument);
- }
-// _ESAbstract.UTF16Decode
-// 10.1.2. Static Semantics: UTF16Decode( lead, trail )
-function UTF16Decode(lead, trail) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: 0xD800 ≤ lead ≤ 0xDBFF and 0xDC00 ≤ trail ≤ 0xDFFF.
- // 2. Let cp be (lead - 0xD800) × 0x400 + (trail - 0xDC00) + 0x10000.
- var cp = (lead - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (trail - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
- // 3. Return the code point cp.
- return cp;
-// _ESAbstract.UTF16Encoding
-// 10.1.1. Static Semantics: UTF16Encoding ( cp )
-function UTF16Encoding(cp) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: 0 ≤ cp ≤ 0x10FFFF.
- // 2. If cp ≤ 0xFFFF, return cp.
- if (cp <= 0xFFFF) {
- return cp;
- } else {
- // 3. Let cu1 be floor((cp - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800.
- var cu1 = Math.floor((cp - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800;
- // 4. Let cu2 be ((cp - 0x10000) modulo 0x400) + 0xDC00.
- var cu2 = ((cp - 0x10000) % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
- // 5. Return the code unit sequence consisting of cu1 followed by cu2.
- return [cu1, cu2];
- }
-// _TypedArray
- Copyright (c) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- Copyright (c) 2014, Joshua Bell
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-// Original can be found at:
-// https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/llsd
-// Modifications by Joshua Bell inexorabletash@gmail.com
-// https://github.com/inexorabletash/polyfill
-// ES3/ES5 implementation of the Krhonos Typed Array Specification
-// Ref: http://www.khronos.org/registry/typedarray/specs/latest/
-// Date: 2011-02-01
-// Variations:
-// * Allows typed_array.get/set() as alias for subscripts (typed_array[])
-// * Gradually migrating structure from Khronos spec to ES2015 spec
-// Caveats:
-// * Beyond 10000 or so entries, polyfilled array accessors (ta[0],
-// etc) become memory-prohibitive, so array creation will fail. Set
-// creation of accessors. Your code will need to use the
-// non-standard get()/set() instead, and will need to add those to
-// native arrays for interop.
-(function(global) {
- 'use strict';
- var undefined = (void 0); // Paranoia
- // Beyond this value, index getters/setters (i.e. array[0], array[1]) are so slow to
- // create, and consume so much memory, that the browser appears frozen.
- var MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = 1e5;
- // Approximations of internal ECMAScript conversion functions
- function Type(v) {
- switch(typeof v) {
- case 'undefined': return 'undefined';
- case 'boolean': return 'boolean';
- case 'number': return 'number';
- case 'string': return 'string';
- default: return v === null ? 'null' : 'object';
- }
- }
- // Class returns internal [[Class]] property, used to avoid cross-frame instanceof issues:
- function Class(v) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(v).replace(/^\[object *|\]$/g, ''); }
- function IsCallable(o) { return typeof o === 'function'; }
- function ToObject(v) {
- if (v === null || v === undefined) throw TypeError();
- return Object(v);
- }
- function ToInt32(v) { return v >> 0; }
- function ToUint32(v) { return v >>> 0; }
- // Snapshot intrinsics
- var LN2 = Math.LN2,
- abs = Math.abs,
- floor = Math.floor,
- log = Math.log,
- max = Math.max,
- min = Math.min,
- pow = Math.pow,
- round = Math.round;
- // emulate ES5 getter/setter API using legacy APIs
- // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2010/09/07/transitioning-existing-code-to-the-es5-getter-setter-apis.aspx
- // (second clause tests for Object.defineProperty() in IE<9 that only supports extending DOM prototypes, but
- // note that IE<9 does not support __defineGetter__ or __defineSetter__ so it just renders the method harmless)
- (function() {
- var orig = Object.defineProperty;
- var dom_only = !(function(){try{return Object.defineProperty({},'x',{});}catch(_){return false;}}());
- if (!orig || dom_only) {
- Object.defineProperty = function (o, prop, desc) {
- // In IE8 try built-in implementation for defining properties on DOM prototypes.
- if (orig)
- try { return orig(o, prop, desc); } catch (_) {}
- if (o !== Object(o))
- throw TypeError('Object.defineProperty called on non-object');
- if (Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ && ('get' in desc))
- Object.prototype.__defineGetter__.call(o, prop, desc.get);
- if (Object.prototype.__defineSetter__ && ('set' in desc))
- Object.prototype.__defineSetter__.call(o, prop, desc.set);
- if ('value' in desc)
- o[prop] = desc.value;
- return o;
- };
- }
- }());
- // ES5: Make obj[index] an alias for obj._getter(index)/obj._setter(index, value)
- // for index in 0 ... obj.length
- function makeArrayAccessors(obj) {
- return;
- if (obj.length > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) throw RangeError('Array too large for polyfill');
- function makeArrayAccessor(index) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, index, {
- 'get': function() { return obj._getter(index); },
- 'set': function(v) { obj._setter(index, v); },
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: false
- });
- }
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i += 1) {
- makeArrayAccessor(i);
- }
- }
- // Internal conversion functions:
- // pack<Type>() - take a number (interpreted as Type), output a byte array
- // unpack<Type>() - take a byte array, output a Type-like number
- function as_signed(value, bits) { var s = 32 - bits; return (value << s) >> s; }
- function as_unsigned(value, bits) { var s = 32 - bits; return (value << s) >>> s; }
- function packI8(n) { return [n & 0xff]; }
- function unpackI8(bytes) { return as_signed(bytes[0], 8); }
- function packU8(n) { return [n & 0xff]; }
- function unpackU8(bytes) { return as_unsigned(bytes[0], 8); }
- function packU8Clamped(n) { n = round(Number(n)); return [n < 0 ? 0 : n > 0xff ? 0xff : n & 0xff]; }
- function packI16(n) { return [n & 0xff, (n >> 8) & 0xff]; }
- function unpackI16(bytes) { return as_signed(bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0], 16); }
- function packU16(n) { return [n & 0xff, (n >> 8) & 0xff]; }
- function unpackU16(bytes) { return as_unsigned(bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0], 16); }
- function packI32(n) { return [n & 0xff, (n >> 8) & 0xff, (n >> 16) & 0xff, (n >> 24) & 0xff]; }
- function unpackI32(bytes) { return as_signed(bytes[3] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0], 32); }
- function packU32(n) { return [n & 0xff, (n >> 8) & 0xff, (n >> 16) & 0xff, (n >> 24) & 0xff]; }
- function unpackU32(bytes) { return as_unsigned(bytes[3] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0], 32); }
- function packIEEE754(v, ebits, fbits) {
- var bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1;
- function roundToEven(n) {
- var w = floor(n), f = n - w;
- if (f < 0.5)
- return w;
- if (f > 0.5)
- return w + 1;
- return w % 2 ? w + 1 : w;
- }
- // Compute sign, exponent, fraction
- var s, e, f;
- if (v !== v) {
- // NaN
- // http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#es-type-mapping
- e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = pow(2, fbits - 1); s = 0;
- } else if (v === Infinity || v === -Infinity) {
- e = (1 << ebits) - 1; f = 0; s = (v < 0) ? 1 : 0;
- } else if (v === 0) {
- e = 0; f = 0; s = (1 / v === -Infinity) ? 1 : 0;
- } else {
- s = v < 0;
- v = abs(v);
- if (v >= pow(2, 1 - bias)) {
- // Normalized
- e = min(floor(log(v) / LN2), 1023);
- var significand = v / pow(2, e);
- if (significand < 1) {
- e -= 1;
- significand *= 2;
- }
- if (significand >= 2) {
- e += 1;
- significand /= 2;
- }
- var d = pow(2, fbits);
- f = roundToEven(significand * d) - d;
- e += bias;
- if (f / d >= 1) {
- e += 1;
- f = 0;
- }
- if (e > 2 * bias) {
- // Overflow
- e = (1 << ebits) - 1;
- f = 0;
- }
- } else {
- // Denormalized
- e = 0;
- f = roundToEven(v / pow(2, 1 - bias - fbits));
- }
- }
- // Pack sign, exponent, fraction
- var bits = [], i;
- for (i = fbits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(f % 2 ? 1 : 0); f = floor(f / 2); }
- for (i = ebits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(e % 2 ? 1 : 0); e = floor(e / 2); }
- bits.push(s ? 1 : 0);
- bits.reverse();
- var str = bits.join('');
- // Bits to bytes
- var bytes = [];
- while (str.length) {
- bytes.unshift(parseInt(str.substring(0, 8), 2));
- str = str.substring(8);
- }
- return bytes;
- }
- function unpackIEEE754(bytes, ebits, fbits) {
- // Bytes to bits
- var bits = [], i, j, b, str,
- bias, s, e, f;
- for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
- b = bytes[i];
- for (j = 8; j; j -= 1) {
- bits.push(b % 2 ? 1 : 0); b = b >> 1;
- }
- }
- bits.reverse();
- str = bits.join('');
- // Unpack sign, exponent, fraction
- bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1;
- s = parseInt(str.substring(0, 1), 2) ? -1 : 1;
- e = parseInt(str.substring(1, 1 + ebits), 2);
- f = parseInt(str.substring(1 + ebits), 2);
- // Produce number
- if (e === (1 << ebits) - 1) {
- return f !== 0 ? NaN : s * Infinity;
- } else if (e > 0) {
- // Normalized
- return s * pow(2, e - bias) * (1 + f / pow(2, fbits));
- } else if (f !== 0) {
- // Denormalized
- return s * pow(2, -(bias - 1)) * (f / pow(2, fbits));
- } else {
- return s < 0 ? -0 : 0;
- }
- }
- function unpackF64(b) { return unpackIEEE754(b, 11, 52); }
- function packF64(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 11, 52); }
- function unpackF32(b) { return unpackIEEE754(b, 8, 23); }
- function packF32(v) { return packIEEE754(v, 8, 23); }
- //
- // 3 The ArrayBuffer Type
- //
- (function() {
- function ArrayBuffer(length) {
- length = ToInt32(length);
- if (length < 0) throw RangeError('ArrayBuffer size is not a small enough positive integer.');
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteLength', {value: length});
- Object.defineProperty(this, '_bytes', {value: Array(length)});
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1)
- this._bytes[i] = 0;
- }
- global.ArrayBuffer = global.ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer;
- //
- // 5 The Typed Array View Types
- //
- function $TypedArray$() {
- // %TypedArray% ( length )
- if (!arguments.length || typeof arguments[0] !== 'object') {
- return (function(length) {
- length = ToInt32(length);
- if (length < 0) throw RangeError('length is not a small enough positive integer.');
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {value: length});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteLength', {value: length * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'buffer', {value: new ArrayBuffer(this.byteLength)});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteOffset', {value: 0});
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- // %TypedArray% ( typedArray )
- if (arguments.length >= 1 &&
- Type(arguments[0]) === 'object' &&
- arguments[0] instanceof $TypedArray$) {
- return (function(typedArray){
- if (this.constructor !== typedArray.constructor) throw TypeError();
- var byteLength = typedArray.length * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'buffer', {value: new ArrayBuffer(byteLength)});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteLength', {value: byteLength});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteOffset', {value: 0});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {value: typedArray.length});
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1)
- this._setter(i, typedArray._getter(i));
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- // %TypedArray% ( array )
- if (arguments.length >= 1 &&
- Type(arguments[0]) === 'object' &&
- !(arguments[0] instanceof $TypedArray$) &&
- !(arguments[0] instanceof ArrayBuffer || Class(arguments[0]) === 'ArrayBuffer')) {
- return (function(array) {
- var byteLength = array.length * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'buffer', {value: new ArrayBuffer(byteLength)});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteLength', {value: byteLength});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteOffset', {value: 0});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {value: array.length});
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
- var s = array[i];
- this._setter(i, Number(s));
- }
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- // %TypedArray% ( buffer, byteOffset=0, length=undefined )
- if (arguments.length >= 1 &&
- Type(arguments[0]) === 'object' &&
- (arguments[0] instanceof ArrayBuffer || Class(arguments[0]) === 'ArrayBuffer')) {
- return (function(buffer, byteOffset, length) {
- byteOffset = ToUint32(byteOffset);
- if (byteOffset > buffer.byteLength)
- throw RangeError('byteOffset out of range');
- // The given byteOffset must be a multiple of the element
- // size of the specific type, otherwise an exception is raised.
- if (byteOffset % this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)
- throw RangeError('buffer length minus the byteOffset is not a multiple of the element size.');
- if (length === undefined) {
- var byteLength = buffer.byteLength - byteOffset;
- if (byteLength % this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)
- throw RangeError('length of buffer minus byteOffset not a multiple of the element size');
- length = byteLength / this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- } else {
- length = ToUint32(length);
- byteLength = length * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- }
- if ((byteOffset + byteLength) > buffer.byteLength)
- throw RangeError('byteOffset and length reference an area beyond the end of the buffer');
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'buffer', {value: buffer});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteLength', {value: byteLength});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteOffset', {value: byteOffset});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'length', {value: length});
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- // %TypedArray% ( all other argument combinations )
- throw TypeError();
- }
- // Properties of the %TypedArray Instrinsic Object
- // %TypedArray%.from ( source , mapfn=undefined, thisArg=undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$, 'from', {value: function(iterable) {
- return new this(iterable);
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.of ( ...items )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$, 'of', {value: function(/*...items*/) {
- return new this(arguments);
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype
- var $TypedArrayPrototype$ = {};
- $TypedArray$.prototype = $TypedArrayPrototype$;
- // WebIDL: getter type (unsigned long index);
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, '_getter', {value: function(index) {
- if (arguments.length < 1) throw SyntaxError('Not enough arguments');
- index = ToUint32(index);
- if (index >= this.length)
- return undefined;
- var bytes = [], i, o;
- for (i = 0, o = this.byteOffset + index * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- i += 1, o += 1) {
- bytes.push(this.buffer._bytes[o]);
- }
- return this._unpack(bytes);
- }});
- // NONSTANDARD: convenience alias for getter: type get(unsigned long index);
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'get', {value: $TypedArray$.prototype._getter});
- // WebIDL: setter void (unsigned long index, type value);
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, '_setter', {value: function(index, value) {
- if (arguments.length < 2) throw SyntaxError('Not enough arguments');
- index = ToUint32(index);
- if (index >= this.length)
- return;
- var bytes = this._pack(value), i, o;
- for (i = 0, o = this.byteOffset + index * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- i += 1, o += 1) {
- this.buffer._bytes[o] = bytes[i];
- }
- }});
- // get %TypedArray%.prototype.buffer
- // get %TypedArray%.prototype.byteLength
- // get %TypedArray%.prototype.byteOffset
- // -- applied directly to the object in the constructor
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.constructor
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'constructor', {value: $TypedArray$});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithin (target, start, end = this.length )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'copyWithin', {value: function(target, start) {
- var end = arguments[2];
- var o = ToObject(this);
- var lenVal = o.length;
- var len = ToUint32(lenVal);
- len = max(len, 0);
- var relativeTarget = ToInt32(target);
- var to;
- if (relativeTarget < 0)
- to = max(len + relativeTarget, 0);
- else
- to = min(relativeTarget, len);
- var relativeStart = ToInt32(start);
- var from;
- if (relativeStart < 0)
- from = max(len + relativeStart, 0);
- else
- from = min(relativeStart, len);
- var relativeEnd;
- if (end === undefined)
- relativeEnd = len;
- else
- relativeEnd = ToInt32(end);
- var final;
- if (relativeEnd < 0)
- final = max(len + relativeEnd, 0);
- else
- final = min(relativeEnd, len);
- var count = min(final - from, len - to);
- var direction;
- if (from < to && to < from + count) {
- direction = -1;
- from = from + count - 1;
- to = to + count - 1;
- } else {
- direction = 1;
- }
- while (count > 0) {
- o._setter(to, o._getter(from));
- from = from + direction;
- to = to + direction;
- count = count - 1;
- }
- return o;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.entries ( )
- // -- defined in es6.js to shim browsers w/ native TypedArrays
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.every ( callbackfn, thisArg = undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'every', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- var thisArg = arguments[1];
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (!callbackfn.call(thisArg, t._getter(i), i, t))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.fill (value, start = 0, end = this.length )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'fill', {value: function(value) {
- var start = arguments[1],
- end = arguments[2];
- var o = ToObject(this);
- var lenVal = o.length;
- var len = ToUint32(lenVal);
- len = max(len, 0);
- var relativeStart = ToInt32(start);
- var k;
- if (relativeStart < 0)
- k = max((len + relativeStart), 0);
- else
- k = min(relativeStart, len);
- var relativeEnd;
- if (end === undefined)
- relativeEnd = len;
- else
- relativeEnd = ToInt32(end);
- var final;
- if (relativeEnd < 0)
- final = max((len + relativeEnd), 0);
- else
- final = min(relativeEnd, len);
- while (k < final) {
- o._setter(k, value);
- k += 1;
- }
- return o;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.filter ( callbackfn, thisArg = undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'filter', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- var res = [];
- var thisp = arguments[1];
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- var val = t._getter(i); // in case fun mutates this
- if (callbackfn.call(thisp, val, i, t))
- res.push(val);
- }
- return new this.constructor(res);
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.find (predicate, thisArg = undefined)
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'find', {value: function(predicate) {
- var o = ToObject(this);
- var lenValue = o.length;
- var len = ToUint32(lenValue);
- if (!IsCallable(predicate)) throw TypeError();
- var t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- var k = 0;
- while (k < len) {
- var kValue = o._getter(k);
- var testResult = predicate.call(t, kValue, k, o);
- if (Boolean(testResult))
- return kValue;
- ++k;
- }
- return undefined;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex ( predicate, thisArg = undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'findIndex', {value: function(predicate) {
- var o = ToObject(this);
- var lenValue = o.length;
- var len = ToUint32(lenValue);
- if (!IsCallable(predicate)) throw TypeError();
- var t = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- var k = 0;
- while (k < len) {
- var kValue = o._getter(k);
- var testResult = predicate.call(t, kValue, k, o);
- if (Boolean(testResult))
- return k;
- ++k;
- }
- return -1;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn, thisArg = undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'forEach', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- var thisp = arguments[1];
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
- callbackfn.call(thisp, t._getter(i), i, t);
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf (searchElement, fromIndex = 0 )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'indexOf', {value: function(searchElement) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (len === 0) return -1;
- var n = 0;
- if (arguments.length > 0) {
- n = Number(arguments[1]);
- if (n !== n) {
- n = 0;
- } else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1 / 0) && n !== -(1 / 0)) {
- n = (n > 0 || -1) * floor(abs(n));
- }
- }
- if (n >= len) return -1;
- var k = n >= 0 ? n : max(len - abs(n), 0);
- for (; k < len; k++) {
- if (t._getter(k) === searchElement) {
- return k;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.join ( separator )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'join', {value: function(separator) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- var tmp = Array(len);
- for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- tmp[i] = t._getter(i);
- return tmp.join(separator === undefined ? ',' : separator); // Hack for IE7
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.keys ( )
- // -- defined in es6.js to shim browsers w/ native TypedArrays
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOf ( searchElement, fromIndex = this.length-1 )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'lastIndexOf', {value: function(searchElement) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (len === 0) return -1;
- var n = len;
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- n = Number(arguments[1]);
- if (n !== n) {
- n = 0;
- } else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1 / 0) && n !== -(1 / 0)) {
- n = (n > 0 || -1) * floor(abs(n));
- }
- }
- var k = n >= 0 ? min(n, len - 1) : len - abs(n);
- for (; k >= 0; k--) {
- if (t._getter(k) === searchElement)
- return k;
- }
- return -1;
- }});
- // get %TypedArray%.prototype.length
- // -- applied directly to the object in the constructor
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.map ( callbackfn, thisArg = undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'map', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- var res = []; res.length = len;
- var thisp = arguments[1];
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
- res[i] = callbackfn.call(thisp, t._getter(i), i, t);
- return new this.constructor(res);
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce ( callbackfn [, initialValue] )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'reduce', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- // no value to return if no initial value and an empty array
- if (len === 0 && arguments.length === 1) throw TypeError();
- var k = 0;
- var accumulator;
- if (arguments.length >= 2) {
- accumulator = arguments[1];
- } else {
- accumulator = t._getter(k++);
- }
- while (k < len) {
- accumulator = callbackfn.call(undefined, accumulator, t._getter(k), k, t);
- k++;
- }
- return accumulator;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight ( callbackfn [, initialValue] )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'reduceRight', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- // no value to return if no initial value, empty array
- if (len === 0 && arguments.length === 1) throw TypeError();
- var k = len - 1;
- var accumulator;
- if (arguments.length >= 2) {
- accumulator = arguments[1];
- } else {
- accumulator = t._getter(k--);
- }
- while (k >= 0) {
- accumulator = callbackfn.call(undefined, accumulator, t._getter(k), k, t);
- k--;
- }
- return accumulator;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.reverse ( )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'reverse', {value: function() {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- var half = floor(len / 2);
- for (var i = 0, j = len - 1; i < half; ++i, --j) {
- var tmp = t._getter(i);
- t._setter(i, t._getter(j));
- t._setter(j, tmp);
- }
- return t;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.set(array, offset = 0 )
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.set(typedArray, offset = 0 )
- // WebIDL: void set(TypedArray array, optional unsigned long offset);
- // WebIDL: void set(sequence<type> array, optional unsigned long offset);
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'set', {value: function(index, value) {
- if (arguments.length < 1) throw SyntaxError('Not enough arguments');
- var array, sequence, offset, len,
- i, s, d,
- byteOffset, byteLength, tmp;
- if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments[0].constructor === this.constructor) {
- // void set(TypedArray array, optional unsigned long offset);
- array = arguments[0];
- offset = ToUint32(arguments[1]);
- if (offset + array.length > this.length) {
- throw RangeError('Offset plus length of array is out of range');
- }
- byteOffset = this.byteOffset + offset * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- byteLength = array.length * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- if (array.buffer === this.buffer) {
- tmp = [];
- for (i = 0, s = array.byteOffset; i < byteLength; i += 1, s += 1) {
- tmp[i] = array.buffer._bytes[s];
- }
- for (i = 0, d = byteOffset; i < byteLength; i += 1, d += 1) {
- this.buffer._bytes[d] = tmp[i];
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0, s = array.byteOffset, d = byteOffset;
- i < byteLength; i += 1, s += 1, d += 1) {
- this.buffer._bytes[d] = array.buffer._bytes[s];
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && typeof arguments[0].length !== 'undefined') {
- // void set(sequence<type> array, optional unsigned long offset);
- sequence = arguments[0];
- len = ToUint32(sequence.length);
- offset = ToUint32(arguments[1]);
- if (offset + len > this.length) {
- throw RangeError('Offset plus length of array is out of range');
- }
- for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
- s = sequence[i];
- this._setter(offset + i, Number(s));
- }
- } else {
- throw TypeError('Unexpected argument type(s)');
- }
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.slice ( start, end )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'slice', {value: function(start, end) {
- var o = ToObject(this);
- var lenVal = o.length;
- var len = ToUint32(lenVal);
- var relativeStart = ToInt32(start);
- var k = (relativeStart < 0) ? max(len + relativeStart, 0) : min(relativeStart, len);
- var relativeEnd = (end === undefined) ? len : ToInt32(end);
- var final = (relativeEnd < 0) ? max(len + relativeEnd, 0) : min(relativeEnd, len);
- var count = final - k;
- var c = o.constructor;
- var a = new c(count);
- var n = 0;
- while (k < final) {
- var kValue = o._getter(k);
- a._setter(n, kValue);
- ++k;
- ++n;
- }
- return a;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.some ( callbackfn, thisArg = undefined )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'some', {value: function(callbackfn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) throw TypeError();
- var thisp = arguments[1];
- for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (callbackfn.call(thisp, t._getter(i), i, t)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.sort ( comparefn )
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'sort', {value: function(comparefn) {
- if (this === undefined || this === null) throw TypeError();
- var t = Object(this);
- var len = ToUint32(t.length);
- var tmp = Array(len);
- for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- tmp[i] = t._getter(i);
- function sortCompare(x, y) {
- if (x !== x && y !== y) return +0;
- if (x !== x) return 1;
- if (y !== y) return -1;
- if (comparefn !== undefined) {
- return comparefn(x, y);
- }
- if (x < y) return -1;
- if (x > y) return 1;
- return +0;
- }
- tmp.sort(sortCompare);
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- t._setter(i, tmp[i]);
- return t;
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray(begin = 0, end = this.length )
- // WebIDL: TypedArray subarray(long begin, optional long end);
- Object.defineProperty($TypedArray$.prototype, 'subarray', {value: function(start, end) {
- function clamp(v, min, max) { return v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v; }
- start = ToInt32(start);
- end = ToInt32(end);
- if (arguments.length < 1) { start = 0; }
- if (arguments.length < 2) { end = this.length; }
- if (start < 0) { start = this.length + start; }
- if (end < 0) { end = this.length + end; }
- start = clamp(start, 0, this.length);
- end = clamp(end, 0, this.length);
- var len = end - start;
- if (len < 0) {
- len = 0;
- }
- return new this.constructor(
- this.buffer, this.byteOffset + start * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, len);
- }});
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.toLocaleString ( )
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.toString ( )
- // %TypedArray%.prototype.values ( )
- // %TypedArray%.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
- // get %TypedArray%.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
- // -- defined in es6.js to shim browsers w/ native TypedArrays
- function makeTypedArray(elementSize, pack, unpack) {
- // Each TypedArray type requires a distinct constructor instance with
- // identical logic, which this produces.
- var TypedArray = function() {
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'constructor', {value: TypedArray});
- $TypedArray$.apply(this, arguments);
- makeArrayAccessors(this);
- };
- if ('__proto__' in TypedArray) {
- TypedArray.__proto__ = $TypedArray$;
- } else {
- TypedArray.from = $TypedArray$.from;
- TypedArray.of = $TypedArray$.of;
- }
- TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = elementSize;
- var TypedArrayPrototype = function() {};
- TypedArrayPrototype.prototype = $TypedArrayPrototype$;
- TypedArray.prototype = new TypedArrayPrototype();
- Object.defineProperty(TypedArray.prototype, 'BYTES_PER_ELEMENT', {value: elementSize});
- Object.defineProperty(TypedArray.prototype, '_pack', {value: pack});
- Object.defineProperty(TypedArray.prototype, '_unpack', {value: unpack});
- return TypedArray;
- }
- var Int8Array = makeTypedArray(1, packI8, unpackI8);
- var Uint8Array = makeTypedArray(1, packU8, unpackU8);
- var Uint8ClampedArray = makeTypedArray(1, packU8Clamped, unpackU8);
- var Int16Array = makeTypedArray(2, packI16, unpackI16);
- var Uint16Array = makeTypedArray(2, packU16, unpackU16);
- var Int32Array = makeTypedArray(4, packI32, unpackI32);
- var Uint32Array = makeTypedArray(4, packU32, unpackU32);
- var Float32Array = makeTypedArray(4, packF32, unpackF32);
- var Float64Array = makeTypedArray(8, packF64, unpackF64);
- global.Int8Array = global.Int8Array || Int8Array;
- global.Uint8Array = global.Uint8Array || Uint8Array;
- global.Uint8ClampedArray = global.Uint8ClampedArray || Uint8ClampedArray;
- global.Int16Array = global.Int16Array || Int16Array;
- global.Uint16Array = global.Uint16Array || Uint16Array;
- global.Int32Array = global.Int32Array || Int32Array;
- global.Uint32Array = global.Uint32Array || Uint32Array;
- global.Float32Array = global.Float32Array || Float32Array;
- global.Float64Array = global.Float64Array || Float64Array;
- }());
- //
- // 6 The DataView View Type
- //
- (function() {
- function r(array, index) {
- return IsCallable(array.get) ? array.get(index) : array[index];
- }
- var IS_BIG_ENDIAN = (function() {
- var u16array = new Uint16Array([0x1234]),
- u8array = new Uint8Array(u16array.buffer);
- return r(u8array, 0) === 0x12;
- }());
- // DataView(buffer, byteOffset=0, byteLength=undefined)
- // WebIDL: Constructor(ArrayBuffer buffer,
- // optional unsigned long byteOffset,
- // optional unsigned long byteLength)
- function DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) {
- if (!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer || Class(buffer) === 'ArrayBuffer')) throw TypeError();
- byteOffset = ToUint32(byteOffset);
- if (byteOffset > buffer.byteLength)
- throw RangeError('byteOffset out of range');
- if (byteLength === undefined)
- byteLength = buffer.byteLength - byteOffset;
- else
- byteLength = ToUint32(byteLength);
- if ((byteOffset + byteLength) > buffer.byteLength)
- throw RangeError('byteOffset and length reference an area beyond the end of the buffer');
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'buffer', {value: buffer});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteLength', {value: byteLength});
- Object.defineProperty(this, 'byteOffset', {value: byteOffset});
- };
- // get DataView.prototype.buffer
- // get DataView.prototype.byteLength
- // get DataView.prototype.byteOffset
- // -- applied directly to instances by the constructor
- function makeGetter(arrayType) {
- return function GetViewValue(byteOffset, littleEndian) {
- byteOffset = ToUint32(byteOffset);
- if (byteOffset + arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT > this.byteLength)
- throw RangeError('Array index out of range');
- byteOffset += this.byteOffset;
- var uint8Array = new Uint8Array(this.buffer, byteOffset, arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT),
- bytes = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; i += 1)
- bytes.push(r(uint8Array, i));
- if (Boolean(littleEndian) === Boolean(IS_BIG_ENDIAN))
- bytes.reverse();
- return r(new arrayType(new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer), 0);
- };
- }
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getUint8', {value: makeGetter(Uint8Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getInt8', {value: makeGetter(Int8Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getUint16', {value: makeGetter(Uint16Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getInt16', {value: makeGetter(Int16Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getUint32', {value: makeGetter(Uint32Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getInt32', {value: makeGetter(Int32Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getFloat32', {value: makeGetter(Float32Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'getFloat64', {value: makeGetter(Float64Array)});
- function makeSetter(arrayType) {
- return function SetViewValue(byteOffset, value, littleEndian) {
- byteOffset = ToUint32(byteOffset);
- if (byteOffset + arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT > this.byteLength)
- throw RangeError('Array index out of range');
- // Get bytes
- var typeArray = new arrayType([value]),
- byteArray = new Uint8Array(typeArray.buffer),
- bytes = [], i, byteView;
- for (i = 0; i < arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; i += 1)
- bytes.push(r(byteArray, i));
- // Flip if necessary
- if (Boolean(littleEndian) === Boolean(IS_BIG_ENDIAN))
- bytes.reverse();
- // Write them
- byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer, byteOffset, arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
- byteView.set(bytes);
- };
- }
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setUint8', {value: makeSetter(Uint8Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setInt8', {value: makeSetter(Int8Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setUint16', {value: makeSetter(Uint16Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setInt16', {value: makeSetter(Int16Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setUint32', {value: makeSetter(Uint32Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setInt32', {value: makeSetter(Int32Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setFloat32', {value: makeSetter(Float32Array)});
- Object.defineProperty(DataView.prototype, 'setFloat64', {value: makeSetter(Float64Array)});
- global.DataView = global.DataView || DataView;
- }());
-if (!("defineProperty"in Object&&function(){try{var e={}
-return Object.defineProperty(e,"test",{value:42}),!0}catch(t){return!1}}()
-)) {
-// Object.defineProperty
-(function (nativeDefineProperty) {
- var supportsAccessors = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty('__defineGetter__');
- var ERR_ACCESSORS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Getters & setters cannot be defined on this javascript engine';
- var ERR_VALUE_ACCESSORS = 'A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value';
- // Polyfill.io - This does not use CreateMethodProperty because our CreateMethodProperty function uses Object.defineProperty.
- Object['defineProperty'] = function defineProperty(object, property, descriptor) {
- // Where native support exists, assume it
- if (nativeDefineProperty && (object === window || object === document || object === Element.prototype || object instanceof Element)) {
- return nativeDefineProperty(object, property, descriptor);
- }
- if (object === null || !(object instanceof Object || typeof object === 'object')) {
- throw new TypeError('Object.defineProperty called on non-object');
- }
- if (!(descriptor instanceof Object)) {
- throw new TypeError('Property description must be an object');
- }
- var propertyString = String(property);
- var hasValueOrWritable = 'value' in descriptor || 'writable' in descriptor;
- var getterType = 'get' in descriptor && typeof descriptor.get;
- var setterType = 'set' in descriptor && typeof descriptor.set;
- // handle descriptor.get
- if (getterType) {
- if (getterType !== 'function') {
- throw new TypeError('Getter must be a function');
- }
- if (!supportsAccessors) {
- }
- if (hasValueOrWritable) {
- throw new TypeError(ERR_VALUE_ACCESSORS);
- }
- Object.__defineGetter__.call(object, propertyString, descriptor.get);
- } else {
- object[propertyString] = descriptor.value;
- }
- // handle descriptor.set
- if (setterType) {
- if (setterType !== 'function') {
- throw new TypeError('Setter must be a function');
- }
- if (!supportsAccessors) {
- }
- if (hasValueOrWritable) {
- throw new TypeError(ERR_VALUE_ACCESSORS);
- }
- Object.__defineSetter__.call(object, propertyString, descriptor.set);
- }
- // OK to define value unconditionally - if a getter has been specified as well, an error would be thrown above
- if ('value' in descriptor) {
- object[propertyString] = descriptor.value;
- }
- return object;
- };
-// _ESAbstract.CreateDataProperty
-// 7.3.4. CreateDataProperty ( O, P, V )
-// NOTE
-// This abstract operation creates a property whose attributes are set to the same defaults used for properties created by the ECMAScript language assignment operator.
-// Normally, the property will not already exist. If it does exist and is not configurable or if O is not extensible, [[DefineOwnProperty]] will return false.
-function CreateDataProperty(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
- // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- var newDesc = {
- value: V,
- writable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true
- };
- // 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
- try {
- Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
- return true;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
-// _ESAbstract.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow
-/* global CreateDataProperty */
-// 7.3.6. CreateDataPropertyOrThrow ( O, P, V )
-function CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
- // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // 3. Let success be ? CreateDataProperty(O, P, V).
- var success = CreateDataProperty(O, P, V);
- // 4. If success is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!success) {
- throw new TypeError('Cannot assign value `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(V) + '` to property `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(P) + '` on object `' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O) + '`');
- }
- // 5. Return success.
- return success;
-// _ESAbstract.CreateIterResultObject
-/* global Type, CreateDataProperty */
-// 7.4.7. CreateIterResultObject ( value, done )
-function CreateIterResultObject(value, done) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(done) is Boolean.
- if (Type(done) !== 'boolean') {
- throw new Error();
- }
- // 2. Let obj be ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
- var obj = {};
- // 3. Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", value).
- CreateDataProperty(obj, "value", value);
- // 4. Perform CreateDataProperty(obj, "done", done).
- CreateDataProperty(obj, "done", done);
- // 5. Return obj.
- return obj;
-// _ESAbstract.CreateMethodProperty
-// 7.3.5. CreateMethodProperty ( O, P, V )
-function CreateMethodProperty(O, P, V) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
- // 2. Assert: IsPropertyKey(P) is true.
- // 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}.
- var newDesc = {
- value: V,
- writable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true
- };
- // 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
- Object.defineProperty(O, P, newDesc);
-if (!("isArray"in Array
-)) {
-// Array.isArray
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, IsArray */
-// Array.isArray ( arg )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'isArray', function isArray(arg) {
- // 1. Return ? IsArray(arg).
- return IsArray(arg);
-if (!("copyWithin"in Array.prototype&&function(){try{var t=function n(){}
-var o=new t
-var r=Array.prototype.copyWithin.call(o,1,0)
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.copyWithin
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, HasProperty, ToInteger */
-// Array.prototype.copyWithin ( target, start [ , end ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'copyWithin', function copyWithin(target, start /* [ , end ] */ ) {
- 'use strict';
- var end = arguments[2];
- // Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- if (this === null || this === undefined) {
- throw new TypeError('Cannot call method on ' + this);
- }
- var o = Object(this);
- // Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToInteger(o.length);
- if (len <= 0) {
- len = 0;
- }
- if (len === Infinity) {
- len = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
- } else {
- len = Math.min(len, Math.pow(2, 53) - 1);
- }
- len = Math.max(len, 0);
- // Let relativeTarget be ? ToInteger(target).
- var relativeTarget = ToInteger(target);
- // If relativeTarget < 0, let to be max((len + relativeTarget), 0); else let to be min(relativeTarget, len).
- var to;
- if (relativeTarget < 0) {
- to = Math.max(len + relativeTarget, 0);
- } else {
- to = Math.min(relativeTarget, len);
- }
- // Let relativeStart be ? ToInteger(start).
- var relativeStart = ToInteger(start);
- // If relativeStart < 0, let from be max((len + relativeStart), 0); else let from be min(relativeStart, len).
- var from;
- if (relativeStart < 0) {
- from = Math.max(len + relativeStart, 0);
- } else {
- from = Math.min(relativeStart, len);
- }
- // If end is undefined, let relativeEnd be len; else let relativeEnd be ? ToInteger(end).
- var relativeEnd;
- if (end === undefined) {
- relativeEnd = len;
- } else {
- relativeEnd = ToInteger(end);
- }
- // If relativeEnd < 0, let final be max((len + relativeEnd), 0); else let final be min(relativeEnd, len).
- var final;
- if (relativeEnd < 0) {
- final = Math.max(len + relativeEnd, 0);
- } else {
- final = Math.min(relativeEnd, len);
- }
- // Let count be min(final-from, len-to).
- var count = Math.min(final - from, len - to);
- // If from<to and to<from+count, then
- var direction;
- if (from < to && to < from + count) {
- // Let direction be -1.
- direction = -1;
- // Let from be from + count - 1.
- from = from + count - 1;
- // Let to be to + count - 1.
- to = to + count - 1;
- } else {
- // Else,
- // Let direction be 1.
- direction = 1;
- }
- // Repeat, while count > 0
- while (count > 0) {
- // Let fromKey be ! ToString(from).
- var fromKey = String(from);
- // Let toKey be ! ToString(to).
- var toKey = String(to);
- // Let fromPresent be ? HasProperty(O, fromKey).
- var fromPresent = HasProperty(o, fromKey);
- // If fromPresent is true, then
- if (fromPresent) {
- // Let fromVal be ? Get(O, fromKey).
- var fromVal = o[fromKey];
- // Perform ? Set(O, toKey, fromVal, true).
- o[toKey] = fromVal;
- } else {
- // Else fromPresent is false,
- // Perform ? DeletePropertyOrThrow(O, toKey).
- delete o[toKey];
- }
- // Let from be from + direction.
- from = from + direction;
- // Let to be to + direction.
- to = to + direction;
- // Let count be count - 1.
- count = count - 1;
- }
- // Return O.
- return o;
-if (!("fill"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.fill
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToInteger, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
-// Array.prototype.fill ( value [ , start [ , end ] ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'fill', function fill(value /* [ , start [ , end ] ] */) {
- var start = arguments[1];
- var end = arguments[2];
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
- // 3. Let relativeStart be ? ToInteger(start).
- var relativeStart = ToInteger(start);
- // 4. If relativeStart < 0, let k be max((len + relativeStart), 0); else let k be min(relativeStart, len)
- var k = relativeStart < 0 ? Math.max((len + relativeStart), 0) : Math.min(relativeStart, len);
- // 5. If end is undefined, let relativeEnd be len; else let relativeEnd be ? ToInteger(end).
- var relativeEnd = end === undefined ? len : ToInteger(end);
- // 6. If relativeEnd < 0, let final be max((len + relativeEnd), 0); else let final be min(relativeEnd, len).
- var final = relativeEnd < 0 ? Math.max((len + relativeEnd), 0) : Math.min(relativeEnd, len);
- // 7. Repeat, while k < final
- while (k < final) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Perform ? Set(O, Pk, value, true).
- O[Pk] = value;
- // c. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- // 8. Return O.
- return O;
-if (!("find"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.find
-/* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, IsCallable, ToBoolean, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
-// Array.prototype.find ( predicate [ , thisArg ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', function find( predicate /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
- // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(predicate) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(predicate + ' is not a function');
- }
- // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 5. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // 6. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
- var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
- // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)).
- var testResult = ToBoolean(Call(predicate, T, [kValue, k, O ]));
- // d. If testResult is true, return kValue.
- if (testResult) {
- return kValue;
- }
- // e. Increase k by 1.
- var k = k + 1;
- }
- // 7. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
-if (!("findIndex"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.findIndex
-/* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, IsCallable, ToBoolean, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
-// Array.prototype.findIndex ( predicate [ , thisArg ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'findIndex', function findIndex(predicate /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
- // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(predicate) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(predicate + ' is not a function');
- }
- // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 5. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // 6. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
- var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
- // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)).
- var testResult = ToBoolean(Call(predicate, T, [kValue, k, O]));
- // d. If testResult is true, return k.
- if (testResult) {
- return k;
- }
- // e. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- // 7. Return -1.
- return -1;
-if (!("forEach"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.forEach
-/* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, HasProperty, IsCallable, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
-// Array.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'forEach', function forEach(callbackfn /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // Polyfill.io - If O is a String object, split it into an array in order to iterate correctly.
- // We will use arrayLike in place of O when we are iterating through the list.
- var arraylike = O instanceof String ? O.split('') : O;
- // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
- // 3. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(callbackfn) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(callbackfn + ' is not a function');
- }
- // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 5. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // 6. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Let kPresent be ? HasProperty(O, Pk).
- var kPresent = HasProperty(arraylike, Pk);
- // c. If kPresent is true, then
- if (kPresent) {
- // i. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
- var kValue = Get(arraylike, Pk);
- // ii. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, « kValue, k, O »).
- Call(callbackfn, T, [kValue, k, O]);
- }
- // d. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- // 7. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
-if (!("bind"in Function.prototype
-)) {
-// Function.prototype.bind
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, IsCallable */
-// Function.prototype.bind ( thisArg, ...args )
-// https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/blob/d6d7ff1b131c7ba14c798cafc598bb6780d37d3b/es5-shim.js#L182
-CreateMethodProperty(Function.prototype, 'bind', function bind(that) { // .length is 1
- // add necessary es5-shim utilities
- var $Array = Array;
- var $Object = Object;
- var ArrayPrototype = $Array.prototype;
- var Empty = function Empty() { };
- var array_slice = ArrayPrototype.slice;
- var array_concat = ArrayPrototype.concat;
- var array_push = ArrayPrototype.push;
- var max = Math.max;
- // /add necessary es5-shim utilities
- // 1. Let Target be the this value.
- var target = this;
- // 2. If IsCallable(Target) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(target)) {
- throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ' + target);
- }
- // 3. Let A be a new (possibly empty) internal list of all of the
- // argument values provided after thisArg (arg1, arg2 etc), in order.
- // XXX slicedArgs will stand in for "A" if used
- var args = array_slice.call(arguments, 1); // for normal call
- // 4. Let F be a new native ECMAScript object.
- // 11. Set the [[Prototype]] internal property of F to the standard
- // built-in Function prototype object as specified in
- // 12. Set the [[Call]] internal property of F as described in
- //
- // 13. Set the [[Construct]] internal property of F as described in
- //
- // 14. Set the [[HasInstance]] internal property of F as described in
- //
- var bound;
- var binder = function () {
- if (this instanceof bound) {
- // [[Construct]]
- // When the [[Construct]] internal method of a function object,
- // F that was created using the bind function is called with a
- // list of arguments ExtraArgs, the following steps are taken:
- // 1. Let target be the value of F's [[TargetFunction]]
- // internal property.
- // 2. If target has no [[Construct]] internal method, a
- // TypeError exception is thrown.
- // 3. Let boundArgs be the value of F's [[BoundArgs]] internal
- // property.
- // 4. Let args be a new list containing the same values as the
- // list boundArgs in the same order followed by the same
- // values as the list ExtraArgs in the same order.
- // 5. Return the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal
- // method of target providing args as the arguments.
- var result = target.apply(
- this,
- array_concat.call(args, array_slice.call(arguments))
- );
- if ($Object(result) === result) {
- return result;
- }
- return this;
- } else {
- // [[Call]]
- // When the [[Call]] internal method of a function object, F,
- // which was created using the bind function is called with a
- // this value and a list of arguments ExtraArgs, the following
- // steps are taken:
- // 1. Let boundArgs be the value of F's [[BoundArgs]] internal
- // property.
- // 2. Let boundThis be the value of F's [[BoundThis]] internal
- // property.
- // 3. Let target be the value of F's [[TargetFunction]] internal
- // property.
- // 4. Let args be a new list containing the same values as the
- // list boundArgs in the same order followed by the same
- // values as the list ExtraArgs in the same order.
- // 5. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method
- // of target providing boundThis as the this value and
- // providing args as the arguments.
- // equiv: target.call(this, ...boundArgs, ...args)
- return target.apply(
- that,
- array_concat.call(args, array_slice.call(arguments))
- );
- }
- };
- // 15. If the [[Class]] internal property of Target is "Function", then
- // a. Let L be the length property of Target minus the length of A.
- // b. Set the length own property of F to either 0 or L, whichever is
- // larger.
- // 16. Else set the length own property of F to 0.
- var boundLength = max(0, target.length - args.length);
- // 17. Set the attributes of the length own property of F to the values
- // specified in
- var boundArgs = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) {
- array_push.call(boundArgs, '$' + i);
- }
- // XXX Build a dynamic function with desired amount of arguments is the only
- // way to set the length property of a function.
- // In environments where Content Security Policies enabled (Chrome extensions,
- // for ex.) all use of eval or Function costructor throws an exception.
- // However in all of these environments Function.prototype.bind exists
- // and so this code will never be executed.
- bound = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this, arguments); }')(binder);
- if (target.prototype) {
- Empty.prototype = target.prototype;
- bound.prototype = new Empty();
- // Clean up dangling references.
- Empty.prototype = null;
- }
- // TODO
- // 18. Set the [[Extensible]] internal property of F to true.
- // TODO
- // 19. Let thrower be the [[ThrowTypeError]] function Object (13.2.3).
- // 20. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of F with
- // arguments "caller", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower, [[Set]]:
- // thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false}, and
- // false.
- // 21. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of F with
- // arguments "arguments", PropertyDescriptor {[[Get]]: thrower,
- // [[Set]]: thrower, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false},
- // and false.
- // TODO
- // NOTE Function objects created using Function.prototype.bind do not
- // have a prototype property or the [[Code]], [[FormalParameters]], and
- // [[Scope]] internal properties.
- // XXX can't delete prototype in pure-js.
- // 22. Return F.
- return bound;
-if (!("acosh"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.acosh
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.acosh ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'acosh', function acosh(x) {
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is less than 1, the result is NaN.
- if (x < 1) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is 1, the result is +0.
- if (x === 1) {
- return 0;
- }
- // If x is +∞, the result is +∞.
- if (x === Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- return Math.log(x + Math.sqrt(x * x - 1));
-if (!("asinh"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.asinh
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.asinh ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'asinh', function asinh(x) {
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is +0, the result is +0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === Infinity) {
- return 0;
- }
- // If x is -0, the result is -0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === -Infinity) {
- return -0;
- }
- // If x is +∞, the result is +∞.
- if (x === Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If x is -∞, the result is -∞.
- if (x === -Infinity) {
- return -Infinity;
- }
- return Math.log(x + Math.sqrt(x * x + 1));
-if (!("atanh"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.atanh
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.atanh ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'atanh', function atanh(x) {
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is less than -1, the result is NaN.
- if (x < -1) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is greater than 1, the result is NaN.
- if (x > 1) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is -1, the result is -∞.
- if (x === -1) {
- return -Infinity;
- }
- // If x is +1, the result is +∞.
- if (x === 1) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If x is +0, the result is +0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === Infinity) {
- return 0;
- }
- // If x is -0, the result is -0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === -Infinity) {
- return -0;
- }
- return Math.log((1 + x) / (1 - x)) / 2;
-if (!("cbrt"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.cbrt
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.cbrt ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'cbrt', function cbrt(x) {
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is +0, the result is +0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === Infinity) {
- return 0;
- }
- // If x is -0, the result is -0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === -Infinity) {
- return -0;
- }
- // If x is +∞, the result is +∞.
- if (x === Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If x is -∞, the result is -∞.
- if (x === -Infinity) {
- return -Infinity;
- }
- var y = Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1 / 3);
- return x < 0 ? -y : y;
-if (!("clz32"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.clz32
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToUint32 */
-// Math.clz32 ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'clz32', function clz32(x) {
- // 1. Let n be ToUint32(x).
- var n = ToUint32(x);
- // 2. Let p be the number of leading zero bits in the 32-bit binary representation of n.
- var p = n ? 32 - n.toString(2).length : 32;
- // 3. Return p.
- return p;
-if (!("cosh"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.cosh
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// 3Math.cosh ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'cosh', function cosh(x) {
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is +0, the result is 1.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === Infinity) {
- return 1;
- }
- // If x is -0, the result is 1.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === -Infinity) {
- return 1;
- }
- // If x is +∞, the result is +∞.
- if (x === Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If x is -∞, the result is +∞.
- if (x === -Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- x = Math.abs(x);
- if (x > 709) {
- var y = Math.exp(0.5 * x);
- return y / 2 * y;
- }
- var y = Math.exp(x);
- return (y + 1 / y) / 2;
-if (!("expm1"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.expm1
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.expm1 ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'expm1', function expm1(x) {
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is +0, the result is +0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === Infinity) {
- return 0;
- }
- // If x is -0, the result is -0.
- if (x === 0 && 1/x === -Infinity) {
- return -0;
- }
- // If x is +∞, the result is +∞.
- if (x === Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If x is -∞, the result is -1.
- if (x === -Infinity) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (x > -1e-6 && x < 1e-6) {
- return x + x * x / 2;
- } else {
- return Math.exp(x) - 1;
- }
-if (!("fround"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.fround
-/* global Float32Array, CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.fround ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'fround', function (x) {
- // 1. If x is NaN, return NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // 2. If x is one of +0, -0, +∞, -∞, return x.
- if (1 / x === +Infinity || 1 / x === -Infinity || x === +Infinity || x === -Infinity) {
- return x;
- }
- // 3. Let x32 be the result of converting x to a value in IEEE 754-2008 binary32 format using roundTiesToEven.
- // 4. Let x64 be the result of converting x32 to a value in IEEE 754-2008 binary64 format.
- // 5. Return the ECMAScript Number value corresponding to x64.
- return (new Float32Array([x]))[0];
-if (!("hypot"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.hypot
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.hypot ( value1, value2, ...values )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'hypot', function hypot(value1, value2) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // If no arguments are passed, the result is +0.
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- var y = 0;
- var max = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
- // If any argument is +∞, the result is +∞.
- if (arguments[i] === Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If any argument is -∞, the result is +∞.
- if (arguments[i] === -Infinity) {
- return Infinity;
- }
- // If no argument is +∞ or -∞, and any argument is NaN, the result is NaN.
- // If all arguments are either +0 or -0, the result is +0.
- // Polyfill.io - The two conditions above are handled in the math.
- var arg = Math.abs(Number(arguments[i]));
- if (arg > max) {
- y = y * Math.pow(max / arg, 2);
- max = arg;
- }
- if (arg !== 0 || max !== 0) {
- y = y + Math.pow(arg / max, 2);
- }
- }
- return max * Math.sqrt(y);
-if (!("imul"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.imul
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToUint32 */
-// Math.imul ( x, y )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'imul', function imul(x, y) {
- // 1. Let a be ToUint32(x).
- var a = ToUint32(x);
- // 2. Let b be ToUint32(y).
- var b = ToUint32(y);
- var UINT16 = 0xffff;
- var aHigh = a >>> 16 & UINT16;
- var aLow = UINT16 & a;
- var bHigh = b >>> 16 & UINT16;
- var bLow = UINT16 & b;
- // the shift by 0 fixes the sign on the high part
- // the final |0 converts the unsigned value into a signed value
- return aLow * bLow + (aHigh * bLow + aLow * bHigh << 16 >>> 0) | 0;
-if (!("log10"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.log10
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.log10 ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'log10', function log10(x) {
- return Math.log(x) / Math.LN10;
-if (!("log1p"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.log1p
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.log1p ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'log1p', function log1p(x) {
- x = Number(x);
- if (-1 < x && x < 1) {
- // Polyfill.io - For numbers in the range −1 < x < 1
- // Because we are using log, the precision of the result will be identical to log(1).
- // To fix this we avoid using log and use the Taylor Series expansion of log.
- // This series converges when |x| < 1. As we can not sum to infinity,
- // we instead sum the first 300 parts of the series to give a close approximation.
- // |x|<1, log(1+x) = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - ... + (-1)^(n-1)*x^n/n + ...
- var y = x;
- for (var i = 2; i <= 300; i++) {
- y += Math.pow((-1), (i - 1)) * Math.pow(x, i) / i;
- }
- return y;
- }
- return Math.log(1 + x);
-if (!("log2"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.log2
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.log2 ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'log2', function log2(x) {
- return Math.log(x) / Math.LN2;
-if (!("sign"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.sign
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.sign ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'sign', function sign(x) {
- var x = Number(x);
- // If x is NaN, the result is NaN.
- if (isNaN(x)) {
- return NaN;
- }
- // If x is -0, the result is -0.
- if (1 / x === -Infinity) {
- return -0;
- }
- // If x is +0, the result is +0.
- if (1 / x === Infinity) {
- return 0;
- }
- // If x is negative and not -0, the result is -1.
- if (x < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
- // If x is positive and not +0, the result is +1.
- if (x > 0) {
- return 1;
- }
-if (!("sinh"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.sinh
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.sinh ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'sinh', function sinh(x) {
- var s = (x < 0) ? -1 : 1;
- var absx = Math.abs(x);
- if (absx < 22) {
- if (absx < Math.pow(2, -28)) {
- return x;
- }
- var t = Math.exp(absx) - 1;
- if (absx < 1) {
- return (s * (2 * t - t * t / (t + 1)))/2;
- }
- return (s * (t + t / (t + 1)))/2;
- }
- if (absx < 709.7822265625) {
- return (s * Math.exp(absx))/2;
- }
- var w = Math.exp(0.5 * absx);
- var t = (s * w)/2;
- return t * w;
-if (!("tanh"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.tanh
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Math.tanh ( x )
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'tanh', function tanh(x) {
- var y;
- return x === Infinity ? 1 : x === -Infinity ? -1 : (y = Math.exp(2 * x), (y - 1) / (y + 1));
-if (!("trunc"in Math
-)) {
-// Math.trunc
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-CreateMethodProperty(Math, 'trunc', function trunc(x) {
- return x < 0 ? Math.ceil(x) : Math.floor(x);
-if (!("isFinite"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.isFinite
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
-(function () {
- var that = this;
- // Number.isFinite ( number )
- CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'isFinite', function isFinite(number) {
- // 1. If Type(number) is not Number, return false.
- if (Type(number) !== 'number') {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If number is NaN, +∞, or -∞, return false.
- // 3. Otherwise, return true.
- // Polyfill.io - We use isFinite as it implements steps 2 and 3.
- return that.isFinite(number);
- });
-if (!("isInteger"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.isInteger
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToInteger, Type */
-// Number.isInteger ( number )
-CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'isInteger', function isInteger(number) {
- // 1. If Type(number) is not Number, return false.
- if (Type(number) !== 'number') {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If number is NaN, +∞, or -∞, return false.
- if (isNaN(number) || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
- return false;
- }
- // 3. Let integer be ToInteger(number).
- var integer = ToInteger(number);
- // 4. If integer is not equal to number, return false.
- if (integer !== number) {
- return false;
- }
- // 5. Otherwise, return true.
- return true;
-if (!("isNaN"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.isNaN
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
-(function () {
- var that = this;
- // Number.isNaN ( number )
- CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'isNaN', function isNaN(number) {
- // 1. If Type(number) is not Number, return false.
- if (Type(number) !== 'number') {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If number is NaN, return true.
- if (that.isNaN(number)) {
- return true;
- }
- // 3. Otherwise, return false.
- return false;
- });
-if (!("isSafeInteger"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.isSafeInteger
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Type, ToInteger */
-// Number.isSafeInteger ( number )
-CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'isSafeInteger', function isSafeInteger(number) {
- // 1. If Type(number) is not Number, return false.
- if (Type(number) !== 'number') {
- return false;
- }
- // 2. If number is NaN, +∞, or -∞, return false.
- if (isNaN(number) || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
- return false;
- }
- // 3. Let integer be ToInteger(number).
- var integer = ToInteger(number);
- // 4. If integer is not equal to number, return false.
- if (integer !== number) {
- return false;
- }
- // 5. If abs(integer) ≤ 2^53-1, return true.
- if (Math.abs(integer) <= (Math.pow(2, 53) - 1)) {
- return true;
- }
- // 6. Otherwise, return false.
- return false;
-if (!("parseFloat"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.parseFloat
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Number.parseFloat ( string )
-// The value of the Number.parseFloat data property is the same built-in function object that is the value of the parseFloat property of the global object defined in 18.2.4.
-CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'parseFloat', parseFloat);
-if (!("parseInt"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.parseInt
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Number.parseInt ( string, radix )
-// The value of the Number.parseInt data property is the same built-in function object that is the value of the parseInt property of the global object defined in 18.2.5.
-CreateMethodProperty(Number, 'parseInt', parseInt);
-if (!("name"in Function.prototype&&"x"===function x(){}.name
-)) {
-// Function.prototype.name
-(function () {
- var
- accessorName = 'name',
- fnNameMatchRegex = /^\s*function\s+([^\(\s]*)\s*/,
- $Function = Function,
- FunctionName = 'Function',
- FunctionProto = $Function.prototype,
- FunctionProtoCtor = FunctionProto.constructor,
- getFunctionName = function(fn) {
- var match, name;
- if (fn === $Function || fn === FunctionProtoCtor) {
- name = FunctionName;
- }
- else if (fn !== FunctionProto) {
- match = ('' + fn).match(fnNameMatchRegex);
- name = match && match[1];
- }
- return name || '';
- };
- Object.defineProperty(FunctionProto, accessorName, {
- get: function Function$name() {
- var
- fn = this,
- fnName = getFunctionName(fn);
- // Since named function definitions have immutable names, also memoize the
- // output by defining the `name` property directly on this Function
- // instance so the accessor function will not need to be invoked again.
- if (fn !== FunctionProto) {
- Object.defineProperty(fn, accessorName, {
- value: fnName,
- configurable: true
- });
- }
- return fnName;
- },
- configurable: true
- });
-if (!("EPSILON"in Number
-)) {
-// Number.Epsilon
-// Number.EPSILON
-// The value of Number.EPSILON is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable as a Number value, which is approximately 2.2204460492503130808472633361816 x 10-16.
-// This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
-Object.defineProperty(Number, 'EPSILON', {
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: Math.pow(2, -52)
-if (!("MAX_SAFE_INTEGER"in Number
-)) {
-// The value of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 (2^53-1).
-// This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
-Object.defineProperty(Number, 'MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', {
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: Math.pow(2, 53) - 1
-if (!("MIN_SAFE_INTEGER"in Number
-)) {
-// The value of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is -9007199254740991 (-(253-1)).
-// This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
-Object.defineProperty(Number, 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER', {
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: -(Math.pow(2, 53) - 1)
-if (!("freeze"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.freeze
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Object.freeze ( O )
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'freeze', function freeze(O) {
- // This feature cannot be implemented fully as a polyfill.
- // We choose to silently fail which allows "securable" code
- // to "gracefully" degrade to working but insecure code.
- return O;
-if (!("getOwnPropertyDescriptor"in Object&&"function"==typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor&&function(){try{var t={}
-return t.test=0,0===Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,"test").value}catch(e){return!1}}()
-)) {
-// Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-(function () {
- var call = Function.prototype.call;
- var prototypeOfObject = Object.prototype;
- var owns = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.hasOwnProperty);
- var lookupGetter;
- var lookupSetter;
- var supportsAccessors;
- if ((supportsAccessors = owns(prototypeOfObject, "__defineGetter__"))) {
- lookupGetter = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__lookupGetter__);
- lookupSetter = call.bind(prototypeOfObject.__lookupSetter__);
- }
- function doesGetOwnPropertyDescriptorWork(object) {
- try {
- object.sentinel = 0;
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
- object,
- "sentinel"
- ).value === 0;
- } catch (exception) {
- // returns falsy
- }
- }
- // check whether getOwnPropertyDescriptor works if it's given. Otherwise,
- // shim partially.
- if (Object.defineProperty) {
- var getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnObject =
- doesGetOwnPropertyDescriptorWork({});
- var getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnDom = typeof document == "undefined" ||
- doesGetOwnPropertyDescriptorWork(document.createElement("div"));
- if (!getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnDom ||
- !getOwnPropertyDescriptorWorksOnObject
- ) {
- var getOwnPropertyDescriptorFallback = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
- }
- }
- if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor || getOwnPropertyDescriptorFallback) {
- var ERR_NON_OBJECT = "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor called on a non-object: ";
- CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property) {
- if ((typeof object != "object" && typeof object != "function") || object === null) {
- throw new TypeError(ERR_NON_OBJECT + object);
- }
- // make a valiant attempt to use the real getOwnPropertyDescriptor
- // for I8's DOM elements.
- if (getOwnPropertyDescriptorFallback) {
- try {
- return getOwnPropertyDescriptorFallback.call(Object, object, property);
- } catch (exception) {
- // try the shim if the real one doesn't work
- }
- }
- // If object does not owns property return undefined immediately.
- if (!owns(object, property)) {
- return;
- }
- // If object has a property then it's for sure both `enumerable` and
- // `configurable`.
- var descriptor = { enumerable: true, configurable: true };
- // If JS engine supports accessor properties then property may be a
- // getter or setter.
- if (supportsAccessors) {
- // Unfortunately `__lookupGetter__` will return a getter even
- // if object has own non getter property along with a same named
- // inherited getter. To avoid misbehavior we temporary remove
- // `__proto__` so that `__lookupGetter__` will return getter only
- // if it's owned by an object.
- var prototype = object.__proto__;
- object.__proto__ = prototypeOfObject;
- var getter = lookupGetter(object, property);
- var setter = lookupSetter(object, property);
- // Once we have getter and setter we can put values back.
- object.__proto__ = prototype;
- if (getter || setter) {
- if (getter) {
- descriptor.get = getter;
- }
- if (setter) {
- descriptor.set = setter;
- }
- // If it was accessor property we're done and return here
- // in order to avoid adding `value` to the descriptor.
- return descriptor;
- }
- }
- // If we got this far we know that object has an own property that is
- // not an accessor so we set it as a value and return descriptor.
- descriptor.value = object[property];
- descriptor.writable = true;
- return descriptor;
- });
- }
-if (!("getOwnPropertyNames"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.getOwnPropertyNames
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-var toString = ({}).toString;
-var split = ''.split;
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyNames', function getOwnPropertyNames(object) {
- var buffer = [];
- var key;
- // Non-enumerable properties cannot be discovered but can be checked for by name.
- // Define those used internally by JS to allow an incomplete solution
- var commonProps = ['length', "name", "arguments", "caller", "prototype", "observe", "unobserve"];
- if (typeof object === 'undefined' || object === null) {
- throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
- }
- // Polyfill.io fallback for non-array-like strings which exist in some ES3 user-agents (IE 8)
- object = toString.call(object) == '[object String]' ? split.call(object, '') : Object(object);
- // Enumerable properties only
- for (key in object) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) {
- buffer.push(key);
- }
- }
- // Check for and add the common non-enumerable properties
- for (var i=0, s=commonProps.length; i<s; i++) {
- if (commonProps[i] in object) buffer.push(commonProps[i]);
- }
- return buffer;
-if (!("getPrototypeOf"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.getPrototypeOf
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// Based on: https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/blob/master/es5-sham.js
-// https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/issues#issue/2
-// http://ejohn.org/blog/objectgetprototypeof/
-// recommended by fschaefer on github
-// sure, and webreflection says ^_^
-// ... this will nerever possibly return null
-// ... Opera Mini breaks here with infinite loops
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'getPrototypeOf', function getPrototypeOf(object) {
- if (object !== Object(object)) {
- throw new TypeError('Object.getPrototypeOf called on non-object');
- }
- var proto = object.__proto__;
- if (proto || proto === null) {
- return proto;
- } else if (typeof object.constructor == 'function' && object instanceof object.constructor) {
- return object.constructor.prototype;
- } else if (object instanceof Object) {
- return Object.prototype;
- } else {
- // Correctly return null for Objects created with `Object.create(null)`
- // (shammed or native) or `{ __proto__: null}`. Also returns null for
- // cross-realm objects on browsers that lack `__proto__` support (like
- // IE <11), but that's the best we can do.
- return null;
- }
-if (!("is"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.is
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, SameValue */
-// Object.is ( value1, value2 )
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'is', function is(value1, value2) {
- // 1. Return SameValue(value1, value2).
- return SameValue(value1, value2);
-if (!("keys"in Object&&function(){return 2===Object.keys(arguments).length}(1,2)&&function(){try{return Object.keys(""),!0}catch(t){return!1}}()
-)) {
-// Object.keys
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, "keys", (function() {
- 'use strict';
- // modified from https://github.com/es-shims/object-keys
- var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
- var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
- var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
- var hasDontEnumBug = !isEnumerable.call({ toString: null }, 'toString');
- var hasProtoEnumBug = isEnumerable.call(function () {}, 'prototype');
- var dontEnums = [
- 'toString',
- 'toLocaleString',
- 'valueOf',
- 'hasOwnProperty',
- 'isPrototypeOf',
- 'propertyIsEnumerable',
- 'constructor'
- ];
- var equalsConstructorPrototype = function (o) {
- var ctor = o.constructor;
- return ctor && ctor.prototype === o;
- };
- var excludedKeys = {
- $console: true,
- $external: true,
- $frame: true,
- $frameElement: true,
- $frames: true,
- $innerHeight: true,
- $innerWidth: true,
- $outerHeight: true,
- $outerWidth: true,
- $pageXOffset: true,
- $pageYOffset: true,
- $parent: true,
- $scrollLeft: true,
- $scrollTop: true,
- $scrollX: true,
- $scrollY: true,
- $self: true,
- $webkitIndexedDB: true,
- $webkitStorageInfo: true,
- $window: true
- };
- var hasAutomationEqualityBug = (function () {
- /* global window */
- if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return false; }
- for (var k in window) {
- try {
- if (!excludedKeys['$' + k] && has.call(window, k) && window[k] !== null && typeof window[k] === 'object') {
- try {
- equalsConstructorPrototype(window[k]);
- } catch (e) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }());
- var equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy = function (o) {
- /* global window */
- if (typeof window === 'undefined' || !hasAutomationEqualityBug) {
- return equalsConstructorPrototype(o);
- }
- try {
- return equalsConstructorPrototype(o);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- function isArgumentsObject(value) {
- var str = toStr.call(value);
- var isArgs = str === '[object Arguments]';
- if (!isArgs) {
- isArgs = str !== '[object Array]' &&
- value !== null &&
- typeof value === 'object' &&
- typeof value.length === 'number' &&
- value.length >= 0 &&
- toStr.call(value.callee) === '[object Function]';
- }
- return isArgs;
- }
- return function keys(object) {
- var isFunction = toStr.call(object) === '[object Function]';
- var isArguments = isArgumentsObject(object);
- var isString = toStr.call(object) === '[object String]';
- var theKeys = [];
- if (object === undefined || object === null) {
- throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
- }
- var skipProto = hasProtoEnumBug && isFunction;
- if (isString && object.length > 0 && !has.call(object, 0)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) {
- theKeys.push(String(i));
- }
- }
- if (isArguments && object.length > 0) {
- for (var j = 0; j < object.length; ++j) {
- theKeys.push(String(j));
- }
- } else {
- for (var name in object) {
- if (!(skipProto && name === 'prototype') && has.call(object, name)) {
- theKeys.push(String(name));
- }
- }
- }
- if (hasDontEnumBug) {
- var skipConstructor = equalsConstructorPrototypeIfNotBuggy(object);
- for (var k = 0; k < dontEnums.length; ++k) {
- if (!(skipConstructor && dontEnums[k] === 'constructor') && has.call(object, dontEnums[k])) {
- theKeys.push(dontEnums[k]);
- }
- }
- }
- return theKeys;
- };
-if (!("assign"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.assign
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToObject */
-// Object.assign ( target, ...sources )
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'assign', function assign(target, source) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Let to be ? ToObject(target).
- var to = ToObject(target);
- // 2. If only one argument was passed, return to.
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- return to;
- }
- // 3. Let sources be the List of argument values starting with the second argument
- var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
- // 4. For each element nextSource of sources, in ascending index order, do
- var index1;
- var index2;
- var keys;
- var from;
- for (index1 = 0; index1 < sources.length; index1++) {
- var nextSource = sources[index1];
- // a. If nextSource is undefined or null, let keys be a new empty List.
- if (nextSource === undefined || nextSource === null) {
- keys = [];
- // b. Else,
- } else {
- // i. Let from be ! ToObject(nextSource).
- from = ToObject(nextSource);
- // ii. Let keys be ? from.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
- /*
- This step in our polyfill is not complying with the specification.
- [[OwnPropertyKeys]] is meant to return ALL keys, including non-enumerable and symbols.
- TODO: When we have Reflect.ownKeys, use that instead as it is the userland equivalent of [[OwnPropertyKeys]].
- */
- keys = Object.keys(from);
- }
- // c. For each element nextKey of keys in List order, do
- for (index2 = 0; index2 < keys.length; index2++) {
- var nextKey = keys[index2];
- var enumerable;
- try {
- // i. Let desc be ? from.[[GetOwnProperty]](nextKey).
- var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, nextKey);
- // ii. If desc is not undefined and desc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then
- enumerable = desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable === true;
- } catch (e) {
- // Polyfill.io - We use Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable as a fallback
- // because `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.location, 'hash')` causes Internet Explorer 11 to crash.
- enumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(from, nextKey);
- }
- if (enumerable) {
- // 1. Let propValue be ? Get(from, nextKey).
- var propValue = Get(from, nextKey);
- // 2. Perform ? Set(to, nextKey, propValue, true).
- to[nextKey] = propValue;
- }
- }
- }
- // 5. Return to.
- return to;
-if (!("defineProperties"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.defineProperties
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Get, ToObject, Type */
-// Object.defineProperties ( O, Properties )
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'defineProperties', function defineProperties(O, Properties) {
- // 1. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(O) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Object.defineProperties called on non-object');
- }
- // 2. Let props be ? ToObject(Properties).
- var props = ToObject(Properties);
- // 3. Let keys be ? props.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
- /*
- Polyfill.io - This step in our polyfill is not complying with the specification.
- [[OwnPropertyKeys]] is meant to return ALL keys, including non-enumerable and symbols.
- TODO: When we have Reflect.ownKeys, use that instead as it is the userland equivalent of [[OwnPropertyKeys]].
- */
- var keys = Object.keys(props);
- // 4. Let descriptors be a new empty List.
- var descriptors = [];
- // 5. For each element nextKey of keys in List order, do
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var nextKey = keys[i];
- // a. Let propDesc be ? props.[[GetOwnProperty]](nextKey).
- var propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(props, nextKey);
- // b. If propDesc is not undefined and propDesc.[[Enumerable]] is true, then
- if (propDesc !== undefined && propDesc.enumerable) {
- // i. Let descObj be ? Get(props, nextKey).
- var descObj = Get(props, nextKey);
- // ii. Let desc be ? ToPropertyDescriptor(descObj).
- // Polyfill.io - We skip this step because Object.defineProperty deals with it.
- // TODO: Implement this step?
- var desc = descObj;
- // iii. Append the pair (a two element List) consisting of nextKey and desc to the end of descriptors.
- descriptors.push([nextKey, desc]);
- }
- }
- // 6. For each pair from descriptors in list order, do
- for (var i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++){
- // a. Let P be the first element of pair.
- var P = descriptors[i][0];
- // b. Let desc be the second element of pair.
- var desc = descriptors[i][1];
- // c. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, P, desc).
- Object.defineProperty(O, P, desc);
- }
- // 7. Return O.
- return O;
-if (!("create"in Object
-)) {
-// Object.create
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
-CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'create', function create(O, properties) {
- // 1. If Type(O) is neither Object nor Null, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(O) !== 'object' && Type(O) !== 'null') {
- throw new TypeError('Object prototype may only be an Object or null');
- }
- // 2. Let obj be ObjectCreate(O).
- var obj = new Function('e', 'function Object() {}Object.prototype=e;return new Object')(O);
- obj.constructor.prototype = O;
- // 3. If Properties is not undefined, then
- if (1 in arguments) {
- // a. Return ? ObjectDefineProperties(obj, Properties).
- return Object.defineProperties(obj, properties);
- }
- return obj;
-// _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor
-/* global GetPrototypeFromConstructor */
-// 9.1.13. OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
-function OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- var internalSlotsList = arguments[2] || {};
- // 1. Assert: intrinsicDefaultProto is a String value that is this specification's name of an intrinsic object.
- // The corresponding object must be an intrinsic that is intended to be used as the[[Prototype]] value of an object.
- // 2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
- var proto = GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto);
- // 3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
- // Polyfill.io - We do not pass internalSlotsList to Object.create because Object.create does not use the default ordinary object definitions specified in 9.1.
- var obj = Object.create(proto);
- for (var name in internalSlotsList) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(internalSlotsList, name)) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, name, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: internalSlotsList[name]
- });
- }
- }
- return obj;
-// _ESAbstract.Construct
-/* global IsConstructor, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, Call */
-// 7.3.13. Construct ( F [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ]] )
-function Construct(F /* [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ]] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If newTarget is not present, set newTarget to F.
- var newTarget = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : F;
- // 2. If argumentsList is not present, set argumentsList to a new empty List.
- var argumentsList = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : [];
- // 3. Assert: IsConstructor(F) is true.
- if (!IsConstructor(F)) {
- throw new TypeError('F must be a constructor.');
- }
- // 4. Assert: IsConstructor(newTarget) is true.
- if (!IsConstructor(newTarget)) {
- throw new TypeError('newTarget must be a constructor.');
- }
- // 5. Return ? F.[[Construct]](argumentsList, newTarget).
- // Polyfill.io - If newTarget is the same as F, it is equivalent to new F(...argumentsList).
- if (newTarget === F) {
- return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(F, [null].concat(argumentsList)))();
- } else {
- // Polyfill.io - This is mimicking section 9.2.2 step 5.a.
- var obj = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, Object.prototype);
- return Call(F, obj, argumentsList);
- }
-// _ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate
-/* global IsArray, ArrayCreate, Get, Type, IsConstructor, Construct */
-// ArraySpeciesCreate ( originalArray, length )
-function ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. Assert: length is an integer Number ≥ 0.
- // 2. If length is -0, set length to +0.
- if (1/length === -Infinity) {
- length = 0;
- }
- // 3. Let isArray be ? IsArray(originalArray).
- var isArray = IsArray(originalArray);
- // 4. If isArray is false, return ? ArrayCreate(length).
- if (isArray === false) {
- return ArrayCreate(length);
- }
- // 5. Let C be ? Get(originalArray, "constructor").
- var C = Get(originalArray, 'constructor');
- // Polyfill.io - We skip this section as not sure how to make a cross-realm normal Array, a same-realm Array.
- // 6. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
- // if (IsConstructor(C)) {
- // a. Let thisRealm be the current Realm Record.
- // b. Let realmC be ? GetFunctionRealm(C).
- // c. If thisRealm and realmC are not the same Realm Record, then
- // i. If SameValue(C, realmC.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Array%]]) is true, set C to undefined.
- // }
- // 7. If Type(C) is Object, then
- if (Type(C) === 'object') {
- // a. Set C to ? Get(C, @@species).
- C = 'Symbol' in this && 'species' in this.Symbol ? Get(C, this.Symbol.species) : undefined;
- // b. If C is null, set C to undefined.
- if (C === null) {
- C = undefined;
- }
- }
- // 8. If C is undefined, return ? ArrayCreate(length).
- if (C === undefined) {
- return ArrayCreate(length);
- }
- // 9. If IsConstructor(C) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsConstructor(C)) {
- throw new TypeError('C must be a constructor');
- }
- // 10. Return ? Construct(C, « length »).
- return Construct(C, [length]);
-if (!("filter"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.filter
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject, ToLength, Get, IsCallable, ArraySpeciesCreate, ToString, HasProperty, ToBoolean, Call, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow */
-// Array.prototype.filter ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'filter', function filter(callbackfn /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
- // 3. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(callbackfn) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(callbackfn + ' is not a function');
- }
- // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 5. Let A be ? ArraySpeciesCreate(O, 0).
- var A = ArraySpeciesCreate(O, 0);
- // 6. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // 7. Let to be 0.
- var to = 0;
- // 8. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Let kPresent be ? HasProperty(O, Pk).
- var kPresent = HasProperty(O, Pk);
- // c. If kPresent is true, then
- if (kPresent) {
- // i. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
- var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
- // ii. Let selected be ToBoolean(? Call(callbackfn, T, « kValue, k, O »)).
- var selected = ToBoolean(Call(callbackfn, T, [kValue, k, O]));
- // iii. If selected is true, then
- if (selected) {
- // 1. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, ! ToString(to), kValue)
- CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, ToString(to), kValue);
- // 2. Increase to by 1.
- to = to + 1;
- }
- }
- // d. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- // 9. Return A.
- return A;
-if (!("map"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.map
-/* global ArraySpeciesCreate, Call, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, CreateMethodProperty, Get, HasProperty, IsCallable, ToLength, ToObject, ToString */
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject, ToLength, Get, ArraySpeciesCreate, ToString, HasProperty, Call, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow */
-// Array.prototype.map ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'map', function map(callbackfn /* [ , thisArg ] */) {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(O, "length"));
- // 3. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(callbackfn) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(callbackfn + ' is not a function');
- }
- // 4. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- var T = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 5. Let A be ? ArraySpeciesCreate(O, len).
- var A = ArraySpeciesCreate(O, len);
- // 6. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // 7. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Let kPresent be ? HasProperty(O, Pk).
- var kPresent = HasProperty(O, Pk);
- // c. If kPresent is true, then
- if (kPresent) {
- // i. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).
- var kValue = Get(O, Pk);
- // ii. Let mappedValue be ? Call(callbackfn, T, « kValue, k, O »).
- var mappedValue = Call(callbackfn, T, [kValue, k, O]);
- // iii. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
- CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
- }
- // d. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- // 8. Return A.
- return A;
-if (!("of"in Array
-)) {
-// Array.of
-/* global ArrayCreate, Construct, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, CreateMethodProperty, IsConstructor, ToString */
-// Array.of ( ...items )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'of', function of() {
- // 1. Let len be the actual number of arguments passed to this function.
- var len = arguments.length;
- // 2. Let items be the List of arguments passed to this function.
- var items = arguments;
- // 3. Let C be the this value.
- var C = this;
- // 4. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
- if (IsConstructor(C)) {
- // a. Let A be ? Construct(C, « len »).
- var A = Construct(C, [len]);
- // 5. Else,
- } else {
- // a. Let A be ? ArrayCreate(len).
- var A = ArrayCreate(len);
- }
- // 6. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // 7. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let kValue be items[k].
- var kValue = items[k];
- // b. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // c. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, kValue).
- CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, kValue);
- // d. Increase k by 1.
- var k = k + 1;
- }
- // 8. Perform ? Set(A, "length", len, true)
- A["length"] = len;
- // 9. Return A.
- return A;
-if (!("seal"in Object&&function(){try{return Object.seal("1"),!0}catch(t){return!1}}
-)) {
-// Object.seal
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Type */
-// Object.seal ( O )
-(function(originalObjectSeal) {
- CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'seal', function seal(O) {
- // 1. If Type(O) is not Object, return O.
- if (Type(O) === 'object') {
- return O;
- }
- // 2. Let status be ? SetIntegrityLevel(O, "sealed").
- // 3. If status is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- // 4. Return O.
- return originalObjectSeal ? originalObjectSeal(O) : O;
- });
-// Object.setPrototypeOf
-/* global CreateMethodProperty */
-// ES6-shim 0.16.0 (c) 2013-2014 Paul Miller (http://paulmillr.com)
-// ES6-shim may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
-// For more details and documentation:
-// https://github.com/paulmillr/es6-shim/
- // NOTE: This versions needs object ownership
- // because every promoted object needs to be reassigned
- // otherwise uncompatible browsers cannot work as expected
- //
- // NOTE: This might need es5-shim or polyfills upfront
- // because it's based on ES5 API.
- // (probably just an IE <= 8 problem)
- //
- // NOTE: nodejs is fine in version 0.8, 0.10, and future versions.
-(function () {
- if (Object.setPrototypeOf) { return; }
- /*jshint proto: true */
- // @author Andrea Giammarchi - @WebReflection
- var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
- var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
- var create = Object.create;
- var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
- var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
- var objProto = Object.prototype;
- var copyDescriptors = function (target, source) {
- // define into target descriptors from source
- getOwnPropertyNames(source).forEach(function (key) {
- defineProperty(
- target,
- key,
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)
- );
- });
- return target;
- };
- // used as fallback when no promotion is possible
- var createAndCopy = function setPrototypeOf(origin, proto) {
- return copyDescriptors(create(proto), origin);
- };
- var set, sPOf;
- try {
- // this might fail for various reasons
- // ignore if Chrome cought it at runtime
- set = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(objProto, '__proto__').set;
- set.call({}, null);
- // setter not poisoned, it can promote
- // Firefox, Chrome
- sPOf = function setPrototypeOf(origin, proto) {
- set.call(origin, proto);
- return origin;
- };
- } catch (e) {
- // do one or more feature detections
- set = { __proto__: null };
- // if proto does not work, needs to fallback
- // some Opera, Rhino, ducktape
- if (set instanceof Object) {
- sPOf = createAndCopy;
- } else {
- // verify if null objects are buggy
- /* eslint-disable no-proto */
- set.__proto__ = objProto;
- /* eslint-enable no-proto */
- // if null objects are buggy
- // nodejs 0.8 to 0.10
- if (set instanceof Object) {
- sPOf = function setPrototypeOf(origin, proto) {
- // use such bug to promote
- /* eslint-disable no-proto */
- origin.__proto__ = proto;
- /* eslint-enable no-proto */
- return origin;
- };
- } else {
- // try to use proto or fallback
- // Safari, old Firefox, many others
- sPOf = function setPrototypeOf(origin, proto) {
- // if proto is not null
- if (getPrototypeOf(origin)) {
- // use __proto__ to promote
- /* eslint-disable no-proto */
- origin.__proto__ = proto;
- /* eslint-enable no-proto */
- return origin;
- } else {
- // otherwise unable to promote: fallback
- return createAndCopy(origin, proto);
- }
- };
- }
- }
- }
- CreateMethodProperty(Object, 'setPrototypeOf', sPOf);
-if (!("Promise"in this
-)) {
-// Promise
-!function(n){function t(r){if(e[r])return e[r].exports;var o=e[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return n[r].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,t),o.l=!0,o.exports}var e={};t.m=n,t.c=e,t.i=function(n){return n},t.d=function(n,e,r){t.o(n,e)||Object.defineProperty(n,e,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:r})},t.n=function(n){var e=n&&n.__esModule?function(){return n["default"]}:function(){return n};return t.d(e,"a",e),e},t.o=function(n,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,t)},t.p="",t(t.s=100)}({100:/*!***********************!*\
- !*** ./src/global.js ***!
- \***********************/
-function(n,t,e){(function(n){var t=e(/*! ./yaku */5);try{n.Promise=t,window.Promise=t}catch(r){}}).call(t,e(/*! ./../~/webpack/buildin/global.js */2))},2:/*!***********************************!*\
- !*** (webpack)/buildin/global.js ***!
- \***********************************/
-function(n,t){var e;e=function(){return this}();try{e=e||Function("return this")()||(0,eval)("this")}catch(r){"object"==typeof window&&(e=window)}n.exports=e},5:/*!*********************!*\
- !*** ./src/yaku.js ***!
- \*********************/
-function(n,t,e){(function(t){!function(){"use strict";function e(){return rn[q][B]||D}function r(n){return n&&"object"==typeof n}function o(n){return"function"==typeof n}function i(n,t){return n instanceof t}function u(n){return i(n,M)}function c(n,t,e){if(!t(n))throw h(e)}function f(){try{return R.apply(S,arguments)}catch(n){return nn.e=n,nn}}function s(n,t){return R=n,S=t,f}function a(n,t){function e(){for(var e=0;e<o;)t(r[e],r[e+1]),r[e++]=P,r[e++]=P;o=0,r.length>n&&(r.length=n)}var r=A(n),o=0;return function(n,t){r[o++]=n,r[o++]=t,2===o&&rn.nextTick(e)}}function l(n,t){var e,r,u,c,f=0;if(!n)throw h(Q);var a=n[rn[q][z]];if(o(a))r=a.call(n);else{if(!o(n.next)){if(i(n,A)){for(e=n.length;f<e;)t(n[f],f++);return f}throw h(Q)}r=n}for(;!(u=r.next()).done;)if((c=s(t)(u.value,f++))===nn)throw o(r[G])&&r[G](),c.e;return f}function h(n){return new TypeError(n)}function v(n){return(n?"":V)+(new M).stack}function _(n,t){var e="on"+n.toLowerCase(),r=O[e];H&&H.listeners(n).length?n===Z?H.emit(n,t._v,t):H.emit(n,t):r?r({reason:t._v,promise:t}):rn[n](t._v,t)}function p(n){return n&&n._s}function d(n){if(p(n))return new n(tn);var t,e,r;return t=new n(function(n,o){if(t)throw h();e=n,r=o}),c(e,o),c(r,o),t}function w(n,t){var e=!1;return function(r){e||(e=!0,L&&(n[N]=v(!0)),t===Y?k(n,r):x(n,t,r))}}function y(n,t,e,r){return o(e)&&(t._onFulfilled=e),o(r)&&(n[J]&&_(X,n),t._onRejected=r),L&&(t._p=n),n[n._c++]=t,n._s!==$&&on(n,t),t}function m(n){if(n._umark)return!0;n._umark=!0;for(var t,e=0,r=n._c;e<r;)if(t=n[e++],t._onRejected||m(t))return!0}function j(n,t){function e(n){return r.push(n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""))}var r=[];return L&&(t[N]&&e(t[N]),function o(n){n&&K in n&&(o(n._next),e(n[K]+""),o(n._p))}(t)),(n&&n.stack?n.stack:n)+("\n"+r.join("\n")).replace(en,"")}function g(n,t){return n(t)}function x(n,t,e){var r=0,o=n._c;if(n._s===$)for(n._s=t,n._v=e,t===U&&(L&&u(e)&&(e.longStack=j(e,n)),un(n));r<o;)on(n,n[r++]);return n}function k(n,t){if(t===n&&t)return x(n,U,h(W)),n;if(t!==C&&(o(t)||r(t))){var e=s(b)(t);if(e===nn)return x(n,U,e.e),n;o(e)?(L&&p(t)&&(n._next=t),p(t)?T(n,t,e):rn.nextTick(function(){T(n,t,e)})):x(n,Y,t)}else x(n,Y,t);return n}function b(n){return n.then}function T(n,t,e){var r=s(e,t)(function(e){t&&(t=C,k(n,e))},function(e){t&&(t=C,x(n,U,e))});r===nn&&t&&(x(n,U,r.e),t=C)}var P,R,S,C=null,F="object"==typeof self,O=F?self:t,E=O.Promise,H=O.process,I=O.console,L=!1,A=Array,M=Error,U=1,Y=2,$=3,q="Symbol",z="iterator",B="species",D=q+"("+B+")",G="return",J="_uh",K="_pt",N="_st",Q="Invalid argument",V="\nFrom previous ",W="Chaining cycle detected for promise",X="rejectionHandled",Z="unhandledRejection",nn={e:C},tn=function(){},en=/^.+\/node_modules\/yaku\/.+\n?/gm,rn=function(n){var t,e=this;if(!r(e)||e._s!==P)throw h("Invalid this");if(e._s=$,L&&(e[K]=v()),n!==tn){if(!o(n))throw h(Q);t=s(n)(w(e,Y),w(e,U)),t===nn&&x(e,U,t.e)}};rn["default"]=rn,function(n,t){for(var e in t)n[e]=t[e]}(rn.prototype,{then:function(n,t){if(this._s===undefined)throw h();return y(this,d(rn.speciesConstructor(this,rn)),n,t)},"catch":function(n){return this.then(P,n)},"finally":function(n){return this.then(function(t){return rn.resolve(n()).then(function(){return t})},function(t){return rn.resolve(n()).then(function(){throw t})})},_c:0,_p:C}),rn.resolve=function(n){return p(n)?n:k(d(this),n)},rn.reject=function(n){return x(d(this),U,n)},rn.race=function(n){var t=this,e=d(t),r=function(n){x(e,Y,n)},o=function(n){x(e,U,n)},i=s(l)(n,function(n){t.resolve(n).then(r,o)});return i===nn?t.reject(i.e):e},rn.all=function(n){function t(n){x(o,U,n)}var e,r=this,o=d(r),i=[];return(e=s(l)(n,function(n,u){r.resolve(n).then(function(n){i[u]=n,--e||x(o,Y,i)},t)}))===nn?r.reject(e.e):(e||x(o,Y,[]),o)},rn.Symbol=O[q]||{},s(function(){Object.defineProperty(rn,e(),{get:function(){return this}})})(),rn.speciesConstructor=function(n,t){var r=n.constructor;return r?r[e()]||t:t},rn.unhandledRejection=function(n,t){I&&I.error("Uncaught (in promise)",L?t.longStack:j(n,t))},rn.rejectionHandled=tn,rn.enableLongStackTrace=function(){L=!0},rn.nextTick=F?function(n){E?new E(function(n){n()}).then(n):setTimeout(n)}:H.nextTick,rn._s=1;var on=a(999,function(n,t){var e,r;return(r=n._s!==U?t._onFulfilled:t._onRejected)===P?void x(t,n._s,n._v):(e=s(g)(r,n._v))===nn?void x(t,U,e.e):void k(t,e)}),un=a(9,function(n){m(n)||(n[J]=1,_(Z,n))});try{n.exports=rn}catch(cn){O.Yaku=rn}}()}).call(t,e(/*! ./../~/webpack/buildin/global.js */2))}});
-if (!("flags"in RegExp.prototype
-)) {
-// RegExp.prototype.flags
-/* global Get, ToBoolean, Type */
-Object.defineProperty(RegExp.prototype, 'flags', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- // Let R be the this value.
- var R = this;
- // If Type(R) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(R) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method called on incompatible type: must be an object.');
- }
- // Let result be the empty String.
- var result = '';
- // Let global be ToBoolean(? Get(R, "global")).
- var global = ToBoolean(Get(R, 'global'));
- // If global is true, append the code unit 0x0067 (LATIN SMALL LETTER G) as the last code unit of result.
- if (global) {
- result += 'g';
- }
- // Let ignoreCase be ToBoolean(? Get(R, "ignoreCase")).
- var ignoreCase = ToBoolean(Get(R, 'ignoreCase'));
- // If ignoreCase is true, append the code unit 0x0069 (LATIN SMALL LETTER I) as the last code unit of result.
- if (ignoreCase) {
- result += 'i';
- }
- // Let multiline be ToBoolean(? Get(R, "multiline")).
- var multiline = ToBoolean(Get(R, 'multiline'));
- // If multiline is true, append the code unit 0x006D (LATIN SMALL LETTER M) as the last code unit of result.
- if (multiline) {
- result += 'm';
- }
- // Let unicode be ToBoolean(? Get(R, "unicode")).
- var unicode = ToBoolean(Get(R, 'unicode'));
- // If unicode is true, append the code unit 0x0075 (LATIN SMALL LETTER U) as the last code unit of result.
- if (unicode) {
- result += 'u';
- }
- // Let sticky be ToBoolean(? Get(R, "sticky")).
- var sticky = ToBoolean(Get(R, 'sticky'));
- // If sticky is true, append the code unit 0x0079 (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y) as the last code unit of result.
- if (sticky) {
- result += 'y';
- }
- // Return result.
- return result;
- }
-if (!("fromCodePoint"in String&&1===String.fromCodePoint.length
-)) {
-// String.fromCodePoint
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, IsArray, SameValue, ToInteger, ToNumber, UTF16Encoding */
-// String.fromCodePoint ( ...codePoints )
-CreateMethodProperty(String, 'fromCodePoint', function fromCodePoint(_) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // Polyfill.io - List to store the characters whilst iterating over the code points.
- var result = [];
- // 1. Let codePoints be a List containing the arguments passed to this function.
- var codePoints = arguments;
- // 2. Let length be the number of elements in codePoints.
- var length = arguments.length;
- // 3. Let elements be a new empty List.
- var elements = [];
- // 4. Let nextIndex be 0.
- var nextIndex = 0;
- // 5. Repeat, while nextIndex < length
- while (nextIndex < length) {
- // Polyfill.io - We reset the elements List as we store the partial results in the result List.
- var elements = [];
- // a. Let next be codePoints[nextIndex].
- var next = codePoints[nextIndex];
- // b. Let nextCP be ? ToNumber(next).
- var nextCP = ToNumber(next);
- // c. If SameValue(nextCP, ToInteger(nextCP)) is false, throw a RangeError exception.
- if (SameValue(nextCP, ToInteger(nextCP)) === false) {
- throw new RangeError('Invalid code point ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(nextCP));
- }
- // d. If nextCP < 0 or nextCP > 0x10FFFF, throw a RangeError exception.
- if (nextCP < 0 || nextCP > 0x10FFFF) {
- throw new RangeError('Invalid code point ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(nextCP));
- }
- // e. Append the elements of the UTF16Encoding of nextCP to the end of elements.
- // Polyfill.io - UTF16Encoding can return a single codepoint or a list of multiple codepoints.
- var cp = UTF16Encoding(nextCP);
- if (IsArray(cp)) {
- elements = elements.concat(cp);
- } else {
- elements.push(cp);
- }
- // f. Let nextIndex be nextIndex + 1.
- nextIndex = nextIndex + 1;
- // Polyfill.io - Retrieving the characters whilst iterating enables the function to work in a memory efficient and performant way.
- result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, elements));
- }
- // 6. Return the String value whose elements are, in order, the elements in the List elements. If length is 0, the empty string is returned.
- return length === 0 ? '' : result.join('');
-if (!("codePointAt"in String.prototype
-)) {
-// String.prototype.codePointAt
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString, UTF16Decode */
-// String.prototype.codePointAt ( pos )
-CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'codePointAt', function codePointAt(pos) {
- // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
- var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
- // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
- var S = ToString(O);
- // 3. Let position be ? ToInteger(pos).
- var position = ToInteger(pos);
- // 4. Let size be the length of S.
- var size = S.length;
- // 5. If position < 0 or position ≥ size, return undefined.
- if (position < 0 || position >= size) {
- return undefined;
- }
- // 6. Let first be the numeric value of the code unit at index position within the String S.
- var first = String.prototype.charCodeAt.call(S, position);
- // 7. If first < 0xD800 or first > 0xDBFF or position+1 = size, return first.
- if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === size) {
- return first;
- }
- // 8. Let second be the numeric value of the code unit at index position+1 within the String S.
- var second = String.prototype.charCodeAt.call(S, position + 1);
- // 9. If second < 0xDC00 or second > 0xDFFF, return first.
- if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF) {
- return first;
- }
- // 10. Return UTF16Decode(first, second).
- // Return UTF16Decode(first, second).
- return UTF16Decode(first, second);
-if (!("endsWith"in String.prototype
-)) {
-// String.prototype.endsWith
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
-// String.prototype.endsWith ( searchString [ , endPosition ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'endsWith', function endsWith(searchString /* [ , endPosition ] */) {
- 'use strict';
- var endPosition = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
- var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
- // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
- var S = ToString(O);
- // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
- var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
- // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (isRegExp) {
- throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.endsWith must not be a regular expression');
- }
- // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
- var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
- // 6. Let len be the length of S.
- var len = S.length;
- // 7. If endPosition is undefined, let pos be len, else let pos be ? ToInteger(endPosition).
- var pos = endPosition === undefined ? len : ToInteger(endPosition);
- // 8. Let end be min(max(pos, 0), len).
- var end = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
- // 9. Let searchLength be the length of searchStr.
- var searchLength = searchStr.length;
- // 10. Let start be end - searchLength.
- var start = end - searchLength;
- // 11. If start is less than 0, return false.
- if (start < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- // 12. If the sequence of elements of S starting at start of length searchLength is the same as the full element sequence of searchStr, return true.
- if (S.substr(start, searchLength) === searchStr) {
- return true;
- }
- // 13. Otherwise, return false.
- return false;
-if (!("includes"in String.prototype
-)) {
-// String.prototype.includes
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
-// String.prototype.includes ( searchString [ , position ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'includes', function includes(searchString /* [ , position ] */) {
- 'use strict';
- var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
- var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
- // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
- var S = ToString(O);
- // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
- var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
- // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (isRegExp) {
- throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression');
- }
- // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
- var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
- // 6. Let pos be ? ToInteger(position). (If position is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
- var pos = ToInteger(position);
- // 7. Let len be the length of S.
- var len = S.length;
- // 8. Let start be min(max(pos, 0), len).
- var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
- // 9. Let searchLen be the length of searchStr.
- // var searchLength = searchStr.length;
- // 10. If there exists any integer k not smaller than start such that k + searchLen is not greater than len, and for all nonnegative integers j less than searchLen, the code unit at index k+j within S is the same as the code unit at index j within searchStr, return true; but if there is no such integer k, return false.
- return String.prototype.indexOf.call(S, searchStr, start) !== -1;
-if (!("repeat"in String.prototype
-)) {
-// String.prototype.repeat
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
-// ( count )
-CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'repeat', function repeat(count) {
- 'use strict';
- // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
- var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
- // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
- var S = ToString(O);
- // 3. Let n be ? ToInteger(count).
- var n = ToInteger(count);
- // 4. If n < 0, throw a RangeError exception.
- if (n < 0) {
- throw new RangeError('Invalid count value');
- }
- // 5. If n is +∞, throw a RangeError exception.
- if (n === Infinity) {
- throw new RangeError('Invalid count value');
- }
- // 6. Let T be the String value that is made from n copies of S appended together. If n is 0, T is the empty String.
- var T = n === 0 ? '' : new Array(n + 1).join(S);
- // 7. Return T.
- return T;
-if (!("startsWith"in String.prototype
-)) {
-// String.prototype.startsWith
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, IsRegExp, RequireObjectCoercible, ToInteger, ToString */
-// String.prototype.startsWith ( searchString [ , position ] )
-CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, 'startsWith', function startsWith(searchString /* [ , position ] */) {
- 'use strict';
- var position = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
- var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
- // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
- var S = ToString(O);
- // 3. Let isRegExp be ? IsRegExp(searchString).
- var isRegExp = IsRegExp(searchString);
- // 4. If isRegExp is true, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (isRegExp) {
- throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.startsWith must not be a regular expression');
- }
- // 5. Let searchStr be ? ToString(searchString).
- var searchStr = ToString(searchString);
- // 6. Let pos be ? ToInteger(position). (If position is undefined, this step produces the value 0.)
- var pos = ToInteger(position);
- // 7. Let len be the length of S.
- var len = S.length;
- // 8. Let start be min(max(pos, 0), len).
- var start = Math.min(Math.max(pos, 0), len);
- // 9. Let searchLength be the length of searchStr.
- var searchLength = searchStr.length;
- // 10. If searchLength+start is greater than len, return false.
- if (searchLength + start > len) {
- return false;
- }
- // 11. If the sequence of elements of S starting at start of length searchLength is the same as the full element sequence of searchStr, return true.
- if (S.substr(start).indexOf(searchString) === 0) {
- return true;
- }
- // 12. Otherwise, return false.
- return false;
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&0===this.Symbol.length
-)) {
-// Symbol
-// A modification of https://github.com/WebReflection/get-own-property-symbols
-// (C) Andrea Giammarchi - MIT Licensed
-(function (Object, GOPS, global) {
- 'use strict'; //so that ({}).toString.call(null) returns the correct [object Null] rather than [object Window]
- var setDescriptor;
- var id = 0;
- var random = '' + Math.random();
- var prefix = '__\x01symbol:';
- var prefixLength = prefix.length;
- var internalSymbol = '__\x01symbol@@' + random;
- var DP = 'defineProperty';
- var DPies = 'defineProperties';
- var GOPN = 'getOwnPropertyNames';
- var GOPD = 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor';
- var PIE = 'propertyIsEnumerable';
- var ObjectProto = Object.prototype;
- var hOP = ObjectProto.hasOwnProperty;
- var pIE = ObjectProto[PIE];
- var toString = ObjectProto.toString;
- var concat = Array.prototype.concat;
- var cachedWindowNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
- var nGOPN = Object[GOPN];
- var gOPN = function getOwnPropertyNames (obj) {
- if (toString.call(obj) === '[object Window]') {
- try {
- return nGOPN(obj);
- } catch (e) {
- // IE bug where layout engine calls userland gOPN for cross-domain `window` objects
- return concat.call([], cachedWindowNames);
- }
- }
- return nGOPN(obj);
- };
- var gOPD = Object[GOPD];
- var create = Object.create;
- var keys = Object.keys;
- var freeze = Object.freeze || Object;
- var defineProperty = Object[DP];
- var $defineProperties = Object[DPies];
- var descriptor = gOPD(Object, GOPN);
- var addInternalIfNeeded = function (o, uid, enumerable) {
- if (!hOP.call(o, internalSymbol)) {
- try {
- defineProperty(o, internalSymbol, {
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: {}
- });
- } catch (e) {
- o[internalSymbol] = {};
- }
- }
- o[internalSymbol]['@@' + uid] = enumerable;
- };
- var createWithSymbols = function (proto, descriptors) {
- var self = create(proto);
- gOPN(descriptors).forEach(function (key) {
- if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(descriptors, key)) {
- $defineProperty(self, key, descriptors[key]);
- }
- });
- return self;
- };
- var copyAsNonEnumerable = function (descriptor) {
- var newDescriptor = create(descriptor);
- newDescriptor.enumerable = false;
- return newDescriptor;
- };
- var get = function get(){};
- var onlyNonSymbols = function (name) {
- return name != internalSymbol &&
- !hOP.call(source, name);
- };
- var onlySymbols = function (name) {
- return name != internalSymbol &&
- hOP.call(source, name);
- };
- var propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) {
- var uid = '' + key;
- return onlySymbols(uid) ? (
- hOP.call(this, uid) &&
- this[internalSymbol]['@@' + uid]
- ) : pIE.call(this, key);
- };
- var setAndGetSymbol = function (uid) {
- var descriptor = {
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true,
- get: get,
- set: function (value) {
- setDescriptor(this, uid, {
- enumerable: false,
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: value
- });
- addInternalIfNeeded(this, uid, true);
- }
- };
- try {
- defineProperty(ObjectProto, uid, descriptor);
- } catch (e) {
- ObjectProto[uid] = descriptor.value;
- }
- return freeze(source[uid] = defineProperty(
- Object(uid),
- 'constructor',
- sourceConstructor
- ));
- };
- var Symbol = function Symbol() {
- var description = arguments[0];
- if (this instanceof Symbol) {
- throw new TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor');
- }
- return setAndGetSymbol(
- prefix.concat(description || '', random, ++id)
- );
- };
- var source = create(null);
- var sourceConstructor = {value: Symbol};
- var sourceMap = function (uid) {
- return source[uid];
- };
- var $defineProperty = function defineProp(o, key, descriptor) {
- var uid = '' + key;
- if (onlySymbols(uid)) {
- setDescriptor(o, uid, descriptor.enumerable ?
- copyAsNonEnumerable(descriptor) : descriptor);
- addInternalIfNeeded(o, uid, !!descriptor.enumerable);
- } else {
- defineProperty(o, key, descriptor);
- }
- return o;
- };
- var onlyInternalSymbols = function (obj) {
- return function (name) {
- return hOP.call(obj, internalSymbol) && hOP.call(obj[internalSymbol], '@@' + name);
- };
- };
- var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(o) {
- return gOPN(o).filter(o === ObjectProto ? onlyInternalSymbols(o) : onlySymbols).map(sourceMap);
- }
- ;
- descriptor.value = $defineProperty;
- defineProperty(Object, DP, descriptor);
- descriptor.value = $getOwnPropertySymbols;
- defineProperty(Object, GOPS, descriptor);
- descriptor.value = function getOwnPropertyNames(o) {
- return gOPN(o).filter(onlyNonSymbols);
- };
- defineProperty(Object, GOPN, descriptor);
- descriptor.value = function defineProperties(o, descriptors) {
- var symbols = $getOwnPropertySymbols(descriptors);
- if (symbols.length) {
- keys(descriptors).concat(symbols).forEach(function (uid) {
- if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(descriptors, uid)) {
- $defineProperty(o, uid, descriptors[uid]);
- }
- });
- } else {
- $defineProperties(o, descriptors);
- }
- return o;
- };
- defineProperty(Object, DPies, descriptor);
- descriptor.value = propertyIsEnumerable;
- defineProperty(ObjectProto, PIE, descriptor);
- descriptor.value = Symbol;
- defineProperty(global, 'Symbol', descriptor);
- // defining `Symbol.for(key)`
- descriptor.value = function (key) {
- var uid = prefix.concat(prefix, key, random);
- return uid in ObjectProto ? source[uid] : setAndGetSymbol(uid);
- };
- defineProperty(Symbol, 'for', descriptor);
- // defining `Symbol.keyFor(symbol)`
- descriptor.value = function (symbol) {
- if (onlyNonSymbols(symbol))
- throw new TypeError(symbol + ' is not a symbol');
- return hOP.call(source, symbol) ?
- symbol.slice(prefixLength * 2, -random.length) :
- void 0
- ;
- };
- defineProperty(Symbol, 'keyFor', descriptor);
- descriptor.value = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, key) {
- var descriptor = gOPD(o, key);
- if (descriptor && onlySymbols(key)) {
- descriptor.enumerable = propertyIsEnumerable.call(o, key);
- }
- return descriptor;
- };
- defineProperty(Object, GOPD, descriptor);
- descriptor.value = function (proto, descriptors) {
- return arguments.length === 1 || typeof descriptors === "undefined" ?
- create(proto) :
- createWithSymbols(proto, descriptors);
- };
- defineProperty(Object, 'create', descriptor);
- var strictModeSupported = (function(){ 'use strict'; return this; }).call(null) === null;
- if (strictModeSupported) {
- descriptor.value = function () {
- var str = toString.call(this);
- return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
- };
- } else {
- descriptor.value = function () {
- // https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-library/issues/164#issuecomment-486965300
- // Polyfill.io this code is here for the situation where a browser does not
- // support strict mode and is executing `Object.prototype.toString.call(null)`.
- // This code ensures that we return the correct result in that situation however,
- // this code also introduces a bug where it will return the incorrect result for
- // `Object.prototype.toString.call(window)`. We can't have the correct result for
- // both `window` and `null`, so we have opted for `null` as we believe this is the more
- // common situation.
- if (this === window) {
- return '[object Null]';
- }
- var str = toString.call(this);
- return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
- };
- }
- defineProperty(ObjectProto, 'toString', descriptor);
- setDescriptor = function (o, key, descriptor) {
- var protoDescriptor = gOPD(ObjectProto, key);
- delete ObjectProto[key];
- defineProperty(o, key, descriptor);
- if (o !== ObjectProto) {
- defineProperty(ObjectProto, key, protoDescriptor);
- }
- };
-}(Object, 'getOwnPropertySymbols', this));
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"hasInstance"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.hasInstance
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'hasInstance', { value: Symbol('hasInstance') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"isConcatSpreadable"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'isConcatSpreadable', { value: Symbol('isConcatSpreadable') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.iterator
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'iterator', { value: Symbol('iterator') });
-// _ESAbstract.GetIterator
-/* global GetMethod, Symbol, Call, Type, GetV */
-// 7.4.1. GetIterator ( obj [ , method ] )
-// The abstract operation GetIterator with argument obj and optional argument method performs the following steps:
-function GetIterator(obj /*, method */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If method is not present, then
- // a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
- var method = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : GetMethod(obj, Symbol.iterator);
- // 2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
- var iterator = Call(method, obj);
- // 3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(iterator) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
- }
- // 4. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
- var nextMethod = GetV(iterator, "next");
- // 5. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: iterator, [[NextMethod]]: nextMethod, [[Done]]: false}.
- var iteratorRecord = Object.create(null);
- iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'] = iterator;
- iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'] = nextMethod;
- iteratorRecord['[[Done]]'] = false;
- // 6. Return iteratorRecord.
- return iteratorRecord;
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"match"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.match
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'match', { value: Symbol('match') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"replace"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.replace
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'replace', { value: Symbol('replace') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"search"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.search
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'search', { value: Symbol('search') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"species"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.species
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'species', { value: Symbol('species') });
-if (!("Map"in this&&function(t){try{var n=new Map([[1,1],[2,2]])
-return 0===Map.length&&2===n.size&&"Symbol"in t&&"iterator"in Symbol&&"function"==typeof n[Symbol.iterator]}catch(i){return!1}}(this)
-)) {
-// Map
-/* global CreateIterResultObject, CreateMethodProperty, GetIterator, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Type, Symbol */
-(function (global) {
- var supportsGetters = (function () {
- try {
- var a = {};
- Object.defineProperty(a, 't', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- return true;
- },
- set: undefined
- });
- return !!a.t;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- }());
- // Deleted map items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
- var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
- // Map ( [ iterable ] )
- var Map = function Map(/* iterable */) {
- // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!(this instanceof Map)) {
- throw new TypeError('Constructor Map requires "new"');
- }
- // 2. Let map be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%MapPrototype%", « [[MapData]] »).
- var map = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, Map.prototype, {
- _keys: [],
- _values: [],
- _size: 0,
- _es6Map: true
- });
- // 3. Set map.[[MapData]] to a new empty List.
- // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
- // Some old engines do not support ES5 getters/setters. Since Map only requires these for the size property, we can fall back to setting the size property statically each time the size of the map changes.
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- Object.defineProperty(map, 'size', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: 0
- });
- }
- // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
- var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
- // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return map.
- if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
- return map;
- }
- // 6. Let adder be ? Get(map, "set").
- var adder = map.set;
- // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
- throw new TypeError("Map.prototype.set is not a function");
- }
- // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
- try {
- var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
- // 9. Repeat,
- while (true) {
- // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
- var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
- // b. If next is false, return map.
- if (next === false) {
- return map;
- }
- // c. Let nextItem be ? IteratorValue(next).
- var nextItem = IteratorValue(next);
- // d. If Type(nextItem) is not Object, then
- if (Type(nextItem) !== 'object') {
- // i. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
- try {
- throw new TypeError('Iterator value ' + nextItem + ' is not an entry object');
- } catch (error) {
- // ii. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
- }
- }
- try {
- // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for steps: f, h, and j.
- // e. Let k be Get(nextItem, "0").
- var k = nextItem[0];
- // f. If k is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, k).
- // g. Let v be Get(nextItem, "1").
- var v = nextItem[1];
- // h. If v is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, v).
- // i. Let status be Call(adder, map, « k.[[Value]], v.[[Value]] »).
- adder.call(map, k, v);
- } catch (e) {
- // j. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
- if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
- Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
- // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
- (!!iterable.callee)) {
- var index;
- var length = iterable.length;
- for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- adder.call(map, iterable[index][0], iterable[index][1]);
- }
- }
- }
- return map;
- };
- // Map.prototype
- // The initial value of Map.prototype is the intrinsic object %MapPrototype%.
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
- Object.defineProperty(Map, 'prototype', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: {}
- });
- // get Map [ @@species ]
- if (supportsGetters) {
- Object.defineProperty(Map, Symbol.species, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- // 1. Return the this value.
- return this;
- },
- set: undefined
- });
- } else {
- CreateMethodProperty(Map, Symbol.species, Map);
- }
- // Map.prototype.clear ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // 5.a. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
- M._keys[i] = undefMarker;
- // 5.b. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
- M._values[i] = undefMarker;
- }
- this._size = 0;
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- this.size = this._size;
- }
- // 6. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
- }
- );
- // Map.prototype.constructor
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'constructor', Map);
- // Map.prototype.delete ( key )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'delete', function (key) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(M._keys[i], key)) {
- // i. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
- this._keys[i] = undefMarker;
- // ii. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
- this._values[i] = undefMarker;
- this._size = --this._size;
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- this.size = this._size;
- }
- // iii. Return true.
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 6. Return false.
- return false;
- }
- );
- // Map.prototype.entries ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'entries', function entries () {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key+value").
- return CreateMapIterator(M, 'key+value');
- }
- );
- // Map.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'forEach', function (callbackFn) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(callbackFn)) {
- throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(callbackFn) + ' is not a function.');
- }
- // 5. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- if (arguments[1]) {
- var T = arguments[1];
- }
- // 6. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 7. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} e that is an element of entries, in original key insertion order, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If e.[[Key]] is not empty, then
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && M._values[i] !== undefMarker ) {
- // i. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, « e.[[Value]], e.[[Key]], M »).
- callbackFn.call(T, M._values[i], M._keys[i], M);
- }
- }
- // 8. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
- }
- );
- // Map.prototype.get ( key )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'get', function get(key) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return p.[[Value]].
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(M._keys[i], key)) {
- return M._values[i];
- }
- }
- // 6. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
- });
- // Map.prototype.has ( key )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'has', function has (key) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof M !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return true.
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(M._keys[i], key)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 6. Return false.
- return false;
- });
- // Map.prototype.keys ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'keys', function keys () {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key").
- return CreateMapIterator(M, "key");
- });
- // Map.prototype.set ( key, value )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'set', function set(key, value) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(M._keys[i], key)) {
- // i. Set p.[[Value]] to value.
- M._values[i] = value;
- // Return M.
- return M;
- }
- }
- // 6. If key is -0, let key be +0.
- if (key === -0) {
- key = 0;
- }
- // 7. Let p be the Record {[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value}.
- var p = {};
- p['[[Key]]'] = key;
- p['[[Value]]'] = value;
- // 8. Append p as the last element of entries.
- M._keys.push(p['[[Key]]']);
- M._values.push(p['[[Value]]']);
- ++M._size;
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- M.size = M._size;
- }
- // 9. Return M.
- return M;
- });
- // get Map.prototype.size
- if (supportsGetters) {
- Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Map.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. Let count be 0.
- var count = 0;
- // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty, set count to count+1.
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker) {
- count = count + 1;
- }
- }
- // 7. Return count.
- return count;
- },
- set: undefined
- });
- }
- // Map.prototype.values ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, 'values', function values () {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "value").
- return CreateMapIterator(M, 'value');
- }
- );
- // Map.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
- // The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the entries property.
- CreateMethodProperty(Map.prototype, Symbol.iterator, Map.prototype.entries);
- // Map.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
- // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Map".
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Map.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
- if (!('name' in Map)) {
- // name
- Object.defineProperty(Map, 'name', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: 'Map'
- });
- }
- // CreateMapIterator ( map, kind )
- function CreateMapIterator(map, kind) {
- // 1. If Type(map) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(map) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('createMapIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(map));
- }
- // 2. If map does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (map._es6Map !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('createMapIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(map));
- }
- // 3. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%MapIteratorPrototype%, « [[Map]], [[MapNextIndex]], [[MapIterationKind]] »).
- var iterator = Object.create(MapIteratorPrototype);
- // 4. Set iterator.[[Map]] to map.
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[Map]]', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: map
- });
- // 5. Set iterator.[[MapNextIndex]] to 0.
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[MapNextIndex]]', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: 0
- });
- // 6. Set iterator.[[MapIterationKind]] to kind.
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[MapIterationKind]]', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: kind
- });
- // 7. Return iterator.
- return iterator;
- }
- // The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
- var MapIteratorPrototype = {};
- // Polyfill.io - We use this as a quick way to check if an object is a Map Iterator instance.
- Object.defineProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, 'isMapIterator', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: true
- });
- // %MapIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, 'next', function next() {
- // 1. Let O be the this value.
- var O = this;
- // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(O) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method %MapIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
- }
- // 3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Map Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!O.isMapIterator) {
- throw new TypeError('Method %MapIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
- }
- // 4. Let m be O.[[Map]].
- var m = O['[[Map]]'];
- // 5. Let index be O.[[MapNextIndex]].
- var index = O['[[MapNextIndex]]'];
- // 6. Let itemKind be O.[[MapIterationKind]].
- var itemKind = O['[[MapIterationKind]]'];
- // 7. If m is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
- if (m === undefined) {
- return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
- }
- // 8. Assert: m has a [[MapData]] internal slot.
- if (!m._es6Map) {
- throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(m) + ' has a [[MapData]] internal slot.');
- }
- // 9. Let entries be the List that is m.[[MapData]].
- var entries = m._keys;
- // 10. Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
- var numEntries = entries.length;
- // 11. NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
- // 12. Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
- while (index < numEntries) {
- // a. Let e be the Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} that is the value of entries[index].
- var e = Object.create(null);
- e['[[Key]]'] = m._keys[index];
- e['[[Value]]'] = m._values[index];
- // b. Set index to index+1.
- index = index + 1;
- // c. Set O.[[MapNextIndex]] to index.
- O['[[MapNextIndex]]'] = index;
- // d. If e.[[Key]] is not empty, then
- if (e['[[Key]]'] !== undefMarker) {
- // i. If itemKind is "key", let result be e.[[Key]].
- if (itemKind === 'key') {
- var result = e['[[Key]]'];
- // ii. Else if itemKind is "value", let result be e.[[Value]].
- } else if (itemKind === 'value') {
- result = e['[[Value]]'];
- // iii. Else,
- } else {
- // 1. Assert: itemKind is "key+value".
- if (itemKind !== 'key+value') {
- throw new Error();
- }
- // 2. Let result be CreateArrayFromList(« e.[[Key]], e.[[Value]] »).
- result = [
- e['[[Key]]'],
- e['[[Value]]']
- ];
- }
- // iv. Return CreateIterResultObject(result, false).
- return CreateIterResultObject(result, false);
- }
- }
- // 13. Set O.[[Map]] to undefined.
- O['[[Map]]'] = undefined;
- // 14. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
- return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
- }
- );
- // %MapIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
- // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Map Iterator".
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- CreateMethodProperty(MapIteratorPrototype, Symbol.iterator, function iterator() {
- return this;
- }
- );
- // Export the object
- try {
- CreateMethodProperty(global, 'Map', Map);
- } catch (e) {
- // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
- // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
- global['Map'] = Map;
- }
-if (!("Set"in this&&function(){try{var t=new Set([1,2])
-return 0===Set.length&&2===t.size&&"Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in Symbol&&"function"==typeof t[Symbol.iterator]}catch(e){return!1}}()
-)) {
-// Set
-/* global CreateIterResultObject, CreateMethodProperty, GetIterator, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Symbol */
-(function (global) {
- var supportsGetters = (function () {
- try {
- var a = {};
- Object.defineProperty(a, 't', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- return true;
- },
- set: undefined
- });
- return !!a.t;
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- }());
- // Deleted set items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
- var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
- // Set ( [ iterable ] )
- var Set = function Set(/* iterable */) {
- // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!(this instanceof Set)) {
- throw new TypeError('Constructor Set requires "new"');
- }
- // 2. Let set be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%SetPrototype%", « [[SetData]] »).
- var set = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, Set.prototype, {
- _values: [],
- _size: 0,
- _es6Set: true
- });
- // 3. Set set.[[SetData]] to a new empty List.
- // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
- // Some old engines do not support ES5 getters/setters. Since Set only requires these for the size property, we can fall back to setting the size property statically each time the size of the set changes.
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- Object.defineProperty(set, 'size', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: 0
- });
- }
- // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
- var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
- // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return set.
- if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
- return set;
- }
- // 6. Let adder be ? Get(set, "add").
- var adder = set.add;
- // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
- throw new TypeError("Set.prototype.add is not a function");
- }
- try {
- // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
- var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
- // 9. Repeat,
- while (true) {
- // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
- var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
- // b. If next is false, return set.
- if (next === false) {
- return set;
- }
- // c. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
- var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
- // d. Let status be Call(adder, set, « nextValue.[[Value]] »).
- try {
- adder.call(set, nextValue);
- } catch (e) {
- // e. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
- if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
- Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
- // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
- (!!iterable.callee)) {
- var index;
- var length = iterable.length;
- for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- adder.call(set, iterable[index]);
- }
- } else {
- throw (e);
- }
- }
- return set;
- };
- // Set.prototype
- // The initial value of Set.prototype is the intrinsic %SetPrototype% object.
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
- Object.defineProperty(Set, 'prototype', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: {}
- });
- // get Set [ @@species ]
- if (supportsGetters) {
- Object.defineProperty(Set, Symbol.species, {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- // 1. Return the this value.
- return this;
- },
- set: undefined
- });
- } else {
- CreateMethodProperty(Set, Symbol.species, Set);
- }
- // Set.prototype.add ( value )
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'add', function add(value) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof S !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then
- if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
- // i. Return S.
- return S;
- }
- }
- // 6. If value is -0, let value be +0.
- if (1/value === -Infinity) {
- value = 0;
- }
- // 7. Append value as the last element of entries.
- S._values.push(value);
- this._size = ++this._size;
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- this.size = this._size;
- }
- // 8. Return S.
- return S;
- });
- // Set.prototype.clear ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'clear', function clear() {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof S !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
- entries[i] = undefMarker;
- }
- this._size = 0;
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- this.size = this._size;
- }
- // 6. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
- });
- // Set.prototype.constructor
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'constructor', Set);
- // Set.prototype.delete ( value )
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'delete', function (value) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof S !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, then
- if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
- // i. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
- entries[i] = undefMarker;
- this._size = --this._size;
- if (!supportsGetters) {
- this.size = this._size;
- }
- // ii. Return true.
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 6. Return false.
- return false;
- }
- );
- // Set.prototype.entries ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'entries', function entries() {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. Return ? CreateSetIterator(S, "key+value").
- return CreateSetIterator(S, 'key+value');
- }
- );
- // Set.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'forEach', function forEach(callbackFn /*[ , thisArg ]*/) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof S !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(callbackFn)) {
- throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(callbackFn) + ' is not a function.');
- }
- // 5. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- if (arguments[1]) {
- var T = arguments[1];
- }
- // 6. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 7. For each e that is an element of entries, in original insertion order, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty, then
- if (e !== undefMarker) {
- // i. Perform ? Call(callbackfn, T, « e, e, S »).
- callbackFn.call(T, e, e, S);
- }
- }
- // 8. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
- }
- );
- // Set.prototype.has ( value )
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'has', function has(value) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof S !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.forEach called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 5. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, return true.
- if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 6. Return false.
- return false;
- }
- );
- // Polyfill.io - We need to define Set.prototype.values before Set.prototype.keys because keys is a reference to values.
- // Set.prototype.values()
- var values = function values() {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. Return ? CreateSetIterator(S, "value").
- return CreateSetIterator(S, "value");
- };
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'values', values);
- // Set.prototype.keys ( )
- // The initial value of the keys property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, 'keys', values);
- // get Set.prototype.size
- if (supportsGetters) {
- Object.defineProperty(Set.prototype, 'size', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- get: function () {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof S !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method Set.prototype.size called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[SetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 5. Let count be 0.
- var count = 0;
- // 6. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty, set count to count+1.
- if (e !== undefMarker) {
- count = count + 1;
- }
- }
- // 7. Return count.
- return count;
- },
- set: undefined
- });
- }
- // Set.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
- // The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the values property.
- CreateMethodProperty(Set.prototype, Symbol.iterator, values);
- // Set.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
- // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Set".
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Set.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
- if (!('name' in Set)) {
- // name
- Object.defineProperty(Set, 'name', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: 'Set'
- });
- }
- // CreateSetIterator ( set, kind )
- function CreateSetIterator(set, kind) {
- // 1. If Type(set) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof set !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('createSetIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(set));
- }
- // 2. If set does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (set._es6Set !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('createSetIterator called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(set));
- }
- // 3. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%SetIteratorPrototype%, « [[IteratedSet]], [[SetNextIndex]], [[SetIterationKind]] »).
- var iterator = Object.create(SetIteratorPrototype);
- // 4. Set iterator.[[IteratedSet]] to set.
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[IteratedSet]]', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: set
- });
- // 5. Set iterator.[[SetNextIndex]] to 0.
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[SetNextIndex]]', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: 0
- });
- // 6. Set iterator.[[SetIterationKind]] to kind.
- Object.defineProperty(iterator, '[[SetIterationKind]]', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true,
- value: kind
- });
- // 7. Return iterator.
- return iterator;
- }
- // The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
- var SetIteratorPrototype = {};
- //Polyfill.io - We add this property to help us identify what is a set iterator.
- Object.defineProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, 'isSetIterator', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: true
- });
- // %SetIteratorPrototype%.next ( )
- CreateMethodProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, 'next', function next() {
- // 1. Let O be the this value.
- var O = this;
- // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof O !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method %SetIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
- }
- // 3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Set Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!O.isSetIterator) {
- throw new TypeError('Method %SetIteratorPrototype%.next called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(O));
- }
- // 4. Let s be O.[[IteratedSet]].
- var s = O['[[IteratedSet]]'];
- // 5. Let index be O.[[SetNextIndex]].
- var index = O['[[SetNextIndex]]'];
- // 6. Let itemKind be O.[[SetIterationKind]].
- var itemKind = O['[[SetIterationKind]]'];
- // 7. If s is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
- if (s === undefined) {
- return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
- }
- // 8. Assert: s has a [[SetData]] internal slot.
- if (!s._es6Set) {
- throw new Error(Object.prototype.toString.call(s) + ' does not have [[SetData]] internal slot.');
- }
- // 9. Let entries be the List that is s.[[SetData]].
- var entries = s._values;
- // 10. Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
- var numEntries = entries.length;
- // 11. NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
- // 12. Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
- while (index < numEntries) {
- // a. Let e be entries[index].
- var e = entries[index];
- // b. Set index to index+1.
- index = index + 1;
- // c. Set O.[[SetNextIndex]] to index.
- O['[[SetNextIndex]]'] = index;
- // d. If e is not empty, then
- if (e !== undefMarker) {
- // i. If itemKind is "key+value", then
- if (itemKind === 'key+value') {
- // 1. Return CreateIterResultObject(CreateArrayFromList(« e, e »), false).
- return CreateIterResultObject([e, e], false);
- }
- // ii. Return CreateIterResultObject(e, false).
- return CreateIterResultObject(e, false);
- }
- }
- // 13. Set O.[[IteratedSet]] to undefined.
- O['[[IteratedSet]]'] = undefined;
- // 14. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
- return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true);
- });
- // %SetIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
- // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Set Iterator".
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- CreateMethodProperty(SetIteratorPrototype, Symbol.iterator, function iterator() {
- return this;
- }
- );
- // Export the object
- try {
- CreateMethodProperty(global, 'Set', Set);
- } catch (e) {
- // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
- // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
- global['Set'] = Set;
- }
-if (!("from"in Array&&function(){try{return Array.from({length:-Infinity}),!0}catch(r){return!1}}()
-)) {
-// Array.from
-/* globals
- IsCallable, GetMethod, Symbol, IsConstructor, Construct, ArrayCreate, GetIterator, IteratorClose,
- ToString, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, Call, CreateDataPropertyOrThrow, ToObject, ToLength, Get, CreateMethodProperty
-(function () {
- var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
- var stringMatch = String.prototype.match;
- // A cross-realm friendly way to detect if a value is a String object or literal.
- function isString(value) {
- if (typeof value === 'string') { return true; }
- if (typeof value !== 'object') { return false; }
- return toString.call(value) === '[object String]';
- }
- // Array.from ( items [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] )
- CreateMethodProperty(Array, 'from', function from(items /* [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] */) { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
- // 1. Let C be the this value.
- var C = this;
- // 2. If mapfn is undefined, let mapping be false.
- var mapfn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
- if (mapfn === undefined) {
- var mapping = false;
- // 3. Else,
- } else {
- // a. If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (IsCallable(mapfn) === false) {
- throw new TypeError(Object.prototype.toString.call(mapfn) + ' is not a function.');
- }
- // b. If thisArg is present, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
- var thisArg = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
- if (thisArg !== undefined) {
- var T = thisArg;
- } else {
- T = undefined;
- }
- // c. Let mapping be true.
- mapping = true;
- }
- // 4. Let usingIterator be ? GetMethod(items, @@iterator).
- var usingIterator = GetMethod(items, Symbol.iterator);
- // 5. If usingIterator is not undefined, then
- if (usingIterator !== undefined) {
- // a. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
- if (IsConstructor(C)) {
- // i. Let A be ? Construct(C).
- var A = Construct(C);
- // b. Else,
- } else {
- // i. Let A be ! ArrayCreate(0).
- A = ArrayCreate(0);
- }
- // c. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, usingIterator).
- var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(items, usingIterator);
- // d. Let k be 0.
- var k = 0;
- // e. Repeat,
- while (true) {
- // i. If k ≥ 2^53-1, then
- if (k >= (Math.pow(2, 53) - 1)) {
- // 1. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
- var error = new TypeError('Iteration count can not be greater than or equal 9007199254740991.');
- // 2. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
- }
- // ii. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- var Pk = ToString(k);
- // iii. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
- var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
- // iv. If next is false, then
- if (next === false) {
- // 1. Perform ? Set(A, "length", k, true).
- A["length"] = k;
- // 2. Return A.
- return A;
- }
- // v. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
- var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
- // vi. If mapping is true, then
- if (mapping) {
- try {
- // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for step 2.
- // 1. Let mappedValue be Call(mapfn, T, « nextValue, k »).
- var mappedValue = Call(mapfn, T, [nextValue, k]);
- // 2. If mappedValue is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, mappedValue).
- // 3. Let mappedValue be mappedValue.[[Value]].
- } catch (e) {
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
- }
- // vii. Else, let mappedValue be nextValue.
- } else {
- mappedValue = nextValue;
- }
- try {
- // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for step ix.
- // viii. Let defineStatus be CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
- CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
- // ix. If defineStatus is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, defineStatus).
- } catch (e) {
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
- }
- // x. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- }
- // 6. NOTE: items is not an Iterable so assume it is an array-like object.
- // 7. Let arrayLike be ! ToObject(items).
- // Polyfill.io - For Strings we need to split astral symbols into surrogate pairs.
- if (isString(items)) {
- var arrayLike = stringMatch.call(items, /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]?|[^\uD800-\uDFFF]|./g) || [];
- } else {
- arrayLike = ToObject(items);
- }
- // 8. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(arrayLike, "length")).
- var len = ToLength(Get(arrayLike, "length"));
- // 9. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then
- if (IsConstructor(C)) {
- // a. Let A be ? Construct(C, « len »).
- A = Construct(C, [len]);
- // 10. Else,
- } else {
- // a. Let A be ? ArrayCreate(len).
- A = ArrayCreate(len);
- }
- // 11. Let k be 0.
- k = 0;
- // 12. Repeat, while k < len
- while (k < len) {
- // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).
- Pk = ToString(k);
- // b. Let kValue be ? Get(arrayLike, Pk).
- var kValue = Get(arrayLike, Pk);
- // c. If mapping is true, then
- if (mapping === true) {
- // i. Let mappedValue be ? Call(mapfn, T, « kValue, k »).
- mappedValue = Call(mapfn, T, [kValue, k]);
- // d. Else, let mappedValue be kValue.
- } else {
- mappedValue = kValue;
- }
- // e. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue).
- CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, Pk, mappedValue);
- // f. Increase k by 1.
- k = k + 1;
- }
- // 13. Perform ? Set(A, "length", len, true).
- A["length"] = len;
- // 14. Return A.
- return A;
- });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"split"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.split
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'split', { value: Symbol('split') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"toPrimitive"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.toPrimitive
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'toPrimitive', { value: Symbol('toPrimitive') });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"toStringTag"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.toStringTag
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'toStringTag', {
- value: Symbol('toStringTag')
-// _Iterator
-/* global Symbol */
-// A modification of https://github.com/medikoo/es6-iterator
-// Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Mariusz Nowak (www.medikoo.com)
-var Iterator = (function () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- var clear = function () {
- this.length = 0;
- return this;
- };
- var callable = function (fn) {
- if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError(fn + " is not a function");
- return fn;
- };
- var Iterator = function (list, context) {
- if (!(this instanceof Iterator)) {
- return new Iterator(list, context);
- }
- Object.defineProperties(this, {
- __list__: {
- writable: true,
- value: list
- },
- __context__: {
- writable: true,
- value: context
- },
- __nextIndex__: {
- writable: true,
- value: 0
- }
- });
- if (!context) return;
- callable(context.on);
- context.on('_add', this._onAdd.bind(this));
- context.on('_delete', this._onDelete.bind(this));
- context.on('_clear', this._onClear.bind(this));
- };
- Object.defineProperties(Iterator.prototype, Object.assign({
- constructor: {
- value: Iterator,
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _next: {
- value: function () {
- var i;
- if (!this.__list__) return;
- if (this.__redo__) {
- i = this.__redo__.shift();
- if (i !== undefined) return i;
- }
- if (this.__nextIndex__ < this.__list__.length) return this.__nextIndex__++;
- this._unBind();
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- next: {
- value: function () {
- return this._createResult(this._next());
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _createResult: {
- value: function (i) {
- if (i === undefined) return {
- done: true,
- value: undefined
- };
- return {
- done: false,
- value: this._resolve(i)
- };
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _resolve: {
- value: function (i) {
- return this.__list__[i];
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _unBind: {
- value: function () {
- this.__list__ = null;
- delete this.__redo__;
- if (!this.__context__) return;
- this.__context__.off('_add', this._onAdd.bind(this));
- this.__context__.off('_delete', this._onDelete.bind(this));
- this.__context__.off('_clear', this._onClear.bind(this));
- this.__context__ = null;
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- toString: {
- value: function () {
- return '[object Iterator]';
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- }
- }, {
- _onAdd: {
- value: function (index) {
- if (index >= this.__nextIndex__) return;
- ++this.__nextIndex__;
- if (!this.__redo__) {
- Object.defineProperty(this, '__redo__', {
- value: [index],
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false
- });
- return;
- }
- this.__redo__.forEach(function (redo, i) {
- if (redo >= index) this.__redo__[i] = ++redo;
- }, this);
- this.__redo__.push(index);
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _onDelete: {
- value: function (index) {
- var i;
- if (index >= this.__nextIndex__) return;
- --this.__nextIndex__;
- if (!this.__redo__) return;
- i = this.__redo__.indexOf(index);
- if (i !== -1) this.__redo__.splice(i, 1);
- this.__redo__.forEach(function (redo, i) {
- if (redo > index) this.__redo__[i] = --redo;
- }, this);
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _onClear: {
- value: function () {
- if (this.__redo__) clear.call(this.__redo__);
- this.__nextIndex__ = 0;
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- }
- }));
- Object.defineProperty(Iterator.prototype, Symbol.iterator, {
- value: function () {
- return this;
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- });
- Object.defineProperty(Iterator.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {
- value: 'Iterator',
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- });
- return Iterator;
-// _ArrayIterator
-/* global Iterator */
-// A modification of https://github.com/medikoo/es6-iterator
-// Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Mariusz Nowak (www.medikoo.com)
-var ArrayIterator = (function() { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- var ArrayIterator = function(arr, kind) {
- if (!(this instanceof ArrayIterator)) return new ArrayIterator(arr, kind);
- Iterator.call(this, arr);
- if (!kind) kind = 'value';
- else if (String.prototype.includes.call(kind, 'key+value')) kind = 'key+value';
- else if (String.prototype.includes.call(kind, 'key')) kind = 'key';
- else kind = 'value';
- Object.defineProperty(this, '__kind__', {
- value: kind,
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false
- });
- };
- if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(ArrayIterator, Iterator.prototype);
- ArrayIterator.prototype = Object.create(Iterator.prototype, {
- constructor: {
- value: ArrayIterator,
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _resolve: {
- value: function(i) {
- if (this.__kind__ === 'value') return this.__list__[i];
- if (this.__kind__ === 'key+value') return [i, this.__list__[i]];
- return i;
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- toString: {
- value: function() {
- return '[object Array Iterator]';
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- }
- });
- return ArrayIterator;
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in this.Symbol&&!!Array.prototype.entries
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.entries
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject */
-// Array.prototype.entries ( )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'entries', function entries() {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Return CreateArrayIterator(O, "key+value").
- // TODO: Add CreateArrayIterator
- return new ArrayIterator(O, 'key+value');
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in this.Symbol&&!!Array.prototype.keys
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.keys
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, ToObject */
-// Array.prototype.keys ( )
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'keys', function keys() {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Return CreateArrayIterator(O, "key").
- // TODO: Add CreateArrayIterator.
- return new ArrayIterator(O, 'key');
-if (!("values"in Array.prototype
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.values
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, Symbol, ToObject */
-// Array.prototype.values ( )
-// Polyfill.io - Firefox, Chrome and Opera have Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator], which is the exact same function as Array.prototype.values.
-if ('Symbol' in this && 'iterator' in Symbol && typeof Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
- CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'values', Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]);
-} else {
- CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, 'values', function values () {
- // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
- var O = ToObject(this);
- // 2. Return CreateArrayIterator(O, "value").
- // TODO: Add CreateArrayIterator
- return new ArrayIterator(O, 'value');
- });
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in this.Symbol&&!!Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]
-)) {
-// Array.prototype.@@iterator
-/* global Symbol, CreateMethodProperty */
-// Array.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
-// The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the Array.prototype.values property.
-CreateMethodProperty(Array.prototype, Symbol.iterator, Array.prototype.values);
-// _StringIterator
-// A modification of https://github.com/medikoo/es6-iterator
-// Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Mariusz Nowak (www.medikoo.com)
-/* global Iterator */
-var StringIterator = (function() { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- var StringIterator = function (str) {
- if (!(this instanceof StringIterator)) return new StringIterator(str);
- str = String(str);
- Iterator.call(this, str);
- Object.defineProperty(this, '__length__', {
- value: str.length,
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false
- });
- };
- if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(StringIterator, Iterator);
- StringIterator.prototype = Object.create(Iterator.prototype, {
- constructor: {
- value: StringIterator,
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _next: {
- value: function() {
- if (!this.__list__) return;
- if (this.__nextIndex__ < this.__length__) return this.__nextIndex__++;
- this._unBind();
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- _resolve: {
- value: function (i) {
- var char = this.__list__[i], code;
- if (this.__nextIndex__ === this.__length__) return char;
- code = char.charCodeAt(0);
- if ((code >= 0xD800) && (code <= 0xDBFF)) return char + this.__list__[this.__nextIndex__++];
- return char;
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- },
- toString: {
- value: function() {
- return '[object String Iterator]';
- },
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: true
- }
- });
- return StringIterator;
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in this.Symbol&&!!String.prototype[Symbol.iterator]
-)) {
-// String.prototype.@@iterator
-/* global CreateMethodProperty, RequireObjectCoercible, ToString, StringIterator, Symbol */
-// String.prototype [ @@iterator ] ( )
-CreateMethodProperty(String.prototype, Symbol.iterator, function () {
- // 1. Let O be ? RequireObjectCoercible(this value).
- var O = RequireObjectCoercible(this);
- // 2. Let S be ? ToString(O).
- var S = ToString(O);
- // 3. Return CreateStringIterator(S).
- // TODO: Add CreateStringIterator.
- return new StringIterator(S);
-if (!("Symbol"in this&&"unscopables"in this.Symbol
-)) {
-// Symbol.unscopables
-/* global Symbol */
-Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'unscopables', { value: Symbol('unscopables') });
-if (!((function(e){try{if("WeakMap"in e&&0===WeakMap.length){var t={},a=new WeakMap([[t,"test"]])
-)) {
-// WeakMap
-/* globals Symbol, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, IsCallable, GetIterator, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, IteratorClose, Get, Call, CreateMethodProperty, Type, SameValue */
-(function (global) {
- // Deleted map items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
- var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
- // WeakMap ( [ iterable ] )
- var WeakMap = function WeakMap(/* iterable */) {
- // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!(this instanceof WeakMap)) {
- throw new TypeError('Constructor WeakMap requires "new"');
- }
- // 2. Let map be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%WeakMapPrototype%", « [[WeakMapData]] »).
- var map = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, WeakMap.prototype, {
- _keys: [],
- _values: [],
- _es6WeakMap: true
- });
- // 3. Set map.[[WeakMapData]] to a new empty List.
- // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
- // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
- var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
- // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return map.
- if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
- return map;
- }
- // 6. Let adder be ? Get(map, "set").
- var adder = Get(map, "set");
- // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
- throw new TypeError("WeakMap.prototype.set is not a function");
- }
- // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
- try {
- var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
- // 9. Repeat,
- while (true) {
- // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
- var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
- // b. If next is false, return map.
- if (next === false) {
- return map;
- }
- // c. Let nextItem be ? IteratorValue(next).
- var nextItem = IteratorValue(next);
- // d. If Type(nextItem) is not Object, then
- if (Type(nextItem) !== 'object') {
- // i. Let error be Completion{[[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a newly created TypeError object, [[Target]]: empty}.
- try {
- throw new TypeError('Iterator value ' + nextItem + ' is not an entry object');
- } catch (error) {
- // ii. Return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, error);
- }
- }
- try {
- // Polyfill.io - The try catch accounts for steps: f, h, and j.
- // e. Let k be Get(nextItem, "0").
- var k = Get(nextItem, "0");
- // f. If k is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, k).
- // g. Let v be Get(nextItem, "1").
- var v = Get(nextItem, "1");
- // h. If v is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, v).
- // i. Let status be Call(adder, map, « k.[[Value]], v.[[Value]] »).
- Call(adder, map, [k, v]);
- } catch (e) {
- // j. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
- if (Array.isArray(iterable) ||
- Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
- // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
- (!!iterable.callee)) {
- var index;
- var length = iterable.length;
- for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- var k = iterable[index][0];
- var v = iterable[index][1];
- Call(adder, map, [k, v]);
- }
- }
- }
- return map;
- };
- // WeakMap.prototype
- // The initial value of WeakMap.prototype is the intrinsic object %WeakMapPrototype%.
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
- Object.defineProperty(WeakMap, 'prototype', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: {}
- });
- // WeakMap.prototype.constructor
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakMap.prototype, 'constructor', WeakMap);
- // WeakMap.prototype.delete ( key )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakMap.prototype, 'delete', function (key) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[WeakMapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6WeakMap !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.clear called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[WeakMapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. If Type(key) is not Object, return false.
- if (Type(key) !== 'object') {
- return false;
- }
- // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValue(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValue(M._keys[i], key)) {
- // i. Set p.[[Key]] to empty.
- this._keys[i] = undefMarker;
- // ii. Set p.[[Value]] to empty.
- this._values[i] = undefMarker;
- this._size = --this._size;
- // iii. Return true.
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 7. Return false.
- return false;
- });
- // WeakMap.prototype.get ( key )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakMap.prototype, 'get', function get(key) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[WeakMapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6WeakMap !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.get called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[WeakMapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. If Type(key) is not Object, return undefined.
- if (Type(key) !== 'object') {
- return undefined;
- }
- // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValue(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return p.[[Value]].
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValue(M._keys[i], key)) {
- return M._values[i];
- }
- }
- // 7. Return undefined.
- return undefined;
- });
- // WeakMap.prototype.has ( key )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakMap.prototype, 'has', function has(key) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (typeof M !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[WeakMapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6WeakMap !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[WeakMapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. If Type(key) is not Object, return false.
- if (Type(key) !== 'object') {
- return false;
- }
- // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValue(p.[[Key]], key) is true, return true.
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValue(M._keys[i], key)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 7. Return false.
- return false;
- });
- // WeakMap.prototype.set ( key, value )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakMap.prototype, 'set', function set(key, value) {
- // 1. Let M be the this value.
- var M = this;
- // 2. If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(M) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 3. If M does not have a [[WeakMapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (M._es6WeakMap !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakMap.prototype.set called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(M));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is M.[[WeakMapData]].
- var entries = M._keys;
- // 5. If Type(key) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(key) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid value used as weak map key");
- }
- // 6. For each Record {[[Key]], [[Value]]} p that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- // a. If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValue(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
- if (M._keys[i] !== undefMarker && SameValue(M._keys[i], key)) {
- // i. Set p.[[Value]] to value.
- M._values[i] = value;
- // ii. Return M.
- return M;
- }
- }
- // 7. Let p be the Record {[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value}.
- var p = {
- '[[Key]]': key,
- '[[Value]]': value
- };
- // 8. Append p as the last element of entries.
- M._keys.push(p['[[Key]]']);
- M._values.push(p['[[Value]]']);
- // 9. Return M.
- return M;
- });
- // WeakMap.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
- // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "WeakMap".
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements WeakMap.name but as a non-writable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and write to it here.
- if (!('name' in WeakMap)) {
- // name
- Object.defineProperty(WeakMap, 'name', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: 'WeakMap'
- });
- }
- // Export the object
- try {
- CreateMethodProperty(global, 'WeakMap', WeakMap);
- } catch (e) {
- // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
- // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
- global['WeakMap'] = WeakMap;
- }
-if (!((function(e){try{if("WeakSet"in e&&0===WeakSet.length){var t={},n=new WeakSet([t])
-return n.has(t)&&!1===n["delete"](0)}return!1}catch(r){return!1}})(this)
-)) {
-// WeakSet
-/* global Call, CreateMethodProperty, Get, GetIterator, IsArray, IsCallable, IteratorClose, IteratorStep, IteratorValue, OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, SameValueZero, Type, Symbol */
-(function (global) {
- // Deleted set items mess with iterator pointers, so rather than removing them mark them as deleted. Can't use undefined or null since those both valid keys so use a private symbol.
- var undefMarker = Symbol('undef');
- // WeakSet ( [ iterable ] )
- var WeakSet = function WeakSet() {
- // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!(this instanceof WeakSet)) {
- throw new TypeError('Constructor WeakSet requires "new"');
- }
- // 2. Let set be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%WeakSetPrototype%", « [[WeakSetData]] »).
- var set = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(this, WeakSet.prototype, {
- _values: [],
- _size: 0,
- _es6WeakSet: true
- });
- // 3. Set set.[[WeakSetData]] to a new empty List.
- // Polyfill.io - This step was done as part of step two.
- // 4. If iterable is not present, let iterable be undefined.
- var iterable = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined;
- // 5. If iterable is either undefined or null, return set.
- if (iterable === null || iterable === undefined) {
- return set;
- }
- // 6. Let adder be ? Get(set, "add").
- var adder = Get(set, 'add');
- // 7. If IsCallable(adder) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (!IsCallable(adder)) {
- throw new TypeError("WeakSet.prototype.add is not a function");
- }
- try {
- // 8. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(iterable).
- var iteratorRecord = GetIterator(iterable);
- // 9. Repeat,
- while (true) {
- // a. Let next be ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
- var next = IteratorStep(iteratorRecord);
- // b. If next is false, return set.
- if (next === false) {
- return set;
- }
- // c. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
- var nextValue = IteratorValue(next);
- // d. Let status be Call(adder, set, « nextValue »).
- try {
- Call(adder, set, [nextValue]);
- } catch (e) {
- // e. If status is an abrupt completion, return ? IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, status).
- return IteratorClose(iteratorRecord, e);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- // Polyfill.io - For user agents which do not have iteration methods on argument objects or arrays, we can special case those.
- if (IsArray(iterable) ||
- Object.prototype.toString.call(iterable) === '[object Arguments]' ||
- // IE 7 & IE 8 return '[object Object]' for the arguments object, we can detect by checking for the existence of the callee property
- (!!iterable.callee)) {
- var index;
- var length = iterable.length;
- for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
- Call(adder, set, [iterable[index]]);
- }
- }
- }
- return set;
- };
- // WeakSet.prototype
- // The initial value of WeakSet.prototype is the intrinsic %WeakSetPrototype% object.
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
- Object.defineProperty(WeakSet, 'prototype', {
- configurable: false,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: {}
- });
- // WeakSet.prototype.add ( value )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakSet.prototype, 'add', function add(value) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(S) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakSet.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[WeakSetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6WeakSet !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakSet.prototype.add called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. If Type(value) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(value) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Invalid value used in weak set');
- }
- // 5. Let entries be the List that is S.[[WeakSetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 6. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty and SameValue(e, value) is true, then
- if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
- // i. Return S.
- return S;
- }
- }
- // 7. Append value as the last element of entries.
- S._values.push(value);
- // 8. Return S.
- return S;
- });
- // WeakSet.prototype.constructor
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakSet.prototype, 'constructor', WeakSet);
- // WeakSet.prototype.delete ( value )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakSet.prototype, 'delete', function (value) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(S) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakSet.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[WeakSetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6WeakSet !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakSet.prototype.delete called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. If Type(value) is not Object, return false.
- if (Type(value) !== 'object') {
- return false;
- }
- // 5. Let entries be the List that is S.[[WeakSetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 6. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty and SameValue(e, value) is true, then
- if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
- // i. Replace the element of entries whose value is e with an element whose value is empty.
- entries[i] = undefMarker;
- // ii. Return true.
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 7. Return false.
- return false;
- });
- // WeakSet.prototype.has ( value )
- CreateMethodProperty(WeakSet.prototype, 'has', function has(value) {
- // 1. Let S be the this value.
- var S = this;
- // 2. If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(S) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakSet.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 3. If S does not have a [[WeakSetData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (S._es6WeakSet !== true) {
- throw new TypeError('Method WeakSet.prototype.has called on incompatible receiver ' + Object.prototype.toString.call(S));
- }
- // 4. Let entries be the List that is S.[[WeakSetData]].
- var entries = S._values;
- // 5. If Type(value) is not Object, return false.
- if (Type(value) !== 'object') {
- return false;
- }
- // 6. For each e that is an element of entries, do
- for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
- var e = entries[i];
- // a. If e is not empty and SameValue(e, value) is true, return true.
- if (e !== undefMarker && SameValueZero(e, value)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // 7. Return false.
- return false;
- });
- // WeakSet.prototype [ @@toStringTag ]
- // The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "WeakSet".
- // This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
- // Polyfill.io - Safari 8 implements Set.name but as a non-configurable property, which means it would throw an error if we try and configure it here.
- if (!('name' in WeakSet)) {
- // name
- Object.defineProperty(WeakSet, 'name', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: false,
- writable: false,
- value: 'WeakSet'
- });
- }
- // Export the object
- try {
- CreateMethodProperty(global, 'WeakSet', WeakSet);
- } catch (e) {
- // IE8 throws an error here if we set enumerable to false.
- // More info on table 2: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd229916(v=vs.85).aspx
- global['WeakSet'] = WeakSet;
- }
-.call('object' === typeof window && window || 'object' === typeof self && self || 'object' === typeof global && global || {});
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